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Kandungan - Repositori Digital
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
ISSN 0127-1172
Prof. Dr. Ahmad Bakeri B. Abu Bakar
Dr. Hj. Mohamad Fauzan B. Hj. Nordin
& Dr. Hjh. Roslina Hj. Othman
Ding Choo Ming, Pn D
Abdullah Kadir Bacha
Hjh. Alimah Salam & Mohd Sharif Mohd Saad
Jariah Jais
Norma Mohd Darus
Tiew Wai Sin
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Sidang Pengarang
Bil. 32/2001
Shahar Banun Jaafar
Ketua Pengarang
Norpishah Mohd Noor
Abdul Rahman Sudin &
Salimah Abdul Rahman
Koordinator Penerbitan
Rihanun Md. Samin
Azeemunissa Abdul Majid Khan
Zulkifli Samad
Ruzilah Ehsan
Jaini Onggai
Sumbangan Penulisan
boleh dimajukan kepada:
Koordinator Penerbitan
Sekitar Perpustakaan
Bahagian Hal Ehwal Korporat
Aras 6, Blok Tengah
Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Edaran Dibuat oleh:
Unit Hadiah dan Pertukaran
Pusat Penyerahan Negara, Aras 1
Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
232, Jalan Tun Razak
Tel: 2687 1700 Faks: 2694 2490
Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia 2001
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Muka Surat
Prof. Dr. Ahmad Bakeri B. Abu Bakar
Dr. Hj. Mohamad Fauzan B. Hj. Nordin & Dr. Hjh. Roslina Hj. Othman
Ding Choo Ming, Ph D
Abdullah Kadir Bacha
Hjh. Alimah Salam & Mohd Sharif Mohd Saad
Jariah Jais
Norma Mohd Darus
Tiew Wai Sin
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Prof. Dr. Ahmad Bakeri Abu Bakar*
Fokus penyelidikan ini adalah untuk mengenalpasti hala tuju terbitan hasil kajian saintis di MalaysiaScience Citation Index versi CD-ROM merangkumi, tahun 1994 dan 1997 telah digunakan sebagai sumber
analisis. Keputusan menunjukkan lebih banyak terbitan diterbitkan untuk kajian sains hayat. Dalam
bidang perubatan, banyak terbitan untuk kajian kanser, penyakit tropikal dan penyakit jantung diterbitkan.
Dalam penyelidikan pertanian, pengeluaran tanaman, kejuruteraan genetik dan bioteknologi lebih
he development of science and technology (S&T) in an
institutionalized form might have begun in the mid-nineteenth
century. Its development took a quantum leap only after World
War II. Since then, it has transformed the world and has led to
profound changes in our everyday life. It has encompassed every
aspect of our lives : from education, communication, recreation,
transportation, health to defense. A nation's elevated stature in
science and technology has also become a national asset, not only
contributing benefits towards the nation's socio-economic
development, but also as a determinant for position of dominance.
No one will dispute the fact that S & T will continue to dominate
our lives over the next millennium. Consequently, nations have
to prepare themselves to face tomorrow science. The government
should come forward and make a public stand on the policy of S
& T development, because growth and sustenance of scientific
activities depend largely on the commitment and political will of
the government. In this context, it is pertinent to assert "the
meagerness of science and technology in the Muslim world is
not caused by the paucity of material resources or the infertility
of Muslim scientists — brought about by the sterility of the
political will resulting in the lack of public commitment in terms
of policy objectives and allocation of resources. Until this
driving force plays a positive role, there is little hope for the
future of science and technology in the Muslim world"1,
The foregoing seems to suggest that Muslim countries like
Malaysia do not fair well in S & T activities and our future in the
next millennium is fraught with uncertainties. However, there are
few Muslim countries that have made great strides in promoting
S & T development as an important tool for economic
development, the improvement of human, physical and spiritual
well being and for the protection of national sovereignty. For
example, Turkey ranks first and Malaysia third in terms of real
growth in total expenditure on R & D (1989 - 1993) worldwide2.
Their ranking is even better than that of the United States of
America. In the case of Malaysia, the government allocated for
R & D RM413.8 million, RM600 million and RM1,000 million during
the 5th., 6th. and 7th. Malaysian Plan respectively. Under the 5th.
Malaysian Plan, emphasis was given to the agricultural sectors.
The emphasis shifted to food products, wood, paper, textiles,
rubber and plastic manufacturing industries during the 6"1.
Malaysian Plan. Under the 7th. Malaysian Plan, the government
has identified the following key S & T sectors to be given due
concentration : advanced manufacturing, advanced materials,
electronics, information Technology, multimedia technologies,
biotechnology, energy and aerospace. Evidently, the subject
concentration and number of research papers contributed by
Malaysian scientists should reflect the research priorities of the
government and its R & D allocation.
Keeping this in mind, it is imperative for us to keep abreast not
only in the areas of research being undertaken in S & T, but also
to identify the trends and professional communication patterns of
those involved in S & T research. It is important for us to realize
that our ability to determine the type and level of resources
preferred by scientists will enable us to tailor our resources to
match their information needs.
However, not much research work on scientific productivity is
reported on Malaysia. There is one bibliometric study found in
LISA-PLUS which discussed the evaluation of agricultural
literature published in Malaysia. According to this study conducted
between 1981 - 1990, it was found that 33% of the works was
devoted to crops and oil palm was the major crop covered by the
literature, followed by rubber and rice. It was also revealed that
corporate bodies have played a prominent role in publishing
agricultural literature3.
Another study conducted on scientific activity of ASEAN countries
Head Departmen! of Library and Infamuition Science. Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge ami Human Sciences. International Islamic University
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
based on 1979 - 1980 publications revealed that Malaysian
literature output was highest in the medical field followed by
chemistry and agriculture4. A study on the mainstream and nonmainstream literature of Malaysia, Singapore. Korea and Taiwan
based on 1985 publications revealed that in Malaysia, the four
largest fields of mainstream activity are medicine, chemistry,
biology and agriculture5. A study on scientific publications
conducted in another developing country from Latin America
revealed a worldwide publication trend of high concentration of
output in life sciences. It was shown that during 1981 1993,
57.9% of Brazilian publications were in life sciences and
universities accounted for half of the Brazilian publications6 . A
study on the publication patterns of scientists working in Saudi
Arabia also reported that teaching institutions
It is apparent from the foregoing that there is no substantial
research work ever done on the publication trends of the scientific
community in Malaysia and their professional communication
patterns. It is also expected that if we were to investigate this
problem, the question of collaboration, whether the discerning
trend of international scientific cooperation is still a common place
or not, needs to be addressed as well. This investigation is
important, as there is this present feeling among some researchers
that there is a decline in international collaboration among
scientists in Malaysia since 1994.
In this respect, it is pertinent to take into account the fact that
"scientific sizes are a reflection of differences in economic strength,
scientific infrastructures, manpower and educational systems ....
The size of the total national scientific activity of a country
influences its capability to collaborate internationally" 8 .
Additionally, there is a directly proportional relationship between
the amount of scientific publication attributed to a country and its
economic size, based on its Gross Domestic Product (GDP)9.
Consequently, as the GDP for Malaysia during the period of the
study, 1994 - 1997, showed an annual growth rate of 8%, it is
justifiable to estimate that the scientific publications output of
1997 will surpass that of 1994.
However, for the purpose of this study, only articles have been
incorporated. Notes, reviews, letters, meeting, abstracts and
editorials have been excluded. On the issue of collaboration,
researchers usually use the country of domicile of the authors as
the basis for counting the number of papers for a particular country.
In other words, if an author originating from Japan but currently
residing in or outside Malaysia, publishes a joint paper with a
Malaysian researcher, the data is considered as part of the
publication output for Malaysia. For the purpose of this study, the
dimension of collaboration is divided into three mutually exclusive
groups, namely the Muslim category, which accounts for papers
that are contributed exclusively by Muslim scientists, non-Muslim
category which accounts for papers authored by Non-Muslim
scientists and the joint partnership category which accounts for
those papers that transcend the borders of ethnicity in having both
the Muslim and non-Muslim scientists as being responsible for the
intellectual content of the product. The data used in this study
include the Muslim and non-Muslim scientist's contributions,
scientist's place of work, scientist's country of origin and the areas
of research being undertaken in four major Fields of sciences: life
sciences, exact sciences, earth sciences and environmental
One of the drawbacks of using SCI in a bibliometric study is that
the index has a strong biases towards English language
publications and a discriminating policy of omission of quality
publications from developing countries. However, there are
researchers who concluded that SCI. on the basis of a comparative
study, provides an excellent data source for the core of the natural
A total of 314 papers were published by Malaysian scientists in
1994. As indicated in Table 1, it appears that there is a steady
increase in the annual scientific production. Consequently, in 1997
a total of 427 papers were published, an increase of 36% from the
1994 output. Increase in R & D expenditure for ! 997 might be a
possible reason for this rise in output.
Analysis by Subject
As the focus of the study concerns the characterization of the
properties of recorded discourse, it is relevant and legitimate to
employ a technique which will provide the best insight into the
characteristics of Malaysian scientific literature, leading to the
identification of patterns, tendencies and regularities that exist in
the literature. Most of the times researchers have utilized
bibliometric technique to address this type of problem. In
employing this technique, one has to be careful in selecting the
most reliable source for the basic data. In this study, the data for
scientific literature was retrieved from the CD-ROM version of
Science Citation Index (SCI), the largest scientific publications
database produced by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI).
SCI was searched for 1994 and 1997 output on Malaysia. The
identify of the country which forms part of the author's address
was used in the search process. This search provided the total
number of documents written by authors resident in Malaysia.
The Malaysian contribution in different subject areas is shown in
Table 2. The figures indicate that the major concentration of
scientific research in Malaysia seems to occur in the area of life
sciences, comprising the fields of biological sciences, biomedical
sciences and medicine. In 1994,185 papers were published in the
area of life sciences, which ia about 59% of the total output tor the
year. Following life sciences in order of importance, arc exact
sciences, comprising chemistry, engineering, physics and
mathematics, with 36%; environmental sciences with 4% and earth
sciences with 1%. In 1997, research in the area of life sciences
still tops the list. However, in terms of percentage it drops to
50.8%. Exact sciences still rank second, with 43.5%, followed by
environmental sciences with 3.7% and earth sciences with 1.9%.
Notice that research output for environmental sciences and earth
sciences are quite stable, possibly because there is no change in
the R & D allocation for these sectors. However, there is an
increase of 8% in output for exact sciences. A possible
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explanation for this sudden increase is perhaps due to the change
in there search priorities of the government during this period. As
mentioned in the foregoing, the government has decided to boost
R & D allocations for key sectors such as advanced
manufacturing, advanced materials, electronics, energy and
aerospace during the 7th Malaysian Plan, 1996 - 2000. Notice
that there is a big jump in the figures for engineering and
chemistry, increasing by 68% and 98% respectively. It is apparent
that these two fields have to contribute more papers, as the
scientists have to rely moret on the prioritized key sectors for their
R & D allocations. This argument might be augmented by the fact
that another key sector, biotechnology under the life sciences also
took a quantum leap in output, increasing from 3 to 13 papers.
Co-Authorship Patterns
Table 3 shows the collaboration between Muslim scientists and
non-Muslim scientists. This part of the investigation is to highlight
the research pattern of Muslim scientists when conducting their
studies. Notice that the contributions of Muslim scientists who
perform research work alone or in a team with other Muslim
scientists drop form 20% in 1994 to 12% in 1997. This decline is
not a reflection of the sterility or disengagement of Muslim scientists
in their research work. It appeal's that Muslim scientists have
shifted their preference towards collaboration with non-Muslim
scientists. Most of the joint authorship are between Muslim
scientists and non-Muslim scientists resident of Malaysia. As
indicated in Table 3, the total cooperative linkage increases from
109 in 1994 to 181 in 1997 by 66%.
Specifically speaking, the Muslim scientists prefer to work in small
group of twos or threes. On the other hand, the non-Muslim
counterparts arc more variegated in the size of the research team.
The span of their team sized ranges from two to seven and it
seems a team of three is the most preferred.
Table 4 shows the international collaboration of Malaysian
scientists with their counterparts in other countries. Altogether
scientists from 46 countries are cooperatively linked to the
Malaysian scientists. It is envisaged that a greater degree of
collaboration and willingness between Malaysian and Asian or
Muslim countries will occur but the figures seem to suggest
otherwise. The great majority of research works are earned out
in collaboration with advanced countries. In 1994, collaboration
with the United Sates of America ranks first, England second,
Japan third, Australia fourth, Scotland fifth and the People's
Republic of China sixth. Only five Muslim countries, i. e.
Bangladesh, Indonesia, Nigeria, Jordan and Egypt, are involved in
the cooperation in 1994. In 1997, there was a shift in the
cooperative linkages: Japan ranks first, England second, United
States of America third, Australia fourth. People's Republic of
China fifth and Singapore sixth.
Pakistan, Iran and Iraq but also the intensity of their relationship
has been strengthened. For example, Sudan and Saudi Arabia
record four and three papers respectively, a testimony of their close
ties with their Malaysian colleagues.
Institutional Affiliation
Table 5 shows the institutional affiliation of scientists who
contributed to the publication of the research papers. The largest
number of publications are contributed by scientists who are
affiliated with teaching, universities and colleges. Notice that there
is a 68% increase in the number of teaching institutions
responsible for the publication output during the 1994 - 1997
period. Research institutions rank second and they form a major
contributor in the field of medical and agricultural research.
Scientists who are affiliated with research institutions such as
Institute of Medical Research Kuala Lumpur IMR), Palm Oil
Research Institute of Malaysia (PORIM) and Malaysian
Agricultural Research Development Institute (MARDI) have also
contributed significantly to the productivity of (scientific literature
in the country. Government departments, private companies and
laboratories and hospitals also provide a good number of important
research publications that can be shared by scientists of other
nations in the world.
The material presented above reasonably demonstrate the
patterns and trends of research publications of Malaysian
scientists. In accordance with worldwide trends, publications in
the area of life sciences are predominant. However, this
dominance might be shattered as formulation of new policies in
science is moving towards the direction of advanced
manufacturing and technologies. In medicine and biomedical
research, focus seems to be directed to key issues affecting public
health, such as cancer, tropical diseases and cardiovascular
diseases. In agriculture, emphasis seems to be directed to issues
affecting national crop production such as oil palm, rubber, cocoa
and rice through the process of emerging technologies, like genetic
engineering and biotechnology processes. However, the
production in earth sciences and environment sciences is
comparatively now, a situation that merits considerable emphasis
in the future in light of the environmental catastrophes that most
nations arc grappling with but without much success.
There is also a sharp increase in collaboration between Malaysian
scientists and their colleagues in other Muslim countries. Not only
the figures of Muslim countries have gone up to nine, i.e.
Bangladesh, Indonesia. Jordan, Egypt, Sudan, Saudi Arabia,
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Mumtaz Ali Anwar and Ahmad Bakeri Abu Bakar. Current State of Science and Technology in the Muslim World.
Scientometrics. 40(1). September 1997: 23-44.
Mumtaz Ali Anwar and Ahmad Bakeri Abu Bakar. Current State of Science and Technology in the Muslim World.
Scientometrics. 40(1). September 1997:28.
3. A. M Nasir... [et al.]. Bibliometric Evaluation of Agricultural Literature Published in Malaysia. Scientometrics. 29(2).
February 1994:191-217.
4. Arunachalam, S. and Garg, K. C. Science on the Periphery : A Scientometric Analysis of Science in the ASEAN Countries. Journal of Information Science. 12(3). 1986: 105-117.
5. Davis, C. H. and Eisemon, T. O. Mainstream and Non-Mainstream Scientific Literature in Four Peripheral Asian Scientific Communities. Scientometrics. 15(3&4). March 1989: 215-239.
6. Leta, Jacqueline L. De Meis. A Profile of Science in Brazil Scientometrics. 35(1). January 1996: 33-44.
7. Ashoor, M. S. and Chaudhry, A. S. Publication Patterns of Scientists Working in Saudi Arabia. Library Review. 25(1).
March 1993: 61-71.
8. Miguel, J. F. and Okubo, Y. Structure of International Collaboration in Science, Part II: Comparisons of Profiles in
Countries Using a Link Indicator. Scientometrics. 29(2). February 1994: 271-297.
9. Price, D. J. D. Measuring the Size of Science. Jerusalem : Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. 1969: 10-11.
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Number of Publications
Table 1 : NUMBER OF PAPERS : 1994 AND 1997
Biological Science
Biomedical Science
of Change
+68%; •
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Biological Science
Venterinary Sciences
Biology /Zoology/Botany
Aquatic Fisheries Sciences
Food Nutrition
Entomology/Pest Control
Biotechnology/Applied Microbiology
Biological Sciences
Molecular Biology /Genetics
Microbiology/Cell Biology
Analytical Chemistry
Inorganic/Nuclear Chemistry
Organic Chemistry/Polymer Science
Physical Chemistry
Biomedical Chemistry
Mechanical/Industrial Enginereing
Chemical Engineering
Mining/Mineral Engineering
Civil Engineering
Computer Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Nuclear Engineering
Food Engineering
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Material Sciences
Information Systems and Communication
+ 18%
Applied Physics/Condensed Matter
Nuclear Physics
Optics and Acoustics
Solid State Physics
Earth Sciences
Environmental Sciences
+ 13%
of Change
+ 166%
+23 %
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Number of
Above ten
of Change
+31 %
+ 109%
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
United States of America
People's Republic of China
Hong Kong
Northern Ireland
New Zealand
Sri Lanka
Saudi Arabia
Czech Republic
South Africa
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
of Change
Government Department
(Companies, Laboratories)
+ 150%
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Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Internet Usage Among Users Of Cyber Cafes In
Moving Towards Knowledge Society
Dr. Haji Mohamad Fauzan bin Haji Nordin* & Dr. Hajah Roslina Haji Othman**
Kertas kerja ini adalah laporan daripada kajian yang telah dibuat pada tahun 2000 untuk mengenalpasti
penggunaan Internet di cyber cafe di KIang Valley. Pemilik dan seramai 442 pengguna di 27 cyber cafe telah
ditemubual dan diperhatikan.
uilding up a knowledge society requires access to knowledge
and information. The Internet offers some tools to such access.
However, it contains all sorts of knowledge and information that
raise issues concering its contribution to the establishment of
knowledge society. Because of its capabilities for worldwide
access and delivery of knowledge and information, the Internet
creates demand for its access and attracts the set up of many cyber
cafes. There has been an increasing number of cyber cafes in
developed and developing countries, including the United States,
United Kingdom and Malaysia.
Searches in some online databases showed that most articles
discussed cyber cafes as one of the ways to bridge the digital
divide because the concept of knowledge society must include
everyone in the country and the world. For example, some cyber
cafes are aimed for women, the eldery and the minority. In
addition, searches on the Internet itself displayed advertisements
of these cyber cafes and discussions on discrimination in the
provision of its access, like age, race and gender, which mostly
are from the sociological point of view. The psychological point
of view expresses the concern of addictions in using the Internet
in cyber cafes. Too few studied the details of the content as used
by the users in cyber cafes.
But of course, the highest level of knowledge is wisdom, abtained
through divine guidance. At present, even though there are
historical evidences that wisdombased knowledge society had
taken place during the Muslim Golden Era of Civilization, many
countries aim to first establish a knowledge society after their
establishment of an information society.
To these developments of knowledge society and concerning the
provision of Internet's access in cyber cafes, a research funded by
the International Islamic University Malaysia was conducted in
the year 2000 with one of its aims as to identify the Internet usage
among users in cyber cafes in Klang Valley. The research
involved interviews with the owners and a total of 442 users at 27
cyber cafes and observation of their usage and behavior in a
accessing the Internet.
This paper report some findings from the research.
The questions to answer here are related to Internet usage and
bow far its the Internet used to achieve the goal of establishing a
knowledge society.
The provision of the Internet access in cyber cefes has attracted
many users from a variety of family background and educational
level. This Internet usage in cyber cafes must be studied to see if
it is really userful for the establishment of knowledge society and
whether its use is only at setting up information society only. As
shown in the hadith cited in the beginning of this paper, a
knowledge society is at a higher level of society than an
information society because the former involves the acquiring,
creating and disseminating knowledge rather than merely
information. Information is processed raw data, with the data
being at the lowest level. Knowledge in information with values.
Table I shows the objectives and reasons for setting up the cyber
cafes, services, facilities, training offered and the charges imposed
for the Internet access.
The objectives and reasons were mairly business purpose and this
affected the facilities, services and training offered at the cyber
cafes, i.e. to meet the needs of the market and customers (users)
and generate income or al least offset their investment.
Futhermore, majority of the users said that the price is affordable
to them.
* Director Centre for Educational Technology, International Islamic University Malaysia
** Lecturer, Library and information Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia
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Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Set-ups of the cyber cafes
Number of
Cyber Cafes
they would just ignore the act, indirectly giving approvals to such
immoral activities. This evidently 155 users (36 %) freely visited
pornographic sites (Table 6).
Objectives for setting up the cyber cafes :
Market demand
Reasons for setting up the cyber cafes :
Strategic location
Access to computer
Positive impact:
Students assignment
IT literacy
Public access
Information seeking
Rights for information
New development in IT
Healthy entertainment
Negative impact:
Too many network games
Bad influence from the websites
Obscene photos and images
False news and information
Wasting time on chatting
Playing truant and noisy
Wasting money
Actions towards users surfing
pornographic sites:
Warning and say no
Ask users to leave
Blocking the access
Services offered in the cyber cafes :
Internet and WWW
Network games
Web site and web page design
Facilities provided at the cyber cafes :
TV lounge
Food and drinks lounge
RM 1 - R M 1.90
RM 2 - RM 2.99
RM 3 - RM 3.99
RM 4 and above
Training offered to users :
Internet and WWW
Web site and web page design
Word processing and presentation
range : 8-46,
average : 18 at 27
cyber cafes,
average : 1
at 25 cyber cafes,
average : 1 at 16
cyber cafes.
As Malaysians (and Muslim for some owners), the owners
understand the positive impact and were aware (some are
cautious) of the negative impact of the selling up cyber cafes
(Table 2). The describe their hopes to contribute to the establishment of knowledge society, e.g. knowledge, assignment, IT
literacy, public access and information seeking. On the other hand,
there were negative side of the usage as they. For example,
network games, pornographies, miss information, obsessed with
chatting, playing truant, noisy and waste of money.
Some owners have anticipated their visitins pornographic sites
and thus cames up with regulations. Majority said that they would
say no, warn, advise asked then to leave or some block users
access. However, owners at of the 27 cyber cafes admitted that
Number of
Cyber Cafes
The provision of Internet access encouraged 88 users (20%) of
the 442 users interviewed to visit the cyber cafes daily, while 277
(63%) visited weekly and users (16%) visited monthly (Table 3).
This result showed the strong commitment of these users to
access the Internet at the cyber cafes.
These users came from various races, gender educational background and employment status.
Of the 442 users, 315 users were Malay (71 %) suggesting that
the Malays probabry do not have computers or Internet
connections al homes while they have strong interests and are
keen to access the Internet at these cyber cafes, compared to other
races like Chinese and the Indians.
The Internet usage is not dominated by a single gender, i.e. both
male 229 (52%) and female 201 (45%) are heavy users of the
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Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Profile of Users
Number of Cyber Cafes
(% of total users)
Frequency of visit:
Once - twice a week
277 (63%)
315 (71%)
63 (14%)
30 (7%)
24 (6%)
229 (52%)
201 (45%)
9 - 10
21 - 2 5
36 - 40
52 (12%)
36 (8%)
9 (2%)
2 (0.4%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
Higher learning institutions
25 (6%)
246 (56%)
Users belonging to the age group of 16 - 20 and 2 1 - 2 5 years
(174 and 139 respectively) are the majority of these cyber cafes
visitors (Table 3). Their groups alone made up a total of 70%,
suggesting that these visitors are of the ages of curiosity and exploration and of seeking friends and peer groups. These ages will
reflect Internet usage (Table 4 and Table 5) at these cyber cafes.
None of the visitors/ users are above 50 years old. and only 0.4%
is above 40 years old. Most likely explanation is that the cyber
cafes are not seen as a suitable places for them. Another possible
explanation is that this age group is less interested in the Internet.
There were users al the cyber cafes who aged ranged from a to 12
ears old (in the 11-15 year range in Table 3), who are still in the
primary school visited cyber cafes. In addition, users within 11 to
15 years old ranked third highest for users categorized by age.
This result suggested that the cyber cafes attacted a very high
number of teenagers, approximately 232 users with a percentage
of 52.4 and primary school children as young as standard three.
This evidence requires serious concern as it can lead to playing
truant as already witnessed by the owners of two cyber cafes
(Table 2).
Of the 442 users, 246 (56%*) users were from higher learning
institutions. These users are expected to represent the educated
groups of the society, Le. future knowledge workers unfortunately
most of their main activities (Table 4) did not reflect the higher
level of knowledge required for establishing a knowledge society.
The most common activities (Table 4) were chatting (28%), and
followed by e-mail (19%) and games (10%). These most
common activities (except games) even if they involved
knowledge, suggest that the Internet was heavily used only at the
basic level of knowledge activities, i.e. exchange of
information. Useful activities that seem to be directly related to
knowledge included information seeking (6%), assignment (2%),
job search (0.4%), counseling (0.2%) and quiz (0.2%). Other
could be useful activities are surfing the Internet (7%), contacting
friends and play chess.
However, the rest of the main activities were hang out {lepak and
mengurat), artists web sites, sex picture and snooker, which are
purely entertainment and immoral activities. There were 6 users
who visited the cyber cafes just to hang out. This result suggests
that perhaps the environment of these cyber cafes encourages such
There was I users whose main activity was browsing sex pictures
on the Internet, which adds to the suggestion that there are people
who would go for the Internet for such immoral activities
(Table 2 and Table 6).
Surfing Internet
Informatin seeking
Hangout, lepak and mengurat
Contact friends
Job search
Artists web site
Sex picture
Number of Cyber Cafes
(% of total users)
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Favourite sites
Internet access
Reformasi web site
Yashraj .com
CNN news
Final fantasy
Islamic city
Lingkaran Islam
Malaysia kita
Modelings, com
National Geographic
Vidnet. music
Viswanathan anand
Worldwide net
Number of Cyber Cafes
(% of total users)
28 (6%)
8 (2%)
7 (2%)
4 (0.9%)
4 (0.9%)
4 (0.9%)
3 (0.6%)
3 (0.6%)
3 (0.6%)
3 (0.6%)
2 (0.5%)
2 (0.5%)
2 (0.5%)
2 (0.5%)
2 (0.5%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
I (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
I (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
I (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
1 (0.2%)
When asked for their favorite sites (Table 5), most preferred
Yahoo! (16%), followed by Hotmail (12%) and MRIC (6%).
Other sites considered as favorites are related to entertainment
for instance artists, lovemail, music, Bollywood, etc.. There
were also some informational and educational sites, which include
CNN news, berita, discovery, discussion, Euro2000 (sports),
Islamic City, National Geographic, etc.
None of the users chose the government web sites, except pnm.my
(Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia), which was chosen as a favorite
site by one user. Of the 442 users, 3 users chose Reformasi web
sites as their favorite sites and 2 users chose Harakah.
These results suggest that majority of the 442 users considered
non-Malaysian web sites as their favorites. Yahoo! And Hotmail!
Became one-stop web sites where these users can access all kind
of information and services and most frequently chatting and
e-mail. The findings also suggest that these users did not
consider online database. Malaysian newspaper and Malaysian
government agencies Jaring, ministries, universities, etc as
favorite sites.
Internet Usage
Pornography sites :
Never visited
No response
Number of Cyber Cafes
(% of total users)
261 (59%)
26 (5%)
It is quite alarming that 155 (36%) users of the 442 users interviewed (Table 6) apenly admited that they visited the pornographic sites. In addition, 26 users (5%) were hesitant and did
not give any responses. This result suggests that visiting such
sites is not uncommon among the Internet users in this research.
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
This research revealed that activities among users on the Internet
are still at the informational level, i.e. the basic level of activities
for knowledge society. To establish knowledge society, the
activities among users must be moved upward. The activities in
the knowledge society must be more on knowledge acquisition,
dissemination and creation, rather than exchange of basic
information, such as chatting.
The hadith of Prophet (sw) quoted at the beginning of the paper
provides us the proper quidance that knowledge society must be
established as the soil receiving water and bringing forth
vegetation and fruits. Whereas, information society is like the
hard soil that hold water, like reservoir, that can't directly bring
forth to any vegetation and fruits trees.
The government and related agencies must come up with proper
quidelines in monitoring or regulating the cyber cafes. The
government must not only provide licensing to cyber cafes without any form of monitoring.
The government and non-government organizations must come
up with more creative and innovative web sites to attract users.
There must be a Malaysian like Yahoo! And Hotmail that
provide all kinds of informational services and act as one-stop
web sites that serve all needs.
Even though there are free aducational and informational sites
like CNN, some are charged as online databases and
encyclopedias. Thus, the government and non-government
organizations must subsidize the subscription costs. The effort
by some places in establishing K-community is one of the ways
to move forward orward to solve this kind of problems.
Malaysia has the means to establish knowledge society because
the support from the leadership and public is there. However,
serious efforts are crucially needed to develop the local content
of our own sites on the Internet.
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
1. Age in cyberspace. Available at http://netculture.about.com/cs/ageonline/index.htm
2. Cybersoc.com (Sociological and ethnographic research of cyberspace). Available at http;//netculture.about.com/gi/
Davenport, Tom. The last big thing, CIO. March 2001 : 98-99
Hadith no. 1471. Al-Lu'lu'wal-Marjan, a collection of agreed upon Ahadith from al-Bukhari and Muslim.
Compiled by Fuwad Abdul Baqi. Translated by Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan. Vol. 2. Riyahd : Dar-us Salaam, 1995
Laudon, Kenneth and Laudon, Jane. Management information system. New Jersey : Prentice Hall, 2000.
6. Net culture. Available at http://netculture.about.com
Sandmark, Fred. Culture shift. IQ March/April 2001 : 52-59
Sifonis, John. It Takes all kinds. IQ. May/June 2001 : 33-35.
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Ding Choo Ming, PhD*
The main objective of reviewing literature is to describe what is written by that author. Guy & Deihl
(1992:59) states that " in looking at initial sources you will usually find additional descriptors that will
help you in locating succeeding sources". In this articles Ding Choo Ming a lecturer at Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia gives an indepth study on the guidelines needed to produce a good literature
review for students pursuing higher degree. The author also analysis books written by other authors on
the skills needed to produce literature reviews. He touches on the problem involved in reviewing books,
the length of the literature review, the type of books chose for literature reviews, the importance of
publishing good literature review and understanding the content, of the books. He also gives a detailed
15 guidelines on what students should do to produce a good literature review.
etelah mendapat topik, calon ijazah tinggi perlu mara
selangkah ke hadapan : membuat ulasan literatur, terjemahan
daripada Bahasa Inggeris literature review, dan akan disingkatkan
sebagai UL untuk selanjutnya dalam esei ini. UL mesti
berdasarkan pembacaan, pemahaman, penganalisaan dan
penulisan secara sistematik ke atas bahan kajian tentang topik
yang berkenaan. UL yang dibincangkan ini terbatas kepada
penulisan tesis untuk ijazah tinggi sahaja, walaupun banyak esei
dan rencana juga memuatkan UL. Perbezaan antara UL dalam
esei atau rencana dengan tesis bukan sahaja jumlah bahan yang
diulas dalam UL untuk tesis itu berkali-kali ganda lebih besar
daripada yang dimuat dalam esei atau rencana, tetapi juga UL
dalam tesis mempunyai analisa dan penilaian yang lebih serius
dan teliti. Tidak kira di mana UL itu, ia bukanlah laporan
mengulangi apa yang sudah ditulis orang lain, tetapi cuba memberi
perspektif dan pemahaman baru daripada calon tentang topik itu.
Tujuan lain UL dalam tesis ialah membolehkan penyelia dan
pemeriksa tesis mengetahui apa yang sudah dilakukan oleh orang
lain dan seterusnya mengetahui maklumat dan pengetahuan
tentang topik yang berkenaan yang sudah dikuasai calon dan
dengan ini memudahkannya mengetahui Sumbangan yang boleh
ditambah dan diperkembangkan.
Kerja ini adalah berat disebabkan oleh dua masalah besar.
Pertama, bagaimana membuat UL yang baik, jelas, bernas dan
tersusun. Kedua, bagaimana membuatnya supaya ia mempunyai
tema, sifat dan perspektif yang tersendiri. Kedua-dua masalah itu
timbul kerana calon tidak pasti tentang apa ini UL, maka tidak
tahu membuatnya walaupun sudah diberitahu tentang pentingnya
UL sama seperti proses dan komponen lain dalam penulisan tesis
untuk mendapat ijazah tinggi, Ia boleh dilakukan dengan mudah,
malahan menyeronokkan sekiranya calon ditunjukkan cara dan
pendekatan yang betul. Ia dikatakan menyeronokkan kerana
calon boleh dibawa kepada lombong maklumat yang sebelum ini
tidak diketahuinya, dan dengan sendirinya dapat membuka pintu
untuk mendapat ilham yang dicari-cari. Keseronokan ini boleh
dikiaskan dengan peribahasa "Orang mengantuk disorongkan
"bantal" atau "Pucuk dicita, ulam mendatang". UL melibatkan
mengenalpasti, mengesan dan menganalisa dengan sistematik
dokumen yang mengandungi maklumat kepada masalah
penyelidikan yang dilakukan. Dokumen itu Semestinya adalah
buku, jurnal, kertas seminar, tesis, laporan, bahan perangkaan dan
sumber rujukan yang lain yang terkini dan yang penting, tidak
kira media dan bahasa. Setelah berbuat demikian, calon dapat
membuat penyelidikan yang dicadangkan itu dengan lebih
terfokus. kerana menjadi lebih yakin boleh menggunakan
maklumat yang paling sesuai. Keyakinan tambahan ini disebabkan
calon telah mengetahui apa yang sudah dikaji orang lain, lebihlebih lagi apa yang perlu dilakukannya dan ke arah mana. Daripada
UL, penyelia dan pemeriksa tesis dapat mengukur sama ada calon
itu sudah menguasai maklumat yang diperlukan dan sama ada
tesis itu mempunyai kedalaman, ketinggian dan keluasan yang
Kini, sains maklumat, terjemahan daripada information science
sudah berkembang menjadi kajian multidisciplinary. Ia
disebabkan skopnya yang semakin luas akibat Pembahagian yang
berlaku ekoran perkembangan kepelbagaian ilmu yang saling kait
mengait, malahan lengkap melengkapi, lebih-lebih lagi setelah
dikaitkan atau dikahwin-campurkan dengan IT. Gabungan itu
disebabkan dan juga menyebabkan semakin ramai orang tertarik
kepada sains maklumat, lebih-lebih lagi setelah IT sudah
berkembang menjadi industri dan bisnes yang besar. Seimbas lalu,
* Pensyarah Fakulti Teknologi dan Sains Maklumat, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
ramai pakar, sarjana dan pengkaji dari bidang lain sudah
mengekploitasikan situasi ini. Mereka amat prihatin tentang betapa
pentingnya maklumat untuk kajian dan kegiatan masing-masing.
Daripada usaha menerapkan IT misalnya, dalam kerja mereka,
banyak sekali rencana, buku, kertas seminar, laporan, tesis dan lainlain tentang IT dan maklumat telah dihasilkan. Dengan itu,
pemetaan bahan-bahan adalah luas, kerana bahan-bahan sains
maklumat bukan sahaja diindeks dan diabstraks dalam bahan
pengindeksan dan pengsbtrakan sains maklumat per se, tetapi
terdapat juga banyak bahan pengindeksan dan pengabstrakan dalam
bidang lain. Dalam Library of Congress Subject Headings (1999:
2847-2853), sains maklumat dibahagikan kepada tidak kurang
daripada 50 tajuk kecil (sub-headings) dengan kira-kira 200 tajuk
yang lebih kecil dan khusus. Antara tajuk kecil yang dimaksudkan
itu adalah seperti yang berikut:
Documentation. Human Information
Processing, Informatics, Information Policy, Information
Processing Language (Computer program
Information Resources, Information Resources Management,
Information Storage and Retrieval System,
Services, Information Services Industry, Information Society.
Information Theory, Library Science, Medical Informatics, dan
lain-lain. Di bawah tajuk kecil Information Storage and
Retrieval Systems tidak kurang 600 tajuk kecil yang lain telah
disenaraikan, termasuk Abstracting and indexing services,
Automatic data storage, Computer-based information systems,
Data processing. Digital Libraries, BLAISE information
retrieval system, LOCIS information retrieval system, NEXIS
information retrieval system,OKAPI information retrieval
system, SISMAKOM information retrieval system, dan WAIS
information retrieval system.
Pembahagian dan pembiakan itu telah meluaskan skopnya,
lantaran menjadikannya lebih pelbagai dan besar dari masa ke
semasa. Skop yang semakin besar ini mempunyai implikasi yang
penting ke atas maklumat yang perlu dicari, dikaji dan difahami.
Hakikat yang nyata ialah maklumat berkaitan sains maklumat
secara umum kini tersebar dalam pelbagai sumber media. Ia
bukan sahaja disiarkan dalam jurnal yang khusus tentang sains
maklumat, tetapi juga sains sosial, ekonomi, perubatan,
kejuruteraan, media massa, pengurusan dan sains komputer.
Selain itu, disebabkan sifat keantarabangsaannya, banyak
maklumat yang penting sudah disiarkan dalam bahasa yang tidak
kita ketahui. Akibatnya, calon ijazah tinggi nampaknya bukan
sahaja semakin susah, malahan semakin dicabar dalam percubaan
mereka untuk melakukan UL yang lengkap dan yang terkini.
Banyaknya maklumat dan luasnya penyebaran maklumat
mengenai sains maklumat dengan sendirinya menimbulkan apa
yang disebut sebagai both a blessing and a curse. Calon yang
dikelilingi maklumat ini sepatutnya tidaklah susah untuk
mendapat bahan yang dikehendaki. Tetapi, mencari bahan tentang
topik yang tertentu adalah sesusah mencari mutiara di lombong.
Sehingga kini, mencari bahan khusus tentang literasi maklumat,
k-ekonomi atau pempakejan maklumat di Malaysia atau negara
membangun masih tidak mudah. Oleh itu, calon ijazah tinggi mesti
menebarkan jala pencarian maklumat seluas mungkin. Selain
jurnal khusus, pangkalan data OPAC. CD-ROM dan Internet
mesti dicuba untuk mendapat sebanyak bahan yang mungkin.
Walaupun pencarian maklumat bibliografi berkomputer kini
sudah tidak sesusah seperti dahulu, tetapi bahan yang dikehendaki
itu tidak mudah dicari. Selain itu, semakin banyak rencana dan
buku perlu ditapis kesesuaiannya dengan topik yang diselidiki.
rnemandangkan sains maklumat sudah dijadikan tema dalam
penulisan sarjana dan pakar di pelbagai bidang. Sekarang keduadua proses penapisan maklumat dan pemikiran kritis amatlah
kritikal kerana boleh menentukan susah tidaknya dan cepat
lambatnya kerja penyelidikan dan penulisan tesis nanti.
Membuat UL menuntut calon ijazah tinggi mencari bahan yang
terbaru dan yang berkaitan. Bahan yang digunakan itu mestilah
banyak dan pelbagai. Kepelbagaian bahan yang banyak ini
membolehkan calon melihat masalah penyelidikan daripada
banyak perspektif. Ini disebabkan setiap orang mempunyai
pendapat dan pandangannya sendiri tentang masalah, topik dan
isu. Sifat kepelbagaian inilah dikehendaki kerana ia adalah salah
satu asas kajian ilmiah. Cabaran di sini ialah bagaimana
mendapatkan bahan yang terkini dengan banyak dalam masa yang
terhad. Walaupun Internet sudah membawa banyak maklumat
kepada kita, biar di mana kita berada, tetapi calon mesti biasa
menggunakan kemudahan di perpustakaan. Sehingga kini,
Perpustakaan Tun Seri Lanang telah melanggan Annual Review
kepada tidak kurang 30 subjek termasuk anthropology, as
tronomy, biosphysics, cell biology, energy, information science
dan IT. Annual Review ini penting dalam UL kerana dalam setiap
isu terdapat ratusan artikel yang penting dan terkini yang telah
diulas oleh pakar di bidang masing-masing. Keistimewaan utama
sumber rujukan ini dari segi pengguna ialah maklumatnya sudah
dikelaskan seperti indeks, abstrak, katalog, OPAC dan bibliografi
yang lain, maka mudah dicari mana yang sesuai, dan menjimatkan
masa dan tenaga. Namun, calon ijazah tinggi tidak harus berpuas
hati dengan ulasan ringkas yang diberi, selain dari itu hanya
sedikit daripada bahan yang sudah diterbitkan di seluruh dunia
sempat diulas. Walaupun ulasan dalam Annual Review ini tidak
lengkap, tetapi recana dan buku yang diulas itu adalah antara
yang terpenting, malahan boleh dianggap sebagai the "main thrust
of the research '. Di sinilah calon ijazah tinggi mesti memainkan
peranan aktif dan agresif mendapatkan bahan yang dikehendaki
untuk mengetahui apa yang sudah dikaji, siapa dan bagaimana.
UL dalam tesis sepatutnya dianalisa dan dinilai dengan teliti,
menyeluruh dan mendalam berbanding dengan apa yang terdapat
dalam Annual Review dan juga ulasan buku lain. Disini, sumber
rujukan lain yang biasa digunakan ialah Dissertation Abstracts
International (DAI), misalnya. Kelebihan DAI bukan sahaja
menyiarkan abstraks ribuan tesis Ph D dari ratusan buah Universiti
di Amerika Syarikat khasnya dan negara lain secara umum setiap
tahun, tetapi juga kesemua Salinan tesis boleh didapati berbanding
dengan tesis negara lain yang tidak diedarkan.
Sebelum membuat pencarian,terlebih dahulu, senaraikan katakata utama {key words), frasa, konsep, istilah yang dianggap
penting. Kerja ini boleh dipermudahkan dengan merujuk antara
lain tesaurus, kamus, ensaiklopedia dan Library of Congress
Subject Headings. Senarai ini cuma digunakan sebagai panduan
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
dan boleh dipanjang-pendekkan, tertakluk kepada maklumat baru
yang dijumpai, secara sedar atau tidak, secara sengaja atau tidak.
Mengikut pendapat Gay & Diehl (1992:59): In looking at intial
sources you will usually find additional descriptors that will help
you in locating succeeding sources. Giving some thought to
subjects descriptors initially will help you organize what mayappear to be an overwhelming task'. Pendek kata, mencari
maklumat memerlukan kemahiran mata-mata gelap kerana mesti
menjadi kreatif, selain tabah dan cekal. Kriteria yang perlu
dipegang ialah : dapatkan sebanyak bahan yang boleh untuk
mengelakkan delima yang dibayangkan dalam peribahasa Melayu
"sudah dahaga baru mencari telaga; telaga dijumpai, tetapi terlupa
membawa timba; timba dijumpai, tetapi tidak bertali". Usaha
ini perlu dirancang ; jangan gelojoh dan jangan terlalu memilih.
Adalah tidak benar hanya topik yang sudah banyak dikaji itu
boleh dikaji selanjutnya, lebih-lebih lagi dapat menghasilkan
kajian yang baik. Selama ini, banyak buku, artikel dan tesis yang
baik ditulis tentang perkara yang baru dan penting, tetapi tidak
banyak maklumat mengenainya, kerana tidak banyak kajian dibuat.
Ini juga tidak bermakna topik yang sudah banyak dikaji, yang sudah
banyak maklumat itu, tidak perlu dikaji lagi. Sebenarnya banyak
kajian baharu masih diperlukan atas topik dan perkara yang sudah
lama dikaji. Kajian baru ini adalah daripada perspektif yang baru,
yang demikian adalah
berbeza daripada yang ada.
Cabaran dan Panduan Membuat UL
Seperti yang sudah disebut sebelum ini, fungsi utama membuat
UL ialah menentukan apa yang sudah dikaji oleh orang lam
berkenaan topik yang ingin diselidiki selanjutnya. Daripada segi
ini, UL juga boleh dipandang sebagai langkah tambahan untuk
mendapat ide baru untuk meneruskan kajian. Ini disebabkan
adalah lebih sukar memulakan sesuatu yang baru berbanding
dengan memberi reaksi kepada apa yang sudah ada seperti yang
ditegaskan oleh Dunleavy (1986: 114):
' If is often more difficult to start from a blank canvas than to
react to a previous pattern of commentary. Perhaps the ideal
situation is one where a field of study has been reviewed in the
past, but where an accumulation of newer work has not so far
been surveyed". UL juga penting bukan sahaja untuk
mengelakkan duplikasi penyelidikan dengan tidak sengaja, tetapi
juga memperkukuhkan pemahaman dan wawasan yang
diperlukan untuk memperkembangkan rangka, dan seterusnya
menempatkan masalah penyelidikan dalam rangka perspektif
yang sudah ditetapkan, justeru daripada UL, calon tahu apa yang
sudah dilakukan oleh penyelidik lain, lebih-lebih lagi apa yang
perlu dilakukan seterusnya (Gay & Diehl 1992: 56). Selain itu,
rumusan dan hasil yang sudah dilakukan itu juga boleh dijadikan
sebab dan hujah untuk calon mengemukakan hipotesisnya dan
membentuk asas justifikasi kajian selanjutnya. Berhubung
dengan pentingnya UL, Dunleavy 91986:112) menambah ia
adalah : 'an explicit angle or theme — a sense of what the author
wants to do differently or what insights he hopes to gain from
completing the review.'
Menulis UL ialah melaporkan dengan terperinci, tersusun, bernas
dan menyakinkan pembaca, di sini penyelia dan pemeriksa tesis,
perkembangan ilmu tentang topik yang tertentu yang diketahui
calon. Cabaran yang paling besar kepada calon yang baru ialah
bagaimana dapat menulis UL yang baik dengan bahan yang sudah
dibaca tentang masalah penyelidikan itu. Banyak panduan telah
diberi berhubung dengan ini. Antaranya adalah seperti yang
ditunjukkan Dunleavy yang mengatakan :
'If you know what your own contribution will be, then arrange
the early parts of the dissertations to lead up natrually to your
central critism or ideas. Similarly, there is no point in reviewing
a mass of authors if this renders your coverage superficial and
means that your personal contributions relates to only a tiny
fraction of the materials covered." (1986: 114).
Tetapi, banyak calon masih menghadapi masalah menentukan
luas dan panjangnya UL yang sepatutnya. Memang tidak ada
ukuran atau standard dalam hal ini. UL yang panjang, jika
disebabkan banyak bahan yang diulas, tidak Semestinya yang
baik. Ini disebabkan hukumnya seperti yang diberi oleh Gay &
Diehl (1992: 69): 'Your review forms the background and rationale for your hypothesis and should contain only those references
that serve this puropose well.'). Oleh itu, UL yang pendek, bernas
dan tersusun lebih bernilai dan disukai daripada yang panjang,
dan diulang-ulang dengan maklumat yang tidak sesuai dengan
topik dan masalah. Sehubungan dengan ini. penyelia tesis selalu
mendapati banyak calon tidak tahu bagaimana memulakan dan bila
UL itu patut ditamatkan. Kepada calon yang berkenaan, arahan
atau hukum bahawa semua maklumat yang baharu dan yang penting
dan yang ada kaitannya dengan masalah penyelidikan itu perlu
dikaji dan dilaporkan itu sukar diikuti sehinggakan mereka
mendapati sukar menentukan maklumat mana perlu dimasukkan
dan yang mana pula tidak perlu dimasukkan. Keputusan ini sudah
tentu bergantung kepada kebijaksanaan yang boleh dipelajari
daripada pengalaman, lebih-lebih lagi membaca contoh UL yang
baik. Segala-galanya ini bergantung kepada kebolehan calon itu
sendiri. Untuk melakukannya, beberapa panduan yang diberikan
di sini boleh diikuti:
1. Calon mestilah jelas tentang topik/masalah penyelidikan
dan juga harus pasti dengan pendekatan/ perspektifnya
terhadap UL itu untuk mengelakkan 'mismatch' antara
persoalan yang dikaji dengan UL yang dibuat.
Carilah rencana yang terkini kerana ia bukan sahaja
memperkatakan topik yang tentang maklumat
Tidak boleh diketepikan kajian yang penting, walaupun
bertentangan dengan pendapat umum, lebih-lebih lagi
dengan perspektif, pendekatan dan fahaman calon
Topik/ masalah yang sudah banyak dikaji memerlukan
fokus yang lebih terpusat dan khusus berbanding dengan
yang tidak banyak dikaji lagi.
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Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Topik yang baru memerlukan UL yang lebih luas
memperkembangkan rangkanya dengan lebih baik
selain untuk menerokai sesuatu yang baru.
pengkaji masa lalu, atau memperkembangkan ilmu hasil
daripada penyelidikan baru, atau mengemukakan teori
dan gagasan yang baru atau gabungan dua atau tiga
sebab-sebab tadi.
Menganalisa setiap perkara yang diperkatakan tentang
topik dan mengkaji hubungan antara satu perkara
dengan yang lain, kemudian menggabungkannya
menurut perspektif dan pendekatan baru.
Setengah daripada panduan yang disebutkan itu telah dirumuskan
oleh Dunleavy (1986: 114) dalam petikan sebelum ini.
Selanjutnya diberikan satu contoh UL yang baik :
Buat nota tentang topik yang penting dan juga headings
and sub-headings yang sesuai untuk perkara yang rumit
dan sukar. Susun semula ide tadi sesuai dengan
kehendak, perspektif dan pendekatan calon, kerana apa
yang ditulis mestilah yang sesuai dan seperti yang
dikehendaki. Kalau ada banyak nota memperkatakan
perkara sama, gabungkan kesemuanya dengan diberi
maklumat bibliografi yang berkenaan.
Semasa membuat ringkasan dan nota, pastikan rujukan
bibliografi dibuat dengan lengkap dan betul untuk
memudahkan Catatan bibliografi, di mana ianya
menjimatkan masa dan memudahkan kerja semasa
membuat petikan, rujukan dan Catatan kelak. Kesemua
ini adalah pertanda sebuah kerja penyelidikan yang
bermutu dan bertanggungjawab.
Banyak calon tidak mempunyai bahan yang cukup,
walaupun banyak maklumat bibliografinya.
10. Susah untuk membongkar bahan yang belum diulas orang lain ke atas topik yang khusus. Demikian juga
dengan topik yang belum banyak dikaji.
11. Susah juga untuk menentukan/ memastikan bahan yang
perlu dikaji pada topik yang sudah lama, maka sudah
tentu banyak yang perlu dikaji.
12. Walaupun lebih mudah mengkaji perkembangan ilmu
pada topik yang baru (dan yang tidak banyak dikaji),
tetapi amatah sukar untuk mencari bahan yang menarik
untuk diulas (kerana tidak banyak bahannya).
13. Susun maklumat daripada yang umum kepada yang
khusus dan diakhiri dengan menyatakan implikasi dan
hipotesis kajian untuk membolehkan pembaca dapat
mengikuti perkembangan ilmu yang dilaporkan
daripada yang umum kepada yang khusus.
14. Nyatakan bukan sahaja metodologi yang digunakan
dalam rencana yang dibaca, tetapi juga metodologi yang
akan digunakan dalam penyelidikan tersebut dengan
ringkas sahaja kerana perkara ini akan dibincangkan
dengan panjang lebar dalam bab metodologi.
15. Nyatakan juga sebab-sebab penyelidikan yang
dicadangkan itu perlu dilakukan : sama ada untuk
membaiki apa yang dikaji, membetulkan kesilapan
There are numerous papers published in the area of parallel
search of document databases. The papers may be classified into
two groups. One group of papers (3, 8, 10, 12, 14,18, 21. 24, 26,
27, 34, 42) discusses the architecture of special purpose
computers cuilable for database search. The second group of
papers discusses use of specialized parallel machines such as
the connection machines (35, 37, 38, 40), 1CL (16, 20, 23. 96)
and computer-based parallel machines (9, 42) for document
retrieval. The general concensus is that parallel search holds
promise, but there is a need for good indexing techniques (1, 7,
9, 21. 25. 28, 29, 30). Fast retrieval from secondary storage device is also essential. Stone (40) opines that a computer such as
a connection machine which has a large number of
processors does not give a speed-up commensurate with the
number rocessors. A parallel machine with a small number of
processors using distributed secondary store and good
indexing techniques should be more efficient.
A distributed computer system connected by a LAN has the
advantage of distributed secondary storage. Further, it does not
require any special investment and is scalable. The database
retrieval, particularly batch retrieval for SDl service looks
eminently suited for experimenting with parallel retrieval techniques.... ' (Kapaleaswaran & Rajaraman 1990)
Antara contoh UL yang baik di bidang sains maklumat ialah :
1. Kebede, Gashaw. 'Performance evaluation in library
and information systems of developing countries: a
study of the literature.' Libri 49 (1999): 106-119.
2. Milne, Patricia. "Scholarly communication: crisis, response and future - a review of the literature.1 Australian Academic Research Libraries (Jun 1999): 70-88.
3. Moahi, Kgomotso. 'Health information networks for
telehealth in Africa - challenges and prospects: a review of the literature.' Libri49 (1999): 43 - 50.
4. Nankivell, Clare & Shoolbred, Michael.' Mentoring in
library and information ser_vices: a literature review
and report on recent research.' The New Review of Academic Librarianship 1997 : 91 - 114.
5. Ying Ding. 'Scholary communication and bibliometrics:
part I - t h e scholarly communication model: literature
review.' International Forum on Information and Documentation 23:2 (April/June 1998): 20 - 29
6. Ying Ding. 'Scholary communication and bibliometrics:
part II - the scholarly communication process: literature
review.' International Forum on Information and Documentation 23:3 (July/September 1998): 3- 19.
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Untuk calon baru, pilihlah topik yang lain sekiranya bahan yang
dikehendaki itu tidak banyak, dan susah didapati. Tetapi,
sekiranya bahan itu banyak, bacalah yang terbaru dan yang
penting dan cuba mengkhususkannya. Sementara itu. cabaran
lain yang dihadapi boleh dirumuskan dengan petikan daripada
Dunleavy (1986:112 113): 'Almost by definition, a literature
review cannot be better than the materials surveyed — garbage
in implies garbage out - ... it is quite, easy for a literature review
to be worse than the field surveyed.. .Indeed the more developed
the literature being covered, the more difficult it may be to
understand parts of the arguments in the original sources (especially where arguments have technical or algebraic sections'.
Tinjauan literatur adalah penting kerana semua penyelidik, tidak
kira calon ijazah tinggi atau pakar lain, perlu mendapat bahan
untuk memperkembangkan atau mengfokus penyelidikan.
Semakin banyak bahan yang berkaitan digunakan dengan baik,
semakin baik kita melihat topik yang diselidiki itu daripada
perspektif yang lebih kukuh dan menyakinkan. Selain itu,
kepelbagaian bahan adalah juga salah satu asas kajian ilmiah.
Bahan ini tentulah daripada buku, jurnal, laporan, kertas kerja.
Wawancara, kuliah dan sebagainya. Jangan menganggap bahasa
satu bahan boleh menggantikan yang lain, maka tidaklah perlu
dicari bahan atau sumber yang lain. Sementara itu, dalam UL
dilaporkan kajian yang penting dan yang terkini tentang topik,
yang boleh dijadikan asas untuk penyelidikan selanjutnya, seperti
yang dicadangkan oleh calon yang terlibat. UL diperlukan kerana
calon ijazah tinggi perlu memusatkan perhatian kepada masalah
yang ingin diselidiki, bukan yang sudah dikaji sebelumnya. Apa
yang sudah dikaji itu bolehlah dijadikan asas membuat hipotesis,
lebih-lebih lagi teori, selain memperkembangkan perspektifnya.
Esei itu diakhiri dengan petikan daripada Cooper (1998),
Dunleavy (1986) dan juga Gay & Diehl (1992) : yang
merumuskan UL seperti berikut:
What have others said about this topic?
2. What theories address it and what, do they say?
What research has been done previously?
4. Are they consistent findings or do past studies disagree?
5. Are there flaws in the body of the existing research that
you feel you can remedy?
Kriteria utama penulisan UL ialah pemahaman calon terhadap
masalah/ topik penyelidikan dan bahan yang dibaca. Setelah
memahami masalah yang dibangkitkan, buatlah nota yang boleh
diibaratkan sebagai stockpiling- Kumpulkan dan susunkan notanota ini di tempat yang dianggap paling sesuai secara kreatif:
buang yang tidak perlu atau duplikat, dan tambah ide kita, agar
ia menjadi tersusun, lancar dan senang dibaca. Tesis adalah hasil
kumulatif proses penyelidikan,kajian, pembacaan, pencatatan
nota dan penyusunan semula ide calon dengan ide orang lain.
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Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
1.Cooper Donald R & Schindler. Pamela S. Business research methods, Boston: Irwin-McGraw Hill, 1998.
2. Dunleavy, Patrik. Study for a degree in the humanities and social science. London: Macmillan. 1986.
3. Gay, L. R. & Diehl, P. L. Research methods for business and management. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1992.
4. Kapaleaswaran, T.N. & Rajaraman, V. 'Parallel search methods of a document database in a distributed computer system:
a case study.1 Journal of Information Science 16 (1990): 291-198.
5.Library of Congress Subject Headings. 22nd edition. Washington, D. C : Library of Congress, 1999.
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Abdullah Kadir Bacha*
Kertas ini bertujuan untuk memberi definisi umum mengenai Pengurusan Ilmu (Knowledge Management)
agar profesional sains maklumat dan pustakawan dapat memahami konsepnya serta hubungkaitnya dengan
mereka. Pustakawan dan profesional sains maklumat perlu memainkan peranan yang lebih aktif serta perlu
sesuaikan diri dengan perkembangan baru ini. Kertas ini juga menggariskan beberapa keperluan kemahiran
yang patut ada bagi pustakawan menceburi bidang pengurusan ilmu (KM).
eter Drucker in his book, the Post Capitalist Society said this
about knowledge. "The basic economic resource - the means of
production- is no longer capital nor natural resources nor labor.
It is and will be knowledge", Knowledge is a corporate asset that
can enable organisations to achieve and maintain significant competitive advantage and bring about increased revenue.
To manage this valuable asset a new discipline called Knowledge
management (KM) has emerged. There has been so much interest in this area and it has been estimated that to date more than
about 5 billion dollars would be spent by corporations in
implementing KM. With this rage, we have been bombarded with
so many perceptions and definitions of knowledge management
not including the hype by consultants and vendors who are
adding to the confusion. This profitable new area has prompted
many vendors to re-label and repackage their existing products
and showcase them as knowledge management products.
Experience has shown that this attempt by vendors to tackle KM
is purely from a technology perspective. Caution has to be
exercised in this as the Gartner Group has predicted that
"low-risk mature KM systems will not appear before 2001
(0.7 probability).
Knowledge management (KM) to many of our colleagues in the
library world is just a new name for what they have been doing
over these years - information management. Some consider KM
as a fad and some say it is probably old wine in new bottles. The
reality of such simplistic statements is that they have been taking
it lightly and as a result have missing the boat. Most of the best
projects have been snatched from us by the MIS or IT people who
focus it on technology.
KM is not all about technology, as it is only the enabler, however
MIS people often seem to think KM is all about technology and
though many of them do not have any idea about representation
of knowledge, organisation of knowledge or understanding the
behaviour of information users.
The only people who are good at all this are the L1S
professionals. But the truth is how many of us arc getting all the
juicy and plumb KM assignments. Of course LIS professionals
in reality too do not have some of the skills set and experience to
undertake such projects. Perez says that "they do not have the
internal reputation of knowing about KM". This is again the
projection or perception of our image and capabilities.
Developments in information technology and the Internet has never
impacted libraries and information professionals like this before.
There have been numerous writings and debates on the possible
threats to the LIS professionals. Over the years there also haven
been numerous calls for changes in our roles. Though we have
been the very early adopters of technology, we are now in danger
of being sidelined and some of our roles undertaken by others.
We certainly do have some expertise and skills to go into this new
area called KM.
This paper aims to provide a quick overview of KM so that LIS
professionals understand it better and see how it relates to the
LIS profession. It would also attempt to provide the basic differences and between KM and IM. LIS professionals have to realise
that KM is here to stay. We already possess some of the basic
qualifications but unless we change and adapt to this situation we
would lose out, sidelined and would not be able to take leadership
roles in this new area. The final part of this paper outlines specific skills that is needed to enable us to venture into this new
Chief Knowledge Officer Multimedia Development Corporation
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Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Why Knowledge ?
What is then Intellectual capital?
Knowledge has become the most important faction in economic
life. It is the chief ingredient of what we buy and sell, it is the
raw material with which we work Intellectual capital-not natural resources, machinery, or even financial capital-has become
the one indispensable asset of corporations. Tom Stewart, editor
of Fortune.
Tom Stewart of Fortune defines it as "The sum of everything the
people of the company know which gives a competitive advantage".
KM has become important due to the following :
A shift to knowledge as the basic resources
A shift to knowledge-based industries
A shift to growth through knowledge and
Therefore KM is not the implementation of technology but more
so an integrated approach of bringing together business strategy, cultural values and work processes. The basic premis of
all these concepts is that the most important assets in any
organisation are the people and their intellectual assets.
Objectives of KM Projects
Knowledge-based industries are becoming the leading industries
in today's economy. This is best seen by the emergence of IT
related companies over the last 10 years. The economical performance of the established manufacturing companies in terms
of assets, market capitalizations, etc.
The Strategic Analysis Report of the Gartner Group (1999).
predicts the following :
By 2003 more than half of Fortune 1000 companies
will implement KM and KM will be a mainstream
business management practice among market leaders
in all industries (0.7 probability)
By 2003 "leading edge adopters of new technology"
enterprises will incorporate accounting practices that
formally measure and value their intellectual capital,
as well as, their financial and physical assets
By 2001 enterprises that lack on going KM programs
and infrastructure will lag KM-enabled competitors by
between 30-40% in speed of deployment for new competitive programs and products
The main objective of implementing KM in most commercial
organisations is with the ultimate aim of making or reducing
money. Denham Grey in an online discussion of the Knowledge
Management forum identities the following eight benefits of
knowledge management.
Prevention of knowledge loss - KM enables an
organisation to retain critical expertise and prevent critical knowledge loss resulting from staff changes due to
retirement, employee resignations, etc.
Improved decision making Identifies the type and
quality of knowledge required for effective decisions
and facilitates access to the knowledge. As a result,
decisions are made faster and with greater quality and
also such decisions can be made at lower levels.
Adaptability and Flexibility - Allows employees to
develop a better grasp of their work, propose innovations, work with less direct supervision, and required
fewer interventions. As a result, employees can operating cross-functional situations and this improves
employees morale.
Competitive Advantage - Enables the organisation
to fully understand its customers, prospects the market
and the competition, thereby enabling the identification of competitive gaps and opportunities.
Asset Development - Improves the organisation's ability to capitalize on its intellectual property assets. Otherwise patents, trademarks, licenses, copyrights may
not be applied at the correct time, resulting in lower
legal protection and reduced market value for
intellectual property.
Product Enhancement - Allows the organisation to
embed knowledge in its products and services. As a
result, the perceived value of the product is increased
e.g. software products.
Customer management - Enables the organisation
to sharpen customer focus and services. Increased
What is Knowledge Management?
KM is a discipline that promotes an integrated approach to the
creation, capture, access and use of an enterprise information
assets. The assets include structured databases, textual information such as policy and procedure documents, and most importantly, the tacit knowledge and expertise resident in the heads
of individual employees. (Gartner Group)
Another Definition : Sveiby regards intellectual capital and KM
as twins and branches of the same tree. He defines KM as the art
of creating value from an organisation's intangible assets.
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Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
customer knowledge improves increased customer
satisfaction and thereby increased sales and revenue.
Leverages investments in human capital - Through
the ability to share lessons learned, documents processes and the handling of exceptions, and capture and
transmit tacit knowledge, organisations can better
leverage their investment in hiring and training
Assist employees to develop their own expertise ;
Participate in strategy development by forming working
partnerships with CEO, operating, financial officers, etc.
Oversee classes, learning centers, corporate
universities ;
Develop and implement best practices :
Look beyond training to performance, culture, collaboration, internal and external communication strategies;
David De Long. Tom davenport & Mike Beers through an on
going ernst & Young research effort revealed that most 9.
knowledge management initiatives in organisations fell into about
seven categories as follows :
Develop strategics, incentives, practices that reward
sharing information strategies and ideas ;
Derive value from measuring intangible assets.
Capturing and reusing structured knowledge
Capturing and sharing lessons learned from
summarized into three main areas :
Identifying sources and networks of exper
To Create a KM infrastructure
To build a culture of collaborating and sharing
To sum it all up, the roles and responsibilities of the CKO can be
Structuring and mapping knowledge needed
to enhance performance
Measuring and managing the economic value
of knowledge
Synthesizing and sharing knowledge from
external sources
Embed knowledge in products and processes
Knowledge Managers
KM often includes the creation of new roles or someone assigned
to the job. Knowledge managers can be created out of existing
units such as the library, information centers or the IT departments. A new role that has been created is the Chief Knowledge
Officer (CKO). Among the tasks of the CKO and his group be as
follows :
What does a CKO do?
3. To make KM efforts pay off economically
Role of Technologies in KM
A discussion on KM cannot he done in isolation without taking
into consideration the supporting technologies. IT has taken a
central role in knowledge management as a natural extension of
the key enabling role that it plays.
The following are normally the technologies involved in KM :
Document Management Systems
Information Retrieval Engines
Relational and Object Databases
Electronic Publishing Systems
Group Ware and Workflow Systems
Push Technologies and Agents
Develop systems to organize, capture, catalog and share
Help-Desk Applications
a firm's collective knowledge ;
Data Warehousing and Data Mining Tools
Encourage employees to share and use emerging infor
Basic Differences between KM and IM
mation ;
Coordinate and provide access to repository of facts,
reports, case studies and established practices in the
organisation ;
Though there may be some similiarities in what we been doing
as information professionals there are certainly some differences.
The following table I provides the basic differences between
knowledge and information management projects.
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Knowledge Management Projects
Traditional Lib & Information Projects
Goals emphasize value-added for users
Goals emphasize delivery and accessibility of
Support operational improvement and innovation
Support existing operations
Emphasis on unstructured and information/ knowledge
Emphasis on structured and formal information and
formal information/ knowledge
Emphasis on internal & external
External only
Corporate culture, transformation and change agentry
Neutrality within the organisation
Information and knowledge sharing, a dense web
Poorly developed appreciation for information/
knowledge structuring
Link knowledge sharing with compensation/ appraisal
Requires ongoing user contributions and feedback
Balanced focus on technology and culture issues in
creating impacts. A number of technologies being
Information and knowledge delivery, a hub (library);
recorded literature
Information structured, cataloging
Does not exist
Emphasis on one-way transfer of information
Mere use of technology
From the table above, it is very obvious that there arc
fundamental differences between KM and IM. The differences
are also indicate the necessity of additional skills that LIS
professionals have to possess to undertake roles in KM.
Let us now look, at the special skills that s LIS professional would
need to have to go into this new area. They are as follows :
This fact has also been recognized by various professional
bodies. The UK's Library and Information Commission had
requested Consultants TFPL to produce a report "Skills for
Knowledge Management". The Council of Europe (CoE) draft
New Professional Profiles and Knowledge workers operating in
Cultural Industries and Institutions and the Special Libraries
Association (SLA) Competencies for Special Librarians of the
21st Century are clear examples of the keen interest of the LIS
community in KM.
The first is obvious, any entrant to the field will need
to understand the basic concepts of KM. They should
also be able to understand KM and the value to the
productivity of an organisation. With the understanding
professionals should be able to make a case for and justify
It is imperative to understand that
implementation of KM centres around the concept of
collaboration and sharing of information. This act is
again dependent of the culture of the organisation. Some
organisations seem to emphasize on measurement of
intellectual property and. incumbents need to
understand that there are certain models that can be
Peter Drucker has also estimated that 80% of workforce in some
economics would require the services of knowledge workers.
Therefore it only points that there is a great future in KM and
LIS professionals have to acquire certain skill sets to be able to
take advantage of this new opportunities.
Fundamentals & Background on KM
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Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
A clear perception of the impact of the information
age in this ever rapidly changing world is needed. All
the major global impact on the social, economic, and
scientific implications brought about by the
information age has to be clearly understood. Virtually all businesses are affected by changes in our own
communities as well as international. Knowledge
managers will have to be aware of changing situations
in order to manage information and knowledge
effectively. Trends in education and newer techniques
of educating adults have to be clearly understand.
Pedagogical skills would be essential.
A Mastery of IT and Applications
One of the two fundamental prerequisites in KM is
mastery of IT and applications. KM managers need to
understand the basics of IT. particularly in the area of
telecommunications and networks including Internet
and Intranets. Equally important is the knowledge of
data structures, how information is stored, retrieved
and transmitted to the right persons at the right time.
Systems design, data warehousing, data mining are also
to be included. Basic understanding of the
technologies and applications is a must.
only that they must be brave and have the stamina
to pursue with the intended changes as this is the most
difficult and challenging area.
Understanding trends in technology, information
and education
Excellent Communication Skills
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills are a
very important prerequisite in to today's business world.
This is evident from the large number of job advertisements. In KM, communication skills are critical as
information cannot be synthesized into usable knowledge
without excellent communication. To be able to synthesize
information, they too require good research and analytical
skills. The next pair that is required is technical and creative writing. A bit of story telling, teaching and oral
history techniques would also be a complimentary.
Project Design and Implementation Skills
Project design skills and implementation techniques are
essential when implementing KM projects. Operating in
business environments KM managers have to able to put
down from the very stages, the different components, the
inputs i.e. different types of resources needed, outputs,
milestones and completion dates. Ability to follow
through and implement the proposed project would
definitely enhange the image and capability of the LIS
professionals as effective project managers. To advice
here would to start on a very small area may be in a
department and the roll out enterprise wide.
Knowledge of Functional Areas of the Business
LIS professionals who involved in this area must
understand the entire business of the organisation, its
structure, the people within, and how major decisions
are made, etc. They would also have to understand
basic functional areas which includes human resources,
production, marketing, accounting, finance, etc. This
knowledge at least would enable them to talk in the
same wavelenght with their users.
This basic business background would enable them to
present proposals or recommendation with basic
business and economic concepts and not present value.
More importantly they have to be in tune in latest
business development and the environment that they
operate e.g. legislation, regulatory. Knowing
competitors and their operations would be also another
Knowledge management is a very fast growing area and here to
stay. In many ways KM is not alien to us, LIS professionals in
certain ways have been involved. Our involvement have been in
external and explicit knowledge. KM is more inclined to internal
and tacit knowledge which involves people, processes, systems,
etc. KM is very much business enviroment focussed and though
technology is not the central focus, extensive use of technology
is unavoidable. Therefore LIS professionals wanting to venture
into this area have to acquire new skills in areas of technology,
functional areas of business, communication, undertaking culture
change, etc. IS schools have now to introduce courses in
knowledge management or change their curriculum to
incorporate these elements in order to prepare future LIS
professionals for this important and emerging area.
5. Corporate Culture and Becoming Agents of Change
The effective implementation of KM depends on
tackling cultural aspects within an organisation and
dynamics of the people within. Personnel undertaking
KM initiatives must be able understand corporate
culture and have the ability to undertake changes. Not
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Research & Advisory Group (1999). The Knowledge Management Scenario : Trends and Directions for
1998-2003. Analysis Report, 18 March 1999.
Perez, E. (1999). "Knowledge management in the library —Not" Econtent, 22. 2 Apr/May, p.75-78.
Stewart. Thomas A. (1997). Intellectual capital: the wealth of organisations. New York : Doubleday.
Gartner Reasearch &Advisory Group. The Knowledge Management Scenario : Trends and Directions for 1998 2003. Strategic Analysis Report, 18 March 1999.
Sveiby, Karl-Erik. What is knowledge management?.
Grey's Online discussion can be found http://revolution3.cities.com/~bonewman/benefits.htm
De, Long. et. Al. Research note : What is a knowledge management project ?
Malaysia. Multimedia Development Corporation (1999). Job specifications for Chief Knowledge Officer. Cyberjaya:
Skills for knowledge management
"New professional profiles and competencies for information professional and knowledge workers operating in cultural
industries and institutions".
Davenport T, Prusak, L. (1998). Working knowledge : how organisations manage what they now. Boston : Harvard
Business Review.
Drucker. P. (1993). Post capitalist society. New York : Harper Business.
& Scott, l.A. (1999} Opinion : What is a Chief Knowledge Officer? Sloan Management Review, 402. Winter,
p. 29-40.
14. Kim, Seonghee. "The role of knowledge professionals for knowledge management". Paper presented at the 65"' IFLA
Council and General Conference, 20-28, August 1999.
Koenig, Michael, H.D. (1999). Education for knowledge management. Information Services & use, 19, 1, p. 17-31.
Marshall, L (1997). "New opportunities for information professionals". Online, 21, 5, p. 92-98.
Radding. A (1998). Knowledge management. Charleston : Computer Technology Research Corp.
Reardan. D.F. "Knowledge management: the discipline for information & information science professionals". Paper
presented at the 64"' IFLA Council and General Conference 16-21, August 1998.
Smythe. D. (1999). "Facing the future : preparing new information professionals". Information Management
Journal, 33, 2. p. 44-48.
The future of the information professional, The electronic Library, 17 (6), December 1999, p. 373-375.
Webber. S. (1999). "Competencies for information professionals". American Society for Information Science.
Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science, 26,1, Oct/Nov, p. 28-29.
Wiig. Karl (1999) "Knowledge Management: an introduction and perspective". Journal of Knowledge Management,
1. I September, p. 6-14.
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hajah Alimah Salam* & Mohd Sharif Mohd Saad**
This paper discusses the role and challenges of libraries in promoting and strengthening adolescent and
children literature in Malaysia. Public and school libraries today are the focus in knowledge development
and they should play a major role to promote literacy programmes. The paper also recommended libraries to
take up several actions towards being the catalyst in the growth and promotion of adolescent and children
astera kanak-kanak dan remaja merupakan wahana yang amal
penting dalam usaha untuk mengisi sebahagian dari tuntutan
keperluan kanak-kanak dan remaja, terutama daripada segi
pengisian minda, pembentukan personaliti dan psikologi dan juga
kerohanian. Dalam era globalisasi dan teknologi maklumat, fungsi
Sastera bukan sekadar memberi keseronokan, berhibur untuk
mengisi masa lapang dengan membaca dan mendidik, tetapi harus
lebih dari itu. Pengisian Sastera kanak-kanak dan remaja harus
berupaya memberi banyak maklumat baru, berilmu, mengandungi
unsur intelektual yang tinggi yang boleh dibaca oleh kumpulan
Sasaran iaitu kanak-kanak dan remaja.
Setiap negeri di Malaysia mempunyai rangkaian perpustakaan
awam yang memberi perkhidmatan kepada semua, lapisan
masyarakat. Perpustakaan awam yang beroperasi di seluruh
Malaysia sekarang berjumlah 674 dengan ahli berdaftar seperti
berikut :Perpustakaan Negeri
Ahli Kanak-kanak
682,846 orang
Ahli Dewasa
961.597 orang
608,027 orang
223,950 orang
Ahli Kanak-kanak :
28,456 orang
Perpustakaan Bergerak Ahli Kanak-kanak
Ahli Dewasa
Sastera kanak-kanak merupakan bahan bacaan yang sesuai untuk
bacaan kanak-kanak yang memberi gambaran kehidupan dan
fikiran manusia sejagat yang mana ianya dapat memberi dan
menambahkan pengalaman kanak-kanak. Sastera kanak-kanak
biasanya mencerminkan keseronokan, memberi harapan dan
mengandungi unsur pendidikan. Dalam konteks perpustakaan ahli
kanak-kanak ialah yang berumur bawah 12 tahun.
Sastera remaja adalah bahan bacaan Sastera kreatif yang relevan
dengan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan psikologi remaja yang
berada dalam lingkungan usia 13 - 20 tahun. Ini bermaksud segala
hasil karya-tanpa mengambil genrenya-yang dapat
memperkayakan pengalaman dan pengetahuan pembaca,
merangsang minat dan berupaya menghidupkan daya imaginasi lalu
mendorong berfikir secara rasional dan kritis.
Perpustakaan Negara
Ahli Dewasa
224,123 orang
Kebanyakan perpustakaan mengkategorikan ahli mereka kepada
golongan kanak-kanak dan dewasa sahaja. Remaja diletakkan
dalam kategori dewasa. Jumlah koleksi bahan bacaan di
perpustakaan di seluruh negara ialah 12,396,418 naskhah dan
Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia mempunyai koleksi sebanyak
1,388,835 naskhah.
Perkhidmatan perpustakaan awam dilihat sebagai satu aset negara
kerana ianya memberikan perkhidmatan pembelajaran sepanjang
hayat, perkhidmatan galakan membaca ke arah k-ekonomi,
perkhidmatan sosio budaya, teknologi maklumat dan lain-lain. Di
luar negara seperti di Britain, perpustakaan awam digelar
"People's university" kerana perkhidmatan yang diberikan tidak
terbatas kepada mereka yang layak ke Universiti sahaja.
* Ketua Bahagian Perpustakaan Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur
** Pensyarah Kanan Fakulti Pengajian Maklumat UiTM
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Peranan perpustakaan awam di Malaysia kini telah berubah
mengikut peredaran masa, bukan hanya memberi perkhidmatan
bacaan, pinjaman dan rujukan, malahan ia mengadakan kegiatan
galakan membaca, menjalankan aktiviti sampingan dan kini
memberi perkhidmatan audio-visual dan menyediakan bahan
dalam bentuk multimedia, perkhidmatan komputer, internet,
e-mail dan sebagainya.
Dalam hal ini koleksi perpustakaan juga telah dipelbagaikan
dengan banyak bahan dalam bentuk cetak seperti audio-visual
dan bahan dalam bentuk digital. Walaupun begitu buku masih
merupakan koleksi utama di semua perpustakaan awam di seluruh
Malaysia. Dari koleksi ini terdapat koleksi untuk kanak-kanak,
remaja dan dewasa.
Setiap perpustakaan mengadakan berbagai aktiviti promosi
galakan membaca setiap bulan sepanjang tahun. Malahan
semenjak tahun 1996 bulan Ogos (terkini bulan Julai) telah
diistiharkan sebagai bulan membaca. Ada di antara aktiviti
tersebut khas diadakan untuk kanak-kanak dan remaja dan
merupakan aktiviti yang boleh dikelaskan sebagai aktiviti
mempromosi bahan Sastera. Aktiviti-aktiviti yang pernah
diadakan oleh beberapa perpustakaan di Malaysia yang
bersesuaian dengan topik seminar pada hari ini ialah :-
Berkenalan dengan Sasterawan Negara/ pengarang/ penulis buku
Diskusi buku
Seminar Sastera
Bicara puisi/ pertandingan puisi
perpustakaan sebagai penganjur cuba membuat penyesuaian
mengenai tempat, masa dan sebagainya, tetapi begitu sukar untuk
mendapatkan sambutan. Perpustakaan adakalanya terpaksa
menjemput guru-guru dan pelajar sekolah untuk memastikan ada
audien semasa aktiviti tersebut. Ini mungkin kerana peranan
perpustakaan itu sendiri tidak dikaitkan dengan perkembangan
Sastera dan mungkin kegiatan Sastera hanya dijalankan oleh
badan-badan penulis, persatuan Sastera atau sebagainya.
Sungguhpun banyak aktiviti yang dijalankan berjaya dan para
peserta berpuashati tetapi perpustakaan terpaksa bekerja keras
untuk menjalankan satu aktiviti-aktiviti tersebut. Initiatif untuk
mengadakan aktiviti-aktiviti tersebut selalunya datang dari pihak
perpustakaan. Belum ada penerbit atau karyawan yang meminta
perpustakaan atau ingin menggunakan premis perpustakaan untuk
menjalankan kegiatan mereka.
Pengetahuan mengenai Sastera
Dalam menjalankan aktiviti mempromosi bahan Sastera kanakkanak dan remaja ini, pihak perpustakaan menghadapi masalah
mengenai kekurangan kakitangan yang mahir dan minat dalam
Sastera. Pihak perpustakaan tidak mempunyai pegawai khas
untuk kanak-kanak dan remaja dan pegawai yang ditugaskan
untuk menjalankan aktiviti untuk kanak-kanak dan remaja
merupakan pegawai sokongan dan perkeranian. Ini berbeza
dengan perpustakaan di luar negara di mana pegawai
perkhidmatan kanak-kanak dan remaja mereka mempunyai
kelulusan dan pengalaman yang luas dalam Sastera kanak-kanak
dan remaja. Untuk menjalankan aktiviti Sastera pihak perpustakaan
sentiasa meminta kerjasama dan bantuan kepakaran dari berbagai
pihak lain seperti pihak sekolah, penerbit, persatuan penulis untuk
mendapatkan pandangan mengenai aktiviti yang akan diadakan.
Persembahan boneka
Pameran buku Sastera
Membaca bersama
Bengkel penulisan kreatif/ membuat karangan
Sesi bercerita/ pertandingan bercerita
Drama/ pertandingan teater
Bahan-bahan Sastera kanak-kanak dan remaja yang diterbitkan
di Malaysia adalah kurang. Perpustakaan tidak mempunyai
pilihan tetapi membeli bahan-bahan yang dikeluarkan setiap
tahun yang ada dipasaran. Pustakawan harus memilih bahan dari
Penerbit-penerbit tertentu untuk mendapatkan bahan-bahan yang
baik. Bilangan tajuk setiap tahun adalah kecil, berbanding dengan
bahan-bahan dalam Bahasa Inggeris.
Aktiviti yang dijalankan bertujuan untuk mempromosikan bahan
Sastera yang ada di perpustakaan dan memberi maklumat
mengenainya kepada pembaca. Dari aktiviti-aktiviti yang
dijalankan oleh beberapa perpustakaan di seluruh negara beberapa
pengamatan dapat dilihat mengenai keberkesanan aktiviti-aktiviti
tersebut. Antaranya :-
Sambutan dan minat pembaca
Setiap kali pihak perpustakaan mengadakan aktiviti mempromosi
bahan Sastera didapati sambutan yang diberikan agak dingin. Pihak
Kekurangan bahan Sastera
Kekurangan kakitangan
Ini juga menjadi salah satu faktor bagi pihak perpustakaan untuk
menjalankan aktiviti di perpustakaan. Oleh kerana kekurangan
kakitangan kekerapan untuk mengadakan aktiviti ini akan terbatas.
Perpustakaan mempunyai kewangan untuk menjalankan aktiviti.
Sungguh pun begitu ianya harus digunakan untuk menjalankan
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
berbagai aktiviti sepanjang tahun bagi mempromosikan
perkhidmatan perpustakaan yang lain.
Minat membaca
Tahun 1996, profil membaca rakyat Malaysia melaporkan purata
setiap rakyat Malaysia hanya membaca 2 buah buku setahun.
Ketandusan minat membaca ini juga menjadi halangan yang
memerlukan satu anjakan paradigma.
Pengetahuan mengenai Sastera kanak-kanak dan remaja
Untuk memberi perkhidmatan perpustakaan terutamanya
perkhidmatan untuk kanak-kanak dan remaja, para pertugas
terutamanya pustakawan perlu melengkapkan diri dengan
pengetahuan tentang buku-buku Sastera untuk kanak-kanak dan
remaja. Kita dapat melihat contoh para pustakawan yang ternama
di Amerika Syarikat dan United Kingdom adalah pakar dalam
Sastera kanak-kanak dan remaja. Contohnya seperti Virginia
Haviland, Anne Carroll Moore dan Augusta Baker adalah antara
personaliti yang telah banyak mempengaruhi Penerbit-penerbit
bahan-bahan untuk kanak-kanak dan remaja di Amerika Syarikat
Abad ini negara terus melangkah ke arah menuju negara maju.
Kita perlu berhati-hati dalam melangkah ke arah ini kerana dalam
kita berurusan untuk, menjadi negara maju, kita masih mahukan
rakyat yang mempunyai nilai kemanusiaan dan spiritual yang
tinggi, yang mampu menangkis sikap pragmatik dan kebendaan
yang akan menghancurkan sesuatu tamadun. Kita mahukan
rakyat yang kreatif dan mempunyai daya fikiran yang tinggi bagi
memajukan negara ini, Sastera dikatakan mampu untuk
membentuk manusia yang kreatif dan imaginatif.
Sebagai pusat perkembangan ilmu dan budaya perpustakaan perlu
memainkan peranan untuk mempromosikan bahan Sastera ini
untuk dibaca oleh golongan kanak-kanak dan remaja. Justeru
ini bagi memastikan hasilan Sastera kanak-kanak dan remaja terus
dapat dinikmati oleh golongan ini perpustakaan di Malaysia,
terutama perpustakaan awam dan sekolah perlu berusaha
mempelbagaikan aktiviti mereka.
Walaupun perpustakaan terutamanya perpustakaan awam dan
sekolah telah sedikit sebanyak menjalankan pelbagai aktiviti
dalam mempromosikan Sastera kanak-kanak dan remaja, tetapi
kita agak jauh ketinggalan. Disarankan beberapa langkah yang
boleh diambil oleh perpustakaan-perpustakaan untuk
melengkapkan diri mereka sebagai pemangkin perkembangan
dan mempromosikan Sastera kanak-kanak dan remaja Malaysia.
Pembangunan Koleksi
Dengan mempunyai satu polisi yang jelas bertujuan
memperkukuhkan koleksi akan memaksa para penerbit untuk
menerbitkan bahan-bahan Sastera yang berkualiti untuk
pengguna. Dalam situasi di mana perpustakaan-perpustakaan
merupakan pelanggan utama bahan-bahan ini. Para pustakawan,
guru, pembuat dasar yang terlibat perlu berbincang dengan
penerbit buku apakah bahan-bahan yang diperlukan di
perpustakaan. Industri penerbitan buku kanak-kanak dan remaja
di Amerika dan Eropah, tidak akan begitu maju tanpa pandangan
dan maklumbalas dari perpustakaan-perpustakaan di bahagian
kanak-kanak dan remaja. Contohnya, penerbit seperti Harper &
Collins, Doubleday dan Bowker, dari dulu hingga kini masih
menghargai maklumbalas dari pustakawan dan guru-guru.
Augusta Baker seorang warga Amerika berketurunan "African
American" yang mula bertugas di perpustakaan di New York
Public Library pual tahun 1975 mendapati buku-buku Sastera
kanak-kanak di perpustakaan tersebut mengenai masyarakat
"African American" yang terdapat di perpustakaan tersebut kurang
tepat dan terlalu "stereotype'. Beliau banyak menghabiskan masa
untuk menggalakkan dan mempromosikan hasil tulisan penulispenulis berketurunan 'African American". Agusta Baker juga telah
melobi para penerbit buku di Amerika Syarikat. Malahan beliau
juga menulis artikel-artikel di jurnal bidang kepustakawan dan
kesusasteraan untuk menyuarakan pandangan beliau.
Para pustakawan dan guru perpustakaan di sini juga perlu
mengikut langkah seperti Augusta Baker atau Virginia Haviland.
Di negara maju, para pustakawan dan guru yang ramai menulis
ulasan untuk bahan-bahan kanak-kanak dan remaja di jurnaljurnal mahupun di akhbar. Kita tidak boleh menunggu orang
lain melakukannya. Usaha membaca dan menulis ulasan bahan
Sastera kanak-kanak dan remaja akan dapat membantu
perpustakaan dalam membuat pemilihan bahan. Di Perancis
setiap bulan antara lapan sehingga sepuluh orang pustakawan
akan berkumpul di setiap daerah bagi membincang dan memilih
bahan yang sesuai untuk kanak-kanak.
Latihan dalam bidang kesusasteraan kanak-kanak dan remaja ini
perlu diwujudkan melalui fakulti sains perpustakaan atau pun
institusi yang berkaitan. Adalah amat penting pendidikan
kesusasteraan kanak-kanak dan remaja diterapkan semasa latihan
kepustakawanan. Kita mendapati tidak banyak pusat latihan
kepustakawanan yang menitikberatkan pengetahuan
kesusasteraan kepada para pelajar mereka. Di Thailand
(Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok) salah sebuah sekolah
latihan kepustakawanan para pelajarnya dilatih untuk
membukukan dan menghafal cerita-cerita rakyat untuk
disampaikan kepada kanak-kanak yang mengunjungi
perpustakaan mahupun untuk aktiviti galakan membaca yang
dilakukan di luar perpustakaan.
Bagi membina koleksi yang baik serta berupaya memberi
panduan dan galakkan membaca di kalangan kanak-kanak dan
remaja, pustakawan perlu mengenali dan mencintai Sastera kanakkanak dan remaja itu sendiri. Ini dapat dilakukan dengan :i)
Membaca dan menghayati bahan-bahan
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Membaca pelbagai jenis bahan untuk kanakkanak dan remaja, ini termasuk pelbagai
tema, latar, genre dan sebagainya
Membaca bahan dari pelbagai tahap bacaan
Berkongsi pengalaman bacaan tersebut
dengan pengguna dan rakan pustakawan
Jika belum melakukan semua ini mula
membaca bahan-bahan berkualiti, Contohnya
bahan-bahan yang telah memenangi anugerah
Dasar / panduan perkhidmatan perpustakaan dan
maklumat untuk kanak-kanak dan remaja
Belum terlewat untuk negara kita mengwujudkan satu dasar/
panduan untuk perkhidmatan perpustakaan untuk kanak-kanak
dan remaja. Di United Kingdom, The Library Association pada
tahun 1991 telah menerbitkan "Children and Young People :
Library Association Guidelines for Public Library Services". Satu
piawaian telah tersedia untuk perpustakaan-perpustakaan
menjadikan ia sebagai pengukur (benchmark) dalam memberi
perkhidmatan perpustakaan pada kanak-kanak dan remaja.
Malahan panduan dan dasar ini telah di pertingkatkan pada tahun
1997. Dasar dan panduan ini memberi panduan mengenai
koleksi, jenis perkhidmatan, "competencies" kakitangan
profesional dan bukan profesional yang memberi perkhidmatan,
ruangan dan sebagainya. Disarankan Perpustakaan Negara atau
Persatuan Pustakawan untuk menyediakan piawaian sebegini
sebagai "benchmark" yang harus diikuti oleh perpustakaan awam
dan sekolah.
Pesta Buku Sastera Kanak-Kanak dan Remaja
Usaha promosi, perlu diperbaiki dan diteruskan, dengan
menjadikan Sastera kanak-kanak dan remaja sebagai "hidangan
utama'. Sudah sampai masanya kita mempunyai Pesta Buku
kanak-kanak dan remaja secara khusus. Jika dicampurkan dengan
pesta buku secara Umumnya, sudah pasti bahan-bahan untuk
kanak-kanak dan remaja akan tenggelam. Mungkin tidak sehebat
Pesta Buku Kanak-Kanak dan Remaja di Bologna, Italy, tapi perlu
Penerbit-penerbit di luar negara yang terkenal banyak
memperuntukkan perbelanjaan mereka untuk mempromosikan
bahan-bahan yang mereka terbitkan. Malahan kebanyakkan
penerbit ada memperuntukkan kakitangan khas untuk
menjalankan fungsi "Library Promotion and Advertising" yang
dijalankan di perpustakaan, sekolah-sekolah dan kedai buku.
Dalam era teknologi maklumat banyak penerbit dan ramai
karyawan mempunyai laman web untuk tujuan memberi
maklumat dan promosi.
Kita mengetahui tentang anugerah-anugerah Sastera Contohnya
anugerah Utusan/ Public Bank, Mobil/ Mabopa, Majlis Buku
Kebangsaan dan sebagainya. Di luar negara, pelbagai lagi
anugerah untuk bahan-bahan Sastera kanak-kanak dan remaja.
Contohnya di Amerika Syarikat, The National Book
Awards,American Book Awards, Caldocott Awards, American
Library Association Awards, Newbery Awards dan berbagai lagi.
Di Kanada, kita ada The Canadian Council Children's Literature
Prize's, The Canadian Library Assocition Book of The Year For
Children Awards.
Anugerah-anugerah ini bukan sahaja dilakukan oleh penerbit atau
Majlis Buku negara-negara tersebut malahan anugerah ini juga
dilakukan oleh Library Association, negara-negara tersebut.
Pengiktirafan yang diberikan bukanlah dalam bentuk wang
sahaja, tetapi yang penting adalah promosi yang diterima dari
media massa dan perpustakaan. Sudah tiba masanya Persatuan
Pustakawan atau guru pustakawan memberi pengiktirafan kepada
mereka yang terlibat dalam industri ini. Apatah lagi perpustakaan
merupakan konsumer terbesar penerbitan-penerbitan ini.
Perpustakaan dan buku Sastera adalah satu entiti yang diperlukan
oleh masyarakat kini. Dalam pada perpustakaan sibuk menjadi
perpustakaan digital dan seterusnya perpustakaan maya, kita tidak
boleh lupa akan tugas dan tanggungjawab atau kita sebagai agen
literasi. Minat membaca rakyat Malaysia masih terlalu jauh untuk
dibandingkan dengan negara seperti Denmark atau Iceland, yang
jumlah penduduknya lebih sedikit dari kita tetapi kanak-kanak
di kedua negara tersebut membaca purata 35 buah buku setahun.
Kerjasama perpustakaan, penerbit, penulis, ilustrasi
Sehubungan dengan semua ini, perpustakaan, penerbit dan
karyawan bahan Sastera kanak-kanak dan remaja perlu
bekerjasama. Di Amerika dan Eropah setiap tahun, diadakan
"Children's Book Festival" atau "Children's Book Week" dan
penerbit bekerjasama dengan perpustakaan awam dan sekolah
membawa penulis dan illustrator kepada Sasaran. Ia juga perlu
mendapat tumpuan dari pihak media massa. Pemasaran bukubuku ini perlu dilakukan, perpustakaan atau penerbit tidak dapat
melakukannya secara sendirian ianya perlu dilakukan secara
kerjasama dan mendapat sokongan media massa.
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
1. Allen, Adela Artola(1993). The school library media center and the promotion of literature for Hispanic children. Library
Trends, 51 (3).
Bomley, Karen D'Angelo (1990). Webbing with literature. Boston : Allyn and Bacon.
Champion, Sandra (1993). The Adolescent quest for meaning through multicultural reading ; a case study. Library
Trends, 41(3).
4. Estes, Thomas H. (2001), Literature as a source of information and values. Phi Delta Kappan, 82
Frank Small & Associates (S.E. Asia) (1998). Profil membaca rakyat Malaysia 1996 : laporan kajian yang dijalankan
bagi pihak Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur : Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia.
Hart-Wewins, Linda (1999). Better books! Better readers!. Ontario : Pembroke.
7. Holden, Philip (2000). On the nation's margins : the social place of literature in Singapore. SOJOURN; Journal of Social
Issues in South East Asia, 15(4).
Jerome, Helen K. (2000). Literary Iceland. Books.
Cook, De La Pena, Barbara J.Ford and Kale Lippincott, ed. (1998). Libraries : Global reach, local touch. Chicago ;.
Marcus, leonard S. (1995). An interview with William C. Morris. Horn Book, 71 (1).
Miller, J. Hillis. (2000). "World Literature" in the age of telecommunications. World Literature Today, 74.
Othman Puteh (1998). Tanggapan terhadap Sastera remaja. Kuala Lumpur : DBP.
13. Talib sama (1992). Menangani penulisan kreatif Sastera remaja. Kuala Lumpur : DBP.
14. Tolson, Nancy. (1998). Making books available : the role of early libraries, libraries and book sellers in the promotion of
African American Children's literature. African American Review, 32 (1).
15. Vacca, Jo Anne L. (2000). Reading and Learning to read. New York : Addison Wesley.
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Jariah Jais*
This is a report by Puan Jariah Jais, Librarian at the Malaysia Agriculture Research and Development
Institute who attended the Global 2000 Worldwide Conference on Special Librarianship held on 16 - 19
October 2000 at Brighton United Kingdom. The theme of the conference is The Information Age :
Challenges and Opportunities. A total number of 600 participants from 53 countries attended the conference. Puan Jariah was sponsored by the Special Libraries Association, Unites States of America. A
separate program was held for Special Libraries Association fellowship participants and also involving
librarians from, developing countries.
aya telah berpeluang menghadiri Global 2000 : Persidangan
Sedunia Perpustakaan Khusus di Brighton yang berlangsung dari
1 6 - 19 Oktober 2000. Tema Persidangan ialah Abad Maklumat:
Cabaran dan Peluang. Persidangan berlangsung di Hilton Brighton
Metropole Hotel. Ini adalah kali kedua SLA mengadakan
Persidangan sedunia; yang pertama adalah pada tahun 1979.
Persidangan ini dihadiri oleh lebih 600 peserta dari 53 buah negara
yang terdiri daripada pustakawan khusus, profesional maklumat,
dan wakil-wakil syarikat industri maklumat seluruh dunia. Saya
telah ditaja oleh Special Libraries Association, Amerika Syarikat
bersama 22 orang lagi peserta daripada negara Afrika Selatan,
Albania, Brazil, Bangladesh, Cameroon, China Costa Rica,
Croatia. Filipina, India, Indonesia, Jamaica, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia, Swaziland. Ukraine dan Vietnam. Kami telah
dipilih daripada lebih 400 pemohon dari negara membangun dan
mengikut pihak penganjur, melalui proses pemilihan yang sungguh
rapi dan teliti.
Perjalanan Persidangan dibuat berdasar sistem "trak" di mana
setiap hari bermula dengan ucaputama (keynote address) oleh
tokoh terkenal dari bidang industri, media atau pengurusan. Sessi
perbincangan yang menyusul kemudian dikendalikan oleh
moderator yang berpengalaman. Di sebelah petang pula sessi
tertumpu kepada topik-topik pengurusan maklumat global yang
relevan dengan topik yang telah dibincang di sebelah pagi.
Sebagai peserta yang ditaja oleh SLA (kami dikenali sebagai SLA
Fellows) saya dan 22 orang Fellows lain mengikut program yang
ditetapkan oleh SLA, berdasarkan latar belakang, pengalaman,
dan professionalisme masing-masing. Ini bermakna ada sessi
perbincangan di mana saya tidak bersama Fellows lain, ada sessi
juga di mana saya bersama sebahagian daripada mereka.
Walau bagaimanapun kami semua menghadiri bersama sessi-sessi
Apa yang lebih menarik pada saya ialah program khas Persidangan
ini yang melibatkan negara-negara membangun. Saya tidak
menjangka sama sekali pihak SLA akan mengadakan program
khas untuk Fellows. Buat pertama kali SLA telah mengadakan
program Fellowship bagi calon-calon dari negara membangun
menghadiri Persidangan ini. Program ini amat baik sekali kerana
memberi peluang kepada peserta berinteraksi, bertukar-tukar
pendapat sesama mereka yang datang daripada pelbagai bidang
dan latar belakang.
Semua Fellows disyaratkan menyumbang suatu artikel yang
kemudian diterbitkan sebagai suatu terbitan khas "Contributed
Papers" di Persidangan ini. Tajuk artikel saya ialah: The Development of Special Libraries in Malaysia : Initiatives Towards
the Realization of K-economy". Kami, Fellows SLA, dibahagikan
kepada lima kumpulan mengikut kawasan geografik seperti
berikut: Asia Selatan, Asia Timur, Amerika Latin dan Caribbean,
Afrika. Eropah Timur dan Russia. Malaysia termasuk dalam
Kumpulan Asia Timur.
Kami telah mengadakan dua sessi perbincangan dengan wakilwakil kanan SLA yang bertanggungjawab ke atas program
Fellowship ini di mana dibincangkan bagaimana pihak SLA boleh
membantu negara-negara membangun dalam bidang
kepustakawanan dan maklumat. Setiap kumpulan diminta
membincang sesama sendiri dan menyediakan serta memajukan
satu laporan kepada pihak SLA untuk pertimbangannya. Saya
* Pustakawan Institut Penyelidikan dan Kemajuan Pertanian Malaysia (MARDI)
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Saya telah menawarkan diri untuk menyediakan laporan tersebut
sebagai ketua Fellow kumpulan Asia Timur.
Pembentukan lima kumpulan ini, pada saya membayangkan hasrat
Special Libraries Association untuk mengembangkan sayapnya
ke dunia luas di luar Amerika Utara. Suatu langkah bagi
memulakan proses globalisasi persatuan. Perlu saya nyatakan di
sini bahawa SLA Chapter Washington DC yang telah, diberi
mandat dan bertanggungjawab ke atas perlaksanaan program
Fellowship ini. Kumpulan Asia Timur yang saya ketuai telah
mengemukakan untuk pertimbangan SLA satu cadangan
permohonan untuk bantuan dalam bentuk latihan di peringkat
kawasan Asia Timur atau peringkat negara yang berkenaan. Projek
yang dijangka berjalan selama satu hingga lima tahun ini jika
diluluskan pembiayaan dan perlaksanaannya akan membawa
manfaat kepada Malaysia dan negara-negara yang terlibat.
6. Perkara/masalah yang dibincangkan: Antara
perkara yang dibincangkan ialah pelanggaran
hakcipta, peranan Internet dalam penyebaran
maklumat, kenaikan harga jurnal, budaya
kerja dalam era IT dan globalisasi, rangkaian
hubungan dan sebagainya.
Rumusan/ syor: Tiada rumusan dikeluarkan
di akhir Persidangan ini.
Tempat yang dilawat : Beberapa tempat
pelancongan di Sekitar Brighton dan lawatan
ke London ditawarkan kepada peserta
Persidangan tetapi saya tidak berkemampuan
kerana bayaran yang dikenakan adalah di
antara USD 51.00 hingga USD 131.00 (RM
200 - RM 500).
Pandangan tentang Persidangan: Topik-topik
Persidangan amat menarik sekali dan meliputi
isu-isu semasa yang dihadapi semua professional maklumat. Buat kali pertama SLA
mengadakan program Fellowship untuk
peserta dari negara-negara membangun.
Dengan adanya program sebegini wakil-wakil
daripada negara-negara membangun dapat
berinteraksi dan bertukar-tukar pendapat
dengan perwakilan lain serta mempelajari
daripada mereka akan perkembangan terbaru
dalam bidang kepustakawanan, IT dan
Saya amat bersyukur dan berterima kasih kepada Special
Libraries Association, Amerika Syarikat kerana memberi saya
peluang menghadiri Persidangan Global 2000 ini. Pengalaman
yang diperolehi amat berharga bagi saya. Terima kasih saya juga
kepada pihak MARDI dan Kementerian Pertanian Malaysia kerana
memberi saya sokongan dan perlepasan untuk menghadiri
Persidangan ini.
Saya tidak fikir SLA akan mengadakan satu lagi Persidangan
Global dalam jangka masa terdekat kerana kosnya amat tinggi;
lagi pun SLA perlu menumpukan perhatiannya kepada rancangan
globalisasinya yang baru bermula. Penglibatan SLA dengan lima
kumpulan negara-negara membangun juga dijangka akan
memenuhi jadualnya untuk beberapa tahun akan datang.
Nama Persidangan : Global 2000 : Worldwide Conference on Special Librarianship.
Tema Persidangan : The Information Age :
Challenges and Opportunities
Tempat: Hilton Brighton Metropole Hotel
Tempoh dan Tarikh : 16 - 19 Oktober 2000
Penganjur : Special Libraries Association
(SLA), Amerika Syarikat
Butir-butir Peserta : Puan Jariah Jais
Jawatan: Pustakawan
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Ke Arah Merealisasikan Perlis Sebagai Negeri Ilmu
Norma Mohd Darus*
The Public library of Perlis was in existence since 1969. Initialy, a lot set backs had to be overcomed and
after 30 years, with the coming of the new millenium, a lot of progress, development and improvement have
been achieved especially in providing services to the rural community. Under the Seventh Malaysia Plan
new buildings were build for the branch and village libraries. Recently a town library was established with
a new concept for providing services to the semi urban and small township areas. The article elaborates
further on the justification and events leading to the approval, site selection and why Arau was chosen. The
paper also discuses library floor plan and response of the public.
erpustakaan Awam Negeri Perlis yang telah diwujudkan sejak
tahun 1969 dengan menempuh pelbagai kesulitan dari segi
kewangan, kakitangan, koleksi dan keadaan bangunannya yang
usang telah dapal berkembang dari tahun ke tahun dalam usahanya
untuk memupuk minat membaca dan menyebarkan ilmu
pengetahuan kepada rakyat di negeri Perlis. Dalam usianya yang
telah menjangkau 30 tahun menjelang alaf baru ini banyak
pembaharuan dan kemajuan telah dapat dilihat terutama dari segi
tambahan rangkaian perkhidmatan yang disediakan khususnya
kepada penduduk di kawasan luar bandar. Bagi melengkapkan
lagi perkhidmatan yang sedia ada pihak perpustakaan negeri terus
merancang ke arah menambahkan lagi rangkaian perkhidmatannya
ke seluruh negeri supaya semua lapisan rakyat akan menikmati
kemudahan pembacaan yang lebih sempurna dan selesa. Dengan
peruntukan yang diluluskan di bawah Rancangan Malaysia
Ketujuh pihak perpustakaan telah dapat mengwujudkan beberapa
buah bangunan baru terdiri daripada Cawangan, desa dan yang
terbaru sebuah perpustakaan pekan.
bagi pengwujudan sebuah Perpustakaan Pekan di bawah RMK 7.
Memandangkan Arau merupakan Bandar DiRaja yang terdapat
beberapa institusi pendidikan di sekitarnya pihak pengurusan
perpustakaan mencadangkan supaya projek ini didirikan di Pekan
Arau. Pemilihan Arau adalah berdasarkan keperluan
perkhidmatan perpustakaan oleh masyarakat di kawasan tersebut
di mana terdapat beberapa institusi pengajian tinggi seperti
Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Institut Pengajian Tinggi
Islam (IPTIP), Kolej Matrikulasi Perlis, Sekolah Menengah
Teknik, serta beberapa buah sekolah menengah berasrama dan
sekolah rendah di mana para pelajarnya memerlukan bahan bacaan
tambahan untuk rujukan dan pinjaman. Selain itu sebuah
Politeknik juga sedang dalam proses pembinaan di kawasan
berdekatan yang dijangka siap pada tahun 2001.
Perkhidmatan yang diberikan melalui sebuah perpustakaan desa
yang dibuka di Masjid Negeri. Arau sejak tahun 1996 dan
perkhidmatan perpustakaan bergerak ke sekolah di kawasan
Sekitar tidak mencukupi bagi menampung permintaan daripada
para pelajar dan masyarakat Setempat. Oleh itu cadangan bagi
mendirikan sebuah bangunan perpustakaan statik di kawasan ini
telah diberi keutamaan oleh pihak pengurusan, perpustakaan awam
Bangunan Perpustakaan Pekan adalah merupakan satu konsep
baru yang diwujudkan bertujuan menyediakan perkhidmatan
perpustakaan kepada penduduk di pinggiran bandar atau pekan
kecil di mana bilangan penduduknya adalah ramai dan tidak
mampu menampung keperluan yang disediakan melalui
perpustakaan desa atau bas bergerak. Ianya telah mula diwujudkan
di negeri Selangor tetapi telah diperluaskan konsep ini ke seluruh
Malaysia melalui peruntukan yang diluluskan oleh Kerajaan Pusat
di bawah projek Rancangan Malaysia Ketujuh. Negeri Perlis
adalah merupakan salah sebuah negeri yang mendapat peruntukan
Pemilihan tapak yang sesuai di Arau agak menyulitkan kerana
kekosongan tanah milik kerajaan begitu terhad dan menjadi
rebutan daripada lain-lain agensi. Jawatankuasa Teknikal yang
diwujudkan oleh Lembaga Pengarah Perpustakaan bagi
menyelesaikan masalah pemilikan tapak bagi projek pembangunan
perpustakan negeri yang turut dianggotai oleh wakil daripada
JKR, Majlis Perbandaran Kangar, Jabatan Perancang Bandar &
Desa, Unit Perancang Ekonomi Negeri dan Pejabat Tanah &
Galian telah membuat tinjauan ke beberapa tapak milik kerajaan
* Pengarah Perbadanan Perpustakaan Awam Negeri Perlis.
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
di Sekitar Pekan Arau bagi mendapatkan satu lokasi yang sesuai.
Akhirnya dipersetujui supaya dipohon tapak yang dikenalpasti
terletak di persimpangan Jalan Besar Arau dan Jalan Raja milik
kerajaan negeri di mana sebelum ini terdapat sebuah rumah
kerajaan yang pernah didiami oleh bekas Setiausaha Sulit DYMM
Raja Perlis dan Selepas itu digunakan oleh Pertubuhan
Perkumpulan Perempuan Perlis (W.I) sebagai pusat kraftangan.
Proses permohonan yang dikemukakan pada awalnya tidak
diluluskan oleh kerajaan yang telah mempunyai Perancangan
untuk projek komersial di atas tapak tersebut. Tetapi pihak
Lembaga Pengarah dalam mesyuaratnya Lelah membuat
keputusan supaya dikemukakan rayuan melalui YAB Menteri
Besar bagi mendapatkan pertimbangan semula oleh pihak
kerajaan kerana pelan yang disediakan oleh Arkitek JKR
direkabentuk sesuai dengan tapak berkenaan. Dengan jasa baik
YAB Menteri Besar yang begitu prihatin tentang keperluan
pengwujudan sebuah pusat sumber ilmu di Arau, akhirnya
kerajaan negeri telah meluluskan supaya tapak berkenaan
digunakan sebagai tapak perpustakaan Pekan Arau. Lokasi ini
strategik kerana terletak tidak jauh daripada Istana Arau dan
dijangka akan menjadi rnercu tanda kepada Bandar DiRaja Arau
sebagai "Pusat ilmu" dan fungsi bangunannya yang bercorak
keilmuan akan dapat memberi penonjolan budaya membaca
kepada masyarakat Setempat.
pelbagai poster dari semua parti politik yang bertanding di
kawasan tersebut seolah-olah turut meraikan majlis perasmian
perpustakaan ini. Selepas majlis perasmian perkhidmatannya
terus dibuka kepada orang ramai mulai tarikh tersebut.
Bangunan dua tingkat ini dapat menempatkan sehingga 30,000
naskah koleksi buku-buku dan sebanyak 150 tempat duduk
kepada pengguna. Tingkat bawah menempatkan ruangan untuk
kanak-kanak serta ruang aktiviti kanak-kanak Sementara itu
tingkat atas pula ialah ruangan untuk rujukan dan pinjaman
dewasa serta sebuah bilik pejabat dan sebuah bilik perbincangan
yang boleh memuatkan seramai 4 orang pengguna pada satusatu masa. Penggunaan bilik ini dihadkan kepada 1 - 2 jam bagi
setiap kumpulan dan tempahan perlu dibuat terlebih dahulu. Lainlain kemudahan yang turut disediakan ialah sebuah bilik
sembahyang, tandas termasuk untuk orang cacat dan tempat
menyimpan barang pengguna. Bagi memenuhi keperluan
teknologi maklumat masa kini perpustakaan ini turut dilengkapi
dengan sudut hipermedia untuk kanak-kanak dan dewasa yang
menyediakan perkhidmatan Internet dan multimedia kepada para
penggunanya. Walaupun kawasannya agak terhad tetapi ianya
turut menyediakan tempat letak basikal, motosikal dan kereta
yang mencukupi untuk kakitangan dan para penggunanya dengan
landskap yang dapat menceriakan lagi suasana di sekelilingnya.
Pelan bangunan telah disediakan oleh Arkitek JKR Perlis
mengikut spesifikasi ruang yang dipersetujui bersama hasil
perbincangan dengan pihak perpustakaan dan pandangan
daripada Perpustakaan Negara. Kos projek termasuk kerja-kerja
menambun tapak ialah sebanyak RM 480,000. Kontraktor yang
melaksanakan projek ini ialah Perniagaan Eimah di mana ianya
telah bermula pada 26 November 1998 dan telah dapat disiapkan
mengikut jadual pada 20 September 1999. Penyerahan rasmi
bangunan kepada pihak perpustakaan telah dibuat pada 6 Oktober
1999. Oleh kerana peruntukan pembangunan yang diluluskan di
bawah Rancangan Malaysia Ketujuh untuk projek ini hanyalah
sebanyak RM 400,000 sahaja, kos tambahan bagi bekalan
perabut, kemasan lantai dan alat pendingin hawa (split unit)
berjumlah RM 140,000.00 terpaksa dibiayai melalui peruntukan
belanja mengurus kerajaan negeri dan pusat. Sepanjang
pelaksanaannya projek ini sentiasa mendapat perhatian daripada
pelbagai pihak termasuklah YAB Menteri Besar, YB Setiausaha
Kerajaan dan juga pegawai-pegawai daripada Perpustakaan
Negara kerana ianya merupakan model pertama bangunan baru
Perpustakaan Pekan yang dibina di negara ini.
Bangunan Perpustakaan ini telah disempurnakan perasmiannya oleh
YAB Menteri Besar Perlis pada 26 November 1999 iaitu 3 hari
menjelang tarikh pilihanraya umum. Peristiwa ini mencatatkan
satu lagi sejarah dalam perkembangan perkhidmatan perpustakaan
di negeri Perlis di mana kehadiran tetamu adalah di luar jangkaan
dan suasana di Sekitar bangunan yang dihiasi dengan
Sambutan penduduk Sekitar terhadap perkhidmatan di
perpustakaan ini amatlah menggalakkan dan telah timbul
rungutan kerana tempat duduk tidak mencukupi dan permintaan
supaya ruang bangunan diperluaskan walaupun ianya baru
setahun dibuka. Permintaan yang begitu tinggi khususnya
daripada para pelajar IPT dan sekolah yang berhampiran dengan
perpustakaan tersebut menyebabkan pihak perpustakaan terpaksa
menambah bilangan kerusi dan membenarkan ruang aktiviti
kanak-kanak digunakan sebagai ruang bacaan terutama pada
musim cuti. Golongan belia merupakan pengguna paling ramai
setiap hari diikuti dengan kanak-kanak dan dewasa.
Perkhidmatan Internet yang dikenakan bayaran RM 2.50 sejam
juga menjadi rebutan pengguna setiap hari dengan anggaran
pendapatan mingguan antara RM 150 - 200 yang dapat dikutip.
Pihak perpustakaan bercadang menambah bilangan komputer
yang disediakan bergantung kepada jumlah peruntukan yang
diperolehi dalam tahun 2001 nanti bagi memenuhi keperluan
pengguna rnemandangkan kemudahan siber kale di Pekan Arau
tidak disediakan dan para pelajar IPT khususnya memerlukan
perkhidmatan ini. Kelab Kawanku Buku yang ditubuhkan untuk
kanak-kanak aktif menjalankan pelbagai kegiatan setiap minggu
di samping keahlian Kelab Rakan Perpustakaan yang baru
dilancarkan turut menerima ramai keahlian daripada golongan
belia dan mereka dengan sukarela memberi khidmat membantu
aktiviti yang dijalankan oleh pihak perpustakaan seperti
menyusun buku-buku, menjalankan program untuk kanak-kanak
dan bergotong-royong bersama kakitangan perpustakaan
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
menyediakan landskap bagi mengindahkan kawasan luar
perpustakaan tersebut. Komitmen yang ditunjukkan oleh
masyarakat Setempat juga membuktikan pengwujudan sebuah
perpustakaan seperti ini memang amat dinanti-nantikan oleh
Dengan perasmian Perpustakaan Pekan Arau ini diharap akan
dapat menggalakkan masyarakat untuk memperkembangkan
budaya ilmu dan akan mengambil kesempatan untuk
menggunakan sepenuhnya perkhidmatan yang disediakan ini
untuk faedah semua pihak yang cintakan ilmu . Walaupun Perlis
merupakan sebuah negeri yang kecil dari segi Saiznya tetapi kini
telah mempunyai "prasarana keilmuan" yang meluas di seluruh
negeri. Secara tidak langsung perpustakaan ini telah dapat
menyumbang ke arah merealisasikan usaha-usaha kerajaan bagi
membentuk generasi yang berwawasan dan berilmu menuju
kepada cita-cita menjadikan Pekan Arau sebagai Pusat-Ilmu dan
Perlis sebagai Negeri Ilmu menjelang alaf baru.
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Tiew Wai Sin*
Artikel ini cuba menyenaraikan periodikal-periodikal sains perpustakaan dan maklumat yang terawal diterbitkan
di Malaysia. Kajian ini mendapati periodikal sains perpustakaan dan maklumat yang pertama diterbitkan di Malaysia ialah Malayan Library Journal yang keluaran sulungnya pada bulan Oktober 1966 oleh Persatuan
Perpustakaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu dan Persatuan Perpustakaan Singapura. Antara tahun 1966 hingga
dewasa ini sebanyak sepuluh periodikal sains perpustakaan dan maklumat telah diterbitkan oleh persatuan
perpustakaan, institusi-institusi pengajian sains perpustakaan dan maklumat dan orang perseorangan. Di antara
periodikal-periodikal tersebut, ada yang penerbitan berterusan, ada yang telah menghentikan penerbitan dan ada
yang dorman.
Kata Kunci: Sejarah penerbitan periodikal, periodikal sains perpustakaan dan maklumat Malaysia, periodikal
sains perpustakaan dan maklumat, Malaysia.
cholarly periodicals are by no means new on the scene in
Malaysia wrote Benjamin C. Stone in 1975. The current scenario
of Malaysian scholarly periodicals presently published by various
institutions and societies seemed to be increasing from around 57
in 1975 to 214 in 1997 (Lim 1975; Md Sidin 1997). On the other
hand, Pang (1996) in his article "Malaysian scientific journals current dilemmas and future prospects'" revealed the existence of
40 or so scientific periodicals published by scientific societies, universities and research institutions in the various fields of science.
However, Tiew (1999) surveyed the existence of some early English scholarly periodicals in pre-independent Malaysia. His study
found that the earliest English scholarly periodical is Journal of
the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia published by J. R.
Logan in 1847. The survey also indicated the non-existence of an
Library and Information Science Periodical in pre-independent
Malaysia. Moreover, so far in Malaysia, the history of periodical
publishing especially in the field of library and information science
has not been studied before, In actual fact, LIS Periodical publishing is considered relatively new in this part of the world. Hence,
this study is yet another attempt to explore the history of scholarly
periodicals publishing in Malaysia.
According to Hedwig Anuar and D. E. K. Wijasuriya (1976) the
first subscription library in Malaysia was founded in the island of
Penang in 1817. However, before the advent of the Western powers, libraries in the form of monastic and temple collections, royal
libraries or private libraries have already existed (Lim. 1974).
Monastic libraries, royal libraries and private libraries with small
collection of sacred books and other documents owned by the aristocracy, the clergy or the Sultans who constituted the main literate population of the day existed to house their very own
collection of reading materials. Hence, the history of library and
information science is rather short in this part of the world, less
than two thousand years compared to other region in the world.
The present paper attempts to survey the existence of LIS
Periodicals emanating from Malaysia as no such efforts were made
in the past. Objectives of present paper are two-fold. Firstly, it
attempts to identify and compile a list of LIS Periodicals published
in Malaysia. Secondly, the paper undertakes to give a brief historical overview of these LIS Periodicals especially through its publication history. For this study, the term periodical is used to refer to
a publication with a distinctive title intended to appear in successive numbers or parts, usually at stated or regular intervals, as a
rule for an indefinite time (Thompson, 1973). Apart from that, only
scholarly periodicals publishing mostly library and information science articles are taken into consideration whereas others, especially social science and humanities periodicals which published
occasionally one or two LIS articles, are excluded, for example
Intellectual Discourse published by the International Islamic
University. Apart from that, newsletters and library bulletins publishing by various established libraries in Malaysia, which contain
mostly notes, news, happenings of their libraries, lists of books
acquired, lists of periodicals subscribed, lists of theses accepted
and non-LIS subjects are not covered too. However, certain newsletters or library bulletin, which publishes LIS literature frequently,
are included in this study.
* School Resource Centre Coordinator. Presently teaching history at SMK Hulu Kelang, Ampang, Selangor
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
To identify the Malaysian LIS Periodicals, searches were made
of the on line public access catalogue of the National Library of
Malaysia (telnet and University of Malaya Library (telnet In addition, CD-ROMs versions of
Library & Information Science Abstracts (Lisa) and Ulrich s
On Disc were consulted to locate locally published LIS
Periodicals not available in the holdings of the above libraries. Apart
from that, the periodicals were examined individually to observe
the following characteristics: editorial history, language of publication, changes in title, visibility and inclusion of abstracts or keywords in article. Next, to verify the accuracy of the information
obtained, calls and visits were made to the institutions responsible
for the publication of the respective periodicals for double checking and to ascertain the current status of the Malaysian LIS periodicals. Finally, from these exercises, a final list of Malaysian LIS
periodicals was obtained.
To my knowledge, the earliest professional LIS Periodical published in Malaysia is the Malayan Library Journal, the official
organ of the Persatuan Perpustakaan Persekutuan Tanah
Melayu (PPPTM) or Library Association of the Federation of
Malaya and the Library Association of Singapore. The idea to
publish such a periodical was first mooted by Abdul Rashid bin
Ismail, Lecturer and Librarian of the Maktab Perguruan Bahasa
during the first general meeting of the PPPTM on 5th June 1960.
He argued for the need of a monthly newsletter to keep members
in touch with one another and to promote interest in the work of
the PPPTM. However, the President of the PPPTM felt that a
professional periodical of high quality should be printed instead of
a newsletter and as a result Malayan Journal Library was born
with Volume 1, Part 1. October 1960. In actual fact, as early as
1955, the Library Association of the Federation of Malaya and the
Library Association of Singapore has been publishing the Malayan
Library Group Newsletter. The first issue of the newsletter being
Volume 1, Number 1 published in July, 1955 and the last issue.
Volume 3, Number 3, May 1959 as a forum for communication
between members. Hence, it can be said that Malayan Library
Journal is in actual fact a continuation of the joint effort of these
two library associations to promote themselves.
The periodical contained professional articles on local library
problems, bibliographies and book reviews (Harris, 1967). The joint
editors of Volume l, Part 1. October 1960 were A. G. Parker, who
was seconded from the Natural Rubber Producer's Research
Association. England to the Rubber Research Institute of Malaya
as Librarian and W. J. Plumbe, Librarian of the University of
Malaya's Library. As of Volume !, Part 3 April 1961, Plume took
over the editorship. However, as of Volume 3, Part 1 October
1962, the editors were Thomas M. Brown. Dennis Gunton and V.
Nadanasabapathy. Plume, the former editor had left for Zaria,
Northern Nigeria to take up his new post as Librarian of the new
Ahmadu Bello University. T. Brown, one of the new joint editors
was the Librarian of the Methodist Boys' School, Kuala Lumpur
who formerly worked as a Librarian at the University of Chicago
High School Library whereas Dennis Gunton, the Library Adviser
of the British Council was formerly the Regional Librarian of the
Regional Library. Kaduna, Northern Nigeria while V.
Nadanasabapathy was working as a Librarian at the University of
Malaya's Library. However, the editors for Volume 3, Part 3
November 1963 were T. Brown and D. Gunton where as for
Volume 3, Part 4, April 1964 T. Brown was the editor. Malayan
Library Journal ceased publication after April 1964 to give way
to Perpustakaan Malaysia. Perpustakaan Malaysia, to be
published twice a year, is the official periodical of the Persatuan
Perpustakaan Malaysia. Perpustakaan Malaysia was given a
new volume number, Volume I, No. 1 issued in June 1965 with
Patricia Lim Pui Huen a librarian working in the University of
Singapore was the editor.. However in 1966, the journal was
published with the name Perpustakaan omitting the word
"Malaysia" and again a new volume was started. Hence. Volume
I No. 1 October 1966 was published with Yoke-Lan Wicks as
editor who is a librarian of the National Library of Singapore. In
the 1968/1969 issue, Volume 3, No. 1/2, Abdul Aziz bin Shaik Mydin,
a librarian from University of Malaya's Library, took over as
editor from Yoke-Lan Wicks. The frequent changes in editorship
is the result of the editorship being alternates every two years
between members of the Library Association of Malaysia and the
Library Association of Singapore. After the 1968/1969 volume, no
further issue of the periodical was published. Nevertheless, in April
1972, the periodical reappeared again with a new name. Majalah
Perpustakaan Malaysia, and a new volume number. The editor
of Majalah Perpustakaan Malaysia until Volume 11, 1983 is
Edward Lim Huck Tee, Chief Librarian of the Universiti Sains
Malaysia Library since 1969 who also held the post of President,
Persatuan Perpustakaan Malaysia between 1978-1980. There
are no issues for the years 1984 and 1985. For Volume 12, 1986,
Rosna Taib, Deputy Librarian, University of Technology Malaysia
Library, was the editor. After that, members of the editorial board
took over the management of the periodical. From its humble
beginning until 1989, it has the credit of publishing 14 volumes of
its periodical. However, after 1990 the Library Association of
Malaysia did not come out with any issue of its periodical.
According to the current President of Library Association of
Malaysia. Rashidah Begum of Universiti Sains Malaysia Library,
the association has plans to continue the publication of its
periodical (Rashidah Begum. 1999). The articles contributed to
this periodical were written in the Malay language and English. It
was noted that from the very start, the periodical contained
advertisements to offset some of the publication costs. Lisa
indexes the periodical until its 1989 volume. The periodical is also
listed in an international periodical directory, Ulrich s On Disc.
The next Malaysian Library and Information Science Periodical to
be published in Malaysia is Library Industry. This periodical is
published through the enterprising and bold efforts of an individual
by the name of Melville Jayathissa, a qualified librarian with
professional qualification, A. L. A (Associate of the Library
Association) who received much initial support from his colleagues
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
in the library profession, namely, Alexander Charles and John
J. R. Samuel. The debut issue earned a total of four articles was
published in August 1971. According to the first editor, publisher
and proprietor of this periodical, the aims of the periodical were
two-fold (Jayathissa. 1971). Firstly, to reinforce and extend the
efforts of all that promotes and develops the book industry and
secondly to act as a stimulant to would-be librarians in training
and the handful of recruits who have recently qualified. However,
sad to say,this periodical only managed to bring out a total of four
issues only between 1971 to 1975 and its appearance was rather
irregular. The last issue was Number 4, December 1975 that came
out after an absence of three years for Number 3 was published in
November 1972. This periodical included advertisements to help
out the high cost of publication In other words, after five years of
existence, the periodical has now ceased publication totally. On
the whole, in its five-year of existence, all articles published in this
periodical were in English contributed by busy librarians and well
and Zahra Yaacob whereas No. !2January 1981, the compilers
were Norpishah Md. Noor and Zamrudduh Zainal Abidin. This
bulletin serves as a vehicle for the dissemination of information on
matters concerning the National Library as well as developments
at the international level of interest to the country. It started as a
newsletter catering for the dissemination of information to mem
bers who are staff of the library. From issue Number I, May 1977
to Number 12, January 1981, the publication was rather irregular
at times one issue per year, bi-monthly, or five issues per year.
However, presently it is published twice a year. Beginning from
June 1981, the periodical was renamed Sekitar Perpustakaan,
Buletin Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia and was given a new
number, Number 1, June. 1981. From 1981 onwards, the National
Library of Malaysia continued coming out with its periodical and
the most current issue is Number 29, 1999. The new chief editor
of the periodical as of June 1981 is Mariam Abdul Kadir, Assistant
Director, Library Services National Library of Malaysia who is
wishers. Library Industry is listed in Ulrich's On Disc, an assisted by editors, Halijah Othman and Siti Mariani Sheikh Omar,
international periodical directory.
both librarians of he National Library of Malaysia. After June 1981,
numerous editors and compilers with the help of some assistants
The third Malaysian Library and Information Science Periodical is edited the bulletin, among them Asma Ahmat, Norlela Nor
Berita Perpustakaan Sekolah, published by the School Library Mohamad, Rodziah Hashim, Khaziah Ibrahim and Rosnah Md.
Unit, School Division, Ministry of Education, Malaysia. This peri- Salleh (from No. 2, June 1982), Zawiyah Baba. Rosnah Md. Salleh,
odical distributed free to Malaysian schools caters more for the Dahlia Zainal and Khaziah Ibrahim (from No. 8, December 1985),
Malaysian school libraries personnel for it contained a number of Dr. Haji Ahmad Bakeri Abu Bakar (from No. 14, 1989) and
articles about the real scenario of the contemporary school librar- Norpishah Mohd. Noor(from No. 16,1991). As of Number 18,
1994, a chief editor and editor was appointed to manage the
ies. Moreover, all the articles contributed were written in the Malay
language, hence enabling more Malaysian school librarian teach- periodical which has grown in number of pages Amanah Ahmad,
ers to understand its articles. Berita Perpustakaan Sekolah, to Acting Director, Support Service National Library of Malaysia was
be issued 3 times a year-started publishing in May] 974 with Vol- given the task to become the first chief editor (1994-1997) while
ume I, Number 1. An Editorial Board with Zaimiah Hj Mohd Adam, Asma Ahmat was the editor of Number 18,1994. For Number 19
Deputy Director of School Division as advisor, supervises its pub- till Number 20, the editor was Shellatay Devadason, Number 21 to
Number 22,1996, the editor was Primalani Kukanesan, Number
lication. The editorial board, which manages the periodical, consists of education officers attached to the School Library Unit, 23 the editor cum coordinator was Siti Aishah Sheikh Kadir, while
School Division of the Malaysian Ministry of Education. The Number 24 and Number 25 Carole Ann Goon was the editor. As
latest issue of the periodical is Volume 13, Number 1, December of Number 26 and Number" 27, 1998 Zawiyah Baba took over the
1987 as received by the National Library of Malaysia. The edito- post of chief editor, assisted by editor, Norkhayati Hashim. On the
rial board as of December, 1987 composed of Haji Jumaat Dato' other hand, the editor for Number 28 was Ara Talib. However for
Haji Mohd Noor. Director School Division and Goh Keat Seng, Number 29,1999 and Number 30,2000 Zawiyah Baba remains as
Deputy Director I, School Division as advisors. Rita Vias, Baharin chief editor, while the editor for Number 29, 1999 is Nafisah Ahmad
Mohd Dom, Khalid Abdul Kadir and Jamilah Ibrahim, members whereas the editor for Number 30,2000 is Saonah Shairi. As of
of the editorial board. A search made of the online public access Number 31,2000, the chief editor is Norpishah Mohd Noor while
catalogue of the National Library of Malaysia indicated that after Saonah Shairi remains the editor. The forthcoming issue is Num
December 1987, no more current issue was received. It ceased ber 32 to be published in year 2001. The periodical publishes
publication because the unit responsible for its publication, the School articles written in both English and the Malay language. The
Library Unit has been transferred to the Educational Media Ser- periodical is listed in an international periodical directory, Ulrich's
vices Division, Ministry of Education as of 1st January 1988. Like On Disc.
Malayan Library Journal and Berita Perpustakaan Sekolah,
the periodical also contained advertisements. On the whole, nei- The next Malaysian Library and Information Science Periodical is
Kekal Abadi, Berita Perpustakaan Universiti Malaya, a
ther Lisa nor Ulrich 's On Disc covers the periodical.
brainchild of former chief librarian of the University of Malaya
The fourth earliest Malaysian Library and Information Science Library, Mrs. Khoo Siew Mun (Shaikhs Zakaria, 1993). This free
Periodical is Sekitar, Buletin Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia, quarterly bulletin is published by the University of Malaya's
which was first issued in the month of May 1977 with Amanah Library and managed by an Editorial Board comprising of
Ahmad. Head, Training Division, National Library of Malaysia and librarians attached to the University of Malaya's Library. The
Primalani Mutucumaru Kukanesan, Library Officer, Cataloguing appointment as members of the Editorial Board is rotated each
Division, National Library of Malaysia as joint editors. However, year among the university librarians and decided by the Library
as of No. 9, April 1979, the editors were Abdullah Kadir Bacha Management comprising the various Head of Divisions of the
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
University of Malaya's Library. The first issue of Kekal Abadi,
Berita Perpustakaan Universiti Malaya Volume 1, Number 1
was published in March 1982. However, Volume 18, 1999 was
published in mid-2000, a delay of about three years. However, it is
noted that for the 1998-1999 volumes, only one single issue is published compared to four previously and whether this is going to be
the future publication frequency is yet unknown. The next forth
coming issue will be Volume 19, Number 2, 2000. Like Sekitar
Perpustakaan, Buletin Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia, the
periodical accepts articles written either in the Malay language or
English. On the whole, the periodical is regularly indexed by Lisa
with an average of eight articles per year abstracted (Sen, 1996).
The sixth Malaysian Library and Information Science Periodical is
Tinta, a yearly publication produced by the third year students of
the School of Library and Information Science. MARA Institute
of Technology as partial fulfillment of Course JRN 208 (Publication Production). The periodical publishes articles on all aspects of
library and information science together with its development.
The first issue of Tinta is Volume 1, Number 1, 1984 with Abdul
Wahab Hamzah as Chief Editor. The chief editor is assisted by an
editorial board comprising advisers (lecturer of the School of
Library and Information Science, Mara Institute of Technology)
and fellow students of Course JRN 208 who played the roles of
sub-editors, business manager, graphic designer, marketing,
advertisements and photography. The chief editor's changes
practically every issue due to the next incoming batch and new
intake of students taking Course JRN 208. Since 1984, students of
Course JRN 208 have been publishing Tinta annually without fail
even though the history of publication frequency is rather irregular
at times. However, as of May 1989, the periodical was not given
any volume number but. instead a continuous number was used,
namely No. 6 for May 1989. On the other hand, it was noted that
for certain issues, the lecturers of the library school have taken
over the publication due to certain unforeseen circumstances, for
example Number 8, May 1991 and Number 12, December 1995.
Articles contributed to this student's periodical were originally written
in the Malay language but as of Vol. l,No. 5 May 1988. English
articles were published too. The latest issue of Tinta is Number
16,16, April 1999 under the chief editorship of Mohd. Hiezam
Hashim. The forthcoming issue will be Number 17, which most
probably will be published in year 2001. To relieve the high
publication costs, advertisements were included in the periodical.
Like Berita Perpustakaan Sekolah, the periodical is not covered
by Lisa nor Ulrich s On Disc.
The next Malaysian Library and Information Science Periodical is
Jernal Maklumat, the official periodical published annually by the
School of Library and Information Science, MARA Institute of
Technology. The maiden issue Volume 1. 1986 was published in
January 1986. However, as of Volume 2, 1987, the periodical assumed the name Jurnal Maklumat, The editorial board for the
year 1987 comprised Dr. Szarina Abdullah, Head of the School of
Library and Information Science. MARA Institute of Technology
as the chairperson, Wong Tuck Cheong, a senior lecturer of the
same school as editor and Dr. Katni Kamsono Kibat, Zohra Ibrahim
and Salmah Salleh as members. Since Volume 2, 1987 there is no
further publication of the periodical. The School of Library and
Information Science, MARA Institute of Technology publishes this
rather short-lived periodical which contained contributions written
in English and the Malay language. This periodical is not covered
by either Lisa or Ulrich s On Disc.
In 1988, the library of Dewan Bahasa and Pustaka issued its very
own bulletin, Mutiara Pustaka : Buletin Perpustakaan DBP.
The bulletin to be published once every 3 months is managed by an
editorial board with Chief Librarian, Rohani Rustam as its advisor.
The editors of the first issue, Volume 1, Number 1 September 1988
are Abdul Wahab Hamzah and Aizan Mohd. Ali, both librarians of
the Dewan Bahasa and Pustaka Library. Co incidentally, it is to be
noted that Abdul Wahab Hamzah was the first editor of Tinta, a
yearly publication produced by the third year students of the School
of Library and Information Science. MARA Institute of
Technology as partial fulfillment of Course JRN 208 (Publication
Production). The library continued bulletin appeared. Only in
November 1995, the bulletin resumed publication with Volume 5,
Number 1, which was published annually by the Pusat
Dokumentasi Melayu,Dewan Bahasa and Pustaka. The most
current issue of the bulletin is Volume 9, August 1999, which was
edited by Raja Masittah Raja Ariffin, Fatimah Zahrin Mohd. Taib
and Ritah Yahaya. The forth coming issue is Volume 10,2000. On
the whole, articles contributed to this bulletin are written in the
Malay language. Neither Lisa nor Ulrich s on Disc covers the
The ninth Malaysian LIS Periodical is Perutusan RATU Darul
Ehsan, a newsletter published by the Selangor Public Library
Corporation in 1989. This periodical to be published twice a year is
distributed free to libraries within the state of Selangor. The first
issue is Volume 1, Number 1. June 1989. The periodical is
published with chief editor, Mohd. Jamali Salamon who is assisted
by an appointed editorial staff consisting of library personnel
attached to the Selangor Public Library Corporation in Shah Alam.
The advisor of the periodical is Shahaneem Hanoum, Director of
the Selangor Public Library Corporation. However, as of Volume
5. Number 1 & 2 June-November 1991, the periodical was
published only once a year. The last issue of the periodical is
Volume 7, Number 1 & 2 June-December 1993. After that no
more current issue of the periodical was published. Articles
contributed to this periodical were written mostly in Malay but in
the last issue there was one article in English. Perutusan RATU
Darul Ehsan is listed in Ulrich s On Disc.
A very recent appearance on the scene of Malaysian Library and
Information Science is the Malaysian Journal of Library and
Information Science published semi-annually in July and
December by the Masters of Library and Information Science
Program, Faculty of Computer Science and Information
Technology, University of Malaya. This periodical started
publishing in July 1996 with Volume I, Number I with Prof. Mashkuri
Haji Yaacob, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science and
Information Technology as Editor-in-Chief. The Editor-in-Chief is
assisted by an editorial board comprising lecturers of the Masters
of Library and Information Science Program of the Faculty of
Computer Science and Information Technology, Universiti Malaya
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
and other library professionals attached to University of Malaya's
Library, Mara Institute of Technology International Islamic
University and the National Library of Malaysia. As of Volume 1,
Number 2, December 1996, Prof. B. K.. Sen and Zainab Awang
Ngah, both lecturers of the Masters of Library and Information
Science Program, Faculty of Computer Science and Information
Technology, Universiti Malaya were given the free hand and
responsibility as Executive Editors to oversee the publication of
the journal. Apart from that, a group of twelve reviewers has agreed
to referee- the many articles to be published in the journal. These
reviewers coming from both developed and developing countries,
namely United States of America, United Kingdom, Finland, Japan,
Taiwan, Africa, and Indonesia. However, as of Volume 4,
Number 2, December 1999 Assoc. Prof. Zainab Awang Ngah
remained the sole Executive Editor for Prof. Sen's has left the
country after finishing his teaching contract As of Volume 5, Number
1, 2000 Miss Nor Edzan Nasir joins her as Executive Editor. The
periodical invites contributors interested in publishing original
articles on all aspects of library and information science. It also
aims to provide a forum for communication among library and
information professionals, to introduce new concepts, systems and
technology. The most current issue of the periodical is Volume 5.
Number 2, December 2000. So far. all articles published in the
periodical were written in English. As of Vol. 1, No. 2. December
1996, advertisements were included in the periodical. Presently,
Library & Information Science Abstracts (Lisa), Library
Literature and Journal of Academic Librarianship are indexing
the periodical.
In all. between 1960 until now, there were ten periodicals devoted
to the discipline of library and information science in Malaysia.
All these Malaysian LIS Periodicals are available in the National
Library of Malaysia and University of Malaya Library (only Jernal
Maklumat and Perutusan RATU Darul Ehsan are not available).
However, a check on the OPAC of these libraries indicates no
holdings for certain periodicals whereas in actual fact copies of
the periodicals are available. This inconsistency could be due to
technical errors or human errors.
For example, in the OPAC of the University of Malaya Library,
Library Industry and Berita Perpustakaan Sekolah were in
dicates as non-holdings but a check at the open shelves at Z671 LI
and Z718 BPS indicates their availability. Similarly, Volume 2,1987
of Jurnal Maklumat is also available under 020.7195 JM MS in
the Malaysiana Serial Collection, National Library of Malaysia but
the OPAC indicated the library has no holdings of the periodical.
Nevertheless, it is to be noted that even though the titles of the
above periodicals were available in the holdings of these libraries,
the holdings of these periodicals are not complete or could not be
found in the open shelves.
Regarding the changes in title of Malaysian LIS Periodicals, of the
ten periodicals, four periodicals were published with different titles
in the course of their publishing history, namely Majalah
Jurnal Maklumat,
Perpustakaan. Buletin Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia and
Mutiara Pustaka. Majalah Perpustakaan Malaysia published
in 1972 supersedes Malayan Library Journal (1960-1964),
Perpustakaan Malaysia (1965) and Perpustakaan (1966-1969).
On the other hand, Jurnal Maklumat (1987) supersedes Jurnal.
Maklumat (1986) while Sekitar Perpustakaan, Buletin
Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia (June 1981) was originally
entitled Sekitar, Buletin Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia (1977January 1981). Mutiara Pustaka (from 1991) was formally known
as Mutiara Pustaka : Buletin Perpustakaan DBP (1988-1990).
Table 3 indicates the publishing frequency of Malaysian LIS
Periodicals. The publishing frequency of Malaysian LIS
Periodical varies according to certain development during their
publishing history. Hence, the publication frequency is determined
by studying the overall publishing history of the individual
periodical and not by looking at the publishing frequency indicated
in the cover page of the periodical. Seven titles were published
rather irregularly, and one each published quarterly, three times a
year, and semi-annually. However, sad to say, the publication
schedule of these periodicals was rather erratic due to various
factors. Some probable reasons may be due to editorial problems,
production problems, legal problems and financial and distribution
problems (Lim, 1975).
Table 4 indicates the first issue, last issue and current status of the
Malaysian LIS periodicals. It is noticeable that while some are still
surviving and continuing to come out with their current issue,
others are either dormant or ceased publication. It seems that
presently 50% of the library periodicals surveyed are not
performing their duties and lagging far behind their publication
schedule. Some probably reasons contributing to the current state
could be the high cost of publication, lack of contributions or
shortage of editorial staff. Hence, it is hoped library professionals
will contribute more to maintain and sustain the survival of the
present library periodicals in Malaysia.
Table 5 depicts the publishing institutions responsible for the are
issued by library schools, and one each by the Library Association
of Malaysia, the School Library Unit, School Division, Ministry of
Education, the National Library, Selangor Public Library
Corporation, University of Malaya Library, Dewan Bahasa and
Pustaka Library and an individual. It is not surprising that schools
of library and information science are coming out with their own
periodicals as these very schools have the expertise and personnel
too. Moreover, by having their very own periodical serves as a
medium of communication between themselves and outsiders and
also to generate and disseminate library and information science
research and publication.
As for the language of publication, five of the Malaysian LIS
Periodicals were published with texts in Malay and English while
three have texts in English and two others in the Malay language.
Hence, it can be seen that there exists local LIS literature written
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
in the Malay language. This is not surprising, considering the fact
that the Malay language has been the medium of instruction up to
the university level since 1983. Moreover with articles expressed
in Malay would enable its audience and the library workforce to
understand it better.
Table 6 depicts the interesting aspect of Malaysian LIS
Periodicals as to the inclusion of abstracts or keywords as part of
their article. Of the ten periodicals, only six provide abstracts or
keywords as part of their articles. The rest do not provide
abstracts or keywords in their articles at all. It was noticed that
two Malaysian LIS Periodicals, Kekal Abadi : Berita
Perpustakaan Universiti Malaya and Jurnal Maklumat
provide both abstracts in English and Malay as part of their article.
This is certainly a good characteristic of a LIS Periodical because
with English abstracts provided enable foreign indexing and
abstracting services to cover them better and faster. The rest of
the Malaysian LIS Periodicals either provide English abstracts for
English articles or Malay abstracts for Malay articles. However,
some of the periodials provide English abstracts for Malay articles
and vice versa. Nevertheless, this only covers articles published in
the later titles of Malaysian LIS Periodicals.
In terms of visibility, out of the ten Malaysian LIS Periodicals only
four were being indexed and abstracted by Lisa while the others
were not covered. Malaysian LIS Periodicals covered by Lisa
are Malaysian Journal Library and Information Science, Kekal
Abadi, Berita Perpustakaan Universiti Malaya, and Majalah
Perpustakaan Malaysia. Kekal Abadi, Berita Perpustakaan
Universiti Malaya was covered from 1987-1997 while Majalah
Perpustakaan Malaysia for its 1982, 1988 and 1989 volume only.
Lisa, on the Kekal Abadi, Berita Perpustakaan Universiti
Malaya, and Majalah Perpustakaan Malaysia. Kekal Abadi,
Berita Perpustakaan Universiti Malaya was covered from 19871997 while Majalah Perpustakaan. Malaysia for its 1982, 1988
and 1989 volume only. Lisa, on the other hand covers Malaysian
Journal Library! and information Science, from its inception in
1996. It also has the distinction being the only Malaysian LIS
Periodical to be covered by three international indexing and
abstracting agencies, namely Lisa, Library Literature and
Journal of Academic Librarianship. Nevertheless, only four LIS
Periodicals were listed in Ulrich's On Disc namely Majalah
The publication of Library and Information Science Periodical In
Malaysia is not too attractive a venture, as it does not bring in
much economic return. The majority of the titles are produced by
library schools and libraries institutions. The study found that out
of the ten local LIS Periodicals only Malaysian Journal Library
and Information Science has been up to date with its publication
schedule. The others are still not catching up on the arrears of
publication of their periodicals and do not meet the planned
publishing schedule. In actual fact, three have already ceased
publication for a number of years while two are trying to revive
their publication. Hence, it is can be seen that Malaysian LIS
Periodicals have a rather high mortality rate comparable to
African LIS Periodicals (Alemna, 1996). Moreover, an interesting
aspect noticed is that out of the ten periodicals, fours are
distributed free to interested parties something not found in other
periodicals in other countries.
Library and Information Science Periodicals, which contained a
wealth of information, are important channels for communicating
information to others, especially those working in the information
world. Moreover, according to Sen (1996), these periodicals are but
mirrors, which reflect the activities of the profession and the
professional bodies, themselves. Apart from that, those
responsible for the management of the periodicals should identify
local and international indexing and abstracting services to cover
its publication. Not forgetting, periodicals currently covered by
various indexing and abstracting agencies should be clearly noted
in its publication to make this fact known its visibility. Finally, credits
and words of thanks should be showered to the publishers, editors
and contributors of Malaysian LIS Periodicals who have played
their roles in making sure that these LIS Periodicals are alive and
not sink into oblivion.
Perpustakaan Malaysia, Library Industry. Sekitar
Perpustakaan. Buletin Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia and
Perutusan RATU Darul Ehsan. Hence, only Majalah
Perpustakaan Malaysia is covered by both Lisa and Ulrich's
On Disc. However, it is rather surprising that Tinta, Jernal
Maklumat, and Mutiara Pustaka: Buletin Perpustakaan DBP
are neither covered by LISA nor Ulrich s On Disc. Hence,
publishers of Malaysian LIS Periodicals should make their
periodicals more visible by identifying major local and international
indexing and abstracting services to cover their respective
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Alemna, Anaba A. (1996). The Periodical Literature of Library and Information in Africa : 1990-] 995, International
Information & Library Review, Vol. 28 : 94.
From the Editor, (1971). Library Industry, No. 1, August: 1.
Harris, L. J. (comp.) (1967). Guide to Current Malaysian Serials. Kuala Lumpur : University of Malaya Library.
Hedwig Anuar & Wijasuriya, D. E. K. (1976). Libraries in Malaysia. In Encyclopedia of
Library and Information Science. Vol. 17. New York : Marcel Dekker Inc., 56-67.
5. Lim, Huck Tee, Edward. (1974). Libraries in Malaysia before the Coming of the West, Library History Review, Vol 1 No 1
: 1-8.
6. (1975). "Problems of Publishing Scholarly Journals in Malaysia". In Scholarly Publishing in South-East Asia, edited by
Beda Lim. Kuala Lumpur : Association of South-East Asian Institutions of Higher Learning : 57-69.
7. Lisa. (1998). [CD-ROM version] New York: Bowker-Saur Ltd.
Malaysia. National Library. (1991). Malaysian Periodicals Index 1991 = Indeks Majalah Malaysia 1991. Kuala Lumpur
: National Library.
9. Md. Sidin Ahmad Ishak (1997). "Penerbitan Jurnal Ilmiah Malaysia." In Presiding MAPIM 1 edited by Md. Sidin Ahmad
Ishak . Kuala L u m p u r : University of Malaya Press, 1-26.
10. Pang, Tikki (1996). Malaysian Scientific Journals - Current Dilemmas and Future Prospects, Malaysian Technology Bulletin,
Apr-June: 37-41.
11. Persatuan Perpustakaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu. (1960). Malayan Library Journal,Vol 1 Pt 1 : 24.
Plumbe, W. J.. (1964). Presidential Address. Malayan Library Journal, Vol 4 Pt 1 : 149.
13:. Rashidah, Begum. (1999). History of Majalah Perpustakaan Malaysia (e-mail). 2nd December 1999.
14. Sen, B. K. (1996). "Contribution of Asian LIS Journals towards the Development of LIS
Profession in Asia during the Past Decade as Viewed through the Bibliometric lens." In Libraries in National Development. Paper presented at the Tenth Congress of Southeast Asian Librarians, Kuala Lumpur, 21-5 May, 1996, Vol 1. Kuala
Lumpur: CONSAL X, 195-220,
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Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science, Vol. 4 No. I : 27-40.
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Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Periodical Title
Year Issued
Malayan Library Journal
Library Industry
Berita Perpustakaan Sekolah
Sekitar, Buletin Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia,
Kekal Abadi, Berita Perpustakaan Universiti Malaya
Jernal Maklumat
Mutiara Pustaka ; Buletin Perpustakaan DBP
Perutusan RATU Darul Ehsan
Malaysian Journal Library and Information Science
Periodical Title
University of
Malaya Library
University of
Malaya Library
Malayan Library Journal
Library Industry
Berita Perpustakaan Sekolah
Sekitar, Buletin Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia.
Kekal Abadi, Berita Perpustakaan Universiti Malaya
Jernal Maklumat
Mutiara Pustaka ; Buletin Perpustakaan DBP
Perutusan RATU Darul Ehsan
Malaysian Journal Library and Information Science
Periodical Title
Malayan Library Journal
Library Industry
Berita Perpustakaan Sekolah
3 times a year
Sekitar, Buletin Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Kekal Abadi, Berita Perpustakaan Universiti Malaya
Jernal Maklumat
Mutiara Pustaka ; Buletin Perpustakaan DBP
Perutusan RATU Darul Ehsan
Malaysian Journal Library and Information Science
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
First Issue
Last Issue
Current Issue
Vol. l. Pt I, Oct. 1960
Vol. 13, 1989
No. l. Aug. 1971
No. 4, Dec. 1975
Berita Perpustakaan Sekolah
Vol. I, No. l.May 1974
Vol. 13, No.l, Dec. 1987
Buletin Sekitar Perpustakaan
No. I, May 1977
No. 31,2000
No.32, 2001
Vol. l, no. l. Mar. 1982
Vol. 19. No. 1 2000
Vol. 19, No. 2 2000
Vol. l. No. 1. 1984
Vol 16. Apr. 1999
Vol. 17,2000
Vol. I, 1986
Vol I, No. l.Sept. 1988
Vol. 9, Aug. 1999
Vol. l.No. l./June 1989
Vol. 1, No. 1 & 2,
June-Dec. 1993
Vol. 1, No. I, July 1996
Vol. 5, No. 2,
Dec. 2000
Periodical Title
Malayan Library Journal
Library Industry
Kekal Abadi, Berita Perpustakaan
Universiti Malaya
Jernal Maklumat
Mutiara Pustaka;
Buletin Perpustakaan DBP
Perutusan RATU Darul Ehsan
Malaysian Journal LIS
Vol. 10. June 2000
Vol.6, No. 1, Jul.2000
Publishing Institutions
Periodical Title
Library Association of the Federation of Malaya
Malayan Library Journal
Melville Jayathissa
Library Industry
School Library Unit
Berita Perpustakaan Sekolah
National Library of Malaysia
Buletin Sekitar Perpustakaan
University of Malaya Library
Kekal Abadi,
Berita Perpustakaan Universiti Malaya
Third year students of Course JRN 208,
School of Library and Information Science,
MARA Institute of Technology
School of Library and Information Science, MARA Institute of Technology
Jurnal Maklumat
Dewan Bahasa and Pustaka Library
Mutiara Pustaka: Buletin Perpustakaan DBP
Selangor Public Library Corporation
Perutusan RATU Darul Ehsan
MLIS Program, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology.
University of Malaya
Malaysian Journal Library and Information
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Periodical Title
Majalah Perpustakaan Malaysia
Library Industry
Berita Perpustakaan Sekolah
Buletin Sekitar Perpustakaan
Kekal Abadi. Berita Perpustakaan Universiti Malaya
Jurnal Maklumat
Mutiara Pustaka ; Buletin Perpustakaan DBP
Perutusan RATU Darul Ehsan
Malaysian Journal Library and Information Science
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
232, Jalan Tun Razak,
50572 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel: 2687 1700 Faks: 2694 2490
Laman Web: http://www.pnm.my
e-mail: pnmweb1@pnm.my
ISSN 0127-1172
Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 2001 – Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia