Directory - Colorado BioScience Association
Directory - Colorado BioScience Association
The Passion That Drives Colorado’s Bioscience Entrepreneurs Page 6 Colorado By the Numbers: A 2010 Update on Colorado’s Growing Bioscience Industry Directory of Bioscience Companies & Resources Page 38 Page 12 Patient Profiles In Courage Page 17 Fitzsimons LifeScienceDistrict agreatplacetoraisean idea Located in Aurora, Colorado, it’s one of the largest bioscience developments in the country, a place where there’s plenty of room to grow an idea from discovery to market viability. Whether you start in the bioscience incubator or move into a state-of-the art lab facility, everything you need is close at hand. A cluster of talent and resources is available to you, including direct access to the more than 80 core laboratories at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus – all just steps away. Features throughout the district, such as parks and conference facilities, are designed to inspire collaboration. And a nearby mix of shops, restaurants and homes let your people thrive right along with your ideas. For leasing and land purchase opportunities at the Colorado Science + Technology Park, within the Fitzsimons Life Science District, call 303-324-9954. Join the conversation at Tools, Location, Liftoff At CSU’s Science Park • Pre m i e r Inc ub ator Sp ac e • L ife S c i e nc e & Tr ansl at iona l Me d i c i ne R e s e arch • C le an E ne rg y R e s e arch • Sp e c i a l i z e d Fac i l it i e s ( BSL- 3 , R ad i at i on , Imag i ng ) C SU Res e arch Innovati on C enter Innovate, Incubate, Succeed C SU Venture s, In c . P.O. B ox 483, For t C ol li ns, C O 80522 (970) 48 2- 2916 • w w w. csu r i c. org Looking for a place to locate a bioscience company? Put us under the microscope. Metro Denver is home to some of America’s top university laboratories and research centers including the country’s largest medical-related development – the $4.3 billion Fitzsimons Life Science District and the adjacent Anchutz Medical Campus. We are the bioscience center of the Rocky Mountain West, offering companies access to knowledge workers, venture capital, and incubators. Not to mention an enviable lifestyle that helps retain our highly-skilled workforce. Examine us closely at You’ll find that Metro Denver is well positioned for the future of bioscience. TABLE OF CONTENTS W elcome to the Colorado BioScience Association’s sixth edition of Bioscience Colorado, the state’s only in depth guide and directory to the bioscience industry. Since the inception of the magazine, Colorado’s bioscience community has grown into an industry cluster that combats those on the East and West coasts. Colorado has something to be proud of. Within the pages of the 2010 Bioscience Colorado magazine, you will see the faces that make up the industry we know today. From the serial entrepreneurs and what makes them tick to the patients impacted by Colorado’s bioscience industry, you are sure to discover what makes Colorado stand above the rest. Welcome to the 2010 edition of Bioscience Colorado magazine, we hope you enjoy it. Produced by: Colorado BioScience Association, Published by: Colorado BioScience Association and Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade 20 COMPANIES TO WATCH: Colorado’s Emerging Life Science Companies 24 6 The Passion That Drives Colorado’s Bioscience Entrepreneurs: In Their Own Words 12 Colorado By the Numbers: A 2010 Update on Colorado’s Growing Bioscience Industry 17 Colorado Bioscience Companies Improve The Quality of Our Lives Patient Profiles In Courage BIOSCIENCE COLORADO 2010/2011 A CLASS ACT: Today’s Bioscience Students 26 On The Verge Of Greatness: Colorado Grants Develop Innovative Research 33 What Colorado Can Do For You: Colorado’s Investments In the Biosciences 38 CBSA 2010 Directory 5 The Passion That Drives Colorado’s Bioscience Entrepreneurs: SERIAL ENTREPRENEUR TREE Orexigen Thx BioForce BiPharma CompleGen MicroPhage Otsuka Pharma Vifor Celgene OSI/Pfizer EyeTech Archemix GPC Biotech $2 Gilead M&A $2.5B Myogen IPO Aspreva Pharmacia & Upjohn Schering M&A All Stock M&A $2.9B Abbott Novartis Pharmion 2000 Gilead g SomaLogic M&A 915M IPO M& A $189M GSK Baxter M&A $262M Vestar IPO IPO Antisoma Nuvelo Opthotech Regado Isis Pharma Soma Logic Nascacell Co-Founder and/or CEO In/Out Licensing Deals M&A Companies Board of Director Seat Exit Event 1980 Noxxon miRagen GlaxoSmithKline Merck Serono Takeda Pfizer Merck KGaA Synergen Somatagen 1985 N15 Ribomic MERGER 1990 NeXagen Freytag Mahaffy Gold 6 1995 NeXstar Amgen 2005 N15 2010 Clovis Oncology Clavis Quest Dx ARCA GlobeImmune Biopharma BiOptix Immunicon Flexion Thx 2010/2011 BIOSCIENCE COLORADO In Their Own Words By Casey Demchak I t often starts with an idea that turns into a passion that soon becomes an obsession. Sometimes it comes out of an inner need to make a difference in the world and have a positive impact on the lives of others. However it happens, the simple fact is this: A lot of people dream of creating their own business and building it into a success—but not everybody has the guts to do it. To start your own business requires determination, self-discipline, persistence, a high tolerance for risk and a willingness to work very long hours. And, if you’re starting a bioscience company with the goal of gaining FDA approval for a new drug or medical device—it requires an awful lot of money. Behind every Colorado bioscience company are men and women who’ve embraced these challenges and took them on with a zeal that not everyone possesses. Dr. Larry Gold, Dr. Bill Freytag and Patrick Mahaffy are three well-known, and very accomplished Colorado bioscience entrepreneurs. Recently, CBSA sat down with all three men to discuss their inner drive and the thoughts and emotions that have fueled their desire to create successful bioscience enterprises here in Colorado. BIOSCIENCE COLORADO 2010/2011 DR. LARRY GOLD Achievements: Dr. Larry Gold is the founder, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of SomaLogic. Prior to SomaLogic, he founded NeXagen, Inc., which later became NeXstar Pharmaceuticals, Inc. During nearly 10 years at NeXstar, Dr. Gold held numerous executive positions including Chairman of the Board. Before forming NeXagen, Dr. Gold also co-founded Synergen Inc., which was later acquired by Amgen. CBSA: Did you have an “ah ha” moment when you just knew you had to start your own business? LG: My ‘ah ha’ moment that I was not in conflict with the dual goals of knowledge and business came when I was 14 and I got my first job in Schenectady, New York, at Imperial Shoe Salon selling shoes in the women’s shoe department. I’ve had so many jobs—I’ve delivered milk, I’ve delivered newspapers; I had a job one summer in a lab and then at night I would go out and sing in a trio that played absolutely awful 7 LG: That’s funny. I mean, we’ve had just some stunning moments here at SomaLogic. Just a couple of weeks ago I saw the result of a wonderful, wonderful experiment. It was this beautiful data and you knew it meant a lot, and you knew it was going to help the company and you knew it could help people live longer, healthier lives. But the thrill of seeing these two fantastic people who work here with this incredible scientific observation is still the thing that’s so interesting. The raw thrill of a piece of data that maybe nobody’s ever really quite seen before still touches me like it did in the beginning. CBSA: What is it that really drives you when you wake up each day? LG: I’m driven by the same thing that every scientist is driven by: I love the chase. I want to be useful. We had a grant from the government; I was paid by taxpayers to work and, you know, that’s a privilege. You can’t have the kind of life that I and my faculty colleagues have had without feeling grateful to a society that lets you putz around and play, and discover these neat things and write papers and go to meetings and eat good food with your friends from all over. I mean, that’s not a bad lifestyle. And so there’s this extraordinary sense of gratitude and a need to pay back the guy that paid you, and I bet you that most scientists carry that. They don’t say it, but they’ve got to carry it because you’d have to be a moron to not be grateful. DR. WILLIAM FREYTAG music. You can get to be an entrepreneur in a lot of ways, and Synergen was not motivated by any big change in me. It was a little bit motivated by economics—I wanted to make enough money to send my young children to college, and I was never going to get to do that on my salary at the university. So it was a little bit motivated by preservation of the values that I cared about. It wasn’t the “ah ha” moment you’re thinking about. I’ve been entrepreneurial since I was a little kid. It was just in me. It felt kind of natural. CBSA: Did you ever have any moments of doubt when you started Synergen? LG: I didn’t have any doubts at all. I didn’t give a darn. That’s what you get out of selling shoes in a women’s shoe store. I mean, people said ‘no’ to you all the time. And I don’t mind having people say ‘no’ to me. You can’t make me insecure because you won’t buy that pair of shoes. And so selling is…you have to have kind of an 8 ability to say, “I think I’ll move on and we’ll try somebody else.” Of course, you approach every opportunity as though it’s the most important ever, because they are. The idea is to care deeply about each opportunity and know that you’re going to hear a lot of people say ‘no’. It’s all very simple. CBSA: What kind of hours did you work to launch your first business? LG: When I was getting my Ph.D., I worked probably on my Ph.D. 25 hours a week, and then when I went to be a postdoc I started working 80 hours a week. And I’ve worked 80 hours a week more or less my entire life right through today. And everybody I know and respect works all the time. The times I don’t work I go off on a vacation with my family and read books and enjoy my life. CBSA: What about being an entrepreneur gives you the most satisfaction? Achievements: Dr. Freytag serves as a member of the board of directors for four health care companies: ARCA biopharma, Inc.; GlobeImmune, Inc.; ProFoldRx, Inc., and BiOptix Inc. Dr. Freytag was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Aspreva Pharmaceuticals until its merger with Galenica AG. Prior to Aspreva, Dr. Freytag was President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Myogen, Inc. until it was acquired by Gilead Sciences. CBSA: Did you always know you wanted to be an entrepreneur? WF: When I was young I decided quite consciously to move into a large company environment to continue to learn as much as I possibly could, recognizing that at an early age, coming out of a postdoctoral study, I probably was not going to be a good entrepreneur without a good underpinning of what the corporate world is all about. 2010/2011 BIOSCIENCE COLORADO But at a young age you have dreams, and at that time we were seeing companies like Genentech, Amgen, Chiron and Biogen just beginning to develop and I wanted to be a part of that scene. And whether that meant starting my own company or eventually running one of those kinds of companies, that was sort of the dream I had back then. I actually give this kind of counsel to a lot of young entrepreneurs who come and ask me for advice. I suggest they do something similar to what I did, and that is go ground yourself in the large corporate environment, because you have an opportunity to learn so much that you can’t learn if you come out of school and join a small company where what you get exposed to is very limited. CBSA: What was the shared vision among the team that founded Myogen? WF: We wanted to go build an important company that we believed was sustainable and made an important contribution to healthcare. Because it’s part of our psychological mission in life: We want to make an important contribution to the world and we feel healthcare advances are, indeed, something that make us feel good about that. CBSA: Did the idea of moving away from a stable corporate job keep you up at night? WF: No, because I chose not to go there. And, something else occurred in the industry that many of us of my age went through during the early part of our careers—the idea of joining a company and being with that company for a long period of time, until you chose to leave, was something that was sort of the foundation of the company. But in the early ‘80s, companies started having to lay off people for financial reasons. Suddenly the concept of job security and the relationship between job security at a large company and that in a startup company became equivalent. The risk you were taking of your own company failing was no different than the risk you were taking of being laid off at a large company. CBSA: It seems these days it’s easier to create your own job security. WF: You’re absolutely right. And part of the mental switch that flipped for me was at least now my job security is in my own hands. If I’m not successful, then my job security doesn’t exist, but I can make my job security through my own efforts. CBSA: It’s always fun to ask this question: how BIOSCIENCE COLORADO 2010/2011 many hours a week were you putting in to get Myogen off the ground? WF: It was all-consuming. It actually is hard for me to say specifically how many hours a week I worked because I worked when I came home— so every waking hour was devoted to building the company in some form or fashion, either at my desk in the office or on the road raising money or here in the evening worrying about how I was going to address an issue going on in the company. So easily I was spending 60, 70, 80 hours a week working for the company…but enjoying it. I mean to me it wasn’t a burden at all. CBSA: In addition to the long hours, what was the biggest obstacle you faced? WF: You know some might think it’s the science. But it’s not. The science isn’t hard because it’s just science. You can’t predict its outcome; you only formulate hypotheses about what you think is going to work and then you test it. So science isn’t hard. So to answer your question, the hardest thing—and I don’t think it’s unique to Myogen; it’s probably the hardest thing in every company—was raising money. You basically go from one financing tranche to the next, and when you choose to do that financing is a very challenging undertaking because you could easily find yourself in a situation where you’re running out of money and there’s just no money to be raised—and it has nothing to do with you; it has everything to do with the market. And so trying to navigate that whole concept of market dynamics and raising money was probably the hardest thing we all had to do. PATRICK J. MAHAFFY Achievements: Mr. Mahaffy co-founded Clovis Oncology and is its President and Chief Executive Officer. Previously, he served in the same role at Pharmion Corporation, which he founded in 2000. Prior to that, Mr. Mahaffy was 9 daring proactive first constructive resourceful excited brilliant amazing befirst ready strong Be First. To discover the answer or the cure, ISEC has been supporting scientists for years. With over four decades of experience and a global reach, ISEC understands the science and the art of building a great facility. For more information contact Val Ross at 303-952-5258 or architectural woodwork | laboratory furniture | laboratory & medical equipment general trades | ornamental metals | specialties | doors, frames & hardware President and Chief Executive Officer of NeXagen, Inc. and its successor, NeXstar Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Today he is also a member of the boards of directors of Orexigen Therapeutics, Inc. and Flexion Therapeutics, Inc. CBSA: What was the spark that drove you to want to co-found Clovis Oncology? PM: I took a little time off after NeXstar and thought about what to do next, and I found that my thesis really was that NeXstar was a very interesting company, but we were trying to do too much under one roof. But one of the things I really liked that we were doing was developing and commercializing anti-cancer drugs. I found that to be the most rewarding and enjoyable part of my day-to-day life at NeXstar. So I decided that starting a company to focus on developing and ultimately commercializing oncology drugs would play to something I was very interested in, and of course there’s a significant need for a company along those lines. I think that over the course of months and conversations with a number of people, including the co-founder at the time, Judy Hemberger, it became an ever more attractive idea. CBSA: Where there any doubts you had to overcome? PM: I don’t tend to be haunted by fears or doubts. You know, one of the things I’ve told people here at Clovis is, you know, we already know it’s a really good idea. There is a real need for a company like ours; therefore, we know the business model’s a good idea. It’s up to us to execute on it, and so what we spend time on is making sure that we execute on the business model. And I just don’t find it useful to be plagued by doubt or anxiety; better to make a decision and follow through with it and if it’s wrong, make another decision. CBSA: I would think you have to have a lot of confidence in your decision making. PM: I think you make decisions and go down a path, and I think you have confidence in yourself and your team. You hire a great group of people and you seek to control what you can control, but waste no time worrying about what is beyond your control. It is absolutely a waste of energy. So it allows you to focus on the things where you can have an influence and usually good things happen when you do that. CBSA: What were the biggest obstacles you faced in developing your business? PM: I think that at Pharmion—less so here at 10 2010/2011 BIOSCIENCE COLORADO Clovis because the times have changed and we’re a little more proven—there was a question about whether a company would turn over an asset to an unproven organization with limited resources, rather than really focus on trying to find a big pharma partner. But we were able to gain rights to assets, one from big pharma, one from at that time a smaller biotech company, but now a very large one because they’ve done exceptionally well—Celgene—but I guess that was probably a question. I mean, could we convince somebody to bet on us? And we were able to and things worked out pretty well. CBSA: What about being an entrepreneur has given you the most satisfaction? PM: You know, I’ve been fortunate. I’ve started companies that have had a good outcome. And building a company is enormously rewarding. I’ll give an example of something that just feels great: I was at ASCO last year around the time we started Clovis, and I went to the session on MDS, which is a type of leukemia that our drug at Pharmion, Vidaza®, treated exceptionally well. And at the session, the presenter, who was not involved in our clinical trial, said, “Now let me turn to a trial that I think is not only the best trial that’s ever been done in MDS, but probably the best trial done in leukemia—in any type of leukemia—in the last five or 10 years,” and it was our trial. It was a survival trial we ran to demonstrate a very significant survival advantage for Vidaza®. And it’s tremendously rewarding to think not only did we start a company—but what I always tell people is, “All we want to do is matter.” If we do our job right, if we matter in the patients’ lives, then good things are gonna happen. And that trial is a good example of a very difficult trial, a very well-designed and managed trial, and the outcome was superb for patients…and it feels great. It feels great to create a company; it feels particularly great to create a company that matters. CBSA: When you get up in the morning, what really drives and motivates you? PM: You know, when you start a company as I’ve done in the past six months with Clovis, and in this case with $145 million of other people’s money, you make a deal with them that you are going to do your damndest to give them a return on that investment. It’s not a gift. So, one goal is to provide a return for the people who bet on me. Two is to provide a great environment for the people that work for me. Three is to gain access to products, as we’ve begun to, and be responsible for developing them in a responsible way in the hopes that we are, as a company, going to make a real difference in patients’ lives. And at some level, all of this relates to the fact that drug development is one of the great team sports. I mean, it’s a tremendous challenge; multiple interdisciplinary teams have to be coordinated to work together in order to bring a product forward. And I find this challenge to be enormously interesting. CBSA thoroughly enjoyed our 20-minute discussions with Dr. Larry Gold, Dr. William Freytag, and Patrick Mahaffy. Their insights into the drive and passion required to start and build successful bioscience enterprises is an education for any who might wish to follow in their paths. To read full transcripts of our extended interviews with these three bioscience pioneers, we invite you to visit Sprint Denver specializing in for the BioScience and Pharmaceutical Community. Sprint Denver is your single source provider for all your print communication needs. Our focus in producing print for the BioScience, Pharmaceutical fields means we have the resources and knowledge to help you communicate your message efficiently and effectively to your customers. Photo: Don Eastburn, Castle Rock, CO All Rights Reserved Contact us and learn what makes Sprint Denver your best choice in print. Contact Michael Ehrman 4999 Kingston Street, Denver, CO 80239 303.371.0566 The Sprint Denver 2009 Green Report is available, please contact Michael Ehrman for your emailed copy. BIOSCIENCE COLORADO 2010/2011 11 Colorado By the Numbers: A 2010 Update on Colorado’s Growing Bioscience Industry By ADAM RUBENSTIEN T o say the previous year was a trying time for individuals and companies is an understatement, but taking a quick glance at the Colorado Bioscience ecosystem via the following maps outlines an industry that not simply has endured the turbulence but has, on a relative basis, thrived throughout the last twelve months. Certainly some entities were faced with having to close the doors but that comes with the territory where one in ten thousand new molecular entities ever reach the market. Over $400M flowed into Colorado bioscience companies in 2009 in the form of institutional and angel financings, secondary issues and milestone payments. These Companies also reflect the diversity of the Colorado bioscience industry as capital flowed in to fund work in the biopharma, medical device, diagnostic, green-bio and medical-IT sectors. Since the CBSA began tracking Colorado bioscience financings over $1.1 billion in capital has been injected into the State and over an additional $6.8 billion has been created in shareholder value via a number of M&A events from a who’s who of big pharma; with the most recent 2009 acquisition of Boulder-based Insmed (Biologics Manufacturing) by Merck. The leadership in Colorado also recognizes the importance of catalyzing early-stage intellectual property. So with the recent passage of House Bill 1001 allocating more than $25M to early-stage life science IP in concert with the newly established Colorado Institute for Drug, Device and Diagnostic Development ( and the growth of the Colorado Initiative in Molecular Biotechnology ( and the NeoTrex Cancer Supercluster (http://superclusters. the seeds are being planted for a robust pipeline of downstream Colorado company formations and subsequent financing events that will keep the Colorado Bioscience ecosystem thriving for years to come. 12 colorado growth map 2006-2009 Technology Legend New Companies since 2006/07 Recent Institutional Financing Public Companies Larimer 22 28 33 48 Weld 25 27 Boulder 13 1 2 12 9 8 11 26 11 15 43 28 20 9 7 32 Broomfield Gilpin 3 Clear Creek 14 10 32 20 40 6 37 12 34 21 33 41 35 45 46 Adams 44 47 Denver Arapahoe 38 Jefferson 42 Elbert Douglas Colorado Teller San Miguel County, Telluride, CO 37 Middlesex County Hopkinton, MA El Paso 2010/2011 BIOSCIENCE COLORADO colorado growth map 2006-2009 1 3Q Matrix 2 A2BE Carbon Capture 3 Accuthera 4 Advanced Headache Intervention 5 Advanced Microlabs 6 ApopLogic Pharmaceuticals 7 ArcScan Inc. 8 Beacon Biotechnology 9 BioAMPS International 10 Biodesix 11 BlueSun 12 Caveo Therapeutics 13 Chemizon 14 Clarimedix 15 CycleGen 16 EndoShape 17 FireFly Medical 18 Fluonic 19 HepQuant 20 Hiberna 21 Illumasonix 22 KromatidTiD 23 Lanx 24 Locomotion 25 mBio Diagnostics 26 Miragen Pharmaceuticals 27 OPX Biotechnologies 28 Peak Biosciences 29 pico-tesla Magnetic Therapies 30 Precision Biopsy 31 Sierra Neuropharmaceuticals 32 Snoasis Medical 33 Solix Biofuels 34 Taiga Biotechnologies 35 Tissue Genetics 36 ValveXchange 37 V-Clip Pharmaceuticals 38 Ventrus Biosciences 39 Vitrumed 40 MycoLogics 41 AmideBio 42 Analytical Research System 43 InDevR 44 Qgenta 45 Allogenesis 46 Western States Biopharma 47 Isogenis 48 Tolmar 49 Biotricity Medical BIOSCIENCE COLORADO 2010/2011 Weld Larimer 17 28 22 5 33 49 48 25 13 28 1 Boulder 2 9 14 26 16 1511 10 23 43 24 20 Broomfield 40 39 Gilpin 27 18 6 12 348 3 Clear Creek Middlesex County Hopkinton, MA 7 Jefferson 32 Denver 38 4 19 35 45 46 30 Adams 21 3136 44 47 41 29 42 Arapahoe Technology Legend Medical Device Biopharma Diagnostic Douglas GreenBio Other 37 El Paso 13 Institutional Financings 2007 to Present COMPANY ROUND/EVENT VALUE ($M) 1 Accera Series C $ 35.0 2 Allos Therapeutics Secondary $ 65.2 Allos Therapeutics Secondary $ 50.5 3 ARCA biopharma Series B $ 18.0 4 Array Biopharma Debt + Warrants $ 80.0 5 Aspen BioPharma S econdary $ 18.2 6 BaroFold Series A $ 12.0 7 Biodesix Series B Undisclosed 8 BiOptix Series B Undisclosed 9 CeraPedics Series A financing $ 12.3 10 Evolutionary Genomics Series A $ 5.0 11 GlobeImmune Series C $ 41.2 12 iBalance Medical Series A $ 13.5 13 Illumasonix Series A Undisclosed 14 Lanx Series A $ 25.0 15 MD-IT Series B $ 11.0 16 Microphage Series A $ 11.0 17 Miragen Series A $ 8.0 18 N30 Pharma Series A Undisclosed 19 OPX Biotechnologies Series A $ 3.6 20 OberonFMR Series A $ 1.0 21 Precision Biopsy Series A Undisclosed 22 Range Fuels Series B $ 130.0 23 Sierra Neuropharma Series A $ 21.5 24 SomaLogic Series D $ 35.0 25 Taligen Therapeutics Series B $ 65.0 26 TheraTogs Series A $ 1.1 27 Luca Technologies Series C $ 76.0 28 Medivance Series E $ 8.1 29 Clovis Oncology Series A $ 146.0 30 OPX Biotechnologies Series B $ 17.5 31 CeraPedics Series B $ 14.5 32 BiOptix Series A $ 3.0 33 AmideBio Seed Undisclosed 34 GlobeImmune Series E $ 17.5 35 GlobeImmune Milestone payment $ 40.0 36 Inviragen Series A $ 15.0 37 Sharklet Series A $ 1.5 38 miRagen Series A2 $ 4.0 39 Array Biopharma Debt + Warrants $ 40.0 40 BioAMPs Seed $ 0.1 41 Allos Therapeutics Secondary $ 93.0 42 AspenBio Pharma Secondary $ 8.7 Sub-total | Capital Raises $1,720.0 Acquired 43Dharmacon 44Sirna Acquired 45Pharmion Acquired 46Myogen Acquired 47RxKinetix Acquired 48 Insmed Acquired Sub-total | Exits TOTAL | Capital infused to Colorado 14 $ 80.0 $ 1,100.0 $ 2,900.0 $ 2,500.0 $ 115.0 $ 130.0 $6,825.0 $7,997.0 Larimer Weld 36 Technology Legend Medical Device Biopharma 30 11 43 45 38 16 Diagnostic 6 24 15 46 17 10 GreenBio 31 Boulder 12 Other 4 14 32 8 19 29 3 1 11 18 22 34 48 44 47 28 39 9 7 2 41 Broomfield 25 Gilpin 23 13 37 21 Adams 40 10 33 1 27 11 20 Denver 35 Jefferson 39 42 Teller 12 22 5 Arapahoe Elbert Douglas El Paso Colorado 26 San Miguel County, Telluride, CO 2010/2011 BIOSCIENCE COLORADO Larimer Weld 19 31 Technology Legend Colorado-Based and Related Medical Device Biopharma 32 23 5 27 25 Boulder 28 15 33 29 Diagnostic 4 GreenBio Other 20 34 2 14 24 17 7 21 Broomfield 30 16 3 Gilpin 18 10 26 1 Adams 40 11 Denver 38 Jefferson 12 22 13 39 41 Arapahoe 8 Elbert Douglas Teller 36 9 BIOSCIENCE COLORADO 2010/2011 El Paso 1 2 3 4 Colorado-Based & Related Public CompaPublic Companies nies Accelr8 Technology Agilent Technologies Allos Therapeutics Alpharma Animal Health/ King Pharma AMEX: AXK NYSE: A NASDAQ: ALTH NYSE: KG 5 Amgen 7 Array Biopharma 8 AspenBio Pharma 9 B2 Health 10 BioNovo 11 Ceragenix Pharmaceuticals 12 Cochlear Americas 13 Conmed 14 Corgenix Medical 15 Covidien 16 Dharmacon/ Thermo Fischer Scientific NASDAQ: AMGN NASDAQ: ARRY NASDAQ: APPY NASDAQ: BTWO NASDAQ: BNVI OTC BB: CGXP.OB ASX: COH NASDAQ: CNMD NASDAQ: CONX.OB NYSE: COV NYSE: TMO 17 Encision 18 GeneThera 19 Heska 20 Hospira 21 InB:Paxis / Hauser CRO/ Integrated BioPharma NASDAQ: ECIA.OB NASDAQ: GTHR.PK NASDAQ: HSKA NYSE: HSP NASDAQ: INBP 22 Inhibiton Therapeutics 23 Insmed 24 Martek Biosciences 25 Medtronic 26 Mesa Labs 27 Myogen/Gilead 28 OrthoNextx 29 OSI Pharmaceuticals 30 Pharmion/Celgene 31 QLT 32 Replidyne/ CardioVascular Systems NASDAQ: IHBT NASDAQ: INSM NASDAQ: MATK NYSE: MDT NASDAQ: MLAB NASDAQ: GILD NASDAQ: ANTX.OB NASDAQ: OSIP NASDAQ: CELG NASDAQ: QLTI NASDAQ: RDYN 33 Roche Colorado 34 Sandoz 36 Spectranetics 38 The Sorin Group 39 VitroLife 40 Xelr8 Holdings 41 Zynex VTX: ROG.VX NYSE: NVS NASDAQ: SPNC MTAX: SRN.MI SEK: VITR AMEX: BZI NASDAQ: ZYXI.OB 15 Colorado Recent Financings January 2010 n Green-Bio n Biopharma n Medical Device n Diagnostic n Other COMPANY CITY/ZIP ROUND/EVENT VALUE ($M) TECHNOLOGY/PRODUCT 1 Accera Broomfield / 80021 Series C $35.00 Medical Foods | CNS 2 Allos Therapeutics Westminster / 80020 Secondary $65.20 Small molecule THx | Oncology 3 Allos Therapeutics Westminster / 80020 Secondary $50.50 Small molecule THx | Oncology 4 ARCA biopharma Broomfield / 80021 Series B $18.00 Small moleculer THx | Cardiovascular 5 Array Biopharma Boulder / 80301 Debt + Warrants $80.00 Small molecule THx | Oncology 7 Aspen BioPharma Castle Rock / 80104 Secondary $18.20 Protein THx and Dx | Reproduction, Appendicitis 8 Arterain Medical Atlanta / 30313 Series A Undisclosed 9 BaroFold Boulder / 80301 Series A $12.00 Protein THx | Immunologic disorders 10 Biodesix Broomfield / 80021 Series B Undisclosed Dx Platform | Oncology 11 BiOptix Boulder / 80301 Seed Undisclosed Dx Platform | Infectious Diesease 12 Ceragenix Denver / 80202 Milestone payment $1.00 Medical Device | Infectious Disease 13 Ceragenix Denver / 80202 Milestone payment $1.50 Medical Device | Infectious Disease 14 CeraPedics Broomfield / 80021 Series A $12.30 Medical Device | Bone Graft 15 Evolutionary Genomics Lafayette / 80026 Series A $5.00 Biofuels Greentech 16 GlobeImmune Louisville / 80027 Series C $41.20 Discovery and development of potent, targeted molecular immunotherapies 17 iBalance Medical Boulder / 80301 Series A $13.50 Medical Device | Orthopedic 18 Illumasonix Aurora / 80045 Series A Undisclosed Dx Platform | Cardiovascular 19 Lanx Broomfield / 80021 Series A $25.00 Medical Device | Orthopedic 20 MD-IT Boulder / 80301 Series B $11.00 Telemedicine | Electronic Records 21 MedShape Solutions Atlanta / 30318 Series A Undisclosed 22 Microphage Longmont / 80503 Series A $11.00 Dx Platform | Infectious Diesease 23 miRagen Boulder / 80301 Series A $8.00 miRNA | Cardiovascualr 24 N30 Pharma Boulder / 80301 Series A Undisclosed Small molecule THx | Respiratory 25 OPX Biotechnologies Boulder / 80301 Series A $3.60 Biofuels Greentech 26 OberonFMR Idaho Springs / 80452 Series A $1.00 Biofuels Greentech 27 Precision Biopsy Aurora / 80045 Series A Undisclosed Dx Platform | Oncology 28 Range Fuels Broomfield / 80021 Series B $130.00 Biofuels Greentech 29 Sierra Neuropharma Aurora / 80045 Series A $21.50 Small molecule THx | CNS 30 SomaLogic Boulder / 80301 Series D $35.00 Dx Platform | Various Diseases 31 Taligen Therapeutics Aurora / 80045 Series B $65.00 Protein THx | Inflammation 32 TheraTogs Telluride / 84135 Series A $1.10 Medical Device | Orthopedic 33 Luca Technologies Golden / 80401 Series C $76.00 Biofuels Greentech 34 Medivance Louisville / 80027 Series E $8.10 Medical Device | Temperature Management 35 AspenBio Pharma Castle Rock / 80104 Secondary $8.70 Protein THx and Dx | Reproduction, Appendicitis 36 Clovis Oncology Boulder / 80301 Series A $146.00 Small molecule THx | Oncology 37 OPX Biotechnologies Boulder / 80301 Series B $17.50 Biofuels Greentech 38 CeraPedics Broomfield / 80021 Series B $14.50 Medical Device | Bone Graft 39 BiOptix Boulder / 80301 Series A $3.00 Dx Platform | Infectious Disease 40 AmideBio Aurora / 80045 Seed Undisclosed Biopharma | Peptide Manufacturing 41 GlobeImmune Louisville / 80027 Series E $17.50 Biopharma | Oncology and Infectious Disease 42 GlobeImmune Louisville / 80027 Milestone payment $40.00 Biopharma | Oncology and Infectious Disease 43 Inviragen Ft. Collins / 80525 Series A $15.00 Biopharma | Vaccines for Infectious Disease 44 Sharklet Aurora / 80045 Series A $1.50 Antimicrobial Surface Film 45 miRagen Boulder / 80301 Series A2 $4.00 miRNA | Cardiovascular 46 Array Biopharma Boulder / 80301 Debt + Warrants $40.00 Small molecule THx | Oncology 47 BioAMPs Aurora / 80045 Seed $0.10 Biopharma | Infectious Disease 48 Allos Therapeutics Westminster / 80020 Secondary $93.00 Small molecule THx | Oncology Sub-total | Capital Raise 2009 $408.90 Sub-total | Capital Raise Inception $1,172.00 49 Dharmacon Lafayette / 80026 Acquired $80.00 RNAi oligos 50 Sirna Boulder / 80301 Acquired $1,100.00 RNAi THx | Oncology 51 Pharmion Boulder / 80301 Acquired $2,900.00 Small molecule THx | Oncology 52 Myogen Boulder / 80301 Acquired $2,500.00 Small molecule THx | Cardilogy 53 RxKinetix Louisville / 80027 Acquired $115.00 Small molecule THx | Oncology 54 Insmed Acquired $130.00 Sub-total | Exits $6,825.00 TOTAL | Capital infused to Colorado $7,997.00 16 2010/2011 BIOSCIENCE COLORADO Colorado Bioscience Companies Improve The Quality of Our Lives Patient Profiles In Courage By: Casey Demchak I f you follow the Colorado bioscience industry on a daily basis, it can be easy to forget the impact it has on people’s lives. News articles and cocktail party discussions often center on an array of buzz phrases such as, venture capital, mergers and acquisitions, job creation, economic impact, breakthrough science and preclinical trials. These topics are all of great significance, but ultimately there is one subject within the Colorado bioscience community that stands above the rest: the tremendous positive contribution our industry has on lives throughout the world. People in all corners of the planet wake up every day with a renewed sense of hope because of the work being done right here in Colorado. It’s about the woman who can go on a 100-mile bike ride today, thanks in part to a drug that kept her energy and spirits up during her chemotherapy infusion treatments following breast cancer surgery. It’s about a young, innocent boy who can now play video games and look forward to the day when he can eat solid foods—like the other kids—because a medical device made by a Colorado company played an important role in his bone marrow transplantation. Every day, people we’ll never meet are better able to enjoy time with their loved ones, take a walk along a beach or simply use the restroom without pain and discomfort due to the dedication and unending hours of work being done by bioscience professionals throughout our state. Here are two stories of courageous patients whose quality of life has been raised by Colorado bioscience companies. BIOSCIENCE COLORADO 2010/2011 WILL CRISLER In June, 2008 Will Crisler’s young life changed in ways he and his parents could never have imagined. A normal nine-year old boy, he had what seemed like a typical nose bleed one day in his home town of Albuquerque, New Mexico. However, when his nose bleed persisted for more than an hour, Will’s parents called their family doctor, who advised them to take Will to the emergency room immediately. At the hospital it was discovered that his nose bleed was anything but typical. Will also had a low fever, bleeding gums and legs covered in bruises. After an examination and several tests, Will’s parents learned their son had severe aplastic anemia – a condition where a patient’s bone marrow doesn’t produce an adequate amount of blood cells. In fact, upon diagnosis Will’s bone marrow was providing a mere 5% of his own cells. 17 No one in their family had ever been diagnosed with a severe illness, so Will’s diagnosis hit them hard. Will soon received his first blood transfusion, and has since received over 130 of them. Soon after, Will began receiving treatments at The Children’s Hospital in Denver. His parents had to take turns staying with him in Colorado, while also staying with Will’s 15 year-old sister in Albuquerque. Initially, Will and his family stayed at a hotel close to The Children’s Hospital, but the hotel became too expensive and was not clean enough for Will’s weak immune system. This obviously wasn’t an ideal environment for Will. However, things changed dramatically for the better when Will was able to move into Brent’s Place, which is a five minute drive from Denver’s The Children’s Hospital. Brent’s Place is a non-profit organization providing safe, clean apartments designed to protect patients with immune-compromising conditions. It functions as a convenient “home away from home” for children with cancer and their families, providing immune-compromised patients with an ideal healing environment after bone marrow or stem cell transplantations. A recent corporate sponsor of Brent’s Place is Denver-based CaridianBCT, which is a leading global provider of blood technologies and services to blood centers, hospitals and scientific, clinical and biotech researchers. Because Brent’s Place offers housing for children with compromised immune systems, many children benefit from CaridianBCT’s technological innovations in the medical device industry. The medical devices CaridianBCT manufactures in Denver have played a crucial role in Will’s treatments. When Will’s body stopped responding to traditional treatments, it was determined a bone marrow transplant was the only procedure that could save his life. Fortunately, Will’s father, Chuck Crisler, was a matching donor. About six months ago, 18 Chuck was able to give Will a bone marrow transplant. Upon harvesting Chuck’s stem cells, CaridianBCT’s COBE® Spectra Apheresis system was used in the treatment of Chuck’s cells prior to transplanting into Will. Chuck’s lifesaving bone marrow was then given to Will so it could “jumpstart” his system into making its own blood cells again. As a result, Will is now able to produce over 30% of his own cells. Chuck Crisler is nothing less than amazed with the innovative technology that saved his son. “Thirty years ago, this diagnosis would have likely meant that Will would have died,” says Chuck. “I am so grateful for CaridianBCT’s technology and how it has kept my son alive.” At CaridianBCT, the focus remains on the patients they ultimately serve, and that’s why they are so proud to know that their technology has helped Will through the treatment and recovery of his aplastic anemia. Partnering with Brent’s Place in their quest to serve kids with cancer, CaridianBCT is thrilled to be a silver-level sponsor with the organization – furthering their mission For Better Blood and Better Lives. They look forward to supporting and participating in the Brent’s Place annual 5Kwalk/run charity event this summer on July 10th. To learn more about Brent’s Place and how you can contribute to this important cause, we encourage you to visit their website at www. DIANE GROFF Running 10K’s and bike riding across Iowa was considered a normal excursion for Diane Groff who had always lived an extremely active and healthy lifestyle. There was no history of breast cancer in her family, so at age 41 it came as a complete shock to Diane when cancer was detected in her left breast. Fortunately, it was a Stage 0 diagnosis, and Diane had a lumpectomy and 25 days of radiation treatments. Naturally, she cycled to all of her treatments, completing her final “radiation day” with a 60-mile ride through the Front Range foothills. Diane’s mammograms showed no signs of concern for over two years. However, in the fall of 2001, a second primary bilateral breast cancer was found in her right breast. This time 2010/2011 BIOSCIENCE COLORADO it was an invasive Stage II diagnosis, and Diane chose to have a bilateral mastectomy and breast reconstruction procedures. In addition to four surgeries, Diane had to endure 12 weeks of chemotherapy treatments. During this period it was crucial that she maintain her health and keep her energy up as much as possible. To accomplish this, in between chemotherapy treatments Diane would receive an injection of Epogen®, which is a red blood cell booster shot. Epogen® is a product developed by Amgen, a leading human therapeutics company within Colorado’s bioscience industry. Amgen has pioneered the development of novel products based on advances in recombinant DNA molecular biology. As a Fortune 500 company that serves millions of patients, Amgen has always been a science-driven company dedicated to helping people fight serious illness. What instantly tied Diane and Amgen together is that they are both Longmont, Colorado, residents. “I was able to bike ride to all my Epogen® injection appointments,” said Diane. “I would ride straight west, turn left and yell out ‘Thank you!’ as I bicycled past Amgen.” Diane also noted, “What Epogen® did for me was keep me on my chemotherapy schedule, and that was of huge importance.” Being a 28-year resident of Longmont, Diane had watched Amgen develop over the years, so she felt a special connection to them during her chemotherapy and Epogen® treatments. That connection further solidified three years later when Diane went to a local community function that was attended by Amgen representatives, including Jessica Graziano, who is Amgen’s Senior Associate, Corporate Communications. “I asked Jessica if she had ever met someone who had used an Amgen product,” reports Diane. “She said she never had, so I told her my story and that’s how my connection with Amgen began.” That chance connection with Jessica Graziano has led to Diane Groff being an inspirational speaker at Amgen training meetings and retreats. In turn, Amgen has funded finish line celebrations for Diane’s Rocky Mt. Team Survivor triathlon events. “It always brings a smile to my face when I see the Amgen sign up at an event,” says Diane. “They are also big supporters of the American Cancer Society Relay For Life, and I very much appreciate that.” Only three weeks after her last chemoBIOSCIENCE COLORADO 2010/2011 therapy treatment, Diane Groff ran a 5K, a race that she still calls the most significant race of her life. Competing in triathlons and running events as an active cancer survivor is an unending source of joy and hope for her. Diane has been cancer free for five years and continues to lead a very active life. In fact, she is now a sponsored athlete through the Brooks Running Company Inspire Daily program, and a proud member of Team Survivor. To learn more about Diane Groff’s amazing journey, please visit her inspiring web site at www. These two profiles show the courage of patients who have benefited from the Colorado bioscience community, but only represent two out of hundreds of thousands of stories across the globe. It’s important for all of us to never forget that beyond the quests for venture capital and scientific breakthroughs lie the hopes and dreams of real people whose quality of life has been forever improved though the hard work and vision of those who have put their heart and soul into shaping the landscape of Colorado’s bioscience industry. 19 COMPANIES TO WATCH: COLORADO’S EMERGING LIFE SCIENCE COMPANIES BY ADAM RUBENSTEIN A significant temporal duration exists, at times exceeding a decade or more between idea-generation, clinical studies and commercialization. Gaps and valleys and troughs are often used to describe capital needs based upon where a company or technology sits on the development continuum. In Colorado, the cowboy spirit and can-do attitude permeates throughout the entrepreneurial ecosystem where biopioneers find themselves embarked upon sometimes unique paths to get their products to market, and in doing so, may often fly under the radar relative to others who have closed well publicized institutional financings. Here we turn the spotlight on a few of those companies. Colorado is home to a diverse array of bioscience sectors featuring the development of not only biopharmaceuticals, devices and diagnostics but home to also emerging green-bio and medical-IT products and technologies. What follows are some of Colorado’s most exciting emerging companies representing products and technologies from all sectors of the bioscience industry. 20 COMPANY: MICROPHAGE SECTOR: BIO-DX CEO: STEVE LUNDY LOCATION: LONGMONT, CO WEB: MICROPHAGE.COM Based in Longmont, Colorado, privately held MicroPhage is focused on achieving a global leadership position in developing rapid, easy-to-use diagnostic products for bacterial identification and antibiotic susceptibility and resistance testing. Using their proprietary Bacteriophage Amplification platform, the Company has developed a patented process that is a product platform for rapid, easy-touse, inexpensive diagnostic and screening tests. The platform does not require any instrumentation and is simple to operate, enabling microbiology testing outside of traditional laboratory settings. The company has chosen to focus their initial efforts to help solve medical crises involving such problems as over use of antibiotics and antibiotic resistant bacteria. The first product expected in 2010 is anticipated to set a new standard for clinicians and hospital staff in methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) identification and antibiotic testing. Additional bacterial pathogens that may be addressed with the company’s technology include: Vancomycinresistant Enterococcus (VRE), ESBLproducing Escherichia coli, drug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and penicillinresistant Streptococcus pneumoniae. 2009 proved to be an exciting year for CEO Steve Lundy and company as a number of important milestones were achieved, including: launching their multi-site clinical trial to support a FDA premarket notification [510(k)]; obtaining a CE Mark to market in Europe the first of their instrument-free tests designed to rapidly identify Staphylococcus aureus bacteria as well as determine methicillin resistance or susceptibility in suspected cases of bacteremia; and, announced a doubling of their office and laboratory space while increasing full time employees from 4 to 25. Look for MicroPhage to conclude their pivotal study to support their 510(k) premarket notification and initiate commercial operations in the first half of 2010. COMPANY: SOURCE MDX SECTOR: BIO-DX CEO: KARL WASSMAN LOCATION: BOULDER, CO WEB: SOURCEMDX.COM Based in Boulder, Colorado, Source MDx is developing and commercializing prognostic, predictive and early detection molecular diagnostic (Precision Profile™) assays and tests for cancer and other inflammatory diseases. The Company’s lead development programs, in collaboration with the DanaFarber Cancer Institute, include a family of Precision Profile™ assays for prostate cancer designed to: i. improve early diagnosis with a goal to reduce the need for biopsies, ii. predict the aggressiveness of the cancer, and iii. better define prognosis and more effectively stratify patients for drug response - all of which may serve to improve the management of patient care and lower healthcare costs. The Company is also developing molecular diagnostics in collaboration with other leading 2010/2011 BIOSCIENCE COLORADO based on the discovery, characterization and management of naturally occurring consortia of ancient, anaerobic microorganisms that metabolize oil, organic-rich shale and coal within the earth into natural gas, thus generating clean renewable energy in a continuous, “real time” fashion. Luca employs genomics, molecular biology and other tools of biotechnology to detect, classify and study these organisms and the underground “Geobioreactors” in which they act. 2009 proved to be a very exciting year for the Luca team assembled by CEO Robert Pfeiffer, for in addition to having received a key notice of allowance by the US Patent and Trademark Office covering the Company’s technology for microbially enhanced methane production, Luca was also named to the Global Cleantech 100 list by the Guardian News and Cleantech Group. Supported by the Carbon Trust, the Global Cleantech 100 recognizes companies at the forefront of cleantech innovation offering solutions to some of the world’s most pressing environmental challenges. Luca was also selected by AlwaysOn as one of the GoingGreen Top 100 Winners, with the selection based upon a set of five criteria: innovation, market potential, commercialization, stakeholder value and media buzz. COMPANY: OPX BITECHNOLOGIES SECTOR: BIO-GREEN CEO: CHARLES EGGERT LOCATION: BOULDER, CO WEB: OPXBIOTECHNOLOGIES.COM academic medical centers in a range of cancers, including lung and melanoma, as well as certain inflammatory and autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis. Source MDx’s patented assays and tests measure RNA-transcriptbased gene expression in whole blood using quantitative PCR, optimized for clinical use in a commercial setting. The Company has a multi-year translational molecular medicine collaboration with Pfizer to develop and validate RNA-based pharmacodynamic and predictive biomarkers within Pfizer’s cancer and inflammation therapeutic development programs. Led by CEO Karl Wassman, Source MDx has worked with more than 30 major pharmaceutical firms on over 150 preclinical projects and clinical trials that have involved over 5,000 human subjects. BIOSCIENCE COLORADO 2010/2011 COMPANY: LUCA TECHNOLOGIES SECTOR: BIO-GREEN CEO: ROBERT PFEIFFER LOCATION: GOLDEN, CO WEB: LUCATECHNOLOGIES.COM Based in Golden, Colorado, Luca Technologies is developing a novel, longterm, biotechnology-driven solution to rising US dependence on foreign energy sources. Addressing the $150 billion domestic natural gas market, the company is leveraging the ability of naturally occurring microorganisms to convert under-utilized domestic oil, organic-rich shale and coal resources to clean, renewable energy. The company’s business is characterized by: A technology platform Based in Boulder, Colorado, OPX Biotechnologies is a bio-products company using proprietary bioengineering technology to convert renewable feedstocks into biofuels and green chemistry products. The OPX EDGE (Efficiency Directed Genome Engineering) technology platform enables rapid, rational, and robust optimization of microbes and bioprocesses. The Company identifies the genes that control microbial metabolism and then implements a comprehensive, rational genetic change strategy to simultaneously optimize microbial production pathways and vitality as well as overall bioprocess productivity. The OPX platform includes a first-of-itskind, massively parallel, full genome search technology known as SCALEs. The OPX EDGE technology is 1,000 to 5,000 times faster than conventional genetic engineering 21 methods, meaning OPX creates optimized microbes and bioprocesses within months rather than years. Compared to petroleum-based alternatives, OPX EDGE bioprocesses deliver equivalent product performance with improved sustainability at lower cost. Using the EDGE platform, OPX has produced multiple biofuel and green chemistry products at laboratory scale from several different renewable feedstocks. OPX is proving its economical bioprocesses at larger scale in advance of a demonstration plant startup in 2011. COMPANY: MIRAGEN THERAPEUTICS SECTOR: BIO-PHARMA CEO: BILL MARSHALL LOCATION: BOULDER, CO WEB: MIRAGENTHERAPEUTICS.COM Based in Boulder, CO miRagen Therapeutics, a development-stage biopharmaceutical company is focused on developing innovative microRNA (miRNA) based therapeutics for cardiovascular and muscle disease. The Company is leveraging its core capabilities in miRNA profiling, oligonucleotide medicinal chemistry, cellular analysis, and in vivo testing in disease models to select highly potent modulators that target lead miRNAs in disease-specific pathways. miRagen has identified miRNA signature expression patterns associated with pathological cardiac hypertrophy, heart failure and myocardial infarction in humans and mouse models of heart disease, as well as discovering miRNAs that are important in vascular and skeletal muscle disease. The Company has validated numerous targets and moved potential clinical candidates through lead optimization into IND-enabling preclinical studies. 2009 has proven to be a very fruitful year for CEO William Marshall and the entire team at miRagen, a few highlights include: Chief Scientific Advisor and Co-Founder, Eric Olson, Ph.D., was awarded Grand Prize of the Institute de France’s Foundation Lefoulon-Delalande, widely considered the most distinguished prize in the cardiovascular field, for his groundbreaking research into the mechanisms of gene regulation in heart development; a collaboration Archemix was announced to jointly pursue research and development efforts on aptamer-microRNA therapeutics; was awarded, by the Colorado BioScience Association, the 2009 Rising Star of the Year Award, recognizing a Colorado 22 life sciences company that has demonstrated itself as “one to watch.”; and, published data in the journal Science demonstrating, in mice, that microRNA-206 plays a crucial role in the progression of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease) and in neuromuscular synaptic regeneration. COMPANY: WESTERN STATES BIOPHARMA SECTOR: BIO-PHARMA CEO: MICHAEL REILLY LOCATION: AURORA, CO WEB: WESTERNSTATESBIOPHARM.COM Based in Aurora, Colorado, Western States Biopharmaceuticals is a privately-held company focused upon the development of novel, small molecule and biologic therapeutic approaches that selectively modulate adaptive immunity to treat inflammatory diseases. By focusing on activated macrophages, a key white blood cell in the adaptive immune system, Western States is designing drugs that target the pathogenesis of autoimmune disease while avoiding suppression of the innate immune system. The goal of Western State’s drug discovery and development research programs are to identify human CD4+ T-cell and macrophage proteins that mediate adaptive immunity but leave the innate immune system intact. The Company refers to these novel human T-cell proteins as “T-cell Cytokine– Inducing Surface Molecules”, or TCISM. Western States has recently shown that two important human TCISM are upregulated upon CD4+ T-cell activation and physiologically associate at the T-cell membrane surface. T-cell driven macrophage cytokine levels were decreased by 90-100% when expression was simultaneously inhibited by dual siRNA knockdown for both T-cell proteins. 2009 proved to be an important year not only for the demonstration of certain TCISM candidates but Scientific Advisory Board member Charles Dinarello was awarded three significant prizes, including: the Crafoord Prize in Polyarthritis by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, for pioneering work to isolate interleukins, determine their properties and explore their role in the onset of inflammatory diseases; the Albany Medical Center Prize in Medicine and Biomedical Research, for groundbreaking work on anti-cytokine therapies that block the immune system’s inflammatory reaction; and, the Paul Ehrlich and Ludwig Darmstaedter Prize, for his outstanding contributions to research in the field of cytokines. COMPANY: VALVEXCHANGE SECTOR: MED-DEVICE CEO: LARRY BLANKENSHIP LOCATION: AURORA, CO WEB: VALVEXCHANGE.COM Based in Aurora, Colorado ValveXchange is developing a revolutionary two-part bioprosthetic tissue heart valve system that resolves the long standing compromises between conventional mechanical and tissue-based prosthetic valves. Unlike today’s transcatheter valves, the ValveXchange system is being designed to offer leaflet exchange, as well as the original implant, without open-heart surgery and without the safety and longevity compromises of transcatheter approaches. The ValveXchange procedure can be done without open chest surgery or cardiopulmonary bypass, the procedure can be done transapically, through a small incision between the ribs and a small hole in the apex of the heart, both of which heal readily. In 2009 CEO Larry Blankenship and his team were incredibly efficient with resources having designed and fabricated an exchangeable valve prototype; tested its performance in the sheep model; developed an open-surgery exchange tool set; and, demonstrated that heavy pannus overgrowth can be managed with the ValveXchange system. This rapid progress has not gone unnoticed by the broader medical device community, for the Company was awarded the 2009 North American Frost & Sullivan Technology Innovation of the Year Award at their annual “Excellence in Medical 2010/2011 BIOSCIENCE COLORADO Technologies & Life Sciences Awards” banquet where other category company winners included Covidien, GE Medical, Philips Healthcare, Siemens Healthcare and Intel. COMPANY: PHARMJET SECTOR: MED-DEVICE CEO: HEATHER POTTERS LOCATION: GOLDEN, CO WEB: PHARMJET.COM Based in Golden, Colorado, the PharmJet needle free technology delivers pharmaceuticals – vaccines and drugs –- through the skin via a proprietary jet injection technology, no needles – big or small, or patches of any kind are used. The Company’s delivery device is FDA cleared for marketing and can deliver 0.5ml of a liquid medication through the skin of the arm, the abdomen, the thigh, into the muscle or into the subcutaneous layer between the skin and muscle. The PharmaJet needle free device can be used to inject nearly any licensed injectable liquid drug or vaccine. The technology development does not end with the 0.5ml device, the pipeline is currently filled by a 0.1 ml device for intradermal delivery into the 2mm upper layer of the skin where the immune system is very active as well as a variable volume device. In 2009 CEO Rajen Dalal and his team executed a collaboration with PATH (an international non-profit organization that creates sustainable, culturally relevant solutions, enabling communities worldwide to break longstanding cycles of poor health) to evaluate needle-free injections for developingcountry immunization programs; regulatory product clearance was received in Brazil by the National Agency of Health Surveillance; and, a variety of New Jersey counties and townships incorporate the PharmJet device at their seasonal flu vaccination clinics. COMPANY: HEALTHAGEN SECTOR: MED-IT CEO: PETER HUDSON LOCATION: GOLDEN, CO WEB: HEALTHAGEN.COM from Healthagen, is designed to aid the public to evaluate their symptoms, list potential diagnoses and provide access to appropriate locations for treatment. The proprietary healthcare search engine is designed to provide for personalized point-of-care healthcare decision-making. The Company, led by CEO Peter Hudson saw 2009 yield a number of important technological and commercial milestones including: the iTriage application becoming available for the iPhone for free download on the iTunes store, as well as becoming available for all smart phones with a mobile internet browser and connectivity including BlackBerry, Android, Samsung, LG, Nokia, Palm, T-Mobile, Sony and Motorola; a new partnership with Centura Health, Colorado’s largest healthcare provider, offering a premier listing service for its healthcare facilities in Colorado available on all of its smart phone iTriage applications; in addition to partnerships with Health Grades, Teladoc, Coalition America and the National Organization of Urgent Cares. COMPANY: MD-IT SECTOR: MED-IT CEO: THOMAS CARSON LOCATION: BOULDER, CO WEB: MD-IT.COM Based in Boulder, Colorado, MD-IT was originally founded as a technology company with the goal of replacing traditional medical transcription protocols. The MD-IT product included front-end speech recognition coupled with basic electronic medical records before transcription and document management services were integrated into their platform. Today the Company’s platform is a turn-key secure, web-based transcription management system that handles transport, workflow, delivery and archival of medical transcriptions. MD-IT is focused upon the flow of patient information among physician offices, transcriptionists, insurance companies, and computer systems, all in an environment that ensures security and privacy of patient health information and achieving all HIPAA compliance requirements. CEO Thomas Carson and his talented team at MD-IT concluded a very exciting year of growth, some highlights included; opening a new office in Seattle; three acquisitions of existing transcription-oriented entities in Texas, Michigan and Colorado; and, announced that their charter membership in a new industry consortium, the Medical Transcription Service Consortium (MTSC), formed to make it easier for physicians and other authorized persons to exchange electronic health information required for patient care. The MTSC was established by ICSA Labs, an independent division of Verizon Business, and the Medical Transcription Industry Association. Move them. In order to move your “prospects” to “customer” status, you have to create awareness and demand. But how? By using an expert marketing firm who consistently achieves this for medical technology companies. Learn more: Say hello: Let’s talk: 303.962.8700 Follow us: Get connected: Based in Golden, Colorado, Healthagen is a developer of healthcare information software that empowers patients to make better decisions and gives healthcare treatment facilities improved access to additional patients. iTriage, the first application available BIOSCIENCE COLORADO 2010/2011 23 A Class Act Today’s bioscience students prep for tomorrow’s challenges By Doug McPherson W hen little Kaitlyn Mulhern was 6–years-old, growing up in Boise, Idaho, she got a birthday gift that put her career into sharp focus. Yep, a microscope. “I know it’s totally cliché, but it’s true,” says Mulhern, a Colorado State University graduate student in biochemistry. “I was always collecting random bug and plant specimens to look at under the microscope.” Mulhern was hooked. “Science is exciting, fast paced and always advancing,” she says. “When you take a step back and think about the 24 potential this research has to save lives- it’s incredibly gratifying and motivating.” And today she’s getting hands-on experience saving lives. As part of her internship at Inviragen, a biotech company in Fort Collins that develops several vaccines, she’s working Kaitlyn Mulhern on a Dengue Fever Vaccine. The Dengue Fever is often spread by mosquitoes, and is viral and often fatal. Mulhern explains she’s developing an assay to molecularly characterize the final vaccine product. “It’s an exciting time for Inviragen and I’m thrilled to be a part of it,” she says. As a sophomore, Mulhern interned at the California biotech giant, Genentech, and worked in late-stage purification and tested a high-pressure system used to refold proteins and compare to the original protocol. “I also got to see the entire process of getting a drug to market … it was an incredible experience.” Another student, Van Willis, is studying molecular biology at the University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus. He, too, says he’s in the field to make peoples’ lives better. “I want to apply my scientific training to help great ideas become Van Willis products and applications that improve lives.” In one of his classes, Willis designed a complete clinical trial from the ground up. “I learned how much time and money clinical trials really take and the great responsibility for patient safety; plus, how all the research steps leading up to clinical trials are an integral part of the clinical trial itself, and why you need an excellent plan in the pre-clinical phase.” Willis also presides over the Alternatives in Science Club (AIS), a student-run group that focuses on career development in science outside of academia (more on AIS and career development in a minute). He says his work there has helped him appreciate the regulations of research and manufacturing. “It’s given me the big picture of why the regulations are in place and the purposes behind why the bioscience industry operates as it does.” And then there’s Misty Rowe-Konopacki, a postdoctoral fellow in applied chemistry at Mines, whose studies led to her co-founding TheragNos, an early stage biotech company in Golden. The company works to dramatically improve the therapeutic outcome of both the imaging and treatment of many diseases. Today Rowe juggles both the business and research sides of biotech: writing proposals, getting investors and working in the lab. Misty Rowe-Konopacki Rowe-Konopacki was originally a pre-med undergrad but in her senior year she got the chance to develop potential breast cancer drugs as a research 2010/2011 BIOSCIENCE COLORADO PHOTO BY TINA WOOD status but lack funds. They’re looking at sources for cash including grants and industry sponsorships. “We have to make sure the funding is sustainable,” Meyers says. If it does happen, Willis says the program would feature specialized courses in bioscience along with patents, regulatory affairs, business among others, and plenty of interaction between students and bioscience industry leaders via internships and guest speakers. In the meantime, Willis says AIS is connecting local bioscience companies and industry pros with students through monthly question-and-answer sessions and “matchmaker” meetings where employers introduce their companies and employment to students. To learn more, visit www. For the longer-term future, Meyers says he believes there are three keys to adding more scientists from schools to the job pools: “We know you need math before you can learn science; we need to reach students before and during middle school and we have to have parental involvement.” Despite any labor force shortfalls, Willis is bullish on Colorado’s future: “Colorado bioscience is poised to continue growing. Whether it will do so with an influx of Colorado’s best students hinges on the ability of Colorado’s bioscience sector to connect with local universities to share essential information and training.” Willis can count on Mulhern. She says after grad school, her aim is a doctorate in biochemistry or molecular biology. “After that, I’d love to come back to Colorado and work at a biotech company. Colorado has so many start-up companies … that have huge potential to do great things for people. I know this is the right place for me.” project. “That sent me down the bioscience research road,” she says. “I’d learned that while physicians implement the cures, the true innovation comes from those who are doing the base level research.” FROM SCHOOL TO JOB POOL All three are first-class examples of the faces in the future of bioscience. Faces Arlen Meyers, M.D., would like to clone to keep students streaming out of colleges with degrees in the sciences to fill Colorado’s need for employees. “Clearly, there’s a demonstrated need in Colorado and elsewhere for bioscience talent,” BIOSCIENCE COLORADO 2010/2011 says Meyers, a professor of otolaryngology at CU-Denver and an activist in growing Colorado’s scientific workforce. “A lot of scientists are going for academic jobs, but there aren’t any. That leaves students who’ve studied biosciences, but who lack the skills they need to work in the industry outside of the classroom. Willis says Colorado students “face a difficult transition” from academia to bioscience. One way Meyers hopes to solve the problem is through a kind of biotech/ entrepreneurship and internship program. He and Willis have the program near liftoff Arlen Meyers 25 On The Verge Of Greatness: Colorado Grants Develop Innovative Research HB 1001 PROOF-OF-CONCEPT GRANTS COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES INVESTIGATOR: Brajendra Mishra, PhD TITLE: Biocompatibility study of oxide-coated titanium alloys for dental implants RESEARCH: This grant supports research to better understand the osteo-integration of titanium and its alloys, specifically in the oral cavity for the commercial potential of oral prostheses. IMPACT: If successful, this project will point to some alloys that can be used to improve upon the stability, longevity and strength of dental implants. T he Bioscience Discovery Evaluation Grant Program (BDEGP) began in 2006, when the state began to realize the importance of supporting the thriving bioscience industry. The support came into effect through a matching grant program that offered support to researchers trying to establish proof of concept. Success shown by the state’s initial funding allowed Colorado’s legislature to expanded the program in 2008, creating a five year and 26.5 million dollar matching grant program. The BDEGP now helps the industry by providing matching grants in three key areas: proof of concept for Colorado’s research institutions, early-stage companies, and to build infrastructure for the growing industry. As we embark on the fourth year of the Bioscience Discovery Evaluation Grant Program (BDEGP), we realize that the research and innovations being conducted by Colorado’s bioscience community will never cease. The following tables showcase the research and companies that have been awarded grants from the fourth quarter of 2008 until now. 26 INVESTIGATOR: Keith Neeves, PhD. TITLE: Microfluidic flow assay for diagnosing bleeding and throm- botic disorders RESEARCH: The strategic objective of this project is to validate a microfluidic-based flow assay that can diagnose bleeding and thrombotic disorders and eventually predict risk for bleeding. There are currently no methods that can accurately predict bleeding disorders. IMPACT: Would be the first blood test to take place as the blood is flowing and could screen for multiple conditions. If successful it could replace and/or complement traditional hematological assays. 2010/2011 BIOSCIENCE COLORADO NATIONAL JEWISH HEALTH Investigator: Carl W. White, MD. Title: Thioredoxin as mucolytic agent for cystic fibrosis. Investigator: David Lynch, MB and Russell Bowler, MD, PhD. Research: The goal of this grant is to identify a novel thioredoxin Title: Textural approach to quantification of diffuse lung disease on CT Research: Under this grant, a new commercially viable, clinically valid, set of texture-based tools for CT image analysis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis will be developed with the aim of quantifying diffuse lung disease. Quantification will allow for appropriate novel treatment. that disrupts cystic fibrosis sputum without causing or enhancing inflammation in cystic fibrosis lung disease or disease models. Impact: Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common fatal genetic disease among Caucasians. The main cause of death in the disease is chronic lung infection, caused by the inability to clear thick sputum from the airways. This discovery will utilize a naturally occurring agent, thioredoxin, which can break down the sputum. Impact: CT scans are commonly performed, yet the information and abnormalities are described in only vague terms. This project will provide a novel approach to the challenge of identifying features of lung disease on CT, allowing for a more precise description of any abnormalities found in a scan. COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY Investigator: Nora Lapitan, PhD and B Joe E. Brummer, PhD Investigator: Laurel L. Lenz, PhD. Title: Evaluation of Miscanthus as a Bioenergy Crop in Colorado and Development of Genetic Resource Title: Therapeutic activation of Natural Killer cells for treatment of haematological cancers Research: The aim of this work is to develop E415 and “second generation” derivatives of E415 as potential commercial Natural Killer cell activating therapeutics. Impact: Developing a novel therapeutic that would activate NK cells which would target and kill certain haematological cancer cells. Research: The goal of this project is to evaluate Miscanthus and M. sinensis for agronomic performance in Colorado and develop genetic resources fo M. sinensis to facilitate breeding and cloning of genes for biomass and other traits including adaptability and drought tolerance. The long-term objective is to develop Miscanthus cultivars adapted to Colorado and the western U.S. as a biomass resource for fuel. Impact: Not only is Miscanthus a viable crop for bioenergy, adapt- ing the grass to grow prolifically in land unable to support other crops leads to additional crop sources and income for farmers. Investigator: Vijaya Nagabhushanam, PhD and Ronald J. Har- beck, PhD Investigator: Patrick F. Byrne, PhD and Shusong Zheng, PhD. Title: Immortalization of basophils towards the development of the next generation assay for the laboratory diagnosis of autoimmune chronic urticaria Title: Overcoming the Bottleneck of Oilseed Crop Development for Research: The aim of this work is to develop an immortalized Research: The goal of this project is to identify key traits – dwarf basophil-like cell line that will replace the need for individual human donor basophils for the evaluation of anti-Fc epsilon R1alpha antibodies that assist in the laboratory diagnosis of autoimmune chronic urticaria. stature, improved stem strength, and altered oil profiles – in Brassica juncea. This plant is targeted as an oilseed biofuel crop suitable for Colorado. Biofuels through Mutagenesis and Interspecies Crosses. Impact: Stable and reliable crop suitable for biodiesel production in Impact: Developing a diagnostic assay for chronic urticaria. This Colorado. disorder is defined as the presence of hives lasting for at least six weeks. Autoimmune uticaria is triggered by auto antibodies to the high affinity immunoglobulin E (IgE) receptor, FcεR1α, present in serum of affected individuals. These antibodies bind to FcεR1αon basophils and trigger degranulation and thereby symptoms. BIOSCIENCE COLORADO 2010/2011 27 Investigator: George Collins, PhD Investigator: Matt J. Kipper, PhD Title: Water Plasma for Tooth Surface Texturing, Functionalization Title: Development of Nanoparticle Optical Trap-Base Biosensor and Biofilm Removal Research: Build a prototype optical trap‐based biosensor, evaluate Research: This work advances a room temperature water-plasma device to generate chemically active species for tooth surface texturizing and functionalization. The technology avoids generating hazardous components to surrounding tissues. The grant work will focus on the selective removal of layers deposited on teeth including proteins and biofilms associated with periodontal disease. its performance by measuring limits of detection for bacteriophage (or a another suitable target analyte), and design experiments to test a mathematical model describing the optical trapping phenomenon. The goal is to develop a more rapid and sensitive technique for detecting food-borne and water-borne pathogens. Impact: Better and more rapid detection of pathogens means a safer Impact: Replacement of current technology which utilizes toxic and food supply. carcinogenic materials. Investigator: Kenneth F. Reardon, PhD Investigator: Jessica G. Davis, PhD Title: Multichannel Optical Biosensor for Detection of ContamiTitle: Harnessing the Sun for On-farm Fertilizer Production nants in Water and Food Research: Grantee will develop a low-cost bio-fertilizer production Research: This project advances the technological state of an opti- system that will reduce fossil fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions from fertilizer production and transportation. Bio-fertilizer technology is an untapped solution to food security, energy, and soil fertility issues worldwide. Using technology developed through this research, farmers will be able to use bacterial nitrogen (N) fixation to harness the sun’s energy and create fertilizer from the air we breathe. cal enzymatic biosensor platform by using biological and engineering approaches to increase the biosensor lifetime, improving the multichannel optoelectronic hardware system used for measuring analytes in mixtures, and developing multichannel calibration and measurement protocols. The multichannel optical biosensor will be used to detect contaminants in water and food. Impact: The ability to easily and accurately monitor water and food Impact: Bio-fertilizers will contribute to the sustainability and competitiveness of small to mid-sized farms by decreasing costs and energy needs. supplies for contaminants has tremendous health and economic benefits. Investigator: Melissa Reynolds, PhD Investigator: Lawrence D. Goodridge, PhD Title: Universal Biocompatible Coating Process for Medical DeTitle: A Multiangle Light Scattering Biosensor for Rapid Detection vices of Waterborne Viruses Research: This project is focused on investigating the viability of Research: The objective of this proposal is the development of a Multiangle Light Scattering Biosensor for Rapid Detection of Waterborne Viruses. In this method, viruses in large (10-50 L) volumes of water are concentrated using anionic exchange resin beads. The beads (with viruses attached) are added to a tissue culture flask, which contains a suitable cell line. The viruses will infect the cells, and after an incubation period of several hours, an aliquot of the infected cells is analyzed for viral infection using multiangle light scattering, which is a technique capable of detecting changes in virus infected cells relative to non infected cells (control). The method is simple to complete and is expected to lead to much faster detection times than currently used methods. novel metal-organic frameworks (MOF) as delivery materials for use in biomedical coatings. Impact: The coatings will mimic the function of healthy living cells and be a more natural and safe approach to healing. Impact: Rapid and accurate detection of pathogenic viruses has worldwide implications for safety of water and food supplies. 28 2010/2011 BIOSCIENCE COLORADO Investigator: Ronald B. Tjalkens, PhD Title: Development of Neuroprotective Compounds for Treating Parkinson’s Disease Research: The neurological symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (PD) are caused by the degeneration of neurons in the midbrain but there are no approved drugs that slow this process, only those that treat the symptoms caused by neuronal loss. The objective of this project is to characterize the efficacy and safety of a novel series of antiinflammatory compounds to test their suitability as a new treatment for blocking the progression of PD. Impact: Successful application of these compounds will block the neuroinflammation caused by PD in order to halt the disease rather than just controlling the symptoms. Investigator: Kristi Anseth, PhD Investigator: John D. Williams, PhD and Ketul Popat, PhD Title: Acute full-thickness wound healing; custom therapeutics, bio-responsive thiol-enes. Title: Evaluation of Hydroxyapatite Coatings Deposited Using Novel Plasma Based Deposition Techniques for near Term Implementation in Dental and Orthopedic Implants Research: Develop optimized coatings that are needed to improve the longevity and effectiveness of load-bearing hip arthroplasty components. Project work involves characterizing plasma based ion implantation and deposition (PBII&D) and plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) as novel techniques for applying thin film hydroxyapatite (HA) coatings onto titanium, titanium alloy, and next-generation titanium -alloy implantable biocompatible materials. Research: The strategic objective of this project is to complete a pre-clinical efficacy study of the performance of a novel biomaterial system in promoting wound healing in a human equivalent large animal model. Bioresponsive thiol-ene hydrogels are designed to increase the efficiency of wound closure and reduce scaring. Impact: More effective treatment for severe wounds such as dia- betic ulcers. Investigator: Stephanie J. Bryant, PhD. Impact: Creation of better coating techniques so as to avoid revi- Title: Mechanically trained engineered cartilage for craniofacial sion surgery due to loosening or infection within the patient’s lifetime. reconstruction. Research: The goal of the project work is to create new therapies for treating patients who are in need of craniofacial reconstruction. COLORADO INSTITUTE OF MOLECULAR BIOTECHNOLOGY Impact: Cartilage for craniofacial reconstruction that can be formed from a patient’s own cells rather than artificial materials. Investigator: Natalie Ahn, PhD Title: Pharmacophore Optimization for Targeted Therapeutics Investigator: Xuedong Liu, PhD. Research: The goal of this project is to develop a medicinal Title: Targeting mitotic kinase Mps1 for cancer therapy chemistry core resource whereby identified lead compounds will be optimized, using the expertise of medicinal chemistry in an iterative processes, for the treatment of chronic pain and cancer. Research: Develop patentable potent sub-nanomolar small mol- Impact: Develop new composition of matter intellectual property ecule compounds against TTK/Mps1 and test the efficacy of these inhibitors in human cancer cell lines and xenograft models. The outcome will improve the results of oncology drugs. for therapeutic drug candidates associated with proprietary drug screen assays at CU. Impact: Current anti-mitotic cancer therapies have severe side ef- fects on healthy, non-cancerous cells. This project seeks to further develop novel drugs for the treatment of cancer, with a primary focus on lung cancer. BIOSCIENCE COLORADO 2010/2011 29 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO Investigator: Sean Colgan, PhD. Title: IBD-DIFF: Commercial Development of a CD116-based assay to distinguish irritable bowel syndrome from inflammatory bowel disease. Research: Development, validation, and commercialization of a diagnostic blood test named “IBDiff ”, to distinguish between inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome. IBDiff relies on identifying the GM-CSF receptor, CD116, on circulating leukocytes as a specific biomarker in distinguishing IBS from IBD. Symptoms of IBS and IBD are similar while treatment is quite different, the ability to easily distinguish the two conditions improves treatment and reduces costs associated with testing for IBD. Impact: Will allow lower cost and more presice diagnosis with ear- lier and more efficacious treatment of both IBD and IBS patients. Investigator: Jeff Olson, MD. Title: Zip Clip – Microsurgical suturing device. Research: The goal of this project is to position the “Zip Clip” for first-in-human use. The “Zip Clip” is a surgical system consisting of a minimally invasive dep0loyment tool designed to accurately and safely deliver a nitinol clip to suture in the setting of complex ophthalmic microsurgical procedures, wherein conventional suturing is either impractical or critically time-intensive. Title: DT-EGF for the treatment of bladder cancer. “510(k)” refers to Section 510(k) of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act which requires device manufacturers to notify the Food and Drug Administration of their intent to market a medical device. Research: The goal of the project is to advance the clinical Impact: Lower the cost, time, and improve outcomes in opthamo- development of DAB389EGF for the treatment of bladder cancer. DAB389EGF is being explored as a targeted toxin that will bind to tumor cells and kill the targeted cell. Additional pre-clinical data will be developed to support a pre-IND meeting. logic surgery. Investigator: David Ross, PhD. Impact: Add an alternative therapy to the 50% of bladder cancer Title: Novel benzoquinone ansamycins. Hsp90 inhibitors with patients that are not benefited by standard of care. decreased toxicity Investigator: Thomas Flaig, MD. Research: The goal of this project is to limit toxicity of an anticanInvestigator: Ryan T. Gill, PhD. Title: Molecular biorefining for sustainable gasoline. Research: The goal of this project is to demonstrate a new pathway for the sustainable production of fungible gasoline from cellulosic biomass. cer agent (Hsp90 inhibitors).Hsp90 inhibitors allow a combinatorial inhibition of multiple pathways that drive the oncogenic process and are an attractive anticancer targeting strategy; however, the Hsp90 inhibitors being developed are benzoquinone ansamycins which have a dose limiting toxicity. Under the project, 19-substituted benzoquinone ansamycins will be evaluated for effectiveness and decreased toxicity. Impact: Potential for cost-competitive production of gasoline from biomass rather than fossil fuel sources. Impact: A more effective cancer drug with fewer toxic side effects. Investigator: Malik Kahook, MD. Investigator: David H. Wagner, PhD. Title: KSCO: Keep Schlemm’s Canal Open Title: A novel small therapeutic peptide prevents and reverses autoimmune diseases Research: The primary goal of the work is to design, develop and test a novel shape memory polymer based device for maintaining fluid communication between the anterior chamber and collection channels of the eye. Such a device would improve outcomes for glaucoma patients. Research: The project goal is to identify lead candidate peptides proving efficacious treatment options in delaying/preventing/reversing diabetes. Impact: Allow for more sustainable, lower cost treatment of the Impact: Slowing or halting the progression of autoimmune disease symptoms associated with glaucoma. before permanent organ or joint damage occurs. 30 2010/2011 BIOSCIENCE COLORADO UNIVERSITY OF DENVER Investigator: Rahmat Shoreshi, PhD. Title: Adaptive cast for enhanced healing and reduced cost. Research: Under this grant, a semi-permanent, reusable cast for diabetic patients suffering from peripheral neuropathic foot ulcers will be developed. It is intended to be a safer, more effective means of healing foot injuries while reducing costs. Impact: This Adaptive Cast has the potential to have healing effi- ciency while also providing features that include forced compliance (semi-permanent design), early detection of new ulcers and immediate pressure reduction in new ulcer area, active control system for off-loading, skin toughening subsystem to reduce immediate onset of new ulcers after removal of the cast, simpler application and no requirement for specialized technicians. EARLY STAGE COMPANY AWARDS – 2009 TO PRESENT InDevR, Inc. Boulder This grant supports the commercialization of a new detection technology (Phox™) for low-density microarrays that enables inexpensive and rapid identification of pathogens in a robust and field portable diagnostic platform. The products, specifically the Phox™ reagent kits and associated equipment (e.g., the IntelliChip Reader™), will be launched for food safety testing or the identification of viruses that cause respiratory diseases. KromaTiD, Inc., Fort Collins KromaTiD is working to create the next generation of chromosome analysis products, which will have valuable application in clinical diagnostics, biomedical research, and biodosimetry. This grant supports the evaluation of the technology’s market opportunity in a formal business plan. MicroPhage, Inc., Longmont The main objective of the project is to increase the sensitivity of phage amplification technology via optimization of amplification (AMP) reagents and sample processing to meet the increased performance demands of the nasal swab sample for MRSA screening. Oberon FMR, Inc., Idaho Springs Develop, validate and commercialize “QuantumCharge”, 2C Tech’s proprietary intraocular implant as a next-generation, in vivo system for stimulating degenerated retinal cells and restoring vision. The main objective of the project is to improve Oberon’s process for converting food-processing byproducts into Single Cell Protein for animal feeds by increasing protein content and reducing protein content variability. BioAMPS International, LLC, Aurora PolyNew Inc., Aurora This grant builds on a prior grant under the BDEGP to identify a drug solution or solutions to the problem of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria resistance to conventional antibiotics through the introduction of an antimicrobial technology with no known route of drug resistance. The grantee is developing next-generation bioplastics for food and beverage containers, and must test the technology for large industrial application. 2C Tech Corporation, Longmont ClariMedix Inc., Boulder The goal of this grant is to further the development of a proprietary medical device technology with the ability to non-invasively trigger and modulate the production of nitric oxide to treat Alzheimer’s disease. Flashback Technologies, LLC, Longmont The goal of this grant is to develop an improved prototype device, building on prior work, for estimating a patient’s blood volume loss and the conditions for cardiovascular collapse. This will offer a non-invasive device to provide a real time estimate of a patient’s volume of blood loss, and a real time estimate of when a patient will experience cardiovascual collapse so that medical personnel can quickly and accurately identify and manage bleeding patients. Quest Product Development Corp., Wheat Ridge With grant funds the company will establish a dedicated thin-film actuator fabrication line. Quest is developing MicroFlex Technology for digitally controlling the shape of an endoscope by using advanced shape memory alloy micro-actuators fabricated as thin film assemblies using integrated circuit manufacturing techniques. MicroFlex technology will allow endoscopes that are far more flexible, thinner and guidable, enabling access, visualization and treatment at currently inaccessible locations. Snoasis Medical, Inc., Denver Evaluate two different Human Platelet Morphogen (HPM) processing methods and specify top line requirements for a pilot manufacturing facility. Research developed will support an NIH Phase II grant application. HPM holds great potential for use in dental surgery to speed healing and improve outcomes. HepQuant LLC, Aurora ValveXchange, Inc., Aurora This grant builds on a prior grant under the BDEGP to further the development of a diagnostic test for hepatic portal circulation which will enhance the safety and accuracy of assessing liver function. Under this grant HepQuant will initiate FDA clinical trials of “HepQuant-Dual”. The grantee is developing a novel implantable heart valve technology allowing for minimally invasive surgery for the replacement of leaflet sets. This combined with patient specific heart models will allow for an optimal valve exchange procedure. BIOSCIENCE COLORADO 2010/2011 31 INFRASTRUCTURE AWARDS Colorado Institute for Drug, Device and Diagnostic Development The Colorado Institute for Drug, Device and Diagnostic Development will manage life science discoveries from Colorado research institutions and start-up companies through feasibility, pre IND studies, and initial clinical trials with the goal of creating viable new Colorado bioscience companies supporting quality jobs. CSU – Colorado Center for Drug Discovery The Colorado Center for Drug Discovery (C2D2) fills a gap in drug-discovery at CO research universities. The C2D2 provides medicinal chemistry, pharmacokinetics, and consulting resources to create new patent-protected compounds useful for validation of novel drug discovery targets and drug candidates for clinical development by Colorado biopharma companies and others. This grant supports the C2D2 as a resource to faculty at Colorado research universities, bringing biology and chemistry faculty together to use chemical libraries, computational resources, bioinformatics, cheminformatics, database support, virtual high throughput screening, and Computer Aided Drug Design to pharmacologically validate drug candidates with patent-protected chemical matter and innovative therapeutics for unmet medical needs. Furthermore, the infrastructure and framework of expertise created by C2D2 across Colorado research universities will expand opportunities for emerging Colorado bioscience companies to access critical expertise and resources that would be difficult to establish within these companies. CU – Colorado Initiative in Molecular Biotechnology This grant supports the development of a state-of-the art research and education facility that links the basic sciences, engineering, clinical practice, and industry at the University of Colorado’s Boulder campus to support breakthrough developments in areas such as engineering human tissues, RNA enzyme and aptamer based pharmaceutical, biorefining, and genetics. Grant funds will applied to equipment, resources and personnel costs of the Integrated Novel Therapeutic Discovery Center , and to support architectural, engineering, and construction services (as per policy of the State of Colorado’s Office of the State Architect), and equipment costs of the Vivarium Expansion. CU – Drug Development Center High Throughput Screening Core Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America Disease is our enemy. Working to save lives is our job. 32 This grant supports the establishment of a Core Facility for high throughput screening of small molecule libraries against molecular targets, open to users within Colorado.. A gap in capability for many current researchers in Colorado is the inability to perform HTS screens against a particular molecular target to identify hit molecules. Hit molecules can be developed into lead molecules which often form the basis for intellectual property, subsequent company formation and economic development. 2010/2011 BIOSCIENCE COLORADO DEPARTMENT HEAD What Colorado Can Do For You: Colorado’s Investments In the Biosciences By: Leah Kientz BY A bioscience cluster with world-renowned resources and talents sits at the base of the Rocky Mountains. Colorado’s growing bioscience industry proves that this skier’s paradise has not only beautiful scenery but also internationally competitive research facilities, investors and bioscience firms. While many states are itching to grow their own bioscience cluster, the Colorado state government has been nurturing this sector for more than 20 years. As a result, there are a variety of state-led business incentives and investment funds for bioscience firms. These incentives help Colorado’s research institutions spin out a handful of new companies a year and bring more business to the Rocky Mountain Region. Here is a look into some of these programs; The Bioscience Discovery Evaluation Grant Program The Bioscience Discovery Evaluation Grant Program (BDEGP), originally funded in 2006 for $4.5 million, received another $26.5 million in 2008 which will be funded over a five year period. The funds will be disbursed through the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT). BIOSCIENCE COLORADO 2010/2011 The BDEGP provides 30 percent of the funds for “proof of concept” matching grants through the OEDIT to Colorado technology transfer offices to accelerate commercialization of bioscience technologies up to $150,000 per research project. Evidence of a dedicated, matching source of monies that is equal to the amount applied for under the program is required and cannot be used to supplement the funding of research scope of the project. Another 30 percent of the funds are provided as matching grants to early stage Colorado-based bioscience 33 companies that have licensed a technology from a state research institution. These state matching funds will be given to companies that have received less than $5 million dollars from grants and third-party investors and that employ fewer than 20. The grants shall be for no more than $250,000 over the lifetime of the company. Evidence of a dedicated matching source of monies that is equal to the amount applied for under the program is required. Lastly, up to 40 percent is dedicated to support partnership efforts between the bioscience industry and research institutions to build infrastructure that supports the commercialization of therapeutic and diagnostic products, devices or instruments to improve human health, agriculture and biofuels. For more information on the Bioscience Discovery Evaluation Grant Program or to apply, please visit The Colorado Innovation Investment Tax Credit (CIITC) CIITC was created in 2009 by the Colorado legislature (House Bill 09-1105) to encourage, Top-Quality Life Science, Priceless Networking Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology, a nonprofit organization based in Silverthorne, Colorado, has been conducting open, international conferences for research scientists since 1972. Listen to presentations on unpublished data, gain feedback on your research and build new collaborations at any of 55 conferences to be held fall 2010–spring 2011 all over the world. Meetings include: • Immunological Mechanisms of Vaccination, October 27–November 1, 2010, Seattle, Washington, USA • Antibodies as Drugs, February 6–11, 2011, Keystone, Colorado, USA • Biofuels, March 1–6, 2011, Singapore • Stem Cells, Cancer and Metastasis, March 6-11, Keystone, CO • Evolving Approaches to Early-Stage Drug Discovery, April 3–7, 2011, Snowbird, Utah, USA Rates are the same for industry as academia. Visit us on the web at and at BIO (booth #1426). 34 promote, and stimulate investments in new, small Colorado businesses primarily involved in research & development, or manufacturing, of new technologies, products, or processes. CIITC is a one year pilot program that provides investors a state income tax credit of 15% (not to exceed $20,000) of the amount invested during calendar year 2010. The program’s primary goal is to motivate angel investors to provide capital to early-stage companies. Successful, newly funded, companies then become growth engines for the state, and help attract additional investors and entrepreneurs. For more information on the Colorado Innovation Investment Tax Credit or to apply, please visit The Job Creation Performance Incentive Fund Companies that maintain new positions with salaries at least 110 percent above the average salaries in their counties for one year will be awarded with a performance-based incentive. Three million dollars will be distributed annually by The Economic Development Commission (EDC) with administrative support from the Office of Economic Development and International Trade. The goal of this program is to foster new business development, business expansion and relocations that generate new jobs within the state. Companies located in rural areas must hire at least five new full-time employees in six months and companies in urban areas 2010/2011 BIOSCIENCE COLORADO must hire 10 new full-time employees in six months. Businesses with multiple locations in Colorado may combine locations to meet the minimum requirements. Contact Colorado’s Office of Economic Development and International Trade at CRB is a global provider of end-to-end solutions for life science and advanced technology companies. Our solutions deliver enhanced value, productivity and return on investment. Whether you are across town or across the pond, CRB’s consulting, design and construction expertise will meet your R&D and manufacturing needs, while adding some black to your bottom line. Job Growth Incentive Tax Credit The Job Growth Incentive Tax Credit provides a state income tax credit to businesses undertaking job creation projects that would not occur in Colorado without this program and that have met certain requirements under the Economic Development Commission’s (EDC) Job Growth Incentive Tax Credit Program. Businesses have to create at least 20 net new jobs in Colorado during the allocated credit period with an average yearly wage of at least 110% of the county average wage. A business located in an Enhanced Rural Enterprise Zone has to create at least 5 net new jobs in Colorado during the allocated credit period with an average yearly wage of at least 110% of the county average wage. For more information on the Colorado Innovation Investment Tax Credit or to apply, please visit Jason Robertson 816.891.3667 Consulting Design Construction Commissioning Qualification Biotechnology R&D Sales and Use Tax Refund Colorado’s biotechnology industry has the ability to recover the sales and use taxes paid in the preceding year on equipment and supplies purchased to conduct biotechnology research and development. The biotech company may seek a refund every year for all Colorado sales and use taxes they paid on purchases of tangible personal property used directly in research and development of biotechnology. Qualified applicants must submit a refund claim between January 1 and April 1 to the Colorado Department of Revenue. The refund helps promote the biotechnology industry in the state, aiding both start-up and established companies. During the 2009 legislative session, the Colorado state legislature voted to expand the Biotechnology R&D Sales and Use Tax Refund to include both medical device and clean technology companies. While this legislation passed, the expansion will not take effect until the Legislative Council of the state indicates that general fund revenues are sufficient enough to maintain the program. To find out more information or to submit a refund claim, contact the Colorado Department of Revenue or visit BIOSCIENCE COLORADO 2010/2011 -Custom exhibits -International and domestic rentals -Modular and portable exhibits -Installation and logistical services -Graphic design and in-house production for more information please call Ned Mackey 303 698 3971 35 minimum specified requirements. Investments range from $250,000 to $3.375 million. For more information or to submit a funding request, please visit www.Coloradofund1. com. Manufacturing Equipment Exemption from Colorado Sales and Use Tax The purchase of machinery or machine tools and parts are exempt from state sales and use tax when the machinery will be used in manufacturing. The machinery must be used to manufacture tangible personal property for sale or profit in Colorado. The tax exemption includes tangible personal property that will be used for one year or more and limits qualifying purchases of used equipment to a maximum of $150,000 annually. For more information, contact the Colorado Department of Revenue at www.revenue.state. Enterprise Zone Certified Capital Companies (CAPCOs) The Certified Capital Companies Program was created by the Colorado legislature with the goal of making venture capital funds available to new or expanding Colorado small businesses. The CAPCO Program is expected to create new employment opportunities within the state and to stimulate economic growth. Colorado has six independently operated CAPCOs that provide loans and equity to Colorado businesses. Investments generated from a CACPO generally range from $100,000 to $3.3 million. To receive funding you must contact the CAPCOs directly. To view a list of CACPOs please visit Venture Capital Authority The Colorado General Assembly in 2004 passed legislation that established the Colorado Venture Capital Authority (VCA), and in 2005 High County Venture was selected as the fund manager to establish the first fund. Colorado Fund 1 will make seed- and early-stage capital investments in businesses. The VCA anticipates the establishment of a second fund of approximately $25 million in 2010. High Country Venture is independently operated and generally makes independent funding decisions. State approval is limited to ensuring that businesses receiving funding meet Colorado’s enterprise zone program provides tax incentives to encourage businesses to locate and expand in economically distressed areas. Criteria for the establishment of zones include higher-than-average unemployment rates, low per capita incomes, and/or a population base of less than 80,000. There are 18 enterprise zones and subzones in Colorado. Businesses making qualifying investments and creating jobs in these zones are entitled to various incentives, including ten different enterprise zone tax credits. To view the enterprise zones or for more information on tax incentives, please visit www. Job Training Grant Funds The Colorado First and Existing Industry grants are jointly administered by the OEDIT and the Colorado Community College System. Colorado First grants are provided to companies relocating to Colorado or existing companies undertaking a major expansion. The Existing Industry grants are designed for Colorado companies implementing new technology in order to remain competitive and retain local jobs. Both grants assist with the cost of employee training. The grant-funded training must be for permanent full-time positions that require substantive and company specific training. Training must occur within the fiscal year that funds are awarded, and the company must pay a minimum of 40 percent of the total cost of training. The grant applications are reviewed on a rolling basis throughout each fiscal year, and the grants generally fund up to $800 per employee. To apply for the grants or for more information, please visit Local Incentives Your local community may also provide business development incentives. For additional information, contact your local economic development organization. A list can be found at Go to to find more information on Colorado’s business incentives. 36 2010/2011 BIOSCIENCE COLORADO As the premier provider of non personal marketing solutions for the pharmaceutical, health care and life science industries, PROMOTECH provides a comprehensive suite of services customized to meet your portfolio objectives. As a “one stop shop” our services can stand alone or can be bundled, creating an all-inclusive package. Warehouse and Fulfillment Services Database Management With almost 400,000 square feet, PROMOTECH fulfillment. Database management is key to ensuring you reach the right PDMA, GMP compliant, VAWD accredited and FDA and DEA person, with the right message. PROMOTECH’s sophisticated registered, we are licensed to Schedule II. Expertly integrated with system extracts and manages the data that guides your marketing Manhattan Associates Warehouse Management system, our strict decisions. No guessing, no games. Just the information you need quality control ensures accurate pick and pack of materials. to target the right market. Our services include list acquisition and qualification, data mining, expert analysis and custom TeleSolutions PROMOTECH’s robust Cisco Phone Switch, a 60+ seat Call Center, report generation. our dedicated team of professionals. Everything you need to Printing and Direct Mail Services communicate your message effectively, quickly and professionally. Our Print Center is comprised of the finest printing technology PROMOTECH’s TeleSolutions are the key in reaching your target available with the industry experience to match. We can print an market. Enhance your current field force or penetrate vacant array of marketing pieces including: visual aids, brochures, PI’s, territories through comprehensive tele-detailing and sampling Slim Jims, and welcome kits and feature additional services such services. as bindery, ink jetting, insertion and more. eSolutions Effective direct mail can improve your campaigns significantly. Our Internet services provides the recognition your business needs. Our team will consult with you to ensure your pieces are opened, From enhancing your current platform to ecommerce or complete read and get a response. portal development, PROMOTECH’s experienced team of IT professionals, have the tools to create an effective offering. 1480 Arthur Ave, Suite D Louisville, CO 80027 25 Madison Road Totowa, NJ 07512 tel. 800-716-7166 DIRECTORY Accelr8 Technology Corporation Denver INDE X 38 Medical Device and Related Companies Develops medical diagnostic technologies for research and clinical applications. The primary focus is rapid, integrated bacterial analysis system designed to identify, count, and provide complete antibiotic susceptibility data by bacterial species within a few hours of sample injection without prior culturing. 52 Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical and Related Companies 63 Biofuels and Related Companies 65 Research & Education Institutions 68 Foundations Accu-Tube Corporation Englewood 69 Service Providers Medical Device and Related Companies Abilities Unlimited Colorado Springs, Denver Provides artificial limbs and custom orthopedic appliances. Able Planet Wheat Ridge Able Planet and its award-wining LINX AUDIO™ are changing the lives of millions of people worldwide, one customer at a time. Able Planet is developing an extensive line of audio and communications products that are usable by people with all levels of hearing, and provide a means whereby users can listen at lower volumes without compromising full rich sound. Able Customers include all people who want access to audio and communication devices, and with LINX AUDIO™, “It is Possible™”. Able Planet is rapidly expanding its product portfolio. Please become a member by logging into our website, and then visit us often to see what’s new. 38 AbleLink Technologies Colorado Springs Addresses the need for well-researched cognitive support technologies for individuals with intellectual disabilities. About Packaging Robotics Thornton Produces robotic package handling systems. The products are engineered to open, fill, transport, seal, code and label a variety of pre-made pouches and bags. Their line of packaging and systems for on demand product identification are currently used in the medical, industrial and food industries. Accellent Englewood, Longmont Accellent is the best provider of comprehensive supply chain solutions, and we are always striving to be more responsive to our partners. With our Accellent Focus we continue aiming at doing just that. Manufactures standard and custom size stainless steel hypodermic medical tubing. Actall Security Products Denver Engineers, manufactures and markets wireless systems for hospital and pharmaceutical company facilities. ADA Technologies, Inc. Littleton Designs and manufactures prosthetic and orthotic components. Advanced MicroLabs, LLC Fort Collins Researches and develops chemical analytical instruments in ‘Lab-on-a-chip’ format. Advanced Research Instruments Corporation Golden Produces preamplifiers for PMT’s and electron multipliers, high voltage power supplies, counters and timers, precision rate meters, and image analyzers for scanning electron microscopes. 2010/2011 BIOSCIENCE COLORADO Aerophase, Inc. Longmont Allogenesis LLC Denver Apdyne Medical Company Denver Research and Development of technologies that reduce environmental impact, help economically disadvantaged people, and improve healthcare. Including low cost, environmentaly friendly Meter Dose Inhaler and iproved Aerosol Therapy for Lung Cancer Created purified human platelet mixture from platelets contained in blood (from blood banks) that holds promise to replace current growth media for stem cells. The company’s pHMP product promises to offer researchers more affordable animalfree option capable of working across applications. Manufactures and distributes the Apdyne Phenol Applicator Kit used to anesthetize the tympanic membrane during in-office myringotomy procedures. Aesthetic Technologies Golden Aqueous Biomedical Colorado Springs Develops, processes and distributes lifeenhancing bone and tissue allografts to the medical community. Develops biocompatible materials and geometric designs that can be applied to stents, shunts, artificial organs and drug delivery devices. Their first product, the Oculieve™ shunt, is designed to control over-pressurization inside the eye caused by glaucoma. Aestis, Inc. Boulder AllPro Broomfield ArcScan, Inc. Morrison Develops a treatment for obesity through controlled hypoxia technology. The two principal components are the air separation unit and proprietary control system. Produces a large selection of non-latex prophy cups, prophy angles and other dental products. ArcScan, Inc. has developed break though imaging technology for the eye. Many ophthalmologists feel its patented Artemis 3 (shown above) VHF Ultrasound Arc Scanner will change ophthalmology the way MRI changed radiology. Manufactures and sells Parisian Peel® brand microdermabrasion systems and accessories along with skin care products to medical, and spa professionals. AlloSource Centennial Alpha Mold West Broomfield Agilent Technologies Boulder Provides core electronic and bio-analytical measurement tools to advance life science research. AirLift Unlimited, Inc. Evergreen Develops and manufactures soft-sided oxygen carriers. Allergan, Inc. Denver Plastic injection mold-making facility for the medical industry. Analytical Systems Research, Inc. Aurora Analytical Systems Research, Inc. (ASR) is a software development company seeking to provide patient management tools to the practicing physician. ASR seeks to offer the medical community a new approach to the EHR (Electronic Health Record) based on a web-based, point-of-care software. Continually conduct research to develop products that enable medical specialists to help people preserve and protect their vision, move freely, best express their inner beauty and lead healthy and active lives. Animal Care Systems, Inc. Centennial Allison Medical Inc Littleton Animark, Inc. Aurora Develops products to assist specialists in the medical and veterinary industries, and have designed and provided essential syringes, needles and custom items for various industries. Manufactures and sells ultrasound pregnancy detectors and ovulation predictors for livestock breeding. BIOSCIENCE COLORADO 2010/2011 Provides innovative rodent caging systems for the life-science industry. Aspire Biotech, Inc. Colorado Springs Provides contract services for all phases of product development from concept to launch, and produces its own skin sealant and wound-closure adhesives. Auri-Stim Medical Denver Offers an alternative therapy for migraine headaches, hormonal migraine, chronic headaches, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), nicotine and narcotics addictions using the NET-1000 device. Avantes Broomfield Produces, develops and sells spectrometers, light sources, fiber optic multiplexer, fiber optic cables, software, fiber optics, accessories to the medical device industry. 39 Bal Seal Engineering, Inc. Colorado Springs BioCare Systems, Inc. Parker BioVision Technologies, Inc. Golden Produces seals and canted-coil springs for sealing, holding, latching, and electrical contact in a variety of applications throughout the medical market. Designs, develops and markets patentprotected, FDA cleared, new health-care devices (LumiWave™) that use deep-tissue light therapy to decrease pain, accelerate healing and improve quality of life. Develops and manufactures microvisualization solutions that enable endoluminal and minimally invasive medical procedures in both human and veterinary medicine. The imaging technologies and customized microendoscope solutions are integrated to reduce incision size and speed healing. Baxa Corporation Englewood Develops and manufactures products for preparing, handling, packaging and administering fluid medications. Beacon Biotechnology Aurora BP Proteomics, ProLume Ltd, and Black Forest Engineering, LLC have come together to create Beacon Biotechnology to pursue new opportunities that build upon their respective scientific expertise. BeamOne, LLC Denver Biodesix, Inc. Aurora, Broomfield Provides clinically reliable methods for the early detection, diagnosis, therapeutic guidance, and monitoring in cancer and degenerative diseases. Biofeedback Systems, Inc. Boulder Designs, manufactures, sells and services a line of biofeedback hardware and software including subliminal and supraliminal audio self-help cassette programs. The company is an FDA registered medical device manufacturer. Boulder Innovation Group, Inc. Boulder Develops and manufactures image-guided surgical navigation digitizers and industrial 3D capture and modeling equipment. Braun BioSystems, Inc. Centennial Provides diagnostic point of care coagulation management systems that have a positive impact on patient outcomes in hospital, outpatient, and home healthcare venues. Offers electron beam sterilization for medical and pharmaceutical devices. Bio-Logistics Preclinical, Inc. Pierce Beckman Coulter Fort Collins Offers engineering and regulatory support and preclinical strategic development to the medical device industry. Develops and produces instruments for the diagnostic industry. Specializes in the fields of immunocytochemistry, flow cytometry, and microbiology. BiOptix LLC Boulder Bell Dental Products, LLC Englewood Develops technologies to detect trace amounts of bacteria, viruses, proteins, nucleic acids, antibodies and human micro RNA’s. Offers ceramic manufacturing, materials expertise, and custom engineering support to prototype and commercialize designs and patents to orthopedic companies for hip, spinal and dental implants. Biotricity Medical Inc. Aurora Canberra Industries Greenwood Village Research and manufacturing company specializing in developing long-term power requirements for implanted devices based on bioelectric generation. Manufactures and supplies analytical instruments, systems and services for radiation detection and radiation monitoring. Designs, develops, and manufactures precision dental equipment based on electric motor technology. Byers Peak WheatRidge Leading contract manufacturer of low to medium volume, complex products for the medical device, biotech and industrial instrumentation markets. Broadwest Corporation Denver Develops and manufactures ergonomic mammography viewing equipment. C5 Medical Werks Grand Junction Car-May L.L.C. Berthoud Unlike basic metering pumps, Car-May’s systems provide pumping capability, fluid measurement, and flow control all in one compact module. 40 2010/2011 BIOSCIENCE COLORADO Care Electronics, Inc. Boulder Certol International, LLC Commerce City ColdQuanta, Inc. Boulder Offers a range of electronic monitoring and alarm equipment for the home health and long term care markets. Provide patients and healthcare professionals with innovative products and responsible solutions to the complicated infection control challenges of the 21st century. Focuses on the development of BEC (BoseEinstein Condensate) generating devices and systems, allowing them to be accessible to a wide range of research, educational, and industrial institutions. Our products are intended for use in scientific and industrial applications requiring high performance and reliability. CaridianBCT Lakewood Develops and manufactures automated blood collection systems and related information systems. Developing cancer therapies and vaccines through therapeutic apheresis and cell therapy. Developing pathogen reduction technologies. Clarimedix, Inc. Boulder Develops quantum devices for the temporary relief of minor muscle and joint pain, arthritis, muscle spasms and stiffness. Clean Room Devices, LLC Westminster Caroba Plastics, Inc. Englewood Provides custom injection molds and specializes in the needs of the medical and high technology industries. Carsan Engineering, Inc. Golden Designs and manufactures products for several of the leading OEMs in the medical, dental, industrial, semiconductor, entertainment, and video projection markets. CEA Technologies, Inc. Colorado Springs Provides product development and complete product assembly and packaging services to the medical industry. CeraPedics, Inc. Westminster Globally supplying the orthopedic and spinal communities with quality products, services and educational opportunities to improve patient outcomes CereScan Denver Manufactures products that are engineered specifically for “clean room” environments. Clifford Consulting & Research, Inc. Colorado Springs Clifford Materials Reactivity Testing (CMRT) is a laboratory screening process used to help identify existing sensitivity problems to various chemical groups and families of compounds in an individual patient. This process is currently being implemented in the CMRT Dental and Orthopedic panels. Cobe Laboratories, Inc. Lakewood 303-232-6800 EtO (ethylene oxide) sterilization facility with services offered to third party customers. Has fulfilled requirements for EPA, FDA, ISO and OSHA compliance. (Owned Subsidiary of Gambro AB) Cochlear Americas Centennial Designs, manufactures and distributes hearing implants including the Nucleus Freedom and Baha implants. Colorado Laser Technologies, Inc. Colorado Springs Provides YAG laser engraving technology, as well as CO2 and YAG laser cutting services. Colorado Precision Products, Inc. Boulder Provides diamond turned and polished optics/parts. Fabricator of X-ray telescope optical components. Produces and offers air bearing LVDT contact linear measurement systems, .05 microinch resolution. Colorado Scientific Denver Offers a vibrational integrated bio-photonic energizer device that brings the vibrational level of a person’s body back to its natural state. COMEG U.S.A. Endoscopy, Inc. Denver A product range producing high quality video imagery that meets the needs of the surgeons in terms of products, budget and services, whatever their specialty. Confi-Dental Products Company Louisville Manufacture a wide range of dental and healthcare products including composites, cements, creams, lotions & ointments. Denver-based corporation, in 2008, they acquired the assets and imaging database of Brain Matters Inc., a company previously engaged in providing functional brain imaging for almost five years. Anticipates opening 20 additional centers across the nation. BIOSCIENCE COLORADO 2010/2011 41 CONMED Electrosurgery Centennial Darkhorse Technologies Boulder DNTLworks Equipment Corporation Centennial Designs and manufactures RF electrosurgical generators and accessories of the highest quality, safety and value for use in surgical procedures performed in virtually every hospital, surgery center and physicians office. Commercializes a patented technology for affordable, hand-carried, battery operated instruments for on-site genetic detection using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Manufactures portable, mobile and selfcontained dental systems. CoorsTek Golden Using our core strengths of custom engineering, materials expertise, operational excellence, and rapid execution, we help our customers develop amazing solutions to their toughest technical challenges. Our experienced engineering and manufacturing experts are ready to help with your next project. Corgenix Medical Corporation Broomfield The Colorado facility is engaged in research, development, manufacture, and marketing of in vitro diagnostic products for use in disease detection and prevention. Covidien Boulder Offers an extensive product line, including pulse oximetry and airway and temperature management devices, ventilators, vessel sealing, and electrosurgery equipment. Crosstrees Medical, Inc. Boulder Aims to improve the quality of patient care by developing the next generation platform for percutaneous vertebral augmentation. DataWave Technologies Corporation Berthoud Manufactures a wireless and battery-free device for acquiring and transmitting data from electrodes and other biosensors to a receiver placed meters away for electrophysiology, neurophysiology and physiology related research on both humans and large animals. Delphi Medical Systems Longmont Delphi, a leading automotive supplier, has invested its knowledge in the medical device industry through Delphi Medical Systems, a wholly-owned subsidiary. Denver Instrument Company Denver Designs and manufacturers analytical balances, electrochemistry instruments, moisture analyzers, and titration controllers. Denver Optic Company Englewood Specializes in the fitting and fabrication of two types of ocular prosthesis. Desert Glass Works Colorado Springs Manufactures quartzware for the medical and research industries. Cryenco/Chart Denver Denver Die Cut Technologies Northglenn Chart Denver provides manufacturing services to companies who want to outsource some or all of their manufacturing processes, and to companies that have capacity issues with their current manufacturing resources. Offers precision material conversion, skilled assembly and manufacturing efficiencies, including cleanroom facilities. Directed Energy Solutions Colorado Springs Develops advanced laser and optical device solutions for medical applications. 42 dpiX, Inc. Colorado Springs Produces high-resolution amorphous silicon (a-Si) sensor arrays for medical X-ray imaging. E.I. Medical Imaging Loveland Manufacturer of highly portable and ruggedized ultrasound devices for the veterinary industry. E.I. Medical Imaging engineers, manufactures and services these devices in Loveland, Colorado E.N. Murray Company Denver Develops cellular foam technology for the medical device industry. Eldon James Corporation Loveland Designs and manufactures a diverse line of plastic and stainless steel hose fittings with a single-barb design. Electronic Materials, Inc. (EMI) Breckenridge Offers a complete line of EMCAST UV adhesives, epoxies, sealants, encapsulants and coatings, EMI also offers room temperature, thermal and Visible light cure adhesive systems. Ellab, Inc. Centennial Manufactures thermal validation solutions for food and pharmaceutical industries. Empirical Testing Corporation Colorado Springs Provides medical device testing services that add value throughout the product development cycle, with a focus on spinal implant device testing. 2010/2011 BIOSCIENCE COLORADO Encision, Inc. Boulder Falcon Rehabilitation Products Denver nathodontics, Ltd. Lakewood Designs and manufactures innovative surgical devices. Developed AEM® Laparoscopic Instruments to improve electrosurgery and reduce the chance for patient injury in minimally invasive surgery. Designs and builds high quality, innovative quadriplegic seating systems and accessories (Falcon Rehabilitation Products, LaBac Seating Systems, Gel Ovations). Specializes in functional dentistry, advanced implant work, precision partial dentures, combination cases and metal-free fixed restorations. Firefly Medical, Inc. Fort Collins Great Basin Scientific Longmont Designs and develops innovative durable medical equipment for clinical healthcare markets. Technology entails an integrated disposable cartridge containing all necessary reagents and an inexpensive benchtop analyzer that executes the assay, interprets the results and provides electronic output to the clinician that is fast, accurate, cost-effective and easy-to-use. EndoShape, Inc. Boulder Manufactures surgical and medical instruments focusing on shape memory polymer devices for endolumenal application. Eurofins Medinet Aurora, Longmont Offers a full range of safety parameters and biomarkers, genomic testing, microbiology testing and highly specialized bioanalytical services. Evergreen Research, Inc. Golden Eveia Medical Boulder Development stage company focused on creating a bioanalytical system designed to conduct immunassay tests. Ky attributes include; lowfemtomolar sensitivities, short assay development cycles and results in 10-20 minutes. The product consists of the instruments, software and reagents required for analyte measurement. Extreme Diagnostics Boulder Fluonic Boulder Gambro Americas Lakewood Hach Company Loveland Manufactures and distributes analytical instruments and reagents used to test the quality of water and other aqueous solutions. HEI Advanced Medical Operations Boulder Develops and supplies hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and acute dialysis products, therapies and services. Develops and manufactures high performance components, medical software, medical devices, and non-medical products. Produces microcircuits and subsystems for hearing and medical applications. GE Analytical Instruments Boulder Hirsh Precision Products, Inc. Boulder Manufactures instruments used to measure total organic carbon (TOC) in water for pharmaceutical applications and medical research. Manufactures precision-machined and assembled components for the medical industry. Genesee BioMedical, Inc. Denver Manufactures cardiac surgery instruments and devices. Develops noninvasive measurement systems, including optical systems such as custom holographic and interferometric instruments. Specializes in structural health monitoring, nondestructive testing, and materials processing. 2010/2011 Designs, manufactures, and markets imaging systems for the screening and diagnosis of breast cancer. Develops infusion therapy systems with disposable sensors for OEM and proprietary pumping systems. Offers a complete range of development services from product definition and feasibility studies through detailed design to pilot-run and low-volume production to the medical device industry. BIOSCIENCE COLORADO Fischer Medical Technologies, Inc. Broomfield Global Therapeutics Broomfield Balance Medical, Inc. Boulder Develops a solution for knee malalignment that preserves and restores natural knee surfaces. The Axial Knee Realignment System (AKRFX) comprises both a new surgical technique and an anatomic-based, knee implant system. A Broomfield-based Cook Medical company that specializes in cardiology, was give the go-ahead on a new coronary stent. 43 Illumasonix LLC Aurora Illumasonix/index.htm InVitria Fort Collins Lanx, LLC Broomfield In partnership with Allied Minds, we will develop and commercialize a new non-invasive vascular disease detection procedure which will provide near real-time assessment of detailed blood flow patterns within the cardiovascular system. InVitria develops, manufactures and markets a portfolio of high performance and well defined cell culture products and reagents used in bioprocessing, biopharmaceutical formulation, stem cell & regenerative medicine, life science research and diagnostics. Specializes in systems and implants for all segments of spinal surgery. Integrating leading technology, intellectual property and state-of-the-art engineering, each product is designed to simplify surgery and improve the quality of care for patients worldwide by providing surgeons with innovative spinal products. InDevR, Inc. Boulder IPAX, Inc. Englewood Develops and manufactures biomedical instruments including molecular diagnostic assays, virus measurement systems and detection technologies for micro-arrays. Assembles and packs medical products, focusing on bringing new medical products to the marketplace. Specialty is small to medium production runs, also has the capacity and the manpower to take on the larger jobs. Infinity Photo-Optical Company Boulder Manufactures long-distance and continuously-focusable microscope technology, macro systems, internalfocusing devices and other lenses. Injectech, LLC Loveland Provides molding, assembly and design of medical components and fittings for OEM device manufacturers. Class 100,000 cleanroom molding and assembly available. Instec, Inc. Boulder Manufactures precision temperature controllers and microscope hot stage systems for temperature cycling, food sciences, materials characterization, forensics, polymers and liquid crystals and microbiology. Intertek Boulder Offers testing, inspection and certification of products, commodities and systems for medical devices. Performs FDA 510(k) reviews, electrical safety certification including CE Marking, testing to the MDD and IVDD, risk analysis, EMC and performance testing. 44 Jorgensen Laboratories, Inc. Loveland Designs and manufactures instruments which are used in the animal health field including specialty instruments, surgical suture, and veterinary equipment. Kestrel Labs, Inc. Boulder Kestrel Labs combines internal research and development projects with consulting and contract development of innovative, patient monitoring concepts and other medical technologies. Kent Systems Loveland KENT Systems designs, manufactures, and distributes Plastic Quick Couplings, Tube Fittings, and Media Bags. All our products are made in Colorado! Kimble Precision, Inc. Loveland Provides general machining, short run production of existing products, prototyping of new products, as well as fixturing and tooling. Leap Frogg, LLC Grand Junction 970-260-7494 Created The Frogg Dynamic Compression System which can be used at all times; no gaps in protection; reduces accidents; reduces nursing time; is more comfortable. Laser Neurotherapy Development Labs, Inc. Colorado Springs While high-intensity lasers are best known in their applications as precision surgical tools, Laser Neurotherapy Development Labs has discovered the biostimulative value of high energy laser radiation. The Neurolase™ direct high level, monochromatic, continuous-wave optical radiation to pathological tissue to restore and improve function. Leeds Precision Instruments, Inc. Denver Offers microscopes and custom-engineered products ranging from small modifications on a microscope stand that accommodate specific applications, to large specialized systems, such as an optical comparison bridge for forensic science. Lenox MacLaren Surgical Instruments Louisville Manufactures precision orthopedic and neurological surgical instruments. 2010/2011 BIOSCIENCE COLORADO Lexicor Medical Technology LLC Boulder Develops neuropsychiatric medical devices, such as Neba™ an experimental, small format EEG-based device being studied under an Investigational Device Exemption from the Food and Drug Administration. Locomotion Inc. Nederland mBio Diagnostics (a division of Precision Photonics Corporation) Boulder Develops a low-cost, high sensitivity, multipathogen detection system for diagnostics. MedEfficiency, Inc. Wheat Ridge Specializes in total contact casting products for off-loading diabetic foot ulcers. Locomotion’s vision is to be a leading provider of specialized equipment that helps people improve their daily lives through physical rehabilitation. Medical Modeling, Inc. Golden Produces highly accurate 3-D physical models of human bone structure from imaging such as CT or MRI. Logisens Corporation Fort Collins Develops biosensor and software technology, enabling a significant breakthrough in real-time measurement and reduction of stress. Magnelab, Inc. Longmont Manufactures custom magnetic components (transformers/inductors) for the medical field. Massively Parallel Technologies, Inc. Boulder Focuses on the entire communication task at the cluster level, and optimize it mathematically (22 patents granted or pending); Rigorous algorithms allow a system to manage itself and adapt to changing requirements, at any scale; Libraries self-train on a given hardware configuration, so there is no tradeoff between optimality and generality. Mayer Medical Technologies, Inc. Grand Junction Mayer Medical Technologies, Inc. improves health and saves lives by innovating new products, providing seed capital to medical start-ups, and assisting medical professionals in developing their product ideas. Medivance, Inc. Louisville The Arctic Sun is the only non-invasive product on the market specifically designed to manage the core temperature of critically ill patients. It is designed to mimic water immersion, which is said to be the most effective means of quickly decreasing core body temperature. Medtronic Navigation Louisville At the forefront of surgical navigation solutions, guiding the industry to a higher standard of care for several clinical specialties, including cranial neurosurgery, functional neurosurgery, spinal, ENT, joint replacement and orthopaedic trauma surgeries. Meinhard Glass Products Golden Continues the evolution in nebulizer design. The principle goal is to produce finer, more narrowly sized-dispersed aerosols while maintaining the high quality, low cost and simplicity of design and operation that characterize the MEINHARD® nebulizer. Mesa Laboratories, Inc. Lakewood Provides dialysis meters and related supplies to dialysis clinics world wide. BIOSCIENCE COLORADO 2010/2011 Metafluidics, Inc. Golden An industry leader in microfluidic/optical integration for sophisticated biomedical diagnostic lab-on-a-chip applications. Using novel optical trapping, fluorescence detection and fluid control technology, Metafluidics delivers point-of-care cytometry and cell sorting solutions with a minimum of user preparation or input. Metamatrix, LLC Boulder Manufacturers of ZORBENT which absorbent is designed to leave no residue, reducing the risk associated with slippery surfaces and is completely safe to use and represents no health hazard Micro Imaging Solutions, LLC (MIS) Englewood Developed an innovative-patented technology that can be utilized in the manufacture of micro-digital CMOS cameras. Microlife Medical Home Solutions, Inc. Golden Microlife Medical Home Solutions is dedicated to meeting the needs of healthcare providers and their busy medical practices. Our proprietary hand-held medical devices and systemic solutions offer healthcare providers evidence-based and practicetested methods for accurate assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. MicroPhage, Inc. Longmont Produces high-speed bacteria detection technologies to commercialize in markets including: food safety, water safety, clinical and veterinary diagnostics and detection applications. Mikron Corporation Denver Aurora Supplies transfer machining systems for complex parts, cutting tools with high performance standards, self medication and diagnostic devices. 45 Mind Studios Colorado Springs Otologics, LLC Boulder Peddle Master, Inc. Johnstown A full service product design and research studio housed within the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. Offers concept generation, advanced prototyping, engineering and consumer research, human factors design and manufacturing solutions. Develops and commercializes surgically implantable alternatives to conventional “in the ear” hearing aids. Designs and manufactures handicapped driving aids. The Peddel Master is totally portable and can be installed and removed in a matter of seconds. Mountainside Medical Boulder Produces induction loop assistive listening systems and visual and vibrotactile technologies that help deaf and hard of hearing individuals. Specializes in the contract manufacturing of medical device components and instruments, including electrosurgical and laparoscopic instruments and jaws, orthopedic implants, endoscopy devices. NeuroQuest Therapeutics Grand Junction Develops an electrical brain stimulating device to deliver neuromodulation treatments to address the unment therapeutic needs of nervous system disorders, stroke recovery, chronic pain and behavioral disorders. nSpire Health, Inc. Longmont Develops, manufactures and markets respiratory care products and services focused on cardiopulmonary diagnostics, respiratory core lab services, and disease management solutions. Olympus Soft Imaging Solutions Corporation (OSIS) Lakewood Produces, markets, and sells image acquisition and processing software and hardware for all areas of electron microscopy. Optibrand Ltd., LLC Fort Collins Provides a fraud-resistant system to positively identify animals from birth and throughout the food processing chain. The Secure Identity Preservation system helps assure food safety and control the spread of animal disease. 46 Oval Window Audio Nederland Paré Surgical, Inc. Centennial Develops surgical instruments such as the Quik-Stitch endoscopic suturing system. Parker Medical Highlands Ranch Pernicka Corporation Fort Collins Offers analytical testing that meets or exceeds the requirements of MIL-STD 750/883 method 1018 and 45662A for companies in the semiconductor, aerospace, basic & applied research, surface analysis, thin film deposition, laser technology, and medical products industries. PharmaJet, Inc. Golden Provides airway management products that make intubation safer for the patient and easier for the medical professional. Develops a needle-free technology that has a low cost, single use, disposable polypropylene vial or cartridge, suitable for the delivery of common vaccines and standard dose injectable liquid medicines. Particle Measuring Systems Boulder Phillips Plastics (Farley Sales Group) Denver Designs, manufactures, and services precision microcontamination monitoring instrumentation and software used for detecting particles in aerosols, liquids, slurries, gas streams and vacuum processing environments as well as surface molecular contamination monitoring. Phillips Plastics Corporation offers injection molding from design through distribution PCC/Advanced Forming Technology Longmont Offers thixoforming and metal injection molding for the medical device industry. Peak Robotics, Inc. Colorado Springs Manufactures robots, special equipment, and turnkey automated systems for a variety of industries including: biotech, electronics, medical, semiconductor, etc. Physical Activity Innovations Fort Collins 970-217-9340 Developing unique, footwear-based systems that motivate users to increase their daily physical activity. Pico-Tesla Magnetic Therapies, LLC Littleton Manufactures, markets and supports proprietary medical device technology designed to treat the signs and symptoms of neurological disorders like Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, migraines and epilepsy. Plexus Corporation Louisville Provides integrated product development, manufacturing, and sustaining services of medical products. 2010/2011 BIOSCIENCE COLORADO PolyNEW, Inc. Golden Prescott’s, Inc. Monument Develops Polymer ice and methods of making and using them. Provides reconditioned operating microscopes and allied accessories that function as intended by the original equipment manufacturer. Porta-Lung, Inc. Lakewood Provides non-invasive ventilator support for long-term patients who need more portability than the iron lung allows, while maintaining the same level of ventilating efficiency. Precision Biopsy Aurora Biopsy/index.htm In partnership with Allied Minds, we are working to develop and commercialize technology for the accurate diagnosis of prostate cancer which uses advanced spectroscopy imageing techniques in combination with tissue biopsy. Precision Diagnostic Instruments Westminster Designs and manufactures professional quality, affordable test equipment. Precision Glassblowing Centennial Provides custom and OEM scientific glass for custom synthesis, pharmaceutical, environmental, petrochemical, research, commercial, government and medical laboratories. Precision Photonics Corporation Boulder provide price-competitive laser optics and coatings to the telecommunications, defense, aerospace, biomedical, and semiconductor industries. Preferred Medical Products, Inc. Englewood Manufactures stainless steel medical components for hypodermic needles and lancet type products. BIOSCIENCE COLORADO 2010/2011 Probetronix, LLC Colorado Springs Manufactures oscilloscope probes. Products Group International, Inc. Lyons Researches, develops and engineers ultrasound medical and veterinary equipment. Protogenic, Inc. (a division of Spectrum Plastics Group) Westminster Quest Product Development Corporation Wheat Ridge Helps bring to market medical products and analytical systems for small start-ups to research universities and international corporations. Has received numerous SBIR/STTR grants from NIH, DOD, NASA and NIST. Radiological Imaging Technology, Inc Colorado Springs Provides clinical and research physicists with a high precision automated QA tool for advanced radiation therapies. Received FDA clearance on RIT113 radiation therapy film dosimetry. Rand-Scot, Inc. Fort Collins Manufactures prototypes and conceptual models using stereolithography (SLA) and Laser Sintering (LS) rapid prototyping technology. Designs and manufactures products for persons with disabilities including BBD Cushions and Mattress Overlays, EasyPivot Patient Lifts, and Saratoga Exercise Products. Protomed, Inc. Westminster Rapid Prototying Corporation Longmont Creates accurate anatomical models from CT scans by using the latest imaging software and laser driven technology. Offers engineering and design and other manufacturing services for the medical device industry. Prototype Casting, Inc. Denver RJD Machining Parker Manufactures non-ferrous prototype parts for the medical industry, specializes in RPM (Rubber Plaster Mold) casting, sand casting and rapid investment casting. Specializes in precision production runs and some prototype work for OEM’s in the medical industry. PTA Corporation Longmont Manufactures aluminum and steel molds for projects with lifetime runs of 5,000 to 250,000 pieces for medical applications. Rocky Mountain Biosystems, Inc. Wheat Ridge Develops a tissue sealing technology that activates a specially formulated adhesive to bond tissue and achieve a uniform seal in seconds. The systems temporarily or permanently modify tissues for transdermal and deposition drug delivery, and for cosmetic skin resurfacing. 47 Rocky Mountain Instrument Company (RMI) Lafayette Designs and manufactures optics and coatings (ultraviolet through far infrared) for the medical industry. Rocky Mountain Orthodontics, Inc. (RMO) Denver Serves all areas of orthodontics including pediatric orthodontic prevention, interceptive pediatric orthodontics, mixed dentition orthodontics, adult orthodontics, reconstructive dentistry orthodontics, TMJ orthodontics, surgical orthodontics and breathing/sleep problem related orthodontics. Samson Design Associates, Inc. Boulder Provides full service product development ranging from concept to production specifications, with many products for the medical field. Sandhill Scientific Highlands Ranch Designs, manufactures and distributes diagnostic products focused on gastroenterology. Sealcon Centennial Sorin Group Arvada Manufactures cable management components, including liquid tight strain relief fittings, flexible conduit, M23 circular connectors and related products for the health care industry. Develops and produces cardiovascular and autologous transfusion therapy products. Shippert Medical Technologies Corp. Centennial Offers ultrasonic technologies and related techniques for aesthetic surgery. Manufactures and distributes medical disposable products and instruments. Serves the ear, nose and throat, plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery, emergency/trauma care, family practice, pediatric, ophthalmology and dermatology fields. Sienco, Inc. Arvada Manufactures and distributes Class II medical devices, disposable supplies, reagents and accessories for in-vitro diagnostic use. Also, provides tools for hemostasis monitoring and viscoelastic evaluations. Snoasis Medical Denver Develops dental regenerative products derived from discarded tissues and cells. Science Care Aurora SomaLogic, Inc. Boulder Provide human tissue for medical research and education. We serve as a link between individual donors and medical researchers and educators. Uses aptamer array technology and bioinformatics capabilities to discover disease-specific biomarkers and protein signatures. Develops medical diagnostics based on these signatures. Scientech, Inc. Boulder Manufactures analytical instruments: semimicro balances, analytical balances, semianalytical balances, and toploading balances for the medical industry. Sonora Medical Systems, Inc. Longmont Provides high quality products and services to the diagnostic ultrasound and MRI markets. ISO 9001 certified and FDA registered. Scott Orthotic Labs, Inc. Fort Collins Sontec Instruments, Inc Centennial Manufactures Orthotic and Prosthetic Components, Pre-fabricated Orthotics, and Custom O&P Devices. Provides a broad line of instruments as well as custom instrument manufacturing and in-house repair service. 48 Sound Surgical Technologies, LLC Louisville Source MDx Boulder Develops RNA-based biomarkers to create companion diagnostics for inflammation related therapeutic areas including oncology, cardiovascular, autoimmune and infectious diseases. Spectrum Laser & Technologies, Inc. Colorado Springs Provides contract design and manufacturing services for the medical industry. ST Cardio Technologies, LLC Broomfield Designs, develops, and manufactures electronic medical devices for use in electrophysiology cardiac cath labs. Our Z6 Cardiac Stimulator is our first product and has FDA 510(k) clearance. St. Renatus, LLC Fort Collins First needle-free, dental anesthetic suitable for use in procedures involving most of the upper teeth. Uses an accurate and sophisticated method to anesthetize the upper teeth without the risk and pain of a needle. StrionAir, Inc. Louisville Manufactures and markets a product that uses disposable media and that can be installed in any air handler or HVAC system. 2010/2011 BIOSCIENCE COLORADO Stroke Recovery Systems, Inc. Denver Synthes, Inc. Monument The Harloff Company Colorado Springs Develops the AutoMove AM800 that teaches healthy parts of the brain after a stroke to take over lost functionality. Develops, produces and markets instruments, implants and biomaterials for the surgical fixation, correction and regeneration of the human skeleton and its soft tissues. Manufactures and sells a line of crash carts, medication carts and other specialty carts for hospitals, nursing homes, clinics and surgery centers. Summa Design Ridgway The Synaptic® Corporation Aurora Contract design and development company focused on the medical device market. TRS, Inc. Boulder Summit Doppler Systems Golden Develops, manufactures, and markets body-powered prosthetic devices. Designs and builds technology for persons missing hands. Develops Synaptic®, a patented pain control technology that works without drugs. Marketed in accordance with FDA regulations for the treatment of acute and chronic pain. Tapeless Wound Care Products, LLC Englewood TheraTogs, Inc. Telluride Manufactures and distributes a system of patented secondary wound dressing retention devices, offering an alternative to traditional secondary wound dressings, for both human and animals. Produces an orthotic undergarment and strapping system that gives clients with sensorimotor impairment a new modality for improving postural alignment and stability. Manufactures ultrasound Doppler systems used to detect fetal heartbeat and to monitor peripheral arterial and venous blood flow. Sunrise Medical Inc Longmont Provides home healthcare products including wheelchairs, respiratory, daily living aids, and speech augmentation devices. Supreme Cable Technologies, Inc. Thornton Manufactures quality custom cable assemblies and wire harnesses. Surgical Pioneering, Inc. Monument Dedicated to improving the recovery times and mortality rate of cardiovascular surgery patients through groundbreaking innovations in surgical equipment and operative techniques. Swan Valley Medical, Inc. Aurora Swan Valley Medical has developed a line of urology instruments that allow for safer, faster, and more economical treatment of common urological disorders. Tartan Orthopedics, Ltd Northglenn Manufactures sacro lumbar belts, dorsal lumbar belts (corsets and moldable inserts), Ottenberg style elbow splint, pelvic traction belts, arm slings, cervical collars, acromioclavicular splints, and ankle supports. TDA Research, Inc. Wheat Ridge, Golden Provides automated catalyst testing equipment to large chemical companies and national laboratories. Tech-X Corporation Boulder Specializes in scientific and engineering software, including visualization and algorithm development. The Spectranetics Corporation Colorado Springs Tensegrity Prosthetics, Inc. Boulder Develops, manufactures and markets singleuse medical devices used in minimally invasive surgical procedures within the cardiovascular system along with its CVX300® excimer laser system. Develops a prosthetic foot that mimics the functional biomechanics of the human foot in walking. BIOSCIENCE COLORADO 2010/2011 Tissue Genetics, Inc. Aurora Molecular diagnostics company with unique technology for improving the care of patients with genetic diseases using biomarkers to identify patients with hereditary diseases and to determine the course of care. TMJ Implants, Inc. Golden Designs and manufactures alloplastic implants for the treatment of temporomandibular joint disorders and injuries. Toltec International, Inc. Lakewood Toltec provides medical device engineering services compliant with US FDA and international regulatory standards. We assist medical device companies with the development and maintainence of medical devices in full compliance with the regulations and standards. 49 Touch of Life Technologies, Inc. (ToLTech) Aurora Develops procedural simulators in the areas of orthopaedics, gastroenterology, rheumatology, radiology, ophthalmology, and general surgical procedures. Transtracheal Systems, Inc. Englewood Develops and manufactures innovative respiratory therapy products that advance medical therapy for persons requiring continuous supplemental oxygen, including the SCOOP transtracheal oxygen therapy system. Trelleborg Sealing Solutions Mountain Broomfield Supplies high-quality products and solutions for industrial sealing and bearing systems. Activities are focused in many business areas including the food and pharmaceutical industries, as well as medical engineering. Ultrathera Technologies, Inc. Colorado Springs Life sciences company dedicated to improving human performance by applying advanced technologies to physiological and neurological needs. Maker of AeroStim™ and PointScribe™. Value Plastics, Inc. Fort Collins Designs and manufactures plastic tubing fittings and connectors. ValveXchange, Inc. Aurora Develops a bioprosthetic heart valve with a percutaneously-exchangeable leaflet set that provides lifetime service without anticoagulation therapy. 50 VitruMed, Inc. Boulder Ximedix, Inc. Colorado Springs Focused on the development of a minimally-invasive radio frequency (RF) tissue welding technology for pulmonary resections including biopsies, to further advance early detection and treatment of lung cancer. Manufactures and sells single patient use medical products for the anesthesia, respiratory care, critical care and emergency medicine applications. WalkMed Infusion, LLC Englewood Offers solutions for ambulatory infusion therapy and pain management. WAVi Company Boulder The platform is based on the Electroencephalograph (EEG) that integrates with physician diagnostic tools and a research library. Helps with interpretation and treatment of brain ailments and performance including TBI, PTSD, Alzheimer’s Age Management and depression. WestMed, Inc. Greenwood Village Yamato Corporation Colorado Springs Manufactures and sells weighing equipment and systems for medical facilities. Zetek, Inc. Aurora Manufactures the OvaCue family of ovulation prediction products. Zynex Medical, Inc. Lone Tree Offers electrotherapy products, utilizing various methods of non-invasive muscle stimulation and electromyography technology, Interferential Current (IFC) and Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS). Designs, manufacturers and markets medical devices to anesthesia and respiratory professionals. Westone Laboratories Colorado Springs Designs and manufactures custom earmolds for hearing healthcare and other applications. Wi LLC – Medical Device Product Development Englewood Designs and engineers medical devices. Including innovative services such as laser welding, assay design, and air bubble management. 2010/2011 BIOSCIENCE COLORADO BIOTECHNOLOGY, PHARMA, AND RELATED COMPANIES Accera, Inc. Broomfield Discovers and develops innovative therapeutic treatments for neurodegenerative diseases,like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and other age-related memory loss disorders. Accuthera, Inc. Denver Develops therapeutics for acute and critical care indications. Initial clinical indication is acute lung injury caused by trauma and/or serious infectious pathogens. Advanced Regenerative Therapies (ART) Fort Collins 970-222-9831 Provides a stem cell isolation and expansion service for companion animal medicine. Agilent Technologies Boulder Agilent Nucleic Acid Solutions develops and manufactures therapeutic oligonucleotide in a multi-product, 33,500 square foot facility. Agripro COKER Berthoud Develops and delivers superior wheat seed genetics in North America. AKTIV-DRY Boulder Provides dry powder processing solutions for the vaccine, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology industries. Albany Molecular Research, Inc (AMRI) Denver Performs services including drug discovery, pharmaceutical development, and manufacturing of active ingredients and pharmaceutical intermediates for many of the world’s leading healthcare companies. BIOSCIENCE COLORADO 2010/2011 Allergan, Inc. Denver Anabolic Labs Colorado Springs Our R&D programs today are focused in ophthalmology, neurosciences, medical aesthetics, medical dermatology, gastroenterology (obesity intervention), and urological diseases. Currently, we are investigating a rich arsenal of potential new treatments for chronic migraine, debilitating neurological conditions, eye disease, and overactive bladder, among other conditions. Focused line of nutritional products, with state-of-the-art pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities in California and Colorado. Allos Therapeutics, Inc. Westminster Develops and commercializes small molecule therapeutics for the treatment of cancer. Alpharma, Inc. Longmont Manufactures generic liquid and topical pharmaceuticals including nutritional supplements, water-soluble pharmaceutical products and disinfectants for veterinary use. American Allied Biochemical, Inc. Aurora Animal Health Options Golden Since 1990, Animal Health Options has been offering high quality nutritional supplements that meet or exceed industry standards and provide a noticeable benefit to dogs, cats and horses. ApopLogic Pharmaceuticals, LLC Aurora Develops biotech drugs that take advantage of understanding the receptors and ligands that control natural cell death (apoptosis). Aquatic BioSystems Fort Collins Specializes in the production and distribution of freshwater and marine organisms for aquatic toxicology, biomonitoring and other research activities. Specializes in the purification and distribution of restriction endonucleases enzymes. ARCA biopharma, Inc. Broomfield, Aurora Amgen, Inc. Boulder, Longmont Specializes in developing and commercializing genetically-targeted therapies for heart failure and other cardiovascular diseases. Discovers, develops, manufactures and markets human therapeutics based on advances in cellular and molecular biology. Amgen Colorado is one of the company’s key operations centers, providing EPOGEN®, Aranesp® and Kepivance™. AmideBio, LLC Boulder AmideBio’s proprietary platform vector technology addresses the challenges of historically difficult-to-manufacture peptides by providing products that are reliable (BioPure™), economical and incorporate environmentally sustainable practices. Array BioPharma Boulder, Longmont Discovers, develops and commercializes targeted small molecule drugs to treat debilitating and life-threatening diseases such as cancer. ASDx Biosystems, Inc. Boulder Specializes in the development of immunoassays for environmental agents, foodborne pathogens, infectious diseases and oncology biomarkers using luminescence detection technologies and dedicated luminometer instrument systems. 51 AspenBio Pharma, Inc. Castle Rock bioNovo Aurora Bolder BioTechnology, Inc. Boulder Primarily focused on advancing towards commercialization, our recently patented blood-based human diagnostic test, AppyScore™ to aid in the diagnosis of human appendicitis and several novel reproduction drugs for use in high value animals. Discovers and develops drugs for women’s health, including menopause, osteoporosis and cancer. Uses advanced protein engineering technologies to create proprietary human protein pharmaceuticals with enhanced therapeutic properties. Astellas Pharma US, Inc. Denver Researches and develops pharmaceuticals for select theraputic areas, including Urology, Immunology, Dermatology, Cardiology, and Infectious Diseases. Aurogen Fort Collins Produces a pharmaceutical treatment for diabetic neuropathy, with a second invention showing that neurotrophic hormones can act across the blood-brain barrier (BBB) to treat various brain disorders. Avidity, LLC Aurora Licenses the patented biotin-accepting peptides (AviTag) technology which exploits the tight interaction of avidin or streptavidin with biotin for immobilizing, purifying and visualizing proteins. BaroFold, Inc. Aurora Discovers, develops and commercializes protein biologics. The pipeline contains therapeutics with an immunology focus, including Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Asthma. BioAMPS Internatitonal, LLC Aurora Focused on the discovery, development and commercialization of proprietary antimicrobial peptide (AMPS) therapeutic solutions for the treatment of systemic infectious diseases, including methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and other resistant gram-negative and gram positive bacteria. 52 BioResponse, LLC Boulder Researches, develops and commercializes dietary supplements for better absorption and functional foods. BioServe Space Technologies Boulder Researches space life science with a wide range of biotechnology applications involving animals, plants and microorganisms. Specializing in conducting microgravity life science research and designing and developing space flight hardware. Biosyntrx Inc. Colorado Springs Develops nutraceuticals to address the micronutrient needs of the dry eye, cataract, macular degeneration, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy patient. Biotest Laboratories, LLC Colorado Springs Manufactures and distributes dietary supplements. BodySync, Inc. Aurora Applies evidence-based genetic information to develop personalized products that help individuals achieve their health goals. BodySync, Inc. purchased some of Sciona’s assets recently. Bolder BioPATH, Inc. Boulder Boulder Scientific Company Mead Provides organometallic compounds to the pharmaceutical, polymer, and specialty chemical industries. Brotica Bellvue Produces Interval33, a termite attractant which works by producing the precise level of CO2 that has been shown to attract termites, all natural and animal safe. CaP Biotechnology Golden Develops advanced calcium phosphate materials and devices for biomedical and biotechnological applications. Cargill Research Fort Collins Develops, processes and markets sciencebased, health promoting ingredients for food and dietary supplement industries worldwide. CaridianBCT Biotechnologies, LLC Lakewood Develops techniques to improve safety of the blood supply by reducing the pathogens found in donated blood. Catalent Pharma Solutions, Inc. Boulder Designs, manufactures and distributes specialized medical products for fluid management of pleural effusion and ascites. Contract pathology and pharmacology research company that specializes in inflammatory disease models with emphasis on models of arthritis. 2010/2011 BIOSCIENCE COLORADO Caveo Therapeutics Aurora Cévan International, Inc. Longmont Colorado Genetics, Inc. Loveland Discovers and develops innovative biopharmaceuticals to treat and cure hematologic conditions. Provides two research reagents, highly specific monoclonal antibodies to the Mer receptor tyrosine kinase Delivers vitamins, minerals and botanical extracts as well as specialty nutriceutical formulations and antioxidants. Provides livestock embryo-transfer research, artificial insemination, embryo collection, freezing and transfer, and international import and export services. CBL Biopharma LLC (Chemical and Biopharmaceutical Laboratories) Boulder Offering peptide starting materials, peptide intermediates, and industrial and commercial-scale manufacturing of proprietary and generic GMP and nonGMP peptides. Cedarburg Hauser Denver Developed, scaled and optimized hundreds of natural product extraction, isolation and purification procedures, starting from preclinical stages to commercial production. Manufactures blended reagents, HPLC mobile phases, standards, buffers and dissolution media. Chemizon Inc. Longmont Our team brings considerable experience to a wide range of therapeutic areas including oncology, inflammation, cardiovascular, CNS, anti infective and metabolic diseases. Our goal is to accelerate our collaborator’s drug discovery efforts using a vertically integrated discovery platform that includes Progenitors Leadz ADMET and radiolabeling capabilities. Cinpathogen, Inc. Boulder Cedus Fort Collins Dedicated to the research, development and commercialization of hormonal based health care strategies for both the human and companion animal markets including technology for sterilizing companion animals with a single injection. Develops novel radiopharmaceutical imaging agents, radiotherapeutic agents and local regional radio/chemotherapeutic drug delivery systems for the diagnosis, treatment and post therapy asessment of cancer, cardiovascular disease, infectious disease and metabolic diseases. Ceragenix Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Denver Engages in the discovery, development and commercialization of a portfolio of innovative products for dermatolog and infectious disease applications. 2010/2011 Brings together clinical operations, diagnostic laboratories and access to a large tissue bank to support diagnosis and conduct protocol-driven research on the etiology, pathogenesis and treatment of disease. ClinImmune Labs Aurora Cell>Point Centennial BIOSCIENCE COLORADO CHATA Biosystems Fort Collins Provides clinical HLA typing and cross matching in support of kidney, bone marrow, heart, lung and pancreas transplant programs. Clovis Oncology, Inc. Boulder Clovis Oncology is a biopharmaceutical company focused on acquiring, developing and commercializing innovative anti-cancer agents in the US, Europe and additional international markets. Building on its core competencies in clinical development, regulatory affairs and commercialization of innovative anti-cancer agents, Clovis intends to license or acquire rights to concology compounds in all stages of clinical development. Colorado Histo-Prep (CH-P) Fort Collins Produces high quality slides, clinical chemistry and hematology data and fully integrated and detailed seamless pathology reports. Colorado Serum Company Denver Supplies veterinary biologic vaccines, instruments, laboratory reagents and serums for the veterinary industry. Cytomation GTX, Inc. Fort Collins Develops a sensitive and rapid genotoxicity assay in mammalian cells using flow cytometry. Cytoskeleton, Inc. Denver Offers kits for drug screening, signal transduction and cytoskeletal research specializing in the production of purified proteins and easy-to-use kits to study biochemical and cellular processes. DaVita Lakewood DaVita provides a complete range of dialysis treatments and support services for patients living with chronic kidney failure. DMI BioSciences, Inc. Aurora Discovers and develops therapeutic options to treat men’s health, ophthalmology, and oncology with earlier-stage NCE programs in autoimmune, cardiovascular and oncology. 53 Eckstein Diagnostics Fort Collins 970-223-3203 Genentech Denver Greffex, Inc. Aurora Developing techniques to directly and indirectly detect pathogens from tissues and fluids through various methods. Using human genetic information to discover, develop, manufacture and commercialize medicines to treat patients with serious or life-threatening medical conditions. Develops and produces new therapeutics for immune suppression in humans to prevent transplant rejection, improve gene therapy and develop novel approaches to the treatment of autoimmune diseases. Genesis Laboratories, Inc. Wellington Hauser Laboratories, Division of Microbac Boulder Efficas, Inc. Boulder Develops bioactive products that offer natural relief from asthma and allergies in both humans and animals. ELISA Tech Aurora Provides immunoassays for the measurement of cytokines, growth factors, and lipid inflammatory mediators such as prostaglandins and leukotrienes Provides services to clients in the agrochemical and pharmaceutical industries, rodenticide research and development, as well as invasive species, zoonotic disease, and conservation research. Provides research, development, and testing to the pharmaceutical, natural products, dietary supplement, and medical device industries. GeneThera, Inc. Arvada HemoGenix® Colorado Springs Identifies genes with a high likelihood of commercial value for downstream validation through their proprietary Adapted Traits platform. Develops and markets the latest molecular technologies to eradicate “cross over” diseases such as Johne’s Disease, Mad Cow Disease, Chronic Wasting Disease, and E.coli. Develops assay tests and vaccines to radicate the threat to humans of diseases transmitted up the food chain by cattle, elk and deer. Private contract research service and assay development laboratory specializing in developing predictive in vitro assay platforms for primary human and animal target cells and stem cell hemotoxicity testing. Feiger Health Research Center (FHRC) Wheatridge Genetic Technologies Limited Fort Collins Private research facility specifically focused on clinical trials for medication to treat depression. Uses the latest technology to identify changes in DNA to either confirm a diagnosis of a specific disorder of which a person displays signs or symptoms, or to identify individuals at risk of developing a disease before any symptoms appear. Designed test parameters using continuous variables that may be correlated to clinical features or may be followed over time to measure disease progression. HepQuant-E is non-invasive, uses stable (not radioactive) isotopes, and relies on natural, well-defined hepatic functions to measure the portal circulation. FluTrends creates an anti-viral nose and throat spray to combat influenza, including the H1N1 swine flu. GlaxoSmithKline Denver Heska Corporation Loveland GEL Analytics, LLC Golden Produces medicines that treat six major disease areas – asthma, virus control, infections, mental health, diabetes and digestive conditions as well as vaccines and new treatments for cancer. Develops advanced diagnostics and specialty products for veterinary practices that focus on companion animals. Evolutionary Genomics (EG) Lafayette FluTrends International, LLC Denver Offers expertise in the field of mass spectrometry and provides chemistry, radiochemistry, radiobioassay and bioanalytical analysis. Gene Check, Inc. Greeley Develops, produces and markets reagents and kits for research and offers veterinary genotyping tests for sheep. 54 GlobeImmune, Inc. Louisville Discovers, develops and manufactures potent, targeted molecular immunotherapies called Tarmogens, targeted antigens that distinguish diseased cells from normal cells, for the treatment of cancer and infectious diseases. HepQuant, LLC Aurora Hiberna Corporation Boulder Pursuing the potential clinical application of hibernation in order to slow metabolism thereby extending survival limits in traumas that reduce oxygen to certain cells, e.g. in the heart and brain. 2010/2011 BIOSCIENCE COLORADO High Quality Research, LLC (HQR) Fort Collins iPDx Biosciences, Inc. Boulder KromaTid, Inc. Fort Collins Provides contract research in a wide range of in vivo studies utilizing several different animal models. Develops and markets multiplexed immunoassay and proteomic test systems and applications for the decentralized and point-of-care personalized diagnostic market. Clinical applications will focus on autoimmune, metabolic, oncology and neurodegenerative disorders. Develops a method and kit using chromatid paints to improve detection of chromosomal inversions. The improvement is important to medical applications such as cancer and birth defects. Hospira, Inc. Boulder Supplies injectably generic and specialty pharmaceuticals. The Colorado site specializes in the supply of active pharmaceutical ingredients for both internal and external markets. IHCtech, LLC Aurora Offers custom histopathology services, antibodies, probes and biosensors tested in tissue. Specializes in immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. imuTek Laboratories, Inc. Fort Collins Develops and markets bovine colostrums for the nutrition and health products industry. The first manufacturer to receive an indication for colostrum for the passive transfer of antibodies (immunoglobulins) in dry powder form. InB: Paxis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Boulder Manufactures and markets the generic active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) Paclitaxel as well as other naturally derived taxanes. Institute for Therapeutic Biology Denver Research organization studying the Role of T-Cell maturation in Immunology. Develops therapies for organ transplantation and genetic disease with products based on the veto effect which occurs when specific T-cells programmed to destroy a transplant are all permanently inhibited. Develops vaccines for emerging infectious diseases worldwide, including dengue fever, west nile, plague, smallpox and avian influenza. 2010/2011 Regulated Testing down to a science Technical Sales Team 720.528.4799 Toll Free 800.321.6088 Johnson & Johnson/Ortho Biotech Denver LABS, Inc. Denver Manufactures a broad selection of health care products, as well as a provider of related services, for the consumer, pharmaceutical, and medical devices and diagnostics markets. Provides laboratory testing services focused on donor eligibiligy determination and final product safety; infectious disease, microbiology, histocompatibility and environmental monitoring. Keen Ingredients, Inc. Louisville Legacy BioDesign, LLC Johnstown Develops process to de-bitter and stabilize quinoa naturally. Supplying the natural and gluten free industries with high quality Quinoa ingredients. Conducts peptide and protein formulation and assay development work for biopharma companies. The company also specializes in drug delivery and process development of biotechnology-based products. Keeton Industries, Inc. Wellington Researches and develops biological water treatment, aeration, ozone aeration, solids removal, biofiltration and other new technologies. Kimball Genetics, Inc. Denver Genetic testing laboratory specializing in DNA analysis for common genetic disorders that are preventable or can be treated. InViragen, Inc. Fort Collins BIOSCIENCE COLORADO Isogenis, Inc. Aurora Lohocla Research Corporation Aurora Develops diagnostics and therapeutics focused on pain, psychiatric and addictive disorders such as alcoholism, depression, smoking cessation and chronic pain. MacLeod Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Fort Collins Develops and manufactures anti-bacterial pharmaceuticals for the veterinary industry. Mantic Biotech Loveland Develops proprietary technology and software to accurately represent and model protein conformations as discrete structures. 55 Martek Biosciences Boulder Corporation Boulder Develops, manufactures and sells products from microalgae. Products include nutritional supplements and food ingredients which play a role in promoting mental and cardiovascular health. MBC Pharma, Inc. Aurora Biopharmaceutical company focused on discovering and developing drugs for bone diseases such as cancer and osteoporosis. MedImmune, LLC Denver Strives to provide better medicines to patients, new medical options for physicians, and rewarding careers to employees. Molecular BioSciences, Inc. Boulder Manufactures products such as water soluble biotinylation reagents, vitamin derivatives, crosslinking reagents, lipophilic probes, fluorophores, radioiodination reagents, and dendritic cores for preparing oligomers. Monsanto Company Boulder, Denver, Lakewood Develops technology to produce healthier foods, better animal feeds and more fiber, while reducing agriculture’s impact on our environment. Products lines include seeds and traits and agricultural productivity. MycoLogics, Inc. Aurora Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation Broomfield Researches and develops products to protect and improve health and well-being with core businesses in pharmaceuticals, vaccines, consumer health, generics, eye care and animal health. Novus Biologicals, Inc. Littleton Develops, tests and markets antibodies for research of human diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular and neurological disorders. Nutraceutix, Inc. Lafayette Specializes in the development of therapeutic and prophylactic vaccines against fungal and parasitic pathogens. Offers probiotic organisms (powders) and finished probiotic supplements. Specializes in custom crafting dietary supplements with advanced delivery technologies. Mediral International, Inc. Denver Mycos Research, LLC Loveland Oberon FMR Idaho Springs Develops, manufactures and sells homeopathic pharmaceuticals taking into consideration antidotes. Provides mycobacterial derived biochemicals to the research community, contract research, models for tuberculosis research, and other BSL3 organisms, and novel monitoring or vaccine products in the area of mycobacterial infection. Researches and develops the production of single cell protein (SCP) from un-utilized food processing by-product streams. Supplier of high-quality SCP destined for use in animal feed diets. Merck & Co., Inc. Denver Merck and Co. produces products that cover a broad range of areas, including heart and respiratory health, infectious diseases, sun care and women’s health. And they focus their research on conditions that affect millions of people around the world – diseases like Alzheimer’s, diabetes and cancer – while building strengths in new areas like biologics. N30 Pharmaceuticals, LLC Boulder miRagen Therapeutics Boulder Improves patients’ lives by developing innovative microRNA (miRNA) based therapeutics for the treatment of cardiovascular and muscle disease. miRNAs, are a recently discovered class of small RNAs encoded in the genome, are short, single-stranded RNA molecules. 56 Omni Bio Pharmaceutical, Inc. Greenwood Village A clinical stage biopharmaceutical company focused on modulating s-nitrosothiols to treat respiratory diseases. Advancing broad-spectrum therapeutics targeting bacterial and viral diseases, biohazards, diabetes and transplant rejection. Nanodisc, Inc. Boulder OmniaVincit, LLC Denver Develops and commercializes Nanodiscs that permit the functional solubilization of membrane-associated proteins (MAPs) as both drug targets and as drugs themselves. Efficiently delivers successful clinical development programs and clinical trials in the Sponsor/Client - Contract Research Organization (CRO) environment. The OV Co-Founders/Principals have created an organization that is flexible, nimble, responsive, creative, and direct. Nex Step, Inc. Santa Fe, NM 505-501-2038 Pharma cogenomic decision support software development for drug-genenutrient interactions. 2010/2011 BIOSCIENCE COLORADO Optibrand Ltd., LLC Fort Collins Pfizer Pharmaceutical Company Centennial Qgenta Aurora 720-859-4045 Provides a fraud-resistant system to positively identify animals from birth and throughout the food processing chain. The Secure Identity Preservation system helps assure food safety and control the spread of animal disease. Discovers, develops, manufactures, and markets prescription medicines for humans and animals. Harnessing innovative chemistry and biology in the development of molecular targeted agents for the treatment of cancer. PhosphoSolutions® Aurora Quark Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Boulder Designs and produces phosphoproteins solutions using phosphor-specific antibodies. Phosphoproteins are thought to be critical elements in neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s and in cancer. Discovers and develops siRNA drug candidates for treating Age-related Macular Degeneration and prevention of Acute Renal Failure. OPX Bioechnologies Boulder Technology platform enables rapid, rational, and robust optimization of microbes and bioprocesses to manufacture bioproducts with equivalent performance and improved sustainability at lower cost compared to petroleum-based alternatives. OSI Pharmaceuticals Boulder Pisces Molecular Boulder Applies molecular biology to problems in the aquatic environment. Develops and commercializes high-quality and novel pharmaceutical products for patients with cancer, diabetes, and obesity. Premier Laboratory, LLC Boulder Pambec Laboratories, Inc. Loveland Contract research laboratory that offers both standardized and specialized preclinical pharmacology, histology and pathology services. Researches drug discoveries in the field of AIDS. Paragon Analytics Fort Collins Environmental and radiochemistry testing laboratory offering radiochemistry, mixed waste, explosives, organics, metals, and general chemistry analyses. Division of DataChem Laboratories, Inc. Proteome Resources Englewood Manufactures ubiquitin-proteasome enzymes and proteins and offers antibodies, and custom protein and peptide services. Provident Pharmaceuticals, LLC Colorado Springs Peak Analytical, Inc. Golden Provides product development, manufacturing and packaging, and laboratory services for the pharmaceutical industry. Specializes in materials and chemical analysis. Performs a variety of molecular and atomic level spectroscopic techniques to identify failures and defects. Pulmonex, Inc. Boulder Developing a therapeutic product for tuberculosis. Peak BioSciences Inc. Fort Collins Specializes in developing and commercializing nanoscale (ultra-localized) radiotherapy products to treat cancer. NanoZome is the first and only radiosurgery that uses extremely small radiation spots to kill cancer cells. BIOSCIENCE COLORADO 2010/2011 Pyxant Labs, Inc. Colorado Springs Specializes in GLP bioanalytical chemistry development support for life sciences clients. Quasar Medical Co., LLC Golden Focus is on the development of high-value, niche market, diagnostic and therapeutic medical products that can be manufactured and marketed more cost effectively by the Quasar Group than by huge multi-national pharmaceutical companies. Reckitt Benckiser (RB) Denver Fastest-growing companies in household, health and personal care products. Regenerative Sciences Inc. Broomfield Advances stem cell therapies through development of Regenexx™, an injection procedure to treat a wide variety of painful conditions. Roche Colorado Boulder Develops manufacturing processes for complex pharmaceutical compounds in the Colorado manufacturing facility, a resource for small to large-scale peptide manufacturing. Rocky Mountain Diagnostics, Inc. Colorado Springs Provides immunodiagnostic assays and reagents for biogenic amines, research reagents, a CLIA certified reference laboratory and contract manufacturing services. 57 Rocky Mountain Instrumental Laboratories Fort Collins Provides contract chromatographic and mass spectrometric analysis of pharmaceuticals (both traditional drugs and biotechnology products, such as proteins and peptides and oligonucleotides), veterinary and human endocrinology, and forensic toxicology. Rocky Mountain Reagents, Inc. Golden Manufactures stains, culture media and chemistry solutions for the medical industry, as well as titration reagents, indicators, acids, bases, and a variety of chemicals for industrial uses. Sandoz Broomfield Focuses on pharmaceuticals, consumer health, generics, eye care and animal health. Therapeutic categories inlcude anti-infectives, anti-arthritics, cardiovasculars, gastrointestinal agents & psychotherapeutics. Sentry Biosciences Englewood 720-488-4725 Discovers and develops compounds that regulate the process pf programmed cell death (apoptosis). Sharklet Technologies, Inc. Centennial Engineers surface technologies (Sharklet™) that controls the growth of dangerous bacteria. STA Laboratories, Inc. Longmont Agricultural product testing laboratory that offers seed quality, genomics, plant health and diagnostic services and products. Summit Plant Laboratories, Inc. Fort Collins V-Clip Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Colorado Springs Applies laboratory plant cloning and greenhouse technologies to produce planting stocks for breeders, greenhouses, and field crop producers. Modulating the immune system up or down, and to causing a process called apoptosis. This is accomplished using small protein fragments (called peptides) to displace other “bad” peptides that have been picked up by immune system cells. These so-called bad peptides sometimes result from the body’s natural attempts to fight off viruses, bacteria, and various diseases, including HIV/AIDS. Taiga Biotechnologies, Inc. Aurora Develops cellular, biologic and small molecule approaches to treat hematological diseases, including cancers, immunodeficiencies and autoimmune conditions. Taligen Therapeutics, Inc. Aurora Develops a protein expression technology platform called ExpressTec with a product pipeline in human nutrition and therapeutics. Focuses on the treatment of serious inflammatory diseases including asthma, macular degeneration and immune kidney disease. Ventrus Biosciences, Inc. Greenwood Village ThermoFisher Scientific Lafayette A specialty pharmaceutical company focused on the late-stage development and commercialization of gastroenterology products. Working to bring you the highest quality brands and products available, including electrophoresis and protein labeling products from Amersham, illustra™ purification kits and a full line of Affinity Chromatography products. TOLMAR, Inc. Fort Collins Develops and manufacturers both proprietary and generic pharmaceutical products with specific focus in therapeutic areas of dental, dermatology, and oncology. Upsher-Smith Laboratoriess, Inc. Denver Develops, manufactures and markets a vast range of prescription and over-the-counter products for cardiology, dermatology, women’s health and other areas. US Pharmacal Company, Inc. Erie Researches, develops and sells topical pharmaceuticals for the senior community. 58 Ventria Bioscience Fort Collins Verdant BioSciences Corporation Denver Develops plant biochemical regulators that provide superior plant performance and unlock the productive power of plants in markets from floriculture to industrial agriculture. Vitro Diagnostics, Inc. Golden Develops and commercializes products derived from human cell line research with a focus predominantly in stem cell R&D related to numerous diseases such as heart disease, stroke, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. Vitrolife, Inc. Englewood Develops, manufactures and sells products and systems for the preparation, cultivation and storage of human cells, tissue and organs. Product areas include fertility, transplantation and stem cell cultivation. 2010/2011 BIOSCIENCE COLORADO Warren Analytical Laboratory Greeley Specializes in food microbiology, molecular biology, food chemistry, residue chemistry and nutritional labeling. Western States Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. Aurora Discovered a way to block the destructive effects of these diseases like Rheumatoid Arthritis without affecting the immune system’s natural ability to fight disease. Wildlife Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Fort Collins Providing pharmaceuticals for the safe and humane care of non-domestic and exotic wildlife species. Windom Peak Pharmaceuticals Boulder Develops novel antibiotics to treat infectious diseases. YewSavin, Inc. Fort Collins Develops chemical and biochemical technologies. Successfully finished multi-step syntheses using Bromination, Grignard reaction, Suzuki coupling, Amidation, and Esterification reactions. ZeoponiX, Inc. Boulder Develops NASA originated technology to produce a soil amendment/fertilizer zeoponic material that utilizes nutrients more efficiently and reduces nutrient leaching into the environment. ZooPharm, Inc. Fort Collins Specialized veterinary compounding pharmacy. We custom compound analgesics, sedatives, their antagonists, and other unique drugs for use in veterinary medicine. BIOSCIENCE COLORADO 2010/2011 BIOFUELS AND RELATED COMPANIES A1 Organics Eaton Composts and recycles organic by-products from various waste: yard trimmings, wood, biocides, agricultural by-products, manure, brewery by-products, construction debris and food residuals. A2BE Carbon Capture, LLC (algae@ work) Boulder developing bio-secure, scalable, climate adaptive, and highly cost effective technology for producing valuable fuel and food from CO2 using algal photosynthesis and bio-harvesting. Aerophase, Inc. Longmont Research and Development of technologies that reduce environmental impact, and efficient extraction system for biodiesel Agro Management Group, Inc. Colorado Springs Researches, develops and markets vegetable based motor oil for use in 4 cycle engines. BBI International Lakewood Offers consulting services, including feasibility studies, market analyses, site & resource assessments, economic impact studies, business plans, industry benchmarking and industry surveys to the biofuels sector. BioEnergy of Colorado, LLC Denver Biomass Energy Foundation (BEF) Franktown Researches alternative fuels such as dried fruit pits, vegetable oil, wood, coffee grounds and the methods to produce biofuels. Blue Sun Biodiesel Golden Distributes premium agricultural and renewable fuel products. Blue Sun Fusion™ a blend of premium Blue Sun Biodiesel (20%) with petroleum diesel fuel (80%), along with proprietary additive package specifically tailored for regional climates and seasons, is available at numerous retail pumps throughout Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, Nebraska, Utah, and Idaho. Center for Biorefining and Biofuels (C2B2) Boulder A cooperative research and educational center devoted to the conversion of biomass to fuels and other products. Works to establish ground-breaking research and educational programs for the advancement of renewable energy technologies. CH2M Hill Englewood One of the world’s leading firms in the design of biochemical and biofuels facilities. Provides engineering, procurement, construction, management, consulting and sustaining services for biochemicals, ethanol, cellulosic ethanol, and biodiesel plants. Ciris Energy, Inc. Centennial Produces biofuel alternatives utilizing Soy Biodiesel from virgin soy oil. Current product line includes Biodiesel (Gold and Green™) and BioHeat. Formed to develop, commercialize and produce clean energy from abundant, lowvalue carbon sources, on a large scale. We are practical technology implementers, and primarily an energy production company. BioFuel Energy Corporation Denver Community Power Corporation Littleton Constructs large scale ethanol production facilities in cooperation with Cargill and owns and operates two of the largest dry mill ethanol facilities in the United States. Develops, commercializes and markets modular biopower systems to meet the needs of distributed energy consumers in both developing and developed countries. 59 Copernican Energy, Inc. Boulder Merrick® & Company Aurora, Colorado Springs Solix Biofuels, Inc. Fort Collins Produces fuels and chemicals from renewable feedstocks through the application of solar-thermal energy. Provides engineering, construction management, and development services for biomass conversion-to-ethanol projects, also providing consulting services to oil and gas clients and local regulated utilities. Develops massively scaleable photobioreactors for the production of biodiesel and other valuable bio-commodities from algae oil. Delta Dynamics, LLC Denver Constructs and installs small-scale biomass plants. Front Range Energy, LLC Windsor Ethanol producer since 2006. Will process approx. 40 million gallons of ethanol and 396,000 tons of wet distillers’ grain annually. GeoSynFuels, LLC Golden Developsd a low-cost method to convert cellulosic biomass into fuel. The technology uses biological mechanisms set in a solidstate fermenter (“SSF”) to convert the biomass into ethanol and/or methane. Gevo, Inc. Englewood Develops advanced biofuels like isobutanol, butanol that will provide a sustainable path to the replacement of petrochemicals like gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. Great Western Ethanol Greeley Produces Ethanol/DDGS/CO2. Intermountain CHP Center Boulder Formed by the U.S. Department of Energy to increase adoption of Combined heat and power (CHP) in the states of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming. LUCA Technologies, Inc. Golden Researches the ability of naturally occurring microorganisms to convert underutilized domestic oil, organic-rich shale and coal resources to clean, renewable energy. OPX Biotechnologies, Inc. Boulder Applying our EDGE™ (Efficiency Directed Genome Engineering) technology, we will manufacture bio-based products that are more economical and sustainable than petroleum-based alternatives. PolyNEW, Inc. Golden Developed a new class of PLA bioplastics which it terms “ecobionanocomposites.” These are nanocomposites from 100% renewable resources that could be used in a wide variety of applications including medical device applications. Power Ecalene Fuels, Inc. Arvada Exclusive licensor of a patented nano-catalyst technology that efficiently converts “syngas” or “producer gas” into a premium mixed alcohol transportation fuel called Ecalene™. Ecalene™ is usable as a stand-alone fuel for cars, trucks, buses, jet aircraft and boats. PureVision Technology, Inc. Fort Lupton Develops a carbon-neutral biomass fractionation technology that converts cellulosic biomass into sugars, energy and fiber that are bio-based raw materials to make many industrial and consumer products. Range Fuels Broomfield Converts biomass that cannot be used for food into low carbon biofuels and clean renewable energy using emerging clean energy technologies. Biomass includes all plant and plant-derived material, such as wood, switch grass, corn stover, and miscanthus grass – making it a renewable energy resource that produces no net greenhouse gases. Sterling Ethanol, LLC Sterling Produces 42 million gallons of ethanol annually, using the distiller’s grain produced as a co-product of ethanol to the areas cattle feeders for its high protein levels. Sundrop Fuels, Inc. Louisville A solar gasification-based renewable energy company. ZeaChem Lakewood Developed a cellulose-based biorefinery platform capable of producing thirdgeneration ethanol fuel and intermediate chemicals. Our indirect approach leapfrogs the yield and carbon dioxide (CO2) problems associated with traditional and cellulosic based ethanol processes. RESEARCH AND EDUCATION Advanced Diagnostic Laboratories (Adx) at National Jewish Medical and Research Center Denver Adx offers cost-effective and timely preclinical, clinical and non-clinical trials and helps customers select, customize, perform, interpret and report clinical tests. Their reference laboratory provides solutions for the rapid development of custom assays, consultation, clinical strategy assessments and innovation within the areas of the National Jewish expertise. ADx operates under GLP guidelines when applicable and the laboratories are fully accredited by the College of American Pathologists (CAP) and the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act (CLIA), as well as others. Aims Community College Greeley, Loveland, Fort Lupton One of the largest and most comprehensive two-year colleges in Colorado, offering more than 160 degree and certificate 60 2010/2011 BIOSCIENCE COLORADO programs. Since 1967 Aims has established four campuses, constructed 18 buildings, expanded curriculum to 2,000 day, evening and weekend courses and taught more than 300,000 students. AMC Cancer Research Center Denver Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS) Colorado Springs A nonprofit corporation that endeavors to improve all students’ understanding of science and technology by developing exemplary curricular materials, supporting their widespread and effective use, providing professional development, and conducting research and evaluation studies. Bonfils Blood Center Denver One of the nation’s leading community blood centers through their commitment to quality service, innovation, research and technology. They offer a full range of blood products and services to healthcare partners including supplying rare blood units or helping to determine the best cross-matched unit to endure the best possible patient outcomes. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Division of Vector-Borne Infectious Disease Fort Collins The Division of Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases (DVBID) is part of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). CDC is the lead federal agency for protecting the health and safety of people at home and abroad. DVBID serves as a national and international reference center for vectorborne viral and bacterial diseases, such as West Nile virus, Lyme disease, plague, tularemia, yellow fever and dengue. It coordinates national disease monitoring activities, conducts field and laboratory research, responds to epidemic situations, develops strategies for disease prevention and control, provides diagnostic reference and epidemio2010/2011 Colorado Prevention Center Denver Revolutionizing clinical research and creating innovative preventative programs that will change behavior to improve your health. AMC is a national, not for profit research institute dedicated to the prevention and control of cancer and other chronic diseases. AMC is conducting innovative and important research in the areas of cancer causation and prevention, behavioral research, nutrition, clinical and community studies and health communication. BIOSCIENCE COLORADO logic consultation, and conducts technical assistance and professional training activities. Colorado School of Mines Golden A public research university internationally recognized for its leadership in engineering, applied science and related disciplines, with a special emphasis on the Earth and its resources. These programs, with strong interdisciplinary linkages across the campus, have led to the integration of bioscience and biotechnology into educational and scholarly activities. CSM has created a Bioengineering and Life Science Program that draws upon faculty and students from all of the academic units. Biostatistical Consulting Service Comprehensive statistical support in the design, conduct and analysis of research studies in basic science, clinical and epidemiologic research Study Planning Data Analysis Data Management Reporting Contact: Jens Eickhoff, PhD (970)-491-5268 Colorado State University Fort Collins, Pueblo As one of the nation’s leading research universities, Colorado State University is committed to realizing its vision as a 21st century land-grant university. CSU leads the world in such areas as infectious disease research, atmospheric science and environmental science. Its faculty members are tackling such issues as the reemergence of tuberculosis, the brown cloud of air pollution in Asian cities, severe weather forecasting, nutrition and wellness, and bioterrorism. In addition to its excellent programs in those areas, CSU offers among the very best professional programs in the United States in areas like veterinary medicine, occupational therapy, journalism, agriculture and construction management. Its programs in the arts, humanities and social sciences are also outstanding. Community College of Aurora (CCA) Aurora CCA provides lifelong educational opportunities, prepares the current and future workforce, and promotes excellence in teaching, learning and service. CCA offers a unique Biotechnology Technician Research and Development Certificate designed to train highly skilled lab personnel for the biotech industry. Denver School of Science and Technology (DSST) Denver Is dedicated to providing a diverse student body with an outstanding liberal arts high school education with a science and technology focus. By creating a powerful learning community centered on core values and a shared commitment to academic excellence, DSST will increase the number of underrepresented students (women, minorities and economically disadvantaged) who attain college science and liberal arts degrees. Rose Medical Center Denver Has earned a reputation as Denver’s “Baby Hospital” while becoming a leader in comprehensive women’s services, internal medicine, endoscopy, heart and vascular care, orthopedics and total joint replacement, bariatric surgery, sports medicine and aesthetic surgery. Front Range Community College Brighton, Fort Collins, Longmont and Westminster Front Range Community College, Colorado’s largest community college, provides instruction, in both general education and occupational areas, which may lead to a certificate, an associate degree, or transfer to a four-year institution. The college also provides college preparatory education, non-credit instruction for personal and professional development, and workplace skill development. With campuses located in Fort Collins, Longmont and Westminster, the college is proud of its many partnerships to provide quality programs that are responsive to the needs of its local communities. 61 Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology Silverthorne A non-profit organization that serves as a catalyst for the advancement of biomedical and life sciences by connecting scientists within and across disciplines at conferences and workshops held at venues that create an environment conducive to information exchange, generation of new ideas, and acceleration of applications that benefit society. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Boulder NIST is a non-regulatory federal agency that operates eight different science and advanced technology research divisions in Colorado. NIST’s list of research accomplishments includes a NIST senior scientist winning the Nobel Prize in 2001 for creating the world’s first “Bose-Einstein condensate.” In 2003 another NIST scientist won a MacArthur Fellowship for discovering a new quantum gas and was named by Science as one of the top ten scientific advances of the year. Poudre Valley Health System Loveland, Fort Collins Poudre Valley Health System operates as a private, not-for-profit organization providing a regional network of health care services for the people of northern Colorado, western Nebraska, and southern Wyoming. The system is comprised of the Poudre Valley Hospital, the Medical Center of the Rockies, as well as several community clinics that provide primary and specialized medical services. Poudre Valley Hospital was named one of the nation’s top 100 hospitals for the fifth year, has been considered a Magnet Nursing Practice since 2000 and has been presented with the American Nurses Association’s highest award for sustained overall excellence in nursing quality. Regis University Denver The number one respiratory hospital in the U.S., is also one of the most influential independent biomedical research centers in the world. More than 100 faculty members conduct basic, translational, and clinical research in immunology, respiratory medicine, allergy, cancer, and cell and molecular biology. NJC ranks among the top ten percent of all institutions for NIH support and for the impact of its research papers in the fields of Molecular Biology, Genetics, and Biology and Biochemistry. NJC manages a technology portfolio of more than 100 investors. The School of Pharmacy aspires to be the foremost school of pharmacy in the United States where students are nurtured and developed to become leaders in pharmacy practice, research, education, and public service. As a result, students graduate as professionals who are knowledgeable, skillful, and principled, and who are able to make a positive impact on the dramatically changing role of pharmacists in our transforming society. They are educated to be committed to excellence in healthcare, evidenced not only by their knowledge and abilities, but also by their quality of care, integrity, compassion, respect, advocacy, initiative, service and leadership. To achieve these goals, faculty members are dedicated to providing innovative practice models, exploring novel applications of basic and clinical research, and illustrating the value of lifelong learning. National Renewable Energy Laboratory Golden Scientific Education & Research Institute (SERI) Thornton National Jewish Health® Denver The nation’s primary laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development (R&D). NREL’s mission and strategy are focused on advancing the U.S. Department of Energy’s and our nation’s energy goals. NREL’s R&D areas of expertise are: renewable electricity (solar, wind, biomass, geothermal), renewable fuels (biomass, hydrogen), integrated energy system engineering and testing (buildings, electric systems and transportation infrastructures), and strategic development and analysis (economic, financial, and market analysis, planning and portfolio prioritization). 62 SERI is a unique institute, which combines an orthopedic clinic, specializing in spine surgery, with a clinical research unit and and education and training program. Our facility has available to rent an amphitheater with full AV setup for presentations, as well as a bioskills lab with cadaveric dissection capabilities. We host a variety of educational programs including summer science camps. Additionally we host a large number of training programs sponsored by surgical and medical companies. Swedish Medical Center Englewood Level I Trauma Center, serves as the region’s referral center for neurotrauma and is a recognized leader in the treatment of stroke. An acute care hospital with 368 licensed beds. United States Geological Survey (USGS) - Center for Biological Informatics Denver The Center for Biological Informatics, at the Denver Federal Center, operates the national Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII). This is the first comprehensive electronic gateway dedicated exclusively to biological science data and information from sources throughout the world. HELP GROW COMPANIES FROM UNIVERSITY RESEARCH The University of Colorado Technology Transfer Office is seeking Front Range businesses and professionals to volunteer as advisors for new companies. Contact: Lindsay Polak 303-735-5518 University of Colorado Boulder, Denver, Aurora, Colorado Springs The University of Colorado System’s 52,000 students and 28,000 faculty and staff contribute to every facet of life in Colorado. The state’s economic vitality, educated workforce, entrepreneurial climate, cultural capital, health care delivery, and scientific explorations all rely on the driving force of a vigorous state university. By working with other CU academic and research units, as well as local, state, and federal funding agencies, commercial business, and nonprofit organizations, CU is creating a collaborative synergy in important areas that will better the wellness of society. The CU Institute of Bioenergetics, the Colorado Initiative in Molecular Biotechnology, the Center for Computational Biology, and the Center for Pharmaceutical Biotechnology attract intellectual strength to Colorado, provide new educational opportunities, and inspire innovative health care advances. Research and teaching hospitals affiliated with the University of Colorado include: The University of Colorado Hospital, The Children’s Hospital, National Jewish Medical and Research Center, Denver Health and the VA Medical Center. 2010/2011 BIOSCIENCE COLORADO University of Denver Denver FOUNDATIONS Strives to provide the most modern educational and research facilities in the life sciences. Their history spans the Denver Research Institute’s development of the first NASA life monitoring sensors, the establishment of a state-of-the-art forensics laboratory, to the 2003 acquisition of the Eleanor Roosevelt Institute with pioneering efforts in genomics and bioinformatics. In 2004, the School of Engineering and Computer Science unveiled Colorado’s first undergraduate program in Bioinformatics and a master’s degree in Bioengineering. The interdisciplinary mission of the University enabled the Department of Biology to launch new emphases in Bioengineering, Biophysics and Cognitive Neuroscience designed for molecular biology majors. In addition to strong and quality curricula, bioengineering and life sciences at DU carry multimillion-dollar-a-year research studies in the creation of new knowledge and leading edge biotechnologies to improve quality of life for a worldwide community. University of Northern Colorado Greeley University of Northern Colorado (UNC) is a multipurpose institution with a wide range of graduate and undergraduate programs. The university’s mission is to prepare individuals for advanced study, professional careers, and positions of leadership. Work, Education and Lifelong Learning Simulation (WELLS) Center Aurora For the first time in Colorado, one facility offers a complete array of state-of-theart patient simulation tools for building clinical knowledge. Even more exciting, high-speed datacasting technology makes this unique resource available remotely. Students, faculty and practicing nurses and physicians from throughout Colorado can enhance their diagnostic and clinical skills at the WELLS Center either on-site or on-line.Housed in the new Bioscience East building at Fitzsimons, the WELLS Center represents a unique collaboration among educators, providers and policymakers. BIOSCIENCE COLORADO 2010/2011 Colorado State University Research Foundation (CSURF) Fort Collins CSURF is a private, not-for-profit Colorado Corporation established (in 1941) to aid and assist the University campuses (Colorado State University and recently Colorado State University Pueblo) governed by the Board of Governors of the Colorado State University System in their research and educational efforts. Functions include patent and licensing management; equipment leasing and municipal lease administration; financing of equipment, real estate and buildings through mortgage debt obligation(s); and land acquisition, development and management. The Children’s Hospital Foundation Aurora The Children’s Hospital Foundation is the fundraising arm for TCH programs and operations. Since 1978, the Foundation has raised more than $200 million for the hospital and today is in the middle of a fudnraising campaign to financially support the building of a new hospital at Fitzsimons, as well as Children’s programs and services. Poudre Valley Health System Foundation Loveland, Fort Collins The Poudre Valley Health System Foundation philanthropically supports and promotes the health interests of Poudre Valley Hospital, the Medical Center of the Rockies and the community by raising and distributing funds for programs that target prevention, education, research, health promotion, wellness and disease management. University of Colorado Foundation Boulder The University of Colorado Foundation is a privately governed nonprofit corporation whose mission is to support the University of Colorado. As a valued and trusted partner, the University of Colorado Foundation generates the private support needed in perpetuity for CU to achieve international preeminence as a public research university. Our donors enable CU to reach its full potential to transform lives world-wide through education, research, clinical care and community service. Service Providers Architecture HOK Leo A. Daly Pelsue Architecture, LLC The Abo Group Business Services Anacor Compliance Services Construction and Facilities Apecs Inc. BioMedical Technology Solutions, Inc. Cator, Ruma & Associates CH2M Hill Consolidated Building Services CRB Engineers and Builders Facility Planning Arts Haldeman-Homme, Inc. ISEC Laboratory Services Outsource Facility Solutions, LLC (OFS) Shaffer Baucom Engineering & Consulting The Neenan Company LLP 63 Consulting - Engineering Biologics Consulting Group, Inc. (BCG) CT Associates Incorporated BioNimbus dBMEDx, LLC CARE Research, Inc. Consulting - General Business Biomedical Communication & Consulting Biotech Clarity Consulting LLC Bridging Health-Matters, LLC ClearMed LLC Commissioning Agents, Inc. LCC Consulting, LLC Lippert, Inc. Morningstar Consulting LLC Neil Burris & Associates Peak to Peak Pharmaceutical Associates Shapiro Solutions Consulting - International International Business Services of Colorado (IBSC) Lynx International Consulting - Regulatory, Commercialization and Development Affygility Solutions 64 CBR International Corporation® CytoAnalytics Emerson Consultants, Inc. Evergreen Research, Inc. Evolve Biosciences LLC FDA Compliance Group, LLC™ Foresight Science & Technology™ HemoGenix® MPI Research NextGen Pharma Technologies, Inc. Distribution, Packaging and Sales Force Airgas, Inc. CGL - Concert Group Logistics Doctor to Doctor Sales Solutions Mesa Systems MM Solutions QuickSTAT The FWA Group Architects VWR International, LLC Economic Development Adams County Economic Development, Inc. (ACED) Arvada Economic Development Association OCAM Solutions, Inc. Aurora Economic Development Council ORRA Group, LLC Boulder Economic Council Pharmatech Oncology, Inc. Broomfield Economic Development Corporation (BEDC) Promesa Bio, LLC Reglera, LLC Regulus Pharmaceutical Consulting, Inc. Reimbursement Principles RMC Pharmaceutical Solutions Incorporated (RMC) Sampson Surgical Canadian Consulate Colorado Rhône-Alpes Economic Development Partnership (CORA) Colorado Springs Regional Economic Development Corporation Jefferson Economic Council Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation 2010/2011 BIOSCIENCE COLORADO Northern Colorado Economic Development Corporation South Metro Denver Chamber of Commerce Equipment Remarketing Grow, LLC LBN Insurance Agency Hein & Associates LLP Lockton Companies, LLC High Country Venture, LLC (HCV) Morgenthaler Ventures PBC Inc. Silicon Valley Bank (SVB Financial Group®) Finance, Investment and Financial Services Apis Business Solutions, LLC Berkshire Advisor Resource, Inc. Boulder Statistics Capital Advisors Group, Inc. EKS&H (Ehrhardt Keefe Steiner & Hottman PC) Ernst & Young 2010/2011 Hotel Embassy Suites Hotels® Incubator Boulder Innovation Center Insurance Commerce Bank BIOSCIENCE COLORADO Hensley, Kim & Holzer, LLC (HKH) Colorado Springs Technology Incubator (CSTI) ClearCreek Partners, LLC Fairfield and Woods P.C. Tobin Ruparel Konczak & Mundell PC (TRKM, Inc.) Colorado Science + Technology Park at Fitzsimons Boulder Ventures Dorsey & Whitney LLP Fulbright & Jaworski, L.L.P. The Brown Palace Hotel and Spa Aweida Venture Partners Cooley Godward Kronish LLP TaxOps, LLC UMB Bank Extronex, Inc. Legal Services Chubb Group of Insurance Companies CoBiz Insurance/CoBiz Financial Hogan & Hartson, LLP Holland & Hart LLP Jondle & Associates P.C. Kendall Koenig & Oelsner P.C. (KKO) Marsh Fischmann & Breyfogle LLP McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP Polsinelli Shughart PC Sheridan Ross PC Snell & Wilmer L.L.P. Swanson & Bratschun L.L.C. The McGaw Law Firm, P.C. The Rigney Law Office LLC Trusted GC 65 Marketing, Communications and Public Relations Scout IR (Scout Investor Relations) Absolutely Public Relations Biolexica The Strong Group BioPharm International Ubiquity specializes in medical technology marketing. We help companies: Burns Marketing Communications • Create awareness • Generate demand • Retain customers • Measure success Business Wire Casey Demchak Copywriter & Consultant Say hello: Let’s talk: 303.962.8700 3/1/10 Ubiquity 4:3 Group UP TO OUR OWN DEVICES. Meeting and Incentives Planning TM 35 years of award-winning achievement in medical device marketing communications, and our best is yet to come. Planning Partners International, LLC Professional Services Firm 303-443-7602 | 800-445-7602 | Griff/SMC Marketing Communications, Inc. Hillside Communications, Inc. HOWE Creative Hyper Dog Media JohnstonWells Public Relations Kaleidoscope Group 303-667-9265 Paul L. Anderson Productions, Inc. 66 Fitzsimons Life Science District Forest City Stapleton Freeman Myre Inc. Jones Lang LaSalle® Recruiting, Placement, and Workforce Blue Marble Enterprises, Inc. GriffSMC_DirectoryAd_2010-D2 Citizen Pictures, LLC PROMOTECH (an inVentiv Health company) TriNet Group Inc. VCFO© Administaff Aerotek Scientific, LLC Arapahoe/Douglas Works! Workforce Center CoreLogic, Inc EFL Associates, Inc. Elsner Scientific Search, LLC Jefferson County Workforce Center Kelly Scientific Resources® Lab Support (division of On Assignment) Supplier Public Policy Boyle Silver & Weist Policy Strategist Inc. (BSW) PhRMA We Work for Health Real Estate CB Richard Ellis Group, Inc. (CBRE) IdentiGEN North America, Inc. Training and Education Knowledge-Forge Medical Simulation Corporation Touch of Life Technologies, Inc. 2010/2011 BIOSCIENCE COLORADO Precision it’s true. we find ourselves immersed in the details. The miniscule, tiny – often microscopic details. At LABS, Inc. we are committed to guiding you through the maze of regulated testing requirements for your device, biologic or stem cell regenerative medicine product. We leverage our expertise in the biological sciences with our proclivity for delivering accurate, timely and reliable results. LABS, Inc. is your ideal partner to help move your idea from concept and development through scale-up and commercialization. labs’ core competencies microbiology cell & molecular biology immunogenetics infectious disease screening sample logistics & transit solutions 6933-B S. Revere Pkwy., Centennial, CO 80112 Technical Sales Team 720.528.4799 / Toll Free 800.321.6088