Palynostratigraphy of the Toca da Moura and Cabrela
Palynostratigraphy of the Toca da Moura and Cabrela
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 139 (2006) 227 – 240 Palynostratigraphy of the Toca da Moura and Cabrela Complexes, Ossa Morena Zone, Portugal. Geodynamic implications Zélia Pereira a,⁎, Vítor Oliveira b , José Tomás Oliveira c a c INETI, Geological Survey, Rua da Amieira, 4465 S. Mamede Infesta, Portugal b INETI, Geological Survey, Rua Frei Amador Arrais, 7800 Beja, Portugal NETI, Geological Survey Estrada Portela, Zambujal, 2720 Alfragide, Portugal Received 27 October 2004; received in revised form 7 April 2005; accepted 25 July 2005 Available online 20 March 2006 Abstract Two volcano-sedimentary complexes, the Toca da Moura Complex (TMC) and the Cabrela Complex (CAC), situated in the southwestern border of the Portuguese part of the OMZ, were investigated for palynostratigraphy. The TMC studied sections provided miospores assigned to the middle late Viséan NM spore Biozone, early Viséan Pu Biozone and late Tournaisian CM Biozone. Several stratigraphic sections of the CAC provided miospores of the same age. Reworked Devonian and Tournaisian palynomorph assemblages are quite common in the studied samples. The TMC and the CAC thus appear to be coeval. The TMC crops out in close association with the plutono-volcanic suite of the Beja Massif while the CAC is discordant on a Variscan (Silurian?) well-structured substrate. The geochemical signature of the TMC volcanic rocks indicates their relationship with an orogenic volcanic arc generated in close association with a north deeping subduction zone. The CAC has probably the same origin. Both complexes were laid down in intra-arc small basin(s) whose margins were the locus of intense erosion. Palynological assemblages obtained from the Ossa Morena Zone are comparable to those recognized from the Late Devonian and Mississippian of the South Portuguese Zone. Similarities between the assemblages from the two crustal blocks show that they were close to each other during this interval. Thus, the oceanic basin that existed between the two blocks and to which the BejaAcebuches Ophiolite is related was closed prior Late Devonian. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Carboniferous; miospores; Toca da Moura Complex; Cabrela Complex; Ossa Morena Zone; Variscan Belt; Portugal 1. Introduction The Ossa Morena Zone (OMZ) has been subdivided into different tectonostratigraphic units, also called “sectors” or “domains” (Carvalho et al., 1971; Delgado et al., 1977; Apalategui et al., 1990; Oliveira et al., 1991) where the Paleozoic stratigraphic sequences are ⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +351 229511915; fax: +351 229514040. E-mail address: (Z. Pereira). 0034-6667/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.revpalbo.2005.07.008 different in thickness and lithology. Stratigraphic studies and correlations between these sequences are particularly difficult, due to the scarcity of fossiliferous levels and biostratigraphic data. The age of Paleozoic stratigraphic formations has frequently been deduced from lithological similarities or from their stratigraphic position in structural units. Recent progress that came from palynological studies in the Portuguese part of the OMZ (Cunha in Andrade et al., 1991; Pereira, 1999; Pereira and Oliveira, 2001a,b; Pereira et al., in press) shows that palynostratigraphy represents an important 228 Z. Pereira et al. / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 139 (2006) 227–240 tool to date the OMZ formations and can open new perspectives for biostratigraphy and for correlations. The Toca da Moura (TMC) and Cabrela Complexes (CAC) are the aim of the present study. The former occurs in the Santa Susana–Odivelas region of the Beja Massif, the southwestern sector of the Portuguese part of the OMZ; the latter occurs in the Cabrela syncline of the Montemor–Ficalho “sector” (Oliveira et al., 1991). Their paleogeographic and geodynamic significance within the context of the evolution of the OMZ has been a matter of debate, particularly due to uncertainties concerning their ages. Data from new studied sections confirm previous preliminary age determinations and allow a better understanding of the significance of these complexes in the regional geology of this part of the OMZ. 2. Geological setting 2.1. Toca da Moura Complex The Toca da Moura Complex (TMC) is a volcano-sedimentary sequence that belongs to the Beja Massif, a calc–alcaline plutono-volcanic suite located at the southwestern border of the Portuguese part of the OMZ. The TMC is exposed in scattered outcrops between the villages of Santa Suzana and Alfundão (Fig. 1) were it is composed of basalts, diabases, microdiorites, andesites, rhyolites and reworked tuffs, with metre-thick intercalations of shales (Gonçalves, 1985; Santos et al., 1987; Fig. 1). The complex is generally bounded by faults and the outcrops are restricted to road cuts and quarries. One only exception is the section along the São Cristovão River where alternations of basic, intermediate and acidic volcanic rocks and interbedded metre to decametre intercalations of shales are well exposed. Locally the basic volcanic rocks show pillow and hyaloclastite structures indicating a deposition in a sub-aqueous environment. The total thickness of the complex here is in excess of 500m. Known ages of the TMC are based on miospores from shales from the Corte Pereiro quarry. They indicate a late Tournaisian age (Cunha in Andrade et al., 1991). More recently, it has been proved that the age of these shales reach the mid late Viséan (Pereira and Oliveira, 2001b; Pereira et al., 2004a). The TMC is unconformably overlain by the continental coal-bearing detritic sediments of the late Moscovian Santa Susana Formation (Wagner and Sousa, 1983; Gonçalves and Carvalhosa, 1984). 2.2. Cabrela Complex The Cabrela Complex (CAC) is exposed in the Cabrela Syncline, near the Ossa Morena Zone border (Fig. 1). According to Ribeiro (1983) and Carvalhosa and Zbyzewski (1994), the stratigraphic succession consists of (Fig. 1a) a polygenic conglomerate (0–2m) at the base, followed by the Pedreira da Engenharia calciturbidites (0–10m) which are in turn unconformably overlain by the Cabrela Formation. The latter is composed of a basal conglomerate (10 m), shales, greywackes and limestone lenses, and interbedded acidic volcaniclastic rocks, with a total thickness of about 200 m. The Pedreira da Engenharia calciturbidites provided conodonts of late Eifelian age (Boogard, 1972) and the limestone lenses of the Cabrela Formation, yielded conodonts of late Frasnian age (Boogard, 1983). Pruvost (1914) had already identified, poorly geographic and stratigraphical located and badly preserved macrofaunas, of possible Late Devonian age in the limestones. The unconformity between the Pedreira da Engenharia calciturbidites and the Cabrela Formation has been interpreted as a marker of the first Variscan orogenic episode (Ribeiro, 1983; Quesada et al., 1990; Ribeiro et al., 1990). More recently it has been shown (Pereira and Oliveira, 2001a; Pereira et al., in press) that the shales of the Cabrela Formation are of late Tournaisian to late Viséan age and that the intercalated Frasnian limestone lenses are true olistholiths. The stratigraphic situation for the Eifelian Pedreira da Engenharia limestones cannot be determined as their base is not exposed. The possibility that they are also olistoliths cannot be ruled out. These data demonstrate that the Frasnian limestone lenses should not be used as markers of an unconformity related to an orogenic episode. The Estação de Cabrela Formation, where the limestones are intercalated, was only tectonically deformed in post middle Visean times. 3. Materials and methods Stratigraphic sections were logged and samples collected in road cuts and quarries (Figs. 2 and 3). Standard palynological laboratory procedures were employed in the extraction and concentration of the palynomorphs (Wood et al., 1996). The slides were examined with transmitted light, with a BX40 Olympus microscope equipped with an Olympus C5050 digital camera. All samples, residues and slides are stored in the Geological Survey of Portugal (INETI), S. Mamede Infesta, Portugal. The spore biozonal scheme used follows the standard Western Europe Miospore Zonation (after: Clayton et al., Z. Pereira et al. / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 139 (2006) 227–240 229 Fig. 1. Simplified geological sketch map of the southwestern border of the Ossa Morena Zone (OMZ) and South Portuguese Zone (SPZ), with location of the studied sections of the Toca da Moura and Cabrela Complexes (a). 230 Z. Pereira et al. / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 139 (2006) 227–240 Fig. 2. Simplified stratigraphic logs of the Toca da Moura Complex, with location of studied samples and spore content. 1977; Streel et al., 1987; Higgs et al., 1988; Clayton, 1996). 4. Palynostratigraphy Ranges of selected spore taxa recovered and the zonal scheme used are presented in Fig. 4. Qualitative composition of selected miospores described is presented in Fig. 5. The miospore and acritarch species identified are listed in Appendix 1. Stratigraphically important and typical taxa are illustrated in Plate I. 4.1. Toca da Moura Complex In the TMC, four sections were studied and sampled, Corte Pereiro, Cai Água, Ribeira dos Marmelos Dam and Ribeira dos Marmelos Quarry (Fig. 2). 4.1.1. Corte Pereiro section The Corte Pereiro section is exposed in an old quarry 5km NE of Santa Susana village. The TMC is here represented by thin-bedded greywackes and dark shales, slumped levels of black pelites and mudstones, diabases and microdiorites, and minor acidic volcaniclastic rocks (Fig. 2). It is worth noting that peperites frequently occur at the basic rocks/shales boundary indicating magmatic intrusions in to still-wet sediments. The Corte Pereiro section provided 7 productive samples containing the richest assemblages observed from the region (Fig. 2). Assemblages are composed of moderately well-preserved miospores and acritarchs and may be dived into four subassemblages: (1) Sub-assemblage 1 includes miospore taxa such as, Acanthotriletes sp., Auroraspora solisortus, Colatisporites decorus, Dictyotriletes castaneaeformis, Z. Pereira et al. / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 139 (2006) 227–240 231 Fig. 3. Simplified stratigraphic logs of the Cabrela Complex, with location of studied samples and spore content. Granulatisporites micrograniferKnoxisporites stephanephorus, Knoxisporites triradiatus, Leiotriletes sp., Leiotriletes tumidus, Microreticulatisporites concavus, Neoraistrickia sp., Rugospora sp., Triquitrites spp., Vallatisporites sp., Vallatisporites ciliaris? and Waltzispora sp. The occurrence of typical specimens of Lycospora pusilla, Proprisporites laevigatus and Raistrickia nigra indicates the NM Biozone of mid late Viséan age. On average, this assemblage forms 18% of the total recorded palynomorphs. (2) Sub-assemblage 2 is a distinctive association of miospores including Auroraspora corporiga, Auroraspora macra, Crassispora trychera, Cyrtospora cristifer, Densosporites spitsbergensis, Discernisporites micromanifestus, Emphanisporites hibernicus, Geminospora spongiata, Grandispora echinata, Microreticulatisporites araneum, Punctatisporites irra- sus, Retusotriletes triangulatus, Rugospora minuta, Rugospora polyptycha, Schopfites claviger, Spelaeotriletes sp., Spelaeotriletes pretiosus, Tumulispora malevkensis, Vallatisporites microspinosus, Verrucosisporites gibberosus and Verrucosisporites nitidus. On average, this sub-assemblage represents 39% of total palynomorphs and is interpreted as a reworked association of Tournaisian age. (3) Sub-assemblage 3 is composed of moderately well preserved Devonian palynomorphs. It includes Late Devonian miospore taxa such as Ancyrospora langii, Diducites plicabilis, Emphanisporites rotatus, Grandispora cornuta, Knoxisporites concentricus, Retispora lepidophyta and Rugospora radiata, and acritarch taxa Chomotriletes vedugensis, Gorgonisphaeridium ohioense, Daillydium pentaster, Duvernaysphaera stellata, Duvernaysphaera tessella, Multiplicisphaeridium 232 Z. Pereira et al. / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 139 (2006) 227–240 Fig. 4. Ranges of selected spore species recovered and spore biozonal scheme used (after: Clayton et al., 1977; Streel et al., 1987; Higgs et al., 1988; Clayton, 1996). ramispinosum, Navifusa bacilla, Pterospermella sp., Stellinium micropolygonale and Winwaloeusia ranulaeforma and the prasinophytes Maranhites mosesii, Maranhites perplexus; Early Devonian spore taxa such as Ambitisporites sp., Brochotriletes sp., Dictyotriletes emsiensis, Emphanisporites micrornatus and Synorisporites sp.; the Silurian cryptospore Laevolancis sp., miospores sp. and Synorisporites verrucatus and acritarch taxa Duvernaysphaera aranaides, Evittia sp., Leiofusa sp. and Neoveryhachium carminae. This Devonian sub-assemblage comprises 33% of the total studied palynomorphs and the Silurian sub-assemblage represent less than 1%. Typical Mid Devonian taxa are absent. (4) Sub-assemblage 4 consists of Ordovician acritarchs such as Arbusculidium filamentosum, Cymatiogalea sp., Stelliferidium sp., Striatotheca sp. and Rhophaliophora sp., and Cambrian acritarchs such as Acanthodiacrodium sp., Annulum sp., Cristallinium sp., and Eliasum sp. This sub-assemblage comprises 9% of the total studied palynomorphs. Sub-assemblages 3 and 4 are interpreted, as reworked pre-Carboniferous palynomorphs. Z. Pereira et al. / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 139 (2006) 227–240 233 Fig. 5. Presence–absence of selected spores in the studied sections. R indicates occurrences interpreted as reworked. 234 Z. Pereira et al. / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 139 (2006) 227–240 Z. Pereira et al. / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 139 (2006) 227–240 4.1.2. Cai Água section The Cai Água section is situated at the northern margin of the Pêgo do Altar dam (Fig. 1). In this region the TMC is made up of acidic and basic volcanic rocks, thin bedded reworked acidic volcaniclastics and intercalated dark shales. The thickness of the complex here is unknown, but must be in excess of 200 m. The measured section (Fig. 2) yielded poorly to moderately preserved miospore assemblages assigned to the late Tournaisian CM Biozone and the early Viséan Pu Biozone. The CM Biozone assemblages include abundant specimens of Acanthotriletes sp., Auroraspora corporiga, Auroraspora macra, Crassispora trychera, Discernisporites micromanifestus, Granulatisporites microgranifer, Punctatisporites irrasus, Retusotriletes sp., Rugospora sp., Rugospora minuta and Schopfites claviger. The Pu Biozone is marked by the first occurrence of Lycospora pusilla and includes the taxa Auroraspora macra, Crassispora trychera, Granulatisporites microgranifer and Punctatisporites irrasus. Reworked acritarchs, mainly of Devonian age but also of Cambrian–Ordovician age, are present in the assemblages. 4.1.3. Ribeira dos Marmelos Quarry and Dam sections Two well-exposed sections in the Ribeira dos Marmelos quarry (RMQ) and dam (RMD), about 8 km. west of Vila Nova da Baronia village (Fig. 1), show an intermediate/acid volcanic sequence intercalated with dark shales (Fig. 2). These shales yielded poorly to moderately preserved miospores assigned to the early Viséan Pu Biozone. The assemblages contain abundant specimens of Lycospora pusilla and Crassispora trychera and taxa such as Acanthotriletes sp., Auroraspora macra, Anaplanisporites baccatus, Convolutispora sp., Discernisporites micromanifestus, Granulatisporites microgranifer, Punctatisporites irra- 235 sus, Retusotriletes sp., Rugospora minuta, Rugospora polyptycha, Schopfites claviger and Triquitrites spp. Reworked acritarchs of Devonian age are present in the assemblages. 4.1.4. Alfundão village section Dark and black shales, lithologically similar to those described in the previous sections, crop out in the surroundings of Alfundão (Fig. 1). The shales appear associated to basic rocks of the Odivelas magmatic suite and were considered in a discordant position over this suite (Santos et al., 1990). Palynostratigraphic analysis in several samples of Alfundão village section did not give any results, probably because the shales are affected by contact metamorphism as shown by the occurrence of patches of metamorphic andalusite and chlorite. In the present work, the Alfundão shales are considered as the southernmost exposure of the Toca da Moura Complex. 4.2. Cabrela Complex A preliminary palynostratigraphic research in this complex provided moderately preserved miospores whose ages range from the late Tournaisian CM Biozone to the Viséan, Pu, TS and NM Biozones (Pereira and Oliveira, 2001a, 2003a). Revision of that material complemented the study of new samples as described below. The Cabrela Railway Station Section (Fig. 3) and the Silveiras Road Section (Fig. 3) provided miospores assigned to the CM Biozone. Assemblages include Acanthotriletes sp., Anaplanisporites baccatus, Auroraspora solisortus, Colatisporites decorus, Crassispora trychera, Densosporites spitsbergensis, Discernisporites micromanifestus, Geminospora spongiata, Granulatisporites microgranifer, Knoxisporites literatus, Rugospora minuta, Rugospora Plate I. Plate captions list the taxonomic name of the figured specimen, followed by the formation, sample number, slide number, microscopic coordinates and INETI/SG collection number of the specimen. All magnifications are 1000×. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9, 12. 10. 11. Schopfites claviger (Sullivan 1968) Higgs, Clayton and Keegan 1988; Cabrela Formation, MN1-2, 1230-215, INETI/SG 0401. Crassispora trychera Neves and Ioannides 1974; Toca da Moura shales, CP2-2, 1228-100, INETI/SG 0402. Lycospora pusilla (Ibrahim 1932) Schopf, Wilson and Bentall 1944; Toca da Moura shales, CP23-1, 1205-140, INETI/SG 0403. Rugospora polyptycha Neves and Ioannides 1974; Cabrela Formation, MN5-2, 1215-55, INETI/SG 0404. Knoxisporites triradiatus Hoffmeiser, Staplin and Malloy 1955; Cabrela Formation, MN1-2, 1215-170, INETI/SG 0405. Knoxisporites stephanephorus Love 1960; Cabrela Formation, PQ7-1, 1255-85, INETI/SG 0406. Raistrickia nigra Love 1960; Toca da Moura shales CP14-1, 1075-90, INETI/SG 0407. Proprisporites laevigatus Neves 1961; Toca da Moura shales CP14-1, 1095-100, INETI/SG 0408. Triquitrites sp.; Toca da Moura shales, CP14-1, 1365-135, INETI/SG 0409; Toca da Moura shales, CP14-1, 1265-90, INETI/SG 0410. Microreticulatisporites concavus Butterworth and Williams 1958; Cabrela Formation, MN1-2, 1055-75, INETI/SG 0411. Anaplanisporites baccatus (Hoffmeister, Staplin and Malloy 1955) Smith and Butterworth 1967; Cabrela Formation, MN1-2(5), 1415145, INETI/SG 0412. 236 Z. Pereira et al. / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 139 (2006) 227–240 Fig. 6. Stratigraphical distribution of the units studied in the southern border of the Ossa Morena Zone compared with lithostratigraphical units from the South Portuguese Zone. polyptycha, Tumulispora malevkensis, Vallatisporites vallatus and Verrucosisporites nitidus in association with the zonal species Auroraspora macra and Schopfites claviger. Shales interbedded in the acidic volcaniclastic rocks in the core of the syncline, in two quarries (Monte Chaminé and Buraco quarry, Fig. 3) yielded miospores of the CM Biozone and of the Pu and TS Biozones. The CM Biozone is represented by the typical species Auroraspora macra, Crassispora trychera, Discernisporites micromanifestus, Grandispora echinata, Granulatisporites microgranifer, Knoxisporites literatus, Punctatisporites irrasus, Retusotriletes triangulatus, Rugospora minuta, Schopfites claviger, Vallatisporites microspinosus, Vallatisporites vallatus, Verrucosisporites gibberosus and Verrucosisporites nitidus. The base of the Pu Biozone is identified by the first occurrence of Lycospora pusilla, and the basal part of the TS Biozone is recognized by the first combined occurrence of Knoxisporites stephanephorus and Knoxisporites triradiatus. The Monte Novo Road Section (Fig. 3, Section 3) gave the youngest recovered in the region. The following miospore taxa were identified: Acanthotriletes sp., Anaplanisporites baccatus, Auroraspora solisortus, Colatisporites decorus, Dictyotriletes castaneaeformis, Discernisporites micromanifestus, Granulatisporites microgranifer, Knoxisporites triradiatus, Knoxisporites stephanephorus, Leiotriletes sp., Leiotriletes tumidus, Lycospora pusilla, Microreticulatispor- ites concavus, Proprisporites laevigatus, Raistrickia nigra, Rugospora sp., Tripartites sp., Vallatisporites ciliaris? and Waltzispora sp. This assemblage identifies the NM Biozone. All the samples studied in this section contain two associations of reworked miospores. One, with species such as Auroraspora corporiga, Auroraspora macra, Crassispora trychera, Cyrtospora cristifer, Emphanisporites hibernicus, Geminospora spongiata, Microreticulatisporites araneum, Punctatisporites irrasus, Retusotriletes triangulatus, Rugospora minuta, Rugospora polyptycha, Schopfites claviger, Spelaeotriletes pretiosus, Tumulispora malevkensis, Verrucosisporites gibberosus and Verrucosisporites nitidus; belongs to the Tournaisian. The other, assigned to the Devonian, is marked by the taxa Brochotriletes sp., Dictyotriletes emsiensis (Early Devonian), Verrucosisporites scurrus, Verrucosisporites premnus and Geminospora lemurata (Mid Devonian) and Samarisporites triangulatus and Grandispora cornuta (Late Devonian). Some Devonian acritarchs are also present. 5. Geodynamic implications The result of the present research indicates that the Toca da Moura and the Cabrela Complexes have strong lithological similarities and comparable ages. The occurrence of abundant (80%) reworked palynomorphs is a common feature of many of the studied Z. Pereira et al. / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 139 (2006) 227–240 samples. Analysis of the reworked assemblages shows: predominance of Late Devonian and Tournaisian miospores, with acritarchs representing much lesser amounts; scarcity of typical Mid Devonian species; rare Silurian palynomorphs; and the existence of Ordovician and Cambrian acritarchs in significant proportions (9% in several samples). Spore and acritarch colour indices (Thermal Alteration Indices) (Staplin, 1969; Legall et al., 1981) show that the thermal maturity of the reworked specimens is identical to the associated mid late Viséan age material, suggesting that the host sediments were never deeply buried. The reworked specimens are, generally, moderately preserved, indicating small pre-depositional corrosion or abrasion. Such preservation could reflect a combination of multiple factors that affect the processes of erosion, re-transportation and re-deposition. Nevertheless, due to their durability reworked palynomorphs are commonly preserved in pristine conditions (Ravn and Benson, 1988; Van de Laar and Fermont, 1989). As the biostratigraphy of the Portuguese part of the Ossa Morena Zone, is still poorly known, discussion on palynomorph provenance is precluded. However, the present data allow some consideration of the regional geodynamic evolution. The Cabrela Complex is discordant upon a wellstructured basement of phyllites and amphibolites of uncertain age (Silurian?) showing three episodes of orogenic deformation. Tectonically stretched clasts of these lithologies appear in the basal conglomerate of the Complex that crops out in the northern limb of the syncline, indicating deep crustal erosion. In the southwestern limb of the syncline, Mid and Late Devonian limestones appear to be dispersed in the terrigenous sediments of the Complex which is here dated as late Tournaisian to mid late Viséan. Most of the volcanic rocks of the Complex are reworked acidic volcaniclastics. The Cabrela Complex sediments are only affected by a week fracture cleavage. It is therefore suggested that the stratigraphic sequence of the Cabrela Complex was laid down in a basin whose margins were subjected to extensive erosion induced by crustal uplift. Post-Silurian (?) to pre-late Tournaisian sedimentary units were completely removed, with only the Mid and Late Devonian limestone lenses interbedded in the complex remaining. These are interpreted as olistoliths that were moved in to the basin, as gravity slides dislocated from a Devonian carbonate platform, situated to the present day south of the region. The Cabrela Complex was only tectonically deformed post-late Viséan. 237 Geochemistry of the volcanics of the Toca da Moura Complex indicates that they were linked to the genesis of an orogenic arc installed on the continental crust of the OMZ in close relationship to a northward dipping subduction zone (Santos et al., 1987). As with the Cabrela Complex, the presence of reworked palynomorphs in the Toca da Moura sediments indicates that they were deposited in basins surrounded by uplifted crustal blocks subjected to intense erosion. It is interesting to note that on the southern margin of the Odivelas dam, near to Monte das Cortes, crop out limestones that yield Mid Devonian macrofaunas (Conde and Andrade, 1974). The limestones are badly exposed but the fact that they do not show traces of strong deformation or metamorphism is indicative that they were probably preserved as olistholiths. Furthermore, in the region, several outcrops of calc–silicate rocks in close association with basic intrusives were recently identified between Alfundão and Beja. This suggests that the limestones are remnants of a Devonian carbonate platform that has been intruded by basic rocks and may have extended into the Cabrela region. The intrusives are probably related to the Toca da Moura magmatism. However, the contact metamorphism affected by the Alfundão shales, indicates that the magmatic activity went on in post Viséan time. Comparison of the results from the southern border of the Ossa Morena Zone with palynostratigraphic records from the South Portuguese Zone (Oliveira et al., 1997, 2004; Pereira, 1999; Pereira and Oliveira, 2003a,b; Pereira et al., in press) indicates a number of similarities (Fig. 6): (1) Late Devonian assemblages recovered from the Phyllite–Quartzite Group of the Pyrite Belt and from the Tercenas Formation in Southwest Portugal (Bordeira and Aljezur Anticlines) are very similar to the reworked assemblages of the Toca da Moura and Cabrela Complexes. (2) Records of palynomorphs from the Bordalete Formation in Southwest Portugal, reworked Tournaisian associations in the Volcano-Sedimentary Complex of the Pyrite Belt, and the reworked Tournaisian assemblages in the OMZ all show the presence of the same species. (3) NM miospore biozone assemblages identified in different units and lithologies, throughout the Pyrite Belt and Southwest Portugal always contain Proprisporites laevigatus associated with the first occurrence of Raistrickia nigra, and other typical genera of this level (e.g. Dictyotriletes, Leiotriletes, Lycospora, Microreticulatisporites, Vallatisporites and 238 Z. Pereira et al. / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 139 (2006) 227–240 Waltzispora). The co-occurrence of P. laevigatus and R. nigra and the absence of other stratigraphically useful taxa such as Rotaspora spp., Tripartites spp. and Triquitrites spp., allow the identification of a local spore biozone, the NL R. nigra – P. laevigatus Biozone in Southwest Portugal (Pereira, 1999). However, the NL Biozone is correlated with the NM Biozone of Western Europe based in the first appearance of R. nigra. The same biostratigraphic situation is identified in the Toca da Moura and Cabrela Complexes. While P. laevigatus appears together with the first R. nigra in south Portugal, in Western Europe the first appearance of this species is higher, at the top of the early Serpukovian NC Biozone (Clayton et al., 1977; Clayton, 1996). The palynostratigraphic evidence clearly shows that the southern margin of OMZ and the South Portuguese Zone were close to each other during the Late Devonian and the Mississippian. This suggests that the oceanic basin that once existed between the two zones, now marked by the Beja-Acebuches Ophiolite, was closed in prior to the latest Devonian time. The orogenic geochemical signatures of the Toca da Moura and Cabrela Complexes and of the magmatic suite of the Beja Massif in general should be related to intra-continental subduction following the pre-Late Devonian collision of the OMZ–SPZ. 6. Conclusions The following conclusions are reached from this study: (1) The age of the Toca da Moura and Cabrela Complexes, given by miospores, ranges from the late Tournaisian to the mid late Viséan. The Toca da Moura and Cabrela Complex thus appear to be coeval. (2) The Cabrela Complex rests unconformably on a well-structured Variscan (Silurian?) substrate while the Toca da Moura Complex is in close association with the Beja Massif plutono-volcanic suite. Both complexes were laid down in small intra-arc basins at the southern margin of the OMZ. The surrounding regions of these basins were probably subject to intense erosion induced by uplifting caused by the installation of the volcanic arcs. (3) Similar Late Devonian and Mississippian palynological assemblages identified in the Toca da Moura and Cabrela Complexes and several units of the SPZ suggest that both crustal blocks were close to each other at this time. (4) The oceanic basin that existed between the OMZ and the SPZ, now underlined by the BejaAcebuches Ophiolite was closed in pre-Late Devonian time. Acknowledgements This work was sponsored by the program POCTI, CTA/14089 of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal. The first author gratefully thanks the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, for funding her participation in the XI International Palynological Meeting in Granada, Spain. Thanks also to the Mariana Martins for sample processing and Eliane Marques and Filipe Barreira for figures treatment. The authors acknowledge Duncan McLean and Michel Robardet for their helpful reviews of the manuscript. Appendix A. Annotated list of palynomorph species All the miospore, acritarch and prasinophytes taxa recorded in the samples from the Early Carboniferous of the Toca da Moura and Cabrela Complexes, including the reworked taxa identity are listed alphabetically. Stratigraphically important taxa are illustrated on Plate I. Miospore taxa Anaplanisporites baccatus (Hoffmeister, Staplin and Malloy 1955) Smith and Butterworth 1967 Ancyrospora langii Allen 1965 Auroraspora corporiga Higgs, Clayton and Keegan 1988 Auroraspora macra Sullivan, 1968 Auroraspora solisortus Hoffmeister, Staplin and Malloy 1955 Colatisporites decorus (Bharadwaj and Venkatchala 1961) Williams in Neves et al. 1973 Crassispora trycher Neves and Ioannides 1974 Cyrtospora cristifera (Luber 1941) Van der Zwan 1979 Densosporites spitsbergensis Playford 1963 Dictyotriletes castaneaeformis (Horst 1943) Sullivan 1964 Dictyotriletes emsiensis (Allen 1965) McGregor 1973 Diducites plicabilis Van Veen 1981 Discernisporites micromanifestus (Hacquebard 1957) Sabry and Neves 1971 Emphanisporites hibernicus Clayton, Higgs and Keegan 1977 Emphanisporites micrornatus Richardson and Lister 1969 Emphanisporites rotatus (McGregor 1961) McGregor 1973 Geminospora lemurata Balme 1962 Geminospora spongiata Higgs, Clayton and Keegan 1988 Grandispora cornuta Higgs 1975 Grandispora echinata Hacquebard 1957 Granulatisporites microgranifer Ibrahim 1933 Knoxisporites concentricus (Byvsheva 1976) Playford and McGregor 1993 Z. Pereira et al. / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 139 (2006) 227–240 Knoxisporites literatus (Waltz 1938) Playford 1963 Knoxisporites ruhlandii Doubinger and Rauscher 1966 Knoxisporites stephanephorus Love 1960 Knoxisporites triradiatus Hoffmeiser, Staplin and Malloy 1955 Leiotriletes tumidus Butterworth and Williams 1958 Lycospora pusilla (Ibrahim 1932) Schopf, Wilson and Bentall 1944 Microreticulatisporites araneum Higgs, Clayton and Keegan 1988 Microreticulatisporites concavus Butterworth and Williams 1958 Proprisporites laevigatus Neves 1961 Punctatisporites irrasus Hacquebard 1957 Raistrickia nigra Love 1960 Retispora lepidophyta (Kedo 1957) Playford 1976 Retusotriletes triangulatus (Streel 1964) Streel 1967 Rugospora minuta Neves and Ioannides 1974 Rugospora polyptycha Neves and Ioannides 1974 Rugospora radiata (Yushko 1969) Byvsheva 1985 Samarisporites triangulatus Allen 1965 Schopfites claviger (Sullivan 1968) Higgs, Clayton and Keegan 1988 Spelaeotriletes pretiosus (Playford 1963) Neves and Belt 1970 Synorisporites verrucatus Richardson and Lister 1969 Tumulispora malevkensis (Kedo 1963) Turnau 1978 Vallatisporites ciliaris (Luber 1938) Sullivan 1964 Vallatisporites microspinosus Higgs, Clayton and Keegan 1988 Vallatisporites vallatus Hacquebard 1957 Verrucosisporites gibberosus (Hacquebard 1957) Higgs, Clayton and Keegan 1988 Verrucosisporites nitidus (Naumova 1953) Playford 1964 Verrucosisporites premnus Richardson 1965 Verrucosisporites scurrus (Naumova 1953) McGregor and Camfield 1982 Acritarch and prasinophyte species Arbusculidium filamentosum (Vavrdová 1965) Vavrdová 1972 Chomotriletes vedugensis Naumova 1953 Daillydium pentaster (Staplin 1961) Playford 1981 Duvernaysphaera araides Deunff 1964 Duvernaysphaera stellata Deunff 1964 Duvernaysphaera tessella Deunff 1964 Gorgonisphaeridium ohioense (Winslow 1962) Wicander 1974 Maranhites mosesii (Sommer 1956) Brito 1967 Maranhites perplexus Wicander and Playford 1985 Multiplicisphaeridium ramispinosum Staplin 1961 Navifusa bacilla (Deunff 1955) Playford 1977 Neoveryhachium carminae Cramer 1964 Stellinium micropolygonale (Stockmans and Willière 1960) Playford 1977 Winwaloeusia ranulaeforma Martin 1984 References Andrade, A.S., Santos, J.F., Oliveira, J.T., Cunha, T., Munhá, J., Gonçalves, F., 1991. 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