HOPES UP! - Joyce Meyer Ministries
HOPES UP! - Joyce Meyer Ministries
JOYCE MEYER MARCH/APRIL MINISTRIES 2015 getting to the promised land PA G E 1 6 WHAT TO DO WHEN THE HEAT IS ON PA G E 2 6 At the Cross PA G E 3 2 GET YOUR HOPES UP! PA G E 7 EEL 0315 1 cover.indd 1 MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 1 // DOM 1/26/15 3:35 PM Whether with a friend or on-the-go, you can take Joyce with you EVERYWHERE YOU GO Yellow Magenta CYAN BLACK “ DOWNLOAD THE APP ON YOUR FAVORITE DEVICE for today’s Enjoying Everyday Life program and Joyce’s Daily Devotional. EEL 0315 4-5 SFTH.indd 2 MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 2 // DOM 1/27/15 10:33 AM VO LU M E 30 “ No 2 M AR CH /A PR 2015 For in You, O Lord, do I hope; You will answer, O Lord my God. —Psalm 38:15 ” 7 26 IL 16 32 Contents Learn how to unleash the limitless power of hope in your life. 16 The Risk and the Reward By Joyce Meyer Are you ready to let go of the ordinary so you can take hold of the extraordinary? ST RAI GHT F ROM THE HE A RT T V SCHE DULE GOD’S WORD MA D E PE R SO N A L AME RI CA AT I TS B EST 2015 CONF E RE NCES BLACK By Joyce Meyer 5 12 18 28 30 CYAN 7 Get Your Hopes Up 26 With You in the Fire By Joyce Meyer 32 Paid in Full By Rick Renner What really happened when Jesus uttered those three little words on the cross: “It is finished.” THANK YOU! Every day our Partners help us Share Christ and Love People. Check out joycemeyer.org/annualreport to see how your generosity helps others in need. EEL 0315 4-5 SFTH.indd 3 MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 3 // DOM 3 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org 1/27/15 11:21 AM Yellow Magenta Learn to trust God in your times of greatest need. All Bible references are from The Amplified Bible unless otherwise noted. In Canada: Publications Mail Agreement No. 41709522 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Joyce Meyer Ministries Canada P.O. Box 7700 Vancouver, BC V6B 4E2 (800) 868-1002 cpcreturns@wdsmail.com If you’re thankful and you know it... WE WANT TO PRAY FOR YOU Celebration of Prayer Joyce wants to encourage you to show it all year long! Tell people that you appreciate them. Show your gratitude for the small things. Live in a spirit of thanks—bringing an atmosphere of thanksgiving with you everywhere you go. Remember on March 4, we will set aside time for our entire staff to pray—for you! We want to join with you and believe God for whatever your need is. We have teams that pray for you every day, but this is a special time for us all to come together and celebrate God’s mercy and the power of prayer. As we learn to be thankful at all times, especially when things get difficult, it not only changes us, but others will see God working in our lives and be amazed. Then, join us in prayer all day March 4! Contributors PHOTOGRAPHERS Kacie Campbell David Dobson Greg Holtzmann Chad Spickler BLACK SHUTTERSTOCK IMAGES 19 - lenetstan 31 - Songguan Deng 34 - chaoss THE CONVERSATION! UNSPLASH IMAGES 16, 18 - David Marcu facebook.com/ joycemeyerministries CYAN Order online 24/7 at joycemeyer.org or by phone at (800) 727-9673 or (636) 349-0303. Most major credit cards accepted. See enclosed form for details. Discounted offers expire June 30, 2015 (while supplies last) and are not available at conferences. Special offers cannot be combined for additional discounts; some offers may not be available outside the U.S. All prices are subject to change. join JOYCE MEYER is one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and travels the country and the world conducting conferences. She has written 100 inspirational books and her Enjoying Everyday Life® radio and television programs are broadcast all over the world. @joycemeyer Be thankful and say so. Magenta Yellow Resource prices are in U.S. Funds unless otherwise noted. Enjoying Everyday Life is a registered trademark of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. [J] is also a registered trademark of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. SEND US YOUR REQUESTS AT joycemeyer.org/prayer Next, share your experience: Post comments and/or pictures online using the hashtag #YEAROFTHANKS. We can’t wait to hear your thoughts and observations, and learn about the fun and creative ways you’re sharing Christ with others simply by being thankful. Enjoying Everyday Life® is published by Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc.® , a nonprofit corporation, Fenton, MO USA © 2014 Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. Publications Agreement No. 41709522. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Enjoying Everyday Life has no subscription price and is supported through contributions worldwide. All gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible (in countries where this applies). Because all Enjoying Everyday Life issues are preplanned, we are unable to accept unsolicited manuscripts. For more information or to order, call locally (636) 349-0303 or toll-free (800) 727-9673. Internet address: www.joycemeyer.org —Psalm 100:4 DAVE MEYER is Joyce’s husband and Vice President of Joyce Meyer Ministries. His passion is to share about this country’s rich Christian heritage and motivate people to get involved by praying, learning about the issues, and taking action. RICK RENNER is a gifted Bible teacher and author of more than 30 books. He pastors the Moscow Good News Church and oversees numerous outreaches, including the first Christian television network in that region. We Are Committed to Financial Accountability ACCOUNTABILITY At Joyce Meyer Ministries, we want you to be confident your gifts are being used in the best way possible. That’s why we are accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. FINANCIAL PRACTICE Joyce Meyer Ministries is voluntarily audited each year by an independent public accounting firm. 4 MARCH / APRIL 2015 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 0315 4-5 SFTH.indd 4 MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 4 // DOM 1/27/15 11:06 AM STRAIGHT FROM THE Heart F riends, God is good! And He has good things in store for each of our lives. I know life can be hard sometimes and we can face challenges that distract us from God’s goodness and cause us to become discouraged. But the truth is God wants us to have and enjoy the best life possible. He gave us His best when He sent His Son Jesus to be our hope, not only for eternal life, but also for a good life here and now. Also in this issue, we share some stories about people, just like you and me, who are finding hope and seeing God change their lives (see pages 14 and 20). People who are putting their faith in action and giving hope to others! It’s ok...go ahead and get your hopes up! 5 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org EEL 0315 4-5 SFTH.indd 5 MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 5 // DOM CYAN My friends, God always has good things in store for His children. I encourage you to believe it. Learn to trust His work in your life and follow as He leads you to it. Magenta Beginning on page 16, I want to help you understand the hope that comes from knowing God cares about you. Having hope is a result of realizing that God is in control and learning to trust Him to take good care of you. “ Trust God enough to hope for the best.” 1/27/15 11:10 AM Yellow In this issue of Enjoying Everyday Life, we want to encourage you in your hope in Christ. In my article starting on page 7, you’ll read about the warning signs of hopelessness and learn how to live with hope every day of your life. It’s a teaching from my new book coming out in April called, Get Your Hopes Up! BLACK Hope—the happy and confident anticipation of good—is the foundation of our relationship with God. Hope is what helps you keep going, especially when you encounter times of trouble. Having hope in Christ helps you hold tight when your faith is tested by the trials of life. When you have hope, you expect better times ahead, no matter what is going on around you. We all need a second chance at life Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. —2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV “God doesn’t love you.” It’s a lie Satan has been telling us since time began. But the truth is God loves us so completely that He sent His Son, Jesus, to earth to defeat Satan and set us free from the power of sin. When Jesus died on the cross, the enemy lost the battle. And when He rose again on Easter morning, Satan became a footstool for His feet! We’ve all made mistakes in the past that have left us feeling unworthy of God’s love and affection. But the truth is God loves you so much, no matter what yesterday looks like! God sent His Son to set you free from every sin in your past, present and future. All you have to do is believe in Him and receive His unending love. CYAN BLACK When you give your life to Christ, you not only receive the gift of eternal life (Romans 6:23), all your past mistakes are washed away (2 Corinthians 5:21) and you become a joint heir with Jesus—God’s one and only Son (Romans 8:17). By faith, everything Jesus is suddenly applies to you! Open your heart to Him today and become a brand new creation. Magenta If you want to experience a brand new life in Christ, simply pray: “Father, I believe You love me and that Jesus died for me. Please forgive me of my sins. I’m ready to leave my old ways behind and start a new life with You. Amen!” Yellow Your life in Christ is so important to us—it’s why we do what we do. If you’ve received Christ today, we want to know about it! Visit joycemeyer.org/salvation and request a free copy of Joyce’s book A New Way of Living. If you need prayer for anything, go to joycemeyer.org/prayer and send us your prayer request. EEL 0315 6-11 MainFeat WC15.indd 6 MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 6 // DOM 1/27/15 11:40 AM GET YOUR hopes UP! Discover the Limitless Power of Hope BLACK O BY JOYCE MEYER CYAN Over the last 38 years I’ve spent traveling and teaching God’s Word around the world, I’ve met many incredible people from nearly every walk of life. Some were doing great, seemingly on top of the world. Others confided in me that they were barely getting by, living day to day, trying to make ends meet. And many others were dealing with circumstances so difficult that, quite frankly, they felt defeated and overwhelmed by life. Yellow Magenta We will all battle hopelessness at some point in our lives. And no matter who we are or what our situation; HOPE is one thing we all desperately need. The reason is, hope is a nothing-is-impossiblewith-God firestorm refusing to be quenched. It’s an awareness that EEL 0315 6-11 MainFeat WC15.indd 7 MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 7 // DOM 1/27/15 11:41 AM God is actually expecting, looking and longing to show you His goodness. Hope is what stabilizes your frantic thoughts and emotions—it’s an awareness that there is no problem big enough to keep God from rescuing you. good to happen, I won’t be disappointed when it doesn’t.” Like most of you, I understand what it’s like to feel hopeless. I spent 23 years of my life filled with pain, abuse, disappointment, unfaithfulness and one bad thing after another. Because of this, I wouldn’t get my hopes up. I used to say, “If I don’t expect anything But when I got serious about my relationship with God and began studying His Word, I discovered real hope. I learned why hope is important, and how powerful hope can be. Yellow Magenta CYAN BLACK These days, it’s easy to be worn down by hopelessness. People lose hope when they experience overwhelming loss, repeated failures, impossible situations, or are hurt by people they trust. EEL 0315 6-11 MainFeat WC15.indd 8 MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 8 // DOM 1/27/15 11:41 AM HOPE: THE HAPPY AND CONFIDENT ANTICIPATION OF GOOD Hope is a positive expectation that something good is going to happen to you because of God’s great goodness. Hope is not a wishy-washy, vague, wait-and-see attitude, but an action we must choose to take on purpose each day. Hope and faith go hand in hand. Hope also enables us to endure hardships and long waiting periods, and God uses these times to develop character and endurance in us. Psalm 27:14 says, Wait and hope for and expect the Lord; be brave and of good courage and let your heart be stout and enduring. Yes, wait for and hope for and expect the Lord. “HOPE DARES US TO BELIEVE YOU KNOW WHAT? THINGS MIGHT JUST WORK OUT AFTER ALL.” Hope dares us to believe You know what? Things might just work out after all. It’s the sometimes unexplainable, but always undeniable, feeling that today would be a bad day to give up. Hope changes everything. Discover true hope in Christ and be amazed as your faith increases, joy abounds, and life changes for the better! Dare to get your hopes up today! Buy Joyce’s newest book to lift someone’s spirit, or buy it to lift your own! Isaiah 40:31 tells us: But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired. NEW! HOPE IN GOD IS POWERFUL BLACK Regardless of who you are or what condition your life is in, you can’t function successfully without hope in God. If circumstances are bad, you surely need hope, and if they are good, you need hope that they will stay that way. Magenta Hope is exciting because you have a part to play. You don’t have to sit back, just waiting for an answer to fall from the Preorder DONATION OF $15 or more $19 or more (Canada) Also available in Spanish (Paperback) Yellow When we embrace hope on purpose, it influences our thoughts, our attitudes, our outlook and the way we speak. Hope builds us up as we wait on God. It releases joy, and the joy of the Lord becomes our source of strength (see Nehemiah 8:10). CYAN Hope energizes and motivates us to take action by causing us to step out in faith and act in obedience with God’s Word. Hope believes boldly, decides daringly, speaks firmly and perseveres passionately. Available April 7! joycemeyer.org/thehappybook (800) 727-9673 (800) 868-1002 Canada EEL 0315 6-11 MainFeat WC15.indd 9 MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 9 // DOM 1/27/15 11:42 AM sky. You can take your hopes to God, ask Him for His wisdom, and then take real and practical steps toward your goal. featuring LIVING A HOPEFUL LIFE If you want to live a life full of hope, the best thing you can do is turn the leadership role over to God. When you say “Lord, I choose to follow Your lead, I believe Your plan is infinitely better than my plan could ever be,” it’s a lot like a “trust fall,” when you’re trusting someone will catch you. But there is a major difference: God does more than just catch you. God catches you and then takes you higher than you were before. So plan your future and work diligently to succeed at the tasks in front of you, but do those things after you have spent time with God asking for His guidance and direction. Let Him be the leader, and decide to follow Him wholeheartedly, trusting that He has a great plan and He is working that plan to perfection. Ask yourself the question: Am I following God or am I asking God to follow me? OVERCOMING THE IMPOSSIBLE Never assume that where you’ve been or where you are is as good as it gets. And when your goal or your situation seems impossible, keep in mind that nothing is impossible for God. In Matthew 19:26, Jesus said, With men this is impossible, but all things are possible with God. CYAN BLACK It doesn’t matter what the situation looks like around you; God is greater than any obstacle you may be facing. Everything that has never been done is impossible until someone does it, so why can’t it be you? Don’t allow your mind to become a hindrance to the things you can accomplish in life. Think big—the way God does! JOYCE MEYER CRAIG GROESCHEL DARLENE ZSCHECH MATT REDMAN CHRISTY NOCKELS Choose to believe God is going to do something better in your life. Go ahead and get your hopes up…God is leading you to something better than you can imagine! Romans 15:13: May the God of your hope so fill you with all joy and peace in believing [through the experience of your faith] that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound and be overflowing (bubbling over) with hope. ANTHONY EVANS, JR. This article is adapted from “GET YOUR HOPES UP! Expect Something Good to Happen to You Every Day” by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2015 Joyce Meyer. Reprinted by permission of Yellow Magenta FaithWords, a division of Hachette Book Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Early Bird Price NOW $59 / Reg. $69 U.S. Funds 10 MARCH / APRIL 2015 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 0315 6-11 MainFeat WC15.indd 10 MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 10 // DOM LADIES, THIS WEEKEND IS JUST FOR YOU! 1/27/15 11:46 AM Y unds There’s a road that leads to great relationships, deeper peace, lasting joy, and a supernatural ability to love—really love—others and yourself. A path that renews your mind, mouth, moods and attitudes. Come discover the roadmap to the beautiful life God has for you. EEL 0315 6-11 MainFeat WC15.indd 11 RETHINK WHAT’S POSSIBLE 17-19 ST. LOUIS MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 11 // DOM Register Today! joycemeyer.org/lovelife (888) 727-5280 (636) 349-0303 (U.S. & Canada) (International) facebook.com/lovelifeconference 1/27/15 11:47 AM Magenta CYAN AWA I TS Yellow e BLACK YO U R E N J O Y I N G E V E R Y D AY L I F E Tune In MARCH W E E K LY MAR 1-7 Peace and Patience — The devil sets us up to be upset; but God wants us to live at peace with ourselves and others. M O N D AY 2 3 Yellow Magenta CYAN BLACK Personal Growth T H U R S D AY 5 F R I D AY 6 Unity in the Body of Christ w/ Beth Moore A hurting world needs a unified church. Who Is God? In a series of teachings, Joyce explores the characteristics of God and His incredible promises for our lives. International Outreach 9 W E D N E S D AY 4 Impacting the World for Christ* See how you are helping share Christ worldwide. Spiritual Growth MAR 8-14 The Pursuit of Joy and Enjoyment — Build the foundation for your life on who you are in Christ. T U E S D AY Spiritual Growth Spiritual Growth 10 12 11 13 One Life Joyce shares her personal testimony of God’s triumph in her life. What Are You Focused On? Learn to focus on what God is doing in your life. Stop Being a Perfectionist w/ Sandra McCollom Healing Mind & Mouth Attitudes MAR 15-21 Unity in the Body of Christ w/ Beth Moore — A hurting world needs a unified church. Multiply Hope* See how your giving affects families who are often forgotten. Having a Patient Attitude God plants the seed of patience. Learn how to grow it into a spiritual fruit. Maintaining an Unselfish Attitude Being selfish comes naturally, but maintaining an unselfish attitude requires purpose on our part. Spiritual Growth Prison Ministry Mind & Mouth Spiritual Growth MAR 22-28 Wells of Salvation* — Meet partners working to supply clean water to those in need. 23 16 Mind & Mouth 19 18 24 20 26 25 27 Godly Wisdom for Your Finances Joyce offers godly principles for managing your finances. The High Cost of Low Living Serving God comes with the cost of sacrifice, but serving the enemy’s lies has a higher price. Everyday Life Personal Development Water Relief MAR 29-APR 4 The Power of Words Part 2 — Self-control isn’t never having fun; it’s creating balance in your life to have peace and joy. 17 30 31 Who Is God? Joyce wraps up her series of teachings on the characteristics of God. Spiritual Growth 0 0 Never Give Up! w/ Lisa Bevere Learn how God will see you through the hard times. Patience & Perseverance 0 Title TBD Title TBD Title TBD w/ Scott w/ Scott w/ Scott You Make the Difference Norling Norling Norling Our partners make it possible for us to share Christ and love people around the world. THANK YOU! ➸ Topical Identifier Topical Identifier Topical Identifier 12 MARCH / APRIL 2015 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 0315 12-13 TV.indd 12 MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 12 // DOM 1/27/15 12:16 PM APRIL APR 19-25 Multiply Hope* — See how your giving affects military families and the families of inmates who are often forgotten. Prison Ministry APR 26-MAY 2 What Do You Know? — What do you know about God’s love for you? Knowing God 3 Unity in the Body of Christ w/ Beth Moore A hurting world needs a unified church. Who Is God? Joyce finishes her series on the nature of God and His promises for our lives. What Is This New Way of Living? w/ Priscilla Shirer Topical Identifier Spritifual Growth Spiritual Growth Spiritual Growth 6 7 8 9 Prisoners of Hope Hope in God’s promises allows us to expect God’s best in any situation. Get Your Hopes Up Q&A Joyce answers questions about why hope matters and where it comes from. Living Amazed Joyce shares some of the amazing things God has done in her life. Get Your Hopes Up Is your past keeping you from expecting something good? Hope Hope Hope Hope 13 14 Hope for the Next Generation* w/ Pastor Chad Daniel 20 10 16 15 17 Psalm 23 Discover what “The Lord is my shepherd” means for us in our everyday lives. Closer to God Joyce and author John Ortberg discuss God’s presence in our everyday lives. Spiritual Growth Spiritual Growth Outreach for Children 21 23 22 24 Bible Study: Psalm 91 Joyce guides her studio audience in a study of this inspiring psalm. Five Ways to Assist the Devil Joyce teaches about the nature of the enemy and how, through Christ, we can defeat any evil plans he has for our lives. Eight Ways to Resist the Devil Joyce teaches on the importance of knowing the Word of God and being able to use it in battle against the enemy. Bible Study Spiritual Warfare Spiritual Warfare 27 28 30 29 1 APRIL 20 The Anchor of Hope Let God help you stay strong during any trial or circumstance. Focus on the Positive Things in Life Learn how to celebrate the good things God is doing in our lives. Title TBD Description Hope Mind & Mouth Topical Identifier WATCH 24/7 joycemeyer.org/broadcast EEL 0315 12-13 TV.indd 13 2 1 F R I D AY FOR STATIONS AND PROGRAM TIMES in your area, check your local TV listing or visit www.joycemeyer.org/tvlistings. Schedules are subject to change. *TBN will receive alternate programming. MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 13 // DOM 1/27/15 12:16 PM BLACK Hope 3 T H U R S D AY Title TBD w/ Scott Norling Spiritual Growth APR 12-18 Get Your Hopes Up — Is your past keeping you from expecting something good? Regain your hope through Christ. W E D N E S D AY CYAN APRIL 3 2 Mind & Mouth APR 5-11 What Is This New Way of Living? — Joyce and Priscilla Shirer talk about how you can grow in your faith. T U E S D AY Magenta MAR 29-APR 4 The Power of Words Part 2 — Self control isn’t never having fun; it’s creating balance in your life to have peace and joy. M O N D AY Yellow W E E K LY HAND OF hope E SHART , CHRIS LOVEE PEOPL A SMALL GIFT WITH A BIG IMPACT UNITED STATES REACHING INMATES IN SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI United States BLACK BY KACIE CAMPBELL CYAN WE ARRIVED at South Mississippi Correctional Institution early on Friday morning. Only a few inmates could be seen walking the yard in the hot Mississippi sun. Their striped pants and white V-necks are what you’d expect to see in prison. Yellow Magenta The sight of razor wire and violent jolt of air locks was chilling, even with the assurance that we’d soon be able to return to the “free world.” For the 3,300 men we were coming to visit, that is simply not the case. For them, this is life. Thanks to our friends and partners, Hand of Hope, the world missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries, has been able to fulfill Jesus’ commission to visit those in prison (see Matthew 25). Over the past 17 years, our prison ministry team has visited more than 2.7 million inmates in over 3,200 prisons worldwide. And Mississippi was another great opportunity to share the love of Christ in a big way, with a simple gift. Reaching Every Inmate — Our team spent Friday morning handing out hygiene gift bags in Area 2 General Population. As the men filed through, 100 at a time, our team shared quick encouragements like, “Just a little something to let you know we care.” “Watch out brother, 14 MARCH / APRIL 2015 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 0315 14-15 Prison.indd 14 MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 14 // DOM 1/27/15 2:09 PM Loving Them No Matter What — Kenneth Powell, director of chaplaincy at South Mississippi Correctional Institution shared with us, “You know, all of us have done wrong. And since we have them here, we can recognize that we have been just as wrong to some degree. We need to minister to them so they know they are going back to a society who cares.” That’s why no matter what they did on the outside, no matter what they’ve done while incarcerated, no matter their race, age or religion, it is our mission to reach every single inmate with a gift that expresses the love of Christ. After everyone in Area 2 came through, our team went door to door in the infirmary, praying with those who were sick and for the ones on suicide watch. Bags were distributed in the maximum-security units, to each holding “When I look at you, I see possibilities. But you will never know who you really are until you know who God really is.” Thank you so much to our friends and partners for helping us bring the love of Christ to 3,300 men, full of possibilities, in Southern Mississippi. Please pray with us that they will continue to discover their true identity in Christ and the amazing possibilities they can experience through Him! HAND OF HOPE is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith. joycemeyer.org/handofhope EEL 0315 14-15 Prison.indd 15 MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 15 // DOM — Eric, Inmate at South Mississippi Correctional Institute BLACK An older gentleman wiped away tears as he read the letter. A young man, whose face was filled with overwhelming loneliness, gripped the bag as he stared out the window. Another gentleman began reading the book immediately. The silence was overwhelming! God was clearly moving among them! A World of Possibilities — The ultimate goal we have through outreaches like this is to help hurting people experience the love of God personally and find real freedom through a relationship with Christ. Roy Lormis, prison ministry supervisor, said it best at a worship service Friday night: CYAN About 15 inmates who work in the kitchen waited at the windows watching others receive their gifts. They were mouthy and pretty light hearted as they joked with fellow inmates. But after they received their bags and returned to the cafeteria, you could hear a pin drop. “In my younger life I didn’t have a relationship with Jesus. I had a sense of doing it on my own and it led me down a path.” Eric has since accepted Christ and receives Joyce’s books on a regular basis, “I love Joyce’s books because it shows me that God is able!” Magenta It’s hard to understand what a $2 bag filled with one of Joyce’s books, hygiene items (a bottle of shampoo in Mississippi) and an encouraging letter really means. Can something so simple make such a big difference? What I saw next answered this question loud and clear. cell for the newbies and the 36 cells in the lockdown unit. These guys are behind bars 23 hours a day with only 1 hour each in the “cage,” an outside workout area. Isolated around the clock, they shouted as our team distributed bags to them personally. In the midst of the chaos, each inmate received a gift, encouraging them to find hope in the Gospel message found in Joyce’s books. 15 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org 1/27/15 2:10 PM Yellow that book will turn you every way but loose!” And the occasional, “You doing alright, man?” Young and old, man after man, came through the line and headed back to their bunk, with a small gift bag in hand. G od has a great life planned for each of us. He has given us so many promises in His Word and He wants us to live in them. Some of us are determined to live in our Promised Land. We’re willing to let go of the ordinary in order to take hold of the extraordinary. Others don’t seem to want to take the risk. & k s i R T he d r a w e T he R ed Land is m o r P e h T h c o Rea ur Mountains T Scaling Yo MEYER BY JOYCE Well, I’m a determined person. With every year that goes by, I get a little further in my journey with God. It’s amazing to see the blessings that I now walk in compared to the life I left behind all those years ago. And I am so thankful for how God has transformed me along the way. The Bible says when we step out in faith we’ll reap the rewards. So I want you to ask yourself: Where are you on your journey with God? Have you scaled the mountains to reach your Promised Land, where you’re fully satisfied with the life you’re living every day, or are you somewhere in the wilderness wanting something more? CYAN BLACK Deuteronomy 1:6 says, The Lord our God said to us in Horeb, You have dwelt long enough on this mountain. If you are dealing with the same issues that have stood in your path for years, then it’s time to climb your mountain. Yellow Magenta If you’re willing to take the risk, I want to encourage you by sharing a few things that will help you make a successful journey. EEL Bonus1 Bible Study Habits Ad 16-19.indd 16 MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 16 // DOM 1/27/15 2:18 PM 1) A Hopeful Vision for Your Future. The Bible says that the Israelites stayed in the wilderness 40 years before they arrived at the border of the Promised Land. It was only an 11-day trip. But they had been slaves in Egypt and couldn’t envision anything better for their future, so they just stayed put! 3) A Willingness to Work Hard. “This is too hard” is one of the biggest excuses that we use. And we think just because a task is hard, that somehow excuses us from completing it. But that’s not true at all. In fact, God will allow us to remain in tough situations when there are lessons to be learned from being there. If you don’t like where you are in life, then set out after something better. It may take a lot of time, effort and sacrifice, but you can do whatever God leads you to do. And He’ll be faithful every step of the way. So I encourage you to take every opportunity God puts in front of you. Instead of staying in your wilderness, going around the same mountain, get a vision for your life. Set your mind on finishing your journey. And when the going gets tough, do what you can do and let God do the rest. See the future beyond your circumstances. Don’t be afraid to leave the familiar behind. You can make it to your Promised Land! Overcoming Wrong Mindsets 4 Teachings on CD by Joyce Meyer $26 / $33 Canada 17 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org EEL Bonus1 Bible Study Habits Ad 16-19.indd 17 MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 17 // DOM BLACK Responsibility means that you respond to the ability God has placed in you to take care of issues in your life or whatever it is that concerns you. In the Bible, a blind man cried out for healing and Jesus rubbed mud on his eyes and told him to go wash off in the pool. When you think about it, he couldn’t even see the pool! But he went anyway and he came back seeing. CYAN 2) An Attitude of Responsibility. The Israelites sure didn’t like the situation they were in, but they weren’t doing a whole lot about it. In fact, the only actions they took were to murmur and complain and point their fingers at their enemies and at Moses, who had led them out of slavery. What they needed to do was take responsibility. Yes, it’s true. Some of the things God asks us to do seem totally impossible. But we need to trust Him and go forward with the job He’s given us to do. 1/27/15 2:19 PM Magenta Colossians 3:2 says, Set your minds and keep them set.... Decide today that you’re going to be blessed and don’t let anything stand in your way. “God’s Word is a personal invitation for each of us to come out of the wilderness we’re living in and experience the fullness of the promises of God.” Yellow God’s Word is a personal invitation for each of us to come out of the wilderness we’re living in and experience the fullness of the promises of God—things like righteousness, peace, joy, hope, health, and healing, a passion for loving people. The list goes on and on! GOD’S word MADE PERSONAL From Ordinary to Extraordinary What does your “ordinary” look like? Is there any area of life where God is saying “I have something better in mind for you”? Dream a little bit. Get a vision of what your Promised Land looks like and write it down here. Remember, God wants you to think big! What risks would you have to take in life to make your vision a reality? Would those risks be worth taking only if you knew that’s what God was calling you to do? Read Hebrews 11, and then answer why or why not. God told Abraham he was blessed to be a blessing (see Genesis 12:1-4). If God’s vision for your life became a reality, how would it impact others around you? If God used you to bless others, what would that mean to you? Genesis 12:1-4 NIV To take the next step on your journey, look for the opportunities that are in front of you right now. What do you see? Yellow Magenta CYAN BLACK The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” So Abram went, as the Lord had told him…. Pray: Lord, something or someone will always try to stand in the way of the dreams You’ve given me, but I don’t have to let them. Help me press past my obstacles and continue trusting in You. With Your help, Lord, I know I can make it to my Promised Land. Amen. 18 MARCH / APRIL 2015 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL Bonus1 Bible Study Habits Ad 16-19.indd 18 MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 18 // DOM 1/27/15 2:22 PM Transform Your Life One Habit At A Time HOW DO YOU USE AN ACTION PLAN? EEL Bonus1 Bible Study Habits Ad 16-19.indd 19 The plan includes four teachings from Joyce on CD and DVD. In these sessions, she focuses on 14 new behaviors that will bring positive change by aligning your thoughts and actions with God’s Word. Making Good Habits, Breaking Bad Habits Action Plan As you go, the Personal Study Guide, which features interactive teaching notes, journal exercises and Scripture studies, will guide you in establishing new, effective daily habits for your life. To help with that... Personal Study Guide You’ll get 4 CD/DVD teachings from Joyce. Listen at home, in your car or on your computer. The Personal Study Guide features interactive teaching notes, journal exercises and Scripture studies that will guide you in establishing new, effective daily habits for your life. MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 19 // DOM BLACK 4 Teachings on CD/DVD by Joyce Meyer Make 1, Break 1 Sticky Note Reminders $39 / $50 Canada Post these customizable “sticky notes” at home, work, the office…wherever you need inspiration. Record scriptures and words of inspiration to remind you of your goal: changing your life and reclaiming God’s peace and joy. CYAN Joyce Meyer’s Making Good Habits, Breaking Bad Habits Action Plan is a great way to get started. Based on her Joyce begins with the foundation of what habits really are, and how you can start making them work in your favor. Often, just changing one habit can set into motion a chain reaction that breaks several bad habits. With God’s help, you can start reforming your life into something brand new! This Action Plan is perfect for both individual or group study. Transform your life one habit at a time, and then help others by leading a small group study. 1/27/15 2:26 PM Magenta We don’t spend a lot of time thinking about what we do and say; we simply react most of the time out of habit…and over time those can turn bad! That’s why it’s a good idea to take a step back and examine our habits and whether they’re producing healthy results. New York Times Bestseller of the same title, she will challenge you to challenge yourself and the habits you’ve formed. Yellow FROM THE TIME WE WAKE UP IN THE MORNING, we’re all creatures of habit. Most of us brush our teeth, comb our hair and get dressed without even thinking very much! Unfortunately, though, our habits extend far beyond our morning routines and into the way we function and interact with others during the day. Miami E SHART , CHRIS LOVEE PEOPL CYAN BLACK While praying with a volunteer at the Miami Hope Jam, an outreach sponsored by Hand of Hope, Joyce Meyer Ministries World Missions and Trinity Church in Miami Gardens, Mary made the life-changing decision to recommit her life to Christ. Everywhere We Go Magenta GOD IS WORKING Every moment of every day, God is infusing hope and new life into situations...and He’s using people Yellow just like you and me. Through your partnership with Joyce Meyer Ministries, you are helping re-write stories all around the world. The pages ahead tell just a few of these incredible stories. Some needed a place to call home. Others needed a drink of clean water. But all of them received more than they expected… EEL 0315 20-25.indd 20 MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 20 // DOM 1/27/15 2:38 PM RESTORING YOU HAVE LOVED BACK MY LIFE.... ISAIAH 38:17 Laura Pearson settled down for the night in the back seat of her Dodge Dakota truck. Towels hung like curtains in the windows. Needing extra layers to keep warm, she sifted through a pile of her belongings in the front seat. For six months, Laura stayed in shelters or slept in her truck, washing up in gas station bathrooms, brushing her teeth and changing clothes. In June, Laura was faced with an unsettling situation. She had a job interview lined up CYAN Three days later, Laura wasn’t homeless anymore. She got the job and now works full time at a home for the elderly. Laura’s new apartment is just blocks from the St. Louis Dream Center where she still volunteers her time—sharing the hope of the Gospel with the homeless. Magenta “I could walk in there and they’re all smiling,” said Laura. “Just to know that God was around me and near me was a blessing to me.” It was at the Dream Center that Laura rededicated her life to Christ. And in response to His love, began to serve others. but no gas in her truck to get there. A Dream Center staff member offered to buy her gas later that day, but if she took his offer, she’d miss the 4 pm curfew at her shelter. Laura had her mind set on getting that job. So she gave up her bed at the shelter and prayed through the night in the back seat of her truck. “You can come out of any situation you want to,” Laura says. “Just step out in faith.” 21 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org EEL 0315 20-25.indd 21 MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 21 // DOM 1/27/15 2:40 PM Yellow Instead of letting her problems overwhelm her, Laura volunteered six days a week at the St. Louis Dream Center—an outreach of Joyce Meyer Ministries that shares God’s love with the community through more than 30 ministries and outreaches. Through these programs, our partners reach out to people like Laura at critical times in their lives, providing practical items like food and clothing, and more importantly, the life-changing love of Christ. BLACK “Sometimes it got down to below-zero temperatures. I had nowhere to go,” she said. “God just kept telling me, You’re going through a storm right now, but your storm is almost over…. And if you keep putting your faith in Me, I’m going to show you good things.” BLACK HEALING Yellow Magenta CYAN PRAISE THE LORD, MY SOUL, AND FORGET NOT ALL HIS BENEFITS— WHO FORGIVES ALL YOUR SINS AND HEALS ALL YOUR DISEASES, WHO REDEEMS YOUR LIFE FROM THE PIT AND CROWNS YOU WITH LOVE AND COMPASSION. PSALM 103:2-4 NIV 22 MARCH / APRIL 2015 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 0315 20-25.indd 22 As a girl, she knew in her heart God was calling her to someday be a doctor. And this knowledge gave her the determination to become a pediatrician. Medical school is not an easy prospect for anyone, but the fact that she was a young, single mom with a baby put her trust in God to the test. If you ask her today, Dr. Lori Buffa will say that she ultimately succeeded because of God’s grace. With an astonished grin, she says, “I know it was God, because there were people in school who were smarter than me that didn’t make it. I know I never could have made it on my own.” HAND OF HOPE is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith. joycemeyer.org/handofhope MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 22 // DOM 1/27/15 2:41 PM Namibia For Lori, taking care of children has been a ministry, not a career. So when she had the chance to join Joyce Meyer Ministries’ Hand of Hope medical/dental missions team on their trip to Madagascar, she was determined to go. It was clear this mission would take her out of her comfort zone. Madagascar is a struggling country due to intense poverty, inadequate health care services, lack of food and clean water, and violent crimes that are common in areas where desperate people live. But the anticipation in Lori’s heart about God’s mission for her on foreign soil kept her excitement and expectation high. Many young children in Namibia spend the day alone while their parents work from sun up till sun down to provide a little bit of money for their family. But because of the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries, the Windhoek Life Change Feeding Center can provide children with a nutritious meal and teach them about the love of Christ. From the beginning, she was touched by the gracious, thankful attitudes of the people as they waited patiently to receive care. Many needed basic treatment due to poor hygiene; a main source of bathing is a trash-infested lake and skin infections are common. The wound care team treated many pus-filled sores with worms in them. Infected teeth were also abundant, and the dental team pulled multiple teeth, bringing instant relief to people who had been living with constant pain. As a medical volunteer, Lori invested her money, time and heart to share Christ and love people half the world away from her home. And she’s praying about when she can go on her next God-appointed mission, which is inspiring and admirable, but not completely selfless. “I’ve determined that God sent me on this trip for ME, not so much for Madagascar,” she says. Albania Religious freedom is awakening in formerly communist nations like Albania, where Joyce’s books are ministering to a new generation of believers like Silvana. BLACK The team spent one whole day washing children’s feet and treating wounds with antibiotics and clean dressings. A generous donation allowed the Hand of Hope team to purchase socks and shoes, so many children walked away with clean, protected feet. Lori, who is a mother of two, shared that it was a humbling privilege to wash feet of children who had never had a decent bath before. That’s a tragic situation for any parent to have to experience. Yellow Magenta CYAN Lori is living proof of Acts 20:35 (NIV): It is more blessed to give than to receive! Is God calling you? joycemeyer.org/medicalmissions EEL 0315 20-25.indd 23 MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 23 // DOM 1/27/15 2:41 PM E SHART , CHRIS LOVEE PEOPL REFRESHING I WILL REFRESH THE WEARY AND SATISFY THE FAINT. Magenta CYAN BLACK JEREMIAH 31:25 NIV Madagascar Yellow Amazed by God’s faithfulness, Razafy stands in front of the freshwater well she’d been praying for in her Madagascan village… for the last 20 years. EEL 0315 20-25.indd 24 MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 24 // DOM 1/27/15 2:42 PM We cannot live without water... Hand washing is a new—and potentially lifesaving—concept for many children around the world who don’t have access to fresh, clean water. But thanks to you, Hand of Hope, Joyce Meyer Ministries World Missions was able to partner with AOG World Relief to fund the installation of a water-filtration system for a rural community in Vietnam. Today, instead of drinking dirty water, which made many of the children sick, the people now have access to a safe, reliable water source. And through a special water and sanitation training, the children also learn how germs are spread, the times when they should wash their hands, and how to do it. Norm and Dawn Miller are busy, hardworking parents who are passionate about giving. Since the early days of their marriage, they felt that God was challenging them to do more to help other people. So as partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries, the couple made a generous commitment to fund four Well of Life projects in India, where a desperately needed freshwater well and church are established in a rural community— and then they traveled there to see the impact of their gift firsthand. “It was their life we were giving them,” Dawn said. “So many … had died of dysentery—dirty water—but they were thirsty and they needed to drink.” Seeing the villagers’ excitement and gratitude over something as simple as fresh, clean water has given the Millers a desire to do even more. “When you see … how many thousands of lives that are impacted (through) … partnership, and the $10 and the $15 and $20 that everyone gives together—(it) literally saves people’s lives and changes the community forever,” Norm said. “Together,” Dawn said, “you can do more than either one of you could individually.” YOU CAN CHANGE A LIFE Through partnership with Joyce Meyer Ministries, you can help meet critical needs, share the message of Christ, and be the difference that changes someone’s life both now and forever. Will you join us? Your support will make the difference for people all around the world... people just like you and me. BECOME A PARTNER TODAY. EEL 0315 20-25.indd 25 MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 25 // DOM JOYCE MEYER MINISTRIES Your partnership... Changes people’s lives through your regular giving and prayer. ••• Spreads the Gospel to two-thirds of the world through our conferences, TV program, books and more. ••• Supports our missions arm, Hand of Hope, providing aid to the hungry, hurting, and those in need. Let’s Go. Partnership is simple. Together we can do more. JOIN US. A bonus gift for new partners who select auto-debit as their method of payment BLACK through Hand of Hope, Joyce Meyer Ministries World Missions. Thank you for helping bring clean water—and the hope of the Gospel—to thousands of people in need! Partnership Free Gift! CYAN did you know? More than 700 water wells have been drilled worldwide to date Promises for Your Everyday Life Leather-bound 365-Day Devotional Magenta WORLD WATER DAY joycemeyer.org/ partnership (800) 727-9673 (800) 868-1002 In Canada 1/27/15 3:14 PM Yellow MARCH 22 WITH YOU IN THE fire TRUSTING GOD WHEN THE HEAT’S TURNED UP Yellow Magenta CYAN BLACK BY JOYCE MEYER h In 2 Corinthians 4:8-9, Paul says, “We are hedged in (pressed) on every side [troubled and oppressed in every way], but not cramped or crushed; we suffer embarrassments and are perplexed and unable to find a way out, but not driven to despair; we are pursued (persecuted and hard driven), but not deserted [to stand alone]; we are struck down to the ground, but never struck out and destroyed.” ave you ever felt like giving up because you were stressed-out and overwhelmed by circumstances you couldn’t control? The truth is the devil wants us to spend our days frustrated, anxious, in fear and out of touch with God. And though it’s easy to focus on our circumstances, that never helps. Instead, what we really need to do is stop thinking about what’s wrong and fix our eyes on God, who’s in control, always with us, and always able to help us do whatever we need to do. When I look at these verses, I think it’s interesting that Paul says they couldn’t find a way out, but he didn’t say there was no way out. See, even when we can’t find a way out of our problems, we can put our hope in Jesus, who has promised us that He is the Way (John 14:6). Sometimes, when pressures mount and life gets hard, it can feel like we’re in a fiery furnace. But it’s time to stop wearing yourself out trying to figure things out! Begin to trust that God will bring you through because He is our Way when there seems to be no way. Daniel chapter 3 shares the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego who, because of their faith in God, 26 MARCH / APRIL 2015 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 26-27 Bonus 2.indd 26 MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 26 // DOM 1/27/15 3:21 PM Trust that God will bring you through because He is our Way when there seems to be no way. on our own. Walking by faith means that when we’re having trouble, we don’t need to have the answers all the time. If we knew all the answers, we wouldn’t need to trust God. The roughest times in your life are when your faith grows the most. Each time we go through things with God, we learn to trust Him more. That’s what Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego did when they stepped into the furnace. But when they came out, they came out free, with an experience nobody could steal from them. Listen, if you are thrown into a fiery furnace—a sudden crisis or ongoing challenge you think you just can’t stand any longer—Jesus will be there with you. And in His presence, you will have peace and the strength you need to do whatever you need to do. No matter what you might be facing or what comes up in the future, I want you to remember two things: God is with you—and He’s in control. Proverbs 3:5 says, “Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.” We always want to know how God’s going to deliver us. But anxiety comes when we try to figure everything out If you feel like you’re in the furnace right now, put your confidence in God, pray and keep moving forward toward Him. He’s with you and He will help you through it. Don’t let anxiety overtake you. Don’t look ahead to your situation and think, There’s just no way I’m going to get through this. You don’t need to see a way when you know the Way. Escape the trap of worry once and for all! BLACK The Bible says that the three men were bound and thrown into the furnace, but when the king looked in, he saw four unbound men walking around in the fire (Daniel 3:23-25). Who was the fourth man? Who freed them from bondage and rescued them from death? The One who never leaves us nor forsakes us (Deuteronomy 31:8). Don’t Worry... God Is In Control 4 Teachings on CD by Joyce Meyer PLUS I Trust You Booklet by Joyce Meyer CYAN Now, here’s the part I want you to see: We can be comfortable not knowing what’s ahead. Real faith in God says, “I trust You, God, even though I don’t understand everything.” Magenta refused to worship a statue of the king of Babylon. Their protest infuriated the king so much that he ordered them to be thrown into a fiery furnace that was heated seven times hotter than usual. In fact, the furnace was so hot it burned up the men who threw them inside of it! 27 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org EEL 26-27 Bonus 2.indd 27 MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 27 // DOM 1/27/15 3:25 PM Yellow $26 / $33 Canada A M E R I C A AT I T S best The Ultimate History Lesson BY DAVE MEYER I WANT TO SHARE A VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE WITH YOU. This message is at the very core of why I regularly teach on America and the need to get educated about its true foundation. Throughout the last 50 to 60 years, the godly heritage of our nation has gradually and systematically disappeared. God has been removed and our history has been revised. What was once a beautiful, exciting story is now unrecognizable. How can what we called our history half a century ago suddenly disappear? How and why was so much of the truth replaced with information that is actually false? BLACK It’s interesting that God’s words and our nation’s beliefs are literally inscribed on government buildings and monuments throughout our nation’s capital. Yet, at the same time, the mention of God has been removed from public school history books and even many in secular bookstores. CYAN There is an agenda in this country to erase God and Christian principles from the system—even if it means taking bold, unconstitutional measures to change our laws. It’s something our Founding Fathers warned us about. Yellow Magenta Karl Marx, the father of Communism, made this statement: “Take away the heritage of a people and they are easily persuaded.” This means they can be controlled, manipulated and deceived. 28 MARCH / APRIL 2015 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 28-31 0315 America CT15.indd 28 MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 28 // DOM 2/3/15 10:40 AM We can either recall and remember...or re-learn and pay the price again. History is a flow of events that begins with the creation of time. It reveals the providential hand of God as events are acted out on the stage of life. If recorded accurately and truthfully, it is the story of who we are and the when, where, why and how things took place. History cannot be foretold (except by God). It can only be recorded after time and events have unfolded. If history is not recorded in the order that it happens, it is not history but simply a listing of random events without continuity. When this occurs, the providential hand of God is no longer identifiable and our understanding of historical events becomes chaotic and confusing. Without truthful, accurate history, the direction for the future becomes clouded and out of focus because pieces of the past are missing. People and nations lose their way and destinies are unfulfilled. We have become victims of ignorance, forgetting how God’s Word was applied by His people to defeat Satan in times past. We also forgot how and why people failed in various situations because they didn’t apply God’s Word. When the truth of history has been discarded, deleted, or revised, nations are destined to go through the same costly situations over and over again. History repeats itself, nations are destroyed because of ignorance...and people pay the price again and again. The Bible teaches that wisdom is gained through the Word of God and life’s experiences (Proverbs 3:13 AMP). It also teaches that the experience necessary for wisdom is costly (Proverbs 5:1 AMP). When this experience is Master Plan It didn’t happen by chance. Discover God’s fingerprints on the founding and establishing of this great nation. BLACK Our responsibility to ourselves and to our country is to learn what our true history is, what it is not, and what the consequences are of both. CYAN Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President, defined it this way: “A nation which does not remember what it was yesterday, does not know what it is today, nor what it is trying to do.” There is a reason for missing or revised segments of history. God’s Word clearly reveals the importance of recounting, recalling, and remembering the great things the Lord has done. However, Satan’s plan is (and always has been) to dilute or destroy this clear understanding of God as the Director of history. Satan functions according to his title in the Bible—the great deceiver (Revelation 12:9). America’s Providential History Paperback by Mark A. Beliles and Stephen K. McDowell Magenta Since true and accurate history is a nation’s platform for the future, their extension into the future will become dysfunctional without accurate information. I call this historical amnesia. 29 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org EEL 28-31 0315 America CT15.indd 29 MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 29 // DOM 1/27/15 3:33 PM Yellow $18.95 A M E R I C A AT I T S best “A nation which does not remember what it was yesterday, does not know what it is today, nor what it is trying to do.” — Woodrow Wilson discarded, revised or forgotten by a person or a nation, they can no longer act in wisdom. So, the question is, “What can we as Christians do about this perpetual cycle?” The answer is very simple: Learn our true history. The future is always an extension of our past. If our past is distorted and God’s handiwork has been removed, our direction for the future will disappear and we will wander aimlessly…just as the Israelites did each time they forgot God. The ultimate end is always bondage. On the other hand, if we will remember our past and all the great and mighty things God has done, we will no longer be deceived. We will gain wisdom and begin to actively take back what the devil has stolen. BLACK This is God’s plan for America. Will you join me in making God’s plan for America your plan? It can only happen as we remember what the Lord has already done. We have to know who we were to know who we are. Yellow Magenta CYAN Once we know who we are, then we’ll know what needs to be done. G SHARINT CHRIS Sharing the Love of Christ Through your partnership, Joyce a Meyer Ministries holds more than re whe r, yea a s nce fere dozen con hundreds of thousands receive the hope, joy and healing that only Jesus Christ can give. As a partner, you play a role in every life that is touched... at every conference, in every city, all around the world. Because it’s that one moment—that one encounter with God and others r just like them—that changes thei ver. lives fore Thank you! YOU are making a difference. Visit joycemeyer.org/partnership to discover how you are sharing Christ and loving people all around the world. 30 MARCH / APRIL 2015 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 28-31 0315 America CT15.indd 30 MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 30 // DOM 1/27/15 3:34 PM G UPCOMING conferences ORLANDO, FL MAR 12-14 AMWAY CENTER WORSHIP WITH ISRAEL HOUGHTON & NEW BREED HAMPTON, VA MAR 26-28 HAMPTON COLISEUM WORSHIP WITH MATT REDMAN COLUMBIA, SC APR 9-11 COLONIAL LIFE ARENA WORSHIP WITH MATT REDMAN & CHRISTY NOCKELS LOUISVILLE, KY WORSHIP WITH ISRAEL HOUGHTON & NEW BREED LONDON, ENGLAND BLACK APR 23-25 KFC YUM CENTER facebook.com/joycemeyerministries (866) SEE - JOYCE MAY 8 MAY 9 For more information, visit joycemeyer.org/Europe2015 Magenta joycemeyer.org/conference PARIS, FRANCE ROTTERDAM, NETHERLANDS twitter.com/joycemeyer Get the complete schedule and details you need to plan your trip at joycemeyer.org/conference. Spanish translation will be available at some locations; please check online for more information. Interpretation for the deaf and hard of hearing will be provided. No registration required. Schedule is subject to change. volunteer@joycemeyer.org (800) 707-7877 x3516 EEL 28-31 0315 America CT15.indd 31 MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 31 // DOM 1/27/15 3:35 PM Yellow Enjoy four unique teachings, inspiring worship, and a faith-filled atmosphere where anything is possible. Take some time away—your life may never be the same! CYAN APR 30 - MAY 2 and MAY 4-5 Paid in Full SAVED, FORGIVEN, HEALED, AND RESTORED THROUGH THE CROSS OF JESUS CHRIST BY RICK RENNER THE CROSS OF JESUS CHRIST is precious to those of us who call Jesus the Lord of our lives. The Cross represents our forgiveness, our freedom, our redemption. BLACK As Jesus approached death, the Bible tells us, “They gave him vinegar to drink mingled with gall…” (Matthew 27:34). John 19:30 tells us that “when Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, “It is finished: and he bowed his head, and he gave up the ghost.” Yellow Magenta CYAN “It is finished” is a translation of the Greek word tetelestai, the perfect indicative passive tense of the word telos, which means to end; to bring to completion; to bring to a conclusion; to complete; to accomplish; to fulfill; or to finish. There were many nuances to the word tetelestai, but four of them have great significance with this defining moment of Christ’s sacrifice. First, this was Jesus’ exclamation that He had finished the work the Father had sent Him to do. One writer has noted that when a servant was sent on a mission and then later returned to his master, he would say, “Tetelestai”—meaning, “I have done exactly what you requested” or, “The mission is now accomplished.” In that moment when Jesus cried out, He was exclaiming to the entire universe that He had faithfully fulfilled the Father’s will and that the mission was now accomplished. No wonder Jesus shouted— for this was the greatest victory in the history of the human race! He had been faithful to His assignment even in the face of unfathomable challenges. Second, the word tetelestai was the equivalent of the Hebrew word spoken by the high priest when he presented a sacrificial lamb without spot or blemish. Annually the priest entered the Holy of Holies, where he poured the blood of that lamb on the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant…and atonement was made for the people’s sins for one more year. 32 MARCH / APRIL 2015 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 0315 32-33 Guest.indd 32 MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 32 // DOM 1/27/15 3:41 PM This means that once a person calls Jesus the Lord of His life and personally accepts His sacrifice, no debt of sin exists for that person any longer. Jesus took our place. He paid the debt of sin we owed. And when we by faith repent and receive Him as Lord, we are set free! When Jesus uttered those words, “It is finished!” it was His declaration that the debt was fully satisfied, fulfilled, and complete. Jesus paid the price for your salvation, for your liberation, for your physical healing, and for your complete restoration. When it was complete, Jesus bowed His head and died. God’s justice had been fulfilled. The Old Covenant had ended, and the New Covenant had begun. It was the fulfillment of one and the beginning of another. Our debt was PAID IN FULL. Adapted from “Paid in Full” by Rick Renner. Copyright © 2008 by Teach All Nations. Reprinted by permission of Rick Renner Ministries. All rights reserved. BLACK “PAID IN FULL has been stamped on our past because Jesus paid the price for our redemption.” Isaiah said, …he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and by his stripes we are healed (Isaiah 53:4,5). CYAN Third, in a secular sense, the word tetelestai was used in the business world to signify the full payment of a debt. When a debt had been fully paid off, the parchment on which the debt was recorded was stamped with tetelestai, which meant the debt had been paid in full. Never forget: Because Jesus was willing to offer His own blood for the full payment of our sinful debt, we are forgiven and utterly debt-free. “PAID IN FULL” has been stamped on our past sinful record because Jesus paid the price for our redemption with His own blood. Magenta Fourth, in classical Greek times, the word tetelestai depicted a turning point when one period ended and another new period began. When Jesus exclaimed, “It is finished!” it was indeed a turning point in the entire history of mankind, for at that moment the Old Testament came to an end—it was finished and closed—and the New Testament began. The Cross was “the Great Divide” in human history. 33 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org EEL 0315 32-33 Guest.indd 33 MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 33 // DOM 1/27/15 3:42 PM Yellow But when Jesus hung on the Cross, He offered His own blood for the permanent removal of sin. When He said, “It is finished!” He was declaring the end of sacrifice, because the ultimate Sacrifice had finally been made! Atonement was completed, perfected, and fully accomplished. It was done once and for all—finished forever! TAKE TIME OUT e “You feel so clos t to God. You ge full encouraged and st of hope and it ju !” up really revs you —Mar y I found hope I found love I found strength to rise above A beautiful fire that burned through Everything I thought I knew when I found you. Yellow “ “I Found You” ” St. Louis... MEET ME IN FOR THE 2015 LOVE LIFE WOMEN’S CONFERENCE! JUST BEING SOCIAL Magenta CYAN BLACK We’re busy preparing to make this a conference to remember…and Joyce is excited to share some things you won’t want to miss! (We’ll give you a hint: It has a LOT to do with your mind, mouth, moods and attitudes.) We hope to see you there! PIN IT! Pssssst! There's more cool stuff to see online: “I’VE COME FOR 5 YEARS AND COUNTING...” “It’s about God renewing you and strengthening you... and giving you the courage and passion to live life.” —Monee facebook.com/lovelifeconference Come for special music by Anthony Evans, Jr. EEL 0315 34-35 WC15 snippets.indd 34 @joycemeyerlive pinterest.com/joycemeyermin MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 34 // DOM 1/27/15 3:45 PM ALL ABOUT TOWN While you’re here, be sure to explore some of the other fun things St. Louis has to offer… 3 CHEERS FOR CHRISTY! “When I was in junior high, I tried out to be a cheerleader and didn’t make it. But later, when I began leading worship in college, the Lord said, ‘You are a cheerleader...you’re leading people in praise and adoration.’” —Christy Nockels THE ST. LOUIS ARCH AND RIVERFRONT (Christy will be leading “cheers” at this year’s conference.) “THE HILL” Located downtown. 600,000 sq. feet. Home of the 10-story slide and world’s largest pencil. TO ATTEND, INCLUDING THIS ONE: MATT REDMAN WILL BE LEADING WORSHIP BLACK THE CITY MUSEUM 10,000 reasons THERE ARE YOU CAN REGISTER TODAY AT JOYCEMEYER.ORG/LOVELIFE CYAN This renowned south city neighborhood is famous for its authentic Italian restaurants. SEE PAGE 11 FOR MORE INFO. EEL 0315 34-35 WC15 snippets.indd 35 GIRLS GETAWAY YOU’RE OVERDUE FOR A FUN WEEKEND AWAY WITH THE GIRLS! MAR/APR 2015 // PAGE 35 // DOM 2/3/15 9:26 AM Yellow Sprawling across the heart of St. Louis is one the nation’s largest parks (1,293 acres), including… • The world-famous St. Louis Zoo (admission is free) • St. Louis Art Museum • Missouri History Museum • St. Louis Science Center Magenta FOREST PARK