wholeness - Joyce Meyer Ministries
ENJOYING E V E R Y D A Y JOYCE MEYER L I F E MINISTRIES JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2015 A PIVOTAL MOMENT FOR BETH MOORE PA G E 9 Pssst! COME CLOSER! PA G E 1 6 HOW TO TAME YOUR WORDS PA G E 2 6 YOUR JOURNEY TO WHOLENESS IN CHRIST PA G E 6 1 Cover Pick.indd 1 JAN/FEB 2015 // PAGE FC // DOM 11/24/14 4:11 PM SHAR CHRIS E T, “ LOVE PEOP LE smiles on faces . Showing people what love looks like. Declaring the Gospel to twothirds of the world. Rescuing those in danger. Feeding the hungry. Giving kids a place to call home . Restoring lives. Picking up the pieces. Looking out for the less fortunate. Sharing stories of God’s goodness. Telling people all about Jesus. Magenta CYAN BLACK You are here. Putting Partnership Yellow JOYCE MEYER MINISTRIES joycemeyer.org/partnership (800)-727-9673 EEL 0115 2-5 Icon Ad TOC SFTH 103114 CC.indd 2 JAN/FEB 2015 // PAGE 2 // DOM 11/24/14 4:19 PM VO LU M E 30 “ No 1 Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth. —2 Timothy 2:15 ” 6 16 JA N/ FE B 2015 9 24 W H O L E NESS I N C H RIST S P I R I T, SOUL & BODY Contents ST U DY By Joyce Meyer R Ethe S Ttotal ORA T I O N I Nthat is available to you in the Word Discover restoration of God.E V E R Y P A R T O F YO U R L I F E 9 Table for Two, Please By Beth Moore Beth shares how “feasting” on God’s Word satisfied a deep hunger in her soul. 5 14 29 3 1 3 2 33 ST RAI GHT F ROM THE HE A RT T V SCHE DULE AME RI CA AT I TS B EST CONF E RE NCES 201 5 GOD’S WORD M A D E PE R SO N A L RE AL LI F E PE RS PECTI V ES BLACK A N D D I SCOV E R CYAN THE BIBLE 6 Wholeness in Christ: Spirit, Soul & Body 16 Pssst! Come Closer... By Joyce Meyer Magenta God wants us to be happy and fulfilled in life. Find out how you can! 24 The Scooter Story By Craig Groeschel THANK YOU! Every day our Partners help us Share Christ and Love People. Check out joycemeyer.org/annualreport to see how your generosity helps others in need. EEL 0115 2-5 Icon Ad TOC SFTH 103114 CC.indd 3 JAN/FEB 2015 // PAGE 3 // DOM 3 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org 11/24/14 4:20 PM Yellow When you fall...get back up and try again. WE SAID! The average age of trafficking victims is 12 years old. We are praying: “Lord Jesus, ...rescue precious children from the horrors of human trafficking. Bring them complete restoration and healing. Give us opportuntities to stand against this injustice and see lasting change!” All Bible references are from The Amplified Bible unless otherwise noted. HEALTHY LIVING TIPS for the New Year— Body, Soul and Sprit 1 Feed your spirit by praying and starting a daily Bible study program 2 Develop an exercise routine you will enjoy YOU POSTED! 3 Begin practicing balanced eating habits 4 Mike Duff: Most people don’t even realize this sort of thing is happening! Learn how to develop emotional health by managing your emotions 5 Keep a journal of your journey toward good health, inside and out 6 Celebrate your successes Mar Allen: ...Have mercy and bring the predators to justice... in Jesus’ Name. For more healthy living tips, check out Joyce’s new book! joycemeyer.org/goodhealth June Darlin: Watch over the children, Lord. AMEN Walter Mwenifumbo: Yes Lord, everything is possible with You. Amen. join Share your encouragement! THE CONVERSATION! facebook.com/ joycemeyerministries @joycemeyer Contributors Enjoying Everyday Life® is published by Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc.® , a nonprofit corporation, Fenton, MO USA © 2014 Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. Publications Agreement No. 41709522. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Enjoying Everyday Life has no subscription price and is supported through contributions worldwide. All gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible (in countries where this applies). Because all Enjoying Everyday Life issues are preplanned, we are unable to accept unsolicited manuscripts. For more information or to order, call locally (636) 349-0303 or toll-free (800) 727-9673. Internet address: www.joycemeyer.org Resource prices are in U.S. Funds unless otherwise noted. Enjoying Everyday Life is a registered trademark of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. [J] is also a registered trademark of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. Order online 24/7 at joycemeyer.org or by phone at (800) 727-9673 or (636) 349-0303. Most major credit cards accepted. See enclosed form for details. Discounted offers expire April 30, 2015 (while supplies last) and are not available at conferences. Special offers cannot be combined for additional discounts; some offers may not be available outside the U.S. All prices are subject to change. BLACK PHOTOGRAPHERS Chad Spickler David Dobson Greg Holtzmann Scott Armstrong SHUTTERSTOCK IMAGES 6 Eugenio Marongiu, Alix Kreil, LoloStock 9 Alena Ozerova 10 Elena Schweitzer 16 Lyudmyla Kharlamura 29 CristinaMuraca 30 Songquan Deng CYAN JOYCE MEYER is one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and travels the country and the world conducting conferences. She has written 100 inspirational books and her Enjoying Everyday Life® radio and television programs are broadcast all over the world. Magenta Yellow In Canada: Publications Mail Agreement No. 41709522 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Joyce Meyer Ministries Canada P.O. Box 7700 Vancouver, BC V6B 4E2 (800) 868-1002 cpcreturns@wdsmail.com DAVE MEYER is Joyce’s husband and Vice President of Joyce Meyer Ministries. His passion is to share about this country’s rich Christian heritage and motivate people to get involved by praying, learning about the issues, and taking action. BETH MOORE is founder of Living Proof Ministries. She lives with the purpose of teaching women how to love and live on God’s Word. Beth has authored numerous books and Bible studies that have been read by women of many backgrounds. CRAIG GROESCHEL is a New York Times best-selling author and senior pastor of LifeChurch.tv, which meets in locations around the U.S. and has a global audience online. Craig and his wife, Amy, are the parents of six and live in the Edmond, Oklahoma area. We Are Committed to Financial Accountability ACCOUNTABILITY At Joyce Meyer Ministries, we want you to be confident your gifts are being used in the best way possible. That’s why we are accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. FINANCIAL PRACTICE Joyce Meyer Ministries is voluntarily audited each year by an independent public accounting firm. 4 JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2015 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 0115 2-5 Icon Ad TOC SFTH 103114 CC.indd 4 JAN/FEB 2015 // PAGE 4 // DOM 11/24/14 4:23 PM STRAIGHT FROM THE Heart H appy New Year, friends! I hope yours is getting off to a great start! This is a popular season for people to make resolutions or set goals for the coming year. Many contemplate the state of their relationship with God. Others like to start new activities or make some changes in their lives. Now, I don’t usually make New Year’s resolutions, but I certainly understand the desire to make a fresh start. So in our first issue of 2015, we have several articles that will encourage and help you get going as you start something new. Having a relationship with the Lord is all about learning His ways, understanding His heart and experiencing His love. And as we grow and My prayer for you is that this year you will experience God’s presence—His love, grace and strength—in every area of your life! 5 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org EEL 0115 2-5 Icon Ad TOC SFTH 103114 CC.indd 5 JAN/FEB 2015 // PAGE 5 // DOM CYAN mature spiritually, our desire to share Christ and love people around us every day increases too. Magenta Studying the Word is so important in helping us develop a more intimate relationship with the Lord. No matter what our goals or resolutions may be, having a close, personal relationship with Him is the key to discovering the love, peace, joy and satisfaction we all long for. (See page 16 for more about this.) “I certainly e understand th e desire to mak a fresh start.” 11/24/14 4:23 PM Yellow Some of you may take this time of year to renew or go deeper in your walk with the Lord. We all need to take the time to let God speak to us through His Word, and prioritizing Bible study is the best place to start. You’ll find inspiration for this area of your life starting on page 6. Special guest Beth Moore joins me with encouragement for you as well. BLACK Maybe you want to establish a good habit to overcome a bad one, such as gossiping or criticizing others. My article on page 26 gives more insight on the power of our words and how we can use them to help and encourage others—and ourselves. WHOLE N ESS I N CHR IST SOUL & BODY BLACK S P I R I T, CYAN ST U DY THE BIBLE A N D D I SCOV E R Magenta R E S T O R AT I O N I N E V E RY PA R T O F Yellow YO U R L I F E 6-9 Main Feature.indd 6 JAN/FEB 2015 // PAGE 6 // DOM 11/25/14 9:14 AM BY J OYC E MEYER BLACK So many people are not living the life God has for them. They are anxious and worried about their situations, they don’t have peace, and they aren’t joyful. I know what this is like because I used to be a miserable Christian. I was angry most of the time and very hard to get along with. I didn’t have any peace and I was not enjoying my life. When I finally became so tired of being miserable and was desperate to have peace, I cried out to God for help and got serious about my relationship with Him. I started really studying the Word and my life began to change. God has done so much in my life that I’m not remotely like the person I used to be! I’m still learning and growing in my faith every day, but it’s amazing how far I’ve come because of what God has done in me. Yellow One of my favorite scriptures is John 10:10, which says that the thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows). The Greek word for Life is Zoe, which means “life as God has it.” Think about that: life as God has it. What does it mean? Is God worried? Is He anxious about anything that’s happening in the world? Is He frightened? No! God is perfect and holy. He is always peaceful, joyful and confident. And He wants us to have this life through our relationship with Christ. CYAN I love what Luke 19:10 says: The Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost. Notice this doesn’t say “who was lost,” but “that which was lost.” Jesus came to save us from our sins and to restore whatever was lost. It could be the scars of childhood, something you missed out on, something that was stolen from you… Whatever needs to be restored to wholeness spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically, Jesus can bring healing to that part of your life. This shows us that God wants us to enjoy our lives and Jesus came to give us abundant life. And John 1:4 says, In [Jesus] was Life, and the Life was the Light of men. Magenta G od is the God of restoration and wholeness. We see it all throughout the Bible. John 3:16 says, God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (NKJV). Second Corinthians 5:17 says that as new creations in Christ, old things have passed away; behold all things have become new, and verse 21 says we become the righteousness of God in Christ. 6-9 Main Feature.indd 7 JAN/FEB 2015 // PAGE 7 // DOM 11/25/14 9:14 AM “ GOD HAS DONE SO MUCH IN MY LIFE T H AT I ’ M N O T R E M O T E LY LIKE THE PERSON I USED TO BE! The key to this radical transformation was discovering that the Word God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective… (Hebrews 4:12). John 1:1 tells us that Jesus is the Word of God. So when we spend time studying the Word, we’re spending time with God. He works in our hearts, making us more like Jesus in our thoughts, attitudes and behaviors. ” Now, I had read the Bible before this point, but I was doing it to fulfill a religious obligation, not to have a relationship with God. I would read a chapter a day, check it off my list, and I wouldn’t necessarily learn a thing. I needed to study the Word, not just gloss over it without really thinking about it. BLACK Study the Word 30 minutes a day for 30 days and let God change your life! Magenta CYAN So often we read the Bible and focus on quantity, not quality. But no matter how much Scripture you read, if you aren’t learning anything and acting on what you learn, it’s not going to do you any good. to allow Gods Word to permeate our hearts or we can’t have abundant life in Christ and live out God’s plans and purposes for us. Apart from Jesus, we can do nothing (John 15:5). But the best news is that God loves you unconditionally and He wants to help you. He wants you to be whole in Christ and enjoy the great life He’s planned for you. In His Word, you will find everything you need to discover restoration and wholeness…to be the person you were created to be. The key is studying the Bible and doing it consistently so you can continually grow in your relationship with God one day at a time. If you need help to get started studying God’s Word, we have some free resources for you on our website, like our 3030 Challenge and Everyday Study emails (joycemeyer.org/ biblestudy). They are simple approaches for you to get in the habit of daily Bible study or to go deeper in your relationship with God and His Word. I really want to encourage you to be diligent with your Bible study time, because God has so much more for us than we can get from just going to church once or twice a week and hearing someone else talk about the Word. When you spend time with God, your life will change in amazing ways, because God is a Redeemer. There’s nothing that’s too hard for Him, and He can make you whole—spirit, soul and body! It’s so important for us to understand that we need 3030 Challenge 30-Day Devotional, Joyce’s How to Study the Bible DVD and 3 Additional Teachings on DVD by Joyce Meyer Yellow $22 $28 Canada 8 JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2015 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 6-9 Main Feature.indd 8 JAN/FEB 2015 // PAGE 8 // DOM 11/25/14 9:15 AM TA B L E FO R TWO, PLEASE HOW LOVING GOD’S WORD BROUGHT HEALING, WHOLENESS & INTIMACY TO MY BROKEN SOUL I The Son of God saved my soul. The Word of God saved my mind. I shudder to think where my life would be had He not drawn me into a life-long pursuit of Him through tattered pages of Scripture. In the poetic words of Psalm 107:20, God sent forth His word and healed me. And it’s been the greatest ongoing adventure of my life. was 27 years old and I’d gotten myself into a mess, agreeing to substitute for a Sunday school teacher while she took a year off with a newborn. I was terrible. Each Saturday I’d go into a panic, trying to think of something to talk about in class; then I’d hunt like a madwoman for a scripture to go with it. It was like jumping into an ocean wearing a blindfold, looking to spear a puffer fish. I needed help. Bone-deep insecurity had plagued me since childhood and it continued until finally, I began to believe and receive to my marrow what God said He could do. Before this, I lived in a miserable cycle of defeat. My sin and bondage would always bring heartbreak, and I’d confess and repent with all the energy I had. But because I hadn’t allowed God to heal my wounded heart or yet believed I was who He said I was, sooner or later I’d fall back in. Then one Sunday I saw in our church bulletin that a Bible doctrine class was beginning soon and anyone could sign up. I had the distinct impression that God was yelling, “Woman, GO!” And then, one day and one page at a time, the Truth started sinking in. That’s why I’m like a dog gnawing on a bone in my unceasing insistence that anyone can live victoriously. But it doesn’t happen by proxy—nobody can do this for us. We’ve got to throw open our Bibles for ourselves and seek the face of Christ with all our hearts…to let the truth of Scripture scream louder to our souls than the megaphone of this culture. We’ve got to risk tear stains and smudges on the sacred pages until His words crash in on our raw and real lives. At 5:30 on the dot that very first evening, the teacher stepped up to the small podium, opened a Bible and taught what became the single most influential lesson of my life. Never had I seen anyone love the Scriptures like that! The man taught the Bible like it was life and breath to him. It wasn’t just discipline to this guy—it was sheer delight. Too mesmerized to take a single note, I got in the car that evening, burst into tears and said to Jesus, “I have no idea what that was, but I want it!” That very day, He struck a match against a stone and BLACK MOORE torched my heart with a love for the Bible that burned in my chest again this morning. CYAN BETH There’s a feast to be had for the hungry soul, and thank God, we have the lunchrooms of our churches. So much takes place in that corporate setting. But the finest dining on the Word of God occurs at a table for two. Magenta BY 6-9 Main Feature.indd 9 JAN/FEB 2015 // PAGE 9 // DOM Yellow Beth joins Joyce on the Enjoying Everyday Life broadcast January 5 and 19 to share more about how Bible study can change your life. Check your local TV listing for stations or visit joycemeyer.org/tvlistings. 11/25/14 9:38 AM T H E E V E R Y D AY L I F E B I B L E IN NEW VIBRANT COLORS NEED SOME DIRECTION... ENCOURAGEMENT... WISDOM FOR YOUR LIFE? MARCH 4, 2015 THE BIBLE CAN HELP. We celebrate the amazing power of prayer by setting aside a day just for you. EW N COLORS! B L ACK TURQUOISE FUCHSIA Includes Joyce’s notes to help you learn how to apply God loves you and He has good plans for you. And one of the greatest things we can ever do for you is pray for your life and your needs. We know you are probably praying earnestly for some things, and we want to join with you, believing for God to move in your life. While we have dedicated teams that pray for you every day, this is a special day set aside by our entire ministry staff to pray for specific needs you send in to the ministry. You can be a part by sending us your prayer requests online, then, join with us in prayer on March 4. When we come together, God promises that great things will happen! God’s Word to your life. We want to pray for you! O R D E R YO U R S T O D AY Submit your requests by March 4 at joycemeyer.org/prayer EVEN MORE CHOICES ONLINE! joycemeyer.org (800) 727-9673 | In Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 0115 10-13 Ads Namibia 3.indd 10 JAN/FEB 2015 // PAGE 10 // DOM 11/25/14 9:56 AM A BRIGHTER FUTURE REACHING A FORGOTTEN NATION BY INVESTING IN ITS GENERATIONS NAMIBIA At her pre-primary school and daycare in the capital city of Windhoek, Miss Erica sees the difference a little bit of love and a hot meal can make in a child’s life. Most of the children she cares for stay in tiny zinc houses with no electricity or running water, and Monday through Friday they’re traveling to the kindergarten from long distances. In fact, “It’s a very, very difficult situation for these children,” says Miss Erica, who runs the kindergarten. CYAN Along with physical nourishment, Miss Erica teaches them the Word of God with joy and passion, acting out Bible stories for the little ones. Full of hugs and outbursts of laughter, the children demonstrate what they have experienced in their teacher’s classroom — God’s extravagant love. “I like to tell them love is the most important thing,” Miss Erica says. “If you [don’t] have love in your heart, your heart is empty. … I tell them every day, ‘Jesus Christ loves us.’ … And really, I can see a lot of my children, they change a lot. They change, and they know about the Word of God.” HAND OF HOPE is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith. joycemeyer.org/handofhope EEL 0115 10-13 Ads Namibia 3.indd 11 BLACK But today, instead of scraping by on empty bellies, they return home full after eating a nutritious breakfast and lunch provided by the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Erica says many children who were once thin are now growing big and strong; sad, withdrawn children are now laughing and making friends. Magenta But at Joyce Meyer Ministries and our outreach arm, Hand of Hope, we firmly believe that if God opens the door to go help people, we want to be there. And when we heard about some exciting opportunities to invest in Namibia’s future, we were thrilled to join with others and be a part of what God is doing. Together, we’re reaching all generations in Namibia — the children through feeding programs, young adults through leadership training, and the rest of the population through a recent conference where Joyce shared the Gospel. without her school, most of the children would likely be on their own during the day and would go to bed hungry. JAN/FEB 2015 // PAGE 11 // DOM 11 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org 11/25/14 10:07 AM Yellow THE AFRICAN NATION OF NAMIBIA may be a country you haven’t heard much about. In fact, it’s often referred to as a “forgotten nation.” But it’s actually well-known for its vast sand dunes and Skeleton Coast. While it is a relatively large country in southern Africa, the population is fairly small. And as a result, the nation is often overlooked and the people don’t receive the help they so desperately need. Whether it’s a child attending a feeding program for the first time or a young leader finding new life in Christ, God knows the perfect timing for it all. And the opportunity for Joyce to share at our Festival of Life conference was no exception. For nearly 15 years, the Fouries, who also helped organize the Festival of Life, have been praying for transformation among believers across Christian denominations in their country. In addition to investing in the lives of children by providing more than 20 kindergartens in the greater Windhoek area with food and spiritual curriculum, Joyce Meyer Ministries, Hand of Hope is also partnering with a couple committed to seeing young leaders rise up to be the future in Namibia. Yellow Magenta CYAN BLACK About 400 students per year come through the leadershiptraining program at Dawie and Chrisna Fourie’s African Leadership Institute at Rock Lodge. Students age 15 to 20 come mostly from the rural north, where poverty is high, crime is rampant and education is a low priority. They spend four days at the rustic facility on a game farm learning teambuilding principles both in the classroom and outside through obstacle courses and wildernesssurvival exercises. They also visit the capital city, Windhoek, to see where their leaders are making laws and experience a large city for the first time. With a strong focus on discipleship, the students learn the key 12 JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2015 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 0115 10-13 Ads Namibia 3.indd 12 ingredients to becoming a lifechanging leader—integrity, attitude, planning and priorities. And because the African Leadership Institute uses the Bible as the basis for their teaching and Jesus as their example of true leadership, a number of the students also experience a personal relationship with Christ for the first time. Many of them will even go home and start discipleship programs in their own schools, mentoring others. Marceline, a student who lost both of her parents when she was little, is one such story. To add to the pain of her youth, when she was 15, she became pregnant, but her beautiful baby boy tragically died of complications when he was four days old. About one year after losing her son, Marceline was invited to attend the training at Rock Lodge. As she sat in on the first team devotional session, Marceline wept as she heard about the love of God for the very first time. In that moment, she decided to live for Christ, and today she is developing into a brilliant leader for this forgotten nation. “When this [conference] came along, we realized this may just be the event … to get everyone together so that there can [be] unity in the Church,” Chrisna says. With violence against women on the rise at an alarming rate, there’s been a real push by the Namibian government and church leaders to put an end to the abuse. During the conference, Joyce shared her story of overcoming sexual abuse and gave the women hope that with God’s help, they too can recover from a painful past and discover the life God has for them. Thank you for helping make it possible for us to share Christ with the generations in forgotten places like Namibia. The impact of the conference as well as the ongoing efforts to feed children and train leaders is setting the country up for a bright new future as Namibia is reached and not forgotten. Watch the Enjoying Everyday Life television broadcast February 6 for more stories of hope you’ve made possible in Namibia. Check your local TV listing for stations and program times in your area, or visit joycemeyer.org/tvlistings JAN/FEB 2015 // PAGE 12 // DOM 11/25/14 10:07 AM Whether with a friend or on-the-go, you can take Joyce with you EVERYWHERE YOU GO VI SI T JOYCEMEYER.ORG OR DOWNLOAD THE JOYCE MEYER MINISTRIES APP ON YOUR FAVORITE DEVICE Come be part of a oncein-a-lifetime experience! Lives will be changed, including your own. Sri Lanka (January 22–February 1) Niger (February 5–14) Togo (March 5–15) Haiti (April 25–May 2) Nicaragua (May 8–16) Madagascar (June5–14) joycemeyer.org/ medicalmissions July-December schedule coming soon. * Schedule is subject to change . Not only will God bring healing through your willingness to serve, these trips are sure to impact you as well. For more details, visit joycemeyer.org/medicalmissions. You can also email us at medicalmissions@joycemeyer.org or call (800) 707-7877 ext 3218. Yellow Throughout the year our medical and dental volunteers travel around the world to areas in great need to provide medical and dental care. Physicians, dentists, nurses, pharmacists and other medical professionals are needed. Jesus said to [him], “I will go and heal him.” MATTHEW 8:7 NCV EEL 0115 10-13 Ads Namibia 3.indd 13 JAN/FEB 2015 // PAGE 13 // DOM Magenta 2015 Trips* CYAN BLACK for today’s Enjoying Everyday Life program and Joyce’s Daily Devotional. 11/25/14 10:08 AM TV Schedule January All this month, join Joyce for her 3030 Challege DAILY BROADCAST WEEKLY BROADCAST PROGRAMS AIR DAILY, MONDAY — FRIDAY PROGRAMS AIR ONE DAY A WEEK JANUARY 5 — 9 JANUARY 4 — 10 Are your goals aligned with God’s goals? Are you and God working off the same calendar? Watch Monday, as Joyce and author Beth Moore discuss the importance of aligning our focus with God’s focus. Tuesday, compare your goal list to God’s, making sure you’re both heading in the same direction. On Wednesday and Thursday, learn how to develop the patience necessary to live by God’s timetable, not your own. Friday, Joyce has a special lesson on how to study the Bible. This month, Joyce is challenging her viewers to study the Bible 30 minutes a day for 30 days. Discover how you can accept this challenge and jumpstart your understanding of God’s Word. PRIORITIES AND PURSUITS A 30-DAY CHALLENGE JANUARY 11 — 17 MODERN-DAY SLAVERY JANUARY 12 — 16 SELF-CONFIDENCE The week begins with a special episode detailing the horrors of human trafficking and what you can do to help save those enslaved.* Tuesday, get rid of self-righteousness and a judgmental attitude. Wednesday and Thursday, focus on developing the self-confidence God wants you to have as His child. Friday, Joyce invites you to join her 3030 Challenge Bible Study. Human trafficking is a very real problem in our world and is growing larger by the day. Discover today what you can do to take a stand and help save lives.* JANUARY 18 — 24 PRIORITIES AND PURSUITS JANUARY 19 — 23 BLACK WHAT ABOUT ME? CYAN This week, Joyce challenges viewers to remember God’s “bigness.” Whether it’s in your prayers or daily life, remember what a powerful God you serve, who has no limitations on what He can do in your life. Joyce is joined on Monday by author Beth Moore. They discuss the importance of seeking God for who He is, not just for what He can do. Wednesday, Joyce responds to viewer questions about the 3030 Challenge. Yellow Magenta JANUARY 26 — 30 INTIMACY WITH GOD Joyce and author Beth Moore discuss the importance of focusing our inner lives on those things important to God. JANUARY 25 — 31 EXCELLENCE AND INTEGRITY God calls His people to live to a higher standard of excellence and integrity than the rest of the world tolerates. Find out how. On Monday and Tuesday, discover how you can develop a closer, more intimate relationship with your Heavenly Father. Wednesday and Thursday, Joyce teaches how you can break down barriers to seeking God. Friday, discover how getting closer to God will bring greater success in the battles you face. 14 JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2015 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 0115 BP Bonus1 Partner 103114.indd 14 JAN/FEB 2015 // PAGE 14 // DOM 11/25/14 10:33 AM FOR STATIONS AND PROGRAM TIMES IN YOUR AREA, check your local TV listing or visit joycemeyer.org/tvlistings . Watch the Enjoying Everyday Life broadcast anytime you like at joycemeyer.org. Schedules are subject to change. *TBN will receive alternate programming. February DAILY BROADCAST WEEKLY BROADCAST PROGRAMS AIR DAILY, MONDAY — FRIDAY PROGRAMS AIR ONE DAY A WEEK FEBRUARY 2 — 6 FEBRUARY 1 — 7 THE POWER OF WORDS Monday through Thursday, discover the connection between what you think and what you say. Friday’s* program shares stories from the recent outreach trip to Namibia in Africa. FEBRUARY 9 — 13 THE JOY AND POWER OF GIVING Just as we wouldn’t inhale without exhaling, we shouldn’t just receive gifts without giving. Discover how giving to others increases the joy in your life. SOUL POISONS AND ANTIDOTES Find out the winning strategies for spiritual warfare. Monday and Tuesday, learn about some common weapons the enemy employs and how we can defeat them with God’s help. On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Joyce reminds you that, even though the enemy may have evil intentions for your life, the power and authority of the Holy Spirit within you is more than enough to defeat anything he throws at you. FEBRUARY 8 — 14 GETTING PAST YOUR PAST Jesus paid the complete debt for your sins. Feeling guilty and negative about yourself isn’t required. FEBRUARY 15 — 21 IT’S TIME TO INVEST IN YOURSELF SELF-CENTERED This week, discover the dangers of living life focused on self instead of God. On Tuesday and Wednesday, Joyce throws a blanket on any pity parties you might have planned. Thursday and Friday, move yourself out of the center of your life and allow God to live there. When you commit ALL of yourself to God, you can then become whole in Him. This week, find out how. BLACK FEBRUARY 16 — 20 FEBRUARY 22 — 28 A NEW WAY OF LIVING LIVING COURAGEOUSLY FREE ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE PODCASTS JOYCEMEYER.ORG/PODCASTS EEL 0115 BP Bonus1 Partner 103114.indd 15 JAN/FEB 2015 // PAGE 15 // DOM 15 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org 11/25/14 10:33 AM Yellow Magenta Monday through Thursday, learn how to tell fear “goodbye” and start living the glorious life God has planned for you. On Friday, Joyce offers a detailed study of Colossians 3. Joyce explains the meaning of salvation in Christ and how the Christian life is about relationship, not religion. CYAN FEBRUARY 23 — 27 PSSST! BLACK DRAW NEAR TO GOD’S PRESENCE FOR PEACE, JOY AND TRUE SATISFACTION Yellow Magenta CYAN BY J OYC E M EY E R EEL 0115 BP Bonus1 Partner 103114.indd 16 JAN/FEB 2015 // PAGE 16 // DOM 11/25/14 10:33 AM Seek is a strong word. It means to crave, pursue, and go after something with all of your might. Many people want a greater relationship with God, but they don’t crave and pursue Him or lay aside other things in order to have it. I love Psalm 16:11. It says, You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy, at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. The Lord desires for us to live with His joy—to be permanently, consis- YOU ARE AS CLOSE TO GOD AS YOU WANT TO BE It’s obvious that some people are closer to God than others. They talk as if they know Him personally and enthusiastically share stories about what He’s doing in their lives. Why is this? Does God have favorites? No! The Bible teaches that we—not God— determine our own level of intimacy with Him. We have all been extended the open invitation to …fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace… (Hebrews 4:16). At this moment, each one of us is as close to God as we choose to be. In fact, I believe there are levels of intimacy that we can choose to have with Him. For example, look at those who spent time with Jesus… We know that Jesus appointed at least seventy people to travel ahead of Him to every city He went (see Luke 10:1). From the seventy, Jesus chose twelve disciples to share a deeper level of intimacy with Him, and out of the twelve there were three—Peter, James and John—who accompanied Jesus into special situations the others didn’t share. But of these three who were closest to Him, only John felt comfortable enough to rest his 17 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org EEL 0115 BP Bonus1 Partner 103114.indd 17 JAN/FEB 2015 // PAGE 17 // DOM 11/25/14 10:39 AM BLACK Psalm 27:4 has become one of the foundational scriptures of my life. It says, One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek, inquire for, and [insistently] require: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord [in His presence] all the days of my life, to behold and gaze upon the beauty [the sweet attractiveness and the delightful loveliness] of the Lord and to meditate, consider, and inquire in His temple. The truth is everything we need to live a joyful, successful life is waiting for us in His presence. The choice is up to us… CYAN I was a Christian for several years before I understood that enjoying true peace and fulfillment is the most important thing in life. It’s something that goes far beyond happiness to a deeper joy, regardless of our circumstances. And no matter what we own, where we go, or what we do, only one thing can give us this true satisfaction—God. tently satisfied. This all comes from spending quality time with God... from reading and studying His Word, talking to Him in prayer, or simply sitting quietly in His presence. Magenta in a lot of places. They look to things like relationships, money, vacations, houses, clothes, and even open doors of opportunity. Yet, while these things can bring a degree of excitement for a period of time, happiness is based on what is happening “in the moment.” Yellow People search for happiness head on Jesus’ chest as he listened to the Lord teach. So, Jesus had seventy acquaintances, twelve disciples, three close friends, and one who loved Him like a brother. Jesus loved them all, and they all loved Jesus, but not everyone was willing to make the same level of commitment as those who entered into a more intimate relationship with Him. When it comes down to it, I believe experiencing intimacy with God is a matter of time. It’s easy to use “I’m so busy” as an excuse. But if the Lord is the most important relationship in our lives, then He should also have that place of importance in our schedule. Not everybody is willing to pay the price it takes to be close to God. However, for those who are willing to invest the time—for those who are willing to treat their relationship with God as a vital necessity—there is a greater reward than they ever imagined. PUTTING FIRST THINGS FIRST The Next Move Is Yours Our commitment to spend time with God is as serious as any commitment we will ever make. BLACK The Lord says in Psalm 27:8, Seek my face [inquire for and require My presence as your vital need]. In Jeremiah 29:13 He promises, Then you will seek Me, inquire for, and require Me [as a vital necessity] and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. CYAN I love these scriptures! They tell us that we should require God as a vital necessity in life…something we can’t live without. I’ll never forget the example He gave me several years ago: Magenta Knowing God Intimately One Saturday my husband, Dave, and I invited my aunt and uncle out for dinner, but they couldn’t go because my uncle had to charge his pacemaker that day. At first, I didn’t understand why they couldn’t go. I asked my aunt, “Well, can’t he just charge his pacemaker tomorrow?” She said, “Joyce, he won’t be here tomorrow if he doesn’t charge his pacemaker today.” If my uncle didn’t take time to charge his pacemaker, his heart would stop beating. It was a vital necessity for him to keep his appointment. This is the way we should view our time with God! The quality of our life is greatly affected by the time we spend with Him, and it should have a place of priority in our schedule. Years ago, I would only seek God when I was “desperate.” But one day the Lord spoke to my heart and said, “Joyce, if you would always seek Me like you were desperate, then you wouldn’t have so many desperate situations.” Friend, I encourage you to think of your time with God as a vital necessity. Don’t just seek Him when it’s convenient or when life gets rough, but make this time a regular part of your day. If need be, put it on your calendar and treat it like an appointment you simply can’t miss. As you do, you’ll reap a harvest of peace, joy, and true satisfaction…and begin to see changes in your life that will simply amaze you. Adapted from “Knowing God Intimately” by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2003 by Joyce Meyer. Reprinted Paperback by Joyce Meyer My uncle, who is now home with the Lord, had a pacemaker in is heart that had to be charged on a regular basis. $15 $19 Canada by permission of FaithWords, a division of Hachette Book Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Yellow Also available in Spanish (Paperback) $14 18 JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2015 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 0115 BP Bonus1 Partner 103114.indd 18 JAN/FEB 2015 // PAGE 18 // DOM 11/25/14 10:39 AM NG SHARI T, CHRIS LOVING E PEOPL SUSHILA L. CANADA Because she wants other PARTNER SINCE 2012 HELPING OTHERS did not always come naturally for Charity Jackson, but that has all changed. “…My heart has been softened and it has become more of a servant heart,” says Charity. Something she says she desperately needed. Soon after leaving the Christian home she grew up in, Charity began to rebel. Surviving many obstacles, including sexual abuse, rape, domestic violence and drug addiction, the one blow that completely devastated her was the death of her grandmother. She says, “The loss of my grandmother, who was my best friend, pushed me to the point of no return.” After attempting suicide, Charity cried out to God and He rescued her from the darkness that was swallowing her. Soon after, she started watching Joyce’s program on a regular basis and began to understand how the Bible applies to her life and how she can help others. Jesus — Sushila became a partner with Joyce Meyer Ministries. Her partnership gives her the chance to share the good news of Jesus Christ with people all over the world. Sushila says, “It’s not about how much you’re giving. It’s about the heart you are giving it with…. If you can bring anything, that amount will help somebody, somewhere.” For more information about how you can be a part, check out joycemeyer.org/partnership Yellow Helping others is now a part of Charity’s everyday life through her partnership with Joyce Meyer Ministries. Volunteering her time at the Joyce Meyer Ministries Love Life Women’s Conference and traveling to Hand of Hope, Joyce Meyer Ministries outreaches as a dental volunteer, along with giving financially are ways Charity says she feels like she is a part of what’s happening around the world. deeper relationship with BLACK Pleasant Hope, MO she is experiencing — a CYAN Charity Jackson people to experience what Magenta “Because of my partnership, I help save lives all around the world whether I am physically able to go there or not.” JAN/FEB 2015 // PAGE 19 // DOM EEL 0115 BP Bonus1 Partner 103114.indd 19 11/25/14 10:39 AM “ Studying the Word is extremely valuable. The Bible is our instruction book for life! – Joyce The key to experiencing everything God has for you in His Word is studying it—every day— and applying its timeless principles to your life. We’re here for you and want to help you get into the Bible study habit or keep your momentum going… NEED A OR MAYBE YOU’RE READY TO JUMP-START? GO DEEPER... Take the 3030 Challenge! Study the Word 30 minutes a day for 30 days and see how God changes your life! When you sign up, you’ll receive your choice of daily or weekly emails to give you encouragement each day of the Challenge. Have a lifestyle that’s centered on your relationship with God and His Word. Sign up to receive weekly emails with encouragement from Joyce and study suggestions that will help you live the life every day! WHATEVER PLAN YOU CHOOSE, EACH EMAIL WILL GIVE YOU… • Promises from God’s Word • Tips on How and What to Study • Words of Encouragement from Joyce • Reminders of the Benefits of Studying • Video/Audio Clips and Articles of the Bible Joyce’s Teaching Don’t settle for scratching the surface of the Bible. Get the most you can out of your time studying God’s Word. SIGN UP NOW! joycemeyer.org/biblestudy EEL 0115 20-23 3030 HT Calendar.indd 20 JAN/FEB 2015 // PAGE 20 // DOM 11/25/14 10:22 AM SHE STILL HAS HOPE BY ERIN CLULEY SHE DOESN’T CRY ANYMORE. It’s just easier to be numb than to think about the repugnant place she calls home. To think about the 28th customer that day who is about to walk into her dingy room. Little food and minimal sleep, she is isolated and has nothing. It’s just easier to be numb. But the pain is so real. The tormenting thoughts that cloud her mind in the brief moments she has to rest leave her even more exhausted. How did she get here? She longed to make a good life for herself, but instead, she is raped, beaten and forced to live in deplorable conditions. Conditions she wouldn’t wish upon even her greatest enemy. She should be celebrating her 14th birthday with her friends, cake, balloons, and presents. The smell. The dirt. Grime that may not be seen by the naked eye, but the kind that even ten showers can’t wash off. The residue etched on her soul that can only be explained by one thing. She is a victim of human trafficking. 21 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org EEL 0115 20-23 3030 HT Calendar.indd 21 JAN/FEB 2015 // PAGE 21 // DOM 11/25/14 10:23 AM CYAN Magenta For the fortunate one who is able to escape, the tragedy is far from over. She is left broken with scars that can’t be easily erased. Scars so deep that only God can heal her from the memories she has tried to bury for so long. The only way to have Yellow THERE IS AN ESTIMATED 20.9 MILLION VICTIMS OF FORCED SEXUAL LABOR GLOBALLY. FROM REMOTE VILLAGES IN ETHIOPIA TO MAJOR HIGHWAY CITIES LIKE ST. LOUIS, NO PLACE IS SAFE. BLACK This unimaginable existence is a reality for millions. There is an estimated 20.9 million victims of forced sexual labor globally. From remote villages in Ethiopia to major highway cities like St. Louis, no place is safe. Human trafficking is one of the largest organized crimes in our world today, with an estimated $39 billion annually generated from these girls and boys who have had their childhood ripped away. complete restoration is through an encounter with our heavenly Father, the one who created her for a purpose. A life that may have been sidetracked, but not forgotten. Isaiah 61:3 says that God will give us beauty for our ashes, joy for our mourning, and praise for our heavy, burdened and failing spirit. He has called us to be “oaks of righteousness [lofty, strong, and magnificent, distinguished for uprightness, justice, and right standing with God].” Only God can take our brokenness and put the pieces back together to make something beautiful. Despite everything her feelings are screaming at her, God can go into the darkest places of a girl’s broken heart and make something lovely and new. Now look at verse 1. God is calling us to be a part of the solution. “…The Lord has anointed and qualified me to preach the Gospel of good tidings to the meek, the poor, and afflicted; He has sent me to bind up and heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the [physical and spiritual] captives and the opening of the prison and of the eyes to those who are bound.” How could we play a part in ending something so big? For most of us, our first reaction is to physically go in and rescue the victims ourselves. While we all can’t knock down the doors, we do have a role to play. Here are a few steps you can take to make a difference: Pray for the victims Get equipped by learning more about human trafficking Spread the word to your family and friends Magenta CYAN BLACK Volunteer and donate to organizations that are working to combat human trafficking January is Human Trafficking Awareness month, a time when people all over the country will be focused on stopping this industry in its tracks. Joyce Meyer Ministries sees this need and is doing what they can to bring the restoration and love of Christ to those trapped. We are partnering with: • A21 to rescue women in Eastern Europe (Greece, Ukraine and Bulgaria) • LA Dream Center rescue home • The Gabrielle House in Thailand • Crisis Aid International’s two rescue homes in Ethiopia • The She Rescue Home in Cambodia • Prem Kiran Transformation Center in India She may be broken and alone, but she still has hope! Go online to joycemeyer.org/handofhope and see how you can make a difference to a victim of trafficking today. Yellow “The Problem.” The A21 Campaign. https://neutrinodata.s3.amazonaws.com/ a21/userimages/TheProblem-2014.pdf The A21 Campaign. http://www.thea21campaign.org/content/the-facts/gjekag “New ILO Global Estimate of Forced Labour: 20:9 million victims.” International Labour Organization. http://www.ilo.org/global/about-the-ilo/newsroom/ news/WCMS_182109/lang--en/index.htm EEL 0115 20-23 3030 HT Calendar.indd 22 JAN/FEB 2015 // PAGE 22 // DOM 11/25/14 10:23 AM BLACK CYAN Magenta EEL 0115 20-23 3030 HT Calendar.indd 23 JAN/FEB 2014 // PAGE 23 // DOM 11/25/14 10:25 AM Yellow 23 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org The Scooter Story IT’S TIME TO GET BACK UP AND TRY AGAIN BY CRAIG GROESCHEL BLACK I HAVE TWO SONS, two young warriors—Sam and Stephen. Helping them become the warriors God wants them to be has not been without its challenges. Yellow Magenta CYAN Years ago, late in the springtime, several of us were playing together outside. I put Sam (who was two years old) on a scooter, and I taught him to do something that I shouldn’t have. Starting out at the top of our driveway, I demonstrated how to coast down, down, faster and faster, all the way to the bottom. I did it a couple of times to show him how. Then he tried it, and he was doing great. (A chip off the old block, I thought proudly.) But what began as the time of his life ended abruptly in a broken femur. I still remember that horrible sound. That crack! seemed to echo infinitely, and Sam shrieked in agony. He endured incredible pain, and my foolish fathering cost him six weeks in a full-body cast, and it was another two weeks after that before he could walk again. The whole event was, to say the least, traumatic. While we were at the hospital, my wife Amy told me, “I want you to throw that scooter away. Burn it. I don’t ever want to see it again as long as I live.” 24 JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2015 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 24-25 Craig.indd 24 JAN/FEB 2015 // PAGE 24 // DOM 11/25/14 10:45 AM ABOUT CRAIG Born and raised: Houston, TX One day I was outside and Sam approached me, very serious, and said, “Daddy, I’m weady.” And so he got on. And he was crying. And then I was crying. And my girls were off somewhere tattling. Through our tears, I took this little warrior on just a little circle, a very safe ride. He jumped off, and though he had managed to stop shaking, now he was sobbing. “Daddy! I did it! I did it! Daddy! Did you see me?” “Yeah, son! You did it. You did it.” “God made us warriors so that we’d fight our fears, learn from our mistakes, and live to fight another day.” “You’re ready for what, Sam?” I wondered if I’d forgotten to take him somewhere—a doctor’s appointment or a friend’s house. The little warrior rode again. He had to. It’s integral to the way he was made. God didn’t make us to be warriors so that we’d be perfect; he made us to be warriors so that we’d fight our fears, learn from our mistakes, and live to fight another day. Adapted from “Fight” by Craig Groeschel. Copyright © 2013 by Craig Groeschel. Reprinted by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. Craig’s favorite scripture: Acts 20:24 Favorite things to do: A father of six, Craig loves spending time with his children, regularly attending soccer games, piano and dance recitals. He also enjoys playing tennis, working out, and reading books on leadership and business. Why we love him: He is passionate about helping people become fully devoted to Jesus. Great news: Craig will be a guest speaker at our 2015 Women’s Conference September 17-19 in St. Louis! SEE CRAIG LIVE at our 2015 Women’s Conference. Register today at joycemeyer.org/lovelife. 24-25 Craig.indd 25 JAN/FEB 2015 // PAGE 25 // DOM 11/25/14 10:45 AM BLACK After awhile I eased up. “Well, you just tell Daddy when you’re ready again.” Weeks passed. Months. Finally, I had forgotten about it, put it out of my mind. He looked up at me through his tears and said something I’ll remember for the rest of my life: “No, Daddy. I have to ride it. Today.” Did you know? Lifechurch.tv created YouVersion—the world’s most popular Bible app. CYAN A few months later, once Sam was all put back together again, I casually asked him from time to time, “Sam, are you ready to ride the scooter again?” And every time, he cried and ran away from me. “No, Daddy! That scooter broke my leg!” My jaw dropped, and I stared at my little man, wide-eyed. Then I headed for the garage. The girls bolted, yelling, “We’re gonna tell Mom!” We had to act fast. Sam took hold of the scooter handles. As he headed toward the top of the driveway, he started first to cry, then to shake. I put my hand on his and said, “Buddy, look, you don’t have to do this today.” Magenta Second Timothy 1:7 says God has not given us a spirit of fear. As terrible as I felt for what happened, I knew we weren’t done with the scooter. I knew that one day my mighty warrior Sam would have to face his fear. You probably won’t be surprised to hear that Amy disagreed. Emphatically. “I’m weady to wide the cootuh.” Yellow My girls were afraid of the scooter because of “what it had done to Sam.” Bad scooter. Bad! We hate scooters! Whenever my wife or kids walked through the garage, they gave the cursed instrument of evil a wide berth so it wouldn’t attack them and break their legs. Everyone—especially Sam—wanted me to get rid of it. I declined. Founder and Pastor of: Lifechurch.tv, which meets in locations around the U.S. and has a global audience online. BLACK CYAN Magenta Yellow 26-31 Bonus America MML CT CC2014.indd 26 JAN/FEB 2015 // PAGE 26 // DOM 11/25/14 10:32 AM BY J OYC E M E Y E R Proverbs 15:23 says, A word spoken at the right moment—how good it is! God has given us the ability to bless, encourage, praise, sing and worship with our words. But the human tongue can be tamed by no man. It is a restless (undisciplined, irreconcilable) evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless the Lord and Father, and with it we curse men who were made in God’s likeness! (James 3:8-9). Our words can do severe damage to our relationships, our careers and the world around us. But here’s the good news: With the help of the Holy Spirit, Here are a few tips to help you train your tongue and shape your life: 1. USE YOUR WORDS TO BLESS. Our words have the power to bless or curse. Proverbs 18:21 says, Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it [for death or life]. We need to pay close attention to the way we talk about ourselves. People who have not disciplined their mouths say some of the most 27 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org 26-31 Bonus America MML CT CC2014.indd 27 JAN/FEB 2015 // PAGE 27 // DOM 11/25/14 10:33 AM BLACK ful gift of speech? CYAN about God’s wonder- they can also do great good. God can give us the wisdom we need to control our tongues and learn to speak lifegiving words that reflect the love of Christ and what His Word says. Magenta But too often our mouths—and a tiny instrument called the tongue—get us into trouble. If you have an “unbridled” tongue—and I struggled for years in this area—there’s no end to the havoc you can create in your own life and the lives of people around you. Yellow Have you ever thought awful things about themselves: “I can’t do anything right. Nothing ever works out for me. Nobody loves me…” Instead of speaking out of our feelings or circumstances, we need to say the same thing that God says about us in His Word. One of the first things I say when I get up in the morning is “God, I bless this day in Jesus’ name. I bless my husband, children, grandchildren and myself in Jesus’ name. I’m blessed when I come in and blessed when I go out.” The Power of Words Action Plan 2. BE THANKFUL AND SAY SO. Your words have tremendous power to impact the world around you. These teachings can help you discover countless ways to encourage, uplift and empower others by speaking words of faith and truth. Psalm 100:4 says we should “be thankful and say so.” Tell people you’re thankful for what they do for you—and thank God for everything. Take a few minutes every day and thank God for everything you can think of—your family, your health, food, hot water… God has given us a mouth to glorify Him! Yellow 3. ENCOURAGE, EDIFY AND BUILD OTHERS UP. Encouraging THIS ACTION PLAN INCLUDES: people has not always come easy to me, but years ago I made a commitment to God to start doing it on purpose. Every day I ask the Holy Spirit to show me who I can encourage. 4 TEACHINGS ON CD PLUS BONUS DVD RDS THE OF WO PERSONAL STUDY GUIDE SCRIPTURE CARDS Isaiah 50:4 says, [The Servant of God says] The Lord God has given Me the tongue of a disciple and of one who is taught, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary. THE POWER OF WORDS ACTION PLAN Magenta CYAN BLACK When I have my blessing session every morning, I take time to thank God for working in my life. One thing I’ve learned is when we’re waiting for a breakthrough, we need to thank Him for working on that situation behind the scenes. I also thank God for my husband, children and grandchildren as well as all of our partners and all of the people who work with us in spreading the Gospel. $39 | $50 Canada Think about the people you already know you’re going to be around and ask God to put something in your heart that you can say to them that will build them up. 4. TELL THE TRUTH. The Bible says in John 4 that true worshipers will worship God in spirit and in truth. If you’re waiting for a promotion from God, then you need to be committed to the truth. Proverbs 23:23 says, Buy the truth and sell it not. Holding on to the truth might mean losing a friend or your reputation. If you’re going to be committed to the truth, there will be times when you’ll have to make a sacrifice. Hang on to it no matter what it costs you. It is so rewarding—the Bible says then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free (John 8:32 NIV). 5. SPEAK THE WORD OF GOD. Jeremiah 23:28-29 says, He who has My word, let him speak My word faithfully. … Is not My word like fire [that consumes all that cannot endure the test]? says the Lord, and like a hammer that breaks in pieces the rock [of most stubborn resistance]? Keep hitting your problems with the hammer of God’s Word. Speak the Word out loud faithfully. It’ll break the hardest things you’re facing into pieces. 6. DON’T TALK TOO MUCH. A lot of times, we just need to be quiet. Proverbs 10:19 says, In a multitude of words transgression is not lacking, but he who restrains his lips is prudent. I think it’s interesting that we have two eyes, two ears, two nostrils—and only one mouth. We need to be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to get angry. Galatians 5:16 says if you walk by the Spirit you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. If you’ll concentrate on God’s goodness, and encourage others along the way, you will experience more joy. God loves you so much, and with His help you can control your tongue and be led by the Spirit daily. Adapted from the Power of Words Action Plan Personal Application Workbook. Copyright © 2014 by Joyce Meyer Ministries. 28 JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2015 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 26-31 Bonus America MML CT CC2014.indd 28 JAN/FEB 2015 // PAGE 28 // DOM 11/25/14 10:33 AM A M E R I C A AT I T S best Leading the Way REMEMBERING THE INDISPENSIBLE LEADERSHIP OF GEORGE WASHINGTON BY DAVE MEYER Months earlier, when Congress convened to pick a leader, they realized On many occasions, the men would discover their General on his knees in prayer in secluded wooded areas. The winter of 1777—1778 proved to be one of the most important in our nation’s history. It was literally the turning point of the American Revolution. The crucible at Valley Forge is where our military received their greatest training for the looming battles ahead. It is where they adopted the courage and perseverance of their leader, General Washington. Amidst overwhelming circumstances, the Lord used George Washington to help 29 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org 26-31 Bonus America MML CT CC2014.indd 29 JAN/FEB 2015 // PAGE 29 // DOM BLACK It’s hard to say if any other man could have led our army through the trials at Valley Forge. In the midst of horrible suffering, he remained tremendously popular with the troops, often traveling through the camp to talk and offer encouragement. They knew his heart was for his soldiers. He was more than their commander...he was their rock, a quiet man who demonstrated strength and wisdom. Although sometimes criticized, Washington never hid his belief in Jesus Christ. He even ordered church services to be held every Sunday and commanded his troops to regularly observe days of thanksgiving, prayer and fasting. CYAN However, in the midst of the pain, the hunger and the cold, something amazing happened: None of the men complained or deserted the camp. It certainly wasn’t because of the pay they would receive—it was already four to five months past due. Why did they stay? Because of General Washington. Washington was unanimously chosen. He accepted the position but declared he would serve without pay. Washington regularly sought God’s help and trusted in Him for success. In a letter to his friend Reverend William Gordon, he declared: “No man has a more perfect reliance on the all-wise and powerful dispensation of the Supreme Being than I have, nor thinks his aid more necessary.”2 Magenta Yes, they were fighting the Redcoats. But they also fought hunger and sickness. Of the eleven thousand men, very few were properly equipped for the long winter ahead. Some lacked coats, while others literally walked barefoot through the snow. Food was also scarce, and most days they simply went hungry. By Spring, one in four soldiers actually died from the flu, smallpox, typhus, or exposure. the troops needed a sober head and a steady hand. John Adams and Ben Franklin—two of the most persuasive members of Congress—already knew their choice. It was Washington, the only qualified man who didn’t want the job. This was partly what they loved about him. He was humble, selfless, and avoided the spotlight.1 11/25/14 10:35 AM Yellow IT WAS DECEMBER 1777. The Continental Army had just lost a key battle to the British, and General Washington and his men began settling in their new camp at Valley Forge. A M E R I C A AT I T S best establish our independence and secure the beginning of the most free and prosperous nation the world has ever seen.3 More than a decade later, with the Constitution in place, Congress once again convened to pick a leader, but this time for the presidency. When the electors gathered, only one name was put forward—the obvious choice. UPCOMING George Washington left Mount Vernon and reached New York in time to be inaugurated on April 30, 1789. Prior to the ceremony, he requested a Bible. As he stepped out onto the outdoor balcony of Federal Hall, he placed his right hand on the open book and took the oath of office, adding his own words—“So help me God”—at the end.4 Enjoy four unique teachings, inspiring worship, and a faith-filled atmosphere where anything is possible. Take some time away— your life may never be the same! He then stepped inside to deliver his inaugural address, including these now-famous words: “It would be peculiarly improper to omit, in this first official act, my fervent supplication to that Almighty Being, who rules over the universe... that His benediction may consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the people of the United States.”5 For the next eight years, Washington led the country much like he led his troops—with strength, wisdom, character…and dependence on Almighty God. Today, George Washington continues to be celebrated and honored. Almost 250 years later, he is still regarded as one of the greatest leaders in American history. President’s Day—February 16, 2015 In 1971, our government designated the third Monday in February to celebrate all U.S. presidents—past and present. However, on February 22—George Washington’s actual birthday—his farewell address is still read aloud on the Senate floor, upholding a 152-year tradition. Yellow PHOENIX, AZ FEB 19-21 ORLANDO, FL MAR 12-14 HAMPTON, VA MAR 26-28 COLUMBIA, SC APR 9-11 LOUISVILLE, KY APR 23-25 GRAND RAPIDS, MI JUNE 4-6 LONG BEACH, CA JUL 30AUG 1 ATLANTA, GA AUG 13-15 HERSHEY, PA AUG 27-29 ST. LOUIS, MO Love Life Women’s Conference SEP 17-19 joycemeyer.org/lovelife *For ladies only. Registration is required. TACOMA, WA OCT 15-17 SAN ANTONIO, TX OCT 29-31 HOUSTON, TX NOV 12-14 LONDON, ENGLAND APR 30-MAY 2 and MAY 4-5 PARIS, FRANCE MAY 8 ROTTERDAM, NETHERLANDS MAY 9 For more information, visit joycemeyer.org/Europe2015 America’s Providential History Magenta CYAN BLACK 1. Peter Marshall and David Manuel, The Light and the Glory (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Flemming H. Revell, 1992), page 355. 2. Ibid. p.358. 3. Mark A. Beliles & Stephen K. McDowell, America’s Providential History (Charlottesville, VA Providence Foundation, 1989), page 157. 4. See note 1, p. 440. 5. Ibid. conferences Paperback by Mark A. Beliles and Stephen K. McDowell $18.95 30 GREAT PE FUN AND LOTS OF JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2015 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 26-31 Bonus America MML CT CC2014.indd 30 voluntRKNeSer volunteer@joycemeyer.org (800) 707-7877 x3517 Get the complete schedule and details you need to plan your trip at joycemeyer.org/conference. Spanish translation will be available at some locations; please check online for more information. Interpretation for the deaf and hard of hearing will be provided. No registration required. Schedule is subject to change. JAN/FEB 2015 // PAGE 30 // DOM 11/25/14 2:05 PM filled way— -21 2-14 6-28 11 3-25 4-6 0- -15 7-29 -19 -17 BLACK 9-31 -14 Magenta facebook.com/joycemeyerministries joycemeyer.org/ conference twitter.com/joycemeyer (866) SEE - JOYCE 26-31 Bonus America MML CT CC2014.indd 31 JAN/FEB 2015 // PAGE 31 // DOM 11/25/14 10:36 AM Yellow at some n for red. CYAN -5 8 9 GOD’S word MADE PERSONAL The Power of Encouragement “Encouraging words add physical strength to people. We need to encourage one another. Spend time thinking about what life is like for somebody else. Ask God, Who can I encourage today? How can I build someone up?” —Joyce Read: Deuteronomy 7:13; 33:29; Psalm 72:17; Galatians 6:10 Acts of encouragement appear hundreds of times throughout the Scriptures. We need to stay busy loving God and building each other up. Why does God encourage us? Why is it important for us to bring joy to others? Finally, brethren, farewell (rejoice)! Be strengthened (perfected, completed, made what you ought to be); be encouraged and consoled and comforted; be of the same [agreeable] mind one with another; live in peace, and [then] the God of love [Who is the Source of affection, goodwill, love, and benevolence toward men] and the Author and Promoter of peace will be with you. –Philippians 1:6 (MSG) List some uplifting words you can speak over yourself and the people you care about. ACTION STEP Read: John 13:34; 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 Yellow Magenta CYAN BLACK As the hope of God’s Word sinks into our hearts, we begin to move beyond our own needs, and our desire to speak love and encouragement to others grows. Think about the people God puts in your path each day. Who do you know who could use a little extra joy today? Write down their names and ask God to bring to your mind words of encouragement to share with them: This is an adaptation from the Power of Words Action Plan Personal Application Workbook. Copyright © 2014 by Joyce Meyer Ministries. 32 JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2015 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 32-35 Scipture RLP WC15.indd 32 JAN/FEB 2015 // PAGE 32 // DOM 11/25/14 10:28 AM real life P E R S P E C T I V E S Real Stories About the Real, LifeChanging Impact of the Bible Stephanie shared her story in an email after taking the challenge for a few weeks. BLACK CYAN Magenta Joyce knows about this from personal experience. And it’s one reason she was inspired to start the 3030 Challenge: a 30-day commitment to study the Bible 30 minutes a day. It’s been truly amazing to hear about how people have been impacted in lifechanging ways simply through studying the Bible every day. “[This challenge] came at a tough time in my life. I had just separated from my husband of 19 years. After learning of his lies and infidelity, my heart broke and the pain of the betrayal was overwhelming. I found myself unable to do anything but cry; I could barely function to take care of our two children still at home. I couldn’t pray, I couldn’t read my Bible…I had no desire to. I knew God was the only way I was going to make it through, but He felt so distant and I felt lost. I couldn’t hear His voice anymore. Then some weeks later, I saw your challenge on Facebook. I decided to do it as a starting point to help me get back into God’s Word. Today, I am back to studying God’s Word and am once again able to hear His voice and gain revelation through it. God is healing my heart and strengthening me as I continue to seek His presence and guidance daily.” Since then Stephanie has shared that while she’s still going through the struggles a broken 33 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org 32-35 Scipture RLP WC15.indd 33 JAN/FEB 2015 // PAGE 33 // DOM 11/25/14 10:29 AM Yellow INFIDELITY, BROKENNESS, CONFUSION, LACK OF LOVE AND IDENTITY...common issues that so many face. The effects are discouraging and destructive. But there is hope! No matter what the circumstance or need may be, God gives us that hope in His Word. real life P E R S P E C T I V E S “Today, I am back to studying God’s Word and am once again able to hear His voice and gain revelation through it. God is healing my heart and strengthening me as I continue to seek His presence and guidance daily.” marriage brings, she continues studying the Word. She knows now, more than ever before, that God loves her unconditionally and His grace covers her life. She also knows that God’s faithfulness to never leave or forsake her is carrying her through it all and she has hope for a better future. That’s the amazing reality of the power of God’s Word at work in her life! Manuela shared on Facebook that “the Word of God has brought order in my thoughts, more healing in [my emotions], and slowly, my behavior is changing. [It] is making me more and more free. …I feel like I [have become] addicted to the truth, to His unconditional love, [and I’m] hungrier than before.” CYAN BLACK Holly discovered how studying the Word brings her closer to God. She says, “For the first time in my life, I feel connected to God through my Bible. I have wanted to love my Bible, but couldn’t figure out how to love it. Now I know how—through doing MORE than just reading it. Through studying the verses and asking the question: ‘How does this apply to my life?’ Now…the Holy Spirit [is] my mentor and Bible study Partner!” “I do hip hop music and I’ve always had a negative image until now. Now I rap about the Lord. And it feels so amazing, like my music has a purpose now. I want to spread the message [about] God. I want everyone getting closer to Him.” These real-life stories are examples of Scripture coming to life! God heals the brokenhearted, comforts all who mourn and gives us beauty instead of ashes (Isaiah 61:1-3). He transforms us by renewing our minds with His Truth (Romans 12:2). He redeems us from corruption and crowns us with loving-kindness and mercy (Psalm 103:4). The list goes on and on. There’s simply no end to God’s love and the peace, joy, healing and total restoration we can have in Christ. Really. Check it out in His Word. Derek has come to experience a radical love for God. He shares: “I have not consistently read the Bible, let alone Magenta Yellow actually [studied] it. I have definitely noticed changes in my character to just be me. If my friends don’t like it, then I know God will bring me new friends. Funny thing is I’ve noticed changes in some friends too, now that I’m open about how I really feel about God. Some friends have even come to church with me. 34 JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2015 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 32-35 Scipture RLP WC15.indd 34 WANT TO TAKE THE 3030 CHALLENGE? Visit joycemeyer.org/biblestudy to find out more! JAN/FEB 2015 // PAGE 34 // DOM 11/25/14 10:30 AM WHAT ’S POSSIBLE featuring JOYCE MEYER CRAIG GROESCHEL DARLENE ZSCHECH MATT REDMAN CHRISTY NOCKELS ANTHONY EVANS, JR. YOUR JOURNEY AWAITS Sept 17-19 ST. LOUIS Come discover the roadmap to the beautiful life God has for you. A path that renews your mind, mouth, moods and attitudes. Early Bird Price NOW $59 / Reg. $69 U.S. Funds Register Today! joycemeyer.org/lovelife (888) 727-5280 (636) 349-0303 (U.S. & Canada) (International) facebook.com/lovelifeconference LADIES, THIS WEEKEND IS JUST FOR YOU! 32-35 Scipture RLP WC15.indd 35 JAN/FEB 2015 // PAGE 35 // DOM 11/25/14 10:30 AM
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