E V E R Y D A Y L I F E - Joyce Meyer Ministries
ENJOYING E V E R Y D A Y EEL 1213 1 FC.indd 1 DEC 13/JAN 2014 // FC 1 // DOM L I F E 11/4/13 11:01 AM Share the Gospel Help Hurting People Rescue Victims of Human Trafficking Give Orphans a Home Feed the Hungry Rebuild Lives Together, our partners help feed more than 71,000 hungry children every day. Wendy Reed, USA “Partnership is a wonderful, wonderful thing. And by partnering with Joyce, I can feed hungry children and help people who’ve been abused and feel unwanted. What more could a person ask? I used to have the mentality that my money was my money, but now I’d rather give it away. I’m thankful to be a small part of making a big, big impact. It helps people we’ll never meet this side of heaven. And when we get there, we’ll have Magenta CYAN BLACK strangers come up to us and say, “You did feed me that day.” Yellow GIVE FROM YOUR HEART. Help change lives through partnership. joycemeyer.org/partnership (800) 727-9673 / CANADA (800) 868-1002 EEL 1213 2-3 YAH TOC1.indd 2 DEC13/JAN14 // PAGE 2 // DOM 11/4/13 11:17 AM VO LU M E 27 s D EC Christmas and the coming New Year be blessed beyond measure! 20 JA 2013 201N 4 May your 8 No 8 14 24 Contents What to do when you decide enough is enough… 14 Full House and The Golden Age Outreach By Paul Huse and By Rick Renner Shining the spotlight on two Hand of Hope supported outreaches in Russia. T V SCHE DULE GOD’S WORD M A D E PE R SO N A L RE AL LI F E PE R S PECTI V ES AME RI CA AT I TS B EST GOOD ST UF F CONF E RE NCES 201 4 BLACK By Joyce Meyer 7 12 22 27 29 35 CYAN 8 Not One More Night with the Frogs 20 A Husband’s Journey of Grief By Charles Nieman 24 A Special Grace for Every Case By Joyce Meyer Learn how to get through even the most difficult situations. THANK YOU! Every day our Partners help us Share Christ and Love People. Check out joycemeyer.org/annualreport to see how your generosity blesses others in need. To become a partner, see page 2 or use the order form inside. EEL 1213 2-3 YAH TOC1.indd 3 DEC13/JAN14 // PAGE 3 // DOM 3 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org 11/5/13 1:55 PM Yellow Magenta A pastor shares his story of holding on to faith during his journey through stages of grief. WE ASKED! FUN FACTS How do you ring in the New Year where you live? Any goals for the year ahead? 10...9...8... YOU POSTED! New Year Traditions ‘Round the World In Spain, eating a dozen grapes on New Year’s Day symbolizes hopes for the months ahead. Ring-shaped cakes and pastries signify that the year has come full circle in the Netherlands, Mexico, Greece and other countries. The Chinese were the first to ring in the New Year with fireworks. For helpful tips and encouragement to keep your momentum strong, see Good Stuff – New Year, New You! PAGE 30 Also, according to history.com, nearly half of the American population makes New Year’s resolutions. About 75% keep their vows one to two weeks; 64% approximately one month; and about half make it six months. 3...2...1... Happy New Year! While 44% of American adults plant a kiss on someone at the stroke of midnight, 22% admit to falling asleep before 12, but...61% percent of Americans ring in the New Year with prayer! join THE CONVERSATION! facebook.com/joycemeyerministries @joycemeyer Mary Ng, Singapore: I’m going to start a journal: 365 joyful days, recording happy moments of each day. Brian Hardee, South Carolina: I just gave my life to the Lord and I just want to live and be better tomorrow than I am today. Connie Wallis, USA: Last year it was me, my Bible, a great cup of decaf coffee and God. This year has been so blessed, I’m going to try it again. I’ve noticed how a smile can change my day…either giving or receiving it…so this year, my goal is to smile more. Peter Mwaniki, Kenya: I would like to be more positive. Sarah James Carlson, Texas: My anniversary is January 1st, and I love that we begin our year remembering our commitment to each other and to Christ. Follow us for the next question! Contributors All Bible references are from The Amplified Bible unless otherwise noted. BLACK In Canada: Publications Mail Agreement No. 41709522 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Joyce Meyer Ministries Canada P.O. Box 7700 Vancouver, BC V6B 4E2 (800) 868-1002 cpcreturns@wdsmail.com Yellow Magenta CYAN JOYCE MEYER is one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and travels the country and the world conducting conferences. She has written 100 inspirational books and her Enjoying Everyday Life® radio and television programs are broadcast all over the world. DAVE MEYER is Joyce’s husband and Vice President of Joyce Meyer Ministries. His passion is to share about this country’s rich Christian heritage and motivate people to get involved by praying, learning about the issues, and taking action. RICK RENNER is a gifted Bible teacher and author of more than 30 books. He pastors the Moscow Good News Church and oversees numerous outreaches, including the first Christian television network in that region. CHARLES NIEMAN is pastor of Abundant Living Faith Center, in El Paso, Texas. He shares about his journey of grief after losing his beloved wife, Rochelle, in 2012. Enjoying Everyday Life® is published by Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc.®, a nonprofit corporation, Fenton, MO USA © 2013 Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. Publications Agreement No. 41709522. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Enjoying Everyday Life has no subscription price and is supported through contributions worldwide. All gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible (in countries where this applies). Because all Enjoying Everyday Life issues are preplanned, we are unable to accept unsolicited manuscripts. For more information or to order, call locally (636) 349-0303 or toll-free (800) 727-9673. Internet address: www.joycemeyer.org Resource prices are in U.S. Funds unless otherwise noted. Enjoying Everyday Life is a registered trademark of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. [J] is also a registered trademark of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. We Are Committed to Financial Accountability ACCOUNTABILITY At Joyce Meyer Ministries, we want you to be confident your gifts are being used in the best way possible. That’s why we are accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. FINANCIAL PRACTICE Joyce Meyer Ministries is voluntarily audited each year by an independent public accounting firm. 4 DECEMBER 2013 / JANUARY 2014 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 1213 4-7 TOC2 SFTH TV.indd 4 DEC 13 / JAN 14 // PAGE 4 // DOM 11/4/13 11:29 AM STRAIGHT FROM THE Heart As Christmas and New Year are approaching, I’m reminded of one of the best gifts I’ve received: the beauty of my redeemed, restored and repurposed life in place of the ashes of anger and pain that were once there. Many of you know my story. I was physically, sexually and emotionally abused by my father from a very young age. Those years of abuse, and a very rocky and eventually failed first marriage, left me a single mother, alone, angry, cynical and quite difficult to get along with. CYAN On the next page, you’ll get a glimpse of some of the things your support makes possible… Always know that we love and appreciate you! Magenta We are so grateful to YOU, our friends and partners, because it’s your support that helps turn the ashes of emotional, natural, physical and spiritual chaos into the beauty of peaceful hearts and minds, rebuilt homes and communities, and a sense of being loved. changed our lives forever and allows us the privilege of doing what we do here at Joyce Meyer Ministries! And most of all, we’re grateful to God for the wonderful gift of His love and grace that 5 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org EEL 1213 4-7 TOC2 SFTH TV.indd 5 DEC 13 / JAN 14 // PAGE 5 // DOM 11/4/13 11:29 AM Yellow Dave and I both also want others to discover how to trade their ashes for the beauty of life in Christ. We love helping make people’s lives better practically and spiritually. So, whether it’s through our Hand of Hope outreaches or our conferences, television or radio broadcasts, Sharing Christ and Loving People is what we’re all about. BLACK Then I met a smart, strong and stable man named Dave Meyer. Dave had prayed for God to send him someone who needed help. Well, he got me. I needed a lot of help, and Dave did help me… simply by being himself. The strength, stability and peace that I witnessed in his life over time inspired me to seek whatever it was that made him that way. And so, God’s grace began to restore a life that was in a heap of ashes, ultimately giving me the beautiful life that I love and enjoy today. Mad aga scar USA ia d Cambo ia uss ,R w o osc M Oklah oma City, OK, U SA Sri La nka Yellow Magenta CYAN BLACK Portland, OR, EEL 1213 4-7 TOC2 SFTH TV.indd 6 DEC 13 / JAN 14 // PAGE 6 // DOM 11/4/13 11:30 AM TV Schedule For stations and program times in your area, check your local TV listing or visit www.joycemeyer.org/tvlistings. Watch the Enjoying Everyday Life broadcast anytime you like at www.joycemeyer.org. DAILY BROADCAST PROGRAMS AIR DAILY, MONDAY - FRIDAY DEC 2 – 6 DEC 9 – 13 DEC 16 – 20 DEC 23 – 27 BOLD, CONFIDENT & FEARLESS LEARNING TO LIVE IN VICTORY RENEWING YOUR MIND HOPE IN DIFFICULT TIMES This week, Joyce teaches about the importance of being bold and confident in Christ. The world needs Christ, and we can be people God uses to reach out to others and point them to Christ. Learn how to be light in the darkness. This week, Joyce shares some life lessons God taught her and how they’ve transformed her life. See how you can get from your test to your testimony and enjoy the journey while you’re getting there. DEC 30 – JAN 3 JAN 6 – 10 JAN 13 – 17 JAN 20 – 24 JAN 27 – 31 WORD POWER FOCUSING ON GOD IS GOD ANGRY? CONTENTMENT AND SATISFACTION THE HOLY SPIRIT WEEKLY BROADCAST PROGRAMS AIR ONE DAY A WEEK DEC 1 — 7 DON’T TAKE OFFENSE We all get hurt sometimes. The good news is we don’t have to take offense when it happens. DEC 8 - 21 GOD IS NOT MAD AT YOU The truth is, there’s nothing you could ever do to make God stop loving you. DEC 22 - 28 PERFORMANCE MENTALITY God doesn’t love you based on your performance. Learn how to have more of His amazing, unconditional love in your life. D EC 29 — JAN 5 GRACE, GRACE AND MORE GRACE Andy Stanley joins Joyce in the studio to discuss how God’s grace can change our lives. JAN 1 2 — 1 8 HINDRANCES TO PRAYER Learn how to get rid of distractions and communicate more closely with your heavenly Father. JAN 1 9 - 25 POWER THOUGHTS Watch as Joyce shows you how to apply the life-giving Word of God to everyday situations by thinking on purpose. JAN 26 - F EB 1 HOW TO BE GODLY IN AN UNGODLY WORLD Tune in as Joyce shares practical ways to help you live God’s Word out loud everywhere you go. Schedules are subject to change. FREE FIND NEW MESSAGES DAILY. ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE PODCASTS WWW.JOYCEMEYER.ORG/PODCASTS EEL 1213 4-7 TOC2 SFTH TV.indd 7 Join Joyce, as she shares powerful insight about the Holy Spirit. She’ll explain how the Holy Spirit can be more active in our lives when we let Him. BLACK On Monday and Tuesday, Joyce shares how trusting God leads to peace. Wednesday and Thursday, discover the power found in contentment and satisfaction. And Friday, Joyce answers viewer questions. CYAN The enemy tries to deceive us into Renewing our mind thinking God is mad is a process. Monday at us. Watch Joyce, and Tuesday, Joyce Monday -Thursday, teaches about as she shows how keeping a positive accepting God’s attitude during the unconditional process. Wednesday, love and mercy she shows how our will transform our attitudes affect our actions. Thursday and relationship with Him. And Friday, Friday, she discusses learn how we can the importance of being led by the Spirit. overcome insecurity. Monday, Charles Nieman joins Joyce to share his story of overcoming loss. Tuesday, Joyce and Reinhard Bonnke share the salvation message. Wednesday, Joyce and Ginger discuss “Immanuel.” Thursday and Friday, learn how God’s grace can get you through difficult situations. Magenta Speaking words of faith encourages and empowers those around you. Join Joyce Monday– Wednesday as she teaches about the power of words. Tune in on Thursday and Friday as Joyce talks about the six things we should say on purpose. There’s power in God’s Word, and we can have it when we renew our minds to think like He thinks. Watch this week as Joyce gives strategies for transforming your life by winning the battle in your mind. DEC 13 / JAN 14 // PAGE 7 // DOM 7 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org 11/5/13 1:35 PM Yellow December NOT ONE MORE NIGHT WITH THE FROGS BLACK YOU CAN PUT THE PAST BEHIND YOU CYAN YOU HAVE TO MAKE A CHOICE Magenta Yellow I In Exodus 8, Moses demanded that Pharaoh let his people go, but Pharaoh refused. So God sent plagues, one after another. One of the plagues was frogs. Frogs were everywhere: in the rivers, in people’s houses, in their beds, even frogs in the dough people used to make bread. And when Pharaoh finally said, “I get it,” and agreed to release the Israelites, Moses asked, “When would you like to be rid of the frogs?” Pharaoh answered, “Tomorrow.” Now, why would anyone want to spend one more night with frogs?! 8 DECEMBER 2013 / JANUARY 2014 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 1213 8-11 Main Feature.indd 8 DEC13/JAN14 // PAGE 8 // DOM 11/4/13 1:44 PM CYAN BLACK Maybe as a child you weren’t given love and attention, or you experienced a lot of verbal abuse or physical abuse. Or like me, you were sexually abused by your dad, a relative or a neighbor. If that’s the case, I have good news for you: Jesus can heal you everywhere you hurt! And through a personal relationship with Him, you have the privilege of speaking the name of Jesus and believing in the power of God to completely heal you and make you just as if it never happened to you. But there are things you must do in order for the Holy Spirit to complete the work He began in you when you accepted Christ as your Savior. Magenta Like the plague of frogs making the Egyptians miserable, there can be things in our lives—selfpity, anger, bitterness, depression—that we carry around with us everywhere we go, making us miserable. 9 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org EEL 1213 8-11 Main Feature.indd 9 DEC13/JAN14 // PAGE 9 // DOM 11/4/13 1:44 PM Yellow ARE THERE “FROGS” IN YOUR LIFE? THE POWER OF CONFESSION Yellow Magenta CYAN BLACK One of the first things we need to do is admit when we need help. Don’t be afraid to go to God and say, “I want to live in truth. Open my eyes where I’m deceived and teach me truth.” We can be real with God. Like David, in Psalm 109:22, we can confess, “I am poor and needy and my heart is wounded,” and He will hear our cry. Confess to one another therefore your faults (your slips, your false steps, your offenses, your sins) and pray [also] for one another, that you may be healed and restored [to a spiritual tone of mind and heart]. The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working]. (James 5:16) afraid someone will fi nd out. But secrets buried alive never die—they just keep eating at us. It may be hard to tell someone what you are going through, but God loves you and He wants to heal and restore your life. He will help you when you come to Him honestly, humble yourself before Him and tell Him, “I love You, Lord, and I appreciate my salvation, but I’m a mess! I need Your help.” DON’T PLAY THE BLAME GAME Very often when we’re hurting, we blame someone else YOU CAN’T UNDO WHAT PEOPLE DID TO YOU OR THE MISTAKES FROM YOUR PAST, BUT ycoaun MAKE A DECISION TODAY THAT YOU WON’T SPEND ONE MORE DAY WITH THE FROGS Sometimes it’s good to talk to somebody and get things out in the open. I was in my twenties before I told anyone what had happened to me. Why? I was afraid of what people would think of me. I was afraid my mom and dad would fi nd out if I told somebody. Satan wants us living in fear, to ruin our lives and make us 10 DECEMBER 2013 / JANUARY 2014 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 1213 8-11 Main Feature.indd 10 DEC13/JAN14 // PAGE 10 // DOM 11/6/13 8:27 AM DON’T PUT IT OFF “Tomorrow” is one of the most dangerous words in our English language. You don’t have to wait until tomorrow to forgive the people who hurt you, or to stop saying it’s too hard, it’s too much, it’s TURN YOUR MESS INTO YOUR MESSAGE Isaiah 61:1 and 3 says Jesus came to bind up and heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the [physical and spiritual] captives and the opening of the prison and of the eyes of those who are bound… to give them… , the oil of joy instead of mourning, the garment [expressive] of praise instead of a heavy, burdened, and failing spirit…. SPEND ANOTHER NIGHT WITH THE FROGS... beauty instead If you feel like your life is a fragmented mess, let Jesus gather up the pieces. Hand over your ashes. Your pain will become somebody else’s gain, your mess will become your message and what you have walked through will become somebody else’s miracle. BLACK of ashes t ’ n o D THIS ACTION PLAN INCLUDES: 4 TEACHINGS ON CD & DVD God wants to give you beauty. But first you must surrender your ashes. Ask Him to help you. He did it for me, and I know He will do it for you. Don’t spend one more night with the frogs! PERSONAL APPLICATION WORKBOOK “MY BLESSINGS” GRATITUDE JOURNAL BEAUTY FOR ASHES ACTION PLAN $39 | $50 Canada 11 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org EEL 1213 8-11 Main Feature.indd 11 DEC13/JAN14 // PAGE 11 // DOM 11/4/13 1:45 PM CYAN It was so wonderful to discover there was a promise in the Bible to cover every single one of my hurts. And this is true for you, too. It will take time and diligence, study and prayer to walk out this healing that’s yours through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, but you can do all things you need to do with the Holy Spirit’s help (see Philippians 4:13). It’s so important to understand that the most important moment in your life is RIGHT NOW. It’s the only one you know for sure you have. You can’t undo what people did to you or the mistakes from your past, but you can make a decision today that you won’t spend one more day with the frogs. Press in to your relationship with God and get beauty for ashes, joy for mourning, praise for heaviness. Magenta But I want to encourage you not to blame someone else for your problems. Maybe what happened to you is not your fault, but it doesn’t have to be an excuse to stay unhealthy. It was a life-changing revelation for me when I found out I had such a mess in my soul because of things that happened in my past. When I left home at 18, I thought I was leaving my problems behind me. But the truth is, I had a lot of wounds in my soul that went with me, and until I faced them and received God’s healing, I was going to be a mess. not fair… Instead, you can decide: This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad! Yellow instead of taking responsibility for our happiness. Unhappy people want to make other people unhappy. Satan wants for someone to hurt us, then for us to be angry and bitter, spend our lives feeling sorry for ourselves and then turn around and hurt someone else so they can do the same thing to someone else. And it can go on like that from generation to generation. GOD’S word MADE PERSONAL Sleeping with the Frogs Joyce teaches that our problem attitudes can be like a plague of frogs, permeating every corner and aspect of our lives. Problem attitudes can include: fear, bitterness, blame, resentment, unforgiveness, and jealousy. Which of these do you identify with? What other negative thoughts and emotions are weighing down your soul? Then the LORD said to Moses, “Go back to Pharaoh and announce to him, ‘This is what the LORD says: Let my people go, so they can worship me. If you refuse to let them go, I will send a plague of frogs across your entire land…They will come up out of the river and into your palace, even into your bedroom and onto your bed!...They will even jump into your ovens and your kneading bowls….’” –Exodus 8:1-3 NLT Feeding on Our Ashes God wants to give us beauty for our ashes, but sometimes we hang on to them. Have you been reluctant to surrender your ashes—sifting again and again through the pain and failures of the past? If so, what motivates you to do this? How has it hurt you? “If you want to have the beautiful life Christ wants you to have, you can’t dwell on all the junk that everyone’s done to you your whole life.” --Joyce Read: Isaiah 44:19-20 Verse 20 talks about the deluded fool who feeds on ashes. How does dwelling incessantly on past hurts and injustices delude us? CYAN BLACK Read: Exodus 8:9-10 Moses asked Pharaoh when he wanted to be rid of all the frogs that had descended on Egypt. Pharaoh answered, “Tomorrow.” In terms of the symbolic frogs that plague our lives, why do we delay decisions that could bring us relief? Yellow Magenta According to verse 19, what mental shift can help you see truth more clearly? Excerpt from Beauty for Ashes Action Plan, ©2013, by Joyce Meyer. To order, call (800) 727-9673. In Canada, call (800) 868-1002. joycemeyer.org/actionplan 12 DECEMBER 2013 / JANUARY 2014 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 1213 12-13 Scripture DevoAd.indd 12 DEC13/JAN14 // PAGE 12 // DOM 11/4/13 1:52 PM Hearing from God Each Morning new! MORE DETAILS ON BACK COVER Trusting God Day by Day Power Thoughts Devotional #1 RESOLUTION FOR 2014 Get as close to God as I possibly can! BLACK Battlefield of the Mind Devotional Starting Your Day Right Ending Your Day Right New Day, New You Yellow Love Out Loud Devotional joycemeyer.org/devos (800) 727-9673 / CANADA (800) 868-1002 EEL 1213 12-13 Scripture DevoAd.indd 13 DEC13/JAN14 // PAGE 13 // DOM Magenta CYAN The Confident Woman Devotional No matter what your goals are in life or what you’ve achieved so far, the absolute best thing you can ever do is get closer to God. And Joyce’s devotionals will help you get in the daily habit of spending personal time with God. You’ll experience the life-changing power of His Word and encouraging, inspiring messages from Joyce’s heart that will strengthen your faith. Take a step in the right direction and get yours today! 11/4/13 2:09 PM FULL BLACK HOUSE Magenta CYAN HOW YOU ARE CHANGING THE LIVES OF CHILDREN IN THE HEART OF MOSCOW, RUSSIA Yellow BY PAUL HUSE EEL 1213 14-19.indd 14 DEC/JAN 2013 // PAGE 14 // DOM 11/4/13 2:29 PM T oday is Vitya’s 14th birthday. With candles lit, all the kids crowd around to sing, while Vitya sits in front of his cake, grinning ear to ear. His smile is infectious. However, eight years ago, there was no party, cake, candles…or even people in Vitya’s life. When Vitya was six years old, a Russian social worker made a house call to check on him, having no record of Vitya since birth. What they found was a boy who had been abandoned to live with dogs. With ragged hair and claw-like fingernails, Vitya uttered barking sounds and scurried around on the floor, hiding under a table and chairs. It wasn’t playtime or make-believe, but a result of years of living with disheveled pets in an utterly disgusting condition. VITYA “IT’S NOT HUMANLY POSSIBLE” Doctors examined ALEXEY CYAN Vitya and immediately concluded that he couldn’t be helped—he would never be normal again. The next stop for Vitya was a state-run institution. That’s when the government called Lilit Gorelova…the person they frequently called with impossible cases. Magenta Sasha and Lilit Gorelova are the directors of House of Mercy, a children’s home located in the heart of Moscow, which cares for those without families or means for survival. Yellow After discussing Vitya’s deep-seated issues and the long road ahead, Sasha and Lilit made a decision: He would become one of their children. ANDREY EEL 1213 14-19.indd 15 DEC/JAN 2013 // PAGE 15 // DOM BLACK What is perhaps even more shocking than Vitya’s condition is the unfortunate reality that this is not the only incident. It’s medically referred to as “Mowgli Syndrome,” deriving its name from the boy who was raised by animals in The Jungle Book. The question the authorities had was, “What do we do with him?” 11/5/13 2:13 PM It wasn’t easy. After all, Vitya suffered complete culture shock. Learning to eat, walk, talk and even use the restroom like a person was often more than seemed possible. Along the way, he was also diagnosed with autism. Some wonder if this was why he was abandoned in the first place. “We knew that if God would help us, we would be able to help him,” says Lilit. “So we just treated him as a person…then he started to walk and act like a human. It’s a real miracle.” Today, Vitya attends a special school and regularly sees a counselor. He still walks with a slight bend in his knees, but surrounded by his loving family, he continues to make progress. Friends and partners, thanks to you, the “boy who barked” is now the boy who talks, sings, plays and even worships God. He’s the “boy with a future.” THE HOME IN THE MIDDLE OF MOSCOW Vitya is one of BLACK CYAN Magenta For Sasha and Lilit, these aren’t lost and forgotten kids—these are their sons and daughters. They care for them through high school, and then help them apply for college or get started in a career. Most stay until they are 18 or older. Even then, no one ever truly leaves the family. Just ask Alexey Belyakin… PROMISE OF A LIFETIME At eleven years old, Alexey spent his days collecting bottles and begging for money outside of a fast-food restaurant. He lived out of a vehicle, along with his mother who was unable to provide for the family. Like so many others, Alexey was exposed daily to the wrong crowd and circumstances, turning to alcohol to numb the pain—just one more kid living on the streets. A filthy alleyway is where he first encountered a “strange woman” who spoke of a way for him to have a better life. He didn’t give it much thought. Then, a few weeks later, Alexey jumped at the chance to attend a free event for kids, where he recognized a familiar face… 11 kids currently living at House of Mercy. This family-style children’s home provides a safe, loving atmosphere for those escaping harmful and often abusive situations. Yellow at sixteen. Sadly, many girls leave these facilities only to enter a life of prostitution as a means of survival. Since 2007, Hand of Hope, Joyce Meyer “We went to camp and did whitewater Ministries World Missions has partrafting,” Alexey remembers. “Then nered with Rick Renner Ministries in Russia to help support this vital refuge. I understood that it was actually Lilit—the woman in the alley—who organized this for us. She really cared.” Here, Vitya and the others attend local schools, go to church, and study God’s Lilit made him a deal: he could come Word. Lilit also keeps their focus on live with her and Sasha if he promised reaching out to others. The children to go to church. Alexey made good on regularly visit other orphanages his promise. In fact, eight years later, where they hand out gifts and perform this is where we found him—in church. a special drama which they have rehearsed for weeks. At nineteen, Alexey has “graduated” from House of Mercy and now works This is a stark contrast to state-run full time for The Good News Church, orphanages which provide little more than the necessities and “age kids out” an outreach of Rick Renner Ministries. He now lives on his own, but he returns most every day to check on his family and help out with the children. He believes it’s his turn to give back. THE ULTIMATE GIFT He’s giving back to younger “brothers and sisters” like Andrey Karanov. As a young child, Andrey was adopted out of a state-run orphanage, only to be returned months later by his adoptive parents. His experience left him traumatized and living in an orphanage’s psychiatric ward. At 16, he would become a ward of the state and get shuffled to another psych unit. Once again, a government official called Lilit to see if they had room for another. They did. Today, Andrey is a sweet, well-adjusted boy who likes to play the piano and lead worship. He says he wants to be a fireman when he grows up. “I want to save people…people’s lives,” he says. “I want to help people the way I was helped.” And the cycle of love goes on. Because House of Mercy is so much more than a children’s home—it’s a family…and a spiritual hospital that rescues and transforms these precious kids into stable, productive, happy young men and women. So, on behalf of Vitya, Alexey, Andrey and all of the others, I say thank you. Thank you for providing a home and a future that’s far beyond what they could have imagined. Thank you for giving them the gift of a changed life. Paul Huse of Joyce Meyer Ministries Media Division, recently travelled to Russia to report on Hand of Hope outreaches. 16 DECEMBER 2013 / JANUARY 2014 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 1213 14-19.indd 16 DEC 2013 /JAN 2014 // PAGE 16 // DOM 11/4/13 2:39 PM BLACK How the Golden Age Outreach is Bringing Them to Christ BY RICK RENNER S When God puts a love in your heart for people, He will show you how to reach them with the good news of the Gospel. That is exactly what happened in our ministry when God put it on our hearts to win these Russian seniors to Christ—an extremely challenging task, considering so many of these men and women lived the prime of their lives during a time when atheism was the religion of the State. 17 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org EEL 1213 14-19.indd 17 DEC 2013 /JAN 2014 // PAGE 17 // DOM 11/4/13 2:40 PM Yellow Magenta CYAN hortly after my wife, Denise, and I and our family moved to Moscow from Riga, Latvia, in August 2000, the Lord put a love in my heart for the “golden” generation of this vast city. There are more than 4,500,000 senior citizens in Moscow alone, many of whom served the government in some capacity during the old Soviet era. Of course, I don’t support Communism, but I love this elderly generation, including the old Communists! “ THE CELEBRATION OF COMMUNISM THAT INSPIRED A MINISTRY One day in 2003, I was BLACK at home in our apartment overlooking Red Square when I became distracted by the sound of music and festivities coming from the street below. From our window, I witnessed a sea of thousands of people from this older generation marching and dancing in celebration of memories from their past—recollections of the great honor that had been ascribed to them in days gone by. Indeed, before the collapse of the Soviet Union, this generation was the most venerated in all of society because of the significant contributions they’d made. Among this generation were the very souls who’d marched courageously in the front lines of World War II, fending off invading Nazis in a war that claimed the lives of 27 million people in that region of the world. Yellow Magenta CYAN After the war, it was this segment of the population that rolled up their sleeves to rebuild roads, highways, and entire cities that had been devastated, including many apartments, hospitals, and public buildings that are still standing in this immense region today. When Communism fell, their world also fell apart. Almost overnight—in a matter of just three days’ time—these men and women found themselves in a new world they didn’t see coming and certainly weren’t prepared for. Everything they’d given their lives to build suddenly vanished from before 18 DECEMBER 2013 / JANUARY 2014 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 1213 14-19.indd 18 DEC 2013 /JAN 2014 // PAGE 18 // DOM 11/5/13 2:13 PM “ It’s amazing to see how former Communists who’d lost everything have regained purpose and are using their golden years to serve Jesus by serving others.” Approximately 5,000 senior citizens showed up at our first concert! As they exited the hall afterward, we gave them each a small bag containing groceries and personal items that were difficult for most of them to obtain on their meager pensions. To illustrate to you how God has continued to bless this phenomenal outreach, in our second year in 2005, 8,000 pensioners attended our Golden Stars concert, and in 2006, more than 16,000 attended the program. It was the largest single event for the elderly held in the city of Moscow since the collapse of Communism! The monthly Vitamin Club meetings evolved into Golden Age, a weekly church service, and the third tier of God’s plan to reach these elderly men and women. Today we hold two Monday services that are attended by up to 1,000 seniors each week. Our auditorium can’t accommodate everyone who desires to attend, so they come to church on a rotating basis, and we minister the Word of God to approximately 4,000 of Moscow’s elderly every month. It’s amazing to see how former Communists who’d lost everything have regained purpose and are using IF YOU’D LIKE TO HEAR MORE about how this outreach began and continues today, you can go to www.renner.org/what-we-do/vitamin-club-golden-age and watch a special video Rick made specifically to share what the Lord has done through this amazing “last-chance” ministry to the elderly. EEL 1213 14-19.indd 19 BLACK began working on the first tier of the plan, and within a year’s time, we held our first Golden Stars concert event. We contacted the most famous stars of the Soviet era—performers that represented these pensioners’ “golden times” of the past—and invited them to join us in hosting a benefit concert for the elderly. We worked with Moscow’s local government to let thousands of registered pensioners know about this event. We’re so grateful to God for making this outreach successful, and thankful for our partnership with Joyce Meyer Ministries, because this support helps make it all possible. As a friend and partner of Joyce Meyer Ministries, you are bringing the love of Christ to the older generation of Russia, enriching their lives and making their latter days truly golden! CYAN ENTERTAINMENT + VITAMINS + THE GOSPEL = THE GOLDEN AGE OF LIFE! Immediately we their golden years to serve Jesus by serving others. Even at such a late stage in life, these pensioners are becoming strong, vital members of the Body of Christ. Magenta I was riveted that day in 2003 as I watched this street demonstration from our apartment window. Suddenly I felt compelled to join these elderly citizens as they marched carrying their signs and banners. I hurried downstairs and onto the street, where I quickly fell in among this parade of lost souls. As I walked, the Holy Spirit literally downloaded into my heart a three-tiered strategy to reach this all-but-forgotten segment of our city’s population. We also gave them a Bible and an invitation to join us again for what we called Vitamin Club, the name the Holy Spirit had given me for the second tier of our outreach to these precious souls. At Vitamin Club, they would receive a free bottle of vitamins each month to supplement their diets, which are often not as healthy as they’d like due to their reduced incomes. They would also enjoy a program designed just for them, receive personal items they otherwise couldn’t afford, such as lotion and pain-relief balms, and hear the good news—perhaps for the first time in their lives—that Jesus loves them and still has a plan for their lives. DEC 2013 /JAN 2014 // PAGE 19 // DOM 19 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org 11/5/13 2:14 PM Yellow them, including their dreams of being well respected and cared for in their senior years. In a sense, this once revered segment of society became “orphaned adults,” lost in a country they no longer recognized—and that no longer held a place of recognition and honor for them. “Through every stage of life, God's grace will be there for you helping you to live in victory. Nothing you face can catch God off guard.” BLACK —ROCHELLE NIEMAN A HUSBAND’S CYAN JOURNEY Yellow Magenta OF GRIEF BY PASTOR CHARLES NIEMAN M My wife, Rochelle, was a beautiful, vibrant woman who died at age 62 after a brave eight-month battle with ovarian cancer. Rochelle and I were married for 42 years. Together, we founded and co-pastored Abundant Living Faith Center in El Paso, Texas. We were together every day of our lives from the age of eighteen. We had two wonderful children together, Shannon and Jared, and two beautiful grandchildren, Caleb and Emery Rochelle—born only two days before Rochelle died. 20 DECEMBER 2013 / JANUARY 2014 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 1213 20-21.indd 20 DEC13/JAN14 // PAGE 20 // DOM 11/4/13 3:18 PM One week later, on December 30, Rochelle died. The last sentence she spoke before she slipped away was, “I’m going to get better.” She didn’t want to go. She still had so much she wanted to accomplish. But she died in faith. STRENGTH NOT MY OWN One night I was crying in my room, feeling that I wasn’t up to this, that I didn’t have the strength. And Jesus impressed upon me that I didn’t have to do it in my own strength. “I am the resurrection and the life,” He said. I didn’t have to be strong. He would lift me up. You don’t have to face it alone. BLACK Then, in what was a pivotal moment for me, I began to pray, Father whatever happens here, I’m never going to ask you why, because this is between you and her. You will have to explain it to her, not me. The day after Rochelle died was New Year’s Eve. I chose to preach at all four New Year’s Eve services. I felt like I had to get back in the house of God as soon as possible. Being with my congregation gave me comfort and strength. CYAN Rochelle’s illness was emotionally and spiritually draining on me and our kids, but we never gave up hope. On December 23, 2012, we were at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, and Rochelle was not doing well. Our family was staying in a hotel next to the hospital. I had settled in my mind that we would spend Christmas there. I took a moment to sit down on the sky bridge connecting the hotel to the hospital, feeling overwhelmed and at the end of myself. I had seen people collapse and lose their faith during such trials. I didn’t want that to happen to me. I was exhausted—but you can’t call “time out” when so many people are counting on you. life means death isn’t the end. It’s simply part of the process of life. In Psalm 131:1, David said, “I don’t concern myself with things too wonderful for me.” He accepted what He didn’t understand. Jesus certainly didn’t ask why He had to suffer and die. Looking back on it, my decision not to ask, “Why?” steered me away from a life of bitterness and opened me up to the future. I realize God loaned Rochelle to me as my wife. If I had stayed in a place of asking why, I would still be locked in the past. Instead, I am moving forward in my faith. Rochelle may have left me, but Jesus did not. We have to realize it’s not people who hold us up and keep us going, but Jesus. He is the life that satisfies. Overcoming Grief and Loneliness 2 Teachings on CD by Joyce Meyer $14 / $18 Canada Charles Nieman is pastor of Abundant Living Faith Center in El Paso, TX. He will be Joyce’s guest on Enjoying Everyday Life December 23. Check your local listing for stations and program times or visit joycemeyer.org/tvlistings EEL 1213 20-21.indd 21 DEC13/JAN14 // PAGE 21 // DOM 21 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org 11/4/13 3:19 PM Magenta HOLDING ON TO FAITH SETTLING THE “WHY” QUESTION A Christ-centered Yellow Rochelle’s life was centered on God’s Word. She believed every day was a gift from God, and she squeezed every drop out of her life—teaching and encouraging people until the very end. real life P E R S P E C T I V E S Remembering Josie HOW GOD HELPED ME OVERCOME LOSS AND LONELINESS BY SANDY BUENDORF The rescue team tried everything they could to save her life while en route to the nearest hospital. Just minutes later, another call came from our son saying, “We couldn’t save her. We’ve lost her. Josie is with Jesus.” BLACK I can’t begin to explain the emptiness I suddenly felt while thinking, This can’t possibly be happening. Yellow Magenta CYAN WHEN LIFE IS GOOD and all is going well, it’s easy to have a thankful heart. That’s how I felt at work one day until I answered the phone and listened to my husband telling me that our 16-monthold granddaughter, Josie, had been accidentally run over by a car. My immediate reaction was, This can’t be real. Thoughts and questions raced through my mind, but there were no answers. Not yet, anyway. I’ve lost loved ones before and while it’s never easy, this was especially difficult. Losing Josie broke my heart more deeply than I had ever experienced before. I cried out to God, asking Him to help me and my husband, our son and daughter-in-law and their three children, and the rest of our family get through this difficult time. There are other types of loss that may not be as devastating, but nonetheless, cause our hearts to grieve on some level. Four months after Josie died, our oldest son who lived nearby announced that he’d accepted a new job out of state. While I was happy for him, I also realized I would be experiencing another loss—the loss of precious family time with a son and daughter-in-law, and three grandchildren. 22 DECEMBER 2013 / JANUARY 2014 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 1213 22-23 RLP Josie.indd 22 Dec2013/Jan2014 // PAGE 22 // DOM 11/4/13 3:25 PM It didn’t take long for a strange quietness to settle in, followed by loneliness and an emptiness that I had never felt before. I knew I couldn’t dwell on those feelings but they came like dark storm clouds that hung around in my mind. I prayed, asking God for peace, comfort and things to do that would help me fill the lonely times, and He reminded me of 2 Corinthians 1:3-4: During the party, I discovered that most of the children didn’t have grandparents living nearby, so they didn’t have the opportunity to enjoy cookie-baking time together. I was excited and very touched that the parents thought we should make our cookie party an annual event. Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God (NIV). It’s been nearly two years since we lost our granddaughter Josie, and I will always remember her. I still miss having my grandkids nearby. (I travel to be with them on weekends when I can.) But God’s grace and healing power is amazing. He heals our lonely and grieving hearts and fills us with love and joy in ways that we least expect. Yes, I had needed time to grieve. But now, although there were still feelings of loss to process, God was urging me to stop dwelling on my loss and instead, reach out to others, even when I didn’t feel like it. I had no idea hosting a cookie party would bring healing to my broken heart. Really, it wasn’t the cookies or the kids, but “the God of all comfort” filling the emptiness in my heart with joy while reaching out to others. And yes, there will be another cookie party! Sandy Buendorf has served in the Media division for fifteen years at Joyce Meyer Ministries. BLACK I prayed for Him to fill the emptiness in my heart— especially with holiday season coming—and He showed me a great opportunity to bless others. CYAN I’d often listened to my coworkers share stories about the woes of child rearing and how busy their lives were, and I suddenly found myself wanting to reach out to them as I would my own family. Magenta With the holiday season just ahead, having a Christmas cookie party for small kids and their parents seemed like a great idea, plus it would help me overcome the emptiness I was feeling inside. As I started planning, I became inspired by cookie ideas and found the quiet, empty times filled with excitement while baking cookies for the party. 23 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org EEL 1213 22-23 RLP Josie.indd 23 Dec2013/Jan2014 // PAGE 23 // DOM 11/4/13 3:25 PM Yellow “I prayed for God to fill the emptiness in my heart— especially during the coming holiday season—and He showed me a great opportunity to bless others.” A Yellow Magenta CYAN BLACK SPECIAL GRACE for EVERY CASE EEL 1213 24-29.indd 24 DEC 13 / JAN 14 // PAGE 24 // DOM 11/4/13 3:34 PM ///// How to Receive More of the Grace You Need Each Day BY JOYCE MEYER When I found out that God’s grace gave me the power to enjoy my life no matter what was happening, that was life-changing for me. I realized that His grace is jaw-dropping amazing! God not only saves us, He gives us everything we need to stay positive and be a positive influence in the world. IT’S IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND that it takes more than a weekly trip to church to have victory during difficult times in our lives. We need to know how to stay plugged in to our power source. And what that means is, we need to keep feeding ourselves the Word of God. Instead of just singing, “Jesus, You’re the center of it all,” at church on Sunday, we need to make Him the center of it all. That’s when we will find the power to stay in victory. But God’s not going to push His grace on you or make you receive it. He loves you and wants to help you, but He also wants you to come to Him and ask for His help, because apart from Him, we can do nothing (see John 15:5). Magenta For a long time, I thought I was a “special case” because my father abused me. So when God asked me to overcome that by forgiving him and taking good care of him in his old age, I thought: I just can’t do this, God. It’s too hard. And it really did Even though it may feel impossible to go through, God has enough grace for your situation too. BLACK I have a soft spot for people who feel that way, because I know exactly what it’s like. seem impossible at the time. But I found out that God had enough grace to help me do it. CYAN M any people are going through life frustrated—not just because they’re in challenging circumstances, but because they can’t seem to tap in to the joy and peace that the Bible says they can have. No matter how hard they try, it’s hard to keep a positive attitude. 25 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org EEL 1213 24-29.indd 25 DEC 13 / JAN 14 // PAGE 25 // DOM 11/4/13 3:36 PM Yellow ///// When I found out that God’s grace gave me the power to enjoy my life no matter what was happening, that was lifechanging for me. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// WHEN YOU FEEL LIKE YOU’RE LOSING POWER, go plug yourself in to God. Just take a moment and pray, “God, I am going to lose it here. I don’t want to say or do something that’s going to make me feel foolish later. Please, help me get through this with a good attitude.” Remember, just trying to have a good attitude doesn’t work. You need to ask God to do the work in you. There will probably be some waiting in between. But that doesn’t mean God isn’t working. While we’re waiting on God, our part is to trust Him and study His Word. When we receive teaching from God’s Word, it’s like medicine for our soul. We begin to see our problems from God’s point of view, which is an empowering place to be. Not only does it free us from our own flawed perceptions, His Word compels us to be the best version of ourselves that we can be. Discover the untapped grace that’s available to you, and start doing more of what God says you can do. Magenta CYAN BLACK It really is amazing. Paul teaches us in Romans 7:24-25 that God gives us victory over our selfish nature, saying, Who will release and deliver me from [the shackles of] this body of death? O thank God! [He will!] through Jesus Christ (the Anointed One) our Lord! Amazing Grace 4 Teachings on CD by Joyce Meyer Who will deliver you? He will. But we will have to go through some suffering to get there. Yellow $26 / $33 Canada First Peter 5:10 says, And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace [Who imparts all blessing and favor], Who has called you to His [own] eternal glory in Christ Jesus, will Himself complete and make you what you ought to be.... WHY CAN’T HE JUST DELIVER US from all our problems right now? We may never understand why, but God asks us to go forward in faith, knowing He always has our best interests in mind. During the early years of my ministry, I tried so hard to make my ministry grow and nothing worked. Everything was “little” for a long time. And then when God’s timing finally arrived, all of a sudden I was getting invited to speak everywhere. The good news is I didn’t give up. And I truly believe my greatest testimony is, “I’m still here.” BE DETERMINED TO NEVER GIVE UP on God and His plan for your life. A lot of people give up on themselves, the people in their life, their dreams and even on God. Anybody can do that. But it takes the power of the Holy Spirit working in you, and love for God, to stick with Him through the most difficult times in life. Eventually, you will get to your promised land. God’s timing may not be what you would want it to be, but He will always come through. The best part of it is, God will help you do what you need to do with supernatural ease. Whenever you find yourself saying, “God, I can’t do this. It’s just too hard.” Remember to plug in to His power, because God has a special grace for your special case. 26 DECEMBER 2013 / JANUARY 2014 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 1213 24-29.indd 26 DEC 13 / JAN 14 // PAGE 26 // DOM 11/4/13 3:37 PM A M E R I C A AT I T S best Writing the Pages of History GOD’S INFLUENCE IN THE BIRTH OF AMERICA’S GOVERNMENT BY DAVE MEYER Separate but Equal — When our Founders declared independence from England, they were well aware that great oppression was possible, not only when power was concentrated in a monarchy, but also in the hands of an elite. After all, Parliament was a national legislature with supreme authority. They broke the powers of government into these three divisions because that is how the Bible defined God’s government of the universe in Isaiah 33:22—“For the Lord is our judge (Chief Justice), the Lord is our lawgiver (Legislature), the Lord is our King (Chief Executive); He will save us.” Since God is perfect and infallible, He can possess all three powers and still be just and fair, but not sinful men. 27 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org EEL 1213 24-29.indd 27 DEC 13 / JAN 14 // PAGE 27 // DOM 11/4/13 3:37 PM BLACK Following is an excerpt from America’s Providential History, written by Mark A. Beliles and Stephen K. McDowell. As a result, after our Founders had apportioned most of the powers of government to the states, they went even further…and separated the few and limited powers of the national government into three branches that would check each other. CYAN James Madison wrote that: “The accumulation of all powers—legislative, executive, and judiciary—in the same hands whether of one, a few, or many…may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” Magenta This month, I want to share with you a powerful passage that details the origin of our three branches of government and what is now referred to as “the separation of powers.” They also firmly believed in the Biblical ideas of man and government. They believed that man’s sinful nature meant that he should not be entrusted with too much power, even if he was regenerated through the blood of Jesus Christ. Yellow I BELIEVE the birth of America’s government is one of the most fascinating events in history. Without precedent, our Founding Fathers laid the groundwork and drafted a constitution that would forever change the way the world views civil liberties. A M E R I C A AT I T S best “God providentially shaped America in such a way that democracy, aristocracy and monarchy would be blended together into a balanced Christian Republic — the first in history.” Achieving the Perfect Blend — The manner in which these three elements were balanced so well in our government is interesting. The Protestant Reformation produced three distinct movements of Christians who emphasized three different patterns of church government: The Episcopalians emphasized the rule of one from the top down. The Presbyterians emphasized the rule of a few elders. Congregationalists emphasized the rule of many. Consider the Source Magenta CYAN BLACK It didn’t happen by chance. Discover God’s fingerprints on the founding and establishing of this great nation. America’s Providential History Paperback by Mark A. Beliles and Stephen K. McDowell Yellow $18.95 Each of these groups colonized America, by the design of Providence, into major geographical groupings and formed their colonial civil governments in patterns similar to their churches… rienced experts on all three forms and blended them together beautifully. The Birth of a Christian Republic — Our federal government therefore—specifically the first three articles of the Constitution—is a reflection of church government. The Episcopalian form of church government alone is not the biblical model found in the New Testament, neither is the Presbyterian or Congregational. It is only when all three are blended together that you have balanced biblical Christian government. It follows in civil government as well. If our founders had all been Congregationalists, then our Constitution would probably have established more of a pure democracy in America. But that alone would not be the biblical model of civil government. God providentially shaped the colonization of America in such a way that democracy, aristocracy and monarchy would be blended together into a balanced Christian Republic—the first in history. The northern colonies, settled predominantly by Congregationalists, established a form of democracy. The southern colonies, being mostly Episcopalian, established “Royal Provinces” which were a form of monarchy. The middle colonies were proprietary, and being influenced greatly by Reformed Presbyterianism, established more aristocratic governments. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were clearly founded upon Christian ideas of man and government. Our Founders were the first men to “hold these truths” and establish a nation upon them. Simply put: Without Christianity, there never would have been a Constitution. God allowed these isolated geographical groupings to taste the strengths and weaknesses of their particular form of government for 150 years before bringing them all together through the American Revolution. As Noah Webster, the father of the dictionary and a key Federalist in the passage of the Constitution, said: “The religion which has introduced civil liberty, is the religion of Christ and his apostles… This is genuine Christianity, and to this we owe our free constitutions of government.” The result? When delegates arrived in Philadelphia in 1787, they were expe- Excerpted with permission from Mark A. Beliles and Stephen K. McDowell. 28 DECEMBER 2013 / JANUARY 2014 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 1213 24-29.indd 28 DEC 13 / JAN 14 // PAGE 28 // DOM 11/4/13 3:38 PM Good Stuff Dec ‘13/Jan ’14 INTERESTING BITS, READER RESPONSES, MILESTONES & MORE Young FAH went to school with a full tummy. What does God want for them and so many more? Happy endings! FIND OUT what He’s done in their lives—and help create even more happy endings at joycemeyer.org/christmas. Spread Christmas cheer with our homemade pins at pinterest.com/joycemeyermin. Traveling by rail? Talk to a fellow passenger. A listening ear could be just what they need this time of year. BLACK Five-month-old ANNE was treated for malaria. This magazine can fly! It’s handy for layovers, fits easily into a carry-on bag and makes a great stocking stuffer, too. Have yourself a merry little Pinterest. Need to kill some time in the car? Think who you’ll be seeing during your trip and plan a way to make them smile. CYAN LINEO was rescued from a life of prostitution. PLANES, TRAINS & AUTOS, OH MY! JUST BEING SOCIAL TV BROADCAST 6,949,544,847 people on earth (est.) AMAZING FACT: Together we have the potential to reach 2/3 of the world with the Gospel! 29 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org EEL 1213 24-29.indd 29 DEC 13 / JAN 14 // PAGE 29 // DOM 11/4/13 3:38 PM Magenta Because of you... HOLIDAY TRAVEL Yellow CHRISTMAS MIRACLES E N J O Y I N G E V E R Y D AY L I F E Dec ‘13/Jan ’14 E N J O Y I N G E V E R Y D AY L I F E WOMEN’S CONFERENCE THIS MONTH NEW YEAR, NEW YOU! HOW TO Stay Happy With Your New Year’s Resolution JAN 11 HUMAN TRAFFICKING AWARENESS DAY Join us in the fight. facebook.com/handofhope WISDOM 1 Take it one day at a time. 2 Pray and ask for God’s help. “THERE ARE TOO MANY PEOPLE praying for mountains 3 Focus on doing the right thing instead of not doing the wrong thing. OF DIFFICULTY TO BE REMOVED WHEN WHAT THEY REALLY 4 Celebrate every step of success. NEED TO BE PRAYING FOR IS THE courage to climb them.” BLACK 5 Focus on how far you’ve come and don’t be discouraged. SIGN UP to receive encouragement at make1break1.com B LD adjective \’bold\ showing or requiring a fearless daring spirit adventurous, free <a bold thinker> standing out prominently She wore a dress with bold stripes. C N·FI· DENT adjective \’kän-f -d nt, -,dent \ full of conviction : certain <confident of success> <confident that conditions will improve> having or showing assurance I am confident about my ability to do the job. C U·RA· GEOUS adjective \k - ’ra-j s\ having or characterized by courage : brave Joyce, from her New York Times bestselling book Approval Addiction She was a courageous woman who wasn’t afraid to support unpopular causes. Yellow Magenta CYAN MEDICAL/DENTAL MISSIONS WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO VOLUNTEER? IT’S A BIG SACRIFICE. WHAT’S THE PAYOFF? “We like to say, ‘Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.’ You’ve got to be able to keep a soft heart and a tough skin.” —Laura Matheny, RN, Hand of Hope Medical Outreach Coordinator “To see a near-death baby come back to life…it’s awesome! I’ll sacrifice sleep and showers and eat PB&J sandwiches for lunch.” —Chris Blaser, RN and ninetime volunteer WANT TO JOIN US ON AN UPCOMING TRIP? Find out more about future outreaches at joycemeyer.org/medicalmissions or call 1-800-727-9673 ext. 3218. “bold,” “confident,” “courageous.” Merriam-Webster.com. 2013. http://www.merriam-webster.com (2 August 2013). 30 DECEMBER 2013 / JANUARY 2014 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 1213 30-31 News2 Xmas.indd 30 DEC 2013/JAN 2014 // PAGE 30 // DOM 11/4/13 3:53 PM F E GR EATEST G I TH F FT JESUS This article is adapted from Joyce’s newest book, The Gift What Christmas Means for You and Me BY JOYCE MEYER OR UNTO YOU IS BORN THIS DAY IN THE CITY OF DAVID A SAVIOUR, WHICH IS CHRIST THE LORD… YE SHALL FIND THE BABE WRAPPED IN SWADDLING CLOTHES, LYING IN A MANGER. — Luke 2:11-12 KJV Before the world began, Jesus lived in heaven—a far more glorious place than you or I can ever imagine. Yet because you and I needed a Savior, He left paradise and came to earth…as a tiny baby, wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. You and I now know Jesus not as a helpless infant or even a grown-up man, but the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Great I Am. His greatness goes beyond what any one of us can fully comprehend. He is… Just let that soak in for a moment… Philippians 2:8-9 says that because Jesus humbled Himself to the extreme, “God has highly exalted Him and has freely bestowed on Him the name that is above every name.” EEL 1213 30-31 News2 Xmas.indd 31 Through a personal relationship with Christ, you can know Him intimately as all of these. As you prepare for the Christmas season and begin to celebrate the miracle of His love, I encourage you to ponder the majesty of God and the goodness and power He brings to your life. Having a close, personal relationship with Jesus is truly the greatest gift of all. DEC 2013/JAN 2014 // PAGE 31 // DOM Unwrap peace, joy, hope, love… NEW! CYAN THE GOOD SHEPHERD —John 10:11 Magenta That night in Bethlehem, our infant Savior was humbly laid on a simple bed of straw. As a boy, He played and studied in the modest household of a carpenter. As a man, Jesus lived His life as a perfect example, enduring every kind of earthly temptation, yet, without sinning—and then humbled Himself to the point of death on a cross so you and I might have eternal life. THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE —John 14:6 The Gift Hardcover by Joyce Meyer $14 / $18 Canada 11/4/13 3:54 PM Yellow The way He came and how He lived as a man on this earth reveals so much to us about the true character of God and His amazing love for all of us. And Christmas is the perfect time to celebrate the miracle of His love. BLACK THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA —Revelation 1:8 Jesus came to rescue you. STABILITY IN THE Storm HOW TO RESPOND TO LOVED ONES ON THEIR JOURNEY THROUGH EMOTIONAL Yellow Magenta CYAN BLACK HEALING EEL 1213 32-35 Bonus2 CT.indd 32 DEC 13/JAN 14 // PAGE 32 // DOM 11/4/13 3:39 PM BY JOYCE MEYER I was approximately forty-five years old and still suffering from the painful abuse I experienced as a child when I felt an unquestionable urge to confront my dad. God was showing me that facing my abuser was the only way to break the cycle of fear in my life. It was extremely hard for me to do because I knew I would experience his anger again, and I did. But I also accomplished what God was leading me to do. And it helped me break free. Yellow One of the best things my husband, Dave, did for me was not allow my anger to make him unhappy. I believe one of the best things you can do for an angry person is to show them by example that there is a better way to live and behave. CYAN Because an angry man dictated my life for so many years, I was angry myself and vented my anger through my words and attitudes. My anger manifested frequently when things didn’t go the way I wanted them to go. I was wrong, and I needed godly confrontation. Magenta Most of you reading this aren’t dealing with the kind of person I’m talking about, but you do encounter angry people in your life, and some of you are in relationship with someone who is angry. BLACK We must always do the part God leads us to do, no matter how the other party reacts. EEL 1213 32-35 Bonus2 CT.indd 33 DEC 13/JAN 14 // PAGE 33 // DOM 11/4/13 3:40 PM “I BELIEVE one of the best things you can do for an angry person is to show them by example that there is a better way to live and behave.” BE AN EXAMPLE TO HURTING PEOPLE Because I had never lived in an atmosphere where stability existed, I didn’t know what it looked like. Dave was an example of stability to me, and that was extremely important. Had he merely told me to stop being angry and responded to my anger with anger of his own, I don’t think I would have ever changed. As they say, “Two wrongs don’t make a right.” CYAN BLACK Let healing begin with you. Magenta New York Times Bestseller Do Yourself a Favor...Forgive 208-Page Hardcover by Joyce Meyer $19.99 / $25 Canada Yellow Also available in Spanish (Paperback) $12.99 According to God’s Word, we are not to confront anger with anger, evil with evil, or insult with insult. First Peter 3:9 says, Never return evil for evil or insult for insult (scolding, tongue-lashing, berating), but on the contrary blessing [praying for their welfare, happiness, and protection, and truly pitying and loving them]. For know that to this you have been called, that you may yourselves inherit a blessing [from God--that you may obtain a blessing as heirs, bringing welfare and happiness and protection]. life yourself, it will only frustrate you. Only God changes people from the inside out and He does it in His timing. So pray for the people you know who struggle with anger to let God work in their life, and be an example of peace and stability to them! DON’T LET HURTING PEOPLE MAKE YOU UNHAPPY When I say at my conferences that we should not let someone else’s attitude determine our level of joy, I always get an amazing response. I can see from the audience’s faces that some of them have done that without even realizing they had another choice. Can we really be joyful when other people we are around are angry and unhappy? Yes, we can if we set our mind to do so. And once again, I want to stress that I believe this is the best thing we can do for the angry person. Just maintain a calm delight in their presence. Assure them that you love them and want them to be happy, but you are not going to let their decisions dictate your quality of life. In other words, don’t become codependent of someone else’s behavior. PARTNER WITH GOD TO MAKE A WAY I am well aware that doing this is more difficult than reading about it, but anything God asks us to do, He will give us the strength to do if we are willing to be obedient to Him. God does have the solution to any problem you have, and His ways always work if we will cooperate with Him. I believe with all my heart that Dave’s example to me was what caused me to want to change. He was firm with me, but never let me steal his joy. He let me know that if I wanted to be unhappy that was up to me, but he was going to be happy whether I was or not. He was consistent for a long period of time, and I finally realized that I was missing a lot in life and I needed to change. Nobody can change until they want to, so if you try to change people in your Don’t give up hope for angry people in your life. They obviously have a bondage, a hurt or something wrong in their past causing the anger. Pray and continue to pray that they will see the truth and begin to walk in the light. Matthew 7:7 says, Keep on asking and it will be given you; keep on seeking and you will find; keep on knocking [reverently] and [the door] will be opened to you. I have seen amazing changes in people through the power of prayer. Our sincere prayers give God an open door to work diligently in their lives, and He loves and changes them in His own way. I believe when we pray, God works! Sometimes we’ll get answers immediately and other times we will pray for a lifetime. Be committed to keep praying and thanking God that He is working in the lives of people even if you aren’t yet seeing results. 34 DECEMBER 2013 / JANUARY 2014 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 1213 32-35 Bonus2 CT.indd 34 DEC 13/JAN 14 // PAGE 34 // DOM 11/4/13 3:41 PM UPCOMING conferences PHOENIX, AZ FEB 20-22 PHOENIX FIRST ASSEMBLY WORSHIP WITH FUZED WORSHIP® WINSTON-SALEM, NC MAR 13-15 LJVM COLISEUM WORSHIP WITH MATT REDMAN & CHRISTY NOCKELS BIRMINGHAM, AL MAR 27-29 BJCC ARENA WORSHIP WITH HIGHLANDS WORSHIP Madagascar JUNE 19-20 Namibia JUNE 26-28 FOR MORE INFORMATION visit joycemeyer.org/africa2014 Magenta Enjoy four unique teachings, inspiring worship, and a faith-filled atmosphere where anything is possible. Take some time away—your life may never be the same! joycemeyer.org/conference facebook.com/joycemeyerministries twitter.com/joycemeyer volunteer@joycemeyer.org (800) 707-7877 Yellow (866) SEE - JOYCE Get the complete schedule and details you need to plan your trip at joycemeyer.org/conference Spanish translation will be available at some locations; please check online for more information. Interpretation for the deaf and hard of hearing will be provided. No registration required. Schedule is subject to change. EEL 1213 32-35 Bonus2 CT.indd 35 DEC 13/JAN 14 // PAGE 35 // DOM CYAN BLACK Madagascar & namibia 11/4/13 3:42 PM Joyce Meyer Ministries Canada P. O. Box 7700 Vancouver, BC V6B 4E2 joycemeyer.org 20% OFF NOW AVAILABLE! New Devotional by Joyce It’s true: Where the mind goes, the man follows. So what have you been thinking about lately? Are you filling your heart and mind with things that are true, pure, lovely, good, virtuous…? Join Joyce for a few minutes each day to take in a power thought, based on God’s Word, and get filled up with more of the peace, joy, wisdom, and positivity that only He can give. Because it’s true: God’s Word in your heart means God’s power will grow in your life! Power Thoughts Devotional Hardcover by Joyce Meyer $17 $13.60 | $22 $17 in Canada Look for it wherever books are sold. joycemeyer.org/powerthoughts EEL 1213 36 BC.indd 36 DEC 13/JAN 14 // DOM BC2 // Canada 11/5/13 3:57 PM
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