WHAT ARE YOU - Joyce Meyer Ministries
WHAT ARE YOU - Joyce Meyer Ministries
ENJOYING E V E R Y L I F E SEPTEMBER/ O C T O B E R 2014 DIGGING deeper PA G E 1 6 TAKE A STEP INTO FREEDOM PA G E 2 0 IS EVERYTHING PA G E 2 3 WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF? PA G E 6 EEL 0914 01 P.indd 1 SEPT/OCT 2014 // PAGE 1 // DOM 7/25/14 10:50 AM PMS 162 Perspective 30 Minutes a Day for 30 Days Makes a Life-Changing Difference! When Joyce issued the challenge to study the Word 30 minutes a day for 30 days, the response was amazing. Thousands took the challenge and started the 30-day adventure that changed their lives. It was James 1:21 in action: …In a humble (gentle, modest) spirit receive and welcome the Word which implanted and rooted [in your hearts] contains the power to save your souls. Here’s what just a few had to say about what God did in them through the challenge: “ DAY 1 I’m determined: “I have found a new habit! The study of the Word. I’ve been learning so much and yesterday I finally stopped running from something that has been a sore spot between My Lord and I for a long time. It’s still a tender spot, but I am determined to keep going on.” —Liz “ “ DAY 7 DAY 25 Renewing my mind: An A+ Challenge: “I am so enjoying this 30-30 challenge. I am in The Word each day as is because I continually need my mind renewed, but this extra thirty minutes is even more fulfilling. For God promises: If you seek me, you WILL find Me. Praise God!” —Tom “I’m a teacher. My 6th graders have been really growing in their faith. We decided to take the 3030 Challenge as a class, and boy, has Christ swept through my 17 students! Children are discussing how reading and spending this time with God has increased their faith. One girl said this opportunity has taught her to ‘finally tell the difference between my voice and [God’s] voice.’ I could go on and on with what my 11- and 12-year-old students are saying, but the main point is, they are seeing God in a brand-new light. They are truly learning about relationship with Christ and why you shouldn’t read the Bible—you should study it. My students and I both thank you!” —Elisa “ DAY 13 I study more: “I am truly delighted to say that since starting this challenge, I have read more, studied more and believed more than ever in my 33 years ‘born again’.” —Scott “ DAY 30 This time was different: “I am not new to the Bible…however, this time for me is like no other. I am researching, defining and paying close attention to the structure of the Word. I never did this before. From the second day of my study God opened the door of blessings to me. I am so much at peace...I am happy and each day, I look forward to returning to the Word.” —Sherry “Studying the Word of God is extremely valuable—the Bible is our instruction book for life. Take time to study the Word so you can learn how to have the great life God has for you!” —Joyce Take the challenge. Sign up today! facebook.com/joycemeyerministries pinterest.com/joycemeyermin joycemeyer.org/3030challenge EEL 0914 2-5 P.indd 2 SEPT/OCT 2014 // PAGE 2 // DOM 7/28/14 9:32 AM VO LU M E 29 No 5 “ SE P/ OC T 2014 ...Be strong and courageous...for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. —Joshua 1:9 ” YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TTOO DDOO IITT 6 16 20 32 afraid Contents by joyce meyer 6 You Have What It Takes to Do It Afraid you’ll find stories of lives changed through the love of Christ and your partnership with Joyce Meyer Ministries. They are stories of moms, sisters, grandmas, sons, fathers and husbands. Stories of people just like you. BLACK By Joyce Meyer In this issue, Let the Holy Spirit teach you how to confront, deal with and overcome your fears. Learn why cultivating a deep faith in God will help you weather the storms of life. 20 Leap of Faith By Charlotte Reifschneider How her first steps to freedom from fear led to living a courageous life! ST RAI GHT F ROM THE HE A RT GOD'S WORD MA D E PE R SO N A L T V SCHE DULE AME RI CA AT I TS B EST GOOD ST UF F NE XT GE NE RAT I O N CONF E RE NCES 201 4 CYAN By Joyce Meyer 5 10 19 26 29 32 34 Magenta 16 Roots 32 Bold from the Beginning By Ron Luce THANK YOU! Every day our Partners help us Share Christ and Love People. Check out joycemeyer.org/annualreport to see how your generosity helps others in need. EEL 0914 2-5 P.indd 3 SEPT/OCT 2014 // PAGE 3 // DOM 3 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org 7/25/14 10:58 AM Yellow How to lay a foundation of confidence in Christ that helps build strong, God-honoring young people. WE ASKED! November 4 is Election Day in the U.S. However, no matter where you live, there’s no better time than now to pray for your country. Let’s join together in one voice and lift up the needs of our nations to God in prayer. BILLION PEOPLE BECAUSE you CARE, As always, we are so grateful for the generosity of our friends and partners that helps us to continue sharing Christ and loving people every day. Anita McQueen: Lord, be with us all...hold our nation, leaders, troops and country in the shelter of Your arms...in Jesus’ name, Amen. Irina Antonyuk: I’m praying for U.S. and you please pray for peace in my country, Ukraine! See how your support touches many lives at joycemeyer.org/ annualreport Modupe Adeyemi: God help us in Nigeria; have mercy upon this nation. Redeem us spiritually, politically and economically...Let thy will be done oh Lord. Enjoying Everyday Life® is published by Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc.® , a nonprofit corporation, Fenton, MO USA © 2014 Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. Publications Agreement No. 41709522. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Enjoying Everyday Life has no subscription price and is supported through contributions worldwide. All gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible (in countries where this applies). Because all Enjoying Everyday Life issues are preplanned, we are unable to accept unsolicited manuscripts. For more information or to order, call locally (636) 349-0303 or toll-free (800) 727-9673. Internet address: www.joycemeyer.org Resource prices are in U.S. Funds unless otherwise noted. Enjoying Everyday Life is a registered trademark of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. [J] is also a registered trademark of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. Order online 24/7 at joycemeyer.org or by phone at (800) 727-9673 or (636) 349-0303. Most major credit cards accepted. See enclosed form for details. Discounted offers expire December 31, 2014 (while supplies last) and are not available at conferences. Special offers cannot be combined for additional discounts; some offers may not be available outside the U.S. All prices are subject to change. Contributors Zandy Gunu: God bless South Africa. BLACK In Canada: Publications Mail Agreement No. 41709522 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Joyce Meyer Ministries Canada P.O. Box 7700 Vancouver, BC V6B 4E2 (800) 868-1002 cpcreturns@wdsmail.com 4.5 YOU POSTED! Elaine Ho: We pray for Malaysia PHOTOGRAPHERS Chad Spickler, David Dobson, Drew Nicolello, Greg Holtzmann, Kelly McClure, Scott Armstrong Jane Nyombayire: Let’s put Rwanda in God’s hands. Amen. SHUTTERSTOCK IMAGES 2 - Newcomer 23 - Surkov Dimitri 24 - Jeff Whyte 30 - smilewithjul 32 - Holbox CYAN SHARE YOUR ENCOURAGEMENT! JOYCE MEYER is one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and travels the country and the world conducting conferences. She has written 100 inspirational books and her Enjoying Everyday Life® radio and television programs are broadcast all over the world. join Magenta THE CONVERSATION! facebook.com/ joycemeyerministries @joycemeyer Yellow All Bible references are from The Amplified Bible unless otherwise noted. SHARING CHRIST WITH A POTENTIAL DAVE MEYER is Joyce’s husband and Vice President of Joyce Meyer Ministries. His passion is to share about this country’s rich Christian heritage and motivate people to get involved by praying, learning about the issues, and taking action. RON LUCE is the founder of Teen Mania/Acquire the Fire events with more than 3 million young people in attendance all over the world. His recent book, “Resilient,” teaches parents and young people to build faith that bounces back no matter what hits them. We Are Committed to Financial Accountability ACCOUNTABILITY At Joyce Meyer Ministries, we want you to be confident your gifts are being used in the best way possible. That’s why we are accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. FINANCIAL PRACTICE Joyce Meyer Ministries is voluntarily audited each year by an independent public accounting firm. 4 SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2014 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 0914 2-5 P.indd 4 SEPT/OCT 2014 // PAGE 4 // DOM 7/25/14 11:03 AM STRAIGHT FROM THE Heart D o you ever feel afraid? We all do sometimes. But do you let fear stop you from doing things and hold you back from God’s best for you? Well, I want to encourage you with three simple words: Do it afraid! Everyone feels fear for different reasons and at different times in our life. But just because we feel fear doesn’t mean we have to give in to it. I believe we have enough faith for whatever we are facing at the time, if we will trust God. David declared, “When I am afraid, I will put my trust in [God]…” (see Psalm 56:3). He had enough experience with God to know that no matter what he faced, the Lord was with him. God was with David then, and He lives in us today. Keep living courageously, 5 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org EEL 0914 2-5 P.indd 5 SEPT/OCT 2014 // PAGE 5 // DOM CYAN “Do it afraid! ” Magenta Sometimes, our biggest fears can be a hindrance to receiving our greatest blessings. For instance, the enemy never wants us to give or help someone else because he knows we reap what we sow! That’s why, friends and partners, I really want you to know we appreciate you sharing hope with others, by your continued support of Joyce Meyer Ministries, through whatever challenges you face. We’re praying for your greatest blessings yet. 7/25/14 11:04 AM Yellow If you will trust God like David did, you’ll see that whatever task is before you, He will be with you and guide you. He promises in His Word, When you pass through the waters, I will be with you… (Isaiah 43:2). If you’re going through something, the good news is at least you are moving. In the meantime, God is always working in us to transform our lives, so one day you may just look back and realize you’re not afraid anymore! BLACK Are you facing a challenge right now? You could be starting a new school year or waiting for a doctor’s report or maybe you need to forgive someone…it could be anything. Are you feeling stressed…tempted to let fear overtake you? YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TTOO DDOO IITT afraid by joyce meyer EEL 0914 6-9 P.indd 6 SEPT/OCT 2014 // PAGE 6 // DOM 7/25/14 11:14 AM vvv G G G G G G G G G G FEAR IS AN ENEMY THAT TORMENTS THE SOUL AND SEEKS TO STEAL OUR LIFE. CONQUERING IT IS NOT SOMETHING THAT WE DO IN ONE DAY, OR EVEN IN 1,000 DAYS. IT IS SOMETHING THAT WE CONQUER ONE DAY AT A TIME WITH GOD'S HELP. J J J J G G JJ J Fear can show up unexpectedly. One of our goals should be to recognize it so we can deal with it right away. should be sweet (see Proverbs 3:24). I prayed immediately and went back to sleep and have not had any problems since then. Recently, I was waking up at about 2 or 3 in the morning and then having difficulty going back to sleep. After two nights of that, I found myself going to bed with a vague sort of fear that it would happen again, and sure enough it did. After about three nights of the same thing, God reminded me that I could pray and resist Satan, the source of all fear. According to God’s Word, the sleep of the righteous We have power and authority over the enemy, but authority is useless if it is not exercised. BLACK vvv Magenta CYAN Being free from fear doesn’t mean that we will never experience it or be confronted by it. It means that we are committed to not allowing it to rule our lives, and when necessary we will do what we need to do, even if we have to do it afraid. 7 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org EEL 0914 6-9 P.indd 7 SEPT/OCT 2014 // PAGE 7 // DOM 7/25/14 11:14 AM Yellow G G " Each time you feel fear and decide to “do it afraid,” you will enjoy your new freedom so much that you will soon be totally unwilling to do without it. You will become determined to end your days of slavery to fear. That does not mean that you won’t still need to confront your fears, but it does mean that you will be more and more willing to keep confronting them. PRE-ORDER TODAY! Galatians 5:1 says, In [this] freedom Christ has made us free [and completely liberated us]; stand fast then, and do not be hampered and held ensnared and submit again to a yoke of slavery [which you have once put off]. This scripture is very clear that even though we have been completely liberated from a yoke of bondage, we will need at times to “stand fast,” and not allow ourselves to be entrapped by it again. Magenta CYAN BLACK Available September 16 joycemeyer.org/courageous Living Courageously Hardcover by Joyce Meyer K K K K K K K GOD HAS GIVEN US aall ll J NEED that we COUL CCOULD OULD OOUL ULD EVER RJ NE NEE E J TO OVERCOME VVEE ME OUR JFEARS J THROUGH CHRIST J " Satan is very shrewd and he doesn’t give up easily. I guess we can say that he never completely gives up the hope of drawing us back into bondage. We must live watchfully, ready to recognize and immediately confront the things that steal our liberty in Christ. The Bible says that the righteous man falls seven times and gets up again (see Proverbs 24:16). I love that scripture and I am greatly encouraged by it. Even the most righteous person fails to do everything he knows to do all the time, but he is committed to not giving up. Even if you have a weak moment, that doesn’t mean you have lost your victory. If we give up, even God can’t help us because we receive His help through faith, not through hopelessness. We need to stay positive, hopeful and filled with faith, and when we do we can overcome anything with God’s help. I often say that anyone can succeed if they refuse to give up! Some fears are more deeply rooted in us than other ones are, and for that reason they may be ones we will need to be more aggressive against. Mine is the fear of making people angry. My father was always angry, and I never really knew if I had done something to make him that way or not. I would like to be able to say that after all of these years of teaching others, I no longer have to deal with this one fear, but that’s not Yellow Look for it wherever books are sold. 8 SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2014 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 0914 6-9 P.indd 8 SEPT/OCT 2014 // PAGE 8 // DOM 7/25/14 11:15 AM Don’t be impatient! Possessing the full freedom that is yours in Christ is a journey. It is something we gain and then need to maintain. Always enjoy your progress instead of merely looking at how far you have to go. Today is a new day, and every day you can be one step closer to conquering your fears! Adapted from “Living Courageously” by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2014 by Joyce Meyer. Reprinted by permission of FaithWords, a division of Hachette Book Group, Inc. All rights reserved. BOLD, CONFIDENT & COURAGEOUS! Ladies, this weekend is just for you! 3 DAYS TER REGIS NOW ! BLACK The Word of God says that we are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us (Romans 8:37). God has given us all that we could ever need to overcome our fears through Christ. He has blessed us with every blessing in the spiritual realm (Ephesians 1:3). He has given us power and authority over all the power the devil possesses (Luke 10:19). We have what it takes, but we must be active and never give up. You were designed with an unstoppable spirit! Discover the sweet surprises God has in store as you step into a daring new season of life— 5 SESSIONS $69 U.S. Funds After September 24, tickets must be purchased at the door. CYAN Being able to recognize the lies, deceits and strategies of the devil is so important. We should always be ready to resist him at the onset of his attacks. The longer we let a fear remain, the more difficult it is to get rid of. So make a decision to be a person of action. You have what it takes to win! joycemeyer.org/lovelife (888) 727-5280 U.S. & Canada (636) 349-0303 International JOIN THE CONVERSATION! Magenta the case. However, the good news is now I recognize it and I deal with it, so I still have the victory. WE HOPE Y U’LL JOIN US! facebook.com/lovelifeconference Yellow @JoyceMeyer JoyceMeyer youtube.com/joycemeyerministries EEL 0914 6-9 P.indd 9 SEPT/OCT 2014 // PAGE 9 // DOM 7/25/14 11:15 AM GOD’S word MADE PERSONAL Fighting to “Do It Afraid” Eternal life does not merely refer to going to heaven when we die. It means life as God lives it and begins the moment we receive Jesus as Savior and Lord. That sounds exciting! God wants us to have that kind of freedom and to truly enjoy our lives. Although the enemy will send fearful thoughts our way, we don’t have to believe his lies. We can think about the truth of God’s Word and possess what is ours in Christ. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses. –1 Timothy 6:12 NIV Purposely pay attention to any fearful thoughts or feelings that you might have today. Make a note of the fears that come along and write them down on the lines below. Yet amid all these things we are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory through Him Who loved us. –Romans 8:37 AMP Read: 2 Timothy 1:7; 1 Corinthians 16:13; Colossians 3:2; Psalm 34:4. What does God say about fear? How should we respond to fearful thoughts that enter our minds? CYAN BLACK 1 John 4:18 says, “There is no fear in love [dread does not exist], but full-grown [complete, perfect] love turns fear out of doors and expels every trace of terror…” Take some time to reflect on that verse. Ask God to speak to your heart and give you understanding. Then write down what it means to you personally. Yellow Magenta “Read, study and meditate on God’s Word about being free from fear and secure in Him. His Word will renew your mind, and fear will turn to faith and courage.” —Joyce Pray: Lord, I choose to abide in the love that You have for me. Remind me of Your perfect love when I start to feel afraid. Help me to be bold and courageous so I can move forward with your plans for me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 10 SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2014 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 0914 10-11 P.indd 10 SEPT/OCT 2013 // PAGE 10 // DOM 7/25/14 11:28 AM You are here. sharing the love of christ CYAN BLACK ugh your faithful IT’S THAT ONE MOMENT. Thro s holds more than strie partnership, Joyce Meyer Mini hundreds of re whe , year a a dozen conferences healing that only and joy , hope the ive thousands rece moment—one Jesus Christ can give. It’s that one like them—that just rs encounter with God and othe , sharing here are You ver. changes their lives fore st. Chri of the message E SHART , LOVEE PEOPL Partnership is simple. Together we can do more. Let’s go. Magenta CHRIS Yellow Partnership JOYCE MEYER MINISTRIES joycemeyer.org/partnership EEL 0914 10-11 P.indd 11 (800) 727-9673 In Canada (800) 868-1006 SEPT/OCT 2013 // PAGE 11 // DOM 7/25/14 11:32 AM ING R A H S ST CHRI mom moved in with her grandmother and uncle, and things went from bad to worse. Her uncle began sexually abusing her, and Glenda had to survive the trauma until she was 12. At one point, she told her mother about it, but nothing changed because her mom said they needed the cheap rent. Glenda ended up in an abusive marriage, which lasted 22 years because of fear. With three children, no job, no family support, and only two years of college, leaving didn’t seem possible. But she eventually mustered the courage to go back to school, finish her degree, and move out. And it led her to the ultimate change of a lifetime. Real Life Transformation FROM ABUSE AND DESPAIR TO LOVE AND HOPE CYAN BLACK Glenda discovered a personal relationship with Jesus and the hope of a whole new life, yet the baggage from her past weighed her down. She says, “The more I tried to change and be like Christ, the more I rebounded into the old ways of anger, rejection and self-loathing. I was a clueless Christian who couldn’t love, and what good was that?” Yellow Magenta GLENDA’S MOTHER didn’t want her. She told her, “After you were born, life wasn’t fun anymore.” And she never let her forget it. Tragically, it was the message she gave Glenda from the beginning. When she was around six years old, Glenda’s mom and stepfather divorced. Glenda and her By this time, Glenda had remarried. When her husband mentioned that he liked listening to Joyce Meyer, she found her on TV. It wasn’t easy to listen to her message at first, but she kept coming back to the program as she realized God wanted to use it to change her. Joyce had also battled abuse, rejection, unforgiveness and life without peace or joy, but she had overcome it. Now God’s love, peace and joy were shining through her. Glenda remembers praying, “God, I want that! I want peace, joy and to be able to love others.” Th of Har $1 As Glenda reached out to God, He met her where she was and gave her the strength to walk out the healing she desperately needed in her mind and emotions. Using Joyce’s books Beauty for Ashes and Battlefield of the Mind, Glenda found freedom in Christ to receive God’s love, forgive, and see herself and others through God’s eyes. Glenda has found a whole new life! Now her testimony is: “My heart bubbles over with God’s love, joy and peace…I love everyone. And nothing has ever felt so good!” 12 SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2014 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 0914 12-13 P.indd 12 SEPT/OCT 2013 // PAGE 12 // DOM 7/25/14 11:39 AM UNWRAP PEACE, JOY, HOPE, LOVE... The Gift: Unwrap the Meaning of the Christmas Season Hardcover by Joyce Meyer Did you k n ow? Your purch ases help support ou treaches th at share Chri st and love people aro und the wo rld. Thank you fo God’s heart r sharing with others ! joycemeyer.org (800) 727-9673 | In Canada (800) 868-1002 13 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org EEL 0914 12-13 P.indd 13 SEPT/OCT 2013 // PAGE 13 // DOM 7/25/14 11:40 AM Magenta Enjoy the peace found in God’s Word. Yellow T H E E V E R Y D AY L I F E B I B L E CYAN BLACK $14/$18 Canada LOVING PEOPLE SPRING OF HOPE HOW YOU ARE BRINGING NEW LIFE AND CLEAN WATER TO THE AMAZON JUNGLE Yellow Magenta CYAN BLACK BY CHAD TRAFTON Villagers used to walk to the river or nearby water holes. The new well provides safe access to fresh water, free of parasites and disease. PERU, SOUTH AMERICA — Nestled in the Peruvian jungle, Zungaro Cocha is one of hundreds of villages you may not find on a map but populate much of the Amazon River coastline. Here, the average man makes barely enough to scratch out an existence. Most families have little more than a table and a few chairs, along with a wood-burning stove and a place to sleep. Many don’t even have this. And until recently, almost no one had access to clean water. Although it’s Autumn, it feels a lot like Summer, with temps in the 90s bolstered by high humidity from frequent showers. Makeshift wood and cement houses with simple metal roofs line the muddy roads of this community. Quantity of water is not the issue; they are literally surrounded by the Amazon’s tributaries… and within walking distance of the river itself. It’s the quality that proves dangerous, with dirty water from these sources bringing parasites and other diseases into the community. Zungaro Cocha literally means “big fish, small lake,” named for its once-booming fishing industry. But it’s been years since the lake was productive, and now most residents depend on selling corn, bananas and whatever food they can grow in their yards. Through the support of our friends and partners, Joyce Meyer Ministries’ missions outreach, Hand of Hope, recently joined with Camino de Vida Ministries in Peru to build a church and install a fresh-water well in Zungaro Cocha…bringing physical and spiritual help to thousands. Gilberto Ahuanari is the pastor of the church. 14 SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2014 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 0914 14-15 Peru P.indd 14 SEPT/OCT 2014 // PAGE 14 // DOM 7/25/14 11:46 AM The day of our visit, the congregation gathers to welcome us…and share stories of how things have changed. “Since I was a kid, I saw suffering from water,” says Ester Yahuarcani. “Kids would suffer from carrying it. We’d have to go down to the river with buckets and bring it back on our heads. Our knees would hurt, and kids had a lot of diarrhea. Now they don’t—now God has blessed us.” It’s a blessing that runs deep. This church congregation of 50 people now finds themselves sharing Christ with hundreds who benefit from the freshwater well. “Things have changed because the town believes in God and believes in us,” says Ester. “They come to us for difficulties and come to church to ask for prayer. The whole town is really happy about that.” Pastor Gilberto Ahuanari “When I used to get water at night, there was a lot of danger,” says Nadiesta. “My daughter was even bit by a serpent.” That bite caused her teenager’s leg to swell, and they feared the worst. She was rushed to a doctor and eventually recovered. Thankfully, they no longer have to place themselves in harm’s way. “I thank the Lord for bringing this blessing from so far away,” says another resident Lidia Altamirano. “Water is one of the elemental substances in life—to cook, to bathe, to drink, everything. We can live without light, but we cannot live without water.” Over and over, the people we meet tell us, “This water is the answer to our prayers.” Friends and partners, you are here in the Peruvian jungle, bringing hope and God’s love to thousands along the Amazon River. Thank you for helping us share Christ and love people all around the world. Thank you for being a part of the answer. Chad Trafton is a staff writer for Joyce Meyer Ministries. Let’s Go! Partnership is simple. Together we can do more. Join us. Make a donation today. For NEW monthly Partners: Plus! A bonus gift for new partners who select auto-debit as their method of payment A Free Gift! Promises for Your Everyday Life What Are You Going to Believe? Leather-bound 365-day devotional SHAR CHRIS E T, LOVE PEOP LE Partnership JOYCE MEYER MINISTRIES joycemeyer.org/partnership HAND OF HOPE is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith. joycemeyer.org/handofhope EEL 0914 14-15 Peru P.indd 15 SEPT/OCT 2014 // PAGE 15 // DOM BLACK “I didn’t know where it would come from,” says Pastor Ahuanari, “but it’s you—God used you to build this. It’s a gift from God.” CYAN The Lord immediately spoke to his heart and gave him Zechariah 6:15: And those who are far off shall come and help build the Temple of the Lord…. Nadiesta Acho recently gave her life to the Lord when the congregation went house to house offering prayer. She’s grateful for the new beginning…and for the safety the new well brings. Magenta “We didn’t have a home and people began to leave,” says Pastor Ahuanari. “My tears began to roll. I prayed to God, ‘If you have brought me here, then hold out Your hand—bring the time and the moment.’” Just miles down the Amazon River, the stories continue. You are making a difference in the Puerto Almendra village, where we have installed another new church and water well. (800) 727-9673 (800) 868-1002 In Canada 7/25/14 11:50 AM Yellow For the past three years, the congregation held services in a dilapidated house, which eventually deteriorated due to the rain and intense climate. GOING DEEPER WITH GOD TO FIND THE LIFE YOU REALLY WANT BY JOYCE MEYER CYAN BLACK things we pursue in life have everything to do with our joy and fulfillment. While it’s certainly not wrong to desire success, a better paying job, or a higher standard of living, the Bible tells us that seeking after “things” and making them our priority will make us miserable in the end! Yellow Magenta Seek is a strong word. It means “to crave, pursue, to make sacrifices to get, to go after with all of your strength and all of your heart.” I encourage you to take a moment and ask yourself, “What am I seeking? What am I spending most of my time talking about? Where do I invest the majority of my energy?” Romans 14:17 says, [After all] the kingdom of God is not a matter of [getting the] food and drink [one likes], but instead it is righteousness…and [heart] peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. In other words, the Kingdom of God is not about us simply trying to get what we want. Instead, it’s about seeking a relationship with God and experiencing true Kingdom benefits. It’s about having a greater understanding of His righteousness (our right standing with Him through Jesus Christ), His peace and His joy in our lives. Only then will we find what we are truly looking for. In the beginning of our relationship with God, it’s all about us...and for 16 SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2014 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 0914 16-17 P.indd 16 SEPT/OCT 2014 // PAGE 16 // DOM 7/25/14 12:07 PM Just look at nature. Large trees with thick, full branches have a massive underground root system that spreads both deep and wide. Without this support system, the tree could never weather a storm. In the same way, we must develop deep spiritual roots before we can truly enjoy the big, full life God has intended for us. This includes cultivating a relationship with the Lord, finding out what He says about us in His Word, and becoming rooted and grounded in His love. A lot of times, we come at it the wrong way. We want to have all of the benefits—a better house, a bigger ministry, more money—before we ever establish our roots. But without a strong foundation in God, these things can actually hurt us more than they can help. And without deep roots, we’ll never endure the storms of life. Friends, the Lord is more concerned about your inner life than your outer life. Why? Because He knows that when you Psalm 37:4 says, Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart. As we place our focus on Him, we not only begin to experience His supernatural satisfaction and fulfillment…but He even causes our desires to be in line with His plan and what’s best for our lives. Years ago, while I was praying (probably for something I wanted), the Lord spoke a life-changing truth to my heart. He said, “Joyce, seek My face and not My hand. If you seek My face, My hand will always be open.” Matthew 6:33 says it this way: But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well (NIV). Discover the secret to the life you’ve always wanted. BLACK You see, shallow Christians want the fruit, but they are not concerned about the roots. I love Isaiah 37:31. It says, …take root downward and bear fruit upward. “We must develop deep spiritual roots before we can truly enjoy the big, full life God has intended for us.” Now these are truly words to live by. I can tell you from experience that when you make God your number-one priority, He not only fills your life with His incredible peace, joy, and satisfaction, but He also gives you the desires of your heart. I encourage you to make a decision today to pursue the One Thing that matters most. Seek God for who He is and make your relationship with Him a priority. CYAN Wow! That was difficult to hear, but I knew exactly what He meant. It was time for me to start living the “deeper life”—to begin seeking God for Who He is and not just for what He could do for me. I think sometimes we’re afraid that if we stop chasing after all of the “things,” we’ll never get what we want in life. But the exact opposite is true… Pursuing What Matters Most 4 Teachings on CD by Joyce Meyer $26 | $33 Canada As you do, I believe you’ll discover what you’ve been looking for all along. 17 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org EEL 0914 16-17 P.indd 17 SEPT/OCT 2014 // PAGE 17 // DOM Magenta I remember coming to a point in my life when I had a lot of “things” but realized I simply wasn’t happy. After praying and asking the Lord what was wrong, He spoke to my heart and said, “Joyce, you are too shallow—it’s time to go out into the deep.” are spiritually strong on the inside, then you are able to handle any situation that arises in your life on the outside. 7/25/14 12:07 PM Yellow a while, this is fine. I believe this is where we all start. We come to Him with our list of desires. We bring Him our problems and want Him to fi x everything. But eventually the time comes for us to grow and mature. LOVING PEOPLE A Life-Changing Journey DISCOVERING FREEDOM AT THE GENESIS MEN’S HOME CYAN BLACK “SOMETHING IN ME THAT NIGHT decided to pray to God,” Dakota recalls. For Dakota Rodick, a former drug addict, this was the beginning of a new journey, and it all started with a simple prayer. Dakota grew up in a home where both parents battled alcohol and drugs, and it wasn’t long before he developed a curiosity, which was met when his father introduced him to methamphetamine as a teenager. For a year and a half after that pivotal moment, Dakota shot heroin and became addicted to meth. Shortly after arriving in St. Louis, Dakota went to the St. Louis Dream Center, an inner-city outreach of Joyce Meyer Ministries, where he met Pastor Kendrick and immediately felt a sense of peace. As director of the Genesis Men’s Home, a residential twelve-month discipleship program, Pastor Kendrick accepted Dakota as a resident on the spot. Soon after, for the very first time, Dakota publically acknowledged Jesus as His Lord and Savior. He was even able to reach out to his dad, the one who had introduced him to drugs in the first place. At fourteen, Dakota started working and by seventeen, still a child but living like an adult, he had a house and a truck and was about to be married. But since being introduced to the needle, his addiction took over. He lost everything and was soon surviving from one homeless shelter to another. Seeing Dakota free from his addiction sparked something in his dad—he, too, wanted to be free. Now, both men are part of the Genesis Men’s Home, and Dakota and his dad are pursuing God together having discovered life free from drugs and alcohol. Dakota says, “I believe that without loving others and helping others — I am nothing.” “I had reached a point of desperation where I could not do anything for myself right…” says Dakota. Staying at a homeless shelter in Kansas City, Missouri, he realized he couldn’t figure Magenta Yellow things out on his own, so he desperately prayed, begging for God’s help. Within days, a complete stranger staying in the same shelter bought him a bus ticket and he was soon on his way to St. Louis, Missouri, to begin a new life. You can make a difference le—right You can share Christ and love peop children, ry hung where they are. You can feed send or g, ckin traffi an hum rescue victims of Joyce’s ugh thro d worl the nd arou pel the Gos help people books and TV programs. You can just like you. Join us today. 18 SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2014 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 0914 18-19 P.indd 18 SEPT/OCT 2013 // PAGE 18 // DOM 7/25/14 12:11 PM TV Schedule For stations and program times in your area, check your local TV listing or visit www.joycemeyer.org/tvlistings. Watch the Enjoying Everyday Life broadcast anytime you like at www.joycemeyer.org. Schedules are subject to change. *TBN will receive alternate programming. DAILY BROADCAST PROGRAMS AIR DAILY, MONDAY - FRIDAY September AUG 31-SEP 6 MAKING RIGHT CHOICES OUR ATTITUDE & MOTIVATION Watch Monday and Tuesday, as Joyce teaches about developing a merciful attitude. Then Wednesday and Thursday, learn about the importance of the right motivation. Friday, Joyce explains partnership. ATTITUDES THAT KEEP YOU HAPPY Monday, join Joyce and guest Pastor Craig Groeschel as they discuss how changing your words can change your life. Then Tuesday – Thursday, Joyce shares the nine attitudes that will help keep you happy. LIVING COURAGEOUSLY S EP 7-13 REACHING OUT Tune in this week as Joyce shares her heart about partnership and see how God has been transforming lives around the world.* S EP 14-20 LIVING COURAGEOUSLY Courage isn’t the absence of fear—it’s moving forward when you feel afraid. This week, Joyce shares how to overcome every fear & trust God’s plan will work for your good. On Wednesday, she answers questions about living courageously Want to know how to live a bold and courageous life for Christ? Watch as Joyce shares what it takes to live courageously. SEP 22 – 26 S EP 21-27 OVERCOMING GRIEF & LONELINESS Whether you’re dealing with a time of loneliness or loss of some kind, God wants to comfort you. Watch this week as Joyce teaches about how to find new hope in those times. Friday, she teaches from Romans 8:26-39. October S EP 28- O CT 4 THE HOLY SPIRIT ARE YOU TOO BUSY? Do you want to learn how to make the most of the time you have? This week, discover how you can become a person of purpose as Joyce shares encouragement about recognizing and following what God has called you to do. OCT 6 – 10 STAYING STRONG—SPIRIT, SOUL & BODY Do you want to invest in yourself and start balancing your spirit, soul and body into one complete healthy lifestyle? This week, Joyce shares her thoughts about how to have a healthy balance in life and stay strong. OCT 13 – 17 Joyce shares biblical principles for managing money and explains ways you can handle your finances to be debt-free. CHOOSE BOLDNESS God sent the Holy Spirit to guide us through life. Watch this week as author Reinhard Bonnke joins Joyce to talk about being sensitive to the Holy Spirit. O CT 5 -11 IDENTITY THEFT This week, discover your true identity in Christ as Joyce shares biblical truths about who we are according to God’s Word. O CT 12-18 RECEIVING EMOTIONAL HEALING Watch as Joyce shows through God’s Word, how we can learn to confront our fears and live boldly, experiencing the life God has planned for us. Friday, Pastor Charles Nieman joins Joyce to discuss this topic. Jesus came to heal us everywhere we hurt. Open your heart to God’s Word this week as Joyce and guest Rick Renner take you on a journey of healing—body, soul and spirit. OCT 20 – 24 O CT 19 -25 THINK LIKE GOD THINKS Joyce teaches Monday about how we are made right with God. Then Tuesday – Friday, discover what the Bible says about our thinking. Learn how to develop the mind of Christ and overcome the negative mindsets that keep us from moving forward. OCT 27 – 31 FIGHT LIKE A CHRISTIAN When you understand the authority you have in Christ, you can face your battles with confidence. Watch this week as Joyce shares encouraging teachings about how to win those battles. Also, Wednesday, Joyce answers questions about anger. FREE FIND NEW MESSAGES DAILY. ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE PODCASTS WWW.JOYCEMEYER.ORG/PODCASTS EEL 0914 18-19 P.indd 19 BLACK SEP 29 – OCT 3 WISDOM FOR YOUR FINANCES CYAN SEP 15 – 19 Do you want to have more wisdom when making decisions? Watch this week and see how God’s wisdom can help you make better decisions. A CONFIDENT ATTITUDE God wants to give you the wisdom, strength and compassion you need to be the person He created you to be. Watch this week as Joyce shares encouragement so you can face life with a confident attitude. Magenta SEP 8 - 12 PROGRAMS AIR ONE DAY A WEEK O CT 26 - NOV 1 POWER THOUGHTS Shake off negative thought patterns and renew your mind as Joyce teaches this week about how to develop what she calls “power thoughts” based on God’s Word. SEPT/OCT 2013 // PAGE 19 // DOM 7/25/14 12:11 PM Yellow SEP 1 - 5 WEEKLY BROADCAST LEAP FAITH Yellow Magenta CYAN BLACK of EEL 0914 20-25 P.indd 20 SEPT/OCT 2013 // PAGE 20 // DOM 7/25/14 12:27 PM BY CHARLOTTE REIFSCHNEIDER My journey toward freedom began when I was 45 years old. I had spent most of my adult life raising my children—being Mom was my full-time job. But deep inside, I knew God had something even more for me to do, but I just didn’t know what. At the time, 45 sounded so old. I remember thinking, What can I do at this age? Most people in their forties had established a career or knew exactly where their lives were headed. But I felt like I was at the starting blocks. So, I got the ball rolling by going back to school and taking some classes to sharpen my skills. I knew the Lord had something in store and I wanted to be ready. Meanwhile, Joyce Meyer Ministries was just getting started. Dave and Joyce had recently moved their workspace from their basement at home into an actual rented office nearby. Their staff included eleven full-time paid employees, along with a lot of volunteers, including myself. During that time, the Holy Spirit continued to speak to my heart, showing me I would work for them one day. My response was always the same: “What would I do? I’m so unskilled and untrained!” Well, one day Joyce called and asked if I would be interested in meeting her for an interview. She said my name kept coming up as they prayed about who to hire for a new position. That afternoon, as I was reading the Bible, my eyes fell to Proverbs 26:10. It says, The Master will get a better day’s work from an unskilled apprentice than from a skilled rebel (TLB). God knew exactly what I needed to hear. Right there in front of me, He answered my heart’s question. So the very next day, I went and spoke with Joyce and she offered me the job. I didn’t feel qualified, but I said yes anyway. BLACK ithout a doubt, fear is the greatest enemy I’ve ever had to face. Magenta CYAN From time to time the Lord prompted me to do little things for Dave and Joyce. One day I helped clean their house. On another occasion, I ironed their clothes. I just wanted to help them in any way I could. 1993: Dave and Joyce celebrate my fifth anniversary at Joyce Meyer Ministries. 21 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org EEL 0914 20-25 P.indd 21 SEPT/OCT 2013 // PAGE 21 // DOM 7/25/14 12:40 PM Yellow w “Don’t ever let fear keep you from your destiny. It may not be easy, but God will be right there to meet you all along the way.” Do it afraid. Those three little words couldn’t have looked more frightening. Deep down, part of me preferred to stay where I was—safe in a world where I wouldn’t ever have to step out and try something new. I felt like Joyce just didn’t understand what I was going through. The first year was a monumental challenge. No matter what they asked me to do, the same recording played over and over in my mind: I can’t do this…I just can’t do this! Yellow Magenta CYAN BLACK At the time, I didn’t realize how much fear impacted my life. My father was a fearful man, so I was raised in that atmosphere and it became my “normal.” The idea of stepping out and trying new things was foreign to me. Either you could or you couldn’t do something, but pushing the boundaries was never an option. For the next three months, God continued to encourage me, but I often found myself agreeing with the lies of the enemy. I believed I wasn’t qualified for the job and even thought about leaving my position. Finally, one Sunday morning as I was watching a Christian minister on TV, God used something he said to get through to me…and my eyes were opened. The message from the Lord was clear: “Charlotte, you have to go forward, doing it afraid… or you will stay crippled the rest of your life.” My fears were affecting everything I tried to do at work. Finally, Joyce sat down with me one day and lovingly said, “Charlotte, we believe in you, and we know you’re supposed to be here. But we can’t keep going forward this way…fear can’t continue to hold you back.” At the time, Joyce saw my situation much more clearly than I did. She knew my fear was something that had to be confronted and she encouraged me to “Do it afraid”…to choose to boldly step out in spite of how I felt and do what God placed in my heart to do. She’d say, “When you step out and do your part, God will do the rest…and things will continue to get easier.” I went back to work with a new determination, now fully convinced of what I had to do. It wasn’t an easy process—in fact, the next few months were very difficult. With every task I was given, I had to walk it out and do it afraid. But I knew Dave and Joyce believed in me…and more importantly, God believed in me. I’ll never forget having to organize numerous volunteers to prepare large ministry mailings. The details were endless, and the timing was crucial. There was so much room for error! I would begin praying about it a week ahead of time. I studied God’s Word and spoke it out over my situation. I’d say aloud, “God’s called me to work here, and He’s going to help me succeed at every task He puts before me!” Little by little, I began to believe what God’s Word said about me instead of all the lies that used to fill my mind. It didn’t happen all at once, but slowly I defeated my greatest enemy. Fear no longer ruled my life. Today, I continue to work at Joyce Meyer Ministries. I’ve had the great privilege to manage several different departments, oversee our intercessory prayer teams, speak into the lives of hundreds of employees…and help support the vision of sharing Christ and loving people all around the world. Those early days were the turning point. Had I not stepped out—had I not decided to face my fears—I would have given up all of the wonderful opportunities of these past twenty-five years. Don’t ever let fear keep you from your destiny and all God has for you. In the beginning, it may not be easy and you might be tempted to quit. But I promise you one thing: God will be right there to meet you all along the way. And when it looks like you just can’t take one more step forward, remember those three little words… Do it afraid. 22 SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2014 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 0914 20-25 P.indd 22 SEPT/OCT 2013 // PAGE 22 // DOM 7/25/14 12:29 PM Fix YOUR FOCUS S T AY I N G F U L LY C O M M I T T E D T O W H AT ’ S T R U LY I M P O R TA N T I N L I F E Yellow Magenta CYAN BLACK BY JOYCE MEYER EEL 0914 20-25 P.indd 23 SEPT/OCT 2013 // PAGE 23 // DOM 7/25/14 12:34 PM S them no matter what distractions the enemy throws our way. ome days are so filled with activity they seem to run together in a blur. That’s when we find we’ve lost our focus and begin craving the things that bring us true joy and satisfaction in life. Focus is what motivates us to work toward God’s vision for our lives, knowing that even when our progress is slow, what we’re doing today has purpose. It will make a positive impact in the world. Proverbs 4:25 says, Let your eyes look right on [with fixed purpose], and let your gaze be straight before you. If we can learn to do that, we can accomplish what God has called us to do in life—and we can enjoy ourselves while we’re doing it! FIRST, FOCUS ON THE POSITIVE. Our enemy, Satan, is extremely focused. His plan is to keep us from knowing and carrying out God’s plans on the earth. It’s amazing the lengths he will go to wear us out, wasting our time and energy doing a lot of things that just don’t matter to God. I spent so many years of my life focusing on what was wrong with me that I lost sight of the good things God was doing in my life, and the good things He wanted to do through me. I was overly critical of myself and would say things like: I talk too much. I’m hard to get along with. I’m selfish. I’m self-centered. It didn’t do me one bit of good! God wants us to receive His forgiveness and go on with our lives. There’s no point in wasting time today focusing on what we did wrong yesterday. Not only does it steal our joy, it steals the energy we would’ve had to do something good. Galatians 5:16 tells us that if we walk in the Spirit, we won’t fulfill the lust of the flesh. In other words, focusing on God makes us free. I encourage you to spend time with God daily so you can keep your focus on His Word and the good things He has planned for you. OUR CARES AND ANXIETIES CAN EASILY DISTRACT US. But one thing I’ve learned is that problems are just a natural part of life. Yellow Magenta CYAN BLACK That’s why it’s critical that, as believers, we know God’s plans for our life and are determined to stick with Romans 8:1 (NIV) says, There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. 24 SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2014 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 0914 20-25 P.indd 24 SEPT/OCT 2013 // PAGE 24 // DOM 7/25/14 12:36 PM “ N O MAT T E R W H AT ’ S G O I N G O N I N O UR L I V E S , I N C H R I S T, W E C AN H AV E A L L T H E P E A C E A N D J O Y W E N E E D. ” The next time the devil tries to distract you with a problem, think how wonderful it will be to respond, “You know what, devil? This might have made me upset in the past. But today I’m trusting God, and He’s going to take care of this.” So the next time the devil tries to distract you, fi x your focus on God’s Word and His purpose for your life. SOMETIMES IT’S THE DUMB STUFF that distracts us—things Instead of focusing on what you’ve done wrong, remember that you are forgiven…that Jesus has made you free! Instead of worrying about your problems, think about the peace God brings to your life. And instead of getting wrapped up in a lot of things that don’t matter, focus on accomplishing God’s plan for your future. that do not matter one little bit. I’m talking about big time-wasters like worrying, idle talk, getting angry about things you can’t control, trying to change people, and expecting to never be hurt or disappointed by others. It’s all just a useless waste of your time and energy. When we focus on what God’s doing in our life, it’s easier to do what’s truly important: love other people and grow in God’s Word. By His grace, you can do it! Make a determined decision and declare: “I’m going to fi x my focus!” Every day God gives us is a gift from Him and no matter what’s going on in our lives, in Christ, we can have all the peace and joy we need. And focusing on His Word is the best way to stay in that peace. Fix your focus on the good things in life! BLACK We don’t have to get upset because God has given us His gift of perfect peace. CYAN John 14:27 says, Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you…Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid (NIV). The Bible teaches us to meditate on the Word day and night (Joshua 1:8). Meditate means to roll over and over in your mind and to mutter under your breath. And we need to keep doing that until revelation happens in our heart. That’s when we begin to see God’s plan more clearly…to really find our focus in life. Don’t Settle for Less Than the Best 4 Teachings on CD by Joyce Meyer Magenta So instead of asking God to eliminate every problem, we can learn to see them from His perspective, which is always peaceful. 25 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org EEL 0914 20-25 P.indd 25 SEPT/OCT 2013 // PAGE 25 // DOM 7/25/14 12:36 PM Yellow $26 / $33 Canada A M E R I C A AT I T S best Stand Up and Be Counted WHY YOUR VOTE ON NOVEMBER 4 MEANS MORE THAN YOU MIGHT THINK BLACK BY DAVE MEYER And the potential for change has never been greater… It’s this mindset that causes us to be passive observers instead of active participators. Right now, there are approximately 60 million Christians living in the United States. However, only half of them — 30 million — are registered to vote. Now, out of this 30 million who are registered, recent polls reveal that only about 17% of them actually show up at the ballot box during elections. CYAN However, the Lord has made each of us stewards of this nation — and this includes our rights and opportunities as citizens of the United States. In short, we have a responsibility to take action…and promote biblical principles in any way we can. Magenta Yellow On November 4, you and I have a tremendous opportunity — the ability to cast our votes and make our voices heard. IN TODAYS’ EVERCHANGING WORLD, it’s easy to become negative and want to detach ourselves from politics. There’s a prevailing attitude — even among Christians — that says, What can I do? Can I really make a difference? It’s Closer Than You Think The right to vote is one of our greatest privileges. Yet, if we don’t take the initiative to do our part, we forfeit valuable opportunities. Let me give you an example. On Election Day 2002, there were five godly men running for the senate. When it was all over, these five men lost by a combined margin of just 57,000 votes. 26 SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2014 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 0914 26-31.indd 26 SEPT/OCT 2014 // PAGE 26 // DOM 7/25/14 1:38 PM You’ve probably figured out that watching the political commercials on TV isn’t going to give you all of the information you need to make an educated decision. In fact, it may confuse you even more! When it comes to picking a candidate, it’s important to look at their track record. Don’t just listen to what they say, but look at what they have done. This is the best indicator of what they’ll do in the future. I encourage you to visit joycemeyer.org/ america. Here, you can find a complete list of all of the candidates in your area along with a voter’s guide detailing where they stand on the major issues. Although you may never find “the perfect candidate,” it will help you make an informed decision. You can identify people with godly character…men and women who will promote biblical principles. REGISTER TO VOTE. If you haven’t already done so, you can register today at joycemeyer.org/ america. Let others know they can register here too. GET INFORMED. You may also visit us online to find a complete list of the candidates in your area along with a Voter’s Guide detailing where they stand on the major issues. VOTE! BLACK Make an Informed Decision IN ACTION Identify your designated voting site. Then cast your ballot for candidates who have a track record of serving their country with integrity and who will take a stand for what is right. CYAN My point is this: The potential for standing up against ungodly things in this nation and making significant changes has never been greater. We have been given a tremendous tool — the ability to cast our votes. And now it’s time to exercise that right. CITIZEN SAVE THE DATE! ELECTION DAY Magenta Let’s fast-forward to 2010. This time, five more godly men in five separate states all lost their bids for the senate by a combined 100,000 votes. Again, millions of Christians watched from the sidelines. Americans enjoy the greatest freedom of any nation in history. But this country, established upon God’s Word, requires the actions of virtuous, godly men and women to keep it intact. NOVEMBER 4, 2014 27 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org EEL 0914 26-31.indd 27 SEPT/OCT 2014 // PAGE 27 // DOM 7/25/14 1:38 PM Yellow Sadly, there were 5 million unregistered Christian voters in these states. If only 2% of them would have voted, the outcome could have been vastly different! Do you think our country would be different today if that would have happened? A M E R I C A AT I T S best “This Election Day, don’t just choose the greatest speaker or vote according to family tradition. Get informed… then cast a vote for righteousness.” I love what Proverbs 29:2 says: When the uncompromisingly righteous are in authority, the people rejoice, but when the wicked man rules the people groan and sigh. Conversely, if they are not representing us fairly, then we need to make our voices heard. This Election Day, don’t just choose the greatest speaker or vote according to family tradition. Get informed. Then cast a vote for righteousness. In fact, many of our rights have been stolen because of a passionate few who rallied, petitioned, and fought for their cause. They persisted, and they didn’t stop until they won. For Best Results: Follow Through The future begins with us. Discover how to transform America from the inside out. I believe it’s important to pray for our elected officials and send them letters or emails of encouragement to show our support when they do the right thing. Magenta CYAN BLACK Seeds of Change Our first step is to vote for godly representatives. However, the next step is just as important—we must follow through and hold them accountable. It’s our responsibility to make sure they remain godly…and do what they said they would do. Some may view this as a waste of time. But I assure you, it only takes a few emails or phone calls before they take notice and consider changing their ways! If the efforts of a “few” can take away our freedoms, then I believe the Christians in this country—a much larger group—can make a lasting impact for what is right. If we will do our part, then we’ll see things change…and they can change quickly. Make It Count In his now-famous speech at the Billy Graham Training Center in 1999, Reverend John Blackaby concluded with these words: “If you didn’t hear anything else, understand that it is God’s people who hold the destiny of America.” Friends, I believe this with all of my heart. Right now, we have an amazing opportunity to let our voices be heard and become a powerful force for good in this nation. And it all begins with that first step... If you’re not registered to vote, I encourage you to visit joycemeyer.org/america and take a few moments to register today. Research the candidates in your area and begin to pray about your choices. Then mark your calendar for November 4. Renewing the Soul of America Paperback by Charles Crismier Yellow $16.99 U.S. Funds 28 SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2014 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 0914 26-31.indd 28 SEPT/OCT 2014 // PAGE 28 // DOM 7/25/14 1:39 PM Good Stuff Sep/Oct 2014 INTERESTING BITS, READER RESPONSES, MILESTONES & MORE E N J O Y I N G E V E R Y D AY L I F E BACK TO SCHOOL 3 WAYS A Heart for Families ST. LOUIS CHICAGO Dave and Joyce visited with parents and students at the St. Louis Dream Center’s Back to School Blast, August 2. Groceries, school supplies, and a day of fun made a difference for hundreds of inner-city families. In Chicago, we teamed up with New Life Covenant Church on July 26 to give free backpacks, physicals, immunizations and more! To Boost Your Student’s Confidence 1 Build them up with God’s Word. (See Isaiah 40:30-31, Proverbs 16:3; Romans 8:28; Galatians 6:9; and Philippians 4:13.) 2 Agree on a study schedule and hold your child accountable. ANNUAL REPORT WORLD FOOD DAY SEE how far your giving goes at joycemeyer.org/annualreport. IN THE NEXT 24 HOURS, Hand of Hope Joyce Meyer Ministries World Missions staff, volunteers and partner organizations will begin a new day of planning, preparing and dishing out meals to 75,000+ hungry kids who come out to our outreaches for nutritious food and loving smiles. You are behind them each moment of the day, every day! SHARE how you are helping provide food to those in need. Visit facebook.com/handofhope Thursday, October 16. GET TIPS from Teen Mania founder Ron Luce on page 32. JUST FOR LAUGHS “Don’t complicate your life by trying to understand everything. After many years of marriage, I still don’t have Dave figured out.” —Joyce 29 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org EEL 0914 26-31.indd 29 SEPT/OCT 2014 // PAGE 29 // DOM BLACK 16 Encourage your child to set healthy goals, and recognize their acheivements. CYAN OCT More than 206 million meals have been served worldwide to date through Hand of Hope Joyce Meyer Ministries World Missions! 3 Magenta DID YOU KNOW? 7/25/14 1:51 PM Yellow BECAUSE YOU CARE Sep/Oct 2014 E N J O Y I N G E V E R Y D AY L I F E INSPIRATION Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. THANK YOU —1 Corinthians 16:13 NIV MORE TO THE STORY HOPE IS BUSTIN’ OUT ALL OVER BLACK When you drop a donation into a Multiply Hope bin at one of Joyce’s conferences, the community benefits because the donations are distributed locally. Here’s a look at how conference-goers have provided hope this year. Non-perishable Foods SOAP She was carrying a TON of baggage...anger, rejection, and self-loathing. But something changed. See Glenda’s story on page 12. SHARE YOUR STORY at joycemeyer.org/everydayanswers (Estimated meals: 7,000) WINSTON-SALEM, NC CYAN I began to tell myself that God loves me. I said it over and over for days… weeks…months…and one day I woke up and shouted, ‘God loves me!’ And I knew that He really did.” —GLENDA PHOENIX, AZ SOAP “ Personal Hygiene Items (Total Number of Items: 7,600+) Yellow Magenta DIGITAL FOCUS Joyce On the Go... BIRMINGHAM, AL SOAP Backpacks & School Supplies (Total Number of Supplies: 1,200) COME TO A CONFERENCE NEAR YOU! joycemeyer.org/conference Our app makes it easy to stay connected! Now available for Apple and Android users alike at joycemeyer.org/mobile FEATURES INCLUDE: • TV/Radio Broadcasts • Daily Devotional • Prayer Requests • Upcoming Events 30 SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2014 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 0914 26-31.indd 30 SEPT/OCT 2014 // PAGE 30 // DOM 7/25/14 1:51 PM Upcoming Medical/ Dental Trips* • Nepal (October 23-November 2,2014) • Ethiopia (November 7-16, 2014) • Samoa (December 4-14, 2014) Not only will God bring healing through your willingness to serve, these trips are sure to be a blessing to you in return. Magenta We hope you join us. For travel dates and more details, visit joycemeyer.org/ medicalmissions. You can also email medicalmissions@joycemeyer.org or call (800) 707-7877 ext 3218. *Schedule is subject to change. We will have a medical/dental team traveling around the globe each month in 2014, so please check with us periodically for more opportunities to serve. Yellow Throughout the year our medical and dental volunteers travel to some of the poorest areas of the world to provide much needed medical and dental care. Physicians, dentists, nurses, pharmacists and other medical professionals are needed. Jesus said to [him], “I will go and heal him.” MATTHEW 8:7 NCV EEL 0914 26-31.indd 31 SEPT/OCT 2014 // PAGE 31 // DOM CYAN joycemeyer.org/ medicalmissions BLACK Be part of a life-changing experience. Volunteer for upcoming trips at 7/25/14 1:52 PM NEXT generation Bold from the Beginning HOW TO RAISE KIDS WHO ARE CONFIDENT AND SECURE IN CHRIST BY RON LUCE CYAN BLACK IN SEEKING TO BUILD OUR CHILDREN INTO YOUNG PEOPLE with courage and confidence, it’s important for us to understand that courage is not hype. It’s not getting pumped up before the big game. It’s deeper than that. True courage comes from knowing who we are in Christ. It’s our strong foundation in Him that enables us to do courageous things. Yellow Magenta My wife, Katie, and I raised our children using six guiding principles every parent can use to pass on a spirit of courage to their kids, and I’m excited to share them with you. 32 SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2014 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 0914 32-35 P.indd 32 SEPT/OCT 2014 // PAGE 32 // DOM 7/25/14 1:58 PM “There are endless examples we can use to teach our kids to see through the lies of the culture, building confidence in them to defend their lifestyle.” BLACK CYAN 3. Speaking Words of Life. My wife and I are big believers in praying and speaking scriptures over our children. One that constantly flowed from our lips was Philippians 4:13. We’d say, “You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.” Words carry so much weight, so we need to choose them wisely. The beauty of speaking God’s Word is that it never returns void. 5. Your Courage Inspires. It’s been documented over and over again that one person’s behavior can both inspire and trigger the same behavior in others. It’s like when someone yawns and you yawn. As parents, we can never overestimate the impact our own behavior has on our kids. We need to lead by example. For instance, if your teenager sees you do the right thing at your job even though you could be fired, that can inspire him or her to be courageous and trust in God. We need to live in a way that inspires our children. Magenta 2. Children Are Not Their Failures. When kids make mistakes, they need to know that their mistakes don’t define them. And they need to be reminded of that over and over again. If you’ve just busted your son or daughter for telling a lie, let them know, “You’re not a liar, but you just told a lie. This is not you; this is not who you were born to be.” All of us fail at different challenges in our life. And our kids need to see the difference between the wrong thing that they did and who they are in Christ. 4. Demystifying and Debunking Worldly Culture. The culture around us looks like candy, but it’s seeded with poison. Whether it’s video games, TV programs, movies or a walk through the mall, there are endless examples we can use. Instead of saying, “Don’t do this or say that,” we can teach our kids to see through the lies of the culture, building confidence in them to defend their lifestyle. A lot of pre-teen movies are about boyfriends and girlfriends falling in love and then getting their hearts broken. Instead of acting like it’s just a normal part of life, we can use that as instruction. “So what can we learn about the dating game and the damage it can do?” You’re helping them to process, carefully watch, and discern life. 33 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org EEL 0914 32-35 P.indd 33 SEPT/OCT 2014 // PAGE 33 // DOM 7/25/14 2:07 PM Yellow 1. Confidence Is Competence. It’s important, even from a very young age, to get youth involved in activities where they can experience success. When my son, Cameron, was 13, I asked him if he’d restore a rusty car with me. Over the next three years, we spent a lot of long hours in the garage together, getting greasy, restoring a ’67 Mustang. Even though I did some of the work myself, I made sure Cameron was there for the significant moments. So when that beautiful Mustang was finally cruising down the road, you could see the confidence beaming from his eyes because he’d had a hand in turning that rust bucket it into a beautiful driving machine. UPCOMING conferences Enjoy four unique teachings, inspiring worship, and a faith-filled atmosphere where anything is possible. Take some time away— your life may never be the same! colorado springs, co SEP 4-6 WORLD ARENA WORSHIP WITH MATT REDMAN & CHRISTY NOCKELS ALBANY, NY And these words which I am commanding you this day shall be [first] in your [own] minds and hearts; [then] You shall whet and sharpen them so as to make them penentrate, and teach and impress them diligently upon the [minds and] hearts of your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down and when you rise up. —Deuteronomy 6:6-7 OCT 9-11 TIMES UNION CENTER THE PASSION BAND FEATURING KRISTIAN STANFILL & CHRISTY NOCKELS tampa, fl OCT 23-25 TAMPA BAY TIMES FORUM BLACK WORSHIP WITH MATT REDMAN & CHRISTY NOCKELS ST. LOUIS, MO* Love Life Women's Conference SEP 25-27 EDWARD JONES DOME *Includes 5 sessions. Registration is required. Magenta CYAN WORSHIP WITH ISRAEL HOUGHTON, CECE WINANS, & FUZED WORSHIP® Register Today! (See page 9.) voluntRKeSer Yellow GREAT PE FU N AND LOTS OF volunteer@joycemeyer.org (800) 707-7877 x3516 6. Firsthand Encounters with Christ. Lots of kids are raised in church and know all the “Christian words,” but still haven’t had a genuine face-to-face encounter with God. Never assume your kids have a real relationship with Jesus. Ask them about their faith. Even if they can’t explain all the details, they should be able to tell you if He’s made an impact in their life. And no one can argue with a testimony. When someone asks them, “How do you know God’s real?” they want to be able to say, “I know He’s real because He’s changed my life!” Encourage your child to meet with God on a regular basis. Pay whatever price, climb the highest mountain, cross the deepest ocean, and get them to that youth ministry. Send them on that missions trip. Get them to that environment where God can really meet with them—and trust Him to speak to your kids in a language they can understand. Gods loves our kids with a love deeper than they know. As they discover that more and more for themselves, they’ll continue to grow in the confidence it takes to live as committed Christians, making an important impact on their world. Get the complete schedule and details you need to plan your trip at joycemeyer.org/conference. Spanish translation will be available at some locations; please check online for more information. Interpretation for the deaf and hard of hearing will be provided. No registration required. Schedule is subject to change. EEL 0914 32-35 P.indd 34 SEPT/OCT 2014 // PAGE 34 // DOM 7/25/14 2:00 PM BLACK CYAN Magenta joycemeyer.org/ conference twitter.com/joycemeyer (866) SEE - JOYCE EEL 0914 32-35 P.indd 35 SEPT/OCT 2014 // PAGE 35 // DOM 7/25/14 2:00 PM Yellow facebook.com/joycemeyerministries
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