here - Joyce Peppin for State Representative
here - Joyce Peppin for State Representative
Joyce hopes to see you at these parades and community festivals! Rockin’ Rogers Days Parade Saturday, June 26, Noon Maple Grove Days Pierre Bottineau Parade Thursday, July 15, 6:00 p.m. Hanover Harvest Festival Parade Saturday, August 7, 11:00 a.m. Dear Friends, Dayton Heritage Days Parade Saturday, August 15, 1:00 p.m. The 2010 legislative session has concluded with a balanced budget, but much work remains on the economic challenges facing our state, including a future budget deficit of as much as $6 billion. Corcoran Country Daze Friday, August 20-Saturday, August 21 Minnesota is at a fiscal crossroads and regardless of political beliefs, most people understand the need for state government to change. To meet the new fiscal reality of the 21st century, those changes must be big, bold and transformative. Greenfield – the “It’s Just Coffee!” group meets last Tuesday of each month 9:00-11:00 a.m. at the Old Town Hall 763.428.4626 14535 Edgewood Road Rogers, MN 55374 At Home 651.296.7806 279 State Office Building 100 Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd Saint Paul, MN 55155 At the Capitol C o n tac t J o yc e Prepared and paid for by Peppin Volunteer Committee 14535 Edgewood Road Rogers, MN 55374 As a fiscal conservative, I welcome the opportunity to productively change government so that it is limited, focused, efficient and carries out its duties with the utmost respect for those who pay the bills, you, the taxpayer. It is an honor to serve you in the Minnesota House. I value your opinion, welcome your input and encourage you to contact me if I can be of assistance to you or your family at any time. I respectfully ask for your support. Sincerely, Joyce Peppin State Representative Minnesota House District 32A – Corcoran, Dayton, Greenfield, Hanover, Hassan, Maple Grove, Rogers w w w. j o y c e p e p p i n . c o m An Energetic Leader te for Sta e ativ t n e s e epr R for the Northwest Suburbs… on the Issues EDUCATION REFORM & ACCOUNTABILITY Joyce has fought to secure fair education funding for northwest suburban schools and worked to enact needed reforms in teacher compensation and licensure. Joyce has also voted for improved education standards and to eliminate restrictive state mandates that hamper local school district oversight and governance. Joyce believes Minnesota is an education leader due to the strong system of public, private, parochial and home schools we maintain. FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY PATIENT-CENTERED HEALTH CARE Joyce has consistently been recognized as a friend of the taxpayer and believes government must live within its means and not raise taxes on working families and small businesses. Joyce has led the effort to streamline, downsize and prioritize state spending and bring accountability to government. She is chief author of the Minnesota Sunset Commission to annually review and abolish unnecessary and duplicative government. Joyce believes providing competition across state lines and more patient choice will result in higher quality health care. Joyce cosponsored legislation to reform current state-subsidized programs to improve access and lower the cost to taxpayers. Joyce believes health care reform must emphasize prevention, ensure a choice of coverage options and be free of excessive government intervention. JOB CREATION ENERGY INDEPENDENCE Joyce knows job growth and small business expansion are the keys to Minnesota’s economic recovery. Government’s role must be to eliminate the barriers and burdensome regulations that hinder small business start-ups. Legislators should implement fair tax policy and ensure a level playing field so job creators can secure the capital they need to succeed in a competitive market. Joyce is passionate about ensuring energy independence. Energy demands are expected to double by mid-century, but Minnesota’s energy infrastructure is not currently equipped to meet our needs. Joyce will continue to lead a bipartisan coalition to remove the outdated bans on the construction of new nuclear and clean coal power facilities and champion conservation measures that make sense and don’t destroy jobs. ...Who Gets Things Done!