October Chronicle - Calvary United Methodist Church


October Chronicle - Calvary United Methodist Church
October 2015
If the earthly tent we live in is
destroyed, we have a building
from God, an eternal house in
2 Corinthians 5:1
A moment with Mernie...
"If we live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit" (Galatians 5:25)
Decisions, decisions, decisions...we face them as a world, a nation, a community, and individuals. Decisions over
refugees and elections accost us on one hand, while decisions over budgets and healthcare concern us on the
other. At times the decision-making process can be tedious and overwhelming; at other times it is clear and quick.
Regardless of how profound or trivial the decision is, however, all of our decisions should be guided by God's Holy
We hear and attest to this yet often forget it at critical junctures. When tough decisions need to be made, we let
ourselves get bogged down by details or overcome by a sense of despair instead of keeping in step with the Spirit
to maintain the proper perspective. We succumb to self-indulgence instead of self-sacrificing love. The result is
discouragement and despair.
In contrast, those who maintain a focus on the cross find themselves sustained by hope and joy. Those who live by
the Spirit are strengthened by their communion—their partnership—with the Holy Spirit, even in the midst of trials
and tribulations. What does that look like in practical terms? It means when we face financial challenges, we seek
God's wisdom in lieu of our own. It means when we encounter roadblocks in our relationships, we respond with
the love of the God (humility) rather than the love of self (pride). It means when there are any decisions to be
made, we are led by the Spirit.
Failure to live a life not directed by the Spirit results in us pushing the Lord aside and taking over the decision making for ourselves. God gives us the freedom to do this, even when our choice means we choose to be free of God's
Holy Spirit. Of course, when we fail to be guided by the Spirit in our decision making process—whether intentionally or not—joy is ultimately replaced by discouragement, despair, destruction and even death. The Christian author C.S. Lewis writes: "There are only two kinds of people—those who say ‘Thy will be done’ to God or those to
whom God in the end says, ‘Thy will be done’. God gives us freedom to choose whether or not we will make decisions on our own yet wills for us to be ushered by the Holy Spirit.”
Therefore, challenge one another to be guided by the Spirit. Pray for us, as individuals and as a church family, to
be Spirit-led in our daily decisions and in our preparation for Calvary’s annual Charge Conference at the end of this
Yours in Christ,
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Clifford Scheibach
September 4, 2015
If you would like to become a member of Calvary UMC, or would
just like more information about us, we are offering new member
classes on Sunday, October 4 from 1-3 pm (part 1), and Monday,
October 5, from 7-9 pm (part 2). New members will be received
on Sunday, October 18, at the 8:45 and 10 am services. There is
no obligation to become a member by attending the classes. You
can sign up by contacting Pastor Mernie at 410-268-1776, ext.
103, or merniec@calumc.org.
It was 2 months that I was away in the hospital and rehab. Thankfully I am home now and continue to recover.
During that time Mernie visited me and I received flowers from the church. Best of all was the beautiful shawl
which I made good use of. Thank you so very much! Above all, my dear friends, my appreciation for all the
cards, visits, and gifts which lifted my spirit and did me a world of good—I appreciate each one of you and most
sincerely thank you for your kindness to me. I can’t wait to be able to get back to church.
God Bless You!
Helen Meckel
A sincere “THANK YOU” to all the Vacation Bible School children who brought items for the Emergency Baby
Pantry each evening, and to their parents for encouraging their children to share with the less fortunate. This
year and last year, the gifts far exceeded the goals set for their giving. Calvary is truly blessed to have Christy
Little, Director of Children’s Ministries, who “invented” this Sharing Ministry, when she arrived last year, just
before VBS began. Christy called me and asked if this would be something of interest to help supply the EBP,
and of course I said an overwhelming “absolutely yes”! Blessings of thanks, dear Mrs. Little for your amazing
grace, thoughtfulness, and Godly spirit!! You are a wonderful role model and teacher for our children.
With much gratitude, in HIS service,
Marjorie Bechert, EBP Coordinator
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Since making it personal with Christ last year, we’re “Taking a Step with Christ” over the next year. In other words,
Stewardship Sunday is quickly approaching, and we are preparing to walk with Christ by asking for your pledges.
We will both receive and consecrate pledge cards at all three services on Stewardship Sunday which is November
1, 2015. To that end, expect the pledge cards to arrive in your mailbox two to three weeks in advance. After
prayerful consideration, you can complete them and bring them with you on Stewardship Sunday, when we will
celebrate pledged commitments by receiving communion during our worship services.
This continuing goal is personal to me because over the past year, my two-year old granddaughters have learned
to walk as they begin their life’s journey. We as faithful Christians must continue our walk with Christ one step at a
time. Like Paul said in Ephesians, “Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way
of love.”
Besides pledges of commitment, there are many additional ways that we can walk with Christ and develop our personal relationship with Him. They include being present through prayer, participating in Bible classes for many different studies, and bearing faithful witness by regularly worshipping in baptisms, weddings, funerals, and holy
communions. Why not volunteer your service to Winter Relief, Appalachian Service Project, Shower Ministry, Guatemala Mission, Light House Shelter, or the Cookie Factory?
In so doing, we will all joyfully experience active service to Christ and those He wants us to serve. We look forward
to everyone’s attendance and participation in Stewardship Sunday on November 1, 2015 so we can worship in the
fullness of our Church as we rally together “Taking a Step with Christ.”
Nelson Gardner
Stewardship MT Chair
Are you a new member and want to meet other members? Are you a long time member and want to meet new
members or get to know other members better? Join Dinner for Eight!
The groups are set up to run for four months. The rotations begin in March, July, and November. Each group
meets once a month in a members’ home to share a meal and get to know one another. The groups are arranged
at random, and are not limited to couples. We have a number of single people in our groups. At the first dinner
each group decides amongst themselves, the times and dates most convenient for their dinners.
The host provides the home and main course. Each of the other couples (people) bring a dish to share, (appetizer,
salad, bread, vegetable, or dessert).
Over the four month period , each couple (person) serves as the host and prepares a dish at the other three meals.
At the end of the fourth month, the groups change, and you get to meet another six people. The groups meet all
year, but you can join in or drop out at the end of any four month rotation.
Not sure this would work for you? You can be put on the substitute list to try it out.
If you are interested in joining, or have any questions, call Judy Roblyer (410) 757-6226.
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The Stephen Ministry Program at Calvary UMC
By the Stephen Ministry Leaders
Have you often wondered what the Stephen Ministers do at CUMC? Stephen Ministers are members
of our congregation who receive special training to provide one-to-one Christian care to people in our
congregation and community who are experiencing grief, loneliness, divorce, hospitalization, disability, job loss, and many other life difficulties.
Are you going through a difficult time? Stephen Ministers are members of our congregation who listen, care, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support to people who are facing a crisis or
going through tough times. The care you will receive is confidential, free, and very helpful.
To learn how you, or a friend, neighbor, co-worker, or relative, can receive care, talk to a pastor or
Stephen Ministry Leader.
Stephen Ministers: The After People
People often ask, "What exactly is a Stephen Minister?"
One way to put it is that Stephen Ministers are the After People.
Stephen Ministers are there:
...after the phone call you hoped you'd never get.
...after the divorce papers are served and the bottom falls out of your life.
...after the funeral, when everyone has left and the emotions you've held at bay come crashing in on you.
...after the doctor says, "I'm sorry, but there's nothing more we can do."
...after the nursing home director shakes your hand and says, "Welcome to your new home.”
...after the last child honks the horn, waves, and drives away--and the house suddenly seems empty.
...after the gavel goes down, the handcuffs go on, and your loved one is led away.
...after the baby arrives, demanding more of you than you ever dreamed possible.
...after you find a pink slip with your final paycheck.
...after your family and friends have heard your story too many times, but you still need to talk it out.
Stephen Ministers are the "After People." They are ready to come alongside you, or your friends, neighbors,
co-workers, or relatives—and provide comfort and support for as long after as needed.
This article has been provided by Stephen Ministries St. Louis, Missouri.
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Just a reminder that Sunday School has started back up!!! At the 8:45 service 2 – 4 year olds meet
downstairs in Room 10 before the service starts. Children in Kindergarten through 5 th grade begin
in the Sanctuary and will then go to Fellowship Hall for Sunday School. Middle High Sunday School
is at 8:45 in Room 119 and Senior High Sunday School is at 11:00 in Room 119. At 10:00, there is
Sunday School for children in Kindergarten through 5 th Grade following dismissal from the 10:00
worship service in Room 9 in the lower level. If you have any questions please get in touch with
Nancy Mills at education@calumc.org. Also our adult education studies have begun so please
check your bulletins and join a class!
We would love to invite the congregation to join us in supporting Operation Christmas Child. For
those of you not familiar with Operation Christmas Child, their mission is to demonstrate God’s
love in a tangible way to needy children around the world, and together with the local church
worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. There is a recommended list of supplies to fill
a shoebox designated for a little girl or little boy. The congregation of Calvary will gather on October 14 from 5:30 – 8:00 for a meal and we will then pack the shoeboxes and deliver them to a designated site that will ship them to the areas that are in need. If you are not able to join with us on
the 21st, you can purchase the supplies and drop them off to Nancy Mills in a drop box outside the
Education Office. The boxes can be designated for a boy or a girl. Here is a recommended list of
supplies for the shoeboxes:
Toys: Include items that children will immediately embrace such as toy cars, yo-yos, jump ropes,
balls, toys that light up and make noise (with extra batteries), etc.
School Supplies: pens, pencils and sharpeners, crayons, markers, notebooks, paper, solar calculators, coloring and picture books, etc.
Non-liquid Hygiene Items: toothbrushes, bar soap, combs, washcloths, etc.
Accessories: T-shirts, socks, hats, sunglasses, hair clips, jewelry, watches, flashlights (with extra
batteries), etc.
We will be offering another opportunity to support those in our local community who many have
to work on Thanksgiving. We will be putting together 150 bagged Thanksgiving lunches and delivering them to local businesses, police and fire stations, and other health care facilities where folks
are still needed to provide services to the community. We will be getting more information out
soon but for now, we would like to invite you and your families to be on the lookout for places
you think would still be open on Thanksgiving as you are out and about in your daily lives. We will
be assembling the lunches on Monday and Tuesday November 23 and 24 and delivering the
lunches on Thanksgiving Day. Please call Susan Amos if you have any questions at 443-223-6184.
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Family Movie Night
Children’s Sabbath
K-2nd Gr Choir Sings
3rd—5th Gr Choir Sings
Corn Maze
Fall Festival
Disciple Ship!!
Oct 9 @ 6pm
Oct 11
Oct 11 @ 8:45am
Oct 11 @ 11am
Oct 18 @ 3pm
Oct 25 @ 3pm-6pm
Oct 4, 11, & 18
We are inviting all of
our community to join
us for some fall fest
fun! We will need
adults & youth players
to help lead our
games/activities, help
with the snacks and be
the welcoming smile
of Christ. Please contact Christy if you are
interested in joining
in—I would love to
have your help!
In October we will be joining
up with the youth on October
18 at 3 pm for the Corn Maze.
A permission slip, medical release, and cost of trip will be
needed to participate. We are
also planning our next Family
Dinner & Movie Night for families on October 9th at 6 pm.
The popular vote seems to be
for “Aladdin.” More details to
come on both events! Friends
are invited—the more, the
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Missions Possible Lockdown 2015 Follow Up!
WOW—LOOK WHAT GOD DID! What a joy it was to see the children’s
servant hearts blossoming! We investigated God’s testimony in the
Bible, analyzed our own experiences, and discovered His love motivating us to action. Some of our missions were top secret and some were
unclassified but through them all we were blessed as we became the
hands, feet, and word of God. The children all wanted to know when
is the next Lockdown for Missions—God is moving!
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The school year has started and so has
Crossfire youth for the year. We have
already had our first cookie factory and
have kicked off Sunday School and
Sunday Night Youth!
Just a reminder that this year Sunday
School looks a little different. Middle
School will continue to meet during the
8:45 worship service. There will be
Sunday School for High School students
right after the 10 am service, along with
a parents group.
Save the Dates:
10/3/15—Cookie Factory
10/18/15– Corn Maze
10/25/15– Fall Festival
11/7/15-Cookie Factory
If you would like to
receive email updates,
please contact Sarah at
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Our music and arts ensembles are now off to a good start for the season, but it's not too late to join. Ensembles available without audition include Chancel Choir (8:45 service), Calvary Choir (11:15 service), Calvary
Bells, and our Liturgical Dance group. We would also like to start a small drama group to do skits and dramatic readings. If you are interested in any of these and want to know schedules or more information,
please contact Stan Livengood, Director of Music and Arts, music@calumc.org.
Our A/V upgrade is nearly complete, and all equipment has been installed. You should be able to hear the
services better, and we'll gradually be adding more Power Point presentations and limited camera
work. Several volunteers have been trained as basic operators of our sound system. If you have an interest
in being a part of this new team of sound and video operators, please contact Stan Livengood.
Our concert series kicks off with professional groups in November and December. On Sunday, November 8, a
new professional choir, the Church Circle Singers, will give their debut concert at Calvary. A season brochure
should be out in a few weeks, so check the main lobby soon.
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FALL BOUTIQUE – United Methodist Women
Sunday, October 18
Fellowship Hall
Brunch will be served after the 8:45, 10 and 11:15 worship services.
Breakfast casseroles, muffins, and fruit
Adults $5.00 Children $3.00
Hand made items including the Sock Monkeys
Bake Sale
Pecans orders will be taken
Proceeds will go towards UMW mission outreach.
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Meetings Present
Meetings Past
October 20: BBQ and Membership Meeting!
On September 15 Kelly Anderson, Manager of Client Services,
A Recruiting Event for Younger Dudes
at Sarah’s House provided insight into the workings of this
Bring a friend, two if you have ’em. Or
supportive housing program which offers emergency and
make a new one, and bring him along too. transitional housing with an array of services for homeless
We will provide the BBQ and the entertainment as we extend families in Anne Arundel County. It should also be noted that
our outreach of Christian fellowship, especially to young(er)
Sarah’s House is one of three homeless shelters in the country
men of the Calvary community. Rev. Rick Gray will address
to be recognized by the US Army.
the need and ways to balance one’s life between family, career, and church.
Meetings Future
Of special note, there will be baby sitters available to allow
Mom a couple hours of tranquility while Dad hangs with the
wise old guys and the kids get BBQ sauce in their hair. (Just
kidding about the sauce in the hair.) Contact Ken Forrester at
410-991-7099 or ken.forrester@csileasing.com for details.
Manidokin Men’s Retreat
November 6 thru 8, 2015
We are very pleased to be holding our second weekend retreat at the Manidokan Camp and Retreat Center, from 7:30
pm Friday, November 6 to 1 pm on Sunday, November 8.
Pastor Rick Gray will lead the event and it will be, as it was
last year, an inspiring event. The cost is $130.00 per person
and all Calvary men are invited. The cost includes the room
for 3-5 people per room, food and fellowship. If you have
never been to Manidokan, it is a beautiful facility and should
make for a very memorable weekend. You will also have ½
day on Saturday to visit the many sites around the area including Harpers Ferry and the C&O Canal, Please RSVP to
Ken Forrester at ken.forrester@csileasing.com or 410-9917099.
Consider this a Save the Date request for the evening of November 17. On that evening the UMM will host speakers
from Chrysallis House, a leading behavioral health agency for
women and their children which provides a safe, sober, and
structured environment where women receive counseling, life
skills training, parenting skills education, and recreational activities. One exceptional feature of Chrysalis House programs
is that women may bring their children with them into the
treatment programs.
Subsequently the UMM will kick off the GET TO KNOW YOUR
CHURCH Series by hosting a series of informational presentations by leaders of Calvary's ministry teams (MT) in the coming months. Leading off the series in December or January
(TBD), the Chair of our Staff-Parish Relations MT will address
the questions relating to the duties and responsibilities of the
MT, as well as the goals of the MT for the upcoming year. In
the following months of 2016, we will host the Church Council
and the remaining ministry teams in order to provide a comprehensive overview of how your church functions to meet its
mission. Please join us on the third Tuesday of each month
for insight and fellowship.
The Shower Ministry: Successful Again
The Parking Pros
A significant ministry of Calvary UMC, the Shower Ministry
has grown into a much larger opportunity for Calvary to reach
out in Christian fellowship to our community, to share our
faith, and to develop ties and friendships. Regularly providing
food and a shower to 8-12 guests each week, the ministry
completed its third year on September 29.
USNA Football is in full swing and things are off to a great
start. The season opened with a Navy victory over Colgate
and the CUMC Parking Lot Commandos gathered over
$2,500.00 donations in coin of the realm. Since then East
Carolina has come ashore and Air Force will fly in with a
packed house (I’m sure) on October 3. Keep in mind that Tulane’s Green Wave rolls in on 10/24; South Florida on 10/31,
Accordingly, the UMM would like to extend a heart-felt thanks
and the Methodist Mustangs of SMU will gallop by on 11/14.
to all of those who assisted with the program this past sumDave Born has the lead on this project.
mer. In particular a very special thank you and God bless goes
to Pam Biddlecomb whose continuing energy and enthusiasm
was vital to the functioning of the ministry each and every
God Bless,
Dave Myers
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8:30 Men’s Cov. Disc.
10:00 Beth Moore Study
6:30 UMM
6:30 Friendship Circle
7:00 Passionately Christian
7:00 Handbells
8:00 Men’s Cov. Disc.
12:30 Staff Meeting
6:00 Women’s Cov. Disc.
12:30 Staff Meeting
6:00 Women’s Cov. Disc.
7:00 Stephen Ministry
3:00 Fall Festival
5:00 Disciple Ship
5:00 SNY
5:00 Women’s Cov. Disc.
12:30 Staff Meeting
6:00 Women’s Cov. Disc.
7:00 Stephen Ministry
7:00 Lay Leadership
8:30 Men’s Cov. Disc.
10:00 Beth Moore Study
7:00 Passionately Christian
7:00 Handbells
8:00 Men’s Cov. Disc.
8:30 Men’s Cov. Disc.
10:00 Beth Moore Study
6:30 UMM Board
7:00 Passionately Christian
7:00 SPR MT
7:00 Handbells
8:00 Men’s Cov. Disc.
8:30 Men’s Cov. Disc.
10:00 Beth Moore Study
7:00 Passionately Christian
7:00 Handbells
8:00 Men’s Cov. Disc.
5:00 Disciple Ship
5:00 SNY
12:30 Staff Meeting
6:00 Women’s Cov. Disc.
7:00 New Member Class
1:00 New Member Class
5:00 Disciple Ship
5:00 SNY
8:45 Traditional Worship
Children’s Sunday School
10:00 Contemporary Worship
Children’s & Adult Sunday School
11:15 Traditional Worship
Youth & Adult Sunday School
9:15 Men’s Cov. Disc.
10:30 Matthew Bible Study
7:00 Book Club
7:00 Charge Conference
7:00 Combined Choirs
9:15 Men’s Cov. Disc.
10:30 Matthew Bible Study
7:00 Book Club
7:00 Combined Choirs
9:15 Men’s Cov. Disc.
10:30 Matthew Bible Study
5:00 Operation Christmas
7:00 Book Club
7:00 Combined Choirs
9:00 Employment Support
10:00 Spiritual Gifts
7:00 Holy Spirit Class
7:00 Praise Team
9:00 Employment Support
10:00 Spiritual Gifts
7:00 Holy Spirit Class
7:00 Praise Team
5:30 Family Movie Night
7:30 Maintenance Breakfast
10:00 Choir Retreat
UMM Navy Football
7:30 Cookie Factory
9:00 Employment Support
10:00 Spiritual Gifts
7:00 Holy Spirit Class
7:00 Praise Team
9:00 Employment Support
10:00 Prayer Shawl
10:00 Spiritual Gifts
7:00 Holy Spirit Class
7:00 Praise Team
9:00 Employment Support
10:00 Spiritual Gifts
7:00 Holy Spirit Class
7:00 Praise Team
9:00 Chronicle Mail-out
UMM Navy Football
UMM Navy Football
9:15 Men’s Cov. Disc.
10:30 Matthew Bible Study
7:00 Lay Reader Training
7:00 Book Club
7:00 Combined Choirs
October 2015 Events
Page 15
Office Hours:
8:30 am—5 pm
FAX: 410-268-5283
Bishop Marcus Matthews, Baltimore-Washington Conference
The Rev. Evan Young, Annapolis District Superintendent
Office Manager, Calvary Center School……..
Kimberly Koepping
410-268-3812, calvarycenter@calumc.org
Director of Audio/Media Ministries…………….
Malcolm McFadden
Sunday Nursery Attendants………….Susan Giokas,
Beki Andres
Director, Calvary Center School…...Johnna Parker
Office Assistant…………………...………..Karen Conroy
Administrative Assistant………...……..Janis Hosmer
Organist.…………………………....….……...David Beatty
Director, Handbell Choir………..…...…..Bruce Smith
Director, Children’s Choirs………..….…..Noël Butler
Director, Praise Team………..……….….Ira Ostrowski
Interim Treasurer………………..…..…...Lynne Chaput
Ext. 106, music@calumc.org
Director of Music & Arts..……...Stanley Livengood
Ext. 105, youth@calumc.org
Director of Youth Ministries…………....Sarah Lanzi
Ext. 115, children@calumc.org
Director of Children’s Ministries …….Christy Little
Ext. 104, education@calumc.org
Director of Discipleship…………………...Nancy Mills
Parish Minister …………………..…….Kenan Habetler
Ext. 103, merniec@calumc.org
Associate Pastor……………………………Mernie Crane
Ext. 102, chipw@calumc.org
Senior Pastor……………………….Harold B. Wright, II
Chairperson, Church Council…………….Jim Phillips
Lay Leaders…………………….David & Beth Schoeller
Lay Members, Annual Conference……..Bill Abner,
Roberta Liddick, Al Keyser,
Doris Glover
Chairperson, Staff-Parish Relations MT….
Lee Johnson
Chairperson, Trustees MT…….……..…Lon Slepicka
Co-Chairpersons, Finance MT....Jackie Nicholson,
Kipp Snow
Financial Secretary.……………………….Donna Kurrle
Chair, Stewardship MT………………Nelson Gardner
Chairperson, Missions MT……………...Bill Lovelace
Co-Chairpersons, Education MT…..Sandy Crosier,
Kevin Peters
Co-Chairpersons, Outreach MT………Susan Amos,
Lynn McReynolds
Co-Chairpersons, Congregational Care MT…
Jody Glancy, Marla Marthens
Co-Chairpersons, Worship MT……....……Jay Irwin,
David Conover
Chairperson, Stephen Ministry………...…..Jo Layne
Leader, Children’s MT…………..…….Tia Titgemeyer
Leader, Youth MT……………………Keith Biddlecomb
Leader, Older Adult MT………….....Kenan Habetler
President, United Methodist Women....
Claudette Cozad
President, United Methodist Men...Ken Forrester
Co-Chairpersons, Building MT ……...Doug Sweely,
Lori Sweely
Chairperson, Calvary Center School…
Jaime Hanafourde
Public Relations…………………………………Dave Born
(MT = Ministry Team)
U.S. Postage
Annapolis, MD
Permit 207
Calvary United Methodist Church
301 Rowe Boulevard
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
Ph: 410-268-1776 Fax: 410-268-5283
E-mail: office@calumc.org
As a committed United Methodist community, we
strive to know and worship God, the Father, Son,
and Holy Spirit; to grow in faith and love through
ministry, discipleship, and fellowship; and to go
into the world to bring others to Christ through
mission. We at Calvary Church are committed to
making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
October 3:
October 4:
October 5:
October 9:
October 10:
October 18:
October 24:
October 25:
October 28:
October 31:
Cookie Factory
UMM Navy Football Parking
New Member Class
New Member Class
Family Movie Night
Maintenance Breakfast
Choir Retreat
Receive New Members
UMW Fall Boutique
UMM Navy Football Parking
Fall Festival
Charge Conference
UMM Navy Football Parking