BSST Update Dec 2013 - Bay State School of Technology
BSST Update Dec 2013 - Bay State School of Technology
B A Y S TAT E U P D A T E B e g i n Y o u r F u t u r e N o w ! BAY STATE SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY December 2013 Vol. 17 No. 4 Meet Scott Mofford, Admissions Representative Scott Mofford is the newest addition to the Bay State School of Technology team and will be working directly with Director of Admissions Matt Carlson as an Admissions Representative. Scott most recently worked for Onpoint Financial Corp. for 7 years as a Customer Service/Collections officer, assisting customers in debt resolution. Before entering the Collections/Customer Service field, Scott was a General Manager with Papa Gino’s Restaurants, having had attained his A.S. in Culinary Arts at Johnson and Wales University in 1980. Other education backgrounds are Certifications in Medical Billing and Coding at Clark University in 2003 and I.T. certifications at A.C.C.T. in Quincy, MA; receiving his A+ and Network + certifications in 2000. When asked about his personal interests Scott replied: “I’ve always been good with my hands. Being Classes for All Programs Forming in January New Year is a time for starting new things, new resolutions, new beginnings. It’s like things are fresh and clean at the start of the year. Is there a better time to take control of your life and get started on your new career than the New Year? We don’t think so. ’Now is the time. Getting started as soon as possible is the way to go. If you start your program in one of our January day classes, we will train you to become a highly competent entry level Major Appliance Repair, Domestic Refrigeration, Commercial HVACR or Electronics technician. And we can do it in less than a year. Think about it – in a little less than one year, you can be on your way to your new career with better job security, better pay, and more. Doesn’t it make sense to get started now? Call us at 888-828-3434 and ask for Admissions. We’re holding a seat for you. Call today. ■ brought up in a construction-oriented family, it just became second nature. I love to tinker, repair and build things. I feel confident that my past experience in several fields as well as my personal interests will only help in my new position as Admissions Representative”. One of Scott’s more recent passions is Beekeeping. He and his wife Kari have been keeping a few hives in their back yard for about 4 years now and are members of the Norfolk County Bee Keepers Association. Scott and Kari also have two children. Son Ian is a sophomore at Emerson College, and Aleah who is attending Massasoit in her Freshman year. Welcome to the Bay State family, Scott! ■ EQUIPMENT WANTED We at Bay State rely on our relationships with Major Appliance, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration companies throughout Massachusetts, who provide us with used or surplus equipment for our students to learn with. We need: • Whirlpool Direct Drive Washing Machines • Semi-Hermetic Compressors • Condensing Units with Heat Pumps If you have equipment that you would like to share with our students, please call Director of Education, John Iemma, at 781-828-3434. ■ Page Two G R A D U A T E P R O F I L E: Brandon Lesesne, Graduate of Bay State School of Technology’s Major Appliance/ Basic Electricity/Domestic A/C & Refrigeration and HVACR program Both of Brandon’s parents were in the Air Force, and as result Brandon was born in England. From there he went on to live in Australia, Africa, and all over the United States. Brandon attended high school in Rolla, Missouri. Soon after graduation, he joined the Air Force and did 4 years active duty in Fort Walton Beach, FL. Brandon always wanted to be his own boss. He started his own successful Hydroponic Gardening store, which he sold to a Hydroponic chain when they wanted to expand into his territory. At the same time, he started an auto detailing business, which was also successful. He sold this business and then started looking for another challenging business he could start and grow. While selling appliances, he noticed that there was an unserved need for servicing appliances. This idea started him thinking about starting his own appliance repair business. His next step was to look for training to become an Appliance Repair Technician. A thorough internet search showed that there were two options: one school in Texas and one in Massachusetts – Bay State School of Technology. After doing his research Brandon liked what he saw on-line for Bay State School of Technology and it seemed like a good fit for Brandon. A major factor was Bay State’s status as an approved Bay State Update is a quarterly publication of Bay State School of Technology intended to inform its readers about current happenings both at the School and in the field. For further information, and for complimentary copies, contact the office. PUBLISHER Robert W. Mason EDITOR Larry Fay BAY STATE SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY 225 Turnpike Street • Route 138 Canton, Massachusetts 02021 781-828-3434 provider for veterans’ training. After speaking with the school’s VA certifying official, Larry Fay, he decided to come to Bay State for his training. Brandon was faced with the need to move to Massachusetts for 8 months while he was in school. He rented a room in Quincy, and was able to live off his Post 911 GI Bill benefits. This allowed him to concentrate on his schooling. Brandon flew home once a month to see his two kids – 5 year-old daughter, Tessa and a 3 year-old son, Paxton. Brandon loved his training at Bay State. “(Major Appliance Instructor )Joe Stevens is extremely knowledgeable about ‘this business’– in addition he had no problem tearing down a machine for you to understand just how it works. (Domestic Refrigeration Instructor) Ralph Harriman was extremely easygoing and was able to pull the class together as team. He’s also highly knowledgeable, with a sense of humor. He has a way of relating the hands-on experience to the students so they could grasp the training. Teaching to Joe and Ralph is a lifestyle not a Job!” Brandon enjoyed his training at Bay State so much that when he gets his new business going he plans on sending future employees to the school for their training. “The hours are great. The hands-on training is the only way to learn.” His Bay State experience compared well with both his technical classes in high school and his experience at University of Phoenix, where he received his Associate’s Degree. A firm believer in education, he plans on finishing his Bachelors Degree soon. Brandon is moving back to Rolla, Missouri to open his own business. Joe Stevens helped him get his business started by; telling him what he would need to set up his truck inventory, complete tool list, helping him as he built his website, how to handle customer service, and if he ever needs any advice or assistance, he knows that both Joe and Ralph are just a phone call away. We wish Brandon long and successful career as a Service Technician in his own Major Appliances business. ■ Visit Our New Page Check out our new Linked in page designed for Bay State students, graduates, and staff. If you’re not on Linked In yet, you should be. It’s a Social Network, similar to Facebook, only business oriented. It’s a terrific way to share information, keep in touch with fellow students, and network with others. Bay State would like to thank current student Doug Atkins for his help and inspiration in setting up this page. To sign up with the Bay State Tech Linked In page, go to: ■ Page Three Attention Students And Employers: Visit Our New Easy-access Online Jobs Board Another valuable service that we at Bay State provide to our students is free access to an exclusive Jobs Board. This new, state-of-the-art utility can be used by both students/graduates looking for work and also employers looking to hire. This is one more way that Bay State works with students and graduates to help them to find work in their new careers, and also with employers to provide them with unique access to highlytrained job candidates. Students and graduates must register on the page first by filling out the required questions. Once your identity is confirmed by the school, we’ll send you an email with access information so you can get up and running. Once you login, you’ll be able to upload your resume for viewing by employers, and also review jobs posted by both employers and the Student Services Office. After registration, employers will be able to access the site and review resumes online or post any jobs that you may be looking to fill. These services will be available 24/7 and will prove to be a powerful tool for both job-seekers and employers. Go to the main school website and register today at As an alternative, you may call the school directly during business hours and speak to Linda Lord about jobs. ■ Instructors and Assistant Instructors Wanted Bay State is looking for a few good people to supplement its teaching staff. If you are an industry professional in the HVAC, Appliance Repair, or Electronics field, or are retired from one of these careers, and would be interested in a full or part-time position, this might be the job for you. It’s a perfect position for a recent retiree who wants to stay involved in the field and who wants to help educate our students in their new careers. If interested, please email your resume to our John Iemma, Director of Education: ■ T E C H T I P: A Winter Tip for Your Snow-covered Dryer Vent By John Iemma, Director of Education One problem that results from a deep snowfall is the possibility of accumulated snow blocking the dryer vent, which can lead to your dryer not operating properly. Signs of a problem include the appliance taking too long to dry your clothes. Avoid venting any dryer into the room. A gas dryer could cause a dangerous carbon monoxide problem, in addition to filling the air with dryer lint. Messy! ■ A GREAT QUOTATION Don’t worry about avoiding temptation. As you grow older, it will avoid you. - Winston Churchill FOR MORE INFORMATION ON BAY STATE SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY 225 Turnpike Street (Rte. 138) Canton, MA 02021 Address Service Requested Use the bar code scanner on your smart phone to scan the code below. You will be directed right to the BSST home page. Where Are Our Grads Now? GRADUATE EMPLOYED AT Louis Crivellaro Mariner’s Hill Beacon Properties – Maintenance Technician Michael Perkins FR Mahony – Service Technician Robert Limose Dorinvil Appliance Repair – Service Technician Christopher Young Fuller Village – Maintenance Technician James Starr Legal Seafood – Maintenance Technician Astrit Gorezi Leggos Restaurant – Maintenance Technician Robert McElhinney ICEE - Service Technician Chris King Rocheleau Tool & Die – Maintenance Technician Thomas Hally Harold Brother Mechanical – HVAC Project Manager Samuel DaSilveira Clarke Distributors– Service Technician John Cotreau Northeastern Petroleum & Supply – Service Technician Donald Raymond Emerson Village – Maintenance Technician Joshua Deacon Jarvis Appliance – Service Technician Tony Mensah Rhode Island Housing – Maintenance Technician Brian Trant Kitchen Appliance Mart – Service Technician Joao Cunha CF Innovations – Service Technician William Callahan Catania Hospitality – Maintenance Technician Erik Metcalf Marine Supply & Lumber – Service Technician Congratulations to all! FREON RECOVERY CERTIFICATION PRST STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID BOSTON, MA. PERMIT #54444 Bay State Tech holds regular classes and does testing for those who need EPA certification in order to handle refrigerants. In addition to classes and tests administered at the school, we can also come right to your workplace and perform the seminars and testing there. Upcoming Class Schedule CURRENTLY ENROLLING FOR: FULL-TIME DAYS STARTING DATE: Major Appliances/Basic Electricity January 8, 2014 Domestic Refrigeration & Air Conditioning January 8, 2014 Commercial Refrigeration & Air Conditioning January 8, 2014 Electronics Technician January 8, 2014 Full-time day classes are scheduled Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. PART-TIME EVENINGS STARTING DATE: Major Appliances/Basic Electricity January 27, 2014 Domestic Refrigeration & Air Conditioning January 27, 2014 Commercial Refrigeration & Air Conditioning January 27, 2014 Electronics Technician January 27, 2014 Part-time evening classes are scheduled Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings from 5:30 to 10:30 PM. For more information on classes and start dates, contact the Admissions Office at 888-828-3434, toll free. ■ Upcoming Seminars and Tests: Wednesday, December 4, 2013 Wednesday, February 11, 2014 Wednesday, April 16, 2014 If you are interested in receiving more information on classes and testing, please contact Linda Lord at 888828-3434.
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