Two Servants of the Lord go Home! Child Evangelism Fellowship of


Two Servants of the Lord go Home! Child Evangelism Fellowship of
Child Evangelism Fellowship of
Lackawanna County, Inc.
Affiliated with Child Evangelism Fellowship of Eastern PA, Inc.
Office at Faith Baptist Church, 545 Keystone Ave., Peckville, PA 18452 ♦ ♦ (570) 815-3446
John Kornbau~Director ♦ Linda Titus~Ministry Assistant
Two Servants of the Lord go Home!
Our dear friend and co-worker, Miss Rita
Lobdell went home to be with the Lord on
November 29, 2015. Miss Rita was our
state director here in CEF of Eastern PA.
She has served the Lord for over 51 years
Rita Lobdell, State Director
in children’s ministry. She carefully taught
staff and young people, all about how to clearly and simply teach
children the good news. She had a genuine love of training others to share God’s
Word and taught thousands to do so. She was very precise and careful in her
teaching and wanted all of us that sat under her to know the clear steps to teach. She
was an excellent teacher and friend to me and many others. We will miss her dearly.
Her kind smile and loving heart will be missed by many.
Another dear friend and co-worker, Miss
Virginia Landis went home to be with the
Lord on January 13, 2016. She served the
Lord as a missionary nurse for 20 years in
the Congo and then served as a field
worker with Child Evangelism Fellowship
Miss Virginia Landis, Field Worker
for the past 40 years in our state
headquarters. She has filled many roles in our ministry including keeping the work
going here in Lackawanna County between directors. She has served as nurse and
missionary at many day camps. She also served as our Summer Missionary Training
School nurse for many decades. I can remember many times hearing stories of life in
the Congo or in missionary service. She was a quiet, humble lady in spite of all that
she has done. Please pray for the new workers that are trying to fill some large
In Christ,
Dates to
July 11-15= Missionary Retreat Fellowship Day Camp
July 25-29 = Clarks Summit Day Camp at Heritage Baptist Church?
Happy New Year, dear friend! It is exciting to have
a fresh start, isn’t it? My year ended with family
celebrations and began with the same. I am so
thankful for the family that our Heavenly Father has
given me. Aren’t you?
First, let me tell you about my family by blood. We
were all so very proud of my nephew, Mac
Comstock, as he graduated with high honors
from Liberty University in May of 2015. Not only
did he graduate with a degree in Exercise Science
but was named the Outstanding Student with that
major for the entire University. I was truly busting my buttons~ so thankful to be a part of his graduation
service. It was quite the day! Now Mac is working as a physical trainer at Uno Gym in Scranton and has
personal clients that he meets with to help them live a healthier lifestyle. He is also in the process of beginning
a ministry called Metamorphasis, again concentrating on living a healthier and holier lifestyle, centering on
Christ. Mac plays guitar for the Grace Bible worship team on Sunday mornings and leads worship in a small
local church in Clarks Summit on Sunday evenings. We are all so happy for Mac and for all the Lord is doing
in his life.
My niece, Mollie is a sophomore at Summit University (formerly BBC). She is an excellent softball catcher,
an outstanding student ~ straight A’s, and is looking forward to being an RA for her dorm floor. Mol keeps
busy teaching pre-K Sunday school and working with the teens at Grace Bible and serving on their worship
team. She also is looking forward to spending the summer in South Africa, taking classes and serving the Lord
in whatever capacity He has for her there. I am truly blessed by my family!
I also am so thankful for my CEF family. I went without a car for approximately 18 months until a precious
brother and sister in the Lord gave me a bright red Jeep Grand Cherokee! What a blessing. As they said, “You
need to continue to be able to reach the children.” Praise the Lord! Presently I teach at Clark Summit
Elementary Center on Tuesdays after school, and 2 North Pocono Elementary Schools (Jefferson Township at
2 on Wednesday and Moscow Elementary Center at 2 on Thursdays). These classes are not large in number
but are large in blessing. The children are so eager to learn and come to class so excited! I also do all I can to
help John in the Office in Peckville on Tuesday afternoons, all day Wednesdays until class, and Thursdays
until I leave for Release-Time Class. It has been a pleasure and privilege to have John as the CEF Director for
our county. He has such a heart for the children and the ministry has grown because of the Lord working
through his efforts. The Lord has now called John, Kelly, and the kiddos to serve in Ireland. Exciting for them,
not so much for us. I will miss them immensely.
Sadly, our State Director, Miss Rita Lobdell, went to be with the Lord in November. Compounding that great
loss, her co-worker, our dear Miss Virginia Landis went home to be with the Lord just 6 weeks later. Many of
you remember this precious saint as she served in our county many times and in many roles over the years.
Please pray as the State Headquarters in Harrisburg have many difficult decisions to work through.
Well, dear CEF friend. I am so personally pleased that you are part of our CEF
family! Your prayers and/or support keep us reaching out to our boys and girls
who desperately need Jesus. We live in a world that grows darker with each
passing day. The children are learning how to lean on Jesus and His wonderful
Word because you care. Thank you!
May God bless you richly as you walk with Jesus throughout 2016! Ephesians
Love Because of Jesus,
Gifts Given in Memory of
Donald and Willard Davis
By Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Ruslon Smith
By Miriam Smith
Miss Rita Lobdell
By John and Kelly Kornbau
Miss Virginia Landis
By John and Kelly Kornbau