Obedient To The Call January 2015


Obedient To The Call January 2015
Ride Nature
Vision and
Daisy’s Corner
Chronicles of
Craig’s Colum
Obedient To The Call January 2015
We are going through the book of
Acts and it has encouraged many
in our church to share their faith
and to serve the Lord. Just before
Christmas we had the Ride Nature
team come and spend 10 days
with us. What a blessing these
young men were to us and to our
church. They got here and were
hosting a surf contest within 8
hours of their arrival. Awesome!
We had a jam packed week of
outreaches, workshops, sharing
testimonies and pouring into our
church. We were able to pull
off a skateboard contest at the
local skate park as well. Their
hearts were so willing to serve it
left an everlasting impact on our
church. We will see fruit from
this team for many months to
come. “Muchas Gracias”
“...and you will be My witnesses in
Jerusalem, and in all Judea and
Samaria, and to the ends of the
earth.” Acts 1:8
Leadership Training
Children’s ministry
All night prayer
Health, and
monthly support
Our vision and mission for
Just after New Years, we
had a leadership luncheon to plan
this year’s goals and direction.
With older men and women in our
leadership now, there is a since of
maturity and stability. We started
off with some basic distinctives to
clarify who we are and where we
are going. Reaffirming that this is
not a denomination, but a movement of the Holy Spirit. There are
many crazy doctrines here in South
America so we want to continue to
have a healthy church. We defined
Real Life Stories
Peruvian Summer
a great Christmas season and the
Lord met all of our needs and the
needs -of our church. We were
blessed by Calvary Chapel Mira
Flores which donated 20 shoe box
gifts for all of our children in the
church, and for a few less fortunate
children in the local farm lands
who’s parents are in full time ministry. Thank you CCMF. We celebrated Christmas with friends in the
church who cooked a turkey, and
the tradition here is to eat at 12
midnight, then light off fireworks
and then the children open their
Christmas in Huacho. We had
our mission: To Reach, to teach,
and disciple then send into the
outlining areas. Also we clarified
our vision: To establish a church
that is dependent upon God and
not man or a missionary family.
Commitment is a challenging area
here in Huacho. We would like to
form a leadership team and have
a volunteer staff in place by the
end of the year. We feel like the
church needs to take ownership in
the way that it is their own home,
and we the children of God need
to be responsible. This has not
been easy, but we are growing in
that area. Most people struggle
with tithes and offerings, so one of
the creative ways we are looking
to pay the rent on the church is by
having a BBQ and sell plates of
food to neighbors, and friends.
The formation of our leadership
depends upon having people who
are willing to be committed and
available and it is up to us to show
them the way. Please pray for us.
Ivan and Pedro are both hard working family men, who have a desire
to see our church grow. They primarily attend every church service
we have and are willing to serve at
any capacity. Ivan has a very particular gift, which is organizing
things and cleaning and bringing
order among the men. He is a
shoot straight kind of guy. Some of
you might have read the book
“Second” the story of Pastor Romaine. He would be my first choice
for an elder. Ivan is a man after
God’s own heart and is above reproach. Pedro is a younger man
who’s talents are in music, and he is
well on his way to forming a new worship band. But our theme is the heart
of worship, and not talent. He is rewriting some worship songs to have a
Reggae sound to them. He is also
discipling younger men who have a
desire to be apart of this ministry.
We have many young men who
where part of our ministry in the be-
ginning who are coming back since
they have matured and experienced that the world has nothing
good to offer them. It has not been
easy raising up leaders, but we
know that the word of God never
returns void. Pray for CCH’s future!
Ivan & Pedro
Daisy’s Corner
The Lord continues to work on me,
and on the ladies here in the church.
I can see that the verse in Philippians
1:6 is being worked out in all of our
lives. “Being confident of this, that He
who began a good work in you, will
carry it on to completion until the day
of Christ Jesus” The ladies here in
Huacho have continued in their study
of God’s word and there is much
evidence that the Lord is working in
them. This gives me great hope!
One of the ways I am preparing the
ladies now is to let them take turns
doing the bible studies. We are all
going through the Experiencing God
book and lives are being changed.
We are also taking turns in the children's ministry preparing for the lessons, crafts, and snacks. We now
“"If the Great
Commission is true,
our plans are not too
big; they are too
Elisabeth Elliot
“All our difficulties are only platforms for the manifestations of
His grace, power and love.”
- H u d s o n
T a y l o r It has not been easy since we
have been back, and if it was easy
anybody could do missionary
work. I pray daily that the Lord
will work in and through my
weaknesses. I believe He has
chosen me, so He could receive
all the honor and glory. 1 Corinthians 1:27 But God chose
the foolish things of the world to
shame the wise; God chose the
weak things of the world to
shame the strong! Since we started the church 5 years ago with
mainly teenagers, we are finally
seeing some lasting fruit. The fact
is that commitment is an area that
does not come naturally, because
it was never taught in the home.
We are very grateful that we now
have many families and children in
Follow us on Facebook
“Calvary Chapel Huacho”
Make all donations payable to Saving Grace
World Missions. Online: http://sgwm.com, then
click on “Find a Missionary” Then click on our
picture. By mail: In the memo section put: For
the Tippies Huacho, Peru.you are welcome to send
a check to - SGWM, 17451 Bastanchury Rd. Suite
203 Yorba Linda, CA, 92886.
Info SGWM: 714-993-4801
our church, but raising up leaders is a slow process. People
are struggling to pay their bills,
feed their family's and keep a
roof over their heads. Being
available is a virtue. We have
two young adults who are preparing for the ministry at the
bible college and we anxiously
wait for them to return. I have
three men who I am disciplining
and who are being raised up,
which they feel called to be in
the ministry. I know that God’s
timing is always perfect and I
hope and pray that we raise up
this church to be completely
dependent upon the Lord and
not on a missionary family. We
are living on 1/3 of the assistance
we had before, so I have had to
do some construction work
here to help pay for our living
expenses. This has been tough
having church 5 days a week. I
have to also guard family time as
well, and time management is an
of Ryan
Ryan is still doing homeschool, and is
doing well. We are fortunate to have
college students in our church to help
with those tough math problems that
even the parents can’t figure out. Ryan
just turned 13 and he is taller than
Daisy. His best friend is still his dog
Peaches even though she is getting
older. Ryan still misses Florida and fast
food. We are praying that we will have
more teens his age in the church.
Sometimes it’s not easy for him, but
he likes playing his guitar and singing
praise songs in English. His dreams are
to go to Bible College in Murrieta Hot
Springs, California, then be a fireman.
Calvary Kids
Focusing on the Family
Craig’s Column
have a monitor in the children’s ministry so the kids can
have worship with all the
Christian sing a long songs that
we all know and love. What a
joy to see them singing them
throughout the week. We are
not just a church, we are a
Christian community like in
the book of Acts. I know that
the Lord will not give us more
than we can handle, but sometimes it is right up to the limit
concerning my health issues
that I have. I have prayed for
the Lord to remove them, but
the verse that keeps coming to
my mind is “My grace is sufficient for thee” I must keep
my eyes on the Lord at all
times. Philippians 4:13 is a
verse I need daily.
area that can always be improved.
The Lord is faithful, and we know that
we need to follow through with what
He started in and through us here in
Huacho. The mission field here is a
daily spiritual battle, and we appreciate
your prayers and support. We are
truly grateful for teams coming and
serving along side us, and we are praying for some interns to come and help
out with youth and worship ministries.
Philippians 2:4 Let each of you look
out not only for his own interests,
but also for the interests of others!
We are also affiliated with Ride Nature and
Please Pray For !
you’re welcome to contact them for any
information on assisting us here in
 Glorifying the Lord
Huacho, Peru. We are looking for mis Leadership in
sionary interns to come and serve!
E-mail: craigydaisyperu@live.com
Provision and
monthly support