We`re not trying to build an organization. We`re
We`re not trying to build an organization. We`re
Christian Ranchman e h T We're not trying to build an organization. Volume 39, Number 2 We're trying to fill the Kingdom of God. "..By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one for another." John 13:35 Great Lakes Conference Experience It was a conference planned to share outreach opportunity ideas and discuss updates, however the Lord had a little more than that in store for this event. It begins Friday evening (the 23rd) with a potluck in a meeting room at the Berlin Grande Hotel in Ohio. A meal consisting of such items like chicken, stuffing and other delicious foods to fill the gullet but it was the dessert of simple conversation that, no matter how much was served up, no one felt too full to continue consuming. Subjects of conversation were enlightening, surprising and tickled the heart. Kicking off the Saturday morning gathering, Sherri Gentry gave us a retrospection of what it is to be “chosen”. With words from Romans 8:28…And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose…she reminds us that God has a reason for ALL things, so even during our trials, we have a purpose. They are stepping stones not only for us to know God but for God to use us and fulfill our calling and His purpose. So what is the meaning of “chosen”? Select for a sovereign purpose or one who is the object/choice of divine favor. And to keep us humble (I believe), the words from John 15:16 remind us…You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit-fruit that will last-and so that whatever you ask in My name, the Father will give you. This is My command: Love each other. Next is Mike Gentry sharing the concept of being “available” and reminding us that there is no perfect ministry as God uses the broken, the willing, the available….Proven in current times as well as biblical, God prepares and provides when we are chosen for what He has prepared for us if we are available. What does this mean? God has provided the tools; you have to be willing to use them when the time has come. THIS is being available. What are these tools? Sometimes they are something you CAN touch but more often they are your experiences (good & bad ones). Now, are you allowing yourself to use them? When the opportunity comes, are you available or do you let the world’s limitations dictate and detour you? When we are chosen and allow ourselves to be available, incredible things can transpire. Not only can we help others but in turn we too are being helped when we didn’t even realize we needed the help. Karen Jeske describes a great example of this when she shares how taking Sherri in to live with her; not only affecting Sherri’s life but changing Karen’s Mike Gentry, own life as well. The giver of the gift received one as well. Regional Director (Cont. on Pg. 16) Mar / April 2015 The Championship Bull Riding Classic It was a great privilege for Our chapter to be a part of The Championship Bull Riding Classic Presented by Alan Vines Automotive held at the Oman Arena in Jackson, Tennessee on January 16th & 17th 2015. CBR is a Leader in the sport of Bull Riding. At the event we were asked to deliver the Invocation before the ride each night. We also were able to have a Devotional and Prayer with the Riders before the event. We did have a booth set up and were able to hand out copies of The Christian Ranchman to the Spectators as they entered into the Arena. Two of the things the sold out crowd was packed in to see were: Some Eight Second Rides and The Three Time PRCA World Champion as well as the 1995 PBR World Champion “Tuff Hedeman “. Tuff is also The Ambassador of Championship Bull Riding. In April 2010 Tuff Hedeman was inducted into The Texas Rodeo Cowboy Hall Of Fame in Ft. Worth. One of the Championship Bull Riders was Tennessee Bull Riding Superstar Corey Bailey from Paris, Tn. During an interview with the Local Newspaper (Jackson Sun) Bailey said, “I’ve been around bull riding pretty much my whole life. My uncle rode bulls and it just grew on me. I started actually riding bulls when I was 10 years old and then slowly started kind of moving up. I went to Junior Rodeo my eighth grade year and won the Tennessee Junior Rodeo title. Then in high school rodeo I got third my first year, and the last three years I ended up winning state. Once I got out of high school I started professionally and went to some pro rodeos and CBR events. My first event was in Boger City, La., and I ended up with a 91 on my first bull. I got (Cont. on Pg. 13) Cowboy Chaplain Steve Tankersley left and Tuff Hedeman right Fort Worth, TX Permit No. 284 Cowboys For Christ P.O. Box 7557 Fort Worth, TX 76111 PAID Non-Profit Org U.S. Postage Page 2 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Mar / Apr 2015 Dear Christian Ranchman, Thank you for the Christian Ranchman newspaper. I enjoy reading them very much. Please fill my order; the rest of the money is for Cowboys For Christ ministry. God bless you all, CL in Iowa Cowboys For Christ, I believe that your paper being accidentally sent our direction was sent from the Lord. I pick up my mail as well as mail for our church, Assembly Of God in Carter. I was in a bit of a hurry that morning so I put all the mail together in my bag and placed it in the back of my car, a couple days later I was cleaning out my car and remembered the mail, that evening as I looked thru the mail I saw this newspaper so I opened it and was reading it, I found it very interesting and exciting. I truly enjoyed reading this and felt my pastor would enjoy it too they are big cowboys, so I shared it with them. They were the ones who brought it to my attention that this wasn’t my mail nor the church mail. I was so surprised but we truly enjoyed reading it so much that I would like to subscribe and share with my pastor and other members as well. I honestly believe it was sent to us from our Lord. GOD IS GOOD!!!! TV in Oklahoma Cowboys For Christ, Herein find a gift to aide you in propagating the Gospel for Christ. Cowboy & Native American Community Church, Pastor Gordon Brown, Mandan, ND Christian Ranchman, I have moved; please send my Ranchman to my new address. I thoroughly enjoy your paper and knowing you are bringing people to Christ. Thank You. Sincerely, BM in California To Whom It May Concern, Please note my address change, and thank you so much for all you do; your ministry, mailings, etc. are awesome, because they reflect an awesome God. I appreciate all you do, may you be blessed as you bless others. God bless, KK in Idaho Dave, Just a note to say “God Is Good.” Hope this donation, long overdue, will help to carry the Word of God to those who might not hear it in other places. Thanks so much for the help of witnessing thru the Christian Ranchman that has been passed out. May God bless all as we minister in the given Word and opportunity. In Prayers, Loyd Hodge, Treasure S.E.A. Riders in Alabama I believe that your paper being accidentally sent our direction was sent from the Lord. I pick up my mail as well as mail for our church, Assembly Of God in Carter. I was in a bit of a hurry that morning so I put all the mail together in my bag and placed it in the back of my car. A couple days later I was cleaning out my car and remembered the mail, that evening as I looked thru the mail I saw this newspaper so I opened it and was reading it, and I found it very interesting and exciting. I truly enjoyed reading this and felt my pastor would enjoy it, too and they are big cowboys, so I shared it with them. They were the ones who brought it to my attention that this wasn’t my mail nor the church mail, I was so surprised, but we truly enjoyed reading it so much that I would like to subscribe and share with my pastor and other members as well. I honestly believe it was sent to us from our Lord. GOD IS GOOD!!!! TAMMY VIDAURRI Howdy Dave, I just wanted to tell you about a great conversation I just had with my friend Rich Heffington. Rich is the full time Chaplain at Oaklawn Park race track at Hot Springs Arkansas. Rich was telling me how great Cowboys For Christ is and how instrumental it was in him being called to serve God. It seems as if Ted Pressley was friends with so many people I know and how he helped them in their walk with the Lord. Ted and Cowboys For Christ really helped Rich on his path to where he is now. I assured him you have taken over the reins now and I don’t know how it could be any better about how you go about spreading the word of our Lord and Savior. I am blessed to know how Rich has taken over the ministry there and it is flourishing both at the track and also at the farms nearby. Just thought you would like to know. Blessings,Cowboy Chaplain Eddie Householder Hello to you guys, I have just read my first Christian Ranchman and I really enjoyed reading it. I would like to see about getting put on the mailing list for the Christian Ranchman. I would also like to see about getting a Cowboys For Christ Bible, and signing up for the Bible Study you offer. And I would like to become a member of Cowboys For Christ. Thank you very much for your time and help in this matter. May the Lord continue to bless everything you all do. GP in Arkansas Dear Cowboys For Christ, I am sending you this donation to help you keep spreading the Gospel. WD in New Mexico Hello Cowboys For Christ, Winter in NE Colorado (-32 a couple weeks ago, +32 today) gotta love it! Dave our prayers have been answered, got my first paycheck in 9 months, see how long it lasts. Gotta roof over my head, clothes to keep me warm and a full belly, what more do I need? GOD IS GOOD! Need some tithing envelopes, thanks! Ye cowboy’n brother in CHRIST, RJ in Colorado The Christian Ranchman Volume 39 Mar / Apr 2015 The Christian Ranchman is published Bi-Monthly (subscriptions are free) by Cowboys For Christ, P.O. Box 7557, Fort Worth, TX 76111. Physical Address: 514 County Road 4699, Boyd, Texas 76023 Post Master: Send address changes to The Christian Ranchman, P.O. Box 7557, Fort Worth, TX 76111. Phone (817)236-0023 Ted K. Pressley, Founder (1938-2011) Dr. Dave Harvey, President/Editor Suzy Harvey, Media Director Please remember that the statements and expressions are those of the witnesses, and not necessarily those of the staff or officers of Cowboys For Christ. E-Mail Address: cwb4christ@cowboysforchrist.net WEBSITE: www.cowboysforchrist.net COWBOYS FOR CHRIST STATEMENT OF POSITION Supreme authority over this organization and all its activities is vested in God's own Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and exercised by the Holy Spirit. This must be recognized and practiced as laid out for us in God's divinely inspired Word, the Holy Bible. Cowboys For Christ is not in competition with any denominational group. It seeks, rather, through God's enabling grace, to be a helper to all local churches, denominations and groups to the extent that they are in harmony with the will of the Almighty God. Its function is to proclaim the Word of God. It is designed for outreach and building up of the Body of Christ, God's blood-bought people, and in harmony with the work of the Holy Spirit is an active force in the Lord's program for the present day. The message of The Christian Ranchman is the saving grace of Jesus Christ. These messages come to us in a variety of expressions, including testimonies and Letters to the Editor, and each is meaningful in its own way. We pray that the Holy Spirit will minister to each of you that bit of reassurance and comfort your need today. 2015 Cowboys For Christ (Cont. on Pg. 3) No. 2 Page 3 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Mar / Apr 2015 Letters To The Editor COWBOYS FOR CHRIST EASTER SONRISE COWBOY CHURCH LBJ GRASSLANDS (Cont. from Pg. 2) Dear Cowboys For Christ, I was born in Nuevo Laredo Tamps, but raised in Laredo, Texas. I’m 22 years old and I am locked up in jail. Since I was a little kid my mother took me to the Christian Church. Mostly all my family is Christian, but with the exception of my father, who is not that religious. I was a good man, and don’t know what happened to me, but I am going through a big problem. I know that Jesus Christ is the only one that can help me and I prayed your prayer in the little flyer and I would like for you to help me by providing me a Bible and some more information. I know how to read English, but it would be awesome if it is in Spanish, as you can see some of my words would be misspelled, but let me know please if I could write you a letter in Spanish. Well, that is all for today, will be waiting for your answer and the Bible. God bless you people. Sincerely, AM in Texas Dear Cowboys For Christ, Enclosed please find a check for a memorial for Chris Beauregard. You might be interested to know that Chris is the good friend who introduced us to Brother Ted and his brother, Dick many years ago, which evolved into a close friendship with Ted. God bless you all, JE in Colorado Dear Cowboys For Christ I want to encourage you’ll to keep on serving the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Don’t grow weary! Enjoy all the testimonies and articles in the Christian Ranchman. May GOD bless and keep each of you. KD in Oklahoma Christian Ranchman and Cowboys For Christ, I have enclosed a check, please put us on your mailing list for your newspaper. We belong to the Cowboys For Christ in Durango, Colorado. We are very blessed to be a part of this group. They are very dedicated to Christ and are serious about their walk with Him. Thank you, A & CN in Colorado I’m an inmate at Cummins Unit in Arkansas. I want ya’ll to be the first to know that I’ve made a decision to accept Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord. For I’ve been a sinner all my life, and I ask God to forgive me. I know that Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose from the dead to save me from eternal death. Today I confess Romans 10:9-10 & 13. I believe with all my heart that God raise Jesus from the dead and I call upon the Name of the Lord to save a wreck like me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. Reading the Christian Ranchman made me feel the Holy Spirit. The letters and testimonies made me feel the love that I felt as a child. I went to church with my grandpa.nistry and ask could you please help me by sending a Bible and Bible Study Program, the Christian Ranchman and the bi-monthly Prisoner Newsletter. Thanks, GOD Bless, Randall James Smith JESUS IS LORD! (NORTH OF DECATUR, TX) EASTER SUNDAY APRIL 5, 2015 7:00 AM TADRA POINT TRAILHEAD IN LOVING MEMORY OF SISSY JENKINS from STEVE WOMACK IN LOVING MEMORY OF CHRIS BEAUREGARD from GLENN & JEANIE EVERETT IN LOVING MEMORY OF PAT LA RUE from STEVE WOMACK IN LOVING MEMORY OF DANIEL S. SNIDER from TAMMY & LEE SNIDER IN LOVING MEMORY OF SHARON “CHRIS” BEAUREGARD from SHARON J. MICKLICH IN LOVING MEMORY OF COWBOY CHAPLAIN MIKE SHANE from COWBOY CHAPLAINS OF AMERICA BRING YOUR HORSES AND RIDE AFTER THE SERVICE OR JUST COME OUT TO THE BEAUTIFUL TEXAS COUNTRY SIDE AND ENJOY WORSHIPING THE LORD 817-236-0023 OR 336-601-7393 BRING A FRIEND AND LAWN CHAIRS Page 4 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Mar / Apr 2015 LAUGHTER IS GOD’S GIFT TO US By Evelyn Horan Sometimes when we feel stress and concern from our daily experiences, we prayerfully turn to God for His understanding help. Often, we receive help from our Heavenly Father through His gift of laughter to us, as He uses our friends and family to help relieve the pressing tension that has occurred. Then, we are able to regain our good judgment to solve our problems. At such times, lighthearted laughter and a smile or cheery comment can lighten the difficult burden. I’m certain many of us can recall times when a friend or family member has been aware of our concern and has tried to ease the situation with a humorous approach to the problem. In sharing lighthearted laughter from their remarks, “Hang in there and ask God to help you. You can solve the problem.” And, “We’re backing you. You’re a mighty problem-solver. Go for it!” “Oh, sure,” we say,” easy as jumping over a log, as long as it’s not too big around or too high. Remember I have short legs!” We all laugh heartily and that smoothes out the past tensions. We can recall a friend who was having trouble gaining enough confidence to present an informative speech on Biblical facts to her Sunday School class, or a speech to an audience of concerned parents at a group meeting, or possibly a group of co-workers who were learning a new procedure. Our friend was filled with “stage-fright” thinking about the upcoming event. We heard uncertainty in our friend’s voice, “I’m sure, I’ll forget everything I know. I’m not a good speaker.” You’re going to do fine,” we reassure. “You’re well-prepared. You told me you’ve stood before a mirror and rehearsed, and you know your information. It won’t be hard for you at all!” We give our friend a reassuring pat on the back. “Besides, I’ll be there for you giving you a smile and a “thumbs up.” “Well, be sure to get a seat in the front row, and wear a big black glove on your hand so I can see your special “thumbs up” sign. We both laugh together, imagining that black glove on my hand with a “thumbs up” sign. We hug and our smiles and laughter relieve the tension and stress. With a happy attitude, our friend can now look at the situation clearly, with confidence in an ability to meet its challenges, because God’s gift of laughter has helped. In many experiences we face almost daily, as we become renewed and fresh, with clear thinking, we can approach methods to solve our problems which seemed too difficult, only moments ago. With much relief, we turn gratefully, to a caring God whose bountiful love and understanding provide a way for His children to overcome the pressures of life that can come from stressful living. It is easy to believe, we should happily praise our God for His goodness to us by giving us the gift of laughter to share with one another. We joyfully sing our songs of praise, like David the Psalmist, with sincere gratitude and thankfulness, as we try to fulfill God’s desires for us. And now, with God’s gift of laughter, provided to us by friends and family, we often find our problems are no longer insurmountable, and our struggles and concerns begin to seem minor as they become solvable. Dr. Dave Harvey, Cowboys For Christ and Brothers and Sisters, My name is Jason Keathley and I am currently in the Arkansas Dept. of Corrections at the Cummins Unit in Grady, Arkansas. I just read the 2014 Sept/Oct and Nov/Dec issues of the Christian Ranchman. I would like to thank you for providing these newsletters to inmates to help us see that there is a new way of life around Jesus Christ that is fun and full of excitement. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole newsletter. After reading the sections Riding Point with Dave Harvey from both issues I’m led to write this letter to share a little about myself and the ministry God has put on my heart through the leading of the Holy Spirit. Okay, first of all some of my first memories are of my dad riding bulls and broncs. I always had a horse and my dad had me breaking horses at a very young age. By the age of 13 I was breaking horses for H & H Horse Farms and riding bulls myself. Once in high school I got my shoulder stomped, dislocating it very badly which ended my bull riding and football playing. I didn’t realize it but through these extreme sports packed with excitement and adventure, I had become addicted to adventure. In place of these extreme sports I began to fill the gap with drugs and alcohol, then with the life style that goes with it. Before I knew it I was an extreme drug addict and criminal. I looked to find God, but with so many different denominations of Christians, with all of them saying they were the one true Church. I was confused and lost and I cried out to God to show me the Truth. Before I knew it I was in jail looking at prison time over drug paraphernalia and then parole violation over drug use. That was in 2001. I was sentenced to 3 to 6 month’s rehab. When I got there it was a place called, “New Beginnings Ministries.” It was an awesome place and I learned so much about God and his people and us as the Body making up the Church. I was released and done good for a while, got married and then relapsed and started with alcohol and then drugs again. Ever since I have been battling with the disease of addiction, not until now do I know the exact seriousness and depth of the sickness of addiction. I did not realize that even listening to worldly music would eventually lead me back to drugs and alcohol and the life full of sin. So, over the last 14 years I’ve been to “RPF one time prison” three times and “technical parole violators” program three times. Every time I get out, back to the same music, same people, same places with no support or goals set and before I know it I’m doing the same thing. Not this time! I’m “presenting my body a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God” and “not conforming to this world, but being transformed by the renewing of my mind” by changing the way I think. I now know that how you think is “how you feel” and that is how you act. I know Jesus is very much alive and as long as I follow the Holy Spirit He will lead me and guide me. I know I will only partake of spiritual music and books and works. God has put it on my heart to start “Thorn In The Flesh Ministries” an outreach ministry to reach out to the alcoholics and addicts and felons to first and foremost proclaim Jesus Christ, Him crucified and resurrected and the Resurrection Power-old things are passed away, behold all things become new. God’s thoughts toward us are to give us a future and a hope, and when we search for Him with all our hearts He is found by us. Thank you, Jesus. I would also like to create a bridge between prisons and society to offer jobs for felons on parole, probation or just getting out of prison. It would be amazing if there was a way that we could get funding to be able to pay these guys, but do jobs for free to widows, elderly or the poor, who couldn’t afford it or do it themselves, whether it was their roof needing mending, firewood, lawn cut, whatever the need may be. Not only would we be blessed to be a blessing, but it would also help build the guys self-worth, which in turn would help motivate them to want to come to work and stay off of drugs. This is the vision God has put on my heart. Even though I will always be a cowboy at heart, I see a huge need to reach out to these “outlaws” and build the Kingdom of God and follow the Holy Spirit. I don’t know anything about starting a ministry; I’m just following the Holy Spirit and asking for help from Cowboys For Christ. So, if there is any way you can help me with this, please do so and everyone please pray for the leading of the Holy Spirit and the Will of God in this ministry. I’m scheduled to go up for parole in April, in the mean time I would greatly appreciate any Bible studies you could send along with advice and information on starting and running a ministry or non-profit organization. Thank you all very much and God bless you all. With love in Jesus, Jason Keathley Page 5 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Mar / Apr 2015 Riding Point With Dave Harvey.... SEEK HIS FACE I am a relationship horse trainer, and I strive to develop a relationship with the horses that I train to get their trust, to build their confidence and to understand the way they think to help them to preform to the best of their natural ability. It takes a little while longer to develop a relationship and there are no short cuts to take if you want to make a real solid trained horse. Now I am aware of the fact that horses comprehend at different levels, just as people and that some can achieve much faster because of their GOD given talent and physical ability. But it doesn’t matter so much on the quickness of their comprehension if I take the time to build that relationship and to explain, develop and train them to achieve to their best. Actually some of the slow ones turn out to be the best when given enough time to work their way thought to excel to a far greater level then some who started out so quick only to reach a point and never going any farther. I enjoy building that relationship and I enjoy working that young colt to build that trust, confidence and ability. Cowboys and Cowgirls, I just described my training method or principle and I have been thinking about the relationship with our LORD and SAVIOR and I know that HE is working to build a relationship with us. There are many Scriptures that confirm this, especially the ones that the LORD tells us to seek HIS FACE. King David, a man after GOD’S own heart wrote these words in “Ps 27:8 My heart says of you, “Seek his face!” Your face, Lord, I will seek.” King David was a man who was continually seeking the FACE OF THE LORD. Since our LORD is working to build a relationship with us, are we working to develop that relationship, too? Are we doing our part to come into HIS presence to worship, praise and thank HIM or do we just go to HIM with our wants and demands? I enjoy my “saddle time” with these young colts, and I greatly enjoy when I sense that they are responding to my cues and especially when they are trying to please me and do what I am asking of them. How much more would our LORD be pleased when we are seeking HIS FACE in prayer, in mediation and in seeking HIS presence in our lives? I really work at building that relationship with these colts, and I want them to want me around them and especially for them to realize that they have a job to do and when they are trying their best than that is all that I am asking of them. Do you think that the LORD is enjoying the time with you as you seek HIS FACE and as you search for the TRUTHS in HIS HOLY WORD? We certainly should be very willing to “seek the presence” of someone that has paid an enormous debt that we owe but could not pay. In fact, it was paid before we even knew HIM, before we even knew that the penalty of that debt was eternal death and all we had to do was to accept that gift of “debt paid.” Folks, it is assured that you will not see the FACE of JESUS CHRIST if you don’t seek HIM and receive HIM as SAVIOR and LORD. Isaiah 55:6 Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near. The Prophet Isaiah tells it like it really is, but do we really receive the word he wrote into our hearts. To put in a cowboy talk; is your seeking HIS FACE bringing a smile to HIS FACE? Well, is it? Back to the colt training, I really expect the colt to do his part of trying to understand what I am teaching him and to respond in a positive manner, especially to be involved in the activity. And, I really am pleased when they respond with a willing attitude and I sense that they are enjoying the training and the time with me. Can you remember the time you first went seeking the FACE OF JESUS CHRIST for salvation? HE does! Do you remember the many time you sought HIS FACE for strength and help in times of trials and troubles? HE has them numbered, and for most of us it is a large number, too. Maybe we really are just seeking a building with a steeple on the roof, or a person (pastor, friend or family member) because we just want to belong. Or, are we still seeking the FACE OF JESUS because HE is our SAVIOR and LORD and we desire HIS HOLY PRESENSE in our daily lives. To seek the FACE OF JESUS CHRIST is to desire HIS DIVINE COMPANY and the more we seek the closer we will come to HIM and the more we will want to “seek HIS FACE.” As Christian Cowboys and Cowgirls our cry should be; I want JESUS therefore I will seek HIS FACE, I want to seek HIS FACE because HE is my SAVIOR and LORD and I enjoy spending time with HIM. I will bow my knee before the THRONE OF GRACE to worship HIM because I desire to please HIM and I will submit to HIS TEACHINGS and TRUTHS because HE has proven HIS LOVE for me, time and time again, even though I have failed HIM many times. I want to seek the FACE OF JESUS because I need HIM in my daily life; I need HIM in my decisions, my thoughts and my actions. I must seek the FACE OF JESUS because HE is my SAVIOR and LORD and I want to please HIM and serve HIM. Ps 105:4 Seek the Lord, and his strength: seek his face evermore. Again, King David tells us how to respond to the LORD’S training. Rev 22:1-5 Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb 2 down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. 3 No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him. 4 They will **see his face**, and his name will be on their foreheads. 5 There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever. You can be assured, if you seek HIS FACE now, you will not be surprised when you are face to FACE with JESUS CHRIST. In CHRIST, Page 6 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Mar / Apr 2015 COWBOYS FOR CHRIST CHAPTER DIRECTORY For more information about activities, meeting dates, times and locations,etc.,please contact people listed for the chapter nearest you, or our website at: www.cowboyforchrist.net CALIFORNIA ALABAMA Circuit Riders CFC – Ohatchee, AL Troy Crosson, Pres., 256-419-3140 Jason Yates, V. P., 256-490-3549 Email: hatcreekboys@yahoo.com Fellowship: Fridays at 6pm Malibu Chapter-Malibu, CA Morten Wengler, Pres., 310-457-0586 Elizabeth Smith, V.P. e m a il: e ld o r a d o r a n c h @ h o tm a il. c o m Contact for information Cowboyn’ for the Son CFC- Athens, Al Odis Everett, Pres., 256-431-7338 VP Eugene Leimneweder, 256-444-0035 Website: www.cowboynfortheson.com Email: baughncg@gmail.com Fellowship: 1st Thursday each month At 6pm at Meeting same time at 306 BBQ Restaurant Angel Haven Ranch & Rescue Chapter, Littlerock, CA Monique Yates, Pres. 661-944-1803 Gina Nichols, VP 800-692-8977 Call for information S.E.A. Riders (Southeast Alabama) Chapter, Troy, AL Tommy Manns, Pres. 334-897-8316 Bobby Jones, V.P. 334-566-6303 Fellowship: call for location and time Cowboyn’ for the Son CFC-Athens, AL Dan Adams, Pres., 256-217-2696 Odis Everett, VP 256-431-7338 Website: www.cowboynfortheson.com Email: dan.adams1964@gmail.com Monthly activities posted on the website ALASKA FLORIDA SonCoast Chapter – Nobleton, FL Barbara Mackenzie, Pres., 352-568-1507. Nancy Ramirez, V. P., 352-569-5318 Fellowship: Call Barbara for location and time Website: www.cowboysforchristfl.com GEORGIA Middle Georgia Chapter, Pike County, GA Bob Perkerson, Pres., 770-584-2429 Nancy Perkerson, VP, 404-514-1919 Call for ministry activities and info North Georgia Chapter, Cleveland, GA John Holden, Pres., 706-809-3737 Wayde Hoose, VP, 706-499-1368 Call for ministry activities and info Valley Hills Bucking Chute Ministries Ramsey Steen, Pres. 712-204-6290 Call for ministry activities and info KANSAS Clay Center CFC – Clay Center, KS Chuck Smith Pres., 785-632-5841 Brian Girrens, V.P., 785-926-3085 Website: www.claycentercowboysforchrist.org Fellowship: See website. Round Up Minisries Chapter, Inman, KS Ken Pitzer, Pres., 620-200-9750 Karen Pitzer, VP 620-200-2157 Call for info and activities. LOUISIANA Riding For The Brand Cowboy Ministries, Loranger, LA Rick Ledoux, President 504-878-6524 call for ministry activities and info MARYLAND CHAPS (Christian Horseman Always Planting Seeds) Chapter, Westminster, MD Joel Nupp, Pres. 410-259-1301 Sheryl Nupp, VP, 443-557-8680 Call for ministry activities and info East Georgia Chapter, Walton County, GA Linda Dillard, Pres., 678-425-4499 Kent Pratt, VP, 770-896-1875 Call for ministry activities and info Maryland Cowboys For Christ Chapter, Walkersville, MD Bob Grove, Pres., 240-476-5397 Melody Grove, VP, 301-996-4887 Call for ministry activities and info ARIZONA INDIANA MICHIGAN Southern Arizona Chapter - Tucson, AZ Jason Summerkamp, Pres. 520-403-8289 Ministry activities and fellowship - call for info Northern Indiana CFC – Elkhart, IN Willie Hostetler, Pres., 574-575-0451 Ryan Eash, V.P., 574-202-3946 Fellowship: Trail Ride 3rd Saturday of each month Cowboy Gathering first Saturday of every month 5:30pm Great Lakes CFC - Coopersville, MI Jim Hansen, Pres., 616-450-4887 Harlan Smith, V. P., 616-837-6432 Fellowship: Call Jim Hansen for location and time Mat-Valley CFC - Wasilla AK Tim Avritt, Pres., 907-376-2370 Jerre Attwood, V.P., 907-775-0834 Fellowship: 2nd Monday at 6:30pm Call Debbie Avritt at 907-376-2370 ARKANSAS Element Christ Riders, Siloam Springs, AR Jessica Thompson, Pres. 918-859-3396 Youth Division-Lindsey Thompson Ronnie Gilman, VP 918-697-0383 Youth Division-Hannah Thompson Facebook: Element Christ Riders Call for ministry activities and info COLORADO Durango CFC – Durango, CO John Beranek, Pres., 970-247-8288 Chris Swift, V. P., 970-533-9797 Email: swiftcreekranch@hotmail.com Fellowship: Thursdays at 7pm, at Animas Valley Grange Hall, 7271 County Rd 203, Durango, CO South/Central Indiana Chapter Ed Edwards, Pres. 812-343-0776 Lisa Edwards, VP 765-516-3828 Fellowship: call for information IOWA We Will Ride Ministry Chapter, Greene, IA Mike Reicherts, Pres., 641-330-6791 Scott Chisholm, VP, 319-230-1859 Fellowship: call for date and time Michigan CFC - Midland, MI Pat Murphy, Pres., 989-832-9092 John Oelberg, V. P., 989-708-0090 Fellowship: Call Pat Murphy for location & time MINNESOTA Minn-Iowa Cowboys For Christ, Frost, MN Judy Wiedemeier, Pres., 515-538-0109 Kim Olson, VP, 962-913-6936 Fellowship: Second weekend of the month-call for info Cowboy Church: 1st Sunday each month-9am Jackson Livestock Sale Barn, Jackson, MN Revelation Ranch Ministry Chapter – Janesville, MN Curtis Malecha, Pres., 507-461-3313 Linda Malecha, VP, 507-779-3333 Ministry and fellowship; call for info MISSISSIPPI Flying B Soldiers Of The Cross CFC Hazzlehurst, MS Scott Briggers, Pres., 601-672-4262 Jack Foster V. P., 601-894-3809 Fellowship: Call Scott Briggers for lo cation and time East Mississippi Equestrian Riders— Meridian, MS Jack R. Griffith, Pres. 601-479-9242, Gerry Rutherford, VP 601-616-5577, Call for information on activities MISSOURI Capital Region CFC – New Bloomfield, MO John Hunter, Pres., 573-310-1293 Bible Study: Tuesday 6-7 PM at Camerons Country Cafe Banquet Room Pony Express CFC – St. Joseph, MO Matt Wagner, Pres., 816-390-7561 Glenn Spencer, V. P. 816-685-3210 Email: midwestcfc@aol.com Fellowship: 1st Tuesday at 7pm at Pony Express Club Green Hills CFC – Kirksville, MO Jarrod Rapp, Pres., 660-689-3127 Betty Young, V. P., 660-349-1686 Fellowship: 3rd Thursday at 7pm. Call Craig Bakke at 660-695-3803 for more information Salvation Riders CFC – Lamar, MO Jim Harrison, Pres., 417-682-9219 David Eaves, V. P., 417-214-1239 Fellowship: 1st & 3rd Sunday at 6pm at Memorial Hall Cotton Creek Chapter - Richmond, MO Mike Stephens, Pres. 816-256-1403 Bob Simmons, V.P. 816-776-2936 email: mik e@co tton creekchristianminist ry.o rg website: w w w. c o t t o n c reek c h r ist ian m in ist ry. o rg First Monday of each month at 7:00pm at 40794 E. 144th St., Richmond, MO Cotton Creek Cowboy Chapel 9:30 every Sunday Tombstone Village Ministries Tony Smith, Pres., 417-274-4334 Laurie Smith, VP 417-274-4333 Meeting: Sunday 10AM West Plains, MO (Chapters continued on page 7) COWBOYS FOR CHRIST CHAPTER DIRECTORY (Cont. from Pg. 7) NEVADA Central Nevada Outreach, Austin, NV Les Hornback, Presw., 775-934-9248, Diana Hornback, VP, 775-964-2015 Call for info and activities NEW MEXICO Las Cruces Chapter - Las Cruces, NM Pat Henry, Pres., 575-644-5108 David Komarek, VP 575-523-2062 Robert Barnard, Reporter 575-373-3737 email robert@4barcompany.com Contact for information NORTH CAROLINA Heart of Carolina CFC – Clayton, NC Cliff Lee, Pres., 919-553-6726 Jerry Sprague, V. P., 919-365-9247 Email: cleeconstruction@embarqmail.com Fellowship: 2nd Thursday of each month at Carolina BBQ at 6:30 pm Website: www.heartofcarolinacfc.com Jacksonville CFC - Home of Camp LeJeune – Jacksonville, NC Carl Godfrey, Pres., 910-324-7137 Athina Williams, V. P., 910-779-9529 Email: jcblaze@embarqmail.com Fellowship: Call for date, time & location Mid-East CFC – Ayden, NC Jack Keel, Pres., 252-525-8519 Lennis Freeman, V. P., 910-358-9723 Fellowship: Call Jack Keel for more information NC Foothills CFC – Statesville, NC Craig Deal, Pres., 704-873-3421 Andrew Sams, V. P., 704-880-3661 Email: craigdeal@bellsouth.net Fellowship: Call Craig Deal for more info. Tri-County CFC – Marion, NC Bill Queen, Pres., 828-738-8485 James Nations, V. P., 828-738-4343 Email: mckinneywalkers@yahoo.com Fellowship: 1st Monday of each month at 7pm at Providence Farm Twin Counties CFC – Rocky Mount, NC Alfred Tyson, Pres., 252-459-6091, Sue Armstrong, V. P. 252-443-4434 Email: dustyroadstbl@embarqmail.com Fellowship: 4th Thursday of each month at Englewood Assembly of God Church, 2181 S. Halifax Road, Rocky Mount, North Carolina. Page 7 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Mar / Apr 2015 Cape Fear Chapter - Bladenboro, NC Jack Johnson, Pres., 910-874-0171 Gary Cashwell, V.P. 910-874-0613 Email: AnthonyRich72@yahoo.com Fellowship: 3rd Saturday of each month Trail Ride 10am; Dinner 7pm Call for location Sand Hills Chapter - Fayetteville, NC Gary Wells, Pres. 910-286-6906 Stewart Wells, V.P. 910-797-3386 Email: gary.h.wells@gmail.com Fellowship: 2nd Thursday of each month at 7pm at Western Sizzling, Fayetteville NORTH DAKOTA Dakota CFC - Mandan, ND Karen Hook, Pres., 701-391-4271 Loren Wetch, V. P., 701-663-5424 Fellowship: 3rd Sunday of each month OHIO River Valley Chapter, Felicity, Ohio Stephen Knipp, Pres. 513-218-1791 Nicole Troxell, VP, 513-312-4495 Call for ministry activities and info. OKLAHOMA Central OK CFC – Norman, OK Steve Womack, Pres., 405-872-7329 John Payne, V. P., 405-396-2738 Fellowship: 1 st Tuesday of each month at 7pm at the Remington Place No Bull About Jesus Chapter—Pocola, OK Jamie Jones, Pres. 479-926-3242 W ade Biggs, VP 479-522-0605 Prison, Jail and Recovery ministry Call for information on activities Southwest Oklahoma Chapter - Comanche, OK Ken Neher, Pres. 580-470-8055 Carolyn Neher, VP 580-470-8055 email ken@one2oneministries.org Contact for information SOUTH CAROLINA WISCONSIN Coastal Cowboys For Christ, Conway, SC Buddy Smith, Pres. 843-397-9133, Calvin Barfield, V.P. 843-365-5636 Fellowship: 3 rd Thursday of each month at Shoney’s in Conway, SC Lighthouse Chapter CFC – Arkdale, WI Mary Harris, V. P., 608-547-5477 Fellowship: Last Saturday of each month Call for location and time TENNESSEE Round Up For Jesus Chapter, Morris Chapel, TN Steve Tankersley, Pres. 731-607-1073 Brenda Tankersley, VP, 731-607-0871 Call for ministry activities and info TEXAS Southeast Texas CFC, Kountze, TX A.H. Elmer, Pres. 409-246-8985, Sneed Elmer, V.P. 409-246-8985 Fellowship: Meeting - 3rd Saturday each month at 7:00 pm at the CFC Barn on Hwy 326 N, Kountze, TX Cowboys For Christ Headquarters – Boyd, TX Dave Harvey, Pres. 817-236-0023 Call for more information For His Glory CFC, Royce City, TX John Clayton, Pres. 903-441-6975 Kay Healey, VP, 972-210-1874 CFC Bible Study led by Dr. Dave Cellella every first and third Thursday &:00pm at Rockwall Equine Center 9385 CR 2432, Poetry, TX Ministry info: John Clayton 903-441-6975 Hill Country/South Texas Chapter, Wimberley, TX Dr. Bob Rawson, Pres., 512-847-0521 Barbara Rawson, Sec/Tres 512-847-0521 email: doctorbob@austin.rr.com website: cowboysforchrist-southwest region.netministries Fellowship/ministry study and activities-call for info WYOMING Northeast Wyoming, Wright, WY Robby Gallop, Pres., 307-622-7411 Kathy Jordan, VP, 307-622-0302 Call for info and activities. Cowboys For Christ is in great need of sponsors for Bulk Mailing of the Chrisitan Ranchman: more than 2500 at the cost of over $300 in bulk packs every issue. Please help us spread the GOOD NEWS. Thank You, HORSESHOE NAIL NECKLACE Help support Cowboys For Christ Prisoner Bible/Bible Study Ministry You will receive a free HORSESHOE NAIL NECKLACE for each $20 that you donate which will help send three Bible/ Bible Study to prisoners. THANK YOU for helping us share JESUS CHRIST to those who are seeking HIM. Please designate that it is for the Prison Program. VIRGINIA Green Country Cowboys For Christ Collinsville, OK Fred Thomas, Pres. 918-378-8855 Rita Simpkins, VP 918-815-7087 Fellowship: Call for information on activities Boots and Bibles Chapter Madison, VA Heather Campbell, Pres. 540-219-6928 Joanne Owings, VP 540-923-4679 Call for information on activities PENNSYLVANIA WEST VIRGINIA West Keystone CFC – New Castle, PA Dale Brenneman, Pres., 724-924-2830, Bob Steffler, V. P., 724-758-6255 Fellowship: 1st & 3rd Sundays/ Call for times Ridin For The Brand CFC- Victor, WV Elbert Horrocks, Pres., 304-658-5730 George Hawkins, V. P., 304-658-4206 Fellowship: call for Location Silver Spurs Cowboy Church, Fawn Grove, PA Brad Rineholt, Pres., 717-578-7294 Mike Kosmicki, VP, 717-495-6289 Call for ministry times and info Christ’s Cavalry Chapter, Daniels, WV James Hartsog, Pres. 304-763-4207, Beth Mays, V.P., 304-763-7247 Fellowship: call for location and time Pray For Our Country.... Page 8 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Mar / Apr 2014 Cowboys For Christ General Store The Following Items Are For Sale Specialty Items Qty. ______ The Following Items Are Free: ______ Tracts Qty. _______ Your Entry Fees Are Paid _______ Need a Lift? _______ FREE Professional Tips to a Winning Ride _______ The Race Is On _______ Just a Short Ride Across the Arena _______ Five Steps to Become A Top Hand _______ The Ride ______ ______ American made Poplin Cotton Jackets! $39.00 Other Materials Qty. ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ Item NEW Short Sleeve Shirt NEW Long Sleeve Shirt Cowboy Angel CFC Jacket Color Size White, Royal Blue S-M-L-XL and Grey White, Royal Blue S-M-L-XL and Red 24K Gold Plated Blue/w Logo Cotton Poplin S-M-L-XL-2X-3X Logo Belt Pins Screw on backs NEW T-Shirt Blue M-L-XL-XXL Cowgirl T-Shirt Pink M-L-XL-XXL Ball Caps White, Khaki or Black Belt Buckle Silver w/24k Gold Plate Inlaid-Royal Blue, White & Green in Shield & Letters COMPLETE (Palm Size) Bible CFC Decal 8 X 10" CFC Decal 22 X 18" NEW..CFC Flag Royal Blue, 3' X 5' White Lettering Price $ 25.00 $37.50 $ 4.50 $39.00 $ 5.50 $12.50 $20.00 $14.50 $50.50 $ 6.50 $12.00 $20.00 $65.50 Include S & H cost posted to the left Name: __________________________________________________ _______ Bible Studies _______ Bumper Stickers: Cowboys For Christ _______ Offering Envelopes _______ CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN newspapers Address: ________________________________________________ City: ____________________State: ______ Zip: ______________ Phone: (_______) ________________________________________ Please fill out quantities. Fill out check/money order for sale items. Fill out portion below and mail to: CFC, P.O. Box 7557, Fort Worth, TX 76111 United State Shipping & Handling Cost From To Rate $0.01 $40.00 $6.50 $40.01 $100.00 $8.50 $100.01 $250.00 $10.50 $251.00 and up $12.50 Lifetime Membership Card - $10 Life-time Membership Card signed by Brother Ted Pressley, imprinted with your name and laminated as long as they last for $10 dollars, you must print your name just like you want it on the card. CFC Decals You can now order online....just go to our website and click on the General Store...... 8 x 10" is $12 each 22 x 18" is $20 50/50 cotton/polyester short sleeve Available in White, Royal Blue and Grey Sizes: S, M, L, XL (small extra charge for larger sizes) Cowboy & Cross design will be stitched in complementary colors 65/35 polyester/cotton long sleeve Available in White, Royal Blue and Red Sizes: S, M, L, XL (small extra charge for larger sizes) Cowboy & Cross design will be stitched in complementary colors Short Sleeve shirts are $25.00 Long Sleeve shirts are $37.50 Custom ordered! Page 9 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Mar / Apr 2015 COWBOYS FOR CHRIST ENTIRE BIBLE This wonderful Bible is the Easy-to-Read version by the World Bible Translators, prepared especially for CFC. It’s the Old and New Testaments with beautiful CFC colors—royal blue leather imprint with expensively striking gold inlay on the cover. It is 4-7/16 inches wide by 6-5/8 inches high, perfect size to fit in your coat pocket, yet designed with type size—very easy to read. Printed on thin crystal white onion skin paper, making it beautiful, flexible and very readable. This awesome Bible brings an easy and new flare to Bible study. It's a must for your spiritual life! Order yours now, they make GREAT gifts!!!! See order form. Only $6.50 each + Shipping & Handling *SPECIAL* CASE OF 25 $100.00 FREE SHIPPING COWBOYS FOR CHRIST BELT BUCKLE SILVER WITH GOLD PLATE, ROYAL BLUE INLAY $50.50 THESE ARE WONDERFUL FOR MEN OR WOMEN. ANYONE WOULD BE PROUD TO HAVE ONE!!! Cowgirls T-Shirt CFC Flag Royal blue with White logo $65.50 each +$8.50 S&H for a total of $75.00 NEW ~ NEW ~ NEW ~ NEW ~ NEW $20.00 each + S&H GOLD or SILVER Guardian Angels (with cowboy hats) just $4.50 each. Logo Shield Hat/Belt Pin with white background $5.50 Available in M, L, XL and XXL $12.50 all sizes plus shipping. White hat with blue bill and Black hat with embroidered CFC logo patch embroidered CFC Logo Patch $14.50 $14.50 Page 10 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Mar / Apr 2015 Hello Dave, I’m sorry it’s been so long since I have contributed anything for our chapter here in Royse City. Life took a hard turn for us last summer and we are still dealing with a lot after the loss of my father-in-law as we are now caring for his very needy 82 year old widow. I’ve been praying for the Lord to give me something to contribute and I believe this is what He would like for me to submit this time. I hope you enjoy and that others will be touched by this story & testimony. In August of 2014, we began caring for my ailing 80 year old father-in-law, George. He had been having great difficulties breathing for some time and, after a visit to ER in September, he was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. We began spending as much time with him as we could. George was not in church his entire adult life and began, during these last weeks, to talk more and more about the faith of his beloved Mother who had passed away many years ago. He often would shed tears remembering her favorite hymns. My 14 year old daughter, Janie, would just sit next to him and keep him company and often he would share stories from his past with her. One such story was about a horse named “Midget” that his family owned. Janie decided to write this story down and present it to him. Here is that story: George & Midget Hauling his schoolbag off his shoulders, George hastily tossed it to the floor. With a quick glance out the window, he sped out of the house as fast as his feet could take him. George could plainly spot the little barn ahead of him. The crisp, autumn air nipped at his small, freckled nose. Nearly approaching the barn, George almost collided with his father. Not wanting to miss an opportunity, George blurted, “Can I go ride Midget down to the creek?” He watched his father shrug his shoulders, his brow creased in thought. “Alright, but let me tell you something,” “What?” “If you get lost, and you will if you go down to that creek, just drop the reigns and let Midget guide you back home. She knows the way.” “Ok, thanks!” George raced passed him. In his mind, George doubted he could actually get lost. How confusing could it be? Once the wide, grassy pasture came to view, George held his fingers up to his lips and whistled. He waited. Before long, the sound of low hoof beats reached his ears. There she was! Her beautiful bay coat glinted in the fall sunlight. Her feathery black mane danced in the wind. Within a few minutes, George had her saddled and together they rode off. Several hours later, the evening shadows began to shade George and Midget’s path. If he wanted to reach home before dark, he better head back now. Turning Midget around, George urged her forward. After venturing through the trees for several minutes, George found that everything began to look the same. He had no idea where to go. Had he come through that set of trees? Or was it those? Determined to find the way, he took a path to his left. Soon, however, he found that it was useless. He was lost. He stopped Midget, thinking. A sudden breeze filtered through the trees. The branches above him moaned. He could hear the creek lazily flowing nearby. George glanced down at Midget; her soft, black-tipped ears were pricked forward, alert. His father’s words floated back to him. It was worth a shot. He let the reigns slip out of his grasp. Midget seemed to know exactly what to do. Turning around, she headed in the opposite direction through a thick bunch of trees. George shielded his face from flimsy branches. He huffed, “Midget! This can’t be right.” Midget continued marching through the brush. “Dumb horse,” he muttered. But Midget never stopped. She stepped through the brush, tromped through the leaves, and crossed the winding creek. Suddenly, they emerged into a clearing. George frowned as he spotted the back of someone’s house. Where were —? Then it dawned on him. Midget had done it! There was his house, sitting in the same spot it always had. “Well, Midget. I don’t know how you did it.” George slipped off the saddle and patted her thick neck before asking, “Same time tomorrow?” Sometime after Janie presented her Papa with his written story, we had a conversation about dying as we often did since he felt his time was drawing near. From two different people, he had been given the scripture: Revelation 21:4 “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” We talked about that promise and how it seemed that the Lord wanted him to hang on to that promise. We talked about how we can trust Him and how, just like young George trusted Midget that day many years ago to lead him home, he could trust his Savior - He knows the way. It was a couple of weeks later, in the ER room, that George prayed and invited Jesus into his heart. There were many happy tears shed in that room and great rejoicing in heaven! George passed away on October 3, 2014, forever free from death, mourning, crying, and pain. His Savior led him home. We are so very grateful to our Heavenly Father. How wonderful and freeing it is to know that we can drop the reigns and trust our Savior to lead us daily and ultimately to our forever home. Blessings to your & yours, Lanett & Janie Laramore Reporter & Jr. Reporter For His Glory CFC, Royse City, TX Cowboys for Christ Conference January 23 – 25, 2015, Berlin, Ohio By Cheryl MacDonald Everyone, except a few people from my church, was a stranger to me on Friday night at the beginning of the conference. I soon realized that all were welcome, even “town girls” like me. By the end of the retreat on Sunday, we were no longer strangers, but brothers and sisters in Christ. It was an exciting weekend that went by too quickly. The potluck on Friday evening was an icebreaker. It was inspiring to hear how God was using each person and their unique abilities to touch people’s hearts. Music was shared by several members of the group throughout the weekend. Each song was sung from the heart and fit the occasion. Saturday morning, Sheri Gentry spoke on how we are chosen by God. Mike Gentry followed with the message that we need to be available for God to use us. Then Mike opened the floor for testimonies. This was one of my favorite parts of the meetings. Several shared their stories and some requested prayer for healing. The Holy Spirit’s presence was felt in a mighty way. Just as I remember from childhood during healing services, the ones seeking healing were anointed with oil and prayed over with a “laying on of hands.” Saturday evening, Dave Harvey, gave an uplifting message on having the Joy of the Lord in our lives. Dave also sprung a big surprise on the Gentry’s. He ordained Mike Gentry as a Chaplain in the Cowboys for Christ organization. Mike has been preparing and praying for this for some time. Congratulations Mike! After the evening service, there was a baptism service in, of all places, the hotel swimming pool! After the person was baptized, Dave asked if anyone else wanted to be baptized that night. Someone else stepped forward. After almost everyone had left, yet another person requested and received baptism. Three baptized in one night! Praise the Lord! What a wonderful way to end the evening. On Sunday morning, Dave ended the conference with an encouraging message. I was privileged and blessed to be included in this retreat. Everyone made it home safely through the “snow event” we had that weekend. God truly blessed this gathering of his children. During the conference I was reminded that I am chosen by God. I am to be available and ready to listen and obey Him. I need to look for opportunities to spread the Good News to those who are hungry to hear that Jesus loves them. I learned that God’s message doesn’t have to be delivered within four walls on Sundays. God can and does work in unconventional ways and places. He meets us where we are, just as we are. Page 11 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Mar / Apr 2015 MY TESTIMONY By Keri Lynn Martin Hi, my name is Keri and I would like to share my testimony. Growing up I want to church, had a loving family and knew God. I didn’t come from a dysfunctional family even though my Grandparents mostly raised me. I was loved and taught right from wrong. From six to nine years old I was raped by one of my grandparent’s workers. They had no clue. I felt I was the one in the wrong. I became very sexual at a young age. I felt that was the way to show love. I started smoking marijuana at age 13 and started hanging with the wrong kind of people. By age 15, I was snorting cocaine. I attempted several times to kill myself. In and out of mental institutions, I felt hopeless. The devil stayed in my ear. My faith was very weak at that time. Well, when I turned 17 a “friend” introduced me to a man in his 30’s. Oh man, I fell so “in love” with him, he could do no wrong in my eyes. I ended up doing speed with him. When the cook got arrested my “friend” who introduced me to Chris introduced me to crack cocaine. This was someone I trusted, and my life went downhill from there. My boyfriend went to prison and I had an addiction to feed and no means to feed it. For a little while people were okay to give me dope here and there. Then came the time when they expected me to give something back. I had no money and no clue how they expected me to give them anything. Well, this woman, more or less, said to go sell your body. I was so scared the first time I walked down the “hoe stroll.” I had every right to be scared and for good reason. The first time I tried “tricking” a guy in a Jeep picked me up. I thought everything was okay, but I was still nervous. He parked in a dark area away from most people and raped me by gunpoint. He took away my most of my clothes, beat me up, and left me walk back. Some would say I should have expected this since I was prostituting. Well, this was only one of the horrible things that happened when I was on the streets. Needless to say, I continued prostituting even after my first horrible time and I continued off and on until I went to prison my first time. I hitch-hiked to Phoenix and Las Vegas and at times I felt that I was worth nothing. Nobody loved me, and I felt that God had turned his back on me. These were lies from Satan. I felt like trash at times, and that is how the devil wants you to think. Well, I went to prison in 2009 and got my life straight for a little while. I stayed somewhat sober and I sort of repaired my relationship with God. However, the devil stayed in my ear, “You can make a little money and not do any drugs. That paycheck you worked all week for you could make that in a couple of hours.” So, once again I ended up relapsing. I had become friends with the man God intended for me all along, but the problem is that I kept him as a friend. He kept faith in me even when I didn’t have any faith in myself, and he was a listening ear. I thought that God had abandoned me again. God and my f amily had never abandoned me, I had abandoned them. I lost touch with God and myself. The Bible tells you that “you cannot serve two masters, because you will love one and hate the other.” Well, at that time drugs were my master. You see, God is a Gentleman, and He will never force himself on you. I didn’t feel worthy of God’s love, my family’s love, and now my husband’s love. I relapsed again after thinking I could make a little money and not get high; I had once again chosen my master. Again, I turned my back on God and I was wondering why all of these horrible things were happening to me. Where did I go wrong? Then I called out to God and I asked Him to please get me out of this situation. I asked for help, because I could not do this again. Well, I didn’t expect to get incarcerated, but I am thankful for it. I was on the broad path to destruction. I was living in sin and got tangled up in it real quick. Once I sobered up I was wondering, what was I thinking, because I was now incarcerated for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. I had hit a woman with my car while under the influence of drugs. At first I wasn’t sorry for it and I felt she deserved it because she stole from me. I picked up my Bible thinking God will get me out of this. Let me just, “fake it ‘till I make it.” Well, let me tell you, God knows your heart, you may think you can fool Him but you can’t. I was sentenced to twelve years, and I am thankful for my time because it’s giving me a chance to grow spiritually. I have now rededicated my life to God. I pray every day for Him to take away my addictions and to create in me a clean and pure heart. I got married to the man I kept as a friend, and he is a good Christian man who has seen me even at my lowest on the streets and couldn’t hardly function because I was so high on drugs. My family stands beside me and God is blessing me every day in big and small ways. I am learning more daily in my walk with God. Some days are hard and I still get the feeling that God has abandoned me, but then I remember that’s just the devil telling lies. The devil doesn’t want you to know the Good News. He wants to keep you down and he wants to keep you bound in sin. I want you to know that you are worth something! You are a child of God, created in His image and He will bless you if you let Him. I want to be like the Samaritan Woman in John 4, even though I was a prostitute. Jesus is now using me to share the Good News. We need to look at our past life and give it all to Jesus! So we can be healed; she was and I am. A lot of our problems come because we don’t trust God; we do it our own way. But now that I’ve given it all over to Him, I am at peace. I have a joy that’s out of this world! Every day I strive to get closer to God. When you are sincere in your walk, you and others will see a difference. I encourage each and every one of you, if you don’t know Jesus and haven’t accepted Him as your personal Savior that you will give Him a chance. Thank you, God bless you and give you strength. Sincerely, Keri Our Chapter also had the privilege to be able to hold a Cowboy Church Service at the NBHA Barrel Race in Iron City, TN on January 31st 2015. We were able to set up a table there and hand out some Christian Ranchman. The sermon delivered that day by our Cowboy Chaplain Steve Tankersley was about “Being A Winner For Christ.” We can become a winner in a lot of different events here on this earth, but our main focus should be on becoming a Winner For Jesus Christ. This is the race (event) in which we will receive much greater rewards. We should have the same desire that the Apostle Paul had, to faithfully run our Christian Race in total consecration to our Heavenly Father. We should be just like Paul, he ran his race with wholehearted sincerity and effort, that he might receive the most wonderful prize of the spiritual reward which he knew the Heavenly Father would give him in due time. “I press toward the mark for the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” - Philippians 3:14 Until next Time, God Bless each and every one of you. Continue to Ride With Faith, believing that God can do ALL things. Phil.4:13 Round Up For Jesus Brenda Tankersley Vice President Page 12 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Mar / Apr 2015 Cowboys for Christ Limited Edition Rifle **** SEND IN YOUR ORDER TODAY. WE STILL HAVE SOME NUMBERS LEFT! **** Cowboys for Christ proudly presents a legacy firearm to cherish for generations. The limited edition piece will be offered in .22 caliber S/L/LR. Model H001 will feature the Cowboy and Cross design laser engraved on the stock made from Missouri grown walnut. The Henry classic lever action .22 rifle will include an 18-1/4” round barrel length with an overall length of 36-1/4 “ and weighs 5-1/4 lbs. The easy load tubular magazine holds 15 .22 long rifle, 17 .22 long and as many as 21 .22 short. This western style rifle includes a large loop lever that is perfect for individuals with larger hands or when wearing gloves in colder weather. There will only be 1,000 of these rifles manufactured. Each rifle will be given a special serial number beginning with CFC0001. * * Firearms must be shipped to a licensed dealer (FFL holder). Receiving fees and background check fees vary in price, so please check with your FFL holder first (average is $15-$30). Please make sure that you can legally own this firearm before placing your order. RESERVE YOUR LIMITED EDITION RIFLE NOW! Pre-paid orders only. Tentative ship date is May 1, 2015. Price of $400.00 includes shipping to your local dealer. Mail order form along with current signed copy of FFL (faxed copies are not acceptable) and check payable to CFC to: Cowboys for Christ – P.O. Box 7557, Fort Worth, TX 76111 Name: ______________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________ City: _____________________________ State: __________ Zip: _____________ Phone #: (____) ______-_____________ Email: __________________________________________________ FFL License #: ________________________________ FFL Phone #: (____) ______-_____________ For more information/questions contact: Dave Harvey at Cowboys for Christ Headquarters (817) 236-0023 Page 13 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Mar / Apr 2015 Middle Georgia Chapter Report by Chapter President Cowboy Chaplain Bob Perkerson Not only was January the first month of a new year, it was a month of firsts for our CFC Chapter. Our Chapter, which met at 7 pm on Thursday, January 22, was the first group to use the newly decorated banquet room at the Oink Joint BBQ restaurant on the court square in Zebulon. The new wall murals are outstanding and contribute to the cowboy theme. The award winning BBQ is only exceeded by the helpfulness of the owners and wait staff. The Oink Joint has contributed greatly to the success of our Chapter. God Bless them! For the first time we had 40 people attend our chapter meeting, and 7 of those in attendance were first timers. Our first order of business was to thank the Pike County Horse Club for allowing us to meet jointly with them during November and December, since our normal meeting date of the 4th Thursday fell on Thanksgiving and Christmas in 2014. Next, we were delighted to recognize two of our members as first time American Stock Horse Association National High Point Champions. Lori Orr won Limited Non Pro, and her daughter Taylor Orr won Youth. Husband and Father (Charlie Orr) is mighty proud. We are glad the Orr family is part of our chapter. hapter member Jerry Warren, a cowboy poet, recited two humorous poems that many of our members heard for the first time. Jerry had everyone laughing. Member Earl Bumgarner reminded us that people were attracted to Jesus because he was joyous and loved people. For the first time we had a banjo player, Nathan Mixon. He joined Garret Rogers, who played his guitar. They provided the music for our meeting, and accompanied our CFC Quartet (Earl Bumgarner, Tom Kerlin, Jerry Warren, and Bob Perkerson). The quartet sang “I Saw the Light” and “Farther Along” for the first time. For the first time Tom Kerlin brought the devotional, and what a message the Lord had given him. Tom, who is a cutting horse competitor, explained how hard it was for him, after being a cowboy in Wyoming to learn to drop the reins and trust his cutting horse to handle the cow. With scripture passages, Tom drew the parallel for how hard it is for some of us to learn to trust God. For the first time in January, we had a request for a chaplain visit at a hospice. The gentleman was mentioned in our chapter meeting opening prayer. The availability of our chaplain services was announced, and we closed our meeting with prayer. Several days after our Chapter meeting, our CFC Chapter Quartet received an invitation to sing for a local church sponsored event. This was our CFC Quartet’s first invitation. Unfortunately, we had to decline since the date and time conflicts with our February CFC Chapter meeting. This is our first Chapter report for 2015. We are excited about what other firsts God has in store for our Chapter, as we ride this ministry trail led by His Holy Spirit. The Championship Bull Riding Classic (Cont. from Pg. 1) bucked off my second bull and then I was 89 in the third round and I placed second, and I’ve just been going ever since then.” Corey Bailey said something he learned early in life and still keeps it with him today was to give Glory To God. Also he said that he always prays before he sits on a bull. The winner of the Championship Bull Riding Classic was twenty-four year old Elliot Jacoby from Fredericksburg, Texas. Oman arena exploded with excitement as the sold out crowd witnessed a record setting night of bull riding. 2014 CBR Bull of the Year, Penny Lover, was ridden for the first time in twenty-four attempts, and veteran Elliott Jacoby won the championship event title by posting three 90 point plus scores. Jacoby, who has been riding bulls on the pro circuits since he was eighteen, selected a bull named Gold Buckle for his final ride in this event. This was the third time Jacoby and Gold Buckle (the Black & White spotted bull) had met. Elliot Jacoby’s scores for the three rides were: 90.5, 90.5 and 93. Another wonderful and fun part of the event was “Whiplash” the Cowboy Monkey who entertained the crowd with his phenomenal herding skills aboard his trusty Border Collie, “Boogie “. Our Chapter was really blessed to be a part of this event. We are looking forward to being able to be a part of it again next year. I thank God for opening up doors for us here in west Tennessee for us to be able to share the Gospel with other Cowboys and Cowgirls. Until next time, God Bless each one of you. Continue to Ride With Faith and believing that God can do all things. Phil.4:13 Round Up For Jesus Steve Tankersley Cowboy Chaplain Did you know that when you carry the Bible, Satan has a headache, when you open it, he collapses, when he sees you reading it, he loses his strength, AND when you stand on the Word of God, Satan can’t hurt you! To receive Cowboys For Christ FREE Bi-Monthly Publication, The Christian Ranchman, just go to our website and you will find a download link. You can read it while sitting at your computer. Email the link to your friends. It will be in PDF format so you will have to have a PDF reader program (Adobe Reader is free to download) on your computer. Or, if you do not have access to a PDF reader, e-mail your mailing address to: ranchman@cowboysforchrist.net We will never share/sell your information, that’s a promise. You will find articles of interest, poetry, testimonies, Brother Dave's preaching itinerary, photographs, local chapter listings, updates and much more! Are you presently in the US Military or do you have a friend or loved one that is now serving that would enjoy receiving The Christian Ranchman? Please send us their name and address and we will put them on The Christian Ranchman mailing list. Bless our soldiers with a little bit of cowboy while they are serving away from home... Page 14 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Mar / Apr 2015 COWBOY CHAPLAINS OF AMERICA DELAWARE DR. DOUG BRIGGS-302-379-6298 GEORGIA Bob Perkerson-770-584-2429 Darrell (Skeeter) Spaulding-706-639-7909 IOWA Mike Reicherts-641-330-6791 Ramsey Steen-712-204-6290 NEBRASKA Tom Youngquist-308-787-1715 LOUISIANA Rick LeDoux-985-878-6524 Wanda LeDoux-985-507-8616 Gerald Kelly-318-282-3516 Diana Baker-985-517-4192 Wayne Lomax-985-507-9276 Justin Wascom-225-921-3617 Walter Mahogany-225-485-4136 David Chenevert-095250-MP Raymond Flank-110756-MP CYP3 Charles Varnado-077373-CAMP F L4 Noble Bates-120581-MP ASH4 Clarence Frederick-121926-CAMP C BEAR2 Ellzey Crossley -344739 MP WAL 4 MARYLAND Joel Nupp-410-259-1301 Sheryl Nupp-443-557-8680 Bob Grove-240-476-5397 Melody Grove-301-996-4887 MISSOURI Matt Wagner-816-390-7561 Mike Stephens-816-256-1403 PENNSYLVANIA Brad Rineholt-717-578-7294 OKLAHOMA Steve Womack-405-641-5992 Elvin Horner - 405-756-7466 TENNESSEE Steve Tankersley-731-607-1073 TEXAS Auburn Powers-940-231-4453 Ben Addington-830-832-8302 Dr. Bob Rawson-512-847-0521 Carl Smith-214-957-6111 Clint Parker-817-584-4107 Dennis Lewis-254-205-3188 Tommy Tutt-325-669-2717 Kelli Goode - 940-368-1589 WEST VIRGINIA Eddie Householder-304-279-9195 The Crash By Jessica Thompson It was a normal Wednesday afternoon, Lindsey’s friend Ashley Goings had come home with her after school so they could ride horses before church like they did every week. I fixed everyone an after school snack and the girls headed out to catch horses. Troy was splitting some wood, Hannah was watching Sponge Bob and I decided to try to get little Mr Tristan to take a nap. The only way to get him to take a nap was to get his binki (pacifier) and me lay down with him with my arm over him till he drifted off to sleep. I guess I drifted off to sleepy land too (it’s hard work teaching 4th graders all day lol). All of the sudden I was jerked awake by someone saying “PRAY.” I sat up & looked around (no one was there) & my first thought was, that was crazy I am going back to sleep, but then I thought maybe God woke me up to pray!! So I prayed, “Dear Jesus please keep Lindsey and Ashley safe, send angels to watch over them & protect them.” Then I laid down & went back to sleep. A little bit later I heard the door slam & Ashley screaming, “Come quick Lindsey had an accident!” I jumped up & ran out the door, Troy was outside & had already started that way with his truck so I jumped on the horse Ashley had been riding & headed to the far pasture by the pond. When I got there what I saw scared me to death Lindsey had been riding my gray mare and they had rolled off a ravine, the type of ditch or holler that the men throw big rocks down to clear the hay field. There she was my blond haired blued eyed little girl pinned under a horse with huge rocks all around her. Her daddy ran down & lifted the horse off of her and the most shocking thing happened she got up and walked up the hill. She was okay!!!! Troy had to cut the saddle off of my horse to free her enough to get up but she was fine too. Both were scared and shaking but neither one had a scratch. Praise God!! He woke me up at the exact moment that my daughter needed prayer. I believe this would have turned out way different if I did not have a relationship with God. If I was not a Christian and did not hear his voice and obey him that day my daughter Lindsey would probably be in a wheel chair or even in a grave today. God wants a relationship with his children (us), he wants to help us though life, the good times, the bad times, the ugly times (like when we do ugly things or act ugly), and the scary times like the day this accident happened. Talk to him, tell him how you feel, your problems, your upcoming decisions, your joy, your pain. He wants to be right beside you helping you though this amazing journey called life. John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. Jeremiah 33:3 Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known. John 15:5 I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. Page 15 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Mar / Apr 2015 Storm By Sheila Sellinger I can’t remember a worse monsoon. It was the summer of 1981, but it could have been yesterday. I sat huddled on the sofa as the storm shrieked outside. Rain lashed the windows in sheets leaving blankets of water running down the glass. The wind howled and shoved violently at our stalwart trailer, and I wondered if the tie-downs would hold, or would we tumble end-over-end like the leaves blown from the tree in our yard. I pulled my mom’s afghan up to my chin, sank further into the cushions, and wondered where God was. I could hear the swollen river roaring – an enraged lion staking it’s claim – devouring it’s flooded banks in a fury of rushing water. Thunder crashed, mingling with the groans of straining metal, and lightning flashed behind thick clouds. It was dark and scary but, my mom soon joined me and, it was okay. She held me close and told me not to be afraid, that she was with me. Her presence comforted me. I knew that I was safe in her arms, had faith that she would protect me. In Matthew 8:23-27, we see another fierce storm. The wind is tossing the boat as waves rise up, towering over the sides. The apostles are soaked and terrified, but Jesus is fast asleep. How could He sleep through their trouble? The storm was going to drown them all! Didn’t He care? So, in a panic, they woke the Lord from His slumber, but Jesus simply asked; “Why are you afraid? You have so little faith!” then He stood and commanded the wind and waves to be still. All was instantly calm, and the apostles were amazed. Faith. Jesus said they had little faith because they were afraid of the storm. They didn’t trust that His mere presence would keep them safe. Then they were amazed. But, “Why?”, you may ask. Well, are we any different? When the storms of life rise up and threaten to drown us, don’t we cry out, “Lord, help! We’re drowning!”? then, when He is silent (asleep), do we wonder if He cares? Do we worry and fret while we pray for Him to do something? And, if so, is that faith? If we have faith in the things we can see and touch; why is it that we so often struggle with our faith in the Divine Creator of all things? Is it because we don’t believe? Or, is it because we want our troubles fixed in our time, not His? Do we really trust that He knows what He’s doing? Or, do we think that we know best? We are anxious and afraid, but maybe the storms that He allows us to go through are tests. Maybe He is growing our faith in Him – as long as we allow Him to. But, no matter what, He is always with us, holding us through every storm. Cowboys For Christ Chickasaw State Park (Wrangler Campground) Henderson, Tn. Campsites Still Available Everyone Welcome, Camping or Not Saturday March 28th 5:00pm - HorseSense Horsemanship Presentation 7:00PM - Gospel Singing ( The Downs Family ) Free Admission - Love Offering Will Be Accepted ~Bring Your Lawn Chairs~ Sunday March 29th 8:30am - Cowboy Church with Dave Harvey For More Info: Steve Tankersley (731) 607-1073 Have You Moved or are You Planning to Move? Please notify COWBOYS FOR CHRIST of your new mailing address. Death, as Christians understand it, is a change in the form of life; it is not a cessation of life. Those who have been given eternal life in Christ Jesus will spend a few fleeting moments here on this earth. The rest of eternity is spent in the presence of God. Service in the name of Christ can also live on, even though the servant has gone to his heavenly reward. A living memorial in the name of a loved one, in the form of contributions, bequests or gifts to the work of Cowboys For Christ, will be acknowledged with a reproduction of the Keith Avery drawing, "A Time For Looking Back". Keith's poem accompanying the drawing. "Checkin' the Back Trail", will also be included with the reproduction of the drawing, in a framable presentation which acknowledges the receipt of the gift. Memorial Gifts Cowboys For Christ P.O. Box 7557, Fort Worth, TX 76111 This donation is in memory of: Name: _____________________________ Address:____________________________ City: ______________State: __ Zip: _____ God Bless America. Pray for our Soldiers. DONOR: ___________________________ Address: ___________________________ City:______________State: __ Zip: ______ Page 16 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Mar / Apr 2015 Great Lakes Conference Experience (Cont. from Pg 1) Dale Brenneman from Pennsylvania also shares an example of being available and being chosen. In Massachusetts, a person was needed for a service but they had no one. They contacted Dale for help. He prayed over this for quite some time. “Please Lord send us someone to help share the word in this little Massachusetts church.” Dale prayed on this hard and lumbered over it, when a question came back to him from the Lord. “Why are you asking for someone else, I chose you. Sometimes we are available but need to recognize that we have been chosen. As the morning progressed, souls were recharged as more experiences were shared on how God used those who made themselves available. Fellowshipping continued as the group took a break for lunch and exploring the town. Returning for an evening gathering, words and scripture were shared by Dave Harvey. Music added flavor to the evening from Durena Holobaugh, Brad Rineholt and Rochelle Dickason. Such songs were sung like “Lord I need You”, “Amazing Grace”, “Every praise, “All my hope”, “There is power in the name” and a few other terrific musical numbers praising the Lord. Brad with guitar in hand sang “Stroll over heaven” and “I’ll fly away” for us with Dale Brenneman later blessing us with songs like “It’s just a little bend in the river of life” and “I saw His scars”. During the evening service, the opportunity for laying hands on and anointing those needing it, arose. Many were prayed over that attended but just as many that hadn’t attended were prayed for. It was an incredible thing to be a part of as the need seemed never to end. How blessed can we be to have the opportunity to do this? In addition to the many blessings of the word, stories and music; the baptism of Julie Gailey (a recovered alcoholic) was to take place. Julie, in the hospital and unable to speak, had only gospel music to listen to and time to think. Specialists said she wouldn’t make it as she was in a coma for 19 days. Accepting the branding of death, Julie decided it was time to pray for her family. The following day she started to recover. Julie wanted to share her blessings, gratefulness and love for the Lord with us that evening so we all went down to the hotel pool and she was baptized. Not in the plans and completely unexpectedly, two others decided to be baptized: Brad Rineholt and Samantha Holobaugh. Praise God! Although anyone was welcome to the weekend’s events, only one was not invited but chose to show anyway. Satan. As the evening dwindled down during the post-service hours, Satan reared his ugly head to let us know he wasn’t happy with the things that transpired that evening. Julie Gailey and her husband Bob went to the pool area to enjoy the hot tub. When they started to leave, Bob went into a serious seizure. Bob hadn’t had any bad seizure s in about 2 years said Julie. He had another bad one before the paramedics arrived. We prayed over him and kept doing so until the paramedics arrived. Guess who won that weekend? Bob returned to join us for Sunday service the following morning. Again, praise God! Sunday morning, Dave Harvey shared more of the word and talked about being “ready”. As the night before, songs were sung and prayers were given. And we wrap it up with a group photo that will remind each of us the things we shared and how we were encouraged to be available when we are chosen. At the end of the weekend’s events, a gift was given to help with the ministry of Dave Harvey. A vehicle. As this person wishes to remain anonymous, but states this: “Not everyone can offer something like this to help in the CFC ministries and they shouldn’t feel like they have to. I was simply blessed in being able to. However, it is my hope that others would help support Dave with the financial support for gas and maintenance of the vehicle.” As we reflect upon the weekend, we know we have not only been blessed, but we are humbled by all that has happened: the lessons, songs, scriptures, prayers, baptisms, experiences shared and challenges given. It is a weekend that has encouraged our walk today and the paths we will take tomorrow. (Standing L to R) Don Diroff, Deb Diroff, Jim Neff, Howard Kessler, Mike Gentry, Sherri Gentry, Eddie Householder, Marcia Householder, Bob Gailey, Dave Harvey, Julie Gailey, Cheryl MacDonald, Bob Patterson, Samantha Holobaugh, Durena Holobaugh, Rochelle Dickason, (sitting L to R) Eldean Kessler, Brad Rineholt, Dale Brenneman, Faith Brenneman, Penny Patterson, Kim Krumnow.
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