We`re not trying to build an organization. We`re
We`re not trying to build an organization. We`re
Christian Ranchman e h T We're not trying to build an organization. Volume 37, Number 7 - 8 We're trying to fill the Kingdom of God. "..By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one for another." John 13:35 Testimony By Robert Barnard I had a phone call the other day from a friend. We speak several times a week. His life has been in turmoil for the last two years. Usually he calls about 7:15 – 7:30 am and tells me about his morning. Often he tells me his dreams for the next few months. Usually about 10 minutes into the call he’ll then ask about my day. A few weeks earlier I had put down my beloved “Bob,” a Blue Heeler, and until that morning I had not told him about the loss of my constant canine companion of the past 17 years. I told my friend about my day and I as usual said all was AOK. I now don’t remember how but the conversation got onto losing a loved one. His mom is elderly and may not be long of this earth. It was then I mentioned Bob had been euthanized and of the empty and sorrowful feelings I carried. My friend told me how he had had 2 women and 3 dogs in his life and that each one was such a loss that he’ll no longer have that kind of relationship as it’s just too hard at the end. I asked him if he remembered a song years ago by Garth Brooks “The Dance” and he said he did. I asked him if he remembered the line “I could have missed the pain but I’d of had to miss the dance.” He said he did and was unusually quiet for a couple of moments. Bob gave me seventeen great years and really just one bad day followed by a few rough ones. Years ago I’d go horseback riding and maybe cover 10 to 15 miles and she’d go 20. She put in an extra 5 chasing rabbits. Never caught one but she’d always have a great day. We traveled 42 states together hauling horses or on vacations. She’d always be in the front passenger seat, ready to take my seat when I stopped for lunch or fuel. My response to my friends lamenting was an eye opener for me as I had not really considered that thought. I have to say it suddenly came to me and I know it was the Holy Spirit speaking. I know I’m not usually capable of such deep thought. Yup! I could have missed the pain of that one day, but I’d have missed that 17 year dance. We hung up and I got to work, yet was not really settled in my work thoughts. To me I had just stumbled upon a really important thought. For the next few days I continued to ponder this idea and how it relates to my relationship with Jesus Christ. How many times have I missed the dance with my Lord and Savior? All those Sunday church services when I felt like dancing with God but by later that afternoon, or Sunday evening, or even into Monday morning, the world came back in and the dance was over. Oh I wish I knew then what I know now. I could have danced with the Lord all my life. I’m reminded of King David in II Samuel, Chapter 6 as he entered Jerusalem carrying the Ark of the Covenant. He danced and wore a priestly garment. The people followed him and shouted and sang with much joy. His wife Michal, the daughter of Saul looked down upon the scene and felt contempt for him, and later admonished him for acting “so shamelessly.” He was not acting like a King, but it WE NEED YOUR TESTIMONY Email, Snail Mail or Pony Express.... Any way you can get it to us! July / August 2013 did not matter to him. He was dancing with the Lord. Have you been out on the dance floor lately? Why not? Are you self conscious, do you feel uncoordinated, or maybe you may feel out of place? That’s me with God. Out of place, afraid of failure, afraid of ridicule. I don’t want to be laughed at. David slew Goliath. No fear, all confident, and so it was as he danced into the city that day. We see him as a hero, a man that has God’s blessing. As I read of David I keep thinking of his relationship with God. Today as we read of his life, it comes to us condensed. I can read all about him in just a few chapters. But spread it out over a lifetime there may be more here than we know. How many times did he flee for his life as Saul sought to kill him? Did his faith fade? Why did he not stand as he did before Goliath? Surely a man who would fight so confidently before would not shrink those numerous times. Imagine if God told you or me we were the anointed King. I believe I would have a little more courage. Or would I? (Cont. on Pg. 15) Fort Worth, TX Permit No. 284 Cowboys For Christ P.O. Box 7557 Fort Worth, TX 76111 PAID Non-Profit Org U.S. Postage Page 2 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * July / August 2013 The Christian Ranchman, I have been receiving your paper for several years and I look forward to the mail bringing it. A young friend of mine got into trouble and was sent to prison and he sent you my address. He is out now and doing well. Now my grandson has gone to prison. He is very intelligent with a master’s degree, but he made one bad decision and life as he knew it was over. He knows the Lord and is involved with the ministry there. He doesn’t know about your paper, so I would love for him to receive it. He is a fairly new Christian and probably could really benefit from your Bible, because it is easy to read. I would like to donate to your cause, what I can afford. Thank you and God bless you all for your work, MJ, Texas Hello Dave, I am alive, calving is done, weathered three snow storms and looks like the grass may get green after all. God is good, RJ, Colorado Dave, The check from Central Cowboy Church is for two cases of Bibles and the one from me is to support Cowboys For Christ. Thank you for what you do, DH, Kansas Cowboys For Christ, Hi, Howdy, How’s you all. We are in pretty good shape here. Ponies are all doing pretty good. Things are greening up nicely now, and getting warmer. You all take care. God bless, JD, Oklahoma To Cowboys For Christ, Just to let you know I have picked up a CFC New Testament over here in Scarborough, UK, welltraveled, but unread. The Lord continue to bless you in your work there-I was thrilled to read about it on your web site. Every blessings in Him, Hazel in UK Christian Ranchman and Cowboys For Christ, I am an 87 year old and retired cowgirl writing in appreciation for all the Christian Ranchman you have sent me. I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed your faithful sending them to me thru the years. I was raised with horses and owned several thru the years, and I rode 500 miles of the Pacific Crest Trail in the ’70 on my quarter horse, “Manny.” Retirement has priced me out of horses, but I have owned some good cow horses. I would still ride if SS was enough to afford keeping horses. Thanking you and in appreciation I am sending a “little something.” Sincerely, RA in Oregon Thank you so much for sending us the Christian Ranchman. We own/operate Tri-County Livestock Exchange, which is a small stockyards in Smithfield, Kentucky. After reading your publication we take it to work and leave it in the concession area. Just planting seeds is what we’re doing, and letting the fertility of the soil be God’s concern! Thanks for the seed. L & CC in Kentucky Dear Christian Ranchman, I’ve had the opportunity to read your paper several times, but I just couldn’t bring myself to take the time to read it. Well, I finally decided to pick up your May/June issue after being drawn to the testimony of Phil Brown, “Is Than All There Is.” I really enjoyed his testimony and would love to begin receiving a copy of the Christian Ranchman. I will be sending my testimony in soon. I’ve been a follower of Christ, but just recently gave my life to Him. I hope God uses me to reach someone in need. God bless all of you who are a part if this organization. Special blessings to the No Bull About Jesus ministry group that reaches out to various people. Ya’ll have truly been an influence in my decision. Thank you, KC in Arkansas PRAY FOR OUR TROOPS AND OUR NATION! Have You Moved or are You Planning to Move? Please notify COWBOYS FOR CHRIST of your new mailing address. The Christian Ranchman Volume 38 July / August 2013 No. 7 - 8 The Christian Ranchman is published Bi-Monthly (subscriptions are free) by Cowboys For Christ, P.O. Box 7557, Fort Worth, TX 76111. Physical Address: 3011 FM Rd. 718, Newark, TX 76071 Post Master: Send address changes to The Christian Ranchman, P.O. Box 7557, Fort Worth, TX 76111. Phone (817)236-0023 Ted K. Pressley, Founder (1938-2011) Dave Harvey, Executive Director/Editor Please remember that the statements and expressions are those of the witnesses, and not necessarily those of the staff or officers of Cowboys For Christ. E-Mail Address: cwb4christ@cowboysforchrist.net WEBSITE: www.cowboysforchrist.net COWBOYS FOR CHRIST STATEMENT OF POSITION Supreme authority over this organization and all its activities is vested in God's own Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and exercised by the Holy Spirit. This must be recognized and practiced as laid out for us in God's divinely inspired Word, the Holy Bible. Cowboys For Christ is not a substitute for the local Church or Assembly, nor is it in competition with any denominational group. It seeks, rather, through God's enabling grace, to be a helper to all local churches, denominations and groups to the extent that they are in harmony with the will of the Almighty God. Its function is to proclaim the Word of God. It is designed for outreach and building up of the Body of Christ, God's bloodbought people, and in harmony with the work of the Holy Spirit is an active force in the Lord's program for the present day. The message of The Christian Ranchman is the saving grace of Jesus Christ. These messages come to us in a variety of expressions, including testimonies and Letters to the Editor, and each is meaningful in its own way. We pray that the Holy Spirit will minister to each of you that bit of reassurance and comfort your need today. 2013 Cowboys For Christ Page 3 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * July / August 2013 Cowboy Up, Ya’ll WEBSITE NEWS AND UPDATES By Randy Stiles Greetings and God bless from Arkansas, I have seen your newspaper thanks to Brother Kane from Oklahoma. We were in Fort Smith when I received it and I really enjoyed reading it. Yes sir, I would very much appreciate it if I could start receiving it while I gotta pass some time out in these fields on this great big farm. I don’t have nothing to offer, except my thanks, and I’ll remember ya’ll in my prayers every morning, every evening and every nite. Thanks to ya’ll I have had my Cowboys For Christ Bible for a while now and it has been some places with me. I love it and would miss it if I ever lost it. Kane Riggs from Pocola, Oklahoma presented the lil’ blue Book to me and it’s been an extension of my arm lately. Thanks, Kane, he was right you know, there is “no bull about Jesus.” I love Him and I love the Bible and I believe everything in it. I may not be considered the best Christian cowboy around, but I am definitely a work in progress. The person that believes in Jesus Christ has life forever, but God’s anger stays with the person that don’t believe. “When I was in prison you visited me” whether it is a physical prison, a mental prison or financial crisis, a family struggle, a heart attack, or the evil clutches of an addiction, the Man is there ya’ll. He’s watching and He’s listening to your very thoughts and He knows what you’re gonna to do, say and how you are going to act before Satan ever approaches you and if you stumble and if you fall, He’ll be the one that reaches out and catches you at the bottom of the deepest ravine orthe deepest river. Your deepest pains and struggles will be wrapped up, roped and snatched right out of your heart if you keep the faith. Cowboy Up, hit your knees, He’s there, He’s real, He loves you and He’s waiting on you. Note to Chapter Presidents and Vice Presidents Updates are due whenever there is a leadership change. In Memory of: GEORGE WILLIAMS FROM : MRS GEORGE WILLIAMS In Memory of: DELORES STEPHENS FROM: CLYDE STEPHENS In Memory of: SHARON LITTLETON FROM: GRADY LITTLETON The update form is available at: www.cowboysforchrist.net If you do not have internet access and do not have the current form, please call the office at 817-236-0023. Updates can be e-mailed to: cfcmail@cowboysforchrist.net or mailed to PO Box 7557, Ft. Worth, Texas 76111. Contact us via E-Mail: Dave Harvey General mail: cwb4christ@cowboysforchrist.net Submit testimonies, articles or to subscribe to the Christian Ranchman at ranchman@cowboysforchrist.net Order Inquiries: cfcorder@cowboysforchrist.net Paperwork/Chapter Correspondence: cfcmail@cowboysforchrist.net REGIONAL DIRECTORS Did you know that when you carry the Bible, Satan has a headache, when you open it, he collapses, when he sees you reading it, he loses his strength, AND when you stand on the Word of God, Satan can’t hurt you! Central: Matt Wagner 816-238-7503 South West: Dr. Bob Rawson 512-847-0521 South East: Suzy Harvey 919-337-6230 Great Lakes: Mike Gentry 419-356-2628 West: Robert Barnard 575-373-3737 WE NEED YOUR TESTIMONY Email, Snail Mail or Pony Express.... Any way you can get it to us! Page 4 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * July / August 2013 but after a while I began to feel separate from the others, SEEKING disconnected in a way that I couldn’t understand. I found Testimony by Shelia Sellinger myself pulling back, watching more than participating, and wondering if it was still worth it. Again, I felt a strong I was a seeker, still am, and always will be. The sense of loss as though an intrical part of my being were problem is that I don’t usually know what I’m seeking, missing from the whole. I longed for something and that has caused me a lot of trouble. The yearning undefinable and couldn’t put my finger on it. Slowly, for something unknown began within me at a young age. day by day, I slipped further and further away from a That yearning is what brought me to this point in my life; lifestyle that had ruled me for years. I was lost within this awakening of a soul’s deep rebirth, so life-altering myself. I didn’t know who I was, or where I belonged. that I can only explain it from the beginning. One Friday afternoon I slipped into the back of the I was raised by my mother and attended Mass with chapel during Catholic Mass and listened to the priest. I her every Sunday until I married and moved away from felt out of place and unwanted, but I crept in each Friday home. My upbringing was loving, and my mother was for several weeks even though I wasn’t Catholic. And, I the best parent a girl could ask for. Among other things, didn’t feel like I was Wiccan anymore—I didn’t belong she read me stories of adventures that made me dream anywhere. December 21, 2007 was the last time I joined amazing dreams; tales of Jesus that mingled with those in a W iccan ritual. On December 25th I attended of Billy the Kid, of David killing giants, like Jack on his Christmas Mass and gave myself to God. What that way down the beanstalk, and Samson slaying Philistines meant, I didn’t understand except that I felt drawn toward by the thousands, while Zorro rode his black stallion Him in ways that I couldn’t explain. I wanted to learn but through Mexico avenging the poor. My mind struggled I didn’t know how to go about it. I tried to read the Bible, to separate fantasy from reality, fiction from history, but but it didn’t make any sense to me. to no avail. Then, one day, in the spring of 2008, I was enjoying I left Balaam to his talking donkey and Mr. Ed in his barn the warm sunshine at the track, flipping the stations on when I discovered that cowboys could be more than just my radio, and stopped when I heard a preacher talking saddle buddies, and ribald jokes about “good Catholic about the evils of the human heart. That intrigued me, girls” swirled around me as my teen years turned to and I sat down to listen. I soon began to abandon all promiscuity and rebellion. God was left in the dust, and other radio stations except for the one where I made the wilder I became, the more I wanted. Nothing seemed “friends” with many people who have helped shape my to satisfy the monster within me. There was never faith. I learned about Jesus, and many programs helped enough, but I was still empty. me understand what the Bible is all about, but I still had Sometime into my second marriage, I looked questions that weren’t getting answered. fleetingly back toward an unknown God. The little church I started reading my Bible more, and with my radio that I passed everyday drew my attention, and I attended teachers, began to learn about so many things—but I a few times. The people were kind, but all I remember was afraid. God didn’t frighten me. I believed that He was being repeatedly asked if I was saved. Saved from had forgiven me of my life of sin and debauchery, but what? I didn’t know. I just knew that I wasn’t happy, I was afraid to face the Lord Jesus. I couldn’t even say was still seeking, and I was confused. My small attempt His name, I was too ashamed. How could I ask Him to at church was abandoned so I could resume my futile forgive all of the wicked things that I’d said about Him; search elsewhere. all the sneers, jeers, and snide remarks that had been Though I buried my pain and emptiness beneath a cold linked to His name? I cried every night with shame, blanket of careless one night stands and the numbing wishing that I could erase those wasted years, yearning effects of whiskey, I continued seeking for that mysterious to know Him but terrified to seek Him out. My fears and something. My endless exploration soon took me to the confusion remained until after I was sent to FMC Carswell world of the occult, witchcraft and paganism. I road for a faith based program which promised to help me bareback into the valley of darkness, between the jagged work everything out. cliffs of degradation and scorn, and continued a What I found when I arrived at Carswell was a solid downward spiral into a gaping maw where “self” prison ministry that proved to be more than I’d expected. swallowed up any chance of fulfillment. I proudly I was joyfully accepted into the fold, and began to get wallowed in sin and idolatry for years, defaming the name answers. I was happy to have found real people to talk of Jesus through blasphemous jokes and mockery, with about my newly budding faith. I’d gone from virtual holding tight to the laws of demons. Evil and gloom to physical, and it was wonderful. were my dearest bedfellows, a phantom horse dressed In the years that I’ve been at Carswell, I’ve learned in gold, with morality cast aside like a worn boot without more that I could have imagined possible. I know what a sole. All of this and much more tethered me to a being saved means, and I know that I’ve been saved. destiny far beyond my expectation. I’m no longer afraid of my Lord Jesus. I know that He I was arrested in 2005 on charges that would change died for those very sins I was afraid that He would never my life forever, and was held in the county jail for 18 forgive. I’m still seeking, but I’m no longer empty. I months awaiting trial. While I waited, I wrote spells for have the Lord in my heart because of people who took freedom that I performed daily inside my cell and made the time, both on the radio and in person, to teach and talismans to wear in court, but nothing worked to save guide me to a fuller understanding of Jesus Christ and me from my fate. I was sentenced in federal court to God the Father. 140 months, just short of 12 years. I was baptized on August 8, 2009, and don’t even September 2006 saw me deliv ered to FCI want to think of where I’d be now without the volunteers Tallahassee in Florida. Within the first week I became who gave their time and love to help me back to the acquainted with the other wiccans incarcerated there, Lord. How would you like to be involved in a ministry that takes the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST to Cowboys and Cowgirls wherever they ride the trails of life? We would certainly like for you to join us in a very unique and rewarding ministry, and we will help you get started through the power and guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT. Please pray about starting a local chapter of Cowboys For Christ, especially if you are not afraid of a bunch of hard work, long hours, and eating the trail dust of service to the LORD. It will take boldness, dedication, and commitment, but the sheer joy of saddling up for JESUS CHRIST is worth the effort, and the rewards are totally out of this world. Contact us about a Chapter Start Up Packet, and let’s work together to make a difference in your area to change lives for eternity just as Cowboys For Christ has done for over forty-two years. Howdy Cowboys and Cowgirls We need sponsors for our Prisoner Newsletter and the free Prisoner Bible/Bible Study program. Please pray about it and if you feel the HOLY SPIRIT speaking to you about helping Cowboys For Christ go inside the walls with the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST, we certainly welcome your support. We are reaching out to those who are drawn to the cowboy image or who have been a part of the cowboy way of life before they were imprisoned. Your support will certainly be greatly appreciated for helping us continue and expand this very fruitful work. GOD bless you and I Thank You. Page 5 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * July / August 2013 Riding Point With Dave Harvey.... Howdy Cowboys and Cowgirls, It is with great joy in JESUS that I am writing this article because the LORD has opened up another ministry door for Cowboys For Christ and I think that everyone will be as excited as I am about this major ministry program. I’ll start by explaining how the HOLY SPIRIT directed two cowgirls and events to reach this ole cowboy (and Folks, I’d be the first to admit that this ole cowboy is a little slow at comprehending at times-really about all of the time, but I really try). I was working at the headquarters one morning doing things completely none cowboy, yeah, you are right, I was trying to do some work on the computer. Actually I was just checking the email, but that’s still not riding horses. Anyway, I opened this email from a sweet lady who informed me that her son had been sent to prison and that his Cowboys For Christ Bible had gotten ruined, and she wondered if Cowboys For Christ would send him a new one. I answered her back and told her that we would certainly send him a new Cowboys For Christ Bible, as well as, a Bible Study and add him to the Christian Ranchman and Cowboys For Christ Prisoner Newsletter mailing. Well, Cowboys and Cowgirls, I got an answer almost immediately (no, I don’t know how email works, it just does). I got a response from her that said she was so glad to find real Christians still out there doing the LORD’S work. She also said that I had brought tears to her eyes when she was reading my answer. Now, folks I can assure you that I am like most old cowboys and we can’t stand to see a lady cry. So I got busy packing up a Bible and Bible Study for her son and I climbed up on that old computer (no, I really didn’t get on the computer, that just a cowboy way of saying I went to work) and started entering his name on the Christian Ranchman mailing list hoping all of the time that this would stop her from crying. As most of you folks know, I am a little lacking in extended memory, so let’s just say it was real soon after the email, in fact it was when I was adding the name and address of this lady’s son to the Christian Ranchman mailing that the phone rang. Now, I haven’t gotten to the point that I can’t remember to answer the telephone when it is ringing, so I grabbed the receiver and said, “Hello, Cowboys For Christ, this is Dave, how can I help you.” A very sweet motherly voice answered, “hello” and she introduced herself and explained to me that she had a situation that had just came up in her family and she was hoping that Cowboys For Christ could help her. I assured her that we would do our best to help her and asked her to tell me the problem. She informed me that her son was a soldier in the world’s finest military and he happened to be in the US Army stationed at an Army fort in the United States. I was told that he had not been in the Army very long and that he was really missing family, friends and home. She then told me that their family had been receiving the Christian Ranchman for a number of years and that her son was a cowboy and that he would probably really enjoy getting the Christian Ranchman and that it would be a great help to him while he was in the service. I told her that we would certainly add him to the Christian Ranchman mailing list, but that the latest issue had just gone out so that I would send him a copy of the new issue from the extras that we get printed, and that I would send it out to him today. (I have to let everyone know that we have increased to 16,000 this printing with 13,802 being sent out through individual mailing and the bulk pack mailings have increased to almost 2,000. The bulk packs are sent to chapter presidents or one of the officers, to businesses to give out to customers, to prison chaplains, and to individuals to distribute at different events or just to cowboys and cowgirls that give out as they go through their cowboy lives.) Now back to the phone call. We then chatted about sons in the military (my son is in the Air Force serving overseas now) and about horses and then we said goodbye. After hanging up the phone I got the Christian Ranchman and put it in an envelope and got it ready to mail to the young soldier. I had everything ready for mailing labels that needed to be mailed out and I started filling out the labels to the son in prison and then to the son in the military (one and then the other). Now, I have already told you that I am a little slow in comprehending and it took me a few seconds to see the real picture as I sat there looking at the two labels lying side by side on the desk. I finally realized why I had gotten an email and a phone call from two different Mothers about their sons in two different situations at almost the same time on the same day. And then I started getting excited, I mean folks I got really excited, and remember I told you that you would get excited, too. As I started thinking about the ministry opportunities to our bravest in uniform and the super outreach potential I even got more excited. Cowboys and Cowgirls, this is the official announcement of the Cowboys For Christ Military Ministry program. If you are in the military, or if you have a family member or loved one in the military, or if you just happen to know a Cowboy or Cowgirl in the military and you would like us to add them to the Christian Ranchman mailing list, please send us their names and addresses by email, snail mail, phone or pony express and we will sure add them to the mailing list. Of course, we will send it to them free just like we send it free to everyone else. If you want to drop us a donation, we will certainly appreciate it and put it to good use in the LORD’S work and I thank you for it. Also, please help us keep current on their addresses when they are reassigned to a tour of duty at another location. Please keep this new ministry program in your prayers that the LORD will use it mightily for HIS gainful service and join me in prayer now. Dear HEAVENLY FATHER, I ask that you bless this Military Ministry of Cowboys For Christ to touch the soldiers that are fighting for this nation and the freedom that we so enjoy and use it to build your KINGDOM. In JESUS’NAME, Amen. Page 6 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * July / August 2013 COWBOYS FOR CHRIST CHAPTER DIRECTORY For more information about activities, meeting dates, times and locations,etc.,please contact people listed for the chapter nearest you, or our website at: www.cowboyforchrist.net ALABAMA CALIFORNIA Circuit Riders CFC – Ohatchee, AL Malibu Chapter - Troy Crosson, Pres., 256-419-3140 Jason Yates, V. P., 256-490-3549 Email: hatcreekboys@yahoo.com Fellowship: Fridays at 6pm Morten Wengler, Pres. 310-457-0586 Elizabeth Smith, V.P. email eldoradoranch@hotmail.com Contact for information Cowboyn’ for the Son CFC- Athens, Al Odis Everett, Pres., 256-431-7338 VP Eugene Leimneweder, 256-444-0035 Website: www.cowboynfortheson.com Email: baughncg@gmail.com Fellowship: 1st Thursday each month At 6pm at Meeting same time at 306 BBQ Restaurant S.E.A. Riders (Southeast Alabama) Chapter, Troy, AL Tommy Manns, Pres. 334-897-8316 Bobby Jones, V.P. 334-566-6303 Fellowship: call for location and time Malibu, CA Trinity Cowboy Ministries CFC Chapter – Carencro, LA Barbara Mackenzie, Pres., 352-568-1507. Nancy Ramirez, V. P., 352-569-5318 Fellowship: Call Barbara for location and time Website: www.cowboysforchristfl.com Antioch CFC – Dover, FL David Gillett, Pres. 813-789-0589 George Gillett, V.P. 813-986-4751 Fellowship: 2nd Saturday of each month Call for location and time Willie Hostetler, Pres., 574-575-0451 Ryan Eash, V.P., 574-202-3946 Fellowship: Trail Ride 3rd Saturday of each month South/Central Indiana Chapter, Ed Southern Arizona Chapter - Tucson, AZ Chris Moses, Pres. 520-4659430 Jason Summerkamp, VP 520-403-8289 Ministry activities and fellowship - call for info COLORADO Durango CFC – Durango, CO John Beranek, Pres., 970-247-8288 Chris Swift, V. P., 970-533-9797 Email: swiftcreekranch@hotmail.com Fellowship: Thursdays at 7pm, at Animas Valley Grange Hall, 7271 County Rd 203, Durango, CO Matt Wagner, Pres., 816-238-7503 Glenn Spencer, V. P. 816-685-3210 Email: midwestcfc@aol.com Fellowship: 1st Tuesday at 7pm at Pony Express Club Chuck Smith Pres., 785-632-5841 Brian Girrens, V.P., 785-926-3085 Website: www.claycentercowboysforchrist.org Fellowship: See website. SonCoast Chapter – Nobleton, FL Northern Indiana CFC – Elkhart, IN ARIZONA Clay Center CFC – Clay Center, KS LOUISIANA INDIANA Tim Avritt, Pres., 907-376-2370 Jerre Attwood, V.P., 907-775-0834 Fellowship: 2nd Monday at 6:30pm Call Debbie Avritt at 907-376-2370 Pony Express CFC – St. Joseph, MO FLORIDA ALASKA Mat-Valley CFC - Wasilla AK KANSAS Edwards, Pres. 812-343-0776 Lisa Edwards, VP 765-516-3828 Fellowship: call for information IOWA North Iowa Chapter – Alta Vista, IA David Williams, Pres., 641-330-9742, Chuck Halsey, VP, 507-279-8602 Fellowship: call for location and time We Will Ride Ministry Chapter, Greene, IA Mike Reicherts, Pres., 641-330-6791 Scott Chisholm, VP, 319-230-1859 Fellowship: call for date and time Mel DuPlechein, Pres., 337-678-2060 Dr. Mark Freeman, V. Pres., 337-8527855, www.TrinityCowboyMinistries.org Call for information MICHIGAN Great Lakes CFC - Coopersville, MI Jim Hansen, Pres., 616-997-1234 Harlan Smith, V. P., 616-837-6432 Fellowship: Call Jim Hansen for location and time Michigan CFC - Midland, MI Pat Murphy, Pres., 989-832-9092 John Oelberg, V. P., 989-708-0090 Fellowship: Call Pat Murphy for location & time MISSISSIPPI Flying B Soldiers Of The Cross CFC - Hazzlehurst, MS Scott Briggers, Pres., 601-672-4262 Jack Foster V. P., 601-894-3809 Fellowship: Call Scott Briggers for lo cation and time East Mississippi Equestrian Riders—Meridian, MS Jack R. Griffith, Pres. 601-479-9242, Gerry Rutherford, VP 601-616-5577, Call for information on activities Green Hills CFC – Kirksville, MO Jarrod Rapp, Pres., 660-689-3127 Betty Young, V. P., 660-349-1686 Fellowship: 3rd Thursday at 7pm. Call Craig Bakke at 660-695-3803 for more information Salvation Riders CFC – Lamar, MO Jim Harrison, Pres., 417-682-9219 David Eaves, V. P., 417-214-1239 st rd Fellowship: 1 & 3 Sunday at 6pm at Memorial Hall Cotton Creek Chapter - Richmond, MO Mike Stephens, Pres. 816-256-1043 Bob Simmons, V.P. 816-776-2936 email mike@cottoncreekchristianministry.org websitewww.cottoncreekchristianministry.org First Monday of each month at 7:00pm at 40794 E. 144th St., Richmond, MO NEW MEXICO New Mexico CFC, Belen, NM Bryan Chavez, Pres. 505-720-2142 Seth Prieskorn, V.P. Call for location and time Las Cruces Chapter - Las Cruces, NM Max Perkins, Pres. 575-3640-7780 David Komarek, VP 575-523-2062 Robert Barnard, Reporter 575-373-3737 email robert@4barcompany.com Contact for information MISSOURI Capital Region CFC – New Bloomfield, MO John Hunter, Pres., 573-310-1293 Gary Ellis, VP, 573-491-9988 Fellowship: 3rd Friday of each month Call for location and time (Chapters continued on page 7) COWBOYS FOR CHRIST CHAPTER DIRECTORY (Cont. from Pg. 7) NORTH CAROLINA Heart of Carolina CFC – Clayton, NC Cliff Lee, Pres., 919-553-6726 Jerry Sprague, V. P., 919-365-9247 Email: cleeconstruction@embarqmail.com nd Fellowship: 2 Thursday of each month at Carolina BBQ at 6:30 pm Website: www.heartofcarolinacfc.com Jacksonville CFC - Home of Camp LeJeune – Jacksonville, NC Carl Godfrey, Pres., 910-324-7137 Athina Williams, V. P., 910-779-9529 Email: jcblaze@embarqmail.com Fellowship: Call for date, time & location Mid-East CFC – Ayden, NC Jack Keel, Pres., 252-525-8519 Lennis Freeman, V. P., 910-358-9723 Fellowship: Call Jack Keel for more information NC Foothills CFC – Statesville, NC Craig Deal, Pres., 704-873-3421 Andrew Sams, V. P., 704-880-3661 Email: craigdeal@bellsouth.net Fellowship: Call Craig Deal for more info. Tri-County CFC – Marion, NC Bill Queen, Pres., 828-738-8485 James Nations, V. P., 828-738-4343 Email: mckinneywalkers@yahoo.com Fellowship: 1st Monday of each month at 7pm at Providence Farm Twin Counties CFC – Rocky Mount, NC Alfred Tyson, Pres., 252-459-6091, Sue Armstrong, V. P. 252-443-4434 Email: dustyroadstbl@embarqmail.com Fellowship: 4th Thursday of each month at Englewood Assembly of God Church, 2181 S. Halifax Road, Rocky Mount, North Carolina. Cape Fear Chapter - Bladenboro, NC John Millican,Pres. 910-840-1402 Gary Cashwell, V.P. 910-874-0613 Email: AnthonyRich72@yahoo.com Fellowship: 3rd Saturday of each month Trail Ride 10am; Dinner 7pm Call for location Page 7 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * July / August 2013 Sand Hills Chapter - Fayetteville, NC Gary Wells, Pres. 910-286-6906 Stewart Wells, V.P. 910-797-3386 Email: gary.h.wells@gmail.com Fellowship: 2nd Thursday of each month at 7pm at Western Sizzling, Fayetteville NORTH DAKOTA Dakota CFC - Mandan, ND Karen Hook, Pres., 701-391-4271 Loren Wetch, V. P., 701-663-5424 Fellowship: 3rd Sunday of each month OKLAHOMA Central OK CFC – Norman, OK Steve Womack, Pres., 405-872-7329 John Payne, V. P., 405-396-2738 st Fellowship: 1 Tuesday of each month at 7pm at the Remington Place No Bull About Jesus Chapter— Pocola, OK Jamie Jones, Pres. 479-926-3242 Wade Biggs, VP 479-522-0605 Prison, Jail and Recovery ministry Call for information on activities Southwest Oklahoma Chapter Comanche, OK Ken Neher, Pres. 580-470-8055 Carolyn Neher, VP 580-470-8055 email ken@one2oneministries.org Contact for information PENNSYLVANIA West Keystone CFC – New Castle, PA Dale Brenneman, Pres., 724-924-2830, Bob Steffler, V. P., 724-758-6255 st rd Fellowship: 1 & 3 Sundays/ Call for times Southwest Pennsylvania Chapter Kittanning, PA Paulette Zimmerman, Pres. 724-252-0178 Jim Zimmerman, VP 724-2520178 Ministry activities and fellowship - call for info SOUTH CAROLINA Coastal Cowboys For Christ, Conway, SC Buddy Smith, Pres. 843-397-9133, Calvin Barfield, V.P. 843-365-5636 rd Fellowship: 3 Thursday of each month at Shoney’s in Conway, SC TEXAS Southeast Texas CFC, Kountze, TX A.H. Elmer, Pres. 409-246-8985, Sneed Elmer, V.P. 409-246-8985 rd Fellowship: Meeting - 3 Saturday each month at 7:00 pm at the CFC Barn on Hwy 326 N, Kountze, TX Cowboys For Christ Headquarters – Newark, TX Dave Harvey, Executive Director Fellowship: Bible Study Thursdays at 7pm Call 817-236-0023 for more information For His Glory CFC – Royce City, TX John Clayton, Pres. 214-215-6139 Karen Elza, V.P. 214-683-5049 Fellowship: call for more information Hill Country/South Texas Chapter - Wimberley, TX Dr. Bob Rawson, Pres. 512-847-0521 Barbara Rawson, Sec/Tres 512-8470521 email brawson1@austin.rr.com Contact for information Rock’n Cross Ranch Minis- try – Collinsville, TX VIRGINIA Boots and Bibles Chapter Madison, VA Heather Campbell, Pres. 540-2196928 Joanne Owings, VP 540-923-4679 Call for information on activities WEST VIRGINIA Ridin For The Brand CFC- Victor, WV Elbert Horrocks, Pres., 304-658-5730 George Hawkins, V. P., 304-658-4206 Fellowship: call for Location Christ’s Cavalry Daniels, WV Chapter, James Hartsog, Pres. 304-763-4207, Beth Mays, V.P., 304-763-7247 Fellowship: call for location and time WISCONSIN Lighthouse Chapter CFC – Arkdale, WI Mary Harris, V. P., 608-547-5477 Fellowship: Last Saturday of each month Call for location and time Robert Taylor, Pres., 360-410-8883 Lief Martinson, VP, 505-429-1836 email address: rockncross@yahoo.com Fellowship: call for location and time *** ATTENTION *** MILITARY FAMILIES Are you presently in the US Military or do you have a friend or loved one that is now serving that would enjoy receiving The Christian Ranchman? Please send us their name and address and we will put them on The Christian Ranchman mailing list. Bless our soldiers with a little bit of cowboy while they are serving away from home... Page 8 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * July / August 2013 Cowboys For Christ General Store The Following Items Are For Sale Specialty Items Qty. ______ The Following Items Are Free: ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ Logo Belt Pins NEW T-Shirt Ball Caps Belt Buckle Belt Buckle ______ ______ CFC Flags COMPLETE (Palm Size) Bible ______ Tracts Qty. _______ Your Entry Fees Are Paid _______ Need a Lift? _______ FREE Professional Tips to a Winning Ride _______ The Race Is On _______ Just a Short Ride Across the Arena _______ Five Steps to Become A Top Hand _______ God, Cowboys and Reining Horses Item NEW Short Sleeve Shirt NEW Long Sleeve Shirt Cowboy Angel CFC Jacket American made Poplin Cotton Jackets! $39.00 Color Size White, Royal Blue S-M-L-XL and Grey White, Royal Blue S-M-L-XL and Red 24K Gold Plated Blue/w Logo Cotton Poplin S-M-L-XL-2X-3X Screw on backs Blue M-L-XL-XXL White, Khaki or Black Antique Bronze Silver w/24k Gold Plate Inlaid-Royal Blue, White & Green in Shield & Letters Price $ 25.00 $ 37.50 $ 4.50 $39.00 $ 5.50 $12.50 $14.50 $35.50 $50.50 $50.00 $ 6.50 Include S & H cost posted to the left..... Other Materials Qty. _______ Bible Studies _______ Ministry Brochures _______ Bumper Stickers: Cowboys For Christ _______ Offering Envelopes _______ CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN newspapers _______ Membership Card Name: __________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________ City: ____________________State: ______ Zip: ______________ Phone: (_______) ________________________________________ Please fill out quantities. Fill out check/money order for sale items. Fill out portion below and mail to: CFC, P.O. Box 7557, Fort Worth, TX 76111 United State Shipping & Handling Cost From To Rate $0.01 $40.00 $6.50 $40.01 $100.00 $8.50 $100.01 $250.00 $10.50 $251.00 and up $12.50 Lifetime Membership Card - $10 Life-time Membership Card signed by Brother Ted Pressley, imprinted with your name and laminated as long as they last for $10 dollars, you must print your name just like you want it on the card. SPECIAL OF THE MONTH Buy a Jacket and get a Bible FREE!!!!! You can now order online....just go to our website and click on the General Store...... 50/50 cotton/polyester short sleeve Available in White, Royal Blue and Grey Sizes: S, M, L, XL (small extra charge for larger sizes) Cowboy & Cross design will be stitched in complementary colors 65/35 polyester/cotton long sleeve Available in White, Royal Blue and Red Sizes: S, M, L, XL (small extra charge for larger sizes) Cowboy & Cross design will be stitched in complementary colors Short Sleeve shirts are $25.00 Long Sleeve shirts are $37.50 Custom ordered! Page 9 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * July / August 2013 COWBOYS FOR CHRIST ENTIRE BIBLE This wonderful Bible is the Easy-to-Read version by the World Bible Translators, prepared especially for CFC. It’s the Old and New Testaments with beautiful CFC colors—royal blue leather imprint with expensively striking gold inlay on the cover. It is 4-7/16 inches wide by 6-5/8 inches high, perfect size to fit in your coat pocket, yet designed with type size—very easy to read. Printed on thin crystal white onion skin paper, making it beautiful, flexible and very readable. This awesome Bible brings an easy and new flare to Bible study. It's a must for your spiritual life! Order yours now, they make GREAT gifts!!!! See order form. Only $6.50 each + Shipping & Handling *SPECIAL* CASE OF 25 $100.00 FREE SHIPPING COWBOYS FOR CHRIST BELT BUCKLES SILVER WITH GOLD PLATE, ROYAL BLUE INLAY ANTIQUE BRONZE $35.50 $50.50 THESE ARE WONDERFUL FOR MEN OR WOMEN. ANYONE WOULD BE PROUD TO HAVE ONE!!! Become a Partner with Cowboys for Christ....Be Part of the Blessing & Share in the Blessing THEY’RE HERE! CFC FLAGS THAT WAVE IN THE WIND SPECIAL PRICE $50.00 PLUS S&H NEW ~ NEW ~ NEW ~ NEW ~ NEW The Christian Ranchman is distributed to approximately 14,500 homes each month FREE of charge. Cowboys for Christ also provides tracts to pass out at events FREE of charge to anyone who asks. Brother Dave and other leaders in Cowboys for Christ chapters preach, teach and speak at many local events FREE of charge. Would you consider partnering with us with a monthly donation to help with this vital ministry to the lost and hurting? All donations are tax-deductible and are used to spread the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ. Currently we need your help in the following: New or well-kept vehicle for ministry travel GOLD or SILVER Guardian Angels (with cowboy hats) just $4.50 each. Logo Shield Hat/Belt Pin with white background $5.50 Available in M, L, XL and XXL $12.50 all sizes plus shipping. White hat with blue bill and Black hat with embroidered CFC logo patch embroidered CFC Logo Patch $14.50 $14.50 Page 10 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * July / August 2013 Chapter Updates..... WEST KEYSTONE CHAPTER, PENNSYLVANIA DALE BRENNEMAN, PRESIDENT It’s hard to believe that almost half of 2013 is behind us. So far this year we had a wonderful retreat weekend at Miracle Mountain Ranch, finished our study of “Romans” at our Winter Bible Studies, taught a great group of young men at the Bullride/Bible Camp weekend at the Center Cross W Arena, our ministry teams are conducting services at livestock events, and we’ve had two trailrides with Cowboy Church. The good news is: There’s still more to come! Worship service only dates are in italics. All other events including Trailrides with Cowboy Church are in normal print. JUNE 23 – PAHA Venango Co. 29 – Pink Ribbon Round-up Ride 30 – WPQHA Harlansburg JULY 7 – WPQHA Harlansburg 19 – Zelienople Horse Parade 21 – PQHA Center Hall -- PAHA Lawrence Co. 27 – National Day of the American Cowboy @ Center Cross W 28 – PAHA Crooked Creek -PAHA Butler Co. AUGUST 4 – PAHA Lawrence Co. - Trailride @ Moraine/ Bear Run - Trailride @ Brenneman’s – Trailride @ Moraine/ Bear Run 18 – Trailride @ McFall’s/ Pulaski 25- WPQHA Harlansburg – Grange Fair Center Hall, PA SEPTEMBER 1 – PQHA – Center Hall - PAHA Butler Co. 8 – Trail Ride @ Elliot Acres 1pm 22 – Rocky Fork Youth Rodeo 29 – Trail Ride @ Brenneman’s OCTOBER 18 – 20 Trail Ride Flying W DECEMBER 14 – Christmas Caroling 31 – New Year’s Eve Celebration - ( Tickets must be purchased-more information coming ) JANUARY 2014 MMR Retreat We hope you can join us for many of these events. Please pray that all that we take part in brings glory to God and will be influential in bringing more people to come to know Jesus as their personal savior. If you would like more information on any of these events please contact us. July 27 – National Day of the American Cowboy – Hosted by Center Cross W Arena, Fredonia, PA will feature a “team ranch rodeo” and a “Sermon from the Mount” presentation by Matt Cox of Miracle Mountain Ranch. Activities start with breakfast and continue all day. October 18-20 – Weekend Trailride @ Flying W Ranch – We always have a great time riding (no matter what the weather). God has met with us during this weekend ride. We invite you to come be a part of it. Everyone is responsible for making their own housing and stabling arrangements with the Flying W. (814-463-7663) December 31 – Cowboys for Christ New Year’s Eve Celebration – 8:30pm to12:30am at the Scott Twp Fire Hall in Harlansburg, PA. Kolt and Kristina Barber from Nashville, TN will be our featured entertainment. They have a country gospel music ministry you are sure to enjoy. If you get a chance, check their music out on the internet. Our good friend John Topper is scheduled to open for them. There will be plenty of food, fun and we will be ushering the New Year in with prayer and praise. Because of expenses we will be selling tickets for this event. More details will be coming soon. On the Trail with West Keystone Cowboys for Christ… A question has been stuck in my mind for some time now. The question is: “If not us, then who?” The fact that we, as Christians, have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb (Gal 3:13), that we are children of the living God, and that we are co-heirs with Jesus ( Rom 8: 16&17) en route to an eternity with Him, brings that question to mind again and again. - Do we live our lives striving for purity in all we do? (1Tim 4:12) If not us, then who? - Wives, do you show your husband honor and respect as the head of your household as Christ is the head of the church? (Eph 5:22-24) If not us, then who? - Husbands, do you love your wife sacrificially, giving yourself up for her, as Christ did for the church? (Eph 5:25-27) If not us, then who? - Do we pray and offer praise to the Lord daily? (1Thes 5:17, Heb 13:15) If not us, then who? - Do we reach out to the lost in this dark and dying world? (Matt 28:18-20) If not us, then who? We are God’s people, the sheep of His pasture. (Ps 100:3) We are God’s choice for carrying out His will on the face of the earth today. Look to Him as the source of everything we need to accomplish His purpose. Just one more question: If not now, then when? (2Cor. 6:1-2) “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith, goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 3-8 DAKOTA CHAPTER, NORTH DAKOTA KAREN HOOK, PRESIDENT Greetings, Our chapter in North Dakota is working to organize a Rodeo Bible Camp for youth next summer, June 2014. We are wondering if there are any guidelines provided by CFC for these services, or information of available persons to help serve as counselors. Also, does CFC provide any Bibles or such or other materials that could be distributed to the youth. Any additional information that is helpful would be awesome also. Thanks so much. ANTIOCH CHAPTER, FLORIDA DAVID GILLETT, PRESIDENT In the Christian Ranchman please note for us for interested visitors to please call or email us first because over the next six months we will be meeting in various locations throughout Hillsborough County. We are in the process of moving, but will email back when we get set back up and in a permit location again. My staff is determined to keep the chapter going through this move. Thank you for a great year. We will send pictures this weekend from our one year Chapter Updates..... Dave, It has been an eventful spring this year. The Sandhills Chapter of Cowboys for Christ has been relatively busy. As you have seen in previous emails, we participated with a “Fun in the SON” day with Pittman Grove Baptist back in April. In May, we joined in on ride in Uwharrie that was pretty much rained out but made for good fellowship with some strong Christian friends. In June, we linked up with Mr. Frankie Wilson and joined in with the Hoke County Wagon Train in Raeford NC; what an event that was! Last Friday, the wagon train departed its starting point at about 10:00am and journeyed on a 5 mile ride that took them through the town of Raeford. The night prior, we had a bad storm come through the area and our CFC riders for that event were out repairing fences and making sure freezers didn’t thaw. But, we did have our photographer there that took some very nice pictures. Saturday was a day filled with fun and excitement at the Wagon Train. While chapter members did not actually participate in these events, we did have a presence there, just to let the folks know that we love them just as Jesus does, and we were there to provide spiritual assistance if needed. On Sunday Morning Our Chapter Chaplain, Michael Wright, conducted Cowboy Church for about 15 folks. While this may seem like a small crowd to some, it was significant to us because in 50 years of conducting wagon trains, this was the first church service that has been conducted. We want to thank Mr. Frankie Wilson, the event coordinator, for letting us have an hour or so to share the word of the Lord with those that were willing to hear it. We also want to thank him for offering an invitation to participate in next year’s Wagon Train. I am sure the Sandhills Chapter will be there for that one as well. Our plans next year are to not only be there during the major events, but to have a constant and persistent presence throughout the weekend. Our plan is to “live” with the participants throughout the weekend, offering any assistance we can, sharing the word of the Lord when the opportunity arises, and conducting Cowboy Church on Sunday morning. You can find pictures of the Wagon Train event on Facebook at ‘Hoke County Wagon Train’ Oh… by the way… as far as support goes… feel f ree to send tracks, stickers, Bibles, Ranchman… anything will work nicely. We are out of about everything. Thanks again for your Support In Christ Gary Wells, President Sandhills Chapter Page 11 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * July / August 2013 Howdy Dave, Haven’t corresponded with you in several weeks and just wanted to see how you are doing. Things are going pretty well down South and have a trail ride next weekend, Rodeo 4 Jesus next Tuesday and a July 4th Rodeo scheduled. I sent several lists of new members recently to the office and made up a letter from myself to them and mailed right away so that I could follow-up with contact. I am attaching them to South Texas - Hill Country Chapter in order to make them feel part of a local area chapter. I will then see what develops into a more localized chapter in time. Is there a way that the office could let me know when their Christian Ranchman subscription has been sent to them? This would be most helpful. It would seem to me that you must be mighty busy these days with the Christian Ranchman and the new CFC Chaplain’s Program. Let me know if I can help in some way. May the Lord Jesus Christ Bless us in all our comings and goings! Bob - Dr. Bob Rawson, Chaplain/Region Director COWBOYS FOR CHRIST - South Texas NORTHERN INDIANA COWBOYS FOR CHRIST We don’t realize how much the weather dictates each day’s events until you have had an extra, long winter. Here in northern Indiana we appear to hibernate most of the winter. After cancelling February’s ride due to the wind and cold, March and April didn’t bring much warmer weather. Finally, on May 18th, God provided plenty of sunshine and warmth. We had riders come from as far as Plymouth. There were 32 riders after everyone was saddled up and ready to head out. As everyone gathered for a meal after the ride, it was so relaxing and enjoying meeting new people and catching up with old friends. Food always seems to taste so good when eating outside in the beauty of God’s creation. Pastor Jeff brought us a message. He told of a story about John Colter, a member of the Lewis and Clark expedition. He was one of the first mountain men of the 1800’s. Pastor spoke about Colter’s “greatest run.” While Colter was traveling with John Potts, another former member of the Lewis and Clark expedition, they were leading a party of Crow Indians to Fort Raymond. Potts and Colter encountered several hundred Blackfoot Indians while traveling by canoe. The Blackfoot demanded Colter and Potts come ashore. Colter went ashore and was disarmed and stripped naked. Pots refused to comply and was shot and killed. After a council meeting amongst the Indians, Colter was told to run. They gave him a head start and it soon became apparent that he was running for his life pursued by a large pack of young braves. Colter was a fast runner, but the terrain was rocky and brush filled. After about six miles only one assailant even came close to him. Colter turned around and put his hands in the air. This startled the brave as he raised his spear he stumbled. His spear fell short and Colter snatched up the spear and pinned the brave to the ground. Bloody and exhausted Colter continued his flight. He ended up at Little Big Horn. His total run was 156 miles. Pastor Jeff reminded us that some of our tough experiences in life help define us and make us stronger and lead us to the path in which God wants us to go. 1Corinthians 9:24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. His message in our journey with Christ, was to “Finish Strong!” We are having a Cowboys for Christ campout June 7th, 8th and 9th at Potato Creek State Park. We will have all our meals together beginning Friday night. It will be a great time to relax and share stories and encourage each other in our walk with Christ. We welcome you to come even if you are only able to attend for a couple of hours. There will be a ride on Saturday, June 8th at 10:00 a.m. with a meal and a message to follow. Faith and Love In Christ, Kim Hostetler, Secretary A Letter from Terry Rhodes Greetings, I pray this letter finds you all in the best of health and spirits. I just got the Bible and Bible study you sent. This has really opened my eyes I have been a Christian for years now. But I have so much trouble understanding the King James Bible. The Bible you sent to me is so much easier for me to understand. I was born into the cowboy lifestyle, and “I was riding before I could walk” is what my Mother always said. When I first started “rodeoing” I started out training mules. That was back before folks started hunting in ATV’s. My Dad trained mules to ride coon hunting. I have rode bulls and some of the wildest horses I have ever seen. But nothing compares to a hardheaded mule. They would throw me then turn around and bite me. I went to school all the time all bruised up, I know that the teachers wondered what went on at my house. I bet they never knew a wild mule did it. I can remember when I saw my first rodeo I wanted to ride bulls, and I would ride our milk cow. My Dad got his belt to me many times for catching me riding his milk cow. Also, am I on the mailing list to get the Christian Ranchman, if not please put me in it, I really like it. God Bless you all. God loves us so much. Page 12 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * July / August 2013 Chapter Updates..... Greetings from Tucson, Arizona! About a year ago I began to feel God calling me back into the cowboy ministry. I have been away from this type of ministry for over twenty years. Through a series of events God placed me here in Tucson. As I prayed about how I should proceed, doors began to open. By chance (God’s providence) my wife and I decided to go watch some bull riding at a practice arena in Marana. While we were there watching, I felt directed to approach the stock contractor and introduce myself and my ministry. God is never outdone! The contractor is a Christian! As we talked, another cowboy joined us in our conversation. He too was a Christian! As I began to share what God had put on my heart, it became clear that this introduction was meant to be. Jason Summerkamp, the cowboy I shared my vision with agreed to meet with me the following morning for coffee. The idea to start a local chapter of Cowboys for Christ was clear. Within five days of our meeting four Christian cowboys were sitting around the dinner table discussing what God had put on their hearts. A month later after much prayer and discernment, we formed the first chapter of the Cowboys for Christ in southern Arizona. God has brought a great combination of experience and ministry goals together! We are all looking forward to getting the message of Christ out within the rodeo and livestock world in our area. As the first year president of this new chapter I am excited to see the chapter board and members minister as God leads them! Our motto is, “We are not a group that hangs out, we reach out.” Please keep us in your prayers and visit one of us if you are ever in our area! 1 Corinthians 12:4-6. In Christ, Chris Moses- Chapter President Jason Summerkamp – Vice President Randy Washington – Secretary Tom Clevish – Treasurer Rick Wilson - Chaplain Dear Dave, I talked with you Memorial Day morning and enjoyed our visit. It was a blessing. Hope you can use these poems somewhere. Hope to visit with you again soon. SOMETHING TO GIVE By Oran Hill As I sit here thinking if something I could do Or something I could give such a friend as you Nothing I can think of is good enough for you But I know Someone that can do a lot for you For when you are feeling lonely and everything looks blue When your friends forsake you and the whole world looks down on you Go to Him in prayer and He will answer you Call upon Him now and He will see you through For every little thing you need you will find in Him In His light He will lead you and it won’t be dim In this old world of turmoil and sin You can rest assured when you place your trust in Him And when your life is over and at last has come to an end He will lift you up to Heaven just to be with Him WHAT HAS YOUR LIFE BEEN By Oran Hill Have you ever stopped to think just what your life has been Are you what you want to be or what you should have been Are you proud of how you live, or hope it won’t be seen Does your neighbor see the good in you, or is the bad all that’s ever seen You may have your money and everything you need But out of all your worldly treasures is your conscience clean Do you know the Savior and of His love and grace Or have you been too busy to seek His loving face If He called upon you now would you rejoice to see His face Or would you try to find a place to hide all your disgrace LOOKING FOR JESUS By Austin Cooper I was looking for Jesus, There praying in the pew I was looking for Jesus, I was born brand new I was looking for Jesus, You know His story is true Jesus touched me and in my heart I knew That soldier really speared Him, stuck a hole here in His side He was bloody from the beating before He was crucified When I think how Jesus suffered that day that He died I can’t help it, I hang my head and I cry I was looking for Jesus, And I found me a friend I was looking for Jesus, I guess I always have been I was looking for Jesus, I looked everywhere and then I found Jesus and He washed away my sin Mary came looking for Jesus, full of grief and dread There at His tomb she found angels instead They brought news and this is what he said The angel told Mary, Jesus rose from the dead I was looking for Jesus, Everywhere that I go I was looking for Jesus, When will He show I was looking for Jesus, I want Him to know That I’m looking for Him, because I love Him so I prayed to God, Father give me a sign To prove for sure that Jesus is mine He said it’s faith, not seeing, some of the time Just love Me my children and everything will be just fine I was looking for Jesus, In everything that I do I was looking for Jesus, He’ll be coming soon I was looking for Jesus, You know He loves you Let’s all look together because He loves me, too I looked way up yonder and what did I see My Savior on the clouds coming for me I believed on His Name that was the key I’ll be in heaven if you are looking for me I was looking for Jesus, I was not afraid I was looking for Jesus, Best move I ever made I was looking for Jesus, So my soul would be saved None of us are worthy of the price that He paid Up here in Heaven the streets are made of gold I live in a mansion just as Jesus foretold We all live forever and never grow old Everywhere I look I see wings and halos I was looking for Jesus, He didn’t leave me behind I was looking for Jesus, Praying for a sign I was looking for Jesus, He was there all the time While I was looking for Him, He was already mine God Bless America Page 13 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * July / August 2013 My Testimony By James Bowman Howdy Cowboys and Cowgirls, I pray that this finds y’all doing good. First of all I would like to praise God for the opportunity to share my testimony. It is my utmost hope that the Good Lord will use it to accomplish His will and bring glory to His name. I was raised on a small ranch just outside of Crockett, Texas. The Lord blessed me with a loving, Christian family. I grew up in the church, usually attending 2 or 3 services a week. My family taught me about Jesus and how to live a Christian life. I accepted Jesus as my Savior and was baptized just before my eighth birthday. I couldn’t have asked for a better life growing up. About the time I entered high school things began to change. I began to see that it wasn’t popular or “cool” to be a Christian. So I gradually stopped associating with my Christian friends and started hanging around the wrong crowd. Even worse was that I began separating myself from God. As time went on things got worse, I started drinking, became rebellious and disobedient…to God, my family and authority. All of this led me to coming to prison shortly after my eighteenth birthday. But that still wasn’t enough for God to get my attention. My heart was so callus that I was going to do this time the way I wanted to, which led me to frequently getting into trouble and more than my share of violence. During the next 19 years I did time in several different units of prisons, living the way I wanted. In 2009 I was transferred back to a unit that I had been on about 10 years earlier. Not long after arriving there I ran into Richie. I had known Richie when I was there before and he is a very good friend of mine, and just like me he was an ol’ outlaw. When Richie saw me his face lit up and he said, “I was just thinking about you.” (Looking back I know that was the Holy Spirit already at work.) He asked me to meet him in the chapel to catch up on old times. (You see in prison, chapels ain’t just places of worship, but also meeting places.) So when Sunday rolled around I met up with him in the Chapel and we started talking about things that had been going on in our lives. When the service began and they called on Richie to pray, I was shocked. And folks let me tell ya, he can Pray! After the service he went on to tell me how he had surrendered his life to Christ, and he encouraged me to change the way I was living. Richie is like a brother to me and the only way I would get a chance to visit with him was in the chapel. So I started attending the services regularly and over the next few years I changed the way I was living, but I still hadn’t surrendered everything to Christ. In 2012, my unit held the first ever prison “Emmaus Walk” which is basically a lock-in. They locked about 50 men in the chapel for 3 days, and they ate in the chapel and slept on the floor. Richie was blessed to be a part of that first one and he told me such good things about it that I signed up for the second one. Well, I was selected to go and it was a weekend I will never forget. The entire weekend was spent in praise, worship, prayer, listening to various preachers, and quiet time in the Word of God. Never in my life have I been a part of something so powerful. You could feel the Holy Spirit moving and that is something I had never experienced before. It was late at night on March 30, 2012 that I finally came to know Jesus in a personal and intimate way. I finally surrendered everything to Him, and folks let me tell you that He has radically changed my life. It has only been a little over a year since that night but He has truly blessed me, not in a material way, but by revealing just how much He loves me. 2 Peter 3:9 says, “The Lord is not slack concerning His promises, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” I spent 22 years in this prison living a sinful life so I whole heartedly thank God for being longsuffering toward me. Jesus was merciful and poured His grace out on me, and He wants to do the same for all who have gone astray. Folks, we ain’t promised tomorrow, so if you ain’t right with Jesus right now I want to urge you to repent and surrender everything to Christ. And if you have never known Jesus, there’s no time like now to get to know Him. Don’t waste so much of your life like I did, invite Him into your heart today. I pray that the Lord will use this testimony to touch someone’s heart. Friends, Jesus is waiting to receive any and all that will answer His call. May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with each of you, see y’all on the trail. Your brother in Christ, James Bowman *RECYCLE* THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN IS NOW AVAILABLE ON OUR WEBSITE! SHARE YOUR COPY WITH SOMEONE ELSE AND READ IT ONLINE AT www.cowboysforchrist.net Cuttin’ On The Lazy K By Skeeter Ray Martin He’s out of the ranch house early the Cowboss was, cause there ain’t no bein’ lazy ’round the Lazy K. The Cowboss, why he’s a God fearin’ man. He knows his name is written in the Lamb’s book of life with the ink of his Savior’s Blood. There’s more to this cutter than just sortin’ a bovine, I know, ‘cause I’ve seen it. When the horses hear him stirin’ about, they know there’s no more grazin’ and there’s work to be done. They are haltered, saddled and stretched. Them mares are wantin’ to get bossy under the saddle, but Cowboss ain’t havin’it none. He’s gonna work’em hard to make’em soft at the bit. Cowboss is workin’ his cow horses. He’s workin’ his cows and he’s workin his cowhands, that’s a dog who’s hard of hearin’ and a greenhorn wattie that ain’t much better. They’s all workin’ up a sweat, ‘cause the Cowboss is about he and his mares havin’ one mind in the head. That’s cuttin’ that cow on the Lazy K. (This here little jig is for the trailboss, namely David, who’s workin’ for another Trailboss, namely Jesus) WE NEED YOUR TESTIMONY Email, Snail Mail or Pony Express.... Any way you can get it to us! Page 14 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * July / August 2013 IS THAT ALL THERE IS - PART 2 Testimony by Phil Brown This is the second part of Phil’s testimony, please see the May/June Christian Ranchman for part one At three week I was back to normal and they released me. However, the doctor warned me not to drink again, as my system would no longer tolerate it and it could kill me. Well, I knew I couldn’t face life without drinking and so I went back to one of my doctors and told him I could not stop drinking unless he gave me some drugs to help me cope with life. So he gave me a strong tranquilizer saying it would take the place of alcohol, however only a few days went by until I started drinking again. I decided I could not live without it, plus I went ahead and took the tranquilizers and also was smoking three packs of cigarettes a day. I got worse than ever and I would drink in the morning, before work and at lunch time and alone at home at night. I felt so alone and desperate and depressed that I had thoughts of suicide again. One night I flipped the television dial and stopped on a Billy Graham Crusade and I become so overwhelmed with conviction that I prayed the Sinner’s Prayer there in my living room alone and I cried my heart out to God. Little did I know that this was the biggest decision I would ever make in my entire life. Now cigarettes were making me sick and I cried to God to set me free from them and He did. Through Him I was able to quit smoking after 25 years and I never smoked again. However, I kept on drinking, because I still needed my crutch. Every Sunday morning I went to a restaurant a few miles from home to eat breakfast and there was a church named Northside Baptist that I passed by going and coming and I had been doing it for years. But now when I passed by that church I suddenly had a strong desire to go in and it became almost overwhelming, but I could not understand why. So I decided to go the next Sunday as it seemed the Lord was telling me this is what I want you to do for Me and besides, I knew if I didn’t do something my lifestyle would kill me. When they gave the invitation I knew I should go forward, but I was scared and resisted. A few Sundays later, in June 1974, when they gave the invitation the urge to go forward was so strong I could hardly resist, but I said to God, “I cannot go up there because I’m still a sinner” and He said, “Come, just as you are.” I said, “But Lord, I’m scared and I need to straighten out my life.” He said, “COME NOW, just as you are.” I shot out and up the aisle as though being propelled and I made a public decision and asked to follow Him in baptism. I was overwhelmed as all the people came up to greet me and wondered what was next. That night the Lord said, “Don’t worry, I will never leave you.” At that time the Lord set me free from using foul language. My problem now was that I was saved and soon to be baptized, but I was still a hopeless alcoholic of 25 years and I could not face life without my crutch. I cried out to God and prayed as never before and said, “Lord, only You can help and now that I’ve come to You I know I must change, but I cannot do it alone.” And I said, “Lord I still crave alcohol and I’m desperate. What must I do?” The Lord said, “Have faith and stop drinking, now! You are free. Just trust Me and keep your eyes on Me and I’ll be with you.” After work the next day as I neared the liquor store that I had stopped at every day for the last ten years, I thought about what the Lord said and I just went right on by and then as the days went by I lost my desire and I had no tremors or withdrawal problems and no more nightmares. I had an inner peace that I never had before and I said, “Praise God, I am free at last.” Then I realized I was still addicted to all of those drugs I had been taking and it seemed another mountain was before me, and I prayed to God once again to set me free. In faith I stopped taking drugs and after a few weeks I felt like I had woke up out of a dream and all the past was like a distant haze. Life seemed worth living for the first time, and I had no withdrawal symptoms through it all. I also realized that the Lord had restored me to the same quiet and shy personality that I had as a child. Now just when I though all was well, events came about that brought up my bad discharge from the Air Force, and it hung over me like a dark cloud. Not knowing what to do, I took it to the Lord in prayer. Now the Lord impressed upon me to write a letter to the Chief of Staff of the Air Force and explain to him that I had repented. To me this seemed stupid, and I thought why a man of such high rank would be concerned with my past record. But the Lord said to write the letter, and so I did. To my surprise a few weeks later a large envelope arrived with not only an Honorable Discharge for me, but also a nice letter from the Chief of Staff. And I praised God. Now I made the mistake of thinking I had it made and settled into my Christian walk, so to speak. I went to church on Sunday morning and when I got home I put my Bible up until next Sunday. I just gave what money I could spare and thought to myself it was OK, because I cannot afford to tithe anyway. I had not learned that you reap what you sow. Now this went on for some time and things were not really going right and I said, “Lord, is that all there is?” Much of the time I would lie in bed at night and think about the past and all the wild times I used to have and I more or less entertained these thoughts and I didn’t see any harm in it. However, one night around midnight, as I was doing that a Scripture verses flashed in my mind, it was like a bolt of lightning hit me and it scared me. Romans 13:1114 I had no idea what that Scripture was, because after all I did not spend that much time in the Bible anyway. I jumped out of bed, turned on the light and looked it up. As I read that scripture, the Lord led me to other Scriptures also and spoke to me and revealed to me that I was on the wrong road. I will share that Scripture with you from The Living Bible, as that is what I was using at that time. Romans 13:11-14 Another reason for right living is this: you know how late it is; time is running out. Wake up, for the coming of the Lord is nearer now than when we first believed. 12-13 The night is far gone, the day of his return will soon be here. So quit the evil deeds of darkness and put on the armor of right living, as we who live in the daylight should! Be decent and true in everything you do so that all can approve your behavior. Don’t spend your time in wild parties and getting drunk or in adultery and lust or fighting or jealousy. 14 But ask the Lord Jesus Christ to help you live as you should, and don’t make plans to enjoy evil. And then the Lord said, “No, that’s not all there is!” He said, “If you want more and IF YOU WANT ME to bless you and if you want to have a victorious life then you must let Me be Lord.” He said, “I am your Savior, but not your Lord.” This is what you must do; you must let Me be first in your life in every way.” He said, “You must deny yourself and take up your cross every day and live for Me. You must surrender to Me totally and completely without compromise.” He said, “I hate mediocrity and lukewarmness; you must be hot or cold.” And I said, “Surely Lord, and I want to be hot.” So the Lord revealed to me that I must change my attitude and get rid of anger and bitterness and forgive everyone as He forgave me and if anyone is angry with me, I must go to them and forgive them and not just put it aside. He said that I must let Him be Lord over the TV I watch and the movies I see and the company I keep. He said that I was to have a pure heart and a pure mind and to stop entertaining all those evil thoughts of the past. I said, “Even that Lord!” And He said, “Yes, because whatever you think that is what you are and I cannot work out of a garbage can.” The Lord said, “You must tithe first and have faith in me to supply your needs, even when you’re down to your last, I must be first.” The Lord told me to spend time in the Word every day, preferably first thing in the morning, seeking His will. And He said, “There’s more to church than just occupying a pew on Sunday morning each week.” He said, “When I give you a blessing, don’t keep it, rather use it to bless someone else.” The Lord said, “I AM all there is, and if you put Me first and do all these things, then when the world (Cont. on Pg. 15) Page 15 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * July / August 2013 IS THAT ALL THERE IS - PART 2 (Cont. from Pg. 14) looks at you, they will see me, and this will glorify Me, and only then, can you truly say I am your Lord.” So one by one I surrendered these things to the Lord and I started putting Him first and tithing and soon the Lord heaped upon me blessing after blessings. Certainly this is not to say that I don’t have any problems, I can assure you I have plenty of them. But instead of seeking the solutions to the problems myself, I give them to the Lord in prayer and I find that He will answer in His time, according to His will. The answer is not always the one I want, but He knows what is best and I just have faith and trust in Him. Now I’m not perfect and I know I never will be, but the Lord is still working on me. And He said, “Walk in My will every day and I will bless you, if you don’t then you will reap just what you sow.” “AND THAT’S ALL THERE IS” Now in closing I’d just like to say that at least 25 years of my life was wasted in the hopeless despair of alcohol and drug abuse and pleasure seeking, but when I cried out to the Lord, He reached down and lifted me out of that pit. This world is a big cesspool of immorality and greed and lust of the flesh and God’s judgment is going to come upon us. And the wages of sin is death, and I thank God that He was long suffering and allowed me to live long enough to meet Jesus and be born again and repent. Now, I don’t know how much time I have left here on earth, but I do know when it’s up, I’ll go home to be with the Lord forever. Thank you for letting me share my testimony. Testimony By Robert Barnard (Cont. from Pg. 1) David consolidates his power over all of Israel. This man is full of courage, has tremendous management skills, and is a leader among leaders. And then comes along this little cutie-pie – Bathsheba. Oh my! Did he forget God? And then he plots the murder of her husband. Wow! What was he thinking? So here I am. A broken man and convicted by the Holy Spirit of my sins. And all I wanted to do was dance. I was feeling guilty of all my wrongdoings. How could I dance with God when I was such a failure? Then I truly learned about the Cross and the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus on that Cross. All of us have fallen short and none of us deserve that dance. I’m now forgiven and guess what? I now have that dance. And what a dance it is! And now I’m just beginning to get over that fear, that self- consciousness, and I don’t care what you think. Go ahead call me names; I’m used to that to be sure. You can now call me a dancer. I’m dancing with My Lord and Savior. Come and join us. As we are underway into 2013, the sluggish economy is still a cloud over many of our heads. We are all trying to make money stretch further in 2013 and The Christian Ranchman is no different. We will be going to bimonthly papers this year so that we may continue to send this paper out. We ask that you please remember your brother and sister in Christ in your prayers, as well as the staff here at Cowboys for Christ that this is the year we make more time to spend with God. All gifts given to this ministry are tax deductible, we sure need them! Death, as Christians understand it, is a change in the form of life; it is not a cessation of life. Those who have been given eternal life in Christ Jesus will spend a few fleeting moments here on this earth. The rest of eternity is spent in the presence of God. Service in the name of Christ can also live on, even though the servant has gone to his heavenly reward. A living memorial in the name of a loved one, in the form of contributions, bequests or gifts to the work of Cowboys For Christ, will be acknowledged with a reproduction of the Keith Avery drawing, "A Time For Looking Back". Keith's poem accompanying the drawing. "Checkin' the Back Trail", will also be included with the reproduction of the drawing, in a framable presentation which acknowledges the receipt of the gift. Memorial Gifts Cowboys For Christ P.O. Box 7557, Fort Worth, TX 76111 This donation is in memory of: Name: _____________________________ Address:____________________________ City: ______________State: __ Zip: _____ DONOR: ___________________________ Address: ___________________________ City:______________State: __ Zip: ______ Page 16 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * July / August 2013 No Bull About Jesus at Cummins Prison Cowboys and Cowgirls, we sure had a great time of ministry at Grady Arkansas with the No Bull About Jesus Chapter and Sparky, the Texas Longhorn steer. Kane Riggs and his very committed prison ministry team joined me to take JESUS CHRIST to the guys who are there at the Cummins Unit. This was my third ministry trip to Cummins and I must say that I greatly enjoyed visiting with the guys that I have met there before and also meeting the new ones. All eyes were on Sparky as Kane rode him through the gate into the yard and that sure gave us a major opportunity to share JESUS CHRIST to everyone there. And share JESUS CHRIST is something that Kane and the dedicated group of cowboys of the chapter really likes to do and they are good at it, too. Because after I had opened with prayer; Mike and his guitar and Kane and his harmonica went to singing and playing which sure kept the attention of everyone there. I joked that Mike gave Willie Nelson singing lessons, but I wasn’t kidding about his talent. He can sure sing and with Kane as back up playing the harmonica and singing, they were awesome. Each cowboy of the team gives their own powerful testimony of how the LORD has changed their lives and delivered them from drugs and alcohol. They know that the LORD has also sent them to proclaim the LOVE of JESUS to those who have been caught in that snare of satan. These guys are really dedicated and travel many miles and conduct many Cowboy Church services in jail and prisons throughout Arkansas and Oklahoma. It was a privilege to share in their work and to enjoy their fellowship for the weekend. They are great examples of what it really means to serve the LORD and to reach out to the lost and hurting. Please pray for them as they continue to serve and be on the watch for some exciting news as they expand their efforts to reach out to those that are unwanted or feel unloved. I want to thank Chaplain Banks for the invitation to Cowboys For Christ to go there and minister and for getting everything worked out and also especially for his friendship. I am so thankful for his love of the LORD and desire to serve that makes ministry there so welcome. Also big thanks to Chaplain Gary Ralls of the First Baptist Church of Gould for so graciously hosting the chapter for the weekend. We had great accommodations in the church and Sparky and his traveling buddy, Gumo (a brahman bull) were blessed to camp out under the large trees on the church grounds. The LORD’S work and ministry was greatly accomplished there both days with souls saved, lives changed and wonderful times of prayer and seeking HIS WILL. GOD is good. L - R - Abram, Dennis, Jamie, Kane, Sparky and Mike A super big “thank you” to Pastor Ford Adkins (a top rodeo hand a few years back) and his fine group of Cowboys and Cowgirls of the Cross Timbers Cowboys Church for making us so very welcome and especially for allowing Jimmy Wayne to share his horse training secrets, as well as, the Word of God at the morning service. I must relay to everyone that I had the special pleasure of meeting James Bowman’s father, who attends Cross Timbers Cowboy Church. I did not know that this was the church that he attended and when he came up and introduced himself it sure made the day even more special. I sure want to thank Jimmy Wayne for a great horsemanship clinic and to the folks of the church for the wonderful fellowship. Chaplain Ralls on Sparky, Kane, Mike, Dennis, Jamie and Abram No Bull Horsemanship By Jimmy Wayne Zercher Russ Pressley and I were greatly blessed to travel down to Lufkin, TX to the Cross Timbers Cowboy Church to hear Jimmy Wayne proclaim the Word of God at the Sunday morning service. Jimmy Wayne did a great job of relating horsemanship principles to the God’s Holy Word and explaining how to apply those principles in our lives. What a neat teaching to keep your horse’s body straight and to keep them moving forward, which certainly can be applied to our Christian walk. We were then blessed to a BBQ sandwich, chips and ice tea by the youth of the church. After partaking of this “cowboy grub” we headed out to the arena for some instruction and pointers by Jimmy Wayne on using the principles of keeping the body straight and moving forward in horsemanship fashion as we school and train our horses. There were a number of cowboys and cowgirls that brought their horses to receive individual guidance on their own horses, as well as, a bunch of spectators that were taking notes to take back to their stables and their horses. Jimmy Wayne Zercher, Pastor Ford Adkins and Dave Harvey Jimmy Wayne (setting on the horse giving instructions)
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