SCAFCS 2015 Conference Program
SCAFCS 2015 Conference Program “Advancing the Field with NewTechnology” 100th Annual Conference in partnership with the South Carolina Department of Education Embassy Suites Hotel Columbia, South Carolina February 19-20, 2015 Dr. Carol Weatherford President This is our 100th annual AAFCS-SCAFCS Conference! It is a great accomplishment for our profession and membership. Our members are dedicated and committed and that legacy of dedication and commitment has been handed down for over a century. We must be determined to continue that legacy while advancing our field. At this 100th conference, we will focus on Advancing Family and Consumer Sciences with Technology. Our conference theme is FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES: Advancing the Field with New Technology. As I have reflected on this theme, several concepts have emerged for me. We could not do this conference without technology, at least not at the level at which we do it. All of you, all over the state, make this conference happen and we are linked by technology for most of our communication. In classrooms, in offices, in our homes, we are served by technology to make our job performance better. Technology can also present unique challenges. Some of us still prefer the face-to-face contact with one another, and technology can make the face-to-face contact happen when it would otherwise be impossible. Using technology, we are able to archive and retrieve more information and retrieve it easier and faster than ever before. Using technology, we are able to create and teach in creative ways that have not been available before. So we are here to learn about how to use technology to advance our field. Let us also use it to make us stronger and to support one another in our efforts. We are planning a South Carolina Legislative Day in March. Our tee shirts were first created with that in mind. Please buy one to wear on that day to make a solid, proud statement to our legislators. Every time you wear it, however, you will be making a positive statement for South Carolina Family and Consumer Sciences. You will be letting people know who we are. We hope it will spark conversation and opportunities to advance our field. We are a voice for professionals who serve the families of South Carolina so we also are a voice for the families of South Carolina. Even in difficult times and circumstances, we must stand together and move forward. Each of the past two years, just after Christmas, I have made a focused effort to contact each member of our AAFCS-SCAFCS affiliate individually, using technology. What I have learned from that effort has been amazing and has inspired me. What I have learned is this. You are heroes as you go about your work and family life. So many of you do your amazing work for the people of South Carolina under very difficult circumstances, yet you do your work with commitment, dedication, care, and excellence. I have been humbled, renewed, and awed as I have learned about how you serve. Today, more than ever, it is imperative to stand together and support one another in our mission and goals. There is strength in our efforts together and in reaching out to one another. Page | 2 National AAFCS Teacher of the year Christy Wilson Changing the World Through FACS provides opportunities for students to work across curricular areas and to present in three different venues. She plans the program to allow students to make decisions, solve problems, and provide assistance and education to others. She values diversity in her program and in her work as a teacher in general. Mrs. Wilson is working to change the world through FACS and provided evidence in her Teacher of the Year application that she is successful in doing so. As she works to improve her community, state, nation, and world, she is increasing the visibility, recognition, appreciation, and support of the Family and Consumer Sciences profession. Her assistance to and partnerships with other agencies, the publicity she has received, and the respect for her work from her students, colleagues, and supervisors demonstrate the excellence of her work. She is more than a nationally recognized Teacher of the Year by being a consistent mentor, leader, and innovative teacher every day. Mrs. Wilson identified eight outcomes for her program Changing the World through FACS and has provided examples of how each outcome was reached. She also collected an extensive and impressive list of service items or products which her students have provided for local, state, and international organizations to make a difference in the world. In addition her program involves a research project that teaches students to identify and assess family and community needs, develop a platform for meeting the needs, implement strategies to improve at least three areas of need. Students also communicate about what they planned, learned, and accomplished. The use of current technology, improvement in writing and presenting, improvement in financial literacy and promotion of the field of Family and Consumer Sciences is integrated throughout the project. As National AAFCS Teacher of the Year, I was able to travel to St. Louis Missouri where I attended the 2014 National Conference. During the conference, I spoke to the conference attendees in the opening session, presented my program during the TOY luncheon, and participated in the Educational Showcase where I met educators who shared their powerful FACS lessons and programs. This experience has enabled me to meet a number of new faces and make connections across the United States. I feel the experience has highlighted Family & Consumer Sciences in South Carolina. The recognition has put a spotlight on our field through the eyes of our Governor, State Representatives, and the SC State Superintendent of Education. This recognition has brought political figures, community members, educational professionals, newspaper writers, and TV News crews into my classroom to witness the field of Family & Consumer Sciences in action. The connections made will benefit our students in a positive way for many years to come. Page | 3 AAFCS Leader Award Dr. Ethel G. Jones Her career (1996—present) has included outstanding work with Co-operative Extension Services, High School teacher, Events Coordinator for FHA aka FCCLA with the State Department of Education in South Carolina, and Graduate Teaching and Research Assistantships at Iowa State University. At South Carolina State University in Orangeburg, South Carolina, her tenure advanced from a Visiting Assistant Professor and Program Advisor/Coordinator to a tenured Associate Professor and Chairperson of the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences. Dr. Jones has influenced the direction and attention paid to aspects of our association and profession. Most recently, she established an Orangeburg County Initiative to address the issue of obesity. Dr. Jones has written proposals in support of her professional work and the work of the department. Six have been funded. Dr. Jones’ professional presentations and publications demonstrate a significant level of professional responsibility. She has also provided leadership for members of her department seeking promotion and tenure and for the successful reaffirmed accreditation of programs within the Department (Family and Consumer Sciences, Nutrition and Food Management, and Child Development). Dr. Jones has consistently served the Family and Consumer Sciences profession and AAFCS by holding various offices, including being elected to the Council for Accreditation, President and Vice President of the 1890 Council of Administrators in Family and Consumer Sciences, President of the National Association of Teacher Educators for Family and Consumer Sciences, President and currently Treasurer of the South Carolina Affiliate, and many others. She has served on numerous committees and has attended and presented at many state and national conferences. She faithfully attends and participates in our South Carolina Affiliate Board meetings. Various groups have recognized the outstanding contributions of Dr. Jones through numerous state and national awards, reflecting a very positive professional reputation regionally and nationally. She was named Outstanding Family and Consumer Sciences Professional by the National Coalition for Black Development in Family and Consumer Sciences. Dr. Jones was also twice named “Teacher of the Year” at South Carolina State University for the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, College of Business and Applied Professional Sciences and School of Applied Professional Sciences. She has received other awards including a Presidential Award, Speaker’s Award, Presenter’s Award, Academic Achievement Award, and Outstanding Dissertation Award. Page | 4 SOUTH CAROLINA HOME ECONOMICS ASSOCIATION & SOUTH CAROLINA ASSOCIATION OF FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES PRESIDENTS YEAR 1914 – 1917 1917 – 1919 1919 – 1921 1921 – 1922 1922 – 1924 1924 – 1925 1925 – 1926 1926 – 1927 1927 – 1928 1928 – 1930 1930 – 1931 1931 – 1933 1933 – 1935 1935 – 1937 1937 – 1939 1939 – 1941 1941 – 1942 1942 – 1943 1943 – 1944 1944 – 1946 1946 – 1948 1948 – 1950 1950 – 1952 1952 – 1954 1954 – 1956 1956 – 1958 1958 – 1961 1961 – 1963 1963 – 1965 1966 – 1967 1967 --1969 NAME Lalla Martin Mary B. McGowan Catherine Mulligan Christine South (Gee) Sarah Gilliam Lalla Martin Alice B. Foote Blanche Tarrant (Woodward) Meta DeLoach Stella Steele Mrs. Ralph Goodson Jane Ketchen Telma Malone Sarah Cragwell Ada Moser Margaret McGint (Crowson) Lonny I. Landrum Annie Mae Hiedebrand/ Elizabeth Monroe, Acting Mary Fraser Julia Brunson Janie McDill Elizabeth Watson (Potter) Ellen Miner Alma Bentley Ethel B. Watters Juanita Neely Kathleen Gaston Telma Malone Sallie P. Musser Claudia Ellis Helen Loftis YEAR 1969 – 1971 1971 – 1973 1973 – 1975 1975 – 1977 1977 – 1979 1979 – 1981 1981 – 1983 1983 – 1985 1985 – 1987 1987 – 1989 1989 – 1991 1991 – 1993 1993 – 1994 1994 – 1995 1995 – 1996 1996 – 1997 1997 – 1998 1998 – 1999 6/99 – 12/99 12/99 – 06/01 6/01 – 05/02 2002 – 2003 2003 – 2004 2004 – 2005 2005 – 2006 2006 – 2007 2007 – 2008 2008 – 2009 2009 – 2010 2010 – 2011 2011 – 2012 2012 – 2013 2013 –2014 NAME Ruby Craven Martha Seawright Ruth Hovermale Eleanor Holton (McIntyre) Emily Wiggins Veronica Carmack (Inman) Leola Adams Louise Hassenplug Judy Brock Judith Kline Mary Alice Thompson Nelda Howell Ann Warner Lillie Glover Carol Webb Linda Russell Marie Bell Sara Swanson Nancy Porter Brenda Thames Nancy Porter Queen Bowman Della A. Baker Donna Bundrick Ethel Jones Juanita Mendenhall Sheila Littlejohn Anna Sumabat Turner Dorothy Blanton Diane G. Smathers Eleanor R. Abel Glover Lorna Williams Carol G. Weatherford Note: Names appearing in ( ) are married names of individuals who married after serving as president. Page | 5 2014-2015 AAFCS-SCAFCS BOARD OF DIRECTORS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE *President *President-‐elect *Vice President-‐ Program *Vice President Program-‐elect *Vice President – Services *Vice President – Finance *Secretary *Historian *Counselor STANDING COMMITTEES *Finance/Budget *Bylaws *Membership Promotion and Credentials *Nominating *Program of Work (Development) Program of Work (Implementation) Dr. Carol G. Weatherford Ms. Sarah Jordan Mrs. Pontheola Wilson Mrs. Jessica Barnett Carswell Mrs. Dorothy Blanton Dr. Ethel Jones Mrs. Patricia Egan Mrs. Rebecca Mann Mrs. Lorna Williams Dr. Ethel Jones, Chair Dr. Carol G. Weatherford Mrs. Patricia Egan Mrs. Lorna Williams Mrs. Juanita Mendenhall Mrs. Dorothy Blanton, Chair Mrs. Sara Swanson, Co-Chair Mrs. Sara Swanson, Chair Ms. Melody Weatherford Mrs. Loretta Bush Mrs. Glenna Mason Dr. Sue Reichelt Ms. Sarah Jordan, Chair Dr. Carol G. Weatherford Mrs. Lorna Williams Dr. Carol G. Weatherford, Chair Dr. Eleanor R. Abel Glover Mrs. Lorna Williams Mrs. Dorothy Blanton Dr. Ethel Jones COMMUNITIES OF INTEREST *Family Economics & Resource Management Dr. Sue Reichelt *Family Relations/Human Development Mrs. Sara Swanson *Human Services Dr. Eleanor R. Abel Glover Mrs. Jeannie Hyman *Nutrition, Health & Food Management Mrs. Anna Turner Dr. Juanita Bowens-Seabrook *Apparel Design and Textiles Dr. Bill Whitaker Ms. Linda Ballington Ms. Jean Pesce *Global Perspectives Mrs. Juanita Mendenhall *Colleges, Universities and Research Dr. Sheila Littlejohn Myers *Elementary, Secondary, Adult Education Ms. Sarah Jordan Mrs. Loretta S. Bush Page | 6 *Extension *Business & Entrepreneurship Mrs. Judy Brock Mrs. Donna Bundrick Griffin Walter P. Rawls & Son Student Unit Chairman Ms. Kimberly Goethe (SCSU) Student Unit Advisor Ms. LaToya Johnson Annual Meeting Mrs. Pontheola Wilson, Chair Ms. Jessica Carswell Mrs. Judy Brock Ms. Queen Bowman Mrs. Iris Gardner Mrs. Dorothy Blanton Newsletter Parliamentarian Public Relations Dr. Eleanor R. Abel Glover Dr. Lillie Glover Mrs. Anna Turner Ms. Sarah Jordan Mrs. Loretta Bush Dr. Carol G. Weatherford Mrs. Anna Turner Mrs. Mary Alice Thompson Dr. Lillie Glover, Chair Dr. Eleanor R. Abel Glover Dr. Ethel Jones AAFCS Fund Drive Recognitions and Awards Ms. Iris Garner Mrs. Ponthelola Wilson Dr. Carol G. Weatherford Dr. Sheila Littlejohn-‐Myers Mrs. Julia Brock Ms. Kimberly Goethe Mrs. Christy Wilson Ms. Dannie Keepler Mrs. Sara Swanson SC FCS Coalition Representative Dr. Carol G. Weatherford *Public Affairs/Policy SC Dept. Education Liaison Ms. Queen Bowman Dr. Eleanor R. Abel Glover Sally P. Musser Fund Ms. LaToya Johnson SCATFACS Liaison Ms. Kimberly Myers FCCLA Liaison Ms. Jessica Barnett Carswell Benevolence Mrs. Sara Swanson 2014-‐2015 DISTRICT CHAIRS/CO-‐CHAIRS District 1 Abbeville, Anderson, Cherokee, Edgefield, Greenville, Greenwood, Laurens, McCormick, Oconee, Pickens, Saluda, Spartanburg Membership Co-Chair: Mrs. Dorothy Blanton Dr. Carol Weatherford Meeting Chairs: Mrs. Rebecca Mann Mrs. Melody Weatherford District 2 Chester, Fairfield, Lancaster, Lexington, Newberry, Richland, Union, York District 3 Clarendon, Florence, Kershaw, Lee, Sumter, Chesterfield, Darlington, Dillon, Georgetown, Horry, Marion, Marlboro, Williamsburg District 4 Aiken, Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Berkeley, Calhoun, Charleston, Colleton, Dorchester, Hampton, Jasper, Orangeburg Membership Chair: Mr. Dominique Montgomery Membership Chair: Mrs. Bessie Walker Meeting Chairs: Mrs. Pontheola Wilson Ms. Geraldine L. Dixon Meeting Chairs: Mrs. Glenna Mason Mrs. Loretta Bush Ms. Queen Bowman Page | 7 Membership Chair: Mrs. Leslie Hamby Meeting Chairs: Ms. Iris Gardner Mrs. Patricia Egan Mrs. Christy Wilson AAFCS-SCAFCS Board Meeting Agenda Dr. Carol G. Weatherford, President Wednesday, February 18, 2015 6:00 p. m. Preliminary Business Call to Order Dr. Carol G. Weatherford Thought for the Day Mrs. Juanita Mendenhall A Moment of Silence Roll Call Mrs. Patricia Egan Adoption of the Agenda Dr. Carol G. Weatherford Parliamentarian Comments Mrs. Mary Alice Thompson Mrs. Patricia Egan Minutes/Secretary’s Report Discussion and Actions from Reports (Reports sent and read prior to the meeting.) Executive Committee President Dr. Carol G. Weatherford President-Elect Mrs. Sarah Jordan Vice President Program Mrs. Pontheola Wilson/Dr. Eleanor Glover Vice President-Elect, Program Mrs. Jessica Carswell Vice President Services Mrs. Dorothy Blanton Vice President Finance (Budget) Dr. Ethel Jones Secretary Mrs. Patricia Egan Historian Mrs. Rebecca Mann Counselor Mrs. Lorna Williams Standing and Other Committees Finance Budget Dr. Ethel Jones Bylaws Mrs. Juanita Mendenhall Membership Promotion and Credentials Mrs. Dorothy Blanton Nominating Committee Chairman Mrs. Sara Swanson/Mrs. Glenna Mason AAFCS Fund Development Dr. Sheila Littlejohn Myers Public Affairs/Policy Ms. Queen Bowman Ms. Anna Sumabat Turner Newsletter Public Relations Dr. Lillie Glover Recognitions and Awards Mrs. Judy Brock Sally P. Musser Student Education Fund Mrs. LaToya Johnson Communities of Interest Family Economics & Res. Management Dr. Susan Reichelt Family Relations/Human Development Mrs. Sara Swanson Dr. Eleanor R. Abel Glover Mrs. Jeannie Hyman Nutrition, Health, and Food Management Mrs. Anna Sumabat Turner Dr. Juanita Bowens-Seabrook Apparel Design & Textiles Dr. Bill Whitaker Mrs. Jean Pesce Mrs. Linda Ballington Global Perspectives Mrs. Juanita Mendenhall Colleges, Universities and Research Dr. Sheila Littlejohn- Myers Elementary, Secondary, Adult Education Ms. Sarah Jordan Mrs. Loretta S. Bush Extension Mrs. Judy Brock Business & Entrepreneurship Mrs. Donna Bundrick Griffin Other Reports and Updates AAFCS-SCAFCS Annual Conference, Feb. 25-26, 2016 AAFCS Annual Conference, June 24-27, 2015, Jacksonville, Florida Unfinished Business Affirmation of Officers (including Secretary and 2 Nominating Committee Members) New Business AAFCS-SCAFCS act as HUGS sponsor for SC Student Unit President ($25.00) Adjournment Page | 8 Thursday, February 19, 2015 7:45 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. Registration Opens 8:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. Silent Auction (Sara Swanson) & Exhibit Set up 8:45 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. OPENING GENERAL SESSION Presider: Judy Brock Greetings: Dr. Carol G. Weatherford Welcome: Senator Vincent Sheheen Conference Overview: Jessica Carswell Speaker: Dr. Thomas Dobbins, Director Clemson Extension Technology Minutes: Latoya Johnson & SCSU Students 10:25 a.m. – 11:10 a.m. EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS A: Presenter – Donna Backwinkel, Consumer Affairs “Using LifeSmarts in the Classroom” Learn about LifeSmarts: an online game show-type competition that teaches students about technology, the environment, health and safety, consumer rights and personal finance! We will look at the LifeSmarts web site to see all that it has to offer teachers and students: lesson plans, power points, quizzes, etc. We will learn about the South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs and the resources it has available to teachers and students. And be prepared for some fun and friendly competition as we play LifeSmarts! B: Presenter – Glenna Mason, Leigh Walker & Christine Patrick; Clemson Extension “Login – Clemson Extension Password – Resources” Learn about resources from the Clemson Extension Service that can be used in the classroom or for clubs or after school groups. 11:20 a.m. – 12:05 p.m. EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS A: Presenter – Dr. Maria James, SCSU “Technology in Child Development” Technology in Child Development will focus on current trends, research, and software. B: Presenter – Kassie Mae Miller, USC “Clean and Simple Data Visualization” This session will address the basics of presenting data effectively to enhance the readability and usability of your data. Frequently, reports, charts, and tables are difficult to decipher, causing frustration, and, ultimately, taking away from the message you are trying to share. Creating clean and simple charts helps communicate your results more effectively, making readers feel smarter and more engaged with your results. This workshop will cover the importance of presenting data effectively, including a brief explanation of how our brains perceive visual information and how that impacts the formatting of information we present. I will show examples of new and unique charts, as well as tips on titles, legends, and emphasizing key information. All information will be presented using Excel and is applicable for all disciplines. Page | 9 11:20 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Exhibitors, Vendors, and Silent Auction 12:15 p.m. – 1:35 p.m. 2ND GENERAL SESSION – LUNCH Presider: Loretta Bush Keynote Speakers: Juanita Mendenhall: “A Hidden Epidemic: What FCS Professionals Need to Know” Technology Minutes: Latoya Johnson & SCSU Students EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS 1:45 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. A: Presenter – Juanita Mendenhall – (Continued from General Session) “A Hidden Epidemic” FCS professionals cannot adequately teach about nutrition unless they understand a disease that keeps one of every 100 persons from getting proper nutrition throughout their lifetime no matter how well they eat! The Disease?? Celiac, a hereditary, autoimmune disease affecting millions that don't yet know that they have it. Celiac causes so many other conditions but is very frequently not recognized as Celiac being the real cause. Professionals need to educate themselves adequately so students and others in their influence are not mislead. Thyroid disease, infertility, irritable bowel syndrome, 5 kinds of cancer and as many as 25-30 other illnesses may be the result of this mis-information. This makes it imperative that FCS professionals do have correct knowledge in order to help curb the effects of the hidden epidemic. B: Presenter – Leslie Hamby, 2014 SCAFCS Teacher of the Year “Nutrition and Agriculture: From the Field to the Table” This unit promotes agriculture and nutrition with the importance of understanding where our food comes from, how locally grown products meet our nutritional needs, and how to prepare economic recipes that are nutritious and delicious! Foods and nutrition standards are include: nutrients, food sources, nutritional needs, menu planning, recipes, agriculture and careers. Students explore the operation of a local corporate farm, observe marketing consultant presentation of packaging and with techniques to prolong shelf life, prepare recipes for taste testing. Using technology, students investigate web sites that promote agriculture and nutrition with recipes. In the kitchen setting, hands on labs promote safety and sanitation in the kitchen with reading understanding and preparing a recipe demonstrating team work. Real Life Skills! 2:40 p.m. – 3:25 p.m. A: Presenter – Marge Condrasky, Clemson University “Culinology: Creative Inquiry” Maximizing student engagement is key in education at every level. This session will define and describe two concepts: Culinology®(Research Chefs Association) and Creative Inquiry (Clemson University) which engage and connect students to each other and the industry. Examples will be presented from teams of students engaged in healthy product design, testing and development for children’s products. The culinary arts and food technology (Culinology) field will be explored from high school onto technical college and University and into the food as well as health care industries. B: Presenter – Vonne Knight, Farm Bureau “Ag in the Classroom: A Farm Bureau Program” Goal: To introduce Pre-K thru 8th Grade teachers to the Ag in the Classroom Program. Looking for new ways to integrate reading, writing, math, social studies and science with real world experiences into your daily instruction? This is the session for you! Ag in the Classroom provides grade-level specific lesson plans and resources for teachers of grades Pre-K thru 8th to help you teach your students about the sources of their food, fiber, fuel and forestry products!! All materials are aligned to the South Carolina Standards. Come join us for a hands-on experience introducing you to this teacher-friendly program! Page | 10 1:45 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Pre-Professional Session Presiding: Ms. Kimberly Gothe, SC Student Unit President “Careers in Family and Consumer Sciences” Panel: Dr. Pam Ardern-Extension, Dr. Eleanor Glover-Education, Mrs. Donna Bundrick Griffin-Business Student Unit Members Business Meeting 3:30 p.m. – 4:35 p.m. Conference Quest, Silent Auction, Networking, Apparel Design and Textile Community Meeting EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS 4:45 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. A: Exhibitor Demonstration: Diane Ross, Reality Works “Best Practices with your RealCare Program” In this session, learn how this evidence-based program combines interactive activities, complete curricula and hands-on simulators for infant care skills, parenting and childcare careers. Hear stories from instructors on program best practices and incorporating core academics into lessons. The Total Parenting Experience encompasses goal setting, parenting techniques, coping skills and more. B: Presenter: Dr. Kim N. Roper, Spring Hill High School “Introducing the SAMR Model of Technology Integration” The Substitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition (SAMR) Model offers a method of seeing how computer technology might impact teaching and learning. It also shows a progression that adopters of educational technology often follow as they progress through teaching and learning with technology. My presentation will take you through the various levels as well as show you ways that you can use this model to assist you with technology integration in your classroom. While most of us as teachers are comfortable using technology to show presentation such as PowerPoint or even to show YouTube videos there are a lot more tools and resources that will help to engage our students. I will be sharing several of these tools and help you become more comfortable using them. 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. 3rd General Session – Banquet, Officer Installation, Awards and Recognitions Presider: Dr. Carol G. Weatherford Moment of Reflection Introduction of Guests Dinner Student Speaker: Ms. Kimberly Goethe, SC State University Keynote Speaker: Christie Wilson, 2014-2015 AAFCS National Teacher of the Year Officer Installation Awards and Recognitions Page | 11 Friday, February 20, 2015 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. SCFCS Coalition Meeting – Mrs. Dorothy Blanton, Chair 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. Registration 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Exhibits and Exhibitor Demonstrations A: Exhibitor Demonstration: Mr. Scott Vines, Nutri-Stahl “Nutri-Stahl Cookware Demonstration” Mr. Scott Vines, Nutri-Stahl Cookware, will demonstrate Nutri-Stahl cookware. Participants who attend this session are eligible for a drawing for 7-piece cookware set and undesignated other pieces. (Mr. Vines may be unable to attend because of a health issue.) B: Exhibitor Demonstration: Mrs. Katherine “Dawn” Amerson, Morningside of Greenwood “Memory Full” What do you do when your memory is full? Do you delete the unnecessary items? What happens when you have deleted all that you care about and you must choose between the important items? Let’s explore how we use the skills taught in Family Consumer Science in Assisted Living to get those memories back. We will discuss technology used in Assisted Living today and how it is a career option for graduates. EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS 9:10 a.m. – 9:55 a.m. A: Presenter – Melanie Powley, Winthrop University “Apps Related to Family Management” Attend this session to learn about apps related to family management; iPads will be available for participants to practice with the apps. Participants will also have an opportunity to show any apps they may use that were not discussed. B: Presenter – Morgan DeBrew, Jeff Hughes, Orian Rugs, Inc. “Technology in Textiles” Presentation goal: to educate audience about how technology has changed the business in the rug manufacturing industry through marketing, product development, and manufacturing. 10:05 a.m. – 10:50 a.m. A: Presenter – Yolanda Ferguson, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond “Graduating? What’s Next? A New Interactive Resource for your Students” Invest in What’s Next: Life After High School is designed to help high school students make their first major financial decision, exploring potential paths to pursue after high school. As students work through the decision process they develop economics and personal finance knowledge and related skills to help implement a personalized plan. This self-paced, online module can be used in the classroom or at home and allows students to explore their many options. B: Presenter – Ruth Beals, Converse College “Teaching Interiors: Internet Inspiration” Expand your students’ ability to understand how products and materials are used to create and shape interiors through the use of internet sourcing. Materialization is a new buzz word! Learn how to source information on design firms, their projects, and the products used within the projects. Information on Page | 12 products and materials will combine issues of a global view, ecological/sustainable issues. Classroom project ideas that incorporate internet sourcing will be shared. 11:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. BUSINESS MEETING 11:00 a. m. – 11:45 a. m. Business Meeting Call to Order/Presiding Standing Rules Minutes, 2014 Annual Meeting Membership Report Treasurer’s Report Convention Report SCFCS Coalition AAFCS Fund Development Proclamation (March is FCS Month) FCS Month and SC Legislative Day New Business Election Report Introduction of 2014-15 Officers Introduction of 2014-15 Student Officers Upcoming Dates Adjournment 12:00 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. Dr. Carol G. Weatherford, President Mrs. Mary Alice Thompson, Parliamentarian Mrs. Patricia Egan, Secretary Mrs. Dorothy Blanton, VP Services Dr. Ethel Jones, VP Finance Mrs. Jessica Carswell, VP Programs-Elect Mrs. Judy Brock, Conference Treasurer Mrs. Dorothy Blanton, Coalition Chairperson Dr. Sheila Littlejohn Myers, Chairperson Mrs. Queen Bowman, Public Affairs/Policy Dr. Lillie Glover, Public Relations Mrs. Sara Swanson, Nominations Co-Chair Mrs. Glenna Mason, Nominations Co-Chair Mrs. Sara Swanson Mrs. LaToya Johnson, Student Unit Advisor Dr. Carol G. Weatherford 4th General Session – Closing Session Presider: Sarah Jordan, President-Elect Keynote Speakers: Latoya Johnson & SCSU Students “Advancing the Field with New Technology” Invitation to 2016 Conference: Jessica Carswell, VP Program-Elect History Note: History pages can be found at Page | 13 MEET OUR SPEAKERS/PRESENTERS Ms. K. Dawn Amerson has been in health care since the age of eighteen. She is licensed as a Community Residential Administrator and a nurse. She received the 2010 South Carolina Leadership in Aging award. The 2010 South Carolina Assisted Living Federation Most Valued Professional and National ALFA 2011 Champion for Seniors. Dr. Pamela Ardern has a Bachelor’s and Master’s of Science degree in Home Economics from Oklahoma State University and a PhD in Education from Clemson University. Since 2010 she has directed the 4-H programs across South Carolina, delivered by county 4-H agents and parent volunteers to more than 64,000 youth (k-12) and their families each year. Ms. Donna Backwinkel joined the Department of Consumer Affairs in November 2004. Her work has focused on outreach efforts, staff training and consumer education. Prior to Consumer Affairs, she was an attorney at the Columbia law firm of Berry Quackenbush and Stuart. Ms. Backwinkel served as a trainer for other attorneys in the area of consumer law, and she concentrated her practice in this area. Ms. Backwinkel served as the Public Services Director and Pro Bono Program Director for the South Carolina Bar from 1994 to 2001. Prior to working at the Bar, she was a staff attorney at Palmetto Legal Services and in private practice. Ms. Backwinkel has served as a presenter at numerous South Carolina Bar CLEs on consumer and bankruptcy issues, provides training on consumer law for magistrates and has been an instructor at Midlands Technical College in the paralegal program. Professor Ruth Beals is an interior design practitioner and educator. She holds a Master’s Degree in interior design from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, a Bachelor’s Degree in interior design from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and is NCIDQ certified. The Coordinator of the Interior Design Program at Converse College since 2008, Professor Beals taught interior design at the Doha, Qatar branch campus of Virginia Commonwealth University and the Ringling College of Art and Design in Sarasota, Florida. Her awards include the 2000 Edison Price Fellowship, recognitions for service from the ASID, and a copious amount of grants for research and professional development. Having a global knowledge of interior design and education, she has given presentations and has been invited to visit universities in Europe and Asia. She resides in Spartanburg, South Carolina with her husband, Dwight Rose, a watercolor artist and teacher. Mrs. Donna Bundrick-Griffin graduated from Lander University with a Bachelor’s Degree in education and minors in chemistry, science, and food technology. After graduation she joined the Clemson University Extension staff. She later worked at the South Carolina Department of Agriculture (SCDA) and became their first female marketing specialist. Her responsibilities included radio and newspaper interviews, television food segments, instore promotions, promotions at the South Carolina State Fair and other fairs, and activities promoting the SCDA and agriculture in general. After retiring in 2005, she joined the Walter P. Rawls and Sons, Inc. business where she is the Direct Consumer Liaison. She has been an AAFCS and SCAFCS member since 1971. She has held many positions on the state level. Dr. Margaret D. Condrasky throughout a 35 year background in culinary nutrition education from the high school, technical college and University levels; Dr. Condrasky has pioneered the collaborative nature of food, nutrition, and culinary arts. Credentials as a Registered Dietitian and Certified Culinary Educator support her research, education and outreach endeavors within the state, the country as well as internationally. Dr. Condrasky is an instructor of Product Development, Human Nutrition, and Food Service-Restaurant Management courses in the Food, Nutrition, and Packaging Department of Clemson University. Research is focused in culinary nutrition with projects supported by the National Institutes of Health and the United States Department of Agriculture. Work with undergraduates in student led research projects within Creative Inquiry teams have focused on developing healthy food products and services for children, culinary nutrition outreach within the community as practical experience for nutrition majors as well as partnerships with business and industry. Mrs. Morgan DeBrew is a graduate of University of South Carolina, Columbia. Mrs. DeBrew majored in Retail Management with an emphasis in Fashion Merchandising. She started working with Orian Rugs in 2010 in a sales support role and has advanced to Marketing Manager for the company. She executes pricing, balance objectives and ensures customer satisfaction. She is responsible for formulating, directing, and coordinating marketing activities and policies to promote Orian products. Other responsibilities include negotiating contracts with vendors and distributors to manage product distribution, establishing distribution networks and developing distribution strategies. She coordinates eight markets throughout each fiscal year, maintains marketing and merchandising Page | 14 strategies, and is active in eCommerce strategies. She hires, trains, and does performance reviews for graphic design and sales support staff and manages their daily activities. Dr. Thomas R. Dobbins has dedicated his career to building teamwork and collaborations that benefit farmers, as well as students, faculty and staff at Clemson,” Askew said. “He knows the issues that face South Carolina farmers and how to create interdisciplinary teams to develop solutions. Mrs. Yolanda Ferguson is the Economic Education Outreach Specialist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. The Economic Education function promotes financial literacy and education about the role of the Federal Reserve in the nation’s economy throughout the Fifth Federal Reserve District. She represents the Federal Reserve on the North Carolina Council on Economic Education. She is a conference speaker and workshop facilitator for teacher professional development and works to build/strengthen partnerships throughout the district. Yolanda has earned bachelor and master degrees in Organizational Communication from Queens University, Charlotte, North Carolina and a Master of Arts degree in Christian Leadership from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Charlotte, North Carolina. She is also an adjunct professor at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She is active in her community and streaming her work talents, she coaches and mentors in the areas of financial literacy, academic excellence and empowerment. Dr. Eleanor R. Abel Glover is an Education Associate with the South Carolina Department of Education. Earning her Curriculum and Instruction Doctorate in 2010, she has also earned two Master’s Degrees, one in Education Administration and the other in Individual and Family Development Education. Her Bachelor of Science degree is in Home Economics. She holds an educator license in Home Economics, Secondary and Elementary Principal and Supervisor, Career and Technology Director, and adjunct online teacher. She received the AAFCS Leader Award in 2011 and multiple other recognitions since beginning her career at the SCDE. Dr. Glover has provided effective leadership statewide accomplishing many important innovations and improving the Family and Consumer Sciences teaching practices in South Carolina. Dr. Glover believes that every day is another day for growth and renewal. Ms. Kimberly Goethe is a senior Family and Consumer Sciences Business major at South Carolina State University and is from Vidalia, Georgia. She has served as the SCAFCS Student Unit Chairman for the last three years. She promotes FCS in a positive way, recruits individuals for the student unit, and participates in fundraisers and service projects. She is also active in the SCSU Student Unit, the Marching 101 Band, the National Council on Family Relations, and NAACP. Mrs. Leslie Hamby is in her 11th year teaching at Pelion Middle School, the "Home Arts" middle school, Grades 6,7, and 8th grade. She has a masters and national board certification for Vocational Education. She is also the sponsor for her school student leadership, "Student Council". She is certified for mentoring and evaluating teachers "SAFE-T". She is actively involved with our district coalition against drugs and alcohol (LOCC ) She and her husband (of 35 years) love to hike and travel the US! Mr. Jeff Hughes graduated from University of Tennessee in Chatanooga (UTC) in 1988. Worked at Beaulieu of America (first domestic Wilton woven company in America) from 1984 until 1994 – Started as technical support for design and advanced into Studio Manger before leaving for Balta – 1994 – VP of Product development for woven division. 1996 left Balta to join Mohawk as Director of Design for woven products. 2006 – 2015 VP of PD for Orian Rugs. Works to make sure that Orian is producing products that fulfill consumers’ needs to have quality products that enhance the look of their homes with color and design. Works with buyers to ensure that they have a wide range of products to choose from, allowing them to offer products that bring the correct value and taste to their clientele. Works closely with manufacturing to make sure that the products we design can be manufactured efficiently and cost effectively. Works closely with sales force to ensure that we are providing them with the products they need to fully service their accounts. Dr. Maria James is a native of Florence SC. She graduated from Wilson High School in 1990, South Carolina State University in 1995, BS Family and Consumer Sciences Business/Child Development; Francis Marion University in 1996, M.Ed Early Childhood Education; Capella University in 2006, Education/K-12 Professional Studies; and Cambridge College in 2009, Ed.S/C.A.G.S Educational Leadership. Dr. James is an Assistant Professor and Coordinator of Child Development in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences at South Carolina State University. Her prior teaching experience ranges from grades Pre-K - 3rd, 9th-12th and a Reading First Literacy Coach. She has been an educator for 20 years. Maria has one son, Kelsey, and one grandson, Kameron. Dr. James enjoys spending time with family, reading, and traveling Page | 15 Ms. Latoya Johnson is a graduate of South Carolina State University and Columbia College. She is currently working on completing requirements for a doctorate degree. She taught in Richland School District One and Barnwell School District 45 before joining the SCSU staff in 2007. One of her main interests is discovering and utilizing the most up to date technological advancements in educational strategies and promoting the profession of Family and Consumer Sciences. Teaching is her passion. She loves the variety that Family and Consumer Sciences provides. Mrs. Glenna Mason currently teaches Hospitality and Tourism and Culinary Arts at the Cope Career Center. She also worked for 8 years with the Clemson Extension Service and the Mississippi Extension Service. Ms. Vonne Knight is the director of South Carolina Farm Bureau Ag Literacy Programs/Ag in the Classroom Program for seven years; Masters in Curriculum and Instruction; Teacher for 29 years in both public and private schools; Member of the National Ag in the Classroom Teacher Excellence Committee and the National Ag in the Classroom Ag Literacy Framework Advisory Council Mrs. Juanita Mendenhall FCS Teacher over 40 years; State FCS President, IN and SC, SCAFCS Board; Global Perspectives/International Chair, IFHE Council Committee, IHES President, DAP Coordinator Ms. Kassie Mae Miller received her Masters in Public Health from the University of South Carolina, focusing on women’s health and evaluation. She currently works for the Office of Program Evaluation as an evaluator and designer. One of her primary interests is data visualization and presenting evaluation results in meaningful and understandable ways. Mrs. Christine Patrick received her Bachelor of Science Degree in General Home Economics and Master of Science Degree in Individual and Family Development from South Carolina State University. She works as a Food Safety and Nutrition Educator in Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Hampton, and Orangeburg Counties. Mrs. Melanie Powley is an instructor at Winthrop University. She is a native of Rock Hill, SC; She earned a Masters of Education in Curriculum and Instruction with emphasis in Family and Consumer Science and a Bachelor of Science in Family and Consumer Sciences with teacher certification. Her areas of interest are childhood obesity, high school retention, adolescent pregnancy prevention, service learning, FACS curriculum development and mapping, and high school retention. Dr. Kim N. Roper has been a Business Education Teacher/Technology Integration Specialist for over 19 years. In that time she has served as Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Advisor, Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) Advisor, and Business Professionals of America (BPA) Advisor. She previously worked at the South Carolina Department of Education in the Career and Technology Education Department where she served on the High Schools That Work Teams, Making Middle Grades Work Teams, Civil Rights Team and Title I Committee. Her philosophy of education is that technology is merely a tool for education and as educators we are facilitators of knowledge and it is our duty to help students become critical thinkers in their own right. Mrs. Diane Ross is the Senior Field Account Manager for Realityworks, based in Charlotte, North Carolina. Her territory includes Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia. Diane spends most of her time in schools throughout her territory, demonstrating and helping teachers to implement our Total Parenting Experience and our RealCareer Welding Solutions. Diane has a Master’s Degree in Secondary Education. Senator Vincent Sheheen represents Senate District 27 ( Chesterfield, Kershaw, Lancaster Counties) since 2004. He is an attorney and resides in Camden with his wife Amy and their three sons. He is a graduate of Clemson University and the USC Law School. He is a strong advocate for families and education. Mr. Scott Vines grew up in Asia most of his life. His dad worked with the government and U.S. Army and his mom was a Department of Defense School Teacher. He attended the University of Alabama and got involved with the cookware industry while in college. As a result, he decided to make a career in Marketing and Management. Ms. Leigh Walker has worked as a Clemson Extension Agent in youth programming since 1990. Formerly, she served as Executive at a small county Chamber of Commerce and served as a volunteer on the Extension Service Page | 16 Advisory Council. Her experience is in event and meeting planning, organizing and training volunteers and she taught for two years in middle and high school. Teaching, connecting with educators, and offering relevant classroom support is her vocational passion. Mrs. Christy Wilson is the proud mother of two beautiful girls ages 8 and 5. She attended Winthrop University where she received her degree in Family & Consumer Sciences Education (FACS) in 1998. In 2011, she received her National Certification in Family & Consumer Sciences (CFCS) from the AAFCS. She has taught in the Clover School District at Clover High School for the past 17 years. While doing what she loves, she has been presented with following awards: Josten’s Teacher of the Year (2002), Clover High School Teacher of the Year (20042005) South Carolina Family & Consumer Sciences Teacher of the Year (2013), Clover High School Teacher of the Year 2013, Clover School District Teacher of the Year, and the 2014 AAFCS National Family & Consumer Sciences Teacher of the Year. HISTORY Page | 17 2015 Door Prizes 2015 Contributions Allen Brothers Milling Company,, 803-779-2460, 803-413-7220 Mrs. Dorothy Blanton 40 Speaker Gifts Certified South Carolina Ansley Turnblad 803-734-2207 Goodheart-Wilcox Special Speaker Gift 80 Participant Gifts Karen McDowell 877-327-4212 Clemson Blues Fest 2 tickets Mr. Vince Jackson, 864-650-0585 Embassy Suites Greystone, Columbia, SC Overnight stay Tory Dease, Great Clips Basket of Hair Care Products Clemson Bi-Lo Center 864.654.3302 Martin Inn 2 night stay in a suite, 2 rounds of golf and cart Dr. Jeffrey Martin Nutri-Stahl 7 piece Cookware set plus other unspecified items Mr. Scott Vines, 772-342-3179 Pampered Chef Pampered Chef Item Mrs. Anna Turner SC Peach Council Matt Cornwell 803-734-2225 SC Watermelon Association Matt Cornwell 803-734-2225 SC Specialty Association Laura Lester 803-734-2225 Walter P. Rawl & Sons, Inc. Donna Bundrick Griffin 803-894-1900, Ext. 120 Page | 18 Dr. David E. Weatherford, Jr. Snacks, door prizes, speaker gift 864-247-3789 Home Baking Association 100 Participant gifts, doorprize Charlene Patton, 785-478-3283 Tiger Town Graphics Conference Banner Sidni Ramos 864-654-1365 HISTORY 2015 Non-Profit Exhibitors 2015 Exhibitors and Vendors AAFCS-SCAFCS 2016 101st AAFCS-SCAFCS Conference The Martin Inn and Madren Conference Center Clemson, South Carolina Mrs. Lorna Williams and Dr. Carol G. Weatherford, Ag in the Classroom, a Farm Bureau program Ms. Vonne Knight 803-960-1500 AAFCS-SCAFCS Global Perspectives Community of Interest Mrs. Juanita Mendenhall, AAFCS-SCAFCS Membership (at registration) Mrs. Dorothy Blanton, AAFCS-SCAFCS What is a Community of Interest? Mrs. Sarah Jordan, Coordinator All Community of Interest Co-Leaders Alzheimer’s Association Ms. Elizabeth C. Brantley, MPH, 803-791-3430 Clemson Blues Fest Mr. Vince Jackson (Dr. David E. Weatherford, Jr.), 864-650-0585 Clemson Sertoma Club Dr. David E. Weatherford, Jr., 864-247-3789 Disaster Assistance Program (DAP) Product Sales Table Mrs. Juanita Mendenhall, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Ms. Yolanda Ferguson South Carolina 4-H and Youth Development Dr. Pam Ardern, 864-6500295, 772-342-3179 South Carolina Extension Service, Smith-Lever Anniversary Display Mr. Tony Melton,, 843-661-4800 Page | 19 Morningside of Greenwood Ms. Katherine “Dawn” Amerson Ms Geneva Patterson 864-388-9433 Cookie’s Crafts Willyette Barnett 803-254-4859, 803- 331-1886 Nutri-Stahl Mr. Scott Vines 772-342-3179 Realityworks Ms. Diane Ross 800-830-1416, ext. 1133 Walter P. Rawl & Sons, Inc. Donna Bundrick Griffin 803-894-1900, Ext. 120 HISTORY 2015 Sponsorships South Carolina Department of Education $2,000.00 Office of Career and Technology Education Dr. Eleanor Glover, 803-734-3826 South Carolina FACS Coalition General Sponsorship of Conference Mrs. Dorothy Blanton, 864-787-0437 2015 Educational Materials for Participant Bags edible UPSTATE 160 copies of their magazine Samantha Wallace 864-270-7159 Home Baking Association Charlene Patton, 785-478-3283 Learning Zone Express Maureen Lyons, 888-455-7003 Realityworks Ms. Diane Ross 800-830-1416, ext. 1133 Senior Solutions Magazine 80+ of Magazine Gail Stokes HISTORY Page | 20 SCAFCS PRESIDENTS Page | 21 The South Carolina Affiliate of the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (SCAFCS) Bringing people together to improve the lives of individuals, families, and communities The future of the organization and the profession depends on you and your involvement. Join us! Working together, we can make a difference! ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thank you for attending the 2015 South Carolina Association of th Family and Consumer Sciences 100 Annual Conference. Our sponsors, exhibitors, and donors added so much to our conference with their generosity. We are truly grateful! Much appreciation to our students who presented and unselfishly volunteered their services throughout the conference; the future of Family and Consumer Sciences is sustained through all of you! Our sincere gratitude to all of you who spent countless hours helping with implementation of this conference. Page | 22 President Elect Sarah Jordan Challenges happen every day, in every facet of our lives. I embrace challenges. I see it as the opportunity to improve on anything that is a part of my life that is not going in a positive direction. I see my new position as President of The South Carolina affiliate of the American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences as a challenge. I am ready for the challenge. Periodically, it is essential for an individual, organization, or profession to review and revitalize by reflecting on the past, celebrating the present and looking forward to changes in a vibrant future. During the next year, let us review what our organization has done in the past that worked well, and make the changes necessary to gain new membership, and get more involvement, which is vital for our future. Page | 23 2016 Conference February 25-26, 2016 Page | 24