“circle d foolerman yukon” is top performing normande bull in scvbt
“circle d foolerman yukon” is top performing normande bull in scvbt
“CIRCLE D FOOLERMAN YUKON” IS TOP PERFORMING NORMANDE BULL IN SCVBT The St. Croix Valley Bull Test at River Falls, WI began on October 29, 2011 and the final performance weights were taken on 03-17-12. Three Normande bulls had been entered in the bull test and all three performed well enough to qualify for the sale on April 21, 2012. Normande breeders who entered the three bulls were Jeff and Nona Bock of River Falls, WI, Paul and Delores Moechnig of Lake City, MN, and Wayne and Lisa Dewey of Iowa Falls, IA. The SCVBT is conducted on the Mann Research Farm of the University of Wisconsin River Falls Campus. Prior to officially going on test the bulls were fed a warm up ration for thirty days. Once the 140 day test period officially began they were fed a forage based ration designed to obtain a three pound a day gain without getting them too fat so their breeding proficiency and life expectancy are not affected adversely. All three Normande bulls gained over three pounds per day, averaging 3.51 pounds per day. Prior to the sale the bulls will under go an ultra sound scan to measure back fat, rib fat and loin eye area. They will also be semen tested to make sure they are fertile breeders. When the final performance data was calculated, Wayne and Lisa Dewey’s entry, Circle D Foolerman Yukon was the top performing Normande. Yukon is an April 20, 2011 polled son of Circle D Foolerman 51R and had a birth weight of 85 pounds. He began the 140 test period weighing 619 pounds and had an ending weight of 1155 pound. His average daily gain was 3.83 pounds. In the last 25 days of the test he gained 5.35 pounds per day. Yukon is considered a calving ease bull and his sale ratio based upon his performance is 107.40 percent. CIRCLE D FOOLERMAN YUKON Paul and Delores Moechnig’s entry, PDM Levi George 023Y was born April 17, 2011, with a birth weight of 106 pounds and is a polled son of HN Triple Levi 35K. He began the test at 703 pounds and weighed 1183 pounds at the end. His average daily gain was 3.43 pounds and his sale ratio was 99.15 percent. PDM LEVI GEORGE 023Y Crick Ridge Yukon, the entry of Jeff and Nona Bock, was born on March 28, 2011, with a birth weight of pounds 83 pounds. Yukon is sired by SGF Polled Rocket 79XH and is horned. He began the test weighing 674 pounds and ended weighing 1133 pounds. He is considered a calving ease bull and his sale ratio is 93.45 percent. CRICK RIDGE YUKON As already noted the sale is on April 21, 2012, at the Mann Research Farm of the University of Wisconsin River Falls Campus. The sale begins at 11:00 am and the three Normande bulls will be the first three bulls to sell in the sale. If you would like a sale catalog contact Sandy Drinkman to request one. Sandy can be reached at 715-781-6307. If you would like more information on each individual bull, contact their breeders. Each breeder’s contact information can be found in their ads in the Classified Pages. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ NORTH AMERICAN NORMANDE ASSOCIATION JUNIOR HEIFER PROGRAM-2012 The North American Normande Association Junior Heifer Program was instituted in 2011. The program is designed to give a young person age 12-17 the opportunity to receive, own, raise and show a registered Normande heifer. The recipient of heifer calf awarded in 2011 was Raelene Schuette of Unity, WI. Raelene was awarded her heifer at the 2011 National Normande Show in Mineral Point, WI. If you or a young person you know is interested in this program and qualifies to enter, please carefully read the rules of the program and submit your application on time. Everything you need to know about the program and applying is printed below. Or you can visit NANA’s website, www.normandeassociation.com, to review the rules and information. 2011 HEIFER PROGRAM RECIPIENT RAELEN SCHUETTE, PAPRIKA, & BREEDER BARBARA WOGSLAND Prior to the 2012 NANA National Show the winner will be chosen and he/she will have the privilege of taking home a registered Normande heifer to raise and show. The ownership of the heifer will be transferred to their name. To enter the program a young person must submit signed agreements and an essay (no more than 425 words) titled “Why I Want To Own A Normande Heifer”. The NANA Junior Heifer Program rules, applications, and stipulations are listed below. Applications must be submitted to the NANA office by 07-31-12, and the winner will be expected to pick up their heifer at the National Show in Mineral Point, WI, on September 15, 2012. If applicants have any questions please call the NANA office (608-943-6091 or 800-573-6254). PURPOSE AND GENERAL INFORMATION: The purpose of this contest is to encourage the growth and development of Normande Cattle breeders through 4-H and FFA projects and programs. Through this program one registered Normande Beef or one Normande Dairy heifer calf will be awarded to a winning applicant. The winning applicant will also be awarded one year of free membership to NANA as a Junior Member. Current NANA Junior Members who do not presently own any Normande cattle are eligible to participate. A contestant can win only one heifer during their 4-H or FFA career. Once a contestant is awarded a heifer they are not eligible to apply again. Applicants not chosen to receive a heifer in the year they apply are eligible to apply in another year, as long as the age requirements are met. Applicants can be male or female, and must be 12-17 years of age. We encourage the person to be active in either 4-H or FFA. The winner of the heifer must compete in at least two cattle shows per year. The two cattle shows must include their local county fair and the annual National Normande Show. The winner is encouraged to show in other cattle shows, but it is not required beyond the two specified shows. Applicants essay must be in their handwriting and must be accompanied by a completed Parental Consent Form. Each applicant’s entry will be judged on the applicant’s need for help in getting started with Normande Cattle, neatness and completeness of the application and essay, ability to provide a good home for the calf, and the desire of the applicant as expressed in his or her essay. The title of the essay will be “Why I Want to Own a Normande Heifer.” The essay shall not exceed 425 words. To apply simply use the entry form below. If additional forms are needed you can make additional copies, but copies must not be altered in any way from the application below. All applications must be submitted to the NANA office and be post marked no later than July 31, 2012. WHAT IS REQUIRED OF THE WINNING APPLICANT: 1. Adequate facilities for the care of the heifer must be provided. 2. The responsibility for the daily care of the heifer must be accepted by the recipient and his/her family. 3. The recipient and his/her family must be capable of handling all expenses (veterinary, breeding, feed, housing, transportation, etc) that occur with ownership of an animal. 4. The recipient must show his/her heifer for two years at their local county fair and the National Normande Show. 5. The recipient must breed his/her heifer to a registered Normande bull. 6. The recipient must register their heifer’s first calf with NANA if the calf is a heifer. 7. The recipient must be open to a NANA representative checking on the welfare of the heifer if requested by NANA. 8. The recipient must submit photos and a yearly summary of their activities with the heifer for two years. The photos and summary may be used in NANA.s newsletter. 9. The recipient must be willing to promote the Normande breed and this program to others. 10. The recipient and his/her family must be willing to commit themselves to the two year length of this program. 11. The recipient is encouraged to pay the dues for NANA membership in the second year of the program. 12. NANA reserves the right to reclaim the animal if deemed necessary due to the recipient not complying with the above requirements. NANA JUNIOR HEIFER PROGRAM APPLICATION NAME:___________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:________________________________________________________ CITY:_____________________________ST:_______________ZIP:_________ PHONE:_______________________CELL PHONE:_____________________ EMAIL:_______________________________BIRTHDATE:______________ SIGNATURE:_______________________________DATE:_______________ PARENT SIGNATURE:______________________________________________ AREA OF INTEREST: (check one) Normande Beef____ Normande Dairy____ In your essay please answer the following questions: 1. Tell us why you would like to participant in this program. What are your goals and where do you see this project taking you? 2. Tell us how you would be able to promote this project and the Normande breed within your state and community. 3. Describe your home farm and what your responsibilities there are. 4. If you were awarded a calf, describe how you would care for it, where would you . keep it, and how you would feed it. 5. What organizations do you participate in and what positions of leadership have you held. FOR SALE CIRCLE D FOOLERMAN X-FORCE X-Force is a two year old son of Circle D Foolerman 51R. His dam is BBN Fukrain Ron 195K. XForce was shown at the 2011 National Normande Show and won the Summer Yearling Bull Class. Being structurally sound and possessing genetics to add milk production, length and height to his offspring he will be a solid addition to any breeding program. CIRCLE D FARM WAYNE & LISA DEWEY 14798 JJ AVE. IOWA FALLS, IA 50126 641-648-5597 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SEVERAL WAYS YOU CAN HELP NANA The North American Normande Association is a very small breed association. We have nearly 50 active members scattered across the United States, and we have several junior members. Less than half of our active members register their Normandes to develop and maintain a registered herd of cattle. NANA has no paid staff-absolutely none. Everything that gets done through and by NANA is accomplished by the efforts of unpaid volunteers who want to see the Normande breed become more popular in the United States. No one on the Board of Directors is reimbursed for time, meals, lodging, travel, or other expenses incurred while serving on the board. No one gets paid for maintaining and updating NANA’s website. No one gets paid for preparing the registration papers, entering registration data into the herd book, editing and printing the newsletter, or for maintaining NANA’s national office. So what is the point? NANA can always use some more volunteers and there are several ways you can help. 1) NANA has an exhibit at the World Dairy Expo and the Wisconsin Farm Technology Days. Both of these events are over a period of several days. During these shows it is necessary for someone to be with the exhibit to answer questions about the breed, obtain names and addresses, and provide informational and promotional material to those who want it. The dates for these two events are noted in the Dates to Remember. If you would like to help with the exhibit during one of those events please let the NANA office know. 2) NANA is looking for a breeder who is willing to host the 2012 NANA Field Day. If you would like to be a host, call the NANA office right away. The Board of Directors is having a board meeting on April 20, 2012. 3) The NANA Youth Heifer Program applications are due July 31, 2012. If you have a registered heifer you would like to make available, let one of the directors on the Board know. 4) Registration fees, transfer fees, membership dues and newsletter ads are the primary sources of NANA’s income and operating funds. Those monies enable NANA to buy paper, office supplies, ink for the printer, rent the National Show facilities and related show expenses, cover the exhibitor fees for WDE and Wisconsin Farm Technology Days, purchase a few small ads in periodicals, maintain NANA’s computer and printer, and cover some of the costs of the Youth Heifer Program. But there is also a need for monetary donations of any amount. NANA gratefully accepts any donation. No matter where you live, there are ways in which you can help NANA promote the Normande breed. We hope to hear from you! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ NORMANDE HAPPENINGS is the official newsletter of the North American Normande Association published by the Association office four times per year. Associate and Active NANA members receive the newsletter as part of their dues. Non-members may subscribe for a cost of $10.00/year. Editor: Michael Mueller Publisher: North American Normande Association 748 Enloe Rd. Rewey, WI 53580 608-943-6091 800-573-6254 VISIT NANA’S WEBSITE: www.normandeassociation.com WANTED 3-6 HIGH PERCENTAGE NORMANDE DAIRY BRED HEIFERS OR YOUNG COWS. WILLING TO TRAVEL TO GET THEM. CHARLIE SOWELL 4949 JACKSON VALLEY RD. IONE, CA 95640 209-256-3728 ADVERTISING RATES BUSINESS CARD SIZE: $10.00/ISSUE OR $30.00/YR. ONE-QUARTER PAGE: $25.00/ISSUE OR $80.00/YR. ONE-HALF PAGE: $40.00/ISSUE OR $120.00/YR. FULL PAGE: $50.00/ISSUE OR $150.00/YR. ***WANTED ADS ARE FREE ***NO COST FOR PHOTOS IN ADS PICTURED JUST PRIOR TO BEING LOADED ON A SEMI FOR SHIPMENT TO SLAUGHTER ARE NORMANDE STEERS BRED IN OUR HERD AND FATTENED IN OUR FEEDLOT. WE HAVE AN EXCELLENT GROUP OF YEARLING BULLS TO CHOOSE A HERD SIRE FROM WHO WERE HERDMATES TO THE ABOVE STEERS. OUR FAT CATTLE ARE SOLD ON A GRADE AND YIELD BASIS, AND OUR NORMANDES HAVE CONSISTENTLY PROVIDED US A PREMIUM WITH THEIR YIELD GRADES OF 1 & 2, CHOICE CARCASSES, AND 62% OR HIGHER DRESSING YIELD. GIVE US A CALL IF YOU ARE IN NEED A YOUNG BULL. MICHAEL & MATTHEW MUELLER 748 ENLOE RD. REWEY, WI 53580 608-943-6091 608-574-4853 608-642-0443 MOMMA MIA! MONICA ROCKS! NEW HOPE REDONDO MONICA-ET Reg. # A0104450 Beta casein: A2A2 1-11 3X 365d 23,419m 4.1% 954f 3.4% 807p Fresh again in February and rolling to the beat! Sire: Redondo Dam: New Hope Messager Monique-ET We are planning on flushing Monica in late May. Contact us if you are interested in embryos from her or from any other New Hope Normande female BULLS & SEMEN ALSO AVAILABLE. BARBARA WOGSLAND 11006 BESTUL RD. SCANDINAVIA, WI 54977 715-445-4288 kbklewogsland@mwwb.net PICTURES FROM 2011 NATIONAL NORMANDE SHOW AN EARLY MORNING BATH ON SHOW DAY. WAYNE & LISA DEWEY SHOW STRING DOUBLE M CATTLE CO., LLC SHOW STRING WAITING THEIR TURN. DAN & RUTH VOSBERG SHOW STRING NATE & TAJIA RETZLAFF, JARED VOSBERG WAITING TO WANTED FOR FUTURE NEWSLETTERS! *COMPLETED MILK PRODUCTION RECORDS *PICTURES OF NORMANDE DAIRY ANIMALS ON PASTURE, IN BARN, OR PROFESSIONALLY TAKEN *AN ARTICLE YOU HAVE WRITTEN THAT WOULD BE OF INTEREST TO THE NORMANDE COMMUNITY 2011 YEAR CODE Y 2012 NANA CALENDAR THE 2012 NANA PICTURE CALENDAR IS NOW AVAILABLE $15.00/ CALENDAR TO ORDER CALL: 800-573-6254 CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE REGISTERED PUREBRED AND PERCENTAGE BRED COWS AND BRED HEIFERS. DUE IN THE SPRING OF 2009 TO “BBN SIMBA TED 458”. OPEN YEARLING HEIFERS SIRED BY “BBN SIMBA TED 458”. RAY & MARJ STONECYOPHER 1052 RIVER RD. FLOYD, IA 50435 641-395-2617 RIVER VIEW RANCH PUREBRED POLLED NORMANDES ROBERT & DIANNA LANGE 7615 HWY 55 KIMBALL, MN 55353 320-398-8633 NORMANDE GENETIC SPECIALTIES *The ultimate in “Grade and Yield Balancer Bulls” *Polled Fullblood Genetics *Calving ease sires *Black polled purebred bulls “The Normande breed has a level of consistent quality grade and yield grade balance that crossbred ‘Balancer Bulls’ seldom deliver.” 218-262-3981 SEMEN & EMBRYOS BRIAN TOIVOLA NGS President 11544 Spudville Rd. Hibbing, MN 55746 DATES TO REMEMBER *?????-YOUR SPOUSE’S BIRTHDAY *?????-YOUR ANNIVERSARY *APRIL 21, 2012-ST. CROIX VALLEY BULL TEST SALE, RIVER FALLS, WI *JULY 17-19, 2012-WISCONSIN FARM TECHNOLOGY DAYS, NEW LONDON, WI *JULY 31, 2012, NANA HEIFER PROGRAM ENTRIES DUE IN NANA OFFICE *SEPT. 14, 2012, NANA ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING, MINERAL POINT, WI *SEPT. 15, 2012-NANA NATIONAL SHOW, MINERAL POINT, WI *OCT. 2-6, 2012, WORLD DAIRY EXPO, MADISON, WI THE COVER RUDAN REDONDO WORRI 9 and RUDAN JOACHIM GLORIA 861 grace our cover. Members of the herd at Vosberg Valley View dairy farm of South Wayne, WI, they were selected as Grand & Reserve Grand Champion dairy cows of the 2011 National Normande Show. WORRI’s production is 2-0 336d 14,002m 4.6% 582f 3.24% 457p. GLORIA’s production is 4-0 300d 14,327m 2.99% 428f 3.18% 455p. Both milk production records were made on a grass based ration. The NANA office is looking for eye catching and attractive pictures of Normande cattle to use on the cover of future issues of “Normande Happenings”. Please submit your picture(s) to the NANA office and if the editorial advisory board (my family) should choose your picture it will be on the cover of a “Normande Happenings”. Submitted pictures will be returned once scanned into the computer. THANK YOU! FOR SALE NORMANDE DAIRY HEIFERS CALVES-OPEN HEIFERS-BRED HEIFERS HALF BLOODS-3/4 BLOODS-7/8 BLOODS SIRED BY FRENCH BULLS OUT OF HOLSTEIN DAMS RED& WHITES-BLACK& WHITES BEGAN BREEDING WITH NORMANDE IN 1998 BIEBER NORMANDE DAIRY 607-522-4350 CAR-BON NORMANDES OUTTA BOX RANCH DAIRY BULLS & EMBRYOS BREEDING STOCK AVAILABLE CARL & BONNIE WERNER HEATHER ANHRENS & MARY HINDMAN N9129 BASSWOOD RD. BEAVER DAM, WI 53916 920-885-4229 BOX 7 HAY SPRINGS, NE 69347 308-207-5437 WANTED NORMANDE DAIRY HERD SIRES AVAILABLE SMALLER FRAMED NORMANDE AND/OR NORMANDE CROSS HEIFERS AND/OR COWS, THE SMALLER THE FRAME THE BETTER. WE HAVE SERVICEABLE AGE NORMANDE DAIRY BULLS AVAILABLE. SIRED BY THE TOP FRENCH BULLS AND OUT OF PRODUCTION TESTED DAMS. OUTTA BOX RANCH HEATHER AHRENS POLZIN FARM BOX 7 HAY SPRINGS, NE 69347 GEORGE POLZIN 308-207-5437 8492 CTY. HWY XX CADOTT, WI 54727 HOUSE: 715-289-4546 BARN: 715-289-3137 NANA BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT: ROBERT LANGE (14) 7615 St. Hwy. 55 Kimball, MN 55353 Phone: 320-398-8633 Email: rattleflash@meltel.net RHONDA TREML-KNEBEL (12) 8924 Cty. Hwy. F Arpin, WI 54410 Phone: 715-305-2843 Email: howlingoaks1@yahoo.com VICE-PRES: BARBARA WOGSLAND (14) DARLINE NICHOLSON (12) 11006 Bestul Rd. 33340 Owatonna Ave. Scandinavia, WI 54971 Elroy, WI 53929 Phone: 715-445-4288 Phone: 608-463-7512 Email: kbklewogsland@mwwb.net Email: hsfmom@dcemail.com SECRETARY: PAUL MOECHNIG (13) JEFF BOCK (14) 64841 310TH Ave. 368 Page Ln. Lake City, MN 55041 River Falls, WI 54022 Phone: 651-345-4372 Phone: 715-425-0237 Email: pdmoechnig@embarqmail.com Email: jeffgbock@gmail.com TREASURER/REGISTRY SECRETARY: MICHAEL MUELLER (13) 748 Enloe Rd. Rewey, WI 53580 Phone: 608-943-6091 Email: mwbeef4u@mhtc.net YEAR CODE FOR 2012 IS Z BRUCE BOLEN (13) 18858 Hungry Hollow Rd. Green Top, MO 63546 Phone: 660-665-3919 Email: cjbolen@gmail.com KEN RABAS (12) 3387 320TH St. Wellman, IA 52356 Phone: 319-646-2767 Email: grassfed@netins.net NORTH AMERICAN NORMANDE ASSOCIATION 748 ENLOE RD. REWEY, WI 53580 NORMANDE HAPPENINGS JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH 2012
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