Oct-14 - Waterwood Improvement Association


Oct-14 - Waterwood Improvement Association
October 2014
Neighborhood News
Issue 2 Volume V
One kind word can warm three winter
News we can use
Chinese Proverb
In this month’s issue:
meeting reminder
the WIA Real Estate Committee
the ACB Committee
at Home:
Update from the Waterwood Boat Club;
Neighborhood Blood Drive;
Waterwood Services Working for You;
From the WIA Board
Quick reminder: The annual meeting is scheduled for Saturday, October 11th and will begin
promptly at 10:00AM.
Please plan to join us and don’t forget to send in
your ballots!
Putter’s Point Get Together.
Bulletin Board
For Sale
Have you
Heard About the Feral Hogs?
To subscribe to the Waterwood Newsletter, go to the WIA website
http://www.waterwoodwia.com/ ,
then select Neighborhood News
then select Subscribe to our newsletter
Waterwood Improvement Assoc. 62 Waterwood Huntsville, TX 77320
(936) 891-7710 Toll Free (866) 891-7711
From the WIA Board’s Real Estate Committee
Recently members of the Real estate committee and Joe Moore met with representatives of a company that is in the process of developing an offer to Joe Nocito to purchase Waterwood Nationals' properties, i.e. golf course, marina, etc. They made an overview presentation of what they were potentially
planning and possible roles for WIA, in general terms going forward. In order to be as factual and responsive as possible, given the newness of the development, they suggested that the full WIA Board
meet to be briefed on their overview and to develop specific questions about their company and their
plans for Waterwood.
Due to the fact that the Board would be discussing legal, contractual and financial matters it
was determined in consultation with our legal counsel that a special Executive session of the Board was
in order. The required three day notice of the WIA Board meeting was posted as required. The posted
agenda clearly identified that the board would adjourn to Executive session after convening and would
reconvene in general session after the Executive session. The Board met as stated, adjourned to Executive
session as stated in the agenda , reconvened to open session, and while not compelled to by statute, gave
a brief overview of the Executive session discussion to those in attendance and explained why it was
The Board strictly followed the advice of legal counsel and the Texas Open Meetings Act regarding Executive session.
Waterwood Improvement Assoc. 62 Waterwood Huntsville, TX 77320
(936) 891-7710 Toll Free (866) 891-7711
From the ACB Board Committee
The WIA Architectural Control Board Committee, known as the ACB, was established to ensure that Waterwood residents build and maintain
their homes and surrounding areas in accordance with the Waterwood Deed Restrictions and Covenants. To state this more simply, the ACB
endeavors to keep Waterwood looking like a place in which you are happy to live.
ACB is comprised of three Waterwood residents, at least one being a WIA board member and the Executive Director of WIA. Their duties include approving any new home to be built in Waterwood and any exterior change(s) to an existing home. In addition, ACB works to ensure
the maintenance of all residences is in compliance with the overall goal of making Waterwood a pleasing place to call home.
An exterior change means ANYTHING that alters the appearance of the home from the outside, adding on, changing windows, cutting down
trees, repainting with a different color or anything else that might be done to the exterior of a home or lot. It all must be approved by the ACB
before work begins.
Even though some of the sub-divisions in Waterwood have their own home owners association, the WIA ACB has the responsibility of overseeing all exterior changes for each of the sub-divisions. The ACB’s approval is necessary for such changes and any request should be submitted
to the ACB, whose decision is final.
Certain “small project” requests can be handled by going to the WIA office, discussing the proposed project with Joe Moore, WIA’s Executive
Director, and obtaining his verbal approval. If the project is of a significant nature, Mr. Moore will advise you to submit a proposal plan to
the ACB for their review and ultimate decision.
The Waterwood Policies for Residential Lots covers the scope of ACB in much greater detail and is somewhat easier to read than the General
Warranty Deeds or Protective Covenants. This document is available on the WIA web site or can be obtained at the WIA office as a hard copy.
Waterwood Improvement Assoc. 62 Waterwood Huntsville, TX 77320
(936) 891-7710 Toll Free (866) 891-7711
Happenings at
Weather and Lake
Waterwood Boat Club
On Saturday, Sept. 27th., 22 members of the Waterwood Boat Club formed a 3 pontoon boat armada up the Trinity River from the HWY 19
bridge. The captain's of the boats were: Steve
Thornton, Bob Ballard and Bob Lane.
That part of the river is absolutely gorgeous and
the weather could not have been nicer.
For lunch, the boats tied up together in the middle
of the river and feasted on pizza delivered to the
HWY bridge by Pizzatolis in Trinity. It was a beautiful afternoon spent having a great time with
friends on the river.
Avg High
Avg Low
Avg Rainfall
Act Rain Fall
Lake Level
130.29 msl
Surface Temp
It’s time for the next regularly scheduled blood drive
Mark your calendars
December 16th 2014
Donor Tips:
Maintain a healthy iron level in your diet by eating iron rich foods,
such as red meat, fish, poultry, beans, spinach, iron-fortified cereals
and raisins.
Get a good night's sleep.
Drink an extra 16 oz. of water or nonalcoholic fluids before the
Eat a healthy meal before your donation. Avoid fatty foods, such as
hamburgers, fries or ice cream before donating. (Fatty foods can affect
the tests we do on your blood. If there is too much fat in your blood,
your donation cannot be tested for infectious diseases and the blood
will not be used for transfusion.)
If you are a platelet donor, remember that your system must be free
of aspirin for two days prior to donation.
Remember to bring your donor card, driver's license or two other forms
of ID.
Waterwood Improvement Assoc. 62 Waterwood Huntsville, TX 77320
(936) 891-7710 Toll Free (866) 891-7711
Services Working for You
Sometimes we take our services for granted! Our Windstream phone service can be frustrating at times as we have all come to expect picking up our phones and a dial tone will always be there or logging on to the Internet and we will have a DSL connection.
However, sometimes our dial tone is not there and we do not have an Internet connection!
We have multiple services sharing land space along our community roads, MUD, Windstream and SHECO. Occasionally this
“sharing” has unfortunate consequences when one service or the other damages the other services in ground hardware. Such was
the case the week of September 15th which also coincided with a 3.8 inch total rain event for Waterwood. A leak in the water piping on Doral had the MUD service personnel excavating and repairing the leak and in the process, damage to Windstream cables
Roger Honea, our Windstream technician and our neighbor here in Waterwood and his contract crew were called out to repair the
cable. Roger and crew spent from 6:00pm to 3:00am the next morning repairing the damaged cable. Our MUD crews were called
back at 9:00pm to repair the original leak to keep the pit empty of water during the Windstream repairs. None of these below
ground repairs are an easy task and torrential rain fall doesn’t help.
As you can see by the pictures, the Windstream crew made the best of the situation and repaired the cable after 9 hours of difficult
work in less than ideal weather conditions. The next time you see Roger out and about in Waterwood and the opportunity presents
itself to speak to him, tell him thank you for the fine “service” he and his crew provide. Same for our MUD personnel, dealing with
old Waterwood water and sewer infrastructure is not an easy task. Take a moment to thank all of these hard working people for the
service we receive today.
Waterwood Improvement Assoc. 62 Waterwood Huntsville, TX 77320
(936) 891-7710 Toll Free (866) 891-7711
Putter’s Point Get Together
Rebecca Gilman recently hosted a neighborhood get together at Putter’s Point. A great group of friends and neighbors enjoyed the beautiful afternoon. In typical wind down fashion, some new friends and acquaintances were made. To make things a little more fun Rebecca had a “Closest to the Pin” contest. Everyone gathered around #2 where a large portion of the group participated. Mary Ann Prine hit her ball closest to the pin and won the prize. Two bottles of fine wine. A great time was had by all.
Little known to the rest of Waterwood, Putter’s Point has been following the lead of many other neighborhood improvement
projects. With the support of the Putter’s Point Homeowner’s Association they have gotten together to improve the overall maintenance and health of their charming enclave. They have freed the trees of choking vines and removed a lot of debris that was encouraging the mosquito population. They have added landscaping and have plans to improve the pool area. Improvements are also
being made to several of the homes to update the old and refresh the look. The grand plan is to slowly restore Putter’s Point back to
the original theme from the 1970’s.
For the benefit of our newer neighbors, when Waterwood developers planned the community they originally had inspired
designs for Putter’s Point, The Beaches and The Villas. The design for Putter’s Point was inspired by exotic Curacao. The Beaches was
inspired by Cape Cod and The Villas by Mediterranean Villas.
The group that enjoyed the afternoon all enthusiastically approved of the all progress that has been made.
Great job Putter’s Point!
Waterwood Improvement Assoc. 62 Waterwood Huntsville, TX 77320
(936) 891-7710 Toll Free (866) 891-7711
Neighborhood Bulletin Board
For Sale
Kenmore hood type combination
1100 watts 2.1 cubic feet
This microwave is only close to five months old. It fell
off the wall, it only has a few dents, but it works
Very well. We paid $400.00 for it and we are asking
$200.00 model #790.8035
Beautiful Makeup vanity, wrought iron,
black, with mirror, shelf and stool.
It is a large one and we did pay $178. For it
and we are asking $80.00 for it, it is still in
the box.
Please contact Janice Goldsmith:
Please contact Janice Goldsmith:
Solid Wood Bunk Beds (aprox 5 years old)
Asking $200/OBO
Excellent Condition
Very heavy
Mattresses like new
All hardware complete
If interested call (936) 891-5667
Waterwood Improvement Assoc. 62 Waterwood Huntsville, TX 77320
(936) 891-7710 Toll Free (866) 891-7711
Have You Heard About Feral Hogs?
Most people have read on the Internet or seen on television news, articles regarding the exploded population of feral pigs in Texas,
Louisiana and Mississippi. Wild Hogs as they are called, have no real natural predators other than a sick or injured hog who may fall prey
to coyotes. Pigs being struck by vehicles on roadways but those incidences seem to be rare as the wild pigs are extremely intelligent animals.
Mother hogs vigorously defend their young, breed several times a year and broods will be in the 5-6 piglet with many females having double digit figures so the “perfect storm” for exploded populations are happening in all of the Gulf Coast States.
On the night of September 22nd and 23rd, a large portion of Fairway 6 was visited by an unknown number of these animals and as
you can see by the picture, their rooting for food damaged a large portion of the fairway and other areas adjacent to the fairway. The areas
behind the location of the old clubhouse have also seen damage with evidence showing the pigs were rooting for turtle eggs.
We have seen pigs crossing Waterwood Parkway in the area of the recent washout. We also saw a large pig just adjacent to Bass
Boat Village when the water levels were low last year rooting around in the shore mud probably looking for clams or crawfish. Feral pigs
are omnivorous, there is nothing they will not eat including carrion from what we have read.
The solutions to this problem are few, unfortunately for home owners, golf course owners and land owners in areas of heavy feral
pig populations. Trapping is one method and of course more direct methods of eliminating the population are also widely used. Home owners who are adjacent to the golf course or close to the course can help by controlling their garbage. Plastic garbage containers left outside
for eventual dumping at the Waterwood dump site are no match for pigs, they need to be kept inside until the garbage is dumped. And
speaking of the dump site, we all need to make sure our garbage goes in to the dumpsters as garbage left on the ground or spills out of full
dumpsters is easy pickings for the pigs.
As indicated, these animals under the right circumstances can be dangerous. If you see a pig while walking in Waterwood on the
streets or on the golf course, retreat and move in a direction directly away from the animal. Encounters with pigs are rare due to their finely
tuned sense of smell and hearing but they do have very poor eyesight. Pigs are able to detect odors from as far away as 5-7 miles and as
deep underground as 25ft. Chances are a pig is going to hear you or smell you before you even know there is one close by. The population
of wild hogs in Texas in 2011 was 2.6 million animals and according to one Texas Wildlife conservation official, “In Texas there are many
areas that already do have feral pigs and the other areas are about to have wild pigs.”
Waterwood Improvement Assoc. 62 Waterwood Huntsville, TX 77320
(936) 891-7710 Toll Free (866) 891-7711
6801 FM 980 N – North of WW Parkway, past Poole Creek on the Left
You Are Very Welcome to Join Us
Breakfast - Sunday Morning 9:30 AM
Sunday School 10:15 AM
Sunday Worship Service 11:00 AM
Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 PM
Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM
Brother B. J. Johnson, Pastor - Presiding
Waterwood Improvement Assoc. 62 Waterwood Huntsville, TX 77320
(936) 891-7710 Toll Free (866) 891-7711
Waterwood Improvement Assoc. 62 Waterwood Huntsville, TX 77320
(936) 891-7710 Toll Free (866) 891-7711