Chat Sheet - Sport Taranaki


Chat Sheet - Sport Taranaki
Chat Sheet
Naki Mystery 
Black Water Rafting
Reviews Aug/Sept/Oct/Nov 2013
December 2013 - Summer Edition
Summer Adventures …
Hi Everyone – Isn’t hard to believe this is our last booklet for the year. Hope you have all managed to join us for some
adventures during the year. Thanks to all the chat sheet writers and photographers, we appreciate your efforts.
10 ladies (including Catherine our driver) set off for Waitomo early
on 2nd November with explicit instructions to have coffee
beforehand as there was to be only a toilet stop. Luckily for us there
was just enough time to indulge at the headquarters of The
Legendary Black Water Rafting Co. at Waitomo where we were to
start our underground tubing experience.
After being kitted out(and I might add it is rather unpleasant pulling on wet and cold wetsuit) we were to drive with guides a
short distance to the entrance of the Ruakuri cave. Instruction followed and a practice run leaping with our tubes backward
into the stream. This of course had to be done before we entered the cave so we knew what to expect in the dark.
Thanks to Sharyn for your fabulous support of WIA committee and members – we truly appreciate the job you do for us to
make sure our programme runs so smoothly.
Thanks also to the wonderful committee for your enthusiasm and dedication in putting all the awesome events together. Some
require an awful lot of planning and input of your personal time.
Further to this WIA has just been audited for Health & Safety and have passed with flying colours. Part of the compliance
involved scrutiny of our RAMS (Risk Analysis & Management Strategy) Forms which are put together by the committee
organiser for each event. It is very important for us to keep you all safe.
Merry Christmas to you all and Safe Holidays. Enjoy a well earned break and looking forward to seeing you in 2014.
Cheers and stay active, your WIA Committee
Note: Sport Taranaki will be closed from 20 December 2013 – reopening on 13 January 2014.
This left me rather apprehensive especially after
the first lady in (no name given here), let out an
extremely loud expletive!
“Do not complain about growing old. It is a privilege denied to many.”
– Mark Twain
REVIEW — Meal with a Difference at the Castle
So on to the cave we walked descending along
slippery rocks and into the water. The time
underground in the water was about 1 hour and a
half and it was very spectacular indeed. It was
very peaceful drifting along with the current in
the dark with just our head torches
glowing, looking up at interesting rock formations
like stalactites and stalacmites and of course the
famous glowworms. The treat at the end was a
bagel and hot soup. Yum, yum.
A Weekend at The Chapman Taylor Wilkinson’s Castle at Wai iti beach is always a
treat to look forward to. Our weekend turned out to be a beautiful, fine weekend
after a cold, wet week so we had picked it right.
Carmen, we knew, had plenty of activities in store for us. We arrived at 2 and by
4pm we were enjoying some wonderful Line Dancing with two great ladies from the
Line Dancing Club who turned up the music and got us all coordinated. Our “meal”
was an experience: after a short time to work out our cryptic clues so that we
hoped we did not have our dessert first or only have spoons to eat our main course
with, we sat down to a hilarious couple of hours where we were fed 7 courses in
varying order with varying cutlery. Carmen and her helpers did a marvellous job
Thanks for WIA for organising. A really enjoyable
- Barbara
REVIEW — Taranaki Garden Spectacular
At 8.30am on Sunday 10th 2013 twelve enthusiastic ladies met for our Garden Trail. The first of the eight gardens was Magnolia Grove in Waitara, well worth a visit. From there we headed inland to Stratford, Manaia, Opunake where I fell in love
with the Campbell’s Garden (and found those elusive willow
elephants, superb!).
Eight gardens, sounds like a marathon but it was lots of
fun and the prize at the end was an icecream on the way
Another fabulous Garden Spectacular. Thanks so much
- Maree
Many thanks to our Chat Sheet reviewers and photographers
feel extra-special if you get asked to contribute. Please keep
reviews short and sweet so we can fit in lots of photos.
Email to
Next newsletter deadline: 15 March 2014
matching our mostly wrong answers to each
of us for each course. Then a quick dice game
which mixed us all up and gave us lots more
laughs it was time to fill the hot-water
bottles and catch some sleep.
Breakfast of Croissants gave us plenty of
energy for a walk along the beautiful beach
with Mt Taranaki newly covered in snow and
the sea sparkling at its best.
Carmen’s very talented daughter taught us to
ice cupcakes and we all succeeded to varying
degrees in taking home a sweet treat to our
loved ones. Reluctantly we headed for home
after lunch. Thank you Carmen for a relaxed,
fun, busy weekend at a perfect venue.
- Diane
REVIEW — Quad Bikes
REVIEW — Climbing Wall
You’ve really gotta go Quad Biking
Four of us met at the YMCA on a Friday evening for an hour of fun on the climbing wall. This
turned out to be a perfect number for this activity as we were able to pair up and we all
achieved at least one climb. We were instructed in wall climbing and how to operate the rope
controlling the safety harness that our buddy was wearing. Personally I was thrilled to reach
the top on my second attempt.
The whole event was damned exciting
What a group, what a trip
We started out slow, then let it rip
Up and down the hills we went
The view at the top – just “heaven
sent” And then there’s the water and
the mud
Oops too fast, I’ve caused a flood!
Closet “biker” or gentle
REVIEW — Naki Mystery Mania
The trail suits every type
of rider
Sandra and Dave
always at hand
A full van load set off on a beautiful sunny Saturday morning from Fitzroy. We are so lucky with the weather after a week of
rain. It was nearly a more than full van as three random ladies out walking were mistaken for being three of our group
arriving. First stop is at Burgess Hill and a walk into the native bush – birds singing and an odd large rogue mushroom was seen.
At the lookout the view of the mountain was breathtaking– a few steps more and a look in the other direction to the
Waiwhakaiho River. It was well worth the walk up to the lookout. Next stop at the Meeting of the Waters and we took the
left track which was another short flat bush walk alongside the Waiwhakaiho River.
Especially if your bike
Thanks heaps to Maureen for organising the trip. We all had a real blast.
Thanks too to David Huzziff and Sandra Johnston of Egmont Quads who looked
after us so well.
Rumour has it that Maureen may be organising this trip again next year. While
you’re gently idling your engines waiting for it to appear in the Trip Book, check
out the photos of the Women In Action girls on Egmont Quads Facebook page.
Progressive weekend courses, Friday night to Sunday
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- Raewyn
REVIEW — Herekawe Walkway
It was a good walk to the beach when
there was some hesitation from Glenys
as she thought that the tide may have
been wrong. But all was good. We
stopped off at the steps for a photo
shoot and then all plodded up the many
We made our way down Centennial
Drive and visited the sculptor displays
making comments on which ones we
liked and then made our way back to
the Lee Breakwater again.
Thanks Glenys for arranging the lovely
walk for that Sunday morning. Lynda B
On Sunday the 15th September 2013, a group of WIA ladies managed a very
pleasant walk from the Lee Breakwater making our way to Barrett Road the
start of the Herekawe walkway. We had to duck under cover a couple of times
as the showers got rather heavy. Lucky for the shop frontage on Pioneer Road
and the Countdown supermarket, a
good shelter stop for those large
drops of rain.
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Phone/Fax: 06 758 6226
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A big thank you to our
advertisers - please
support them
Do YOU want to
advertise in our
booklet? Great rates.
Phone Maureen on
Next stop is Abstract Signs and Artwork in Stratford where we admired the amazing range of corrugated iron photos on
display. Some purchases were made and the lady was delighted she opened especially for us. The male box was special (as
seen in the photo). Ladies were delighted to pose at the Male Box for a photo opportunity. We then went just down the road
to the Thompson Arboretum and a short stroll around to the Mitre 10 Café for the mandatory WIA coffee stop. Lovely food
at this café. Back in the van and off to Eltham – stopped for a chance for anyone to purchase their rustic wooden coffin but
no one took up the option. Arrived at the Hawera Water Tower - often viewed but never climbed by most. 215 steps to the
top and great 360ºC panorama over the town and Fonterra site. Great discount for a big group too.
Off to Nowell’s Lake - The notice said “No Guns” so after being reassured none of the group had brought their gun we
commenced done some steps in the gardens to find a picnic spot and then did a walk around the planting done by the various
local Primary Schools. A further longer walk around to the actual lake and monument. A beautiful spot which will become even
more interesting with time. Off to the Elvis Presley Museum in Hawera- we were blown away with all the Elvis memorabilia. KD
or Kevin Wasley has been collecting since 1953. Donation box isn’t for the fainthearted – plays Elvis song when lid is lifted – many got a fright on lifting lid. Thanks
to KD for opening especially for us. Drove down to Ohawe Beach and around the
homes and batches. Saw a fascinating chicken hutch in the shape of a truck with
Hensi as the number plate – some people are so creative.
Next stop was the Mania Redoubt – a piece of Taranaki history (the last remaining
of the Taranaki Redoubts) located in the middle of the Manaia Golf Course. The
Manaia Redoubt was the best-designed of the later Armed Constabulary posts
constructed in Taranaki. Sited on top of a trench there are four loopholes on each
side of the blockhouses, arranged in two tiers, 2 feet and 4 feet 6 inches above the
ground for the guns. The loopholes are closed by sliding wooden shutters. There
was a timber watch-tower 35 feet high. The original structure has disappeared and
has been replaced by a concrete tower in the middle of the redoubt.
Next Stop Kaupokanui Beach where we walked across the bridge over the river. A
quaint little beach tucked away under the cliffs amongst farmland with a few
baches. This would be a great place to bring the children. Onto the Pihama
Cemetery where there is a Memorial to the Lizzie Bell barque which ran aground off
the coast in 1901 claiming 12 lives. What a young age those were that lost their
lives – a nice resting place for them. Another fascinating piece of Taranaki history.
A busy day of visits and walks completed we head back around the coast via
Opunake for home. A lot of “Firsts” for many of the group.
This review has been a joint effort by everyone in the van.
…. Photo overleaf