TH 100 Manual - With TechnoHUNT
TH 100 Manual - With TechnoHUNT
1 1380Eas tSmi t hRoad Aur or a,CO80010 Di r e c t :3035314868 Fax:3035314867 Tol lFr e e :18778909572 www. Te c hnoHUNT. c om TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................................................................................... 1 Getting to know Windows XP ........................................................................................................ 5 Introduction To TechnoHUNT™ ................................................................................................... 5 ......................................................................................................................................................... 7 Quick Start ...................................................................................................................................... 8 Maintenance .................................................................................................................................... 9 Quick League Set-Up .................................................................................................................... 10 Shooting a League......................................................................................................................... 11 Getting to know your Sensors ....................................................................................................... 11 Sensor Alignment: ..................................................................................................................... 12 ....................................................................................................................................................... 12 ....................................................................................................................................................... 12 ....................................................................................................................................................... 13 What is a good Graph? ......................................................................................................... 17 2 Sensor Calibration .................................................................................................................. 18 Getting to Know Your Hardware .................................................................................................. 23 Your SCI Cable ......................................................................................................................... 23 Your TechnoHUNT Computer .................................................................................................. 24 ................................................................................................................................................... 24 Your Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) .............................................................................. 24 Your Projector ........................................................................................................................... 25 Your Printer ............................................................................................................................... 25 Your Remote Outlet .................................................................................................................. 25 Software Operation ....................................................................................................................... 26 Game Play Basics ...................................................................................................................... 26 TechnoHUNT™ Launch Menu ................................................................................................. 26 Pick up Arrows Delay and Shots Per Round ............................................................................. 27 Adjusting Sensor Light Levels .................................................................................................. 28 System Configuration ................................................................................................................ 29 Adjust to Pins ............................................................................................................................ 29 ............................................................................................................................................... 30 Group Content ............................................................................................................................... 31 To Create a Set: ......................................................................................................................... 32 To Edit an Existing Set: ............................................................................................................. 33 To Delete a Set: ......................................................................................................................... 33 Leagues ......................................................................................................................................... 34 Shoot a League .......................................................................................................................... 37 League Standings ....................................................................................................................... 37 To Edit a Player‘s Score ............................................................................................................ 38 To Remove a Player from a League .......................................................................................... 38 TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information -2- To Delete a League .................................................................................................................... 38 Player Information ..................................................................................................................... 39 Setting up a Timed Game ............................................................................................................. 40 Timed Play................................................................................................................................. 40 Challenge Play ........................................................................................................................... 41 Demo ......................................................................................................................................... 41 ....................................................................................................................................................... 42 New Player .................................................................................................................................... 42 Playing the Game .......................................................................................................................... 43 Alternate Key Mapping / Hot-keys ............................................................................................... 44 To Print Mailing Labels ................................................................................................................ 45 Label Adjuster ........................................................................................................................... 46 How Does Handicapping and Sampling Work? ........................................................................... 46 Tools ............................................................................................................................................. 48 Header Setup.............................................................................................................................. 48 Setup Player Defaults ................................................................................................................ 49 Scoring .......................................................................................................................................... 50 Hit Zones ....................................................................................................................................... 51 Powering Up / Powering Down .................................................................................................... 52 Powering Up .............................................................................................................................. 52 Applying Power to Down-Range Equipment ....................................................................... 52 Applying Power To The Desktop Equipment ....................................................................... 53 Powering Down ......................................................................................................................... 53 Video Projector ..................................................................................................................... 53 Turning off the Sensors ......................................................................................................... 53 Turning Off the Computer .................................................................................................... 53 Maintenance ................................................................................................................................. 54 Desktop Hardware Maintenance ............................................................................................... 54 Printer Maintenance................................................................................................................... 54 Defragmenting ........................................................................................................................... 54 Screen Repair ............................................................................................................................. 55 Screen Tightening ...................................................................................................................... 55 Projector Lens Maintenance ...................................................................................................... 56 Critical Projector Maintenance .................................................................................................. 56 Tape Maintenance...................................................................................................................... 56 Fixing Obstructions ................................................................................................................... 57 Replacing the Reflective Tape ................................................................................................... 59 TechnoHUNT System Setup......................................................................................................... 63 Installing the Master Sensor ...................................................................................................... 63 Installing the Slave Sensor ........................................................................................................ 63 Connecting the cables for the TechnoHUNT Computer: .......................................................... 64 Appendix A—Computer Basics ................................................................................................... 66 Computing Terms ...................................................................................................................... 66 Sound Card Volume Controls ................................................................................................... 67 Program Not Responding Shutdown ......................................................................................... 68 TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information -3- Abnormal Shutdown .................................................................................................................. 68 Emergency Shutdown ................................................................................................................ 68 Glossary ........................................................................................................................................ 69 ....................................................................................................................................................... 72 Trouble Shooting Guide ................................................................................................................ 72 Video Problems ............................................................................................................................. 73 No video on computer monitor.................................................................................................. 73 No video on the target screen .................................................................................................... 73 Picture is dim ............................................................................................................................. 73 Audio Problems ............................................................................................................................ 74 Very little sound, even with speakers turned up ........................................................................ 74 Sound is distorted ...................................................................................................................... 74 Sound from only one channel .................................................................................................... 74 No sound .................................................................................................................................... 74 Error Message: "Sensor 1 not responding on Port COM3" in graphs .......................................... 75 Error Message: "Sensor 3 not responding on Port COM4" in graphs .......................................... 75 Error Message: "No Data From Sensor" on Right Sensor graph .................................................. 76 System Freeze: ―TechnoHUNT is now loading" screen ............................................................... 77 Error Message: "System Confused" during games ....................................................................... 78 Other Errors: ................................................................................................................................. 79 Arrow Shots Do Not Register: .................................................................................................. 79 Arrow Shots Register in the Wrong Location: .......................................................................... 79 Contact Us! ................................................................................................................................... 80 Promote your TechnoHUNT System! .......................................................................................... 81 TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information -4- Welcome! Congratulations! You are the proud owner of a state-of-the-art TechnoHUNT system! Not only is the system a revenue generating tool, but can also enhance your shop‘s atmosphere. Build friendships and establish your shop within community through tournaments. Don‘t forget about bringing profit to your business! The TechnoHUNT system is simple, easy to use, and designed for many years of operation. Let‘s get started! GETTING TO KNOW WINDOWS XP New to Windows? Built into your machine, there is a simple video tour called ―Tour Windows XP.‖ This can help get you started with your new TechnoHUNT system‘s interface, which is based on Windows XP. Simply go to Start > All Programs > Accessories > Tour Windows XP. INTRODUCTION TO TECHNOHUNT™ The dedicated and helpful staff of Archery Interactive wants to personally welcome you to the team. We look forward to a great relationship and welcome any questions or concerns that you might have. Congratulations on the purchase of your new TechnoHUNT System! Welcome to TechnoHUNT, the state-of-the-art archery simulation system used for enjoying the sport of archery, while also enhancing skill and providing shooting practice. TechnoHUNT™ provides the archery enthusiast with the ultimate in bow shooting simulation. High-quality video displays and exceptional interactivity provide for the most realistic improvement of one‘s skills. TechnoHUNT™ offers a variety of ways to use the system: Timed—players are presented with pre-selected scenes for the amount of time selected. League play—leagues can be set up for any number of weeks with any number of players and any number of shots per week. Challenge—pits one player against the system. If the player hits a bulls-eye or a vital, another scene is presented. If he shoots a body, no points, or times out, the game is over. Demo—allows one shooter five (5) arrows as an introduction to the system. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information -5- The various models of TechnoHUNT™ include the following features: MPEG 2 Video—DVD-quality video Anatomically correct, moving hit zones—bone structure and body position relate to the shot Obstacles—shrubs and branches that can spoil that otherwise perfect shot True Yardage—shoot virtual animals up to 60 yards away on a 20-yard range with actual sight pins Arrow Speed/Chronograph—a true-flight measurement by computer Wind Simulation—to help the archer practice in crosswinds Multiple Shooters—head to head competition for archers simultaneously FEATURE MODEL 100 MODEL 300 MPEG 2 Video Anatomically Correct Hit Zones Obstacles True Yardage Chronograph Wind Simulation Simultaneous Shooters TechnoHunt Features by Model Number The TechnoHUNT System integrates hardware and software into a flexible and compact system. The system hardware includes the pc computer, printer, monitor, VGA splitter, and SCI cable. In the range tunnel, there is the video projector, speakers, remote outlets, battery backups, and sensors. TechnoHUNTorchestrates and integrates many programs including audio playback, video display, shot tracking, Wind and True Yardage simulator, league capability, software to allow you to create your own hunting scenarios, and TechnoHUNT interface software with online support. The computer superimposes shot locations onto the video and displays scores and other information on the monitor and target screen. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information -6- The TechnoHUNT system incorporates a tracking sub-system that contains two to four projectiletracking sensors. The TH100 has two (2) projectile tracking sensors. The Th300 has four (4) projectile tracking sensors. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information -7- QUICK START We would like to remind you of the basics before we jump into the details. Your installer has already gone over everything in this section with you, but we feel that it is important to provide you with all the information you need as a refresher for every day operations. Start of day checklist: Turn on the Sensors. (Use the remote outlets for this.) Turn on the Projector. (Use the remote outlets for this.) Wipe Down the Tape. Turn on the Computer. Check your Graphs. o Before starting a game, you should always check your graphs to make sure that your sensors are tuned in correctly. See Sensor Alignment for determining what a ―good graph‖ should look like. o If any changes are made to the alignment, remember to always calibrate following the alignment. See the Alignment and Calibration section for more info. Set the number of arrows to be shot. Set the number of seconds for pick-up arrows time. Exit out to the Options/Launch screen. Click Launch. Click Start. Set the amount of time to run the game. Choose the ―content‖ for the game. Pick the shooters for the game. Click ―Shoot‖. Remember, after each game is over, exit to the desktop, wait ten (10) seconds, then start the next game. This will help prevent issues during game play. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information -8- MAINTENANCE Keeping your system running efficiently is important! Now that your system is up and running, let’s make sure that it stays that way! Make this daily check-list a habit! Check the alignment of your graphs.) Keep your reflective tape clear of debris. Dust and dirt can impair your sensors‘ abilities to read arrows, so it is important to wipe down the tape daily. To do this, use a soft, cotton, slightly damp cloth. Keep units clean using canned air (found at most office supply stores). Use this on the sensors and projector‘s lens. Caution: Never use a cloth of any kind to clean the sensor camera lenses or the projector’s lens. Running disk defragmenter on a monthly basis can help your TechnoHUNT computer to run its best. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information -9- QUICK LEAGUE SET-UP Offering league play at your shop is a great way to utilize all of the features of your TechnoHUNT 100 system, and is also a great way to maximize profit! The following is a quick refresher on how to set up your leagues. Important! When entering names into the fields throughout the software, remember to never use punctuations marks (such as !,.,?,etc.) as this can cause the game to freeze up or not work properly. To set up leagues: Start by clicking on ―Launch‖ from the Options/Launch screen. Click on ―Tools‖ in the upper left-hand corner. Select ―group content.‖ Choose the scenes you would like in each week‘s league, i.e., for a twelve (12) week, twenty (20) shot league, you need to select twelve (12) twenty (20) scene groups, giving each a unique name that will help you identify it later. Exit group content. Select ―leagues‖ in the upper left-hand corner. Select ―league setup‖. Enter the name of your league, i.e., ―Summer 2009‖ Enter the number of sessions you want for the league, i.e., for twelve (12) weeks, enter 12. Enter the number of shots per session, i.e., for twenty (20) shots, enter 20. Enter the players to play in the league. Click ―Next‖. Select for each week: The group content you have already created for each respective week. Click ―Next‖. Select the type of handicapping: No Handicapping, Highest Player Score Handicapping, or Highest Possible Score Handicapping. Click ―Next‖ to finish or proceed, depending upon your handicapping preference. Handicapping Set-Up Select session(s) you wish to use for sampling. Select the percentage of handicap to use. Click ―Finish.‖ Your League is now set up and ready to play. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 10 - SHOOTING A LEAGUE Click ―League Play‖ on the start screen. Select the league to play. Select the session to play. Select players. Click ―Shoot.‖ Remember, after each game is over, exit to the desktop, wait ten (10) seconds, then start the next game. This will help prevent issues during game play. GETTING TO KNOW YOUR SENSORS The TechnoHUNT sensors are a key part to the functionality of your TechnoHUNT system. It is important not only to keep them well-maintained, but also to understand how they work. Each sensor contains a light source and camera. The light is projected onto the retro reflective tape and the camera views the reflected light. When a projectile enters the array, the sensor detects a shadow and sends the information to the computer to process. The computer translates the processed data into the (X, Y) coordinates of a hit location. The light from each sensor must be properly aimed at the retro-reflective tape, and the camera in each sensor must be properly aimed to view the reflected light. Aiming the sensors is alignment. Calibration is the process that commands the computer to correlate logical coordinates with actual physical locations on the target screen. The following sections cover sensor alignment, sensor calibration, and lane calibration: TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 11 - SENSOR ALIGNMENT: Why align the sensors? The LEDs in the sensor create a field of light about 3/16‖ in width. Y will need to align the sensors so that this field of light is in the same position on the sensor frame bottom tape as it is on the tape on the sensor frame upright,. It should be parallel to the edge of both of these tapes. Then, once it is parallel to the edge of the tapes, you can move the array in and out across the tape until you get the best graph possible. This will make it easier for the sensor to track all the arrows. You will do this using the alignment screws. Well Positioned The array is parallel to the edge of the tape both on the sensor frame upright and on the sensor frame bottom. Angled Poorly The array is not parallel to the tape on the sensor frame upright in this example. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 12 - Positioned Poorly The array is too close to or not on the tape. The array must be positioned a minimum of ¼‖ from either edge or anywhere in-between. Alignment screws Each sensor has two thumb screws to adjust the camera: (slave sensor shown) TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 13 - Now that you understand how a sensor head works, let‘s walk through the procedure on how to align your sensors. Sensors must be aligned starting with a two (2) sensor setting, even though you have more than two sensors on the system. Then, you will align for three (3), and finally for four (4). The following are step-by-step instructions for your alignment: 1. Set the number of sensors to two (2). TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 14 - 2. Click on ―Sensor Graph.‖ 3. Click on ―Graphs‖. Then click on ―Left sensor graph‖. 4. Adjust to produce a good graph (See good graph example in the sensor alignment section). 5. Start with the left downrange sensor. First, adjust the bottom screw to set the angle of the sensor head to make the light hit the same line on the tape of the sensor frame upright as on the tape of the sensor frame bottom. Now place your index finger on the tape of the right sensor frame upright about 4‘ up from the floor. Push it all the way in to the ―screen side‖ of the tape. Look on the graph for the down spike being caused by your finger in the array. Now, watch that spike as you slowly pull back your finger. When the spike disappears, stop your finger and locate where the tip of it is. This will be the edge of the light field from where the sensors are hitting the tape. 6. Repeat this same procedure by putting your finger on the tape of the sensor frame bottom about 5‘ in from the side, again, locating where the tip of your finger is when the down spike disappears into the graph. 7. Now that you know where the light beam from the sensors is hitting the tape, adjust the left sensor to make sure that the light beam on the tape of the sensor frame upright is being projected to the same place as the light beam is on the tape of the sensor frame bottom. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 15 - 8. To do this, locate and adjust the bottom screw (to adjust the head angle) on the left sensor head. This screw corrects the angle of the sensor head. Adjust by turning it to the right or left in order to align the edge of the field of light, so that the light field is hitting the tape the same distance in from the front edge of the tape on the sensor frame upright as it is on the front edge of the tape on the sensor frame bottom. It is important to keep the field of light within one of the lined sections of the tape. Make sure to align so that the light field is cast in a pattern parallel to both the edges of the tape and the individual stripes within it as shown above. Try to keep the beam away from the edges (1/4” minimum) so that vibrations from game play do not cause it to move off the tape. 9. Now that the beam is parallel to the tape, using the top screw on the sensor head; move the head back and forth, while watching the graph on the screen, until you have the most level graph that your cameras and tape arrays can produce. The following describes a ―good graph.‖ 10. Now that the left sensor is done, switch to the right sensor and repeat the above procedure. Remember, the two (2) adjustment screw‘s functions are reversed since the left sensor is on the opposite side of the range. 11. Now that the left and right sensors are aligned, Click on ―CA LIBRATE SYSTEM‖ and calibrate. 12. After calibration, shoot the system to make sure that the system is tracking well. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 16 - WHAT IS A GOOD GRAPH? The graph shown above is an example of a ―good graph.‖ Notice that all points on the graph between the 512 and 1536 marks (as shown by the red vertical lines) are kept above the 60 lumens mark (shown with the horizontal red line). You may have to raise the sensitivity with the appropriate slider in the sensor sensitivity setting on the ―arrow tracker options‖ page. The graph needs to extend from approximately the 512 to 1536 pixel marks on the bottom of the screen. All points of the graph between the 512 and 1536 pixel marks should be at least 60 lumens or above. (If necessary, raise the sensor sensitivity with the appropriate slider on the ―arrow tracker options‖ page.) There should be no single pixel down-spikes in the graph that drop more than ten (10) lumens. No two sensors’ graphs will be exactly alike, but if you understand what makes a good graph, you will be able to get your individual sensor’s graph looking its best. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 17 - 2 SENSOR CALIBRATION Calibrating the system tells the computer the location of pre-selected points on the screen by displaying an array of dots. When the system is properly calibrated, the computer can accurately determine the location of a shot. Calibrating requires two people—one to locate points on the target screen and one to operate the computer. The person at the target screen will direct the person at the computer when to record the location. Perform the following steps to calibrate the system: Start the computer. Start TechnoHUNT. Choose ―Options‖ from the main menu. Click ―Arrow Tracker Options‖. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 18 - Make sure it is set for two sensors. Choose ―Sensor Graph‖. In the next window, use the ―Calibrate‖ drop-down menu to choose ―Calibrate system‖. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 19 - The screen will display an array of dots and instruct the person at the target screen to put an arrow with a blunt tip on the center of the blue dot. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 20 - Dot Array The arrow with a blunt tip must be held perpendicular to the target screen, and the only thing in the array (See picture for proper holding of the arrow for calibration). Holding the arrow any other way will not allow you to see if the arrow is perfectly perpendicular at all angles: up and down, right and left.) The person at the target screen should say ―Okay‖ or ―Go‖ when the arrow is in the proper position. This will be the cue for the person at the computer to press <space bar>. When the person at the computer presses <space bar>, the blue dot will then move over to the next dot. Repeat this process for each of the dots. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 21 - The image above shows how calibration should be performed and how the arrows should be held. After the last dot, a dialog box will show the calibration status. The status number is calculated and represents the quality of the calibration. Any number under 10 should be adequate. Every 10 points equals an inch within perfect accuracy. Every prime number to the left of the decimal = 1/10 of an inch in tracking accuracy, i.e., a score of .750 means that the average shot would be tracked within less than 1/10 of an inch. The lower the number, the better the calibration was performed. If the calibration did not succeed, you will need to repeat the calibration process. Exit to the desktop. Wait ten (10) seconds, then restart game by clicking on the ―TechnoHUNT Menu‖ icon on the desktop. Follow instructions 1-10 again. Shoot the system to make sure that it is tracking well. If not, then repeat calibration. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 22 - GETTING TO KNOW YOUR HARDWARE YOUR SCI CABLE Let‘s get to know your SCI Cable! This piece of hardware acts as a converter from the sensors to the computer. The clear USB end goes to the designated USB port on the computer. The Cat5 end connects to ‗host computer‘ port on the down-range master sensor. For help with setting up an SCI cable, please contact TechnoHUNT’s technical support team. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 23 - YOUR TECHNOHUNT COMPUTER The TechnoHUNT computer is the ―brains‖ of the system. The game software comes installed on your computer. Other electronic components such as the speakers, monitor, printer, and sensors relay information to and from it. Please note: Make sure that the SCI cable is always plugged into the appropriate usb port on the back of the computer. The system will not work properly if plugged into the wrong port. YOUR UNINTERRUPTABLE POWER SUPPLY (UPS) Your Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) is the device you will use to plug in TechnoHUNT components like the computer, monitor, and sensors. Only use the side that reads ―Battery/Surge‖. The unit must be under power at all times in order to stay charged. A warning beep will sound if power is lost. If power is lost for an extended period of time, you should push the power button to turn off the UPS. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 24 - YOUR PROJECTOR The projector hangs from the projector frame set 16‘ in front of the screen. This is what displays the video onto your screen. It mirrors what is seen on the computer monitor. See projector manual for operating instructions. YOUR PRINTER Use your printer for printing scores for your shooters and leagues. See printer manual for operating instructions. YOUR REMOTE OUTLET This convenient tool allows you to power down your hard-to-reach equipment through the use of a remote control power button. The hand wand has a battery inside. If remote outlets do not work, check the battery. (Battery is an A23 battery.) TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 25 - SOFTWARE OPERATION GAME PLAY BASICS When the ―Shoot‖ button is clicked, an introduction video is played. The screen then displays information for the shooter. The information shown depends on the game selected and the number of players. With the TH 300, if ―True Yardage‖ is selected the yardage will display on the screen. If ―Wind‖ is selected, a graph showing the direction of the wind displays. The video of the animal is then shown. The length of time the animal is seen varies depending on the video. After a shot is taken, the video stops and shows where the arrow hit the screen. If the system has ―True Yardage‖ or ―Wind‖ set, a dot will show where the arrow hit the target screen and the arrow will show where it would have hit the animal considering the yardage and/or wind. Based on the number of arrows you have set the game for, the game will pause and display a pick-uparrows screen. Do not go downrange to pick up arrows until the screen directs you to. The screen will display the message, ―Pick up arrows and tighten tips.‖ The amount of time you will have to pick up the arrows is determined by how long you have set for the ―Arrow Collection Time‖. This section illustrates how to use the TechnoHUNT software: TECHNOHUNT™ LAUNCH MENU The ―LAUNCH!‖ Button takes you to Start, League Play, League Standings, and Player Info. Click on ―OPTIONS‖ to access game options and Sensor Utilities software. Click on ―QUIT‖ to go to the Windows desktop, or to log off Windows. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 26 - PICK UP ARROWS DELAY AND SHOTS PER ROUND From the ―Options / Launch‖ screen, choose ―Options,‖ then click on ―G ame Options.‖ ―Num ber of Arrows‖ allows you to set the number of arrows the player has to shoot before the ―Pick up arrows and tighten tips‖ screen is displayed. The minimum is one (1) and the maximum is ten (10). ―Ar row Collection Time‖ allows you to set the number of seconds that the ―P ick up arrows and tighten tips‖ screen is displayed. The minimum is fifteen (15) and the maximum is sixty (60). TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 27 - ADJUSTING SENSOR LIGHT LEVELS From the ―Options / Launch‖ screen, choose ―Options,‖ then click on ―Ar row Tracker Options.‖ Click on the corresponding slider for the sensor you wish to adjust light levels on, and drag the slider bar to the right to increase the light levels and to the left to decrease the light levels as needed. Click on ―Sensor Graph‖ to verify light levels. Click OK to return to the TechnoHUNT launch menu. NOTE- A minimum light level of 60 (around 70 is ideal) between 512 and 1536 on the sensor graphs is recommended for proper arrow tracking. See the image at the left. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 28 - SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Click on the number of sensors to be used with the TechnoHUNT System. 2 Sensor Setting: Normal game. Up to six (6) people per game, one (1) at a time shooting. 3 Sensor Setting: Adds a chronograph. You can also choose ―Wind and True Yardage‖ (For ―Wind and True Yardage,‖ profile for shooter must include height and arrow grain weight, and must shoot ―Adjust to Pins‖ to save a bow performance profile in the system). Up to six people per game, one (1) at a time shooting. 4 Sensor Setting: Adds multi-shooter capabilities. Up to six (6) people per game, up to three (3) at a time shooting. ADJUST TO PINS Before using this feature, confirm that sensors are set to three (3). 1. From the Tools menu, select Adjust to Pins as seen here: TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 29 - 2. The following dialog box displays: 3. Select a player then click the Shoot button. The following targets display on the screen: (Used in “True Wind” and “True Yardage” scenarios only.) After player shoots all three (3) targets, using the pin on his/her bow that corresponds with each of the targets on the Adjust to Pins screen, have the player adjust his/her pins to the targets. Note that this is a simulation and will not necessarily be accurate to real life scenarios. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 30 - Shooting Adjust to Pins in 2-Sensor Mode Always use a number for the name to ensure that no profiles are accidentally saved to a shooter‘s name. In 2 sensor mode, the static targets can be used to site in your bow. There is no regard to distance, but a foot per second tag will always default to ―FPS 300‖. All targets are 20 yard targets. Never hit ―save‖, always hit ―quit‖ or ―c lear‖. As a shooter shoots at the target, the green dot will disappear from the first shot and reappear at the next shot. Each target has its own 1/3 section of the screen, so that there may be up to three (3) dots on the screen at a time, one in each section. Use the ―Q‖ key to quit ―Adjust to Pins‖. GROUP CONTENT Group Content allows the user to create custom sets of videos. Custom sets can be created for each league session, as well as custom sets for timed games, allowing you to use easier sets for beginning archers or more difficult sets for more experienced archers. From the ―Launch/Options‖ screen, click on ―Launch‖. This will take you to the ―star t menu‖, as seen to the left: Then, in the upper left-hand corner, click on ―Tools‖, and a drop-down menu will appear. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 31 - TO CREATE A SET: Click on ―G roup Content‖ to get to the load-up screen, as seen to the left: Select the first scene for the set you want to create by left-clicking on the scene. The scene will then be highlighted in red. Continue selecting all of the scenes you want in your new set from all 700+ scenes. Click the ―Create Set‖ button. Enter a name for the new set, using ONLY letters and numbers. No punctuation of any kind can be used as it may cause freezing of the system when trying to play that set. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 32 - TO EDIT AN EXISTING SET: Click the ―Load a Set‖ button. Select the set to edit. After the set is loaded, add or remove scenes by leftclicking on them. Select ―Cr eate a Set‖. Select ―Save‖ after deciding whether or not you would like to change the name. TO DELETE A SET: To delete a set: Click the ―Delete a Set‖ button. Click on the set to delete. Click on the ―Delete a Set‖ again. Note: Deleting a set will only delete the grouping of the videos in the group content, but will never delete the videos themselves from your system. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 33 - LEAGUES The first step to setting up a league is to select ―Group Content‖ from the ―Tools‖ menu and create each week‘s worth of scenes based on the number of shots you are going to have in your league. For example, if you are going to have an eight (8) week, twenty (20) shot league, you will need to create eight (8), twenty (20) shot groups in your ―Group Content‖ editor. Each one should be named in a distinguishable way so that you will know what content you will have in each week. For example, you could call the first week‘s content ―week 1‖ and the second week ―week 2‖, etc. Once you have edited a content group for each week of the league, you will then be ready to set up your leagues. Click on ―Leagues‖ in the upper left-hand corner of your Start Menu screen as seen at the left. Select ―League Setup‖. 1. Enter a name for the league, i.e., My League 2. Enter the number of sessions the league will include. The sessions are automatically named by week number. To change the name, select the session to be changed and enter a new name (There are eight (8) in the example to the left). 3. Input number of shots you want for each session of the league. (There are twenty (20) in the example to the left.) 4. Click the ―Next‖ button to continue ―League Setup‖. Click the ―Cancel‖ button to exit TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 34 - ―League Setup‖ without saving changes. 5. 6. To create a league player list, select the player‘s name in the ―Available Player‖ list then click the ―Add‖ button. The player‘s name will be displayed in the league players list. To remove a player from the league players list, select the name then click the ―Remove‖ button. If the player‘s name is not in the ―Available Players‖ list, click the ―New Player‖ button and enter the name and address. Click the ―Next‖ button to continue the set up. Click the ―Cancel‖ button to exit League Setup without saving changes. 7. Highlight your first session (1 Week as shown) in the left-hand column as shown in the picture. 8. In ―Content Group‖ on the right-hand side, search for your first week‘s selection from the content groups that you created for your league, i.e, Week 1 as shown. 9. Highlight your selection. 10. Click again on your first session (Week 1) in the left-hand column. You will then see words appear on the bottom beneath the sessions in the left-hand column. These will detail all the information concerning your first week‘s session. 11. Repeat this procedure for each of the successive weeks. 12. Click ―Next‖. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 35 - 13. If the league is not to be handicapped, select ―No Handicapping‖ then click the ―Finish‖ button. 14. If it is to be a handicapped league, select the type of handicapping to be used. 15. Click the ―Next‖ button to continue the handicap set up. Click the Cancel button to exit ―League Setup‖ without saving changes. 16. Select the sessions to be used for sampling using the ―Add‖ and ―Remove‖ buttons. The sampling weeks you select will be used for gathering the information used for the handicap, based on the percentage selected below. For example, with an eight (8) week league, weeks 2 and 3 could be used for sampling as shown. 17. Select the percentage of handicap to be used for this league. 18. Select to allow or not allow adjusted score to exceed maximum possible score. Click the ―F inish‖ button. The new league name will now display in the league list in the League Shooting and League Standings dialog boxes. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 36 - SHOOT A LEAGUE To shoot a league, click on ―League Play‖ on the TechnoHUNT launch screen, or select ―Play League Game‖ from the ―Leagues‖ menu. Select the name of the league that is to be played. Select the session name to be played. Select the player or players that are to shoot (up to six (6) can shoot at a time). Click the ―Shoot‖ button. LEAGUE STANDINGS From the ―Leagues‖ menu, select ―League Standings‖ or click the ―League Standings‖ button on the main TechnoHUNT screen. Select a league. All players in the selected league will be listed along with their scores for each session. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 37 - Check the box in the lower left corner to display handicaps for each player‘s score. TO EDIT A PLAYER’S SCORE 1. Select the league. 2. Select the name of the player whose score is to be changed. 3. In the ―Edit Player’s Score‖ box, select the session to be changed. 4. Enter the new score in the box next to the player‘s name. 5. Click the ―Apply Changes‖ button. TO REMOVE A PLAYER FROM A LEAGUE 1. Select the league. 2. Select the player to be removed. 3. Click ―Remove from League‖. 4. Verify by selecting ―Yes‖ on the next dialog box. TO DELETE A LEAGUE To delete a league, go to ―League Standings‖. Select the league to be deleted then click the ―Delete League‖ button. Verify by clicking ―Yes‖ on the next dialog box. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 38 - PLAYER INFORMATION To edit a player‘s information or to delete a player, select the player name in the ―Available Player‖ list then click the ―Player Info‖ button. The ―Player Information‖ dialog box displays the selected player‘s information. To edit the player information, click the ―Edit‖ button. After entering the new information, click the ―Save Changes‖ button. Click ―Accept Changes‖. To delete the player, click the ―Delete Player‖ button. Click ―Exit‖ to return to the ―Timed Play‖ dialog box without saving any changes. Notes can be added or deleted in the ―Notes‖ field. Another ―Player Information‖ dialog box can be displayed by clicking on the ―Player Info‖ target on the main TechnoHUNT opening screen or by selecting ―Player Information‖ from the ―Tools‖ menu. It has the same information as the dialog box above, but includes player search criteria and access to printing mailing labels. To find a specific player name, select either First Name or Last Name then enter the name in the search field. Click the ―Search‖ button. To search notes, select ―Notes‖ then enter a keyword in the ―Search‖ field. Click the ―Search‖ button. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 39 - SETTING UP A TIMED GAME Starting TechnoHUNT Click the ―Launch Button‖ on the TechnoHUNT desktop. The screen to the left is displayed. Click ―Start‖. The timed Play dialog box will appear. TIMED PLAY No set up is necessary for Timed Play. There are three game options: ―Time‖ allows players to shoot for the amount of time entered in ―Minutes‖. Up to three players can shoot in rotation. (The minimum is one (1) minute and the maximum is ninehundred and ninety-nine (999) minutes.) ―Challenge‖ allows a single player to shoot until he misses the vital area. ―Demo‖ gives the player five shots as an introduction to the system. Timed Play Dialog Box TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 40 - Select ―Time‖ then enter the number of minutes TechnoHUNT is to run. Choose the content that the player will shoot. Select a player in the ―Available Players‖ list. Click the ―Add‖ button to put the player‘s name in the ―Selected Players‖ list. (You can enter up to six (6) people in a game.) If a player‘s name is not in the Available Players list, click the ―New Player‖ button and enter the player‘s name. To remove a name from the ―Selected Players‖ list, select the name and then click the ―Remove‖ button. When all players are selected and ready to shoot, click the ―Shoot‖ button to start the game. If system is set to four (4) sensors for the multi-shoot mode, refer to the ―Lane Assignments‖ section of this manual for optimum placement of players. CHALLENGE PLAY Challenge is for a single player. The player shoots until he or she misses a bulls-eye or vital. When the player misses the bulls-eye or vital, the game is over. To play a Challenge round: In the ―Timed Play‖ dialog box, select ―Challenge‖. Choose the content. Select a single player from the ―Available Player‖ list then click the ―Add‖ button. (For the ―Challenge‖ game, only one player can play at a time.) Click the ―Shoot‖ button to start the game. DEMO Select ―Demo‖ to give a player five free shots to try out the TechnoHUNT System. Game will automatically shut down after five (5) shots. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 41 - NEW PLAYER If a player is not in the ―Available Player‖ list, click the ―New Player‖ button to enter new names. Phone number format must be in the following format: 123-4567 Birth Date format must be: 01/03/2001 Enter first name. Enter last name. Enter Address, City, State, and Zip Code. If you have a TH300, be sure to enter in height and arrow grain weight with blunt. Notes: any information pertaining to the player can be added in this field. For example, if the brand of equipment a customer uses is entered, when that particular equipment manufacturer has a special promotion, the customer can be notified by using player information and searching for that information in the ―Notes‖ section. (Notes are searchable by individual word.) Click the ―Add Player‖ button to save the new information. Click the ―Exit‖ button to leave the dialog box without saving. . TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 42 - PLAYING THE GAME When the ―Shoot‖ button is clicked, an introduction video is played. The screen then displays information for the shooter. The information shown depends on the game selected and the number of players. The video of the animal is then shown. The length of time the animal is seen varies depending on the video. After the shot, the screen is shown with an arrow pointing to where it was hit. The game will display a pick-up arrows slide when the shooter has shot all of his/her arrows. To set the number of arrows the shooter has, see Game Set-Up. Do not go downrange to pick up arrows until the screen directs you to. The screen will display the message, ―Pick up arrows and tighten tips.‖ You will have up to sixty (60) seconds to pick up arrows, based on your personal settings. (See Game Set-Up for instructions on how to do this.) TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 43 - ALTERNATE KEY MAPPING / HOT-KEYS There are various things in the game that you can control with ‗hot-keys‘. Hot-keys are ways to control the game using the keyboard. The following is a list of the hot-keys in the game and what they control (the hot-keys are NOT case sensitive): SPACE BAR – After pressing ―Shoot‖ to start a game, wait for the twirling TechnoHUNT logo then press <space bar> to skip the rest of the intro. P – Pauses the game. To pause the game, the player must hit the ‗p‘ key before the ―DELAY TIME‖ clock (shown in the image below encased in light blue) reaches 6 o‘clock on the display. If the player tries to pause the game after the ―DELAY TIME‖ clock reaches 6 o‘clock on the display, the game will continue. S – Resumes the paused game. S is also the ―START‖ Key. Esc – This key stops the game. This also must be pressed before the ―DELAY TIME‖ clock reaches 6 o‘clock on the display. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 44 - TO PRINT MAILING LABELS To create a list for mailing labels, select ―Player Information‖ from the ―Tools‖ menu. Select the desired search category in the ―Search for Players‖ dialog box; for example, a list of customers from a certain city or zip code. To print mailing labels, click the ―Print Options‖ button on the ―Player Information‖ dialog box after creating a mailing label list. The following dialog box is displayed: Select the correct label template by clicking on ―Click-Change‖ until the one you want to use is shown. Choose one that matches your storepurchased labels. Put the labels in the printer and click the ―Print Mailing Labels‖ button. (In order for a mailing label to be printed out, the player information must contain the address of the player.) Clicking the ―Advanced‖ button displays the following dialog box with advanced print options: TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 45 - LABEL ADJUSTER There may be times where you need to adjust the mailing label format. In order to do this, do the following: Go to the desktop. Click on ―Start‖. Click on ―M y Computer‖. Click on ―C‖ Drive. Click on ―AIS‖ folder. Click on ―Ut ilities‖. Double click ―LabelAdjuster.exe‖. (See dialog box below.) All fields begin containing zeros. The user can then choose from seven pre-determined standard label sizes, depending upon his or her needs. Fields can also be customized by entering new numbers. Descriptions of fields are located above each. When finished, the "Apply" button must be pressed in order to store these new settings in the game. Press "OK" to close the window and retain changes or "Cancel" to close the window without saving any changes. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 46 - HOW DOES HANDICAPPING AND SAMPLING WORK? Handicapping is a system that allows lower-average shooters to compete with higher-average shooters. Your handicapped score is based off a percentage of the difference between your score and the Highest Possible Score. You may also choose to base your handicap off the Highest Player Score, though this is not the preferred method. Example: Joe is shooting a 10-shot league. The maximum score is 100 (10 bulls-eyes). Handicapping was based off the Highest Possible Score, with the Percentage of Handicap to Use set at 80%. Joe shoots a 90. The difference between Joe's score (90) and the Highest Possible Score (100) is 10. 80% of 10 = 8. Joe's Handicap for that week is 8, giving him a total handicapped score of 98. Sampling is a system that allows you to select which weeks‘ scores count towards the handicap. This prevents shooters from 'sandbagging' to intentionally get higher handicap scores. The total handicap is based off the average handicap of all sampled week‘s scores. Example: In an 8 week 10-shot league, weeks 1, 4, 5, and 8 are selected as Sample weeks. Only these weeks count towards the players' handicap. Weeks 2, 3, 6, and 7 have no effect on the handicap. Further Explained: Joe shoots all 8 weeks, and ends up with these scores: 81, 60, 73, 72, 51, 90, 75, 80. Since only weeks 1, 4, 5, and 8 were selected for Sampling, his handicap is based off these scores. 81 + 72 + 51 + 80 = 284 out of a possible 400. 400 - 284 = 116. 116/4 = 29 (4 is the total number of sampled weeks). 80% of 29 = 23.2, rounded down to 23. Joe's total handicap is 23, which will be added to each week of his league. It is recommended you include ALL weeks into your handicap sampling to give the players an impartial handicapped score. This way, their handicap is based off their total performance, not just how well (or how poorly) they did on any given week. In the above example, if all weeks were sampled, Joe's handicap would be 22. Please note: Even if you choose the handicapped score to Never Exceed Maximum Score, this only affects the final score. It is possible to exceed the max on a certain week, giving that player a huge advantage if they shoot poorly on a sample week. Sampling all weeks will help avoid this situation. Joe's week 1 score of 81 would actually show as 104 after his 23 handicap was figured in. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 47 - TOOLS The Tools menu contains four useful options that accomplish a variety of tasks: The information in ―Header Setup‖ is printed at the top of each score sheet. In ―Setup Player Defaults‖, text can be set to automatically display when entering player information. For example, if most players have the same area code, city, and zip code, this information can be automatically entered. ―Player Information‖ is where the player list can be searched or sorted by a number of categories and mailing labels printed. ―Group Content‖ allows the user to customize sets of animal videos that can be selected from the Content dropdown list for regular play or for league set up. HEADER SETUP Enter the information to be printed at the top of score sheets, such as the name and address of the range or store. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 48 - SETUP PLAYER DEFAULTS Text entered into the ―Set Player Defaults‖ dialog box will automatically be entered into a new player‘s information. For example, if most players are from the same area, the city, zip code, and area code, could be set as defaults and that information would automatically load when a new player is entered into the database. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 49 - SCORING The ―Scores‖ screen displays the hit and the total points beneath the name of each player. The disk number and scene number of the next shot also display on the ―Scores‖ screen. The following table lists all hit descriptions and the number of points scored for each. Scoring encourages hunters to use ethical hunting practices by not scoring neck and head shots on any large game. Also, leg shots on any animals are misses. On Screen Text # of Points Description No Shot 0 Shot not fired in time or not at all Incomplete Shot 0 Arrow not picked up by all sensors or shooter standing too close to the first sensor Miss 0 Arrow missed all targets on the screen. Neck and head shots on large animals are counted as misses. Obstacle 0 Arrow hit a branch or some other obstacle Body 5 Arrow hit non-vital part of the animal Vitals 8 Arrow hit the animal‘s vitals Bulls-eye 10 Arrow hit heart on large game, heart/ head on small game TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 50 - HIT ZONES Both the position of the animal and the animals‘ anatomy, such as bone structure, are taken into consideration when hit zones are drawn on them. The scoring includes a bulls-eye, which is the heart (10 points), vitals, lungs area (8 points), body shot (5 points), and an obstacle, (such as shrubs and branches that would spoil that otherwise perfect shot), miss, or no shot (0 points). It is important to encourage ethical shooting; therefore the hit zones have been created to be as accurate as possible. Note: On big game animals, neck and head shots are counted as misses since they are not an ethical shot for a hunter. Also, leg shots on any animals are misses. Small game (as determined by weight) has two hit zones: vitals and bulls-eye (head and heart). For example, shooting a bobcat in the head would give you a bulls-eye, but shooting a lion in the head would be considered a miss. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 51 - POWERING UP / POWERING DOWN This section contains the steps for starting and shutting down the system and MAINTENANCE procedures. POWERING UP Before applying power to any part of the system, check the equipment and the area for obvious problems. Make it a point to: Inspect the desktop equipment for damage. Inspect the down-range equipment for damage. Wipe down tape with a damp cotton cloth to remove debris from the reflective tape that might interfere with the projectile tracking subsystem. Clear the range of arrow feather, vanes, and debris. Plug in all data cables before firing up the system. APPLYING POWER TO DOWN-RANGE EQUIPMENT Turn the sensors on using the remote outlet hand wand. Using the projector remote, turn the video projector on. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 52 - APPLYING POWER TO THE DESKTOP EQUIPMENT Press the power button on the front of the computer. All the desktop equipment will come on, the computer should start, and the monitor should display video (if it does not, make sure that its power button is pressed and illuminated). The target screen should display the same video that is on the monitor (if not, make sure that your projector is on). TechnoHUNT is ready to be started. POWERING DOWN It is recommended that the system be powered down any time it is not in use, even for times that are thirty (30) minutes long or greater. This can not only save energy, but save on the life of some of the system‘s components. Over time, both the bulbs in the sensors and the one in the projector will start to grow dim and can even go out altogether. Although these circumstances are inevitable, you can prolong the life of these bulbs by powering down the system when it is not being used. To keep the system performing at optimum level, certain tasks must be performed before turning off the power: VIDEO PROJECTOR To turn off the Epson projector, press the ― Power‖ button on the projector or remote control You will see this confirmation message: (If you don‘t want to turn it off, press any other button or wait a few seconds until this message disappears.) Press the ―Power‖ button again. The projector will beep twice, the lamp will turn off, and the power light will turn orange. With Epson‘s exclusive Instant Off ® technology there‘s no cool-down period. If you want to turn the projector on again, press the ―Power‖ button. TURNING OFF THE SENSORS Using the remote outlet hand wand, turn off both Up-Range and Down-Range sensors. TURNING OFF THE COMPUTER Windows requires a special procedure before shutting off power to the computer. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 53 - ―Windows‖ must be ―shut down‖ properly prior to turning power off. Turning off power to the computer before it has been properly ―shut down‖ may prevent a normal system startup and MAY DAMAGE THE SYSTEM. Before shutting off the power to the desktop, the computer must be shut down as follows: 1. Exit out to the desktop. 2. Click on ―Start‖, then ―Shut Down‖. A dialog box will appear. Select the ―Shut Down‖ option. The computer monitor will display a window that reads, ―Please wait while your computer shuts down‖. MAINTENANCE DESKTOP HARDWARE MAINTENANCE The desktop equipment—monitor, keyboard, and mouse—requires normal care for electronic equipment such as: Avoid excessive vibration Avoid jarring the equipment Keep all food and drink away from the equipment Clean only with non-flammable liquids and only when the power is off We recommend using canned air spray to periodically remove debris from keyboard. PRINTER MAINTENANCE Refer to the printer manual for reloading paper, replacing ink cartridges, cleaning, and routine maintenance. DEFRAGMENTING This utility, commonly called Defrag, gathers all the scattered file fragments and writes them into adjacent clusters, so each file occupies a contiguous section of the disk. Defrag works by moving slabs of data to unused parts of the disk, in order to open up a large free section of space. It then assembles the fragmented parts of a file and writes them in one complete piece to the cleared space. After that, it does the same with the next file; and so on until the entire disk is defragmented. How to run Defrag: TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 54 - In Windows go to your task bar: Start button > Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Disk Defragmenter. Note: Make sure you are NOT running your screen saver or other programs as this will cause defrag to keep starting over and over again. SCREEN REPAIR If an archer shoots a hole into the screen it can be repaired using a piece of the screen patch. Screen repair kits can also be purchased through TechnoHUNT/Archery Interactive. Please contact us for details. Cut a piece of the repair cloth, about a 2" square. If there is access to the back of the screen, have one person in front and one in back and thread a needle back and forth. If there is no access to the back of the screen, use a curved leather needle or suture needle to sew in the patch. There are a variety of sewing materials that can be used; Vectran or Spectra, Peep serving, dental floss, #8 monofilament are all good choices. Thread can also be used. The patched area may appear brighter than the rest of the screen because of the double thickness. SCREEN TIGHTENING It is normal for the bungee and screen to relax over time. However, if the screen relaxes too much it can cause problems in tracking the arrows, especially to shots to the middle of the screen. A general rule-of-thumb is that if the screen presses in with an arrow, more than 4‖ with light pressure, then it is time to tighten the screen. Below are the instructions to do this. 1. Untie all the knots at the ends of the Bungee Cord. (Notice how they are tied so you can tie them again, Take a picture if possible). 2. Starting in the middle at the top of the screen, grab the bungee between the 1st space between the eyebolt screws, to the right of the middle 2 eye bolts. 3. Pull until tight (not too tight just enough to stretch the bungee down to 3/8‖ diameter). 4. Hold the slack that you have pulled in your left hand and grab the bungee in the next space over with your right hand and pull. Allow the slack that you are holding in your left hand to pass through, now, into the right hand. 5. Repeat this procedure until you get to the end of the rope. 6. When you are finished with the first rope start again in the middle at the top but this time go to TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 55 - your left. 7. When you have tightened the entire screen, check the screen for tightness by pushing in the middle. The screen should be as tight as possible. PROJECTOR LENS MAINTENANCE Clean the projector lens using only canned air. Do not use lens-cleaning tissue and fluids for cleaning lenses or glass. CRITICAL PROJECTOR MAINTENANCE The following projector MAINTENANCE must be performed at least once a month. Clean the projector filter as outlined in the projector owner‘s manual. Replace the filter as needed. Replacement filters may be purchased at your local dealer. Consult your projector manual for location and type of filter used. Make it a habit to use canned air for cleaning the filter every week. Accumulation of dust may block cooling airflow and cause overheating. Keeping the projector clean and cool is absolutely essential to insure long life of the unit and the projector bulb. Failure to clean or replace the projector filter may cause internal failure of the unit. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE PROCEDURES MAY VOID THE PROJECTOR WARRANTY BY THE MANUFACTURER AND BY AI. TAPE MAINTENANCE Clean the sensor tape daily. ONLY use a clean soft cotton rag. Dampen the rag with water only. Pay close attention to the dirt that accumulates in the tape corners and edge of patches. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 56 - FIXING OBSTRUCTIONS Identify the obstruction from the downward spike. Place your finger across the width of the tape anywhere along the board. Notice the second spike from your finger. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 57 - Run your finger along the length of the tape to find the problem spot. Notice how the spike follows your finger. When the two spikes meet, you have found the obstruction. Determine the problem and choose the appropriate solution: Dirty tape Solution: Clean the tape Obstruction (fletching, loose carpet, etc) TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 58 - Solution: Simply remove the obstruction Scratch: Will look similar to obstruction graph above, though probably smaller Solution: see ―Patching Tape‖ Tape seam: Will look similar to scratch graph Solution: see ―Patching Tape‖ After fixing the problem, you should once again have a good graph. REPLACING THE REFLECTIVE TAPE Reflective tape pattern needs to match up – IMPORTANT! Correct Incorrect 1. When cutting the reflective tape, do not include the perpendicular white lines. These occur in the tape every four feet and three inches (4‘3‖). TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 59 - 2. Under-cutting is very important. This is because the sensor will see the edge of the tape and could produce a downward spike. Spikes cause errors and thus arrows won‘t track correctly. -To undercut, hold the tape reflective side up. Hold the scissors at an angle so that they are angled away from the reflective side of the tape. Cut enough tape so that there will be a four to six inch (4‖-6‖) overlap of the new tape onto the old tape. 3. If patching a corner, the minimum length of tape for the patch should be eighteen inches (18‖). Crease the tape for the corners of the array board. -Do not rub the tape to make a crease. This will scratch the tape. Gently pinch the tape with your fingers to create a crease. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 60 - 4. Cut the old tape in the corner so that the new patch will fit tightly into the corner. Peel back the plastic coating, protecting the sticky side of the tape, past the corner by ¼‖. Place crease of the patch into the corner, keeping the tape aligned with the old tape. Then, press the tape on the sensor frame upright, smoothing with a soft cotton rag. Next, peel off the rest of the protective coating of the tape, and press the tape onto the bottom sensor frame, always keeping it aligned with the old tape. Smooth with a soft cotton rag. This should be done in the following order: a. Corner with the crease b. Side c. Bottom TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 61 - First make sure you know that the patterns on your tape are lining up and wipe down the array boards where you will be applying the tape. Now start with the side of the tape that will be going on your upright array and peel back the protective film from the tape to 1/8" past the crease of the corner. Align the tape on the bottom array with the with the 1 1/4" paralleled line on the bottom array (Do not yet remove the protective film from this half of the tape). Then, using the tips of your fingers, press the crease into the corner where the side and bottom arrays meet. Holding the corner in place, align the top half (on the upright) with the line on the array board and press the edge to stick it in place. Then place your soft clean cloth on the tape and starting at the corner, move up while pressing this half of the tape into place. Smooth out. Now, lift up the end of the tape on the bottom, pull back the protective film and align properly in place and press down. Then place your soft clean cloth on the tape and starting at the corner and moving out toward the center, press this half of the tape into place. Repeat for the other corner as well. Install the tape down on the bottom, and then the two sides. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 62 - TECHNOHUNT SYSTEM SETUP INSTALLING THE MASTER SENSOR Hang the sensor on the mounting panel in your tunnel. Connect the small 1 foot data and power cables from the box to the sensor camera head. The data cable plugs into the data port marked ―Master Sensor‖: Connect the 11.5 foot (11.5‘) data and power cables (going to the slave sensor) to the master sensor box. The data cable from the slave sensor plugs into the data port marked ―Slave Sensor‖. Connect the data cable from the SCI cable into the port marked ―Host Computer / data port‖. Then connect the 120V power cord. INSTALLING THE SLAVE SENSOR Before hanging the sensor on the mounting panel: Connect the 11.5 (11.5‘) foot communication and power cables (coming from the master sensor) to the back of the sensor head: Hang the slave sensor on the mounting panel in your tunnel and tighten thumb screw to hold it. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 63 - CONNECTING THE CABLES FOR THE TECHNOHUNT COMPUTER: This is a close up of the 5 ports that need to be connected. Connect your mouse and keyboard USB cables to these two USB ports. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 64 - Connect the video cable for your VGA Splitter here at this port. 5. Connect your sound cable to the green circle port. 6. The printer can be plugged into any of the remaining usb ports. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 65 - APPENDIX A—COMPUTER BASICS COMPUTING TERMS This manual uses the following computer terms: Click Depressing and releasing the left button on the mouse. Cursor The point on the monitor where the mouse is pointing or where the next character or action will take place. Cursors can take various shapes including arrows, lines, pointing hands, etc. Desktop This is the default view seen on the computer screen, on which windows, icons, and other graphical items appear. Double click Quickly depressing and releasing the left button on the mouse twice. Drag Depressing and holding the left mouse button while moving the mouse. Drop Letting go of the left mouse button after dragging the mouse. DVD burner drive This drive allows you to burn files to CD and DVD. Folder A computer location in which files are stored, similar to a folder in a filing cabinet. Keyboard The typewriter-like input device Key name Names of keys on the keyboard (like <Enter>, <Ctrl>, or <Esc>) are enclosed within the <> symbols. When simultaneous keystrokes are required, the key names will be separated by a plus sign, for example: the capital letter ―T‖ is <Shift> + <T>. Menu Bar Seen at the top of the window or dialog box and contains commands such as file, edit, view, favorites, tools, and help. Monitor The TV-like device that displays computer information. Mouse The hand-held device that moves the cursor around on the computer screen. Right-click Depressing and releasing the right button on the mouse. Screen The image displayed on the monitor. Often used interchangeably with ―window. ‖ Scrolling Clicking and dragging the bar on the side or bottom of the window/dialog box 03/25/09 - TechnoHUNT 300 Manual – See for additional help and information - 66 - Task Bar Located at the bottom of the desktop, this is where the ―Start button is located. Title Bar This bar is located above the menu bar and contains the name of the window/dialog box and the minimize, maximize, and exit buttons. USB ports This is a port on the back of your computer used by the SCI cable, printer, keyboard, and mouse Window A part or the entire image on a computer monitor display. Often used interchangeably with ―screen‖. SOUND CARD VOLUME CONTROLS When a sound card is installed, a speaker icon is placed on the task bar. Double clicking on the icon opens the sound card Volume Control dialog box: This dialog box controls five separate sections: Play Control, Wave, MIDI, CD Audio, and Line-In. The Volume Control section controls the master output from the sound card itself. The other sections control various inputs to the sound card. At the top of each section is a Balance slider that controls how much audio signal to send to the left or right speaker. Dragging the slider to the left or right adjusts the balance. In the middle of each section is the Volume slider. Dragging the slider up increases the volume of the input or output device. At the bottom of each section is a ―Mute‖ check box. Clicking the box alternately places or removes a check mark which mutes or allows sound through the device. Checking the Volume Control, ―Mute all‖ check box will suppress all output. 03/25/09 - TechnoHUNT 300 Manual – See for additional help and information - 67 - PROGRAM NOT RESPONDING SHUTDOWN If a program ―freezes up‖ or behaves abnormally, it may be necessary to press <Ctrl> + <Alt> + <Del> all at the same time. Doing so will open the Close Program dialog box. Close Program Dialog Box If a program is not responding, click it and then click the ―End Task‖ button. In a few moments another dialog box will appear and ask for confirmation to close the program. Click OK or Yes and wait for Windows to close the program. It may be necessary to wait fifteen minutes for Windows to do so. After Windows closes the program, try to shut down the computer normally. —OR— Click Shut Down. It may be necessary to wait fifteen minutes for Windows shut down. ABNORMAL SHUTDOWN If the computer ―freezes up‖ and does not respond to any commands, press <Ctrl> + <Alt> + <Del> all at the same time. If the ―Close Program‖ dialog box appears, click ―Shut Down‖. It may be necessary to wait a few minutes for Windows shut down. —OR— If the ―Close Program‖ dialog box does not appear, press <Ctrl> + <Alt> + <Del> again. It may be necessary to wait a few minutes for Windows shut down. EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN If none of the other methods above have worked, turn off power to the computer. 03/25/09 - TechnoHUNT 300 Manual – See for additional help and information - 68 - When the computer is restarted, Windows may perform Scandisk or may start in Safe Mode or both. In either case, refer to the Windows documentation or contact TechnoHUNT. GLOSSARY Challenge This is a TechnoHUNT game that pits one player against the system. If the player hits a bulls-eye or a vital, another scene is presented. If he makes a body shot, misses, or times out, the game is over. Content Content is the complete list of animals available on the hard drive. Demo Game will present 5 scenes, then shut down Icon A graphical symbol, usually a simple picture, that denotes a program or a command or a data file, typically located on your desktop. Incomplete shot When any sensor senses an object, all the sensors must sense an object or the system will report an incomplete shot. Internet The World-Wide-Web is the source for digital information accessed by the computer and other digital devices. Internet Browser This is a software program that allows one to connect to the internet. i.e.: Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome ISP Internet Service Provider (ISP) is the company that provides your Internet access and connection. Lane assignment Multiple shooters must be assigned a specific lane to assure correct scoring, based on height of the shooter. Light Field 03/25/09 - TechnoHUNT 300 Manual – See for additional help and information - 69 - This is the beam of light created by the 19 LED‘s in each sensor. These are approximately 3/16‖ wide. MPEG 2 MPEG is the name of the video file that conforms to the Motion Picture Experts Group standard. No Shot If a player does not get a shot off in time, or doesn‘t shoot at all, ―no shot‖ is displayed on the score screen. Percentage Using Highest Player Score Handicap based on bell curve, using the highest player‘s score as the beginning part of the curve. Percentage Using Highest Possible Score Handicap using highest possible score, which is ten (10) points per shot. I.E.: In a twenty (20) shot game, there is a possibility of a total of two-hundred (200) points. Print Screen Key This useful key, located in the upper right-hand section of your keyboard, gives you the ability to capture an image of your current screen display. (To print this image, you must first paste the information into a program such as Windows Paint.) Retro-reflective Tape The reflective tape used on the floor and walls that reflect sensor light back toward the sensor. Rotation With TechnoHUNT, players must shoot one at a time in 2 sensor mode, one at a time in 3 sensor mode, and up to three at a time in 4 sensor mode. SCI Cable This special cable helps the sensors communicate information to the computer. Sensors The specific hardware used for sensing projectiles within the tracking system. Each sensor contains a light source and a camera. The TechnoHUNT System contains two sensors (Down-range Sensors: Left and Right). The TechnoHUNT System contains four sensors (Down-range Sensors: (Left and Right) and Up-Range Sensors: (Up-Range Master and Up-Range Slave). Sensor Frame Bottom This is the bottom cross-member of the sensor frame. Sensor Frame Up-Right This is the side supports on the sensor frame. Session 03/25/09 - TechnoHUNT 300 Manual – See for additional help and information - 70 - Session is the number of weeks or periods that the players will shoot for a league. Sessions can also be renamed to whatever name you desire. Shielded Cat 5 cable This cable is used in the system that transfers data between master and slave sensors and between master sensors and the SCI cable. Timed Game Game will run the amount of time that you set it to run. Range is from 1 minute to 999 minutes. VGA Splitter This is the device that sits by the computer which receives the video signal from the computer and splits it between the monitor and the projector. Windows Navigation This is the act of moving about through the Windows XP interface. Windows Paint Software program located under All Programs > Accessories > Paint. This program can be used to paste ―Print Screen‖ information. 03/25/09 - TechnoHUNT 300 Manual – See for additional help and information - 71 - TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE Microsoft Windows XP Platform TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 72 - VIDEO PROBLEMS Problem What to do Make sure monitor power is on. Also check battery backup for monitor. Make sure DC power is applied to the video splitter at desk. NO VIDEO ON COMPUTER MONITOR Make sure all connections are secure. Make sure power is on to the projector. Replace the bulb if necessary. NO VIDEO ON THE TARGET SCREEN Make sure DC power is applied to the video splitter. Make sure all connections are secure. Replace the projector bulb. PICTURE IS DIM Clean the projector lens. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 73 - AUDIO PROBLEMS Problem What to do VERY LITTLE SOUND, EVEN WITH SPEAKERS TURNED UP SOUND IS DISTORTED Open the sound card volume control. Make sure ―Mute‖ is unchecked. Adjust Volume Control, Wave, and CD Audio to increase the volume. Make sure the connections between all components are secure. Check for speaker damage by swapping out the speakers with speakers that are known to be good. Open the sound card volume control. Decrease the volume of Volume Control, Wave, or CD Audio as necessary to decrease distortion. Make sure both the right and left channels of the speakers are at or near the same level. Open the sound card volume control. Set the balance of Volume Control, Wave, and CD Audio to the center. SOUND FROM ONLY ONE CHANNEL Swap left and right speakers to check for a defective speaker. Swap the left and right speaker connections to check speaker wires. Make sure the connections between all components are secure. Check the volume level of the speakers. NO SOUND Swap out the speakers with speakers known to be good. Open the sound card volume control. Make sure all ―Mute‖ boxes are unchecked. Adjust the volume of Volume Control, Wave, and CD Audio as necessary to increase the volume. TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 74 - Check the wiring to ensure there is a good connection between the rack and the speakers. ERROR MESSAGE: "SENSOR 1 NOT RESPONDING ON PORT COM3" IN GRAPHS Summary: Downrange sensors (in front of your screen) cannot communicate. Up-range sensors may or may not work. Causes: o Left Sensor power turned off o Damaged, disconnected or loose cable o USB serial converter set to RS422/485 instead of NRL o Malfunctioning Left Sensor o Incorrect Software Settings o Sensor Sensitivity turned up too high Solutions: o Make sure the Left Sensor has all 19 LED's lit Check cables for connection or damage from arrows o Make sure the Sensor Sensitivity slider is below 75% o ERROR MESSAGE: "SENSOR 3 NOT RESPONDING ON PORT COM4" IN GRAPHS Summary: Downrange sensors communicate, but the up range sensors don't TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 75 - Causes: o Up-range sensor power turned off (but Down-Range power on) o Bad / loose cable (50' cable to the Up-Range sensors) o Sensor doesn't exist (i.e.: in 3 sensor mode, but only 2 sensors selected for operation, change o settings in sensor sensitivity option window) o Sensor Sensitivity turned up to high Solutions: o Make sure the Up-range Master Sensor has all 19 LED's lit o Check cables for connection or damage from arrows. (50' com cable) o Make sure the Sensor Sensitivity is below 75% on Windows XP systems ERROR MESSAGE: "NO DATA FROM SENSOR" ON RIGHT SENSOR GRAPH Causes: o Right Sensor power not on. o Malfunctioning Right Sensor o Damaged 20' Com Cable, from master to slave Solutions: o o Make sure the Right Sensor has all 19 LED's lit Check cable connections (20' Com Cable from master to slave) TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 76 - SYSTEM FREEZE: “TECHNOHUNT IS NOW LOADING" SCREEN Summary: TechnoHUNT cannot communicate with all the sensors for the current mode (2 sensors) Causes: o Sensors turned off o Loose cable(s) o A printer window still running. (The printer spooler could still be running, allow 30 seconds after printing or not printing scores o Malfunctioning Sensor o A second A-track program running (confirm this in your task manager window, by pressing control, Alt, Delete keys simultaneously on your keyboard.) VERY IMPORTANT!!! TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 77 - After every game, you must, exit out of TechnoHUNT to the desktop, WAIT 10 SECONDS, and then double click on the ―Tec hnoHUNT Menu‖ icon to restart the game. Click on ―La unch‖ and you are ready to play If you do not do this the system will freeze, on the screen above, and then you must do the following: SOLUTION: Press these keys on your keyboard simultaneously; Control, Alt, Delete and end the drawing window only (highlighted in blue below) in the Task Manager window. Then quit or exit out of Technohunt and restart the Technohunt program to begin a game ERROR MESSAGE: "SYSTEM CONFUSED" DURING GAMES Summary: System confused means one of the following things happened: o Too much data or information (errant readings) High light level [See ―Adjusting Sensors‖ in Customer Manual] TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 78 - o o o o o o o o obstructions on tape [remove/clean/patch] cable hanging in array [tie cable up] vibration [reconstruct screen frame and sensors] electrical interference [remove fluorescent lights and appliances from the circuit and remove from proximity to sensors] loose screen [tighten bungee] screen threads [singe or cut loose threads] spider webs [clean] Too little data (sensor(s) missed a shot) o low light level [Adjust Sensor Gain in Customer Manual] misaligned sensors [See ―Aligning Sensors‖ in Customer Manual] misaligned array boards [See ―Sensor Arrays‖] ambient light [eliminate light] sensor not reporting data [reset] Unintelligible data (can't figure out shot) o Incorrect sensor settings can cause TechnoHUNT to make assumptions that will cause bad tracking Errant readings will further confuse TechnoHUNT (especially with incorrect settings) o o o o OTHER ERRORS: ARROW SHOTS DO NOT REGISTER: o Causes: Sensors out of alignment Sensor light level too low. Adjust sensor sensitivity. Dirty Tape o Solution: Align sensors and recalibrate. Clean tape. Increase light level for respective sensor. ARROW SHOTS REGISTER IN THE WRONG LOCATION: o Causes: Out of calibration, or Video image is being offset. o Solution: TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 79 - Run Calibration program or if the image is offset, power-cycle the VGA splitter or press the source/sync button on the VGA projector. CONTACT US! Archery Interactive 11380 East Smith Road Aurora, Colorado 80010 Phone: (303) 531-4868 Fax: (303) 531-4867 Office Hours: 10am-6pm, Monday-Friday, Mountain Standard Time. Please adjust your calls accordingly. Also see for more information. System Sales: Steve Von Strohe - Office: (303) 841-4134, Cell: (303) 601-9373 Information about an upcoming installation: Steve Eriksen (303) 908-2789 Tech. Support/Graphics/Parts: Jon Eatmon (303) 531-4868, Ext. 3 Please forward specific inquiries to the following email addresses: TechnoHUNT Sales: Technical Support: All other inquiries: TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 80 - TechnoHUNT 11380E.Smi t h Road Aurora,CO 80010 www. t echnohunt . com Of f i ce:3035314868 Tol lFree:8778909572 Sal es:3035314868Ext .1 Fax:3035314867 Important! Good maintenance and a good working knowledge of your TechnoHUNT system is key to keeping it running its best. Make sure you understand how your system works and the steps you must take to avoid future problems. Your TechnoHUNT system warranty does not cover any damage caused by lightning storms! Please review the following maintenance protocols in order to protect your system from lightning strikes: To ensure maximum protection during lightning storms: o In the event of an impending lightning storm, always unplug: The red-hooded plug from all master sensors (The left downrange sensor and uprange master (if the system is a TH300)) For maximum protection, unplug all data cables (shown in the graphic to the right) at the end of each day so that you can rest assured that your system will be protected in the event of an electrical storm. Do make note, however, of where each cable goes as they need to be plugged back in properly. More important maintenance: Periodically remove the filter from the projector and blow out with canned air or replace if needed. Check the alignment of your graphs. Keep your reflective tape clear of debris. Dust and dirt can impair your sensors‘ abilities to read arrows, so it is important to wipe down the tape daily. To do this, use a soft, cotton, slightly damp cloth. Keep units clean using canned air (found at most office supply stores). Use this on the sensors and projector‘s lens. Caution: Never use a rag of any kind to clean the sensor camera lenses or the projector’s lens Running disk defragmenter on a monthly basis can help your TechnoHUNT computer to run its best. A note on shipping: For any items sent to and from TechnoHUNT as repairs or purchases which are not covered under warranty, you are responsible for all shipping costs. I have read and understand that I am responsible for the above information. ___________________________ __________________________ Signature Date of Signature TechnoHUNT 100 Manual – See for additional help and information - 82 -