lilac festival is may 26 lilac festival is may 26
lilac festival is may 26 lilac festival is may 26
THE MISSION MAY 2013 statement the official newsletter of the cliff bungalow - mission community association LILAC FESTIVAL IS MAY 26 Cliff Bungalow-Mission Community Association will be at our booth and in the Parade! For more information on Lilac festival visit: Great News Publishing Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities Boost your savings by 20% Open an RESP with CST and access up to $7,200 in grants * An education savings plan for their tomorrow For more information, contact: Making futures happen Jocelyn Ullett Sales Representative Branch 700 (403) 680-0876 *Canada Education Savings Grant matches 20% of the first $2,500 you contribute annually to your child's RESP, up to the lifetime maximum of $7,200. The CST Plan is only sold by prospectus. You can get copies of the prospectus from McCall & Associates mccall-law Expertise in: Real Estate, Wills, Immigration, Personal Injury, Criminal Law, Family Law, Commercial Real Estate & Litigation. Mention this ad and receive a savings on your legal services. Please call us for details. Free 1HR Consultations / Conveniently located on 17th Ave. SW editorial 5 president’s report 6 river & pathway cleanup 2013 9 the historic mchugh house 11 in & around your community 14-18 The MISSION STATEMENT I MAY 2013 3 The Mission Statement Published monthly by Great News Publishing for the Cliff Bungalow-Mission Community Association. The views expressed by contributors to The Mission Statement are not necessarily those of the CBMCA Board or its associates. Copyright retained by the respective authors. Vice President Jan Pugh Secretary & Membership Philip Lozano Treasurer Trafford Crump Cbmca.development@ Marilyn Williams Environment Director Evan Woolley Cbmca.environment@ Social Director Corinne Ofstie Crime & Safety Director Michael Foster Communications Director Newsletter Editor Sarah Hbeichi Community Garden Coordinator Georgina Jamieson Hall Rentals Zahra Minoosepehr Zahra_minoosepehr@ 4 st fo ea m r t ch iss ont he n mo ue h’s ex nth t Cb Heritage Director of Development Director Rick Williams The Newsletter Editor reserves the right to edit all submissions for accurate content, consistency, and length. If headlines to articles are not provided, one will be provided for your submission. All photographs require captions or one will be provided. All photographs must display names of the individuals in the photographs. Permission to publish the photograph or image is required. The name of the photographer and credit for the image is also required otherwise it will not be published. The Committee cannot guarantee the publication of all submissions. m Bob Lang Ed Co ito nt ri en al t President The Mission Statement exists to facilitate communication among residents of the Cliff Bungalow-Mission community. We welcome your articles, stories, letters, announcements, and photos. Your submission in typewritten, handwritten, or photographic print format can be mailed or dropped off at the Community Association mailbox at The UPS Store, 1811 4 Street SW, Suite 462, Calgary T2S 1W2, in an envelope labeled “The Mission Statement”. Electronic submissions should preferably be in Word 97-2003 format or as high-resolution jpeg or tiff files, and can be sent to S ca ara .ed h ito Hb r@ eic gm hi ai l.c o BOARD OF DIRECTORS We Value Your Contributions m CONTACT US Cliff Bungalow-Mission Community Association Mailing Address: 462 1811 4 ST SW Calgary Alberta T2S 1W2 Phone: 403-245-6001 (please leave a message) Twitter: @CBM_CA Join our Facebook group for all the latest updates on our events. MAY 2013 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities EDITORIAL While the Community Association often deals with business as usual: new development, heritage advocacy, fundraising, event planning, budgeting, board meetings, annual general meetings, committee meetings, oh and did I mention meetings; we attend a lot of meetings, some of us more than others (Bob); we also take the time to ensure we are getting to know our neighbours and connecting with community residents. This to us is the most important part of our work. One of our board members sent us this lovely e-mail last month: Good afternoon everyone, Hope you all had a great weekend. With our upcoming monthly meeting on Wednesday, I wanted to share a neat little story with you. Last week I was contacted by Josef and Cate who wanted to join our community association. They could have easily requested I mail them the necessary info and in return, they could have sent me a cheque. Instead, they invited me over to their house. So on Saturday morning, I paid them a visit and they warmly greeted me with a hot cup of coffee and we sat in the sunshine exchanging stories of their travels, passions and interests. The next day, I ran into Josef while going for a walk. It was nice being able to say hi to a neighbour by name and I informed him of the documentary night happening on Sunday. He went to the movie and had a great time, meeting 7 new people. seem tedious and painful at times, but showing up is half the battle. Looking forward to connecting with you all on Wednesday! p.s. if anyone ever wants to grab a tea or beer one of these days, I’d love to get together with you. Every now and then, we need little reminders of the reason why we do the work we do as well as the encouragement to continue striving towards our goals. If you have not met our Board, we encourage you to visit us at the Community Hall for any of our events or meetings. There is zero obligation, and no reason to hesitate, we just want to meet you and hear your stories. Alternatively you can always e-mail me at or any board member. I hope you enjoy this issue! Sarah Hbeichi It was a great reminder of why I joined the community association in the first create connections. This weekend re-energized me and the work that I want to do in the community. I know our meetings can SAFETYSYNC ONLINE SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM “An effective health and safety management system can help prevent losses, reduce costs and provide evidence of due diligence.” Enform IRP 9 (Revised) The MISSION STATEMENT I MAY 2013 5 President’s Report tival parades. Then Environment Minister Ralph Klein Lilac Festival started on June 3rd, 1990 and Alderman Barb Scott participated. Donn Lovett The 24th annual Lilac Festival will take place on Sunwas the Town Crier for many Lilac Festivals. Another day, May 26 this year. The first Lilac Festival took place participant was Berte Rouleau, descendant of the on Sunday June 3, 1990. It was a joint initiative of the Rouleau family after whom Rouleauville (now MisCliff Bungalow Community Association, as it was sion) was named. known then, and several 4th Street businesses. We were in the process of reviewing the Cliff Bungalow There were around 100 tables and it only cost $25 Area Redevelopment Plan at the time, a statutory for a table at the Lilac Festival then. There were funky planning document of The City of Calgary. During activities like the 4th Street Rose pie eating contest, one of the many meetings in early 1990 for this review Gina Brown’s knitting contest and the community’s process, we had a bit of a brainstorming session on how nail pounding contest. to raise the awareness The Cliff Bungalow of the community and News, the community its heritage value to the newsletter at the time, City as a whole. The Lilac reported attendance Festival was one of the was around 8,000 peoideas identified. We notple. That may pale in ed that the community comparison to the curhad many lilac bushes rent 100,000 plus in atthat were planted in tendance these days the early days of the but we were elated at community and were the success of the first symbols of our heritage. event. A festival would bring many people to the The community table community and provide featured the history of an opportunity for them Diana Brown and Bob Lang in the parade of the 1990 Lilac Festival. the community, a rest to learn more about our area, pop and popcorn. community. A post Lilac festival celebration was held on the back To further explore this idea, I delivered a notice to 4th Street businesses inviting them to a meeting at the community centre. Barb Beard of 4th Street Rose and Gina and Dianna Brown of Gina Browns attended that meeting. We decided to pursue organizing the first Lilac Festival. Diana Brown and I were the co-chairs and over the next several months we recruited many more volunteers, around 100 by the day of the Lilac Festival. I was up to around 3 a.m. slotting those volunteers for the big day. The weather is always a wild card. It rained right up to the day but the sun came out just as the Festival started. That year and every year since, the Festival has been kicked off by a parade. Calgary Flames trainer Bearcat Murray served as the Parade Marshall. Decorated bikes were a key component of early Lilac fes6 patio of the community centre. The hall had previously been the scene of a balloon blow up party the night before. To top it off it was my birthday; so I had the chance to celebrate my birthday with thousands during the day and all the volunteers afterwards. From its humble beginnings, the Lilac Festival is now the largest street fair in Calgary. It is now held annually on the last Sunday of May. In the early years, it was a joint effort of the Community Association and the 4th Street Business Revitalization Zone (formed the year after the first Lilac Festival). Over time, as it grew, the 4th Street BRZ hired people to organize the event; however, the Cliff Bungalow-Mission Community Association has participated in every Lilac Festival in some way. So join us at our table this year and celebrate the community’s legacy in the Lilac Festival. MAY 2013 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities Cliff Bungalow – Mission Community Association Mailing Address 1811 – 4 Street SW Suite 462, Calgary, AB T2S 1W2 Membership Form (Please Print Clearly) Name (1)_________________________________________________________________________________ Name (2)_________________________________________________________________________________ Name (3)_________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address_____________________________________________________________________________ Suite/Unit # ________________ Postal Code _______________ Phones (1)_______________________ (2)_______________________ (3)_______________________ Email (1) ___________________________________________________________________________ Email (2) ___________________________________________________________________________ Email (3) ___________________________________________________________________________ Membership Cost: Single $5 ____ Family $10 _____ Mail cheque to address above. The MISSION STATEMENT I MAY 2013 7 Community Calendar MAY Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 6 7 12 13 14 19 20 21 26 27 28 5 The events listed below will be held at the Cliff Bungalow–Mission Community Centre located at 2201 Cliff Street S.W. unless otherwise noted. River Cleanup Book Club Potluck Book Club May 5, 6:00 p.m. at the Community Centre June 2, 6:00 p.m. in Chinatown Potlucks Second Sunday of each month at 6:00 p.m.; May 5 (date changed to avoid conflict with Mother’s Day) June 9, 6:00 p.m. Lilac Festival Heritage Committee Meeting Saturday 1 2 3 8 9 10 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 Jazz Concert Newsletter Deadline May Friday Development Committee meeting Board Meeting 4 11 Series Franglo Film Nights Will return September 29 Jazz Concert Series First Wednesday of the month; Doors open at 7:30 p.m.; performance starts at 8:00 p.m. •May 1: An evening with vocalist Johanna Sillanpaa •June 5: Saxophonist Rick Climans and his Quartet Séries FRANGLO - FUNdraising Series 2013 Saturday May 11 Lilac Festival Join us at the CBMCA booth! Sunday, May 26 Parade starts at 10:00 a.m. Deadline for Mission Statement Submissions First of each month, next deadline is: May 1 The Mission Statement is now published monthly. E-mail to: june Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Newsletter Deadline 3 4 9 10 11 16 17 23 / 30 24 Book Club Potluck 2 Heritage Committee meeting 1 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 Jazz Concert Development Committee Meeting For advertising contact Great News Publications at P: 403-263-3044 or e-mail: 8 Saturday MAY 2013 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities River and Pathway Cleanup 2013 Every year the Cliff Bungalow-Mission Community Association participates in the City of Calgary Parks’ River and Pathway Cleanup. The Elbow River is a great amenity in our community so we feel compelled to help ensure it remains a healthy, natural, and sustainable part of our environment. We invite you to join us on this day and lend a helping hand too! What: Garbage collection along the (and in the) river and along the Elbow River pathways and parks When: May 5 at 8:30 a.m. Where: Meet at the Talisman (just outside the main entrance) Note: please bring garden/work gloves and wear appropriate footwear and clothing. Snacks and beverages will be provided before and after the cleanup! The MISSION STATEMENT I MAY 2013 9 Excellent Meeting Space Available by Martin Bober Taken from an issue of The Mission Statement in 2002 Our smoke and alcohol free Community Association space is available to suitable groups for meetings, seminars and celebrations at modest rentals, evenings and weekends. The space features two bright and airy interconnected rooms of 750 sq. ft. each. One has carpet, a small kitchen and serving bar, and a brick feature wall. The other has a hardwood floor. Both have large walls of windows and high ceilings. The facility comes complete with tables and chairs. We are situated in a park-like setting convenient to public transportation, restaurants, and amenities. Funds generated from rentals are used to support the work of the Community Association. To view and for rental details, contact zahra_ or call 403-245-6001. 10 Thank you to the following Casino Fundraiser Volunteers Brenda Brown Trafford Crump David Lee Jan Mulder Skye Wikjord Donn Lovett Ken Hryciw Stan Turner Hassan Sherazi Ron Singer Judith Theroux Cindy Graham Sodie Condon Oresta Podgurny Len Podgurny Corinne Ofstie Jan Pugh Lorna Dysart Joyce Peregoodoff Evelyn Middleton Howard Zarvie Georgia Hoffman Shelley Wheaton Collette Mansfield Angela McKinnon Carter Siebens Esther Halton Allan MacInnes Kerry Franco Brendan Baines Jane Kebke Eilish Hiebert My apologies if I have misspelled any names. The Board would also like to thank everyone who put forward their name but whose personal schedule could not be accommodated. We should receive the net proceeds in May. The next casino fundraiser will be held in the third quarter of 2014. MAY 2013 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities The Historic McHugh House (1896) Let’s not lose this treasure A round March 6 the Diocese applied for demolition permit for the historic McHugh House in Mission. The limestone foundation needs work, and they do not have the funds to repair it. It would be unthinkable to let this happen from our city’s perspective. The House, which is on the Calgary Heritage Authority’s Inventory of Evaluated Historic Resources, is a rare building from Calgary’s early settlement period. In addition to rarity, the home has significance on so many counts. It has heritage value for its builders and early pioneer residents, for its connections to the historic Mission district and Catholic Church and for its lovely and rare architecture. It is also a landmark which can hold its own in a district of landmark buildings. From the City’s website: “this was the home of pioneer rancher J.J. McHugh and his family… This brick house is designed in the Queen Anne Free Classic style and features; turret with finial, veranda, side-gable roof with dormer, and ornate stained glass. Located on a large lot opposite the CNR station and the cathedral, it is integral to the streetscape, and, as a substantial house it establishes the dominant residential character of the immediate area.” From our community’s perspective, the McHugh is a very important part of Mission’s cultural environment, and a key resource in our Cathedral District. It possesses symbolic value for our community as one of the few remaining homes which remind us of the thriving Catholic residential area surrounding the cathedral and other parish buildings. In addition, the McHugh house’s beautiful architecture is a welcome contribution to the 18th Avenue Streetscape, and is one of the reasons our community is so walkable and liveable. The home has been featured in a recent newsletter article as a Rouleauville Century Home, and is listed in our community’s walking tour brochure. It is crucial to preserve the House in its context and location within the Cathedral District. We have recently lost the fight to save the Painted Ladies, but there are reasons to be much more optimistic about the McHugh House. First of all it is on the heritage inventory, and we have the City’s support this time. They can offer incentives and relaxations for heritage properties which can make it more valuable for an owner to retain a building in its context than to demolish it or have it moved to another site. The City also understands the significance of the Cathedral District. We recently saw City Council pass a Municipal Resolution to support the our submission to the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada for the settlement of the Mission-Rouleauville District as an event of national significance. Secondly, the House is on a large site, and could be moved to a different location within the site to make the land more developable. Thirdly, staff from the provincial Historic Resources Management Branch are also interested in being part of the solution. We have had tremendous support from our MLA, Kent Hehr, and he has told us that the Minister of Culture’s office has promised a thorough review of the McHugh House. Finally, the House itself has been reasonably well maintained over the years. So we hope to see a solutions-oriented, collaborative process where the Diocese, the City, the Province and our community can work together in alignment and at the moment it appears that there is open communication. If you wish to get involved as well, please write to Alderman Mar, Mayor Nenshi and Minister Klimchuk and tell them how important it is to save this wonderful treasure. The MISSION STATEMENT I MAY 2013 11 blackfoot district On May 11 girls from all branches of Guiding will gather for a rally at Camp Jubilee to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Girl Guiding in Alberta. It will be a day filled with special activities, songs, games, crafts, campfires and lasting friendships. Plan to be part of the next 100 years! On-line registration for new and returning girls is starting soon. For registration information go to www.girl Some Sparks units will be having a nocturnal games night, potting flowers for Mother’s Day, visiting a bakery, and attending the district swim night. They will have girls “advance” to the next level of Guiding which means they will be joining their Guiding sisters in Brownies in the fall for new challenges. Some Brownie units celebrated Earth Day by having a Pitch-In Canada community clean-up, learned some first aid skills, sold cookies and prepped for camp. They will be enjoying the changing season by observing the spring activity in Fish Creek Park, the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary or outside in their neighborhoods. The Brownies will have girls moving on to new adventures with the Guides in the fall. Some Guide units visited the Aerospace Museum for the Aeronautics badge, worked on their recycling 12 bade, learned some first aid skills for their first aid badge, attended a self defense class and are prepping for upcoming camps. One unit is prepping for their summer trip to Newfoundland. Third year Guides continue work on their Lady Baden Powel Award and some will be advancing to Pathfinders. Some Pathfinder units went rock climbing, camping and will be attending the district swim night and 100th anniversary rally. They are selling lots of cookies and having bottle drives as they raise funds for their international trip to Our Chalet/Pax Lodge and for a horseback riding camp. Some girls are working to complete the requirements for their Canada Cord in preparation for advancement to Rangers. Some Ranger units attended the Alberta Girls Parliament in Edmonton, went rock climbing, are prepping for the 100th Anniversary rally and have completed challenges for their Commonwealth Award and Ranger Service Award. The Trex tried their hand at glass fusing, sold cookies and are prepping for camp. Guiding is a great place to build new friendships and experience new challenges. Why not give us a try! www.calgarygirlguides. com/403-283-8348 / Girl Greatness Starts Here MAY 2013 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities MEMORIAL PARK Library 1221 2nd St. SW • General Inquiries: 403-260-2600 •Program Registration: 403-260-2620 Monday, Friday & Saturday 10 AM – 5 PM Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday Noon – 8 PM Sundays (mid-Sept to mid-May) Noon – 5 PM Baby Bookworms “Grow a Reader” with books, rhymes and songs you’ll have fun sharing with your little one. Ages 6 to 23 months with a parent/caregiver Mondays, May 6 to June 17 10:15 - 11:00am Registration begins May 2 “Success doesn’t come to you, you go to it”. ESL Conversation Club (Intermediate) Practice your English listening and speaking skills, and learn about the Library’s many resources. Mondays, May 27 to July 22 2:30 - 4:30pm Registration required Spanish Conversation Club Join volunteer coaches and practice Spanish speaking and listening skills through conversational exercises. This program is for learners with intermediate Spanish language skills. Ages 16 and up. Wednesdays, May 29 to July 17 6:00 - 7:30pm Registration required What Alice Munro Means to Me as a Writer Join us for a panel discussion of how Alice Munro has influenced writers Lori Hahnel, Lee Kvern and Deborah Willis. Moderated by Rea Tarvydas. Thursday, May 30 7:00 - 8:30pm No registration required ty ni g in nn Ru h ug ro th ur yo u mm co You’re just a click away from some interesting and informative websites The MISSION STATEMENT I MAY 2013 13 loved ones are. Know how to contact everyone in your family. Alberta Health Services What kinds of natural disasters can occur in Calgary? If you said “none”, you’d be mistaken. Many Calgarians think natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and tornadoes happen in other places. While we may not be subjected to huge superstorms like Sandy or Hurricane Katrina, we have our own potential problems. As we head into spring, we are also heading into flooding season. In the spring of 2005, about 40,000 homes in Calgary suffered flood damage. More than 1500 Calgarians were evacuated in a state of local emergency. Even if you live in an area on higher ground, you may still experience flooding though basement seepage, storm water backup and sewage backup. Certain types of flood damage are often not covered by insurance policies – you should be aware of how your insurance policy covers flooding. The Calgary Emergency Management Agency (CEMA) encourages Calgarians to be prepared for any emergency. Some of the things you can do include: •Know the risks. For example, flooding is most common mid-May to July, but can occur at any time of year. •Plan for an evacuation in the event you have to leave your home. •Ensure you have a 72-hour kit stocked and ready to go. A 72-hour kit is supplies to support you and your family for 72 hours (3 days) in an emergency situation. •Have a family plan. The most common source of stress during an emergency is not knowing where your Call Now for your FREE ESTIMATE For Landscape Construction 403.301.3300 SPRING CLEAN UPS & WEEKLY LAWN CARE Aerate • Power Rake • Leaf Clean Mowing • Trimming • Pruning and Beds 2yr Quality Guarntee • WCB • Insured • Licensed • Bonded • References Available 14 CEMA invites you to learn more about how you can get prepared at Disaster Alley, a fun and FREE family event! Disaster Alley showcases first responders and agencies that help in emergencies. Disaster Alley is a great chance to get up close and personal to representatives – and their equipment! – from the Calgary Fire Department, the Calgary Police Service, STARS, Alberta Health Services, HAWCs helicopter, ENMAX, ATCO, Calgary Transit, and more! Disaster Alley is Sunday, May 5 from 11 am to 3 pm, at McMahon Stadium (east parking lot). To learn more about preparedness, visit www.calgary. ca/cema. We’re prepared - are you? Fostering safe communities… Spring Clean up It’s that time of the year again: spring cleaning! Here are some things to keep in mind during your spring cleanup: •Complete a walkthrough of your property to ensure that all buildings and structures are in good repair, there is no vandalism or graffiti and no wildlife has taken up shop over the course of the winter. If you see any graffiti on your property, please report it to The City of Calgary by contacting 311 and remove it as soon as possible. •If you plan to partake in any construction projects, please ensure any material stored in the yard is not visible from outside of the property. Only an appropriate amount of materials for the current building project is permitted and it should be stacked in an orderly and safe manner. •Many community associations host community cleanups in the spring. These events are great opportunities to properly dispose of unwanted household items, such as electronics or old furniture. Contact your community association for the date of the cleanup closest to you. •Hazardous materials such as gasoline, motor oil and paint cannot be disposed of with your household garbage. Visit to find a list of Throw n’ Go locations and fire stations with special storage depots for proper disposal of these materials. Having a tidy property increases personal and community pride. You, your family and your friends will feel comfortable and safe enjoying your yard and spending time outside. MAY 2013 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities How do I love thee? Mother’s Day is quickly approaching, and maybe it’s time to consider a fresh approach to show your mama just how much you love her. Sure, flowers and chocolates are always nice, but they are a little predictable. Breakfast in bed is a lovely idea, but let’s face it, sometimes it just ends up being added work for mom herself. And not everybody is that fond of raw pancakes and burnt bacon. Calgary Reads would like to suggest giving mom a literary gift this Mother’s Day. It’s a very thoughtful way of spelling out just how much you love her. Here are a few suggestions to get you started. Write your mother a poem. Take mom to the library and help her pick out some books to read together. While you are there, let her pick out a new novel for herself. Write a story for your mama. Turn it into a book, by binding it between construction paper covers that you have decorated yourself. Take mom to the CBC - Calgary Reads Book Sale (which runs all Mother’s Day weekend). Take along an extra toonie and surprise mom with a book that you bought with your own money. Or give mom a day of pampering and let her go to the book sale all by herself. Have supper ready for her when she gets home and decorate her place setting with a homemade card. Make some Mother’s Day themed bingo cards and challenge your mom to a game. Or, if you are really ambitious, make mom a crossword puzzle that she can complete while enjoying her coffee. There are so many words and ways to show your mom how much you love her. Have fun! Calgary Reads helps kids learn to read. Our primary program trains volunteer tutors to work one-on-one with a struggling grade 1 or 2 reader at a local school. We also host school reading celebrations, hold teacher and parent workshops and organize a massive yearly book sale. The MISSION STATEMENT I MAY 2013 15 BUSINESS CLASSIFIEDS NEPTUNE PLUMBING & HEATING LTD: Qualified journeymen plumbers/gasfitters, very experienced in Cliff Bungalow and Mission. Upfront pricing. Reliable, conscientious, fully guaranteed. Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. 24 hour emergency service call 403-255-7938. “Showering you with great service.” YARD BUSTERS LANDSCAPING: Weekly cut and trim $35, Power-rake $105, Aeration $55. Some conditions apply. Landscape Construction: Patio Stone and Pavers / Flag Stone / Rock Walls / Raised Beds / Sod / Landscape Lighting/ Water Features / Decks and Fences. Licensed. Insured. Seniors discount. Phone: 403-265-4769. HARDING’S PAINTING: interior/exterior painting, drywall/ceiling repairs. Free estimates and competitive pricing. No upfront fees, members of BBB, liability insurance, WCB. Call Mike at 403-401-5545 or Phil at 403-667-3316. PERITUS YARD MAINTENANCE: is currently booking clients for weekly lawn care. Residential, commercial and acreage properties are welcome. Fully insured and a BBB accredited business for worry free service. “Peritus” – Latin for “skilled”. or please call Charles at 403-201-7182 for an estimate. SAIGON’S BAGUETTES: Take-Out & Catering. Delicious Vietnamese Prawn Salad Roll; Sate Beef and Chicken Subs; Wor Wonton Soup; Pho Beef Noodle Soups; Grilled meats w/vermicelli; Espresso Iced Coffee; Bubble Tea w/Pearl Tapioca or Lychee Jelly; Fresh Fruit Smoothies w/ Gelato Frozen Yogurt, etc. Open Mon. - Sat. 11:00 am- 8:00 pm. 403-457-0669. Animal & Bylaw Services Cats Now that spring has arrived and we are heading into the warm summer months, Animal & Bylaw Services wants to remind Calgarians that under the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw 23M2006, cats are not permitted to be “at-large.” This means they must remain on their owners’ property at all times. The easiest way to comply with this part of the bylaw is to keep your cat indoors. This helps to ensure the safety of your pet and to eliminate neighbourhood disputes that may be caused by cats roaming onto neighbouring properties. Animal & Bylaw Services strongly recommends keeping cats indoors because this leads to longer, healthier and safer lives for cats. Despite popular belief, cats don’t need to roam or hunt. Cats are domestic animals who need humans to care for them. Outdoor dangers for cats include traffic, unfriendly animals such as coyotes, poisons, diseases, dehydration and frostbite in cold weather. Indoor cats live fulfilled and happy lives without ever going outside. In the event that there is an at-large cat in your neighbourhood, you can borrow a humane cat trap from Animal & Bylaw Services. Trapped cats are brought into the Animal Services Centre and impounded. If the cat has identification, the owners are contacted and all cats are kept for a holding period in the hopes that they will be claimed by their owners. After the holding period, if not claimed, they are put up for adoption. Cats for adoption stay at the Animal Services Centre until they are adopted. If you do not wish to use a cat trap, you can register a cat concern by contacting 311. Visit and search “responsible cat ownership”, “cat traps,” “impounded cats” or “adoptable cats” for more information. 16 MAY 2013 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities alderman, ward 8 john mar Phone: 403-268-2430 • Fax 403-268-3823 What’s happening in and around Ward 8 Roads Spring Clean-up The City’s annual Spring Clean-up program is just around the corner. Spring Clean-up typically begins in mid or late-April and continues until just before Stampede rolls in. Spring Clean-up removes the material that was placed on the roadways for Snow and Ice Control during the winter months. This road maintenance helps make our roads safer, protects the environment, and improves the appearance of city roads. The accumulation of material expected to be picked up during Spring Clean-up this year would cover the playing field in McMahon Stadium with a pile of debris 12 feet deep! Pathway and River Cleanup The 46th Annual Pathway and River Cleanup event takes place on Sunday, May 5, 2013 as an initiative coordinated by The City of Calgary Parks. The event raises awareness of litter accumulating along our pathways and river banks and encourages Calgarians to care for our highly valued parks and open spaces. Last year’s event was a huge success with over 1,800 volunteers from 82 volunteer groups collecting over 5,700 kg (12,500 lb) of waste. Mums and Sprouts Bring your budding botanist and come play in the Devonian Gardens! This is your opportunity for your little one to engage in nature through these fun-filled, hands-on drop-in activities. For further information, please contact 311 or visit Location: Devonian Gardens Date: Tuesdays Time: 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. By donation If I can be of assistance on any matter of a civic nature, please do not hesitate to contact my office. Keeping Calgary clean is a collaborative effort. We are asking all Calgarians to help make the city a beautiful place to live by doing their part—don’t litter and move vehicles or carts from the street when sweeping is scheduled. Sweeping of residential areas is done during the day (generally Monday – Thursday). Sweeping of major roads and commercial/industrial areas is done during the night (Sunday – Wednesday). To find out when sweeping is scheduled for your community, watch for signs in your area, visit or contact 3-1-1. FREE - Community Mobile Skate Parks Spring Yard Waste Drop-off at City Landfills Between April 19 and June 2, residents can take yard waste like leaves, branches or plants to any City of Calgary landfill for composting, free of charge. The material will be composted at the landfill sites. This is a great way to recycle a natural resource into a useful product. Bring out your skateboard or in-line skates to one of our temporary parks. Helmets and signed waivers are required for all participants. The yard waste should be loose or in paper yard waste bags. If your load contains items other than yard waste, you may be charged. Spring Parks 3 pm – 7 pm weekdays and 10 am - 6 pm weekends May 18 - June 1 Chinook Park/Kelvin Grove/Eagle Ridge (1015 73 Ave. SW) June 3 - 15 Millrise (14808 Millrise Hill SW) June 17 - 30 Woodcreek (1991 Woodview Dr. SW) For more information and landfill locations and hours, visit or contact 311. All ages welcome Parent /guardian signatures are required for participants under 18 years of age. Waivers are available onsite and at ~Continued next page~ The MISSION STATEMENT I MAY 2013 17 Community classified Announcements Deadline – 1st of each month Contact Summer Parks 11 am – 7 pm weekdays and 10 am – 6 pm weekends July 3 - August 1 Southland Leisure Centre (2000 Southland Dr. SW) July 8 - 21 Douglasdale Glen (Douglas Park Blvd. & Douglas Shore Cl. SE) August 3 - 27 South Fish Creek Recreation Assoc. (333 Shawville Blvd. SE) August 13 - 30 Queensland Community Association (649 Queensland Dr. SE) Parks are closed on statutory holidays (May 20, July 1 and August 5) For more information call 3-1-1 or visit skateparks Published by: Pantone DS: 289 C 100% Important Numbers ALL EMERGENCY CALLS 911 Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre 403.253.5250 Alberta Health Care 403.310.0000 AHS Addictions Hotline 1.866.332.2322 Ambulance (AHS) – Non Emergency 403.261.4000 ATCO Gas – 24 Hour Emergency 403.245.7222 Calgary HEALTH LINK 24/7 403.943.5465 Calgary Police – Non Emergency 403.266.1234 Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter 403.234.7233 Child Abuse Hotline 1.800.387.5437 Child Find – Alberta 403.270.3463 Distress/Crisis Line 403.266.4357 ENMAX – Power Trouble 403.514.6100 Poison Centre – Alberta 403.944.1414 Suicide Crisis Line 1.800.784.2433 Hospitals/urgent care Alberta Children’s Hospital 403.955.7211 Foothills Hospital 403.944.1110 Peter Lougheed Centre 403.943.4555 Rockyview General Hospital 403.943.3000 Sheldon M. Chumir Health Care 403.955.6200 South Calgary Urgent Care 403.943.9300 Other Calgary Humane Society (Injured & Stray Pets) 403.250.7722 Calgary Parking Authority (Towed/Abandoned Vehicles etc.) 403.537.7100 Calgary Senior’s Resource (SeniorConnect) 403.266.6200 Call Before You Dig (Buried Utilities) 1.800.242.3447 City of Calgary 311 Kerby Centre for the 55 plus 403.705.3246 Road Conditions – Calgary 1.877.262.4997 Weather Information 403.299.7878 Need-a-Doctor ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS NOW! Pantone DS: 286 C 290,000100% REACHING OVER HOUSEHOLDS ACROSS COMMUNITIES 50% Pantone DS:105 286CALGARY C DELIVERED BY Canada Post Phone: 403-263-3044 18 I The opinions expressed within any published article, report or submission reflect those of the author and should not be considered to reflect those of the Cliff Bungalow - Mission Community Association and Great News Publishing. The information contained in this newsletter is believed to be accurate, but is not warranted to be so. The Cliff Bungalow - Mission Community Association and Great News Publishing do not endorse any person or persons advertising in this newsletter. Publication of these ads should not be considered an endorsement of any goods or services. MAY 2013 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities RBC Dominion Securities Inc. Second-guessing Second-guessing your investments? RBC Dominion Securities Inc. your investments? Get an expert second opinion on your portfolio Get an expert second opinion on your portfolio L A N D S C A P I N G If market volatility is making you secondguess your investments strategy, If market volatility is making you contact secondguess your strategy, contact us today forinvestments a no obligation, objective us today for a no obligation, objective evaluation of your portfolio. evaluation of your portfolio. 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