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real link - St. Mary - Catholic Elementary School
Parent/Guardian Handbook
October 2013
St. Mary CES - Parent/Guardian Handbook
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Mission Statement
The mission of St. Mary Catholic School, as Catholic community, is to support the school in the
Spirit of the Gospel and foster the spiritual, physical, intellectual, social and emotional development
of all students. To coordinate the resources of the school community in support of the
improvement plan.
This handbook is sponsored by the Ministry of Education through the Parent Reaching Out Grant
and is intended to provide:
brief introduction to our community;
Enhance communication between school and parents;
Enhance parent involvement with their children’s learning to support student achievement
and well-being; and
Provide parents with the knowledge, skill and tools they need to support student learning at
home and at school.
Please take the time to read through the handbook, and make reference to it as occasions arise.
Interesting Facts About St. Mary
Patron Saint St. Mary
School Song Testify to Love by Wyonna Judd
School Mascot The Mustang. It is known for its strength, endurance, intelligence and providing
School Colours Black, Gold and White
School Crest depicts three pictures representing and symbolizing our commitment to education,
faith, and athletics, with the statement “Striving for Excellence.”
Dress Code Colours: Navy Blue and White
St. Mary Catholic Elementary School
75 Greenside Road, Nobleton L0G 1N0
Tel: 905-859-3336
Fax: 905-859-3408
St. Mary CES - Parent/Guardian Handbook
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WELCOME TO ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
ST. MARY CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL.............................................................................................. 2
Mission Statement .............................................................................................................................................. 2
Interesting Facts About St. Mary......................................................................................................................... 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................................................................................ 3
ADMINISTRATION ............................................................................................................................................. 5
ATTRIBUTE OF THE MONTH ............................................................................................................................ 6
SCHOOL SONG.................................................................................................................................................... 7
MESSAGE TO OUR PARENT COMMUNITY ..................................................................................................... 8
ST. MARY CATHOLIC SCHOOL HISTORY ....................................................................................................... 9
History of Principals at St. Mary ......................................................................................................................... 9
CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL ....................................................................................................................... 11
School Code of Ethics ...................................................................................................................................... 11
ADMINISTRATION OF PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION ................................................................................. 12
Allergies and Other Medical Conditions............................................................................................................ 12
ATTENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY .............................................................................................................. 12
School Hours.................................................................................................................................................... 13
Safe Arrival...................................................................................................................................................... 13
Students Picked Up After School ...................................................................................................................... 13
Student Illness .................................................................................................................................................. 13
Student Emergency........................................................................................................................................... 14
Extended Holidays............................................................................................................................................ 14
Student Absences and Homework Requests ...................................................................................................... 14
ASSESSMENT, EVALUATION & REPORTING ............................................................................................... 15
Student Progress............................................................................................................................................... 15
Reporting Timelines ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Elementary Progress Report Card ..................................................................................................................... 15
Elementary Provincial Report Card................................................................................................................... 16
Determining a Report Card Grade..................................................................................................................... 16
Important Role of Parents And Guardians ......................................................................................................... 16
INCLEMENT WEATHER................................................................................................................................... 17
BUS ELIGIBILITY.............................................................................................................................................. 17
LOST AND FOUND............................................................................................................................................ 17
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LUNCH PROCEDURES...................................................................................................................................... 18
Hot Lunch Service............................................................................................................................................ 18
PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICES ............................................................................................................... 18
Cell Phones ...................................................................................................................................................... 18
VISITORS TO THE SCHOOL............................................................................................................................. 18
YORK CATHOLIC PARENT INVOLVEMENT COMMITTEE.......................................................................... 19
Parent Engagement........................................................................................................................................... 19
EQAO.................................................................................................................................................................. 20
EQAO Annual Reports ..................................................................................................................................... 20
YORK CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD CONTACTS ........................................................................ 21
LIST OF RELATED WEBSITES......................................................................................................................... 22
SCHOOL ACTIVITIES ....................................................................................................................................... 23
SCHOOL & COMMUNITY LINKS .................................................................................................................... 24
YCDSB PARENT RESOURCES ......................................................................................................................... 25
APPENDIX.......................................................................................................................................................... 26
GETTING READY FOR KINDERGARTEN....................................................................................................... 27
St. Mary CES - Parent/Guardian Handbook
Joeanne Bortolussi
Opiyo Oloya
Elizabeth Crowe
Head Secretary
Mrs. Pellegrino
Mrs. Rita
Father Paul Hancko, Pastor
190 Mactaggart Drive
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St. Mary CES - Parent/Guardian Handbook
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York Catholic District School Board
York Catholic Communities of Faith
Reprinted from the YCDSB website.
will make everyone feel welcomed and
will take some time to learn about the
similarities and difference in my
will empower people with my words not
put them down by calling them names.
will use my gift of Wisdom in everything
will do things without having to be asked.
will stick to the goals have set for myself.
will always believe in myself and have faith
in what can accomplish.
will honour and respect God’s gift of life.
will show good manners, pay attention and
treat others the way wish to be treated.
will honour my commitments even when it
becomes difficult.
will be reliable so people can depend on
will be accountable for the things say and
will be sincere, trustworthy and truthful,
even when it is difficult.
will stand by what believe to be good and
will stand up for what know is right and
will face challenges, fears and difficulty
with fortitude.
will seek to understand others by listening.
will be willing to forgive others.
will give of my resources to help those in
St. Mary CES - Parent/Guardian Handbook
Testify to Love
Wyonna Judd
All the colors of the rainbow
All the voices of the wind
Every dream that reaches out
that reaches out to find
where love begins
Every word of every story
Every star in every sky
Every corner of creation
Lives to testify
For as long as shall live
will testify to love
I'll be witness in the silences
When words are not enough
With every breath take
will give thanks to God above
For as long as shall live
will testify to love
From the mountains to the valleys
From the rivers to the seas
Every hand that reaches out
Every hand that reaches
out to offer peace
Every simple act of mercy
Every step to kingdom come
All the hope in every heart
Will speak what love has done
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Dear Parents and Guardians,
Thank you and welcome to our school community. As we all know
parents/guardians are our most important partners in educating
children. Studies have shown that student learning and
achievement improves when parents/guardians are involved in
their children’s education. Children are more likely to be
motivated, to earn higher grades, to have better behaviour and
social skills, and to continue their education to a higher level. We
recommend that every parent/guardian read their child’s agenda
and monthly calendars to know what homework has been assigned,
when assignments are due and if the teacher has requested
anything from you or your child.
The goal for our school is to reach and invite all parents/guardians
of St. Mary to play an active role in the education of their
children. Our school is always looking opportunities for
Some possible activities include:
reading to children and listening to children read
preparing materials for classroom use
supervising children on field trips
helping with the annual school BBQ and fundraising
participating on school council
volunteering for school activities
volunteering your professional skills
assisting in the library
assisting with lunch programs
helping to coach
Parent/guardian volunteers must report to the office and wear a
badge identifying them as legitimate visitors to the school.
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St. Mary Catholic Elementary School opened in September 1996 with an enrollment of approximately 227
students. This new school was designed to accommodate capacity of 413 students. This school was
unique in that it housed its own septic plant on the property.
The doors of the school opened on September 3, 1996. Thanks to dedicated staff who worked
throughout the Labour Day weekend, all classrooms were ready and teachers were well prepared to
greet their new students.
The Official Solemn Blessing and Official Opening of St. Mary Catholic School was on May 5, 1997. Many
dignitaries were brought together for this special occasion such as Bishop Robert Clune, Father Swift-The
Parish Priest, Mr. Frank Bobesich-Director of the Board, and Mayor Margaret Black.
The school's first principal to greet the arrival of the new students was Ms. Glenys McKillop. Mr. Joe Rapai
was the Superintendent of Education assigned to the school and Mr. Robert Easton was the first
Catholic School Council Chair.
The name of our monthly newsletter is “The Mustang Monthly”. Our official school colours are
Black, Gold and White. The school mascot is “The Mustang”.
History of Principals at St. Mary
Glenys MacKillop September 1996 April 1, 1999
Bryan Crowley May 1999 June 2004
Joyce Lowerson September 2004 May 2007
Janet Ferlisi May 2007 December 2011
Joeanne Bortolussi January 2012 to present
September 3,
May 5, 1997
June 1997
First Day of School at St. Mary CES.
Official Blessing and Dedication.
Margaret Mills presented the school with water colour painting of St. Mary Mission
First Grade Eight Graduation
School Foyer-students designed and painted art in foyer under the direction of
Fran Watcha.
Naturalization Outdoor Classroom Project, and the Peace Garden.
St. Mary CES - Parent/Guardian Handbook
June 2006
October 2,
April 18 and
19, 2012
May 6, 2012
Summer of
May 1&2,
April 2013
October 2013
October 23,
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Phase one of the Naturalization Project and the Peace Garden excavation and planting
took place and was completed in 2006.
In the school choir under the direction of Ms. Perruzza recorded Christmas CD.
St. Mary celebrated its 10th year anniversary.
It was the first graduating class that started and completed their entire elementary
education from JK to Grade at St. Mary Catholic Elementary School.
St. Mary’ was listed as one of the Top 30 schools in Canada in Today’s parent Magazine.
The school was nominated by Rose Kimber whose son has autism and requires the
assistance of dog guide. This led to the development of board wide protocol for
personal service dogs.
Received an award from King Township’s Communities in Bloom for the Peace
The Elio Bellon Community Spirit Award was introduced. He was an invaluable member
of the St. Mary Parish community.
Students as well as parents participated in “Angel Hair for Kids”.
Participated in the Church Brick fundraising for the new church as well as donated
to the Pennies from Heaven.
The Blessing and dedication of the new St. Mary church by Archbishop Thomas
The school with the assistance of St. Mary Catholic School Advisory Council
purchased promethean boards.
The school ran Healthy Snack Bar program.
On the first ever Broadway musical production of “Joseph and The Amazing
Technicolour Dreamcoat” was performed by students in grade to under the
direction of Ms. Morgan.
St. Mary students created Time Capsule to be placed in the wall of St. Mary Church
in Nobleton.
The school was hooked up to municipal sewer system whereas it previously used
septic tank system.
Full day kindergarten program was implemented.
Second musical production of “Seussical: The Musical” was performed under the
direction of Ms. Morgan.
The school completed the addition of new classrooms.
First Student Government
Walk of Faith
St. Mary CES - Parent/Guardian Handbook
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The Catholic School Council assists the school in developing positive communication links with home, church, and
the broader community. School Councils work collaboratively with the principal to create learning environment
that contributes to improved student achievement and performance. Councils provide advice on developing and
implementing policies as well as setting criteria for the selection of principals, the local school Code of Conduct and
the appropriate dress/school uniform for students. Elections for council members are to be held within the first 30
days of the school year (Policy 207) All parents/guardians with children at St. Mary are welcome to
attend Catholic School Council Meetings.
For St. Mary Catholic School Council Constitution and Bylaws visit our website at
School Code of Ethics
member shall consider the best interests of all students.
member shall be guided by the school's and the school board's mission statements.
member shall act within the limits of the roles and responsibilities of school council, as identified
by the operating guidelines, the school board, and the Ontario Ministry of Education.
member shall become familiar with the school's policies and operating practices and act in
accordance with them.
member shall maintain the highest standards of integrity.
member shall recognize and respect the personal integrity of each member of the school
member shall treat all other members with respect and allow for diverse opinions to be shared
without interruption.
member shall encourage positive environment in which individual contributions are encouraged
and valued.
member shall acknowledge democratic principles and accept the consensus of the council.
member shall respect the confidential nature of some school business and respect
limitations this may place on the operation of the school council.
member shall not disclose confidential information.
member shall limit discussions at school council meetings to matters of concern to the school
community as whole.
member shall use established communication channels when questions or concerns arise.
member shall promote high standards of ethical practice within the school community.
member shall declare any conflict of interest.
member shall not accept any payment or benefit financially through school council involvement.
Source: Adapted from the bylaws of the Port Arthur Collegiate Institute School Council, Lakehead
Board of Education Thunder Bay, Ontario as noted in The School Councils: Guide for Members
2001 Revised 2002
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If your child is required by their physician to take medication at school, it is the Board’s policy that
parents/guardians submit completed Administration of Prescription Medication For Students’
Medical Conditions form (S-16)(a) to the school with the medication. This form, which is available
from the office, must be signed by the parent/guardian. Please do not send medication
(prescription or non-prescription) to school with your child without notifying the school and
completing the form. Medication is usually kept in the office. Students are not allowed to keep
medication in their classroom or their backpack. In cases where child has life threatening
allergy, arrangements will be made to have the medication with the child at all times. (Policy 207)
Allergies and Other Medical Conditions
It is the policy of this Board that all students are entitled to safe and healthy environments in our
schools. While it is impossible to create risk free environment in our schools, school staff and
parents can take important steps to minimize potentially fatal allergic reactions. Please notify the
office if your child has any allergies or medical conditions that require our attention. doctor’s
letter describing the ailment and medication that is needed will be kept on file in the office. If
medication is required, please ensure that the applicable form S16(a) or S15(a) (administration of
prescription medication for anaphylaxis) is on file in the office. Many thanks for your assistance in
this very important matter.
Peanut butter sandwiches
Peanut butter cookies or crackers
Ritz crackers or Breton crackers
Granola bars
M&M’s (any kind)
Reese’s pieces
Soda licious (Betty Crocker)
Vachon cakes
Sunflower seeds
Potato chips fried in peanut oil
Trail mix
Chocolate bars
Candy/cookies with nuts
At St. Mary, we place high emphasis on teaching our students important life skills such as
punctuality, time management and responsibility. Arriving at school punctually and regularly
ensures that our students are set up for success and are developing key skills for the future. Late
arrival is unfairly disruptive to the learning of latecomers and their peers.
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School Hours
The daily schedules for our students are as follows:
8:45 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:20 a.m. to 10:35 a.m.
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
2:20 p.m. to 2:35 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
Yard- Teachers on duty
School commences
First Recess
Last Recess
Please note that morning supervision in our school yard begins at 8:45 a.m. Students should not be
using the main entrance to the school for morning entry unless they are late for school, in which
case students need to report to the office for late slip. Students are deemed punctual if their
arrival time precedes the playing of the national anthem.
Safe Arrival
The YCDSB has Safe Arrival Policy of phoning the parent/guardian if student is absent and the
school has not been notified. If child is unable to attend school or is late, whether due to illness or
for any parent-approved reason, the parent is expected to contact the school (905-859-3336) prior
to the beginning of the school day and leave message on our answering machine. The reason for
absence or lateness should be provided at this time. Should you require that your child leave the
school before dismissal time, please provide the school with signed and dated note to this effect,
or call the school. parent or guardian must be present when student is being signed out before
the regular dismissal. (Board Policy 703) See attached Appendix for Parent Activity Flow Chart
and Safe Arrival Parent Portal Instructions
Students Picked Up After School
At times, parents/guardians may be late to pick up their children after school. If students
do not see their parents/guardians (or the person who regularly picks them up at dismissal time),
they are required to report to the office and to wait there until their parent/guardian arrives.
Student Illness
Students are expected to attend school on regular basis, unless they are ill. Good health is
necessary for effective learning. As stated previously, parents/guardians must call the school office
to report the absence. Student phone calls will not be accepted.
Parent/guardian’s requests to keep their child indoors during these times must be accompanied by
doctor’s note. Generally speaking, if child is too ill to go outside, she/he should not be at school.
Parents/guardians are strongly encouraged to keep their children home when definite signs of
illness are displayed, or until they are fully recovered from contagious/communicable disease or
long-term illness such as the flu. This will significantly reduce the number of student absences, and
recurring illnesses, as fewer germs are spread among peers. Parents/guardians of children who
become ill while at school will be contacted. The child should be picked up as soon as possible.
Every effort will be made to keep them comfortable while they wait.
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Student Emergency
In the event of an emergency, we rely on our school records for informing parents/guardians
promptly. Please keep us informed of any changes to your home and/or business phone numbers. It
is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to update the information on our records as required. If
an accident occurs, first aid will be administered and the parent will be notified as soon as possible.
In cases where parents/guardians not be reached, the school will take the necessary measures for
appropriate medical attention and continue to attempt to contact the parent/guardian or next of
Extended Holidays
Sometimes, parents/guardians plan extended holidays during the school year. Please note that for
each week of absence, child would be missing approximately 25 hours of instructional time.
Parents/guardians are asked to notify the school in writing at least one week in advance, providing
the necessary details with regards to your child(ren)’s absence. Assigning work from the classroom
to be taken on vacation generally is impractical for number of reasons:
Much classroom work is ongoing and involves teacher instruction to frame independent
Teachers review their planning regularly in order to incorporate feedback on student
performance so planning too far in advance is not practical
Work is often not done. Despite the best of intentions, families get very busy during
their vacations
While on vacation, if you would like your child to be involved in related school activity, the
following suggestions may be helpful:
keep daily diary of activities, along with snapshots
collect some articles related to the area visited
make tape recording of sounds or an interview with someone you meet.
If your child(ren) is missing 15 days of school please print and complete the attached “Extended
Absence Form” and provide copy to the principal.
program of study plan will need to be
completed along with the form.
Student Absences and Homework Requests
Often children who are absent may need to rest, and therefore may not be well enough to complete
his/her work. Because of this, you may wish to refrain from making homework requests for brief
absences. When students return to school, the classroom teacher often takes this situation under
consideration and allows reasonable amount of time for the work missed to be completed.
Nevertheless, parents who would like their child’s schoolwork should arrange for sibling or
another student to pick it up for the end of the school day. Parents may make request for
schoolwork missed when reporting their child’s absence. The schoolwork will be available for pickup at the office after 3:30 p.m.
St. Mary CES - Parent/Guardian Handbook
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Student Progress
At St. Mary, assessment and evaluation practices are consistent with Board and Ministry policies.
The primary purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve student learning.
As of September 2010, all assessment, evaluation and reporting in our school is based on the
policies and practices described in Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting In
Ontario Schools, First Edition, Covering Grades to 12.
Strategies to assess and evaluate students are varied in nature, administered over period of time
and provide opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning.
Teachers use variety of methods to communicate student achievement with parents.
These may include: sending home marked tests and assignments, phone calls, notes, interviews and
report cards.
In all provincial elementary schools, the academic year is now divided into two terms with two
formal reporting periods. On all of the report cards, teachers share students’ information regarding
their learning and achievement of the learning skills and work habits, and the Ontario curriculum
Reporting Timelines
Timelines Report Card
January (end of term 1)
(end of term 2)
Elementary Progress Report Card
Interviews held
Elementary Provincial Report Card
Elementary Provincial Report Card
Elementary Progress Report Card
The purpose of the Elementary Progress Report Card is to communicate your child’s progress
towards the achievement of the curriculum expectations since the beginning of the school year. It
serves as central part of early discussions between home and school. For this report card,
teachers use rating scale instead of letter grades or percentage marks.
The rating scale is as follows:
Progressing Very Well
Progressing Well
Progressing With Difficulty
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Teachers also write personalized comments that indicate what has been learned, the student’s
strengths and next steps that home and school can collaboratively work on to improve student
Elementary Provincial Report Card
The purpose of the two provincial report cards is to communicate how well your child has achieved
the overall curriculum expectations for each subject at the end of period of learning. (e.g., end of
term and end of year)
Determining Report Card Grade
Teachers will consider the quality of all evidence for evaluation that has been collected over time
using variety of methods. The teacher will consider:
all assignments for evaluation and tests that were completed or submitted
the number of assignments for evaluation and tests that were not completed or submitted
evidence of achievement that is available for each overall expectation for subject
Teachers will use their professional judgment to interpret the evidence and then will assign letter
grade or percentage mark.
Important Role of Parents And Guardians
Parental guidance, encouragement and support have positive affect on student learning.
Here are some strategies you may wish to consider when supporting your child:
Invite your child to share what he/she is learning and what criteria will be used to assess
his/her progress
Encourage your child to share his/her school work with you and explain how he/she is
using teacher and peer feedback to improve and set individual learning goals
Take advantage of opportunities to communicate and/or meet with your child’s teacher(s)
to learn about your child’s progress, the curriculum, and become involved in the school
Encourage regular homework time with limited distractions; and
Establish appropriate times for phone calls, and leisure time on computers and electronic
games. For more tips and information about how your engagement supports your child’s learning
Additional information regarding Assessment Evaluation and Reporting can be obtained by visiting
the school’s website and accessing the YDCSB document called: Guidelines
and Procedures for the Implementation of Ministry Policy: GROWING SUCCESS
Assessment, Evaluation, And Reporting In Ontario Schools 2011
St. Mary CES - Parent/Guardian Handbook
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On occasion buses may be cancelled due to inclement weather. Cancellation decisions are made
after thorough consultation with safety representatives from school bus companies and are based
on several factors including precipitation, air temperature and road conditions. Please access local
radio and television stations after a.m. to receive bus cancellation information. Please note if
school buses are cancelled in the morning, they will not operate in the afternoon. Information will
be conveyed to parents/guardians via STS website, and the following radio
and television stations: CFRB 1010 AM, CHIN 1540 AM, CHUM 1050 AM, CBC 99.1 FM, CHUM
104.5FM, NEWS 680 AM, CJEZ 97.3 FM, CKFM 99.9 FM, CHAY 93.1 FM, CHFI 98.1 FM, 640 AM, CJKX
95.9 or 89.9, Q107 107.1 FM, CHIN 100.7 FM, JACK 92.5 FM, CKDX 88.5 FM, CJCL 590 AM, SRC 90.3,
CITY TV CFTO TV, THE WEATHER CHANNEL, CHANNEL. Regardless of the cancelling of
transportation, the schools will remain open except under extraordinary circumstances. Please note
that any special events planned for that day will automatically be cancelled, including such
activities as food orders, team school practices and excursions.
Student Transportation Services provides transportation for students who live outside their
school’s grade appropriate non-transportation zone. Please review the information below as
transportation eligibility will change throughout your child’s education. The non-transportation
zones are JK-3 (1.2 km) and 4-8 (1.6 km).
Students living inside the non-transportation zone are not eligible to receive school bus
To obtain bus stop information, including locations and service times, please visit the STS website:
Lost and found boxes are located in the main entrance. Parents/guardians and students are
welcome to check these boxes when articles are missing. Labelling helps to locate lost uniform
items and is highly recommended. Unclaimed items are donated to local charities in December and
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Children are expected to bring their own lunch and beverage. If you are dropping off lunch, please
leave note with your child’s name on the item on the table outside the office across from the
elevator. Students who remain for lunch are expected to remain on school property throughout the
lunch period and respect the Code of Conduct during that time. In the interests of the safety of our
children, those students who regularly stay for lunch are not allowed to leave the school grounds
without the authority of the parent/guardian in writing and the express approval of the principal or
his/her designate.
Hot Lunch Service
Each week students have the option of purchasing hot lunch that is brought to the school two to
three times per week. An independent caterer with facility that is peanut free and congruent with
the Board’s Healthy Schools Framework, provides this service.
The possession and use of electronic devices such as iPods, MP3 players, video games and cell
phones have become an unnecessary distraction in many schools. Used inappropriately, they
become disruptive and invasive hindrance to the safety, privacy and productivity of the learning
environment. They also pose the threat of bullying and theft among students.
Video games and music players may not be brought to school, unless for specific purpose
endorsed by teacher. If they are used on school property without permission, they will be
confiscated and kept in the office until retrieved by parent.
Cell Phones
While we acknowledge that cell phones are useful tool for maintaining communication among
family members and for increasing the safety of students, there is no need for the use of cell phones
while on school property. In the event of an emergency, all students have immediate access to the
school office telephone. Any cell phones brought onto school property must be turned off and kept
in students’ backpacks outside the classroom at all times. Students may activate and use their cell
phones once they are off school property. The school is not responsible for PED brought to school.
We welcome parents/guardians and other family members visiting the school and we seek to
balance our open-door policy with the need to maintain safe learning environment for both
students and staff. The following guidelines are helpful for both visitors and staff:
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1. All visitors to the school must report to the office and identify themselves to office staff.
Please sign in and wear visitor identification. To ensure the safety of all occupants in the
building, it is important that the students and staff know that you are an approved visitor.
2. Parents/visitors are not allowed to enter the schoolyard during the school day. Staff
members on duty are clearly identified by the vests they wear so any adult not wearing
vest can expect to be approached by staff and asked to report to the office.
3. If you are dropping off lunch or any other item for your child, please leave note with
your child’s name on the item on the table outside the office across from the elevator. We do
not interrupt classes to deliver items but students will be called down during recess or
lunch to retrieve their items.
4. If you would like to visit your child’s classroom, please make that arrangement with the
teacher well in advance. If you arrive at the office asking to visit without having made prior
arrangements, you will not be permitted to visit the classroom.
5. Please note that we do not permit parents/guardians and/or visitors to bring food of any
kind for distribution in classrooms on birthdays or other special occasions. Since we have
students with severe allergies, it poses risk to have food that could trigger potentially life
threatening allergic reactions. Food sold by school council or student council is carefully
screened and parents/guardians are notified well in advance of what is being sold.
The York Catholic Parent Involvement Committee (YCPIC) is an advisory body whose primary
purpose is to promote effective parent involvement, enabling parents to play stronger role in
supporting student achievement. The mandate of YCPIC is to increase parental involvement in all
schools within the board and to make that involvement meaningful and productive for student
learning and engagement. Parent Involvement Committees are required to advise the Director of
Education for the Board on ways to increase parental involvement
Parent representatives who serve on this committee qualify if their child/children are enrolled in
Catholic schools which are part of the YCDSB, are Catholic school ratepayers, and have served as
member of local Catholic School Council.
Individuals may apply for one, two, or three-year term. There are to meetings per year.
Parent Engagement
Parents are vital partners in education. They influence their children’s attitudes about learning,
and support learning at home. They are vital link between home and school. And when they
become involved in the life of the school, they make our schools better places to learn, grow and
thrive. Ontario’s new parent engagement policy recognizes that student achievement ad success
increase when parents are welcomed and respected as partners, and given the support they need to
contribute at home and at school.
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Ontario’s parent engagement policy recognizes many different forms of parent engagement and
that each is an important contributor to student and school success. Within the policy, parent
engagement includes:
Providing positive learning environment at home, actively working with children to support
what they are learning in school, and making learning an important of the day
Having productive conversations with teachers so that there is clear communication between
the school and the home
Becoming involved in school activities and volunteering to help with school events, trips and
other activities
Participating in School Councils at the school level and Parent Involvement Committees at the
school board level to provide perspective.
To learn more: visit
EQAO’s tests measure student achievement in reading, writing and mathematics in
relation to Ontario Curriculum expectations. The resulting data provide accountability
and gauge of quality in Ontario’s publicly funded education system. By providing this
important evidence about learning, EQAO acts as catalyst for increasing the success of
Ontario students.
The objective and reliable results from EQAO’s tests complement the information
obtained from classroom and other assessments to provide students, parents, teachers
and administrators with clear and comprehensive picture of student achievement and
basis for targeted improvement planning at the individual, school, school board and
provincial levels. EQAO helps build capacity for the appropriate use of data by providing
resources that educators, parents, policy-makers and others in the education community
can use to improve learning and teaching. EQAO distributes an individual report to each
student who writes test, and posts school, school board and provincial results on its
Web site.
EQAO Annual Reports
EQAO’s annual reports provide the government, the education community, parents and
the public with information about the agency’s activities and accomplishments
throughout the preceding year, as well as its financial performance. EQAO’s annual
reports are published on its Web site once they have been tabled in the Ontario
To view results for St. Mary Catholic Elementary School go to the school website and the
Curriculum link at the top of the webpage will direct to the school’s EQAO results.
St. Mary CES - Parent/Guardian Handbook
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If you require any further information from our school board, you can visit their website at
Elizabeth Crowe
Chair of the Board
Trustee for Aurora/King/Whitchurch-Stouffville
Patricia Preston
Director of Education
Anna Lima
Director’s Office
Opiyo Oloya
Superintendent of Education
York Catholic District School Board
320 Bloomington Road West
Aurora ON L4G 0M1
Tel. 905-713-1211 416-221-5051
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For more complete listing of education-related websites, follow the links provided on the Ministry Of
Education website and/or the Ontario Parent Council website.
Ministry Of Education
Ministry of Education School and Board
York Catholic Parent Involvement
Committee (YPIC)
EQAO Education Quality and
Accountability Office
York Catholic District School Board Policies
Statutes and regulations of the Government
of Ontario
Ontario Regulation 612/00
Ontario College of Teachers (OCT)
Ontario School Boards’ Insurance Exchange
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Thanks to the additional time and effort put in by our St. Mary’s teachers, parents and
community, we have been able to offer our students some of the following activities over
the years*, both during school and after school hours:
Musical Production
(Joseph, Seussical)
Sports Teams
Jr. Cross Coutry
Int. Cross Country
Jr. Boys Volleyball
Jr. Girls Volleyball
Int. Boys Volleyball
Int. Girls Volleyball
Jr. Boys Basketball
Jr. Girls Basketball
Int. Boys Basketball
Int. Girls Basketball
Int. Boys Soccer
Int. Girls Soccer
Track Field
Skipping Club
Chess Club
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Breakfast
(Catholic Women’s League St. Mary’s Church)
Free Throw Competition, Substance Abuse Poster Contest
(Knights of Columbus St. Mary’s Church)
Skating at Nobleton Arena
Skiing/Snowboarding at Snow Valley
Annual Book Fair
Annual School Barbeque
School Presentations
Dick O’Brien Raising Resilient Children
Paul Davis On-line Safety Presentation
*This list is subject to change from year-to- year
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School Bus Transportation
St. Mary Childcare
(provided by Upper
Canada Child Care)
St. Mary Childcare (at the school)
Phone: 905-859-7814
JK 12 years old
Before School: 7:00 am 8:45 am
After School: 3:30 pm 6:00 pm
King Township
King Township Parks
York Region
St. Mary Church
King Township Libraries
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While the list of parent resources available to us is endless, our school board provides some of the
following links:
YCDSB Parent Resources
Anaphylaxis Resource Kit
Bullying Prevention
York Support Services
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St. Mary CES - Parent/Guardian Handbook
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(Reprinted from YCDSB parent brochure)
making decisions
You can ease the transition
from home to school by
Learning to read is one of
ensuring that your child is: the most important things
children do in school.
dressed in comfortable
able to get dressed
Children who come to
school ready to learn, will
have the best chance of
success throughout their
educational career if they
understand that letters and
numbers have meaning
understand that story has
beginning and end
can concentrate and listen
for short periods of time
able to use the washroom
aware of safety rules
able to tidy up toys
bringing snacks that are
easy to manage
independently (e.g. apples,
using knapsack of
reasonable size
can make their needs
let them see you enjoy
visit the library regularly
notice print in the world
around them e.g. signs,
posters, food packages
have variety of fiction and
nonfiction material available
encourage them to use the
find material that has male
and female characters
put notes in their lunch pail
post notes on the fridge
are beginning to be able to
take turns some of the time
*have magnetic letters on
the fridge
can control their behaviour
most of the time
have the confidence to try
new things and new
You can help give them
good start by trying some of
the following ideas:
Play is important for
children in Kindergarten
because they are:
actively motivated
experimenting and
constructing and
manipulating materials
problem solving
role playing
play word games when
sing nursery rhymes
Make it fun
enjoy your