June 2015 newsletter
June 2015 newsletter
City of Milo P.O. Box 111 Milo, IA 50166 Visit us on the web at: www.cityofmilo.com Submit Articles to: milonews@iowatelecom.net The City of Milo reserves the right to edit articles submitted for the Milo Newsletter. Milo Newsletter JUNE, 2015 www.cityofmilo.com Milo City-Wide Garage Sale 3rd of July Street Dance June 6, 2015 There will be a street dance on Main Street July 3rd sponsored by Milo Development Corporation. Food and Live Music provided by Randy Burk and the Prisoners from 6 pm to 9:30 pm. Start your 4th of July weekend off on July 3rd. Make plans for supper and enjoy music from Randy Burk. This event is sponsored by and all proceeds benefit the Milo Development Corporation. The Milo City-Wide garage sale date will be published in the Indianola Record-Herald, on facebook and on craigslist. To list your address or items for sale you should make your own posting on those sites. This event is always the first Saturday of June each year. LuAnn Ohnemus - 641-745-9995 Milo City Council Minutes Milo City Hall - Monday, April 6, 2015 meeting. Discussion followed. City Clerk shared that she had contacted several cities who had used CVPD in the past for their opinions and found that CVPD has a very good track record with small communities similar to Milo. City Clerk also shared that at the suggestion of Councilwoman Hall, Gary Brons of McClure Engineering had contacted Milo and spoke her at length regarding the activity to date regarding the wastewater treatment facility update. Council directed the City Clerk to invite Gary Brons to a future council meeting to gain insight to the process. Council requested that Gary Brons contact Doug Hembry regarding the best options for the update. Application for Tax Abatement: Keith Smith 224 South 4th Street, Milo, Iowa - Motion by Graham to approve Keith Smith’s Application for Tax Abatement. Second by Hall. Ayes-All. Motion carried. City Clerk will forward the application to the Warren County Assessor for review. City Park siding for buildings - Councilman Ken Doss - Councilman Doss addressed council volunteering to provide the labor to install Reynobond siding on the City Park shelter and bathroom buildings. The basic size is 62 inches by 6 foot long with a price of $400 per sheet. Councilman Doss said he would request a plaque with his name/business on the siding. Discussion followed with council asking for firm pricing. City Clerk referred to last year when council wanted to update the bathrooms at both of the parks with new lighting and sink and council asked for estimates. Item tabled to next council meeting. Milo City Council was called to order by Mayor Hitsman at 7:00 p.m. Council answering roll call: Morgan, Doss, Graham, Hall and Miller. Consent Agenda: Motion by Morgan to approve April 6, 2015 agenda; March 16, 2015 minutes and accounts payable for March 17 - April 6, 2015 in the amount of $29,925.25. Second by Doss. Ayes-All. Motion carried. Public None choosing to speak. Old Business Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements Mayor indicated that the disadvantaged community application with the DNR is still being reviewed. City of Milo/Sheriffs 28E Agreement - Mayor indicated that the county supervisors are locating the contract and it will be signed as soon as possible. Review Water/Sewer Rate Amended Ordinance Item tabled. However, Mayor Hitsman shared with council that according to Warren County Housing Authority the water/sewer rates for the Manor would not affect the rent. City Clerk indicated that the manor is overseen by a board of directors and suggested the Mayor contact someone from the board regarding the sewer/rate increase as it relates to the rent. Departmental Reports Doug Hembry — No report. Water Distribution System and Sanitary Sewer System GPS/GIS Mapping - Tabled. Wire Welder bids/purchase - Tabled. Propositions And Remarks From Mayor/Council Jason Miller arrived and addressed council regarding the Disadvantaged Community Application and the need to extend the facility plan deadline with the DNR. City Clerk referred to Tom Acton, DNR’s email stating that the DNR had informed Milo that until the application is completed there wasn’t a need to file an extension for the facility plan deadline. Discussion followed. Council discussed future use of MSA Professionals and the need to find other avenues for the wastewater facility update. Councilwoman Hall shared that several local business had been nominated for the Warren County Economic Development (WCEDC) Excellence in Business Award. The businesses are: Milo Locker for Best Small Town Business is a town under 2,000 people; Creative Alignment best new New Business A First Reading of Ordinance 576: Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Milo, Iowa, 2009, by amending provisions pertaining to alcoholic beverages, beer and wine in the City Park. Motion by Hall to approve Ordinance 576. Second by Miller. Ayes-All. Motion carried. Possible waiver of the second and third readings of Ordinance 576: Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Milo, Iowa, 2009, by amending provisions pertaining to alcoholic beverages, beer and wine in the City Park. - Motion by Hall to waive the second and third readings of Ordinance 576. Second by Doss. Ayes-All. Motion carried. Discuss Nichole Moore, Chariton Valley Planning and Development (CVPD) and other possibilities. - Mayor Hitsman stated that Nichole Moore was very informative at the last council (Continued on page 3...) 2 Milo City Council Minutes Public Notice Milo City Hall - Monday, April 6, 2015 (...continued from page 2) Notice of Intent to Appoint to a Vacant City Council Seat and innovative product (assessment tool for personal and professional development). Councilwoman Hall inquired if the bum container would be moved away from the road. City Clerk indicated that she thought the property needed some leveling first. Councilman Graham inquired when the replacement swing-set would be installed. City Clerk stated that contact had been made and the install will be complete within the next few weeks. City Clerk went on to say that Doug Hembry had installed the tic-tac-toe board and the child/handicap accessible swing in the East playground. It would be good to finalize all of the updates on the park prior to the 4th of July. Councilwoman Miller asked about painting the bandstand and City Clerk stated that the Milo Lion’s Club had offered to paint playground equipment last fall. City Clerk will talk with a Lion’s Club representative. Councilman Hall asked about the curb/gutter improvements. City Clerk stated that Cambron Thacker had been contacted and that they assured the city that the updates will be completed prior to the end of the fiscal year (June 31, 2015). Councilwoman Miller asked about the crumbling step outside of the Milo Senior Center. Discussion followed. City Clerk addressed council regarding hiring office help to fill in only when the clerk is on vacation. Councilman Graham suggested the City Clerk be the one to choose the temporary person because it would only be a couple weeks out of the year. Councilwoman Miller inquired if the City will need to hire a temporary part-time person for summer to help Doug Hembry. Discussion followed with council choosing to let Doug Hembry determine if he would need another parttime person. Reference: Iowa Code 372.13(2)(a) - The Milo City Council hereby gives notice of their intention to appoint a Milo citizen to a vacated council seat. To be considered for this vacant seat, the individual must be eligible to vote, be a United States citizen and have residency within the city limits of Milo. Any interested person may present their intentions at one the next regular city council meetings. The meetings in June are scheduled for June 8, 2015 or June 22, 2015, at 7:00 pm in the Milo Public Library, 123 Main Street, Milo, Iowa. Appointment to the vacant council seat will occur at the June 22, 2015 Milo City Council Meeting. Please note the person appointed to elective city offices serves only until the next pending city election and then the person who is elected at that time to fill the vacancy serves the rest of the unexpired term. The citizens of Milo have the right to petition the City of Milo for a special election to fill the vacancy. The petition must be filed with the City Clerk, 100 Main Street, Milo, Iowa no later than June 14, 2015 which is 14 days after the publication of the notice of intent to appoint. — By Order of the Milo City Council, Attest: Misti Kosman, City Clerk Warren County Fit Club Summer Boot Camp Join us July 21st, 23rd, 28th, 30th @ 6 pm & July 25th & August 1st @ 8 am at the Milo Community Center for some fun, energetic fitness routines. We will have contests and a special treat on Saturdays! $5 per class or $25 for preregistration for all six!! Please contact Kristie Storm at 641-414-4267 kstorm423@gmail.com or Brandy Snodgrass at 641218-0720 or brandylanette@hotmail.com. Also, don’t forget to like our Facebook page Warren County Fit Club. Hope to see you there! Adjourn Motion by Hall to adjourn at 7:37 p.m. Second by Graham; Ayes-All. Motion carried. — By order of the Milo City Council 4th of July Can Donations THANK YOU all for your can donations at our trailer at Casey’s. Let’s fill it up one more time before the 4th. This year’s fireworks are going to be a blast!!! Milo City-Wide Garage Sale - Saturday, June 6 3 Milo City Council Minutes Milo City Hall - Tuesday, April 21, 2015 Milo City Council was called to order by Mayor Hitsman at 7:00 p.m. Council answering roll call: Doss, Hall and Miller. Morgan and Graham were absent. Consent Agenda: Motion by Hall to amend the agenda to include Milo insurance coverage. Second by Doss. Ayes-All. Motion carried. Motion by Miller to approve the April 21, 2015 amended agenda; April 6, 2015 minutes and accounts payable for April 7 – April 21, 2015 in the amount of $17,024.16. Second by Hall. Ayes-All. Motion carried. Nancy Huisman, Hall Engineering - Nancy Huisman, president of Hall Engineering and her father addressed council regarding what Hall Engineering would be available to do for the City of Milo in regards to the impending wastewater treatment facility. Hall Engineering is a family owned and operated business and is focused on working in small communities and helping to attain funding for various projects. On staff with Hall Engineering besides Nancy and her father, are another engineer, two full time engineering field technicians and a land surveyor who works part time and is also a retired county engineer. Huisman stated that she enjoys writing grants to help smaller communities implement these types of projects. She went on to say that she understands that Milo has been working with a firm to complete the needed facility plan and that she has read and understands the permit changes. Currently, Hall Engineering is working with Cincinnati, Iowa helping to complete their wastewater treatment facility updates. Huisman encouraged council to contact the cities referenced in their statement of qualifications. Huisman gave background information regarding Hall Engineering indicating that it was started in 1903 and that her grandfather had worked for and then purchased the company from MG Hall upon his death. The company continued with the same name under new ownership. Discussion followed regarding wastewater facility update funding, water/sewer rate study, adjustment of water/sewer utility rates and the impact of these items on the City of Milo. indicated that the county supervisors have approved the 28E contract and it will be signed as soon as it is approved. Review Water/Sewer Rate Amended Ordinance – Council asked that the item be removed from further agenda’s until the water/sewer rate study is completed. City Park Improvements – Mayor indicated that the replacement swing-set has been installed in City Park. The original equipment was damaged in a storm last year. Doug Hembry informed council that backfill dirt will be placed around the outside of the timbers which surround the swing-set which will provide stability. Councilman Doss asked to table the siding for the City Park shelter and bathrooms until he can get a quote. Hembry said that the City Park bathroom and shelter siding is rough wood fir siding and some of it needs replacing. The cost to replace the bathroom siding with fir siding would be roughly $500 plus paint and the shelter is approximately $1,600 plus paint. This siding is at least 20+ years old. Inside the City Park bathrooms improvements would include for each bathroom: a counter and single sink, brighter lighting, possibly small hot water heater. Hembry said that the exterior doors are ok. Councilman Miller asked stall doors could replace the current shower curtains. Hembry said that in his experience, the doors are usually abused by people hanging on them and are ruined in a short amount of time. Councilwoman Hall asked about placing a motion light for the lighting so that the light wouldn’t be left on all the time. Hembry said he would look into it. Hembry’s estimate for City Park bathroom update is $800.00. Updates for Centennial Park bathroom would be new faucets, lights and two doors. New steel doors would be about $1,000 each. Hembry will research using used doors. Motion by Hall to proceed with the interior updates of both City Park bathrooms and Centennial Park bathrooms at Doug Hembry discretion. Second by Miller. Ayes-All. Motion carried. Departmental Reports Doug Hembry Water Distribution System and Sanitary Sewer System GPS/GIS Mapping - Tabled. Wire Welder bids/purchase – Tabled. Exterior maintenance of fire hydrants – Hembry indicated that he had received a quote from Bret Halls for sandblasting and painting the fire hydrants. The hydrants have been hand painted several times (Continued on page 5...) Public None choosing to speak. Old Business Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements – Mayor indicated that the disadvantaged community application with the DNR is still being reviewed. City of Milo / Sheriff’s 28E Agreement – Mayor 4 Milo City Council Minutes Milo City Hall - Tuesday, April 21, 2015 (...continued from page 4) payment for the damaged swing-set, Fall 2014 DNR trees for kids grant, Warren County Tourism Grant, pending Spring 2015 DNR trees for kids grant and the library received more income than anticipated. These items will be reflected in revenue side of the budget amendment. On the expense side, the city paid out the various grants and therefore the budget in these areas will need to be reflect that expense increase. Also, the city spent unbudgeted money from the sewer fund in preparing for the wastewater treatment facility update and it will need to amend accordingly. The water fund will be increased with the possibility of water main updates. Discussion followed. Set hearing for FY2015 Budget Amendment for May 18, 2015, 7:00 p.m. at City Hall – Motion by Hall to set the hearing for FY2015 Budget Amendment for May 18, 2015, 7:00 p.m. at City Hall. Second by Miller. Ayes-All. Motion carried. Building Permit application – 416 Spruce Street, Milo, Iowa – Motion by Hall to approve the building permit application for 416 Spruce Street. Second by Doss. Aye-All. Motion carried. Building Permit and Tax Abatement application – 200 Oak Street, Milo, Iowa – Motion by Hall to approve the building permit application for 200 Oak Street. Second by Miller. Ayes-All. Motion carried. Motion by Hall to approve the tax abatement application for 200 Oak Street. Second by Miller. Ayes-All. Motion carried. Review Warren County Sheriff’s Reports for February 2015 and March 2015 – Council discussed the reports praising the many building checks within the City of Milo that the Deputy Sheriffs have completed. and layers of paint need to be removed. Hembry said there are 40 hydrants and the most the pricing would be is $165 each which is a total of $6,600.00. This price includes the sandblasting and painting of each hydrant. Motion by Hall to approve Bret Halls to sandblast and paint 40 fire hydrants in Milo for no more than $6,600.00. Second by Miller. Ayes-All. Motion carried. Asphalt repair overlay – Hembry indicated that an asphalt company had called last week and after looking at some of the areas of concern would like to pursue getting an estimate to repair some of the rougher areas. Hembry indicated that the City has funds earmarked for this improvement. Hembry said that he will obtain estimates and bring back to council for review. Hembry also shared with council that the new city truck is here and the flatbed has been delivered. Hembry also indicated that for the budget amendment, he is planning on two water main extensions. The estimate for this is about $5,000. Councilwoman Hall inquired of Doug Hembry if he would be needing any additional part-time help this summer. Hembry replied not at this time but will let council know if the need arises. Discussion followed. New Business Milo Insurance Coverage – Mayor Hitsman read a letter to ICAP insurance from the City of Milo indicating that the City will be looking at other insurance companies. Motion by Hall to approve sending this letter. Second by Doss. Ayes-All. Motion carried. Approve Treasurer’s Report for March 2015 – Motion by Hall to approve March 2015 Treasurer’s Report. Second by Miller. Ayes-All. Motion carried. MidAmerican Energy $500 Grant – Motion by Miller to approve the MidAmerican Energy $500 Grant be awarded to the Milo Lions Club to further the biking/walking trail. The Lion’s Club will be helping paint the band shelter and possibly playground equipment at City Park. Second by Hall. Ayes-All. Motion carried. Approve $150.00 for purchase of City Park annual flowers – Motion by Hall to approve $150.00 for City Park annual flowers. Second by Miller. AyesAll. Motion carried. Discuss FY2015 Budget Amendment – City Clerk addressed council regarding the budget amendment indicating that the City received an insurance Propositions And Remarks From Mayor/Council Mayor Hitsman asked the City Clerk to put information in the Newsletter regarding the leash ordinance. Councilwoman Hall shared that the Milo Locker won the Best Small Business in Warren County in a town of population under 3,000 people. Hall went on to say that she has submitted an article and picture to the newsletter. Councilwoman Hall informed Council that the Spring 2015 DNR Trees For Kids tree planting day is Saturday, May 9, 2015 at 8:00 a.m. In addition to planting the trees the City will receive 200 bare root seedling trees (18” – 24”) which will be given to local (Continued on page 6...) 5 Milo City Council Minutes 4th of July Volunteers Needed Milo City Hall - Tuesday, April 21, 2015 (...continued from page 5) While we are thankful for those who have tepped forward to get involved with our celebration we still NEED AT LEAST 12 MORE VOLUNTEERS who can give 1-2 HOURS of their time on Saturday the 4th of July. We need assistance from directing traffic for kiddie parade, to coordination of a kids game, help with set up and tear down of awnings, assistance with information booth, and so many things that come up unexpectedly. We could also use a person or a couple of people willing to be the go to person for the Food Stand. All of the ordering, etc. will be done, we just need a volunteer to check in with the groups at the start of their shifts. PLEASE consider getting involved and helping us pull off another successful celebration this year! Many hands make light work. THANK YOU!!! Contact Erica Wadle, 515-988-9577, to volunteer. residents. Hall asked if there was problem with citizen’s planting trees between the sidewalk and road. Discussion followed and it is fine to plant there; however, it is the homeowner’s responsibility to maintain the tree to city ordinance specifications. Councilwoman Hall also asked that if nothing scheduled for the city signs that Doug Hembry put the website information on it. Hall went on to say that she would like to have something on the signs at all times. Hall requested that the tree planting day information be on the sign next week. The policy has been that the sign is only for community nonprofit promotions and school items. Discussion followed regarding the possibility of purchasing an electronic sign. No action taken. Adjourn: Motion by Doss to adjourn at 8:27 p.m. Second by Miller. Ayes-All. Motion carried. — By order of the Milo City Council 4th of July Donations Needed The Milo 4th of July Board is in need of contributions to cover the cost of our celebration. Our biggest expense is our fireworks show. The fireworks themselves costing $5,000 annually. Without the time donated by the Coffman family and the Milo Fire Department, a town our size could not afford the type of show they put on. We receive close to a $1,000 in donations on the day of the 4th, but that does not cover our costs. The generous support of local businesses and the sales from our raffle and food stand help fill in some of the additional costs. But we lose money each year or at best break even. Just like everyone else, in this difficult economic time, we are trying to reduce our costs and spend only what is necessary. Please consider making a donation at this time to the Milo 4th of July. Write a check, take it off your taxes and help us continue to build a great 4th of July Celebration. ★ COUNT ON OUR SUPPORT We would like to contribute to the cost of the 4th of July celebration. Yes, we would like to contribute to the Milo 4th of July. Amount Enclosed: $_________ Red $25 White $50 Blue $100 Name: _____________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________ ★ Firecracker $250 Please make your checks payable to: Milo 4th of July Board P.O. Box 122 Milo, IA 50166 City: _________________________ St: _______ Zip: ______________ Donations may also be dropped off at Milo City Hall. Phone: ____________________________________________________ The Milo 4th of July Board is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization. 6 8 4th of July Car Show Emergency Food & Shelter Program Funds Available Attention SHOW N SHINE enthusiasts! We will be having a CAR SHOW this year on the 4th of July. Preregistration is only $10. Line up with be at the corner of 3rd and Spruce by the Methodist church immediately following the parade. Judging at 1:30, awards at 3:30, plus raffle drawings! Contact Erica Wadle for more details 515-988-9577. Registration day of is $15. Warren county has been awarded federal funds made available through the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/Federal Emergency Management Agency under the Emergency Food and Sheler National Board Program. Warren County has been chosen to receive $7568 to supplement emergency food and shelter programs in the county. A local board will determine how the funds awarded to Warren County are to be distributed among the emergency food and shelter programs run by local service agencies in the area. The Local Board is responsible for recommending agencies to receive these funds and any additional funds made available under this phase of the program. Under the terms of the grant from the National Board, local agencies chosen to receive funds must: 1) be private voluntary non-profits or units of government, 2) be eligible to receive Federal Funds (need a Dun & Bradstreet Number (DUNs), 3) have an accounting system, 4) practice nondiscrimination, 5) have demonstrated the capability to deliver emergency food and/or shelter programs and 6) if they are a private voluntary organization, have a voluntary board. Qualified agencies are urged to apply. Public or Private voluntary agencies interested in applying for Emergency Food and Shelter Program funds must contact Joanna Crane, 515-961-2543 for an application. Applications should be submitted to RRACAP, 1009 S. Jefferson, Ste. 1, Indianola, IA, 50125. The deadline for applications to be received is May 29th, 2015, by 4:00 P.M. Milo will host “Soup with the Sup” Crystal McIntyre As part of her outreach to each community she serves, Milo is the fourth to host “Soup with the Sup” with Warren County’s second woman Supervisor, Crystal McIntyre at Milo City Hall from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, June 27, 2015. Crystal who was elected last November and sworn in to office in January would like the public to have input at the County level. She makes homemade soup with crackers and this month’s menu is a family favorite of chicken served over rice. As a mom, this is the one most requested when her kids are not at their best! The meetings are always open to the public and all are invited to attend to give voice to their concerns with roads and budget items. She is going to have a copy of the five year engineer’s plan for those attending and upcoming events for your area as well as some budgetary goals the Board of Supervisors has for the County. Please come ready to share! Saturday, June 27, 2015 from 11am to 1pm at Milo City Hall, 100 Main Street, Milo, Iowa. Kiddie Parade Milo 4th of July Essay Contest We are going to try something new this year with the kiddie parade. Instead of the kiddie parade being the night before, the KIDDIE PARADE will be SAT JULY 4th BEFORE the main parade. The kiddie parade will be AT 10:00am starting at the Methodist church and going around the city park. Winners will be announced on the main stage along with the main parade winners. Registration starts at 9:30am in the Methodist church parking lot. “Why I love Milo’s 4th of July Celebration” The Milo 4th of July Committee is offering an essay contest to 7th grade – 12th grade students. The student must write a one page essay explaining why they love Milo’s 4th of July Celebration. Participants must submit the essay to City Hall, 100 Main Street, Milo, IA 50166 no later than 3:00 p.m. on June 26, 2015. The winner will be announced at the 2015 Milo 4th of July Celebration and will receive a $100 VISA gift card. Good luck everyone! 9 Library News The Hanson Family Jugglers Perform at Milo Public Library Summer Reading Program will begin on Thursday, June 4th. We will meet 9 a.m.-11a.m. every Thursday morning in June. The theme this year is Every Hero Has A Story. Our first program will feature The Hansen Family. This family puts on a juggling and unicycle act. I have heard that they are really wonderful. Anyone in the community is welcome to come and enjoy. The Hansen Family will perform starting at 10 a.m. on June 4th. We will also have several hero topics. We will talk about community heroes, heroes in history, and of course some super heroes. If you can, please call and register your child for summer program. Not required, but helps me with purchasing craft supplies and incentive prizes. It has come to my attention that free audio book downloads are being offered this summer through SYNC. These audiobooks are Young Adult titles. Each week there will be a new current audio book paired with a classic audio book. Week 2 selection example is “Dodger” By Pratchett paired with “Great Expectations” By Dickens. This is a 14 week program being offered this summer. The website to download books is www.audiobooksync.com. You must have the Overdrive App downloaded on your device to be able to download these books. This is a free app and if you have used WILBOR you already have this app downloaded to your device. If you have any questions about this please feel free to contact me at the library. I would be glad to get you started. I realize that summer is a super busy time for many of us. This being said, please take time to sit down and read with your child or have your older child get involved in a book for the summer. There is a book out there for everyone. Sometimes it just takes someone to help you find the right book. That is part of my job. Please stop in and I will do everything I can to help you or your child find the right book for you. Reading is so important in our lives. Don’t let it go by the wayside for the summer. The Milo Public Library is excited to present the Hanson Family from Kanawha, Iowa, to perform their 2015 Summer Reading Program show on Thursday, June 4, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. The free library show will be held at the Milo Community Center. Mark Hanson, a two-time Guinness World Record holder for speed juggling, and his national unicycle champion daughter, Christa, are bringing their talents to the Milo Milo Community Center. Bring your kids to hear inspiring hero stories and watch the Hanson family perform amazing juggling and unicycle tricks. The Hanson family are touring libraries in Iowa, Illinois, and Minnesota this summer adding a gravity defying touch to many library summer reading programs. After the 45 minute show all audience members will be invited to learn how to juggle with Mark Hanson as their teacher. Everyone will also be invited to play with fun skill toys, like plastic spinning plates, paper balance cones, and Hippie Sticks. What’s a Hippie Stick? You’ll have to come to the library to find out. “The kids thought the show was tremendous. They especially liked the part where they got to try some of the tricks themselves...I would recommend it for anyone.” – Pat Suntken, Meservey Public Library “The kids loved it...Two-year-olds and fifteen-year-olds were laughing...You are the coolest people to have been in our library!” – Laney Mitchell, Wesley Public Library The Hanson Family have been performing library, school and stage shows for many years. Please visit the Hanson Family website at www.HansonShows.com for more information. Sign Up For Emergency Weather Alerts Warren County Emergency Management and Alert Iowa have created the Warren County Public Notification System. Warren County residents are encouraged to sign up for emergency alerts regarding inclement weather. Messages can be issued via landline, or wireless phone, text messaging, email, TDD/TTY, and social media. Go to http://entry.inspironlogistics.com/warren_ia/wens.cf m to sign up today! Food Pantry Grace Evangelical Free Church Food Pantry (Old Mercy Clinic) at 108 N. Jefferson Way, Indianola. For information call 515-962-9099. Food stuffs available for under-privileged individuals and families. The Food Pantry is open the 2nd Monday of every month from 5:30-7:00 PM. 10 Warren County Nutrition Program If you are 60+ and are in need of a home delivered meal please contact the Lacona Meal Site at 614-5343401 or Vicki White at 515-961-1003. The suggested contribution is $3.50 for any one over the age of 60. Anyone under 60 the cost of the meal is $7.68 per meal. You are always welcome to attend the Lacona meal site or any other site in Warren County. Vacation Bible School Sign-up Party 4th of July Raffle Prizes Milo Christian Union Church will be having a Wiener Roast, games and Vacation Bible School Registration on Wednesday, June 24, 6:30 8:00 PM for children, grades K - 6th. Everyone is invited!! Milo Christian Union Church is located at 112 N. 3rd Street, Milo, (641) 942-7712. Double porch glider XL griddle Pop cake maker Tiki torches Solar welcome sign Hammock with stand 3pc luggage set Paper shredder Oscillating heater Outdoor extension cord King chair 23 pc tool set Cordless drill Patio bottle torches Keurig coffee maker Fire pit Outdoor drink holders Portable grill Lounge pool raft Kids Razor trike scooter Bissell vacuum cleaner (More items to come.) Newsletter Submissions Please contact Patty Harrington, 641-942-6232, or Misti Kosman at the Milo City Hall, 641-942-6241, to submit items for the newsletter. Items can also be emailed directly to Patty at milonews@iowatelecom.net. Submissions to the Milo Newsletter are due by the 20th of the preceding month. If your submission is lengthy or if it is more convenient, there is also a newsletter drop-box next to the front door at the Harrington residence. Questions regarding new advertising should be directed to Sonny Weeks, 641-942-6247, or Misti Kosman at the Milo City Hall. Changes by current advertisers can be submitted to Patty Harrington. 11 If you or your business would like to contribute an item for our raffle, please call or text Erica Wadle for details 515-988-9577. June Council Meetings Moved Lions Club News June council meetings will be held at 7:00 p.m. in the Milo Public Library on Monday, June 8, 2015 and Monday, June 22, 2015. Council meetings will resume to the normal 1st and 3rd Monday of each month starting in July. The Southeast Warren Class of 2015 is, in a word, extraordinary. It is one of the smaller classes in recent years, but, what they lack in quantity, they more than make up for in quality. It is one of those years when we might wish that we had more than one scholarship to give. We could easily have chosen three or four. It is a particular honor to the 2015 Milo Lions Scholarship recipient that he was chosen from such elite company. We congratulate Gabriel Henderson, son of James and Kelly Henderson. We understand Gabe plans to study the complimentary fields of Supply Chain and Operations Management as well as Information Systems. We wish Gabe, and all our other applicants, well. You will perhaps never know how much we admire and respect you. If you learn to do what you love, your labor will seldom be merely a job. Be advised that we have retired our bingo benches/tables, though we aren’t giving up bingo. I’m not sure just how we’ll be set up for the Fourth of July. Here’s a thought. Why don’t you come and find out? We also hope to have our bounce house(s) out too. Keep a good thought for fair weather. Thank-you for all our eager help planting trees Saturday May 30th. By virtue of a grant, the City of Milo has arranged for your Milo Lions Club to paint the stage building in the City Park. Thanks go to the City of Milo for thinking of us. Please keep your eyes open for signs promoting our Saturday work days for the pedestrian/bike trail. Thank-you! Southeast Warren FFA Plant Sale Dates: May 15th-June 15th Times: Mon-Fri 3pm-5pm Sat & Sun 8am-Noon Plants: Annuals, Perennials, Peppers, Tomatoes, Cantaloupe, Butternut Squash, Hanging Baskets & More Money goes directly to the FFA Chapter to pay for competitions, conventions, leadership workshops, and more. — Chelsea Arensdorf, FFA Advisor A Personal Word Most folks believe that Lynnea Young has taught Vocal Music at Southeast Warren…well…forever. If our Governor and our Legislature can’t get their acts together, Nea will be responsible for both Band and Vocal Music this fall. Both are full time jobs. She may soon daydream about returning her burdens to her predecessor, the esteemed Paul Lundberg. It’s really Paul I wanted to mention. He’s made quite a career of Barbershop singing since leaving SEW. But more, he’s shared that musical journey with several young men, and OK, some not nearly so young men, in the community. Three of my sons have benefitted from Barbershop thanks to Paul. Sean is the latest, and, as he somewhat inelegantly puts it, “I’ve learned a crapload about music.” A bunch of people go through their Southeast Warren lives doing kind, interesting, and/or extraordinary things. We take much of that good for granted. We shouldn’t. Thanks Paul, and thanks to so many more of you. — Alan S. Gardner, Past President-Milo Lions Club 4th of July Water Fights What better way to cool off on a hot summer day than to be in the water fights on the 4th!? Out local fire dept has agreed to set up as long as we get a min of 8 teams PREREGISTERED to participate! Free of charge to enter. Come on and take aim!! Call or text Erica Wadle for details 515988-9577. — Alan S. Gardner Visit us on the web at: www.cityofmilo.com 12 4th of July King & Queen Prince & Princess Contest Veterans In Parade Any veteran that wants to ride in the parade, the American Legion will provide a trailer with chairs to sit on. Meet at the Co-op on July 4 at 10:30 am if anyone has questions, please call Jerry Beck at 515-249-0430. 2015 King & Queen Contest and Prince & Princess Contest for our 4th of July celebration!!! Contest runs May 1 - June 19, 2015. King/Queen Contestant Rules: • must be in jr/sr high school • must be a resident of warren county • must sell raffle tickets for the main raffle $1.00 each Milo 4th of July Coloring Contest Winners will receive but not limited to: (King) - Crown, scepter, & medallion (Queen) - Tiara, sash, & corsage Children Preschool - 6th Grade The Milo 4th of July Committee is offering a coloring contest for children preschool through 6th grade. Prizes will be awarded to one child per grade level. Find your coloring page online at cityofmilo.com or stop by City Hall for a copy! Please submit the finished picture no later than 3:00 p.m. on June 26, 2015 to City Hall, 100 Main Street, Milo IA 50166. The winners will be announced at the 2015 Milo 4th of July Celebration! Good luck and have fun coloring! Both will receive $50.00 visa gift card, be presented in a convertible in the parade, & photo submitted to local media. Prince/Princess Contestant Rules • must be in 4th - 6th grade at SEW intermediate school • must sell raffle tickets for two tickets to Shania Twain concert and or tickets for a patriotic bags set. • Shania Twain raffle tickets - $10 each (one raffle ticket is a chance to win the 2 concert tickets) • patriotic bags set raffle tickets are $1.00 each Winners will receive but not limited to: Prince - crown, scepter, medallion Princess - tiara, sash, corsage GARBAGE ROUTE DRIVER Both will receive $25.00 visa gift card, be presented in a convertible in the parade, & photo submitted to local media. Family owned sanitation company is looking for a garbage route driver. Queen Candidates Samantha Kosman Cassidy Barr Gwen Williams This position will be responsible for mechanically and manually collecting solid waste and transporting it to appropriate disposal site. Experience is not necessary. King candidates TJ Dierking Kole Manser Trenton Mein Dalton Weeks Grant Minton Must have a Class B CDL and current DOT physical. Flexible scheduling with 30-40 hours per week. Must be able to work in a fast paced environment, able to work outdoors in all types of weather and able to lift up to 75 pounds. Princess Candidates: Ali Wadle Samantha Benesh Dailynn Phinney Alivia Ruble Application available upon response request. Call 515-962-2014 or email info@trmdisposal.com Prince Candidates Dominic Wadle Jack Williams 13 Milo 4th of July Information Wine Down to Milo Please submit all inquiries to our email address milofourthjuly@gmail.com or contact Erica Wadle at 515-988-9577. I want to commend the 4th of July Committee for the wonderful job they did at planning the Wine Down to Milo fundraiser! What a great idea! I had such a fun relaxing time visiting with people I hadn’t seen for some time. I know it was a lot of work and organizing. You did an amazing job!!! It was good knowing the money goes to the July 4th celebration… It made me very proud of my hometown!!!! Thank you. Youth Summer Dance & Baton Classes Indianola Dance Academy is offering Summer Sessions from June 22 thru July 27 with a Parent Reception week of August 3rd. Cost per student: $75 per class (cost includes ‘14-‘15 shirt). $200 unlimited summer sessions. Summer classes are only for students over age 3. Classes are held on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings and run from June 22 to July 27. Monday - Pink Studio 6:00-6:30 Beginner 6:30-7:00 Beginner 7:00-7:30 Beginner 7:30-8:00 Beginner - Polly (Wright) Glascock, Indianola City of Milo - Yard of the Month The City of Milo would like to recognize those who take pride in their yards! Vote on your favorite yard by filling out the information below and drop off at the City Hall by the 2nd Friday of the month. One winner will receive the “Yard of the Month” sign to display in their yard for the entire month. This is a people’s choice award so a resident may win more than once and consecutively. The yard with the most votes wins! Tap Ballet Baton Hip-Hop Tuesday - Studio A (Ages 8+) 6:00-6:30 Solo Class (baton) 6:30-7:00 Marching (baton) 7:00-7:30 Two Baton 7:30-8:00 Pom Name and address of yard owner: __________________________________________________ Tuesday - Pink Studio (Ages under 8) 6:00-6:30 Solo Class (baton) 6:30-7:00 Marching (baton) 7:00-7:30 Pom 7:30-8:00 Boys Hip Hop (All ages) __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Thursday - Studio A 6:00-6:30 Leaps 6:30-7:00 Tricks 7:00-7:30 Turns Why should it be awarded “Yard of the Month”? Competition classes are offered by invitation only to current dance students. If your child is interested in competition, please contact IDA. Indianola Dance Academy (IDA) is located at 207 West Salem Ave, Indianola. For more information contact us at 515-783-9673 or email Indianola Dance Academy at indianoladanceacademy@hotmail.com __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Additional Comments: __________________________________________________ 2015 Milo’s 4th of July Theme __________________________________________________ Let Freedom Ring! __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 14 __________________________________________________
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