View - Public Health Agency
View - Public Health Agency
W TE R WA O RK Y TAN BEL E DEN BRAC K RO AD AD RO Fa er at W ROAD GLENCORDIAL B0048 iry Todd’s Bridge S RO AD Killybrack KILLY IN R O AD GOR T ARK OY P ROAD KILLY BRA CK R DR RIC PAR K HMO N RK KN MCIV OR KNOC KN AMOE PA RK OAD RIVER VIEW R B0 00 4 ND RIVE AN E ER SL O RAN GEF PARK IELD WI S NA PA R KNO CKS ILLA AVENUE L C I DO NA GH AN IE R OA D Creevenagh VI 5 00 A0 DER G M ON EY iver hR N SSAURT O RIS OAK D VE N Sedennan D E R G MON E L A NE DONA Y BALLY R OA D BANK MOR E UCK LOUG HM AN IE R AGH ST VEN ROA D AD RO Y EA E WA B A N K M OR CRE RY GA DO O LISSAN ROAD Kivlin FORT RO A D Fireagh (Cochrane) Rylands GH Lissan Bridge CK BLA ROA D ROAD Fireagh (Thompson) ATT NAH WA YS OAD KEVLIN Sedennan Lough OAD YR Galbally A5 FAIR 2 03 A0 ROAD DEVERNEY Cam D K EVLIN R OA HEIGH T S KEVL IN RO AD U S EST GA RDE N SU NN Y CAMPSEI IVAL FEST S YG ARD EN NA GAR D COO L R AM OE R C IRCUL AR ROAD ST. ENU E KEVL IN A VE C A NNON DALE SUN NIN GD ALE CO OLNAGARD COURT P ROAD JU L IANS RO AD LISANELLY PA R LISANELLYPARK D ROA CK KILL YBR A S ID E AV ROAD BRIDGE ST A0 032 JA MES DR E T ROA COOLNAGARD WA Y OAD D ROA AGH VEN CRE COOLNAGARD IEW TOWNV M O NT U C R ES A00 32 ROA D OR E OM DROM ORE RO AD EV D EVER NEY R D K ROA DBAN WOO IEW MOUNTJ OY AR EP ARK DR O'KA NE PARK CULM ORE PARK 0 AD RO NK BA OD WO CRE HILL ROA D B01 58 g mra IVE UE N AR YP COU R GLENCA M D B0 048 AD IN RO GORT r eR ive rul St GORT MOR E PAR K AD RO UN T E CUL MO R D EN S AI L PAR K K LAS VIL RK DEVERN E Y PA N GIA OR GE 8 15 ON VIE W EE B GE OTTA EL C ENF S DOWN VENAG H RU GR FAR M GH W C REVENA AY U RI M PAR K UE N AVEN Golf Course EW SC VE PK A PK GO T AD CR R VA L E AD RO IEW T RO ERV C K EN RIV O UN OAD NR LL A AM LIN L A B Ballynamullan Bridge Football Ground AD ILL R O FARMH V E N UE K NO AC FARMHILL R OAD D ROA Y BR O OK M LLA N BALLINA M ULLAN R OAD PINEWOOD A MC CLA SE H MO ND PA R R E DRIVE R P ARK EL M OR EDRIVE Y B E L TAN CONEYWARREN ENT E BRACK EN CLO K AV BR OOKM OU NT ROAD AD RO U INAM BALL T RE A RET C AT RE RET R ND BROOKMOUN T ROAD ISE RD R VEA Depot Camowen Ward Drumragh Ward Dru LI S S A S HT HEI G MEWS LISSAN A G H VEI W DERGMONEY D ROA SLIE L AN ILL MH FAR OA K EEN A GR KNOCK DUBLIN R O A H E IG H T S PARK A0505 AD AN RO AMULL BALLIN V I EW R UM DR AGAR D OLN CO AN SS K EVLI N DOW ME A ORN HAWTH RK E KNOC KGRE ENAN GARDEN S A5 LI W COOLNAGAR D P AD D RO NU AVE ND RS ED RK E PA EDER BELV VI E SQUAR OA D LDR KLA WIN TE D G ARD SLIEVEA RD KILLYCLOGHER ROAD Football Ground A OLN CO O HO LNAGA LLO RD W CO FIE UNT O A K LA N OA ARK NT MCCLAY PARK Golf Course GARDE BER K E EL ILL NH KEV LIN ROVE G Sports Ground MO A P AR K B 0004 R OA Dergmoney Lower CA N NO OLD E L NFE EDE P KG S D QUEENS PARADE AS RS VILL RODGE K NOCKSIL L A RISE WINT ER S LANE W OO E H E AVE W OODVAL GH EN A DN KN D O RE A VILLAS GI HTS Y HE RK G HPA EDINBUR Playing Field R OA NUE AVE VIEW NA N Playground CR EV NG SO ER ROAD E A000 5 N TOW IN TIRQ U 5 A050 Playing Field A THORNLE PARK LO S PAR K AVENUE Factory Donelly’s Bridge AD OWN RO IRISHT BL IN IE LD PI NEFALK W GLEN GL RIV C KS KNO IV E N DR STO ARLE OAD A KN OC FLEI D INE AN GL E D RE MO GH MORE GARDEN S KYLE IRISHTOWN R OAD DU AND Coolnagard Upper COOL NAG ARD A KN HO S PIT AL R OAD D Playing Field NR D V IL L AS D OA ER MO en River Playing Field NORTH LE ES T O D OA N OC K OAD IELD R OUNTF OLD M SILLA OCK Playing Field 5 A000 DA SUNNIN G CREVENAGH ROAD B0004 VIEW HOLM A S HLE LANE AD SIE RO CAMP Mkt Pl ROAD LIN KEV O N UR CRESCE N PARK HNSTON H ER N R A D O NS AD O RT ENT E SC RO EAT N LI N R OA D E AD CK R SE A GOW N GA BO NA A CL RO MU GH LOU D S O CL A S HB DROMORE ROAD N R OAD Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland map with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, Crown Copyright 2012. NIMA S&LA 210.16. R NUE AVE A IN P IEW IN V ERR BALLY K EV R Coolnagard Lower COO LNA GAR D OAD KR ASH Lammy RS C RK AD ER RO OGH YCL KILL JO D CU L M O R R NE HEIGHTS BOU Rec Grd A mow Ca MARKET ST KEVLIN AVENUE RO P IC RO AD EN Green Bridge U Strule Bridge TRY SCA RF FES EN F RE MO A RD HTS HEIG RIVE RE E LAM BRO O AD RO HT VLI N A RL D Lisnamallard B4 8 H IGH STR EET KE LEPARK TRU D RE MO O RDM SP ON NN MA VE N D O NO AN E DR S N AN UM DR GR Ind DRO Est MO RE V DRI RIN SPER P AR IN RR SPE M ARD N IV E DR NON AN UM DR EADO WS LAG RR I SPE OO K BR TAM ROAD BRACKEN Ballygowan TM Culmore E LAM AGH A RR SPE V RF DRI BR F PK CLO CLONTA D ROA AGHT TAML RR K PAR HTS RE L I S MO HEIG RF NTA S PE L TAM ARK IN P IRM OU NT TA TAMLAGHT ROAD D ROA OLD MOUNTFIELD ROA Bells Bridge ET RE STA ENC AM A DP ON HM T EET BROOK STR BROO K S IE L D D ON OAD DR NRO AD M ER SUM N SHA NAR BR AC KE AVENUE AN SE D MOUNT ROAD S TS GLE TAMLAGHT ROAD Abbey Bridge K PAR ARK K BROOK LAMM Y CRESCE N T HT LAG TAM OD HWO E RI C Killyclogher Bridge MULLA WAY B00 48 RK PA Showgrounds Retail Park IGH T ONY HE HARM W TLE VI E CAS Playing Field Playing Field THO RNV ILLE E GARD EN Gortmore PARK NVILLE THOR AD RO C OU N T HEIGH NU E B00 48 PA R S IAN JUL ST. MOR E G Y ST. JU LI AN S W A N K V ALLEY D OA Cornabracken O OKM RO E NT OKM BRO OY AM HN AG LE R B ANE ANK L MILLB ER TH OR RAN DAL L DRIV E GO R TR US H DR IVE BROO GOR T AD OD WO VE LY A NEL LI SA TN EA GR E RO AD Gortrush RO D B I RCHWOOD Government Offices DRIV E DER RY MEA DOW VAL E Playground Omagh RT GO D OA OYL Mullaghmenagh Upper AD C HU K PAR MOR E ED E N VALE RIVE D USH RTR MULLAGHMENA ROAD AGH NAM ST. BIR ST. JULIANS RO O GR SH OA RR UL A ST. J ULIA NS B RAE Football Ground A GE S H US TR OR G R ERN RTH NO EAT Mullaghmenagh Lower N TE R S C OAD JULIANS COTT Lisanelly Ward RE CIRC K 8 B004 Factory K T PAR OUN WIL L OWM LY HEIGHT S CI RCU LAR R GR ARK NA P HAW THO RN R OAD CT AN P C AR N LIS ANEL ATH ROY ROA D AN E LAS LD L VIL EFIE AN AN PIN CH BU Engineering Works ARK NA P HME LAG MUL OAD UIN R TIRQ IVE ME Strule Ward 5 A0 00 ROAD ENA HM LAG MUL ME GH LLA MU STR ROAD ARYS ST. M B 0050 O N AD D MULLAGH MEN A GH M EADOWS OO LY RO A ME E L M O G LE MO Y KNOC K DR ELD EFI PIN D AD RO YS OA GIL LYG OAD UIN R TIRQ SHERGRI M GL E N O AR R CUL CIR ER A TS W OYL Killyclogher Ward R MA ST. AD AM ROAD OAD RO BEATTIE PARK K ON PAR WATS HN GLEN CAM BACKGLEN B RA PIN MEADEFIELD OWS NY LTA BE LY KIL WS ME AG S EW CK M Conywarren MELLON PA RK D RIVE M ROAD iver er GL ENCA nR Riv R ATH owe le Y TAN BE L ST R Playing Fields Bunnynubber K ROAD Straughroy St ru VE GRO RAC ENB ED 05 A00 Playing Fields BRA CK R OAD Fairywater Bridge iver wen R mo Ca 5 A000 Omagh.indd 1 22/08/2012 09:32 Local cycle/outdoor shops Active Travel Caldwell Cycles Unit 20 Dromore Road Omagh BT78 1RE Tel: 028 8224 2731 The Western Task group, which consists of the five local councils in the West; Fermanagh, Omagh, Strabane, Derry/ Londonderry and Limavady, as well as the Public Health Agency (PHA), and the Western Health & Social Care Trust (WHSCT) under the theme of Inspiring Communities to get Active, has an overarching aim to promote well being across the five district council areas in the West. Cycling l Walking l Public Transport Conway Cycles 157 Loughmacrory Road Omagh BT79 9LF Tel: 028 8076 1258 Halfords Unit 2 Great Northern Retail Park Omagh BT78 5GZ Tel: 028 8225 7030 Cycle hire Walks or cycle routes in area An Creagan Visitor Centre Tel: 028 8076 1112 Walking Gortin Accommodation Centre Tel: 028 8164 8346 Robbers Table Walk South west of Gortin Village Tel: 028 8224 7831 Historical Walk Around Omagh Omagh Town Centre Tel: 028 8224 7831 Omagh Gortin Lakes Walk Gortin Lakes – not far past entrance to Gortin Forest Park Tel: 028 8224 7831 Western Active Travel Map Gortin Glen Forest Park Gortin Forest Park is located about six miles north of Omagh on the B48 Gortin road Tel: 028 6634 3031 Loughmacrory to_do/activities/walking/item.php?id=290Loughmacrory Walk Tel: 028 8224 7831 Active Travel Cycling l Walking l Public Transport Further information on these walks and other walks in the area can be found on This map has been produced by the Western Task Group as part of the Western Active Travel Project. This initiative is funded by the Public Health Agency in partnership with the five local councils in the West of Northern Ireland (Limavady, Derry/Londonderry, Strabane, Omagh and Fermanagh) and with the Western Health and Social Care Trust. The Western Task Group support the Travelwise NI initiative to encourage the use of sustainable transport options such as walking, cycling, public transport or car sharing. The Western Task Group, as part of the joint working initiative, identified ‘Active Travel’ as a priority common theme. Cycling Useful contacts Omagh District Council The Grange Mountjoy Road Omagh BT79 7BL Tel: 028 8224 5321 Omagh Leisure Complex Old Mountfield Road Omagh BT79 7EG Tel: 028 8224 6711 National Cycle Route 92 Route: Enniskillen – Omagh – Newtownstewart – Sion Mills – Strabane – Derry Distance: 80 Miles/129 Km Terrain: Country roads Sights On Route: Wishbone Sculpture, Foyle Rivers, Let the Dance Begin Sculpture, Gray’s Printing Press, The Alley Arts & Conference Centre Sustrans Tel: 028 9043 4569 Mountain Biking In Gortin Forest Park Gortin Forest Park – 1st turn left after Ulster History Park (Lisnaharney Road) and track is approximately 200m on the right hand side of the road Tel: 028 6634 3165 Active Travel is travelling actively for everyday journeys whether by walking, cycling, jogging, or using public transport. Active Travel is an easy and accessible way for people to build physical activity into their daily life. The Western Task group uses strategic and developmental measures to improve the health and well being of local communities through Active Travel. A product of this joint working is the production of this Active Travel Map. A similar map has been developed for a town in each of the five local council areas. Active Travel Maps provide information and promote usage of local walk ways, cycle paths and public transport systems. The Western Task Group endorses the Department of Health Physical Activity Guidelines for Adults (July 2011): “Adults should aim to be active daily. Over a week, activity should add up to at least (2.5 hrs) of moderate intensity activity in bouts of 10 mins or more. One way to approach this is to do 30 mins on at least five days a week.” By meeting this target people can reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis and some cancers. It is also vital to maintaining a healthy weight and helping promote well being. Additional benefits for walking and cycling include; • saving money while getting fitter • improving your health and wellbeing • helping the environment • adding years to your life expectancy Walking and cycling are excellent ways to exercise. The average adult can expect to burn off approximately 200 calories for each hour they spend walking and 360 for each hour they cycle. Why not check out for great ideas on how to become more active! Omagh “Wheelers” Tel: 078 3661 7975 Cartography CycleCity Guides Omagh.indd 2 22/08/2012 09:32
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