- Brickred Studios


- Brickred Studios
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How To Start A Podcast In
4 Simple Steps.
Thinking of starting a podcast for your blog?
Great idea!
Podcasting is a great way to connect with your
audience on an intimate level and attract new
loyal readers to your tribe.
It’s also my number one networking tool for my
business - each guest I interview on my show is
another feather in my proverbial networking
So here’s a simple 4-step formula that I used to
start a podcast for my blog.
4 Steps To Start A Podcast
Step One
Plan Your Podcast
Planning your podcast is one of the most crucial
steps to having a successful podcast.
Not only will it help you produce a professional
sounding podcast, planning will also help in
preventing any hiccups from happening in future.
Here are a couple of questions that will help you
plan your podcast.
What name to give to your podcast?
Are you going to use your blog’s name or come
up with a new one?
Where are you going to be recording episodes?
I use my home office.
What type of equipment will you need?
Sound quality is very important for podcasting.
You will need to decide on the type of
microphones, mixer etc. you will need to record
your shows with.
4 Steps To Start A Podcast.
Step One
Plan Your Podcast
What software will you use to edit your shows?
When it comes to editing your podcast you've got
lots of options available.
From the free and powerful Audacity to the
versatile Adobe Audition.
I use Logic Pro X for editing my own podcasts.
What kind of format will the episodes of your
podcast take?
Example of podcast formats include Interview style,
review show etc.
A great tip is to divide your shows into segment with
different formats
How often are you going to release new episodes?
You could do weekly, twice weekly or monthly
4 Steps To Start A Podcast.
Step One
Plan Your Podcast
What topics are you going to be talking about on
your shows?
You will need to come up with 52 topics if you’re
going to do a weekly podcasts.
How long will each episode of your podcast be?
Doing a 15-minute show is a great starting point for
new podcaster.
Where are you going to host the mp3 files of your
Libsyn, Soundcloud are good examples.
Are you going to have guest on your shows?
If so where do you find and contact them.
A lot of effort should put into the planning
stage as getting it wrong can cause you a lot
of headache in future.
4 Steps To Start A Podcast.
Produce Your
Once you’ve done planning your podcast, the next
step is to produce it. Producing your podcast
involves everything from
Producing your intro and outro
Recording episodes, preferably in advance
Editing out mistakes, removing uhms and ahs.
Adding music, sound effects and transitions
Mixing and mastering each episode.
And finally, adding tags and metadata to final
audio files.
4 Steps To Start A Podcast.
Publish Your
After producing your podcast episodes, it's time to
publish it.
First you will need to upload your files to your hosting
service. I use Soundcloud to host my podcast files as
it's are quite cheap and easy to use.
You then have to submit your RSS feed to iTunes
and other your podcast apps.
This will require you to create an RSS feed. You can
do so using services like Feed burner.
If you upload your files to a site like Libsyn, the feed
creation is done automatically for you.
4 Steps To Start A Podcast
Promote Your
Once your podcast has been published, it’s time to
start promoting it.
I usually start of with my email list. By making a blog
post about my podcast, I alert my readers of new
You can also share directly to Twitter, Facebook,
and more.
Sites like Soundcloud also offer cool sharing options
for you to use.
Rinse and Repeat For every Episode
These 4 steps aren’t just for starting your show, but
for keeping it going.
You should Plan, Produce, Publish and Promote
every episode of your podcast.
Turn these 4-step formula into habits, and you’ll
have a great podcast with on-going growth.
4 Steps To Start A Podcast.