Jessalynn Marie Keller


Jessalynn Marie Keller
Jessalynn Marie Keller
1713 Enfield Road, Apt. #D
Austin, Texas, USA 78703
Phone: 512-461-2221
Nationality: Canadian
2009 – Present. PhD Candidate. Department of Radio-Television-Film. The University of Texas at Austin. Austin, Texas, USA.
Dissertation Supervisor: Dr. Mary Celeste Kearney
Expected Completion: May 2013
2005 – 2007.
Master’s of Journalism. The Graduate School of Journalism. The University of British Columbia. Vancouver,
BC Canada. Thesis: Girl Glossies: Fashionable Feminism or Just Another Sexist Rag?
2000 – 2005.
Bachelor’s of Arts, Honors. Major in sociology, minor in women’s and gender studies. The University of
Saskatchewan. Saskatoon, SK Canada.
Awards and Honors
Social Science and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Scholarship, valued at $40,000 over two years.
London School of Economics PhD Scholarship, valued at approximately $25,000 USD. Only 20
scholarships offered throughout the entire university. (Did not accept because I chose to study at UT).
George Sakellaridis Memorial Scholarship, valued at $500. Received for graduating with the highest grade
point average in Master’s of Journalism class.
Social Science and Humanities Research Council Master’s Scholarship, valued at $17,500 over one year
Bell GlobeMedia Award, valued at $6,000.
Journal Articles
In press, 2012.
“Virtual Feminisms: Girls’ Blogging Communities, Feminist Activism, and Participatory Politics.”
Information, Communication, and Society. Special Issue: Association of Internet Researchers, IR 12.0:
Performance and Participation. Solicited Manuscript.
“Feminist Editors and the New Girl Glossies: Fashionable
Feminism or Just Another Sexist Rag?” Women’s Studies International Forum, 34 (1), 1-12.
Edited Anthologies
Forthcoming 2012. “ ‘It’s a Hard Job Being an Indian Feminist’: Mapping feminist identities and ‘close encounters’ on the
feminist blogosphere.” Feminist Media: Participatory Spaces, Networks, and Cultural Citizenships, Ed. Elke
Zobl and Rosa Reitsamer. Publisher: Transcript (Germany).
Encyclopedia Entries
“Women’s Magazines” and “Purity Balls.” Multimedia Encyclopedia of Women in Today’s World. Eds. Mary
Zeiss Stange and Carol K. Oyster. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
“Bust” and “Sex and the City.” The Encyclopedia of Women and Popular Culture. Ed. Gina Misiroglu. New
York: Facts on File.
Conference Papers
“ ‘Thirty Days According to the Ultimate Teenage Handbook’: Girls’ Media
Activism, Feminism, and The Seventeen Magazine Project.” National Communication Association Annual
Conference. New Orleans, LA, USA.
“Border Crossings? Rethinking Power, Space, and Transnational Feminism(s) in the Feminist Blogosphere.”
National Women’s Studies Association Annual Conference. Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
“Virtual Feminisms: Girls’ Blogging Communities, Feminist Activism, and Participatory Politics.” Association
of Internet Researchers Annual Conference, 12.0 Performance and Participation. Seattle, Washington, USA.
“Dropping the F Bomb: Blogging as Feminist Media Practice.” Reimagining Girlhood: Communities,
Identities, Self-Portrayals Conference. Cortland, New York, USA.
“More Than Modeling? The Politics of Self Esteem in America’s Next Top Model.” Console-ing Passions
Conference 2010. Eugene, Oregon, USA.
“She’s So CosmoGirl: Feminist Editors and the New Girl Glossies.” Popular Culture Association/ American
Culture Association Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA. USA.
“Girl Glossies: Fashionable Feminism or Just Another Sexist Rag?” Congress of the Humanities and Social
Sciences. Vancouver, BC. Canada.
“The Third Wave and Popular Culture.” From Bra Burners to Buffy: Conversations Amongst Generations of
Feminists, Western Canadian Women’s Studies Conference. Saskatoon, SK. Canada.
Teaching Experience
Fall 2011.
Co-Instructor (with Dr. Mary Celeste Kearney). RTF 359s/WGS 324: Women and Media Culture.
Department of Radio-Television-Film. The University of Texas at Austin.
Responsibilities: Writing and giving lectures, creation of syllabus, grading.
2009 – Present. Teaching Assistant. Department of Radio-Television-Film. The University of Texas at Austin.
RTF Classes: Introduction to Media Studies, Women and Media Culture, Post-Network Television, Youth
and Social Media, Gender and Rock Culture, Media Literacy, Race, Class, and Gender in U.S. Television
Responsibilities: Leading discussion sections, guest lecturing, facilitating student projects, grading,
writing quizzes.
Professional Development/ University Activities/Service
Steering Committee Member
Sept. 2011 – ongoing
International Girls’ Studies Association
Invited to participate in the steering committee as the graduate student representative. Will be facilitating the further
development of the International Girls’ Studies Association, a multidisciplinary professional organization for girls’ studies scholars.
IE Pre-Graduate School Internship Mentor
Aug. 2011 – ongoing
Responsible for one on one mentoring of an undergraduate student interested in applying to graduate school. Activities
include assisting intern with research, graduate school applications, conference proposals, and answering questions about
graduate school life. Undergraduate intern receives credit for their semester work.
Special Features Senior Editor,
May 2010 – May 2011
Responsible for the recruitment of special feature columnists, editing pieces, and the development and promotion of as a significant website for media criticism.
Programming Co-coordinator, Flow Conference 2010
Nov. 2009 – Oct. 2010
Responsible for programming the third bi-annual Flow Conference, hosted by the Department of Radio-Television-Film at the
University of Texas at Austin. The Flow Conference is a prominent international conference for media scholars, attracting 250
people in 2010. Specific responsibilities included: forming conference panels, choosing participants, scheduling panels,
ongoing interaction with participants, general promotion of conference, and organizing formal cocktail reception.
Co-President, Undergraduate Sociology Students Assoc.
2003 – 2004
Served as undergraduate representative on faculty committees, organized mentorship, informational, and social events
Professional Associations
Member, International Girls’ Studies Association
Member, National Women’s Studies Association
Member, National Communication Association
Member, Association of Internet Researchers
Member, Canadian Sociological Association
– 2009
Additional Media Employment Experience
Freelance Journalist
April 2007 – ongoing
Online Copy editor, Hearst Magazines’ teen sites
July 2007 – October 2007
Editorial Intern, Seventeen Magazine, New York
Sept. 2006 – Dec. 2006
Beauty Editorial Intern, NYLON Magazine, New York
April 2006 – Sept. 2006
Academic Research Interests
Girls’ media culture, new femininities, popular culture, new media, ethnography, feminist theory
Public Service/ Volunteer Experience
Summer 2010.
Girls Rock Camp, Austin, Texas, USA
Media Education Instructor. Led girl participants (ages 9-13) in an interactive media literacy
2008 – 2009.
WISH Women’s Center. Downtown Eastside, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Center Volunteer. Volunteered weekly to work in the WISH Center, a support center providing
basic needs for survival sex trade workers.
2000 – 2004.
University of Saskatchewan Women’s Center. Saskatoon, SK, Canada
Volunteer. Helped in regular operation of center, organized annual events, participated in
awareness campaigns.
Hobbies and Activities
Yoga, blogging, zumba dance, fashion journalism, pottery, travel.
Dr. Mary Celeste Kearney Department of Radio-Television-Film, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas.
Dr. Nhi Lieu
Department of American Studies, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas.