2011 JUL-SEP
2011 JUL-SEP
BOAT NOTES GROTON BASE “FIRST AND FINEST” QUARTERLY NEWS LETTER ISSUE 2011-3 USSVI Groton Base, 40 School Street, Groton, CT 06340-3940 Jul/Aug/Sep 2011 Groton Base Officers, Committee Chairs, & Points of Contact Base Commander John Carcioppolo Vice Commander Jeff Rowe Secretary Paul Orstad Treasurer Mark Wiggins commander@subvetsgroton.org vice@subvetsgroton.org secretary@subvetsgroton.org treasurer@subvetsgroton.org House Committee Stan Mathis Board of Trustees Bob Bentley Membership Mike Munhall Chaplain Tom Russell house@subvetsgroton.org bot@subvetsgroton.org membership@subvetsgroton.org chaplain@subvetsgroton.org Color Guard/Ships Store Club Manager Holland Club Memorial Karen Torkelson Phil Marshall Dick McGirr Charlie Starratt clubmanager@subvetsgroton.org holland@subvetsgroton.org memorial@subvetsgroton.org stores@subvetsgroton.org CT License Plates Veterans Affairs Scholarship Fund SUBSCOL Graduations Harrison Solt Brian Turley Joe Bialek Jack Gallimore plates@subvetsgroton.org veterans@subvetsgroton.org scholarship@subvetsgroton.org graduation@subvetsgroton.org SFLM Docent Gary Schmid Public Affairs Ray Hamilton Westport Satellite Group Paul Grammar Ladies Auxiliary Dee Carcioppolo docent@subvetsgroton.org pao@subvetsgroton.org Paul@subcob.com ladiesaux@subvetsgroton.org Groton Base Archivist Jim Moulding Boat Notes Editor Mike Munhall Webmaster Robert Perritt Sea Scouts Liaison Dave Cornell archives@subvetsgroton.org editor@subvetsgroton.org webmaster@subvetsgroton.org seascouts@subvetsgroton.org Our Creed “To perpetuate the memory of our Shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation toward greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States of America and its Constitution.” Inside This Issue Item Page Upcoming Events 2 US Submarine Force Losses 3 Eternal Patrol 3 Chaplain’s Offerings 4 Commander’s Corner 5 USSVI Groton Base News 6 Board of Trustees 6 Color Guard 7 Silent Services Plates Item National Submarine Memorial East Page 8 Item Page Membership 13 Newsletter Editor 14 Submarine School Graduation Program 8 Shipmate In The Spotlight 15 9 Well Connected Bubblehead 15 Holland Club Report Westport Satellite Group 10 USSVI National News 16 Submarine Excellence At Groton Base 16 Submarine Home Comings 10 Submarine Force Library & Museum Docents 16 House Committee 11 Club House Clean Up 17 Base Election Results 12 Ship’s Store 12 Submarine Qualification Recognition Program 17 7 Item Page USSVI 47th Anniversary Celebration 18 War Veterans Status 18 Holiday Caring & Sharing 19 USSVI Groton Base Parades & Picnics 19 Membership Renewal and Donation Form 20 RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP TODAY! FOR 2012 OR FOR MULTIPLE YEARS. Page 2 SUBVETS Groton Base Boat Notes Issue 2011-03 UPCOMING EVENTS Recommend you cut this out and keep it handy so you have a ready reference of all events and start times. JULY 2011 -- Begin Membership Renewals; See website for updates at www.subvetsgroton.org Steak & Egg Brunch 10:00am – 12:00pm July 4th Parade and Reception at Clubhouse On or about 11:15am Family Picnic Plng 6:30pm – 7:30pm Groton Fireworks; Club closes at 5:00PM 9:00pm Brunch 10:00am – 12:00pm Monthly Business Meeting; Installation of new Base Officers; all committee 6:30pm chairs to attend Tue, 12 Jul SVWWII Social/lunch 11:30am – 1:00pm Sun, 17 Jul Brunch 10:00am – 12:00pm Mon, 18 Jul GB Westport Satellite Group Meeting 7:00pm Tue, 19 Jul Holland Club luncheon 11:30am -1:00pm Wed, 20 Jul VJ Parade Plng 6:30pm – 7:30pm Thu, 21 Jul Board of Trustees meeting 6:00pm Sat, 23 Jul Lady Liberty Cruise from Port Washington, NY 7:00pm Sun, 24 Jul Brunch 10:00am – 12:00pm Mon, 25 Jul Joint E-Board and Committee Chairs Meeting 6:00pm – 8:00pm Wed, 27 Jul Family Picnic Plng 6:30pm – 7:30pm Sun, 31 Jul Brunch 10:00am – 12:00pm AUGUST 2011 -- Continue Membership Renewals; See website for updates at www.subvetsgroton.org Mon, 1 Aug Monthly Business Meeting 6:30pm Wed, 3 Aug Family Picnic Plng 6:30pm – 7:30pm Sun, 7 Aug Steak and Eggs Brunch 10:00am – 12:00pm GB Westport Satellite Group Annual Family Picnic & Meeting, Short Beach, 12:00pm – 6:00pm Stratford, CT Tue, 9 Aug SVWWII Mtg/lunch 10:30am – 1:00pm Wed, 10 Aug VJ Parade Plng 5:30pm – 6:20pm Thanksgiving Plng 6:30pm – 7:30pm Fri, 12 Aug Family Picnic Plng – pack-up/final preps 6:00pm Sat, 13 Aug Annual Family Picnic ADM Fife Naval Recreation Park 12:00pm – 5:00pm Sun, 14 Aug Brunch 10:00am – 12:00pm VJ Day Parade in Moosup; stepoff at 1300 9:00am departure Tue, 16 Aug Holland Club luncheon 11:30am – 1:00pm Thu, 18 Aug Board of Trustees meeting 6:00pm Sun, 21 Aug Brunch 10:00am – 12:00pm Mon, 22 Aug Sea Scout Workshop at Clubhouse 6:30pm – 8:45pm Wed, 24 Aug 6:00pm Thanksgiving Plng 6:00pm – 6:50pm Anniversary Plng Mtg 7:00pm – 8:00pm Sun, 28 Aug Brunch supported by area CPO Selectees 10:00am – 12:00pm Mon, 29 Aug E-Board Meeting 6:30pm SEPTEMBER 2011 -- Continue Membership Renewals; See website for updates at www.subvetsgroton.org; Sun, 4 Sep Steak & Egg Brunch 10:00am – 12:00pm 5 - 11Sep 2011 National Convention 2011 Thu, 8 Sep Newsletter inputs due Sun, 11 Sep Brunch 10:00am – 12:00pm Mon, 12 Sep Monthly Business Meeting 6:30pm Tue, 13 Sep SVWWII Social/lunch 11:30am Thu, 15 Sep Board of Trustees 6:00pm Fri, 16 Sep CPO Initiation 10:00am Subase Sat, 17 Sep SVGB Dinner Steak N’ Lobster 5:30pm – 9:00pm Sun, 18 Sep Brunch 10:00am – 12:00pm Mon, 19 Sep GB Westport Satellite Group Meeting 7:00pm Tue, 20 Sep Holland Club luncheon 11:30am – 1:00pm Wed, 21 Sep Thanksgiving Plng 6:00pm – 7:00pm Anniversary Plng Mtg 7:00pm – 8:00pm Sun, 25 Sep Brunch 10:00am – 12:00pm Mon, 26 Sep E-Board Meeting 6:30pm Fri, 30 Sep Khaki Ball 6:00pm Sun, 2 Jul Mon, 4 Jul Wed, 6 Jul Sat, 9 Jul Su, 10 Jul Mon, 11 Jul WHO DO YOU KNOW THAT IS QUALIFIED BUT NOT A MEMBER? SIGN UP A NEW MEMBER TODAY! Issue 2011-03 SUBVETS Groton Base Boat Notes Page 3 U.S. Submarine Force Losses Jul/Aug/Sep July Ex-USS G-2 (SS-2) was lost on 30 July 1919 when it sank as a test vehicle for explosive tests. Sank with 3 men aboard 30 July 1919, in Two Tree Channel 1/4 mil off Pleasure Beach, CT; counted here due to loss of life. USS Runner (SS-275) was lost on 1 July 1943 with the loss of 78 officers and men when it was sunk somewhere between Midway and Hokkaido. USS S-28 (SS-133) was lost on 4 July 1944 with the loss of 50 officers and men when it foundered off Hawaii, while operating with USCGC Reliance. USS Robalo (SS-273) was lost on 26 July 1944 with the loss of 84 officers and men when it was sunk 2 miles off west coast of Palawan. August USS Grunion (SS-216) was lost on 1 August 1942 with the loss of 70 officers and men when it sank near en- trance to Kiska (Alaska) Harbor. USS FLYER (SS250) was lost 13 August 1944 with the loss of 78 officers and men when it was sunk in Balabac Strait near Mantangule. USS Harder (SS-257) was lost on 24 August 1944 with the loss of 80 officers and men when it was sunk off Caiman Point near Bataan. Island. (Eight of the crew were taken prisoner, all survived the war.) USS Bullhead (SS-332) was lost on 6 August 1945 with the loss of 84 officers and men when it was sunk in West end of Lombok Strait. USS Cochino (SS-345) was lost on 26 August 1949 when it was sunk in Norwegian Sea after fire; one man from Cochino and 6 men from USS Tusk were lost in the rescue operation. September USS S-51 (SS-162) was lost on 25 September 1925 with the loss of 32 officers and men when it sunk after collision with SS City of Rome off Block Island. USS Pompano (SS-181) was lost on 1 September 1943 with the loss of 76 officers and men when it was sunk off the northeast coast of Honshu. USS Grayling (SS-209) was lost on 9 September 1943 with the loss of 76 officers and men when it was sunk in or near Tablas Strait, PI. USS Cisco (SS-290) was lost on 28 September 1943 with the loss of 76 officers and men when it was sunk in Sulu Sea west of Mindinao, 9 47N 121 . Shipmates on Eternal Patrol The gift for which our departed Shipmates laid their lives on the line is our freedom today. We express our gratitude for their service by our remembrance of them. Take a moment now . . . and in silence breathe a prayer for our absent Shipmates. Roland N. Sollenberger, age 81, passed away 31 March 2011 at Fairview Nursing Home in Groton, CT. Roland qualified in submarines onboard USS Piper SS409 in 1950. He also served aboard USS Grouper SS214, and USS Nautilus SSN 571. He retired from the Navy in in 1997 as Commander. Roland joined USSVI Groton Base in 2002 and was a Life and Holland Club member. Donald E. Snyder, age 81, passed away 13 April 2011 at Lawrence & Memorial hospital in New London, CT. Don qualified in submarines onboard USS Dogfish SS350 in 1962. He also served aboard USS Tigrone SS419. Don retired from the Navy as HMCS(SS) in 1975 after serving for 27 years. He joined USSVI Groton Base in 2005 and was a Life member. Robert W. Tompkins, age 73, passed away 22 April 2011 at his home in East Lyme, CT. Bob qualified in submarines onboard USS Becuna SS319 in 1956. He also served aboard USS Sam Houston and USS George Bancroft. He retired from the Navy as CWO-3 in 1976. Bob joined USSVI Groton Base in 2000 and was a Life and Holland Club member. Vernon J. Tolsma, age 45, passed away 24 April 2011 in Hastings, MI, his family home. Vernon qualified in submarines onboard USS Dace SSN607 in 1987. He also served aboard USS Tautog SSN639, USS Bluefish SSN675, USS Birmingham SSN695, USS Albuquerque SSN706, USS Providence SSN719, an USS Toledo SSN769. He retired from the Navy after 20 years of service. Vernon joined USSVI Groton Base in 2006 as a regular member. Frederick L. Milbrandt, age 67, passed away 9 May 2011 at his home in Manchester, CT. Fred qualified in submarines onboard USS Sablefish SS303 in 1962. He retired from the Navy as Commander. Fred joined USSVI Groton Base in 1997 and was a Life member. William C. Andersen, age 67, passed away 21 May 2011 at Yale-New Haven Hospital in New Haven, CT. Bill qualified in submarines onboard USS Abraham Lincoln SSBN602 in 1964. He also served aboard USS Blenny SS324. Bill joined USSVI Groton Base in 1999, was a Life member, and was the creator and Commander of the Westport Satellite Group of Groton Base. Robert W. Burr, age 97, passed away 21 May 2011 at his home in Quaker Hill, CT. At the time of his death, he was the oldest submariner in the United States. Robert qualified in submarines onboard USS S24 SS129 in 1938. He also served aboard USS Skipjack SS184, USS S-16 SS121, USS S-48 SS159, USS Rasher SS269, USS Redfin SS272, USS Quillback SS424, USS Argonaut SS475, and USS Fulton AS11. He retired from the Navy in 1956 as MSC(SS). Robert joined USSVI Groton Base in 2008 and was a Life and Holland Club member. Eugene A. "Wabbit" Weigant, age 85, passed away 24 May 2011 at Lawrence & Memorial hospital in New London, CT. Eugene qualified in submarines onboard USS Bluefish SS222 in 1944. He also served aboard USS Boarfish SS327, USS Sea Poacher SS406, and USS Cobbler SS344. He retired from the Navy as TMC (SS) in 1970. Eugene joined USSVI Groton Base in 1992. He was also a member of Submarine Veterans of WWII and the Fleet Reserve. RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP TODAY! FOR 2012 OR FOR MULTIPLE YEARS. Page 4 SUBVETS Groton Base Boat Notes Pedro M. "Pete" Catubig, age 91, passed away 31 May 2011 at Mystic Healthcare & Rehab in Mystic, CT. Pedro qualified in submarines onboard USS Argonaut SS475. He also served aboard USS Patrick Henry SSBN599, USS Sturgeon SSN637 and USS Nautilus SSN571. He retired from the Navy as MS1(SS). Pedro joined USSVI Groton Base in 2005 and was a Life and Holland Club member. Christopher Corona , 23, died on Saturday, May 28, 2011, in Pomfret, CT, from injuries sustained in a mortorcycle accident. Christopher qualified in submarines onboard the USSS PITTSBURGH (SS 720) in 2010. He Joined us at USSVI Groton Base in January 2011. It is always sad when we loose a Shipmate however it is even harder to accept when we loose one so young and with so many great things to do ahead of him. Robert L. "Van" "Hoobie" Van Compernolle, 60, passed away Saturday, June 4, 2011, at Lawrence & Memorial Hospital. Van was a veteran of the Vietnam War, having served in the Navy from 1974 until his retirement in 1994. He Qualified submarines on board the USS BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (SSBN 640) in 1974. Van joined us at USSVI Groton Base in 1998, he was a Life member. Francis (Frank) Duba, died Monday, (June 6, 2011). Frank served in World War II in the U.S. Navy Submarine Force [Billfish, Conger, Threadfin] and retired in 1968 with twenty-five years of service. He qualified in submarines on the USS Billfish (SS-286) in 1945 and was a LCDR when he left the Navy. He was a Life and Holland Club member . Issue 2011-03 ”There is a port of no return, where ships may ride at anchor for a little space. And then some starless night the cable slips, leaving only an eddy at the mooring place. Gulls veer no longer, Sailor rest your oar. No tangled wreckage will be washed ashore.” Shipmates Sollenberger, Snyder, Tompkins, Tolsma, Milbrandt, Andersen, Burr, Weeigant, Corona, Van Compernolle, and Duba, Rest your Oar. Chaplain’s Offerings: Tom Russell, Base Chaplain Here we are in June again and it's about time. The winter was cold and snowy and the spring has been cool and rainy – great for the foliage, but wearing on the residents. We have had a few warm and sunny days in June and hopefully there will be a good deal more. If you have read the Eternal Patrol Report, you will have seen that we had 14 losses since the last report and were able to respond with Honors Services for 10 of that number. As with many situations, it never rains, but it pours. The week of 5/22-5/28, the Honors Detail had five events – four for Honors Services and one Shipmates Remembrance Ceremony in support of the VITAS Veterans Remembrance Ceremony at Nautilus. The average attendance for those 5 events was 16 members. Ten men attending was the lowest, a 100 mile round trip to Greenwich CT for Honors for Bill Anderson, Base Commander of our Westport Satellite Group. Twenty men attending was the highest, a Combined Honors Service for WWII/ USSVI Sub Vet Eugene Weigant here in Groton. Four of our Honors Detail Members attended all five of these events – Bud Atkins, Obie Hill, Dale Mackay, and Ed Russell. Congratulations to these four, and well done for the ones that made up the other twelve attendees of the average. During this April/May period there were two Eternal Light Notices, one for Shipmate John Deane's wife, Vivian and one for Carl Dahlman's wife, Linda. Services for Vivian were held in Niantic and many of her Wives of Submarine Veterans of World War II were in attendance. The memorial service for Linda Dahlman was held in Byles-Groton on 11 May and the Honors Detail contributed to the service with our Eternal Light ceremony. In looking at the Honors Detail and what they do, one needs to understand the motivation that drives these SubVet volunteers. The motivation that grows within a member of this group comes from a variety of sources, primarily with the common thought of a shipmates passing away and the loss of that shipmate to our own eventual passings. A plethora of other emotional twinges fill the in-between spaces. It appears to begin with an initial Honors Service as the impact and an emotional response as the committal. Each event that is attended only adds to this commitment and reinforces the dedication. We now have 36 members who make up this respected group and it continues to grow. It is a privilege for me to serve with these men and I regularly give thanks. Carrying on with my chaplain goal of "As a chaplain, I serve my shipmates by cultivating their awareness of God within them" . . . . Last quarter, the message to you was largely that you are spirit and not body. The real you is unseen by humanity. You are in there all by yourself. Others may sense what is going on in your mind, but none of them can be absolutely sure. Even if you speak, write, or draw a picture, your friends and family can only translate the communications as their own understanding of what was transmitted. Here is where God comes in. You see, whether you believe it or not, God exists within you. Always has been and always will be. If God is within everything in existence as it is, then it has to be within you. All God is waiting for is for you to respond to the communication. Your first and most important communication is, "Thank you." As Meister Eckhart (1400's) said, "If the only prayer you ever said in your life was "thank you", it would be sufficient." The words "thank you" are the beginning with more to come. Bless you all – begin each day with a smile in your mirror. Tom Russell, Chaplain SVGB chaplain@subvetsgroton.org 860-536-7733 Home 860-885-6144 Cell Please don't hesitate to call or email – if we don't know, we can't serve. WHO DO YOU KNOW THAT IS QUALIFIED BUT NOT A MEMBER? SIGN UP A NEW MEMBER TODAY! Issue 2011-03 Page 5 SUBVETS Groton Base Boat Notes Commander’s Corner Hello Shipmates at Groton Base. Welcome to summer in New England. We had a busy spring. We look forward to the Hot Hazy Humid summer season which is where we actually slow down a bit before picking the pace back up again in the fall. Welcome aboard to the many new members who have joined Groton Base the last few months and to those who rejoined us. Thank you for joining the First and Finest and thanks to our members who recruited you into our organization. We hope that those of you who are new members are just as proud of being a member of Groton Base as all of the rest of us. While it is July and our focus is still on bringing in new members for this year we need to start putting our attention on Membership Renewals. I know I know. We just got done with Membership Renewals and I ALREADY KNOW WHAT YOU ARE THINKING. You’re thinking didn’t I just get done begging all of you to renew. The answer is yes. With over 2200 members, if we don’t start membership renewals now the result will be a lot of members on the first of Jan 2012 who have not renewed. We start early because each and every one of your memberships is important to us. For the maximum return on Membership Renewals, we start our process 3 months before the rest of the organization. Right now we are in good shape with 1274 members already renewed for 2012 or beyond leaving only 916 or so members who have to renew for 2012. So let’s get it done. The quicker everyone renews the less painful it is for everyone. Wouldn’t it be great for all of us if I didn’t have to send out any renewal reminders and emails after the 1st of October? April through June was a busy time at Groton Base. Submarine Birthday Ball, Submarine Birthday/THRESHER Memorial Service, Homecoming Celebrations, Mongolian BBQ, Anniversary Celebration, Memorial Day/SCORPION Memorial Service, HOLLAND CLUB Ceremony, HOLLAND CLUB Lunches, brunches, Steak Dinner, and Base Elections. Depending on when you get this newsletter you might include the July 4th Parade. Sadly we also have had a lot of Shipmates depart on Eter- nal Patrol. All of these events are successful because of the support and participation of the membership and the hard work of many volunteers that make up various committees like Anniversary Committee, Color Guard, Docents, Homecoming Committee, Honors Detail, HOLLAND CLUB, House Committee, Ladies Auxiliary, Membership Committee, Memorial Committee, Nominations Committee, Webmaster, and all of the Base Officers. But we can’t do it alone. We get a lot of tremendous support from our Active Duty counterparts on Base. Commands and organizations like the CPOA, HISTORIC SHIP NAUTILUS, NSSC, NSSF, PCU MISSISSIPPI, SUBASE, SUBSCHOOL, USS PITTSBURGH, USS PROVIDENCE, USS NEW HAMPSHIRE and many more. The volunteers and the Active Duty commands jump in and do whatever it takes to get the job done. Then we have lots of members locally and across the country who help out with their donations of food, and money. All of these players and support is what makes SUBVETS Groton Base so special. It’s what makes us the First and Finest. No other SUBVETS Base in the organization has the number of programs, the volunteer support, the donations, and especially the partnership with so many Active Duty Navy Commands that SUBVETS Groton Base enjoys. As I close out my current term as Base Commander and get ready to start another term, I wanted to take the time to not only highlight many of our successes, and recognize many of the players, but also to take the time to thank all of you who support and participate in our programs. All of you are the reasons for our great successes. BZ, WELL DONE, AND MY SINCERE THANKS TO ALL OF YOU FOR HELPING US BE SUCCESSFUL! Whatever it is that you do for SUBVETS Groton helps. For an organization as large as ours and as complex and active as ours we need everyone pulling the load. Without you, we are nothing but a name of an organization started almost 50 years ago. As we move into the summer things slow down a bit, but we still have some important things going on. We have the July 4th Parade, the Summer Picnic, the VJ Day parade, as well as initial preparations and fundraising for our next Thanksgiving Feast. In September we have our famous Steak N’ Lobster dinner. As we get ready to bring on a new leadership team for both the EBOARD and Board of Trustees I have a couple of people to recognize. On the EBOARD Vice Commander Jeff Rowe will be leaving soon for AL. Jeff jumped in when big Al had his accident. He has been a tremendous asset and help. Next is Mark Wiggins. Mark is another who jumped in to fill a vacant position. He did a terrific job and dedicated a lot of time and effort in fixing a lot of problems we had with our treasury and getting us back on our feet. And Stan Mathis has been our House Committee Chairman for a good number of years. He has done a terrific job in this capacity in putting on a lot of our events. Even though he is moving up to Vice Commander he will be missed in his role with the House Committee. Another change we will be seeing is with Mike Munhall. After two years time Mike is stepping down as the Membership Chairman and Newsletter Editor. He has done a terrific job in both of these positions. He was directly responsible for us winning the Newsletter of the Year competition last year, and has always been right on top of the membership program taking the load off of the Vice Commanders. His services will be missed. Again I would like to thank all of these shipmates for the jobs that they did. It’s been a great team. In closing I continue to be proud to be the Base Commander for SUBVETS Groton Base and look forward to serving you for another two years in this capacity. I’ll say it again aside from being a COB on a Submarine I can think of no better job in the Submarine Community. A job where all of the members are all pulling together in the same direction to make SUBVETS Groton Base the premier organization for Submariners, and their families. If there is something else that that either your EBOARD or I can do better for Groton Base, please let us know. Thanks for all that you do for SUBVETS Groton Base. Keep up the great work. DO YOUR PART. Bring those ideas forward and GET INVOLVED! STRAIGHT BOARD! John “Gumba” Carcioppolo Base Commander RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP TODAY! FOR 2012 OR FOR MULTIPLE YEARS. Page 6 Issue 2011-03 SUBVETS Groton Base Boat Notes USSVI Groton Base News First of all congratulations to Captain Ken Swan who just completed a successful command tour as CO of the Submarine Learning Center and a warm welcome back to Captain Emil Casciano who is his relief and no stranger to the Groton area. Next we would like to welcome CMDCM(SS) Tommy Vatter who recently relieved CMDM(SS) Ray Powell as the SUBASE New London Command Master Chief. Next we’d like to offer congratulations to all of those selected for Senior Chief and Master Chief in the last few months. Also congratulations to all those recently advanced to Third Class, Second Class, and First Class Petty Officers off of the March Exam. While we are offering congratulations, congratulations to the 71 newly inducted HOLLAND CLUB Members, and congratulations to Bob Christina who was recently recognized by the Submarine Force Library and Museum for the second year in a row for the most docent watches stood. Base Elections are over and we have several new members of the E-Board and several new members of the Board of Trustees involved in the leadership of the organization and the bar. House Committee continues to be busy putting great meals on the plates of our guests. Their job is to provide brunches, special dinners, and events for the members while helping to raise some funds for the Base. We’ve had lots of help from a good number of volunteers who have helped out with receptions following two Memorial Services, the HOLLAND CLUB Reception and the July 4th Parade Reception. We’ve also had many volunteers help out by preparing food and desserts for these events. Many thanks one and all. Of these volunteers we recently lost Tina and Dave Hall who went to AL after his retirement. Both Tina and Dave could always be counted on to volunteer whenever they were called to help serve food, and clean up at these receptions. We wish them well in retirement, but they have left some big shoes to fill. Speaking of House Committee and big shoes to fill we are looking for a replacement for Stan Mathis as House Committee Chairman since he was elected to Vice Commander, he can’t do both jobs. If you are interested, please contact the Base Commander. Our Honors Detail has been very busy this spring with many Honors Ceremonies for departed Shipmates. Just as busy has been the Memorial Committee who has prepared the Memorial and hosted four Memorial Services this spring. They could always use some help. Young Help. Those guys do a great job in maintaining the Memorial and aren’t getting any younger. If you have time on your hands why not think about being a Docent at the Submarine Force Library and Museum. It’s a great opportunity to share your experiences aboard Submarines. It’s not that demanding. You can volunteer as often, or as little as you like. But we are looking to recruit some new volunteers. If you are interested contact the Docent Coordinator Gary Schmidt. Enjoy this edition of Boat Notes which includes coverage of all our events, all of the things we’ve mentioned, and many more. When you are done reading it, pass it on to a Shipmate who isn’t a member to enjoy, and recruit him to join SUBVETS Groton Base. If you get an opportunity, come down and visit your club. Board of Trustees The Board of Trustees members are Bob Bentley, John Tippett, Red Padgett, Charlie Starratt, Ray Powell, Charlie McMullin, Dave Bergstrom, John Wynn, and Bud Atkins. Bob Bentley was selected as the new Chairman at their first meeting. The Board of Trustees meets at a minimum on a quarterly basis as well as if there are pending issues. The meetings are open to the membership. The primary duty and function of the Board of Trustees is to set policy and procedure for operation of all clubhouse facilities including bar and galley, not to conflict with or violate any CT state liquor laws and regulations. If you have any input, suggestions, compliments, complaints or recommendations as to the meth- ods of operation of the clubhouse they must be submitted in writing to this Board only. In cases of complaints the person making the complaint must appear before this board; if unable to do so, a written and witnessed statement must be submitted. The Board reviews the complaint in the presence of all persons involved. If a decision is unobtainable at that time all persons involved are notified in writing. WHO DO YOU KNOW THAT IS QUALIFIED BUT NOT A MEMBER? SIGN UP A NEW MEMBER TODAY! Issue 2011-03 SUBVETS Groton Base Boat Notes Page 7 Color Guard: Charlie Starratt The Groton Base Color Guard participates in all Groton Base Ceremonies and parades presenting the colors. We additionally get requests for other outside events. At the Memorial Day Service the Flag Detail and others was honored to serve as part of the Flag Passing Detail passing the flag between each member while the words to Old Glory. This service is traditionally done by Active Duty. But the Flag Detail was honored to do this and will continue to do this into the future. We are always looking for additional members to expand the Color Guard. A few more members would allow us more flexibility to support our events. Requirements are that you have the Groton Base Vest, Gar- rison Hat and Tie. We recently had PW Louthain volunteer to be part of the Color Guard. Welcome aboard PW. Our scheduled upcoming events for the second half of the year include participating in the Town of Groton July 4th Parade, the VJ Day parade, and the Veterans Day Memorial Service. The July 4th parade starts at 10 am on Mon July 4th, and the VJ Day parade is in Moosup CT on Sun 14 Aug. We encourage the membership to either march in these parades, or ride in the parades with us. For additional details please contact me. If you are interested in being part of the Color Guard please contact me. “Silent Service” Plates: Harrison Solt The SUBVETS creed, in part, is “To perpetuate the memory of our Shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country. Having the Silent Service License Plate on your vehicles is one way to “live the creed”. The requirements for the Connecticut “Silent Service” License Plate are (1), you are a member, in good standing, of SUBVETS, (2) you have a CT registered vehicle, and (3) You are listed on the registration. If you satisfy items 1 through 3, the process is simple. Email or call me, at plates@subvetsgroton.org, or (860) 464-9540 and I will send you everything you will need, including membership information if necessary. Fees for this specialty license plate are quite reasonable. Transferring an existing vanity or marker plate is $65.00. Taking the next “off the shelf” Silent Service plate is $65.00. Establishing a new vanity plate on the Silent Service plate is $130.00. Once the completed application and your check made payable to DMV is returned to me, your membership status is validated. The application and check is then forwarded to the Department of Motor Vehicles. After about 4-8 weeks, your plates arrive in the mail with instructions regarding the disposal of your old plates. If there any interim problems, I will work with DMV to ensure every one is happy. I continue to get inquiries from submariners who didn’t know about USSVI but spotted a Silent Service plate or were referred to me by DMV, so SubVets plates on our roads are making a difference! Step up, be the next one on your block to have the Silent Service License Plate on your vehicle. RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP TODAY! FOR 2012 OR FOR MULTIPLE YEARS. Page 8 SUBVETS Groton Base Boat Notes Issue 2011-03 National Submarine Memorial East: Dick McGirr The Memorial Committee is responsible for the Care and Maintenance of the U.S. SUBVETS WWII National Memorial East. All of the funds to do this work come from either donations, or from the Annual Appeal and Raffle. The Memorial Committee conducted the annual appeal to raise funds for the maintenance of the Memorial. At the time of this article, there raffle had not been drawn. Intentions are to draw the winners of the raffle at the July 11th Business Meeting. So there should still be time to send in your tickets be- fore the drawing. The winners will be notified and their names will also be published in the Boat Notes. The raffle is the means whereby the memorial committee uses the money from the raffle to maintain the memorial. In addition, to normal maintenance of the Memorial, this year we will be beginning much needed structural steel work to replace components of the fairwater that are seriously rusted and need replacing. This effort will be expensive but needs to be done. The Memorial Committee would like to thank in advance all those who have supported the Annual Appeal, and made other donations to support the Memorial Committee. Your support is truly in keeping with our creed “To perpetuate the memory of our Shipmates who gave their lives in sup- port of our country…” Any questions or comments regarding the annual appeal can be addressed to the Memorial Committee Chairman - Dick McGirr at the following email address or home phone rmcgirr37@gmail.com (860) 445-2161. SUBSCOL Graduation Program: Jack Gallimore Our Submarine School Graduation Program continues to run well for the enlisted and officer graduations, as well as the three additional advanced courses. Graduating classes at Sub School consist of Basic Enlisted Submarine School (BESS), Submarine Officers Basic Course (SOBC), Submarine Advanced Officers Course (SOAC), Submarine Communications Electronics Radio Field (SCERF), Submarine Electronic, Computer Field (SECF), and Torpedo School. Every time Naval Submarine School graduates a class of BESS, SOBC, or SOAC, SubVets Groton Base is an active participant. Our part in those graduations is to conduct a Tolling of the Boats, often referred to as the SHIPMATES REMEMBRANCE CEREMONY, so that the students and future submariners as well as the family members present are exposed to this time honored ceremony of the submarine force. Upon completion of the Tolling of the Boats, the designated SubVet for that week has a brief opportunity to talk to the students to tell them the significance of this ceremony, what SUBVETS is about, and why, once they are Qualified in Submarines, they should become a member of our organization. We also provide guest speakers for the SCERF, SECF “A”, and Torpedo "A" Schools. These programs are very important for us as an organization and for the students learning an important piece of their heritage. In August 2010, the SubVets Groton Base "Heritage Award" presentation formally became part of the BESS graduation. A certificate and a Groton Base "Challenge' coin are presented to the Class Leader. SubVets has been privileged to take part in the SubSchool graduation ceremonies throughout the year, with 24 Enlisted (BESS) graduations, and a dozen of the Officer graduations ceremonies. Plus, we provided guest speakers for about two dozen class "A' schools. We are proud and glad to make SubVets part of the memories for each of the graduating students. Thanks, to the following Shipmates who have been recent participants in the Tolling of the Boats and or as Guest speakers: John Carcioppolo, Bud Atkins, Paul Orstad, Tom Russell, Red Padgett, Brian Turley, Doc McCance, and Norman Kuzel. I would also like to welcome and thank Greg Kane for joining the team of speakers. Through the support of these volunteers and others we are able to man the watch bill and provide this valuable service to Submarine School. The BESS Graduations are usually every other Friday at 9am at Wilkinson Hall. SOBC and SOAC graduations are held at Bledsoe Hall when scheduled. If you are interested in being involved with the Tolling of the Boats or being a guest speaker for one of these graduations please don’t hesitate to contact me. Desire and willingness to provide some of your time for these young graduating students is a very important part of our submarine heritage and basic public relations with the students and their families. It doesn't take a professional speaker to conduct either of the "remembrance' events, just the ability to read and communicate. The Advanced courses, however, do require a little more involvement from the speaking perspective. The ability to address a group is not as difficult as one might anticipate. A sincere willingness to provide some words of motivation and commitment to the students is all that is necessary. Shipmates who have past experience as an instructor or as COB are excellent choices. If you are interested in being involved with the Tolling of the Boats or being a guest speaker for one of these graduations please don’t hesitate to contact me, Jack Gallimore, at (860)464-8367 or graduation@subvetsgroton.org to be put on the schedule. There are many openings that need to be filled and new faces are ALWAYS desired. The students always enjoy our presence and participation in their graduation. WHO DO YOU KNOW THAT IS QUALIFIED BUT NOT A MEMBER? SIGN UP A NEW MEMBER TODAY! Issue 2011-03 SUBVETS Groton Base Boat Notes Page 9 The HOLLAND Club Report: Phil Marshall Our 2011 HOLLAND CLUB Ceremony was held on Saturday 04 June where we inducted 72 members into the HOLLAND CLUB. We had 47 new HOLLAND CLUB members present for the ceremony at Dealey Center Theatre and over 400 Guests. There has never been a group of USSVI members that large put into the HOLLAND CLUB at one time. Each new HOLLAND CLUB member was presented letters from Commander, Submarine Forces; Commander, Submarine Force Pacific, Commander, Submarine Group Two and those who left the Navy as CPOs received letters from MCPON Rick West. The letters congratulated each man for reaching the significant milestone of being Qualified in Submarines for 50 or more years, and thanked them for their service to the Submarine Force, the Navy, and the country. Many thanks to VADM Richardson, RADM Caldwell, RDML McLaughlin, MCPON West and their staffs for the support of these letters. Many thanks to RDML McLaughlin and CMDCM(SS) Wes Koshoffer for their time on the stage in congratulating each of the new HOL- LAND CLUB Member. Next year’s Ceremony for those who Qualified in 1962 will be held on Saturday 02 June. If you are going into the HOLLAND CLUB set the date aside now so nothing else conflicts with it. Right now with we have 46 members who are eligible for the HOLLAND CLUB. We will be contacting those eligible in the next few weeks. Our HOLLAND CLUB Lunches continue to do well. They are a great affordable meal, and gives our HOLLAND CLUB Members and wives the opportunity to get together to share each other’s company. They are always held on the third Tuesday of every month at 1130. We try to get a guest speaker present to enhance the luncheon. Recent guests from March June have included Captain William Merz, CMDCM(SS) Joe Wilt CMDCM (SS) Scott Brody, CMDCM(SS) Gaylord Humphries, Mayor Dennis Popp, and CMDCM(SS) Ray Powell. Many thanks to each of them for their time in joining us. Upcoming luncheons will be 19 July, 16 Aug, and 20 Sep. The HOLLAND CLUB lunches are open to all HOLLAND CLUB Members and their guests. If you are planning to attend, please contact Bud Atkins by the Sunday before the luncheon at bud-tmcm-ss@sbcglobal.net or (860) 440 – 3120 so that we can get a rough head count of attendees for the Bar Manager and Kitchen Staff planning. Over the next year we will be conducting some fundraising from the present HOLLAND CLUB Members to cover the cost of the HOLLAND CLUB Ceremony for 2012. The cost is about $1800 for each HOLLAND CLUB Ceremony. In the past the cost has been covered by donations from just a few members and funds from the Base Treasury. Having the present HOLLAND CLUB Members donate to ensure the costs for the next group is covered is the way to go. You’ll be hearing more about this over the next few months. We have some smaller HOLLAND CLUB Patches that are ideal for hats, or shirts, and you can order the gold HOLLAND CLUB garrison hats, ball caps or golf shirts. Again contact Bud for these items If you have any questions about the HOLLAND CLUB, please don’t hesitate to contact me at (401) 783-4525, or email at Holland@subvetsgroton.org – Phil Marshall HOLLAND CLUB INDUCTION CLASS OF 2011 (QUALIFIED IN 1961) RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP TODAY! FOR 2012 OR FOR MULTIPLE YEARS. SUBVETS Groton Base Boat Notes Page 10 Issue 2011-03 Westport Satellite Group The Westport Satellite Group is a group of Groton Base SUBVETS who live in the southwest corner of CT. They enjoy the benefits of being a part of the First and Finest and provide a great deal of support to us here at Groton Base, and have the added advantage of getting together as Shipmates for good times and Submarine Camaraderie even though they live 70 – 100 miles away from the clubhouse. The recently lost the leader of their group Bill Anderson who departed on Eternal Patrol. He was a huge loss to the Westport Satellite Group and to Groton Base and he will be missed. Again our condolences to Bill’s family and the whole Westport Group The group as a whole are great supporters of SUBVETS Groton Base. They cook brunch once a month, and are big supporters of the Kaps for Kids Scholarship, and Thanksgiving programs. They meet on the third Monday of the month at the Westport VFW at 7pm. or just want some additional information about what they do you can contact either Paul Grammar Paul@subcob.com (203) 386-9742 or Mike Deleo at madd51@optonline.net 203-8787522 The Westport Satellite Group has invited any membes of Groton Base to join them for their annual picnic in Stratford CT on 7 Aug at Short Beach Park in Stratford CT. The cost is $15 each. For additional details please contact Paul or Mike. If you live down below New Haven check them out. If you are interested, Submarine Home Comings This is one of our newer programs where SUBVETS welcomes home Submarines returning from deployment to Groton CT the Submarine Capitol of the World. We have participated in several homecomings over the past few months. We welcomed home the USS MEMPHIS (SSN 691) in March and the USS NEW HAMPSHIRE (SSN 778) in April. Both boats were returning home from an extended deployment. Many thanks to those members and spouses who showed up to welcome home our Shipmates. Those who attended had a great time, and it is always great to be a part of these events. They also provide great opportunities for SUBVETS to support our Active Duty Shipmates and to promote SUBVETS. Usually our Homecoming detail musters at the Historic Ship NAUTILUS. The Saluting Battery will fire off seven rounds in salute to the returning deployer while our SUBVETS man the rails. Then the crew scrambles down to the pier and joins the family and official parties in welcoming them home. email. If you want to be part of these events and do not have email capability contact the Base Chaplain Tom Russell and he will put you on our list. Tom’s telephone number is (860) 536 – 7733. He will let you know when these events when the information about the returning deployer is no longer classified so that hopefully you can be involved. Many thanks also to the Squadron Staffs who keep us informed and allow us to be involved in these Submarine Homecomings. The problem is there that because of security classifications the word of returning deployers cannot be put out in advance. This results in not a lot of time to get the word out. This notification will predominantly be done by WHO DO YOU KNOW THAT IS QUALIFIED BUT NOT A MEMBER? SIGN UP A NEW MEMBER TODAY! SUBVETS Groton Base Boat Notes Issue 2011-03 Page 11 House Committee: Stan Mathis 2011 – Happy Birthday America and Members of SUBVETS! First, I want to thank all of our membership for their continued support over the first half of the year in all the functions we tried to provide and fundraisers to support our various receptions. Let’s just remind you of how your House Committee has supported you and your community. Brunches every Sunday Every Sunday we serve brunch from 10:00 AM to 12:00PM, with the First Sunday being Steak and Eggs. Come out and join us. As we continue to serve our membership we us maintain a wait staff to support the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Sundays and let the 4th and 5th Sundays for special events and allow membership organizations to come in and grace us with an exceptional brunch. Donations/tips to the wait staff are normally for those serving you, but that does not stop you from donating to one of Groton Base’s donor organizations, i.e., Kap(SS) 4Kid(SS), Groton Base Scholarship Fund, Building Fund, etc. Please feel free to split your tips/donations with the staff and our other donor organizations Dinners/Special Events almost every month June: The preparatory meal for the induction ceremony of our Heroes, new Holland Club members, was on June 3rd. This event was well attended by family members in support of their personal heros: fathers, uncle cousins, friends. Many came from far and near to join new Holland Club members. July: 23rd Jul: Lady Liberty Cruise leaves Port Washington on Long Island, proceeds down the east side of Manhattan out to the Statue of Liberty, and back. The cruise includes dinner, open bar, DJ and dancing. It is a great time and the best way to see some of the NY sites. ($110.00 per person.) August: 6th Aug Old Salts Hog Roast; 7th Aug GB Westport Satellite Group Annual Family Picnic & Meeting, Short Beach, Stratford, CT; 13th Aug Annual Family Picnic ADM Fife Naval Recreation Park. September: 17th Sep Steak and Lobster dinner Clubhouse Maintenance: There are a number of events at our Club- house and we need to maintain it through our all volunteer work force, the Membership. Any time there is a field day/clean-up planned try to plan on helping Building and Maintenance spruce up our building and its grounds. Remember, the House Committee works for the membership to put on brunches, dinners and social events that you and your families and friends can attend and enjoy. Our secondary function is to help the Base by making a little money to help cover the costs of doing business. We look forward to serving you, and seeing you either as a volunteer, or a customer, or both. Have a great New Year. Contact me either direct at (860)-8848857, or email at house@subvetsgroton.org or leave a message at the club (860) 445- 5262. Finally, I would like to thank all the membership for their support during my tenure as House Committee chairman. This may be the final word from me in this position. I hope the selection of the next House Committee Chairman provides you with the entertainment that I did. Thanks, Stan RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP TODAY! FOR 2012 OR FOR MULTIPLE YEARS. Page 12 SUBVETS Groton Base Boat Notes Issue 2011-03 Base Election Results Base Elections were held for Base Officers and for the Board of Trustees during the month of May. Members could have voted either with paper ballots, downloading the ballot from the Groton Base Web Page, or voting electronically from our web page thanks to our Webmaster Robert Perritt. There were a total of 304 voters. The following are the elected officers for 2011 – 2013: Base Commander John Carcioppolo Secretary Stuart Temple Vice Commander Stan Mathis Treasurer Charles B. Clark The following are the elected mem- bers of the Board of Trustees for 2011 – 2013: Al Atkinson; Bob Bentley; David A. Bergstrom; William T. “Doc” McCance; Charlie McMullin; Mike Munhall; Ray Powell; Charlie Starratt; and John Tippett. Congratulations to all. We look forward to your leadership over the next two years. All will be sworn in at the July Membership Meeting on 11 July. Many thanks to the following individuals who also ran making it an election: Treasurer: John M. Lane. Board of Trustees: Dee Cheshire; Rob Davis; Dale MacKay; Mark Mandile; Stephen Montafia; Jim Moulding; Allen V. Polhemus; Ed Priebe; Bruce Selby and Robert Smith. Thanks also to the outgoing members of the E-Board and Board of Trustees who have been great supporters. Vice Commander Jeff Rowe who jumped in last November, Secretary Paul Orstad, Treasurer: Mark Wiggins who jumped in this past February, and Board of Trustees members Bud Atkins; Red Padgett and John Wynn. Each of these Shipmates stepped up to the plate either in the running of the organization or the running of the bar. Getting people to step up to the plate for these positions is never easy. They each stepped up because they care about the organization and the clubhouse and did a great job for us. Again many thanks Shipmates. Job well done. Groton Base Ship’s Store We have lots of small stores merchandise in stock. We have golf shifts, sweatshirts, ball caps, license plate frames. We also have dolphins, DBF Pins, rating patches, and coins in stock. New items we carry are belt buckles. How about Mats? Did you know that SUBVETS Groton Base is the only place you can get truck mats, car mats and house welcome mats. They are a very high quality rubber mat that will easily outlive your car or house. We are the sole owner of these rights for these highly durable mats that are made of heavy black rubber that will outlast your vehicle. The welcome mats run $25, car mats are $35, and truck mats are $40. (Prices do not include shipping). We can also order individual patches, vests, and garrison hats. Are you in the HOLLAND CLUB? If you are we have HOLLAND CLUB coins, patches, shirts and ball caps. Plus you can special order HOL- LAND CLUB Garrison hats. Small stores items can either be purchased any time from the bartender, or if you can’t get to the club house you can purchase through me. Items can be purchased locally, or we can ship to you as well. Checks should be made out to U.S. SUBVETS, and orders mailed to U.S. SUBVETS; Attn: Ships Store; 40 School Street; Groton CT 06340. If there is something you want don’t hesitate to contact me at either stores@subvetsgroton.org, or (860) 861-1180. In addition we can do special orders from the USSVI National Storekeeper. Go to the USSVI National web page at http://ussvi.org and select small stores. If you see something that you like, let me know and we’ll order it. We also have our 2011 Challenge Coins available for $5.00 each, plus $1.25 Shipping and handling. WHO DO YOU KNOW THAT IS QUALIFIED BUT NOT A MEMBER? SIGN UP A NEW MEMBER TODAY! Issue 2011-03 SUBVETS Groton Base Boat Notes As I said in the last edition “It is time to renew your membership for 2012.” So beat the rush and beat all the reminders by renewing your membership now or Renew Your Membership For Multiple Years Today! Speaking of Last Edition, this will be my last report as Membership Chairman and Newsletter Editor. Thank you all for your support and I know you will assist whoever takes over for me. Renew Membership Online: Now you can renew your membership online at our website http:// www.subvetsgroton.org. Just click “Membership” at the top and follow the directions for Online Renewal. All you do is pick your type of membership, how many years you want to renew for, and click the Buy Now button. This will put you on a secure PayPal site to finish your transaction with a credit card or a PayPal account if you have one. Life Installment Plan: We have developed a Groton Base Life Installment Program for Groton Base Members to continue to get National Life Membership without having to put all the money up front. For information on this program please contact the Membership Chairman. Addresses: If your mailing address should change please let us know about it as soon as possible. The importance of this cannot be overemphasized. In an Page 13 Membership Committee: Mike Munhall Year Associate Life/Holland Regular Total Deceased 2010 2011 197 180 1214 1204 945 816 2356 2200 29 25 LIFE MEMBERSHIP Under Age 45 $500 Age 46 – 55 $400 Age 56 – 65 $300 Age 66 – 75 $200 Age 76 and above $100 Base dues of $15/year required. effort to cut costs we no longer request “Return Service” for the newsletter. The sole responsibility for correct addresses is with the members. More important than the cost is the fact that when you don’t get your newsletter you miss information about your organization, and we lose contact with you. For all renewals, address changes, and updates of information that you have, please use the form on the back page. Multiple Year Renewals Dual Members $15 a year Life Members $15 a year Associate and Regular 1 year - $35 Members 2 years - $70 3 years - $100 5 years - $165 Just being a member: Priceless! Rodriguez, Jerimie Ross, Gregg Sanchez, Christopher Seegler, Matthew Townes, Joe Vecchione, Nicholas Hughes, Garrett Henry, James Mitchell, Raymond Perez, Oscar Costa, Michael Bomar, Steven Tevepaugh, Roger Reinhart, Ronald Allread, W O Maldonado, Joseph NEW ASSOC MEMBERS: NEW LIFE MEMBERS: Hall, Howard R. Collins, Joseph Hall, Aubrey Holiman, Norman Petersen, Martin C. Windle, William REINSTATED MEMBERS: NEW REGULAR MEMBERS: Bittner, Jeremy Boyter, Ben Braucci, Louis DuBois, Steven Evans, Robert Fortman, Frederick Galan, Edward Hurd, Christopher James, Charles Kepler, Jack Kistler, Jeffrey Chase Kleimer, Nicholas Laclair, Matthew Laforte, Yves Merzwa, Marty Monahan, Brian Piper, Derick Plansker, Tyler Read, Kenric Rentz, Willaim Richard, Joseph DiOrio, Michael Fournier, Chris Fournier, Robert Gigliotti, Michael Kauppinen, Dennis J. McGonegal, William F. Thesier, Mark Babington, David Bordelon, Joshua W. Conde, Jeremy Duet, Duless A. Foster, Mike Green, Joseph W. Hanna, Rob Hanson, Wade Hespeler, Thomas Higginbotham, Scott T. Higgins, Jeffrey M. Landreth, Justin Logan, Charles Martinez, James A. McSweet, Joseph Pillion, Chris Rowe, Frank J. Schaeffer, Christopher Schlegel, Randy Woomer, Brian NEWSLETTER DONATIONS: Gallimore, Jack H. Clodgo, Leon H. Welsh Jr., William (Bill) Majewski, Thomas Schofield, William A. Howse, Dell A. Gabriele, Michael Booth, Howard Johnson, Philip (PQ) Carcioppolo, John J. Solt III, Harrison H. Rasp, Vincent R Madigosky, Stephen Stellenwerf, John Seavers, David R. Berry, Edward E. Kuntz, Charles P. Logan, Riley E. Smith III, Percy Arvard Cornell Sr., David T. Schalk, George H. Hyland, George P. Russell III, Thomas M. Crooks, Donald R. Mumford, John E. Paul, Richard M. Hughes, Garrett Buff, Joe Kelly, Joel Norosky, Frank Corbin, Joseph E. Berns Jr., Peter Lewis, Michael E. Aiken, Richard Boedigheimer, Kevin Casey, John G. (Jack) Harrison, Mary Hall, Howard R. RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP TODAY! FOR 2012 OR FOR MULTIPLE YEARS. Page 14 SUBVETS Groton Base Boat Notes Issue 2011-03 Newsletter Editor: Mike Munhall Newsletter Donations: Thank you to all the members who've made recent donations to the newsletter fund or sponsored a Boat to receive our newsletter. Newsletter donations are always appreciated as they defray the cost of printing “Boat Notes”. “Boat Notes “ Online: Thank you to the many people who voluntarily receive the newsletter online from the internet without a mailed copy, further reducing the cost of printing and mailing. The newsletter is posted on our web page as a .pdf file. Over 800 members out of 1650 who have internet capabilities, receive Boat Notes by email only and not via the U.S. Mail. Imagine the cost savings to the base if all our members who have internet capability received it via the internet. The biggest advantage to you in receiving the newsletter online is that you can read Boat Notes at the same time that we send it to the printers, which is at least 2–3 weeks ahead of those receiving it via the postal system. It's also an easy way of letting other potential new members see what SubVets Groton Base is all about. The newsletter is posted on our webpage at http://subvetsgroton.org just click on “Boat Notes” on the top bar. If you want receive the newsletter by e-mail only, contact me at membership@subvetsgroton.org. Mailing Addresses: A lot of effort goes into writing and mailing this newsletter. If your mailing address should change please let us know about it as soon as possible. The importance of this cannot be overemphasized. In an effort to cut costs we will no longer request “Return Service” for the newsletter. The sole responsibility for correct addresses is with the members. More important than the cost is the fact that when you don’t get your newsletter you miss information about your organization, and we lose contact with you. For all renewals, address changes, and updates of information that you have, please use the form on the back page or contact the Membership Committee. “Boat Notes” Sponsorship: The cost of printing and mailing Boat Notes is one of our larger expenses for Groton Base. To reduce this cost to the membership and to stretch Base Dollars we offer members and local community businesses to sponsor the newsletter by placing their business cards in a space 2” x 3” throughout our newsletter. Examples can be found in this edition. Our newsletter goes out to over 2,200 members, from Maine to Florida, Connecticut to Hawaii, and around the world. The cost of sponsorship for our newsletter is $50 per edition or $150 per year (4 editions). If you are interested in becoming one of our sponsors please contact me at editor@subvetsgroton.org, (860) 625-6843 or call the Club House at (86) 445-5262. Leave a message with your contact information and I will contact you. COMMAND Historic Ship Nautilus Naval Submarine USS ALBUQUERQUE USS ALEXANDRIA USS ANNAPOLIS USS CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI USS DALLAS USS HARTFORD USS MEMPHIS USS MIAMI USS MISSOURI USS NEW HAMPSHIRE USS NEW MEXICO USS OKLAHOMA CITY USS PITTSBURGH USS PROVIDENCE USS SAN JUAN USS SPRINGFIELD USS TOLEDO USS VIRGINIA Boat Not Homeported In Groton Boat Sponsorship Program: Our organization and our Base only exist because of our members. The best way we have to keep members and to recruit new ones is to keep them informed and let them know what is going on in the organization and the Base. One of the best ways we do this is with our newsletter “Boat Notes”. All of our members receive it by mail or e-mail and it is posted on our website. But how do prospective members get to see it you ask? In Groton our largest pool of prospective members are the Sailors and employees on SUBASE. Specifically the submarines home ported here in Groton and the Commands that support them. To try and reach this group we have a “Boat Sponsorship Program” that helps send copies of our newsletter to these boats and support Commands. The program’s goal is to send six copies of the newsletter to each boat and command. The CO and COB are also sent a letter explaining who we are and who has sponsored them. We also encourage them to distribute the copies in the Wardroom, Goat Locker, and Crews Mess, this way we get to the whole crew. To sponsor a boat it is $10 per copy for one year. You can see below the list of Commands already sponsored and the ones that still need some sponsors. If you have sponsored a boat and or Command in the past we will be contacting you to remind you that your sponsorship has expired. We hope you will renew your sponsorship SSN 571 School SSN 706 SSN 757 SSN 760 SSN 705 SSN 700 SSN 768 SSN 691 SSN 755 SSN SSN 778 SSN 779 SSN 723 SSN 720 SSN 719 SSN 751 SSN 761 SSN 769 SSN 774 TOTAL Copies 2 5 3 4 4 1 3 3 2 4 3 5 6 2 3 4 2 2 2 3 63 WHO DO YOU KNOW THAT IS QUALIFIED BUT NOT A MEMBER? SIGN UP A NEW MEMBER TODAY! Issue 2011-03 SUBVETS Groton Base Boat Notes Page 15 Groton Base Shipmate In The Spotlight This newsletter we have two Shipmates in the Spotlight to recognize members who are working very hard for the success of Groton Base. . Our first Shipmate in the Spotlight for this edition of Boat Notes is Shipmate Dave Pennick. Dave Pennick has only been a member since June of 2010. But in the 1 year that Dave is one of those behind the scenes guys and has been a member he has been heavily involved in many of our programs. Dave is assigned as an instructor at Naval Submarine School teaching in the Basic Enlisted Submarine School (BESS) section. In his position he in involved with many students. Dave has been an active supporter of Groton Base through his constant involvement with the students. He has become a primary point of liaison between SUBVETS Groton Base and Naval Submarine School for any events requiring the involvement of Naval Submarine School Students. He has been a key player in the SUB- VETS Anniversary Committee, and the Thanksgiving Committee. He coordinated student participation at the recent Anniversary Banquet and was the editor of the Program Book for the Anniversary Weekend. He has coordinated student involvement at Memorial Services, the July 4th parade, and the recent HOLLAND CLUB Ceremony and has played a key role in this position. Dave Pennick initially Qualified in Submarines in 2007 aboard the USS WYOMING (SSBN 742). Our second Shipmate in the Spotlight is our Webmaster Robert Perritt. Robert joined USSVI Groton Base in 1998. Several years later he developed Groton Base’s webpage at SUBVETSGROTON.ORG. Since that time Robert has devoted a lot of time and efforts in the development/improvement of the Groton Base Page. One of his contributions was in working with the Membership Chairman Mike Munhall and developing the ability for members to pay dues or make donations on-line using Pay-Pal. This has been very Beneficial to membership retention, and in receiving funds for various committees. Recently he was critical to the SUBVETS Anniversary Committee in the tracking of all incoming registrations and donations by the development of an online data base for the Anniversary Celebration. Enabling various committee members to be able to instantaneously access data that had been entered. At the same time he also developed the online Electronic Voting Booth used in the recent Groton Base Elections allowing Groton Base Members to vote quickly and securely. He did the same for the District One Elections. Both Dave Pennick and Robert Perritt are highly deserving of the recognition as the Shipmate in the Spotlight. Both of their efforts contribute a great deal to many of Groton Base’s successes. Dave and Rick many thanks for all that you do to support SUBVETS Groton Base, and for your leadership within Groton Base. Keep it up. We need more members like you to be active in our programs adding to the successes of SUBVETS Groton Base. The Well Connected Bubblehead We provide a lot of e-mail information about SubVets Groton Base. If you have e-mail and aren't on the Base Commander’s email list, you should be. If your email address is incorrect or has changed we can't reach you. Garbage in, garbage out! GROTON BASE WEB PAGE: Thanks to shipmate Robert Perritt, the Groton Base Web Page is located at http://subvetsgroton.org Anyone with any questions should contact Robert at webmaster@subvetsgroton.org GROTON BASE NEWSLETTERS: Boat Notes is posted on the Groton Base webpage under the News and Features tab and Boat Notes tab. USSVI NATIONAL: http:// www.ussvi.org Visit the new National web page. Check it out & pass it on to shipmates in other areas who might be interested in joining. AMERICAN SUBMARINER: http:// americansubmariner.us CONTACTING THE BASE OFFICERS: Base Officers and Committee chairs can be contacted via email as follows: Base Commander: Snail Mail U.S. SUBVETS Inc; Attn: Base Commander; 40 School Street; Groton, CT 06340 Email: commander@subvetsgroton.org Phone: Cell: (860) 514-7064; Club: (860) 445-5262 Leave a message at either one. Vice Commander: Jeff Rowe at vice@subvetsgroton.org Base Secretary: Paul Orstad at secretary@subvetsgroton.org House Committee: Stan Mathis at house@subvetsgroton.org Ladies’ Auxiliary: Dee Carcioppolo at ladiesaux@subvetsgroton.org Membership Committee: Mike Munhall & Rick Boorman at membership@subvetsgroton.org RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP TODAY! FOR 2012 OR FOR MULTIPLE YEARS. Page 16 Issue 2011-03 SUBVETS Groton Base Boat Notes USSVI National News AMERICAN SUBMARINER: The National magazine is now available on the internet in its entirety at http:// americansubmariner.us. If you would like to get the magazine on-line and not mailed contact Mike at subvetseditor@yahoo.com, saving the organization printing and mailing costs. NATIONAL WEB PAGE: The National Web Page for USSVI is at http:// ussvi.org. You can update your personal information quickly and easily by logging in, reviewing the information held in the National Data Base, and making changes as required. There is also a member locator and contact feature. Contact information has been blocked for all USSVI members to prevent spammers and other undesirables from contacting you and allow you to make the decision if you want your information made public. Other members can see who you are but will not be able to contact you. If you want others to be able to contact you, you will have to go to the USSVI web page and unblock your information. If you need help or you don’t have internet capability you can contact one of the Base Officers or the members of the Membership Committee. NATTIONAL CONVENTION The 2011 SUBVETS National Convention is fast approaching. This year’s National Convention is scheduled from 6 – 10 Sep- tember in Springfield MO. Not far from Branford MO. All information about the convention including events, registration and accommodations can be found on the USSVI Web page under “Conventions”. Information will also be in the next few editions of the American Submariner. For additional information about the convention please contact the Convention Chairman Ron Athey TMC (SS) USN Ret. Contact him at his email rondo_94590@yahoo.com telephone at (417) 763-0935 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting or (417) 763-0935 Submarine Excellence At SUBVETS Groton Base This article provides highlights of some of the Submarine Excellence from among our Active Duty membership at Groton Base. This quarter’s recognition goes toward recognizing some of our outstanding leaders on the waterfront here in the Groton Area. Congratulations to the following individuals of Groton Base who recently retired all with 25 - 30 years of Naval Service: CMDCM(SS) John Ketcham; CMDCM(SS) Ray Powell; MMCM(SS) Burr Probert and CMDCM(SS) Jeff Rowe. Each of these shipmates set the standard for SUBMARINE EXCELLENCE here at Naval Submarine Base New London, and each of them have made significant contributions to SUBVETS Groton Base. Well Done Shipmates, Many thanks for all of your years of dedication in the U.S. Navy, our Submarine Force, and as members of First and Finest. Each of you has left some big shoes to fill in the leadership roles that you played here in the Submarine Community. SFLM Docents: Gary Schmid DOCENTS NEEDED! To make our scheduling easier and to enhance the visitors experience at the Submarine Force Library & Museum (SFLM) and the HISTORIC SHIP NAUTILUS WE NEED MORE DOCENTS!! Are you Qualified to be a docent??? What is a docent really??? Well according to several sources: In the US docents are individuals, trained to further the public understanding of the historical collections of an institution. They are normally volunteers and act as guides and greeters at museums, etc. In reality for us at SUBVETS Groton Base it is a great way to share your submarine experience with an eager, interested audience at the. Watches are only for 4 hours and you can stand as few as one or as many as you like per month. The intent of the program is to assist the SFLM by having a smiling face at the door. Once you have the watch it’s up to you what you want to do in passing on your personal knowledge and experiences to the public. To answer the question of “Are you Qualified to be a docent???” Here are the pre-requisites to be a docent: Interest, Time on your hands, friendly outgoing personality, and a desire to help out. You do not even have to be Qualified in Submarines, a SUBVET, or a veteran to be a docent. We have several non SUBVETS as docents, and even some spouses who do it with their husbands. As Submariners, YOU ARE THE EXPERTS!!! It’s really what you make of it. So why not give the Docent Coordinator, Gary Schmid a call, IT IS REALLY EASY Gary Schmid (Cell) (860)823-9806 (Home) (860)245-0418 E-mail at: docent@subvetsgroton.org WHO DO YOU KNOW THAT IS QUALIFIED BUT NOT A MEMBER? SIGN UP A NEW MEMBER TODAY! Issue 2011-03 SUBVETS Groton Base Boat Notes Page 17 Club House Clean Up Thanks to our shipmates on the Saturday Morning Cleanup Crew, who continually donate time to clean our clubhouse and keep it looking good for our members and guests. The club belongs to the membership, but cleanup of the club is done by only a small handful of hard-working, dedicated volunteers. The crew we owe our thanks to are John Wagner, Mark Stern, Rob Davis, Marty Glavin, George Torkelson, Ed Russell, Tom Connors, Mike Munhall, and our snowbirds, Ray Nott and Carl Dahlman. Cleanup starts around 7am and is usually completed by 10am so it is done for our 11am opening. In addition to the usual Saturday cleanups we schedule two Field Days during the year. We can always use more volunteers on a regular basis to clean on Saturdays. You don’t have to be there every Saturday, just when you can. Extra bodies are always helpful, especially during the winter. We are the only Base with its own Club House. Please pitch in to keep your club clean and looking good for all of us. On Saturday 30 April, we held our Spring Field Day at the clubhouse Dale McKay and his Grandson Joseph, Charlie McMullen, Richard Warnock, Stan Mathis, and Dee Carcioppolo were present. With only 7 people in attendance we didn't get a lot done, but we got the outside cleaned up, the stage cleaned up and the floor in the hall swept. Thanks to these members for their support and participation. Submarine Qualification Recognition Program Attention COs and COBs! Do you know about our Submarine Qualification and Recognition Program (SQRP)? The SQRP reenforces the significance and importance of being Qualified in Submarines to your Sailors. When we received our Dolphins that was a significant milestone for each of us. That was when we were fully accepted as true Submariners. We know that Dolphins are not given away. They are earned as the result of hard work, studying, and demonstrated performance. Being Qualified in Submarines has the same prestige and recognition as it was when Submarine Dolphins were first authorized in the early 1900s. At our SQRP the command brings both Enlisted and Officer Personnel who recently completed their Qualification in Submarines to one of our monthly meetings. We explain to them in the presence of our members the significance of their Qualifications. How they are now part of the legacy of the Submarine Force and part of a much larger fraternal group of “Brothers of the Phin” consisting of thousands of Submariners who have completed the same Qualifications that they have recently completed. As we explain this, your Sailors are looking out into the faces of SUBVETS who have served in Submarines from before WWII, to the present. It is easily several hundred years of Submarine experience there who appreciate the new guys who have taken their places at the pointy end of the spear. We emphasize that Submariners may have Qualified on different classes of Submarines, but the high standards required to get their dolphins are still the same. We then tell them that it is now their responsibility to train and Qualify those who follow them. The program is purely about recognition for them and how significant their Qualification in Submarines really is. We would like the opportunity to recognize your Sailors as well with our SQRP, but in order to do so we need your support and involvement. What we need is for you or one of your Chief Petty Officers to contact us that you would like to recognize crew members who recently Qualified in Submarines at an upcoming meeting. We need a list of the individuals including their full names, and Rates/ Ranks at least one week prior to the meeting that we will be recognizing your Sailors so that way we can prepare a certificate for them. On meeting night, the crew members show up before the meeting start at 1830. Usually the COB, CO, other crew members and family accompany them. We conduct the SQRP at the very start of the meeting. The CO and COB also say a few words if desired. Then we all sound off our names, and boat and year that we Qualified. When the Sailors hear some of the Qualification years it really hits them. We are usually completed by 1900 allowing all to either depart, or to enjoy our facilities downstairs. Any one is welcome to stay for the duration of the rest of the meeting if desired. We look forward to recognizing your Sailors. If you are not the CO, or COB reading this, please show them a copy and bring it to their attention so that we can recognize your Shipmates for their efforts and welcome them as “Brothers of the Phin”. RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP TODAY! FOR 2012 OR FOR MULTIPLE YEARS. Page 18 Issue 2011-03 SUBVETS Groton Base Boat Notes USSVI 47th Anniversary Celebration All we can say here is that the USSVI Groton Base 47th Anniversary Weekend was one of the most successful Anniversaries we have had to date. How do you judge the success of events like this? Each of the events that we hosted was well attended, people had a great time and we raised a good deal of money for the Groton Base Scholarship program. So in measuring this anniversary celebration by those three elements it was a great success. Although as we went to print we didn’t have final numbers of how much was raised it is estimated to be in the vicinity of $20,000. Possibly slightly more than what we made last year thanks to the generosity of our sponsors and those who donated in support of the Scholarship pro- gram. We could not have a Scholarship program if it were not for our members, businesses, and others who donate to our Scholarship Program. I'd like to thank all of the members of the committee who helped in the planning and execution of all events. I can’t tell you the amount of work and planning everyone did to ensure the weekend’s events were successful. The members of the committee were Bud and Fran Atkins, Dave Bergstrom, Scott Brody, Dee Carcioppolo, Mary Harrison, Gaylord Humphries, PW & Sandy Louthain, Stan Mathis, Doc McCance, Chuck Merlo, Dave Pennick, Robert Perritt, Ray Powell, Jeff Rowe, Barry Russack and Heywood Williams. Their hard work and efforts was evident in every phase of the Anniversary Weekend. A BIG HOOYAH to the Anniversary Committee for a job well done. Special thanks to Vadm Richardson, RADM Caldwell, SUBASE New London, Naval Submarine School, USS PROVIDENCE (SSN 719), USS PITTSBURGH (SSN 720), Jen Emmerson, and the Mystic Highland Pipe and Drum Corps for their involvement which contributed to the success of the weekend. In addition to raising money for the Scholarship Program we produced a program book again which was very successful in covering a good part of the expenses. We also did something new where we sponsored Submarine School Students to attend and join us at the grand banquet. Both the students who attended and the people present enjoyed each other’s company and it is a program we will continue. Special thanks also goes out to the Memorial Committee for their support, and to Karen Torkelson and Jack Kavanaugh for helping fill our DJ needs at the very last possible minute. If you missed this year’s event, you missed a great time. For early planning for our Anniversary Celebration in 2012, the dates are already locked in as 3 - 5 May 2012 and we hope will again include Golf, Luncheon, Return to SUBSCHOOL, Welcome Party, Boat Tours, and a Grand Banquet. Hope to see you there. War Veterans Status: PW Louthain PW Louthain pw_louthain@comcast.net, 860-5750417. We have made tremendous strides in documenting the War Veterans status of our members. The IRS has designated the follow years as War Years. If you served in any branch of the US Military during those years the IRS considers you a US Military War Veteran. This includes Associate Members. WWII (19411946), Korea (1950-1955), Vietnam (1964-1975), or Iraq (1990-2011). This is important to the membership because with 90% or more of our membership certified as US Military War Veterans we maintain our Certification as a 501(c)(19) certified War Veterans Organization. So what does that mean and why is it important? To the membership of USSVI and to all of our USSVI Bases that means that any money donated to any USSVI Base for any reason is taxdeductible on your income tax return (personal or business). Many people have responded to forms we have included in the newsletter, emails, and personal letters requesting your Military Service Dates and we thank all who have responded. For many others we were able to determine that you were war veterans based on information in our data base like the date you Qualified in Submarines, or dates that you indicated you served on various Subma- rines. PW has compiled a listing of the Groton Base Membership, whether they are War Veterans, and their dates of service. It is posted on our web page at http://www.subvetsgroton.org/Base% 20Documents/ US_War_Service_for_Newsletter.pdf Please take the time to look at this listing and find your name on this list and verify that we have your service dates correct. If they are correct (including being blank for no service) do nothing. If they are missing or wrong please contact PW with the correct information and it will be updated. If you should have any questions again please contact PW. WHO DO YOU KNOW THAT IS QUALIFIED BUT NOT A MEMBER? SIGN UP A NEW MEMBER TODAY! SUBVETS Groton Base Boat Notes Issue 2011-03 Page 19 Holiday Caring & Sharing Yes it’s July and while everyone else is thinking about summertime events, picnics, the beach and everything else that comes with summer, we are already thinking about the Holidays, and making a difference for our Submarine Sailors for Thanksgiving and Christmas. We know you must think that we are crazy but this is a huge complex project and we start planning and fund raising for this huge event in July. So waiting till the October – December edition of our newsletter would put us behind the power curve. Since 9/11/2001 we have hosted a Thanksgiving Dinner at the club house which feeds many single Sailors, Submarine Sailors on duty, elderly Submarine Veterans, and several local police departments. This program has grown over the years from 250 people to last year where we fed about 800 people including around 300 takeout meals. We donated excess food to local churches. With the left over cash we donated $13,000 to take care of Sailors and their families between the local COMSUBGRU TWO Caring and Sharing fund the U.S. SUBVETS Charitable Foundation Caring and Sharing program, the Navy Relief Society, and our SUBVETTES for the local Individual Augmentee (IA) Support Program. Our efforts took care of many Submariners and their families, not just in Groton, but across the country, and overseas as well. This is a tremendous effort that involves many volunteers, and donations from our membership, and the local community. So you can see why we start in July. As in the past we need your help with volunteers, and donations to be able to repeat this again this year. The Upcoming Events section of this newsletter has the dates and times of our planning meetings. It’s a great opportunity to get involved, and give back to the community. If you would like to join up with us please attend one of the meetings, or contact Stan Mathis. If you would like to help us with donations they will be graciously ac- cepted. There is never a donation too small for this effort. Donations may be made at any time, at the club, by mail, or online at subvetsgroton.org. Every dollar goes towards Caring and Sharing for our shipmates in one form or another. Donations in support of this effort should be mailed to the club attention Thanksgiving Dinner Program. Donations may also be in the way of preparing a turkey to be delivered to the clubhouse Thanksgiving Morning. These should be coordinated with Stan Mathis. Funds received in excess of what is required to put on this Thanksgiving Dinner will again be divided and donated to various programs to help take care of Submarine Sailors and their families. We help many Submarine Sailors over the holidays with your donations. Groton Base sets the standard for making a difference for Sailors during the holidays. With your support and donations, this year will be no different. Thank you for your help, donations, support and for Caring & Sharing. USSVI Groton Base Parades & Picnics Summertime is the time for parades and picnics. We start off the summer with the Groton July 4th Parade. SUBVETS always participates in this parade and we are the highlight of the parade because we always have the largest contingent in the parade. The parade kicks off at Poquonock Plains Park on Route 1 in Groton. SUBVETS usually is one of the first units in the parade following the Groton Police Color Guard and the VIPs. We include students from Naval Submarine School marching with us. We carry the Lost Boat Flags, the SUBVETS Banner, and the SUBVETS WWII Banner. We have several floats and vehicles to ride on, and we usually include our SEA SCOUTS with us. We usually muster at the clubhouse at 8:00 am load up all of the flags and vehicles and head over to the parade start point. Some folks drive their own vehicles and take busses over to the parade start point that leave from the vicinity of the Groton Post Office. If you drive your own vehicles it is recommended that you park in the vicinity of Auto Zone and walk over to the post office. The reason for this is so that you can get out of there quickly when the parade ends. If you park by the Post Office side of Drozdyk Drive you will end up getting stuck there for the whole parade. Following the parade we will all go to the clubhouse for a cold beferage and some food. We are always looking for some volunteers to help cook, serve and clean up and for folks to bring a pot-luck dish to share with others. This helps augment the food that is provided by the House Committee. If you are planning on either marching or riding in the parade please contact Charlie Starratt at colorguard@subvetsgroton.org or call him at (860) 536-7733. On Sunday 7 August the Westport Satellite Group will be hosting their summer picnic at short Beach in Stratford CT. For additional information please contact Paul@subcob.com (203) 386-9742 or Mike Deleo at madd51@optonline.net 203-878-7522 Saturday 13 August is the Groton Base Picnic at Admiral Fife Park off of route 1 in Stonington. The picnic goes from 12 – 5. The cost is $10 each. Again members may sponsor SUBSCHOOL Students to attend the picnic. The cost to sponsor SUBSCHOOL Students is also $10 each. It’s a great time. Bring the family and come on out and have a great time. Finally on Sunday 14 August is the VJ Day parade up in Moosup CT. Again this is another great parade and we welcome you to join us either marching or riding. We don’t have any other information on this parade, but you can contact Charlie Staratt and he can provide you with all the details. RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP TODAY! FOR 2012 OR FOR MULTIPLE YEARS. US Submarine Veterans Inc. 40 School Street Groton CT 06340-3940 Read inside how you can get this plate. Visit us online: www.subvetsgroton.org Check your address label above! If your PTD is 2011, you need to Renew by 31 January 2012. Or better yet renew for multiple years. NOTE: RENEW Your Membership Today! For 2012 Or For Multiple Years. Jul/Aug/Sep 2011 UNITED STATES SUBMARINE VETERANS, INC. GROTON BASE MEMBERSHIP/RENEWAL APPLICATION FORM THIS FORM CAN BE USED FOR NEW MEMBERS, RENEWALS, TO PAY ADVANCE DUES, OR FOR ADDRESS OR INFORMATION UPDATES. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY! UPDATE THIS FORM AND ENCLOSE IT WITH YOUR DUES (AND DONATION IF DESIRED). Name: Present/Highest Rank/Rate (i.e. TM2, LCDR, etc.): Address: Qualification Rate (i.e. MM, ET, EN, etc.): City: State: Zip: Active Duty or Retired: Email: 1st Boat Qualified in Submarines: (Name; Hull; Date) Name of Spouse/NOK: Boat Name: Phone: Year Qualified in Submarines (YYYY): D.O.B. (MM/DD/YYYY): Document Proof or Sponsor's Name: Prospective Associate Members: Are you a Veteran?: YES / NO Military Service Dates (YYYY-YYYY): Hull Number: *If you served on additional Submarines, please list all Boat Names/Hull Numbers/Dates Served on separate paper. I subscribe to the creed of the U.S. Submarine Veterans, Inc. and agree to abide by all laws and regulations governing the U.S. Submarine Veterans, Inc. so long as they do not conflict with my Military or Civil obligations. I will furnish further proof of my eligibility for membership if required by proper authority. Signature:___________________________________________________Date:_______________________ ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES New/Renewal NATIONAL LIFE MEMBERSHIP COST National Dues $20 Age 76 and up $100 (Plus Groton Base Dues 15 / yr) Groton Base Dues $15 Age 66-75 $200 (Plus Groton Base Dues 15 / yr) Total $35 Age 56-65 $300 (Plus Groton Base Dues 15 / yr) Age 46-55 $400 (Plus Groton Base Dues 15 / yr) Under Age 45 $500 (Plus Groton Base Dues 15 / yr) MULTIPLE YEAR RENEWALS 2 YEARS NATIONAL/BASE DUES - $70 3 YEARS NATIONAL/BASE DUES - $100(saves $5) 5 YEARS NATIONAL/BASE DUES - $165 (saves $10) TOTAL AMOUNT PAID: $________ Includes $_________ Donation for: Groton Base Scholarship Caring & Sharing Kap(SS) 4 Kid(SS) GROTON BASE RENEWAL FOR LIFE MEMBERS $15 / yr Building Fund Memorial Preservation Fund Newsletter Other (Please Specify): ________________________________ WHO DO YOU KNOW THAT IS QUALIFIED BUT NOT A MEMBER? SIGN UP A NEW MEMBER TODAY!