a view from the summit - Alpine Coach Association


a view from the summit - Alpine Coach Association
tablecloths pretty up the tent. Gale Johnson gets
our attention by announcing that it’s time to listen
up for the winning card pasted on each table &
the Hors D’ Oeuvres line begins. Ladies I
commend your ability to whip up such ingenious
Look What’s Inside
New Rally Added
New Service Center
Rally Calendar
JULY, 2004
pg 3
pg 6
pg 9
March 10th Breakfast is catered. I can do this;
bring plates, silverware and Garcia’s Kitchen
prepares & serves. Ron Doyle, president of WRV
announced his companies plan for an impressive
new RV repair shop.
Sam’s Club anyone? No, no, not Nordstrom’s
Whoever would have thought that Wal-Mart &
Sam’s club would
be classed as a
experience. Dinner
time and the Alpine
club members are
treated to a tasty
Mexican meal and
laughs and story
telling abound.
Vanora Jansohn
Do you have the ACA Rally Confirmation? Is the
FMCA reservation taken care of? Let’s rock ’n
roll, destination Albuquerque, New Mexico. We
travel with Kit & Gary; which is a comforting fact
when about 12 miles N of Show Low in the
Cibola National Forest we drive through a snow
storm. Beautiful yes; but I hear voices, “what?
Albuquerque, why there? It’s going to be
freezing?” Aah but not with ‘silk duds ’
undergarments I secretly smile.
March 11th Be ready for take off as the bus
leaves at 7.30 am destination Santa Fe &
surrounding area. Sandy Clark is our tour guide
and we are fascinated by his story telling and
knowledge of the history of the native inhabitants.
We learn that ACEQUIA means ditch irrigation,
TANALES wood gutter like drainage for adobe
roofs and at the El Santuario de Chimayo we
have the honor of being escorted into the church
by Father Roca. We watch as artists work to
restore the paintings. Next stop Rancho de
Chimayo restaurant. What choices. Our table had
no complaints as each ones meal was delicious.
The woven items of exotic colors at Centinela
Traditional Arts were admired by all. Our visit to
the Pueblo of San Il De Fonso Indians was made
especially interesting by Sandy’s tales. Florence
the well known potter was a step back in time as
she regaled us with tales of her work while at the
same time demonstrating how she makes her
pots sans wheel. Phew what a grand cultural day.
We spend a few days in Los Alamos; visit the
Bradbury Science Museum in which we could
have spent an entire day; Bandolier National
Park fascinates us with its ancient ruins. We take
The Turquoise Trail along Hwy 14 & stop off in
Cerrillos. Mary’s Bar is different; Mary is all of 88
years old and we learn more folklore of the
surrounding areas than at any information center.
Madrid is our next stop; not a small feat parking
two Alpine coaches with tow vehicles but
ingenuity wins. Later we drive up the majestic
Sandia Peak which is covered in snow and we
slip & slide up to the observation deck; great fun
for us Californians.
March 9th We come roaring into the KOA
campground at 8.30am as its ACA pre-rally
registration day. What bliss, a shower that runs
whilst one showers and no generator needed to
dry ones hair.
Its fun meeting up with familiar faces and
catching up on each others travels. Are those
killer bees I hear in the white tent? No it’s the
Alpine Club meeting buzzing up a storm. Cute
table decorations by Joan Johnson; the Land of
Enchantment windsocks & matching yellow
WRV did it again. 8 shiny, slick ‘05 Alpine
Coaches have the ACA members in & out of
those beautiful rigs. For some it proves too much
& they sign on the dotted line. Congratulations on
your new ‘babies ’!
contributed to making this a memorable, fun filled
March 14th Seeing 42 Alpine coaches ‘dieseling’
down the road and the occasional blast from our
quiet? horns must be an awesome sight to
onlookers. Probably just as well they’re not in our
RV’s hearing; “careful, I see brake lights dear; oh
no, the light got us, they seem to be coming to a
sudden halt, dear.” Efficient, fast parking and we
settle down to relax at Balloon Fiesta Park, the
main parking area for the FMCA Albuquerque
Adventure convention. Next morning we heard
shoos, shoos overhead as the balloons did a
majes tic take off. We attended as many seminars
as possible, shopped just a tad & enjoyed the
evening entertainment at the convention center.
John Davidson was particularly funny as we
related to his witty remarks on becoming older.
One of his jokes (quote); “How do you describe
RVers’ - a bunch of old crumbs held together by
a lot of dough!” Well, imagine that???
March 12th Ladies luncheon caravans to the
National Hispanic Cultural Center & talk about a
group of well dressed ‘babes ’ out for some fun.
Lunch is prepared by La Fonda Del Bosque, after
which we’re treated to a short background talk
regarding the history of the center. Divided into
small groups each assigned to a tour guide who
interprets various paintings; we’re awestruck. Oh
and don’t forget the ’gear head’ session. I’m sure
it was interesting to those of us from Mars.
Dinner time & again we’re treated to a flavorful
burst of Spanish cooking; careful guys we may
forget how to cook.
March 13th Laundry time. Marlena promised
John she’d cook breakfast if he took care of the
laundry. According to John it’s the best place to
meet the ladies and catch up on local events. At
2 o’clock we attended the Silver Leaf Seminar
and the couple of gals that were there tried our
best to follow ‘rolling Mpg, intake manifold gauge’
etc. but should you have questions log on to
simply smarter.com.
Rally News
From the...
Fun and Games Department
Gale Johnson
Max Zuckula with WRV technicians solved a
minor problem on our coach which has made a
major difference so many thanks from the ACA
rally attendees to Max & the technicians.
Well, are we having fun yet? Two successful
2004 rallies completed
and three more to go.
That’s correct…. three
more to go as we’ve
added a bonus ACA
“Beach Party” Rally in
Plan to join us November 8-12 at Newport
Dunes RV Resort at Newport Beach, California
for the 2004 ACA “Beach Party” Rally. This
bonus ACA National Rally is being sponsored by
Saddleback RV of Irvine, CA and presents a
host of Southern California event and attraction
opportunities. We’ll have more details about all
of the specific rally activities as we get closer to
November, but we already know that we’ll open
the event with a real California “Beach Party” on
November 8th…and, for the rest of the rally,
we’ve included plans for live music…several
group meals…and lots of surprises.
Lindsay & Randy of Guaranty RV were the
highlight of the cocktail social hour as they
graciously poured an assortment of delightful
wines and the hors d’oeuvres were extravagant.
Thanks. Ole to Garcia’s who catered the event
Music maestro? The Mariachi band makes a
grand entrance. Wow what a treat. Our “blonde”
president could not resist the charm of the music
and we all enjoyed seeing her relax & have fun.
Wayne Johnson donates his invention to anchor
ground mats as a door prize and the winner is
envied by all. March babies now know what
anchored the table centerpieces against those
windy conditions; oranges & lemons. Those
celebrating March anniversaries won the Land of
Enchantment wind socks. What a grand finale.
We plan to give you plenty of free time so that
you can tailor some of the “Beach Party” rally to
your own unique needs and interests. You may
choose to walk the beach at sunset …or, do
some early holiday shopping on Rodeo Drive.
Then, at the conclusion of the rally, you’ll have
Thank you to WRV, Guaranty RV Centers,
Conley RV Centers, Saddleback RV, Bill
Plemmons RV World and ACA Members who all
plenty of time to travel to your Thanksgiving and
Christmas destinations.
An added benefit is that this rally is “back-toback” with the SoCal Chapter rally which will also
be held the preceding three days at Newport
Dunes. Plan to come early and experience the
fun and fellowship of this great regional chapter
event…and then continue the fun at the “Beach
Party” without even having to relocate your
Claudia Gayhart
I hope that everyone
receiving this newsletter
remembered to send in
your membership dues
for 2004/05 so that you
will continue to receive
“A View From The
Summit”. I’m sure you don’t want to miss out on
any of the information contained in this
But…don’t party too much because you’ll want to
be in shape to “rough it” at DRR IV…January 2126, 2005 at Quartzsite, AZ. Same format as “I,”
“II,” and “III”…no plans…no schedules…few
rules…lots of fires…”cheesy” door prizes…some
good food...and the greatest people anywhere.
Back to 2004….this article is being written at the
first of June…and registrations for the August
10-15 Bend, OR Pre-Rally have already
exceeded two-thirds of the reserved spaces.
However, if you haven’t mailed your registration I
would suggest that you E-mail me at
alpinerallies@aol.com to check on whether we
have any remaining spaces. We’ll do our best to
find a space for you.
Another thing to be on the lookout for is the
annual voting ballot which you will be receiving in
the mail in early August. You will be voting for 4
Director Seats this year, so please review the
candidate’s biographies carefully and send in
your ballots by the due date on the form. If you
plan to be away from home all summer, please
be sure to have your mail forwarded to you by
August 10. That will insure that you will receive
your ballot on time and have enough time to
return it for counting and validation purposes.
Branson Homecoming…the road show.
(October 3-8) You should have received your
Branson registration materials by the time you
read this. Please get your registration in the mail
right away as the spaces will sell out fast. This
should be the biggest and best ACA Rally to
date. Don’t miss it!
Danny & I will not be able to attend the pre-rally
and FMCA Convention in Oregon this summer
since we’ll be busy on the other coast. We plan
to be at Homecoming in Branson, MO this fall
and hope to see all of you there. Gale Johnson
has many wonderful things planned for October
so I know you won’t want to miss it.
Safe Travels; we’ll see you down the road.
Sun Country RV
Moses Lake, WA 509-766-9964
Just a friendly reminder – if you haven’t joined
the FMCA yet, I highly recommend doing so.
The benefits are numerous and the information
contained in the monthly magazine is priceless.
The ACA is an International Chapter of the FMCA
and I encourage all of our members to join
FMCA. For only $35 per year, you will become
part of an organization of over 200,000 strong. If
you have ever attended even one of the seminars
at an FMCA Convention, you will understand
what a valuable resource this organization
provides in your traveling lifestyle.
Dillon’s RV City
Apache Junction, AZ 480-986-0100
I wish you all safe travels this summer and look
forward to the next time we meet again.
Some ACA members have recommended the
following service centers that have provided
excellent service:
Hemet Valley RV
Hemet, CA 800-966-4878
Don Dittus
Carol Reimer
Minnesota) in early May
after spending the winter
southwest. Even though
we are at home, we
miss the fellowship and
the relaxed atmosphere of a campground with old
and new friends. We've fallen into a routine which
is comfortable but somewhat boring. Life on the
road offers new experiences and the ever
changing scene. As we look forward to the
Branson "Homecoming" we think more and more
of the friends we will see there. Once a year with
old friends, we focus on the who rather than the
where. The weather has warmed the last few
days, the trees are all leafed out (happens the
last week of May in these parts) and we look
forward to seeing some ALPINE COACHES in
the campground this summer. Safe travels to you
all. See you in Branson.
Hi from the desk of your
secretary, Carol Reimer.
Ken and I haven't been
in our Motor Home since
March when we were in
New Mexico. This is a
busy time of the year in
the farming and fruit
growing season, so we
stay close to home to help the Kids with the
packing shed. The fruit is delicious this year but
a tough time with the sales. If you are in the
south you can get our fruit at Publix Grocery
Store in the Florida area. We ship them treeripe
fruit all season.
We are looking forward to fall and Branson. If
you know of any illnesses or losses in our club
please let me know so that we as the ACA board
can respond. Wishing all of you safe travels and
hope to see you in Branson!
Chet McIntosh
Kay Watts
Danny Gayhart. Danny’s
Summit” was chosen by
your Board from a list of
entries submitted by ACA members. Danny was
awarded a $20 gift certificate from Kathy
Nicholsen, Eugene Silkscreen, ACA member,
advertiser, and your friendly Alpine Logo vendor.
A hearty ACA Welcome
to our new members
and thanks to all who
have sent in your dues
membership dues were
due June 30 and I
encourage those of you who have not sent
in your renewals to do so. We certainly do not
want to lose you. Annual dues are $35.00.
Welcome to our newest advertisers, ACA
members Fred and Grace Taylor, Financial
Underwriters Network (F.U.N. Inc) Boat and RV
www.Dustyfoot.com, a mobile, independent
DataStorm dealer/installer. We found Scott at
Quartzsite, and after DRR III we parked next to
him where he generously helped us with a
computer networking problem (in between
customers). Then we ran into him again in
Tucson where he stood by while we downloaded
new MotoSat software (in case we had a
Our "Homecoming" event will be for members
only, and only members can receive discounts for
parts at participating Dealers, at Western RV
and some Dealers may also offer discounted
If you have not attended an ACA event, do so
this year. Come and see what great members,
Dealers, and FUN we have. Meals, tours,
seminars, entertainment, and prizes are all
features of our rallies. Dealers may have new
display coaches for us to view. Some members
have even been known to upgrade to another of
these beautiful coaches. Our members are a
talented group and we are constantly learning
from each other about our coaches and
improvements we can add to make them even
The Datastorm user’s group map is awesome.
Click on www.datastormusers.com , and then
click on the map, we are #592.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone in
For most events all Alpine owners are welcome,
sometimes at a premium. You may have noticed
that the club is requiring higher fees for event
attendance for non members, and this will be the
last newsletter you will receive giving vital ACA
information about activities and events of the
Association and the Chapters if you have not
paid your dues. Non renewing members will be
removed from the active database in mid July just
prior to the mailing of the Ballots for the election
of Association Officers . According to Association
By-laws to vote in this election and to participate
as a member in a Chapter, you must be a
member of the Alpine Coach Association.
Ron Dodge
Southern California
Jim Klinko
This is your Association, please participate, vote,
and let us know what you think by helping us
keep our member information up to date. Should
you move, advise us of the changes to your
address, e-mail account, or have any other
changes we need to know in order to stay in
communication with you. How you can contact
your Board Members is listed elsewhere in this
Hi Alpiners: Our April rally was held in Chula
Vista at the beautiful RV Park and Marina, right
on the water. The weather was great. Although
we only had 9 coaches in attendance, a good
time was had by all. Saturday morning, after
coffee and sweet rolls, we enjoyed a short guided
tour of the Tijuana Estuary with an expert
overview of the delicate balance of the tidelands
ecology provided by Imperial Beach council
member, Patricia McCoy. Imperial Beach is the
most southwesterly city in the continental United
States. We walked to the end of the Imperial
Beach pier for lunch over the ocean at the
famous "Tin Fish" restaurant. Saturday night
dinner included dancing to a beach band
overlooking the beautiful Chula Vista Marina.
The following guests were in attendance at this
rally: Gerry & Jane Grewe of St. Louis, MO, incoach guests of Bob & Sharon Turner; and Russ
& Jean Glines of San Jose, CA with their coach.
We were happy to have to have them with us.
Travel safe and meet us at the next rally. Really
give our Rally Director a challenge.
Dawnell Greene
While in the process of filing our IRS report for
fiscal year 2003 I determined that the financial
status report sent to the membership for 2003
was not accurate. ACA reports all financial
information based upon a cash basis and there
were ACA Club expenses for January 2004
included in the figures reported. Also the ACA
Rally account figures did not include rally income
or expenses for December. After all the updates
the ACA expenses were over stated by $966.19,
the Rally expenses were understated by
$1,649.03 and Rally income was understated by
The upcoming rallies for Alpine So Cal are listed
in the rally schedule.
Eastern Chapter (ACE)
Sandy Munsil
We had our second rally of the year at Stone
Mountain, GA, if you were not able to join us, you
missed a great time. Sixteen coaches met in the
campground at Stone Mountain, Georgia. We
had barbecue at the home of Mallise and John
Crawford the first night. They have a beautiful
home and we enjoyed watching the Kentucky
Derby together (with a little betting for fun on the
side) before dinner. Thanks go to Mallise and
John for opening their home to us. After dinner
we returned to the campground and those who
wanted went into the park to watch the laser
show on the mountain.
If you would like a revised copy of the 2003
financials I will be happy to e-mail a Word version
of the document to you or I will have copies at
Homecoming in Branson. You can request a
copy via E-mail addressed to dkgreene@gte.net
Regarding 2004 financials ; as of the end of June
we are in line with our planned expenses for
2004 and about half of our planned income has
been earned for 2004. If you have not sent in
your membership renewals please do so.
The men had their tech talk on Sunday after
which everyone did their own thing the rest of the
day. We all gathered at the pavilion for Mrs.
Winners Chicken dinner Sunday night. Monday
we were off early for a bus tour of Atlanta visiting
the Coke Museum, Turner Field, the CNN
building and driving around the city before
returning to the campground.
Ted & Kay Watts
Tuesday was a free day. We all met back at the
campground in the evening where employees
from Lightnin RV picked us up and took us to
their dealership for a tour of their facility and
dinner. They showed us through their facility,
store, offices, and service area. There were
several coaches for us to go through and they fed
us a great meal with entertainment after. We
would like to thank the Lewis family for their
hospitality. Lightnin RV has only been selling
Alpine Coaches for a short time but they have
been supplying special trailers and RVs to
movies sets for several years. If you are looking
for an Alpine Dealer in the Atlanta area Lightning
RV is in Lawrenceville, GA www.lightninrv.com.
Somewhere in
Louis & Linda Burch
Lowell Potvin
A couple of the members have had rear shock
absorber failures after lifting their rear axle
completely off the ground with their jacks. Please
be advised that you can lift one rear wheel off the
ground while the other is still in contact with the
ground but not both.
Most of us pulled out Wednesday morning
moving on to other destinations or back home.
Thanks to Jesse and Shirley Rumberger for
putting together another great rally.
There are no safety straps securing the axle to
the frame to prevent the rear axle from pulling on
the shock absorbers.
We will be meeting September 29th thru October
3rd in Springfield, MO. This is a pre-rally to the
ACA Homecoming Rally in Branson, MO. We
would love to have you join us. It is sure to be a
great time. Pres. Peggy Bacome will be sending
information to members soon. If you’re
interested in joining us information will be on our
web site www.ace-rv.com
I think this is something we all need to
understand. I hope this saves some members the
price of new shock absorbers.
Hope to see you soon!
For information sharing on the Web
go to:
and click on Alpine Coach Owners
Mac and Sandy Diller are forming a southwest
chapter. If you are interested in joining please
contact them.
Contact list for existing or planned chapters:
So. Cal
Bob Turner
Open Position
No. Cal
Open Position
Full Timers
Open Position
Jesse & Shirley Rumberger
Mac & Sandy Diller
WRV Announces New State-ofthe-Art Service Facility
Burk Morgan
Western RV is pleased to announce the
construction of a new state-of-the-art customer
service facility near the Alpine Coach
Manufacturing Center at Sutherland Business
Park in Union Gap, Washington.
The new facility is situated on a total of seven
acres. At the heart of the expansion will be a
39,000 square foot service building, which will
have 22 full service bays. Service and select
parts will be available for all products built by
Western RV at this new facility. Two bays will be
dedicated to collision body and paint repair, and
will include a 56-foot long cross draft paint booth.
Other areas of interest include a dedicated water
test booth with a system allowing technicians to
adjust water test pressures from a fine mist to
flood settings. There will be an area set aside for
customer pickup of new Western RV products
allowing complete owner orientation of all
working systems and components.
Ads are $10.00 for a 2.5 inch by 3 inch ad (business
card size). Additional space is $10.00 for another 2.5
inches by 3 inches. Ads may be for Alpine Coaches,
and related furniture or equipment.
2002 TOYOTA RAV4, 5 speed, AM/FM/CD,
power windows, power door locks, power
steering, power disc brakes, air conditioning, mag
wheels, tinted privacy glass, trailer hitch, great
condition. 4X4 and 27 mpg. economy too!
Never been winter driven. All rigged up as Toad
including Brake buddy. 34,500 miles. Books at
$19,200.00, asking $18,700.00.
Rick or Mary Kratz
406-257-3818 or E-mail: kratzy@montanasky.biz
----------------------------------------2 lots in RV Gated Community-Ruidoso,NM.
Redwood & Cedar Deck-Covered parking for
Motor Home-Kitchen-Bath-Washer/Dryer
Furnished- 50 amp-telephone – CATV
At the main office entrance, a large after-market
products display and sales area will include
typical items needed during travel, as well as
Alpenlite and Alpine Coach related logo clothing
and specialty items.
Harvey Broussard
Additional features of the new service center will
include an activity building that will have areas for
reading, watching television and accessing the
We will have tourist and travel
information relating to the great Yakima Valley
and points of interest for the entire Northwestern
United States. There will be an outside area for
enjoying a picnic meal, along with a gas fire pit
for nighttime use. An area for overnight parking
with electrical power will be provided.
-----------------------------------------Euro Chair by Ekornes. Covered in Bone
Ultraleather. $500. plus buyer pays for shipping.
E-mail for pictures.
Mike Greene
512-633-7254 or E-mail: mgreene@gte.net
The design for this project is 95% complete and
is out for construction bid at this time. We expect
to begin construction by July 1st and look for
completion around October 15th, 2004. For more
information, or to learn more about the 2005
Alpenlite and Alpine Coach product lines, contact
Western Recreational Vehicles toll free at (800)
777-4133 or visit our website at www.wrv.com.
September 20th
is the deadline for ads and articles in
the October quarterly issue.
For Western RV Customer Support
Please call 1-866-567-4133
Monday – Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm PST
Ads may be Business Card Size and there is a charge
for running the ad. One ad is $40.00, two ads are
$70.00 and four ads are $120.00, payable in advance
of placing the ads. Please contact Chet McIntosh at
mcmc@groundcontrol.us regarding running an ad.
And Much More.
Free 64 page catalog 1-800-872-7897
Custom Stainless Steel Mud
Special Price for complete Alpine Kit
"WRV Alpine Coach WRV”
Free installation at our facility
Riverside Enterprises
Kennewick, WA
Rally Calendar
OR Bend “FMCA Redmond PreRally”
Thousand Trails Resort
CA Mammoth Lakes “So Cal
Chapter Rally”
Mammoth Mtn RV Park
MO Springfield “ Eastern Chapter
Pre-Rally to Homecoming”
Location TBD
MO “2004 Homecoming”
America’s Best Campground
So Cal
November 5-7
CA Newport “So Cal Chapter Rally”
Newport Dunes RV Resort
So Cal
November 8-12
CA Newport, “ACA Beach Party”
Newport Dunes RV Resort
AZ Quartzsite “2004 Desert Rat
Rally” DRR IV
Location TBD
NV Pahrump “So Cal Chapter Rally”
So Cal
CA Banning “So Cal Chapter Rally”
Silent Valley
So Cal
September 10-12
29 – Oct 3
January 21-26
April TBD
GA Adel “FMCA Perry Pre-Rally”
Reed Bingham State Park
ND “FMCA Minot Pre-Rally”
Location TBD
ACA Rallies
alpinerallies@aol.com or
P.O. Box 53486
Bellevue, WA 98015-3486
Jim & Vivian Weinheimer
jimw@bpdonline.net or
Jesse & Shirley Rumberger
jsrumberger@aol.com or
ACA Rallies
alpinerallies@aol.com or
P.O. Box 53486
Bellevue, WA 98015-3486
Jack & Linda Giddens
crazysingerlkg@aol.com or
ACA Rallies
alpinerallies@aol.com or
P.O. Box 53486
Bellevue, WA 98015-3486
ACA Rallies
alpinerallies@aol.com or
P.O. Box 53486
Bellevue, WA 98015-3486
John & Gail Stacy
fraulyn@aol.com or 702-3608407 or Mac & Anne
McDougal, mcdanne@cox.net
or 619-469-8725,
Bud & Pam Johnson
Pamelashere@CS.com or
ACA Rallies
alpinerallies@aol.com or
P.O. Box 53486
Bellevue, WA 98015-3486
ACA Rallies
alpinerallies@aol.com or
P.O. Box 53486
Bellevue, WA 98015-3486
Please complete and mail to:
ACA Memberships
5808A Summitview, #337
Yakima, WA 98908
Or E-Mail:
Change-of-Address Form
Coach Serial # __________(last 5 digits)
Name ____________________________________________
New Address ______________________________________
City _____________________ ST ___ Zip _____________
New Phone (_____) ______________
New Cell Phone (_____) _______________
New E-Mail Address ________________________________
5808A Summitview, #337
Yakima, WA 98908
The ACA Quarterly Newsletter is the
official publication of the Alpine Coach
Association. The publication is issued
the first week of every quarter
beginning January, April, July, and
President – Claudia Gayhart
Home: 623-214-6384 Cell: 602-421-6384
gayhartdc@net zero.net
Secretary – Carol Reimer
Home: 559-897-8950 Cell: 559-859-1338
This publication is designed to provide
information that is of interest to our
club members. The information
published herein does not constitute
professional advice. This publication
and the persons associated with its
release are not liable for the content.
Rally Director – Gale Johnson
Home: 425-452-8700 Cell: 206-619-6562
Membership Director – Kay Watts
Home: 636-926-0024
Inquires may be directed to any one of
the ACA board of directors or the
publisher/editor, Dawnell Greene.
Phone: 512-633-7254 or
E-Mail: dkgreene@gte.net
Director – Don Dittus
Cell: 707-972-4212
Director Special Projects – Chet McIntosh
Cell: 510-220-0515
The Alpine Coach Association is a
chapter of the Family Motor Coach
Association (FMCA).
Chapter Director – Ron Dodge
Cell: 509-994-3080