Moby strengthens their fleet with 2 ro-ro and 1 ferry


Moby strengthens their fleet with 2 ro-ro and 1 ferry
Editor in chief: Angelo Scorza
Moby strengthens their fleet with 2 ro-ro and 1 ferry
There are also rumours about ro-pax Banasa from Comarit coming in the Neapolitan fleet
Tirrenia CIN denies having chartered in a newbuilding at Visentini shipyard due by 2017
The strengthening plan of Moby’s fleet
is definitely going on; after rumours
on possible lengthening of some ro-ro,
the company has allegedly sealed longterm charter contracts with further
buying options.
The most ‘expensive’ transaction was
the purchase of ferry Wind Perfection,
built in Bremerhaven at Weser
Seebeckswerft yard in 1982. The
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Telefono 010 5761424 Fax 010 5535129
Siamo il Sindacato di Categoria più vecchio nella marineria d’Italia, la nostra storia ci dà la forza
di adeguarci ai nuovi titoli professionali e alle mutate esigenze degli unici dirigenti naviganti,
tanto da aver affiancato alle tradizionali USCLAC/UNCDiM anche la sigla SMACD (Stato
Maggiore Abilitato al Comando e alla Direzione di macchina), dedicata agli Ufficiali in possesso
dell’abilitazione al comando (Certificato IMO): Comandanti, Direttori di Macchina, Ufficiali venite
da noi, siamo la Vostra casa naturale, siamo Voi stessi e uniti si vince! Basti l’esempio dell’epica
battaglia per l’esposizione all’amianto che, senza tema di smentita, possiamo affermare di
essere gli unici a condurre.
USCLAC/UNCDiM/SMACD, prime nel mondo della marina mercantile, hanno compreso che la
copertura offerta dal Servizio Sanitario Nazionale non poteva considerarsi un presidio sufficiente
e che in prospettiva lo sarebbe stato sempre meno. Ci siamo impegnati ed abbiamo costituito
una Cassa di assistenza sanitaria integrativa per Comandanti, Direttori di Macchina e Ufficiali in
possesso dell’abilitazione al comando (Certificato IMO): la CAS.CO.DI. In tale maniera abbiamo
inteso garantire i livelli di assistenza che ci erano propri prima della nascita del S.S.N.
Le coperture sanitarie sono erogate tramite una polizza assicurativa contratta con un primario
Gruppo assicurativo nazionale.
Il tuo sindacato di categoria, direttamente o tramite esperti ti può aiutare e consigliare sui seguenti temi:
“Comandante, Direttore di Macchina, Ufficiale cerca un porto sicuro per te e la tua
famiglia. Approda da chi si occupa esclusivamente delle specificità del ruolo che rivesti a
bordo e delle responsabilità che ti gravano, così diverse dal resto dell’Equipaggio.”
Year XII, N.46 - Genoa, 7 December 2015
seems to be charging 8 million euro.
Furthermore, Moby renegotiated bare
boat charter contract on ro-ro Louise
Russ, already operated in time charter
by the company over the last couple of
Meanwhile, as from next year 3,000
linear metres ro-ro unit Helena, built in
1991 and currently flying Swedish flag,
will be deployed by Moby on a time
charter contract with further buying
option to be replacing one or more
older ships engaged by Moby Cargo on
their links to Sardinia.
Onorato also put his hands on a further
modern ro-ro unit built in 2003 and
(ex-Beachy Head), previously chartered
by Danish shipping company Nordana.
Meanwhile the existing charter contract
of ro-pax Maria Grazia On, operated by
Trasmediterranea in Spain, should have
to be continued at page 2
company helmed by Vincenzo Onorato
confirmed this transaction although not
providing any price; however the seller
Deutsche Bank hot on
trot to take up Italian
non-performing loans
Greek shipowners
moving to Cyprus
Onorato slams back the door
and leaves Confitarma
Ponte Libia - 16149 Genova
Tel. +39 010 0894102 - Fax +39 010 0894129
General Cargo
Project Cargo
Heavy Lift
and more...
continued from the first page
expired making the ship ready to return
Italy (except for new commitment
According to rumours from Perama
shipyard, where the ship is currently
laying, even ro-pax ferry Banasa was
allegedly acquired by Moby (that still
didn’t confirm neither denied the news).
This unit, built in 1975, was deployed
by Comarit of Morocco and after their
default she was purchased by European
Seaways of Greece just a couple of
months ago.
The latter, operating connections
between Greece and Apulia, had
allegedly disrupted business (their
only ship, the Bridge, was chartered
by Ancona-based Adria Ferries to
be deployed on the Bari-Durres line)
and might have determined selling the
Banasa to make a profit, considering
her sale price.
This ship was registered by RINA
as Galaxy (as chosen by European
Seaways); according to Greek sources
she is going to be renamed Moby Kiss
and to go strengthening the LeghornBastia link.
Moreover ro-ro Espresso Catania
of Tirrenia Cin (Moby Group) was
allegedly put for sale.
The former state-owned shipping
company is seeking a new unit and
according to rumours, actually denied
by Onorato, they seemed having
chosen Visentini shipyard of Porto Viro
as suitable supplier.
Tirrenia was mentioned as the new
long-term charterer of the new 2,800
linear metres ro-ro unit NB 232 to be
delivered by the yard in spring 2017.
Another interest might come from
Grandi Navi Veloci.
Nicola Capuzzo
Monday 7 December 2015
CSSC and Fincantieri will build the
first Chinese ship for Carnival
Construction will allegedly start at Shanghai-based Waigaoqiao yard in 2017 and
delivery is envisaged for 2020, while overall investment will reach 1 billion USD
sovereign fund, will take delivery of this
unprecedented cruiseship completely
built in a Chinese yard previously only
committed to the construction of cargo
units (11.3% of the Capesize bulk carriers
The triple alliance sealed in late 2014
among cruise giant Carnival, Chinese
state corporation China State Shipbuilding
Corp. (CSSC) and Fincantieri has finally
passed into action.
According to various information
published in the Popular Republic, the
ongoing negotiation for the construction
of the first Chinese newbuilding
unprecedentedly built by the new
partnership in Shanghai Waigaoqiao
Shipbuilding yard, controlled by CSSC,
supported by Fincantieri’s design and
technical assistance, may be shortly
As confirmed by Chen Jun, vice-president
of Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding yard,
construction of the new 140,000 dwt
cruiseship, with 300 metres in length and
able to host 3,000 to 4,000 passengers,
will start in 2017 to be accomplished in
2020 and will require overall one billion
dollar investment.
Such data were confirmed by Financial
corporation Finpro Shanghai’s report,
stating that this unit will be the first one in
a list of 5 and that she will be registered by
Lloyd’s Register.
As foreseen, the same document also
confirms that the joint-venture currently
being founded by Carnival, CSSC and
China Investment Corporation (CIC)
and 8.3% of VLCC oil tankers).
As announced last October, the new
alliance will debut with a new multi-ships
cruise brand specifically committed to the
domestic market of the Popular Republic.
A joint operation concurrent to the one
being sealed among CSSC, Carnival and
Fincantieri, already announced in late
2014, aiming at developing a Chinese
shipbuilding industry specialized in
cruises that, according to the report
published by Asian media, should start
with the construction of a first newbuilding
to be delivered in 2020.
Francesco Bottino
An oversight by MIT might cost 40 million
euro to Italian railway companies
Until a few days ago Delrio’s Ministry hadn’t submitted precautionary notification to
receive Brussels’ approval on freight tolls rebates pursuant to Stability Law 2015
Milan - The new ‘therapy’ promised by
Minister Graziano Delrio decidedly got
up on the wrong side of the bed, in fact,
pursuant to comma 294 of the last Stability
Law, the allocated 100 million euro/year
financial resources (provided as RFI’s tolls
rebates) to support railway companies in
2015-2017 term to run freight transport
services to Southern Italy,
might have to be refunded.
According to different
sources until a few days
ago Renzi Government
Ministry of Transport and
Infrastructures, still hadn’t
submitted Brussels the
State-aid regulation.
Furthermore, over the
last months private and
public (Trenitalia) railway
companies were already
allocated by RFI the
envisaged state subsidies
as tolls’ rebates, although,
pursuant to community
law, public service contracts had to be
previously submitted and approved by the
European Commission.
That’s the reason why the Ministry helmed
by Graziano Delrio urgently entrusted
Pricewaterhouse Coopers consultants to
issue the relative dossier that’s already
been delivered Brussels, attentively
illustrating the reasons for the allocated
Monday 7 December 2015
state subsidies.
Should the European Commission give
green light, things will be patched up,
conversely, should their reply be negative
an infringement proceeding will be
launched also demanding reimbursement
of such rebates by railway companies
and of course spurring subsequent legal
battles between railway companies and the
Giancarlo Laguzzi, President of Fercargo,
attending a conference on railway
transports along the Italian Swiss corridor,
reported that: “The 100 million euro
allocated by former Stability Law dated
December 2014 were not allocated yet”
also adding that “unfortunately, due to an
erroneous bureaucratic formula they may
only be partially used to spur Southern
Italy and not the whole domestic railway
As a matter of fact Fercargo, asked
applying the same tolls rebate applied
in Southern Italy to the whole domestic
Laguzzi also pinpoints that
“for the time being overall
60% allocated subsidy
remains unused” (about 60
millions out of 100) and
the Organization demands
amending the next Stability
Law in order to “extend
the same subsidy to all
Italian regions so as to
unprecedentedly relaunch
railway logistics in this
Fercargo’s President also
pinpointed that, despite
all confirmations, last
year’s restrictive clause
wasn’t amended in the
new Stability Law being
examined by the Chamber
of Deputies, although not implying any
extra cost beyond the allocated 100 million.
“This would be a real mistake, considering
that major organizations, Anita of
Confindustria, Assologistica of Confetra
and Conftrasporto of Confcommercio,
recently shared these subsidies with Fs and
Fercargo on the whole domestic network”.
Nicola Capuzzo
A fifth ship sold by Zacchello in 2015
Handysize tanker Saffo was purchased by Maersk
Tankers for 18 million USD
The Zacchello family is accomplishing
a further sale which might become the
fifth one this year.
The 38,400 dwt Handysize tanker Saffo,
built at China State Shipbuilding yard
in 2008, was transferred for 18 million
USD to Danish Maersk Tankers.
As a matter of fact, she was just
renamed Maersk Kara after the name
of her new owner to be subsequently
deployed within Handytankers Pool’s
Formal seller was Dutch Bentonwood
BV while her technical management was
cared by Marwave Shipmanagement
This is the fifth sale this year for
Zacchello family in compliance with
the group’s restructuring plan.
Last March tanker Giacinta was sold
Maersk Tankers for 21.5 million USD
which represents quite a great deal
considering the buyer subsequently
sold the same unit for 27 million USD.
Furthermore, after a long summer
break, bulk carrier Tiare was finally put
on sale last September, as confirmed
by Claudio Baccichetti, Managing
Director of Motia di Navigazione.
Meanwhile, last October minicape Chiara and tanker Elia were
respectively sold for 13 million USD
to Greek Golden Union and 35 million
USD to Polembros Shipping.
Besides these units, even Handysize
tanker Elbtank Italy, controlled by
a company backed by the Zacchello
family, was sold German TB Marine
Hamburg for 18.2 million USD.
Nicola Capuzzo
Monday 7 December 2015
Napp becomes sole shareholder MSC Crociere to purchase an island in the Bahamas
of Depositi Costieri Trieste
The patron of shipping company Giuliana Bunkeraggi
takes over from Eni the remaining 50% of Trieste-based
in-port oil storage and distribution centre
Depositi Costieri Trieste (DCT), a
historical oil and oil products storage
and distribution company established
in the early 1900s in the most northern
Adriatic port of Italy, is now fully owned
by native family Napp (the shipowners
of also Trieste-based bunker supplier
Giuliana Bunkeraggi SpA) after Ecofuel
SpA (belonging to Italian public oil
& gas behemoth Eni) sold them the
remaining 50% of DCT’s shares.
“Within a historical trend where domestic
brands are increasingly sold to foreign
operators, eventually a renowned Italian
company remains in national hands”
proudly pointed out Franco Napp, the
family company’s patron.
DCT is active in the storage, handling
and distribution of low environmental
The company is to invest 200 million USD to establish a private destination
nearby Bimini while its Cuban program is officialised
impact mineral oil products and of
vegetable oil for the energy market.
Its plant at Punto Franco Olii Minerali
free zone of Trieste port features 28
tanks able to store 145,000 cbm in
overall and a jetty for berthing tankers
up to 30,000 dwt, as well as a rail link
to Trieste Servola yard and to the main
Last year DCT handled some 445,000
tons and is expected to register this year
a 500,000 ton throughput.
“Thanks to its geographical location
and to the flexibility of its structure, the
company makes for an important energy
logistic hub in central and eastern Europe.
As a family we see this investment as a
strengthening of our position on the oil
market” concluded Napp.
As announced by the Nassau Guardian
and reported by website,
MSC might be negotiating with the
Bahamian Government the acquisition
of Ocean Cay island, a 40 ha land a
hundred km east of Miami and south
of Bimini island. The transaction seems
to have reached quite an advanced
stage; the republic premier announced
the new plan will definitely create an
unspecified number of jobs.
The latter point as well as the economic
impact, that will eventually foster
the development of Ocean Cay as
new cruise destination, induced the
Bahamas Chamber of Commerce and
the local Employers’ Confederation to
study both aspects.
Gowon Bowe, asked the Government
to produce further information and
particularly a cost-benefit analyses,
while also evaluating its environmental
and social impact.
Conversely, no doubts regarding MSC’s
engagement in a further Caribbean
island: that’s Cuba.
Corroborating and clarifying MSC’s
recent announcement, the company
confirmed that, as from November
2016, they will serve the island,
homeporting the MSC Opera (to be
shortly debutting) and MSC Armonia
at Havana. The ship (with 275 metres
in length, and capable to host 2,680
passengers) will follow two different
weekly itineraries that will be merged
in a single 14-days tour.
The first one, after 2 days and 1 night
in the Cuban capital will call at Roatan
island (Honduras), Belize City (Belize),
Maya Coast (Mexico) and Cuba again,
calling the Isle of Youth and finally the
The second itinerary, after 2 and a half
days and 2 nights at Havana, will call at
Montego Bay (Jamaica), Georgetown
(the Cayman Islands) and Cozumel
offshore the Yucatan peninsula in
Mexico, to subsequently return to Cuba.
Costa Crociere also lands in Japan
A new branch opened in Tokyo while the Costa Victoria will debut in summer
2016 with 10 cruises departing from the island of the Rising Sun
After having unprecedentedly established
their first branch in the Popular Republic of
China in 2006 and after being followed by
all their major competitors, Costa Crociere
has recently determined going beyond the
Great Wall betting on the island of the
Rising Sun.
The Genoese company controlled by
Carnival group has recently launched a
new marketing branch in Tokyo, directly
managed by Costa Asia which will
co-operate with domestic tour operators to
supply the best cruise products to Japanese
tourists .
The 75,200 GT Costa Victoria, built in
Germany in 1996 and fully refurbished in
2003 at Sembawang yard of Singapore,
currently operating in China, will be
engaged on the new line.
From July to September 2016, peak season
in Japanese tourism, Costa cruiseship,
capable to board 2,400 passengers
providing a perfect merge between the
Italian style and the Eastern comfort to
meet all requirements of forthcoming new
customers, will regularly depart for 10 per
6 nights cruises (the Asian market doesn’t
appreciate longer trips) calling at national
ports of Fukuoka, Maizuru, Kanazawa –
and at South Korean Pusan.
Monday 7 December 2015
Great satisfaction was confirmed in a note
spread by Costa Asia to regional media
and signed by the two managers running
the Far Eastern branch, Buhdy Bok
(Costa Group Asia President) and Yusuke
Itokawa (Costa Group Asia Japan Country
Manager), showing they trust the new
Tokyo branch will consent Costa Crociere
to closely cooperate with domestic
operators so as to provide a real Italiancruise experience, although purposely
tailored to meet Japanese customers’
Carnival has been operating on the
Japanese market since 2013 when they
homeported the Sun Princess of Princess
Cuises, high quality brand providing 12
nights itineraries, on site: “a different
kind of cruises with respect to Costa’s
ones, specifically focusing on families and
casual style, providing shorter trips to meet
the requirements of these customers”,
pinpoints the Genoese company.
Belgian-Italian partnership for the new Panama Canal works
Jan De Nul secured another contract for the expansion of PSA’s terminal
partly to be carried on with Saipem
Jan De Nul Group of Belgium secured
another 2 years job in Panama through
the award of the quay wall and dredging
contract worth 225 million USD for the
expansion of PSA’s terminal to transform
it into a 2 million TEUs facility, massively
enhancing its current capacity of 450,000
TEUs, to let it be able to handle two mega
ships simultaneously.
After 6 months of design and tendering
process the contract has been awarded to a
partnership formed by the Belgian marine
works specialist and Saipem of Italy, which
will accomplish in on the western bank of
the Panama Canal’s Pacific entrance.
At present the terminal, which opened
Monday 7 December 2015
for business in 2010, offers 330-meter of
berthing served by 3 ship to shore cranes
and by 9 yard cranes. New container
handling equipment will include 8 ship
to shore cranes for super-post-Panamax
vessels and 12 rail mounted gantries.
This new expansion, to be achieved at an
investment cost of 450 million USD, was
approved by Panama’s National Assembly
earlier this year and is scheduled to be
operational in the first half of 2017; it
comprises the dredging and excavation of
4 million m³ of material to a depth of 16.3
m, as well as the construction of an 800-
meter quay wall.
The latter has been awarded to the joint
venture Jan De Nul-Saipem. The dredging
giant acts in the specific sector through
Jan De Nul Dredging and Maritime
Management SA based in Luxembourg.
“Jan De Nul and Saipem have completed
several major construction projects in Latin
America, making this combined expertise
a great added value to build a more
robust terminal infrastructure in Panama”
commented Alessandro Cassinelli, PSA
Panama General Manager.
Angelo Scorza
When Safety Matters
Mega cable laying vessel Isaac Newton delivered from Uljanik
The cable laying vessel Isaac Newton
has been officially handed over to Jan De
Nul by Uljanik Brodogradiliste in Pula,
Croatia and set sail to Norway to carry on
its first job, whereby an 89km long cable
and weight of 7,300 tons will be loaded,
transported and installed in one single
length in the Middle East. A second cable
weighing around 1,200 tons will be taken
within the same trip using the under deck
carousel to pick up the cables.
The latest addition to the Belgian fleet is
the largest cable laying vessel of its kind,
capable to transport and install 10,000
tons of cable per single trip, the largest
out of two carousels aboard has a carrying
capacity up to 7,400 tons.
Consilium solutions for
Navigation, Safety & Environmental protection
Consilium Italy Srl.
Via Dell’Artigianato, 51 - 50056 Montelupo, Florence
Montelupo +3905711738930, Genova +390105533900,
Monday 7 December 2015
Rolls-Royce still trusting the marine sector Hupac to launch an unprecedented
branch in China
New investments of the British giant are apparently denying rumours it will retrench,
though the top management admits it needs to rationalise costs and functions
New facts are apparently countering recent
rumours on British media as to RollsRoyce plans to retrench from the marine
In fact, a few days ago the financial support
for the completion of USS Cooperstown
was announced, which means that 2 more
also bidding with type MT30 turbines
under the Italian latest tender for warships.
Therefore seemingly Rolls-Royce is
continuing to invest in R&D in order to
increase its marine department efficiency.
It is true all the sector’s manufacturers are
facing rough seas especially in the offshore
Warren East
Roll-Royce turbines type MT30 will soon
enter service.
This is the most powerful and advanced
marine gas turbine model and RollsRoyce’s top product, propelling beyond 40
knots LCS warships built by Fincantieri at
Marinette Marine yard.
They have been chosen also for the US
Navy’s DDXes, the British Navy’s air
carriers Queen Elizabeth class and Type
26 Global Combat Ships, and Southern
Korea’s new frigates. The UK group is
oil & gas sector, and eg Vard, a company
controlled by Fincantieri and Rolls-Royce
designing UT vessels and offering both
engines and hi-tech systems to the whole
marine industry, is a case in point.
So what is in the end the group’s actual
“Essentially, we are an engineering
company with a wide range of products.
The fact that some facets of our business
are presently less enticing does not imply
the latter are for sale. The idea that we
are to sell in ‘large chunks’ is therefore
wrong” commented a spokesperson from
Bristol headquarters, where a lot of marine
business is carried on.
Nonetheless, a week ago Warren East,
CEO since last June, announced the
group was evaluating an efficiency plan
including the marine department: “There
will be a management cut all over the
group. Less managers entail less meetings,
less bureaucracy, and simpler and faster
decision-making” said East, who joined
after 10 years as head of ARM Holdings,
a microchips manufacturer he developed
into one of main Apple’s suppliers and,
according to some observers, the most
successful British company.
“Cuts at senior level entail a reduction
in fixed costs. In the last 10 years, RollsRoyce invested a lot in R&D, in new
plants and in equipment in order to make
production more efficient. Now we need to
shrink fixed costs, which are a burden in
a weak market like oil & gas at present”
further explains the group, which expects
a slowdown in marine demand by 15-20%
in 2016.
In compliance with last months’ decisions,
the division will thus shed 1,000 employees
within year-end, though a big share of
savings will be reinvested in R&D.
At 30 June, Rolls-Royce’s orderbook was
worth 76.5 billion pound, and included
new products and plants, as well as a
strong balance sheet. This should enable
East to manage change with the precision
the brand is world-famous for since more
than 100 years.
According to Managing Director Bernhard Kunz a
direct supervision in the Far East was needed in
order to provide rail services from Asia to Europe
Bernhard Kunz
Milan – Bernhard Kunz, Managing
Director of Swiss intermodal operator
Hupac, attending the conference devoted
to the Rhine-Alps railway corridor
arranged by Bocconi University in
Milan, announced the launching of their
first branch in the Far East.
“I’ve just returned from two weeks in
China where we inaugurated the first
Hupac branch in Shanghai”.
Besides traditional railway services
on the North-South corridor of the old
Continent, the Helvetian operator started
offering new links between Europe and
“For the time being, Hupac operates
a 30-railcars train per week capable to
carry 60x20 ft containers, nevertheless
Chinese volumes are huge and business
may further intensively grow. We are
currently also evaluating new full trains
between Asia and Europe for industrial
customers” concludes Hupac’s Manager.
Nicola Capuzzo
Monday 7 December 2015
Hangartner bets on rail shipments from Verona
As shareholder DB Schenker instructed newly appointed CEO Sacco to increase rail
business of the former General Warehouses, new trains are already in the pipeline
Verona – Appointed Head of Rail
Logistics & Forwarding of DB Schenker
in summer 2014, six months ago Mario
Sacco was named also Managing Director
of Hangartner Terminal Srl, a renowned
freight forwarder based in Verona’s
Interporto Quadrante Europa freight
village (QE) now owned by the huge
German logistics operator and managing
the former Magazzini Generali (the public
Unicredit Leasing (in the Italian financial
group Unicredit) and to be deployed in
Italy as from the second half 2016. These
modular rolling stock units (top power
5,200 kW, top speed 160 km/h) are like the
23 already deployed in Poland which were
granted certificate to run on the Boot’s
As to rail, there is indeed plenty of it in
Sacco’s CV, from Railport Manager Italia
approach” explains the CEO, recalling that
the parent company is to merge its rail and
intermodal divisions labelling the result
just Multimodal (department).
“As from next February we will operate 5
intermodal trains coming through Rostock
from the short sea shipping area of the
Gulf of Finland. Almost all trains from
Germany are branded DB, our market
is the corridor between Sweden and
Italy. Soon all these trains will be mixed
as we will add conventional wagons to
intermodal convoys. We do not reckon the
two modes must conflict; indeed we think
conventional and intermodal transport can
peacefully coexist and without engaging
in religion wars. In Rostock we have an
intermodal warehouse, so the marriage
will be of advantage for conventional
transport bringing to it intermodal speed
while costing, perhaps, just a bit more”
pinpoints Sacco.
Conventional trains from Slovakia and
intermodal ones from Poland are also on
target: “Within June we will select the
projects worth carrying on”.
Mario Sacco
Novelties are in the pipeline as to the
domestic market too.
“As from March we will develop
a regular link between QE and the
Interporto Campano Nola operated by 5-6
conventional trains per week, allowing
us to reach Germany from Naples in just
72 hours. So, although we presently have
services pivoting on Naples region’s
other freight village, Marcianise, we will
move to Nola, where we already have a
branch merging the rail division with DB
Schenker’s other business units” discloses
the ‘rail man’.
“Besides, I am trying to find out how best
to connect Verona with Tyrrhenian ports
like Leghorn, as the current absence of
rail connections, bar something to Genoa
[for which DB Schenker show no interest
at all – Ed] and La Spezia, seems to me
foolish when you consider how many
European destinations you can reach
with services departing from Verona”
he wonders: “Leghorn is a less crowded
market, you can expand your customer
portfolio. Besides, DB Schenker has
to be continued at page 9
warehousing facility).
“I strongly suspect my appointment did
not happen by chance...” hilariously
acknowledged the moustached top
manager native of Milan. “Actually, as
new CEO I was assigned by shareholder
DB Schenker the mission to increase the
rail business alongside the traditional
logistics business”.
Nor is it apparently by chance that Siemens
most recently announced the supply of 8
electric locos type Vectron DC ordered by
DB Schenker under lease agreement with
at DB Schenker Rail, to deputed counsellor
of Ferroviasped Srl (Kuehne+Nagel
Group) for 4 years and with Innocenti
Depositi, to consultant of Omnia Logistica.
“Basically we are a start-up though resting
on well-established expertise, as we
can exploit one of the finest rail-linked
multimodal warehouses in Europe. We
have to prop up as a hub a facility to date
focusing just on warehouse logistics on its
45,000 sqm roofed areas. The idea is to
compose mixed trains (both conventional
and intermodal), putting to use a thorough
Monday 7 December 2015
continued from page 8
already set up scattered traffic network
reaching Brescia, Desio (Monza Brianza),
Anagni (Frosinone), Maddaloni (Caserta),
etc. We will also operate 5 trains a week to
Interporto di Rivalta Scrivia (Alessandria)
freight village aiming at co-operating
with the new owners, Belgian corporation
Katoen Natie”.
Hangartner would also like to own sooner
or later the location it is renting long years
“Somewhere in the future, though hardly
before 2019, I guess, Consorzio ZAI will
probably sell these premises and I would
like to persuade my shareholders to buy
them. It is a 250,000 sqm area, whereof
45,000 roofed, ie QE’s main asset together
with Terminali Italia’s (former Cemat) rail
infrastructure and Bertani’s area fitted for
automotive logistics”.
In Verona the company directly employs
32 people (other workers come from local
co-ops), while DB Schenker’s Italian
payroll encompasses 1,500 employees:
“As a rail terminal we do not face strong
competition; every such terminal safely
operates in its own territory. Moreover,
rail forwarders are small bunch in Italy,
competition is more felt at rail level. Right
now we are essentially a warehouse, but in
June 2016 we will have some rail products
already established on the market” is
Sacco’s commitment.
Angelo Scorza
From Switzerland to Germany via Verona, Italy
In July 2011, Magazzini Generali di
Verona (the public all-purpose warehouse
established in 1924 by the local
municipality, province, and chamber of
commerce) was handed over to Consorzio
ZAI, as last step of a path undertaken in
May 2004, when Immobiliare Magazzini
Srl, a 100% subsidiary of the former,
after a complex procedure started in
1996, eventually transferred operations
management to Hangartner Terminal
renting to it the relevant buildings and
The logistic centre is
linked to an 11-track
yard for the handling of
wagons, swap bodies,
containers. The platform
IQE was conferred to
Deutsche Bahn, which
in 2002 had already
absorbed Swiss freight
forwarder Hangartner
(established in 1890
in Aarau). The latter
operated through two
companies: Hangartner Terminal Rail and
Warehousing Srl (logistics and handling,
in practice former Magazzini Generali)
and Hangartner Srl (intermodal transport),
since 1st January 2011 incorporated into
DB Schenker’s Italian branch (within
Hangartner Terminal is controlled by
Deutsche Bahn’s Berlin-based DB
Mobility Logistics AG but reports to
Schenker Italiana SpA as to sales, HR,
supplies, budget, and taxation issues.
Schenker landed in Italy in 1961 with a
commercial representative in Milan, while
company Schenker Italia was established
in 1963.
In 1997 its headquarter was moved to
Peschiera Borromeo (Milan) where it
already had warehouses for air and land
shipments. By buying out Castelletti
in 2000 and Zuffo in 2001, Schenker
doubled its branches in Italy, while
between 2007 and 2011 it absorbed Bax
Global, Railog, and Hangartner under the
DB Schenker hat (ie, DB’s transports and
logistics division).
At QE, Hangartner has 4,500 metres of
tracks (whereof 600 roofed). Overall
rented surface reaches 251,000 sqm,
whereof 77,500 for warehousing (34,000
sqm for general cargo and 84,000 cbm for
17,500 pallets of reefer goods) and 20,500
as lorry parking area, while hosting also
the offices of Schenker Italiana SpA
and other freight forwarders, logistic
operators, and hauliers.
Hangartner is also an authorised A-type
bonded warehouse. Although a certified
domestic and international freight
forwarder, the company is mainly active
in logistics, rail terminal operations,
handling and processing (also at
controlled temperature) on third parties’
behalf, and in customs- and tax-related
Monday 7 December 2015
The Boot’s ideal freight forwarder for shoes comes from Verona
Specialised operator Prisma Logistics reshapes inner flowchart and goes shopping for companies in Italy and abroad
Verona – On the footsteps of his
father Raffaele – an icon in Verona
freight forwarders’ world who at 79
still shows at headquarters – Stefano
Pasinato, almost 25 years in the job, is
carrying on his ambitious project aimed
at consolidating the core forwarding
business and investing in logistics of
Prisma Logistics SpA, specialised in
logistic services to the cluster of shoe
manufacturers in North-Eastern Italy
and strategically located at Inteporto
Quadrante Europa (IE) in Verona.
“Formally, our company was established
on 1st January 1990 as Prisma Spedizioni
Trasporti Internazionali by a pool of
partners, all former department heads
and involved in daily operations of the
forwarding and transport industry, and
my father was a majority shareholder
of the venture. Among associated
companies we relied on Raule Marche,
set up in 1985 in Civitanova Marche
(Macerata) together with minority
shareholder (49%) Arnaldo Giacchetti,
later renamed simply Prisma Srl. In 2014
the whole branch has been handed over
to a new holding, Prisma Logistics SpA
(thus replacing Atlantean SpA Holding),
which launched a company aggregation
plan by which it would eventually lead
Treviso-based freight forwarder Prisma
Srl, Civitanova Marche-based freight
forwarder Prisma Srl, Verona-based
services provider SCM Logistics Srl, and
the real estate company (for logistics,
tourism, and residential buildings)
Immobilog Srl, as well as companies we
will further take in” opens Pasinato.
“We need to increase volumes in order
The clustering sprung up in a business
galaxy worth today 35 million euro in
overall turnover, with 35 employees
working at the Verona headquarters and
10 more at SCM.
“Our 5,000 sqm warehouse no. 5,
in concession to consortium ZAI, is
dedicated to cross-docking. In addition,
near Verona, in Vallese di Oppeana and
Villafontana di Bovolone, we own two
warehouses of 20,000 sqm each for
logistic services, including customs
clearance and VAT-ted goods. The shoe
and clothing sectors make for 70% of
our business, while the remaining comes
from industrial shipments and health
to be continued at page 11
Stefano Pasinato
to safeguard returns” he goes on, picking
out some features deemed winning for
his group: “Full financial autonomy, for
instance, has always been our strength,
even in stormy waters, as we constantly
reinvested our profits, improved
efficiency, rationalised the staff, and bet
on new technologies while analysing
internal processes. Nonetheless, we are
pursuing further rationalisation as you
can always do better with less”.
The CEO has already drafted out the
next strategic moves.
“We are completing an acquisition in
Romania, a transport only company, a
cargo broker. Indeed we are right now
finalising the deal. In addition, we are
pursuing a likewise deal in Italy, with
another company in Milan”.
continued from page 10
care equipment” explains Pasinato. “We
do not own lorries but as a rule longterm outsource to branded hauliers, most
often controlling shipments by means of
installed GPS systems. Our associated
company in Treviso works as a main
intermediate supplier taking care of
drivers and one-man companies”.
Prisma supports exports from northeastern Italy to the whole Europe,
spanning from the UK to Turkey and
Russia with regular twice-a-week
services, and with daily trades to
Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and the
“We offer 42 direct groupage links to and
from 22 countries in Europe and outside
in co-operation with 42 correspondents,
shipments by air and sea, integrated
and distribution logistics, and customs
clearing and consultancy services.
In a given year we carry out 32,000
groupage shipments for 59,300 tons in
export and 6,500 shipments for 10,500
tons in import. We turned to specialised
logistics in 1995 and now have a huge
reference roster, about 600,000 for 10
million pairs of shoes handled with a
seasonal peak. To manage it you need
substantial expertise and organisation, a
tuned taking in charge and big software
investments. As to the latter, we are
customers of both Verona-based Nova
Systems (together we developed the
‘BeOne’ tool, a new cloud software)
and Replica Sistemi (which designed
the Stock System Evolution warehouse
Though its boss is not very fond of
associations, 3 years ago Pasinato’s
company has become one of the three
Italian members of the Australiabased network of small and medium
freight forwarders International Freight
Association (IFA), established 30 years
ago – the other two being Concorezzo
(Monza e Brianza)-based Nova
Transports and Prisma Srl of Civitanova
However, the share of rail transport at
Prisma is steadily decreasing.
“We started as a rail shipments company,
we used to do 95% of the throughput
toward German-speaking countries by
means also of swap bodies, a transport
means now on downtrend. We entrusted
cargo to renowned carriers like P&O,
DFDS, and ECS, but our vectors
[including TNT, Ziegler, APL, Loxx,
Gondrand, SMS Malta, and Moldtrans –
Ed] are still doing intermodal transport”
points out Pasinato, proud that “some
customers of ours started to work with
us 25 years ago so that last summer
many of them came from abroad to fete
our silver wedding”.
Angelo Scorza
Monday 7 December 2015
Marche’s ‘cousin company’ still fully in family hands
Established in 1985 as Raule Marche in
Civitanova by a pool of entrepreneurs
forwarding, Prisma Srl is still solely
led by the co-founding family, with
Arnaldo Giacchetti its undisputed
head, his son-in-law Gino Canaletti as
general manager, and his son Riccardo
According to Prisma’s own official
history, at first the company was based
in a small warehouse within Civitanova
Marche’s industrial zone and its core
business was the freight forwarding by
road of shoes manufactured by the local
industry and bound to main European
countries like Germany, France, and
Belgium. In 1991 Prisma moved offices
and warehouse to Porto S. Elpidio
(Fermo) whence it strengthened its
role as international freight forwarder
and, in 2000, on the verge of change,
to Montecosaro Scalo (Macerata),
taking hold of a larger and more
technologically advanced facility to
keep pace with its ongoing growth and
to provide a wider range of services.
The goal was attained to the point
that five years later even this structure
proved too small and so, since April
2005, Prisma is back in Civitanova’s
Industrial Zone A.
During the years, Prisma changed its
business model and grew in international
land transports (especially by road).
Nowadays the company reaches almost
all EU countries offering several times
a week groupage and FCL shipments,
and an express service for Italy and
Europe, as well as regular shipments
by sea to and from Maghreb countries,
India, and China.
Its operative area has increased from
500 sqm in 1985 to 3,000, while
cargo carried is no more composed of
shoes only. Moreover, a few years ago
the company entered also integrated
Since December 2012, Prisma has
moved its core business to a new
structure within the same zone, in
addition to the existing one.
Last October the company has
inaugurated a new service called ‘Last
Minute’ while in March it had signed a
bilateral co-operation agreement with
fellow company Galardi Srl (based in
Prato, Varese, and Verona) allowing
it a capillary coverage of the whole
French territory, and its partner to get a
reference point along the whole Italian
Adriatic coast.
Monday 7 December 2015
Former Ionian Queen is given a further new life at sea
The Greek ferry, for years under arrest in Patras, was bought at auction by
Hellenic Seaways at substantial cut price
Patras dwellers can eventually breathe.
Indeed, since more than 3 years Ionian Queen
– once Endeavor Lines’ flagship – was idling
at Agios Nikolaos quay triggering discontent
as she obstructed the sight of the waterfront
and thus hindered the city’s touristic appeal.
Former auction sales called by the local
tribunal with start price set at 6 and 4.8
million euro had turned out in a no-show, so
scrapping looked impending. The more so as,
in a reportage by online local daily Patranews.
gr the vessel was shown stripped of furniture
while her disassembled propelling system was
lying in the garage.
This notwithstanding, a further auction
succeeded in finding a new shipowner, namely
ferry operator Hellenic Seaways, which has
taken over Ionian Queen for 3 million euro. A
small share of the amount pocketed (170,530
euro) will be used to pay out the 18 people
crew’s arrears, but the ship is also burdened
by 4 mortgages in favour of National Bank of
The ferry (10,591 GT, 1,725 pax, 800 cars) was
built in Japan in 1988 and from 2005 to 2012
sailed across the Adriatic Sea between first
Bari later Brindisi and Corfu, Igoumenitsa,
and Patras.
As a ro-pax, she was deemed one of the most
luxurious and comfortable in the Adriatic;
indeed, in 2005 shipowners Tzanetatos of
Cephalonia had invested in her more than
25 million USD between purchase price and
revamping costs.
Halted under judiciary arrest in 2012, the
vessel was allowed to be taken back to Patras.
After discontinuing the trade, Endeavor Lines
had tried unsuccessfully to sell her to either
Ventouris Ferries or Grimaldi Lines.
In fact, the former had handed over its Olympus
and Aqua Hercules but was apparently willing
to continue its Greece-Italy trade.
On the other side, the Naples-based
shipping group had just debuted in Brindisi
and apparently looked for a convenient
replacement of ro-pax Sorrento.
However, despite a favourable outlook, it
turned out that Ionian Queen’s age exceeded
the prospect buyer’s roof.
Nonetheless, during season 2013 it looked
likely that the ship would soon sail again.
Indeed, in June that year Ft Lauderdale,
FL-based company Alas International
Holdings Inc – PV Enterprises International,
led by Greek CEO Peter Villiotis, informed
its stockholders it got “all permits needed
to start cruise ferry operations between Port
Everglades, FL and Nassau, Bahamas with
ro-pax Ionian Queen chartered for 5 years from
Cypriot owner Highpride Shipping Company
Ltd. The luxury vessel will offer her guests
during a one-night-journey accommodation
comparable with cruiseships”. The ferry
would be rechristened Bahamas Queen
under brand Bahamas Seaways Ltd and carry
on both cruise and ferry trips, but the plan
remained on paper.
Now, as she has finally found a new owner in
Hellenic Seaways, Ionian Queen can dream
of a better future than a Pakistani or Indian
Stefano Carbonara
Another Terex-branded investment for Bogazzi
Porto di Carrara Spa enhanced its capacity with a new reachstacker and two boom lifts provided by TPS
After having purchased a diesel-electric
Terex Gottwald Model 7 mobile harbour
crane earlier this year, Porto di Carrara Spa
came back to the US-based manufacturer
TPS (Terex Port Solution), having
purchased a Terex Liftace 5-31 reach
stacker and two Genie Z-45J RT diesel
articulating boom lifts, which have already
began operating in the terminal.
Recalling the long-standing partnership
with Terex (whose first supply to Porto
di Carrara Spa dates back to 1985),
Paolo Dello Iacono, Managing Director
at the Carrara-based company said: “Our
handling volumes are constantly rising,
and we are sure that the new reach stacker
and boom lifts are the appropriate choice
to face this challenge”.“With the three new
machines, our collaboration with Porto di
Carrara has reached a new level,” noticed
Giuseppe Di Lisa, Vice President Sales &
Services EMEAR, TPS.
While the reach stacker handles project
cargo, including outbound heavy industrial
machinery, the boom lifts will help Porto
di Carrara to further accelerate a variety
of maintenance tasks, said Terex in a press
They offer a lift capacity of 227 kg and
a working height of 16.05 m, featuring
a a standard 1.52 m boom for better
positioning and smooth control as well
as a 160° hydraulic rotation plus the
boom. Moreover, since the boom lifts are
equipped with a four-wheel drive, they can
be operated in rough conditions.
The Liftace reach stacker offers a
maximum load capacity of 45 t, travel
speeds up to 25 km/h and a maximum
lifting speed of 0.45 m/s. “The machine for
Porto di Carrara – underlined Di Lisa - is
equipped with a special frame for efficient
and secure handling of project cargo”.
Porto di Carrara is as a matter of fact a
leader in importing and exporting stone,
steel products and project cargo and
is currently linked to 85 ports on five
Monday 7 December 2015
The rhino of the quays to test its efficiency in France
CES Italy officially presents its innovative VRS reach stacker versatile, whose first machine of the new series produced in the Valpolicella plant
will operate in the ‘trial-terminal’ that its French partner Gaussin (who meanwhile recruited a new general manager) is to complete in 2016
Domegliara (Verona) – It is bound
to operate in the ‘trial-terminal’ that
its French partner Gaussin confides to
complete by the first half of 2016 the
innovative VRS versatile reach stacker,
whose forerunner model of the new series,
built in Valpolicella by CES Italy (a
subsidiary of the homonymous
German parent company), has
been completed and is now
ready for testing.
The news came out at the
official presentation held in
the prestigious setting of the
Quaranta in between CES
Italy’s registered office of
Sant’Ambrogio di Valpolicella
and the production plant
of Domegliara, both in the
province of Verona.
A first experimental machine
VRS-F (the largest variant
of the range), was already
completed last year in Italy
and delivered in the port of
Hamburg in December 2014 to
the company Progeco, a branch
of the French giant CMA
CGM which manages storage
terminal where it discharges
containers (mostly empty)
from barges wide to the third row.
What was shown to visitors, in its elegant
white-blue livery stamped with the official
logo - a rhino, to convey a concept of
strength and aggressiveness of the product
– is the first of the new series.
For the occasion, Robert and Nicholas
Huthloff, father and son who were creators
of this bold venture, invited some fifty
guests to show them their enthusiastic
aspirations about this fresh concept:
existing and potential customers, suppliers
and collaborators, including companies
such as FSH, D-Cargo, Global Service,
PTS, Movincar, PSA-VTE, Somefer,
Mortara Intermodal Terminal, Max
Nicholas and Robert Huthloff
Solutions, Gap, Asterix Consortium, APM
Vado, SYNTECO, Bosch Rexroth, Contec,
Rigo , Urbani, and the aforementioned
“Today we see the culmination of a project
developed along five years and who saw
us deliver the first prototype after being
pregnant for two years” debuted Robert
Huthloff, in this business for over 30 years.
“Every year the world produce 1,800
standardised reach stackers largely in
series from large manufacturers. There is
a large market available in the intermodal
rail terminal, for which our VRS 6.5
meters long is ideal; but thanks to the
telescopic frame, stretching the backbone
to 8.5 meters, any container of
33 tons of weight can be lift up
from the second rail track”.
The assembling facility is
located in a 18,000 square
meters shed in Domegliara over
an area of ​​50,000 square meters
rented from Autogru Rigo, a
of hydraulic telescopic mobile
cranes and aerial platforms,
where 4 technicians work under
the direction of CEO Giovanni
Bolcato (who spent 8 years
with Rigo, even during the
ownership of Kato of Japan).
The facility is placed in the
fertile Valpolicella, where an
excellent wine is produced as
well as another famous red (the
Verona marble extracted in the
area of ​​S. Ambrogio).
The innovation in a machine
that, since being launched
by Belotti Genoa in 1975,
is substantially unchanged, in fact is
the modularity: CES can completely
disassemble the machine in 1 day as if
it were a Lego toy, and provide it with
different power pack, transmission and
axles: “we can ship the parts and send our
assemblers to do the whole job in only 24
hours” confirms Huthloff Jr.
It is not on pricing that the new company
trusts competitiveness.
“We are in line with competitors, between
400,000 and 450,000 Euros for the larger
and more sophisticated models; but the
initial investment low incidence compared
to the life cycle and maintenance costs
- those that make a real difference - in
comparison, can save 50% in costs thanks
to the guarantee extended to 1,000 hours”
explains the father of the project, who now
enjoys by his own admission the beautiful
position of consultant, that does not imply
any great responsibility, having delegated
his 37 years old son to run the newco.
“The CES Reach Stacker boasts a modular
design. A total of 6 different versions of
reach stackers can be made from only 12
modules, optionally with hydraulic frame
adjustment on 5 different unit lengths and
alternatively with hydraulic stabilizers for
higher load-bearing capacities with greater
boom radius. This means that 60 different
variations with 60 different load-bearing
capacities in total can be made from 12
modules for different applications. Since
the basic chassis, boom, spreader, axles
and software modules are equal over
the entire range, and all other modules
are interchangeable, the modular design
permits a change of type any time after
delivery” confirms Nicholas Huthloff.
The major innovation of our Reach Stacker
is the variable chassis. A centrally arranged
telescope, designed and calculated
according to FEM for maximum service
“We supply the chassis as either firmly
bolted in the wheel stands 6.5/7/7.5/8 and
8.5 m or as a variable chassis with hydraulic
adjustment in this wheel stands, which can
be used during operation. The hydraulic
adjustment can be supplied ex works or
retrofitted later. Load bearing capacity of
between 35/28/13t and 50/43/33t can be
achieved by the adjustable chassis, without
to be continued at page 14
Monday 7 December 2015
continued from page 13
supports, using the variability of our
design. The front axle loads are relatively
low. A central frame automatically
provides the advantage that the motor and
hydraulics can be attached on the side. In
addition to improving the accessibility
for maintenance and repair, a much
faster assembly process is achieved after
delivery. In addition, advantages in terms
of noise suppression arise automatically”
continued the managing director.
Depending on the type, different energy
boxes are used with smaller or larger
motors. The approximately 2t heavy boxes
house diesel motors, hydraulic pumps
for working hydraulics, transmission,
hydraulic tank with regenerative filters,
radiators and valves. The connection to
the machine is provided via quick-change
couplings. After loosening the couplings,
the box can be lifted with a forklift and
replaced by another within 30 minutes.
Thanks to the Energy Box, attached
laterally, noise emissions are very low.
68d(B)A in the cabin, 71d(B)A outside
acc. to EN 12053. Maintenance and repair
work can be carried out in the workshop.
If a spare box is available, the downtime
of a reach stacker is limited to maximum
1 hour.
The Supply Box module, with its 1,000 litre
capacity diesel tank, is also a suspended
quick-change module, which contains
electronic devices. “Out of this box the
reach stacker will be entirely supplied
with diesel fuel and electronic control.
With 1,000 litres, the tank size has been
selected large enough so that the machine
only needs re-filling once a month given an
annual service time of 1,000 hours in terms
of machine availability thanks to the low
fuel consumption.
“We use the two parallel modules for
power at the first gear, then a single module
in second gear and then only the smallest
in the third, which gives less stress to the
engine because there is no need to use
many HP (so we can limit space). So far
we have Cummins 320 HP and 280 HP
According to German entrepreneurs, there
are three crucial factors of efficiency.
“Reduced maintenance costs every
1,000 hours will save 40-50%; greater
operational availability of 95% of the
time (with the option to 2,000 liters, the
tank can be refilled only once per month);
thanks to the software (the ESC Eco Soft
has been specially designed) and the
working method of the transmission, we
can use smaller than usual diesel motors
for the series, 6.7 and 9 litre motors instead
of 11 or 13 litre motors. At the same time
we can reduce the maximum motor speed
by approx. 300 rpm. All components
(transmission, motors and software) allow
operation of the CES Reach
Stacker with a consumption of
only 10 to 15 litres of diesel fuel
per operating hour”.
In the ideal program the expected
life cycle of the machine are: the
first 2,000 hours, the second 600
hours and the third of 300 hours.
“The lifetime always depends on
how intensive is the use of the
machine, which can range from
100 to 250 hours per month; in
4 years one can vary from 4,000
to 12,000 hours” underlines
Nicholas Huthloff.
The product range, with
combination of 12 modules, sees
6 machines, models marked with
a letter from A to F, with 5 different frame
lengths (6.5, 7, 7.5, 8 and 8.5 meters), for a
total of 60 variants.
Depending on the type vary certain
parameters, such as the counterweight
(supplied by Ltd.), from 8 to 25
tons in six different options and a lifting
Nicholas Huthloff
capacity from 35/28/13 to 50/43/33 tons
(1st, 2nd and 3rd row, respectively).
The Dana Spicer - Bosch Rexroth
transmission, which is mounted in a box,
also comes as a quick-change unit that
is suspended under the central frame; a
replacement can be done in 30 minutes.
to be continued at page 15
continued from page 14
The objective of development was
to reduce consumption especially at
higher speeds. The consumption of the
hydraulic motor is indirectly proportional
to speed of the vehicle. Alternatively, the
two hydraulic motors act in parallel or
individually. The downstream mechanical
Dana Spicer transmission works in all gear
ratios without loss of torque, because it is
always 100% non-positive.
Robert Huthloff reiterates what is the big
question affecting all manufacturers: to
reduce costs. “But The cost of labor cannot
do big savings; assembly time weighs from
5% to 10% of the final cost, a saving of
labor costs by 20% is therefore negligible
on the final cost of production from 1% to
As for the energy box, Gaussin became
partners to deliver the power pack (and not
only). “On the machine
which will shortly go
Hericourt, we have a
diesel engine, but we
are ready to develop a
engine and also a fullelectric power pack,
though not before the
end of the year or more
likely at the beginning of
developments, Gaussin
will develop the fourth
however, is likely to
discourage users for its +30% cost over
the hybrid model. “I am a true fan of
the electric, which is not much more
expensive than diesel, while batteries are
very powerful” admits Robert Huthloff.
As an option, the same axles can be
equipped with 18.00 – 25 and 18.00 – 33
CES works only with suppliers who give
the best quality and guarantees: Kessler
axles, Volvo and Cummins engines, Bosch
Rexroth hydraulic systems, transmission
of Dana Spicer, spreader Elme (although
they are considering to make their own
What the reason for a German company,
with 30 people in the workforce,
which does not produce but assembles
components, to choose a certainly not low
cost country as Italy to locate its site?
There are also some sentimental reasons,
as well as different conveniences, Robert
Hutloff admits.
“In 1982 I met Giuseppe Ferrari (CVS)
and wedecided to work together. I still
remember the first reach stacker sold in
Italy in 1987 by Hyco, from our salesmen
team of friends including Elvio Simonetti
(now with Gaussin), Larry Lam (later
founder of Portek, who died prematurely),
and Alan Clark. When in 1983 I became
a representative of Battioni & Pagani,
whose owner spoke only Italian, I was
forced to learn his language. And since
then I follow with love this country; I am
truly convinced that cooperation between
Italy and Germany give the best formula.
Italians are more flexible and faster than
the Germans, because in Germany we
are obsessed with laws and processes. So
coming here is a mix of feeling sentimental
and practical realism. And then I prefer to
work with small to medium businesses
where you can talk often with the owners”.
Flurfoerderfahrzeuge Service & Handels
GmbH, dealers and distributors of famous
brands (CVS Ferrari, Sany, Gaussin,
Trimoder, Zephir, RAM Spreaders, in the
past also Terex and partners into MAFO
Monday 7 December 2015
Robert Huthloff
Maschinenhandel Forst Rober H. Huthloff
GmbH, is a general dealer and service
company for CES Italy, sister company of
100% subsidiary CES Container Handling
Equipment & Solutions GmbH (based in
Langenfeld, Cologne, founded in 2004).
As a dealer for France and for the Frenchspeaking countries acts Gaussin which just
hired as the new general manager JeanLuc Dejean, with a specific task to support
the busy Christophe Gaussin.
The Alsace-born manager has previous
experience in the field of mechanical
engineering and automotive components
(he worked 11 years for Alcatel).
Dealer for Belgium is D-Cargo BVBA’s
Jan Wacker (who also distributes Gaussin),
while for other countries, such as Italy the
hunting for new dealers is open.
Angelo Scorza
A day at the Museum for shipowners gathered
by BV (partnering with Gas & Heat)
The 25th Italian Committee of the French Register was hosted at Museo
Filangieri in Naples, expressly opened before schedule to the public
In line with the tradition of supporting the
grandiose cultural heritage of Naples, this
year too Bureau Veritas (BV) called its
usual end-November meeting at one of the
city’s palaces.
Indeed, the French Register’s 25th Italian
Committee was held at the Filangieri
Museum – even anticipating the latter’s
official inauguration due on December
5 after a 16-year long discontinuation –
chaired by Prof. Antonio Sorrentino, who
recalled the family’s and the location’s
(a XV century palace) French roots and
intertwined their history with that of BV.
The fleet classified by BV is the world’s
1st by units (11,300 vessels) and the 5th
by tons (109 million GT) with an average
age of just 13 years, which generated an
overall turnover in the first 9 months of
2015 of 3.5 billion euro (14% more than
in the same period of 2014), as reported
by Didier Boutier, Senior Vice President in
charge of Southern Europe and the Middle
East of BV’s Marine & Offshore Division,
and by Vittorio Damonte, Country
Executive for Italy.
The latter also highlighted the strong and
stable position BV has carved out in Italy,
where it covers 20% of the ships flying
the Italian flag and the 4th fleet worldwide
Monday 7 December 2015
(after China, Greece, and Japan) in terms
of ‘genuine links’.
Enrico Paglia of Genoa-based banchero
costa forecast an upward trend as to
dry, oil, and container fleets (including
scrapping ratios) and drafted a political,
economic, and industrial outlook.
Technical speeches followed about LNG
propulsion, environmental regulations
compliance (new MRV, Tier III, and BWM,
whose adoption after Indonesia’s signature
was announced real time), and the several
services BV offers shipowners in order to
meet the many deadlines awaiting them
during the next months.
The speeches of Antonio De Feo,
Business Development Manager of BV
and Mauro Evangelisti, chairman of
Leghorn-based Gas & Heat, world leader
in the construction of liquefied gas and
pressurised tanks containment systems,
proved especially interesting.
infrastructures and technologies are well
developed enough to support gas fuelling
in either newbuildings or retrofitted ships,
putting forward some projects already
completed under BV’s supervision, while
the latter revealed some of Gas & Heat’s
future projects, including a LNG storage
centre in Sardinia.
Finally, a partnership was announced
between BV and Gas & Heat for the
construction of a test bench on 1:1 scale
for the research and development of
new technologies and materials for gas
propulsion, and for setting up a personnel
training centre in view of STCW
requirements’ expansion in the wake of the
IGF Code’s adoption.
Berths and wharves have to face IMU
Studio CTS sheds light also on tax benefits in case of occasional hires of boats and yachts
A recent ruling by the Regional Tax
Commission of Florence (no. 1461/13/15
dated 8th of September) reopens the debate
about the conditions of use of the berths
and floating docks, when they constitute
areas adjacent to public lands port in use
in accordance to public permit. Although
these spaces have been created on water,
and therefore their plain definition would
suggest that they are movable property
different from the meaning of land and
buildings, however, they are susceptible to
self-stacking; therefore, their licensee may
be subject to local taxation, i.e. former ICI
(now IMU) and TASI, just as happens in
relation to land and buildings.
In the examined case a naval club was the
licensee of public area and had placed on
the front waters berths and floating docks
to be used by its membership and their
boats. In so doing, the club had omitted
the stacking of the berths and wharves in
public records; and consequently it had
received a collection claim by the local
municipality for unpaid local taxes. Tax
judges in Florence upheld the position of
the public officers.
The case at hand provides an opportunity
to highlight that the law considers the
ponds, even virtual, used as mooring
and floating docks as stackable to the
same extent as regular building units,
because they present what according to
DM 28/1998 article 2 is a “functional
autonomy and potential for income”.
Subsequent circulars by tax authority have
provided for the compulsory stacking in
the category D/8 with subjection to ICI
(now IMU) levied on the licensee of the
public permit under article 18 paragraph 3
Monday 7 December 2015
management fee, renting of soccer fields to
individuals or groups. The sporting events
for recreational or competitive purposes
must take place within the property for
which the exemption is claimed. By
contrast, the mooring of vessels within
the water area in concession and related
services, such as water and electricity
supply to the boats, remains outside the
scope of tax relief. All the above led to
conclusion to reaffirm the tax liability on
the areas.
Stefano Quaglia, Elio Sbisá
Studio CTS Bolla Quaglia & Associati
Occasional hire of boats and
yachts with tax benefits
of Law no. 388/2000.
Back to the examine of the case, the naval
club received another “cold shower”,
because it had unsuccessfully asked for
being exempted from local taxation due to
the exercise of sport activity under article
7 of Legislative Decree no. 504/92. This
attempt failed, lacking the subjective
and objective requirements for the club
to obtain for that tax relief. Firstly, the
tax exemption from ICI is available only
for non-commercial entity under the
definition found in the Income Tax Code.
Secondly, immovable property must be
used exclusively by the same entity for
sports activities strictly listed among the
disciplines recognized by the Olympic
Committee and sports associations carried
out by non-profit, affiliated to the national
sports federations or national bodies to
promote recognized sports.
But this is not all. As often happens when
the benefit of a tax relief is at stake, the
language of the law become more stringent.
The requested sports activities must be
conducted in a direct and effective manner
by the beneficiary of the relief in terms
of championship games, organization
of courses and tournaments without the
involvement of other event planners as
intermediaries. Hence, it does not qualify
for the purposes of the exemption that
the property is made available to third
parties for the exercise of individual
sports; for example, renting of tennis
courts, swimming pools with separate
Let us remind the owners or users of
boats and yachts about the opportunity
to benefit from lesser income taxes and
additional taxes with a fixed rate of 20%
instead of the regular progressive rate to
be applied on when they gain revenues
from renting of their boats and pleasure
craft to third parties on an occasional
This taxation regime is provided for under
D.L. no 1/2012 and favors especially
individuals or entities other than those
having as their regular business activities
renting or leasing of boats and yachts.
The above tax regime requires filing an
advance request of “performing charter
on occasional basis” to the tax authority
and the competent local harbor authority.
In addition, when the renting involves
hiring workers, a communication must be
sent also to INPS and INAIL.
The total duration of the renting activity
is a key element. The contractual term of
each renting should last less than 42 days.
When the renting exceeds that period of
time, the owner of the boats is exposed to
the risk of being regarded as conducting
a commercial rental activity with higher
tax liability consequences. It is also worth
noting that the option once made causes
in any case the exclusion of the deduction
of the costs and expenses incurred in the
renting activity. A copy of the contract
and of the communication sent to the tax
authority have to be kept aboard in case of
inspection by the competent authorities.
Payment of taxes occur according to
the regular deadlines for the balance of
IRPEF with use of F24 form (tax code
Successful campaign for logistics in the Boot
The Pan-European operator P3 Logistic Parks leases 80.000 sqm warehouses in Italy
P3 Park in Castel San Giovanni
PointPark Properties P3 Logistic Parks
has successfully leased 80,000 m² of
warehouse space in Italy in the last four
months, including one letting of 68,000 m²
to Agorà Network.
The specialist pan-European owner,
developer and manager of logistics
facilities dramatically increased its
presence in the Italian logistics market
in July 2014, when it added 5 prime
warehouse buildings near Milan to its
existing asset P3 Sala Bolognese.
The new properties, which total 200,000
m², where purchased in separate deals
from Logistis, a fund managed by AEW
Europe, and the family-owned CD Group
to add. P3 customers in Italy include
Deufol, Difarco, Agorà Network, Geodis,
Rajapack, Moncler, You Log and SDA.
“With these latest lettings P3’s Italian
portfolio, which comprises a total lettable
area of 230,000 m², is fully occupied. We
are also looking for opportunities to grow
our presence in Italy, by purchasing land
suitable for our bespoke Build-To-Suit
warehouses as well as acquiring existing
tenanted logistics properties” commenteds,
Jean-Luc Saporito, Managing Director of
P3 in Italy.
The largest of the latest lettings is at P3
Brignano, to the east of Milan, where
Agorà Network has taken a new lease on
a 68,000 m² building previously occupied
by Kuehne & Nagel. The building, located
in Brignano Gera d’Adda area, provides
excellent road links via the recently
completed A35 BrebeMi highway (MilanBergamo-Brescia).
Previously a sub tenant of FBH Group
in a building at P3 Castel San Giovanni,
Rajapack - part of The Raja Group,
Europe’s leading packaging supplier - has
now taken over the lease in its own right
on 6,700 m² of warehouse space. The
client wished to remain in well-established
logistics area around Castel San Giovanni
because of the park’s proximity to its
existing customers as well as the national
motorway network; P3 plans to develop an
additional 360 m² of offices.
Also at P3 Castel San Giovanni, You Log –
which provides logistics and transportation
services to a range of clients including the
GLS Group - has taken a lease on a 6,200
Monday 7 December 2015
m² of warehouse space.
P3’s growth in Italy is part of the wider
development of the company over the last
18 months which has seen it become one
of the top specialist logistics real estate
companies in Europe and establish a strong
and growing foothold in Western Europe.
As of November 2015, it has over 3
million m² (1.79 million m² in August
2014) of 145 warehouses located in 9
countries including Spain, Germany,
France, Netherlands, Italy, and a landbank
suitable for the development of 1.3 million
m² of space.
Jean-Luc Saporito
RINA launches R&D Innovation Centre in Greece
Simultaneously RINA Services presented in Athens the AnNa
(Advanced National Networks for Administrations) Project
the Yachting Centre and RINA Academy
Hellas” commented Spyros Zolotas, RINA
Area Manager for Greece and Cyprus.
Simultaneously RINA Services presented
in Athens the AnNa Project, a current
EU project. “AnNa (Advanced National
Networks for Administrations) is a TEN-T
Multi-Annual Programme co-financed
by the European Commission. Its overall
objective is the adoption of the national
Maritime Single Window and electronic
data transmission for the fulfilment
of reporting requirements for vessels
entering and departing European ports in
accordance with EC Directive 2010/65/
EU” explained Mario Dogliani, Manager
of RINA Connecting Europe Facilities
(CEF) Projects.
RINA’s Competence Management System certification
launched and tested by PB Tankers (Barbaro)
RINA Hellas, the Greece-based arm of
the international RINA Group, is opening
a dedicated research and innovation
centre in Piraeus to boost its research
and innovation activities worldwide and
explore further research opportunities in
Greece and Cyprus, in close cooperation
with the EU and the strong maritime
community in the region.
Initially the RINA Hellas R&D/Innovation
Centre is participating in an EC research
proposal under the HORIZON 2020 scheme
which brings together an international
consortium to develop models and tools
for the holistic optimization of ships’ life
“RINA is committed to providing high
quality services and to being in the
forefront of technological developments
so as to assist its clients perform better in
today’s competitive market. The R&D/
Innovation Centre in Piraeus will add a
new higher dimension and extend the range
of services offered in the area though the
Piraeus Marine, the Plan Approval Centre,
the Marine Technical Support Centre,
The Italian classification society
has launched a new Competence
Management System certification which
helps shipowners and managers to
raise the skill levels of their crews and
shore staff above the basic statutory
Rome-based PB Tankers (Barbaro
Group) is the first company to benefit
from the new voluntary certification.
System guides shipowners and managers
to develop and maintain high level
targeted skills in their ships’ crews and
operational shore staff. Its certification
benefits them by proving to charterers,
authorities, financiers and insurers that the
company has a system for ensuring that
its crews have the skills and competence
required to operate safely and efficiently
in today’s complex marine environment.
System is set out in RINA NCC89E
Rules for the Certification of Competence
Management Systems. It requires
companies to establish, document,
implement and maintain a competence
management system and continually
improve its effectiveness in accordance
with the requirements of the rules. The
company must determine the criteria and
methods needed to ensure that both the
operation and control of the competence
management system are effective and
ensure the availability of resources
and information necessary to support
the operation and monitoring of the
competence management system.
The CMS has to include a competence
management policy, a plan for the
implementation of the competence
management system on board and
ashore, defined company objectives and
indicators relevant to the competence
management system, procedures for
competence assessment and gap analysis
and a plan of competence acquisition. A
monitoring and evaluation process must
be built in. The CMS is certified for 3
years following a process of initial audit,
then maintained with annual audits.
It can be integrated into an existing
business management system and is
complimentary to and works with and
alongside industry systems such as the
Monday 7 December 2015
Monday 7 December 2015
A new poker of LNG-Powered Swedish chemical tankers
Swedish cargo transporter Gothia Tanker Alliance has ordered in China 2 newbuildings developed by FKAB and Furetank
2019 and commercially managed by
Furetank Chartering in the Gothia
Tanker Alliance, two of these 20,000m3
tankers will be owned by Furetank,
whereas Älvtank and Thun Tankers will
own one each.
Featuring the Tier III rules, the vessels
will have dual fuel/LNG propulsion
including LNG in port consumption,
LNG for Inert gas production, installed
ballast water cleaning system, ice class
1A and Alternative Propulsion System.
“It has been very interesting for
Furetank together with FKAB to create
Swedish cargo transporter Gothia
Tanker Alliance has ordered 4
newbuilding intermediate product/
chemical tankers with LNG propulsion,
to be built to a design developed by
FKAB and Furetank ensuring 50 %
reduction of CO2 emissions.
Partners of the alliance, Furetank
Rederi AB, Rederi AB Älvtank and
Thun Tankers BV, have hired Avic
Dingheng Shipbuilding Ltd of China
for the construction of the 16,300 dwt
Scheduled for delivery in 2018 and
a design for future product chemical
tankers. These vessels will be designed
to meet all known future demands both
from governments, the industry and
from our customers” Lars Höglund,
CEO Furetank Rederi AB, said.
company FKAB, mainly active in the
marine and shipbuilding industry with
offices in both Sweden (Uddevalla and
Göteborg) and China (Shanghai), has
delivered ship designs for more than 50
years. It was set up in 1961 when Gustaf
Mattsson established his marine design
company on the west coast of Sweden.
FKAB is part of the Mattsson Group
which consists of companies acting as
technical system suppliers within the
following business areas: mechanics,
paper, marine engineering and real
Floating dock for Turkish shipyard
Sanmar has installed the facility at its custom built shipbuilding plant in Altinova
Sanmar has installed a new floating dock
at its custom built ship building yard in
Altinova, Turkey.
The RINA-classed dock has been
developed not only as a standard
floating dock but as a tool to facilitate
the launching of newly built vessels.
With a deck reinforced to 10 tons/m2 in
order to take a 24-axle Goldhofer heavy
duty modular trailer/carrier and its load,
the dock has an unusually deep pontoon
of 4m, an inner beam of 28m and a lengh
of 83.8m. It can lift a total of 3,000 tons,
but provision has been made in the
design enabling the dock to be extended
to 120m and reach a lifting capacity of
5,000 tonnes.
Two identical auxiliary diesel generators
of 312kW, each are IMO Tier II
compliant and the main switchboard
is designed according to split-busbar
principles. There are 4 identical ballast
pumps controlled by frequency drives.
A RINA approved electronic automation
system is installed to control remote
operated valves and ballast pumps, tank
level gauging, draft measurement and
deflection. This system is based on two
identical touchscreens to control and
monitor all parameters. High efficiency
LED lighting is provided and the dock
has very high levels of built-in safety
for the crew. Sanmar has also developed
a state-of-the-art robot arm which
connects the dock to the shore that
eliminates using chains or ropes.
The floating dock towed by Sanmar built tugs Boğaçay X and Boğaçay XV
Monday 7 December 2015
The Shipping Women of Europe give awards and propose solutions
Wista Swiss Chapter celebrates Hubert Thyssen
as Personality of the Year 2015
Wista Switzerland welcomed its
members and the Swiss shipping
Thanksgiving Party while celebrating its
Personality of the Year, for 2015 being
Hubert Thyssen.
As an alumnus of IMD Lausanne, his
first touch with the Maritime Industry
was as a Shipping Agent in the Port of
Marseille, France.
As Executive at international companied
for past 30 years, he has covered most
aspects of shipping and marine offshore
He served as President of Care Offshore,
set up in 1980 in Nyon owning a fleet
of tankers, FPSO and supply vessels,
in France, Italy, Thailand, Singapore,
Argentina, Malaysia, Nigeria.
As Executive Senior Vice President he
joined then Seabulk International Inc,
a Nasdaq listed company owning a 250
supply vessels and tankers fleet partly
operated under USA flag.
After the merger of the company with
Seacor Marine (USA) he facilitated the
merging operations for two years then
later started his own company Thyssen
Marine SA providing advisory services
to shipowners and shipping operators
and support to investors and bankers. He
is a member of the board of Directors of
Stena Maritime.
Thyssen is past President of several
associations related to the Maritime
Hubert Thyssen
Industry, such as the International
Propeller Club of Geneva, and currently
a member of the Geneva Petroleum
Club and of CMA Connecticut Maritime
Association and Association Francaise
des Techniciens du Petrole.
Wista Switzerland was incorporated in
2010 and is present in both Geneva and
Zug; the current president is Yasmina
Rauber (Alcotra).
Wista UK Chapter looks at how the shipping industry can curtail its emissions
In the same days of Paris hosting the
2015 United Nations Climate Change
Conference COP 21 meeting, a Wista
UK Forum looked at the part the
maritime sector plays in the climate
change agenda by scrutinizing the
divisive emissions problem, with the
panel exploring potential solutions to
curtail shipping’s emissions.
Three speakers challenged the wide
audience gathered by the oldest of all
the National Wista Associations (dating
back from 1974) to look at the issues
from a number of perspectives.
David Donnelly, Partner at Mazars,
looked at his experience as an expert
in energy efficiency in buildings and
how techniques could be transferred
across into the maritime sector.
Members learned there has to be a
financial justification in undertaking any
investment in retrofitting environmentalefficiency technologies to vessels.
Where financial gains could be realised
fairly quickly after initial CAPEX, as
in insulation and lighting systems, then
retrofitting could be undertaken with
relative ease. Other technologies may
not be retrofitted so easily because of the
longer return on investment or because
their commercial benefits cannot be
Donnelly added it may be difficult for
the maritime sector to make a financial
case for some energy-efficiency
technologies as the shipowner usually
has to pay for the retrofit but it is the
charterer that makes all the savings. This
relationship will need to change, with
a revision to charter rates and charter
party agreements the likely way forward
if the industry is to fully embrace clean
WISTA UK member Phoebe Lewis
(Carbon War Room) emphasised the
significant energy-efficient technologies
available to the shipping industry which
could give real financial savings to both
charterers and shipowners. Adapting
ESCO (Energy Service Company)
or MESA (Managed Energy Service
Agreement) model could offer an
innovative way to finance ship retrofits.
Carbon War Room’s Self-Financing
Fuel-Saving Mechanism (SFFSM)
adapts this model such that financiers
take on the upfront cost of a group of
technologies and are repaid through
the fuel savings. One of the key aspects
of this financing model is the potential
to apply a suite of energy efficient
technologies, usually at least three, that
are all retrofitted together, meaning only
one dry docking but which collectively
afford significant benefits of 10-15%
fuel savings per vessel.
New York-based private equity financier
to be continued at page 22
monitoring equipment to be installed
when a vessel retrofits with their SFFSM
model. Finally, Krispen Atkinson (HIS)
addressed the subject from an industry
The key forces behind the changes are
being driven by the UN on the IMO.
Emission Control Areas (ECA) in North
America and parts of Europe have seen
sulphur levels capped at 0.1% since 1st
January 2015 and ECAs will continue to
grow in number with China likely to be
the next one.
This will bring in far more ships that
will have to comply, with serious fines
for non-compliers; although to-date only
a small number have been fined, this will
continued from page 21
EfficientShip Finance has an attractive
finance model for funding ship retrofits
in which they cover the upfront cost
and are repaid by the charterer through
the energy savings. The RightShip
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions
Rating scheme is a systematic and
relative efficiency of the world’s
existing fleet. Based on this rating,
charterers representing 20% of global
shipped tonnage have implemented
policies in which they refuse to charter
inefficient vessels, commonly F and G
rated vessels.
Banks are increasingly involving energy
efficiency in their lending decisions
to reduce the risk of their assets
prematurely losing value; retrofitting
ships can actually be more attractive
financially than retrofitting commercial
Carbon War Room in September
2015 released a request for proposal
for a $200,000 grant for performance
Monday 7 December 2015
Atkinson believes unlikely that costs
will reduce; retrofits need a bespoke
solution with every ship requiring its
own answers. Time out of service will
be reduced as newbuild designs will
incorporate off the shelf solutions, and
new entrants into the market will further
competition, forcing prices down or we
could see a consolidation of existing
manufacturers bringing in cost savings.
Methanol fuel, biofuels, hydrogen and
batteries are all being talked about,
so this is an interesting time for the
maritime world; there are opportunities
for low carbon, energy efficient
technology solution providers.
Editor in Chief
Angelo Scorza
Via Assarotti 38/16 16122 Genova, Italy
P.I./C.F. 01477140998
Editorial Office
Via Felice Romani 8/2A 16122 Genova, Italy
Ph. +39 010 2517945
Fax +39 010 8687478
Genoa law-court registration
authorized by measure n. 19/2004
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Share capital € 30.000
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