

The Ibex Ski And Snowboard Club
Meetings: 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of every month
Ibex Ski Club Web Site
Gatsby’s Sports Pub
427 East Rand Road - Arlington Heights, (847) 253-7200
Post-Golf Outing
Summer Kick-Off Party
June 2013
Summer Golf & Party
2013-14 Ski Trips
The Prez & Membership
Wolf River & Camping
Aspen Recap
Aspen Photos
Ibex Activities
More Ibex Activities
Da Back Page
Saturday June 8th
Last call for the Party!
All are invited to the Post-Golf Party starting at 3:00 pm at
Jean Bagel’s house: 15 S. Prindle Ave., Arlington Heights.
The party includes food, drinks, bonfire, raffle and fun. You
do not need to golf to attend the party. Everyone qualifies for raffle prizes.
Party cost = $15 for Ibex members, $20 for non-members.
Jean says, “Everyone should come!”
Payment is due by the June 5 Ibex meeting. Membership
needs to be current to obtain the member price.
Zanie’s Recap
The room was loud with laugher as the young, warm up comedian at Zanies shared
his views the world. Sherri snuck in about an hour late because she got lost on the
tollways and again in the parking garage. Quietly, she joined her fellow IBEX members without being heckled by the comedian. Luckily she didn’t miss the headliner,
good old Uncle Lar, comedian Larry Reeb. As promised, Uncle Lar was a strong distinct, classic character, with sarcastic attitude and a sardonic wit. He conveyed his
thoughts with rapid fire one liners and pelvic thrusts.
After the show, the group headed over to the Hofbrauhaus (no, not the one in Munich) in Rosemont for live music, food and drinks. Much to her chagrin, Joe ordered
Melissa a giant mug of beer. She was a good sport and drank what she could; after
all she was the designated driver that night. Many in the group were not as ambitious as Joe and ordered petite sized mugs of beer.
Mary Kay left early—was it because there was no good wine? Sherri left a little later
only to get lost in the parking garage once again. In her defense, the parking garage was very confusing! The rest of the Ibex group partied on! Thanks to Chris
Smith for organizing this fun evening.
Melissa’s Mug!
Petite Mug!
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The Old Goat
2013-14 Ski Trip Status
Thanks to the 92 people who filled out the
Trip Survey. Your help is invaluable in
providing a starting point for deciding the
Ibex destinations. The survey results are attached to this Newsletter.
The trip survey was Step 1. Then, bids were solicited based on survey results. Step 3: Paula, Jean, Sherri
and Mary Kay attended the CMSC Trip Seminar. We went with our list of preferred destinations from the
survey, some bids in hand, and open minds looking for deals on other destinations.
Here is some shocking news...gas prices are up! Fuel is the major cost for airlines. Airfares are high. Furthermore, smaller airports, that have less competition between airline carriers, have even higher fares.
Shocking that the airlines stick it to consumers when they have an opportunity!
This quick economic update explains why some of the more remote destinations are
not feasible this year. Air costs are up around 21%. So the Ibex CMSC posse shopped
for ways to find value. One way was to look at alternative destinations from exactly
what was on the survey. I know you will all be pleased once everything comes together.
Good news is that trips are starting to roll! One destination is
decided. Ibex is going to Lake Tahoe for New Years! The Executive Board is meeting later this week to decide other destinations to be announced at the June 5 Ibex meeting! Pricing should be available by the June 19 meeting. The 2013-14
Trip Schedule will be fabulous!
Jean Bagel, Trip Chair
Looking for aggressive, marketing oriented trip leaders.
Let me know if you are interested in being a trip leader for the 2013-14 Season.
If you have never been a trip leader, the logical progression is for you to be an assistant trip leader
Trip locations will be announced very soon.
You cannot be chosen as a trip leader if you have not submitted your name for consideration.
The ability to network & advertise your trip is most desirable. Trip leaders are entitled to reimbursement pursuant to the Trip Policy.
Thanks for getting involved! Jean
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The Old Goat
Message from the “Prez”
The unofficial start of summer is good enough for us to get going on our traditional
summer fun! This is a great time of year to include your friends in the diverse activities that we organize. This month we will be kayaking, golfing and playing volleyball. And if your friends are not the sporty type… then there is the bar
of the month. Other activities to look forward to this summer include
biking, camping, our summer picnic, and 3 sponsored Ravinia concerts.
Speaking of Ravinia, our first Ravinia event is Matchbox 20 and Goo Goo Dolls on July
2nd . For those of you fortunate enough to get tickets with us… you are doubly blessed.
Not only did they sell out before they were available at the box office but you will also
enjoy the benefit of Ibex securing space on the lawn before the gates
open for general admission. By the time you arrive - 4pm at the earliest
- a couple of gracious Ibex member will be using our early entrance
pass to lay out tarps and blankets so that we may all socialize together.
Stay tuned for news on how to find our spot. Please bring your own seating and consider
bringing a dish to share. The concert starts at 6:30.
Paula Hiller, Ibex President
Membership Matters
I hope everyone had a good Memorial Day weekend. With warmer weather
here there are plenty of Ibex activities to participate in from biking, volley
ball, Ravinia and much more. It is also a good time to renew your member
ship to Ibex. Membership gives you the monthly newsletter, allows you to
sign up for club activities and sign up for our great ski trips. Bring a check to
the next meeting or you may mail your check and membership form to:
Ibex Ski & Snowboard Club
P. O. Box 1542
Palatine, IL 60078
Joe Kelley, Membership Chair
Warm welcome to our newest members, Mark Morganstern and Juhui Chiang!
Thanks to returning members who renewed during May:
Bill West
Pam Ozienskonski
Ed Masopust
Ronald Neumann
Denny Gawlik
Deborah Dukes
Bill Haussmann
Diane Schuler
John Mullin
Helen and William Herber
MK Swanlund
Jeff Jacobs
Ivana Horak
Sherri Griffin
John Brandt
Bendickson Family
Joe Davis
Page 4
Wolf River Camping and Tubing
Come join our camping experience for this
year! It takes place the weekend of August 16th18th on the Little Wolf River by New London, Wisconsin (~4 hrs away). We have selected 4
campsites in the main campground – one site directly on the river and the other three (with water
and electric) kitty-corner from there. The
campground has coin-operated showers, restrooms, laundry area, game room, bar & grill, pavilion, volleyball courts, playgrounds, basketball
court, tennis court, and horse shoes. For the noncampers, AmericInn is a nearby and pleasant alternative to the natural outdoor fun.
The main attraction of this trip is the tubing.
With just a quick 5 minute bus ride you can be leisurely floating or gently bumping up against small rock outcropping for two hours. Bring along a cooler with beverages (no glass) and snacks. Share a fun and relaxing
day as you create a flotilla in with your friends. Canoeing or kayaking is also a possibility.
You can rent your tube and pick up a bus directly at the campgrounds. Tube and cooler float rental is
$14 per day. Canoe or kayak rental is $22-$25 per trip
based on distance (5-9 miles). Each person should pay
for this directly at the campground.
The cost of camping for the weekend is $38. Children under 18 are free.
Space for camping is limited so reserve
your spot early. This is a summer event
not to be missed!
The Old Goat
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Aspen Recap
Aspen & Ibex Two Classics: A recap of the 2013 Spring Trip.
March 23rd, thirty-seven Ibex left for a week in Aspen. Snow was
in the forecast. Our early flight time turned out to be perfect, as
the Denver airport closed shortly after we landed. A quick grocery/libation stop at King Sooper &
Apple Jacks served to make the bus ride fun. The ride was snowy, but we got through the Vail pass
10 minutes before it closed!
We arrived at The Gant in time for Ski Butlers to deliver and fit all the rental skis. The Welcome Party was great. Big shrimp, meatballs, assorted cheese, fruit and more. The food was ample with
refills as the kids ate with abandonment. Drinks flowed and helped pass the time, as there was a
minor glitch with lift ticket delivery.
Snow continued to fall. Sunday & Monday were our best snow days for fresh snow. However, the
snow was good for the whole week. Warm day temperatures, and sun were awesome. Cooler night
temperatures allowed snow making and grooming of the packed powder. Overall the snow was very
Sunday the Ibex Ski School was in action giving free lessons. Bob gave a bump lesson to Lynne,
Susan B. and Kurt. Jean worked with Sarah G., Jan O., and Mary Lynn on their technique, finishing
turns, starting the turn with inside ski, and keeping their head and torso facing down the mountain.
A bump lesson ensued when Mary Lynn stayed a little too far left! Chuck B. was ready and waiting
to give snowboard lessons. However, the boarding boys stood him up. I guess they don’t need “no
stinking lessons”!
Bob K set up a Human slalom course one day. Ten plus people took turns around each other down
the mountain. No crashes, fun had by all!
Leah B. was having trouble remembering everyone’s names. So she gave everyone nicknames
based on their coats.
Bob K- fruit loops, Barb K- apple, Susan B-plum, Leah B- kiwi, Kurt- blackberry, MK-strawberry,
Chuck B- lemon, Paul N- banana, Laura N- raspberry.
Tues. was a great day at Aspen Highlands. Apres ski was at the Out of Bounds Bar. Lou demonstrated why it is so important to wear your helmet. He executed a perfect back-drop as he exited
the bar. It seems it has become an Ibex tradition for someone to land flat on his back at the Out of
Bounds bar. Mike P admits it is quite funny when someone else partakes in this activity!
Wed group dinner at Brunelleschi. Good Italian food. The kids enjoyed making their own pizzas.
The manager was a good sport looking for the “missing” lift ticket in the trash. Good news is ticket
was found. It had hopped back into Sarah’s purse.
Fri Apres Ski was entertaining watching the Big Air Snowboard competition at Snowmass. Mike P
set up a great Pub Crawl. However, everyone in Aspen who was supposed to be at an outdoor concert decided to crowd the bars. We did coral the bar at Above the Salt. Remember to check the
price on a glass of wine before ordering! Frank & Chris had an after hours
party at their condo to wrap up the week.
Aspen a great place to end the ski season! Jean
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Aspen Photos
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The Old Goat
Ibex Activities: Summertime Fun!
A busy calendar is shaping up for the 2013 IBEX summertime activities. See below for what is already
planned. A few more activities are in the works for August – stay tuned for further details.
It’s not too early to begin planning fall activities. Email ibexactivities2013@skiibex.com and share your
2013 Summer Activities Calendar
Busse Woods
June 6 (Monday’s all summer)
Golf outing:
Highland Woods Golf Course
June 8
Post golf party
Jean’s house
June 8
Kayak paddle and picnic Skokie Lagoon
June 15
Bar of the Month
Howard Street Inn
June 21
Goo-goo Dolls & Matchbox 20 Ravinia
July 2
Annual Picnic
Busse Woods
July 13
Under the Sun
July 20
Horse racing/party after dark Arlington Park Race Track
July 26
(tentative – leader needed)
Wolf River (WI)
August 16 – 18
August 20
Fall Colors golf outing
September 19 - 20
And the 2013 Activity Survey Says……
Thanks to everyone who took the time to complete the 2013 activities survey. We had a number of
members respond. A special thanks to Lynn Dean for putting the survey together and making it easier to complete. The survey is attached as a pdf file to the newsletter email. Please contact me if you
have any questions or concerns about the results.
Now that the survey is complete, I think it’s a good time to leverage the results and brainstorm activities for the rest of the year. I’m looking for volunteers to help plan and lead activities. Join me before the club meeting on June 19th at 7:00 pm to discuss ideas.
Bar of the Month
Celebrate the summer solstice and the longest day of the year on June 21 while relaxing with a cool
drink on the outdoor patio at the Howard Street Inn located in Niles. What time does the sun set on
this day? Join us anytime 6:00 pm or later to find out.
Howard Street Inn
67 W. Howard Street
1. A leader for the Friday afternoon at the races. Post time starts at 3:00 pm on
2. Looking for an August Bar of the Month recommendation.
The Old Goat
Page 8
Kayak Paddle & Picnic - Skokie Lagoons
Sat. June 15th 10 am -12ish
Sat June 22nd
1770 Tower Road, Winnetka
$20.00 per kayak Single and double kayaks available
All kayak levels welcome. This is an easy paddle.
We will meet at the north parking lot on the right side of Tower Road Look for the big shed
Chicago River Canoe & Kayak. East of 41 West of Forest Way
There will be a picnic following our paddling at the launch site. Bring your own lunch but leave it in your car as
there is a real possibility that everything will get wet.
A little hint here, Ziplock bags work for cameras, snacks that you bring on the kayak. I need a head count for the
outfitter in order to reserve our kayaks.
RSVP Myra Beisler 847 831-1946 Home Skiwhiz16@comcast.net
t’s that time of year again – days are longer, a little warmth in the air – and that could only mean one thing:
MONDAY NIGHT VOLLEYBALL IS BACK! We welcome all goats, old and new, to come on out and play some inspiring volleyball this summer. Bring a friend! IBEX provides the nets and balls.
Beginning Monday, June 3rd, IBEX will be playing volleyball every Monday evening throughout summer beginning
at 6 pm.
If we encounter inclement weather, total lack of energy, or any other lame excuse, you can always meet us at our
back-up “Plan B” which is socializing, eating, and/or drinking at Marretti’s Sports Bar, 1893 Walden Office Square,
Schaumburg, located just west of Rt 53 on Algonquin Road, around 8:30 pm or so.
Here are the particulars:
Beginning Monday, June 3rd
6:00 PM
Busse Woods Grove #28
Golf Road (Rt 58), just east of Rt 53 to the “first and only” grove entrance (approximately ¼ mile
on the south-side of Golf Road), then go south and stay to your right until you get to grove #28,
which will be on your left.
Directions and a map can also be found on the Ibex web site by clicking here.
Any questions? Call Sue Lessen at 847-781-0943 (home) or 847-217-4059 (cell)
June 2013
Page 9
3 Volleyball
8 Golf Outing
and Party
10 Volleyball
15 Kayaking
17 Volleyball
21 Howard
Street Inn
24 Volleyball
July 2013
1 Volleyball
2 Goo Goo
Dolls & Matchbox 20
8 Volleyball
13 Annual
15 Volleyball
20 Under the
22 Volleyball
26 Horse
29 Volleyball
Page 10
“Da” Back Page
Address Change? Let us know by mailing
your new address to:
Ibex Ski & Snowboard Club
P.O. Box 1542
Palatine, IL 60078
or via E–Mail at:
City, State, Zip:_______________________________
Home Phone:_________________________________
Work Phone:_________________________________
Meetings: 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of every month
Gatsby’s Sports Pub
Melissa Haussmann
Ed Bendickson
Debbie Kappler
Brent Bauer
Diane Schuler
Roger Kasch
Ginny Johnson
Leo Kassin
John Brandt
David DeGuire
Bill Haussmann
The Trip Sign Up Party is only around 80 days away! Commit today that you
are going on at least one Ibex vacation this year! Start your own savings plan,
whatever it takes. If I skip a Starbuck’s grande coffee
every day @ $4.00, I’ll have $320 “found” dollars to spend on my trip!
HEY, HO Let’s Go on an Ibex trip this year!

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