Environmental Permitting - Allied Pacific Environmental Consulting


Environmental Permitting - Allied Pacific Environmental Consulting
allied pacific environmental consulting
Phone: 671.477.7310
Fax: 671.477.7311
SAIPAN, MP 96950
Phone: 670.322.7709
Fax: 670.322.7708
Profile ........................................................................................................ 1
Environmental Site Assessment ............................................................... 2
Environmental Permitting .......................................................................... 3
Regulatory Compliance............................................................................. 4
Air Emissions Modeling and Permitting .................................................... 5
Natural Resources Management ............................................................. 6
Drinking Water Quality Testing & Environmental Laboratory Services ... 7
Groundwater Investigation .......................................................................10
Subsurface Investigation and Remediation .............................................11
Hazardous Materials & Waste Management ...........................................12
Underground Storage Tank (UST) Management.....................................13
Asbestos Containing Building Material (ACM)
Inspection & Abatement...................................................................14
Lead-Based Paint (LBP) Inspection, Monitoring, & Abatement ...............15
Indoor Mold Inspection & Abatement.......................................................16
Disaster Response and Recovery ...........................................................17
Environmental Assessment....................................................................... 1
Environmental Permitting .......................................................................... 4
Regulatory Compliance............................................................................. 6
Air Emissions Modeling and Permitting .................................................... 7
Natural Resources Management .............................................................. 8
Drinking Water Quality Testing & Environmental Laboratory Services ... 9
Subsurface and Groundwater Investigation and Remediation ................10
Hazardous Materials & Waste Management ...........................................12
Underground Storage Tank (UST) Management.....................................14
Asbestos Containing Building Material (ACM)
Inspection & Abatement...................................................................16
Lead-Based Paint (LBP) Inspection, Monitoring, & Abatement ...............20
Disaster Response and Recovery ...........................................................22
PO BOX 5091
5091 96932
Phone: 671.477.7310
GUAM 96932
P.O.BOX 10001 PMB A6
MP 96950
.O.BOX 10001
MP 96950
Phone: 670.322.7709
PO BOX 5091
Phone: 671.477.7310
Fax: 671.477.7311
P.O.BOX 10001 PMB A6
SAIPAN, MP 96950
Phone: 670.322.7709
Fax: 670.322.7708
• Mobil Oil Corporation,
Guam, CNMI, Pohnpei
• Commonwealth Ports
Authority, CNMI
• Commonwealth Utilities
Corporation, CNMI
• Guam Department of
Public Works
Tumon Bay, Guam
• Rolls-Royce Power
Ventures, Inc. / PMIC,
• Hong Kong Shanghai
Banking Corporation,
• Hyatt, Dai Ichi, & Nikko
Hotels, Saipan
•DRC/Telesource, Hilton
Guam Resort and Spa
• Guam Environmental
Protection Agency
• CNMI Emergency
Management Office
• Republic of Palau,
Ministry of Resources and
Development, Bureau of
Public Works
P.O. BOX 5091
Phone: 671.477.7310
Fax: 671.477.7311
P.O.BOX 10001 PMB A6
SAIPAN, MP 96950
Phone: 670.322.7709
Fax: 670.322.7708
Allied Pacific Environmental Consulting, Inc. (APEC) was founded in
1998 in Agana, Guam. Originally focused on subsurface geology and
hydrogeology, APEC has since developed into a full service
environmental consulting firm, with highly trained personnel based on
Guam and Saipan.
APEC's success can be attributed to our expertise in developing
innovative, cost-effective solutions to the environmental challenges
facing our diverse client base, which includes government entities, small
businesses, and multinational corporations.
The climate, geology, and cultures of the Western Pacific Region are
unique. Projects in this area require a firm with regional experience.
APEC provides a comprehensive range of services to address the
environmental challenges encountered throughout the region.
APEC environmental consulting services include:
• Environmental Site Assessment
• Environmental Permitting
• Regulatory Compliance
• Air Emissions Modeling and Permitting
• Natural Resources Management
• Drinking Water Quality Testing
• Environmental Laboratory Analytical Services
• Groundwater Investigation
• Subsurface Investigation & Remediation
• Hazardous Materials & Waste Management
• Underground Storage Tank (UST) Management
APEC environmental operations services include:
• Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) Inspection & Abatement
• Lead-Based Paint (LBP) Inspection and Abatement
• Indoor Mold Inspection and Abatement
• Disaster Response and Recovery
With expertise in these fields, APEC effectively manages a wide range
of environmental issues while limiting related costs. APEC has the
project management, technical, and field operations capabilities to
ensure cost-effective, efficient completion of project objectives.
APEC Company Profile 2006 Page 1
• Mobil Oil Corporation,
• Hong Kong Shanghai
Banking Corporation Ltd.,
• U.S.D.A, Guam
• Pacific Environmental
Resources, Inc., Guam
• Guam Department of
Public Works
• Commonwealth Ports
Northern Garapan, Public Marina, Commercial Port and vicinity, Saipan, CNMI
Authority, CNMI
• Rolls-Royce Power
Ventures, Inc. / PMIC,
•CNMI Emergency
Management Office
• Republic of Palau,
Ministry of Resources and
Development, Bureau of
Public Works
• Ishin Hotels Group
• Maeda Pacific Corp.,
Site development projects such as building construction, landfill
siting, and transportation facility expansion require environmental
assessments which adhere to strict regulatory guidelines.
Conducting environmental assessments in conjunction with real
estate and property transactions greatly reduces the potential for
future litigation. APEC provides a variety of environmental site
assessment services including:
• Phase I Site Assessment (ASTM Standards)
• Historical land use
• Adjacent property research
• Title search
• Law Offices, Real Estate
• Surface drainage modeling
Agents, and Private and
Commercial Land Owners
• Phase II Site Assessment (ASTM Standards)
• Surface and subsurface soil sampling & analysis
P.O. BOX 5091
Phone: 671.477.7310
Fax: 671.477.7311
• Groundwater sampling & analysis
• Hydrogeological modeling
• Environmental Assessment (NEPA Standards)
• Environmental Impact Assessment (NEPA Standards)
• Flood mitigation planning
P.O.BOX 10001 PMB A6
SAIPAN, MP 96950
Phone: 670.322.7709
Fax: 670.322.7708
APEC Company Profile 2006 Page 2
• Mobil Oil Corporation,
Guam, Saipan
• IT Corporation, Guam
• Sinclair Knight Merz,
• Guam International
Airport Authority
• Commonwealth Ports
Authority, CNMI
• Commonwealth Utilities
Corporation, CNMI
• Tan Holdings
Corporation, Saipan
• Rolls-Royce Power
Ventures, Inc. / PMIC,
• EFC Engineers &
Air Emissions Permitting, CUC Power Plant 1, Saipan, CNMI
APEC provides local and federal permitting services for a variety
of project and facility needs. Through extensive experience,
APEC has established positive working relationships with
environmental regulatory agencies such as Guam Environmental
Protection Agency, CNMI Division of Environmental Quality,
Palau Environmental Quality & Protection Board, and the US
Environmental Protection Agency.
APEC understands the
complex permitting procedures and regulatory requirements of
the region, and provides the following permitting services:
Architects Corp.
• General land use and major siting permitting
• Law Offices
• Environmental remediation project permitting
• Property Owners
P.O. BOX 5091
Phone: 671.477.7310
Fax: 671.477.7311
P.O.BOX 10001 PMB A6
SAIPAN, MP 96950
Phone: 670.322.7709
Fax: 670.322.7708
• Air emissions modeling, permitting and compliance
• NPDES permitting and compliance monitoring
• Underground injection control permitting and compliance
• QA/QC Planning
• Groundwater well permitting
• Monitoring wells
• Production wells
• Remedial extraction wells
• Injection wells
• Local government permitting
• Notifications
• Work Plans
• Utilities Clearance
APEC Company Profile 2006 Page 3
• Commonwealth Ports
Authority, CNMI
• Tan Holdings
Corporation, CNMI
• Golden Dragon Paper
Box Factory, CNMI
Corroded abandoned storage drums
• Sablan Rock Quarry,
APEC provides regulatory compliance services to clients and
facilities that have received a notice of violation or other
regulatory compliance issues from local and federal
governmental agencies. APEC acts as an intermediary between
the facility and the regulatory agency, and provides information
and services to help the facility respond to and resolve the
compliance issue in a timely manner and with as little impact to
the business or facility as possible. APEC understands the
regulatory requirements of the region, and has established
positive working relationships with environmental regulatory
agencies such as the US Environmental Protection Agency.
Guam Environmental Protection Agency, CNMI Division of
Environmental Quality and Palau Environmental Quality &
Protection Board. APEC provides the following regulatory
compliance services:
Response to regulatory agency notices, administrative
and enforcement actions
P.O. BOX 5091
Phone: 671.477.7310
Fax: 671.477.7311
Regulatory agency communications and document
Compliance-based site investigations, sampling and
P.O.BOX 10001 PMB A6
SAIPAN, MP 96950
Phone: 670.322.7709
Fax: 670.322.7708
Hazardous waste determinations
Hazardous waste disposal plans
Hazardous materials and waste management plans
Hazardous materials and waste management awareness
APEC Company Profile 2006 Page 4
• Commonwealth Utilities
Corporation, CNMI
• Pacific Marine and
Industrial Corporation
• Exxon-Mobile
International Holdings,
• Tan Holdings
Corporation, Saipan
• Rolls-Royce Power
Ventures, Inc. / PMIC,
Model of annual average ground-level SO2 concentration from a 25 m stack
Air emissions from stationary and mobile sources are regulated
by both federal and local governments in Guam and the
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Standards
have been established by the USEPA for pollutant ground level
concentrations in the National Primary and Secondary Ambient
Air Quality Standards (40 CFR 50) for established sources and
the Potential for Significant Deterioration (PSD) requirements
(40 CFR 52.21) for new sources. APEC provides a variety of air
emissions modeling and permitting services including:
• Federal and local permitting
• Air emissions studies
• Assessment of baseline concentrations
P.O. BOX 5091
Phone: 671.477.7310
Fax: 671.477.7311
• ISC3 air dispersion modeling (USEPA regulatory
• Determination of stack height necessary to meet
local and federal requirements
P.O.BOX 10001 PMB A6
SAIPAN, MP 96950
Phone: 670.322.7709
Fax: 670.322.7708
APEC Company Profile 2006 Page 5
• Commonwealth Port
Authority, CNMI
• National Government of
the Republic of Palau,
Bureau of Public Works.
• Guam Department of
Public Works
Guam remnant limestone forest
Micronesia faces a variety of environmental and biological
challenges including habitat destruction and degradation,
invasive species prevention and control, endangered species
recovery, and sustainable resources utilization in the face of
development. APEC’s in-house biologists provide a variety of
natural resource management services including:
• Biological Assessments (Endangered Species Act
• Biological surveys (marine and terrestrial)
P.O. BOX 5091
Phone: 671.477.7310
Fax: 671.477.7311
• Natural resources management planning
Limestone Forest, Guam
• Environmental Assessment (NEPA standards)
• Environmental Impact Assessment (NEPA standards)
P.O.BOX 10001 PMB A6
SAIPAN, MP 96950
Phone: 670.322.7709
Fax: 670.322.7708
APEC Company Profile 2006 Page 6
• Guam Environmental
Protection Agency
• U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency
• World Resort, Saipan
• Hyatt Hotel, Saipan
• Dai Ichi Hotel, Saipan
• Hafa Adai Beach Hotel,
• Alexander Drilling,
• Japan Water Systems,
Allied Pacific Environmental Consulting has partnered with Del
Mar Analytical (a TestAmerica company) to provide convenient
environmental laboratory analytical services to Guam and the
Northern Mariana Islands. Services include (but are not limited
water, wastewater, soil and hazardous waste
• U.S. Navy
• Raytheon Technical
Services, Guam
Full scale analytical capabilities including drinking
A wide range of additional analytical services
Large sample capacity
Sample transportation
Sample bottles and shipping containers
Economical pricing
Quality service
Certified by Guam Environmental Protection Agency
(GEPA) and CNMI Department of Environmental
P.O. BOX 5091
Phone: 671.477.7310
Fax: 671.477.7311
Quality (DEQ)
P.O.BOX 10001 PMB A6
SAIPAN, MP 96950
Phone: 670.322.7709
Fax: 670.322.7708
APEC Company Profile 2006 Page 7
allied pacific environmental consulting
Bringing the island of Guam local access
to national resources and services!
Del Mar Analytical (a TestAmerica company) and APEC have
partnered to provide our Guam clients with "One Stop Shop" convenience
and unsurpassed value. As partners, TestAmerica and APEC strive to provide more than
just analytical support.
We realize that in order for us to be an effective
partner in your success we must provide services that make your job easier.
The following are just a few of the “Value Added Services” that TestAmerica and APEC can
now offer our Guam clients:
* Large sample capacity
* Certified by Guam EPA
* Full scale analytical capabilities
* Wide range of additional analytical
including drinking water, wastewater,
services through the use of our vast
soil, and hazardous waste
* Sample transportation
* Economic pricing
* Sample bottles and shipping containers
* Quality service
130 Aspinall Avenue
Suite 2D
Mariana Islands
Agana, Guam 96910
671-477-7310 Phone
671-477-7311 Fax
APEC Service Center
17461 Derian Ave
TA Service Center
Suite 100
TA Laboratory
Irvine, CA 92614
800-924-4528 Toll Free
805-435-1654 Fax
Contact Allied Pacific Environmental Consulting for
more information on how we can save you time
and enhance your productivity!
allied pacific environmental consulting
Bringing the Commonwealth of the
Northern Mariana Islands local access
to national resources and services!
Del Mar Analytical (a TestAmerica company) and APEC have
partnered to provide our CNMI clients with "One Stop Shop" convenience
and unsurpassed value. As partners, TestAmerica and APEC strive to provide more than
just analytical support.
We realize that in order for us to be an effective
partner in your success we must provide services that make your job easier.
The following are just a few of the “Value Added Services” that TestAmerica and APEC can
now offer our CNMI clients:
* Large sample capacity
* Certified by CNMI-DEQ
* Full scale analytical capabilities
* Wide range of additional analytical
including drinking water, wastewater,
services through the use of our vast
soil, and hazardous waste
* Sample transportation
* Economic pricing
* Sample bottles and shipping containers
* Quality service
VESTCOR Building
Capital Hill
Mariana Islands
P.O. Box 10001 PMB A6
Saipan, MP 96950-8901
670-322-7709 Phone
670-483-4831 Mobile
670-322-7708 Fax
APEC Service Center
TA Service Center
TA Laboratory
17461 Derian Ave
Suite 100
Irvine, CA 92614
800-924-4528 Toll Free
805-435-1654 Fax
Contact Allied Pacific Environmental Consulting for
more information on how we can save you time
and enhance your productivity!
• Guam Environmental
Protection Agency
• US Environmental
Protection Agency
• EarthTech, U.S. Navy
• Mobil Oil Corporation,
Guam, CNMI
• Commonwealth Ports
Authority, Saipan Int'l.
• Hyatt Hotel, Saipan
• Dai-Ichi Hotel, Saipan
• Hafa Adai Beach Hotel,
• Nikko Hotel, Saipan
• Aqua Resort Club,
• Saipan Ice & Water
Aquifer Parameter Testing at Hafa Adai Beach Hotel, Saipan, CNMI
APEC personnel have extensive knowledge of the hydrogeology
of Guam and the CNMI, and their respective groundwater issues.
APEC has conducted numerous groundwater studies,
investigations, and remedial actions on behalf of clients such as
hotels, bottled water suppliers, petroleum distributors, and
government agencies. Related APEC services include:
• Groundwater investigation
• Hydrogeological analysis
• Subsurface soil sampling
• Groundwater sampling
• Groundwater monitoring and remediation
• Point source investigation
• Groundwater resource planning
• Supply, Injection and Monitoring Well design
P.O. BOX 5091
Phone: 671.477.7310
Fax: 671.477.7311
• Drilling and well completion oversight
• Pump testing
• Down-hole camera well logging and video recording
P.O.BOX 10001 PMB A6
SAIPAN, MP 96950
Phone: 670.322.7709
Fax: 670.322.7708
APEC Company Profile 2006 Page 10
• Mobil Oil Corporation,
Guam, CNMI, Yap
• NOVA Group, Guam
• Biscoe Investments
• Guam Reef Hotel
• Agana Shopping Center
• Commonwealth Ports
• Saipan International
Granulated Activated Charcoal Filtering System at Public Supply Well, Chalan Pago, Guam
• Saipan Stevedore, Inc.
• 20th Filling Station,
• DZSP-21
APEC provides cost-effective subsurface investigation and
remediation services.
Utilizing advanced equipment and
techniques for soil and groundwater sampling, analysis, and
remediation, APEC achieves environmental compliance within
efficient budgets and time frames. Related services include:
• Raytheon Technical
Services, Guam
• U.S. Navy
• Subsurface soil investigation
• Private and Commercial
• Groundwater investigation
• Law offices
• Subsurface geological / hydrogeological characterization
• Subsurface monitoring and remediation
• Excavation
• Groundwater extraction
• Soil vapor extraction
• Air sparging
P.O. BOX 5091
Phone: 671.477.7310
Fax: 671.477.7311
P.O.BOX 10001 PMB A6
SAIPAN, MP 96950
Phone: 670.322.7709
Fax: 670.322.7708
• Air stripping
• Bio-remediation
• Passive venting
• Catalytic oxidation
• Granulated activated charcoal filtering
• Enhanced in-situ subsurface remediation
APEC Company Profile 2006 Page 11
• Environmental Chemical
Corporation (under
• CNMI Emergency
Management Office
• Commonwealth Utilities
Corporation, CNMI
• Mobil Oil Corporation,
Guam, CNMI
• Commonwealth Ports
Authority, CNMI
• NOVA Group, Guam
• Biscoe Investments
• Maeda Pacific
Corporation, Guam
Chemical release screening scenario for Lower Base, Saipan utilizing USEPA/NOAA
developed CAMEO/MARPLOT emergency preparedness and prevention software.
APEC provides a comprehensive range of hazardous materials
and waste related services, including operations planning,
related documentation and reporting, and regulatory agency
communications. APEC staff are thoroughly trained and
experienced in proper management of hazardous materials and
waste. Related services include:
• Calvo Enterprises
• International Bridge
Corporation (IBC)
• Hazardous materials and waste management planning
• U.S. Navy
• Spill prevention control and countermeasures (SPCC)
• DZSP-21
P.O. BOX 5091
Phone: 671.477.7310
Fax: 671.477.7311
P.O.BOX 10001 PMB A6
SAIPAN, MP 96950
Phone: 670.322.7709
Fax: 670.322.7708
• SARA Title III Tier Two facility reporting
• CAMEO/MARPLOT emergency preparedness and
prevention software training
• Hazardous materials commodity flow analysis
• Hazardous materials site investigation
• Investigation-derived waste (IDW) characterization &
• Household and industrial waste collection and disposal
• Hazardous waste packaging, shipping and disposal
APEC Company Profile 2006 Page 12
• Mobil Oil Corporation,
• ExxonMobil International
Holdings, Inc.
• Serrano Construction
and Development Corp.
• Andersen Air Force
Base, Guam
• Saipan Stevedore, Inc.,
UST excavation, Francisco C. Ada/Saipan International Airport Incinerator Building, CNMI
• Commonwealth Ports
Authority, Saipan
International Airport
• Liguan Mobil Service
Station, Guam
• Dededo Mobil Service
Station, Guam
• 20th Filling Station,
Underground fuel storage tanks (USTs) can present significant
environmental and regulatory challenges. APEC has extensive
experience in UST management and site investigation. Related
services include:
• Work plan preparation
• Tank investigation
• Tank decommissioning & cleaning
• Tank in-place closure or removal
• Tank disposal
• Subsurface investigation and characterization
• Site remediation
• Site closure
• Related permitting, documentation, and reporting
P.O. BOX 5091
Phone: 671.477.7310
Fax: 671.477.7311
P.O.BOX 10001 PMB A6
SAIPAN, MP 96950
Phone: 670.322.7709
Fax: 670.322.7708
APEC Company Profile 2006 Page 13
• Hawaii International
Environmental Services
Inc. (HEIS), Guam
• Black Construction
Corporation, Guam
• Guam Department of
• Guam Power Authority
• Guam Shipyard
• Chugach Support
Services, Guam
Asbestos Abatement Emergency Response - Transite Water Pipe, Route 3, Dededo, Guam
• Earth Tech, Inc., Guam
• Guam Housing Authority
• International Bridge
Corporation (IBC), Guam
APEC has extensive experience in Class I – IV asbestos
investigation and abatement operations, and maintains a crew of
personnel trained and certified in asbestos abatement, handling,
and disposal. Asbestos-related services include:
• Serrano Construction &
Development Corp.
• Agbayani Construction
• USDA, Guam
• Raytheon, Guam
• Guam Telephone
• Guam Dai-Ichi Hotel
• Work plan preparation
• Asbestos inspection, sampling, analysis and reporting
• Health and safety and environmental air space monitoring
and sampling
• Friable (Class I) and non-friable (Class II) asbestos
• Asbestos containing material handling and disposal
P.O. BOX 5091
Phone: 671.477.7310
Fax: 671.477.7311
P.O.BOX 10001 PMB A6
SAIPAN, MP 96950
Phone: 670.322.7709
Fax: 670.322.7708
APEC Company Profile 2006 Page 14
• Mobil Oil Corporation,
Guam, CNMI, Pohnpei
• Maeda Pacific
Corporation, Guam
• Black Construction
Corporation, Guam
• Serrano Construction
and Development, Guam
• Guam Shipyard
• USDA, Guam
Air Monitoring and Supervision of LBP Abatement on Petroleum Storage Tanks, Mobil Oil
Terminal, Pohnpei
APEC performs comprehensive lead-based paint (LBP)
investigation, monitoring, and abatement services, and has
successfully completed projects at locations on Guam, Saipan,
Rota, and Pohnpei. Related services include:
• Guam Housing Authority
• Work plan preparation
• Chugach Support
Services, Guam
• LBP inspection, sampling, analysis and reporting
• Lead in air sampling
• Hotels
• LBP abatement and disposal
• Health & safety / environmental air space monitoring
and sampling
P.O. BOX 5091
Phone: 670.477.7310
Fax: 671.477.7311
P.O.BOX 10001 PMB A6
SAIPAN, MP 96950
Phone: 670.322.7709
Fax: 670.322.7708
APEC Company Profile 2006 Page 15
• Biscoe Investments
• Hotels
• Law Offices
Severe Black Mold Growth on Ceiling
Mold and mildew growing indoors can pose significant human
health threats and cause property damage. Mold and mildew
exposure can cause Organic Dust Toxic Syndrome (ODTS) or
Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (HP). Conditions promoting growth
of mold and mildew are especially prevalent in humid climates,
and are common in buildings in Micronesia, especially after a
prolonged power loss or water damage caused by heavy rains
and typhoons. Claims for personal injury and property damage
caused by mold are on the rise. APEC’s mold program provides
a variety of services including:
• Mold inspection
• Mold abatement
• Mold remediation & damage repair
• Mold prevention
P.O. BOX 5091
Phone: 671.477.7310
Fax: 671.477.7311
P.O.BOX 10001 PMB A6
SAIPAN, MP 96950
Phone: 670.322.7709
Fax: 670.322.7708
APEC Company Profile 2006 Page 16
• Environmental Chemical
Corporation (under
• DRC/Telesource, Guam
• Guam Marriott Hotel and
• Hilton Guam Resort and
• Pacific Islands Club,
Satellite photograph of Supertyphoon Pongsona approaching Guam, December 2002
In December 2002, Supertyphoon Pongsona caused island-wide
devastation on Guam. APEC immediately mobilized its
HAZWOPER-trained field personnel and responded to the crisis
by performing hazardous and non-hazardous debris removal and
disposal in compliance with FEMA and the US Army Corps of
Engineers requirements. APEC also fielded and managed work
crews for the emergency repair of heavily damaged hotels in
Guam's vital tourist district of Tumon. APEC personnel remain
trained, certified, and on-call for the following disaster-related
• Emergency response
P.O. BOX 5091
Phone: 671.477.7310
Fax: 671.477.7311
• General debris removal and disposal
• Hazardous waste removal & disposal
• Facility repairs and reconstruction
P.O.BOX 10001 PMB A6
SAIPAN, MP 96950
Phone: 670.322.7709
Fax: 670.322.7708
APEC Company Profile 2006 Page 17
PO BOX 5091
Phone: 671.477.7310
Fax: 671.477.7311
P.O.BOX 10001 PMB A6
SAIPAN, MP 96950
Phone: 670.322.7709
Fax: 670.322.7708
Environmental Assessment
APEC has conducted environmental assessments throughout Micronesia, including
Environmental Impact Assessments, Phase I Environmental Site Assessments, and Phase
II Environmental Site Assessments. Related experience includes:
Emergency Environmental Site Assessment, Umatac, Guam: APEC performed an
Emergency Environmental Site Assessment (EESA) in accordance with American Society
for Testing and Materials Standard E 1903 at the site of a diesel and gas fuel release
caused by a tanker truck accident in Umatac, Guam. The purpose of the EESA was to
provide an initial characterization of the subject site based upon data obtained within 72
hours of the fuel release incident. Duties included sampling and analysis of soil
contamination, delineation of extent of contaminants of concern, and report preparation
including mitigation and remediation recommendations. Client: Mobil Oil Guam, Inc.
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Guam Reef Hotel, Tumon, Guam: APEC
performed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Transaction Screen Process of the
Guam Reef Hotel and properties located on Lot Nos. 5060-1NEW, 5060-A, AND 5091-1
NEW, Tumon, Guam, in accordance with the American Society for Testing and Materials
(ASTM) Standard E 1528. Work carried out during the ESA included reconnaissance of the
subject and adjoining properties, personal interviews, and review of historical records and
regulatory databases in an effort to identify evidence of recognized environmental
conditions that may impact the property. Client: Civille & Tang Law Offices.
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Hotel Nikko, Tumon, Guam: APEC
performed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment of the Hotel Nikko Guam and
property located on Lot No. 10113-1, Tumon, Guam, in accordance with the American
Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard E 1527-00. Work carried out during the
ESA included reconnaissance of the subject and adjoining properties, personal interviews,
and review of historical records and regulatory databases in an effort to identify evidence of
recognized environmental conditions that may impact the property. Client: Ishin Hotels
Hazardous Waste Site Investigation, Mecheche, Guam: APEC performed a hazardous
waste site assessment for a 8,550 sq. meter parcel of land located in Mecheche, Guam, in
accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials Standard E 1903. Duties
included sampling & analysis of soil for metals, PCBs, pesticides, herbicides, and
petroleum hydrocarbons as motor oil, diesel and gasoline; recording of site conditions; and
preparation of a site investigation report including recommendations and cost estimate for
clean up activities. Client: C.L. Taitano, P.C. (Law Office)
CUC Power Plants 1 & 2 Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, Lower Base,
Saipan, CNMI: APEC conducted a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for
CUC Power Plants 1 & 2 sites (Lot No. 205 E 01), Lower Base, Saipan, CNMI. The
purpose of this Phase II ESA was to provide an initial overview of the environmental
condition of the subject site, specifically relative to the presence of any hazardous
substance or petroleum product contamination. Duties included coordination with CNMI
officials; sampling and analysis of environmental and industrial media; and report
preparation including mitigation and remediation recommendations. Client: Commonwealth
Utilities Corporation
APEC Project Experience 2006 Page 1
Environmental Assessment
Hazardous Waste Site Investigation, Dededo, Guam: APEC performed a hazardous waste site
assessment for a parcel of land located on Harmon Loop Road, Dededo, Guam, in accordance with
American Society for Testing and Materials Standard E 1903. The purpose of the investigation was to
determine environmental impacts to the property associated with uncontrolled disposal of debris.
Activities included site inspection, soil sampling and analysis, and report production. Client: D.
Hernandez (Landowner’s Representative).
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Lot 1148-R2, Barrigada, Guam: APEC performed a
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment of parcel of land located in Barrigada, Guam, in accordance
with American Society for Testing and Materials Standard E 1527. Duties included reconnaissance of
the subject and adjacent properties; interviews; review of historical records and regulatory databases;
and report preparation. Client: Harvest Baptist Church.
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Lot 22700-R1, Kagman, Saipan, CNMI: APEC performed
a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment of parcel of land located in Kagman, Saipan, in accordance
with American Society for Testing and Materials Standard E 1527. Duties included reconnaissance of
the subject and adjacent properties; interviews; review of historical records and regulatory databases;
and report preparation. Client: Mobil Oil Guam, Inc.
Investigation of Potential PCB-containing Oil in Electric Transformers at the Saipan International
Airport, Saipan: Performed environmental investigation of transformers stored at the Saipan
International Airport.
Duties included: preparation of a Site Investigation Plan; background
investigation; field screening using Dexsil type Clor-D-Tect kits for field determination of total halogens
and chlorine; collection of oil samples for analytical laboratory analysis for PCBs; and preparation of a
Site Investigation Report. Client: CNMI Commonwealth Ports Authority.
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment and Lot No. 5075 Part-1, Dededo (Upper Tumon), Guam:
APEC performed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment of parcel of land located in Dededo, Guam,
in accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials Standard E 1527. Duties included
reconnaissance of the subject and adjacent properties; interviews; review of historical records and
regulatory databases; and report preparation. Client: Biscoe Investments.
Phase II Limited Environmental Baseline Investigation Lot No. 5075 Part-1, Dededo (Upper
Tumon), Guam: APEC conducted a Limited Phase II EBI at Lot No. 5075 Part-1, Dededo, Guam. The
investigation was conducted in accordance with the ASTM standard E-1903. The purpose of the
Limited Phase II EBI was to re-evaluate site environmental conditions identified by a previous site
investigation. Soil sampling and analysis activities were performed in order to determine existing soil
total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) concentrations. Determination of soil TPH concentrations was
necessary in order to ascertain whether or not corrective action was required at the site. Client: Maeda
Pacific Corp., Guam.
Puerto Rico Power Plant Phase I Environmental Site Assessment and Limited Phase II Baseline
Investigation, Saipan, CNMI: APEC performed Phase I activities for Puerto Rico Power Plant. Duties
included aerial photograph interpretation, title research, environmental records research, interviews with
CNMI agency personnel, site reconnaissance, digital photography, and report preparation including
mitigation and remediation recommendations. The follow up Phase II included an assessment of the
horizontal and vertical extent of heavy metals, PCBs, total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), and
chlorinated hydrocarbons contamination identified in the Phase I EA. Duties included coordination with
CNMI officials; generation of work, health and safety, and sampling and analysis plans; sampling and
analysis of environmental and industrial media; and report preparation including mitigation and
remediation recommendations. Client: Rolls Royce Power Ventures, Inc.
APEC Project Experience 2006 Page 2
Environmental Assessment
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment and Phase II Environmental Baseline Investigation of
Lot 10070-A-3-R3, 1610A Kyn Josen Juana, Dededo, Guam: APEC (with Tetratech EMI) performed
a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) and a Phase II Environmental Baseline Investigation
(EBI) of a 17,000 square feet parcel of land located in Dededo, Guam, in accordance with American
Society for Testing and Materials Standards E 1527 and E 1903. Phase 1 duties included
reconnaissance of the subject and adjacent properties; interviews; review of historical records and
regulatory databases; radon, asbestos and lead based paint investigation; and report preparation.
Phase II duties included sampling & analysis of soil for heavy metals and hydrocarbons associated with
improper disposal of approximately 300 lead acid batteries, automobile parts and supplies. An EBI
summary of findings report was prepared at the conclusion of the investigation. Client: United States
Department of Agriculture.
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment and Phase II Limited Environmental Baseline
Investigation Lot No. 2438-1NEW, Mangilao, Guam: APEC performed a Phase I Environmental Site
Assessment (ESA) and a Phase II Limited Environmental Baseline Investigation of a 7,900 square feet
parcel of land located in Mangilao, Guam, in accordance with American Society for Testing and
Materials Standards E 1527 and E 1903. Phase I duties included reconnaissance of the subject and
adjacent properties, interviews, review of historical records and regulatory databases and report
preparation. Phase II duties included sampling & analysis of soil for metals, heavy metals and
petroleum hydrocarbons as motor oil, diesel and gasoline. An EBI summary of findings report was
prepared at the conclusion of the investigation. Client: Mobil Oil Guam, Inc.
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Lot No. 101-4B-2 Mongmong-Toto-Maite, Guam: APEC
performed an environmental investigation of the subject property on behalf of the Hong Kong and
Shanghai Bank. Responsibilities included: researching past property use; site inspection for regulated
substances; review of historical records and regulatory databases; hydrogeological investigation; above
and underground storage tank presence indications; regulatory agency liaison; and report preparation.
Client: Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation.
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Lot Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 4, Tract 259 Municipality of
Tamuning, Guam: Performed environmental investigation and risk assessment on behalf of the Hong
Kong and Shanghai Bank. Responsibilities included: researching past property use; site inspection for
regulated substances; review of historical records and regulatory databases; hydrogeological
investigation; above and underground storage tank presence indications; regulatory agency liaison; and
report preparation. Client: Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC).
Environmental Impact Assessment for Proposed Aimeliik Landfill, Babeldaub, Palau: APEC and
the engineering firm Winzler and Kelley Inc. completed an Environmental Impact Assessment for the
proposed Aimeliik Landfill, Babeldaub, Palau. APEC performed a hydrogeological survey, supervised
geotechnical fieldwork, and subcontracted and supervised archeological, wetlands, biological, and
cultural surveys for the proposed Aimeliik Landfill. Client: Republic of Palau Bureau of Public Works.
Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Field Investigation Report, Guatali, Piti, Guam: The purpose of the
investigation was to evaluate the proposed site in relation to landfill siting criteria specified in Guam's
Solid Waste Rules and Regulations and in the Federal Regulations 40 CFR 258. Specific areas of
investigation included: fault proximity, geological stability, wetlands, archeology and unexploded
ordnance. Client: Guam Department of Public Works.
APEC Project Experience 2006 Page 3
Environmental Permitting
APEC environmental permitting services include agency and facility coordination and
planning, environmental modeling, and completion and processing of environmental
permit application documents.
Geotechnical Investigation Permitting, Lower Base, Saipan, CNMI: APEC
completed application documents and procured Earthmoving Permit (geotechnical
soil borings) from CNMI Division of Environmental Quality (DEQ), including
applications and approvals from Coastal Resource Management (CRM), Division of
Fish & Wildlife (DFW), and Historic Preservation Office (HPO). Procured utilities
clearances from Commonwealth Utilities Corp. Divisions of Power, Sewer, and
Water. Client: Rolls-Royce Power Ventures Overseas Limited / Pacific Marine &
Industrial Corp. (PMIC).
Subsurface Investigation Permitting, Chalan Kanoa, Saipan, CNMI: Completed
application documents and procured Earthmoving Permit (soil borings) from CNMI
Division of Environmental Quality (DEQ), including applications and approvals from
Coastal Resource Management (CRM), Division of Fish & Wildlife (DFW), and
Historic Preservation Office (HPO).
Procured utilities clearances from
Commonwealth Utilities Corp. Divisions of Power, Sewer, and Water. Client: 20th
Filling Station.
Subsurface Investigation Permitting, Francisco C. Ada/Saipan International
Airport, CNMI: Completed application documents and procured Earthmoving Permit
(soil borings) from CNMI Division of Environmental Quality (DEQ), including
applications and approvals from Coastal Resource Management (CRM), Division of
Fish & Wildlife (DFW), and Historic Preservation Office (HPO). Procured utilities
clearances from Commonwealth Utilities Corp. Divisions of Power, Sewer, and
Water. Client: Mobil Oil Marianas, Inc.
Permitting Associated with Agana Power Plant Remediation of PCB
Contamination in Soil, United States Navy Remedial Action Contract II, CTO-22,
Mongmong, Guam: APEC obtained local permits and clearances and provided
coordination between IT Corporation and local and federal agencies including Guam
Department of Public Works, Guam EPA, Guam Historic Preservation Office, Guam
Power Authority, Guam Telephone Authority, Guam Water Works, U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers, and Marianas Cablevision. Client: IT Corporation.
Groundwater Monitoring, Extraction, Treatment, and Discharge Permitting at
the Former Exxon Service Station, Chalan Pago, Guam: APEC completed project
permitting associated with the investigation, characterization, monitoring, and
remediation of subsurface soil and groundwater contamination resulting from a
leaking underground fuel storage tank. APEC continues to perform ongoing
permitting for eleven groundwater monitoring wells, four groundwater extraction
wells, and discharge of treated groundwater into the public sewer system. Client:
Exxon Mobil International Holdings, Inc.
APEC Project Experience 2006 Page 4
Environmental Permitting
Deep Underground Injection Well Permitting, Saipan, CNMI: APEC performed technical support
services for regulatory permitting activities associated with NPDES-driven reverse osmosis (RO)
system brine discharge injection wells. The wells were installed to depths of 160 to 480 feet below
sea level at several locations on Saipan, including: Hafa Adai Beach Hotel, Dai-Ichi Hotel, and Hyatt
Regency (Garapan); Nikko Hotel (San Roque); Aqua Resort Club (Achugao); and Saipan Water & Ice
Co. (Sadog Tasi). Client: EFC Engineers and Architects Corporation.
Stormwater Runoff Underground Injection Control Program Permitting for Five Mobil Oil
Service Stations, Guam: APEC completed regulatory permitting associated with on-site storm water
runoff underground injection wells for five Mobil Oil Service Stations on Guam. Permitting activities
included conceptual hydrogeological characterization, conceptual mapping of subsurface structures in
the surrounding site vicinity, generation of a storm water sampling and analysis plan, client and
regulatory agency interaction, and permit application development and submittal. Client: Sinclair
Knight Merz.
Stormwater Runoff Underground Injection Control Program Permitting for Legend Pacific
Apartment Complex, Ordot, Guam: APEC completed regulatory permitting associated with an onsite storm water runoff underground injection well at an apartment complex. Permitting activities
included conceptual hydrogeological characterization, conceptual mapping of subsurface structures in
the surrounding site vicinity, generation of a storm water sampling and analysis plan, client and
regulatory agency interaction, and permit application development and submittal. Client: Legend
Pacific Corporation LTD
APEC Project Experience 2006 Page 5
Regulatory Compliance
APEC regulatory compliance services include interfacing with regulatory agencies on
behalf of clients, compliance-based sampling for constituents of concern, hazardous
materials and waste management planning, hazardous materials and waste
management awareness training, response to notice of violation and other
compliance notifications from federal and local government agencies.
Response to US EPA RCRA Notice of Violation (NOV): A Saipan-based garment
factory received a RCRA notice of violation from the US EPA for improper storage
and disposal of hazardous wastes. APEC interfaced with US EPA to define the
problem, conducted site inspections of the factory, sampled for constituents of
concern, completed necessary reporting of sample results, and wrote a hazardous
materials and waste management plan for the factory. Upon completion of these
activities, APEC worked with the US EPA to ensure that the NOV was appropriately
addressed, and the case was closed. Client: Tan Holdings Incorporated, Saipan.
Response to US EPA RCRA Notice of Violation (NOV): A Saipan-based paper
box factory received a RCRA notice of violation from the US EPA for improper
storage and disposal of hazardous wastes. APEC interfaced with US EPA to define
the problem, conducted site inspections of the factory, sampled for constituents of
concern, completed necessary reporting of sample results, and wrote a hazardous
materials and waste management plan for the factory. Upon completion of these
activities, APEC worked with the US EPA to ensure that the NOV was appropriately
addressed, and the case was closed. Client: Golden Dragon Paper Factory, Saipan.
Response to US EPA Unilateral Administrative Order: The Commonwealth Ports
Authority received a unilateral administrative order (UAO) from the US EPA to cease
burning all trash in the Saipan Airport incinerators, due to numerous RCRA
hazardous waste violations and for incineration permit issues. APEC conducted site
inspections of the facility and is working with US EPA to address the problems to
their satisfaction. Activities include sampling of affected media to determine extent of
contamination, providing recommendations to the client for compliance with local and
federal regulations, writing a hazardous materials and waste management plan for
the facility, conducting hazardous materials and waste awareness training for airport
employees, and working with the CNMI Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)
to obtain proper permits for the incinerator facility. Client: CNMI Commonwealth
Ports Authority, Saipan International Airport.
Response to US EPA Unilateral Administrative Order: The Sablan Rock Quarry
received a UAO from the US EPA due to RCRA hazardous waste management and
storage violations. APEC conducted site inspections and investigations of the facility
and worked with US EPA to address the problems to their satisfaction. Activities
include soil sampling and analysis to determine extent of contamination, waste oil
sampling and characterization, providing recommendations to the client for
compliance with local and federal regulations, writing a hazardous materials and
waste management plan for the facility, and conducting hazardous materials and
waste awareness training for employees. Client: Sablan Rock Quarry, Saipan.
APEC Project Experience 2006 Page 6
Air Emissions Modeling and Permitting
APEC has completed air emissions studies and air permit application services (per EPA
Clean Air Act Title V/40 CFR 51) for a variety of facility types in Guam and the CNMI.
Related APEC services include facility and regulatory agency coordination and planning,
facility inventory and data management, air emissions modeling, and processing of air
permit application documents.
Air Emissions Modeling and Permit Application Services for CUC Power Plant I,
Lower Base, Saipan, CNMI: Performed air emissions modeling and permitting activities
for 8 diesel generators (84 MW capacity), and 2 waste oil incinerators. Client: CNMI
Commonwealth Utilities Corporation.
Air Emissions Modeling and Permit Application Services for Rota Power Plant,
Songsong, Rota, CNMI: Performed air emissions modeling and permitting activities for
3 diesel generators (6.5 MW capacity).
Client: CNMI Commonwealth Utilities
Air Emissions Modeling and Permit Application Services for PMIC Power Plant,
Puerto Rico, Saipan, CNMI: Performed air emissions modeling and permitting activities
for proposed 10 diesel generators (30 MW capacity). Client: Pacific Marine and Industrial
Air Emissions Modeling and Permit Application Services for Trans Asia Garment
Forte Corp./Global Manufacturing, Inc./Alliance Paper Products, Inc., Lower Base,
Saipan, CNMI: Performed air emissions modeling and permitting activities for 9 diesel
generators and 10 boilers. Client: Tan Holdings Corporation.
Air Permitting Associated with Catalytic Oxidation Unit at Remedial Groundwater
Investigation Site at the Former Exxon Service Station, Chalan Pago, Guam:
Coordinated and developed catalytic oxidation unit air emissions permitting with
subsequent approval by Guam EPA. APEC completed the permitting process through
close collaboration with manufacturer’s representatives, local engineers, and government
agency representatives involved with the Chalan Pago Former Exxon Service Station
remediation site. Client: ExxonMobil International Holdings, Inc.
Air Permitting Associated with Soil Vapor Extraction Unit at Remedial Groundwater
Investigation Site at the Former Exxon Service Station, Chalan Pago, Guam:
Coordinated and developed soil vapor extraction air emissions permitting with
subsequent approval by Guam EPA. APEC completed the permitting process through
close collaboration with manufacturer’s representatives, local engineers, and government
agency representatives involved with the Chalan Pago Former Exxon Service Station
remediation site. Client: ExxonMobil International Holdings, Inc.
APEC Project Experience 2006 Page 7
Natural Resources Management
Environmental Assessment for the Tinian International Airport Expansion Project,
CNMI: APEC provided project management for a federally mandated Environmental
Assessment. Due to impact to a federally protected species, a Biological Assessment
was prepared and a Section 7 consultation was undertaken. Participated in negotiations
with the CNMI-CPA, U.S. Navy, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife for the mitigation area
designation and development. The document was prepared in accordance with NEPA
and FAA regulations. Client: Commonwealth Port Authority, CNMI.
Environmental Impact Statement for a New MSW Landfill on Guam: Provided
hydrogeology expertise and project coordination for the investigation, assessment, and
relative rating of three potential MSW landfill sites on Guam. NEPA criteria, Title 40, Part
258 Subtitle D siting regulations, and local land use regulations were utilized. Client:
Guam Department of Public Works.
Environmental Impact Assessment for Proposed Aimeliik Landfill, Babeldaub,
Palau: APEC and Winzler and Kelley Consulting Engineers teamed to complete this
project. Coordinated and managed efforts on behalf of subcontractors to APEC
conducting archeological, wetlands, biological and cultural surveys for the proposed
Aimeliik Landfill. In addition APEC supervised hydrogeological and geotechnical field
work. Client: National Government of the Republic of Palau, Bureau of Public Works.
APEC Project Experience 2006 Page 8
Drinking Water Quality Testing
Environmental Laboratory Analytical Services
Drinking Water Quality Testing Services
Drinking Water Quality Testing: APEC provides water quality laboratory analytical
services for Alexander Drilling, Saipan. Client: Alexander Drilling.
Drinking Water Quality Testing: APEC provided water quality laboratory analytical
services for World Resort, Saipan. Client: World Resort.
Drinking Water Quality Testing: APEC provided water quality laboratory analytical
services for assessment of supply wells for Hyatt Hotel, Saipan. Client: Hyatt Hotels,
Drinking Water Quality Testing: APEC provided water quality assessment laboratory
analytical services for of supply wells for Japan Water Systems, Saipan. Client: Japan
Water Systems, Saipan.
Environmental Laboratory Analytical Services
Agricultural Well Testing, Mongmong/Toto, Guam: APEC provided water quality
laboratory analytical services for assessment of a potentially contaminated groundwater
well in Mongmong/Toto, Guam, after a JP-8 Jet Fuel release near the well. Clients:
Raytheon Technical Services and U.S. Navy.
Monitoring Well Water Quality Testing: APEC is currently providing water quality
laboratory analytical services for assessment of two monitoring wells in Harmon/Tumon,
Guam. Client: Guam Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency.
Injection Well Water Quality Testing: APEC provided water quality laboratory
analytical services for assessment of reverse osmosis injection wells on Saipan. Clients:
Hafa Adai Beach Hotel, Dai Ichi Hotel, and Hyatt Hotel, Saipan.
APEC Project Experience 2006 Page 9
Subsurface and Groundwater
Investigation and Remediation
Groundwater quality is a key issue for Guam and the CNMI. APEC personnel have
extensive experience in subsurface and groundwater investigation, characterization, and
remediation. APEC also provides supply, injection and monitoring well design; drilling and
well completion oversight; pump testing and down-hole camera well logging and video
recording services.
Installation of Harmon Groundwater Monitoring Wells: APEC provided project
management and oversight for the construction of three monitoring wells in Harmon,
Guam. Responsibilities included: driller selection and contracting, site selection, project
scheduling and coordination, supervision of drilling, lithological and hydrogeological
evaluation, well design, well construction and completion of subsequent water sampling
for analyses. Installation of a fourth well is currently underway. Client: Guam
Environmental Protection Agency.
Down-hole Camera Well Logging and Video Recording: APEC conducted down-hole
well logging and video recording services to aid in visual well logging and visual well
integrity inspection. Clients: CNMI Division of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and Saipan
hotels including Hafa Adai Beach Hotel, Nikko, Hyatt, and Aqua Resort.
Saipan Lagoon Groundwater Seep Investigation, Saipan, CNMI: APEC is currently
conducting a yearlong investigation of Saipan Lagoon groundwater seeps on behalf of
DEQ. Project activities include identifying, locating, and measuring flow rates and nutrient
output of lagoonal groundwater seeps in Saipan Lagoon, CNMI. Client: CNMI Division of
Environmental Quality (DEQ) and Coastal Resources Management Office (CRMO).
Groundwater Potentiometric Surface Investigation Kagman, Saipan, CNMI: APEC
conducted a groundwater potentiometric surface investigation in Kagman, Saipan on
behalf of Shell Guam, Inc. to determine the direction of groundwater gradients in the
vicinity of a proposed service station. Client: Shell Oil Guam Inc.
Subsurface Investigation of JP-8 Fuel Release, Toto, Guam: APEC conducted an
investigation and characterization of subsurface contamination resulting from the release
of JP-8 jet fuel from s leaking fuel line in Toto, Guam. Activities included preparation of
health and safety plan and site investigation plan, oversight of fuel vault excavation, test
pit excavation, soil and water sampling and analyses, daily reporting and contaminant
delineation. Client: Raytheon Technical Services Guam and U.S. Navy, COMNAVMAR.
Remedial Subsurface Investigation at Saipan International Airport, CNMI: APEC
conducted an investigation and characterization of subsurface and groundwater
contamination resulting from the release of approximately 6,000 gallons of jet fuel from
an underground fuel pipeline. Monitoring and remediation activities have been ongoing
since the start of the project in 2001. APEC oversaw the design and installation of the
soil vapor extraction system. Site activities include obtaining groundwater samples for
laboratory analysis, and the operation, maintenance and effluent sampling of soil vapor
extraction equipment. Responsibilities included coordination with regulatory agencies;
oversight of operations, permitting, and materials procurement; and quarterly reporting.
Client: CNMI Commonwealth Ports Authority.
APEC Project Experience 2006 Page 10
Subsurface & Groundwater Investigation and Remediation
Mobil Oil Guam, Inc. Liguan Underground Storage Tank Removal, Dededo, Guam: APEC
performed excavation of a 6,000-gallon diesel fuel UST, and characterized the subsurface
contamination surrounding the UST. Client: Mobil Oil Guam, Inc.
Remedial Subsurface Investigation at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam: APEC conducted an
investigation and characterization of subsurface contamination resulting from the release of
approximately 2,000 gallons of jet fuel from a severed underground fuel pipeline. Remediation
activities include design and oversight of the installation of passive soil venting wells in combination
with the application of Oxygen Releasing Compound, as an alternative remediation strategy.
Responsibilities included communication with regulatory agencies, contractors and Air Force
representatives; oversight of operations; coordination of surveying, permitting, materials
procurement and other related activities. Client: Nova Group Inc.
Remedial Groundwater Investigation at the Former Exxon Service Station, Chalan Pago,
Guam: APEC conducted an investigation and characterization of subsurface and groundwater
contamination resulting from a leaking underground petroleum storage tank. Monitoring and
remediation activities have been ongoing since the start of the project in 1998. APEC oversaw the
design and installation of subsurface remediation systems including product recovery, pump and
treat air stripping, catalytic oxidation, soil vapor extraction, air sparge and granulated activated
charcoal filtration. Ongoing site activities include obtaining groundwater samples and water levels
from 15 monitoring wells and the operation and maintenance of remediation systems.
Responsibilities include coordination with regulatory agencies; oversight of operations, permitting,
and materials procurement; monthly and quarterly reporting. Client: ExxonMobil International
Holdings, Inc.
Remedial Subsurface and Groundwater Investigation at the Barrigada Exxon Service
Station, Barrigada, Guam: APEC performed oversight of the investigation, characterization,
monitoring and remediation of groundwater contamination resulting from a leaking underground
petroleum storage tank. Responsibilities included communication with regulatory agencies and
Exxon representatives; oversight of operations; coordination of surveying, permitting, materials
procurement and other related activities. Client: ExxonMobil International Holdings, Inc.
Subsurface Investigation, Guam Reef Hotel, Tumon, Guam: APEC performed a subsurface
investigation, including the collection and analysis of soil samples for the purpose of obtaining
regulatory approval for closure of a former underground storage tank (UST) site. Client: Guam
Reef Hotel.
Agana Shopping Center Wetlands Investigation for Potential TPH Contamination, Agana,
Guam: APEC developed a Site Investigation Plan; performed subsurface investigation, including
the collection and analysis of soil samples; and produced a Site Investigation Report to delineate
the extent of horizontal and vertical contamination in accordance with three environmental
protection objectives: the protection of Guam’s ground and surface water, limitation of human
health risk by exposure management, and limitation of ecological risk. Client: Agana Shopping
Underground Storage Tank (UST) Decommissioning, Excavation, Cleaning & Disposal;
Subsurface Investigation and Remediation, Saipan, CNMI: APEC performed planning and
project management for the decommissioning, excavation, cleaning and disposal of 1,000 gallon
fiberglass UST; related subsurface investigation; and remediation for petroleum hydrocarbons soil
contamination. Responsibilities for site remediation included oversight of bioremediation berm
construction and maintenance; soil sampling and related reporting; and regulatory agency
communication. Client: CNMI Commonwealth Ports Authority.
APEC Project Experience 2006 Page 11
Hazardous Materials & Waste Management
APEC performs hazardous materials and waste planning, management, characterization,
transportation, and disposal. Recent projects include:
Hazardous Waste Site Investigation, Mecheche, Guam:
APEC performed a
hazardous waste site assessment for a 8,550 sq. meter parcel of land located in
Mecheche, Guam, in accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials
Standard E 1903. Duties included sampling & analysis of soil for metals, PCBs,
pesticides, herbicides, and petroleum hydrocarbons; recording of site conditions; and
preparation of a site investigation report including recommendations and cost estimate for
clean up activities. Client: C.L. Taitano, P.C. (Law Office)
Hazardous Waste Site Investigation, Dededo, Guam: APEC performed a hazardous
waste site assessment for a parcel of land located on Harmon Loop Road, Dededo,
Guam, in accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials Standard E 1903.
The purpose of the investigation was to determine environmental impacts to the property
associated with uncontrolled disposal of debris. Activities included site inspection, soil
sampling and analysis, and report production. Client: D. Hernandez (Property Owner
Heating Oil Release Emergency Response, Harmon, Guam: APEC performed
oversight of emergency response efforts triggered by a Thermia B Heating Oil release at
an asphalt batch plant. APEC supervised the excavation, removal, and storage of
contaminated soil. Responsibilities included the construction of a bermed, polyethylene
lined temporary storage area, digital photographic documentation, grab sampling, sample
shipping and tracking, record keeping, and interaction with Guam EPA. Client:
International Bridge Corp. (IBC).
SARA Title III Tier Two Facility Profiles Report, Saipan, Tinian, Rota, CNMI: APEC
coordinated, managed, and trained CNMI agency personnel performing the start-up
Superfund Amendments Reauthorization Act (SARA) Title III, Tier 2 reporting project for
facilities storing hazardous materials on Saipan, Tinian, and Rota. Participating agencies
included Emergency Management Office, Division of Environmental Quality, Coastal
Resources Management, and Fire Department. APEC responsibilities included training
CNMI agency personnel in conducting facility site inspections; data entry, data
management, and screening scenarios utilizing USEPA/NOAA Computer-Aided
Management of Emergency Operations (CAMEO) software; and coordination with
regulatory and public safety agencies. Client: CNMI Emergency Management Office
Hazardous Waste Management Course for Generators, Guam: APEC senior project
manager developed and instructed a 16-hour course specifically geared to Guam
Environmental Protection Agency (GEPA) regulations for hazardous waste generators.
GEPA, U.S. EPA, and U.S. Department of Transportation regulations were included in
the syllabus. Clients: Various Guam-based potential hazardous waste generators.
APEC Project Experience 2006 Page 12
Hazardous Materials & Waste Management
Hazardous Materials Commodity Flow Analysis, Saipan, Tinian, Rota, CNMI: APEC provided a
comprehensive accounting of hazardous materials and their constituent chemicals, quantities, and
importers in the CNMI, in accordance with the guidelines outlined by the United States Department of
Transportation Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA 1995). APEC produced a
format for the creation and maintenance of a hazardous materials baseline database using Microsoft
Access software. Client: Saipan Emergency Management Office (EMO).
Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Plan (HMWMP), Saipan, CNMI: APEC developed
a hazardous materials and waste management plan for municipal utilities corporation facilities on
Saipan, Tinian, and Rota, including power generation, potable water production, wastewater
production, laboratory, and related support facilities. The HMWMP included relevant management
practices; federal and state regulations; labels and forms; and facility HM/HW inventories. Client:
CNMI Commonwealth Utilities Corporation.
Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Plan Update, CNMI: APEC prepared an update of
the CNMI Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Plan to aid EMO's effort to improve
preparedness, prevention and response capabilities related to hazardous materials in CNMI.
Activities included incorporating the resources of the CNMI Hazardous Materials Flow Analysis,
February 2002 and the CNMI Tier Two Facility Profiles Report, August 2002 into the current CNMI
Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Plan (HMERP); interviewing and coordinating input
regarding response capabilities from 22 relevant agencies to update information for the plan; site
visits and facility inspections on Saipan, Rota and Tinian; and on-site training of EMO and agency
personnel. Client: CNMI Emergency Management Office (EMO).
Harmon Hazardous Waste Site Investigation and Remediation, Harmon, Guam: APEC
performed management and oversight of investigation activities related to an un-permitted hazardous
waste storage site located on private property. APEC’s responsibilities included Work Plan and
QA/QC development; scheduling; sampling and analysis; and interaction with the Guam
Environmental Protection Agency on the client’s behalf. Client: Calvo Enterprises.
Investigation Derived Waste Management, Saipan International Airport, Saipan, CNMI: APEC
completed the inventory, management, packaging, shipping, and handling of investigation derived
petroleum-contaminated soil generated during the subsurface investigation of a Jet A-1 fuel release
at Saipan International Airport. APEC shipped the investigation-derived waste (IDW) from Saipan to
a soil treatment facility on Guam in accordance with Department of Transportation (DOT) and US
Coast Guard shipping and transportation regulations. Client: Mobil Oil Marianas, Inc.
Investigation Derived Waste Management, Cocos Island Boat Ramp, Merizo, Guam: APEC
coordinated, supervised, and documented the transportation of investigation-derived petroleum
contaminated soil (PCS) generated during a UST removal and subsurface investigation at the Merizo
Cocos Island boat ramp. APEC transported the IDW to an on-island soil treatment facility in
accordance with DOT and Guam EPA regulations. Client: Mobil Oil, Guam.
Investigation Derived Waste Management, Former Chalan Pago Exxon Service Station, Chalan
Pago, Guam:
APEC completed the inventory, management, sampling and analysis, and
transportation of PCS derived from investigative soil borings. APEC transported the investigationderived waste to an on-island soil treatment facility in accordance with DOT and Guam EPA
regulations. Client: ExxonMobil International Holding, Inc.
APEC/PDI Bioremediation Facility, Harmon, Guam: APEC, in conjunction with Pacific Drilling
Incorporated, obtained a permit and constructed a bermed and lined soil storage facility to be used for
bioremediation of petroleum-contaminated soil (PCS). APEC coordinated the shipment of PCS from
various subsurface soil investigation sites and stored and treated the soil in accordance with Guam
EPA, USEPA, and DOT regulations.
APEC Project Experience 2006 Page 13
Underground Storage Tank (UST) Management
APEC provides UST management services including UST decommissioning, cleaning
and removal, subsurface investigation, and subsurface remediation.
UST Decommissioning, Excavation, Cleaning & Disposal, and Subsurface
Investigation, Lower Base, Saipan, CNMI:
APEC provided oversight for the
decommissioning, excavation, cleaning and disposal of a 1,000 gallon UST at the Saipan
Stevedore equipment and maintenance facility. APEC performed related subsurface soil
and groundwater investigation; sampling and analysis; subsurface characterization;
reporting; and regulatory agency communication. Client: Saipan Stevedore, Inc.
Remedial Subsurface Investigation: Waste Oil UST Removal Site, Former Dededo
Mobil Service Station, Dededo, Guam: APEC conducted subsurface investigation
activities to determine the vertical and lateral extent of contamination at the site resulting
from a leaking UST. Activities included historical site research, soil sampling and
analysis, and reporting. The site was subsequently approved for closure by the Guam
Environmental Protection Agency. Client: Mobil Oil Guam, Inc.
Site Investigation, Former Mobil Service Station, Merizo, Guam: APEC conducted
subsurface investigation activities to determine the vertical and lateral extent of
contamination at the site resulting from a leaking UST. Activities included historical site
research, soil sampling and analysis, waste oil underground storage tank removal, and
reporting. Client: Mobil Oil Guam, Inc.
Environmental Services in Support of Department of the Air Force, Demolition and
Disposal of Tumon Tank Farms, Guam: APEC performed environmental oversight and
sampling services during the demolition of the Tumon Tank Farm. Services included
preparation of a site Work Plan and Health and Safety Plan; sampling and analysis of
tank contents; asbestos and lead-based paint sampling and analysis; field oversight of
product removal and tank cleaning activities; soil sampling and analysis, and preparation
of a tank closure report. Client: Serrano Construction and Development Corp.
Remedial Groundwater Investigation at the Former Exxon Service Station, Chalan
Pago, Guam: APEC conducted an investigation and characterization of subsurface and
groundwater contamination resulting from a leaking underground petroleum storage tank.
Monitoring and remediation activities have been ongoing since the start of the project in
1998. APEC oversaw the design and installation of subsurface remediation systems
including product recovery, pump and treat air stripping, catalytic oxidation, soil vapor
extraction, air sparge and granulated activated charcoal filtration. Site activities include
obtaining groundwater samples and water levels from 15 monitoring wells and the
operation and maintenance of remediation systems. Responsibilities include coordination
with regulatory agencies; oversight of operations, permitting, and materials procurement;
and monthly, quarterly and annual reporting. Client: ExxonMobil International Holdings,
APEC Project Experience 2006 Page 14
Underground Storage Tank (UST) Management
UST Decommissioning, Excavation, Cleaning & Disposal; Subsurface Investigation and
Remediation, Saipan, CNMI: APEC performed planning and project management for the
decommissioning, excavation, cleaning and disposal of an 1,000-gallon fiberglass UST; related
subsurface investigation; and remediation for petroleum hydrocarbons soil contamination. Project
included production of Work Plan, Site Investigation Plan, Sampling & Analysis Plan; oversight of tank
decommissioning, cleaning, excavation, and disposal; soil sampling; reporting of laboratory analytical
results; recommendations for site remediation; and related regulatory agency communications.
Responsibilities for site remediation include oversight of bioremediation berm construction and
maintenance; soil sampling and related reporting; and regulatory agency communication. Client:
CNMI Commonwealth Ports Authority.
Waste Oil Underground Storage Tank Removal and Subsurface Remedial Investigation,
Dededo, Guam: APEC managed the excavation, cleaning, and removal of a leaking UST at the
Mobil Liguan Service Station in Dededo, Guam. Additional services included subsurface soil
investigation, waste characterization and management, and reporting. Client: Mobil Oil Guam, Inc.
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Asbestos Containing Building Material (ACM)
Inspection and Abatement
APEC personnel are experienced in inspection and abatement of Class I and Class II
asbestos containing building materials. APEC currently maintains a crew of Certified
Asbestos Handlers, Certified Asbestos Supervisors and a Certified Asbestos Inspector.
An ABIH Certified Industrial Hygienist administers APEC training in accordance with
Section 206 of Title II of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). Asbestos Supervisor
training and Asbestos Handler training are administered according to the requirements of
the Asbestos Hazard and Emergency Response Act (AHERA) as specified in 40 CFR
Part 273, Subpart E, Appendix C. Asbestos abatement work is performed in strict
accordance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) health and
safety requirements provided in 29 CFR 1910 and 29 CFR 1926.
ACM Inspection
Environmental Services in Support of Department of the Air Force, Demolition and
Disposal of Tumon Tank Farms, Tumon, Guam: APEC performed environmental
oversight and sampling services during the demolition of the Tumon Tank Farm.
Services included preparation of a site Work Plan and Health and Safety Plan; sampling
and analysis of tank contents; asbestos and lead-based paint sampling and analysis; field
oversight of product removal and tank cleaning activities; and soil sampling and analysis.
Client: Serrano Construction and Development Corp.
Guam Dai-Ichi Hotel Asbestos Inspection, Sampling and Analysis, Tumon, Guam:
APEC performed asbestos inspection and sampling for analysis of suspected asbestos
containing materials throughout the hotel facility prior to renovation. APEC also prepared
an Asbestos Abatement Plan and Health and Safety Plan for the abatement work
required at various areas of the hotel. Client: Guam Dai-Ichi Hotel.
Asbestos Inspection for Lot 10070-A-3-R3, 1610A Kyn Josen Juana, Dededo,
Guam: APEC performed asbestos inspection as part of a Phase I Environmental Site
Assessment. APEC prepared a report summarizing inspection and sample analytical
results and specified areas requiring abatement. Client: US Department of Agriculture.
Fujita Hotel, Building Asbestos Inspection, Sampling, and Analysis, Tumon, Guam:
APEC performed asbestos inspection and lead-based paint inspection associated with
the scheduled demolition of the hotel. APEC prepared a report summarizing inspection
and sample results and specifying areas requiring asbestos and lead-based paint
abatement. Client: Maeda Pacific Corporation.
ACM Abatement
Asbestos Abatement of Bldg. 21000, Men’s Dormitory, Andersen Air Force Base,
Guam: Prepared Work Plan and Health and Safety Plan and performed the removal and
disposal of asbestos-containing transite wall panels located in Building 21000 at
Andersen Air Force Base, Guam. Client: Agbayani Construction Corp.
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Asbestos Containing Building Material (ACM) Inspection & Abatement
Asbestos Abatement and Renovation at Bldg. 1981 (Theater), COMNAVMAR Main Base, Guam:
Under subcontract to HIES, APEC managed and performed the removal and disposal of 12,000 sq
feet of Class I friable asbestos, 4,000 sq feet of Class II non-friable asbestos, and 1,000 asbestoscontaining theater seats at a Navy owned theater facility on Guam. Technical challenges included
utilization of 30-foot scaffolding throughout the theater in order to construct environmental
engineering controls and perform asbestos abatement at the ceilings and walls of the theater. APEC
also supervised the replacement of the seats, drywall, and acoustical panels with non-asbestos
containing materials. Client: Hawaiian International Environmental Services (HIES).
Wholehouse Revitalization, Phase I, New Apra Heights, COMNAVMAR, Guam: APEC removed
and disposed of 60,000 sq feet of asbestos containing floor tiles and mastic from 44 two-story
housing units. In addition, APEC removed and disposed of lead-containing ceramic tile from
bathrooms and mercury-containing lights and thermostats. Client: Black Construction Corporation,
United States Air Force, Improve Military Housing, PAIP-X, Andersen AFB, Guam: APEC
utilized a 19-man asbestos abatement crew to remove and dispose of asbestos-containing floor tiles,
mastic, transite panels and transite sewer pipes totaling 161,126 sq feet, from 112 housing units.
Client: International Bridge Corporation, Guam.
United States Air Force, Improve Military Housing, PAIP-XI, Andersen AFB, Guam: APEC
performed removal and disposal of asbestos containing floor tiles, mastic, transite panels and transite
sewer pipes totaling 156,980 sq feet, from 112 housing units. Client: International Bridge
United States Air Force, Improve Military Housing, PAIP-XII, Andersen AFB, Guam: APEC
performed removal and disposal of asbestos containing floor tiles, mastic, transite panels and transite
sewer pipes from 167 housing units at AAFB. Client: International Bridge Corporation.
United States Navy – Emergency 12-inch Transite Pipe Cutting Removal and Disposal at Royal
Palms Housing, South Finegayan, Guam: APEC performed emergency response activities
comprised of cutting, removing, and disposing of a damaged twelve-foot section of eight-inch transite
water pipe. Client: Black Construction Corporation and Raytheon Technical Services Guam.
United States Navy, Comprehensive Long-Term Environmental Action CLEAN, Maintenance of
Thermal Exhaust Pipes in Building 1200, Agana Power Plant, Mongmong, Guam: APEC
prepared a site specific Work Plan and Health and Safety Plan for planning removal and disposal of
damaged friable asbestos containing insulation surrounding ten generator exhaust pipes. Client:
Earth Tech, Inc.
Guam Power Cabras Plant No. 1 – Removal and Disposal of Damaged Asbestos Containing
Insulation from Steam Piping: APEC performed Class I emergency removal and disposal of loose
and damaged asbestos-containing insulation from steam piping at various locations throughout the
power plant to allow technicians to access work areas. Client: Guam Power Authority.
Asbestos Removal and Disposal, D L Perez Elementary School and George Washington High
School, Guam: APEC prepared a site specific Asbestos Abatement Plan and Health and Safety
Plan; removed and disposed of approximately 11,520 square feet of non-friable asbestos containing
material (ACM) floor tiles and mastic at the D L Perez Elementary School and approximately 2,700
square feet of non-friable ACM floor tiles and mastic at George Washington High School; and
packaged, transported, and disposed of ACM floor tiles stored at DOE Maintenance Division in Piti.
Client: Guam Department of Education.
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Asbestos Containing Building Material (ACM) Inspection & Abatement
Asbestos Regulatory Compliance Monitoring for Housing Restoration Project, Various Site
Locations, Guam: APEC performed asbestos inspections, removal actions, and final clearance
inspections associated with public housing restoration projects. Client: Guam Housing Authority.
Asbestos Abatement of Bldg. 25001, Boiler Room, Andersen Air Force Base, Guam: Prepared
a Work Plan and Health and Safety Plan and performed the removal and disposal of asbestoscontaining boiler tank gaskets located in Building 25001 at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam. Client:
Agbayani Construction Corp.
Asbestos Abatement of Bldg. 32, Men’s Dormitory, Andersen Air Force Base, Guam: Prepared
a Work Plan and Health and Safety Plan and performed the removal and disposal of friable asbestoscontaining hot water storage tank thermal system insulation, at Bldg 32 at Andersen Air Force Base,
Guam. Client: Agbayani Construction Corp.
Asbestos Abatement of Transite Pipe, Andersen Air Force Base, Guam: Prepared a Work Plan
and Health and Safety Plan and performed the removal and disposal of non-friable asbestos
containing cementious transite pipe from north of Bldg. 18018 and adjacent to runway at AAFB,
Guam. Client: Agbayani Construction Corp.
Abatement of Vinyl Asbestos Floor Tiles and Mastic, Navy Housing, South Finegayan, NCTS,
Guam: APEC prepared a Work Plan and Health and Safety Plan and performed removal and
disposal of asbestos containing floor tiles and mastic from 130 housing units. Client: Chugach
Support Services.
Abatement of Vinyl Asbestos Floor Tiles and Mastic, Navy Housing, North Finegayan, NCTS,
Guam: APEC prepared a Work Plan and Health and Safety Plan and performed removal and
disposal of asbestos containing floor tiles and mastic from 158 housing units. Client: Chugach
Support Services.
Abatement of Vinyl Asbestos Floor Tiles and Mastic, Navy Housing, South Finegayan, NCTS,
Guam: APEC prepared Work Plan and Health and Safety Plan and performed removal and disposal
of asbestos containing floor tiles and mastic from 101 housing units. Client: Chugach Support
Abatement of Vinyl Asbestos Floor Tiles and Mastic, Navy Housing, North Finegayan, NCTS,
Guam: APEC prepared a Work Plan and Health and Safety Plan and performed removal and
disposal of asbestos containing floor tiles and mastic from 18 housing units. Client: Chugach
Support Services.
Abatement of Vinyl Asbestos Floor Tiles and Mastic, Navy Housing, North Finegayan, NCTS,
Guam: APEC prepared a Work Plan and Health and Safety Plan and performed removal and
disposal of asbestos containing floor tiles, transite panel, ceiling tiles, and mastic at Buildings 122,
171, 198, 304, 322, & 454, NCTS, Dededo, Guam. Client: Chugach Support Services.
Asbestos Removal and Disposal, Guam Telephone Authority Administrative Office: APEC
prepared a Work Plan and Health and Safety Plan and performed removal and disposal of asbestos
containing floor tiles and mastic from the Guam Telephone Authority GTA Administrative Office,
Upper Tumon, Guam. Client: GTA.
Emergency Asbestos Removal and Disposal, Guam Shipyard, Building 20: APEC prepared a
Work Plan and Health and Safety Plan and performed removal and disposal of asbestos containing
transite panels for emergency renovation at Guam Ship Yard, Building 20. Client: Guam Shipyard.
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Asbestos Containing Building Material (ACM) Inspection & Abatement
Asbestos Removal and Disposal, George Washington High School, Guam: APEC prepared
Work Plan and Health and Safety Plan and performed removal and disposal of non-friable asbestos
containing material (ACM) floor tiles and mastic at the George Washington High School. Client:
Younex Builder Corp.
Asbestos Removal and Disposal, DODEA Schools, Guam: APEC prepared a Work Plan and
Health and Safety Plan and performed removal and disposal of friable hot water tank insulation and
thermal pipe fittings at 4175 Apra Heights and 200 Nimitz Hill and non-friable asbestos containing
floor tiles and mastic at Building 21000, AAFB, and 200 Nimitz Hill Guam. Client: South Pacific
Environmental LLC.
APEC Project Experience 2006 Page 19
Lead-Based Paint (LBP)
Inspection, Monitoring, and Abatement
APEC currently maintains a crew of lead based paint abatement technicians and lead
based paint abatement supervisors certified for Occupational Exposure to Lead in
Construction and General Industry. An ABIH Certified Industrial Hygienist performs field
LBP inspections and administers APEC training in accordance with OSHA 29 CFR
1926.62 and 29 CFR 1910.1025. Lead based paint abatement work is performed in strict
accordance with OSHA health and safety requirements provided in 29 CFR 1910 and 29
CFR 1926.
LBP Abatement
United States Navy – Emergent Repair Shop/Warehouse, Polaris Point,
COMNAVMAR, Guam: APEC performed removal and disposal of lead-containing paint
from seven warehouse buildings and removed and disposed of other hazardous
materials including mercury-containing light ballasts. Client: Black Construction
United States Navy –Removal and Disposal of Lead-Containing Paint at MCON P250 Waterfront Utilities Upgrade, Polaris Point, COMNAVMAR, Guam: APEC
provided certified labor, materials and equipment to remove and dispose of leadcontaining paint from exterior CMU walls, concrete pads, interior and exterior metal
doors, and transformer shed supports at the Alpha and Bravo Wharves and Substations
located at Polaris Point, COMNAVMAR, Guam. Client: Black Construction Corporation.
Naval Activities Branch, Removal and Disposal of Lead-Containing Paint Aboard
the USS FRANK CABLE, Guam Ship Repair Facility, Guam: APEC-managed certified
crews removed and disposed of lead-containing paint from deck framing and bulkheads
at various locations aboard the USS FRANK CABLE while in dry dock for repairs. Work
was performed on nights and weekends to minimize exposure to other trades performing
repair work. Client: Guam Shipyard.
Removal and Disposal of Lead Containing Materials from Buildings 122 and 198,
NCTS, Guam: APEC prepared a Work Plan and Health and Safety Plan and provided
certified labor, materials and equipment to remove and dispose of 1,151 square feet of
lead containing materials (LCM) in Buildings 122 and 198 (X-Ray rooms), NCTS, Guam.
Lead containing materials were recycled on island. Client: Chugach Support Services.
LBP Inspection
Lead Based Paint Inspection of Lot 10070-A-3-R3, 1610A Kyn Josen Juana,
Dededo, Guam: Performed a lead based paint inspection including collection and
analysis of samples for lead as part of a Phase I Environmental Assessment. APEC
prepared a report summarizing inspection and sample analytical results and specified
areas requiring abatement. Client: US Department of Agriculture.
APEC Project Experience 2006 Page 20
Lead Based Paint (LBP) Inspection & Abatement
Fujita Hotel, Lead Based Paint Building Inspection, Tumon, Guam: APEC performed a lead
based paint inspection including collection and analysis of samples for lead prior to hotel demolition.
APEC prepared a report summarizing inspection and sample analytical results and specifying areas
requiring abatement. Client: Maeda Pacific Corporation.
Lead-Based Paint Regulatory Compliance Monitoring for Housing Restoration Project, Various
Site Locations, Guam: APEC performed lead-based paint inspections, removal actions, and final
clearance inspections associated with public housing restoration projects. Client: Guam Housing
Interior Airborne Particulate Lead and Interior Paint Lead Content Bulk Tank Investigation,
Rota and Saipan, CNMI: APEC performed lead investigation activities at Mobil bulk fuel storage
tanks on the islands of Rota and Saipan. Investigation activities included particulate lead-in-air
sampling and analysis, interior tank surface sampling, permit-required confined space entry, and
reporting. Client: Mobil Oil Marianas, Inc.
APEC Project Experience 2006 Page 21
Disaster Response and Recovery
Guam and the CNMI periodically experience damage from typhoons that pass near and
over the islands, and APEC has performed a variety of disaster response and recovery
services in the aftermath of these disasters. APEC has experience in typhoon debris
removal, household hazardous waste debris collection, and facilities re-construction.
Typhoon Debris Removal and Re-Construction, Various Hotels, Guam: APEC
immediately mobilized labor, equipment, and materials to respond to typhoon recovery
efforts including initial debris removal, re-construction of hotel rooms, hallways,
ballrooms, lobbies and restaurants. Tasks included carpet cleaning, re-construction of
walls, doors and ceilings, painting, drywall installation, replacement of electrical fixtures,
and structural ceiling modifications. Clients: Guam Hilton, Marriott, and Pacific Islands
Removal and Disposal of Household Hazardous Waste Debris, Guam: APEC
mobilized crews, trucks, and equipment and blanketed the entire island of Guam in order
to load and consolidate household hazardous waste and transport them to temporary
storage areas designated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Household hazardous
waste was debris resulting from Super Typhoon Pongsona that passed over Guam in
December 2002. Clients: Environmental Chemical Corporation; United States Army
Corps of Engineers.
Typhoon Debris Removal and Disposal, Guam: APEC loaded and transported
general debris (scattered trees, building materials, metal debris, etc.) from villages on
Guam to temporary storage areas designated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The
debris was the result of wide spread damage caused by Super Typhoon Pongsona that
passed over Guam in December 2002. Crews with equipment worked twelve hours per
day, seven days per week from January through March 2003. Clients: Environmental
Chemical Corporation; United States Army Corps of Engineers.
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