From Flame Tree to Island Fair - Festival of Pacific Arts Guam 2016
From Flame Tree to Island Fair - Festival of Pacific Arts Guam 2016
of our isecognize Pacific Daily News 05/01/2015 l that our com- mko’ is a Drive, enefit the e National according e Centers ors who paired. vides seling, cess as- : sundry by wipes, tex ach for nt, liquid iners, ds. nate to other acns, such as Persons’ University a.m. toy regisCenters. Biba s Albert -7415/21. res St. sher ditor itor Page : A30 From Flame Tree to Island Fair By Monica Okada Guzman L ast weekend the Commonwealth Council for Arts & Culture hosted the 34th Flame Tree Festival in Saipan. The four-day festival is the longest-running event in Micronesia, longer even than our own Guam Micronesia Island Fair. Held at the Civic Center Park in Susupe, the entertainment, food and crafts were a sampling of all the Northern Marianas has to offer. Hundreds of people walked through the festival grounds, many of them carrying away handmade items and beautiful pieces of artwork from close to 60 booths. Entertainment on the stage ranged from a bal- Franquez, performed songs by Johnny let performance to a martial arts Sablan and Flora Baza and were a huge demonstration and music bands and cul- hit. Being at Flame Tree was an opportutural dance groups. nity to invite our neighbors to the north And what would a festival to participate at next month’s on the beach be without the fiGuam Micronesia Island Fair and esta plates? The empanadas, the 2016 Festival of Pacific Arts. ribs, chicken and pickled ginFliers for both events were disger were mouthwatering, delitributed and numerous announcecious and tasteful. ments were made on stage The Guam Council on the throughout the weekend. Arts and Humanities Agency The excitement of Flame Tree has long participated at Flame and next year’s festival was felt Tree, bringing artists, crafters throughout the event. Many peoand dancers from Guam. This ple stopped by the Guam hut askGuzman year was no exception, aling questions and sharing their though we had a much smaller stories of previous festivals. It was excitgroup this time around. Angel Hocog, ex- ing to hear they have already formed ecutive director of the Commonwealth their own FestPac Committee being Council for Arts & Culture and staff were chaired by John Oliver DLR Gonzales very excited that Guam was there, along and fundraising efforts are underway. We with a contingent from Rota and Tinian. look forward to seeing a contingent from Supported by the Guam Visitors Bu- the Northern Marianas at this year’s reau was Master Carver Greg Pangelinan Guam Micronesian Island Fair. and Master Blacksmith Francisco There were some flame trees in Lizama, along with Dee Hernandez, cul- bloom, with the brilliant orange flowers tural heritage officer for GVB. Vince and lighting up the sky along Beach Road Becky Salas were there with their beau- and a very appropriate name for the festifully handcrafted Chamorro jewelry, as tival. was Carver Frank Perez, accompanied Anyone who travels to Saipan will by his wife, Judy. The Southern High agree that the trip is not complete withSchool band, under the direction of Larry out a visit to Herman’s Bakery and of Copyright © 2015 Pacific Daily News 05/01/2015 course the special orders of apigigi and manha tatiyas. Maybe it’s the coconuts up north, but for some reason, it just seems to taste better and sweeter coming from Saipan! We’ll just need to share some recipes during the culinary demonstrations at FestPac. This week is the deadline for the 27 island countries to submit the country surveys included in the official invitation sent out by Gov. Eddie Calvo in March. The Committee is anxious to receive the responses to the country surveys that include details such as the maximum/minimum number of each country delegation. This will greatly assist Festival Director Rose Ramsey in the planning efforts. On the programming side, CAHA will have a better sense of the different artistic disciplines that the countries will participate in, such as the performing arts, literary arts and demonstrations/exhibitions that include the traditional arts and visual arts. Just as the NMI is preparing for FestPac in 2016, so, too, are our neighboring islands, from the Marshalls to Pohnpei to Palau. And it begins with the Guam Micronesia Island Fair May 15-17 at Ypao. We encourage everyone to come and experience just a small taste of what FestPac will be. The fair will be the start of the official countdown to FestPac in 2016. Come and help us celebrate as we prepare for the largest event to hit our shores since the 1999 South Pacific Games. Håfa Iyo-ta, Håfa Guinahå-ta, Håfa Ta Påtte: Dinanña’ Sunidu Siha giya Pasifiku — What We Own, What We Have, What We Share: United Voices of the Pacific.” With only 386 days till opening ceremony, we have done so much but there is still so much more to do! Monica Okada Guzman chairs the Guam Council on the Arts and Humanities Agency. May 4, 2015 2:05 am / Powered by TECNAVIA
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