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Jon Fulton Adams
$5 JUNE 2013
And the Cappie Goes To...
In the May 2013 issue of KC Stage, we accidentally misspelled
Amy Reinert’s name on the cover.
In the article on her, we made several errors:
•.it refers to Amy working for the Starlight Foundation she actually works for Starlight Theatre
•.the Vincent Scholarship program is actually the Vincent
Legacy Scholarship program
•.the scholarship program was inadvertently stated as
paying up to $2,400, when it actually pays up to $2,500.
We apologize to Amy Reinert and Starlight for these errors.
The online version of the magazine/article have been updated
with these changes. Thank you.
Angie Fiedler Sutton
Managing Editor
A Academic
E Equity
C Community
P Professional
The Barn Players, Inc.* C
Drood (The Mystery of Edwin Drood) by Rupert Holmes:
Jun 1-2: 2 pm Sat-Sun
The Mystery of Edwin Drood is a musical based on Charles
Dickens’ unfinished novel. The show tells the story of the
upstanding young Edwin Drood who mysteriously disappears
and is presumably murdered. But who did it? Was it his drugaddicted, romantic rival John Jasper? The infamous Princess
Puffer? Reverend Mr. Crisparkle? Helena or Neville Landless,
immigrants from Ceylon? Someone else? In the end, the
audience gets to decide! Directed by Kipp Simmons. Saturday,
June 1 from 2 pm - 4 pm, Sunday, June 2 from 2 pm - 4 pm,
invited callbacks on Saturday, June 15 from 1 pm - 5 pm. St.
Pius School, 55th and Woodson, (913) 432-9100,
The Mystery Train
Death in the Dustbowl by Wendy Thompson:
Jun 2-3: 5 pm Mon; 1 pm Sun
Two hobos hop a train, only to find they’re headed for
disaster! A dust storm looms on the horizon and a killer is
loose on the train! Will they find the murderer before he
strikes again? Directed by Wendy Thompson. Auditions will
be held by appointment only on Sunday, June 2 from 1 to 5
pm & Monday, June 3 from 5 to 9 pm for The Mystery Train’s
summer production. Seeking three men to portray characters
on a train in 1935 for an interactive murder-mystery. There is
performance pay. Call for more information, or to make an
appointment. Broadway Church, 39th Terrace and Broadway,
(816) 813-9654, thespiation@aol.com
continued on page
On June 1, the 11th annual Kansas City Cappies were presented.
For more information, including a list of all the nominees, visit
• Marketing and Publicity - Chauncy Song for Tarzan, Harrisonville
• Sound - Ed Whelan for Rumors, Raymore-Peculiar
• Lighting - Kelsey Lewis for Les Misérables, Blue Springs South
• Sets - Michael Bidwell & Katie Wasicko for Sweeney Todd, Park Hill
• Costumes - Chauncy Song & Desiree Spanger for Tarzan,
• Make-up - Chloe Nelson & Eva Ohman for Sweeney Todd,
Park Hill
• Props - Nic Ruby for Spamalot, Raymore-Peculiar
• Special Effects and/or Technology - Simon Huntley for
Sweeney Todd, Park Hill
• Stage Crew - Autumn Perry for Spamalot, Raymore-Peculiar
• Orchestra - Tarzan, Harrisonville
• Choreography - Crystal Rhodes for Hair, Ruskin
• Creativity - Austin Welhoff for Tarzan, Harrisonville
• Female Dancer - Jordan Patterson for Legally Blonde,
Lee’s Summit West
• Male Dancer - Omari Collins for Spamalot, Raymore-Peculiar
• Female Vocalist - Daijah Porchia for Hair, Ruskin
• Male Vocalist - Joete’ Grayson for Hair, Ruskin
• Comic Actress in a Play - Andrea Ambam for Rumors,
• Comic Actor in a Play - Dane Schnake for Rumors,
• Comic Actress in a Musical - Tia Hernandez for Sweeney Todd,
Park Hill
• Comic Actor in a Musical - Brady Brock for
Once Upon a Mattress, Belton
• Featured Actress in a Play - Kylea Hurst for The Bad Seed,
• Featured Actor in a Play - Nic Ruby for Rumors, Raymore-Peculiar
• Featured Actress in a Musical - Bria Jones for 9 to 5: The Musical,
Lee’s Summit
• Featured Actor in a Musical - Cody Shelton for
Thoroughly Modern Millie, Excelsior Springs
• Supporting Actress in a Play - Bria Berry for All Out, Center
• Supporting Actor in a Play - Reuben Hoyle for Les Misérables,
Blue Springs South
• Supporting Actress in a Musical - Kiara Jackson for Tarzan,
• Supporting Actor in a Musical - Dylan Standiford for Hair, Ruskin
• Lead Actress in a Play - Tia Hernandez for The Matchmaker,
Park Hill
• Lead Actor in a Play - Daniel Verschelden for On the Razzle,
Lee’s Summit
• Lead Actress in a Musical - Courtney Shanholtzer for
Legally Blonde, Lee’s Summit West
• Lead Actor in a Musical - Daniel Lewis for Sweeney Todd, Park Hill
• Ensemble in a Play - Mimes for Comedy of Errors,
Summit Christian Academy
• Ensemble in a Musical - Asylum Inmates for Sweeney Todd,
Park Hill
• Female Critic - Haley Weatherford, Blue Springs South
• Male Critic - Preston Hereford, Lee’s Summit West
• Critic Team - Raymore-Peculiar
• Song - “Eyes Look Your Last (Let the Sun Shine In)” for Hair, Ruskin
• Play - Rumors, Raymore-Peculiar
• Musical - Sweeney Todd, Park Hill
For shame deny that thou bear’st love to any,
Who for thyself art so unprovident.
Blue Star Awards
On May 23, the 11th annual Blue Star
Awards were presented at Starlight Theatre.
For more information, including a list of all
the nominees, visit kea.nu/bluestar.
• Outstanding Overall Production - 13,
Olathe South High School
• Outstanding Artistic Contribution by a
Student - Sarah Bronson for Direction and
Choreography, Central High School
• Outstanding Orchestra - The Music Man,
Blue Valley High School
• Outstanding Scenic Design, Tier I - Once
Upon a Mattress, Belton High School
• Outstanding Scenic Design, Tier II - A
Christmas Carol, Liberty High School
• Outstanding Lighting Design Sweeney Todd, Park Hill High School
• Outstanding Technical Crew - Hairspray
Hair and Makeup Crew,
Winnetonka High School
• Outstanding Costume Design, Tier I Wonderful Town, Kearney High School
• Outstanding Costume Design, Tier II Monty Python’s Spamalot,
Raymore-Peculiar High School
• Outstanding Hair and Makeup Design Hairspray, Winnetonka High School
• Outstanding Technical Achievement Justin Dudzik for Lighting Design,
Olathe South High School
• Outstanding Ensemble - The Music Man,
Blue Valley High School
• Outstanding Actress in a Lead Role - Lily
Kaufmann in The Drowsy Chaperone,
Shawnee Mission East High School
• Outstanding Actor in a Lead Role - Patrick
Graham in Sweeney Todd, Lee’s Summit
North High School
• Outstanding Actress in a Featured RoleAbby Cramer in The Drowsy Chaperone,
Shawnee Mission East High School
• Outstanding Actor in a Featured Role Justin Armer and Alec Armer in The
Drowsy Chaperone, Shawnee Mission East
High School
• Outstanding Female Ensemble MemberChristina Cunningham in Little Women,
Raytown High School
• Outstanding Male Ensemble MemberNathaniel Weber in Monty Python’s
Spamalot, Raymore-Peculiar High School
• Rising Star Scholarship - Male - Jordan
Malone, Paola High School
• Rising Star Scholarship - Female - Kaelyn
Kreicbergs, Olathe South High School
B Flubs
Spotlight on
John Fulton Adams
Letter to
the Editor 10
Stage Savvy
B Awards
Auditions B
3 Idealware
film clips
Cast of Characters
Scott Bowling.............................Webmaster
Tricia Kyler Bowling................Subscriber Rep
Richard Buswell..................Managing Editor
Bryan Colley........................... Blog Curator
Jamie Lin.......................... Editorial Assistant
Samuel Stokes................... Editorial Assistant
Angie Fiedler Sutton............. Associate Editor
Cassandra Whitney.......... Graphic Designer
Letters to the Editor....... editor@kcstage.com
Cover photo by Bob Compton
Postcards from
the Past
Vol. 15 • No. 7 • Issue 165 • June 2013
PO Box 410492 • Kansas City, Missouri 64141-0492
July Deadline: June 10
© Copyright 2013 by KC Stage. All material contained in this publication is the property of or licensed for use by KC Stage. Any use,
duplication, or reproduction of any or all content of this publication
is prohibited except with the express written permission of KC Stage
or the original copyright holders. 
JUNE 2013
C Community
P Professional
River City Community Players
The Drowsy Chaperone by Lisa Lambert, Greg
Morrison, Bob Martin, & Don McKellar :
Jun 3-5: 7 pm Mon-Wed
A rare combination of originality and blinding
talent, boldly addresses a great unspoken desire
in our hearts: to be entertained. Have you ever sat
in a dark theater and thought, “Dear Lord, please
let it be good,” this is the show for you! It begins
when a die-hard musical-theater fan plays his
favorite cast album on his turntable and the musical
literally bursts to life in his living room, telling the
rambunctious tale of a brazen Broadway starlet
trying to find and keep her true love. Directed by
Tisha M. Entwistle. Prepare 32 bars of a Broadway
style selection in your vocal range. Make sure it is
completely memorized and you have a copy for the
accompanist with your vocal part highlighted. No
a cappella singing. No music from a device. Cold
readings from the script. Leavenworth Performing
Arts Center, 500 Delaware St, (913) 651-0027,
The Roving Imp Theater*
May 24, 25, 26, 31
June 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15
JUNE 18 to
Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare:
Jun 1-2: 12:1 pm Sat-Sun
Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written early in the
career of William Shakespeare about two young
star- crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately
reconcile their feuding families. It was among
Shakespeare’s most popular plays during his
lifetime and, along with Hamlet, is one of his
most frequently performed plays. Today, the title
characters are regarded as archetypal young lovers.
Directed by Jeremy Riggs. Open call audition June
1 and 2 from noon to 4. Performance dates: Sept
13 - 22. Water Building, 201 Main Street, (816)
405-9200, www.sheandherproductions.com
by Michael Parker and Susan Parker
Directed by Kimi Laabs
Roving Imp Improv Troupe Auditions:
Jun 9: 3 pm Sun
The Roving Imp performs weekly improv in
Lawrence, and you can be a part of it! If you have
improv experience, great! If not, also great - we’ve
been training improvisers for over a decade, and
can do the same for you, as long as you have a
great attitude and dedication. It’ll be the most fun
you’ve had in your entire life. Directed by John
Robison. Wear clothes you can move around in,
and closed-toe shoes that don’t easily fly off. Be
ready to have fun! The audition takes place June
9, 3 - 4:30 pm, and has a limited number of spots.
18 and over, please! E-mail john@rovingimp.
com to reserve a spot in the audition and for more
information. The Roving Imp Theater, (913) 4412309, www.rovingimp.com
She&Her Productions*
Sex P lease We’re Sixty
A New Musical
Music by Richard Gray
E Equity
Adapted by Kevin Kling
A Academic
Based on the popular book series by Bernard Waber
Grant, if thou wilt, thou art beloved of many,
But that thou none lovest is most evident;
Spotlight on Jon Fulton Adams
Idealware: A Few Good Methods for
Processing Credit Cards
by Jon Parton
Surrounded by the elegance and high fashion of the Churchill store
in Fairway, one can not help but think of being backstage along with
the wardrobe and excitement of the stage. Theatre and fashion go
by Laura S. Quinn and Kyle Henri Andrei, with Idealware
Accepting payments by credit card is not necessarily difficult or
expensive. We provide some tips and tools to process credit card
transactions, both on- and offline, for organizations of all sizes.
hand-in-hand and no one knows this better than Jon Fulton Adams.
Adams has designed for a number of shows for the Unicorn Theatre
since 2008. He also owns Queens Rocket, his personal fashion label,
as well as serving as the director of media and special projects for
local retailer Churchill.
As Adams puts it, he knew he wanted to be involved in design
from an early age but he wasn’t sure exactly what kind of design.
“When I was in Savannah College of Art and Design, I took one
architectural engineering class and realized that I could kill someone
if I had solved a math problem incorrectly,” Adams said. “A hem
length never killed anyone.”
The first article of clothing Adams ever designed was a set of 1930s
style silk pajamas for his mother.
“She actually loved it so much, she would wear it out,” Adams said.
“She wore it to the office and she’d throw a jacket on with it. She’d
wear these fancy satin pants and she said it was too nice to sleep
in. It was both costume and fashion because I wanted something
for my mom and I thought that was the most practical thing ever.”
Adams said he gravitated towards the theatre due to its longstanding
connection with fashion.
“The theatre, especially in the Midwest, was the only place that
allowed me to embrace the creativity and the history of clothing,”
Adams said. “While everyone else around me seemed to be
comfortable in jeans and t-shirts, the stage was something where
people were still wearing corsets and still wearing bustles. The
history behind the designs are what made theatre exciting for me.”
It’s easy to infer the theatricality of the pieces when first viewing
his fashion collection. A variety of his designs harkens back to
the Victorian era. The idea of the word “comfort” in clothing is a
So you want to accept credit card payments. Maybe you’re
hoping to process payments made by donors over the phone,
or to allow on-site registration at your next conference. Perhaps
you want to take credit card payments at a t-shirt booth at a
concert, your organization’s gift shop, or a craft fair or farmer’s
market. What’s involved?
The world of credit cards is complex, and there are a number
of ways to accept them as payment - some of which require
different types of hardware and software, and relationships with
banks. We talked to six nonprofit staff members and consultants
with a lot of experience in credit card processing to better
understand the options and combined their recommendations in
this article.
Security First and Foremost
Taking credit card payments requires you to sign an agreement
to uphold the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard,
commonly known as PCI requirements. Any method will require
some vigilance, like making sure payment hardware and
software is secured, but some will be more security-intensive
than others. For instance, using a card imprinter (described
below) will require that you document and enforce procedures
for handling and subsequently destroying imprinter slips, while
using a terminal or online payment method - which makes it
harder for anyone to get at credit card information - requires less
of a security effort.
Violating the PCI requirements can result in a substantial fine
and the loss of your ability to accept credit card payments. If the
information gets into the wrong hands, you also risk losing your
constituents’ trust.
Three Steps to Processing Credit Cards
Weighing your options for processing credit card payments
requires a basic understanding of how the system works.
The multiple steps are complex, and can involve a number of
different vendors and entities.
•.Collect and enter credit card information. In order to process a
payment, you’ll obviously first need to collect the credit card
information from the person making the payment and transfer
it, either electronically or manually, to a service that can actually
process it. This step can range from writing down the card
information and sending it to your bank to typing it into an
online system or swiping the card through a specific kind of
misnomer, according to Adams.
continued on page
continued on page
JUNE 2013
The Music Beat: He’s Got A Bomb Shelter in His Backyard... Really!
by Jeanne Jasperse
A number of years ago, KKFI started doing these band auctions
where musicians would donate a couple of hours of a gig and
be auctioned off to the highest bidder for whatever function
the winner wished to engage their services at. Well, being the
singer/songwriter DJ that I am, I was assigned a writer named
Dave Patmore. With a craggy face and a battered old straw
cowboy hat, he sauntered into KKFI and pulled out a beautifully
decorated guitar with some great artwork on it. I figured this was
going to get interesting. I was right.
In his usual humble style, Dave has decided to help out some
other musicians in the area and has started a Second Friday of
the month writer night at Tommy Farha’s bar at 8019 Wornal from
8 - 11. Featured writers will include Alan White, Laura Lisbeth,
Jerry Dowell, and hopefully Kathryn Lorenzen.
I had heard about him around town and he kept trying to get
me to come to one of his gigs for the longest time, but what
intrigued me the most was a breakfast gig he used to do on
Sunday and Saturday mornings. I’m thinking this guy is nuts to
be up so early just to play live for a bunch of hungry breakfast
people. Then while in the studio, he started talking about this
bomb shelter he had in his backyard and I thought to myself,
“Yup, I gotta go see this guy.” So I did.
As usual, we have some stunning musicians in this town, but
as usual it is up to us to help these people stay in business as
musicians, so attendance to any live music event is a plus!
He played this real great tune about duct tape being the answer
to all things you need to fix. Life, love, liberty, the pursuit of
happiness, whatever, and I started listening to the lyrics of his
songs. He had a great way of combining visual with the aural
and you could really get into his lyrics.
On a side note, Cafe Cedar in Parkville has closed and will no
longer be able to support local music.
Back in 2003, Dave entered a songwriting contest with the grand
prize of performing his song with Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull.
There is a great video of the song and an interview that Ian did
with him on his website, Davepatmore.com.
In the meantime, Dave belongs to several different bands, just
making a living in this town as a musician. He was born and
raised here and lives in South Kansas City even now.
You can catch him in Abbey Road, a Beatle tribute band, as well
as The Peacemakers, the Bobcats, and Main Street Dave.
Dave also works with the Kacico Dance Company, is a multi
instrumentalist, actor, and movie soundtrack composer. Once
you see his face, you just won’t be able to forget it.
Summer season is starting which means many restaurants,
bars, etc. will be hiring local musicians to come in for our
entertainment. Please be as supportive of the local music scene
as you can.
We are building it; we need you to help keep it going! Next
month I will be writing to you from the dusty Hill Country of Texas
from the Kerrville Folk Festival R
Jeanne Jasperse is a 25 year veteran of the Coffeehouse
Radio Show on KKFI. You can reach her through kkfi.org or on
Next Month....
the Fringe Issue
location scouting
production stills
video production
tribute to
instruction on
video camera
operation and
lighting for movies.
For thou art so possess’d with murderous hate
That ‘gainst thyself thou stick’st not to conspire.
 Spotlight on Jon Fulton Adams
continued from page 3
“I never understood comfort over beauty,” Adams said. “I’m lucky
Adams has had the chance to work with a number of local members
enough to be with Ron [McGee] who understands that if you wear
of the theatre community. He gives a lot of credit to his mentor Mary
the heel a little higher or tie the corset a little tighter, that’s just one
Traylor, who has designed costumes for numerous local shows.
step closer to being perfection, being better. If there’s a choice
between those two, beauty wins.”
“She is, since we’re working on Auntie Mame, she is my Auntie
Mame,” Adams said. “She is the woman who taught me all of the
Growing up as the son of a minister, he wasn’t allowed to wear
things that my own family didn’t know or wasn’t interested in. She
denim according to the rules of the church. This restriction played
taught me more than college did. I’m continually inspired by Traylor.
a large role in Adams’ personal design choices as an adult.
I call her my art mom.”
“I grew up in suit pants and oxford shirts and ties when everyone
Looking back on past productions, Adams said one of his favorites
else around me was able to be comfortable and rough-and-tumble
had to be A Very Joan Crawford Christmas.
and have their play clothes,” Adams said. “So I take a certain amount
of comfort in being bound up and a little prissy.”
In describing the importance of clothing, Adams recalled the
connection between theatre and fashion.
“For me, fashion and style is all about presenting your personality
before saying a word,” Adams said. “Going back to costuming for
the stage, it’s the same thing. I never want the characters I design
“It was everything I love,” Adams said. “It was period costumes. It
was an iconic figure where I had to completely create Joan Crawford’s
wardrobe. People know what she looked like and people know what
she dressed like, so it was a puzzle and I was held accountable.”
As a costume designer, the technical aspect of the theatre is what
excites Adams the most.
continued on next page
to look anything like the actors that I know in person because I
know them and I want to know the character.”
Although Adams briefly tried his hand at acting, he said he found
true happiness working behind the scenes.
“I am very much a backstage person,” Adams said. “I actually do
feel more comfortable in the dark, staring from the wings, having
something to do. I don’t mind being responsible for things that
happen backstage but I’d hate to be responsible for another actor’s
Comparing the stress of working in the fashion industry to the
stage, Adams said working for theatre is more difficult. However,
he believes the increased difficulty brings with it a different set of
“I can either produce something that helps promote a production
or I can bring it down really quick accidentally,” Adams said. “But
I do love that team effort. I love thinking, ‘Hey, I’m one part of this
puzzle along with lights, sound and set.’”
JUNE 2013
Stage Savvy: Goodbye, KC
 Spotlight on John Fulton Adams
By Angie Fiedler
continued from page 5
My very first Stage Savvy column was published in June 2003 –
ten years ago this month. How appropriate, then, that this will be
my last Stage Savvy column.
You see, I’m leaving Kansas City (and therefore stopping
my volunteering with KC Stage). I’ve been accepted to the
University of Southern California – Annenberg for their Masters
of Arts in Specialized Journalism – The Arts, a nine month
program that I got a taste of when I was awarded a fellowship
from them back in 2010. I have no idea what will happen when
May 2014 rolls around, but am doubtful I will be coming back to
Kansas City.
That first column (originally titled “Stage Savvy 101”) started
with a short introduction of who I was, and the purpose of the
column. “This is the first article in an ongoing series to try to
bring what we do behind the stage and on to the audience - a
sort of Theatre for Dummies without the copyright infringement.
These articles are to be a primer, a way to get those unfamiliar
with certain aspects of theatre a working knowledge of what
goes on.” I end my introduction with the note, “I hope to bring to
the topic a little levity, to try and take the drama out of drama.”
“I love the magic of quick rigging,” Adams said. “And I love the
magic of someone having 45 seconds to jump a decade or to turn
into a completely different person backstage. I can make my own
personal [fashion] line as complicated as I want to. But when I get
to a page in a script where it says, ‘X has 45 seconds to come back
on stage as Y,’ that’s when it gets exciting.”
Not only is Adams creating for the stage, his fashions are branching
out across the country and the world. Adams holds a fashion show
to showcase his work. He has had his clothing designs featured
at the magic trade show in Las Vegas for the past three years, and
was asked to come back for a fourth time.
“I think the best is yet to come, but those are huge plateaus for me,”
Adams said, “being seen on the same stage as my icons, being in
Las Vegas in the same building with everyone showing their wares.
Mine were being shown to the same buyers in the same setting as
Ralph Lauren Purple Label and Le Tigre.”
Bringing out the beauty in people is what matters most to Adams
continued on page
as a fashion designer.
“I want them to see themselves as beautifully as I see them,” Adams
said. “I always see something beautiful in everyone. I know it sounds
a feminine ending
By Sarah Treem
Directed By Taylor St. John
very Polyanna, but I truly see something really attractive in humanity
in general.”
Adams equates fashion with self-improvement, adding that a change
in clothing can lead to changes in attitudes and outlooks.
“Especially when I see people who seem depressed or seem clueless
about their own personal attractiveness,” Adams said. “It’s almost
like accessorizing is like counseling. You don’t need Xanax when
you’ve got a good broach.” R
May 24, 25, 27, 31, and June 1
@ 8pm
Photo by Bob Compton
Seeking that beauteous roof to ruinate
Which to repair should be thy chief desire.
Postcards from the Past
By Felicia Londré
As we move into summer’s outdoor theatre season, it’s
appropriate to look at Kansas City’s long-lived and ever-popular
Starlight Theatre. Construction of the Edward Delk-designed
facility began in 1949, the site was readied for a historical revue
to coincide with Kansas City’s centennial celebrations in summer
1950. On 25 June 1951, The Desert Song inaugurated the
completed theatre and launched its first full season of musicals.
This postcard, mailed on 15 October 1954, after the close of
Starlight’s fourth season, shows the seating for 7,854 as well as
the “lobby” entrance gate and one of the pylons that framed the
stage. Many additions over the years have brought Starlight a
long way from this early view.
The message from the sender, Byrl, indicates that she attended
the touring company production of Time Out for Ginger, starring
Melvyn Douglas, which played 15 - 17 October at the KMBC
Playhouse, later known as the Victoria Theatre and still later as
the Lyric Theatre.
Felicia Hardison Londré is Curators’ Professor of Theatre at
UMKC, specializing in French, Russian, and Kansas City theatre
history. She currently (2012-14) serves as dean of the College of
Fellows of the American Theatre.
JUNE 2013
With A Banjo On My Knee •
Chestnut Fine Arts Theatre
BINGO: A Winning Musical •
Emporia State University Theatre
Weekend Comedy • New Theatre Restaurant
Sex Please, We’re Sixty •
Paradise Playhouse Dinner Theatre
Great Big Broadway: The Rise of the BIG Broadway
Musical • Quality Hill Playhouse
South Pacific • Slightly Off Broadway Theatre
Children of Eden • The Theatre in the Park
The Boxcar Children • Theatre for Young America*
The Mountaintop • Unicorn Theatre
13 THU
12 WED
Weekend Comedy • New Theatre Restaurant
Great Big Broadway: The Rise of the BIG Broadway
Musical • Quality Hill Playhouse
The Boxcar Children • Theatre for Young America*
The Mountaintop • Unicorn Theatre
Weekend Comedy • New Theatre Restaurant
The Boxcar Children • Theatre for Young America*
The Mountaintop • Unicorn Theatre
11 TUE
10 MON
Sordid Lives • The Barn Players, Inc.*
Great Big Broadway: The Rise of the BIG Broadway
Musical • Quality Hill Playhouse
With A Banjo On My Knee •
Chestnut Fine Arts Theatre
On Golden Pond • City Theatre of Independence*
Weekend Comedy • New Theatre Restaurant
Great Big Broadway: The Rise of the BIG Broadway
Musical • Quality Hill Playhouse
The Mountaintop • Unicorn Theatre
Weekend Comedy • New Theatre Restaurant
Great Big Broadway: The Rise of the BIG Broadway
Musical • Quality Hill Playhouse
The Mountaintop • Unicorn Theatre
Weekend Comedy • New Theatre Restaurant
Great Big Broadway: The Rise of the BIG Broadway
Musical • Quality Hill Playhouse
With A Banjo On My Knee •
Chestnut Fine Arts Theatre
Weekend Comedy • New Theatre Restaurant
30 THU
Weekend Comedy • New Theatre Restaurant
28 TUE
Weekend Comedy • New Theatre Restaurant
29 WED
Sordid Lives • The Barn Players, Inc.*
With A Banjo On My Knee •
Chestnut Fine Arts Theatre
On Golden Pond • City Theatre of Independence*
BINGO: A Winning Musical •
Emporia State University Theatre
Weekend Comedy • New Theatre Restaurant
Crimes of the Heart •
Olathe Community Theatre Association
Sex Please, We’re Sixty •
Paradise Playhouse Dinner Theatre
Great Big Broadway: The Rise of the BIG Broadway
Musical • Quality Hill Playhouse
South Pacific • Slightly Off Broadway Theatre
Children of Eden • The Theatre in the Park
The Boxcar Children • Theatre for Young America*
The Mountaintop • Unicorn Theatre
14 FRI
Sordid Lives • The Barn Players, Inc.*
With A Banjo On My Knee •
Chestnut Fine Arts Theatre
On Golden Pond • City Theatre of Independence*
Elena Urioste, Violinist, and Gabriela Martinez, Pianist
• Harriman-Jewell Series
Baldknobbers & Backstabbers • The Mystery Train
Weekend Comedy • New Theatre Restaurant
Crimes of the Heart •
Olathe Community Theatre Association
Sex Please, We’re Sixty •
Paradise Playhouse Dinner Theatre
Great Big Broadway: The Rise of the BIG Broadway
Musical • Quality Hill Playhouse
South Pacific • Slightly Off Broadway Theatre
Children of Eden • The Theatre in the Park
The Mountaintop • Unicorn Theatre
Sordid Lives • The Barn Players, Inc.*
With A Banjo On My Knee •
Chestnut Fine Arts Theatre
Baldknobbers & Backstabbers • The Mystery Train
Weekend Comedy • New Theatre Restaurant
Sex Please, We’re Sixty •
Paradise Playhouse Dinner Theatre
Great Big Broadway: The Rise of the BIG Broadway
Musical • Quality Hill Playhouse
31 FRI
JUNE 2013
Sordid Lives • The Barn Players, Inc.*
With A Banjo On My Knee •
Chestnut Fine Arts Theatre
On Golden Pond • City Theatre of Independence*
BINGO: A Winning Musical •
Emporia State University Theatre
Celebration at the Kauffman •
Lee’s Summit Symphony Orchestra
Weekend Comedy • New Theatre Restaurant
Crimes of the Heart •
Olathe Community Theatre Association
Sex Please, We’re Sixty •
Paradise Playhouse Dinner Theatre
Great Big Broadway: The Rise of the BIG Broadway
Musical • Quality Hill Playhouse
South Pacific • Slightly Off Broadway Theatre
Children of Eden • The Theatre in the Park
The Boxcar Children • Theatre for Young America*
The Mountaintop • Unicorn Theatre
15 SAT
Sordid Lives • The Barn Players, Inc.*
With A Banjo On My Knee •
Chestnut Fine Arts Theatre
On Golden Pond • City Theatre of Independence*
Heart and Soul • Heartland Men’s Chorus*
Baldknobbers & Backstabbers • The Mystery Train
Weekend Comedy • New Theatre Restaurant
Crimes of the Heart •
Olathe Community Theatre Association
Sex Please, We’re Sixty •
Paradise Playhouse Dinner Theatre
Great Big Broadway: The Rise of the BIG Broadway
Musical • Quality Hill Playhouse
South Pacific • Slightly Off Broadway Theatre
Children of Eden • The Theatre in the Park
The Mountaintop • Unicorn Theatre
Sordid Lives • The Barn Players, Inc.*
With A Banjo On My Knee •
Chestnut Fine Arts Theatre
Baldknobbers & Backstabbers • The Mystery Train
Weekend Comedy • New Theatre Restaurant
Sex Please, We’re Sixty •
Paradise Playhouse Dinner Theatre
Great Big Broadway: The Rise of the BIG Broadway
Musical • Quality Hill Playhouse
Sordid Lives • The Barn Players, Inc.*
With A Banjo On My Knee •
Chestnut Fine Arts Theatre
On Golden Pond • City Theatre of Independence*
BINGO: A Winning Musical •
Emporia State University Theatre
Weekend Comedy • New Theatre Restaurant
Crimes of the Heart •
Olathe Community Theatre Association
Great Big Broadway: The Rise of the BIG Broadway
Musical • Quality Hill Playhouse
South Pacific • Slightly Off Broadway Theatre
The Mountaintop • Unicorn Theatre
16 SUN
Sordid Lives • The Barn Players, Inc.*
With A Banjo On My Knee •
Chestnut Fine Arts Theatre
On Golden Pond • City Theatre of Independence*
Heart and Soul • Heartland Men’s Chorus*
Weekend Comedy • New Theatre Restaurant
Crimes of the Heart •
Olathe Community Theatre Association
Sex Please, We’re Sixty •
Paradise Playhouse Dinner Theatre
Great Big Broadway: The Rise of the BIG Broadway
Musical • Quality Hill Playhouse
South Pacific • Slightly Off Broadway Theatre
Children of Eden • The Theatre in the Park
The Mountaintop • Unicorn Theatre
Sordid Lives • The Barn Players, Inc.*
With A Banjo On My Knee •
Chestnut Fine Arts Theatre
Weekend Comedy • New Theatre Restaurant
Sex Please, We’re Sixty •
Paradise Playhouse Dinner Theatre
Great Big Broadway: The Rise of the BIG Broadway
Musical • Quality Hill Playhouse
*Affiliate Organization
Lyle the Crocodile • The Coterie Theatre
Maybe, Baby, It’s You •
Emporia State University Theatre
Great Big Broadway: The Rise of the BIG Broadway
Musical • Quality Hill Playhouse
9 to 5 the Musical • The Theatre in the Park
The Boxcar Children • Theatre for Young America*
27 THU
Lyle the Crocodile • The Coterie Theatre
Great Big Broadway: The Rise of the BIG Broadway
Musical • Quality Hill Playhouse
The Boxcar Children • Theatre for Young America*
25 TUE
Disney’s Winnie-the-Pooh, Kids: Session # 1 •
The Barn Players, Inc.*
With A Banjo On My Knee •
Chestnut Fine Arts Theatre
Lyle the Crocodile • The Coterie Theatre
Great Big Broadway: The Rise of the BIG Broadway
Musical • Quality Hill Playhouse
South Pacific • Slightly Off Broadway Theatre
The Boxcar Children • Theatre for Young America*
The Mountaintop • Unicorn Theatre
20 THU
Disney’s Winnie-the-Pooh, Kids: Session # 1 •
The Barn Players, Inc.*
Lyle the Crocodile • The Coterie Theatre
Great Big Broadway: The Rise of the BIG Broadway
Musical • Quality Hill Playhouse
The Boxcar Children • Theatre for Young America*
The Mountaintop • Unicorn Theatre
18 TUE
Lyle the Crocodile • The Coterie Theatre
Maybe, Baby, It’s You •
Emporia State University Theatre
Great Big Broadway: The Rise of the BIG Broadway
Musical • Quality Hill Playhouse
9 to 5 the Musical • The Theatre in the Park
The Boxcar Children • Theatre for Young America*
28 FRI
With A Banjo On My Knee •
Chestnut Fine Arts Theatre
Lyle the Crocodile • The Coterie Theatre
Crimes of the Heart •
Olathe Community Theatre Association
Great Big Broadway: The Rise of the BIG Broadway
Musical • Quality Hill Playhouse
South Pacific • Slightly Off Broadway Theatre
9 to 5 the Musical • The Theatre in the Park
The Boxcar Children • Theatre for Young America*
The Mountaintop • Unicorn Theatre
21 FRI
29 SAT
Maybe, Baby, It’s You •
Emporia State University Theatre
Great Big Broadway: The Rise of the BIG Broadway
Musical • Quality Hill Playhouse
9 to 5 the Musical • The Theatre in the Park
The Boxcar Children • Theatre for Young America*
22 SAT
With A Banjo On My Knee •
Chestnut Fine Arts Theatre
Lyle the Crocodile • The Coterie Theatre
Crimes of the Heart •
Olathe Community Theatre Association
Great Big Broadway: The Rise of the BIG Broadway
Musical • Quality Hill Playhouse
South Pacific • Slightly Off Broadway Theatre
9 to 5 the Musical • The Theatre in the Park
The Boxcar Children • Theatre for Young America*
The Mountaintop • Unicorn Theatre
Lyle the Crocodile • The Coterie Theatre
Maybe, Baby, It’s You •
Emporia State University Theatre
Great Big Broadway: The Rise of the BIG Broadway
Musical • Quality Hill Playhouse
30 SUN
With A Banjo On My Knee •
Chestnut Fine Arts Theatre
Lyle the Crocodile • The Coterie Theatre
Crimes of the Heart •
Olathe Community Theatre Association
Great Big Broadway: The Rise of the BIG Broadway
Musical • Quality Hill Playhouse
9 to 5 the Musical • The Theatre in the Park
The Mountaintop • Unicorn Theatre
23 SUN
*Affiliate Organizations offer discount tickets to subscribers of KC Stage. Display your membership card at the box office or mention it when ordering tickets over the phone. For a list of discounts and other offers, visit www.kcstage.com/affiliates. Don’t forget to rate the show you see online!
Lyle the Crocodile • The Coterie Theatre
Great Big Broadway: The Rise of the BIG Broadway
Musical • Quality Hill Playhouse
The Boxcar Children • Theatre for Young America*
26 WED
24 MON
Disney’s Winnie-the-Pooh, Kids: Session # 1 •
The Barn Players, Inc.*
Lyle the Crocodile • The Coterie Theatre
Great Big Broadway: The Rise of the BIG Broadway
Musical • Quality Hill Playhouse
The Boxcar Children • Theatre for Young America*
The Mountaintop • Unicorn Theatre
19 WED
Musical Mondays 2013 • Musical Theater Heritage
17 MON
Letter to the Editor
 Idealware
continued from page 3
•.Authorize and commit the charge. Once the payment information is entered, it’s
I work at the intersection of network
transferred electronically to a payment processor who authorizes it by checking to
technology and performing art. As Google
see that the credit card account exists and has enough money to cover the charge.
Fiber approaches in Austin, I am seeking
The processor then charges the card. Whichever method you use, you’ll have some
partner orgs in KC to collaborate. I have
some substantial experience in this work
kind of processing specialist in the mix who will manage the electronic flow of
with companies in London, Edinburgh, and
money for credit card transactions. They typically do very little else, so they tend
elsewhere, but am seeking a partnership that to work hand-in-hand with another system that provides the interface to enter
can take advantage of the upload speeds
information and handles any other needed functionality.
provided by Google Fiber.
I am seeking partners to develop theatre
projects that takes advantage of Google
Fiber’s substantial upload speeds.
I have rich experience developing
productions that transpire in two physical
locations simultaneously (with cast and
audience split between two disparate
venues), gathered into one connected
aural and visual space using real-time
bi-directional video-streaming. In these
projects, which have so far been transAtlantic and have included companies and
venues in London and Edinburgh, a major
blocker is upload bandwidth.
Google Fiber goes a long way to obviate
that issue, and a partnership between Austin
and KC will be an ideal proving ground.
This is a certain kind of bleeding edge, and
so I am seeking a production/performance
company interested in technological
integration into performance, that can
perform in a space that has Google Fiber,
and has a daring and collaborative ethos.
If interested, a description of one of the
pieces I have done, and then an article
more generally about my recent projects, is
linked below:
• http://bit.ly/kcstage-editor-1
•.Deposit money to bank account. Once the card has been charged, there’s a critical
step: receiving the money. The payment processor always deposits the money in a
bank account called a “merchant account”. Money is then automatically transferred
from your merchant account into a bank account from which you can actually
withdraw it. For most of the methods covered here, you’ll need to open a merchant
account through your bank or one recommended by your payment processor. Like
any bank account, you’ll want to shop around, as rates vary. These accounts define
the base amount you’ll pay for each transaction.
Because credit card companies also charge a per-transaction fee, there will always
be some fee involved, but the size and terms can vary substantially. For instance, a
merchant account might charge you $25 per month plus 2.2% of each transaction a good rate, applicable to an organization with a high volume of transactions - or a
simple 2.8% of each transaction with no monthly fee, which might be more appealing
if you’ll have a low volume of transactions.
If you want to take online payments, make sure your merchant account allows
them. You might want to choose an online payment vendor first and ask them for
recommendations for a merchant account bank to make sure it’s compatible with
your online payment method.
continued on page
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O, change thy thought, that I may change my mind!
Shall hate be fairer lodged than gentle love?
The Barn Players, Inc.*
Disney’s Winnie-the-Pooh, Kids: Session
# 1 by Robert B. Sherman, Richard
M. Sherman, Robert Lopez, Kristen
Anderson-Lopez, Will Van Dyke, &
Cheryl Davis: Jun 18-20: 7:30 pm
Welcome to the Hundred Acre Wood,
where Winnie the Pooh is once again
in search of honey. Along the way, he
meets his pals Tigger, Piglet, Rabbit,
and Owl, but soon discovers that
Christopher Robin has been captured
by the Backson! As they prepare for
a rescue operation, the animals learn
about teamwork, friendship, and
sharing snacks! Based on the beloved
characters of A.A. Milne and the 2011
Disney animated feature film, this
show is the perfect first pick for young
performers. Directed by Jason Coats.
$5. The Barn Players, 6219 Martway St,
(913) 432-9100,
Sordid Lives by Del Shores: May 31-Jun
16: 7:30 pm Fri-Sat, Mon; 2 pm Sun
A black comedy about white trash! The
author of Daddy’s Dyin’…Who’s Got
the Will? brings you a comedy that was
nominated for over thirty awards during
its long run in Los Angeles. When Peggy,
a good Christian woman, hits her head
on the sink and bleeds to death after
tripping over her lover’s wooden legs in
a motel room, chaos erupts in Winters,
Texas. Industry night: June 10 at 7:30
pm. Directed by Steven Eubank. $18;
seniors $15 (65 and older); students
$10 (with ID); groups of 10 or more
$12. The Barn Players, 6219 Martway
St, (913) 432-9100,
www.thebarnplayers.org A
Chestnut Fine Arts Theatre
With A Banjo On My Knee: May 16-Jun
23: 8 pm Thr-Sat; 3 pm Sat; 2 pm Sun
With A Banjo On My Knee intertwines
homespun humor with old-time music
– bluegrass, country, folk and gospel!
You’ll enjoy banjo and guitar pickin’
and songs that live in your memories
– “Old Joe Clark”, “Do Lord, Go Tell
Aunt Rhody”, “Oh Susanna”, “I’ll Fly
Away”, and more! We’re gonna have
some FUN with this show! (Rated G)
Directed by Brad Zimmerman. Featuring
and Jeff Martin. $23, discounts for
seniors, children, & groups. Chestnut
Fine Arts Center, 234 N Chestnut St,
(913) 764-2121, chestnutfinearts.com
City Theatre of Independence*
On Golden Pond by Ernest Thompson:
Jun 6-16: 8 pm Thr-Sat; 2 pm Sun
This is the love story of Ethel and
Norman Thayer, who are returning to
their summer home on Golden Pond
for the forty-eight years. He is a retired
professor, nearing eighty, with heart
palpitations and a failing memory –
but still as tart-tongued, observant,
and eager for life as ever. Directed
by Jamie Close. $12; musicals $14;
dinner theatre $26 & $16 w/season
ticket. Roger T. Sermon Center, 201 N
Dodgion St, (816) 325-7367,
The Coterie Theatre
Lyle the Crocodile by Bernard Waber,
Kevin Kling, & Richard Gray: Jun
18-Aug 4: 11 am Tue-Fri; 2 pm SatSun; 7 pm Fri; 1:30 pm Wed-Fri
A new musical based on the beloved
book series. What a croc! When the
Primm family moves into their New
York City apartment, their son Joshua is
surprised to find a crocodile in the tub.
The multi-talented Lyle quickly becomes
part of the family, but a nasty neighbor,
Mr. Grumps, has it out for the loveable
reptile! Directed by Ron Megee & Missy
Koonce. Adults $15; youth, students, or
seniors $10. The Coterie Theatre, 2450
Grand Blvd, (816) 474-6552,
Emporia State University Theatre
BINGO: A Winning Musical by
Michael Heitzman, Ilene Reid, & David
Holcenberg: Jun 13-16: 7:30 pm ThrSat; 2 pm Sun
Bingo is a zippy new musical comedy
about a group of die-hard bingo players
who stop at nothing to miss their weekly
game. In between the number calling,
strange rituals, and fierce competitions,
love blossoms and long lost friends
reunite. These lovable characters spring
to life with a smart, funny script and
bouncy, hummable score. Audiences
will be laughing in the aisles when they
aren’t playing games of bingo along
with the cast! Approximate running time:
90 minutes $4 - $15. Karl C. Bruder
Theatre, King Hall, (620) 341-6378,
Maybe, Baby, It’s You by Charlie
Shanian and Shari Simpson: Jun 27-30:
7:30 pm Thr-Sat; 2 pm Sun
Maybe Baby, It’s You is a comedy
about the search for that most elusive
of entities, the soul mate, and told in a
series of 11 vignettes that cover ground
from the first kiss to the not-so-golden
years of marriage. Maybe Baby, It’s
You - or maybe … it isn’t. Approximate
running time: 90 minutes. $4 - $15.
Karl C. Bruder Theatre, King Hall, (620)
341-6378, www.emporia.edu/theatre
Harriman-Jewell Series
Elena Urioste, Violinist, and Gabriela
Martinez, Pianist: Jun 7: 7 pm Fri
American violinist Elena Urioste,
featured on the cover of Symphony as
an emerging artist to watch, has been
praised by critics for her lush tone
and her commanding stage presence.
Venezuelan pianist Gabriela Martinez
has been lauded by The New York Times
as “compelling, elegant, and incisive,”
and has quickly established a reputation
as a versatile artist who combines
“panache and poetry” (Dallas Morning
News) with a “sense of grace and
clarity” (The Star Ledger). Free. Folly
Theater, 300 W 12th St, (816) 4155025, www.hjseries.org
continued on next page
*Affiliate Organizations offer discounts to subscribers of KC Stage. Display your member-
Content Guide: Unless otherwise noted, the subject matter of performances should
ship card at the box office or mention it when ordering tickets over the phone. For a list
be suitable for general audiences. Shows marked with A contain adult material that
of discounts and other offers, visit www.kcstage.com. Don’t forget to rate or review the
may not be appropriate for children under the age of 18. Shows marked C contain
shows you see online!
material that is specifically intended for children. Please note that these content markings
are designated by the individual arts organizations, not by KC Stage.
JUNE 2013
 Performances
continued from page 11
Heartland Men’s Chorus*
Heart and Soul:
Jun 8-9: 8 pm Sat; 4 pm Sun
Return to an era when father knew best,
Cadillacs had tail fins, and hula hoops
were all the rage. You’ll rock around
the clock to hits by Elvis Presley, Doris
Day, Chuck Berry, Debbie Reynolds,
Perry Como, and Patti Page as HMC
salutes the jukebox hits of the ‘50s.
Grab your best poodle skirt or coolest
leather jacket and join the hep cats
of HMC for a totally keen far out
flashback! Directed by Dr. Joe Nadeau.
$15 - $35. Folly Theater, 300 W 12th
St, (816) 931-3338, www.hmckc.org
(Suitable for Everyone)
Lee’s Summit Symphony Orchestra
Celebration at the Kauffman by Gloria
Helmer: Jun 15: 8 pm Sat
Join the Lee’s Summit Symphony as we
celebrate our 10th Anniversary at the
Kauffman Center for the Performing
Arts on June 15, 2013 at 8pm. Concert
information will be announced as
it becomes available. Directed by
Russell E. Berlin. Kauffman Center for
the Performing Arts, 1601 Broadway
Boulevard, (816) 401-5251,
Musical Theater Heritage
Musical Mondays 2013:
Feb 11-Nov 25: 7:30 pm Mon
An intimate evening of musical theater
starring KC’s finest performers.
Reservations required: (816) 2216987, or online. $20. Crown Center
Off Center Theatre, 2450 Grand Blvd,
(816) 842-9999, www.MTHKC.com A
The Mystery Train
Baldknobbers & Backstabbers
by Philip blue owl Hooser:
Apr 19-Jun 8: 6:30 pm Fri-Sat
Moonshine and murder are as old
as the hills in the Ozarks, and when
baldknobbers and big wheels gather on
the train in 1936, the combination turns
deadly. Directed by Wendy Thompson.
$54 - $64 each. The Golden Ox, 1600
Genessee, (816) 813-9654 A
New Theatre Restaurant
Weekend Comedy by Jeanne Bobrick
and Sam Bobrick: Apr 3-Jun 16: 12 pm
Sat-Sun, Wed; 6 pm Tue-Sun
Two couples rent the same Catskills
cabin for the same weekend by mistake.
One couple is staid and middle aged;
the other free-wheeling and young. They
decide to share and before the weekend
is over the youngsters have learned how
to add stability to their relationship and
the oldsters have learned to loosen up.
Directed by Richard Carrothers. Call
the box office at for information. New
Theatre Restaurant, 9229 Foster St,
(913) 649-7469,
www.newtheatre.com A
Olathe Community Theatre
Crimes of the Heart by Beth Henley: Jun
7-23: 8 pm Fri-Sat; 2 pm Sun
The Magrath sisters have rallied around
youngest sister, Babe, who has just shot
her husband after having a “bad day”.
Meg’s singing career has fizzled, while
Lenny faces a future as an old maid.
Add old flame Doc, lawyer Barnett, and
priggish cousin Chick, and it’s southern
family dramedy at its finest. Directed
by Darren Sextro. Adults $17; seniors/
students $14; children <12 $12.
Olathe Community Theater Assn, 500 E
Loula St, (913) 782-2990,
Paradise Playhouse Dinner Theatre
Sex Please, We’re Sixty by Michael
Parker and Susan Parker: May 24-Jun
15: 6 pm Thr-Sun
Mrs. Stancliffe’s Bed and Breakfast’s
guests return yearly. Her neighbor “Bud
the Stud” believes they come to spend
time with him. Her other neighbor,
Henry, developed a pill to increase the
libido of menopausal women. Add three
older women: a romance novelist, a
friend of Henry’s and a Southern Belle.
Bud gets his hands on the pills and the
fun begins. The women mix up Bud’s
viagra pills and it has a strange effect
on men: it gives them all the symptoms
of menopausal women. Directed by
Kimi Worstell Laabs. $30 to $32.
Paradise Playhouse Dinner Theatre, 101
Spring St, (816) 630-3333,
Quality Hill Playhouse
Great Big Broadway: The Rise of the
BIG Broadway Musical: May 31-Jun 30:
8 pm Sun-Sat ; 3 pm Sat-Sun;
1 pm Wed-Thr; 6 pm Sat
Nothing embodies “bigger is better”
more than American musical theatre of
the 1970s to today. From Andrew Lloyd
Webber and Stephen Sondheim to the
spectacles Ragtime and Wicked, today’s
musicals are big, big, BIG! Directed
by J. Kent Barnhart. $32 adults; $29
seniors/students. Quality Hill Playhouse,
303 W 10th St, (816) 421-1700,
Slightly Off Broadway Theatre
South Pacific: Jun 7-22: 7:30 pm
Thr-Sat; 2 pm Sun
On a South Pacific island during World
War II, love blooms between a young
nurse and a secretive Frenchman who’s
being courted for a dangerous mission.
Directed by Tanya Duncan. $10. Slightly
Off Broadway Theatre, 114 N Marietta
St, (816) 637-3728,
The Theatre in the Park
9 to 5 the Musical by Dolly Parton &
Patricia Resnick: Jun 21-29: 8:30 pm
Set in the late 1970’s, three female
co-workers who have been pushed to
the boiling point concoct a plan to get
even with the sexist, egotistical, lying,
hypocritical bigot they call their boss.
They conspire to take control of their
company and along the way they learn
there’s nothing they can’t do - even in
a man’s world! This hilarious story of
friendship and revenge in the Rolodex
era is all about teaming up and taking
care of business! Directed by Greg
Shaw. Vary depending on performance/
event. Please check website or
individual listings. The Theatre in the
Park, 7710 Renner Rd, (913) 2361237, www.theatreinthepark.org A
continued on next page
Be, as thy presence is, gracious and kind,
Or to thyself at least kind-hearted prove:
 Performances
continued from page 12
Children of Eden by John Caird;
Stephen Schwartz & Charles Lisanby:
Jun 13-15: 8:30 pm Thr-Sun
A joyous and inspirational musical
about parents, children, and faith ...
not to mention centuries of unresolved
family business! Freely based on the
story of Genesis, it is a frank, heartfelt,
and often humorous examination of the
age-old conflict between parents and
children. The show delivers a bittersweet
but inspiring message: sometimes
the hardest part of love is letting go.
Directed by Kevin Bogan. Please check
website or individual listings. The
Theatre in the Park, 7710 Renner Rd,
(913) 236-1237,
Theater for Young America*
The Boxcar Children: Jun 11-29: 12 pm
Thr-Fri; 10 am Tue-Fri; 7 pm Fri;
2 pm Sat
Set in the 1930s Depression Era, the
story follows the exciting escapades of
four siblings - two girls and two boys who become orphans and must make
their own way in the world. Fearing
they will be split up into different foster
homes after their parents’ deaths, the
children hide out in an old boxcar and
set up housekeeping. $9; season rates
& group discounts available. Theatre for
Young America, H & R Block City Stage
at Union Station, (816) 460-2083,
www.tya.org C
Unicorn Theatre
The Mountaintop by Katori Hall: Jun
5-23: 8 pm Fri-Sat; 3 pm Sun; 7:30 pm
Taking place on April 3,1968, this play
is a gripping re-imagining of events the
night before the assassination of civil
rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King,
Jr. After delivering one of the most
memorable speeches, an exhausted Dr.
King retires to his room at the Lorraine
Motel while a storm rages outside.
When a mysterious stranger arrives
with some surprising news, King is
forced to confront his destiny and his
legacy. $22.50 - $32.50 Discounts for
students/seniors/under 35. Unicorn
Theatre Mainstage, 3828 Main St,
(816) 531-7529,
www.unicorntheatre.org A
Coming in July
The Barn Players, Inc.*
Dangerous Liaisons (Les Liaisons
Dangeruses) by Christopher Hampton:
Jul 19-Aug 4: 7:30 pm Fri-Sat, Mon; 2
pm Sun
Chestnut Fine Arts Theatre
America’s Veterans: Jul 11-Aug 25: 8
pm Thr-Sat; 3 pm Sat; 2 pm Sun
City Theatre of Independence*
Original Playwrights Festival: Jul 11-14:
8 pm Thr-Sat; 2 pm Sun
Film Clips
by Larry Levenson
T2 Studios in KC recently created a Reality TV division to discover new reality show
ideas and find the characters networks are
looking for. If you have an idea for a reality
TV show or you think you’re the next big star,
e-mail T2 Studios at casting@t2.tv. Include
your contact information and a description of the idea you want to pitch. For more
information, visit www.t2.tv.
A lighting director was need for a project in
William Peck was casting two male leads for
a short movie entitled “God and Odds”.
The Culture House*
Les Miserables: Jul 19-21: 1 pm SatSun; 7 pm Fri-Sat; 10 am Fri
Taylre Jones is developing a storyline for
his short movie “Hitman”. He is looking
for male and female talent. Find Taylre on
Emporia State University Theatre
Drinking Habits by Tom Smith: Jul
10-13: 7:30 pm Wed-Sat
Still Life with Iris by Steven Dietz: Jul
24-27: 7:30 pm Wed-Sat
Janis Rovick was casting size 4 female models, 22 - 32 years old.
Gladstone Theatre in the Park
Guys and Dolls: Jul 5-7: 8:30 pm FriSun
Musical Theater Heritage
The Parlor Series - 2013:
Mar 8-Nov 15: 7:30 pm Fri
Puppetry Arts Institute
Pinocchio: Jul 27: 2 pm, 11 am Sat
The Theatre in the Park
Damn Yankees by George Abbott,
Douglass Wallop, Richard Adler, & Jerry
Ross: Jul 19-27: 8:30 pm Thr-Sun
Peter Pan by Carolyn Leigh, Betty
Comden, Adolf Green, Mark Charlap,
& Jule Styne: Jul 5-13: 8:30 pm ThrSun
The White Theatre
Hairspray by Mark O’Donnell, Thomas
Meehan, Marc Shaiman, & Scott
Wittman: Jul 13-28: 7:30 pm Sat, Thr;
2 pm Sun R
Janis was also looking for size 6, 8, and
10 female models for a national apparel
Alden Miller was seeking actors for a video
he was shooting. He needed males, females,
and some extras for a rock concert scene.
Marc Manley’s short movie “Interrogation”
was scheduled to the shot in late April at
UMKC. He was looking for two male actors.
Producers for the History Channel were looking in KC for a production coordinator.
“Champion”, one of the episodes of Withered World, was shot. It will be shown on
witheredworld.tv in the future.
CMT was shooting in Wichita, and was looking for a production assistant.
Heather Laird of Wright/Laird Casting was
searching for fit men and women with a
strong yoga background for a print advertisement.
A BBC production crew was in Marceline,
Mo., shooting scenes for a television series.
The Missouri State Penitentiary in Jefferson
City was the location chosen for the Travel
Channel’s television show Ghost Adventures.
A production crew spent a few days in KC
shooting the pilot for a new cable television
reality show.
Also in KC, web commercials for Dell and
Garden Weasel.
In St. Louis, an historic re-enactment was
shot for the Nazarene Church; McDonald’s
commercials were shot as well.
A safety-training video for J. E. Dunn Construction was shot in KC.
film clips
The Independent Filmmaker’s Coalition in
KC presents “One Night Stand: The 10-hour
Film Challenge”. Directors will be needing
actors and crew for the shoot on Saturday,
June 15. R
Are you a filmmaker in the KC area and want
to submit news about your production to KC
Stage? E-mail Larry at llevenson@kcstage.
com before the 10th.
JUNE 2013
 Stage Savvy: Goodbye, KC
 Idealware
Over the years, as my writing got better and my involvement in
the arts grew, the column shifted: while it still was used for that
introductory concept, geared toward the audience, I started
using it to also include editorials (including one against what
I’ve titled the long-ass curtain call, still an issue) as well as
topics for people like myself, non-professionals in the world of
the performing arts. It became more of a guide to the various
aspects of the performing arts, be it marketing, the business
side of things, or new and upcoming trends (like my ‘intro to
podcasts’ article). When I came back from that fellowship in
2010, I created my blog and named it after this column, and
started posting my articles there as well as my reviews.
Credit Card Processing Methods
That’s how it works. But how do you start actually taking
credit card payments? There’s a wide variety of methods, each
appropriate to different situations.
continued from page 6
continued from page 10
Going to USC-Annenberg and LA is a thrilling, but scary, change
for me. I have lived in the Midwest all my life: my first 18 years
in a small town that’s about an hour southwest of St. Louis,
and then moving to Kansas City to go to school at Park College
(now Park University) – and then sticking around after. Part of
the reason I picked Park for my college was because I knew,
introvert that I am at heart, that I could not handle a big school
or big classrooms at that time. I’m now getting ready to go to a
school that’s so large, they have 19 libraries on campus, in one
of the biggest cities in the world.
I graduated with a major in journalism and a minor in theatre, but
was having problems getting a job that was in my career choice,
using my writing. So, I started volunteering with KC Stage way
back in 1998 (and joined the staff in 2004) as a way to get past
that catch-22 of needing experience to get experience. Although
it never got me that career, it did lead me to that fellowship
above and now this change in my life.
Since that time, I’ve done quite a lot both on and off stage,
but I also haven’t actually done that much. I learned to direct,
although I only directed four and a half full lengths and a handful
of one acts (and all but one of them was a joy). I acted, although
my biggest role was “Mr. Rogers” (no, that’s not a typo) in Ten
Little Indians. I’ve stage managed seven and a half times (with
the most memorable being The Barn Players’ The Full Monty,
as it gave me my immortal line, “I think I’m tired of seeing
penis”). And aside from KC Stage, I’ve been on the board of four
different arts organizations (including three years as president of
the Platte County Arts Council) and was able to sit on the theatre
panel for the Missouri Arts Council. I taught myself a little bit of
marketing, a little bit of management, and would like to think I
was constantly working on my writing and editing. I’ve worked
with organizations just beginning, and ones that were folding;
with organizations north of the river and in Independence and in
Overland Park.
Credit Card Imprinting Machines
The simplest way to process credit card transactions is also the
one that’s been around the longest. Imprinters, those little plastic
swipe machines that carbon copy the credit card, make quick
imprints of the credit card information for you to process later.
The downside is that, if a card is declined, you won’t find out
until long after the payer is gone, and you might have to work to
track them down. You can generally get an imprinting machine
for free, or for a small fee, from the bank where you opened your
merchant account.
Imprinters are an easy and inexpensive way to collect
information on site. However, you still need to process the
charges later using one of the other methods, and there’s a
substantial risk inherent in carrying imprinting slips around, as
you’re essentially carrying a stack of credit cards. If you lose the
slips, in the best case you’re out a bunch of payments. At worst,
you may have just funded some nefarious person’s taste for
expensive electronics and exotic trips.
Imprinters make the most sense when you only need to take
a few payments in some kind of temporary location. They’re
a short-term, quick-fix type of processing method rather than
something you’d use to process a volume of credit cards over a
long period of time.
Bank Processing
If you’ve collected credit card information via an imprinter or
through mailed-in donation-via-credit-card forms, one of the
most straightforward ways to process the charges - though
likely not the cheapest - is to ask your bank to do it. Many banks
will run these payments for organizations that have merchant
accounts with them.
The payments are then deposited into your merchant account
and make their way into your regular bank account within a few
days. The bank is responsible for destroying the paper forms,
reducing your risk. If you almost always receive your credit card
payment information in paper, bank processing can make a lot of
Credit Card Terminals
If you need to take a higher volume of payments in on-site
situations, consider investing in a credit card terminal, also
called a “swipe terminal”. These small machines allow you to
swipe a credit card, enter the payment amount on a keypad,
and then process the payment - and, in many cases, even print
out a receipt. In most cases, you can buy them for a couple
of hundred dollars from the bank that hosts your merchant
account, or rent one for a particular event. AuctionPay and sites
like it rent terminals with a focus on nonprofit events.
continued on next page
continued on next page
Make thee another self, for love of me,
That beauty still may live in thine or thee.
 Idealware
 Stage Savvy: Goodbye, KC
Terminals may require a power source, though some run on
batteries. They also require connectivity, generally a telephone
line, to process credit cards in real time - some allow you to
store transaction information to process when you can connect
to a phone line. Unlike with imprinters, the terminal stores the
information internally so it’s more secure, and so you won’t have
to enter it later, but you still run the risk of not receiving payment
for any declined cards.
As I prepare to say goodbye to my friends and colleagues in
the Kansas City area, I find myself at a loss for words. I’d like
to think I made a positive impact on the arts community in the
area, but I also know that my brusque way of doing my job and
in speaking, combined with the fact that I’ve never been very
good at interacting with people, has made me more than a few
people dislike me. I’ve even had a stalker who sent me what was
effectively a death threat (which ended in a trip to the police).
continued from page 14
continued from page 14
Terminals are widely used and effective in a number of different
situations, from on-site events or a development office that
needs to process a lot of phone credit card donations to giftshop type settings. However, integrating terminals with other
databases - say, to process a donation and record it at the same
time to a constituent record - can be difficult. If you need to do a
lot of this, one of the other methods might work better for you.
Mobile Devices
An alternative to portable credit card terminals, smartphones or
other mobile devices (like iPads) can now process transactions
over 3G or wireless connections by either manually entering card
numbers or - with inexpensive additional hardware - swiping
cards directly. This functionality can be provided through a
vendor, like Square or Sage, or you can download a card reader
app for free or at a low-cost.
This method has the advantage of portability, as you can
process transactions anywhere you have phone reception, and
requires less hardware to purchase provided you already have a
smartphone or other mobile device. Vendors will often include a
processing method, factored into the cost of the product, while
the apps will work with online processing services like Authorize.
There are security issues to consider, though. Does the app
you’re using encrypt the numbers for protection? When a card is
swiped, does it show the full number, or just the last four digits?
Are the credit card numbers actually stored on your device?
They shouldn’t be. Remember, too, that if you plan to leave
your device somewhere, like a storefront, that they are much
easier for a thief to steal than a credit card terminal, and a more
attractive target.
Swipe Hardware
To save time over manually entering every credit card
transaction, consider hardware that lets you swipe cards.
You can buy such devices to connect to a laptop or personal
computer via USB, or to most mobile devices - even Apple
products. They range in size from a basic, small card reader
to something that can actually hold your mobile device, often
extending battery life. These readers can run from about $20 to
$150 or more. One mobile payments company, Square, provides
their mobile card reader for free to new customers.
I am always surprised at how some people seem to think KC
Stage is much bigger than it actually is. More times than I care to
admit, I’ve had people who obviously change how they interact
with me once they realized I was that Angie Fiedler Sutton. I’ve
tried to not abuse my connection to it, but have on occasion
grabbed some amazing opportunities that were on my proverbial
bucket list: to see A Prairie Home Companion live at Starlight,
to meet Christopher Durang at the Inge Festival, and to garner
myself free tickets to Planet Comicon and (hopefully soon) a
Skype interview with Wil Wheaton. In the end, I do what needs to
be done to get the job done, and try not to let it worry me as to
what people think of me. I’m not always successful.
I’ve been a fan of the theatre for as long as I can remember.
I remember, too, the performance that made me sit up and
take notice – to say to myself, ‘I need to be a part of this, in
any way possible’. I had a bit of a crush on my high school
English teacher (who also taught theatre), and he was in a local
community college production of Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men
(as George, if it matters). At the time, I didn’t know the story, and
wondered when my mother asked why I would want to see such
a depressing play. I remember the end scene: George making
Lenny kneel down and look out, while he points a gun at the
back of Lenny’s head. George acquiesces to Lenny’s request to
tell him about the rabbits, and you can see the tears in George’s
eyes as he knows this is the only way out of this situation, and
as he cocks the gun ... the stage lights go OUT. And a gunshot
echoes in the darkness. And I, totally unaware that this was how
this story ended, sat there in shock. I couldn’t applaud, I couldn’t
cry, I couldn’t BREATHE.
It was marvelous.
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JUNE 2013
 Stage Savvy: Goodbye, Kansas City
continued from page 15
It frustrates me that there are people out there who wouldn’t
think twice of spending a couple of hundred bucks on tickets
to a football game or a rock concert (not that I have anything
against either), but think that tickets to the local professional
production of The Mousetrap are too pricey. It also frustrates me
that there is so much ‘drama in drama’ – that there is this sense
from a lot of people that the arts are good for you, and therefore
must be swallowed like a bitter pill and taken because you have
to. Wrapped in that is my frustration of the idea of the pretension
of the arts that many people place on it: that it is Art, something
that should be (appropriately enough) placed on a pedestal and
admired with awe and not love.
I love theatre (and by extension, the arts overall). I love it with
such a passion that I want everyone in the world to know how
great it can be to sit in a darkened theatre and be transformed
by what you see on the stage like I was. Every time I go see a
show, I hope it will make me lose myself in it the way that Of
Mice and Men did so many years ago.
But I also love theatre like a spouse or family member – love
it in spite of (and sometimes because of) all the faults. I know
that not every show will be perfect, and I know that sometimes
it’s more about the act of doing this crazy thing called art than
whether it’s actually any good or not. I know from my own
experience how much work goes into the process, and in the
end, I always try to respect that. (This is why you will never hear
me give my full opinion on a show at the theatre – even if I liked
Finally, I love theatre (and participate in it) for the same reason
a lot of people join the military: to be a part of something bigger
than myself. There is nothing so heady to me as being part of
a production when everything goes right, where you hear that
response from the audience and feel that energy that means that
you and they are telling a story – together.
I used to end each Stage Savvy with a quote that summed up
what that column was covering, figuring someone else always
has a better way to say what I’m trying to articulate. So, in the
immortal words of the Grateful Dead, “What a long, strange trip
it’s been.” And in the immortal words of Douglas Adams, “So
long, and thanks for all the fish.”
Angie Fiedler, while not overly active, is a member of several social
media outlets, which are listed on her Stage Savvy blog, found
at http://angiefsutton.wordpress.com/, which may or may not
continue in this adventure.
 Idealware
continued from page 15
Virtual Terminals
A “virtual terminal” allows you to enter credit card and
payment information into an online form and process it over
the internet. You can “rent” a virtual terminal from an online
payment processing specialist, such as Authorize.net, usually
for some combination of a monthly fee and a percentage of the
Virtual terminals don’t often support swipe hardware, and
thus require you to take the time to manually enter credit card
information, and they don’t integrate easily with constituent
management systems. Such limitations mean they’re probably
not the best solution for processing a lot of payments, but they
can be convenient options for processing a few payments if you
have an internet connection.
Online Payment Processors
A huge number of online payment vendors specialize in specific
types of online payments. For instance, it’s easy to find vendors
who support online donations, event registration or item
purchases. While these vendors typically provide an interface
optimized for your constituents to submit payments on their
own, most of these interfaces work perfectly well to allow your
staff to process payments, as well.
Does your staff get registration requests by phone? There’s no
reason they can’t enter credit card information into the same
interface a registrant would use to register themselves. Just
make sure that any automatic e-mails sent out to the registrant
make sense in either situation. This method might even work
for in-person scenarios - for example, to process on-site
registrations, or sell a few items in a store. Keep in mind that
unless you buy some compatible swipe hardware, you’ll need
to type in credit card information by hand. This may seem odd
to the person paying, as it’s more typical to swipe a card in this
These online payment specialists often offer a number of
features specific to their focus area. For example, an event
registration tool might allow you to easily track lunch requests
and print name tags, while online donation software might
support pledges and tribute gifts. For more information, see our
specific articles on this topic: “A Few Good Event Registration
Tools” and “A Few Good Online Donations Tools”.
Payment Enabled Software
If you’re processing payments that need to interface directly with
constituent management software, like donations or membership
fees, many mid-tier and advanced software packages let you
process payments directly from that software. For example,
DonorPerfect, eTapestry, and Raiser’s Edge, three of the more
popular donor management systems, all allow you to enter
payment information into the software and then process the
payment and create a record for it in one step.
continued on next page
Sonnet 10. By William Shakespeare
 Idealware
continued from page 16
This convenient option lets organizations process a high volume
of a single type of payment, and saves time-consuming doubleentry. Like online payment processors, this solution might also
work for in-person scenarios, but is optimized for over-thephone transactions.
Point of Sale Solutions
If you want to take credit cards in a permanent physical location
like a gift shop, registration desk, or at cashier station, consider
more hardware-intensive options. You’ll certainly want a way to
swipe cards and print receipts. You could do both with a credit
card terminal, or use separate swipe hardware and a receipt
printer. You may also want to add up a number of items and
calculate taxes, which terminals typically won’t do. If you often
sell a number of items to one person, you may want a price
scanner and a display pole (the small screen that displays what
you’re ringing up to the customer).
If you’re heading down this path, point of sale software such as
CamCommerce or Keystroke starts at a couple of hundred of
dollars and helps you integrate all the hardware you’ll need. It’s
also very helpful at managing actual inventory.
•.What will your constituents expect? Don’t forget this important
consideration. Be careful of methods that require you to
gather someone’s life story in order to run a simple payment,
or require your staff to go through strange and time-consuming
machinations with a constituent standing in front of them.
It can be complicated to understand your options in processing
credit cards. Many of the methods themselves are actually quite
straightforward, however, and every organization should be able
to find one that’s suitable. Whether you’re taking donations,
registering members or attendees, selling t-shirts, or running a
complex retail organization, there’s a method that will allow you
to take credit cards straightforwardly and securely.
Idealware, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, provides impartial information to help
nonprofits choose software, with lots of resources about online project
management software. All these resources are free. This article is reprinted
with permission from Idealware and can be found online at http://idealware.
How to Decide
With so many options, how do you decide what will work for
you? Think through the following considerations:
•Will you have access to the actual, physical credit card? Having
cards in hand will save you time. For any volume, you’ll want a
method that will allow you to swipe the card rather than typing
in numbers, and to print a receipt.
•.Will you have power and connectivity? Processing credit cards
without an internet connection substantially limits your options.
Similarly, if you don’t have a phone line, you’ll need to use an
imprinter, mobile device or specialized terminal.
•.Does the transaction need to be stored in your constituent
management system? Processing donations or membership
renewals that need to be tracked in another piece of software
means integration should be a key concern. Payment-enabled
software, an online payment processing or a point of sale setup
can help.
•.Is this a short-term, low-volume need, or a permanent highvolume setup? The right hardware and integration with other
systems can be a big time-saver, but they require some initial
up-front investment. Does it really makes sense to use a quick
and dirty method like an imprinter or virtual terminal, or will
investing in a more-efficient solution save money in the long
•.Do you need to store credit card numbers? Doing so in any
format requires strict and specific security measures under PCI
requirements, and unless you have a thorough understanding
of the regulations and have spent the time and money to create
a system that is in compliance, you’ll want to use an online
payment processor or payment-enabled software to handle
recurring transactions.
The Culture House*
Cultural Leadership Conference:
Jun 27-29: 10 am Thr-Sat
Go to website for information. The Culture House, 14808 W 117th
St, (913) 393-3141, www.culturehouse.com
Puppetry Arts Institute
Native American Tales:
Jun 15: 2 pm, 11 am Sat
The Urban Prairie Puppet Company comes to the Puppetry Arts
Institute, telling the story of a boy named Young Two Bears, who
learns responsibility and the wisdoms of life through the traditional
stories from Native American culture his grandmother tells him.
Admission also includes a tour of our puppet museum, which features
our exhibit, Pinocchio Time! Finger puppets of show characters are
for sale at the front desk. All ages $5.00 per person. Puppetry Arts
Institute, 11025 E Winner Rd, (816) 833-9777, www.hazelle.org
Theatre for Young America*
The Adventures of Doctor Doolittle Theatre Arts Project Drama Camp:
Jun 17-21: 5 pm Mon-Fri
Theatre for Young America Drama Camp (3.5 years of age - 3rd
grade) centers around a special doctor who is able to talk with
animals. Young actors learn musical theatre skills as they bring this
play to life onstage. June 17 - 21, from 5 to 7 pm daily. Onstage
performance at 6 pm, June 21. Tuition: $100. Wonderscope
Children’s Museum of Kansas City, 5700 King, (816) 460-2083,
JUNE 2013
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