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June 2015
Commissioned by
AirMagnet Spectrum XT
WLAN Interference Detection & Identification vs. MetaGeek Wi-Spy DBx + Chanalyzer
With the broad adoption of wireless networks in enterprises and the growth
accelerated by the new 802.11ac standard wireless networks are no longer a
“nice to have” addition to the enterprise space. When deploying a WLAN
environment, IT staff need to confidently rule out any RF interferencegenerated impact on Wi-Fi network performance and maximize
troubleshooting efficiency by using a spectrum analyzer. If not addressed, RF
interference will cause the network to underperform, leading to frustrated end
AirMagnet commissioned Tolly to benchmark the interference identification
and detection of their Spectrum XT and compare it to the MetaGeek Wi-Spy
DBx + Chanalyzer. AirMagnet Spectrum XT offers automatic interference
identification and greater accuracy of identifying interferers in a single attempt
at all distances tested. See Figure 1. In addition, AirMagnet Spectrum XT
provides a means to find a device and create a custom signature.
...<continued on next page>
AirMagnet Spectrum XT provides:
1 Automatic interference identification and
classification of devices
2 100% accuracy of identification at all distances
3 Simple and intuitive signature adoption with ability
to share with others
4 Multi-band support to locate devices quickly
Interfering Devices Detected (%)
WLAN Interference Detection & Identification
Percentage of Interfering Devices Detected on First Attempt
(8 Devices in 2.4GHz Range)
LOS 50
Notes: LOS is line-of sight or unobstructed view.
LOS 100
Obstructed 60
View and Distance (ft.)
Figure 1
Source: Tolly, June 2015
© 2015 Tolly Enterprises, LLC
Obstructed 110
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AirMagnet Spectrum XT
Tests were conducted in an active office
environment with obstructions and
interference. All identification tests of
interfering devices were run at various
distances using the same interferers and
without the Tolly engineer knowing what
device was turned on.
Test Results
Interferer Identification
The AirMagnet Spectrum XT offers users
the ability to identify the interferers
automatically. In contrast, the MetaGeek
Wi-Spy DBx + Chanalyzer does not offer
automatic interference identification and
requires the user to manually review their
interface and determine the appropriate
classification. This takes the user additional
time and increases the chance of user error.
See Figure 2.
Interferer Detection Interface: AirMagnet vs MetaGeek
“baby monitor”
and “bluetooth”
provides no
Figure 2
Source: Tolly, June 2015
© 2015 Tolly Enterprises, LLC
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AirMagnet Spectrum XT
engineer to identify the interferers more
rapidly- in some cases in just 5 seconds.
Interferer Detection and
Identification at Various
As AirMagnet Spectrum XT offers users
automatic interferer identification, it
correctly identified 100% of the various
interferers tested at all distances, which
included line of sight and obstructed view.
The intuitive interface allowed the Tolly
Spectrum XT
In contrast, with the absence of automatic
interferer identification in the new
MetaGeek release, the Tolly engineer relied
on identifying the interferer manually. This
manual approach took the Tolly engineer at
least 9X times as long to identify interferers
and, in some instances, required multiple
attempts at identifying the correct devices.
In some cases, the Tolly engineer could not
Detection &
WLAN 2.4GHz Interference Detection & Identification Detailed Results
Detection Status , Time-To-Detection and Number of Attempts at Various Distances Line-of-Sight and Obstructed Views
(Distances in feet, Detection times in minutes:seconds. Attempts in parenthesis if more than 1)
AirMagnet Spectrum XT
Interfering Device (2.4GHz)
Line of Sigh
ht View (ft)
MettaGeek Wi-Spy DBx + Chanalyyzer
Obstructted View (ft)
Line of Siight View (ft)
d View (ft)
Cordless Phone FH
1:46 (2)
1:58 (2)
Cordless Phone Analog
:49 (2)
1:54 (2)
Cordless Phone Spread Spectrum
ZigBee Transmitter
1:26 (2)
1:46 (3) 1:43 (2)
Baby Monitor
2:54 (2)
1:51 (3)
1:46 (3) 2:50 (4)
Wireless Camera
1:46 (3) 1:41 (2)
Microwave Oven
Infrared Motion Sensor
:56 (2)
1:46 (3)
1:46 (3)
Percentage Detected
on First Attempt
Note: Green represents that interfering device was identified on the first attempt, yellow represents subsequent attempt, red represents
that it was not identified within 3 min. When identified, the number after the check mark represents the number of minutes:seconds
needed by the system under test to identify the interfering device. Percentage detected shown graphically in Figure 1.
Source: Tolly, June 2015
© 2015 Tolly Enterprises, LLC
Table 1
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AirMagnet Spectrum XT
correctly identify the actual interfering
device within the 3 minute test window.
See Table 1 and Figure 1 for results and
Table 4 for details of the interfering devices.
Custom Signature Creation
The goal of this test was to evaluate the
process a user would go through in
creating a custom device signature and
adding it to the tool. We utilized a Netgear
VMB3000 home video device system for
the test.
With AirMagnet Spectrum XT the Auto-FFT
function automatically defines the wave
shape of the interferers. The user can then
choose from these wave shapes to create a
custom signature. Once created the custom
signature is shown in the interferer
identification window. See Figure 3.
MetaGeek Wi-Spy DBx + Chanalyzer also
offer users the ability to create custom
signatures. However, their approach
requires the user to manually identify the
interferer, select the relevant portion of the
spectrum, then create the custom
signature. Identifying with the custom
signature requires the user to match the
signature with the pattern chosen. See
their identification and classification in
Figure 3.
AirMagnet Spectrum XT also allows
multiple users to share custom signatures
among them via the import/export feature.
Per Tolly’s interaction with MetaGeek they
advised that the Wi-Spy DBx + Chanalyzer
does not offer these feature.
Locating an Interferer
This test of locating interferers again
showed the benefit of AirMagnet Spectrum
XT offering automatic inter ferer
identification. Tolly engineers were able to
identify and locate each of the five devices
hidden. In the case of the MetaGeek Wi-Spy
DBx + Chanalyzer, Tolly engineers were
able to locate only two of the five devices
hidden before the test period expired.
With AirMagnet Spectrum XT users can
locate the interferer on the product
interface and then double-click on the
interferer to begin the “find” process.
The manual approach of the MetaGeek WiSpy DBx + Chanalyzer required the Tolly
engineers to first define the relevant
portion of the spectrum before beginning
the “find” process. The selection of the
relevant portion of the spectrum required
additional time by the Tolly engineer before
he could begin the search.
AirMagnet Spectrum XT offers the ability to
find interferer devices in both 2.4GHz and
5GHz. Per Tolly interaction with MetaGeek
they advised that the Wi-Spy DBx +
Chanalyzer device finder only supports
2.4GHz. See Table 2 for results and Table 4
for details of the interfering devices.
Test Setup &
Wi-Fi technology operates on
frequencies in the ISM and UNII
bands. These bands are unlicensed,
meaning that no specific
permission is necessary to operate
equipment in these bands so long
as the equipment complies with
certain regulatory limits (for
example transmission power). At any given time, there could be a
number of devices operating in an
unlicensed band. These other
devices can and often will interfere
with Wi-Fi networks that are using
the same frequencies, which
impacts user throughput and
causes unreliable network
Identifying and addressing non-WiFi interference therefor becomes a
key factor to keeping a WLAN
network running at peak
Systems Under Test
All devices were upgraded to the most
current firmware available at time of test.
See Table 3.
Test Methodology
The objective of the test was to benchmark
the wireless LAN (WLAN) interference
detection and identification using
spectrum analyzer software.
The final test was a practical evaluation
where Tolly engineers attempted to locate
five unknown, hidden interferers within a
25 minute test period for all devices.
© 2015 Tolly Enterprises, LLC
Use of Unlicensed Bands by
Wi-Fi Products
Interferer Detection and
Identification at Various Distances
A laptop with the spectrum analyzer
product was placed on a rolling cart. This
allowed for the height and locations to be
kept constant across tests as the laptops
were moved between locations. Interferers
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AirMagnet Spectrum XT
Custom Signature Creation for Netgear VMB3000 Video: AirMagnet vs MetaGeek
AirMagnet :
1) Define
2) ID appears on
of signal.
Step 1
Step 3
Step 2
Figure 3
Source: Tolly, June 2015
© 2015 Tolly Enterprises, LLC
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AirMagnet Spectrum XT
WLAN 2.4GHz “Locate Interferer” Test Results
(Checks for all devices located within the 25 minute test window)
Interfering Device (2.4GHz)
AirMagnet Spectrum XT
MetaGeek Wi-Spy DBx +
Cordless Phone FH
Cordless Phone Spread Spectrum
ZigBee Transmitter
Baby Monitor
Wireless Camera
Note: Check represents that interfering device was located, X represents that it was not located within 25 minutes. See Table 4 for details.
Source: Tolly, June 2015
Table 2
were kept behind a screen to ensure that
the Tolly engineer was not aware of what
device was turned on as he attempted to
find a match. The tests were conducted at
two line of sight distances, which were 50
and 100 feet. The obstructed view test was
conducted at 60 and 110 feet. Wrong
answers were tallied until the Tolly
engineer correctly identified the interferer,
or timed out at 3 minutes at which point
the correct answer was revealed. Custom Signature Creation
To determine the time and steps needed to
create a custom signature, Tolly engineers
used a Netgear VMB3000 Video Camera
with base station.
WLAN Interference Detection Solutions Under Test
AirMagnet Spectrum XT (AM/
MetaGeek Wi-Spy DBx + Chanalyzer
(Diagnose Dual-Band)
Dell Latitude E6440 (Intel i7-4610M) Intel Centrino Ultimate-N 6300 AGN
running Microsoft Windows 7 SP1
Driver version:
ASUS G750-JZ (Intel i7 4700HQ)
running Microsoft Windows 8.1
Bigfoot Networks KillerN-1202
Notebook Wireless Card
Table 3
Source: Tolly, June 2015
© 2015 Tolly Enterprises, LLC
Wireless Adapter
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AirMagnet Spectrum XT
2.4GHz WLAN Interferer Details
Cordless Phone FH
Panasonic KX-TG2700 (Frequency hopping)
Cordless Phone Analog
GE 27928GE3
Cordless Phone Spread Spectrum
Sony SPP-A2780 (Spread Spectrum)
ZigBee Transmitter
Baby Monitor
Summer Infant 02320
Wireless camera
X10 XC18A
Microwave Oven
Panasonic NN-SN651B
Infrared Motion Sensor
Optex MX-40PI
Table 4
Source: Tolly, June 2015
Locating an Interferer
Four (4) interfering devices, which
consisted of two cordless phones
(frequency hopping and spread spectrum),
a baby monitor, and a ZigBee transmitter,
were set up in the same area as the
previous tests and the user was asked to
find the interfering device using the
locating portion of each tool. The Tolly
engineer was not aware of the location of
the devices within the test area. For both
products Tolly engineers used a new
antenna configuration as recommended by
the vendor. For AirMagnet Spectrum XT
that is their external flag antenna, for
Metageek Wi-Spy DBx +Chanalyzer that’s
their DeviceFinder antenna, which only can
locate 2.4GHz devices. See Table 4 for
details of the devices.
© 2015 Tolly Enterprises, LLC
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AirMagnet Spectrum XT
About Tolly
Interaction with Competitors
The Tolly Group companies have been
delivering world-class IT services for more
than 25 years. Tolly is a leading global
provider of third-party validation services
for vendors of IT products, components
and services.
In accordance with Tolly's Fair Testing Charter, Tolly personnel invited representatives
You can reach the company by E-mail at
sales@tolly.com, or by telephone at
+1 561.391.5610.
Visit Tolly on the Internet at:
from MetaGeek to participate in the testing. MetaGeek agreed to participate in the
evaluation. MetaGeek advised after reviewing the test cases that the new version of their
software no longer supports automatic interferer classification. MetaGeek also advised
that their device finder only supports 2.4GHz and they do not have a signature template
for microwave ovens.
For more information on the
Tolly Fair Testing Charter, visit:
Terms of Usage
This document is provided, free-of-charge, to help you understand whether a given product, technology or service merits additional
investigation for your particular needs. Any decision to purchase a product must be based on your own assessment of suitability
based on your needs. The document should never be used as a substitute for advice from a qualified IT or business professional. This
evaluation was focused on illustrating specific features and/or performance of the product(s) and was conducted under controlled,
laboratory conditions. Certain tests may have been tailored to reflect performance under ideal conditions; performance may vary
under real-world conditions. Users should run tests based on their own real-world scenarios to validate performance for their own
Reasonable efforts were made to ensure the accuracy of the data contained herein but errors and/or oversights can occur. The test/
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Accordingly, this document is provided "as is," and Tolly Enterprises, LLC (Tolly) gives no warranty, representation or undertaking,
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