Mid-States Holstein News - Missouri Holstein Association
Mid-States Holstein News - Missouri Holstein Association
December 2011 Mid-States Holstein News Hol r G y ida ! s g n eeti She Wasn’t Even Entered! Syrianna wasn’t even entered at the Missouri State Fair this year. She took the place of the 2-yr old that was scratched at the last minute. So.... she was pulled from the milking herd, clipped and the next day went to the State Fair where she won the 5-Yr old Class. The true beauty of this is she last calved June 10, 2010, went dry Sept. 25, 2011 and is due the first of December. She, her daughter Toecky Derek Shannon and Toecky Anna-Neis Sanchez went on to be Res. All-Missouri Best Three Females. Not bad for a cow that wasn’t even supposed to go! We have 3 Red bulls for sale: Caruso-Red X Jordan-Red Caruso-Red X Carrousel Regiment-Red Caruso-Red X Carrousel Regiment-Red Call for more information! Toecky Farm BAA: 103.7 RHA: 91 cows: 21,785 3.7 816 3.3 667 Becky & Tom Durst 417-926-3301 7600 Hwy M, Huggins, MO 65484 Crissy Durst 417-217-2143 Candy Durst 417-260-0439 Gus Durst 417-967-6337 7126 Hwy M, Huggins, MO 65484 Mid-States Holstein News Inside: Missouri State Fair Results Kansas State Fair Results 2012 Missouri Dairy Forum December 2011 VOLUME 143 Published: December 1 March 1 June 1 September 1 Sue Ann Steele, Editor Rte. 4, Box 676 Butler, MO 64730 660.679.3495 Fax: 660.679.3495 Email: holstein@netection.net Kate Geppert, Managing Editor 5803 Redwing Drive Columbia, MO 65202 573.814.3148 or 573.808.5607 Fax: 573.814.3148 Email: dkgeppert@mchsi.com ARKANSAS: President: Bruce Tencelve, Little Rock; Vice-President: Susan Fisher, Beebe; Secretary/Treasurer: Shelly Quattlebaum, P.O. Box 337, Grady, Ar; BOARD MEMBERS: Doug Herbaugh, Dr. Wayne Kellogg, Jodie Pennington, James Smith, Mike Quattlebaum, Randy Spears, Brian Weisenfels KANSAS: President: David Rottinghaus; VicePresident: Robbie Leach; Past President: Roy Buessing; Secretary: Kerri Ebert, 4210 Wam-Teau Drive, Wamego, DIRECTORS: Vernon Dewerff, Eugene George, Dale Klassen, Carol Keen, Rob Leach, Dwight Rokey, Joe Schmitz, David Siemens, Doug Unruh, Kevin Winter MISSOURI: President: Alfred Brandt, Linn ; VicePresident: Eric Ling, Springfield, Linn; Secretary/ Treasurer: Jodi Wright, Clever; Director-at-large: Jay Moreleand, Harrisonville, DIRECTORS: Eric Adkins, Dallas Cornelius, Matt Day, Stacey Dohle, Kirby Hanson, Joe McClellan, Jay Moreland, Justin Nelson, Crystal Radamacher, John Schoen, Marvin Schoen, Ed Steele NEW MEXICO: President: Andy Vaz, Roswell; Vice-President; Buster Goff; Secretary/Treasurer: Wendy Zens, 190 Dairy Rd, Willard OKLAHOMA: President: Todd Mason, Kingfisher;, 1st Vice President: Tom Meyer, Okarche Secretary/Treasurer: Angie Meyer, Rte. 4, Box 82, Okarche; DIRECTORS: Fred Chitwood, Norman Bayless, Steve Pope, David Jones, Brad Chapman TEXAS: President, Gerard Hoekman, Windthorst; Vice-President, Michael Schreiber, Windthorst; Sec/Treas: Elwyn Liggett, 519 Liggett Rd, Bellevue; DIRECTORS: Randy Carpenter, Richie Heida, John Koster, Joseph Osinga, Stanley Haedge, Bradly Veitenheimer, Chad Steinberger The MID-STATES HOLSTEIN NEWS (ISSN 08842809) is published 4 times yearly - March, June, September, and December - by the Holstein Associations of Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. Periodical postage paid at Butler, MO 64730 and at additional mailing offices. Subscription rate, $5.00, included in each state membership fee. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to MID-STATES HOLSTEIN NEWS, Kate Geppert, 5803 Redwing Dr, Columbia, MO 65202. PERIODICAL POSTAL CODE:355240 PAGE 2 - MSHN, December 2011 On the cover 2011 is drawing to a close and it has been a fun Fall for many of your members, especially our Junior members. At the Grand National Junior Show in Louisville this November, Bailee Whitehead of Conway, Missouri had Intermediate Champion & Reserve Grand Champion honors with her Sr. 3-Year Old, Indies-View Jasper Lulu. Also included in the photo is KyBlue-Maid Jasmine-ET, the Reserve Intermediate Champion, owned by Taylor, Brad & Kadyn Gibson of Kentucky. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCULATION: The Mid-States Holstein News, publication number 0884-2809 is published 4 times per year. Sue Ann Steele, Rte 4, Box 676, Butler, MO 64730, Editor; Kate Geppert, 5803 Redwing Dr., Columbia, MO 65202, Managing Editor. Owner: Holstein Associations of Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, New Mexico & Texas. The average paid/other circulation: 1816. Average total free distribution, 38. Total distribution average 1887, includes office use, leftovers and spoiled. Regional Representatives: Jenny Elliott IleyCallie Unruh 1404 Westwood Court 201 N State Street, Apt. 2 Stephenville, TX 76401 Jerseyville, IL 62052 254-485-8629316-772-1884 jelliott@holstein.comcunruh@holstein.com Nat’l Holstein Director Charlie SchillerRoy Buessing 2060 E Harvest Ct, Apt 21 1083 29th Road Salt Lake City, UT 84121 Axtell, Kansas 66403 320-493-4082785-736-2766 cschiller@holstein.com Issue March 1 June 1 Sept. 1 Dec. 1 Ad Deadlines Deadline Jan. 22 April 22 July 22 Oct. 22 No ads after Feb. 1 May 10 Aug. 10 Nov. 10 Classification Schedule December New Mexico, Texas & Oklahoma February 2012 Arkansas & Missouri May Kansas, Colorado & Nebraska Mid-States Subscriptions are available. It’s $5 for those in Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. For those outside the region, it’s $10. Contact Kate Geppert for more information. RF OUTSIDE BREEZE 2E-95 5-03 365 3X 37,705 4.3 1627 3.3 1240 8-00 326 2X 34,452 3.9 1334 3.2 1100 Inc. 2011 Southern Spring National Grand Champion Photos: Sarah Damrow Watch for our offerings from Breeze in 2012! Mason Dairy Farm Todd Mason Kingfisher, Oklahoma ph: 405-408-8941 MSHN, December 2011 - PAGE 3 Peterson Enjoys Show Success It has been an incredible year for Missouri junior Holstein member Tucker Peterson. He has polished his showmanship skills through the year and it has really paid off. His first win of the year occurred at the Southern Spring National in Stillwater, OK in April by winning first place in his age division. Through the summer, Tucker showed at many local and county fairs in southern Missouri taking home several wins. In August, Tucker competed at the Missouri State Fair and was champion Jersey showman going on to become the overall dairy showmanship champion. This win sent Tucker to the National FFA Dairy Showmanship contest in Indianapolis, IN this fall where he won second place in the national contest. His final win of the year came in November at the NAILE in Louisville, Kentucky where he won the Junior showmanship of the Winter National Milking Shorthorn show. Tucker is from Mtn. Grove, MO and is a freshman at Mtn. Grove High School. He lives on the family dairy farm and shows several different dairy breeds. He is pictured with his heifer, Mi-Wil Minister Dolly at the Missouri State Fair after his win. Tucker enjoys showing and fitting his cattle and can often be found working with the Ram-Elle Holsteins and Jerseys string at many shows. Tucker’s showmanship skills have caught the attention of many exhibitors as he has been asked to lead other exhibitors cattle at national shows. Congratulations to Jenny and Clayton Iley on their marriage September 10, 2011 at the Circle T Ranch in Hamilton, Texas. Jenny’s parents are Stanley and Brenda Haedge of Hico, TX and Dick and Donna Elliott of Ardmore, OK. Clayton is the son of Laura Iley and Fred Iley of Stephenville, TX. These high school sweethearts will reside in Stephenville, Texas. National Director Notes... Well here is the letter you’ve all been waiting for. If you only knew how many backspaces and spell checking corrections it took to get this to print you would probably demand that we go back to letters from Kate. What a ride so far and it has only begun. In August new directors Mike Jones (Indiana), newly elected vice-president Glen Brown (Utah), and myself traveled to Brattleboro for a 2 day orientation at the home office. We spent time in all the departments and were able to meet many of the people we only know from a voice on the phone. A few highlights of the trip included meeting some of the ladies who have worked with Holstein for over 50 years and seeing their commitment to our industry through good and bad times. This truly is a business in this area that people aspire to work for. Not only do they want to work for the Association but when they get a job they tend to stick around. The average term of employment with HAUSA is over 18 years. It was good to see a very efficient business and know that our money is not wasted. It has been a very busy fall. The show season has just wrapped up and congratulations to all exhibitors on a great show season. Something new this year has been the implementation of the National Judges Conferences. These were very well attended with over 130 participants. Feedback from attendees was excellent. I would encourage anyone who is interested in doing judging down the road to attend one of the conferences to get your feet wet and rub arms with some of the best in the business. This is also a prerequisite for those who want to be considered for the National Judges List. This list-new last year- gives state and national shows a place to go for qualified people to place their cattle. As we enter the cold winter season it also is time for our upcoming state and regional meetings. These are great opportunities to meet with fellow breeders and an even better way to get involved in our great industry. Another thing to keep in mind is now is a good time to do some checking on applying for some of the awards Holstein offers to both the Junior and Senior members of HAUSA. Last year Brad Groves of Billings, Mo. was the recipient of the prestigious Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder. Obviously there is no guarantee that if you apply that you will win. However with the quality of dairymen in our area your chances of being recognized are sure a lot better if you take time to apply for some of these honors. As the Christmas season fast approaches it is also a good time to reflect on the past year. It has been a year of extremes from region to region in just our area. We all must be thankful for our health and families and remember to pray for those less fortunate then ourselves. The one constant in this business is the value of the registered Holstein cow and the opportunities provided for us by our caring for these great animals. One last thing we cannot forget as we get ready to reign in the New Year is the return to dominance of the Kansas State Wildcat football program. Of course our friends in the state of Oklahoma have had a pretty good year also but the Cats are this year’s champion of the state of Texas Merry Christmas, Roy Buessing 2012 Clinton County Classic March 24, 2012 Clinton County Fairgrounds, Carlyle, Illinois Contact Lester Huels, 618-210-3326 for more information. PAGE 4 - MSHN, December 2011 2012 Missouri Dairy Forum Sponsored by Missouri Dairy Association, Missouri Holstein Association, Missouri Brown Swiss Association, Missouri Guernsey Breeders Association, Missouri Jersey Cattle Club, Missouri Dairy Growth Council, and the Sho-Mo Dairy Heifer Growers Association University Plaza Hotel, Springfield Friday January 27, 2012 8:00 a.m. 8:30 9:25 9:30 10:10 10:50 11:30 Noon 1:30 p.m. 2:10 2:15 3:15 4:30 4:30 5:00 5:30 7:00 Coffee, Milk & Pastries in Trade Show Registration and visit exhibitors Call to order--Larry Purdom, Missouri Dairy Association President Speaker TBD Speaker TBD “Integration of Synchronization Programs and Estrous Detection”-Dr. Todd R. Bilby, Associate Professor, Extension Dairy Specialist, Texas A&M System, Stephenville, Texas, sponsored by Merck Animal Health Break and visit with exhibitors Luncheon and Speaker TBD, sponsored by Alltech “Dairy in the 2012 Farm Bill”—Randy Mooney, Chairman of the National Milk Producers Federation, Washington, DC MDA 27th Annual Meeting with Policy Development Session Sho-Mo Dairy Heifer Growers Association Annual Meeting Milk Break MDA 27th Annual Meeting adjourns--visit with exhibitors Missouri Holstein Association Committee Meetings Missouri Guernsey Breeders Association Committee Meetings Youth Activity (to be announced) Missouri Guernsey Board Meeting Saturday January 28, 2012 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 11:00 11:00 Coffee, milk and Pastries in Trade Show 2012 National Holstein Convention Committee Meetings Missouri Junior Guernsey Breeders Meeting Missouri Guernsey Annual Meeting immediately follows Junior Meeting Missouri Holstein Princess/Little Miss Interviews Missouri Brown Swiss Association Annual Meeting Missouri Holstein Association Annual Meeting Convenes Missouri Jersey Cattle Club Board Meeting Missouri Holstein Association All-Missouri Awards, Junior Awards and scholarships & Crowning of Holstein Princess & Little Miss Noon Luncheon & Fun Auction Trade Show Closes 1:00 p.m. Missouri Holstein Annual Meeting re-convenes 1:00 Missouri Junior Holstein Association Annual Meeting NOTE: Following the Missouri Holstein Annual Meeting, a full Holstein board meeting will be held. There will not be a board meeting following the Friday committee meetings. Room Reservations: Call the University Plaza Hotel in Springfield at 417/864-7333 and ask for the Missouri Dairy Forum room block. The rate is $69.00 plus tax. Reservation cut-off date is January 12, 2012 The Forum is FREE but Luncheon Reservations are required, email dairystl@aol.com, call 636.519.9300 or FAX 636.519.1403. Reservations may also be sent to Jodi Wright, 417.743.2921, email: jwright@missouriholstein.com MSHN, December 2011 - PAGE 5 Hidde Osinga Hidde Osinga, 75, of Proctor, Texas went to be with his heavenly father, Monday, August 29, 2011, at his residence. Services were held Sept. 2, 2011, at Stephenville Christian Reformed Church. Burial followed at the Indian Creek Cemetery. Mr. Osinga was born on April 27, 1936 to the late Frans Binnert and Jannigjen Scheltje (Couperus) Osinga in Koudum, Netherlands. He married Shirley Marie Lee on June 25, 1960, in Accord, New York. Mr. Osinga was an active Registered Holstein breeder and a member of the Texas Holstein Association and Holstein Association USA. He was also a member of Stephenville Christian Reformed Church. Survivors include his wife, Shirley Osinga of Proctor, Texas; children, Jenny Vandermolen and husband, Oene of Nij-Beets, Netherlands, Frans Osinga and wife, Margreet of Proctor, Dee Dee Stoker and husband, Roel of Stephenville, Joey Osinga of Nij-Beets, Netherlands, Heidi Velsen and husband, Bert of Hico, Joseph Osinga and wife, Jennifer of Hico, Joy Osinga of Proctor, Jonathan Osinga and wife, Laura of Hico, Esther Tucker and husband, James of Stephenville; sisters, Liz OýRourke of Florida, Uke Moltmaker of Netherlands, Sietske Osinga of Netherlands; brothers, Arjen Osinga of Netherlands, Anne Osinga of Netherlands; twenty one grandchildren; and two great grandchildren. Memorials may be made to the Stephenville Christian School at 1120 County Road 351, Stephenville, TX 76401. Bobby Traweek Bobby Joe ‘Bob’ Traweek, 76 of Dublin, Texas died October 11, 2011. After graduating from Texas A&M University in 1957, Mr. Traweek returned to Dublin where he became involved in the family farm and by 1963 moved his young family to Cow Creek Farm which he turned into a dairy. 2011 Missouri Holstein Futurity The Missouri Holstein Futurity was held Saturday, September 17, 2011 in Marshfield. Bruce Tencleve of Little Rock, Arkansas judged the 13 head of 3-Yr Olds. 1. Ram-Elle Turbo Venus EX-90, Michelle Ramaeker, Mountain Grove; 2. Robthom Raphe Moscow VG-87, Marianna Thomson, Springfield; 3. Toecky Derek Shannon VG-85, Candy Durst, Huggins; 4. Robthom Lilah Lou VG-86, Kelsey Ling, Springfield; 5. Toecky Final Tamale G+84, Tom Durst, Huggins. The 2011 Missouri Futurity winners with their director chair awards sponsored by KABA-Select Sires. Brittany Groves presents Jason Ewing the MO Futurity Production Award for U-Wing Roy Taryn with a record of 2-08 299 2x 27,842 4.3 1116 3.6 904 Inc. PAGE 6 - MSHN, December 2011 A successful Holstein breeder, he judged locally and regionally at state shows and state fair. He was also an active dairy leader serving as president of Texas Young Farmers, Texas Dairy Herd Improvement Association, Texas Holstein Association, as well as a number of local organizations. In 1989, Traweek was elected to the Board of Directors of the Holstein Association USA, a position he held until 1997. During his final year on the board, he was elected Chairman of the Executive Committee and was able to provide leadership that affected Holstein policy across the United States and internationally. Mr. Traweek was recognized as Outstanding Young Farmer of Texas in 1963. Since then he was honored as Master Dairyman of Texas in 1970; FFA Honorary State Farmer in 1980; Man of the Year in Texas Agriculture in 1983; Farm and Ranch Award from the Fort Worth Star Telegram in 1990, Texas Dairy Herd Improvement Association’s Outstanding Achievement Award in 1994; Holstein Association USA’s Outstanding Service Award in 1997 and the Texas State Farm Service Agency’s Outstanding Service Award in 2001. In 1956, he married his high school sweetheart, Neva Mote, who survives at the home. Other survivors include two daughters, four grandchildren, three great grandchildren and two brothers. 2011 Missouri State Sale The 2011 Missouri State Sale was held Saturday September 17 in Marshfield, Missouri. The rain showers throughout the day were a welcome relief. Topping the sale at $10,000 was the first choice female from popular show cow, Robthom Jiana Outside. Consigned by Robthom Farm, she was the purchase of Faith Ling of Springfield. 2nd high seller was Hardee-Rock Damion 9327, a Damion bred to Sanchez from the Highlight Tamara family. Consigned by Norman Bayless, Gage, OK, she was purchased for $3,600 by John Koster, Comanche, TX. Third high seller was Ms Juddale Advent Reba-ET, a fancy Advent 2-Yr Old. She was the selection of Tom and Angie Meyer, Okarche, OK and consigned by Mackenzie Spears, Farmington, AR. The 68 lots averaged $2,079 and was the sale managed by the Missouri Holstein Association. Eric & Mary Ling brought their daughter Faith to her first state sale. Faith became the purchaser of the choice from Robthom Jiana Outside. Bob Griggs visits with Shirley Best before the sale. Cynthia Joy Martin Cynthia Joy Martin, age 2, went to be with Jesus November 5, 2011 following a farm accident at the home. Miss Martin was the young daughter of Wilson and Amanda Martin of Memphis, Missouri. They survive at the home along with their two children. Surviving grandparents are Clair & Virginia Zimmerman and Leon and MaryEllen Martin. Funeral Services were held November 9 at the Meadow View Church in Memphis. 2011 State Fair of Texas Dallas, Texas Junior Champion Rohes Atlas Shannon, Brody Brand Res. Jr Champion Hoff-Hill Dusk Mayley, Adam Hoff Grand Champion Hoff-Hill Banana Pie, Adam Hoff Reserve Grand Champion Sooner-J Demander 1177, Adam Hoff Premier Breeder & Exhibitor Hoff-Hill Farm The 2012 Show season kicks off at Fort Worth in January! Mid-States Delegates to the 2012 National Holstein Convention Kansas: Robert Seiler & David Rottinghaus Missouri: Becky Durst & Kate Geppert Oklahoma: Todd Mason Texas: Stanley Haedge No delegates were nominated from Arkansas and New Mexico. MSHN, December 2011 - PAGE 7 t a e r G k l i MIRES S 014H3831 Marion Addison x Formation +2368M 99%R 014H4438 river Morty x Manfred +2264M 98%R 014H5647 Davis Toystory x Outside +2095M 93%R 014H5552 GrenaDe Marion x Outside +2001M 93%R 800-451-9275 info@accelGen.coM www.accelGen.coM © 2011 Accelerated Genetics. Source: 12/11. HA/USDA Genomic. IB/MACE-USA. photo: Poupee (Marion Daughter), Vanolst Jean-Marie, Hanzinne, Belgium MSHN, December 2011 - PAGE 9 y t u a e B s s e l e m i AT Our Cow of the Year at 15 years of age Best-Sunrise Malachi Dawn 4E-91 9-05 365 2X 27,298 4.6 1296 Lifetime: 252,565M 11,782F Sire: Robthom Malachite-ET Dam: Best-Sunrise Blackstar Dahia-ET Dawn - Bruce Kuehl At 15 years of age, Dawn seems to keep going. In July 2011, she was raised to EX-91 and made 4E. She has produced over 11,782 pounds of fat and over 252,565 pounds of milk and keeps producing. Dawn has 10 records over 1,000 pounds of fatt. After 1,412 days in milk on the same lactation, we flushed her in December 2010 to Regancrest Braxton and she produced 3 embryos. On October 4, 2011, a Braxton heifer was born! Dawn has seen the show string starting her career as Junior Champion at the District Show. She has also been a Dry Cow class winner and Res. All-Missouri. From this family we have produced Excellent and Very Good animals and also consigned several to various sales. Dawn is truly a Missouri cow. We purchased S-of-O Matt Peter Dark from the Missouri Spring Sale as a bred heifer. Dark has proved to be a tremendous brood cow. A flush to To-Mar Blackstar produced 5 Blackstar daughters. They all went on to be either Very Good or Excellent, one of which was Best-Sunrise Blackstar Dahia-ET. Another full sister to Dahia was Best-Sunrise Blackstar Dark 4E-92 who went on to produce over 268,000 pounds of milk. Dawn’s history is backed to Missouri dairy farmers! We are proud to nominate Dawn as our 2011 Cow of the Year! PAGE 10 - MSHN, December 2011 At the Texas County Farm Expo this year, Dawn helped around 240 4th grade children learn about dairy cattle. They were able to touch and feel a real cow and heard about how milk goes from the farm to the store. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Richard & Shirley, Michael & Hope Best 417-967-2465 * 6340 Lilly Rd, Houston, MO 65483 Fax: 417-967-5615 www.holstein.com email: bsunrise@centurytel.net s u n e V Ram-Elle’s Nominee for Cow of the Year Ram-Elle Turbo Venus EX-90@3-Yr Venus’ 2011 Show Record: All-Missouri Sr. 3-Yr Old; Missouri Holstein Futurity Champion; Missouri Spring Show: 1st Sr. 3-Yr Old and Intermediate Champion; Missouri State Fair: 1st Sr. 3-Yr Old & HM Intermediate Champion; Southern Spring National: 3rd Sr. 3-Yr Old; South Central District Show: 1st Sr. 3-Yr Old, Intermediate & Grand Champion; 1st Daughter/Dam; Southwest District Show: 2nd Sr. 3-Yr Old Ram-Elle Durchan Jaylo-ET Sire: Mr Durchan Destin-ET Dam: Golden-Dream Jacoba-ET Jaylo’s 2011 Show Record: All-Missouri Fall Yearling; MO Spring Show: 1st Fall Yrlg & HM Jr. Champion; MO State Fair: 1st Fall Yrlg & Res. Jr. Champion; Mid-East Fall Nat’l: 8th Fall Yearling; Southwest & South Central District Show: 1st Fall Yrlg & Jr. Champion Jaylo was undefeated in Missouri shows this year and had an amazing year. She is due April 2012 to Futurecrest Tenacious-ET (Duplex X Salem Goldwyn Theresa EX-94). Her Braxton sister continues to develop at Ram-Elle. Watch for Jaylo in the Sr. 2 class next summer! Venus - Damrow, Jaylo - DeBruin, Julia- Damrow It’s been an incredible year for Venus. She was our first ever homebred Excellent & first Futurity Champ! Kingsgold Dir Julia-Red-ET Sire: Scientific Director-Red-ET Dam: Reedale S Storm June-Red EX-90 All-American R&W Jr. 2 & Res. AA R&W Jr. 3 Julia’s Show Record: MO State Fair: 3rd Fall Yrlg; Mid-East Fall Nat’l: 3rd Yrlg; World Dairy Expo R&W: 10th Fall Yrlg; Southwest MO District: 2nd Fall Yrlg; South Central District Show: 3rd Fall Yrlg Julia is due in December to Comestar Lheros. It has been a tremendous year at Ram-Elle in so many ways. We have had many show winners through the year and have added some very exciting animals to the herd. The biggest news was the engagement announcement right before Expo. The wedding plans are underway and a May 5, 2012 wedding will be here soon! Congratulations to Tucker Peterson on all his showmanship winnings and Caleb Peterson on his success with Kulp-Gen Sam Carrie. Thanks to everyone who has worked on the “Ram-Elle crew” at all the shows. Thanks and best of luck to all who purchased Ram-Elle animals this year. The future at Ram-Elle is exciting and 2012 promises to be even better! Ram-Elle Holsteins & Jerseys Michelle Ramaeker and Loren Eilenstine 840 Highway AD, Mtn Grove, MO 65711 Phone: 417-926-2679 Email: mramaeker@yahoo.com Your source for Priority products & Taurus Service Sires MSHN, December 2011 - PAGE 11 Juniors - Jot it Down... Grand National Junior Show Highlights 1st Sr. 3-Yr Old, Int Champ & Res. Grand Champion Indies-View Lulu Jasper, Bailee Whitehead, MO 2nd Jr. 2-Yr Old: Whitehead Pronto ATM, Laurin Whitehead, MO 3rd Spring Calf: Mik-Nels Domino Ciara, Steven Nelson, MO Leach Wins Collinsworth Award Taylor Leach of Linwood, Kansas was awarded the Judi Collinsworth Award at the Grand National Junior Show this November in Louisville, Kentucky. Any Junior who exhibits at a National Junior Holstein Show is eligible to compete for the the Collinsworth Award. The award is presented by the Holstein Association USA. 2011 World Dairy Expo Youth Fitting & Showmanship Results Junior Division (81 entries) 8th place: Alyson Philips, Lingleville, TX Intermediate Division (90 entries) 10th place: Morgan Cavitt, Stephenville, TX Accelerated Genetics Scholarship Available Youth are the foundation and next generation of agriculture. Accelerated Genetics is excited to present these scholarships to its customer’s families to ensure agriculture a bright future! Youth Scholarship: Accelerated Genetics awards four - $500 scholarships to high school seniors planning to major in agriculture at a short course, vocational technical college or a four-year university. Any high school senior who has participated in FFA, 4-H, any of the various breed organizations or any other agricultural organizations is eligible to apply. How To Apply For Youth Scholarship:To obtain a scholarship application, download it and/or fill it out online from the Accelerated Genetics Web site at www.accelgen.com, call 1.800.451.9275 or email kstanek@accelgen.com. Collegiate Scholarship: Two - $1,000 scholarships are awarded to students currently enrolled in a short course, vocational technical college or a four-year university degree program. Supported by Accelerated Genetics, the collegiate program is available to individuals who are currently in their freshman, sophomore, or junior year and are majoring in any agricultural field. This scholarship program is run by the National FFA Foundation. How To Apply For Collegiate Scholarship: This scholarship application can only be completed online at www.ffa.org and click on Scholarships 2011. Applicants or their parents must be currently active customers of Accelerated Genetics to be eligible for both types of scholarships. The Application Deadline for both is: February 15, 2012! PAGE 12 - MSHN, December 2011 State Fair of Texas, Junior Show Junior Champion Rohes Atlas Shannon, Brody Brand Res. Junior Champion Hoff-Hill Colby Trish, Jacob Muerer Grand Champion Sooner-J Demander 1177, Adam Hoff Res. Grand Champion LIS Roy Pod Pam, Adam Hoff Senior Showmanship: Tyler Terry Heart of Texas Fair, Junior Show Junior Champion & Supreme Jr Champion Greenlea Deb Rhoda-Red-ET, Alyson Philips Grand Champion & Supreme Champion Sooner-J Lillian Givenchy, Kline Jones Junior Showmanship: Alyson Philips Senior Showmanship: Kline Jones 2011 Kansas Junior All-Breeds Show Junior Champion Miss-Long-Green Bianca, 1st Spring Yearling, Trevor Klipp Res. Jr Champion Paulinn Bacc Patsy 742, 2nd Spring Yrlg, Corbin Sedgwick Supreme Champion Heifer Miss-Long-Green Bianca, 1st Spring Yrlg, Trevor Klipp Grand Champion Paulinn Dundee Skittles 395, 1st 4-Yr Old, Maggie Sedgwick Res. Junior Champion AJ-Schmitz Norm Ruthann 631, 1st 5-Yr Old Audrey Marshall Supreme Champion Cow LC Libertys Justice (Jersey), Taylor Leach Missouri State Fair Youth Show Junior Champion Mik-Nels Domino Dimples, 1st Wtr Yrlg, Steven Nelson Res. Jr Champion Mik-Nels Domino Ciara, 1st Spring Calf, Steven Nelson Grand Champion Whitehead Pronto ATM, 1st Jr. 2-Yr Old, Lauren Whitehead Res. Grand Champion Klassens Stormatic Val, 1st Aged Cow, Bailee Whitehead MO Holstein Futurity 2011 Missouri Futurity Junior Winner was J-Lean Killer Kameo, Owned by Dustin Luttrell. ABS Breeders represented by Stuart James presented the director chair award. Future Juniors Montrell and Elyse Butcher of Carrollton, Texas welcomed a daughter, Brielle Kaylinn on Oct. 14, 2011. Proud big brothers are Braylon and Brandon. Excited about the new addition are grandparents Doug and Beth Unruh of Walton, Kansas, along with Aunt Callie Unruh. 2011 Kansas State Fair Holstein Show Hutchinson, Kansas Judge: Ron Mosser Spring Heifer Calf (6) 1. BW-EW Atwood Anika-ET, Roy Buesssing, Axtell; 2. Lin-Max Destry Too Cute, Erin Leach, Linwood; 3. Prairie-Sun Sanchez Royalty, Doug Unruh, Walton Winter Heifer Calf (8) 1. Lin-Crest Director Tsunami, Taylor Leach,Linwood; 2. Woods-Valley Sprite Ciara, Roy Buessing, Axtell; 3. Lin-Max Pronto Noel, Rob Leach, Linwood Fall Heifer Calf (5) 1. Fast TouchdownKit, Peyton Fast, Moundridge; 2. Four Streams Atlantic Silly, Jacob Klipp; 3. Bode-Acre Dr Jaspr Darla-ET, Darren Mueller. Fall Yearling Heifer (4) 1. Lin-Max Sanchez Remember Me, Taylor Leach Linwood; 2. Miss-Long-Green Tae, Spencer Fast, Moundridge, 3. RGMueller Advntge Ruby-Red, Darren Mueller, Tampa. Spring Yearling Heifer (4) 1. Paulinn Dundee Maria 737, Maggie Seiler, Valley Center; 2. Poor-Richs Advent Jazzie, Roy Buessing; 3. Miss-LongGreen Bianca, Trevor Klipp, Winter Yearling Heifer (3) 1. Po-Lin-Max Dir Angie-Red-ET, Morgan Cavitt, Stephenville, TX; 2) Miss-LongGreen Ariana, Peyton Fast, Moundridge; 3. Ell-Bar Beauty Ivory, Vernon DeWerff, Ellinwood. Fall Yearling Heifer (4) 1. Poor-Richs Laramie Avery, Roy Buessing, Axtell; 2. Key-Jewel Touchdown Rae, Spencer Fast; 3. Bay-Ell Dunde Allie, Kristi DeWerff, Ellinwood. Junior Champion Lin-Crest Director Tsunami Res. Junior Champion Paulinn Dundee Maria 737 Junior Three Best 1. Rob Leach; 2. Doug Unruh Dry Cow (1) 1. Miss-Long-Green, Brittnay George Jr 2 Year Old Cow (4) 1. ROP Advent Morgan-Red-ET, Christy Ratliff; 2. Ms-Jems Tribute Jumping Joy, Dale Klassen, Hillsboro, 3. ROP Advent Mindy-Red-ET, Jill Seiler. Sr 2 Year Old Cow (4) 1. Prairie-Sun Minister Mojito, Doug Unruh, Walton; 2) Hardee-Rock JSPR Rhianna-ET, Doug Unruh, Walton; 3) DW-EG Advent Ms Stella, Spencer Fast, Moundridge Junior 3 Year Old Cow (2) 1. Ell-Bar Roy Jody, Vernon DeWerff; 2) Vir-Lee Advent Romance, Kevin Fast, Moundridge Intermediate Champion ROP Advent Morgan-Red-ET Res. Intermediate Champion Prairie-Sun Minister Mojito 4 Year Old Cow (6) 1. MDF Damion 2337, Dale Klassen; 2. Paulinn Dundee Skittles 395, Maggie Seiler; 3. Fran-Do Rampage 893,Chad Mueller, Tampa 5 Year Old Cow (1) 1. Ell-Bar Ivan JoJoVernon DeWerff, EllBar Ivan JoJo Aged Cow (1) 1. Fran-Do Rubens-RC 828, Jill Seiler 100,000 Pound Cow (1) 1.Poor-Richs Astr Pheasant-ET, Roy Buessing Senior & Grand Champion Poor-Richs Astr Pheasant-ET Reserve Grand & Sr Champion MDF Damion 2337 Produce of Dam 1. Chad Mueller Daughter-Dam (4) 1. Vernon DeWerff; 2. Chad Mueller; 3. Jill Seiler Best 3 Females (2) 1.Chad Mueller; 2. Vernon DeWerff Premier Breeder Vernon DeWerff, Ellinwood, KS Premier Exhibitor Roy Buessing, Axtell, KS Herdsmanship Seiler Dairy, Valley Center, KS Kansas State and Kansas 4H Dairy Judging Success On Wednesday, May 18th, 2011 the KSU Dairy Judging Team competed in the Western National Intercollegiate Dairy Cattle Judging Contest in Richmond, Utah. Representing Kansas State University on team Purple was Deanna Patterson, Jordan Dye, Sarah Harris and Scott Murphy. Team White consisted of Beth Holz, Amanda Miskiel, Stephanie Martin, Nathaniel McGee and Matt Brandt. This is the first year Kansas State has competed in this contest and was coached by Jon Pretz. Kansas State team Purple finished 5th place overall & 5th high team reasons. Kansas State team White finished 7th place overall. Individual Results were as following: Deanna Patterson (KSU Purple): 3rd High Individual, 2nd High Reasons and Nathaniel McGee (KSU White): 8th High Individual, 7th High Reasons. On Sunday, September 18th, 2011 the KSU Dairy Judging Team competed in the 18th Annual Accelerated Genetics Intercollegiate Dairy Cattle Judging Contest in Viroqua, Wisconsin. A total of 17 teams competed. The team placed 7th High Team overall and 4th High Team in Reasons. This marks the highest finish for KSU at this contest. In addition they were 5th High Team in the Jersey Breed. Congratulations to team members Nathaniel McGee, Sarah Harris, Amanda Miskiel, Jennifer Wyatt, Beth Holz, Matthew Brandt, Coach Jon Pretz and assistant coach Robin Kliene for a great showing. At the 91st Annual World Dairy Intercollegiate Dairy Judging Contest on Oct. 3, 2011 with 21 teams competing, KState finished 15th High Team Overall. The team missed the Top 10 by only 14 points. Team Members were Nathaniel McGee, Sarah Harris, Jordan Dye and Jennifer Wyatt and Coaches Jon Pretz and assistant Robin Kleine. They also finished 13th High Team overall for reasons. Other results included 5th High Team Jersey, 10th High Team Holstein, 10th High Team Red and White. Nathaniel McGee was 20th in Jersey, 27th in Milking Shorthorn, 18th in Red & White. Sarah Harris finished 22nd in Ayrshire and Jordan Dye was 22nd in Holstein and 26th in Jersey On November 6, the team finished the year with the North American International Livestock Exposition Contest. Team members included Nathaniel McGee, Amanda Miskiel, Scott Murphy, Jennifer Wyatt, Asst. Coach Robin Kleine, and Coach Jon Pretz. The team finished 15th High Team Overall, 13th High Team Reasons, 6th High Team Holstein, 11th High Team Jersey, and 11th High Team Ayrshire. In individual honors Nathaniel McGee placed 23rd High Brown Swiss; Amanda Miskiel 26th High Ayrshire, 13th High Holstein,and 25th High Individual Jersey. Scott Murphy finished 18th High Holstein and 22nd High Jersey. The Kansas 4-H Dairy Judging Team competed on November 6th at the North American International Livestock Exposi- Kansas State & Kansas 4-H Dairy Judging Teams at Churchill Downs after the 2011 NAILE Dairy Judging Contest in Louisville, KY. From left to right: Coach Jon Pretz, Amanda Miskiel, Maggie Seiler, Scott Murphy, Jennifer Wyatt, Andrea Steenbock, Darren Mueller, Nathaniel McGee, and Assistant Coach Robin Kleine. tion Dairy Judging Contest with 21 total teams. Team members included Maggie Seiler, Darren Mueller, and Andrea Steenbock. The team had a very strong showing placing 9th overall in the contest and was the 5th high team in Reasons. The team was 15th in overall in Ayrshires, 6th Overall in Brown Swiss, 8th overall in Guernsey, 7th overall in Holsteins, and 13th overall in Jerseys. Maggie Seiler placed17th High Individual Overall, 13th High Individual Reasons, 6th Brown Swiss, 12th Holstein 25th Jersey. Darren Mueller was 32nd High Individual Overall, 27th High Individual Reasons, 9th High Holstein, 18th High Guernsey. Andrea Steenbock finished 45th High Individual Overall, 23rd High Individual Reasons, 22nd High Ayrshire. MSHN, December 2011 - PAGE 13 Bristol Linjet Skylar Missouri State Fair Holstein Show Aug. 19, 2011 Sedalia, Missouri Judge: Julie Hemp Spring Calf (8) 1. Mik-Nels Domino Ciara, Steven Nelson, Grovespring; 2. Ms Scratchwell PinataRed-ET, David Day, Bolivar; 3. Ram-Elle Resolute Paisley, Michelle Rameaker, Mountain Grove. Winter Heifer Calf (6) 1. Hack Talent Ms Daisy Rae-ET, Nora Hackmann, Marthasville; 2. Groves-Vu S-M Scarleta-ET, Kiera Groves, Billings; 3. J-Lean Stylemaster Kena, Dustin Luttrell, Springfield. Fall Heifer (10) 1. Ms Highlane Pronto Alexis, Josh Highfill, Pleasant Hope; 2. Wrightvale E Elvis Datoma, Josh Highfill, Pleasant Hope; 3. LC-MLG Debonair Tiara-Red, Bailey Groves, Billings. Summer Yearling (5) 1. Ms Golden-Dream Riddle, Tara Kocher, Willow Springs; 2. M-M-T-Ley Chrsyler Dotti, Thomas Ley, Washington; 3. MissLong-Green Ava, Crystal Chamberlin, Cole Camp. Spring Yearling (13) 1. Rosalie of Fieldstone, Janice Ling, Springfield; 2. Tri-Day Meralda-ET, David Day, Bolivar; 3. Lenzway Rhapsody Roxana, Manuela Bedoya, Mount Vernon. Winter Yearling (10) 1. Mik-Nels Domino Dimples, Steven Nelson, Grovespring; 2. Ms Golden-Dream Riplee, Tara Kocher, Willow Springs; 3. Miss-Long Green Marykay, Monique Turner, Springfield. Fall Yearling (13) 1. Ram-Elle Durchan Jaylo-ET, Michelle Ramaeker, Mountain Springs; 2. Aragorn Delilah, David Day, Boliver; 3. Kingsgold Dir Julia-Red-ET, Michelle Ramaeker, Mountain Springs. Junior Champion Rosalie of Fieldstone Res. Junior Champion Ram-Elle Durchan Jaylo-ET Jr Best Three Females (6) 1. Josh Highfill, Pleasant Hope; 2. Steven Nelson, Grovespring; 3. Kristin Luttrell. Dry Aged Cow (2) 1. Mik-Nels Durham Doodle, Steven Nelson, Grovespring; 2. Lucky-7 Fired Claire, Nancy Jackson, New Cambria. Dry 3 & 4-Yr Old (1) 1. Ms Hack SS Ella Rae-Red, Nora Hackmann, Marthasville Jr. 2-Yr Old (6) 1. Whitehead Pronto ATM, Lauren Whitehead, Conway; 2. Highlane Outside Marion, Josh Highfill, Pleasant Hope; 3. LM Rampage Red Apple-Red, Cole McMullin. Sr. 2-Yr Old (4) 1. Highlane Dundee Kiara-ET, Josh HighPAGE 14 - MSHN, December 2011 fill, Pleasant Hope; 2. Robthom Blake Lou, Janice Ling, Springfield; 3. Wrightvale JL Jasper Persy, Lora Wright, Clever Jr. 3-Yr Old (3) 1. Cowtown Durham Suzette-ET, Janice Ling, Springfield; 2. BKB Jasper America-ET, Tara Kocher, Willow Springs; 3. JL-Kel-Land Robin-Red, Ellie Wantland, Niangua. Sr. 3-Yr Old (2) 1. Ram-Elle Turbo Venus, Michelle Ramaeker, Mountain Grove; 2. Toecky Derek Shannon, Becky Durst, Huggins. Intermediate Champion Cowtown Durham Suzette Res. Intermediate Champion Highlane Dundee Kiara-ET 4-Yr Old (5) 1. Robthom Magnolia Zenith, Janice Ling, Springfield; 2. MS Golden-Dream Advt Reina, Tara Kocher, Willow Springs; 3. Aragorn Killer Fave, David Day, Bolivar 5-Yr Old (3) 1. Toecky Maurice Syriana, Becky Durst, Huggins; 2. Radine Goldwyn Model-ET, Borman Farm, Kingdom City; 3. Viethsons Outside Sheryl, Katie Wantland, Niangua Aged Cow (2) 1. Bristol Linjet Skylar-ET, Abbi Goldenberg, McGregor, TX; 2. Robthom Miz Morty, Eric Ling, Springfield. 125,000 lb Cow (1) 1. Robthom Jiana Outside-ET, Janice Ling, Springfield Sr. & Grand Champion Bristol Linjet Skylar Res. Grand Champion Cowtown Durham Suzette Res. Sr. Champion Robthom Jiana Outside Dairy Herd (1) 1. Robthom Farm, Springfield Best Three Females (2) 1. Robthom Farm, Springfield; 2. Toecky Farm, Huggins Produce of Dam (2) 1. Cole McMullin, Sedalia; 2. Manuela Bedoya, Mount Vernon Daughter/Dam (4) 1. Toecky Farm, Huggins; 2. Steven Nelson, Grovespring; Breeders Herd (1) 1.Robthom Farm Premier Breeder & Exhibitor Robthom Farm Arkansas State Fair Holstein Show October 16, 2011 Little Rock, Ark. - Judge: David Jones Spring Calf 1. Tencleve Sanchez Cleopatra, Tencleve Farms, Little Rock; 2. Fulacres Mr-Sam Tabitha, Rusty Colbert, Alpena; 3. Crawleys-VVF Paramount, Crawleys Valley View Farms, Gravette Winter Calf 1. Crawleys-VVF Pontiac, Crawleys Valley View Farms, Gravette; 2. Tencleve Durham Bayfor, Tencleve Farms, Little Rock; 3. Herbaugh Blitz Barbie, Julie Griffin, Siloam Springs Fall Calf 1.Tencleve Durham Bay, Tencleve Farms, Little Rock; 2. Billinda Sanchez 424, Will Smith, Carlisle; 3. Kingsmill Million Price, Tencleve Farms, Little Rock Summer Yearling 1. Tencleve Dundee Dove, Tencleve Farms, Little Rock; 2. Tencleve Dundee Satin, Tencleve Farms; 3. Billinda Debonair 962, Will Smith, Carlisle Spring Yearling 1. Bar-Lee Durham Mint, Bryce Tencleve, Little Rock; 2. Deboer Durham Remmy, Tencleve Farms, Little Rock; 3. KKEL Blade Betty, Katherine Kurz, Lonoke Winter Yearling 1. Fulacres Bella, Savannah Colbert, Alpena; 2. Fulacres Ares M-Stacey, Rusty Colbert, Alpena; 3. KKEL Marmax Maxie, Katherine Kurz, Lonoke Fall Yearling 1. Coblentz Sanchez Rae, Tencleve Farms, Little Rock; 2. Rockwin Aspen Smiley, Tencleve Farms, Little Rock; 3. Billinda Advent 468, Will Smith, Carlisle Junior Champion Tencleve Dundee Dove Res. Junior Champion Crawleys-VVF Pontiac Jr. 2-Yr Old 1. MS Praire-Sun Lar Martha, Tencleve Farms, Little Rock; 2. Ten-Hall Debonair Bay, Bryce Tencleve, Little Rock Sr. 2-Yr Old 1. Crawleys-VVF Moscow, Crawleys Valley View Farm, Gravette; 2. Billinda Laurin, Will Smith, Carlisle Sr. 3-Yr Old 1. Rockwin Roy Dana, Tencleve Farms, Little Rock; 2. Kradle, Jennifer Kurz. 4-Yr Old 1. Billinda Blitz 1605, Will Smith, Carlisle; 2. Raylore Advent Ava, Tencleve Farms, Little Rock; 3. Ericina Sam Bernice, Savannah Colbert, Alpena Aged Cow 1. Kuk-lan Gibson Tiffany, Will Smith, Carlisle Dry Cow 1. Kingsmill Aspen Price, Tencleve Farms, Little Rock; 2. Holy-Glow Advent 654-R, Will Smith, Carlisle Sr. & Grand Champion MS Prairie-Sun Lar Martha Res. Sr. & Grand Champion Billinda Blitz 1605 Dairy Herd 1. Tencleve Farms, Little Rock; 2. Will Smith, Carlisle Best Three Females 1. Tencleve Farms, Little Rock; 2. Will Smith, Carlisle; 3. Crawleys Valley View Farm, Gravette Daughter/Dam 1. Crawley Valley View Farm, Gravette; 2. Tencleve Farms, Little Rock Produce of Dam 1. Tencleve Farms, Little Rock Exhibitors Herd 1.Tencleve Farms, Little Rock; 2. Will Smith, Carlisle Get of Sire Tencleve Farms, Little Rock Premier Exhibitor & Breeder Tencleve Farms Holstein Junior Showmanship Rusty Colbert, Alpena Holstein Senior Showmanship Savannah Colbert, Alpena Brett Morris 405-222-2678 Ninnekah, Oklahoma Ed & Sue Ann Steele Rt. 4, Box 676 ph: 660-679-4477 Jerry & Jeanette King Rt. 4, Box 744 ph: 660-679-4669 Rick King Rt. 4, Box 139 ph: 660-200-5315 ROTTINGHAUS HOLSTEIN FARM Seneca, Kansas MORELAND FARMS Jay & Mike Moreland Harrisonville, Missouri - 816-884-4598 David: 785-336-1543 Walt: 785-336-2681 For Sale: Embryos — Bulls — Heifers Check out our web site: www.rottinghausholsteins.com M-6 Dairy Farm LLC Tom & Angie Meyer Megan, Lauren, Joshua & Kristen Okarche, Oklahoma 405-263-4920 BUGG’S DAIRY FARM ‘You’re always welcome at the Bugg House’ Bill & Pat Bugg Route 1, Box 44 Hennessey, OK 73742 405-853-2726 MSHN, December 2011 - PAGE 15 KABA & Cache Valley Select Sires to Merge The boards of directors and management teams of KABA/Select Sires and Cache Valley Select Sires, Inc. are pleased to announce that an agreement has been signed for the two cooperatives to merge into one new cooperative. Select Sires MidAmerica, Inc. has been formed and will begin conducting business on January 1, 2012. The new cooperative will provide its customer-owners from 11 states across mid-America cost savings and enhanced services from Select Sires MidAmerica’s personnel while offering the same high-quality products that Select Sires is well-known for. Select Sires MidAmerica will be headquartered in Logan, UT. Randy Hill, current manager of Cache Valley Select Sires, will serve as the cooperative’s manager, while Paul Kunkel, current manager of KABA/Select Sires will resume the responsibilities of assistant manager. All key personnel will continue with their current responsibilities, and semen, supplies and products will continue to be distributed from the Kentucky and Utah offices. Select Sires MidAmerica will be governed by the two combined boards of directors. “KABA/Select Sires and Cache Valley Select Sires have confidence that working together through this merger will enhance services while controlling overhead costs,” stated Randy Hill. “The merger will provide improved programs, services and genetics to our customer-owners and offer broader opportunities to our employees.” “Select Sires MidAmerica will now be able to offer the best of both cooperatives to all of our members,” noted Paul Kunkel. “We are looking forward to the benefits that we will provide to our customer-owners in the future.” Examining their proud pasts, KABA and Cache Valley have deep traditions with the Select Sires cooperative. Incorporated in 1945, Kentucky Artificial Breeding Association (now known as KABA) joined with COBA (Central Ohio Breeding Association), NIBCO (Northern Illinois Breeding Cooperative) and SIBA (Southern Illinois Breeding Association) to form Select Sires Inc. in 1965. Cache Valley was founded in 1948 and joined the Select Sires cooperative in August of 1969. INDEX of ADVERTISERS Accelerated Genetics ...................................................8 Best-Sunrise.............................................................. 10 Borman Farm ......................................................... IBC Buggs Dairy Farm ..................................................... 14 Burton Sales................................................................9 Groves-View Farm ............................................... 7, 16 Klassen Dairy ........................................................... 16 M-6 Dairy.................................................................. 15 Mason Dairy Farm.......................................................3 Missouri Dairy Forum..................................................5 Moreland Farms ....................................................... 15 Morrisland Holsteins.................................................. 15 Ram-Elle Holsteins.................................................... 11 Robthom Farm........................................................ IFC Rockwin Dairy .......................................................... 15 Select Sires............................................................... BC Select Sires MidAmerica ............................................ 16 Steele & King Farms ................................................. 15 Strickler Holsteins .................................................... 15 Toecky Farm................................................................1 Whitehead Dairy ...................................................... 13 DATES TO REMEMBER Jan. 16 Jan. 17 Jan. 27 Jan. 28 March 24 April 10-14 Fort Worth, Texas Fort Worth Stock Show, Open Fort Worth, Texas Fort Worth Stock Show, Junior Springfield, Missouri Missouri Dairy Forum Springfield, Missouri Missouri Holstein Meeting Abilene, Texas All-Texas Holstein Show Stillwater, Oklahoma Southern Spring National Breeding Age Bulls for Sale Todd 417-880-7012 Brad 417-224-1427 Select Sires Mid-America For all your Select Sires needs in Missouri, contact: 173 County Line Rd - Clinton, Arkansas 72031 501-745-7577 (office) 501-940-9711 (mobile) PAGE 16 - MSHN, December 2011 Dan Busch, Warrenton, MO 573-289-2058 Matt Drake, Freeman, MO 816-738-1825 Kevin Phillips, Nixa, MO 417-725-0127 Holland Smithson, Springfield, MO 417-861-3868 Cliff Strieker, Jackson, MO 573-243-1969 Our Super Model RADINE GOLDWYN MODEL-ET EX-90 4-08 365 2x 35,609 4.6 1179 3.3 1633 2-03 365 2x 31,170 4.2 1309 3.4 1066 All-Missouri 5-Year Old 2011 Res. Grand Champion 2011 MO Spring Show Next 2 Dams EX-90 Model has Damion daughters milking and a 11/10 Million daughter. She has a Braxton pregnancy due in February and is also due to Braxton in April. Thanks to Nathaniel & Rose Graber for purchasing Model’s Damion daughter in the Missouri State Sale, Michelle Patterson for purchasing our fresh Glen 2-Yr Old and Alfred Brandt for purchasing a group of bred heifers. ‘She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.’ Matthew 1:21 PBR - 15 yrs Progressive Genetics - 15 yrs BAA: 107.4 BORMAN FARM 4704 County Rd 240, Kingdom City, MO 65262 Harlan & Judy, 573-642-2767 bormanfarm@ktis.net Tim & Kelly, 573-826-0803 tborman20@gmail.com Kate & Sophia, 573-814-3148 dkgeppert@mchsi.com