

Recipes <<
The first full moon after the autumnal equinox...
...was at the end of September and
this is usually when we celebrate
one of the oldest festivals in the
UK; the harvest festival. This
is a time for giving thanks for a
successful harvest and to mark the
end of the main harvest season,
so we thought we, too, would
celebrate and cook some of our
home grown vegetables and fruit.
01. Hearty Harvest Soup
Traditionally a large soup would have
been made for family and community
celebrations using recently harvested
ingredients. In this recipe the
vegetables are roasted first to give a
wonderful, intense flavour.
Preparation: 20 minutes
Cooking: 40 minutes
Serves: Eight
You’ll need 1.5 kilos of assorted
vegetables such as leeks, parsnips,
cauliflower, carrots, butternut
squash, parsnips, potatoes, celeriac
or swedes. Preheat the oven to its
highest setting with your roasting
tin heating in the oven. Peel, cut
and dry your chosen vegetables into
chunks of about 3-4cms and put in
a bowl with a small piece of fresh
ginger, 5-6 peeled garlic cloves,
2 tbsps chopped mixed fresh
rosemary, thyme and sage, 1 tbsp
cumin powder, 1 tbsp paprika
30 | R&A Farnham & Villages
and ½ tsp turmeric powder. Add
5-6 tbsps olive oil and toss well.
Spread them in the hot roasting tin,
sprinkle with sea salt and freshly
ground black pepper and cook for
35-40 minutes, turning them a few
times, until the vegetables are tender
and turning brown. Remove about
a third of them, put to one side and
add approximately 1.5 ml chicken
stock or vegetable stock depending
on how thick you want the soup, to
the roasting pan. Stir and, when cool
enough, blend in batches and pour
into a saucepan. Heat and taste for
seasoning. Add the vegetable pieces
and, just before serving, fry some
slivers of garlic or onion in butter
until golden and spoon on the top.
Serve with lots of crusty bread.
02. Spicy Corn on the Cob
A quick snack or healthy supper eaten
with the harvest soup!
Preparation: 5 minutes
Cooking: 10 minutes
Serves: Four
Cook four corn on the cob in boiling
salted water for about seven minutes
and leave to cool. Rub a generous
teaspoon of chipotle paste on
each one (you can buy this in most
supermarkets), some lime zest and
drizzle a little lime juice and olive
oil over them. Now roll them in 6
tbsps freshly grated Parmesan
cheese and put under a hot grill,
turning them as they brown.
Eat them immediately!
03. Spicy Sweet Potato
Oven Chips
A great healthy snack by themselves
or with the Harvest Soup. This recipe
is too spicy for children, so for them
try tossing the sweet potato wedges
in oil and soy sauce.
Preparation: 5 minutes
Cooking: 40 minutes
Serves: Two to four people
Heat your oven to 200ºC. Wash and
scrub two or three sweet potatoes
(there’s no need to peel them) and
cut each potato in half lengthways
and then into between six and eight
wedges. Put them in a large mixing
bowl and add 2-3 tbsp olive oil.
Sprinkle over as much Cajun spice
mix as you like (it’s quite spicy, so
be careful!) and toss well so that the
wedges are covered in oil and the
spice. Arrange, skin-side down, in a
single layer on two baking trays.
Bake for 30-40 minutes until soft on
the inside and crisp on the outside.
04. Apple Pud
Few people who can refuse a helping
of a warm apple and sponge pudding!
This is a simple recipe that is delicious
October 2015
hot with ice cream, custard or just
cream. A great one for the kids!
Preparation: 15 minutes
Cooking: 75 minutes
Serves: Eight to ten
Preheat the oven to 180ºC and butter
a baking dish roughly measuring
30×30cm. Cream 250g softened
butter with 250g soft light brown
sugar until light and fluffy. Add two
large eggs, one at a time, beating
well until combined. Now mix in
200ml milk, fold in 500g selfraising flour and a pinch or two of
mixed spice. Mix in 1kg cooking
apples, peeled, cored and roughly
chopped and tip into the dish, leaving
the surface uneven. Bake for 1¼
hours until a skewer comes out clean.
Cover with a piece of greaseproof
paper if the top starts to brown too
quickly and serve hot.
Lyn D creates all of her recipes from scratch for each edition. She would love to hear from her readers...
Email Lyn at Find all Lyn D’s previous recipes online at: