The Beachcomber Resort
The Beachcomber Resort
2015 The Best the Jersey Shore Has to Offer! Beautiful, spacious beaches. Tall dunes. Relaxing, refreshing, unhurried atmosphere. Perfect for family fun. Where Avalon meets Stone Harbor. From Philadelphia and the West. Take the Schuylkill Expressway (I-76) to the Atlantic City Expressway (42) onto Garden State Parkway Southbound to Exit 13. From New York and the North. Take Garden State Parkway Southbound to Exit 13. G1 - Three Room/ Two Bath, Second Floor Overlooking Pool G2 - Two Bedroom/ Two Bath, Second Floor Overlooking Pool R E AVA L O N S | O R T STONE HARBOR AVALON/STONE HARBOR, N.J. ATLANTIC OCEAN DUNE DRIVE 80th Street B2 - Efficiency 79th Street B1 - Efficiency From Washington, D.C. and the South. Take Cape May-Lewes Ferry onto Garden State Parkway Northbound to Exit 10A. For information or reservations write, call or email: TENNIS AND RECREATION AREA Bring Your Flip Flops and Relax The Beachcomber OCEAN DRIVE C - One Bedroom The Beachcomber D - One Bedroom • 55 beautifully furnished rooms & suites • All with fully equipped kitchens with microwaves & dishwashers • Lovely, secluded heated pool, spa and wading pool • Close to beach, tennis courts & recreation area H1 - Three Room/ Two Bath F - Two Bedroom/ One Bath Penthouse Suite H2 - Two Bedroom/ Two Bath, Poolside • • • • • • • • • Golf nearby Air conditioning/Heat Flat Screen TV’s with Cable Laundry facilities Daily maid & linen service Free beach tags Free parking Wireless Internet Gas Grills 7900 DUNE DRIVE, AVALON, NEW JERSEY 08202 PHONE: (609) 368-5121 • TOLL FREE: (800) 462-9703 FAX: (609) 368-3888 • email: Secluded Backyard 21 Person Hot Tub Pool Kiddie Pool Pool Decking (premium pavers) Landscaping Sound System Lights in Hot Tub, Pool, and Wading Pool Advance Reservation Rate Schedule — 2015 Toll Free: (800) 462-9703 or (609) 368-5121 • Fax (609) 368-3888 • • email: JUNE MARCH Opening Date — March 27, 2015 • Rates quoted for four. Add $10 per day for each additional person over 6 years old • Cribs available at $5.00 each per day • Connecting units available • Weekend rates: $20 additional per night for weekend stays of fewer than 4 nights • Rates apply to advance reservations only and are subject to availability • Check-in 3:00 p.m.; Check-out 11:00 a.m. • One parking space allotted per unit • Sorry, no pets Sun Sat Sun 1234567 8 15 Mon 9 Tues Wed 10 11 Thurs Fri 12 13 14 161718192021 22232425262728 293031 Mon 1 Tues EFFICIENCY SUITES B1 & B2 C - D Sleeps 4 Sleeps 4 - 6 TWO THREE TWO BR TWO BATH BR SUITES ROOM SUITES POOLSIDE STE F G1, G2, H1 H2 Sleeps 6+ Sleeps 6+ Sleeps 6+ $105 $125 $145 $145 $165 $145 $195 $255 $255 $275 $215 $275 $365 $365 $385 SUN-SATIONAL SUPER-SAVER SPECIALS $350 $440 $540 $540 $620 *OFF-SEASON MIDWEEK Rates Above Apply to 4 Night Stay Only. (Mon.-Thurs.) Includes 4 nights lodging. Mon Tues 5 6 $69 Rates subject to change. Taxes not included. VISA/Mastercard/Discover accepted. Payment is guaranteed until departure date shown on confirmation unless 10 days notice is given. • One night’s rental deposit required with reservation; balance due on arrival. Deposits refunded if cancellation received at least 10 days before arrival. $25 service charge per unit on all cancellations/ changes. No exceptions! *Off-Season Midweek Specials Fri Sat 121314151617 18 19202122232425 2627282930 Mon Tues Wed 23 4 56 Fri Sat 12 Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 12 345 678910 11 12 14151617181920 13141516 171819 21222324252627 20212223 242526 282930 27282930 Sun Mon Tues OFF SEASON MIDWEEK 12 OFF SEASON MIDWEEK 14 Wed Thurs Fri Sat 15 16 1718 19202122232425 Sun Mon Tues ESCAPE OCTOBER 6 7 8 9 1011 13 ESCAPE OFF SEASON MIDWEEK 1 2 34 5 ESCAPE OFF SEASON MIDWEEK Sun Mon Wed Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 12 3 OS M I DW EEK ESCAPE 4 5 6 7 8910 11 121314151617 OFF SEASON MIDWEEK ESCAPE OFF SEASON MIDWEEK 18 ESCAPE 192021222324 25262728293031 NOVEMBER Thurs Fri Sat Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 1 1234567 234567 8 8 9 1011 1213 14 9 15 15161718192021 161718192021 22 22232425262728 ESCAPE **Escape Weekends 10111213141516 Minimum three night stay. Other minimum requirements may apply. Mon AUGUST Thurs 3456789 Holiday Weekends Sun OFF SEASON MIDWEEK 262728293031 Check in Monday, check out Friday. Available May, June, September Includes two nights lodging. From $220/weekend. Add-on weekdays are 50% off regular price(one weekday only). Available May, September, October. Sat 789101112 13 MAY Sun • • • • Thurs 7 8 91011 $89 $109$109 $139 SPECIAL SPRING / FALL RATES Fri JULY 1 23 4 $220 $265 $285 $285 $300 *OFF-SEASON ESCAPE WEEKEND Rates above include 2 nights lodging. Wed Thurs OFF SEASON MIDWEEK APRIL Sun Wed SEPTEMBER OF F S E A S ON MIDWE E K OF F S E A S ON MIDWE E K ESCAPE 10 11 12 13 14 ESCAPE 17181920212223 OF F S E A S ON MIDWE E K 24252627282930 OF F S E A S ON MIDWE E K 31 (All specials subject to availability) 232425262728 29 ESCAPE 30 31 Personal checks accepted for advance reservations only! 29 30
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