Embers COUNSELLORS SATURDAY SCHOOL Back Saturday 17th January 10am—1pm ————————————————————-- EASTER CELEBRATION Details to follow ————————————————————-- SUMMER CAMP Details to follow ________________________________________ Margaret McQuaid 086 3642 183 Sally Hughes 086 2507 173 Debbie Flanagan 086 8431 605/ 042 9746792 Aíne McDonald 086 310 1000 Financial Assistance & Support Provided Blayney Blades 042 9753410/411/412 GROW 1st THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH Canon Morris Memorial Trust COFFEE MORNING Scout Hall, 10.30a.m. Please support this worthy cause Citizen Information 076 1076 230 MABS 076 1072 690 Tearmann Domestic Violence Service 047 72311 Doctor on Call 1850 777 911 Garda Station 042 97 47900 Youth Information Centre 042 97 51979 Yearly Membership Only €10. DISCOUNT for all Monday Night Talks Members €3; Non-Members €5 MONDAY NIGHT TALKS— Starting 12th January 8pm “My Organics Microgreens” by Joanne Brennan —————————— VISION That women and their families have access to all the personal, social and educational helps they require in their quest for a fuller and involved life. MISSION Blayney Blades is a Women’s Group committed to promoting the Holistic Development of women and their families so that they may develop their own potential and play an active role in their communities. Restarting Wednesday 14th January at 10.30am Details to follow Contact Rosanna 086 0547 472 SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST YOGA JONAS DAY 20th June Every Tuesday Ongoing 7.30 - 9.30p.m. BLAYNEY BLADES, SPRING 2015 PROGRAMME OF EVENTS FOR YOUR INFORMATION BLADES INTERNATIONAL EVENTS ————————- PILATES Every Monday at 5.30pm and 7.30pm and every Tuesday at 9.30 am Call Gretchen on 086 4667146 Gallery Café is open to the public weekdays 8.30- 4.30pm, serving hot lunch 12.30-2pm. Rooms available for conference and training. Íontas Theatre seats 308 people. Art Gallery. Bar facilities are available, ample parking on your doorstep. Private function room available on request for birthdays, anniversaries, retirements, weddings and funeral receptions. Reception…….042 97 53400 Manager……..042 97 53407 Box Office……042 97 53401 Restaurant…..042 97 53425 Crèche………..042 97 53420 Library……….042 97 40218 Muckno Donaghmoyne Community Services 042 97 53413 Your ideal venue in Castleblayney for conferences, training, meetings and special events. Íontas Arts & Community Resource Centre is a one stop shop, centre of excellence - accessible to all. Conabury, Castleblayney, Co Monaghan www. PLEASE BE ADVISED The Brochure is subject to change. Course and Event dates and times are accurate at time of printing but may be subject to change. See for all up to date information. PLEASE ALSO NOTE A TEXT Message received from Blayney Blades 0860361101 can not be Replied to as it is a WEB TEXT Night Session, Restarting Thursday 15th Jan7.30pm —————————— PILATES Morning Session Restarting Friday 16th January at 11am ————————— HEALTH & WELLBEING Restarting Thurs 15th January at 2pm ————————— INSIDE THIS ISSUE Page No. MONDAY NIGHT TOPICS 2&3 ——————————— COURSES & TRAINING Creativity 4 Art Therapy 4 Life & Wellbeing, Health, Fitness & Fun 4, 5 Computers / Skype 6 ——————————— PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Co Counselling 5 Art Therapy Course 6 Feelings/Emotions assoc. with Addiction 7 3 Keys to Self Understanding 7 ——————————– ONE DAY & ONGOING EVENTS 6, 7 ——————————— BLADES INTERNATIONAL 8 GENERAL INFORMATION 8 Blayney Blades Ltd. Íontas, Conabury, Castleblayney Co. Monaghan Tel.: 0035342 (0) 42 97 53 410 / 411/ 412 Email: - We are a member of the National Collective of Community based Women’s Networks. These networks support local women’s groups who carry out community development and provide and support community education programmes for women. LMETB TRAINING PROGRAMMES ARE CO-FUNDED BY THE IRISH GOVERNMENT AND THE EUROPEAN UNION Embers MONDAY NIGHT TALKS: REG. 7.45pm TALKS 8p.m. SHARP JANUARY COURSES and TRAINING, ONE DAY and ONGOING EVENTS Wednesday 15th April—Wednesday 20th May 8pm—10pm FEE : €60 FEELINGS & EMOTIONS ASSOCIATED WITH ADDICTION by Aine Wilson, Counsellor Acc. M.A.C.I. 12th MY ORGANICS MICROGREENS—WHAT ARE THEY? by Joanne Brennan This talk by Joanne Brennan of My Organics will explain what Microgreens are and how they can become part of a healthy and balanced diet. Microgreens are baby greens derived from a highly nutritious plant food and harvested at an early stage. Evidence has found that Microgreens are of a higher nutritional value when compared with their parent, mature leaf. They provide Vitamin A,C,E,K1 and carotenoids, are rich in antioxidants and plant chemicals which are critical in helping protect against cellular damage. They contribute to maintaining healthy gut bacteria and thus help strengthen the immune system. Microgreens are little powerhouses in terms of their overall living vitality. Aine presents this 6 week Programme which will tackle the emotions and feelings often associated with Addiction These will include feelings of : Fear Resentment Denial Anger Blame Shame & Guilt Self-esteem Self-love Self-honesty When we understand what we are feeling and why, we are more likely to take control over them and disregard what we don’t need and utilise what works to enhance our peace of mind. This Course is suitable for all who have an interest in the above or have been affected by someone else’s addiction or maybe in recovery themselves. The Programme has been accredited by the A.C.I. and a Certificate of attendance is available on request. Booking is essential 042-9753410/411/412 26th THE CHALLENGES FACED BY FAMILIES WHEN SUPPORTING A LOVED ONE WITH A MENTAL HEALTH DIFFICULTY by Derek Pepper Following his successful talk on the different types of Mental Health Illnesses at the 2014 Seminar on Mental Health, Blayney Blades are delighted to welcome back Derek Pepper to Iontas . In this talk Derek will examine the difficulties experienced by family members when supporting a relative with a mental health difficulty. If you are living with or have lived with or are concerned with someone else who has a mental health condition then why not avail of the opportunity to become more aware of mental health illness and its effects on the person and their family / friends. 9th FEBRUARY CHANGE MANAGEMENT by Phil Lennon B.Sc., (Hons) RPN NAPCP People generally do not like change, yet life is full of changes, how do we deal with them? Do we see the signs and take action or do we stick our heads in the sand and hope it will go away? This talk will look at the following topics Changes in life Change in career Retirement Reinventing yourself Change Direction Personal Growth and Self-care Come along and enjoy an evening of enlightenment and learn how to make positive changes to your life. 23rd ALTERNATIVE HEALING & HEALTH AND BEAUTY by Catherine Duffy An information evening on Reiki Healing and Health and Beauty. Catherine will guide you through the benefits of alternative healing. She will begin with a talk on the benefits of Reiki treatments and also the process of Reiki workshops. She will also discuss the origins of Reiki and the positive results in all aspects of life including mind, body and soul. Catherine will finish up with information on holistic health and beauty. She will display her treatment menu and anyone who wishes to avail of her treatments can book in on the night. An enjoyable and informative night not to be missed. Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th May 9.30am—5.30pm 3 KEYS TO SELF UNDERSTANDING WORKSHOP by Pat Wyman FEE : €100 This workshop is presented by U.S. Therapist, author and international speaker Pat Wyman. This is her second visit to Iontas, and from last year’s response, we expect a large number of people will be happy to hear her again. During the Workshop Pat addresses the difference between one’s core self/the strong, resourceful, centred part we all have, represented by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MTBI), and one’s defence (what we do when we are stressed or scared), represented by the Enneagram. Using guided imagery, lecture and a multitude of examples from her own experience this promises to be a very worthwhile weekend. Booking is essential 042 9753410/411/412 Saturday 23rd May 10am—4pm DREAMS WORKSHOP by Paul Bradley This workshop will introduce you to the fascinating world of dreams. Throughout the course of the day you will gain insight into what are dreams, why we dream and what dreams can offer us. The workshop explores various types of dreams and their meaning such as prophetic dreams, recurring dreams, nightmares etc. Participants have the option to bring their own dreams for interpretation Fee: €25 Booking is essential “MOVING ON” Sport & Recreation Programme This is your chance to start an Exciting Career in the Sport/Leisure Industry For more information on our outstanding course please contact our team on 0429753404 or find us on Facebook search: Movingon.blayneyblades COURSES and TRAINING, ONE DAY and ONGOING EVENTS Embers MONDAY NIGHT TALKS: REG. 7.45pm TALKS 8pm SHARP Tuesday 10th February - Tuesday 3rd March 10.30am—12.30pm ART THERAPY WORKSHOP by Oonagh Campbell 9th MARCH These four sessions will gently introduce you to using simple art exercises for self expression and self reflection. Engaging in art making in this way allows one to access and express those parts of ourselves that are often described as "beyond words." Ordinarily these may find a path into our awareness in many ways such as our body talk, gestures, posture, the slips of the tongue in our speech and our dreams. 20 YEARS CELEBRATION AND INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY Allowing ourselves to make art as a means of communicating oneself to oneself is a very effective tool for coming home to how we really are and all that we can be. Separate Brochure to follow All art making begins with one mark. If you can make a mark then you have all that is necessary to come to this group. The latter and a desire to come into greater awareness of your thoughts, feelings and emotions for your greater health & wellbeing. No previous experience of art making is needed. FEE: €100 (includes all materials) Booking is essential 042 9753410/11/12 Friday 13th February Friday 6th March 10.30am —12.30pm Fee: €25 COMPUTERS, SKYPE AND EMAIL by Grainne O’ Reilly This course introduces computers in a relaxed atmosphere. You will learn basic computer skills, learn about the World Wide Web, accessing and searching websites, how to use the many functions and features of the Internet for convenient and safe web browsing and how to send and receive an email. Booking Essential AONTAS ADULT LEARNER’S FESTIVAL 23rd—28th February “LEARNING—A LIFETIME’S WORK” Monday, 23rd - Celebrate Learning Tuesday, 24th - Green Learning Wednesday, 25th - Learning Communities Thursday, 26th - Learning for Work Friday, 27th - Lobby for Learning Day Saturday, 28th - Family Learning Day Supported by Cavan and Monaghan ETB LENT REFLECTION with Lily Sexton Tuesday 24th February Registration : 10am 10.30am -1.00p.m. Fee €5 Booking Essential 042 97 53410/412 23rd IRIDOLOGY by Margaret Palmer Iridology is a safe, non-invasive, non-medical assessment tool. It is the science and practice of analysing the iris. Iridology allows the individual to become aware of his/her unique physical, emotional and spiritual make up. In this talk Margaret will explain what happens during an Iridology Consultation and what it reveals about the individual, for example: The individual’s genetic inheritance and its formative influences; Determines which organs and systems are out of balance; The individual’s unique personality, tapped or untapped talents, unresolved relationships and emotional reasons why particular foods are eaten which can lead to ill health; Early signs of approaching disease and appropriate preventative treatments. Iridology’s greatest strength lies in its value as a preventative tool. Why not come along and learn more about the value of this very interesting science. APRIL 13th 27th MANAGING STRESS WORKSHOP by Aíne Mc Donald KNITTING & CROCHET CLUB Wednesday 14th January & every Wednesday morning 10.30am to 12.30pm New Members Always Welcome This workshop will focus on how we can prevent, reduce and cope with the different stresses in our lives. We will learn to recognise the signs and symptoms of stress and learn more healthy and helpful ways of dealing with stress. This workshop is aimed at young people who are preparing for exams both the Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate but all school students are welcome. AGM 8– 10pm An evening of reflection on the past year and planning for the year ahead. At this critical time for the Blades we need your strongest support if we are to continue providing the services and opportunities we have provided since 1995. Your attendance at this meeting would be greatly appreciated COURSES and TRAINING—BOOKING ESSENTIAL Embers LIFE & WELLBEING, HEALTH, FITNESS & FUN Wednesday 21st January—Wednesday 8th April 8pm—10pm CREATIVITY WORKSHOP by Carmel Loye FEE €70 Make your dreams a reality Is there something you would love to do in life but you keep telling yourself “I could never do that”? If so then this Workshop is for you. This Workshop is based on the book “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron, an ordinary American woman who overcame her own personal struggles in life and became a writer who went on and helped others to achieve their own dreams and become whatever their passion was drawing them towards. In this 12-week Workshop you will be shown how to unlock your hidden creative talents, how to incorporate these talents into your everyday life, thus enhancing your quality of life and your relationships with others and the world around you. Booking is essential 042 9753410/411/412 MORE!! COURSES and TRAINING... Thurs. 15th January 7.30pm - 8.30pm and every Thursday. PILATES. €7 Pay as You Go. Jeanette Keenan. Helps to strengthen and tone deep abdominal muscles, pelvic floor and lower back muscles. Helps improve posture and flexibility, focuses on making the muscles of the body longer and leaner, suitable for all ages and fitness levels. Tuesday 20th January Saturday 31st January 10am—2pm ART THERAPY ART FUN WORKSHOP by Various Artists FEE €20 This is a day for Artists and non-Artists alike. Come and have fun, learn new skills and ways to inner peace and happiness. And, never say again “I can’t draw!” We have a world of often untapped possibilities within us. This is an opportunity for you to experience and create your own art, and if you wish, to sign up for a Course in Art Therapy. This Workshop will be facilitated by a variety of Artists with many different skills. Light Refreshments served. Booking is essential 042 9753410/411/412 Wednesday 14th January and every Wednesday 10.30am - 12.00 noon YOGA with Therese Donaghy FEE: €7 Pay as you Go Promotes: - Health and Well-Being through exercise. Learn simple sequences that will restore your body to health happiness and vitality. Thursday 15th January 2pm - 4.00pm and every Thursday HEALTH, WELLBEING & TAI CHI. €5 Pay as You Go. With Anna and Frances Advice and exercise to help you stay fit and healthy. Tai Chi gentle low impact exercises to help calm your mind and increase your energy. Plus Light Refreshments 2pm—3.30pm CROCHET Anne Cunningham Fee €25 for 6 classes or €5 per week You will learn the basics of Crochet; how to hold the hook and yarn; how to do chain stitch; how to do double and treble stitches. By the end of the class you should be well on your way to starting your first granny square. Friday 16th January 10.30am 11.30am and every Friday . PILATES. €7 Pay as You Go. Bernadine Walsh. Helps to strengthen and tone deep abdominal muscles, pelvic floor and lower back muscles. Helps improve posture and flexibility, focuses on making the muscles of the body longer and leaner, suitable for all ages and fitness levels. Thursday 26th March 8pm—10pm (6 weeks) BALLROOM and SOCIAL DANCE CLASSES €6 Pay as you go with Charlie & Marion Mulligan Places are limited so Booking is essential Learn: Ballroom, Waltz, Quick Step, Fox Trot, Old Time Waltz , Jive and Slosh Light Refreshments served 7th, 8th, 21st, 22nd & 28th February 9.30am—5pm Fee €150 CO-COUNSELLING by Bobby Mc Loughlin Co-counselling is a structured, almost cost-free DIY way of working on emotional issues. It is reciprocal and peer. This means participants take turns being client and being counsellor. They work as equal to equal, without judgement or giving advice, in total confidentiality. It is a network of people who have learned co-counselling techniques and have accredited after completing a basic training course. The emphasis is on self-empowerment, building confidence and a better self-image. This 5-day Basic Training and Accreditation Course will equip the learner with new skills to work on past or present issues of any kind and become part of a whole new support system with other co-counsellors. Booking is essential 042 9753410/411/412
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