blayney blades, spring 2014 programme of events vision
blayney blades, spring 2014 programme of events vision
WOMEN JOURNEYING TOWARDS RECONCILIATION EVENTS FEBRUARY COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP & RECONCILIATION TRAINING PROGRAMME ————————————————————— APRIL INTERGENERATIONAL EVENT ————————————————————— MAY PEACE & CROSS-BORDER COMMUNITY FILM WORKSHOP : “WELCOME TO MY WORLD” ———————————————————————-JUNE 24TH JONAS/JOHN DAY INTERCULTURAL CELEBRATION “THINK PEACE” SUMMER CAMP AT OMAGH ULSTER PARK ————————————————————— JULY /AUGUST/SEPTEMBER INTERCULTURAL EVENTS “JOURNEY BETWEEN TWO WORLDS” This Project is part financed by the European Union’s Regional Development Fund through the PEACE III Programme funded through Monaghan PEACE III Partnership BLADES INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY SCHOOL - BACK 12th JANUARY 10 - 2p.m. Citizen Information MABS Tearmann Domestic Violence Service Doctor on Call Garda Station 076 1076 230 076 1072 690 047 72311 1850 777 911 042 97 47900 SLIMMING WORLD New Year, New You Lose weight with Slimming World’s amazing healthy eating plan that all the family can enjoy every Tuesday at 9.30am 5.30pm and 7.30p.m. Call Martina 086 8970 153 BLAYNEY BLADES, SPRING 2014 PROGRAMME OF EVENTS FOR YOUR INFORMATION Embers COUNSELLORS Margaret McQuaid 086 3642 183 Sally Hughes 086 2507 173 Debbie Flanagan 086 8431 605/ 042 9746792 Kathleen Tuite 086 2408 724 Aíne McDonald 086 310 1000 SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST MONDAY NIGHT TALKS— Starting 13th Jan. 8p.m. with Kevin Callan “Cravings & Crashes” —————————— Every Tuesday Ongoing 7.30 - 9.30p.m. GROW GROWis a Mental Health Organisation which helps people who have suffered, or are suffering, from mental health problems. Its principal strength is the support members give each other from their own experience in matters to do with mental health. Contact Rosanna 086 0547 472 Gallery Café is open to the public weekdays 8.30- 4.30pm, serving hot lunch 12.30-2pm. Rooms available for conference and training. Íontas Theatre seats 308 people . Art Gallery. Bar facilities are available, ample parking on your doorstep. Private function room available on request for birthdays, anniversaries, retirements, wedding and funeral receptions. Reception…….042 97 53400 Manager……..042 97 53407 Box Office……042 97 53401 Restaurant…..042 97 53425 Crèche………..042 97 53420 Library……….042 97 40218 Muckno Community Services 042 97 53413 Your ideal venue in Castleblayney for conferences, training, meetings, and special events. Íontas Arts & Community Resource Centre is a one stop shop, centre of excellence - accessible to all. Conabury, Castleblayney, Co Monaghan PLEASE BE ADVISED The Brochure is subject to change. Course and Event dates and times are accurate at time of printing but may be subject to change. See for all up to date information. PLEASE ALSO NOTE A TXT Message received from Blayney Blades 0860361101 Can not be Replied to as it is a WEB TXT YOGA Restarting Wednesday 15th January at 10.30am ———————— PILATES Night Session, Restarting Thursday 9th January 7.30pm —————————— PILATES Morning Session Starting Friday 24th January 11a.m. ————————— HEALTH & WELLBEING Restarting Thurs. 16th January 2p.m. ————————— INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY 8th MARCH VISION That women and their families have access to all the personal, social and educational helps they require in their quest for a fuller and involved life. MISSION Blayney Blades is a Women’s Group committed to promoting the Holistic Development of women and their families so that they may develop their own potential and play an active role in their communities. ————————— INSIDE THIS ISSUE Page No. MONDAY NIGHT TOPICS 2&3 ——————————— COURSES & TRAINING Life & Wellbeing, Health, Fitness & Fun 4, 5 ——————————— PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT The Shadow your Hidden Self 4 Reflecting on the Seasons in your life 6 Positive Psychology 6 ——————————– BLADES MOVING ON 6 ——————————— ONE DAY & ONGOING EVENTS 7 ——————————— BLADES INTERNATIONAL EVENTS 8 ——————————— FOR YOUR INFORMATION 8 Blayney Blades Ltd. Íontas, Conabury, Castleblayney Co. Monaghan Tel.: 0035342 (0) 42 97 53 410 / 411/ 412 Email: - We are a member of the National Collective of Community based Women’s Networks. These networks support local women’s groups who carry out community development and provide and support community education programmes for women. ONE DAY and ONGOING EVENTS MONDAY NIGHT TALKS: REG. 7.45pm TALKS 8p.m. SHARP Embers JANUARY th 13 CRAVINGS AND CRASHES by Kevin Callan B.Sc. Dip. Ac. N.D. You might find that you have strong cravings for certain foods. You may be craving bread, cheese or sweets and cakes. At this talk you will learn what common habits you may have that might be contributing to this as well as learning easy and cheap ways to beat your cravings. Topics covered in the talk: Basics of nutrition; What are we eating?; How much is enough?: Why do we like the things we like?; How does food behave in our bodies?; What is happening to cause cravings?; How is our mood and general health effected?; What positive changes can we make? Can we beat the system?; Solutions 27th LENT REFLECTION EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE By Melissa Costello What is EFT? It is an emotional version of acupuncture without the needles. Beneficial for stress, phobias, cravings and traumas. It consists of tapping on various points of the head and body. It is a unique exercise that calms you so that you can think more clearly about your problem. End points of meridian lines are used to balance the body’s energy system. 10th FEBRUARY ACUPUNCTURE & CHINESE MEDICINE by Suzanne Caffrey This is an introductory talk on the role of Acupuncture and Chinese medicine for your health and wellbeing. Suzanne will discuss how Acupuncture/Chinese herbs can help to rectify disharmony/imbalance within the body helping the person to gain strength, feel better, rest more efficiently and feel emotionally more stable. Areas that will be covered include Energy; Pain; Insomnia; Anxiety; Menopausal issues; Concentration; Motivation and any other questions on the evening. Wednesday 15th January 10.30a.m. - 12 Noon and every Wednesday YOGA. €7 Pay as You Go Pauline Rooney. Promotes: - Health and Well-Being through exercise. Learn simple sequences that will restore your body to health happiness and vitality. 24th OLD EMOTIONS NEW TRANSFORMATIONS WITH INTEGRATED ENERGY THERAPY by Helen Sherry “Release the Trauma without the Drama” Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) is a safe, gentle, nurturing way to empower and balance your life by helping you release patterns of the past for good. Negative or traumatic experiences, stress, unexpressed emotion, fear, anger, resentment can become “stuck” “or suppressed” in the body and inhibit or disrupt the flow of vital force at a cellular level. These blockages can limit our experience of life and can result in a lack of spontaneity, energy depletion, a feeling of unrest, agitation or dis-ease. IET uses a Cellular Memory Map to target specific areas in the body where these “Cellular Memories” are stored, helping to release them on all levels, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. with Lily Sexton Wednesday 19th March Registration : 10am 10.30am -1.00p.m. Fee €5 Booking Essential 042 97 53410/412 We d n e s d a y 2 6 t h Fe b r u a r y 1 0 .3 0 a . m. - 2 p . m. “LEARNING IN COMMUNITIES.” In conjunction with AONTAS and the SIM Group we will be hosting Jewellery Making, Interior Design plus an Information Day on Wednesday 26th February as part of AONTAS Adult Learners’ Festival. AONTAS Adult Learners' Festival is a nationwide celebration of adult learning. S a t . 8 t h Ma rc h 1 0 a m t o 5 p m INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY Separate Brochure will follow SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK 29th March—6th April Events for the above are being organised by the Social Inclusion Measures Working Group. See Local Press for details of the different events 1st THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH Canon Morris Memorial Trust COFFEE MORNING Scout Hall, 10.30a.m. Please support this worthy cause Yearly Membership Only €10. DISCOUNT for all Monday Night Talks Members €3; Non Members €5. Join Us Now!!! CALL 042 97 53410/411/412 KNITTING & CROCHET CLUB Wednesday 8th January & every Wednesday morning 10.30am to 12.30pm New Members Always Welcome COURSES and TRAINING Embers MONDAY NIGHT TALKS: REG. 7.45pm TALKS 8pm SHARP Wednesday 5th March—2nd April 8pm—9.30pm POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY plus EDUCO By Ivan Hopkins 5-Week Course Fee : €50 Booking Essential Imagine harnessing the emotional power of your unconscious and getting it to work for you, instead of against you. It is certainly possible. This Course is one of the ‘First in the world’ to teach people how to access their unconscious and to change the programs for the better. Also included on this course is : How to visualize and set goals; being mindful and truly present; relaxation; giving your children the best conditioning for a bright future. This Course is interactive, great fun and practical. It is based on the latest research in ‘Positive Psychology’ as well as NLP, Mindfulness and with the unique addition of Educo. MARCH 10th DERMAL AESTHETICS By Bernie Deery Bernie Deery and her team from the Lir Spa and Wellness Centre, Monaghan will deliver a Demonstration on Indian Head Massage and Facials. The Dermal Aesthetics Machine will include Micro Dermabrasion of the skin which is a deep exfoliation and then serums will be applied to help certain skin issues for example : Fine lines & wrinkles; High pigmentation; acnefied, etc., which is also known as a no needle Botox Machine. We will also have a skin diagnostic machine which will do a skin analysis to determine client’s skin type, e.g. dry, oily, etc. Wednesday 2nd & Wednesday 9th April 10.30 am—1pm REFLECTING ON THE SEASONS AND THE SEASONS IN YOUR LIFE By Rita Mc Crystal FEE : €15.00 Looking at Spring, and Summer and how the seasons reflect how we feel in our day to day lives. MOVING ON…? 24th POLISHING THE MIRROR By Debbie Flanagan The more that we desire to know who we truly are and why we are here on earth, the more we are drawn or attracted to the truth. This pull draws us inside of ourselves to a place that already knows the truth. It is in fact a returning to a place where we were initially before we got lost. Polishing the mirror of our lives provides us with an opportunity to see and then to shed the many layers that contribute to a distorted image we hold of ourselves. Layers that have robbed us of the opportunity to see ourselves as we truly are. What we are seeking is already within us. An invitation to begin to awaken this truth and to develop some practices that help us keep the mirror polished. INCREASE YOUR EMPLOYABILITY A seven month, FETAC Level 4 Accredited Award in Pathway to Employment Activities include: Food & Nutrition Maths Computer Training Work Experience Personal effectiveness Communications Retail Sales Health Related Fitness START DATE : MONDAY 13TH JANUARY 2014 Open to Men and Women aged 18-35 Hours: Monday—Thursday 9.30am - 4.30pm; Friday 9.30 am - 1.30pm Increased Social Welfare Payments Childcare Funding available For more information please call Josephine or Barry 042 97 53404 7th APRIL 28th Reflexology & Aromatherapy By Sandra Donaghy What is Reflexology? Not just a foot massage, an ancient art. Learn more about the origins, how all the structures and organs of the body are mirrored in the hands and feet and about the various benefits of the treatment. A ‘Complementary ‘ treatment used in conjunction with orthodox medicine. What is Aromatherapy? The use of essential oils from plants for healing and cosmetic purposes. Learn about different essential oils and their uses and the various ways you can benefit from them. Prepare for an olfactory experience as there will be samples!! AGM 8– 10pm An evening of reflection on the past year and planning for the year ahead. At this critical time for the Blades we need your strongest support if we are to continue providing the services and opportunities we have provided since 1995. Your attendance at this meeting would be greatly appreciated COURSES and TRAINING—BOOKING ESSENTIAL Embers LIFE & WELLBEING, HEALTH, FITNESS & FUN Thursday 16th, 23rd & 30th January 8pm - 10pm THE SHADOW—YOUR HIDDEN SELF Sally Hughes Fee €50 Instead of beating ourselves up for what we said or didn't say, for what we did or didn't do, why not befriend that hidden aspect of ourselves that has such a powerful influence on us. It is a treasure trove that contains answers to our questions, solutions to our problems and so much more. Over the three weeks you will: Understand how our shadow was formed; Acknowledge and own our shadow; Welcome and befriend our shadow; Begin to integrate it and enjoy this wonderful journey towards wholeness. Monday 20th January - 10th February 10.30am—12.30 pm JEWELLERY MAKING By Liza Hanly Fee €50 Learn the basic techniques required to make earrings, bracelets and necklaces; Learn to distinguish between the different tools involved in jewellery making such as pliers, cutters and crimping tools; Gain knowledge of various types of beads and components used; Learn how to thread, crimp and attach findings; Basic wire wrapping skills and bead stringing; Use colour of contrast and harmonising of designs. All materials are provided. Thursday 30th January 7.30 - 9.30pm BALLROOM and SOCIA L DANCE CLASSES. €6 Pay As You Go with Charlie and Marion Mulligan. Places are lim- ited so Booking is essential Learn: Ballroom; Waltz; Quick Step; Fox Trot; Old Time Waltz; Jive; Slush. Light Refreshments Served Wednesday 22nd & 29th January DETOX by Kevin Callan 8pm - 10pmFee: €50 In this Course we explore what is meant by the popular term “Detox”. We will focus much more on healthy eating. This will be done in a FUN and LIGHTHEARTED way to cater for all abilities and levels of commitment. Knowledge is power! .. and YOU will understand why YOU are undertaking this particular course of action and the effect this has on YOUR health. MORE!! COURSES and TRAINING... Thursday 16th January 2p.m 4.15p.m. and every Thursday. HEALTH, WELLBEING & TAI CHI. €5 Pay as You Go. With Anna and Frances Advice and exercise to help you stay fit and healthy. Tai Chi - gentle low impact exercises to help calm your mind and increase your energy. Thurs. 9th Jan. 7.30 - 8.30p.m. and every Thursday. PILATES. €7 Pay as You Go. Jeanette Keenan. Helps to strengthen and tone deep abdominal muscles, pelvic floor and lower back muscles. Helps improve posture and flexibility, focuses on making the muscles of the body longer and leaner, suitable for all ages and fitness levels. Friday 24th January 10.30 - 11.30a.m. and every Friday . PILATES. €7 Pay as You Go. Bernadine Walsh. Helps to strengthen and tone deep abdominal muscles, pelvic floor and lower back muscles. Helps improve posture and flexibility, focuses on making the muscles of the body longer and leaner, suitable for all ages and fitness levels. Tues. 14th January 2pm—3.30pm CROCHET Anne Cunningham Fee €25 for 6 classes or €5 per week You will learn the basics of Crochet; how to hold the hook and yarn; how to do chain stitch; how to do double and treble stitches. By the end of the class you should be well on your way to starting your first granny square. Tuesday 11th & 18th February 10.30 am—12.30 pm BACH FLOWER & NATURE DANCES by Lily Sexton Fee €15 Come along and experience easy movement for relaxing stress and restoring balance in our lives. Anyone can dance these simple dances for healing “I see the dance being used as a means of communication between soul and soul—to express what is too deep, too fine for words ” Ruth St. Denis Tuesday 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th February 8—9.30 p.m. INTERIOR DESIGN ON A BUDGET By Mairead McNally FEE: €50 During this practical 4 week Course you will learn to : Make your own colour board—each participant can actually do up a room for themselves, or have their problems addressed. Stained Glass decoration Special paint effects—how to colourwash, ragroll, etc Stencilling—how to cut and paint your own De-coupage—(we will practice on glass) and other ideas as they crop up! Learn the tips and ideas that the experts use to give your room that “Designer look”… like hanging pictures.. Get a decorating guideline that works in any room, without spending a fortune. Get inspired……. and start making your own home beautiful!
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