March - Eastbrook Elementary School
March - Eastbrook Elementary School
Seminole County Public Schools MARCH 2016 Eastbrook Elementary School Volume #8 Issue #7 —Creating a Community of Learners!— Current Student Enrollment: 775 FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK: SCHOOL CALENDAR Dear Eastbrook Families, Our FAMILY STEM NIGHT was a success! We had a wonderful turnout and the children (and parents) seemed to enjoy the hands-on activities. Thank you to all who attended—and to our teachers and Dividend volunteers who ran stations and showcased STEM projects that evening. March 1—FSA Writing—4th and 5th March 3—Report Cards Go Home FSA testing begins this month. As parents and caregivers, you can assist us by ensuring that your child is well rested and arrives at school on time. A good breakfast each morning is also a must. If your child eats breakfast at school (which will be served at NO CHARGE to students during testing days) please make sure they arrive by 8:05 a.m. Students arriving after testing has started will not be allowed to interrupt their classes and will need to take the test during make-up times. Testing will begin each day at 9:00 a.m. The testing schedule is included in this newsletter. Please post it in a prominent place at home for quick reference. March 6—Tijuana Flats Family Night 5 -9pm We are also including a Skyward Family Access form for parents who have not yet registered. Skyward allows you to access up-to-date information about your child’s progress in each class. You will be able to set up “missing assignment” email alerts, and you will also be able to update your information online. It works well on mobile devices, too! March 10—FSA Information Night 6:00pm Finally, please use extreme caution when driving on campus and make sure children take the safest route as they walk/bike to and from school. Thanks for your continued support. March 21-25—NO SCHOOL/Spring Break March 8—PTA Meeting 6:00pm March 8—Vision Screening VPK, 1st and 3rd March 9—PTA Skate Night 6:30pm March 9/10—Spring Pictures for Individuals and Classes March 16—Vision Rescreening for VPK, 1st, and 3rd March 18—School Closed/Teacher Workday March 28—School Resumes Mr. Ricky Carver March 29/30—FSA English Language Arts—3rd Principal March 31—Key Kids at 9am and Field Day S.A.C. News March 31/April 1—FSA Math—3rd and 4th The School Advisory Council (SAC) assists the school in preparing, implementing, and evaluating the School Improvement Plan. The group is comprised of Eastbrook parents, teachers, and staff members. This year’s members are: April 4/5—FCAT 2.0 Science—5th April 5—PTA Meeting 6:00pm, SAC Meeting 7:15pm April 8—PTA Movie Night 5:45pm Rick Carver, Sam Vrochopoulus, Cornelius Mays, Christina Wimberly, Lisa Langston, Michele DeGrazio, Christopher Schmidt, Donald Swift, Cristina Parson, Alice Hickey, Sandra Stenoff, Sharon Redmon, and Jami Hendrick Von Schmidt. Table of Contents In the past, Eastbrook’s S.A.C. has supported teachers by funding professional development and training and has assisted with implementing district and school-wide initiatives. Attendance at these meetings supports a wide variety of programs that directly affect student progress. Principal’s Message Primary News Intermediate News Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Key Kids Page 4 September 8th October 6th November 3rd Lunch Menu Page 5 December 8th January 5th February 2nd PTA Newsletter Page 6 Skyward Access Form Page 7 FSA Testing Schedule Page 8 March 8th April 5th May 3rd 1 Eastbrook Local News: Primary News Kindergarten Second Grade ESE Department Spring is here! We are very enthusiastic about our We have just begun our final trimester of second grade. Some of us started March by celebrating Dr. Seuss’s birthday. March 3rd was ReadAcross America Day. A day set aside to celebrate and encourage everyone to read. We spent part of our day celebrating literacy and the other part delving into good books as we continue earn AR points. Second graders are really excited to earn those AR points. Our Reading Block is a time for students to continue to take apart stories and nonfiction selections looking for facts and opinions, author’s purpose, main ideas and supporting details, cause and effect and the plot or theme of a story. Please continue to work at home on finding the answer and supporting evidence for those answers on the homework. For vocabulary we will focus on prefixes and suffixes and how those word parts change the meaning of a word as well as silent consonant digraphs such as “ph” and “gh”. Greetings from the ESE Department! Our department provides services to students who have Individualized Education Plans (IEP). We provide support to students, teachers, and parents. Your involvement is important to our programs. You can contact us through the Guidance Office. The ESE Staff at Eastbrook 2015-2016 are: upcoming Sea World trip. This trip has been scheduled for Friday, April 15th. If you have not yet paid or have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher. Please remember that if you are getting the SeaWorld Preschool Pass, you must bring your voucher and birth certificate to SeaWorld prior to the trip to obtain the actual pass. We will be working on letter recognition and formation, as well as the letter sounds (phonics) on a daily basis. Please encourage your child to be reading and writing at home to practice these skills. It is important that you take the time at home to read at least 15-20 minutes per day with your child daily. Discuss the story and ask comprehension questions like those that start with who, what, why, when and where. This is an important kindergarten skill that will help your child perform better not only in testing situations but overall academically. Students are being rewarded at school for using SuccessMaker ( ) at home for math and reading/language. If you need your child’s log in information, please contact his/her teacher. In math, we will work on numbers greater than 20, counting to 100 by ones and tens, and recognizing the missing number in a sequence or pattern. Please continue to practice these numbers and simple addition/subtraction to ten. Our Science and Social Studies units will incorporate ocean life, light, energy and heat. This month will also be our final family project, creating a leprechaun trap or rainbow. These projects are given to help you spend some creative family time with your children. We hope you have enjoyed them as much as much as we have. The students love presenting and sharing their work. In March, the classes will be having an author study and celebrating Dr. Seuss’ birthday. More information to come about these great learning Math has us moving from 2D, 3D shapes and fractions to 2digit and 3 digit addition and subtraction and 2digit addition. We always, encourage the practice of math facts at home to build mathematical fluency. Second graders will have hands-on experiences in the classroom as they examine rocks and soil in our science unit about the Earth’s surface. We enjoyed Professor DoDad who visited in February as another in house field trip. Ask your child what they learned about science from his presentation. We will discuss weather and the impact of the Earth’s temperature and precipitation patterns on the plants and animals that live here for one of our final units of study in Science. We discussed some famous Americans last month including some African Americans who made significant contributions to America. Ask your child who they learned about and the contribution they made to our country. BUSINESS PARTNERS Listed below are our current business partners that aid in the success of our students through a variety of ways from incentive coupons to volunteer hours. 7/11—3608 Aloma Ave. experiences!! Asia Kitchen—5405 Lk. Howell Rd. First Grade Gators Dockside—5275 Red Bug Lake Rd. March will be a fun month. We will celebrate Dr. Seuss’s birthday on March 2 which is also known as Read Across America Day. This would be a great time to find all those Dr. Seuss Books at your home and get your children reading. His books are fun and engaging. Jeremiah’s Italian Ice—6864 Aloma Ave In reading, we will continue to work on reading strategies which will help to build reading fluency. We will cover phonics skills such as compound words, long vowels, and three letter blends. Comprehension plays an important part in the reading process. We will be working on comprehension skills such as retelling key events in stories, central message of a text, sequencing events and understanding characters, setting, and plot. In math, we will be working on time, money and fractions. As we work on these new concepts please continue to reinforce basic addition and subtraction skills at home. We will close the month of March with our Field Trip to see Skippy Jon Jones. Orlando Tae Kwan Do—4100 Metric Dr. Sonny’s Bar-B-Q — 3390 University Blvd. Tijuana Flats—3635 Aloma Ave. Tuscany Pizza—3748 Howell Branch Rd. Brio Tuscan Grille—480 N. Orlando Ave. Aloma United Methodist—3045 Aloma Ave. Varying Exceptionalities, Karen Mayou and Katelyn Busowski; SID, Angela Schniepp; Physical Therapy, Heather Friend; Occupational Therapy, Luz Grace; ASD, Roxana Viau; Speech Language Pathologists: Cynthia (Cindy) Aguilar, Lisa Levin, & Nancy Ringier: PreK-VE, Kay (Ernest; Paraprofessionals: Karen Kersey, Andrea Rice, Kaniz Jagani, & Laura Cohen Music News Recently, several Eastbrook Chorus students participated in The Seminole County Elementary Music Festival. This huge event featured over 150 students from 20 different schools. Students met together for several evening rehearsals and performed at Winter Springs High School on February 20th. Eastbrook was represented by Amber Allred, Cory Cordero, Michelle Stein, Zoey Neville, Christy Martinez, Suarez, Lance Harmon, Parisa Milan Rijal, Dylan DelCampo, Anderson Taylor, and Grace Wilkins. Congratulations on an outstanding concert performance! Recorders are still on sale in the music room for $8.00. Third, fourth and fifth grade students will be using their recorders in the spring show. Art Corner Eastbrook students have been working hard creating masterpieces in the art room this year! Last week we started our clay unit. Be sure to ask your child what he/she is working on! They will take home their ceramic pottery and sculptures after spring break. Respectfully, Becca Ford, Art Teacher Mathnasium—1450 Tuskawilla Road PE News Art Websites In physical education, we are continuing our dance and rhythms, ball handling skills and large group games. Please remind your student(s) to wear appropriate footwear so that they may participate to the best of their ability. 2 Eastbrook Local News: Intermediate and others! Third Grade Fifth Grade As 2016 rolls on 3rd Grade has been steadily picking up steam, charging forward and getting ready for our FSA and Iowa examinations. It is important for all parents and guardians to know about our FSA information night. It is taking place on Thursday March 10, 2016 here at Eastbrook Elementary in the activity center. Please attend this event as it will have critical information pertaining to content that will be covered on the test, as well as a conversation with our Team Leader, Dr. Karen Shearer. In ELA, students are wrapping up with informational texts and poetry about Black History Month and important African Americans. Our literary scholars are diving into nonfiction texts as well as historical fiction. Students are learning about World War I and the sinking of the Lusitania. We are also exploring texts and videos about the annual Iditarod Race that takes place in Alaska (The race starts March 5th!). In addition to preparing for our exams we are all still learning plenty of new and fun material. Having just finished geometry and 2-Dimensional shapes, 3rd grade is hip-deep into fractions right now! Coming up around the corner we are looking forward to starting additional units on measurement, telling time, and money! That’s not even mentioning reviewing material covered in the beginning of the year. There is a lot to be done, but there are plenty of ways for you to get involved and help out. Review addition and subtraction with regrouping with your kids at home. This is a critical skill and it has been a while since we’ve gone over it. Also reviewing multiplication and division facts at home is a wonderfully helpful activity. Our young scientists are wrapping up the animals, habitats, and environmental changes unit. Next up: the human body! Students will be learning about different organs that help our bodies function. Students will also be learning about how organs work together to form body systems. In math, students are closing up fraction division concepts. We will be cruising through concepts about graphing! As we prepare for FSA, we encourage families to revisit previous units and lessons for extra practice and review. Remember that XtraMath, SuccessMaker, TenMarks, and ThinkCentral are great tools to keep kids practicing concepts regularly. We recently began our third and final trimester of the year. With this transition comes new material for our Language Arts block. Our previous trimester included wonderful lessons on fable writing, differences between literal and non-literal phrases, comparing and contrasting stories that are similar, and determining the author’s point of view. This trimester we have several more great lessons to look forward to like opinion writing, central message of a story, determining character traits, and finally revisiting poetry!! Media Center News Coming up in the month of March we have several important dates to look out for. If your student is in Mrs. Neilson, Mrs. Thompson, Ms. Lawrence, Ms. Eltonhead, or Mr. Moore’s class then you know we were unfortunately rained out of our January field trip to the Environmental Center. Luckily that field trip has been rescheduled for Thursday March 18th. This will be a great day for a field trip because it is the last day of school before Spring Break which runs from Friday March 18 – March 27th. Everyone comes back to school on Monday March 28 th. Once we return to school we get one day, Monday, to get everyone in the right mindset, because on Tuesday March 29th, FSA Examinations begin and continue throughout the week. Box Tops: This 2015-2016 school year we have raised $2100.00 for our school. Way to go! AR is still a focus for our students in second through fifth grades. Consider using the to help your child find just right AR books to read or to locate the point value for a particular title. Thanks to all the Dividends who continue to volunteer their time each day. Finally we want to extend our thanks to all parents, students, family members, and friends who attended S.T.E.M. night. Whether you made paper airplanes, designed roller coasters, played with fractions, or made fake poop, it was a very exciting night! There certainly is a lot going on but do not fear! The third grade team is here, ready and willing, to finish this year off strong. If you have any questions anything regarding the media center, feel free to call me at 407-746-7951 or email at or just come by and say hi! Cross Country News Fourth Grade We would like to recognize the boys and girls who represented Eastbrook Elementary at our Saturday morning cross-country meets. These runners worked very hard in preparation for these events, ran strong races and enjoyed meeting other runners from other schools. Congratulations to each runner! Fourth grade students just returned from a fantastic field trip to St. Augustine. A big thank you to all parents and families who helped us make this trip a reality this year! It is truly appreciated! Reading classes are learning and reviewing skills such as theme and firsthand and Six year-old boys: Brennan Hudson, Dalton Smith, Aiden Kearney, Jace Copeland secondhand accounts; we are reading lots of poems, stories, and informational texts to discover all of the details that authors use in their writing. In math class, we've just started working on Units of Measurement. We will cover customary and metric units of length, mass, volume, and weight. Students will learn to convert one unit to another by using multiplication and division formulas. These skills will also be used to find the area and perimeter of polygons. Measurements of time will also be taught so be sure to regularly ask your student for Six year-old girls: Emma Wines, Sophia Rivera, Kylie Gallagher Seven year-old boys: Francisco Ferrara, Dawson Boyd, Jayden Rivera, Seth Hill Gabriel Legaspi, Israel Tate Seven year-old girls: Syriana Hernandez, Jordyn Waterman the time on an analog clock! Eight year-old boys: Jalin Copeland, Aidan DeMeglio, R.J. Wines, Cole Herring, Jaden Rodriguez,,Addiel Torres We are proud of our students for all their hard work on the FSA Writing test – now we are working to prepare for the FSA Reading and Math tests which are Eight year-old girls: Isabella Robinson, Harper Sterling, Emma Keyes, Katelyn Nicklaus Nine year-old boys: Jodah Lawrence, Landon Spain, Jack Kaley, Bryce Hill, Ian Kearney coming quickly. One way you can help your student prepare is by making sure they complete any homework assignments that are sent home, as well as by making sure they are reading at least 20 minutes a night and practicing math facts. Homework is review of skills taught during class time, and is good practice for any upcoming tests. Nine year-old girls: Zakari Foxworth, Loriana Thompson, Angelina Servider, Kailey Jackson,Alexandra Torres, Amara Rodgers Ten year-old boys: Aidan Wright, Gabriel Abbate, Adrian Mulroe-Rivera, Miller Clure Ten year-old girls: Grace Wilkins, Angelina Sprague, Mia Redmon, Katelynn Radziski If you might be willing to donate snacks or juice for your child’s class for the FSA testing time, please contact your child’s teacher. Any prepackaged snacks or juice boxes are appreciated as this allows our students time to refresh and get that “brain food” needed to have a successful testing day! Eleven year-old boys: Lance Harmon Eleven year-old girls: Nicolette Degrazio, Ashley Degrazio 3 KEY KIDS for February Sophia Rivera Isiaih Madelo Jamil Tulloch Johnson Ramere Jackson Liliana Busowski Malia Brown Benjamin Fagan Hector Garcia Kyleigh Pino Angelina Giardullo Channing O'Sickey Tina Raulerson Elena Ortiz Emma Keyes Dylan Cappuccio Bryanna Frias-Pena Emily Weeks Daniel Rodriguez Sean Carp Kailey Jackson Jose Pino James Kennedy Violet Hernandez Deansya Manning Jonathan Condemarin Sydney Lee Areebah Islam Mia Van Antwerp Aliana Torres Sadhie Mendez Bianey Lopez Mackenzie McCrystal Aidaliz Ruiz Malcolm Jones Akira Wignal Lauren Hutchinson Ayanna Lockett Cory Cordero Brodi Swift Michelle Stein Taina Echevarria 4 5 6 7 8
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