February - Eastbrook Elementary School


February - Eastbrook Elementary School
Seminole County Public Schools
February 2016
Eastbrook Elementary School
Volume #8 Issue #6
—Creating a Community of Learners!—
Current Student Enrollment: 767
February 2—PTA Meeting at 6:00/SAC Meeting at 7:15
Dear Eastbrook Families,
The FSA will soon be here! The primary purpose of the FSA is to assess
student achievement of the higher-order cognitive skills represented in
the Florida Standards for Reading, Writing, Mathematics, and Science
February 5—PTA Prince and Princess Ball at 7:00
February 15—NO SCHOOL/Presidents’ Day
February 19—4th Grade St. Augustine Field Trip
We know that the students and teachers are working hard and are well
prepared. As parents and caregivers, you can assist us by ensuring that
your child is well rested and arrives at school on time. Students arriving
after testing has started will not be allowed to interrupt their classes
and will have to take the test during make-up times. Thanks for your
continued support.
February 25—Tijuana Flats Family Fun Night from 5-9pm
February 26—Key Kids at 9am
March 3—Report Cards Go Home
All students in Grades 3-10 take the Florida Standards Assessment in
Reading and Mathematics in the spring of each year. All students in
Grades 4, 5, 8, and 10 take FSA Writing, and FCAT Science is administered to all students in Grades 5, 8, and 10. Students will be bringing
home more information as we get closer to testing.
March 6—Tijuana Flats Family Night from 5-9pm
March 8—PTA Meeting at 6:00/SAC Meeting at 7:15
March 8—Vision Screening VPK, 1st, and 3rd
Congratulations to our 2016 spelling bee winner, Lena Atari. She is in Mrs.
Roupe’s fourth grade class. The runners-up were Nicolette DeGrazio and
Alex Tillman, and our finalists were Sahara Hernandez, Draven Ringer,
Arianna Santanna, Rachel Hogan, Amber Allred, Bradley Song, Hector
Bonilla, Maren Giannotti, and Christy Martinez-Suarez. Way to go!
March 9—PTA Skate Night at 6:30
March 9/10—Spring Pictures
March 16—Vision Rescreening VPK, 1st, and 3rd
Mr. Ricky Carver
March 18—School Closed/Teacher Workday
March 21-25—NO SCHOOL/Spring Break
S.A.C. News
March 28—School Resumes
The School Advisory Council (SAC) assists the school in preparing, implementing, and evaluating the School Improvement Plan. The group is comprised of Eastbrook parents, teachers, and staff members. This year’s
members are:
March 31—Key Kids at 9am and Field Day
Rick Carver Sam Vrochopoulus Cornelius Mays Christina Wimberly Lisa Langston
Michele DeGrazio Christopher Schmidt Donald Swift Cristina Parson Alice Hickey Sandra Stenoff Sharon Redmon and Jami Hendrick Von Schmidt
Table of Contents
In the past, Eastbrook’s S.A.C. has supported teachers by funding professional development and training and has assisted with implementing
district and school-wide initiatives. Attendance at these meetings supports a wide variety of programs that directly affect student progress.
September 8th
October 6th
November 3rd 
December 8th
January 5th
February 2nd
March 8th
April 5th
May 3rd
Principal’s Message
Page 1
Primary News
Page 2
Intermediate News
Page 3
Key Kids
Page 4
Lunch Menu
Page 5
PTA Newsletter
Page 6
Eastbrook Local News: Primary News
The children enjoyed the play Alice in Wonderland
Thanks to LHHS Drama Department for the invite
During February love is in the air!! We will continue our
love of learning in so many ways By now our goal is that
all students recognize all of the letters and the sounds
they produce We have already covered over 50 sight
words It is important to continue to practice those as
well! In math students will be expected to understand
subtraction from 10 by taking apart or taking from
another number to make a smaller quantity Make
vegetables disappear with subtraction practice at
During the month of February students will rotate
throughout the Kindergarten classrooms to learn about
the seven continents Students will be taught how to
locate different places on a map or globe and
differentiate land and water
Please take time to
read and work with your child on these skills The
students are developing better writing skills They are
using their letter sounds and sight words to write
sentences in class on their own When completing
homework please have your child write their sentences
starting with a capital letter using proper spacing
between words (finger spaces) and ending with a
punctuation mark These are skills we are working on in
class and reinforcing them at home will help them
become better readers and writers They will need to
meet these standards to succeed in first grade
We have enjoyed sharing the January timelines Thank
you to all the families who participated Our Sea
World field trip is scheduled for April 15th There will
be more information to come soon
First Grade
Second Grade
ESE Department
We have now passed the half-way point of second
grade and recognized the milestone of the 100th day
of school Literacy Week and the opening of the
school AR store has piqued and renewed your student’s interest in reading We continue to work on
what good readers do such as visualizing questioning monitoring looking for details character reactions and clarifying while we read also known as
close reading These skills will be beneficial in class
as well as when taking Standardized Tests Second
graders will revisit fact and opinion and from there
discuss plot and theme in our narrative stories
During February the spelling phonics patterns continue with vowel teams (CVVC) consonant vowel
vowel consonant patterns followed by prefixes and
suffixes at the end of the month
Greetings from the ESE Department! Our
department provides services to students
who have Individualized Education Plans
(IEP). We provide support to students,
teachers, and parents. Your involvement is
important to our programs. You can contact
us through the Guidance Office. The ESE
Staff at Eastbrook 2015-2016 are:
Earth Structures is our next unit in Science and our
focus will be on rocks and soil We will investigate
types of soil and what affects its ability to retain
water and support plant growth Dr DoDad will visit
in February He is a mobile science presenter who
will demonstrate several scientific principles to the
students In Math second graders move from time
and money to double and triple digit addition and
subtraction Practicing facts in the car or during
other down times will help your student become
fluent with those facts and make the multiple digit
problems easier
Finally in Social Studies second graders will begin
learning about our history and how explorers and
immigrants impacted our country We appreciate all
of your help and support during our holiday party on
our fieldtrip and daily with your student’s behavioral
and academic goals
Listed below are our current business partners that
aid in the success of our students through a variety
of ways from incentive coupons to volunteer hours
7/11—3608 Aloma Ave
First Grade had a cool January The children enjoyed
celebrating 100 days in school This month students will
continue working hard on our Reading and Language Arts
skills including; fluency authors point of view
character setting problem and solution verbs long
vowels using expression and adjusting voice just to
name a few
In writing we are working on editing skills The
students are being encouraged to use capitals and
periods when they write as well as transition words and
adjectives to give their writing more details The
spelling words will become harder as we move towards a
variety of word endings and vowel pairs Extra practice
on spelling words through the week will help to foster
strong writing skills
In math we will continue working on skills such as place
value comparing numbers counting tens and ones 2 &
3 dimensional shapes as well as basic addition and
subtraction facts Some fun themes this month include
Groundhog Day Presidents Day and Valentine’s Day
Thank you for your continued support and we look
forward to a fabulous second half in First Grade!
Asia Kitchen—5405 Lk Howell Rd
Gators Dockside—5275 Red Bug Lake Rd
Jeremiah’s Italian Ice—6864 Aloma Ave
Orlando Tae Kwan Do—4100 Metric Dr
Sonny’s Bar-B-Q — 3390 University Blvd
Tijuana Flats—3635 Aloma Ave
Tuscany Pizza—3748 Howell Branch Rd
Brio Tuscan Grille—480 N Orlando Ave
Aloma United Methodist—3045 Aloma Ave
Mathnasium—1450 Tuskawilla Road
PE News
Varying Exceptionalities Karen Mayou and Katelyn
Busowski; SID, Angela Schniepp; Physical Therapy
Heather Friend; Occupational Therapy Luz Grace;
ASD Roxana Viau; Speech Language Pathologists:
Cynthia (Cindy) Aguilar Lisa Levin & Nancy Ringier:
PreK-VE Kay (Ernest; Paraprofessionals: Karen
Kersey Andrea Rice Kaniz Jagani & Laura Cohen
Music News
Welcome to our new violin
teacher, Kevin Strang. We’re glad to
have him on the Eastbrook team.
Did you know that making music engages and strengthens brainpower? Brain
scans taken during musical performances show that virtually the entire cerebral cortex is active while musicians are
Please contact Mrs. Langston at
lisa_langston@scps.k12.fl.us for details.
Art Corner
Please remind your child not to wear their
best clothing on their art day as they will
be using paint, pastels, clay, and other
messy materials.
During the year your child will be learning
about the elements of art and how to
successfully use them in their work. I will
be displaying their art throughout the
school, so be sure to stop by for a photograph!
Becca Ford, Art Teacher
In physical education, we are
continuing our dance and rhythms,
ball handling skills and large group games.
Interesting and kid-friendly art websites
Please remind your student(s) to wear appropriate footwear so that they may participate
to the best of their ability.
Eastbrook Local News: Intermediate and others!
Third Grade
Fifth Grade
January was a very busy month in third grade and it is not
slowing down in February! To begin, a great big THANKS to all of
our volunteers and chaperones who ventured on our
Environmental Center Field trip this past month. It was an
engaging and memorable experience for all involved and we
couldn’t have done it without all of your help. There may be new
activities and classroom festivities on the horizon this month, so
be on the lookout for any notices or flyers that may come home.
Fifth grade is preparing for our exciting trip to
the Environmental Studies Center. Students will be
actively engaged in lessons about animals, their unique adaptations and natural habitats. Our inquisitive scientists have finished
learning about the water cycle. We are moving on to learn about
weather, followed by weather-related adaptations.
Fifth grade mathematicians will be soaring through more fraction
concepts, including multiplication and division of fractions with
unlike denominators. In ELA, students will be brushing up on their
writing skills. Students will also be exposed to various genres of
rich literature that will serve to encourage engaging and meaningful learning.
Third Graders have been working very diligently since the New
Year on reading and writing. Be a good cheerleader and
remember to promote as much confidence as possible with
continual praise and encouragement. They have worked very hard
and their work should be commended. This month, we will focus
on various story elements and making connections in texts. This
is a critical time for students and their attendance is very
important. Each student should be reading for at least 20
minutes at home every evening.
To better support your students, we encourage parents to remind
your young learners the importance of reading nightly, practicing
concepts previously taught in class, using and fully understanding
content-specific academic vocabulary, and using the various tools
available for extra practice. SuccessMaker, TenMarks, XtraMath,
and ThinkCentral are great tools to keep your children fresh on
fifth grade content. We thank you for your continued support.
Also, with the concentration on area and perimeter and moving
into our next unit of fractions in our math lessons, it is
imperative that students know their multiplication/division
facts. Please review these daily so they can be successful in
their lessons. As always, continue to monitor and check their
planners each night.
Media Center News
Our students are working on the Sunshine State reading
program in grades 3- 5. This year our theme is “We are
smart cookies!” as we read Sunshine State books.
Fourth Grade
Students are spending a lot of time in Language Arts this
month preparing for the FSA Writing test. We are planning,
reading, finding evidence, discussing evidence, and writing
great essays! You can help your child prepare for writing by
finding lots of opportunities at home to write. Diaries, shopping lists, stories, and even letters to family members will help
students build writing stamina! We spent a bit of time looking
at literature from other cultures, and we are continuing to
read and work on understanding more about Florida’s history.
AR is still a focus for our students in second through fifth
grades. Consider using the www.arbookfind.com to help
your child find just right AR books to read or to locate the
point value for a particular title.
Thanks to all the Dividends who continue to volunteer their
time each day.
If you have any questions anything regarding the media
center, feel free to call me at 407-746-7951 or email at
debra skipper@scps.k12.fl.us or just come by and say hi!
In math, we are wrapping up our big unit on fractions so that
we can next apply our knowledge of fraction equivalence into
decimals! Basic multiplication facts are used to compare, add,
subtract, and rewrite fractions so continue to practice those
facts at home using XtraMath.org or flash cards. Please continue to make sure that homework is getting completed regularly, and that students are reading 20 minutes a night. This
would be a great time to encourage your child to read the Sunshine State Books, as the contest ends April 30th – there are
many prizes involved! Thank you for your continued support.
Message from School Board Nurse
Seminole County Medication Policy 5.62 requires that for any prescription or
over the counter medication to be given at school to an elementary student, an
authorization (form 157) must be filled out by the physician and signed by the
parent. Medication is to be signed in to the clinic by the parent or designated
adult and not sent with the child. Medication will not be signed in without a
completed authorization. State law does allow for certain emergency medications such as asthma inhalers and epi-pens to be carried and self-administered
with the appropriate authorization from the physician and parent. For the complete medication policy and required forms please visit SCPS website and go to
Health Services under the parent tab. For any questions please contact our
School Board Nurse, Patty Caulfield, RN at 407-320-9325.
Fourth grade students are preparing for a fantastic field trip
to St. Augustine. A big thank you to all parents and families
who have helped us make this trip a reality this year! It is
truly appreciated!
KEY KIDS for January
Adilynn Scherer
Jayden Rivera
Kristian Bandera
Joshua Marcial
Camille Bonilla
Adixa Torres
Ryan Elliott
Gianna Falcon
Ines Barreira
Lindsay Berry
Eliana Collada
Logan Cepeda
Jackson Wills
Ash Bohr
Reginald Reddick
Jack Kaley
Aiden Kearney
Skyla Silver
Cynthia Romero
Trevor West
Olivia Nguyen
Alexander Tillman
Dalton Smith
Grace Vannucci
Alyssa Bojko-Welsh
Lauren Bartelson
Imani Gonzalez
Draven Ringer
Shaun Bojko
Jared Lopez
Aubree McDaniel
Ashley DeGrazio
Devyani Rodriguez
Kendall Au
Jordyn Waterman
West Palamar
Isabel Perez
Danna Lizarazo
Jillian Scheinberg
Jaylin Camacho
Emma Aulin
Charlie Coxe