Dilemma of Incomplete Colonoscopy
Dilemma of Incomplete Colonoscopy
Jonathan A. Leighton, MD, FACG, FASGE The Dilemma of Incomplete Colonoscopy What Next? Jonathan A. Leighton, MD, FACG, FASGE Mayo Clinic in Arizona leighton.jonathan@mayo.edu ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-1 Why Is Complete Colonoscopy Important? • Multicenter trial of 1,994 patients undergoing screening colonoscopy found 50% with significant lesions in proximal colon • 2012 study found that the risk of proximal cancer increased twofold when colonoscopy was incomplete • Guidelines propose targets for successful intubation rates • ≥90% for all colonoscopies • ≥95% for screening colonoscopies p py can range g from 7% % to 19% % • Rates of incomplete colonoscopy • PopulationPopulation-based study in Canada of 20,166 patients with incomplete colonoscopy • Only 29.4% underwent complete exam one year later Imperiale TF et al: NEJM 2000;343:1692000;343:169-74; Brenner H et al: Ann Intern Med. 2012;157(4):225 2012;157(4):225--232 Rex DK et al: Am J Gastroenterol. Gastroenterol. 2006;101(4): 2006;101(4):873 873--885; Rizek R. Med Care 2009;47 ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-2 ACG Board of Governors/ASGE Best Practices Course - Las Vegas, NV Copyright 2014 American College of Gastroenterology 1 Jonathan A. Leighton, MD, FACG, FASGE Completing Colonic Evaluation Is Important • In a review of 25,451 colonoscopies, Ridolfi et al found that 242 were incomplete • 179 (74%) patients underwent a followfollow-up examination • Overall, followfollow-up examinations indicated clinically significant lesions in 21 patients (12 (12%) %) Follow--up examination Follow Patients (n=179*) Yield Barium enema 74/179 CT colonography 17/179 New abnormalities in 11 patients Repeat colonoscopy 71/179 Colonoscopy with anesthesia 9/179 27 lesions in 19 patients CT = computed tomography; Ridolfi E et al: Dis Col Rectum. 2013;56(4):e106 *Remaining 8 patients underwent resection with intraoperative colonoscopy ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-3 Reasons for Incomplete Colonoscopy Patient Factors • Discomfort and intolerance • Low body mass index • Prior abdomino abdomino--pelvic surgery • Suboptimal prep • Female sex Technical Factors • Tortuosity and redundancy • Angulated and fixed colon segments • Extensive diverticulosis Endoscopist and Technician Expertise 1. Rex DK et al: Am J Gastroenterol 2006;101(4): 2006;101(4):873 873--885 2. Rex DK et al: Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2007;5(7):879 2007;5(7):879--883 ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-4 ACG Board of Governors/ASGE Best Practices Course - Las Vegas, NV Copyright 2014 American College of Gastroenterology 2 Jonathan A. Leighton, MD, FACG, FASGE Approach to Difficult Colonoscopy • Customize the bowel prep and educate Ch i t sedation d ti • Choose appropriate • Ensure expert endoscopist technique • Train your technicians in abdominal pressure • Consider the following • Water exchange • Magnetic imaging Anderson ML et al: Gastrointest Endosc 1992;38(5):560 1992;38(5):560--563; Marshall JB et al: Gastrointest Endosc 1993;3(4)9: 518 518--520; Cardin F et al BMC Gastroenterol 2010;10:123; Bourke MJ and Rex DK Am J Gastro 2012;107:14672012;107:1467-72; Kaminski MF et al: NEJM 2010;362:1795 2010;362:1795--803 ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-5 Water Exchange Technique ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-6 ACG Board of Governors/ASGE Best Practices Course - Las Vegas, NV Copyright 2014 American College of Gastroenterology 3 Jonathan A. Leighton, MD, FACG, FASGE Without Air Suction Air Suction from the Recto-Sigmoid Colon Recto- Air suction Residual air produces an acute angle in the sigmoid colon making identification of the lumen difficult Water flows out easily and the sigmoid colon becomes “SHORT and STRAIGHT” Mizukami T et al: Dig Endosc 2007;19:432007;19:43-48 ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-7 Water Exchange for Redundant Colons • Benefit during insertion phase of colonoscopy in patients who are unsedated or receiving minimal sedation • In a redundant colon, water immersion will keep a dilated colon collapsed and straighter B k MJ and dR t 2012 107 1467-72 Bourke Rex DK DK: A Am J G Gastro 2012;107:1467 2012;107:1467- Water Exchange in Difficult Colonoscopy • Water and air methods compared in 44 unsedated patients with prior abdominal surgery • Water method: 19/22 (86%) • Air method: 11/22 (50%) Leung FW et al: J Interv Gastro 2011; 1:1721:172-76 Water Exchange for Incomplete Colonoscopy • 10 patients with prior failed cecal intubation referred for balloon colonoscopy • All 10 patients underwent successful water exchange colonoscopy to the cecum Mann SK et al: Abstract ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-8 ACG Board of Governors/ASGE Best Practices Course - Las Vegas, NV Copyright 2014 American College of Gastroenterology 4 Jonathan A. Leighton, MD, FACG, FASGE Magnetic Imaging for Difficult Colonoscopy ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-9 Magnetic Imaging for Difficult Colonoscopy Magnetic coil signals are picked up by small receiver dish and turned into a dynamic 3D image of the endoscope ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-10 ACG Board of Governors/ASGE Best Practices Course - Las Vegas, NV Copyright 2014 American College of Gastroenterology 5 Jonathan A. Leighton, MD, FACG, FASGE Magnetic Imaging for Difficult Colonoscopy ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-11 Magnetic Imaging for Difficult Colonoscopy A hand coil enables precise placement for abdominal pressure in relation to the endoscope ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-12 ACG Board of Governors/ASGE Best Practices Course - Las Vegas, NV Copyright 2014 American College of Gastroenterology 6 Jonathan A. Leighton, MD, FACG, FASGE Hand Coil for Loop Reduction ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-13 Magnetic Imaging • Identify and mitigate loops A l abdominal bd i l pressure tto correctt llocation ti • Apply • Recognize difficult anatomy • Educating fellows on loop reduction techniques ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-15 ACG Board of Governors/ASGE Best Practices Course - Las Vegas, NV Copyright 2014 American College of Gastroenterology 7 Jonathan A. Leighton, MD, FACG, FASGE Magnetic Imaging Colonoscopy 296 patients • No difference in sedation or p pain scores • Intubation times were shorter • Colonoscopy completion rates were higher • Abdominal hand pressure was more effective Unsedated colonoscopy comparing magnetic imaging to standard colonoscopy • Cecal intubation rate higher in imager group • 190/212 (90%) vs 153/207 (74%) (P<0.001 (P<0.001)) • Pain Pain--reducing effect in imager group noted with experienced colonoscopists: colonoscopists: 7.3 7.3% % vs 16% (P=0.03) Shah SG et al: Lancet 2000; 2000; 356:1718 356:1718--1722 Hoff G et al: Scand J of Gastro 2007; 2007; 42:88542:885-889 ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-16 Tips for Difficult Colonoscopy • Anticipate altered sigmoid anatomy M t the th lleft ft colon l • Master • Change solutions quickly • Change instruments in the difficult sigmoid • Be willing to quit Bourke MJ and Rex DK: Am J Gastro 2012;107:14672012;107:1467-72 ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-17 ACG Board of Governors/ASGE Best Practices Course - Las Vegas, NV Copyright 2014 American College of Gastroenterology 8 Jonathan A. Leighton, MD, FACG, FASGE The Dilemma of Incomplete Colonoscopy What Next? Current options • Double contrast barium enema • Repeat colonoscopy with or without anesthesia or with different scope • CT colonography • Balloon assisted colonoscopy Future technologies F t t h l i • Colon capsule • CheckCap Patient factors Institutional expertise Available technologies Hartmann D et al: Endoscopy 39:104139:1041-1045, 2007 Cave D et al: GI Endoscopy 68:48768:487-494, 2008 ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-18 Double Contrast Barium Enema • Adequate colon visualization in 7777-94% after incomplete colonoscopy • Main limitation – low sensitivity • All polyps 40% 40% • Polyps >1cm 50 50% % • CRC miss rate 22 22% % • A direct comparison of barium enema with repeat colonoscopy for l f completion l ti off colonoscopy l ffound d that the polyp detection rate was significantly greater with colonoscopy compared with barium enema (34.3% vs 3.6%, P <0.0001) <0.0001) Chong A et al: Radiology 2002;223:6202002;223:620-4; Martinex F et al: Dis Colon Rectum 2005 2005;; 48:195148:1951-4 Winawer SJ et al: NEJM 2000;342:17662000;342:1766-72; Toma J et al: Am J Gastro 2008 Gawron AJ et al: DDS 2013 2013;; 58:184958:1849-1855 ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-19 ACG Board of Governors/ASGE Best Practices Course - Las Vegas, NV Copyright 2014 American College of Gastroenterology 9 Jonathan A. Leighton, MD, FACG, FASGE Repeat Colonoscopy • Routine colonoscopy in patients with prior incomplete exam,, and repeat was successful p p in 117 of 119 patients • Additional methods – applying abdominal pressure, manual reduction of abdominal wall hernia, changing the patient’s position, and propofol sedation • 59 off 119 patients have a ttotal ti t were ffound d tto h t l off 126 adenomas <10 mm and 31 adenomas >10 mm • Haq et al used push enteroscopy in obese or overweight patients with an 89% success rate Rex DK et al: Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2007 2007;; 5(7):879 5(7):879--883 Haq T et al: Gastrointest Endosc 2010 2010;; 71(5):AB343 71(5):AB343 ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-20 CT Colonography (CTC) • Colonic imaging with multidetector scanners R i b ti and d stool t l ttagging, i • Requires bowell preparation along with insufflation of the colon with CO² • Colonic images are obtained using dual position scanning and analyzed using twotwo-dimensional axial, multiplanar and three three--dimensional endoluminal formats ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-21 ACG Board of Governors/ASGE Best Practices Course - Las Vegas, NV Copyright 2014 American College of Gastroenterology 10 Jonathan A. Leighton, MD, FACG, FASGE CT Colonography ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-22 CT Colonography Colorectal Cancer C l Colonoscopy 3D 2D ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-23 ACG Board of Governors/ASGE Best Practices Course - Las Vegas, NV Copyright 2014 American College of Gastroenterology 11 Jonathan A. Leighton, MD, FACG, FASGE CT Colonography After Incomplete Colonoscopy 546 patients after incomplete colonoscopy due to redundancy or tortuosity • CTC detected an additional 88 polyps >6mm in size in 13.2% (72) of patients • Repeat colonoscopy was completed in 63% • CTC for mass lesions • Per Per--patient PPV 90.9% 90.9% • Per Per--llesion 91.7% % P i PPV 91.7 91 7 7% • CTC for large polyps • Per Per--patient PPV 64.7% 64.7% • Per Per--lesion PPV 70.0% Copel L et al: Radiology 2007; 244:471244:471-8 ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-24 CT Colonography After Incomplete Colonoscopy • 65 patients with positive FOBT • CTC performed in 42 • Results • 21/42 (50%) had polyps or mass lesions • 15 underwent repeat colonoscopy • 2 underwent surgery • CTC • Per Per--patient PPV polyps/masses >9mm >9mm:: 87.5% 87.5% • Per Per--lesion PPV polyps/masses: 83.3% Sali L et al: World J Gastro 2008; 2008; 14:449914:4499-4504 ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-25 ACG Board of Governors/ASGE Best Practices Course - Las Vegas, NV Copyright 2014 American College of Gastroenterology 12 Jonathan A. Leighton, MD, FACG, FASGE CT Colonography Advantages Non--invasive • Non • Usually can perform on the same day • Performed safely in antianti-coagulated patients Disadvantages • Radiation • Low sensitivity • Air insufflation • Purely diagnostic • Extra Extra--colonic findings ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-26 Balloon Assisted Colonoscopy • Adjunctive technology that allows for diagnostic and therapeutic intervention • Choices • Double balloon enteroscope • Single balloon enteroscope • Double balloon colonoscope ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-27 ACG Board of Governors/ASGE Best Practices Course - Las Vegas, NV Copyright 2014 American College of Gastroenterology 13 Jonathan A. Leighton, MD, FACG, FASGE Double Balloon Colonoscopy ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-28 Double Balloon Enteroscopy for Incomplete Colonoscopy Study N Cecal intubation rate (%) Yamamoto 2005 50 98 ? ? Kaltenbach 2006 20 95 28 28± ±20 moderate Pasha 2007 16 88 27 27± ±9.5 moderate 7 100 15 ? y 2007 Gay 29 96 12 12± ±7 p p propofol Moreels 2008 26 89 20 20± ±2 moderate Moreels 2010 45 93 19 19± ±1 moderate Monkemuller 2007 Cecal intubation time (min) Sedation Yamamoto H et al: Endoscopy 2005; 2005; 37:A53; Kaltenbach T et al: Dig and Liver Dis 2006;38:9212006;38:921-5 Pasha SF et al: GIE 2007; 65; Monkemuller K et al: Scand J Gastro 2007; 42; Gay G et al: Endoscopy 2007; 39:788 Moreels TG et al: CGH 2008; 6:259; Moreels T et al: J Gastro&Hep 2010; 25 ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-29 ACG Board of Governors/ASGE Best Practices Course - Las Vegas, NV Copyright 2014 American College of Gastroenterology 14 Jonathan A. Leighton, MD, FACG, FASGE Single Balloon Colonoscopy for Incomplete Colonoscopy Study N Cecal intubation rate (%) Total procecure time (min) May 2006 14 100 50 Sedation Propofol Teshima 2010 23 96 30 Moderate Keswani 2011 30 93 22±18 (CI) Moderate Coppola 2011 79 94 12 (CI) Moderate CI = cecal intubation May A et al: Enteroscopy 2006; 38:395 38:395--8; Teshima CW et al: GIE 2010 2010;; 7:1319 7:1319--23 Keswani RN: GIE 2011; 2011; 73(3 73(3): ):507 507--512; Coppola F: et al. Dig Liver Dis 2011; 2011; 43(6): 43(6):475 475--477 ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-30 Single vs Double Balloon Enteroscopy for Incomplete Colonoscopy • 53 patients f l iin cecall intubation i t b ti iin 26/26 • SBC was successful • DBC was successful in 25/27 (93%) • No difference in cecal intubation times • New polyp detection in both groups Dzeletovic I et al: DDS 2012:57:26802012:57:2680-2686 ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-31 ACG Board of Governors/ASGE Best Practices Course - Las Vegas, NV Copyright 2014 American College of Gastroenterology 15 Jonathan A. Leighton, MD, FACG, FASGE Double Balloon Colonoscope for Incomplete Colonoscopy • Working length – 152 cm; Overtube – 105 cm • Overcomes limitations of enteroscope O p • 29 patients • Cecal intubation rate of 98% • Shorter total procedure time • 18 min ± 14 vs 46 min ± 16 • Majority of patients utilized moderate sedation 70% % due to looping • 20 patients with incomplete colonoscopy – 70 • With DBC, 95% of procedures were completed beyond the splenic flexure • Cecal intubation rate was 80%; 80%; 4 cases were incomplete due to looping in 3 and angulation in 1 Gay G et al: Endoscopy 2007;39 Ruff K et al: GIE 2009:A69 ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-32 Colon Capsule • Approved in Europe C th ends d • Cameras on b both • Takes images at a rate of 4 fps • Measures 31x11mm • Battery life is 99-10 hours • Hibernates Hib t while hil capsule l passes through small bowel ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-33 ACG Board of Governors/ASGE Best Practices Course - Las Vegas, NV Copyright 2014 American College of Gastroenterology 16 Jonathan A. Leighton, MD, FACG, FASGE Colon Capsule Videos ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-34 Colon Polyps Cecum – Single Polyp ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-35 ACG Board of Governors/ASGE Best Practices Course - Las Vegas, NV Copyright 2014 American College of Gastroenterology 17 Jonathan A. Leighton, MD, FACG, FASGE Colon Capsule for Incomplete Colonoscopy Prospective study of 34 patients with incomplete colonoscopy underwent colon capsule • Bowel cleanliness good or excellent in 64.7% • Capsule exceeded the most proximal point reached by colonoscoy in 29 patients (85.3%) • Findings allowed formulation of a specific medical plan in 20 patients (58.8 (58.8%) %) • 12 had no significant lesions • 7 underwent polypectomy or surgery for advanced colorectal neoplasia • 1 was treated for Crohn’s disease • Inconclusive studies were found in 14 Alarcon--Fernandez O et al: CGH 2013;11:534 Alarcon 2013;11:534--540 ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-36 Check--Cap Check • Prep Prep--Free Imaging S lik ttechnology h l ffor 3 t ti • Sonar Sonar-like 3--D reconstruction of the colon • Patient ingests a contrast agent that allows differentiation of stool from colon wall • Capsule is sensitive to motion and does nott scan when d h stationary t ti • When capsule moves, it emits low low--dose radiation Chatrath H and Rex DK. J Clin Gastro 2013 ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-37 ACG Board of Governors/ASGE Best Practices Course - Las Vegas, NV Copyright 2014 American College of Gastroenterology 18 Jonathan A. Leighton, MD, FACG, FASGE Check--Cap Check Capsule in Standby Mode Capsule in Scan Mode ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-38 Approach to Difficult Colonoscopy Difficult Colonoscopy py Customize Prep Magnetic Imaging Appropriate Sedation Water Exchange Expert Technique ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-39 ACG Board of Governors/ASGE Best Practices Course - Las Vegas, NV Copyright 2014 American College of Gastroenterology 19 Jonathan A. Leighton, MD, FACG, FASGE Approach to Incomplete Colonoscopy Incomplete Colonoscopy p py Low Risk Polyps High Risk Polyps CT Colonography Repeat Colonoscopy Balloon Assisted Colonoscopy Future Techonologies Colon Capsule CheckCap ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-40 Conclusions • 7% 7%– –19% 19% of all colonoscopies are incomplete, although clinical guidelines recommend that ≥90% of all colonoscopies should be complete I addition dditi to t inadequate i d t bowel b l preparation, ti i l t colonoscopies l i • In incomplete occur most often as a result of technical problems such as looping scope, patient discomfort, adhesions and obstruction • The risk of colorectal cancer is increased twofold when colonoscopy is incomplete • For difficult colonoscopy, focus on prep, sedation, and expert techniques, including water immersion and magnetic imaging • For a history of incomplete colonoscopy but a high risk of polyps polyps, consider repeat colonoscopy with adjustments vs balloon balloon--assisted colonoscopy • For those patients with a low risk of polyps, one can consider CT Colonography • Future modalities include the Colon Capsule and CheckCap ©2013 MFMER | 3316566-41 ACG Board of Governors/ASGE Best Practices Course - Las Vegas, NV Copyright 2014 American College of Gastroenterology 20
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