spring 2005 - University of Illinois Archives


spring 2005 - University of Illinois Archives
A Note from the Editor
This will be my second issue of Generations that I’ve
worked on. The difficulty of conveying brotherhood
that has lasted almost eighty years in this newsletter
is a very difficult task. Out of all the Pi Alpha Phi
accomplishments in the fall and winter, the most
important and the one that has passed the test of time is
brotherhood. Brotherhood is the underlying foundation
in every article and shares in the creation of Generations.
Without brotherhood, this newsletter would not be done
and its purpose, useless. What defines brotherhood?
It really can’t be defined with words or through this
newsletter. Brotherhood is kind of like unconditional
love. Would you be able to comprehend and fit love in
a single definition? The importance of the newsletter is
that it shares the stories of Pi Alpha Phi members who
all have the foundation of brotherhood as their common
link. Communication carries the present into the future…
brotherhood through Generations.
Once again as always, appreciation goes out to all the
contributors and especially Brian Gee. Brian has been a
wonderful asset and a helpful advisor in the production of
this newsletter. I urge brothers to continue to share their
stories and accomplishments using this media. If you
have ideas, suggestions or comments please contact me.
Thanks again to all…enjoy.
John Zhang
National Newsletter Editor
On the Cover: Rush: It’s that Time Again.
A twice yearly publication of Pi
Alpha Phi National Fraternity
for its members, alumni, donors,
and friends.
Pi Alpha Phi
National Leadership
Doug Liou
Vice President
Darren Lee
Edgar Gonzalez
Sang Shin
Generations Staff
Editor in Chief
John Zhang
Contributing Writers
Josh Larson
Joshua Ng
Daniel Yoo
Enoch Wu
John Bang
Graphics Editor
Brian Gee
President’s Address
A Message from Doug Liou, National President 2004-2005
elcome back everyone to a fresh new year. I hope the Fall term was eventful and fulfilling for everyone,
especially for those who had a first experience at activehood. I would also like to congratulate the Fall
2004 pledge class for earning a place as the newest Brothers of Pi Alpha Phi. I know the memories
for the past school term must be blurred together into one big party, but I trust everyone had a good time and met
some new faces.
I have much envy for those of you with many years remaining as an active, and I can only hope that you all will
live them out as I did. With half of the school year still left, I anticipate everyone will return with a renewed
energy and continue to pursue the very best for your fraternity.
We have much left to accomplish for the upcoming year. During the fall term, we worked together to brainstorm
different directions that could improve our fraternity. Although some suggestions were recognized as novel ideas,
I realized that most of the suggestions brought forth have actually been voiced and considered many times before.
Furthermore, it became apparent to me that our troubles in the past were not due to the lack of fresh ideas. Rather,
it seemed that we mainly encountered problems when we trivialized the means in which we carry out these tasks.
In another words, our difficulties occurred when we failed to plan out our methods in an organized and efficient
For instance, at last year’s Convention poker tournament I do not accredit the poor turnout to the fact that a poker
tournament is a bad Convention activity. Instead, it seemed to me that the overall planning of the tournament
could have stood some improvement in a few areas. Perhaps advertising the tournament to Brothers with a preregistration period and a pre-determined prize pool could have rendered a different outcome for participation. I
viewed this event as an example of how a fantastic idea can yield mediocre results due to inadequate preparation
and organization.
I feel it is now a matter of coming up with novel methods rather than novel ideas. The means in which we choose
to pursue a task should now be considered just as heavily as the task itself. Many projects and relationships have
been initiated since the Fall term and our fraternity has much to gain from all of these things. With the proper
manpower and organization, we should be able to come up with ways to reap these benefits. Considering the
size and character of our fraternity, I feel we have the ability not only to create new ideas but also to consider
innovative means of accomplishing things.
There is much left to do this school term. From a national standpoint we are committed to following the goals set
forth at the beginning of our term, and we sincerely hope to have your full support and cooperation. It is apparent
that the four of us cannot accomplish all of these things alone, so I look forward to the young and motivated
leaders who are ready and willing learn.
Happy New Year
Doug Liou
National President, 2004-2005
San Diego Asian Film Festival
UCSD Pi Alpha Phi co-sponsors a panel at the SDAFF
by Enoch Wu
UC San Diego
ith all the negative publicity and media
surrounding fraternities, Pi Alpha Phi stands
out by taking the initiative to reach out to
the community and create a positive public image.
Theta Chapter, at the University of California San
Diego was offered the perfect opportunity to represent
the Fraternity by participating at the fifth annual San
Diego Asian Film Festival (SDAFF).
Independent motion pictures, shorts, workshops, and
feature film competitions filled the weekend-long
event held on October 21-24th, 2004. However, the Pi Alpha Phi alumnus Evan Leong answers a question
true character of the festival lies in the community about his music video Last Trumpet.
support that the director, Lee Ann Kim, has envisioned
to provide the grass roots backing for fellow Asians in
the media arts.
Being a co-presenter of the Music Video Panel enabled
Pi Alpha Phi to promote the cause of Asian American
With its aims to promote and enrich the diverse Pan- media, as well as one of our own brothers. Evan Leong,
Asian experience, the festival garnished an assemblage a UC Riverside chapter alumnus, was exhibiting his
of A-list celebrities and some of San Diego’s prominent music video Last Trumpet, a poignant and polemic
politicians. Actress Kelly Hu (X-Men, The Scorpion response to 9/11. It was an opportunity to help and
King), critically acclaimed musician Vienna Teng, support a fellow bro with encouragement and moral
Lisa Ling (National Geographic Explorer, The View), support.
and John Cho (American Pie, Harold and Kumar go
to White Castle) were just a handful of the featured The panel provided insights to the inner workings of
the music video industry machine (MTV) and the DIY
blueprints for creating the hybrid between music and
Festival Director Lee Ann Kim and Lisa Ling at the
National Geographic Explorer panel
It was an educational experience for the brothers
majoring in the media field. The volunteer experience
provided the outlet for those seeking a potential career
in the film industry: to enterprise, associate, and network
with industry heads and various artists in the field.
Supporting the local Asian American community is a
key tenet of Pi Alpha Phi’s foundation. Theta Chapter
is proud to continue the tradition of outreach and
community support. Our hope is that the Fraternity can
continue to grow its relationship with the SDAFF and
become an annual contributor.
UC Davis Chapter Happenings
Gamma Chapter celebrates successful year
by John Bang
UC Davis
ith the lunar New Year just around the corner
this upcoming February, the brothers of Pi
Alpha Phi are planning hard to spearhead
a lunar New Year’s festival at the center of campus.
Gamma Chapter hopes to celebrate and learn about
the Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and other Asian
ethnicities that share the same lunar New Year and to
experience their unique cultures.
Several campus and off-campus organizations from
Davis and Sacramento will be participating in activities
such as an art show with an Asian theme, lion dancing,
kung fu, and other workshops.
Pi Alpha Phi will work closely with the Asian Pacific
Culture Week department of the Asian Pacific Islander
Association to organize the annual spring Asian Pacific
Culture Week on campus. This will be the first oncampus lunar New Year’s festival at UC Davis put
together by the Fraternity. Hopefully there will be more
to come in upcoming years.
school students in Sacramento and Davis.
Kyle Morishita (Alpha Delta class)
has been
coordinating with on-campus organization Southeast
Asians Furthering Education (SAFE). The organization’s
goals are to mentor and tutor under-privileged students
towards a more successful path in life. Several brothers
have been attending weekly visits as mentors for these
high school students and have passed on their knowledge
from their own experiences in life.
The spring class of 2004 had their installation dinner on
December 1, 2004, and celebrated at their formals on
December 4th. The Alpha Eta’s, who call themselves
the “Crazy Eights” crossed June 7th, 2004. The new
class crossed under Pledge Master John Bang of the
Alpha Alpha class, one of the more respected brothers
in the house, and the current president. John Bang has
emphasized the importance of leadership, trust, and
brotherhood to the Alpha Eta class.
The eight new brothers of the fraternity hold the future
to the chapter as many older brothers are graduating
in spring 2005. Furthermore, the Gamma chapter is
gearing up for another successful little sis rush in the
winter, which will help spark a strong gentlemen’s rush
This past quarter, Gamma Chapter brothers volunteered in the spring.
in several outreach programs for under-privileged high
Davis Pi Alpha Phi Chapter and the Little Sisters
Brothers without Borders
The Bonds of Pi Alpha Phi’s Brotherhood extend well beyond one’s own Chapter
by Daniel Yoo
Michigan State University
ot many people outside of Greek life understand why men
would sacrifice their own personal time to join a fraternity.
Pi Alpha Phi might seem like any other organization,
but the quality and the uniqueness of the brotherhood is evident
throughout the country.
Brothers take road trips to visit other chapters and spend time with
brothers from all over the nation. Will anyone be able to say that
they are welcome as a brother in another state? Brotherhood is not
something that is taught with words. For those who do not ever
encounter true brotherhood in their lives…Pi Alpha Phi provides a
chance for the experience.
Since its founding, Michigan State University Pi Alpha Phi has
always spent a lot of time with the University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor chapter. During rush week, we went to each others party
and had a good time. When crossing our Gamma class, the
Michigan chapter was there to celebrate alongside our brothers.
We experience brotherhood, not only within our school grounds,
but also on the outside.We also spent time with the University
of North Carolina, Chapel Hill brothers. For those who just take
this for granted, in October, the UNC brothers drove 13 hours to
Michigan in order to spend time with us. There was not a special
reason for it, they just wanted to spend some time with bros.
Our newly crossed brothers met their brothers for the first time and
were able to get along easily. Why? It is not because they had to,
but they had something in common…it was Pi Alpha Phi…and
people get along with shared experiences and common links.
In November, the Michigan chapters traveled to North Carolina
for the MSU Alpha Class and UNC Beta Class joint installation
ceremony. Bros from chapters across states can feel the same bonds
of brotherhood and relax together. Brotherhood made the drive
there and back worth it. The opportunities to have moments where
members share laughs and come together from across numerous
states is something bros will always remember.
There are also the moments where we have to see a brother leave.
Our chapter’s first alumnus is Ben Yu. He was a Charter brother
and started the fraternity when he only had a semester of school
left. Even after graduating he came up every weekend to spend
time with the brothers. He was not there just to have fun but also
to help us when we had work to get done. Now he will be leaving
to Washington to move on with his life with a career ahead of
him. Seeing him leave was harder than we all thought here and
it was definitely a sad moment. I could say that for our chapter
he is the epitome of brotherhood. With Ben leaving, it helped our
new classes see that it is not just a friendship…but instead it is a
Brotherhood is not visiting a friend somewhere else and checking
on how he is doing. Brotherhood is not a word with a definition
but it an experience that one cannot describe. Anyone could have
memories and a good time with a friend. Not anyone experiences
brotherhood. Those memories are incomparable. I have no regrets
being part of Pi Alpha Phi, because to me and everyone else in
our chapter, knowing a brother like Ben or even the brothers at the
other chapters let us realize that brotherhood unlike friendships
does not change.
Brotherhood is forever and transcends boundaries.
Bros from UNC, MSU, and Michigan in front of the MSU Chapter’s new house.
Michigan State University Rush Spring 2005
UW Charter Memories
Founder Joshua Ng reminisces about his charter experiences
by Joshua Ng
University of Washington
n March 22nd, 2004, at 10:26 AM, twelve
pledges crossed through the doors of Pi
Alpha Phi’s Alpha chapter, the University of
California-Berkeley house, to become the charter class
of the eleventh chapter of the fraternity. Pi Alpha Phi at
the University of Washington was born.
In the Spring of 2003, a group of individuals of different
backgrounds and walks of life banned together to form
a fraternity interest group called SXG, or Society of
Extraordinary Gentlemen. Although different in many Charter Class celebrating at their Installs Dinner
ways, members of SXG would come together to share
one common goal; charter Pi Alpha Phi at the University
visits, the UW charter class learned the history and
of Washington.
traditions of the fraternity. During this time, the class
One of the members of the interest group was introduced bonded like never before. The individuals became a
to Pi Alpha Phi through mutual friends in California, group, growing closer through the experiences and
who invited him out to Pi Alpha Phi’s annual party, shared many memories to look back on and have a good
Kamikaze. After experiencing a taste of the Pi Alpha Phi laugh.
life, he became interested in being a part of something
with a strong national brotherhood. Through many On top of the bonds of brotherhood, the class
hours of hard work and dedication, SXG was formally learned important life lessons such as leadership and
organizational skills that will benefit them in the future.
granted a bid to charter Pi Alpha Phi.
All of this culminated in the ultimate experience: finally
The UW Charter group visited chapters on the west crossing into the house as brothers of Pi Alpha Phi.
coast and hosted the brothers in Seattle. During these
The UW charters experienced the nationwide
brotherhood that they were searching for, with trips
Charters immediately after Crossing
down to Irvine, Berkeley, and to San Francisco for the
national convention, as well as hosting many visiting
bros in Seattle.
We have begun to understand that sustaining a chapter
is just as much work as starting one. UW Pi Alpha Phi
scheduled rush events, socials, philanthropy events
and fundraisers. UW Pi Alpha Phi promoted a positive
image on campus. We accomplished all of this, while
strengthening our own bonds of brotherhood. These
times will always be regarded as special memories for
us. We will continue upholding the beliefs and values
that were instilled in us, with hopes of a bright future
ahead for our chapter.
University of Michigan Winter Rush 2005
Another Busy Semester at UNC
President John Zhang recounts the Fall 2004 Activities
John Zhang
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Several Asian campus organizations participated
including the Asian Student Association from North
Carolina State University. The purpose of the potluck is
i Alpha Phi at UNC has blossomed into a strong to mend the divide between different Asian groups and
chapter in just its second year on campus. promote unity within the community.
Although the Asian male population on campus
is only around 2 percent, the fraternity is already 26 Socials were held during the fall to strengthen relations
strong including 4 alumni and 22 active brothers.
with other Greek organizations. Exchanges with Virginia
Tech aKDphi and University of Virginia aKDphi were
The UNC chapter
organized to mix and
has strived to uphold
establish a presence
the five pillars of the
on the east coast.
fraternity; brotherhood,
Good relations with
philanthropy, academic
aKDphi brought about
excellence, leadership,
and Asian awareness.
relationships among
the two organizations.
In the fall semester,
Also in the middle
events were kicked off
of the semester, Pi
with fall rush. Rush
Alpha Phi invited the
chair Jason Wong
whole Greek Alliance
and Sameer Tanakia
Council (GAC), the
created the idea of
multi-cultural Greek
an ESPN themed
council on campus to
rush with events such
the house for a cookout
as World Series of
and attended a football
Poker (poker night), NBA Finals (basketball), Dance game together.
Sport Championships (club party) and ESPN Classic
(information and tradition night) just to name a few. It The UNC chapter has maintained a strong presence on
was a creative idea publicized with a carefully designed campus with its involvement in the Greek community.
Alpha class brother, Gregory Chang recently was
elected as the new president of the GAC for the 2005
The UNC chapter also participated in the Pi Alpha year. Brothers also participated in the GAC annual
Phi national initiative for the Asian Pacific Islander showcase by performing a heartfelt rendition of the
Americans (APIA) campaign to vote in the November Boyz II Men song, “In the Still of the Night.” Brothers
election. Working in unison with UNC sorority alpha such as Sang Shin demonstrated that the musical talents
Kappa Delta phi (aKDphi), the two groups set up a of Pi Alpha Phi.
voting registration table in the middle of campus during
busy hours and also attended Asian student organization While brothers enjoyed a good performance and socials,
meetings to encourage young students to vote.
when it comes down to business, they are also dedicated.
This semester at UNC, Pi Alpha Phi established an
Other than the voter registration initiative, UNC Pi incentive for brothers for academic excellence. The
Alpha Phi also held their bi-annual unity potluck dinner newly implemented plan is to award the brother with the
and decorated and donated pumpkins for the Ronald most improved semester grade point average from one
McDonald House along with Theta Nu Xi sorority. semester to the next by waiving the brother’s dues.
Several brothers exemplified academic excellence
goals, as Charter class member David Yu was accepted
into the UNC Dental School, one of the best in the
country. Another brother, Kirtesh Patel is in the process
of applying for medical school. Many brothers have
improved their academic standings.
The fall semester figures to be a strong mark for
academic improvement.
With all the accomplishments of the fall semester, the
greatest tribute however is the fraternity’s brotherhood.
Many brotherhood events and trips occurred throughout
the year. Brotherhood dinners included grilling shrimp
kabobs with fried rice and cooking spaghetti with
freshly toasted garlic bread.
During the end of the semester, a secret Santa gathering
celebrated the holidays around the Christmas tree at
the house with gift distributions.
Some of the highlights of the year included a trip to
Michigan, Beta class installations, and the crossing of
the new Gamma class. In October, several bros made
the 13 hour drive to Michigan in order to visit Michigan
State University and University of Michigan brothers.
Later in November, brothers from Michigan traveled
south to UNC to celebrate the joint installations
between MSU’s Alpha class and UNC’s Beta class.
The joint installations was an unprecedented east coast
event, bringing brothers together in a large celebration
at the Sheraton hotel followed by an after party at
Avalon night club in Chapel Hill.
November was also highlighted with the crossing of
the Gamma class which introduced five new brothers
to the fraternity. The growth of Pi Alpha Phi continues
to exceed expectations. With the arrival of spring,
optimism for an even better semester is expected at
Chapel Hill. UNC will continue to uphold the five
pillars of Pi Alpha Phi in the southeast region of the
Asian Greeks Unite for Votes and Tsunami Aid
3,000 AGA members work together in achieving record voter turnout and help Tsunami Victims
by Josh Larson
UC Riverside Alumnus
Pi Alpha Phi AGA Representative
ne of the highlights of 2004 Presidential
election was the record turnout of AsianAmerican voters. The turnout demonstrates
the community’s extraordinary interest in the political
process and the desire to
have an impact in the result.
Under the name of APIAvote
Greek Alliance (AGA), Pi Alpha
Phi and twelve other Greek
organizations took to their
campuses a campaign to mobilize
their Asian student population.
The recent tsunami disasters in Southeast Asia have
had a great impact on people in the affected nations and
around the world. The devastation has left millions of
Southeast Asians without the basic necessities of life
including shelter, food, clean water and medical supplies.
Most agencies, including the Red Cross which has
launched an extensive humanitarian effort in the area,
have stated that the best way
to help is through monetary
Your financial
contributions will ensure that
the most necessary supplies are
brought to those in need. Also,
leaders of the humanitarian effort
recommend monetary donations
as they allow the rescue teams
to purchase goods in the
affected areas, which will help
boost their hurting economies.
The AGA teamed up with
APIAvote, a national coalition
nonprofitAGA Members w/ Washington Gov. Gary Locke
organizations that encourages civic participation The APIA Greek Alliance leaders have recognized
and promotes a better understanding of public the urgent need of assistance. This Spring, the
policy and the electoral process among the Asian member organizations of the AGA will be extending
and Pacific Islander American community. a helping hand to the victims of this tragedy
by holding donation drives on their campuses.
APIAvote’s goal is to bring political strength to
Asian American communities and with the help Some of the recommendations for the individual
of AGA, APIAvote came closer in achieving this chapters are to donate a portion of their next club
goal. AGA was at the forefront of the organization’s party to the humanitarian effort, finding local
youth campaign. With thirteen national Asian Greek restaurants to donate a set amount of money for each
groups participating, the AGA was able to cover 75 customer that comes in on a pre-designated day,
college campuses. In over a month, over 8000 new contact their alumni for donations or matching gifts,
Asian American voters were registered by the AGA. and setting up donation boxes at their rush events.
We worked together for the common cause of
increased political viability of the Asian American
community. The collaboration of the organizations
involved in AGA is a positive and re-affirming step
toward a united Asian Greek community. Pi Alpha
Phi hopes this collaboration continues into the future.
Pi Alpha Phi recognizes our responsibility to serve
others and to encourage participation by our members in
activities for the betterment of the community. The effort
put forth by our members this Spring is just a small part
of keeping up our tradition of serving the community.
Resume Advice from Pi Alpha Phi
Turning that Fraternity position into Resume Gold
by Brian Gee
UC Berkeley Alumnus
ou worked hard to be an effective leader in
your chapter. You know it. Your brothers
know it. When it comes to landing a job or
an internship, you need to make sure the prospective
employer knows it, too.
Making your resume stand out is no easy task. There are
hundreds and sometimes thousands of people applying
for the same job you are. Prospective employers often
only spend 10 seconds scanning a resume. That quick
glance is your opportunity to make a strong impression.
In today’s job market, it may be your only opportunity
to make that memorable impression.
The good news is that your Pi Alpha Phi experience can
actually help you stand out as a superior candidate and
get you to the interview stage. You need to write about
your fraternity experiences in a compelling, relevant
accomplishments, and specifics. Personalizing your
specific achievements will dramatically improve your
When listing your accomplishments, think about the
How was the organization better as a result of your
What did you specifically accomplish?
How did you do it differently than the person before or
after you?
How were you selected?
Use facts and figures to back up your statements
whenever possible.
Here’s an improved example:
President, Pi Alpha Phi Fraternity, Fall 2004
- Responsible for operations of campus’s largest fraternity
- Increased membership more than 20%
- Chapter recognized as “Chapter of the Year”
- Increased community service by 50%
- Implemented voter registration drive on campus
First, focus on your specific accomplishments. Most
students simply write what anyone in that particular
position would do, as opposed to what they specifically If you were Rush Chair, write about how many members
you recruited, how that class compared to previous
classes, or even compared to other fraternities. This can
For example:
work for any other position. The key is to be as specific
as possible as to what you personally accomplished.
President, Pi Alpha Phi Fraternity, Fall 2004
- Leader of 30 member fraternity
- Oversee all activities of organization
- Key liaison with Interfraternity Council
Companies crave people with strong leadership skills
and demonstrable real world experience. You have
the skills; it’s just a matter of conveying them in a
Unfortunately, ANY fraternity president can write that compelling and meaningful manner to the reader.
exact statement. At your university right now, there are
probably 30 other people who already have that on their Other career resources:
resume. All you have done is tell the reader what any
fraternity president does. Know what? The recruiting http://www.monster.com
director already knows that.
If your writing can be claimed by the person who did the
job before or after you, then you have not done yourself Brian Gee spent two years as a hiring manager at Cinesite,
justice. Resumes need to be infused with numbers, a subsidiary of Kodak.
www.pialphaphi.com v4.0
Fraternity Extranet Comes Online
i Alpha Phi is proud to
announce that the opening
of the brothers section of the
fraternity’s website
events. By coordinating chapters’
calendars, conflicting events should
be minimized and attendance
To combat this challenge, a
repository of fraternity documents
has been created. Not only are basic
documents, such as the National
Constitution and bylaws accessible,
A private forum now exists for but so are useful documents such as
The brothers section is a password- members to discuss issues relevant the Chapter Leadership Guide, rush
protected area that only Pi Alpha to fraternity members. Because we guides, sample rush powerpoint
Phi members have access to. It is all lead busy lives, many chapters presentations, and even some
intended to act as the fraternity’s have found forums the most efficient fraternity website graphics.
extranet. Last year, brothers were way to converse during the week.
surveyed what they wanted
in a website. The extranet
Unlike the public version of
was designed to reflect their
the membership database,
view more complete roster
For easy access, most
information. The database
resources are laid out on the
is exportable to excel, so
main page.
that chapter secretaries can
maintain one roster, rather
Chapter Contact Information
than re-write one every
contains active chapter and
quarter. Alumni information
alumni listservs, as well as
is less likely to be lost over
the listservs for the national
council, all active brothers,
and all alumni. For the first
time, all the Pi Alpha Phi listservs Having topic threads also gives Eventually, a fraternity store will
are in one place and easy to find. We access to all the previous discussion open where members can buy pins,
even have access to the fraternity’s points.
blank pledge books, and other
xanga ring and friendster page.
fraternity merchandise from
A Brothers FAQ allows the fraternity licensed vendors.
The National Calendar is a link to to answer questions to its members
the paphibros yahoogroup calendar. that may not be suitable for public Contributions from members such
Any member who subscribes consumption.
as Mike Chang, former National
directly to paphibros can add events
President Brian Futagaki, Mike
directly to the calendar. If each High turnover is a fact of life in the Lin, and Allen Yu made this section
chapter updates the calendar with fraternity, Oftentimes, information possible.
their events, everyone should be gets lost from one generation to the
able to plan ahead and attend each next. There is a lack of institutional If you would like a pialphaphi.
other’s events.
memory. Sometimes new actives are com
not taught how to properly recruit webmaster@pialphaphi.com
Chapter Secretaries are encouraged new members. Sometimes a new
to even put closed event date/ treasurer isn’t taught the best way to
time information so that other manage a chapter’s budget.
chapters can plan around those
About Pi Alpha Phi
Some useful information about the First Asian American Fraternity
i Alpha Phi was founded in 1926 at the University of California, Berkeley. We are the first
Asian American Interest Fraternity. Pi Alpha Phi
provides an excellent balance of academics and social
life, creating excellent and exciting opportunities to
meet people and develop long-lasting friendships.
Today, the founding principles of the Fraternity are not
only valued, but instilled through educational, service,
and leadership opportunities. With Brotherhood as our
immutable asset, the lifelong bonds that we develop
extend far beyond the university setting. Although the
Fraternity is open to individuals of all ethnic backgrounds, it still retains its Asian American character.
The basic goals of Brotherhood achieved through
shared experience, friendship, and academic excellence remain unaltered. Although the organization
evolves from generation to generation and across the
nation at different universities, the underlying vision
and heart of the Fraternity is as solid today as it was
for six young Berkeley men in 1926.
Chapter Contact Information
UC Berkeley
UC Davis
UC Riverside
UC Santa Cruz
UC Irvine
UC San Diego
University of Michigan
University of Arizona
North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Michigan State University
University of Washington
UC Berkeley Chapter’s New Industrial
Strength Refrigerators and Freezer
University of Arizona Pi Alpha Phi Little Sisters.