CHAPter UPDAteS - University of Illinois Archives


CHAPter UPDAteS - University of Illinois Archives
On Point with the President
A few words with National President
Jeremy Song.
Who Here Wants Some Money?
National Treasurer
Nathan Aukerman does.
Convention 2007
A Reflection of Good Times.
Chapter Updates
Find out what’s up with our
chapters across the country
The Official Newsletter
of Pi Alpha Phi
National Asian American Interest Fraternity
On Point with the pres
A publication of Pi Alpha Phi National
Fraternity for its members, alumni,
donors, and friends.
Pi Alpha Phi
National Leadership
Jeremy Song (UCSD)
Vice President
Shuichi Sekino (UCB)
A Few Words from National President Jeremy Song
It is with great pleasure that I introduce myself as the current
President of Pi Alpha Phi National Fraternity. Since crossing, my
pledge-brothers and I have envisioned great change and progress for our house; serving as your National President provides
me with the means to push our national brotherhood to obtain
recognition and advancement not achieved before in our history.
To many individual brothers across the nation, “Nationals” strikes
ambivalence. I want to describe not only what Pi Alpha Phi ‘s National Cabinet is, but also discern what we can offer our national
What is Pi Alpha Phi Nationals? For a typical chapter,
brothers are typically busy studying for examinations,
working, and prepping for life after college, in addition to their duties as a dedicated
brother of Pi Alpha Phi. During chapter meetings, “nationals” rarely comes up in discussions and therefore exists as a seemingly amorphous entity. Despite this popular belief, Pi
Alpha Phi’s National Cabinet meets on a regular basis in order to address large issues that
pertain to all chapters; we exist here to facilitate our satellite chapters in promoting (1)
Inter-Chapter Relationships and Communications (2) National Public Relations (legitimacy
of our organization through incorporation, house/fraternity insurance, and relations with
school administrations) (3) Alumni Relations (membership database and active rosters)
and (4) Organization of National Events (national/regional brotherhoods, fundraisers, and
annual convention). Even though these tasks to which Nationals tackle yearly may change
depending on the National Cabinet’s agenda, Pi Alpha Phi Nationals was created on one
basic premise: Nationals serves to provide a national structure to our fraternity in order to
address larger concerns of our collective membership.
What can Pi Alpha Phi Nationals do for Us? Members oftentime only hear “Nationals”
when collection of dues comes up. In the past this may have been true: Pi Alpha Phi as a
National organization has been in debt since I can remember – most of which is due to
previous administrations and their lack of experience and planning. Lack of funds coupled
to a staggering debt has forced previous National administrations to cut activities and
event agenda to a minimum Just as times are changing, Nationals has evolved as well.
With the aid of the Berkeley Alumni Association, Pi Alpha Phi National Cabinet has created
a strategic plan to get rid of our national debt by the end of 2008. A budget will be published, outlining all costs that are approved and proposed by your chapter representatives
(if your chapter refuses to show up and participate, you lose your voice in National endeavors); the 2007-2008 dues you will pay will go directly to policies and actions that will
benefit your individual chapter and fraternal experience. The 2006-2007 National Cabinet
has gone back to its roots to transparently serve our collective membership. Most importantly however, Nationals seeks to no longer seem as a distant entity. Finances are indeed
a large part of National policy as actions are worthless without means to accomplish
them; however, Nationals has traveled far on a emaciated budget: in the past six months,
Nationals has raised funds to hire Fraternity Management Group (FMG) to manage our
membership database so that any member may find actives/alumni in their surrounding
area; paperwork has been submitted to incorporate our fraternity, officially establishing
our organization; has been updated and re-designed. and dedicated
chapter email accounts have been created to facilitate communications; Nationals has
begun policy discussions addressing possible rewards for the dedicated actives; Nationals
has begin planning of the 2008 National Convention in conjunction with Sigma Omicron
Pi, National Sorority and undertakes to bring back Kamikaze.
Nathan Aukerman (UNC)
Keith Chu (UCR)
Keith Chu
Jeremy Song, Shuichi Sekino, Nathan
Aukerman, Keith Chu, Brian Gee, Eric
Nakagawa, John Lee, Patrick Pham,
Herman Yu, Richard Bee, Benjamin
Hwang, Nam Ho, Dave Jung, Mitchell
Luong, Dave Jung, Kendrick Hui
However, Pi Alpha Phi National Cabinet can do so much more, now that we have a working
framework (President’s Phone Conferences and Regional Meetings) to promote chapter interchange, alumni associations to provide guidance and resources, and most importantly, a working budget to facilitate action-plans and policies for our current membership. Expect to see
positive change immediately from Nationals: we’re on point and waiting for you.
convention 2007
A Time to Realize the National Brotherhood We Cherish
Convention was held Memorial Day Weekend 2007 and was hosted by the UC Irvine chapter.
Convention Chair Tony Ngo organized a weekend that successfully provided brothers with an
opportunity to develop their leadership skills, address fraternity issues and collectively achieve
solutions. All, of course, while enjoying that bond of brotherhood we all cherish.
Brothers from across the country arrived on Friday night to network and chill with the largest
gathering of fraternity members of the year.
A tribute of remembrance was given for 3 of our fallen alumni, the Honorable Delbert Wong,
war hero and the first federal judge of Asian descent on the mainland, Founder Timothy S. Jang,
and Alpha class member Herbert W. Gee, whose 50 years on the Pi Alpha Phi Alumni Board,
gives him the distinction of being the longest serving member of the fraternity.
This year, topics of discussion ranged from the importance of building a positive relationship
with a chapter’s Greek advisor, to programming ideas for chapters, to updates of chapters and
brothers from across the country.
The fraternity unveiled the beginnings of its Strategic Planning Initiative, designed to address
the challenges our fraternity is currently facing.
A look at some of the highlights of this
year’s convention.
Historical Display
The Constitution
Over 50 years of Meeting Minutes
Various Fraternity Commendations
and Awards
Moments of Silence
This year we honored 3 of the fratenrity’s most distinguished alumni who
passed away in 2006-2007.
Hon. Delbert Wong
Founder Tim S. Jang
Herbert W. Gee
President’s Address
Dwight Lin
President Dwight Lin spoke about the
tremendous strides the fraternity is
making towards improvement as well
as the significant we (and all fraternities) are facing as we move toward the
Guest Speaker
Blake Balajadia
Programming Ideas for Cultural
More Hardcore: A Look at Violence in
Cultural Fraternities
2007 Convention Attendee Satisfaction Survey
Entire Weekend
75% of respondents rated the weekend Excellent, Very
Good, or Good.
The Importance and Value of a Positive
Relationship with your Greek Advisor
The Best Vietnamese Sandwiches in
25 Ways to improve Recruitment
Recruitment is Year Round
General Business Meeting
Guest Speaker Blake Balajadia
Convention Dinner
Sports Day
76% of respondents rated the General Business Meeting
Excellent, Very Good, or Good
81% of respondents rated the Guest Speaker Excellent,
Very Good, or Good
71% of respondents rated the Convention Dinner as
Excellent, Very Good, or Good
46% or respondents rated the Sports Day as Excellent,
Very Good, or Good
How to Recruit Quality AND Quantity
Pi Alpha Phi Alumni
Scholarship Fund
Announcement of the $1000 annual
Herbert W. Gee scholarship
Expansion Vote
The University of Buffalo becomes the
newest colony of Pi Alpha Phi.
Downtown Disney
Finishing up the night at ESPN
SportsZone and the House of Blues.
by Keith Chu
It has long been overdue since our fraternity as a whole has done something on a large scale for our National Philanthropy, the
Jade Ribbon Campaign (JRC). The JRC was launched in May 2001 to spread awareness about hepatitis B and liver cancer in the
Asian community. With the help of organizations such as ours; the JRC has been able to reach other parts of the United States and
also other countries. The objective of the campaign is to increase awareness and provide ethnic-sensitive health information to
the API community and health professionals in an effort to reduce this major health disparity and improve API health.
Hepatitis B is a disease caused by infection with the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Infection with HBV can lead to cirrhosis of the liver,
liver failure, and liver cancer. The greatest health disparity between Asian Americans and white Americans is liver cancer, 80% of
which is caused by chronic hepatitis B infection. Approximately 10% of all Asian and Pacific Islander (API) Americans have chronic
hepatitis B infection compared with 0.1% of white Americans. Liver cancer rates are 9 times higher in Vietnamese Americans, 4
times higher in Korean Americans, and 4 times higher in Chinese Americans than white Americans.
The reason behind the Jade Ribbon is that jade has been considered to be the essence of heaven and earth. Jade is also believed
in many Asian cultures to bring good luck and longevity while deflecting negativity. The symbol of the JRC is folded like the Chinese character meaning “person” or “people,” symbolizing the united voices of those fighting hepatitis B and liver cancer worldwide.
A common hurdle to getting this project off the ground is obtaining the funding to help front the costs of obtaining the pins/
bracelets from the Asian Liver Center. Our UC Berkeley chapter has been successfully raising money on an annual basis by selling pins and bracelets and has been fortunate to have their student government grant them money to use for this fundraising
effort. Funding from student governments should be available to all chapters. Another option is having every active bro in your
chapter to commit themselves to selling a set number of pins/bracelets and fronting the money in advance. Selling pins/bracelets
should not be too difficult a task, especially with the large number of people available to sell to at all of our college campuses. It
might also be beneficial to perhaps partner and work with community service organizations or fraternities on your campus such
as Alpha Phi Omega, Circle K International (Kiwanis) and Roteract (Rotary International). More information will be sent to all of our
chapters regarding how to set up the pin/bracelet fundraising initiative. If all of our chapters participate and help raise money for
the JRC, no matter how small the amount we raise, collectively we’ll be able to make a big difference.
If any of you have questions about selling pins/bracelets or have ideas on other fundraisers, feel free to contact me by e-mail at
Hello fellow brothers! Many of you have met me, Nathan Aukerman, at the previous convention as your 2006-07 National
Treasurer. Others have merely heard my name floating around as national dues are trying to be collected. I am proud to be
representing for another term as your 2007-08 National Treasurer. As you have heard from the last convention as well as past
conventions, we still have a substantial national debt hanging over our heads. We are making slow and steady progress at
finally diminishing this debt; however this feat cannot be accomplished without the cooperation of each and every one of our
members nationally.
The major reasons why the collection of dues the past year and a half has been so difficult is the lack of communication as
well as simply lack of funds available. E-mail is an important mode of communication in today’s life with all of our busy schedules. Please remember to read and reply to emails in a timely fashion. If you do receive a phone call please make an effort
to return the call as soon as possible or at least write an email in response to the phone call. To solve the problem of lack of
funds, be sure to include all expected expenditures for the year. I advise you to add a reserve amount to account for unforeseen emergency purposes so that you do not go in the red at all and do not have the need for brothers to front money for any
reason whatsoever. Please do not hesitate to ask for assistance if needed.
Once dues are collected, the debt can finally be diminished and more of the dues can go straight towards benefiting the
chapters. This will include a national insurance policy which will give members some protection, should fraternal matters go
awry. There will also be more funds available to sponsor national brotherhood events and benefit the chapters and members
directly. We as national board cannot do anything to benefit the national members without money in the form of national
dues to operate. Safeguards and consequences are being put into place to help streamline dues collection and increase benefits. Please avoid the consequences and make sure you take national dues into consideration when creating your quarterly,
semesterly, and yearly budgets. So in answer to the question above: Who here wants some money? Pi Alpha Phi National
Fraternity does.
Chapter Updates
Gamma - UC Davis
by John Lee, Chapter President
Alpha - UC Berkeley
by Eric Nakagawa, Chapter President
After losing our house and recognition from the University last
year, I am happy to report that after much hard work and a recommitment to excellence, we got the Warring Street house back
and regained university recognition. Recruitment this semester
was crucial. We had a very successful rush, due in large part to the
help of other Nor Cal chapters and Willy Cheung from UW. We
crossed 9 guys in the Zeta Lambda pledge class of Fall 2007: Richard Din, Lawrence Leung, Tony Li, Ben Mo, Daniel Song, Shawn
Tsao, Anson Tsui, James Zheng, and Jason Wang. They’re all down
and enthusiastic to start the new semester and continue Pi Alpha
Phi’s tradition of excellence. In addition we crossed our Iota
Class of 9 lovely ladies into our lil sis program. This semester we
continued to strengthen relations with alumni and the university
through regularly scheduled meetings to update them about
our house such as philanthropies and pledging, which we hope
to continue this trend so that we can maintain credibility and
support. It was very important to keep an open dialog with the
university since this was our first semester back after our suspension and we wanted to let them know that we are willing to make
changes to the way we run things and put in effort to meet their
requirements in order to keep our charter. Bruce Chen, our philanthropy chair and a S2K7 ZK, led our house
in such projects as a bone marrow drive (that we participated
with many student groups including SOPis, KDPhis, Sigmas, and
Lambdas), Jade Ribbon publicity and fundraising, and a Trick or
Greek haunted house with the sigmas that was done through IFC
for local elementary school children. We are trying to keep the
JRC as something we do every semester. In total we completed
127 hours of community service and raised over 300 dollars for
the Asian Liver Center. We also participated in a charity dodgeball tournament to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
hosted by Kappa Gamma Delta, Berkeley’s premed sorority,
where we took 4th place. Jason Louie, our secretary and fundraising chair and a F2K5 ZTh,
led our house to help raise $6000 in fundraising. He utilized his
ASUC connections to help us get a concession booth at Berkeley’s
Memorial Stadium to raise money during football games. Too
bad our team did so bad. He also was instrumental in the writing
of and lobbying for a bill in the ASUC Senate to secure money to
sponsor our JRC philanthropy so we could buy bracelets and pins. Coming up we are going on a snowboard trip to Tahoe with our
lil sisses in January, where we are also going to take time to finalize things for rush and train our new guys in some of the ways it
takes to be a good active. As the year is coming to an end, Gamma Chapter (UC Davis)
once again had a successful quarter. In the Fall, we started
off with 20 actives and ended the quarter with an addition
of 4 initiates. We crossed 4 strong pledges for the Alpha
Omicron F2k7 Class.
- Will Coville
- Dale Hata
- Kevin Hernon
- Kevinh Nguyen
I would have to say that Gamma chapter had a very successful quarter. We would also like to thank all the bros who
came up from SoCal during Thanksgiving weekend.This
was a great opportunity to get to know other brothers of Pi
Alpha Phi. To end this quarter.. we elected all new cabinet
to lead our chapter into a new quarter.
Epsilon - UC Riverside
by Patrick Pham, Chapter President
Epsilon chapter had a very successful quarter. We finally
paid off our debts. Starting in the Spring, we’ll be off probation. We elected a new cabinet. If any chapters are having
trouble raising money, I would suggest working security
with a security company, as that is how we’ve been raising
money. Also, we’ve been having fundraising nights at a
local Pho restaurant, which pulls in about $100 each time.
We’ve been helping out at the local homeless shelter every
other week. Regarding academics, we received a certificate
from the school recognizing us as having the highest combined chapter GPA in our council!
For the Winter Quarter, we’ll be rushing guys and little
sisses. If you have any friends that are attending UCR, let
them know. Other than that, have a great break and a safe
holiday. Good luck to all the chapters this year!
Chapter updates
Zeta - UC Santa Cruz
by Herman Yu, Chapter President
The Zeta Chapter of Pi Alpha Phi has finally started rolling and
moving out of our recent slump. We crossed three new initiates
(Jake Laya, Timothy Leung, and Brandon Godina of the Alpha
Beta class) in the Spring of 2007.
This quarter, the Zeta Chapter crossed two additional initiates
#99 Andy Li and #100 Hubert Chen of the Alpha Gamma class.
This brings our active house to a total of seven active members,
with two alumni and one inactive member who all still currently
reside in Santa Cruz.
Iota - Michigan
by Benjamin Hwang, Chapter President
By serving as President of the University of Michigan Iota Chapter, I have gained a lot of insight within the fraternity. We have
accomplished many things semester including:
Socials carried outside of Asian community with KDPhi, Theta
Nu Xi, Sigma Lambda Gamma
Fundraising over $600 dollars as an organization
We currently still have a house where we are able to conduct
Philanthropy- Jade Ribbon Campaign : set up flyers and posted
events. Though the house is not able to hold too many people in in Angell Hall increasing awareness for Hepatitis B; additionally
the event of large gatherings, it has worked well for us.
handed out flyers on Diag // Humane Society
We are currently planning the installation ceremony for our
Volunteered for the Humane Society
Alpha Alpha, Alpha Beta, and Alpha Gamma classes, scheduled
Set up philanthropy events with K-Grams and possible proto be held in San Jose in mid-February.
grams with sororities
We have been maintaining good relations with other organizations and sororities.. We plan to have more exchanges with other Successful Brotherhood events ranging from brotherhood dinorganizations next quarter to better our relations and build bet- ners and paintball
ter ties with other schools.
Participated in the Annual Chinese Dragon Boat Festival at Gallop Park
We have focused most of our efforts to fundraising, as we have
been personally financing our rushes in the past. We have done
many events such as supervising Bingo events in Santa Clara,
and selling beverages and food at football games. These funds
generated through these events have funded our activities very
well, and I encourage bros from other chapter to look into similar
Overall, our chapter has started off on a good note with around
$2000 in our account, and with two newly crossed initiates. We
plan to maintain our momentum throughout the year, and continue crossing quality bros.
Eta - UC Irvine
by Richard Bee, Chapter President
Eta chapter has crossed 2 new brothers in spring (Chi Class)
as well as 8 new potential brothers (Psi pledge class). There
is no doubt in my mind that we will continue to progress
in rush and in school. One thing that has been lacking this
quarter is the brotherhood events we have had with one another, this is definitely something I will work on next quarter. Bro’s seem to have no motivation to rush, and I feel by setting something “fun” to do other than pledging is a good way
to keep the flame burning. I am trying to set up something
new this year which is a ski-trip. I am trying my best to keep
in good relations with the multi-cultural greek advisor as well
as the dean of students judiciary office. We have done a philanthropy with the kdphi’s, the operation x-mas child, which
was a great success. Involved in Taste of Culture at Trotter House
Areas of brothers involved in Michigan community: FASA, club
tennis, Neuroscience department at U of M, AIV, APA, MGC,
UAAO, ASB, TASA, Element 1, Danny Freeman band, CSA, and
MGC Steering Committee
As you can see, this semester has been chalk full of events
that have kept us busy. My goals in increasing Asian Awareness, Academics, and Philanthropy were something that I had
wanted to do.
I have to give props to Andrew Lee (Secretary and Fundraising) for actually helping us raise over $600 in fundraising. We
haven’t fundraised in the past 2 years and by initiating this
amount is something I have to give credit to him for.
I have to give credit to Lawrence Own (Secretary and Philanthropy) for setting up our Philanthropy events. I am proud that
he initiated our first philanthropy event in almost 3 years.
Simon Lin (VP) has always been there for me and backed me
up in the direction we had wanted the house to go in. Looking
back, he has constantly been supportive. Lastly, I have to give
the biggest credit to Dave Cho, PM for Xi Class and my son. I’ve
seen him grow up from the moment he crossed into this house
and to see him lead a class is something that I am proud of him
for. He has matured tremendously as person and individual
and I have no doubt in mind that we will be a great President.
I am proud to announce the upcoming E-board for the Winter
2k8 term.
President : David Cho, Vice President: Kyle Welton
Treasurer: Andrew Lee, Secretary: Doyon Kim
Chapter Updates
MU - Michigan state
by Dave Jung, Chapter President
MSU crossed 6 new strong initiates into the house this past
semester. Mu chapter has about 20 bros still around including 2 alumni, 3 inactives, and 7 initiates. We had a very
successful rush and crossed 6 pledges. Mu chapter participated in a number of philanthropy events such as Aids Walk
and Hidden Pearl. We profited from two successful club
parties and multiple canned food drives. Fall 2k7 Pledge Class: PM Dave Cho, PD : Dayon Kim
Brian Kobashigawa, Evan Kuei, Alex Chou, Anthony Loh, Chris Hang
I have learned a considerable amount as my position of President. This position has humbled me. Being accountable for
everything from pledging to fundraising has made me into a
better individual. I have had an incredible E-board and actives
who in turn made my presidency a smooth one. I have good
faith that the future of the house is in good hands with David
Cho as President and with the leadership qualities he brings to
the house, the alumni do not need to worry.
If you have any other questions or concerns for this term, please
direct them to me at . I have cherished
my Presidency and I grateful for this opportunity. Thank you and
I hope to see you all soon.
Kappa - Arizona
by Nam Ho, Chapter President
At the beginning of the semester our chapter was financially
unstable and members holding chairs did not have the experience to fill their responsibility. The only thing that was accomplished was a due system. The treasurer establish a due system
with greekbill and kappa chapter is out of debt. All the school
dues has been paid and national dues. As for other chairs only 2
philanthropies has been set up, no fund raising, and only small
social. A big issue was the resigning of presidency. Our President had to step down due to some personal problems leaving
the house leaderless for the transition period. I have done my
best to re-established our foundation and now I think we are
prepared for next semester. All chairs elected are qualified and
responsible. UofA’s Greek system will be implementing the
“Standards of Excellence” program next semester. It is essential
to accomplish the requirements in order to stay recognized. So
the house is using the basing recognition of the 5 pillars around
the standards of excellence.
This past semester MSU made some significant changes
to be better organized and set up inter-chapter communication list serve. (Alumni, Bros, lil Sis) We also set up an
alumni donation account.
Mu chapter had a great semester. We are planning a 5th
year anniversary along with installing 3 classes from MSU,
possibly 2 classes from Umich, and 1 class from UNC. We
expect this event to be the largest East Coast event that
paphi has ever seen. The date is set for the second weekend of April.
Chapter Updates
NU - North Carolina
by Mitchell Luong, Chapter President
Accomplishments of the UNC Nu Chapter for Fall 2007
October 6th – Ronald McDonald House for three hours cooking
food for the kids there and also we helped to clean the house.
Five bros went to the event.
November 4th – Cultural potluck with all the other Asian organizations on campus. Had a good turnout of around 50 people.
November 7th-9th – We had our bi-annual Doughnut Challenge.
Raised $50 for Jade Ribbon Campaign
November 10th - Crossed 3 pledges: Larry Du, Leo Chen, and Tai
Nguyen into the new UNC - Iota Class. We now have a total number of 35 bros that have crossed into this chapter.
UCSB Class Building a Haunted Maze for Halloween
November 17th – Highway cleanup with aKDPhi for four hours.
We had eight bros attend.
Associate - Washington
by James Lo, Chapter President
UW associate chapter has had a much improved fall quarter over
last year. If our success continues through winter quarter and into
spring, we plan on applying for chapter status consideration.
During Summer 2007, the chapter participated in the Seattle
Chinatown Summer Festival. It is the largest Pan-Asian event in
the Pacific Northwest. There were lion and dragon dances, taiko At the Seattle Chinatown Summer Festival
drumming, and the annual Karaoke Idol singing contest.
At the beginning of the Fall quarter, our house’s roster consisted
of 8 actives, and 3 active associates. We held a successful Eta Class
rush, and crossed 7 pledges. We plan on holding rush (and, if successful, pledge) during both winter and spring quarter such that
to boost our active roster.
“Easy” Eta Class
Justin Chan
Jinu Park
Terrence Tep
Steve Gillie
Blaine Matsuura
Wei Dai
Eric Choi
In addition, each member of our chapter completes at least 10
hours of community service per quarter.
From left to right on the bottom row:
#35 Eric Choi, #34 Wei Dai, #30 Jinu Park,
#32 Stephen Gillie, #33 Blaine M., #29 Justin Chan, #31 Terence Tep
Chapter Updates
Associate - UCSB
by Kendrick Hui, Chapter President
the process of putting together a portfolio of our accomplishments to present to the council at the end of the quarter.
Every quarter, our chapter hosts one major philanthropy
event. So far, we have participated in AIDS Walk of Santa Barbara, we have hosted a blood drive that drew a good number
of donors, and we raised money participated in Relay for Life
by the American Cancer Society, and built a haunted maze in
conjunction with Lambda Theta Alpha (a Latina sorority) at a
park for the local children to celebrate Halloween 2007. In addition, we regularly volunteer at the local Boys and Girls Club
for community service, with every brother performing at least
10 hours a quarter helping children with homework, doing
manual labor shoveling dirt, or just having a good time taking
care of them.
UCSB Charter Class
The UC Santa Barbara Associate Chapter of Pi Alpha Phi, established in Spring 2006, have experienced many things that have
kept our brotherhood strong. We crossed our Alpha and Beta
classes and continued to establish ourselves on campus, participated in activities held by Asian interest organizations, served the
community in the Santa Barbara area, all while strengthening our
brotherhood and keeping our grades up.
On March 28, 2007, under the guidance of Pledge Master Julian
Pulle and Pledge Dad Kendrick Hui, we crossed 3 new brothers of
Alpha Class into our chapter: #10 Albert Son, #11 Josh Cortez, and
#12 Jia-Wen Wang (PC). These three gentlemen have been a great
addition to our chapter and we look forward to crossing more
brothers just like them.
On December 12, 2007, Pledge Master Hayato Wong and Pledge
Dad Adam Fremlin crossed a strong Beta Class of 7: #13 John
Pham, #14 Sid Ho (PC), #15 Jason Shen, #16 Karl Koo, #17 Jay
Xue, #18 Peter Hsia, #19 Randy Fan. Since their crossing, we have
doubled the size of our chapter. Six of our newest brothers are
freshman and will have a long time to build a strong foundation
for our chapter.
This coming Winter Quarter, we will have our first Lil’ Sis Program.
Many girls, both affiliated and GDIs, have expressed interest in
being Lil’ Sis for us. Our relationship with the local sororities have
been improving as they are coming to us to ask for cooperative
events and we are getting more invitations to their parties than
we used to.
As of now, our chapter is in good standing with the school and is
looking to get into the United Fraternity and Sorority Council for
university recognition. Winter Quarter will mark the end of the
1-year probationary period that our chapter had to be in existence in order to present to the council for acceptance. We are in
Helping at the Boys and Girls Club
Brothers in our chapter are involved in other Asian interest
clubs such as the Vietnamese Student Association, Cambodian Student Union, Taiwanese American Student Association,
and Chinese Lion Dance. We perform in culture shows and
participate in ethnic festivals in pursuit of Asian Awareness.
Every now and then we kick it with each other to keep the
brotherhood strong. We have had BBQs, kickbacks, parties,
and other small events. As our house grows, we continually
revive our brotherhood as we remember why we chose to
charter and pledge for Pi Alpha Phi. The future for our chapter
looks promising and we will continue to work to put our fraternity on the map as one of the elite fraternities in existence.
upcoming events
winter rush at selected chapters
regional meetings
january 12
founders day
february 1
chinese new year parade
february 23
east coast anniversary tri-installs
april 12-13
national convention
april 18-20
The Purpose of this Fraternity is to encourage higher scholastic
achievements in the Light of Truth, and to promote that Bond
of Brotherhood - from the Pi Alpha Phi Constitution
F 07
Pi Alpha Phi
National Asian American Fraternity