the complete edition of Semper Fall 2010


the complete edition of Semper Fall 2010
Vol. I No. I
Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Alpha Chapter
Fuerza | Integridad | Amistad
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Alumni Board of Directors
Gilberto “Denni” Diaz
Felderi “Cibao” Santiago
Chief Financial Officer
Hansel “Muñeco” Baez
Chief Technology Officer
Jose “Berroa” Feliz
Undergraduate Advisor
Carlos “Asturiano” Anton
General Council
Undergraduate Executive Board
Oscar “De La Hoya” Almendarez
Fiallo “Loki” Fermin
Miguel “Capitan” Granda
Victor “Ingeniero” Marrero
Joe “Pescao” Matos
Gustavo “Fiscalito” Rivera
Wilson “Chilly Wil” Santiago
Robert “Edukado” Saylo
Moises “Toletero” Polanco
Message from the Chairman
Letter from the President
Rensselaer has provided us with an
extraordinary education that has given
us the fundamental tools to change the
world. Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity has
given us a brotherhood and extended
family to guide and focus this change.
For those of you that do not know me,
my name is Robert “Edukado” Saylo
and I am writing to inform you that
I have been elected President of our
fraternity for the 2010 Fall Semester. I
pledged Phi Iota Alpha in the spring of
2007 because of professionalism and
the family unity that the brothers before
me have shown. During my three years
as an undergraduate brother, I have
witnessed different spectrums of
leadership and numerous good and bad
memories of my beloved fraternity. Previously I have served as Secretary,
Academic Chair, Precursor and Protector.
Beginning on October 4, 2009, over 50
alumni gathered to discuss the future
of the Chapter. The meeting concluded
with the formation of the Alpha Chapter
Alumni Association (ACAA). The
purpose of ACAA is to support and encourage brothers in their continued
pursuit of knowledge and assist in the development of each individual as
a role model within the Pan-American community. The goal is to create
opportunities for brothers to make connections and access the untapped
resources available to the fraternity. The atmosphere of Integridad and
Amistad created by these efforts will secure the chapter as one of the
premier fraternal organizations at RPI. Together as a family of prepared
and united brothers, we have the capability to demonstrate the true Fuerza
of Phi Iota Alpha.
Through the collaborated efforts of ACAA and the Undergraduate
Executive Board, we proudly present our first issue of Semper, the official
Alpha Chapter newsletter. Within you will find highlights on alumni and
undergraduate brothers who continue to commit endless hours of service
to the Pan-American community.
Their efforts have made the 2009-2010 academic year a success. The Alpha
• represented the largest alumni group in attendance during the 2009 RPI
Alumni Reunion weekend.
• coordinated over 30 successful events both on and off campus.
• raised over $4,000 towards philanthropic initiatives, i.e. Haiti Relief.
• awarded 2 academic scholarships in the spring semester.
• received the Campus Involvement award by the Interfraternity Council.
Phi Iota Alpha as a national fraternal organization is making significant
strategic advances. We are currently 35 chapters strong, with 30 active
colonies spanning from the east coast to the west coast of the United States.
We have exceeded 2,000 brothers and continue to grow. Additionally, Alpha
Chapter brothers represent the largest group of actively involved brothers
within Nationals. These accomplishments should be celebrated by all as it is
a reflection of the dedication we continue to embody as lifetime members.
Jeremy “Malaya” Coyle
But I feel our work is still only beginning. We must continue to re-connect
and re-discover brothers across generations to fully appreciate the deep
fraternal bond within us.
James “Malakas” Villanueva
I would like to thank all alumni who have contributed to ACAA and the
fraternity; a special thanks to Jorge “el Checito” Goldstein, our guest speaker
for the Alumni Dinner on Saturday, October 16, 2010. These brothers are all
fully committed to serving the Alpha Chapter as they continue to dedicate
time and resources to this organization.
Hector “Chistro” Toro
Social Chairman
Andres “Calicol” Lizarralde
Recruitment Chairman
Phi Iota Alpha
I look forward to seeing many of you at Alumni Weekend.
“Si tenemos corazon!”
The best type of leader is one that has a clear vision of what he wants
to accomplish. For next semester I have two major goals, which is to
improve Alpha Chapter’s relationship with the RPI community and
administration and to make sure that the current brothers of Alpha
Chapter are well trained for next year. I plan to improve relations with
the RPI community by doing events such as our Basketball Tournament
with other organizations and by supporting their events. Improving
relationships with RPI administration takes time and hard work. By
making sure that our fraternity is excelling both internally and within
the community, this will show that Phi Iota Alpha is an essential part of
RPI. This coupled with getting to know the administration personally will
drastically improve our relationship with RPI administration.
The future of Alpha Chapter relies on our new members, which is why
it is imperative to teach them our current practices and why different
ones failed in the past. I plan to do this by showing them the basics of
running a fraternity such as planning internally and getting to know the
community better. I would also stress the importance of networking with
the RPI administration and recruitment by showing them recruitment
strategies and networking skills. A common problem that I have noticed
throughout the years is that fraternal work can be time consuming for
my brothers and sometimes discouraging. One solution to this is to focus
on what the fraternity can give back to its brothers. Examples of this
would include professional mentoring before a career fair, an extensive
database of past RPI school work and more importantly an opportunity
for brothers to prove their leadership skills. Being an active brother in the
fraternity has taught me a lot of lessons that RPI alone cannot and I want
to pass these lessons learned to the newer brothers.
I plan to work much with the Alpha Chapter Alumni Association
with both these goals; they have proven to be an invaluable asset to
the undergraduates this past semester. The amount of support that
they have given us is enormous which is why it is essential for us as an
undergraduate chapter to work with them. I look forward an exciting but
challenging semester.
Robert “Edukado” Saylo
Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Alpha Chapter
Gilberto “Denni” Diaz
Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Alpha Chapter Alumni Association
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Table of Contents
Alpha Chapter Alumni Association
Outstanding Alumni
Alumni Weekend
Connecticut Expansion
Phiota Fit!
Phiota Softball/Announcements
Capital Region Spring Formal
Phiota Scholarships
Calendar of Events
Oct 1-2
NSBE/SHPE Career Fair
Oct. 9
Montreal Road Trip
Oct. 12 Dia De La Raza Celebration
Oct. 15-17 Alumni Weekend-RPI
Oct. 29-31 SHPE NTCC Cincinnati
Nov. 6
FIA Paintball Warz
Nov. 13
Thanksgiving Dinner
Nov. 14
FIA/PAL Fight Night
Dec. 18
ACAA Holiday Fundraiser
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Alpha Chapter
Outstanding Alumni
Alpha Chapter
Alumni Association
Left: Phiotas from the early
1960s; Abelardo Lechter,
Ph.D., then and now
Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity strives to be a leading force behind the
Pan-American movement.
ACAA Mission
Phi Iota Alpha’s Alpha Chapter Alumni Association is dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and
the development of global leaders cognizant of the needs within the Pan-American community. The
brotherhood is a united family who respects every human being and is committed to the promotion
and preservation of the fundamental core values found within the Pan-American culture: Fuerza,
Integridad and Amistad.
ACAA Benefits
ACAA Results
An extended family of brothers constantly supporting and encouraging one another to pursue
success in careers and life.
A network of loyal brothers eager to promote Phiota leaders within organizations across the
A dedicated team focused on the integrity and value of the Phiota brand on the RPI campus
and throughout the world.
A unified voice supporting the needs of the Alpha Chapter brothers to Nationals.
Access to discounted tickets for sporting events, concerts, comedy shows, etc.
Largest alumni group in attendance at the 2009 RPI Alumni Reunion weekend.
Raised over $4,000 towards philanthropic initiatives, i.e. Chile Relief.
Awarded 2 academic scholarships in the spring semester.
Received the Campus Involvement award by the Interfraternity Council (IFC).
Coordinated over 30 successful events both on and off campus.
ACAA members and guests received free and discounted tickets to Yankees, Giants and Jets
games, a comedy show starring Gabriel “Fluffy” Iglesias, and a weekend trip to Mount Snow.
To become an active member, email
PHIOTA : Semper Parati
On October 16, 2010, ACAA will launch the Semper Parati Campaign - a call to
revitalize and enrich the Alpha Chapter with resources to ensure its future as the
model Greek organization at Rensselaer.
Through this campaign, we seek to raise $31,000 in one year to secure a down
payment for a Pan-American Study & Cultural Center. This center will serve
as a housing facility for future Phiotas as well as an environment that promotes
academic excellence and cultural awareness.
prepare phiota for the future:
Suggested donation for 2010: $250 per brother.
Additional contributions welcomed.
Phi Iota Alpha
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ACAA would like to thank
the following brothers for
providing financial support to
the Chapter in 2010:
Jenin “Jendy” Adames
Oscar “De La Hoya” Almendarez
Hansel “Muñeco” Baez
Paul “El Niño Pol” Basantes
Gilberto “Denni” Diaz
Jose “Berroa” Feliz
Fiallo “Loki” Fermin
Miguel “Capitan” Granda
Ruben “Cache” Guerrero
Furgencio “Quisqueya” Herrera
Victor “Ingeniero” Marrero
Joe “Pescao” Matos
Gustavo “Fiscalito” Rivera
Felderi “Cibao” Santiago
Wilson “Chilly Wil” Santiago
Abelardo Lechter, Ph.D.
Named One of the Fifty Most Influential Latinos
in the Greater Philadelphia Area
Dr. Lechter was born and raised in Colombia and
graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
with a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering, a
Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering and a
Ph.D. in Management.
In the early 1960s, he became a member of Phi
Iota Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Remaining true to the
beliefs instilled by his beloved fraternity, he served
as President and is the current Chairman of the
Pan American Association of Philadelphia, a non
profit organization founded in 1940 “to promote
better understanding among the peoples of the
Americas.” Additionally, he serves on the Board of
Congreso de Latinos Unidos, an organization that
services the Hispanic community of Philadelphia.
“I know that in the future many of
the members of Phi Iota Alpha will
assume positions of leadership in
their own countries and in their
Hispanic community here in the
U.S.,” stated Dr. Lechter. “That is
a reflection of the values we adopt
when we become members of Phi
Iota Alpha, a precious legacy we
received from our founders, now
more than one hundred years old.”
Currently living in Pennsylvania, Abelardo
Jorge A. Goldstein, Ph.D., Esq.
Lawyer, Doctor, Author, Speaker, Phiota!
In the late 1960s, on 3rd Street in Troy, Jorge
Goldstein, just off the plane from Buenos Aires,
found the headquarters of Phi Iota Alpha.
The chapter president at that time was Diego
Bonifaz, the son of an Ecuadorian landowner
and a true believer in social justice. Diego and his
passions for Panamericanismo, convinced Jorge
to join Phiota. “I joined because of the passions
shared by hermanos like Diego and because of
my longing to belong some place that felt like
home...I not only discovered in Phiota the values
of Panamericanismo established by the pillars...I
discovered hermanos.”
Jorge (el “Checito”) Goldstein graduated from
RPI in 1971 with his BS in Chemistry. He
pursued multiple degrees in Harvard and George
Washington University and conducted research at
MIT. He is a founding director of Sterne Kessler
Goldstein and Fox, PLLC, an IP law firm in
DC. The Legal
after a poll
of clients and
peers, chose
him twice as
a “Leading
Lawyer.” In
2003 as one
of the top
IP Attorneys
and again in
2006 as one
of the top
Life Sciences Attorneys. In 2007 he was chosen to
be a “D.C. Superlawyer,” by The New York Times
and was also named in Best Lawyers in America,
from 2009 to 2011.
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“I have warm memories of Phi Iota Alpha
and have been very proud of its rebirth
and expansion over the last two decades.
Throughout my life I have carried with me
the noble ideals of our fraternity.”
Lechter, Ph.D., is the President and founder of
Lefa International of King Prussia, PA. Lefa
International acts as a representative of several
foreign companies in the United States. It identifies
investment opportunities and participates in joint
ventures in Latin America.
Prior to founding Lefa, Dr. Lechter was President
of Mowlem USA. He is a member of the
Board of Directors of IMA S.A., the largest
furniture company in Colombia and Ritchi S.A.,
a manufacturer and retailer of apparel products
in South America.
Dr. Goldstein has published and lectured
internationally on patent law, industry-university
relations, patent interference practice, patent pools,
and several biotechnology and bioinformatics
topics. He maintains an active pro bono practice
dealing mostly with indigenous rights and
biodiversity prospecting in the developing world.
He is fluent in Spanish and German and proficient
in several other languages.
“Your task in life hermanos is to
discover who you really are, let the
world know who you are, speak it
out loud and clear ... our institutional
identity may evolve and change; it
is natural, it is even expected, but
the doors of identity never quite
slam shut. Look into the old rooms
every now and then and recover from
them those parts that will enrich our
present and our future.”
OCTOBER 15 - 17, 2010
25 Year Revival Anniversary
October 2nd – October 4th, 2009 brought
back hundreds of Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute (RPI) alumni to their alma mater
for homecoming, as well as, numerous
class reunions. Among them were over 50
Phi Iota Alpha alumni present to
celebrate the 25th Anniversary of
the Revival of the Chapter. During the
weekend the fraternity met to discuss the state
of the chapter, as well as, updates on the RPI
campus. Concerns were raised regarding the
absence of the BRIDGE and HEOP (Higher
Education Opportunity Program) programs
at RPI. Several of the alumni present
were beneficiaries of the resources and
opportunities provided by these programs.
As a result of the unified voice, a committee
was formed to research alternative programs
that will provide similar benefits to the RPI
After the meeting, six re-establishing
brothers reunited with Dr. Eddie
Knowles, Vice-President of Student
Life. Dr. Knowles played a critical role
in 1984 by supporting and approving the
re-establishment of Phi Iota Alpha. The
encounter provided the alumni with the
opportunity to thank Dr. Knowles for his
continued support of the fraternity.
The weekend reached its culmination at
Brunswick Greens; over 75 brothers and guests
gathered to celebrate the 25th Anniversary
of the re-establishment of Phi Iota Alpha.
William “Silencioso” Feliciano, one of the reestablishing brothers and the keynote speaker
for the evening had this to say on the subject:
“There is a lot to life, and as alumni, we need
to let our young brothers know that moral
values and good character are important
elements for a happy, productive life. The
early founders of our fraternity back in 1931
knew this. That is why I believe that they
made the letter Iota stand for integrity.
The Scholastic dictionary defines integrity
as ‘moral soundness, uprightness’. Moral
soundness, that means doing the right thing
at all times, being compassionate, being
considerate….being gentlemen. May my
beautiful daughters someday, as women,
witness for themselves the greatness of
Phi Iota Alpha by the caliber of men
that have graduated from it – that Phiota
men may in their eyes be the standard of a
gentleman and of excellence - that someday
they may feel proud that their father played a
small role in that.”
The weekend proved to be successful and
productive for all involved and the Alpha
Chapter would like to thank: Geoffrey
Seber (Associate Advancement Officer of
the Alumni House for Rensselaer), Norris
By Jose Soto
Connecticut Regional Director
Pearson (Manager of Operations for the
Houston Field House), Dr. Eddie Knowles
(Vice-President of Student life), Sigma Delta
Sorority Inc., Carlos Famadas (Chairman of
Phi Iota Alpha), Jason Nicolau (Executive
Director of Phi Iota Alpha), Phi Iota Alpha
Delta Chapter, and Phi Iota Alpha Eta
Chapter for their commitment to the vision
of the fraternity.
The Alpha Chapter is currently planning this
year’s Alumni Weekend on October
15th - 17th, 2010. All are invited to
bring brothers, family and friends
to reconnect and be inspired by
our Keynote Speaker, Dr. Jorge “el
Checito” Goldstein.
Calendar of events listed on page 7.
Above: Willy Feliciano
Left: Nelson Corchado, Eddie Feliciano, Dr. Eddie
Knowles, Willy Feliciano, Joe Matos & Hansel Baez
Phi Iota Alpha
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When I pledged in the fall of 2005, I
didn’t know or expect that my involvement
Left to right: David “Primario” Hernandez, Jose “Bayaney” Soto, Bladimir “Tierra del Fuego” Ysabel,
as a Phiota would be as extensive as it has
Shabrielee “Mira Flores” Matias, Jonhatan “Caliunico” Aragon
been these past couple of years. One of the
questions I was asked during my candidate interview was that since I Most notably Andrew “Juramento” Cañarte, Jose “Cachetes” Cañarte,
was pledging my senior year, how would I expect to represent what a Fiallo “Loki” Fermin, Ryan “Umagos” Dayrit, Xavier “Eieri” Perez,
Phiota is as an alumnus? I don’t remember what I replied, but I’m sure William “Silencioso” Feliciano and Alpha undergrads during the Spring
it had nothing to do with helping the expansion of the Fraternity into ‘08 and Spring ‘09 semesters. Your unwavering dedication has provided
me with the strength needed to spearhead a critical expansion towards the
development of the Yale Colony in the fall of 2009. It is
Alpha brothers played an instrumental role by supporting me when I your unconditional support that continues to motivate me and ensure the
sought advice on how to pledge the first solo candidate while I was alone success of our new colonies.
in Connecticut. They were also a support network for the candidate
through all the milestones that this current brother had to undergo. I am The region continues to have a lot of motivation and the potential to
proud to say that the University of Hartford Colony has expand continues, with short term expansion goals consisting of two more
thrived, and currently has three active undergrads, with schools within the next year, and I know Alpha will continue to offer their
the potential of another three initiating next fall.
support as we move forward.
My heartfelt thanks goes out to all the Alpha brothers who helped me in
the development of this region, your support has been indispensable, and
the Connecticut region will forever have a bond to Alpha because of it.
If any brother is interested in becoming involved with the brotherhood
in Connecticut, especially those who reside in the area, please feel free to
contact me at
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Softball Teams
Then & Now
Labor Day weekend is now an official Phi Iota Alpha
weekend. For the “BrainTrust,” the unofficial fantasy
football team of the Alpha Chapter, it is a yearly
reunion where last year’s victor enjoys the spoils as
the group kicks-off the next seasons picks.
Above: Jose Feliz
Left: Jose Feliz, Carlos Anton, Felderi Santiago &
Giancarlos Rojas
The simplest formula for
weight loss includes burning
off more calories than what the individual
consumes. In order to lose one pound of
body weight, the body must create a calorie
deficit of 3,500 calories. To lose one pound
in a week would mean burning 500 calories
per day. Most runners can easily burn off
this many calories in less than one hour of
exercise, cyclists can burn off more than
double this amount in around 1 hour and 20
minutes of cycling.
Some Alpha brothers living in the Tri-State
area are fully aware of these numbers and
are training together to achieve physical
fitness, spend quality time and support
worthy causes.
In May of 2010, Gilberto Diaz, Jose Feliz
and Giancarlos Rojas participated in the Bear
Mountain Half Marathon run. Additionally,
Jose Feliz, Ruben Guerrero, Giancarlos Rojas
and Danny Rojas participated in the New
York City Triathlon back and Carlos Anton
flew solo in the New Jersey Triathlon in July.
Cyclists Carlos Anton, Gilberto Diaz, Jose
Feliz, Erick Gargantiel, Ruben Guerrero and
Felderi Santiago have participated in several
bike tours in 2010.
Coloring the Mountains
Red, White, Navy Blue & Gold!
La revolución is already underway to take over
the mountains. In the North East, Rensselaer
Phiotas are leading the charge. We are bringing a
new group to the slopes, the young professional
Phiota Man.
diversify the number of skiers and snowboarders
hitting the slopes. Last year’s season trips included
visits to Killington, Belvedere, Utah, Nevada, and
“We are athletic, diverse and eager to dominate the
slopes across the country,” stated Felderi Santiago.
“As our numbers grow each year, we are exposing
members of the Pan-American community to a
new frontier of adventure.”
The largest event was sponsored by ACAA with
50 riders eager to take advantage of a weekend at
Mount Snow, VT. The weekend package included
hotel rooms, condos, lessons, and discounted
weekend tickets. Many brought family and friends
to share in the experience.
While at RPI many brothers did not join the ski/
snowboarding club because it was a sport that
few had been exposed to in their youth. But over
the last few years, Phit Iota Alpha has begun to
“It was awesome! Everyone had a great time,”
stated Oscar Almendarez. “Half were novice, and
half were intermediate, but everyone was willing
to teach and learn.”
If you are
in participating
in future trips
please contact
to be added to the
email distribution.
These brothers have helped raise over $1,000
this year in support of organizations like the
American Cancer Association and National
MS Society. Whether to raise money to find a
cure or just to be competitive these brothers
represent the physical strength of Phi Iota
Alpha. They actively ride in Westchester,
New York City and Northern New Jersey.
Phi Iota Alpha
For the past four years, Alpha brothers have
participated in the National Phiota Softball
Tournament. The tournament includes over 100
brothers from chapters near and far. In 2009, the
Capital Region team, made up of Alpha and Delta
brothers, combined forces to overthrow the defending
champions Gamma Chapter and captured their first
softball tournament championship.
Right: Alpha brothers
alongside Delta brothers
proudly display their first
place medals.
Alpha brothers from
left to right:
OJ Sanchez, Gilberto Diaz,
Moises Polanco,
Omar Duarte &
Felderi Santiago
Missing in action:
Sam Alaskewicz,
Carlos Anton &
Kevin Chean
The team would like to thank the family and friends
that came by to cheer and feed the players during
this two day event, which include the Chean, Diaz,
Duarte, Polanco and Sanchez families.
“We hope we have done our alumni brothers proud,
especially the 1964 softball team photographed
above,” stated Gilberto Diaz.
Graduating Brothers 2010
Academic/Professional Awards
We would like to congratulate the brothers that graduated in May or will be
graduating in December:
»» Raphael “Malupit” Barretto BS Mechanical Engineering
»» Ricardo “Arkitecto” Cantu BS Architecture
»» Jeffrey “Amable” Musante BS Electrical Engineering
»» Anthony “Bonchorra” Peña BS Industrial and Management
»» Moises “Toletero” Polanco BS Aeronautical/Mechanical Engineering
»» Gustavo “Fiscalito” Rivera-Rosario BS Aeronautical Engineering
»» Robert “Edukado” Saylo BS Electrical/Computer Systems
»» Julian “Verdolaga” Torres MS Industrial and Management Engineering
& BS Mechanical Engineering
»» Victor “Ingeniero” Marrero Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering
Gustavo “Fiscalito” Rivera-Rosario was inducted into the Order of Omega
Fraternity Awards
Expanding Families
»» Norris Pearson, Alpha Chapter Undergraduate Advisor: Greek Advisor
of the Year 2009-2010
»» Phi Iota Alpha, Alpha Chapter: Campus Involvement Award
Hispanic IT Executive Council (HITEC) Hispanic Rising Stars in IT 2010:
»» Felderi “Cibao” Santiago
»» Gilberto “Denni” Diaz
»» Hansel “Muñeco” Baez
Wedding Bells
Djihar “Akbar” Bah-Traore and Aliya Bah Rabiou
Daniel “El Juez” Ciufo and Rachel Ciufo
Erick “El Fili” Gargantiel and Melissa Bonilla
Arquelio “Nene” Semidey and Erika Garcia
»» Kevin “Kane” Chean proud father of second daughter, Ellie Chean.
»» Miguel “Capitan” Granda proud father of daughter, Ayanna Granda
»» Jose “Cachetes” Cañarte proud father of son, Eduardo Cañarte
To submit announcements for the next issue of Semper, please email
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Phiota Fit!
Health, Brothers
& Awareness
Capital Region
Spring Formal
Troy “Coracão” Santos
Memorial Scholarship
By Gustavo Rivera-Rosario
By Fiallo Fermin
On Saturday, May 1, 2010 the Alpha, Delta and Eta Chapters held the first
FIA Capital Region Spring Formal. The event involved three New York State
colleges: RPI, SUNY Albany & Union College. The purpose of the event
was to highlight the accomplishments of FIA Capital Region throughout the
2009-2010 academic year.
On April 29, 2010 at the Office of Minority Student
Affairs (OMSA) end of the year award banquet, the
brothers of Phi Iota Alpha – Alpha Chapter awarded
two Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute students
scholarships for the upcoming year.
There were a total of 64 attendees including undergraduate and alumni
brothers from the Alpha and Eta Chapters. Representatives from Sigma Delta
Sorority, Inc., Sigma Iota Alpha Sorority, Inc., Omega Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
and Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. were present in support of the
fraternity. Due to the collaborative efforts of all involved, the event raised
funds in support of the Haiti and Chile Earthquake Relief efforts.
Tips by “O”
Don Gustavo “Fiscalito” Rivera presenting Diane Perdomo with her first place award.
The Troy “Coracão” Santos Memorial Scholarship
award was set up to commemorate the life and
accomplishments of a Phi Iota Alpha brother whose
life was ended pre-maturely. By his junior year of
college, he excelled in all he pursued, the RPI football
team, the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers,
as well as his involvement with his fraternity which led
him to move up the ranks to Vice President. Despite
being so actively involved on campus, Troy was able
to maintain a 3.65 cumulative GPA, as well as land a
coop with I.B.M. Unfortunately on July 16th, 2004
a motorcycle accident ended what could only be
described as a promising life.
The scholarship thereby requires that the applicants
exemplify a lot of the qualities that made Troy such a
successful individual. The scholarship rewards those
leaders on campus that still manage to stay on top
of their academics. Traditionally the Troy “Coracão”
Santos Memorial Scholarship is awarded to just one
applicant, however, due to the number and caliber of
applicants this year, the scholarship was split in two.
The brothers decided to award a first place award
to Diane Perdomo, the second place award went
to Santiago Salazar. This was made possible by the
fundraising efforts of the Alpha Chapter Alumni
“La Familia” Update
Welcome to our newest additions to La Familia:
Fall 2009
James “Malakas” Villanueva
Spring 2010 (from left to right)
Jeremy “Malaya” Coyle
Julian “Verdolaga” Torres
Philip “Pating” Hollnsteiner
Jorge “Cumbaya” Salgado
Robin “Agila” Federico
Andres “Calicol” Lizarralde
For more information about the scholarship and how
to donate email
Don Gustavo “Fiscalito” Rivera presenting Santiago Salazar with his second place award.
Karaoke Night
Supports the Philippine’s
By James Villanueva
Undergraduate Brother Contact Information:
Jeremy Coyle - Mechanical Engineer -
Robin Federico - Aerospace/Mechanical Engineer -
Philip Hollnsteiner - Aerospace/Mechanical Engineer -
Hector Toro - Biomedical Engineer -
Andres Lizarralde - Industrial Engineer -
Gustavo Rivera-Rosario - Aeronautical Engineer -
Jorge Salgado - Industrial Engineer -
James Villanueva - Biomedical Engineer -
Phi Iota Alpha
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On October 16th, 2009, the brothers of Phi Iota
Alpha partnered with the Philippine American
League (P.A.L.) at RPI to host Karaoke Night.
This annual event is organized for the Science,
Technology Arts at Rensselaer (S.T.A.R.) program.
The program consists of a weekend opportunity
for local and N.Y.C. area high school students to
experience classes, take a tour of the campus, and
visit with current Rensselaer students.
There were over a hundred students in
attendance, which is the largest turn out the
event has ever hosted. The STAR students were
given a chance to shine and had a great time
cheering their fellow classmates and competing
for the title of “Best Karaoke Singer.”
With help from the brothers, the Philippine
American League continued their fundraising
efforts for the typhoon victims in the
Philippines and raised over $1,500. The
community responded with great support from
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friends and members of other clubs. The funds
were sent to a local school that was devastated by
the effects of the typhoon.
Events like these truly demonstrate the family
spirit embodied by Phi Iota Alpha. The brothers
look forward to any opportunity to collaborate
with other RPI or local organizations, whether it
be to raise funds for a worthy cause, enjoy quality
time with friends or learn about a new culture. If
you are interested in partnering with us, contact
The guest speaker was Alpha Chapter Faculty Advisor, Norris Pearson,
who has faithfully served the fraternity for a decade. His dedication earned
him the well deserved 2010 Greek Advisor of the Year Award by the
Interfraternity Council of RPI. Awards were distributed to an array of
dedicated brothers for their unconditional commitment to the organization.
The Alpha Chapter proudly welcomed seven new members into our
illustrious brotherhood. Additionally, the night included a special violin and
piano performance by James Villanueva and Robin Federico.