thediaryof - Alpha Kappa Psi
thediaryof - Alpha Kappa Psi
Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation: Providing resources for enhancing the educational experience of future business leaders | Autumn 2007 ALPHA KAPPA PSI T H E D I A R Y O F | Autumn 2007 | The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi 1 World-class fraternities share several common traits: extraordinary alumni, ambitious and talented students, a respect for tradition, a vision for the future, and the financial support to enhance the educational experience. The Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation does its part to support the Alpha Kappa Psi Fraternity by focusing on four specific goals: ■ Enrich the undergraduate experience by providing world-class professional and leadership development programming; ■ Emphasize the value of education, ethics, and community leadership; ■ Increase the foundation’s capabilities in providing scholarship opportunities; and ■ Utilize resources offered by corporate America and charitable foundations for educational purposes. Through these goals, the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation concentrates on leadership and recognition programs as well as scholarship opportunities. Because demand for these popular programs increases each year, continued financial support is critical. The foundation relies on its loyal alumni and friends to make these programs a reality. BUILDING LEADERS In the classroom and throughout the corporate world, Alpha Kappa Psi students and alumni share a commitment to reach the highest levels of achievement in business and our communities. The Foundation’s strategic goals help to fulfill the Fraternity’s vision: Alpha Kappa Psi is recognized as the premier developer of principled business leaders. Toward this end, the Foundation provides professional and leadership development programs as well as scholarship and recognition opportunities; among them: THE ACADEMY ACADEMIC TEAM SCHOLARSHIPS CASE COMPETITION Based on the contemporary concepts contained in the business best-seller The Leadership Challenge, The Academy is among the finest learning opportunities available to college students anywhere. The Academy focuses on the practices and commitments of exemplary leaders and what constituents expect from them. Interactive group sessions are led by professional facilitators and successful business leaders. Seeking to identify top scholars, the Foundation’s All-AKPsi Academic Team recognizes those students who maintain excellence in academic standing while making positive contributions to their campus and community. From among the successful applicants, as many as six outstanding individuals are selected as the Top Scholar Award recipients and are recognized with educational grants. The Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation manages numerous scholarship funds. Established by chapters and individuals, the interest income from these endowments is used to support annual scholarships. Endowments created by alumni produce general scholarships or benefit students majoring in specific fields (such as accounting or healthcare management). Through the foundation’s new Case Competition, students are introduced to the realities of decision making. The challenges of incomplete information, time constraints and conflicting goals gives them first-hand experience in analyzing business situations. It is designed to stimulate students’ thinking, challenge their capabilities and prepare them for future managerial positions. Please Support Your Foundation Today by using the reply envelope located in this magazine, or give online at The Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation is an Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All gifts to the Foundation are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. The Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation is audited by K.B. Parrish & Co. of Indianapolis. Audit reports are available upon request. Tax Identification Number: 35-6016131. 2 The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi | Autumn 2007 | F O U N D AT I O N B O A R D O F D I R E C T O R S ALPHA KAPPA PSI T CHAIRMAN Richard W. McVay, Texas Tech ‘79-Life* VICE CHAIRMAN Stephen Vasquez, Arizona State ‘72-Life* S E C R E TA R Y Mark D. Warden, USC ’81-Life TREASURER Jason T. McGill, Seattle ‘96-Life* H E D I A R Y O F AUTUMN 2007 DIRECTORS Paul R. Bailey III, Michigan State ‘88-Life Louis L. Voegler, American ‘98-Life David P. Wendroff, Portland ’79-Life Published by the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation * Executive Committee Member Features F R AT E R N I T Y B O A R D O F D I R E C T O R S CHAIRMAN Daniel J. Roselli, Michigan State ‘89-Life* 7 S E C R E TA R Y Charles D. Steffens, Portland ‘87-Life TREASURER Steven T. Tabac, Michigan ‘63-Life DIRECTORS Jeffrey A. Blade, Butler ‘84-Life* Douglas M. Halka, Florida ‘92-Life* David A. Ralston, Richmond ‘94-Life David J. Scholes, New York ‘65-Life Dr. Karen L. Woodall, Misouri State ‘97-Faculty 10 Foundation 2006-07 Annual Report The Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation recognizes its loyal supporters. More than 2,700 donors helped to make 2006-07 the most successful year in the history of the foundation. * Executive Committee Member MANAGEMENT TEAM Leadership Through Service Steak n Shake CFO and Senior Vice President Jeff Blade shares his thoughts on leadership and vision, and the role Servant-Leadership plays in his life. VICE CHAIRMAN Paul J. Brinker, Cincinnati ‘84-Life 27 Washington, D.C. Convention in Review The fraternity returned to the US capital for the 54th Convention in August. More than 700 members and guests participated in the memorable event. F R AT E R N I T Y P R E S I D E N T Andrea Nemeth, Montclair State ‘91-Life EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Alexander T. Sultan, San Diego State ‘93-Life REGIONAL DIRECTORS CENTRAL: Derek W. Hunter, Murray State ‘01 EASTCENTRAL: Scott R. Stampflmeier, Toledo‘98-Life EASTERN: Yakov Shenkman, Pennsylvania ’03 MIDEAST: Christopher J. Bucknam, Virginia Tech ‘95-Life MIDWEST: Sonia A. Advani, Wisconsin ‘99-Life NORTHCENTRAL: Melissa J. Stowe, Iowa State ‘98-Life NORTHEAST: Chad E. Smith, Montclair State ‘93 NORTHWEST: Amanda S. Poch, Washington State ‘03 SOUTHERN: Rodney C. Turner, Alabama State ‘93-Life SOUTHCENTRAL: Allison L. Harper, Florida State ‘94-Life SOUTHEAST: Alexis P. Perdomo, Florida International ‘92-Life SOUTHWEST: En-Hao Howard Chang, Southern California ’95 WESTCENTRAL: Linsey W. Kasper, Colorado ‘00 H E R I TA G E C E N T E R S TA F F CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Gary L. Epperson, Hoosier Alumni ‘92-Honorary/Life DIRECTORS COMMUNICATIONS/FOUNDATION COO: Jess C. LaNore, Purdue ‘00-Honorary/Life FINANCE & EXPANSION: Brian D. Parker, Indiana ‘93-Life CHAPTER SERVICES & MEETINGS: Jessica R. Seitz, Auburn ‘02-Honorary/Life INFORMATION SERVICES: Daniel D. Mendoza, Miami ‘99-Life TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT: Chrissy M. Vasquez, Arizona State ‘98-Life ALUMNI DEVELOPMENT: Molly A. Sollie, Northern Colorado ‘02 E X PA N S I O N C O O R D I N AT O R Jennifer L. Adamany, San Diego ‘05 M E M B E R S E R V I C E S C O O R D I N AT O R S Cathy J. Cole, Hazel A. Collier, Jane A. Hankins, Deborah A. Orff and Melinda S. Rosenthall V I S I O N S TAT E M E N T Alpha Kappa Psi is recognized as the premier developer of principled business leaders C O R E VA L U E S BROTHERHOOD: Trust, respect, cooperation, companionship, and aid to Brother Members is the expected norm KNOWLEDGE: Education and experience, whether gained in the classroom or the workplace, is emphasized and shared Departments 4 Fraternity News 32 Alumni Notes 34 Audit Eternal On the Cover: Its name may have changed several times over the decades, but the Grand Chapter Efficiency Award is still being presented today, although it is now called Award of Achievement, First Place Fraternity Standing. For a list of all 2006-07 winners (as presented at the 2007 Convention in Washington, D.C.), see page 29. THE DIARY OF ALPHA KAPPA PSI © 2007 Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation First published in 1908 VOLUME 97, NO. 1 Editor: Jess C. LaNore Publisher: Gary L. Epperson, CAE The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi is published three times a year (October, February & June) by the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation, 7801 East 88th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46256-1233. Bulk rate postage paid at Indianapolis and additional mailing offices. The magazine is distributed to supporters of the AKPsi Foundation,Life Members, and others.Subscriptions: $10 per year.Voluntary subscription donations to support the magazine’s continuing commitment to quality may be sent to the above address. If you have a letter to the editor, a tip, or a story idea, you can reach us in any of the following ways.We treat all communications as letter to the editor unless otherwise instructed, and we reserve the right to edit for length, style, or clarity: (E-mail); (Mail) Editor, The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, 7801 East 88th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46256-1233; (Fax) 317/872-1567; (Phone) 317/872-1553. INTEGRITY: All actions, whether in business or in life, are guided by honesty, ethics, and fairness SERVICE: Sharing of time, talent, and treasure with both communities and with our Fraternity is a priority UNITY: A common understanding of our vision and values that transcends chapter, generation, and profession is utilized to anticipate and create the future MEMBER COLLEGE FRATERNITY EDITORS ASSOCIATION | Autumn 2007 | The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi 3 F R AT E R N I T Y N E W S AKPsi has been coed for more than 30 years, and until now, females have held every major leadership position in the fraternity with the exception of the presidency A trio of AKPsi firsts at the 2007 Convention: Andrea Nemeth, who was elected the fraternity’s first female president, is joined by Carol Carter, the first female vice president (1985), and Eileen Howell, the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation’s first female chairman (1991). Nemeth Elected President Fraternity’s new president joins list of female firsts ALPHA KAPPA PSI MADE HISTORY WHEN Andrea Nemeth, Montclair State ‘91-Life, was elected as the fraternity’s first female president in August. AKPsi has been coed for more than 30 years, and until now, females have held every major leadership position in the fraternity with the exception of the presidency. NOW @ AKPSI.ORG ATTEND THE SUCCESS INSTITUTE Educational programming for the 2008 Success Institute has shifted more toward personal and professional development. Check out the programming scheduled for the five US locations in February: Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Reno and Philadelphia. Online registration is now open. SHOP THE MARKETPLACE Look no further for the best collection of Alpha Kappa Psi merchandise. With the holiday season well underway, shop now for the best selection. MAKE A GIFT TODAY The Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation’s 2007-08 Annual Fund campaign began on July 1. Be sure to include yourself among the loyal supporters who help make scholarship and leadership development 4 opportunities available for our future business leaders. Gifts are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. VOLUNTEER WITH CAB Interested in volunteering with a chapter and mentoring student leaders, but concerned about time constraints? Then the new Chapter Advisory Board (CAB) program was designed just for you. There are volunteer opportunities for everyone, whether you are a recent graduate, established professional or even a retiree. JOIN THE ALUMNI ASSOC. The Alpha Kappa Psi Alumni Association focuses on proactively increasing and expanding the ways alumni and friends of AKPsi can become meaningfully engaged with the fraternity. Learn more about member benefits and join online. The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi | Autumn 2007 | Andrea will serve as the fraternity’s 39th president. She was elected to the leadership position at the Chapter Congress meeting on August 3. Alexander T. Sultan, San Diego State ’93-Life, was elected executive vice president. Alpha Kappa Psi officially began admitting women in 1976 after it gave up the fight against Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, which prohibited sex discrimination in federally assisted educational institutions. Since then, female firsts include: regional director (Mideast, 1981-85): Beverly R. Bollinger, Christopher Newport ‘76-Life; fraternity vice president (1985-89): Carol R. Carter, Gustavus Adolphus ‘76-Life; foundation chairman (1991-93): Eileen L. Howell, Wisconsin-Milwaukee ‘77-Life; and fraternity chairman (2003-04): Heather E. Allen, Florida State ‘89-Life. Complete coverage of the 2007 Convention begins on page 27. Thirteenth Annual Success Institute set for February THE FRATERNITY’S SUCCESS INSTITUTE— Alpha Kappa Psi’s professional develop— ment conference—will be held in five cities in February. 6 18 9 5 4 19 3 11 13 1 2 Alpha Kappa Psi is Growing... 3. Baruch College Prospect 4. Binghamton Omega Zeta, Chartered 11/3/07 5. Boston Nu, Rechartered 10/27/07 6. British Columbia Colony 7. CSU - Fullerton Prospect 8. CSU - Long Beach Prospect (Delta Omicron, 1956) that tested the program last year, PEP is expected to contribute to Alpha Kappa Psi’s continued growth. 9. Dartmouth Prospect 10. Drexel Colony (Eta Psi, 1968) Expansion coordinator hired, 2008-09 candidates sought 11. George Washington Colony (Beta Mu, 1933) 12. Louisville Colony (Omicron Phi, 1998) A NEW EXPANSION COORDINATOR joined the fraternity’s professional staff in June. Jennifer L. Adamany, San Diego ‘05, is traveling the United States and Canada to cultivate new colonies for Alpha Kappa Psi. The expansion coordinator is responsible for contacting business schools where AKPsi is not represented. Once permission is granted to visit a campus, the expansion coordinator recruits colonists and trains them on the responsibilities of membership, chapter management and member education. The fraternity is looking for two expansion coordinators to start in June, 2008. Interested individuals are encouraged to contact Senior Director of Finance and Expansion Brian Parker at or (317) 872-1553. 13. Missouri - Kansas City Prospect 14. Morehouse College Prospect 15. Pepperdine Prospect 16. Richmond Prospect (Delta Zeta, 1955) 17. West Florida Prospect 18. Western Washington Prospect 19. Youngstown State Prospect (Eta Xi, 1966) T E N Y E A R S O F I N I T I AT I O N S 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 4,560 5,069 5,107 5,283 5,068 5,598 5,697 6,001 2,000 4,713 MORE MEMBERSHIPS INTO ALPHA KAPPA Psi were granted in 2006-07 than any other time in the fraternity’s history. With 6,001 initiates, AKPsi exceeded the 6,000 mark for the first time. This number includes 86 honorary and faculty initiations. Last year, which was also a record year, 5,697 individuals were initiated. In an effort to further increase membership numbers while improving the student experience, the fraternity launched its Pledge Education program (PEP) fraternitywide this fall. Based on results from chapters Arkansas State Prospect (Epsilon Omicron, 1960) 4,190 Growth trend continues as membership reaches new heights 2. 14 17 The Success Institute focuses on skill building at the individual level. Effective management, business etiquette, ethical decision making and personal financial development are just a few of the topics being presented. Just for alumni, alumni night out events will be held in each city after the conclusion of Saturday’s educational programming. The first Success Institute will be held February 8-10 in Philadelphia. Conferences will be held February 15-17 in Chicago and Dallas, and February 22-24 in Atlanta and Reno. Last year, nearly 2,600 students and alumni registered for the event. The Zeta Lambda Chapter at the University of Tennessee had the most students in attendance (49). More information, including schedules and registration rates, can be found at or by requesting a brochure from the Heritage Center. Arkansas - Little Rock Prospect (Epsilon Phi, 1962) 16 12 15 7 8 1. 10 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 | Autumn 2007 | The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi 1,000 5 6 The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi | Autumn 2007 | Leadership through Service Q&A with Steak n Shake’s Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Jeff Blade As senior vice president and chief financial officer of Steak n Shake, your duties include participating in the development and implementation of the company’s strategic plan. How does Steak n Shake’s strategic plan compare to Alpha Kappa Psi’s guiding principles and core values? Can you draw parallels between both? One of the things that impressed me about Alpha Kappa Psi [since becoming involved as an alumnus] is that the fraternity has become clear about core values and took the time to do this. Alpha Kappa Psi has been very deliberate about this, including focusing on its mission/ vision, and what it plans to do in the future. Steak n Shake is very similar. We have gone through a similar process of defining the same things: Who are we? What do we stand for? How does what we stand for affect what we are trying to do? It’s a disciplined process. My sense from being on the Alpha Kappa Psi Board of Directors is that it has been a very thorough process and very much taken to heart. Steak n Shake is very involved in creating something that would actually guide our future. As a company, we value individuals and value our customers and the importance of serving one another. Both organizations have a strong mission to create real value. Steak n Shake’s founder had an honest, straightforward reputation with his customers, hence the beginning of the famous slogan, “In Sight, It Must Be Right.” Steak n Shake continues this theme through its branding and advertisements. Alpha Kappa Psi also values these traits. How have the values of both Steak n Shake and Alpha Kappa Psi affected your career and life? Part of reason I came to Steak n Shake is the strategic process of helping shape an organization with leadership and to shape the values of a company while mining what is already there…helping shape what the organization stands for and what we want to do as we go forward. I tend to be a values-based person. I would not join an organization that doesn’t resonate with who I am and have a real interest in helping others. I love the challenge of leadership and to serve in that capacity. I tend to be involved with other organizations [like Alpha Kappa Psi] that also have these values. JEFFREY A. BLADE, BUTLER ‘84-LIFE Jeff Blade serves on the Alpha Kappa Psi Fraternity Board of Directors and Chairman’s Advisory Council. He is also on the Board of Visitors for Butler’s College of Business Administration and is involved with Junior Achievement. Jeff Blade joined the Indianapolis-based Steak n Shake Company as senior vice president and chief financial officer in March, 2004. Since joining, Jeff has been focused on leading transformational change and participating in the development and implementation of the company’s strategic plan. He currently has functional responsibility for the finance, information technology and supply chain operations. Prior to joining Steak n Shake, he was vice president of finance at Cott Beverages USA, a division of the Cott Corporation. He joined Cott in 1999 as part of the executive team that led a successful turnaround effort of this $1.0B+ publicly traded company. Jeff also spent 11 years at Kraft Foods in a variety of finance assignments, including marketing services, field sales, operations and logistics, and the corporate controllers group. He started his career at Price Waterhouse working in the Indianapolis and Chicago offices as a member of its audit practice. Jeff received a B.S. in Accounting from Butler University and an M.B.A. from Northwestern’s Kellogg Graduate School of Management and is a Certified Public Accountant. Jeff resides in Indianapolis with his wife, Susan, and their children, Sarah and Elizabeth. Jeff spends most of his spare time with his family and enjoys reading and bike riding. | Autumn 2007 | The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi 7 What do you hope to accomplish as Steak n Shake’s senior vice president and chief financial officer? I hope to continue helping Steak n Shake to grow and progress. I want to help Steak n Shake continue to be known for taking great care of its customers. The Steak n Shake Company is one of the oldest restaurant chains in the United States. It was founded in 1934 in Normal, Ill.and operates 490 restaurants in 20 states, including 51 franchised units. The company’s restaurants are located in the following states: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas. What are Steak n Shake’s future plans? Does the company plan to expand coast-to-coast? How many restaurants/franchises does Steak n Shake currently have? We do plan to expand, but we haven’t defined if it will be coast to coast. Steak n Shake is continuing to have good, strong sustained growth. We currently have 490 restaurants in 20 states and 51 of those units are franchises (as of July 2007). What have you learned most from your business career? I think that the most valuable thing I’ve learned is that at the end of the day, it’s all about the people. I tend to have this approach to business leadership: you can get the right people and the right team properly motivated, but if people aren’t clear at what you are trying to achieve, then reaching your goals may be challenging. Servant-Leadership helped shape my beliefs on that idea. What do you remember most about your undergraduate experience at Butler as a founding member of Alpha Kappa Psi’s Lambda Upsilon Chapter? Did you hold any officer positions? How were you involved with the chapter? Butler University was looking at upgrading the College of Business and wanted to start an Alpha Kappa Psi chapter. Archie Nichols, professor of economics (now deceased), invited me and five other students to start a new chapter at the beginning of my senior year. Frank Brye, Alpha Kappa Psi’s executive director at the time, came out and met with us and helped establish chapter officers. I became the founding president. He also helped us establish the purpose of the chapter and begin fundraising efforts including speaker programs from the business community. How have things changed in Alpha Kappa Psi since you were an undergraduate? I was not involved with Butler for ten years after graduation. I came back to Butler a year and half ago as a guest speaker and I spoke to the Butler Alpha Kappa Psi chapter about lifelong leadership. When I got back involved with the Butler Alpha Kappa Psi chapter, I was very impressed that it had been in continuation since 1983, and by the great group of individuals I met at the chapter. I was also impressed that what we [the founding chapter members] had started as a small group had grown to such a size and quality that we could never have imagined. How did your undergraduate experience in Alpha Kappa Psi influence your career? It gave me experience in a leadership role to create something that didn’t already exist and to lead in a situation that was not already designed, and then to find out what would work. It was an early learning affirmation that I love to be part of building and growing things. Do you have advice for recent college graduates and young business leaders just starting their careers? 1. Take some time to understand what you are really passionate about, work to understand where those passions really lay, follow your passion for what you really want to do. 2. Don’t be afraid to be a leader; the world desperately needs leaders in all kinds of organizations. Every member of an organization—including those in groups like Alpha Kappa Psi—will have lots of opportunities to be leaders, and the world needs more leaders. 3. Be a seeker—have the courage to find personal growth. 4. If you are clear about who you are, then it will be clear what work you should do. I’m excited to be connected again with Alpha Kappa Psi. Part of the fun is keeping in 8 The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi | Autumn 2007 | What is ServantLeadership? Servant-Leadership is a practical philosophy which supports people who choose to serve first, and then lead as a way of expanding service to individuals and institutions. Servant-leaders may or may not hold formal leadership positions. Servant-leadership encourages collaboration, trust, foresight, listening, and the ethical use of power and empowerment. Jeff Blade with daughters Elizabeth and Sarah. touch with former colleagues and picking up the phone and calling those lifelong friends. This is a strong reason why being involved with Alpha Kappa Psi is so important…your brief involvement with Alpha Kappa Psi in college is even more important as you get involved in the business world. Has your involvement in Alpha Kappa Psi since graduation from Butler affected your career? How? As I left one organization and joined another, one of the things that has been key is the people who provide references for you. The people I have met over the years have been very important in furthering my career. As you progress in an organization, the more intense that process becomes. Having colleagues who are willing to speak on your behalf, believe in you and believe you are talented [is very important]. How did you become involved with ServantLeadership? How do you believe Servant-Leadership ties in with Alpha Kappa Psi? With your career? With Steak n Shake? As an undergraduate, I got to know many Butler professors and it was a rich experience that I loved. Hamilton Beasley was a professor of organization behavior and I became very interested in Servant-Leadership through his introduction. I also collaborated with Larry Spears, who is now president emeritus and senior fellow at the Greenleaf Center for Servant-Leadership. I was very excited about Larry Spears being a keynote speaker at Alpha Kappa Psi’s 2007 Convention because both organizations are very complimentary in what they are trying to achieve. Part of what I’ve found powerful is the basic principles of Servant-Leadership. You’re called to lead, the reason you want to be a leader is because of a genuine desire to help others prosper, do well, find their passion. It is a premise that fits with who I am naturally as a leader, making a commitment to support and help others. Servant-Leadership helped deepen and shape my own thoughts, and helped me find how I could add the most value. Alpha Kappa Psi’s vision is to be the premier developer of principled business leaders. Servant-Leadership is also about creating principled leaders, and doing so in an enlightened way. Servant-Leadership provided for me a framework and approach methodology of how I carry out my duties as a leader. I tend to be people-focused in my leadership approach. I enjoy helping others unlock their potential. It has really helped me tremendously, at all of the companies I have worked for—Cott, Kraft, Steak n Shake—because at end of the day, it’s about a group of people building an organization. Robert K. Greenleaf, founder of the Greenleaf Center for Servant-Leadership based in Indianapolis, said the servant-leader must ask these questions, “Do those served grow as persons; do they, while being served, become healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous, more likely themselves to become servants? And, what is the effect on the least privileged in society; will they benefit, or, at least, will they not be further deprived?” Source: Greenleaf Center for Servant-Leadership, | Autumn 2007 | The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi 9 A L P H A K A P PA P S I F O U N D AT I O N 2006-07 ANNUAL REPORT Dear brothers, parents, friends and supporters of the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation: Alpha Kappa Psi is a valued partner in higher education. Your support drives our success. AKPsi is… • A valuable vehicle for alumni, parents and friends seeking to prepare our young members for success in academics and in life. • A valuable benefactor for men and women seeking academic achievement and leadership experience. • A valuable educational resource, supporting the mission of each of our host institutions. The Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation – your foundation – helps to connect these needs and goals by raising, growing and distributing the necessary financial resources. In 2006-07, our value increased, and so did our ability to reach more students through foundation programs. Thanks to the generosity of 2,800 donors, we saw the highest giving total in fraternity history— nearly $700,000. It was also a strong year in the market for the foundation’s assets, managed by Wachovia Securities, which experienced a 10.5% gain. Of particular note, we were blessed with two generous bequests. Gifts from the estates of William A. Donnelly ‘36-Life ($408,000) and Howard O. Hampton ‘43Life ($88,000), both from our Alpha Chapter at New York University, will provide a signficant boost to the number of scholarships offered by the foundation. Their vision and dedication to Alpha Kappa Psi will benefit our future business leaders for generations to come. Each year we know we can count on a core group of loyal alumni and friends to contribute to the foundation. Granted, there are some fraternities that hit a much higher number of donors. And someday we’ll get there, because on a positive note, our numbers continually grow year after year. We believe much of that growth is due to the realization that it really is your foundation. You can control where your money goes. You can monitor its impact. And you can contribute easily and reliably whether via online, mail, an estate gift or through a variety of other tax deductible options. Of course, we also know that growth is due to the quality of (and demand for) scholarship and leadership programs developed by the fraternity and foundation, and countless volunteers committed to making the fraternity’s vision a reality: Alpha Kappa Psi is the premier developer of principled business leaders. To maintain growth, however, we need to reach beyond the core group of supporters we count on each year. Just think what your fraternity could achieve if we engaged all 150,000 living alumni: If each of those brothers contributed just $10, we could more than double our existing programs. Only $10! And you could do that right now by using the enclosed envelope in this magazine or going online at I see a day when we will be able to endow all our major leadership programs and make scholarships available to every student in need. Our future is limitless. Excellence is our only option. And with your help, we will make it so. My friends, hats off to the 2,800 who keep scholarships flowing and leadership opportunities expanding. It is on behalf of all our students who benefited from the generosity of our alumni and friends that I offer my most sincere thanks. And to the 150,000… please consider becoming an investor in higher education by helping make Alpha Kappa Psi’s vision a reality. It’s your foundation. It’s your fraternity. And Alpha Kappa Psi needs you. In U-- and I--, Richard W. McVay, Texas Tech ‘79-Life Chairman P.S: Included in this report is a gift envelope. Please show your support today and reserve your place in next year’s 200708 Annual Report. ten years of foundation contributions $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 10 $78,340 $92,224 $146,703 $139,605 $170,601 $120,954 $159,470 $199,414 $469,642 $687,682 $300,000 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi | Autumn 2007 | $200,000 $100,000 A L P H A K A P PA P S I F O U N D AT I O N 2006-07 ANNUAL REPORT lifetime giving Honored here are donors who made at least one gift during the 2006-07 campaign (July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007) and have a lifetime giving of $1,000 or more. legacy circle | $25,000+ Council of Alpha (6) William A. Donnelly, NYU ‘36-Life Howard O. Hampton, NYU ‘43-Life R.K. Lee, Washington ‘67-Life Robert E. Richardson, Iowa ‘76-Life & Pamela L. Richardson, Drake ‘81-Life Daniel J. Roselli, Michigan State ‘89-Life crest circle | $10,000+ AEGON Transamerica Foundation Alpha Mu Chapter (Wisconsin) Altria Group, Inc. Paul J. Brinker, Cincinnati ‘84-Life & Leslie-Ann Brinker, Old Dominion ‘76-Life Angela D. Brown, Adrian College ‘81-Life Robert A. Davenport, Old Dominion ‘86-Life Florida Gold Coast Alumni Kenneth B. Hastey, Saint Louis ‘76-Life & Jill Johansen Hastey, Drake ‘85-Life William C. Himstreet, USC ‘54-Life Iota Xi Chapter (Arizona State) Omicron Tau Chapter (Rutgers) William D. Reeves, Georgia State ‘59-Life Todd J. Regis, Western Michigan ‘86-Life Chris J. Rufer, UCLA ‘68-Life Stephen Vasquez, Arizona State ‘72-Life Mark D. Warden, USC ‘81-Life David P. Wendroff, Portland ‘79-Life & Wendy A. Wendroff, Tri-State ‘80-Life galley circle | $5,000+ Heather E. Allen, Florida State ‘89-Life Gerald D. Byrd, Long Beach State ‘62-Life Arthur W. Carlson, Minnesota ‘49-Life Tony C. Clark, Iowa ‘74-Life Sue Duli Eta Chapter (Cincinnati) Jeffrey E. Frank, Eastern Michigan ‘86-Life Douglas M. Halka, Florida ‘92-Life Scott D. Howell, Texas Tech ‘79 Life & Eileen L. Howell, UW - Milwaukee ‘77-Life Phil D. May, Saint Louis ‘86-Life The May Department Stores Co. Foundation Richard W. McVay, Texas Tech ‘79-Life J. Mark Miller, West Georgia ‘70-Faculty/Life Vincent W. Patton, Wayne State ‘43-Life Edward B. Rust, Illinois Wesleyan ‘70-Life Lewis R. Smoot, Ohio State ‘89-Honorary/Life Tennessee Valley Alumni William R. Wehmeyer, Southeast Missouri ‘85-Life & Cynthia A. Wehmeyer, Saint Louis ‘82-Life John R. Wielandy, Saint Louis ‘62-Life Zeta Lambda Chapter (Tennessee) loyalty circle | $2,500+ Paul R. Bailey, Michigan State ‘88-Life Thomas H. Browning, Arizona ‘60-Life John D. Cahill, Buffalo ‘52-Life Carol R. Carter, Gustavus Adolphus ‘76-Life Gary L. Epperson, Hoosier Alumni ‘92-Honorary/Life Edwin J. Feulner, Regis ‘60-Life Nancy A. Ghizzone, Iowa ‘89-Life William L. Koleszar, Florida State ‘86-Life Todd H. Langley, Arizona ‘53-Life Jess C. LaNore, Purdue ‘00-Honorary/Life David S. Margolis, Wayne State ‘76-Life Meritage Corporation Melvin C. Moore, Virginia Tech ‘86-Life Motor City Alumni Alexis P. Perdomo, Florida International ‘92-Life & Patricia S. Perdomo, Florida International ‘93-Life Manuel F. Plana, Miami ‘71-Life Manuel E. Pravia, Miami ‘89-Life Leo V. Ryan CSV, Marquette ‘44-Life Ann M. Sexton, Toledo ‘82-Life Robert A. Spansky, Detroit-Day ‘62-Life Charles D. Steffens, Portland ‘87-Life Steven T. Tabac, Michigan ‘63-Life Ethel Valera-Barker, Arizona State ‘95-Life Louis L. Voegler, American ‘98-Life John J. Von Achen, Upsala College ‘74-Life Wadeco Manufacturing Company friendship circle | $1,000+ William V. Angeloff, Pittsburgh ‘56-Life Arthur C. Anton, Boston ‘48-Life C Kevin Armstrong, Cincinnati ‘92-Life Gregory M. Arnold, Old Dominion ‘84-Life & Susan L. Arnold, Ohio State ‘80-Life William D. Barker, Emory ‘48-Life Beecher Carlson Holdings, Inc Henry J. Binder, Wayne State ‘47-Life Jeffrey A. Blade, Butler ‘84-Life Laurissa M. Bray, Southern Indiana ‘94-Life Charles M. Brown, West Virginia ‘49-Life Frank J. Brye, Western Michigan ‘60-Life Randall C. Budden, Michigan - Dearborn ‘82-Life Robinson Bui, Lamar ‘04-Life Scott M. Butera, Arizona State ‘84-Life John E. Byrd, Utah ‘65-Life James L. Canvasser, Oakland ‘98-Life Thomas A. Carey, Western Michigan ‘92-Life Robert E. Carlson, Drake ‘93-Life Donald S. Chapman, Georgia ‘59-Life Richard D. Clark, Columbia ‘49-Life Christopher J. Clemens, Ball State ‘03 Leonard M. Clezie, John Carroll ‘60-Life Donald C. Cundy, Eastern Michigan ‘70-Life Scott A. Drogs, Michigan - Dearborn ‘88-Life & Stacey M. Drogs, Michigan - Dearborn ‘90 Life Enterprise Rent-A-Car Foundation Louis J. Ferony, Bellevue ‘86-Life Lori A. Finigian, Arizona State ‘82-Life Michael J. Fischer, Toledo ‘98-Life Peter M. Fleming, Long Beach State ‘73-Life Paul D. Freedle, UNC - Chapel Hill ‘60-Life Lawrence A. Friend, Indiana ‘63-Life John C. Fuller, Boston ‘50-Life Gregory L. Gabbard, Cincinnati ‘90-Life Gamma Eta Chapter (Toledo) Paula J. Geiger, Virginia Tech ‘89-Life Michael E. Gerwe, Miami (Ohio) ‘56-Life William R. Goldammer, Marquette ‘54-Life Elaine J. Hamilton, Auburn ‘92-Life Timothy J. Hampton, Saint Louis ‘76-Life & Elizabeth A. Hampton, Saint Louis ‘78-Life Lyle V. Hanson, Minnesota ‘49-Life David M. Heimos, Missouri ‘74-Life Highland Street Foundation Jessica L. Hill, Arizona State ‘95-Life Carrie J. Hovey, Wisconsin - Milwaukee ‘95-Life Walter G. Hudson, West Texas A & M ‘72-Life Kathleen C. Jaeger, Davenport College ‘90-Life Donna J. Jones, Stephen F. Austin ‘82-Life Jerry A. Katz, Appalachian State ‘81-Life & Martha Katz, Appalachian State ‘81-Life William W. Kibler, Virginia Tech ‘58-Life Edward J. Koss, Michigan - Dearborn ‘76-Life Andre R. Kropacek, Wayne State ‘75-Life David A. Labowitz, UCLA ‘62-Life Lambda Nu Chapter (American) William T. Laundon, North Carolina State ‘83-Life Norris F. Lee, Virginia Tech ‘48-Life Mark C. MacGibbon, Portland ‘96-Life Thomas A. Mack, Stephen F. Austin ‘82-Life & Theresa Mack, Texas A&M ‘84 John J. Makowski, Oakland ‘86-Life Robert A. Marra, NYU ‘59-Life Duncan L. Matteson, Missouri ‘54-Life Jason T. McGill, Seattle ‘96-Life & Roberta McGill, Seattle ‘95 Barry R. Meinerth, Norwich ‘66-Life Daniel D. Mendoza, Miami ‘99-Life Richard J. Meyer, Minnesota ‘56-Life Anthony T. Meyer, Florida ‘96-Life & Kathryn M. Meyer, Florida State ‘97 Microsoft Timothy Mitchell, Arizona State ‘95 Michael H. Molnar, Toledo ‘01-Life George W. Morford, Washington ‘48-Life Randolph L. Myers, CSU - Los Angeles ‘57-Life Gary K. Nelson, Portland State ‘65-Life Andrea Nemeth, Montclair State ‘91-Life Alicia D. Neumann, Saint Louis ‘96-Life Donald J. Nichols, Wisconsin - Milwaukee ‘60-Life William A. O’Brien, Old Dominion ‘69-Life Brian D. Parker, Indiana ‘93-Life Caryn J. Patterson, Florida State ‘90-Life Amy A. Peltier, American ‘02-Life David A. Ralston, Richmond ‘94-Life Mark C. Raulston, Middle Tennessee ‘91-Life & Laurie A. Raulston, Middle Tennessee ‘88-Life Timothy J. Reedy, Bradley ‘79-Life Jeffrey T. Rouse, Old Dominion ‘86-Life & Theresa M. Rouse, Old Dominion ‘87-Life Andrew A. Rupp, Fort Hays State ‘74-Life Peter G. Sarles, Babson College ‘58-Life Ilyne B. Sbar, Miami ‘88-Life Robert N. Schreck, UCLA ‘63-Life H. Roger Secrest, Michigan ‘48-Life Albert D. Shonk, USC ‘52-Life Alan Siktberg, Ball State ‘02-Life Kenneth L. Sjoberg, Florida State ‘91-Life Snavely Forest Products Jean M. Souweine, UNC - Chapel Hill ‘52-Life Gerard T. Staeger, Detroit-Day ‘80-Life Jeffrey A. Stedman, Central Washington ‘89-Life Beverly R. Stevens, Christopher Newport ‘76-Life Melissa J. Stowe, Iowa State ‘98-Life Dan L. Stubblefield, Middle Tennessee ‘89-Life Alexander T. Sultan, San Diego State ‘93-Life Charles E. Swanson, Michigan ‘49-Life J. Kenneth Tabb, Emory ‘49-Life William F. Templin, Illinois ‘41-Life John E. Terhune, Wayne State ‘42-Life William F. Thompson, Virginia ‘70-Life Delia G. Tillman, Georgia State ‘94-Life Cristina M. Trabada, Florida International ‘92-Life Richard H. Turrell, Washington and Lee ‘49-Life Robert S. Ukrop, Richmond ‘68-Life United Way of The Inland Valleys Donald H. Van Hove, Detroit-Day ‘60-Life John L. Van Vliet, Detroit-Day ‘62-Life Christine M. Vasquez, Arizona State ‘98-Life Lane N. Velayo, Cincinnati ‘00-Life Wachovia Suzanne M. Ward, Drake ‘92-Life Jeffrey B. Warner, Iowa ‘84-Life Scott C. Warren, Seattle ‘97-Life Gregory P. Weber, Montclair State ‘81-Life Maurice C. Workman, Illinois ‘48-Life Stacey Young, American ‘93-Life | Autumn 2007 | The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi 11 gifts by club level Honored here are donors who made gifts during the 2006-07 campaign (July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007) totalling $100 or more. 1904 club $10,000 + William A. Donnelly, NYU ‘36-Life Howard O. Hampton, NYU ‘43-Life chairman’s club $5,000 + Omicron Tau Chapter (Rutgers) Daniel J. Roselli, Michigan State ‘89-Life Mark D. Warden, USC ‘81-Life David P. Wendroff, Portland ‘79-Life & Wendy A. Wendroff, Tri-State ‘80-Life president’s club $2,500 + Altria Group, Inc. Douglas M. Halka, Florida ‘92-Life Richard W. McVay, Texas Tech ‘79-Life Vincent W. Patton, Wayne State ‘43-Life Robert E. Richardson, Iowa ‘76-Life & Pamela L. Richardson, Drake ‘81-Life Stephen Vasquez, Arizona State ‘72-Life AEGON Transamerica Foundation founder’s club $1,000 + Heather E. Allen, Florida State ‘89-Life Paul R. Bailey, Michigan State ‘88-Life Angela D. Brown, Adrian College ‘81-Life Scott M. Butera, Arizona State ‘84-Life Gerald D. Byrd, Long Beach State ‘62-Life Christopher J. Clemens, Ball State ‘03 Council of Alpha Florida Gold Coast Alumni Jeffrey E. Frank, Eastern Michigan ‘86-Life Highland Street Foundation William C. Himstreet, USC ‘54-Life Scott D. Howell, Texas Tech ‘79 Life & Eileen L. Howell, UW- Milwaukee ‘77-Life Iota Xi Chapter (Arizona State) Lambda Nu Chapter (American) Mark C. MacGibbon, Portland ‘96-Life Duncan L. Matteson, Missouri ‘54-Life Meritage Corporation Timothy Mitchell, Arizona State ‘95 George W. Morford, Washington ‘48-Life Chris J. Rufer, UCLA ‘68-Life Edward B. Rust, Illinois Wesleyan ‘70-Life Steven T. Tabac, Michigan ‘63-Life Ethel Valera-Barker, Arizona State ‘95-Life Wadeco Manufacturing Company brooklyn bridge club $500 + Beecher Carlson Holdings, Inc Paul J. Brinker, Cincinnati ‘84-Life & Leslie-Ann Brinker, Old Dominion ‘76-Life Robinson Bui, Lamar ‘04-Life Arthur W. Carlson, Minnesota ‘49-Life Elaine J. Hamilton, Auburn ‘92-Life Timothy J. Hampton, Saint Louis ‘76-Life & Elizabeth A. Hampton, Saint Louis ‘78-Life R.K. Lee, Washington ‘67-Life Phil D. May, Saint Louis ‘86-Life Patrick S. Mc Grath, Arizona ‘89-Life Microsoft J. Mark Miller, West Georgia ‘70-Fac/Life Amy A. Peltier, American ‘02-Life Alexis P. Perdomo, Florida Int’l ‘92-Life & Patricia S. Perdomo, Florida Int’l ‘93-Life William D. Reeves, Georgia State ‘59-Life David J. Scholes, NYU ‘65-Life Kenneth L. Sjoberg, Florida State ‘91-Life Lewis R. Smoot, Ohio State ‘89-Hon/Life Robert A. Spansky, Detroit-Day ‘62-Life Charles D. Steffens, Portland ‘87-Life Melissa J. Stowe, Iowa State ‘98-Life Alexander T. Sultan, San Diego State ‘93-Life United Way of The Inland Valleys Donald H. Van Hove, Detroit-Day ‘60-Life 12 Christine M. Vasquez, Arizona State ‘98-Life Louis L. Voegler, American ‘98-Life Wachovia Lee E. Whitcomb, Wisconsin ‘53-Life John R. Wielandy, Saint Louis ‘62-Life sapphire club $250 + Alpha Mu Chapter (Wisconsin) Arizona Exterminators C Kevin Armstrong, Cincinnati ‘92-Life Ausen Investments Beta Rho Chapter (West Virginia) Henry J. Binder, Wayne State ‘47-Life Jennifer L. Bratt, Idaho State ‘03 Charles M. Brown, West Virginia ‘49-Life Thomas H. Browning, Arizona ‘60-Life Christopher J. Bucknam, Virginia Tech ‘95-Life Carol R. Carter, Gustavus Adolphus ‘76-Life Tony C. Clark, Iowa ‘74-Life Robert A. Davenport, Old Dominion ‘86-Life Darryl J. Dillenback, Clarkson ‘67-Life Sue Duli Eide Baily Enterprise Rent-A-Car Foundation Gary L. Epperson, Hoosier Alumni ‘92-Hon/Life Nancy C. Eugenio, WNEC ‘03 Andrew W. Fernandez, Illinois ‘96-Life Louis J. Ferony, Bellevue ‘86-Life Kimberly L. Fetterling, San Diego ‘02-Life Kelly N. Fischer, Toledo ‘01 Lori Furrow Gamma Eta Chapter (Toledo) Robert F. Garvin, Michigan State ‘59-Life Paula J. Geiger, Virginia Tech ‘89-Life Michael E. Gerwe, Miami (Ohio) ‘56-Life Nancy A. Ghizzone, Iowa ‘89-Life Katherine Hardwick, Winthrop ‘93-Life David M. Heimos, Missouri ‘74-Life Duane H. Hendrickson, Wisconsin ‘56-Life Hensley John R. Hudak, Michigan State ‘85-Life Thomas L. Hutchison, Idaho State ‘70-Life Barton O. Johnson, Detroit-Day ‘68-Life Joey E. Johnson, UNLV ‘90-Life Norman F. Kruse, Marquette ‘40-Life Jennifer H. Kuhn, Colorado ‘99-Life Jess C. LaNore, Purdue ‘00-Honorary/Life Bryan A. Lewis, Illinois ‘83-Life Robert M. Linden, Central Michigan ‘64-Life Abby Lombardi, Marist College ‘01 Marvin L. Longabaugh, Texas Tech ‘80-Life John J. Makowski, Oakland ‘86-Life Alison Manasco, Miami (Ohio) ‘02 Myron C. Martin, Hamline ‘61-Life & Lois M. Martin, Minnesota ‘05-Honorary Daniel P. McGuire, Toledo ‘56-Life Matthew R. Meer, Butler ‘02 Barry R. Meinerth, Norwich ‘66-Life Carol S. Messman, Adrian College ‘81-Life Joyce M. Miller, Old Dominion ‘92 Harland L. Mischler, Ohio State ‘53-Life Melvin C. Moore, Virginia Tech ‘86-Life Motor City Alumni Andrea Nemeth, Montclair State ‘91-Life Northview Construction, Inc William A. O’Brien, Old Dominion ‘69-Life Oracle Matching Gifts Program Brian D. Parker, Indiana ‘93-Life Pert & Sure Manuel E. Pravia, Miami ‘89-Life ProfitLink Frederick D. Pugh, N.C. State ‘83-Life Mark C. Raulston, Middle Tennessee ‘91-Life Laurie A. Raulston, Middle Tennessee ‘88-Life Curtis K. Redding, Pennsylvania ‘98-Life Todd J. Regis, Western Michigan ‘86-Life Joaquin F. Reis, Portland ‘55-Life Brett D. Ren, Eastern Washington ‘89-Life Merri B. Robinson, Long Beach State ‘80-Life Andrew A. Rupp, Fort Hays State ‘74-Life Leo V. Ryan CSV, Marquette ‘44-Life Cherry A. Ryan, Missouri Western ‘03 Christopher L. Savelle, Central Michigan ‘05 Eyvgenia Shashkova, Montclair State ‘04 Albert D. Shonk, USC ‘52-Life Dan L. Stubblefield, Middle Tennessee ‘89-Life Time Warner Foundation, Inc. Robert D. Tippit, Arizona State West ‘05 Paul E. Turner, Louisiana Tech ‘80-Life Scott C. Warren, Seattle ‘97-Life William R. Wehmeyer, SE Missouri ‘85-Life & Cynthia A. Wehmeyer, Saint Louis ‘82-Life Wells Fargo, SBA Stacey Young, American ‘93-Life Dominic R. Zaccone, Southern Illinois ‘82-Life Gerald P. Zimmerman, Virginia Tech ‘75-Life patron’s club $100 + Allyn R. Adams, John Carroll ‘62-Life Sonia A. Advani, Wisconsin ‘99-Life Jordan B. Aguirre, Texas Lutheran ‘05 Sarah K. Aheron, American ‘01 Whitelaw R. Allen, UCLA ‘50-Life Robert L. Allen, Western Carolina ‘71-Life Robert A. Anderson, Miami ‘57-Life Steven D. Anderson, Portland State ‘83-Life Bruce P. Andrews, Florida ‘77 William V. Angeloff, Pittsburgh ‘56-Life Arthur C. Anton, Boston ‘48-Life Debra K. Arney, Winthrop ‘88-Life Gregory M. Arnold, Old Dominion ‘84-Life & Susan L. Arnold, Ohio State ‘80-Life Rodney M. Austin, Minnesota ‘56-Life Eldon A. Bailey, Georgia State ‘59-Life Jeremy S. Baker, Florida Int’l ‘96-Life Sean R. Bambarger, CSU - San Marcos ‘04 William D. Barker, Emory ‘48-Life Louis R. Barkman, Michigan State ‘98-Life BE Welding & Fabrication John R. Bebes, Michigan State ‘84-Life John A. Becker, Marquette ‘48-Life Kurt L. Belknap, Arizona State ‘02 Richard A. Bender, Ohio State ‘65-Life Philip J. Bergquist, Illinois ‘74 Loren J. Bidle, Central Michigan ‘72-Life Stephanie L. Binder, Pittsburgh ‘04 Belinda G. Birchfield, Texas State ‘85-Life Jeffrey A. Blade, Butler ‘84-Life Benjamin J. Blair, Western Kentucky ‘99 John M. Blake, Boston ‘38-Life Robert Bleile, Toledo ‘00-Life & Alicja Bleile, Toledo ‘01 Bronson A. Blodgett, Trinity ‘91-Life Joseph E. Borlase, Wichita State ‘58-Life Robert A. Bovitz, Detroit-Day ‘81-Life Robert L. Boyd Brandywine Global Investment Management Laurissa M. Bray, Southern Indiana ‘94-Life Leigh G. Brazee, Oregon ‘87-Life Ed Brockmeyer John A. Brossack, Tri-State ‘71-Life Michael D. Brown, Boise State ‘88-Life Jeffrey E. Brown, Iowa ‘74-Life Robert F. Brown, Minnesota ‘92-Life Frank J. Brye, Western Michigan ‘60-Life Carlye W. Buchanan, Eastern Michigan ‘95-Life Bruce S. Buckland, Colorado ‘58 Randall C. Budden, UM- Dearborn ‘82-Life Tony L. Bumgarner, Western Carolina ‘79-Life Kyle M. Bunch, Western Kentucky ‘02 Paul K. Burback, Wayne State ‘69-Life Gary M. Burke, Washington State ‘60-Life Arthur L. Burke, Florida ‘57-Life Scott M. Burroughs, Washington State ‘99-Life Christopher A. Bush, Jacksonville ‘84-Life John E. Byrd, Utah ‘65-Life Stephanie Caccamese, Fairleigh Dickinson ‘97-Life John D. Cahill, Buffalo ‘52-Life Lisa A. Calandriello, American ‘97-Life James L. Canvasser, Oakland ‘98-Life Thomas A. Carey, Western Michigan ‘92-Life Robert E. Carlson, Drake ‘93-Life William T. Carnahan, Wichita State ‘61-Life James E. Chandler, Boston ‘50-Life Donald S. Chapman, Georgia ‘59-Life Richard D. Clark, Columbia ‘49-Life Nicholas B. Clark, Old Dominion ‘86-Life James Clarke, Bellevue ‘79-Life Leonard M. Clezie, John Carroll ‘60-Life Bertram M. Cohen, Arizona ‘50-Life Ellis and Linda Cohn Bobby L. Collier, Tennessee Techn ‘68-Life The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi | Autumn 2007 | Henry T. Corbett, Western Carolina ‘78-Life Myra M. Cox, Missouri State ‘03 Robert J. Creely, Pittsburgh ‘97 Patrick R. Crosson, Detroit-Day ‘71-Life James H. Crowell, Austin Peay ‘65-Life Donald C. Cundy, Eastern Michigan ‘70-Life Charles E. Cupples, Sam Houston ‘76-Life & Deborah J. Cupples, Sam Houston ‘76-Life Kendall W. Curtis, Clarkson ‘69 Katherine S. Dahlenburg, Illinois ‘76-Life Stanley E. Darnell, Georgia ‘70-Life James M. Davis, Middle Tennessee ‘70-Life Randi E. Davis, Stetson ‘03 Guido E. De Angelis, St. Francis Col(Pa.) ‘64-Life Alicia R. DeBerry, Southern Illinois ‘04 Katharine A. Denham, Eastern Mich ‘92-Life Michael G. Dickerson, Virginia Tech ‘04-Life Emily C. Dowden, Washington - St. Louis ‘04 Scott A. Drogs, Michigan - Dearborn ‘88-Life & Stacey M. Drogs, Michigan - Dearborn ‘90-Life Clifford F. Duke, Miami ‘73-Life John T. Duncan, Virginia Tech ‘72-Life Donald A. Dunst, Marquette ‘57-Life Cary R. Efaw, Waynesburg ‘72-Life Donald J. Eisen, Seattle ‘75-Life Eta Chapter (Cincinnati) Marjorie Etienne, Florida Atlantic ‘03 Robert E. Evans, Illinois Wesleyan ‘59-Life John W. Everage, Alabama ‘47-Life Edwin J. Feulner, Regis ‘60-Life Richard G. Fick, Missouri ‘50 Steven L. Finch, Michigan - Dearborn ‘72 & Sachiko D. Finch, Western Michigan ‘78-Life Thomas R. Fischer, Eastern Washington ‘75-Life Michael J. Fischer, Toledo ‘98-Life James A. Fleming, Alabama ‘62-Life Peter M. Fleming, Long Beach State ‘73-Life Christopher M. Folds, Western Carolina ‘03 William L. Foulds, Penn State ‘64-Life Zachary I. Fredley, Toledo ‘05 Paul D. Freedle, UNC - Chapel Hill ‘60-Life Lawrence A. Friend, Indiana ‘63-Life Steven L. Frost, Adrian College ‘72-Life John C. Fuller, Boston ‘50-Life Gregory L. Gabbard, Cincinnati ‘90-Life Gary E. Gassin, Ohio State ‘76-Life Bruce W. Genthner, Arizona ‘58-Life Andrew J. Gibbons, Lock Haven ‘96-Life Abraham L. Gitlow, NYU ‘94-Life Douglas S. Gold, UNLV ‘02 William R. Goldammer, Marquette ‘54-Life Herbert J. Graebner, Minnesota ‘48-Life Erin E. Graham, Missouri ‘99 Ariane L. Guettler, Nova Southeastern ‘05-Life Barry D. Gumaer, CSU-San Bernardino ‘93-Life Stephanie B. Gunther, Rutgers ‘01 Stacy E. Hammond, Eastern Kentucky ‘05 Earl J. Hammond, Kansas State ‘55-Life Lyle V. Hanson, Minnesota ‘49-Life John and Mildred Harder Clark M. Harper, Central Michigan ‘82-Life Kathryn L. Harris, West Virginia ‘05 Harry’s Fine Jewelry Charles J. Hass, Wisconsin ‘58-Life Kenneth B. Hastey, Saint Louis ‘76-Life & Jill Johansen Hastey, Drake ‘85-Life Joel E. Hawley, Saint Louis ‘03 Jonathan Heinlein, American ‘02-Life Thomas R. Hendry, Minnesota ‘64-Life Irle R. Hicks, Virginia ‘48-Life Jessica L. Hill, Arizona State ‘95-Life Carrie J. Hovey, UW - Milwaukee ‘95-Life Harvey M. Howitt, Michigan State ‘66-Life HRH/Kirklin & Co, LLC Walter G. Hudson, West Texas A&M ‘72-Life Richard A. Hughey, Pittsburgh-Johnstown ‘91-Life Joseph H. Huppert, Miami ‘69 Walter F. Imhoff, Regis ‘54-Life Warren H. Jackson, Boston ‘51 Melanie K. Jacobs, Florida State ‘02 Kathleen C. Jaeger, Davenport College ‘90-Life Erika G. Jeffers, West Georgia ‘03 Rick C. Johnson, Austin Peay ‘01 Kanosha R. Johnson, Buffalo ‘05 Douglas W. Johnson, St. Mary’s Col ‘63-Life Harrell L. Jones, Lamar ‘82-Life Brent A. Jones, Louisville ‘99-Life Donna J. Jones, Stephen F. Austin ‘82-Life A L P H A K A P PA P S I F O U N D AT I O N Donald T. Joyner, Christopher Newport ‘92 Carla J. Kadavy, Oklahoma State ‘81-Life Katarina Karczewski, UNC-Chapel Hill ‘91-Life Ryan V. Kasper, Colorado ‘01 & Linsey W. Kasper, Colorado ‘00 Jerry A. Katz, Appalachian State ‘81-Life & Martha Katz, Appalachian State ‘81-Life Lawrence J. Keefe, Saint Thomas ‘57-Life Melanie A. Kelsey, Puget Sound ‘91-Life Mark W. Kemp, Missouri ‘69-Life Jeffrey J. Kenner, Iowa ‘78-Life William W. Kibler, Virginia Tech ‘58-Life Joseph A. Kiely, Ohio State ‘56-Life James H. Killian, UNC - Charlotte ‘70-Life James W. Kiser, Tennessee - Martin ‘84-Life William L. Koleszar, Florida State ‘86-Life Annie Koppel-Doncsecz, Penn State ‘83-Life Edward J. Koss, Michigan - Dearborn ‘76-Life Edward K. Kostrowski, Carroll College ‘69-Life Andrea C. Kotch Duda, Western Mich ‘78-Life Robert R. Kratus, Canisius College ‘71-Life Andre R. Kropacek, Wayne State ‘75-Life Elizabeth Kuczera, Michigan State ‘79-Life Larry S. Kurpiewski, Boise State ‘70-Life David A. Labowitz, UCLA ‘62-Life Robert D. Lane, Tennessee Tech ‘81-Life Todd H. Langley, Arizona ‘53-Life Rufus B. Langley, UNC - Chapel Hill ‘62-Life Christine A. Larkin, Gannon ‘87-Life David M. Larson, Florida ‘91-Life William T. Laundon, N.C. State ‘83-Life Frederick W. Lauper, Benedictine Col ‘71-Life Marie D. Lawrick, Boise State ‘85-Life Doug K. Lawyer-Smith, Indiana ‘90-Life Norris F. Lee, Virginia Tech ‘48-Life Susannah Lee, Texas Tech ‘04 John M. LeVering, Boise State ‘95-Life Michael D. Lewis, Drake ‘03 John E. Litz, Colorado ‘58-Life Michael Lopata, Elon ‘00 Michael D. Lorenz, Michigan State ‘80-Life Harold W. Lundstrom, Bradley ‘63 Catherine MacFarlane-Haws, MSU ‘77-Life Thomas A. Mack, Stephen F. Austin ‘82-Life & Theresa Mack, Texas A&M ‘84 Benjamin D. Mallin, Cincinnati ‘47-Life David S. Margolis, Wayne State ‘76-Life Robert A. Marra, NYU ‘59-Life Philip L. Martin, Virginia Tech ‘78 Daniel J. McCleary, Florida ‘00 Robert W. McClintock, Northwestern ‘36-Life Elizabeth L. McCullough, Jacksonville ‘87-Life Benjamin McDonald, Western Carolina ‘81-Life Ted M. McElroy, Western Carolina ‘76-Life Marvin J. McElvain, Iowa ‘73-Life Jason T. McGill, Seattle ‘96-Life & Roberta McGill, Seattle ‘95 Kelly-Ayn McKay, Virginia Tech ‘90-Life Kathryn E. McKenzie, Western Carolina ‘02 John P. McKillip, Iowa ‘70-Life Dean B. McKinney, Minnesota ‘50-Life Thomas L. McMillian, Texas Tech ‘01 Daniel P. McMillin, Tennessee ‘05 Gary E. McVety, Michigan State ‘79-Life Bertel R. Megill, George Washington ‘60-Life Daniel D. Mendoza, Miami ‘99-Life Anthony T. Meyer, Florida ‘96-Life Kathryn M. Meyer, Florida State ‘97 Richard J. Meyer, Minnesota ‘56-Life Emilly P. Middleton, South Alabama ‘06 Pamela A. Miksell, Iowa ‘96-Life Elizee Milhomme, Florida Atlantic ‘02 Arthur G. Milligan, Boston ‘49-Life Paula E. Minton, Western Kentucky ‘04 Ramin Mohammad, Virginia ‘04 Thomas R. Mollison, Western Michigan ‘70 Ryan K. Montoya, New Mexico ‘05 Lee A. Moore, Puget Sound ‘71-Life Grant S. Morehead, Florida ‘92-Life Leonard W. Morrison, Ohio State ‘57-Life Mu Sigma Chapter (San Diego State) Adrian R. Murray, Tennessee State ‘03 Randolph L. Myers, CSU - Los Angeles ‘57-Life Elizabeth K. Nabholtz, Southern Methodist ‘03 Gary K. Nelson, Portland State ‘65-Life Michael E. Nemeth, Hofstra ‘95-Life Alicia D. Neumann, Saint Louis ‘96-Life Nyesha R. Newton, South Carolina State ‘99 Donald J. Nichols, UW - Milwaukee ‘60-Life Nissan North America, Inc. Jesse V. Noland, UNC - Chapel Hill ‘51-Life James G. Nussbaum, Illinois ‘59-Life Jennifer Ohlmacher, UC - Santa Barbara ‘03 Chad N. Olszyk, Rutgers ‘98-Life & Heather Jasontek, Rutgers ‘98-Life Charles E. Packard, Toledo ‘65-Life Antoinette Palazzi, St. Francis Col (N.Y.) ‘89-Life LaToya M. Paley, Sam Houston ‘02 Dennis S. Palkon, Florida Atlantic ‘04 Steven M. Patch, Michigan State ‘77-Life Caryn J. Patterson, Florida State ‘90-Life Rachel S. Patton, Western Carolina ‘02 Mark A. Peterson, Minnesota ‘71-Life Victoria K. Pirkey, Elon ‘04 Joseph L. Pisano, Austin Peay ‘88-Life Matt Pope, California State - San Marcos ‘02 Richard L. Popp, Cincinnati ‘97-Life Natasha Predelus, South Florida ‘04 James J. Preston, Indiana ‘96 Sara E. Preston, Indiana ‘96 Walter N. Propps, George Washington ‘57-Life Kerry J. Quinn, Norwich ‘90-Life R. H. Donnelley Corporation David A. Ralston, Richmond ‘94-Life William K. Rapp, Arizona ‘58-Life Myra S. Rappl, North Carolina State ‘83-Life Kyle Ray, Stetson ‘02 Timothy J. Reedy, Bradley ‘79-Life Arthur L. Reisch, USC ‘48-Life Alan J. Rengering, Cincinnati ‘93-Life Larry A. Renner, Virginia Tech ‘64-Life Elliott H. Ring, Michigan - Dearborn ‘76-Life H. Earl Roberts, Drexel ‘68-Life Larry D. Roberts, Wyoming ‘65-Life B. Leslie Robinson, Southern Illinois ‘65-Life Michael L. Rogers, N.C. State ‘90-Life Sherri L. Rogers, Southeast Missouri ‘88-Life Marco A. RoJas, Florida International ‘00-Life James P. Rounsavall, Arkansas ‘86-Life Jeffrey T. Rouse, Old Dominion ‘86-Life & Theresa M. Rouse, Old Dominion ‘87-Life Saint Louis Metro Alumni Nathalie Sanchez, Marist College ‘05 Peter G. Sarles, Babson College ‘58-Life Joseph H. Saul, Wayne State ‘61-Life Frank T. Scalici, Michigan State ‘76-Life Robert N. Schreck, UCLA ‘63-Life Roger M. Schueller, Long Beach State ‘65-Life Darin F. Schuld, Saint Louis ‘94-Life Donald T. Sechler, Arizona State ‘96-Life H. Roger Secrest, Michigan ‘48-Life Jessica R. Seitz, Auburn ‘02-Honorary/Life Stephen A. Sell, Wayne State ‘75-Life Ann M. Sexton, Toledo ‘82-Life Eddie J. Sharpe, Texas ‘50-Life Dennis W. Shearon, Tennessee - Martin ‘70-Life Brendan P. Sherry, Virginia Tech ‘97-Life Dennis D. Shiplett, Youngstown State ‘67-Life D. Scott Showalter, Richmond ‘73-Life Alan Siktberg, Ball State ‘02-Life Richard C. Simoni, Middle Tennessee ‘90-Life David W. Simpkins, Jacksonville ‘80-Life Amanda L. Singer, Virginia ‘02 Donald Slager Arista E. Slate, Tennessee State ‘05 Rodney E. Slifer, Colorado ‘55 Kyle M. Smith, North Carolina State ‘96 Jennifer L. Smith, N.C. State ‘96-Life Courtney Smith, Iowa ‘93-Life Walter J. Smith, Florida ‘65-Life Chad E. Smith, Montclair State ‘93 Becky A. Smouse, Creighton ‘96-Life Snavely Forest Products Molly A. Sollie, Northern Colorado ‘02 Jean M. Souweine, UNC - Chapel Hill ‘52-Life Scott R. Stampflmeier, Toledo ‘98-Life & Erin A. Stampflmeier, Toledo ‘01 Donald F. Stanaway, Montana ‘49-Life Jeffrey A. Stedman, Central Wash ‘89-Life Herb L. Stem, Georgia State ‘52-Life Clifford Stern, Florida ‘74-Life Beverly Stevens, Christopher Newport ‘76-Life Todd A. Stickler, South Florida ‘98-Life Keitra Stoker, North Texas ‘05 Jeffrey R. Stoll, Toledo ‘80-Life Charles R. Sundgren, Eastern Wash ‘75-Life Charles E. Swanson, Michigan ‘49-Life 2006-07 ANNUAL REPORT John W. Sweitzer, Seton Hall ‘65-Life J. Kenneth Tabb, Emory ‘49-Life Eric Tang, USC ‘02-Life Robin Tarbutton, Old Dominion ‘01 Vin A. Taylor, USC ‘58-Life Renee’ J. Taylor, Nova Southeastern ‘05 William F. Templin, Illinois ‘41-Life John E. Terhune, Wayne State ‘42-Life Nanette Thomasson, Arkansas - L.R. ‘82-Life Phillip J. Thompson, Kansas State ‘72 William F. Thompson, Virginia ‘70-Life Don A. Tidwell, Texas ‘56-Life Caitlin E. Tiftick, Fresno State ‘04 Delia G. Tillman, Georgia State ‘94-Life Susan A. Titshaw, Middle Tennessee ‘91-Life Cristina M. Trabada, Florida Int’l ‘92-Life Alfred M. Tripp, Virginia Tech ‘63-Life Darrin S. Trudeau, CSU - Northridge ‘87-Life Rodney C. Turner, Alabama State ‘93-Life Richard H. Turrell, Washington and Lee ‘49-Life Robert S. Ukrop, Richmond ‘68-Life Amanda L. Vaccaro, Virginia Tech ‘88-Life John L. Van Vliet, Detroit-Day ‘62-Life Matthew P. Vedder, Rutgers ‘99 Veris Industries Frank R. Vitulli, Seattle ‘57-Life Robert G. Volpe, St. John’s ‘58-Life John J. Von Achen, Upsala College ‘74-Life Rex F. Waddle, Wayne State ‘65-Life William A. Wade Stephanie L. Wallen, Central Wash ‘92-Life Jesse P. Walt, Arkansas ‘47-Life Milt K. Walters, West Texas A & M ‘61-Life Suzanne M. Ward, Drake ‘92-Life Christopher J. Warmuth, USC ‘74-Life Steve B. Warnecke, Iowa ‘77-Life Jeffrey B. Warner, Iowa ‘84-Life Scott N. Warner, Ohio State ‘85 Linda A. Watson, Texas State ‘80-Life Gregory P. Weber, Montclair State ‘81-Life Jason Weinstein, McGill ‘03-Life Tom Wierman, Fort Hays State ‘80-Life Ted W. Wiggins, Lamar ‘87-Life Jennifer L. Wiker, Trinity ‘99 John H. Wilcox, Niagara ‘65-Life Michael E. Witmer, Penn State ‘98-Life Andrew Wolcott, Pennsylvania ‘68-Life Gale S. Wood, Pennsylvania ‘05-Honorary Maurice C. Workman, Illinois ‘48-Life Zachary H. Wright, UNC - Chapel Hill ‘91-Life Craig T. Yabuta, Boise State ‘92-Life William B. Yersin, Carroll College ‘62-Life Michelle R. Yetman, Stephen F. Austin ‘89 Joel S. Young, Tri-State ‘86-Life Jack C. Younke, Detroit-Evening ‘58-Life Zeta Xi Chapter (Central Michigan) Linda Zilkowski, Indiana ‘84-Life Becky L. Zimmerman, Central Arkansas ‘84-Life donor bill of rights The Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation subscribes to the following “Donor Bill of Rights” which was developed by the American Association of Fund-Raising Council (AAFRC), the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP), the Council for Advancement in Support of Education (CASE) and the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP). Philanthropy is based on voluntary action for the common good. It is a tradition of giving and sharing that is primary to the quality of life. To assure that philanthropy merits the respect and trust of the general public and that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in the not-for-profit organizations and causes they are asked to support, it is declared that all donors have these rights: 1. To be informed of the organization’s mission, of the way the organization intends to use donated resources, and of its capacity to use donations effectively for their intended purposes. 2. To be informed of the identity of those serving on the organization’s governing board and to expect the board to exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship responsibilities. 3. To have access to the organization’s most recent financial statements. 4. To be assured their gifts will be used for the purposes for which they were given. 5. To receive appropriate acknowledgment and recognition. 6. To be assured that information about their donations is handled with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by law. 7. To expect that all relationships with individuals representing organizations of interest to the donor will be professional in nature. 8. To be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers or employees of the organization or hired solicitors. 9. To have the opportunity for their names to be deleted from mailing lists that an organization may intend to share. 10. To feel free to ask questions when making a donation and to receive prompt, truthful and forthright answers. | Autumn 2007 | The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi 13 gifts by chapter The following list includes all donors who made gifts to the Annual Fund for the campaign year July 1, 2006, through June 30, 2007. Donors are listed by chapter of initiation. adrian college Kimberly L. O’Neill ‘06 (2) Crystal L. Penick ‘06 Balea Perrigin ‘07 Boone Phillips ‘07 Dianna M. Pitts ‘06 Christopher B. Portier ‘06 Justin Reynolds ‘07 Patrick M. Robinson ‘06 Jessica Robinson ‘07 Victoria Rohan ‘07 Leah A. Rutberg Audrey M. Sharp ‘06 Shaunice Starks ‘06 (2) Brittany J. Stephens ‘06 Alexander H. Teel ‘06 Laura A. Thrun ‘06 Adam E. Tice ‘02 (5) Jillian E. Tice Carl L. Tolbert ‘06 Heather E. Treadaway ‘06 Joshua A. VanZile ‘06 Erin A. White ‘06 Home chapter of Past Foundation Chairman A.D. Brown ‘81-Life (1995-99). Angela D. Brown ‘81-Life (15) Steven L. Frost ‘72-Life (3) Carol S. Messman ‘81-Life (3) alabama Jasmine B. Adams ‘06 Phillip W. Addington ‘06 Natalie P. Allred ‘06 Alan Baker ‘07 Rachel L. Bischoff ‘06 Thomas Bonatz Robert K. Branton ‘03 (2) Mary Kathryn Brock ‘06 Stephanie A. Brown ‘03 Christin D. Brunson ‘06 Michael Coloma ‘07 Blair S. Cooper ‘06 Ezell Cornelius ‘56-Life (5) Allen S. Cox ‘06 John W. Everage ‘47-Life Willie J. Feagin ‘06 James A. Fleming ‘62-Life Brandon D. Formby ‘06 Ana M. Garcia ‘06 Michael B. Gibbs ‘06 Drayton L. Green ‘04 (3) Eric G. Hess ‘06 Erika N. Hill ‘06 Abigail K. Hoag ‘06 Tameka R. Jackson ‘06 Ann C. Joiner ‘06 Elizabeth A. Littrell ‘06 Erica M. Luby ‘06 Mary A. Marquez ‘06 Alyson Marshall ‘07 Clayton J. Mobley ‘06 Sean Montgomery ‘07 Reginald W. Murphy ‘06 Jennifer Newberry ‘07 appalachian state LaToya L. Lane ‘06 Deirdre N. McCain ‘06 Rhonda D. Minniefield ‘02 LaTolya E. Morton ‘01 Shannon M. Mose ‘06 Archie Ruggs ‘06 Sofiyyah K. Simmons ‘06 Jillian N. Smith ‘06 Melissa C. Stallworth ‘06 Deshawn C. Sutton ‘06 Rodney C. Turner ‘93-Life (6) Jerry A. Katz ‘81-Life (9) Martha Katz ‘81-Life (9) Angelia B. Severt ‘96 Christopher M. Smith ‘96 arizona american Jobin G. Abraham ‘06 Sarah K. Aheron ‘01 Pamela M. Breault ‘82-Life (4) Kevin M. Buckley ‘06 Lisa A. Calandriello ‘97-Life (2) Kellie A. Cavalier ‘06 Joshua M. Cohen ‘06 Jessica L. Conrado ‘06 Myca F. Ferrer ‘06 Kengo Fujishiro ‘06 Danielle M. Gaccione ‘96-Life Monique A. Harps ‘01 (6) Jonathan Heinlein ‘02-Life (2) James A. Kelley ‘06 Callan C. Kruchten ‘06 Jennifer N. Laforest ‘03 Adam S. Lamonthe ‘06 David C. Lankford ‘97-Life Sarah E. Murphy ‘06 Lorraine M. Pascual ‘06 Amy A. Peltier ‘02-Life (5) Kathy Russell ‘02 (2) Shingo Shimizu ‘06 Paul T. Swoish ‘06 Allison E. Tabaczynski ‘06 Erik L. Taubeneck ‘06 Francis D. Tuggle ‘91-Fac/Life (11) Louis L. Voegler ‘98-Life (9) Stacey Young ‘93-Life (5) alabama birmingham Jane E. Gentry ‘05 (3) Mary Grimes ‘05 (3) Monique S. McKinstry ‘05 (3) Angela J. Paumen ‘05 (3) Taretha A. Robinson ‘06 (2) alabama state Brittany C. Banks ‘06 Odessa D. Boswell ‘06 Kimberly N. Brown ‘06 Myrtice R. Carter ‘05 (2) Lauren A. Davidson ‘04 (3) Nichole L. Gilliam ‘06 Rodrick T. Grant ‘01 (4) Kershawna L. Harden ‘06 Kantoria L. Hill ‘06 Vanity M. Hunter ‘06 Roger S. Jones ‘81-Life ten years of donors (■) and gifts (■) 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 Dena M. Becker ‘94 (6) Christopher J. Bell ‘03 (3) Thomas H. Browning ‘60-Life (15) Adrienne M. Choate ‘89-Life Bertram M. Cohen ‘50-Life John M. Garbaczewski ‘45-Life (2) Bruce W. Genthner ‘58-Life Alison R. Hughes ‘06 Todd H. Langley ‘53-Life (15) Sean Mc Grath ‘89-Life Jorge C. Pongo ‘04 (3) William K. Rapp ‘58-Life (4) Gerald D. Raticoff ‘50-Life Angela M. Roberts ‘00 Leah Taylor ‘00 Lily Wang ‘00 (2) arizona state Frank F. Alvarado ‘00 (6) Joshua A. Bay ‘02 Kurt L. Belknap ‘02 Michael W. Bott ‘72 Kyle Bridgeman ‘06 Scott M. Butera ‘84-Life (2) Michelle A. Cole ‘97 Johnathan Dahl ‘05 (2) Steven Dickson ‘06 Sarah Feller ‘06 Lori A. Finigian ‘82-Life (6) Jessica L. Hill ‘95-Life (7) Traci Humphrey ‘99 Justin D. Knorr ‘05 Crystal M. Korp ‘05 (2) Randall W. Mankin ‘72 Kelly M. McCarthy ‘06 Timothy J. Metzer ‘72-Life Timothy Mitchell ‘95 William J. Negrey ‘72 Richard Nordstrom ‘97 Debora J. Oliva ‘93 (4) Grace J. Rieger ‘05 (2) Andrew Rigazio ‘06 David Ryan ‘06 Donald T. Sechler ‘96-Life (3) Jeffrey N. Sherman ‘05 Louis A. Silverman ‘72 Patrick D. Sullivan ‘97 Ethel Valera-Barker ‘95-Life (4) Philip J. Valvo ‘05 Christine M. Vasquez ‘98-Life (6) Stephen Vasquez ‘72-Life (5) Jason B. Ward ‘01 Alex Weisman ‘06 Ross Weisman ‘06 John A. Wilson ‘90-Life Kurtis B. Yant ‘03 arizona state west Bethany S. Andrews ‘06 Jessica Groeneveld ‘05 (2) Kyra Ham ‘05 (2) Bonnie Martin ‘06 Michael P. Reiche ‘03 (2) Maya S. Richardson ‘02 (2) Robert D. Tippit ‘05 Amanda M. Van Wave ‘06 1000 arkansas 1997-98 14 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi | Autumn 2007 | 2005-06 3,404 2,796 3,234 2,690 3,083 2,543 2,737 2,283 1,973 1,543 1,927 1,490 1,333 1,025 1,383 1.071 1,345 1,081 658 506 500 2006-07 James L. Lackey ‘50-Life (13) James P. Rounsavall ‘86-Life (4) Jesse P. Walt ‘47-Life (2) arkansas – little rock Phillip S. Greenhaw ‘79-Life Nanette Thomasson ‘82-Life (3) Raymond A. Weber ‘69 (6) A L P H A K A P PA P S I F O U N D AT I O N auburn Elaine J. Hamilton ‘92-Life (3) Jonathan M. Loden ‘95 (4) Stephanie N. Potter ‘00 Jessica R. Seitz ‘02-Hon/Life (7) austin peay Debra J. Arkley ‘82-Life (4) Pamela A. Brown-Wilson ‘86 (2) Teresa Coates Super ‘04 James H. Crowell ‘65-Life (3) Michelle R. Currier ‘06 Martina C. Davis ‘06 Marcus R. Daw ‘07 Rashidat Eyiowuawi ‘06 Jacqueline H. Felland ‘97 Rick C. Johnson ‘01 Robert W. Martin ‘77-Life (9) Bevin J. Meadows ‘06 Christel L. Morgan ‘05 Joseph L. Pisano ‘88-Life Marie Prichard ‘06 Rebecca L. Seymour ‘06 Casey L. Sheffer ‘06 Tiffany J. Tanner ‘02 Tabitha J. Tanner ‘05 Bryan G. West ‘94-Life (3) Latrice M. White ‘02 azusa pacific Darrah V. Christel ‘04 babson college Richard L. Kozacko ‘55-Life Peter G. Sarles ‘58-Life (5) ball state Brett Breedlove ‘05 Christopher J. Clemens ‘03 Lisa M. Cotton ‘06 Brandi M. Hobson ‘03 (3) Jennifer E. LaValley ‘05 Jenell M. Leslie ‘05 James A. Mayer ‘03 Kim Mitzner ‘02 (2) Kimberly R. Naylor ‘06 Eric C. Rhude ‘05 (2) Alan Siktberg ‘02-Life (5) Lisa M. Stiglitz ‘05 (2) Jamie E. Troxell ‘05 Audrey L. Waugh ‘06 baylor Fawaz Hashmi ‘84-Life bellevue Gerardo G. Campbell ‘79-Life (2) Lucille L. Chilton ‘87 James Clarke ‘79-Life Genevieve I. Davis ‘85-Life Louis J. Ferony ‘86-Life (11) Lynn A. Suberly ‘86-Life (4) Michael A. Brotzman ‘06 Michael D. Brown ‘88-Life (5) Kerri Conrads ‘06 Jenny M. Corn ‘97 (4) Jennifer Iacoboni ‘05 Sabina Keranovic ‘06 Larry S. Kurpiewski ‘70-Life Marie D. Lawrick ‘85-Life John M. LeVering ‘95-Life Danijela Matrak ‘03 (4) Emerson C. Maxson ‘69-Fac (12) Katie Mowat ‘05 Kevin O. Regan ‘06 Jeremy R. Rice ‘06 Amanda J. Sargent ‘06 Kelly A. Savary ‘96 (2) Kristin M. Stewart ‘05 Craig T. Yabuta ‘92-Life Home chapter of Past Fraternity President E.W. Lord (1923-27). Arthur C. Anton ‘48-Life (2) John M. Blake ‘38-Life James E. Chandler ‘50-Life (5) John C. Fuller ‘50-Life (5) Warren H. Jackson ‘51 Arthur G. Milligan ‘49-Life Edwin R. Nelson ‘57 (2) boston college Anthony S. Massimino ‘55-Life (4) bradley Douglas J. Lueken ‘73-Life (4) Harold W. Lundstrom ‘63 (6) Timothy J. Reedy ‘79-Life (10) Chester F. Romaniak ‘68 buffalo Home chapter of Past Fraternity Presidents M.C. Townsend ‘36 (195659) and J.D. Cahill ‘52-Life (1968-71, 1983-87). Erik W. Burton ‘05 (3) John D. Cahill ‘52-Life (12) Tana M. Dippolito ‘06 (2) Kanosha R. Johnson ‘05 Jiamin Liu ‘07 Angel Rosa ‘05 butler Jeffrey A. Blade ’84-Life Gavin X. Howard ‘97 (3) Laura Liggett ‘06 Matthew R. Meer ‘02 (2) Scott T. Menne ‘88-Life (15) Douglas R. Steen ‘96 cal poly san luis obispo benedictine college bloomfield college John Lacki ‘64-Life (2) Thomas J. Russo ‘67-Life boise state Salvador B. Banuelos ‘04 california – berkeley Mayra J. Villalta ‘03 (2) california – davis boston Matthew D. Spenst ‘03 Frederick W. Lauper ‘71-Life Matthew Klingbeil ‘05 (2) Greg Law ‘07 Jessie C. Li ‘05 (2) Lisa M. Mah ‘05 (2) Diane Nguyen ‘05 (2) Alan Ta ‘05 (2) Cassidy Warkentin ‘05 (2) Angel S. Wong ‘05 (2) Carmen B. Wong ‘05 (2) Jennifer Wong ‘06 Robin Wylie ‘05 (2) Pamela Yee ‘05 (2) Sahil Zaman ‘04 Jimmy Zheng ‘05 calgary Grant Ashley ‘05 (2) Eric K. Bonderud ‘05 (2) Robert Boyd ‘05 (2) Catherine Cheung ‘05 (2) Eleanor Chow ‘05 (2) Seung C. Jennes ‘05 (2) Dana Jergeas ‘05 (2) Kawaldeep Kaur ‘05 (2) csu – fresno Christa A. Cappiali ‘82-Life (5) Sean M. McDonald ‘06 Tiffany N. Medellin ‘04 Elsa L. Quirarte ‘06 Gracie Settle ‘06 Megan M. Simile ‘06 Caitlin E. Tiftick ‘04 (2) csu – long beach Gerald D. Byrd ‘62-Life (2) Louis A. Clunk ‘61-Life (3) Victor R. Conrad ‘60-Life (3) Charles R. Dellinger ‘57-Life Peter M. Fleming ‘73-Life (15) Merri B. Robinson ‘80-Life (3) Roger M. Schueller ‘65-Life (3) csu – los angeles Robert Chao ‘06 Orchid Emambakhsh ‘06 Roger Ku ‘05 Kurt Lu ‘06 Lien Pham ‘06 Conroy Tam ‘06 Kimberly Wong ‘06 Joseph M. Hetherington ‘65 (2) Randolph L. Myers ‘57-Life (15) Gerald W. Spencer ‘71-Life (3) csu – northridge Darrin S. Trudeau ‘87-Life california – los angeles csu – san bernardino W. Reid Allen Jr. ‘50-Life Roger A. Davey ‘46 (4) David A. Labowitz ‘62-Life (13) Paul M. Lee ‘39-Life (4) Alexander J. Resnick ‘64-Life Chris J. Rufer ‘68-Life (14) Robert N. Schreck ‘63-Life (9) california – riverside Paris Christodoulidis ‘06 Lisa Wong ‘06 Pauline Zhou ‘06 csu – san marcos Sean R. Bambarger ‘04 Mae Madge M. Mendoza ‘06 Alida L. Patterson ‘04 Matt Pope ‘02 (5) Amanda L. Taylor ‘05 canisius college california – san diego Sylvain Bernard ‘06 Diana Chang ‘06 James E. Chang ‘06 Kevin S. Chao ‘06 Rose Choi ‘06 Walter Chui ‘06 Jessica A. Harvey ‘06 Stanley Ho ‘06 Daniel Kil ‘06 Andrew Kim ‘06 Rina Kim ‘06 Chern C. Lee ‘03 Jeff Luy ‘06 Stephen M. Napier ‘00 (4) Charles Ou-Yang ‘06 Henry Y. Pan ‘06 Vivek V. Punjabi ‘06 Jeremy Y. Shinoda ‘96-Life (2) Joseph C. Sun ‘06 Sunny M. Toumanian ‘02 Brian H. Tran ‘06 Jimmy Ung ‘06 Tiffany H. Wang ‘04 Lucy Zheng ‘06 california–santa barbara Elaine Chang ‘06 Cynthia Houston ‘05 Ric H. Keo ‘06 Matthew E. Lazar ‘07 Jennifer Ohlmacher ‘03 Raquel C. Benmergui ‘96-Life (6) Barry D. Gumaer ‘93-Life (4) Susan A. Porte ‘98 (4) Richard R. Henry ‘98 (7) William T. Hughes ‘86-Life Robert E. Jagodzinski ‘72-Life (4) Robert R. Kratus ‘71-Life (9) Kevin Kuligowski ‘79-Life Nicholas L. Tober ‘02 (2) carroll college Edward K. Kostrowski ‘69-Life (2) William B. Yersin ‘62-Life (15) central arkansas Becky L. Zimmerman ‘84-Life central florida Jessica M. Brown ‘06 Amber E. Yagel ‘05 central michigan Jonathan D. Barfell ‘06 Loren J. Bidle ‘72-Life (3) Alan R. Boadway ‘06 Stephanie N. Buckles ‘06 Kendra Carlo ‘99 (4) Brenda A. Carlson ‘93-Life Kelly V. Carter ‘06 Stephen F. Cole ‘06 Ashley L. Fenwick ‘06 Allison K. Grimm ‘06 Katie L. Gustafson ‘06 Clark M. Harper ‘82-Life (2) Kelly L. Hess ‘89-Life (4) 2006-07 ANNUAL REPORT Cheryl A. Icban ‘06 David W. Isakson ‘06 Nathan R. Layman ‘06 Robert M. Linden ‘64-Life (3) Brian G. Long ‘65-Life (9) Erika L. McCubbin ‘06 Jill C. Mummaw ‘06 Gregory A. Nolin ‘70-Life (3) Sarah A. Petruska ‘06 Samantha S. Phythian ‘06 Trisha M. Pritchard ‘06 Christopher L. Savelle ‘05 (2) Joshua Thomas ‘06 Christopher J. Vinson ‘06 Elizabeth L. Winters ‘06 Robert W. Wischer ‘90-Life Jill H. Yerrick ‘04 central washington Kristen Adamson ‘06 Katherine A. Hanke ‘98 Mark J. Johnson ‘84-Life (2) Angela N. Morrow ‘94-Life Eric I. Nielson ‘05 Jeffrey A. Stedman ‘89-Life (3) Justin Tuttle ‘02 Lacey Vance ‘06 Stephanie L. Wallen ‘92-Life Meghan G. Wright ‘05 chapman Jeffrey J. Belote ‘03 (3) Derek Bruner ‘07 Sandra L. Burns ‘04 (3) Teresa A. Chan ‘05 (2) Kathryn M. DeMar ‘05 (2) Danielle M. Doty ‘06 (2) Erin Dudzinski ‘05 (2) Jessica B. Gelber ‘04 (3) Justin A. Guerra ‘01 (3) Ashlee A. Guerra ‘03 (3) Douglas Hachiya ‘02 (3) Katie Holwick ‘06 (2) Jessica A. Jimenez ‘06 (2) Andrea J. Koepke ‘01 (3) Andrei A. Kryssov ‘05 (2) Krista M. Lange ‘05 (2) Kellie M. Maher ‘06 Jason A. Mathieson ‘05 (2) Melissa Merritt ‘02 (3) Hollie C. Mobraaten ‘06 (2) Samantha E. Moore ‘06 (2) Sara A. Mouser ‘05 (2) Silvia Nava ‘06 (2) Helena Nguyen ‘01 (6) Michelle Peugnet ‘01 (3) Kasey C. Phillips ‘03 (3) David C. Piper ‘01 (6) Jamila M. Qadiri ‘06 Andrew D. Ramirez ‘05 (2) Amy M. Saltzer ‘06 (2) Rebecca L. Shasha ‘06 Hilary Sosa ‘05 (2) Brian R. Tippy ‘06 Kim Torio ‘06 (2) Amy C. Tracey ‘01 (2) Claire Tran ‘06 (2) Mackenzie Ulrikson ‘06 (2) Jennifer Wasik ‘05 (2) Jordan Witherspoon ‘06 (2) Irene Yu ‘05 (2) Ryan E. Zalaskus ‘06 charleston Sherita Featherstone ‘04 clifford spangler society consecutive giving yellow rose society matching gift Recognition club for those who made provisions for Alpha Kappa Psi in their estate plans. Consecutive years of giving since the 1991-92 campaign are included in parenthesis. Recognition club for those undergraduates who made a minimum contribution of $10. Donor was eligible for a matching gift which was received during the campaign. (X) | Autumn 2007 | The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi 15 A L P H A K A P PA P S I F O U N D AT I O N 2006-07 ANNUAL REPORT all-akpsi academic team The All-AKPsi Academic Team recognizes students who maintain excellence in academic standing while making positive contributions to their chapter, campus and community. Candidates needed to have junior or senior full-time status and a grade point average of 3.5 (on a 4.0 system) or higher. From the 129 team members, five outstanding individuals were selected as team captains and were recognized with educational grants. christopher newport Holly L. Anderson ‘05 (2) Elise J. Barney ‘00 (2) Stephanie E. Barry ‘06 Krista L. Blackburn ‘06 Jennifer N. Blaylock ‘05 Sarah C. Brown ‘06 Jason M. Campbell ‘06 Mary W. Cline ‘06 Emily R. Cooper ‘06 Patrick K. Crow ‘06 Miranda Egan ‘05 (2) Nicole M. Endres ‘06 Katherine L. Foster ‘76-Life Kimberlee N. Gibson ‘06 Lesley M. Harden ‘06 Jessica D. Hinz ‘06 Patricia J. Hoen ‘06 Laura Hoffman ‘05 Palmer D. Hollister ‘06 James L. Howells ‘00 Megan Howington ‘06 Jessica M. Johnson ‘06 Courtney S. Jones ‘06 Donald T. Joyner ‘92 Amber S. Kazlauskas ‘05 Danny L. Kramer ‘05 Diana M. Medley ‘04 Brittney L. Mitchell ‘06 Michael C. Mull ‘06 Kimberly D. O’Connell ‘06 Thiago M. Oliveira ‘06 Paul A. Oskvarek ‘06 Bradley S. Richards ‘06 David Russo ‘05 (2) Kelley E. Schiller ‘06 Christopher T. Shepard ‘06 Catherine D. Smagala ‘06 Jennifer E. Steel ‘05 (2) Beverly R. Stevens ‘76-Life (15) Ryan J. Sutphin ‘05 Jefferson H. Teller ‘92-Life Meghan VanArsdale ‘04 Nathan D. Wallingsford ‘06 Elizabeth A. Ware ‘88-Life Kristen K. Watrud ‘06 Catherine J. Weigand ‘05 Jenna M. Williams ‘06 Howard G. Wince ‘01 (3) cincinnati C Kevin Armstrong ‘92-Life (2) Paul J. Brinker ‘84-Life (12) Kelly M. Burke Kaine ‘87-Life LeAnne M. Carter ‘03 (2) Gregory L. Gabbard ‘90-Life (6) Corinne D. Honkomp ‘96-Life (2) Steven R. Ludwig ‘87-Life (4) Benjamin D. Mallin ‘47-Life Harold E. Massie ‘60-Life (3) Richard L. Popp ‘97-Life Alan J. Rengering ‘93-Life (2) Lane N. Velayo ‘00-Life (6) Jeffrey A. Wasserstrom ‘71 (2) Richard B. Zwelling ‘81-Life clarkson David J. Borland ‘88-Life Kendall W. Curtis ‘69 Darryl J. Dillenback ‘67-Life Albert P. Grupper ‘60-Life (4) Lauren A. Olinsky ‘04 Robert R. Stolte ‘63-Life (3) Barbara Anne F. Wallace ‘86-Life (3) clemson Sandra H. Bediako ‘05 Aja C. Brantley ‘06 Anthony J. Byrd ‘06 Jessica E. Childs ‘06 Adriane I. Cochran ‘06 Thea L. Dix ‘06 Kimberly Doney ‘06 16 academic team captains Courtney M. Anthony Arizona ‘06 David S. Gretz Jr. Radford ‘04 Ayaka M. Mitsunari San Jose State ‘05 central midwest Alexander K. Johnson, Kansas ‘06 Darcy Osterhaus, Kansas State ‘05 Michael J. Rohr, Kansas State ‘05 Whitney M. Evans, Missouri State ‘04 Alison P. Shadrach, Missouri State ‘05 Ashley E. Falter, Missouri Western ‘04 Heather D. Goforth, Missouri Western ‘05 Sarah E. Laux, Saint Louis ‘05 Elizabeth A. Potz, Saint Louis ‘05 Chavon C. Winfrey, Saint Louis ‘04 * Emily C. Binger, Southeast Missouri ‘05 Brian J. Fries, Southeast Missouri ‘05 * Brie A. McDonald, Southeast Missouri ‘06 Scott J. Price, Southeast Missouri ‘04 Paul M. Kapalata, Wichita State ‘06 Andrea Louderbaugh, Wichita State ‘05 Krista L. Zabawa, Eastern Kentucky ‘05 Charles A. Glisson, Indiana ‘05 Rekha Philip, Indiana ‘05 Danielle N. Thompson, Indiana State ‘06 Allison M. Watkins, Loyola ‘04 Kyle M. Green, Purdue ‘05 Jamie L. Marshall, Purdue ‘05 Michael A. Patulo, Purdue ‘05 eastern Tiffany A. Dudish, Lock Haven ‘05 * Jennifer N. Miller, Lock Haven ‘05 * Adrianna M. Scheirer, Lock Haven ‘05 Christopher R. Wolf, Shippensburg ‘06 # Jane A. Stephen, Waynesburg ‘05 Brandon E. Mehl, Creighton ‘05 Jeffrey R. Milewski, Creighton ‘05 Christopher E. Turner, Creighton ‘05 James J. Hurley, Drake ‘04 Chelsey C. Larsen, Drake ‘04 Patrick D. Gaddie, Minnesota ‘04 Amy L. Pierzchalski, Minnesota ‘05 Jon R. Pogue, Minnesota ‘04 Alana E. Popp, Minnesota ‘04 Amy E. Hoger, Nebraska ‘06 Natalie E. Pape, Nebraska ‘06 Matthew P. Fritz, Miami (Ohio) ‘05 Lauren E. Esper, Michigan State ‘05 Kristy L. McCown, Michigan State ‘06 Beau D. Bennington, Toledo ‘04 Zachary I. Fredley, Toledo ‘05 Lindsay K. Miller, Toledo ‘05 Abby L. Volk, Toledo ‘03 northwest Kelly A. Higa, Puget Sound ‘05 southcentral mideast Peter W. Drummond, American ‘05 Margaret A. Heald, American ‘05 Elizabeth J. Hershman, American ‘05 Patrick K. Crow, Christopher Newport ‘06 Diana M. Medley, Christopher Newport ‘04 Michael A. Addeo, Georgetown ‘06 Christopher M. King, Georgetown ‘06 Jenna C. Daniel, North Carolina State ‘06 Ellis G. Payne, North Carolina State ‘06 David S. Gretz, Radford ‘04 * # Courtney H. Tanner, Radford ‘05 Jeffrey D. Coulter, UNC - Chapel Hill ‘05 Ryan A. Geary, UNC - Chapel Hill ‘05 Johanna Sangiuliano, UNC - Chapel Hill ‘05 Jessica L. Clatterbuck, Virginia Tech ‘05 * Monica J. Rashkin, Virginia Tech ‘05 Courtney P. Thomas, Virginia Tech ‘04 Michael P. Zajac, Virginia Tech ‘05 Lindsey A. Pearson, Western Carolina ‘04 # Robinson Bui, Lamar ’04-Life * Elise J. Johansen, Oklahoma State ‘05 Shaydi De Jesus, Texas - San Antonio ‘06 Chelsea Boothe, Texas Tech ‘05 Ryan K. Gallagher, Texas Tech ‘06 Jocelyn Kamp, Texas Tech ‘05 Krystn E. Hammond, Tulane ‘05 * Cole A. Johnson, Tulane ‘05 southeast Kimberly Doney, Clemson ‘06 * Staci L. Abelow, Florida ‘05 Carey L. Ellison, Florida ‘04 Frank J. Kraemer, Florida ‘05 Xailein B. Villanueva, Florida ‘06 Sam Boukerrou, Florida State ‘06 Christina M. Leasure, Florida State ‘05 Michelle C. Martinez, Florida State ‘05 Yamileh M. Moreno, Florida State ‘05 Heather E. Robinson, Florida State ‘06 Judson S. Bryant, Georgia ‘05 Paige Cicale, Georgia ‘04 Jessica N. McCulley ‘06 Cowin C. Mills ‘06 Ashely Parker ‘05 Steven D. Parodi ‘06 Shaena L. Rouse ‘06 Jody L. Schul ‘05 Malerie F. Simons ‘06 Jennifer L. Slate ‘06 The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi | Autumn 2007 | Christopher R. Wolf Shippensburg ‘06 Teresa E. Coleman, Georgia ‘06 Allie C. Giel, Georgia ‘04 Shaun R. Lance, Georgia ‘05 Tiffany K. Orth, Georgia ‘05 Kristin N. Ritchie, Georgia ‘04 Kathleen M. Dieterman, Georgia Tech ‘05 * John D. Dunham, Georgia Tech ‘05 Nicole Cheifetz, Miami ‘05 Anya T. Edun, Miami ‘05 Bethany L. Rapinchuk, Miami ‘04 Lulu Alaqili, South Florida ‘05 Roman Alfaro, South Florida ‘05 Jessica R. Antiquino, South Florida ‘05 Robin M. Fernandez, South Florida ‘06 Robert J. Schultz, South Florida ‘06 Linda M. Walter, South Florida ‘06 Rachel E. Wood, South Florida ‘06 Cayla Culver, Stetson ‘05 southern Drayton L. Green, Alabama ‘04 * Kelli L. Hackett, Tennessee State ‘05 southwest northeast Elyse M. Rinaldi, New York ‘05 eastcentral Glenda A. Dredden ‘05 (2) Kineta English-White ‘05 Shakeeta R. Feaster ‘07 Ryan Feldhaus ‘05 Kristen N. Holloway ‘05 Steven M. Hughes ‘06 Carlin M. Longley ‘05 Natasha M. Maharaj ‘05 (2) northcentral Lindsey A. Pearson Western Carolina ‘04 Courtney M. Anthony, Arizona ‘06 # Danny J. Duran, Arizona ‘05 Stephanie P. Grubb, Arizona ‘04 Daniel C. Jensen, Arizona ‘06 Amanda N. Lesperance, Arizona ‘04 Sylvain Bernard, California - San Diego ‘06 Matt Chung, California - San Diego ‘06 Connie H. Leung, California - San Diego ‘05 Dina Paikin, California - San Diego ‘05 Jonathan R. Wang, California - San Diego ‘04 Sandra L. Burns, Chapman ‘04 Kathryn M. DeMar, Chapman ‘05 Kasey C. Phillips, Chapman ‘03 * Rebecca L. Shasha, Chapman ‘06 Jennifer Wasik, Chapman ‘05 * Irene Yu, Chapman ‘05 Melissa Baker, San Diego ‘05 * Nicki L. Osborn, San Diego ‘05 Kaitlyn C. Sullivan, San Diego ‘04 * Ayaka M. Mitsunari, San Jose State ‘05 * # westcentral Angela C. Dueber, Colorado State ‘06 # Team Captain * Also a member of the 2005-06 team Bradley Williams ‘05 (3) Keja S. Williams ‘05 (2) colorado Patricia Abril-Gonzalez ‘01 Kellie M. Balu ‘06 Bruce S. Buckland ‘58 Tommy W. Girardo ‘61-Life Kent R. Hastings ‘62-Life (3) Lauren Hohenstein ‘06 Linsey W. Kasper ‘00 (3) Ryan V. Kasper ‘01 (3) Jennifer H. Kuhn ‘99-Life (6) John E. Litz ‘58-Life (3) Thaddeus A. McDonald ‘61-Life A L P H A K A P PA P S I F O U N D AT I O N 2006-07 ANNUAL REPORT total alumni gifts by decade of initiation 300 250 Rodney E. Slifer ‘55 Matt Teitelbaum ‘00-Life (3) Lindsay L. Wood ‘06 colorado state 200 150 100 47 128 187 164 207 241 291 50 8 Kylee D. Allen ‘05 (2) John Bidwell ‘05 Vicky R. Dix ‘91-Life Angela C. Dueber ‘06 Annemarie Estes ‘06 Amy Fox ‘04 Becki Froelich ‘06 Monica Garcia ‘04 (2) Eric Grow ‘06 Jonathan C. Grupp ‘01 Morgan Harnew ‘06 Russell Haynes ‘06 Josephine Hover ‘06 Chris Hutchins ‘04 Mark Kerwood ‘06 Sarah Kuehn ‘05 Grant McFarland ‘06 Trevor G. McIntosh ‘04 (2) Jessica Monroe ‘02 (4) Ashley Nelson ‘06 Irene M. Nissen ‘06 Chade Peeters ‘06 Alea Richmond ‘05 Stephanie Scott ‘06 Kelly Stillman ‘04 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s columbia Wesley W. Allen ‘61-Life (9) Richard D. Clark ‘49-Life (15) Daniel V. Goodstein ‘54-Life Frederick A. Shuart ‘66 cornell Will Salcido ‘02 creighton Scott E. Billings ‘86 (6) Eric M. Bodman ‘04 (2) Kathi L. Christie ‘91-Life (3) Francis A. Giitter ‘57 (5) William E. Hall ‘04 (2) Becky A. Smouse ‘96-Life (4) Michael B. Stork ‘89 davenport college Kathleen C. Jaeger ‘90-Life dayton Thomas V. Ferrero ‘65-Life (2) Thomas A. Klein ‘56-Faculty John A. Ostapuck ‘66-Life (3) Timothy M. Petric ‘68-Life (3) delaware state Daryl C. Brooks ‘05 Shadrack Minor ‘06 Damita White ‘06 denver Home chapter of Past Fraternity Presidents D.S. Duncan (1915-19), R.B. Kester (1921-23), and C.W. Collins (1927-29). Fredrick J. Boening ‘03 Kassidi J. Cypher ‘03 Jerry C. Higginson ‘61-Life Israel O. Renteria Lopez ‘05 Joseph L. Rue ‘57-Life (5) Larry M. Wile ‘90-Life (3) detroit-day Robert A. Bovitz ‘81-Life (5) John B. Byrne ‘52 Patrick R. Crosson ‘71-Life Francis G. Doherty ‘50-Life (5) James E. Donahue ‘62-Life Bernard J. Henehan ‘53 Ronald C. Hritzkowin ‘53-Life Robert W. Jassoy ‘60 Barton O. Johnson ‘68-Life John E. Kellmann ‘52 James P. Parrino ‘68-Life (9) Louis W. Petro ‘74-Faculty (11) Gary L. Pilawski ‘69-Life (2) Ralph H. Proctor ‘69-Life George E. Reich ‘60 Robert A. Spansky ‘62-Life (15) Gerard T. Staeger ‘80-Life (9) Frank D. Stella ‘40-Life Donald H. Van Hove ‘60-Life (7) John L. Van Vliet ‘62-Life (3) detroit-evening Home chapter of Past Fraternity President R.H. Rais (1975-77). Gerald E. La Motte ‘65-Life (2) James G. Miller ‘61-Life Robert A. Murzin ‘65-Life (11) Jack C. Younke ‘58-Life (5) drake Amy E. Benes ‘05 Allen W. Bethell ‘57 Robert E. Carlson ‘93-Life (11) Scott A. Holm ‘06 James J. Hurley ‘04 (2) Jill Johansen Hastey ‘85-Life (15) Chelsey C. Larsen ‘04 Michael D. Lewis ‘03 (3) Jerome P. Miller ‘57-Life (7) Daniel E. Prall ‘57-Life (5) Pamela L. Richardson ‘81-Life (15) Suzanne M. Ward ‘92-Life (11) drexel H. Earl Roberts ‘68-Life (4) east carolina Steven D. Such ‘06 eastern kentucky Brandy N. Baker ‘06 Michael D. Charles ‘05 Michelle A. Ford ‘06 Jessica R. Gevedon ‘05 Brittany N. Halcomb ‘06 Stacy E. Hammond ‘05 Dustin S. Heiser ‘05 Jeanette A. Hudson ‘04 David M. Hudson ‘06 Jessica L. Huff ‘05 Cassie L. Justice ‘05 Lacey M. Morgan ‘04 Sarah C. Sanmann ‘05 Stephanie J. Sowders ‘05 Craig A. Sowders ‘06 Laura J. Thorpe ‘05 Sarah B. Thorpe ‘06 Vanessa B. Thursby ‘06 Jessica A. Tompkins ‘05 Meaghan E. Triest ‘05 Jonathan S. Turner ‘06 Alison M. Whelan ‘05 Chrystal M. Williams ‘06 Ronald A. Wooley ‘05 John S. Yellman ‘05 Krista L. Zabawa ‘05 eastern michigan Michael J. Archer ‘72 (3) Carlye W. Buchanan ‘95-Life (4) Richard M. Cundiff ‘64-Life (6) Donald C. Cundy ‘70-Life (15) Katharine A. Denham ‘92-Life Jeffrey E. Frank ‘86-Life (13) James T. Low ‘68-Life (9) Michael E. Radecki ‘66-Life Catherine M. Zinda-Howell ‘85-Life eastern washington Maria Abad ‘06 Scott A. Barlow ‘03 Rebecca Bisnett ‘06 (2) Steven Buboltz ‘06 Ashley Craig ‘05 (2) Megan D. Davis ‘04 (2) Jeff Donnely ‘06 (2) Alyson Eastman ‘06 (2) Thomas R. Fischer ‘75-Life (2) Kristen Johnson ‘06 Sarah Johnson ‘05 Melody L. Kraemer ‘00 (5) Trula H. LeBleue ‘82 (2) Matthew Leppell ‘06 Cathy Lockwood ‘06 (2) Teanna Meinhold ‘05 (2) Amy Melton ‘04 Crystal L. Morgan ‘04 (3) Naomi S. Newcomb ‘06 (2) Danielle C. Norman ‘04 (3) Kyle W. O’Larey ‘06 (2) Melanie Quinn ‘06 (2) Pat Reilly ‘06 Brett D. Ren ‘89-Life Cliff Roberts ‘06 (2) Katie Small ‘02 (2) Breanne M. Snyder ‘04 Charles R. Sundgren ‘75-Life Kimya A. Tehrani ‘04 Maggie M. Wieber ‘04 florida a&m Megan Price ‘06 Tyrone D. Smith ‘06 florida atlantic Marjorie Etienne ‘03 Daniel O. Hanson ‘05 Sandlie Jeanniton ‘06 Linda L. Lynch-Moo ‘02 Elizee Milhomme ‘02 (4) Dennis S. Palkon ‘04-Faculty (3) Hostonia Z. Segree ‘06 florida international Jeremy S. Baker ‘96-Life (7) Illy Belmont-Monteagudo ‘97 Melissa Campo Duggan ‘95-Life (4) Ivan D. Diaz-Giraldo ‘99-Life (2) Giovanni Fernandez ‘01 Jacqueline M. Ginarte ‘04 Michael W. Jadoo ‘05 (2) Albert D. Marrero ‘05 (2) Alexis P. Perdomo ‘92-Life (8) David J. Perdomo ‘92-Life Patricia S. Perdomo ‘93-Life (8) Yvette M. Perdomo ‘95 Marcelo L. Rodrigues ‘00 Marco A. RoJas ‘00-Life Cristina M. Trabada ‘92-Life (7) Juan M. Ward ‘05 elon Megan E. Kenny ‘02 (3) Michael Lopata ‘00 Eddie H. Meadows ‘90-Life (3) Ashley N. Owen ‘03 Victoria K. Pirkey ‘04 Eric Schumann ‘02 (3) emory William D. Barker ‘48-Life (6) William H. Brown ‘41-Life (3) Nutan R. Chaudhari ‘06 Roscoe F. Johnson ‘41-Life Matthew A. Kelsey ‘06 Michael S. Kerfeld ‘06 Alana A. Martin ‘06 Amy Sheu ‘06 J. Kenneth Tabb ‘49-Life (8) Charles H. Yates ‘49 florida state Home chapter of Past Fraternity Chairmen H.E. Allen ‘89-Life (2003-04) and W.L. Koleszar ‘86-Life (2002-03). fairleigh dickinson Stephanie D. Caccamese ‘97-Life (3) florida Home chapter of Past Fraternity Chairman W.R. Miller ‘83-Life (1997-99). Bruce P. Andrews ‘77 Christie L. Archer ‘05 Henry C. Barfield ‘06 Scot A. Bennett ‘77 (5) Kyle Brown ‘86 (3) Arthur L. Burke ‘57-Life (3) Alejandro Companioni ‘06 Sharon S. Cutler ‘81 (4) David C. DiGiacomo ‘98 Douglas M. Halka ‘92-Life (3) Michael Janicki ‘77-Life (3) David M. Larson ‘91-Life (2) Daniel J. McCleary ‘00 (3) Anthony T. Meyer ‘96-Life (8) Grant S. Morehead ‘92-Life Alison L. Needleman ‘05 Roy T. Olsen ‘63-Life (5) Brooke M. Padgett ‘05 Toni D. Palmerino ‘05 Desiree Segobiano ‘05 Jeffrey A. Settle ‘86-Life Joshua A. Shashaty ‘05 Joshua A. Silverboard ‘98-Life Calli Skipper ‘05 Stephen E. Smith ‘86-Life (2) Walter J. Smith ‘65-Life (7) Clifford Stern ‘74-Life (2) Rachel A. Stewart ‘05 Xailein B. Villanueva ‘06 Simon Wong ‘06 Heather E. Allen ‘89-Life (10) Preston L. Baswell ‘53-Life Samuel T. Blackburn ‘85-Life (4) James D. Bracken ‘59 (5) Allison L. Harper ‘94-Life (3) Daniel E. Harring ‘96 Melanie K. Jacobs ‘02 (2) William L. Koleszar ‘86-Life (9) Joe Levy ‘01 Kathryn M. Meyer ‘97 (8) Cynthia Nobles ‘00 (2) Caryn J. Patterson ‘90-Life (10) John W. Quesenberry ‘95-Life clifford spangler society consecutive giving yellow rose society matching gift Recognition club for those who made provisions for Alpha Kappa Psi in their estate plans. Consecutive years of giving since the 1991-92 campaign are included in parenthesis. Recognition club for those undergraduates who made a minimum contribution of $10. Donor was eligible for a matching gift which was received during the campaign. (X) | Autumn 2007 | The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi 17 A L P H A K A P PA P S I F O U N D AT I O N 2006-07 ANNUAL REPORT the academy Holly Shafer ‘05 Piper W. Sims ‘95-Life (3) Kenneth L. Sjoberg ‘91-Life (2) Derick Thornton ‘03 Sandra K. Ward ‘94-Life (2) Kristina Williams ‘02 fordham Barry A. Butenhoff ‘66 (3) Patricia A. Carnis ‘80-Life (2) Carol R. Carter ‘76-Life (2) Ellis J. Jones ‘60-Faculty (11) Mollie A. Moyer ‘81-Life hamline Anthanette M. Fields ‘94 fort hays state James A. Anderson ‘79-Life Brice W. Feldt ‘90-Life Donald D. Hickman ‘66-Life Diane K. Nemnich ‘82-Life Andrew A. Rupp ‘74-Life (3) Lyle T. Staab ‘76-Life (2) Tom Wierman ‘80-Life Myron C. Martin ‘61-Life hofstra Nicole Dishuk ‘06 Sean Haley ‘01 Cindy Lam ‘07 Kevin M. Murray ‘89-Life Michael E. Nemeth ‘95-Life (4) Tamara C. Zusi ‘06 hoosier alumni gannon Gary L. Epperson ‘92-Hon/Life (15) Kristen D. Best ‘95-Life (4) Brian J. Davis ‘92-Life (4) Patricia L. Eline ‘04 Christine A. Larkin ‘87-Life Christopher P. Meehan ‘90-Life (12) Bradley T. Roae ‘88-Life Burton B. Stockton ‘88-Life (4) David J. Tkach ‘77-Life (3) Juliann M. Zawadzki ‘05 (2) george mason Tyrone C. Richardson ‘01 george washington Clifford Carlstedt ‘43-Life Bertel R. Megill ‘60-Life (2) Walter N. Propps ‘57-Life Robert J. Shue ‘68 (12) georgia Alex Adams ‘99 Kathryn M. Campbell ‘03 (2) Donald S. Chapman ‘59-Life (2) Katherine Claffey ‘06 Stanley E. Darnell ‘70-Life Arthur J. Finley ‘66 (8) Stephen J. Graham ‘01 (2) Michael E. Lacefield ‘67-Life John H. Loving ‘63-Life Tiffany K. Orth ‘05 Matt Schwartz ‘07 georgia state Home chapter of Past Fraternity President R.A. Hills (1947-50); and Past Foundation Chairmen J.M. Lennard Jr. ‘34-Life (1971-75), and W.D. Reeves ‘59-Life (1987-91). Jamila I. Agyei-Aye ‘05 (2) Eldon A. Bailey ‘59-Life J. Smith Harrison ‘76-Life (3) Christopher K. Jones ‘98 (2) Marcos A. Kerbel ‘65-Life Tommy Loo ‘71-Life (7) William D. Reeves ‘59-Life (13) Herb L. Stem ‘52-Life (2) Delia G. Tillman ‘94-Life (10) georgia tech Evan Alini ‘95-Life Charles M. Dellinger ‘03 (3) Kathleen M. Dieterman ‘05 (3) John D. Dunham ‘05 (2) Kim A. Elliott ‘75-Life (4) Corrado D. Sammarco ‘02 (4) Jesus M. Sandoval ‘79-Life (2) Michael S. Tashman ‘06 Daniel Wahlig ‘06 18 gustavus adolphus The Academy is an intimate, hands-on, challenging learning experience designed especially for those students who demonstrate outstanding leadership potential. It is based on the contemporary concepts contained in the business best seller The Leadership Challenge and focuses on the practices and commitments of exemplary leaders. A limited enrollment and a remote location ensure that the experience is highly personal. Interactive group sessions are complemented by small group discussions led by AKPsi facilitators. houston Atiba K. Henry ‘05 (2) Eric D. Roman ‘02 (2) Joanna M. Romero ‘02 (4) Catherine Spradley ‘06 Kevin Ta ‘02 Michael G. Weng ‘06 idaho state John H. Black ‘73-Life (2) Jennifer L. Bratt ‘03 Leonard R. Carlson ‘65 (3) Jill Christensen ‘06 Thomas L. Hutchison ‘70-Life Ashlie A. Rauh ‘06 Whitnie D. Rauh ‘06 Echo L. Schneider ‘02 Forrest Walker ‘03 (2) Harold C. White ‘60-Faculty (4) illinois Philip J. Bergquist ‘74 Katherine S. Dahlenburg ‘76-Life (4) Thomas J. Duffy ‘63-Life (14) Andrew W. Fernandez ‘96-Life (3) Jenifer A. Giger ‘80-Life (2) John T. Havens ‘46-Life (2) John E. Kessler ‘61-Life (2) Tomisi Kikama ‘04 Bryan A. Lewis ‘83-Life James G. Nussbaum ‘59-Life Lumir S. Palma ‘37 (7) Theodore F. Smith ‘59-Life (3) Henriette C. Stegemeier ‘85-Life Nicholas Stoczanyn ‘02 William F. Templin ‘41-Life (15) Catherine Vandewalle ‘02 Charles V. Walker ‘01 Maurice C. Workman ‘48-Life (15) illinois – chicago Eric Dembek ‘07 Peter Demes ‘07 Allan J. Rohr ‘66-Life (14) illinois wesleyan Roger G. Dornaus ‘64-Life (3) Robert E. Evans ‘59-Life Edward B. Rust ‘70-Life (5) Through a generous grant from Dan (Michigan State ‘89-Life) and Sara Roselli, alumni chapters and individuals, the foundation covered all expenses for 20 students participating in the four-day leadership development institute in June. Frederic R. Leach Fellow Jessie Li, Calgary ‘05 Irving L. Camp Fellow Nicholas Venditti, Wake Forest ‘06 Robert S. Douglas Fellow Brittany L. Folds, Western Carolina ‘06 Wade Co. Fellow Amanda J. Sargent, Boise State ‘06 2004 Academy Fellow Patrick K. Crow, Christopher Newport ‘06 Motor City Alumni/Robert A. Spansky Fellow Anthony P. Riva, Michigan State ‘05 2003 Academy Fellow Eric M. Bodman, Creighton ‘04 Foundation Board of Directors Fellow Rebecca Bisnett, Eastern Washington ‘06 Fraternity Board of Directors Fellow Matthew A. Kelsey, Emory ‘06 David and Wendy Wendroff Fellow Tiffany A. Nofziger, Oregon State ‘05 Mark D. Warden Fellows Jennifer Y. Soong, San Jose State ‘06 Matthew F. Youngs, Southern Indiana ‘05 2002 Academy Fellow Sherah LeBoeuf, Loyola ‘05 2005 Academy Fellow Timothy E. Roe, Oklahoma State ‘05 2001 Academy Fellow Robert P. McBride, Seattle ‘04 2006 Academy Fellow Mary K. Mangan, Southeast Missouri ‘05 Nathan Lane Jr. Fellow Israel O. Renteria Lopez, Denver ‘05 Florida Gold Coast Alumni Fellow Heather L. Hall, Florida State ‘05 George L. Bergen Fellow Yuridia Soto, Texas-Brownsville ‘06 Howard M. Jefferson Fellow Corri A. Cole, Virginia ‘05 indiana William K. Bissey ‘61-Life (10) Dawn A. Browne ‘76-Life Timothy W. Daniels ‘06 Lawrence A. Friend ‘63-Life (2) Gordon I. Gerbick ‘47-Life (14) George E. Hahn ‘57 Charles H. Krueger ‘57 (6) Doug K. Lawyer-Smith ‘90-Life Allen M. Marcus ‘72-Life Christopher J. Mulvihill ‘80-Life (4) The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi | Autumn 2007 | Robert C. Nelson ‘47-Life (11) Kimberly A. Nowakowski ‘07 Brian D. Parker ‘93-Life (10) Tricia A. Pisani Mulcare ‘95-Life (6) James J. Preston ‘96 (8) Sara E. Preston ‘96 (8) Terry J. Robinson ‘80-Life (5) Lindsay R. Swisher ‘06 John C. Wall ‘51-Life (15) Linda Zilkowski ‘84-Life (4) A L P H A K A P PA P S I F O U N D AT I O N 2006-07 ANNUAL REPORT ten years of first time donors 1,600 1,400 indiana state 1,200 Brenda S. Chappell ‘91 Steven J. Guinn ‘97-Life Michael P. Haseley ‘03 Brandon L. Jones ‘04 Adam F. Wachtel ‘00 iowa state Elisa M. Berzins ‘06 Jennifer J. Dobel ‘01 Nancy K. Dop ‘82-Life (3) Adrian W. Hollander ‘61-Life (10) Melissa J. Stowe ‘98-Life (5) jacksonville Christopher A. Bush ‘84-Life (3) Ronald L. King ‘62-Life (15) John E. Maguire ‘68-Life Elizabeth L. McCullough ‘87-Life (2) Franklin E. Pellegrin ‘69-Life David W. Simpkins ‘80-Life (4) Jeffrey S. Spero ‘86-Life james madison Tabia Coles ‘01 Elizabeth A. Drakulich ‘98 Jeffrey L. Kane ‘91-Life (5) Meredith D. Kane ‘93-Life (5) Juli P. Peterson ‘99 (2) Christopher J. Susil ‘92-Life (4) Kim B. Tashner ‘04 john carroll Allyn R. Adams ‘62-Life (3) Leonard M. Clezie ‘60-Life (15) William C. Drummond ‘65-Life (2) Terence P. Leahy ‘60-Life Frederick S. Previts ‘60-Life (2) Nevin S. Robinson ‘02 (3) Jim Vasil ‘03 miami 800 600 400 kansas state Richard L. Badenhoop ‘49-Life (2) Pamela L. Bergsten ‘91 (6) Mallory Britton ‘05 Briena M. Engelken ‘05 Susan M. Garcia ‘77-Life (2) Kristin N. Gregory ‘03 (3) Earl J. Hammond ‘55-Life (4) Larry L. Miles ‘59-Life (2) Edelis Ocasio ‘04 (3) Robert A. Anderson ‘57-Life Clifford F. Duke ‘73-Life (3) Frank X. Gliozzo ‘57-Life Joseph H. Huppert ‘69 (3) Ana L. Martinez ‘88-Life Daniel D. Mendoza ‘99-Life (8) Francisco J. Ortega ‘95 Deborah Perkins ‘00 (2) Manuel F. Plana ‘71-Life (2) Manuel E. Pravia ‘89-Life (11) Ilyne B. Sbar ‘88-Life (7) 128 489 416 412 867 802 1,248 1,369 1,319 1,477 200 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 Bruce E. Peters ‘66-Life (9) Glenn L. Smith ‘51-Life (5) Jon G. Thomas ‘94 Phillip J. Thompson ‘72 (4) Rachel Voss ‘05 kentucky Kali Andress ‘07 Megan E. Benkert ‘07 Jonathan R. Davis ‘06 Cheryl Gilligan ‘07 Christopher W. Hunt ‘04 Wesley S. Logan ‘06 Melissa G. Lucas ‘98 (5) Jessamy A. Lyons ‘05 Amanda N. Mickley ‘06 Ashley Voss ‘05 Lindsey Whalen ‘05 Brooke C. Willinger ‘06 Jordan M. Wilson ‘06 lamar Trenton S. Adams ‘04 Erik Angelle ‘06 Ashley K. Barnes ‘06 Robinson Bui ‘04-Life (2) Paul H. Butler ‘06 Dwayne Champagne ‘06 Kevin Cobbs ‘06 Kristine R. Gernale ‘05 Marissa Guidry ‘06 Leah M. Hamm ‘05 (2) Ashley Harlan ‘06 Courtney C. Harrison ‘05 (2) Antoinette M. Johnson-Lazaro ‘06 Harrell L. Jones ‘82-Life (4) Danny Nguyen ‘06 Jennifer A. Siragusa ‘05 Jake Stack ‘06 Thuy-Trinh Tran ‘06 Joseph C. Vickrey ‘06 Jennifer Way ‘06 Ted W. Wiggins ‘87-Life (3) kansas Raymond F. Davis ‘40 (3) Megan E. Kopff ‘06 Lily C. Yu ‘93 (5) Rajiv Rajan ‘03 Rogerald Solmerano ‘03 (3) Jason Weinstein ‘03-Life (2) 1,000 iowa Robert L. Anderson ‘54 (4) Bradley T. Bergman ‘86-Life (14) Jeffrey E. Brown ‘74-Life Ronald W. Cerutti ‘85-Life (2) Tony C. Clark ‘74-Life (15) Nancy A. Ghizzone ‘89-Life (11) Gary L. Giesemann ‘69-Life Charles B. Hartman ‘62-Life Ivan L. Hasselbusch ‘62-Life (2) Jeffrey J. Kenner ‘78-Life Don E. Klahn ‘52 Kenneth J. Kolbet ‘61-Life (3) Marvin J. McElvain ‘73-Life (4) John P. McKillip ‘70-Life Pamela A. Miksell ‘96-Life Robert E. Richardson ‘76-Life (15) Courtney Smith ‘93-Life (3) Wayne D. Walters ‘65-Life (3) Steve B. Warnecke ‘77-Life Jeffrey B. Warner ‘84-Life (10) William H. Weresch ‘65-Life Christin M. Winans ‘80 (3) mcgill lewis and clark college James R. Cole ‘53-Life lipscomb Michael D. Canterbury ‘69-Life (4) Robert J. Forstall ‘62-Life (3) Heather C. Harris ‘05 lockhaven Andrew J. Blind ‘05 Molly E. Crozier ‘07 Jessica B. Douglas ‘06 Tiffany A. Dudish ‘05 (2) Christina N. Fried ‘06 Maria A. Giannini ‘06 Andrew J. Gibbons ‘96-Life Amy M. Gill ‘06 Alexander B. Hambleton ‘02 (2) Brandi L. Kennedy ‘05 Laura R. Kotwica ‘04 (2) Sandra N. Long ‘96-Life Mark C. Rishel ‘04 Adrianna M. Scheirer ‘05 Jonathan G. Torres ‘06 Stacey L. Zerbe ‘06 louisiana state Jackie Wisniewski ‘06 louisiana tech Earl G. Pitre ‘89-Life Robert J. Reed ‘81-Life (3) Paul E. Turner ‘80-Life (3) Thomas A. Walker ‘71 (3) louisville Sherry Cutshaw ‘01 (6) Brent A. Jones ‘99-Life (6) loyola Jackson L. Abbeduto ‘06 Aishah S. Al-Sehaim ‘05 (2) Karima Amlani ‘05 (2) Roxanne Arriaza ‘03 (4) Marcus A. Bitar ‘06 Stuart W. Blaylock ‘06 Jacob M. Boho ‘06 William L. Boynton ‘06 Brendan I. Brankin ‘05 (2) Kerrie Bullions ‘05 (2) Daniel P. Callahan ‘06 Danielle Castaneda ‘03 Samuel E. Chee ‘04 (3) Michael E. Cunningham ‘05 (2) Megan L. Daniels ‘06 Lee M. Dewey ‘05 (2) Robert R. Fuesel ‘56-Life (15) Ryan Gannon ‘03 (2) Lisa A. Hebeler ‘06 Herman M. Hong ‘87-Life (5) Julie A. Kmet ‘05 (2) Marie Knight ‘03 (2) Katelyn H. McCarthy ‘04 (3) Clare M. McDevitt ‘05 (2) Hannah M. McHale ‘06 Joseph A. Metallo ‘96 Phillip Moraldo ‘03 (4) Alyson C. Nichols ‘06 Daniel L. Pappas ‘05 (2) Leanne T. Raskob ‘06 Erin E. Ream ‘05 (2) Alexandria M. Romo ‘06 Jason E. Rosheisen ‘03 (4) Tracy L. Roy ‘04 (3) Lorenzo Sanchez ‘06 Laura T. Schmenk ‘05 (2) Kara D. Schmidt ‘04 (3) John L. Sherry ‘62-Life Chelsea L. Simmons ‘05 (2) Michael J. Stahl ‘06 Allison M. Watkins ‘04 (3) Matthew R. White ‘06 Kaitlin M. Wieners ‘06 Richard R. Yetter ‘56 Sarah C. Yurgealitis ‘06 Patrick Zimmermann ‘05 (2) miami (Ohio) Matthew P. Fritz ‘05 Michael E. Gerwe ‘56-Life (5) Kathryn E. Hitch ‘05 Alison Manasco ‘02 Kathryn E. Mulligan ‘05 Anthony D. Pappas ‘03 Angela M. Raig ‘05 Donald Santavicca ‘63-Life (5) michigan David S. Barera ‘68-Life Jason Freeman ‘99 Kingsley Kelly ‘37-Life (2) Bradley A. Nunemaker ‘94-Life H. Roger Secrest ‘48-Life (13) Charles E. Swanson ‘49-Life Steven T. Tabac ‘63-Life (5) Tracey A. Welsh ‘87 loyola new orleans Ramon A. Aizpurua ‘07 Melissa M. Allen ‘02 Brian W. Balch ‘06 Brett E. Bosek ‘06 Sonnet E. Brown ‘03-Life Carlos E. Contreras ‘06 Rene R. Contreras ‘06 Heather A. Gitlitz ‘06 Katherine C. Hebert ‘06 Jill D. Jackson ‘06 Heather L. Johnson ‘06 Alexandra K. Kleinschmidt ‘06 Sherah A. LeBoeuf ‘05 Jerrica N. Lugo ‘06 Rebecca M. Rivera ‘06 Danielle M. Sahuque-Matis ‘06 Jason S. Seidman ‘05 Karolina Stachniuk ‘06 maine Carl S. Anderson ‘06 Ann E. VanWinkle ‘06 marist college Michael J. Coughlin ‘92 (3) Abby Lombardi ‘01 Nathalie Sanchez ‘05 Jayme S. Stofko ‘92-Life (12) Julio A. Torres ‘98 Angela J. Witzke ‘97 (5) marquette John A. Becker ‘48-Life Joseph P. Busch ‘50-Life Donald A. Dunst ‘57-Life William R. Goldammer ‘54-Life (15) Norman F. Kruse ‘40-Life (6) Leo V. Ryan CSV ‘44-Life (9) marshall Edward S. Kelly ‘05 Darrell D. Raines ‘01 michigan – dearborn Randall C. Budden ‘82-Life (6) Scott A. Drogs ‘88-Life (4) Stacey M. Drogs ‘90-Life (4) Steven L. Finch ‘72 (3) Edward J. Koss ‘76-Life (6) Elliott H. Ring ‘76-Life (2) Valerie A. Schuster ‘80-Life Christopher J. Sitek ‘84-Life (2) michigan state Home chapter of Fraternity Chairman D.J. Roselli ‘89-Life (2006-present). Paul R. Bailey ‘88-Life (2) Louis R. Barkman ‘98-Life (5) John R. Bebes ‘84-Life (2) Michael R. Berard ‘67-Life Christopher R. Berg ‘94-Life (2) Erik J. Brown ‘94-Life Robert F. Garvin ‘59-Life (4) Harvey M. Howitt ‘66-Life John R. Hudak ‘85-Life (6) Elizabeth Kuczera ‘79-Life (5) Katherine M. Kuzava ‘80-Life Michael D. Lorenz ‘80-Life (2) Catherine MacFarlane-Haws ‘77-Life John D. Marion ‘63-Life Gary E. McVety ‘79-Life (2) Steven M. Patch ‘77-Life (7) John R. Rachfal ‘62 (6) Lisa A. Rice ‘85-Life (5) Daniel J. Roselli ‘89-Life (3) Frank T. Scalici ‘76-Life michigan tech Robert D. Pease ‘05 Suzanne A. Scott ‘06 Megan L. Shaw ‘03 Ryder M. Step ‘05 Troy M. Tambling ‘03 Charles R. Thomas ‘03 | Autumn 2007 | The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi 19 A L P H A K A P PA P S I F O U N D AT I O N 2006-07 ANNUAL REPORT middle tennessee Nicholas R. Dopuch ‘85 Richard G. Fick ‘50 (3) Erin E. Graham ‘99 Adam C. Harris ‘04 (2) David M. Heimos ‘74-Life (4) Mark W. Kemp ‘69-Life (2) Duncan L. Matteson ‘54-Life (3) Laura M. Morlan ‘81-Life (2) Linda M. Rechtien ‘81 (3) John W. Rogers ‘56 Lesley A. Siegfried ‘86-Life (3) Adam C. Stoverink ‘02 (3) Nicole M. Wilson ‘91 (11) Home chapter of Past Fraternity President D.L. Stubblefield ‘89-Life (2003-07). Montranese Beard ‘06 Christie Bishop ‘03 (2) Marcina Britton ‘04 (2) Ronnie L. Brown ‘04 (2) Larry Colbert ‘06 Brittany Curry ‘06 James M. Davis ‘70-Life William J. Dodson ‘02 Amaka A. Egbuji ‘06 Demetrius Ellison ‘06 Johnathan Frazier ‘06 Janis Fuqua ‘06 Andrea Glass ‘06 Porsha Hayden ‘06 Marcus J. Henry ‘05 (2) Jess D. Holt ‘03-Life (5) Julia L. Johnson ‘05 (2) Vincent A. Johnson ‘06 L. Danielle Kiblinger ‘99 (2) Katherine Martin ‘06 Marcus McKeller ‘06 Marla Miller ‘06 Ashley R. Mixson ‘06 Kellie Murphy ‘06 Herbert Myers ‘06 Terrica O’Hara ‘06 Rodrick K. Pewitt ‘06 Laurie A. Raulston ‘88-Life (9) Mark C. Raulston ‘91-Life (9) Richard C. Simoni ‘90-Life Lola L. Simpson ‘06 Glenn D. Sims ‘06 Shaneikwa L. Smith ‘06 Dan L. Stubblefield ‘89-Life (7) Fabian Timmons ‘06 Susan A. Titshaw ‘91-Life (7) DaShawn Usher ‘06 millikin Lynn K. Stoike ‘89-Life (4) minnesota Home chapter of Past Fraternity President and Foundation Chairman R.G. Woolever ‘24-Life (Fraternity 1950-56, Foundation 1951-62). Elaine T. Aruda ‘87-Life Rodney M. Austin ‘56-Life (13) Robert F. Brown ‘92-Life Arthur W. Carlson ‘49-Life (8) Curtis A. Cleveland ‘74 (3) Herbert J. Graebner ‘48-Life Robert C. Hagen ‘54 Lyle V. Hanson ‘49-Life (12) Thomas R. Hendry ‘64-Life (2) Robert W. Johnson ‘59 Lois M. Martin ‘05-Honorary Richard K. Mathews ‘60-Life Dean B. McKinney ‘50-Life (3) Richard J. Meyer ‘56-Life (14) Mark A. Peterson ‘71-Life (2) Charles L. Squires ‘63-Life mississippi Angela B. Nail ‘00 (4) Cary S. Catlett ‘05 Myra M. Cox ‘03 Steven Elliott ‘04 (2) Tami C. Hess ‘00 Jason M. Johnston ‘06 Heather R. Morris ‘92-Life (12) Stephanie M. Shadrach ‘03 Alison P. Shadrach ‘05 (2) Mark T. Sullivan ‘83 (3) Karen L. Woodall ‘97-Faculty missouri western Charles G. Baxter ‘05 Jake D. Brooke ‘06 Ashley E. Falter ‘04 (2) Heather D. Goforth ‘05 Danielle C. Hewitt ‘00 (2) Rebecca A. Kuehn ‘04 Jennifer Magness ‘02 Vanessa C. Morris ‘06 Cherry A. Ryan ‘03 Cassandra N. Schuster ‘05 Kristy L. Shaw ‘05 Mindy C. Speer ‘06 Ashley D. Wheeler ‘06 Robert L. White ‘05 montana Donald F. Stanaway ‘49-Life montclair state Home chapter of Fraternity President A. Nemeth (2007-present). Jenille A. Amantine ‘06 (2) Deborah S. Amundsen ‘83-Life Dieayah Bryant ‘06 Charlene Clarke ‘06 Maryann Defiore-Blackburn ‘79-Life Garvin Elmera ‘06 Veronica Garcia ‘00 Yosef Hegazy ‘02 Kenneth Hollasch ‘81-Life Alyssa M. Lindner ‘06 Andrea Nemeth ‘91-Life (7) James A. Ostic ‘90 (6) Ivis Pineda ‘05 Emidio Ramos ‘06 Margaret B. Santo ‘92-Life (6) Eyvgenia Shashkova ‘04 (2) Chad E. Smith ‘93 (4) Kathleen Smith ‘06 Cheryl L. Symington ‘90-Life (3) Jennifer F. Terry ‘93 (4) Gregory P. Weber ‘81-Life (9) montevallo missouri Eugene E. Benes ‘64-Life Andrew E. Chiodini ‘86 Eugene H. De Boer ‘69-Life (3) 20 missouri state Kathryn M. Domnanovich ‘03 Patricia D. Lovelady ‘03 (3) Daniel S. McBrayer ‘06 Trevor H. Norris ‘04 William D. Tuck ‘04 Jay F. Wilkoff ‘80-Life (2) murray state Derek W. Hunter ‘01 (5) nebraska Home chapter of Past Fraternity Presidents C.D. Spangler ‘20-Life (193942), and O.M. Chatburn ‘29-Life (1942-47). Vance A. Baker ‘50-Life (4) Catherine E. David ‘01 Marisa A. Pont ‘04 (3) nevada – las vegas Robert C. Barnum ‘82-Life Della D. Boyd ‘87 (3) Douglas S. Gold ‘02 Joey E. Johnson ‘90-Life (4) Robert E. Starankovic ‘80-Life (6) Jonathan Wright ‘03 new mexico William A. Cleary ‘67-Life Mireya Herrera ‘05 (2) Jessica A. McQueston ‘05 (2) Ryan K. Montoya ‘05 (2) Brenton Jones ‘06 Katarina A. Karczewski ‘91-Life (4) Hope A. Lane ‘04 Rufus B. Langley ‘62-Life (4) Charles E. Little John ‘05 Andrea Lowe ‘05 Justin T. Moreau ‘05 Jesse V. Noland ‘51-Life Kristen M. Ostrom ‘06 Jyoti Patel ‘06 Katie Pepin ‘06 Robert H. Phoenix ‘04 Antony D. Roberson ‘91-Life Johanna Sangiuliano ‘05 Jennifer R. Saputo ‘04 (2) Sharon E. Scruggs ‘95-Life (3) Chetan C. Shah ‘02 Jean M. Souweine ‘52-Life Tony D. Stallings ‘96-Life Lee A. Thore ‘05 Andrea Verney ‘05 (2) Megan A. Vogt ‘05 John S. Westly ‘04 William H. White ‘55 Daniel J. Wood ‘05 Billy J. Woosley ‘55-Life Zachary H. Wright ‘91-Life (6) Jack L. Xu ‘06 Harry N. Young ‘51 (6) Kelly C. Ziegler ‘03 unc – charlotte new york Home chapter of Past Fraternity Presidents R.S. Douglas’04-Life (190406), F.R. Leach ‘04-Life (1906-07), H.M. Jefferson ‘04-Life (1907-08), N.Lane Jr. ‘04-Life (1908-09), H.A. Hopf ‘04Life (1909-10), W.B. Johnson ‘08-Life (1910-11), W.T.Eddy ‘06-Life (1911-12), H.L. Wilson ‘11-Life (1912-13), J.T. Madden ‘11-Faculty (1919-21); and Past Foundation Chairman T.G. Ehrsam ‘53-Fac/Life (1983-87). William A. Donnelly ‘36-Life Abraham L. Gitlow ‘94-Life (8) Howard O. Hampton ‘43-Life George E. Hay ‘35-Life Robert A. Marra ‘59-Life (4) Michael E. Mulvaney ‘70-Life (2) David J. Scholes ‘65-Life (2) Jack L. Verdi ‘63-Life (8) Edward J. Zalewski ‘50 niagara Richard A. Difilippo ‘95-Life Edward A. Johnson ‘75-Life (4) Edwin M. Kennedy ‘59-Life Laura B. Sagar ‘99 John H. Wilcox ‘65-Life (3) north carolina state unc – chapel hill Home chapter of Past Fraternity President L.R. Jordan ‘50-Life (1959-62). Evan S. Abramowitz ‘06 Pamela J. Alger ‘05 Chelsea A. Briner ‘05 Sallie E. Brown ‘06 Jeffrey D. Coulter ‘05 Deborah A. Edwards ‘83-Life Jordan L. Fieldstein ‘06 Paul D. Freedle ‘60-Life (14) Joe Fulton ‘06 Patrick B. Honeycutt ‘03 (4) Jerrold R. Aleman ‘75 Anonymous William J. Elliott ‘05 Steven R. Ellis ‘06 Janelle Geaber ‘05 Brian J. Geathers ‘07 C. Gordon Harris ‘84-Life Nell C. Hight ‘90-Life (4) Tonya F. Huggins ‘06 Priya Jagdeo ‘07 James H. Killian ‘70-Life Benjamin A. Lane ‘07 George A. Mattar ‘04 Sofia A. Mohammed ‘06 Danielle E. O’Regan ‘06 Jennifer N. Pendergrast ‘07 Devang H. Ray ‘05 Brandon S. Rucker ‘05 Adrienne E. Schreur ‘06 Julian K. Sims ‘07 Leigh A. Smith ‘96-Life Scott D. Smith ‘94-Life Randall W. Sparger ‘92-Life (2) Jeffrey R. Stone ‘07 Caleb R. Truitt ‘02 (4) Brent M. Wagner ‘06 Mariesa R. Carrow ‘06 Chisse M. Cheung ‘06 Michael D. Crane ‘83-Life Jenna C. Daniel ‘06 Lauren E. Duncan ‘05 (2) Grayson B. Hawkins ‘05 Christopher A. Johnson ‘92-Life (5) Kenley A. Johnson ‘94-Life Amanda L. Komisin ‘05 (2) William T. Laundon ‘83-Life (11) Nicholas L. Lythgoe ‘06 Kelley M. McLane ‘06 Robert Z. Moore ‘06 Stephen M. Parker ‘06 Frederick D. Pugh ‘83-Life Myra S. Rappl ‘83-Life (4) Michael L. Rogers ‘90-Life (2) Anthony K. Rosemond ‘03 Marianne Russolesi ‘05 Noah M. Sanders ‘97 (5) Nancy J. Schroeder ‘06 Eric A. Sears ‘05 Jennifer L. Smith ‘96-Life (7) Kyle M. Smith ‘96 (7) Lisa M. Symanski ‘06 Brandon L. Veler ‘05 Rachel M. Wang ‘04 (2) Elizabeth C. White ‘83 north dakota state Janice Glatt ‘04-Faculty (3) north texas Darnyelle Jones ‘06 Keitra Stoker ‘05 northern colorado Ilissa Albrecht ‘06 Ben Baumer ‘06 Heather Biewick ‘06 Patricia Cannon ‘05 Nathan Cape ‘05 (2) Alisa Carter ‘05 Jimmy S. Chan ‘04 (3) Buck Clifford ‘06 Allison Cox ‘07 Lacee Davis ‘05 (2) Meg Enderby ‘05 (2) Danielle Findley ‘06 Aanston Frazier ‘06 Renee Howat ‘06 Kai I. Jones ‘04 David Kamau ‘06 Jenna Katz ‘05 (2) Kerry A. Little ‘05 (2) Kara Patterson ‘05 Shannon Regan ‘06 Marissa Rodriguez ‘06 Molly A. Sollie ‘02 (4) Lindsey M. Somers ‘05 (2) Rebecca Vaughn ‘06 northern michigan Home chapter of Past Fraternity President G.R. Carnahan ‘67-Life (1987-89). James D. Gray ‘69-Life (3) Paula N. Lange ‘95 (5) Tina Lewis ‘83-Life (4) Brian D. Wohl ‘82-Life northwestern Home chapter of past Fraternity Presidents A.W.T. Olgilvie (1913-14), A.L. Jeffery (1914-15), W.J. Luby (193639); and Past Foundation Chairman H.C. Carlstead ‘37-Life (1965-71). Bruce E. Dean ‘53-Life (13) Robert W. McClintock ‘36-Life (5) northwood Sharon Francis ‘04 Thomas W. Goodwin ‘02 (2) Sara M. Pung ‘02 (2) norwich Barry R. Meinerth ‘66-Life (8) Kerry J. Quinn ‘90-Life clifford spangler society consecutive giving yellow rose society matching gift Recognition club for those who made provisions for Alpha Kappa Psi in their estate plans. Consecutive years of giving since the 1991-92 campaign are included in parenthesis. Recognition club for those undergraduates who made a minimum contribution of $10. Donor was eligible for a matching gift which was received during the campaign. (X) The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi | Autumn 2007 | A L P H A K A P PA P S I F O U N D AT I O N 2006-07 ANNUAL REPORT scholarships fraternity-wide scholarships These scholarships were funded through endowments established by alumni, or created in honor of alumni members. Through an endowment, a gift is invested and only its interest income is used to support annual scholarships. The donor may name the endowment and fund it with an outright gift of cash, appreciated securities or through a will bequest. To successfully endow a scholarship, the foundation suggests a gift valued at a minimum of $25,000. nova southeastern Miguel K. Augustin ‘05 (2) Vanessa H. Gilyard ‘05-Life (2) Ariane L. Guettler ‘05-Life (2) David M. Kaplan ‘05 Megan Shepherd ‘05 Renee’ J. Taylor ‘05 oakland Staci L. Abelow Florida ‘05 Kenneth W. Hufford Scholarship Eric M. Bodman Creighton ‘04 William D. Reeves Scholarship Cayla Culver Stetson ‘05 Carlton J. Siegler Scholarship Allison A. Donnelly Anya T. Edun Virginia Tech ‘05 Miami ‘05 Carlton J. Siegler William E. Westerdahl Scholarship Scholarship Matthew P. Fritz Miami (Ohio) ‘05 Carlton J. Siegler Scholarship Lauren R. Baumann ‘99 James L. Canvasser ‘98-Life (7) Andrew Frank ‘01 Deborah L. Habel ‘85-Life (4) William P. Haboush ‘85-Life (2) John J. Makowski ‘86-Life (5) ohio state Alice J. Luo Washington ‘05 Fraternity Presidents Scholarship Lindsay K. Miller Toledo ‘05 Theodore G. Ehrsam Scholarship Lindsey Perkins Southern Methodist ‘06 Carlton J. Siegler Scholarship Sarah Polli East Carolina ‘05 Andrew P. Duli / Fraternity Presidents Tyrone Smith Jr. Courtney H. Tanner Florida A&M ‘06 Radford ‘05 Carlton J. Siegler Jeffrey L. Vander Waal Scholarship Scholarship Susan L. Arnold ‘80-Life (14) Ned K. Barthelmas ‘49-Life (11) Richard A. Bender ‘65-Life Gary E. Gassin ‘76-Life (2) Joseph A. Kiely ‘56-Life Harland L. Mischler ‘53-Life Leonard W. Morrison ‘57-Life (3) Hayden M. Parks ‘79-Life John K. Parks ‘90-Life (4) Lewis R. Smoot ‘89-Honorary/Life Scott N. Warner ‘85 oklahoma state Home chapter of Past Fraternity President J.C. Wilson ‘47-Life (1971-75). Vickie A. Dahnke ‘82-Life John C. Estes ‘81-Life Carla J. Kadavy ‘81-Life (4) Liesel Weisling Arizona State ‘04 Jesse H. Bert Scholarship old dominion Simon Wong Florida ‘06 J.D. Sparks Fellows Scholarship Home chapter of Past Fraternity Chairman and Past Fraternity President R.A. Davenport ‘86-Life (Chairman, 2004-05; President, 1997-01). chapter scholarships The foundation manages scholarship endowments for the benefit of Alpha Kappa Psi chapters. These funds—established by the chapters themselves with the help of alumni, family and friends—produce scholarships on an annual basis. These endowment were funded through single gifts or small amounts over a designated period of time. Through an endowment, a gift is invested and its interest income is used to support annual scholarships for members of the chapter. Alpha Mu Scholarship - Wisconsin Used for Success Institute expenses* Gamma Tau Scholarship - Western Michigan Used for Success Institute expenses* ATLANTA ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIP Teresa E. Coleman, Georgia ‘06 Jaceryll de Chavez Memorial Scholarship - Rutgers Kristin E. Pall ‘04 Beta Xi Scholarship - Virginia Tech Used for Success Institute expenses* Laura E. Klos Memorial Scholarship - Missouri Used for Success Institute expenses* DEAN JAMES RAINEY SCHOLARSHIP - MICHIGAN STATE Used for Success Institute expenses* Rho Scholarship - Washington Philip Louie ‘06 Eta Scholarship - Cincinnati Used for Success Institute expenses* STEVEN G. COOPER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP - TENNESSEE Used for Success Institute expenses* FLORIDA GOLD COAST ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIP Dominique D. Murphy, Florida State ‘05 TENNESSEE VALLEY ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIP Amanda L. Beckwith, Tennessee Tech ‘03 Gamma Eta Scholarship - Toledo Beau D. Bennington ‘04 WAYNE P. BARKER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP - PHOENIX ALUMNI Grace J. Rieger, Arizona State ‘05 Gamma Omega Scholarship - Seattle Used for Success Institute expenses* Zeta Psi Scholarship - Middle Tennessee Used for Success Institute expenses* Gregory M. Arnold ‘84-Life (14) Leslie-Ann Brinker ‘76-Life (12) Nicholas B. Clark ‘86-Life (2) Joseph A. Clark ‘01 Steven F. Craig ‘79-Life (7) Robert A. Davenport ‘86-Life (15) Nelson C. Godbey ‘90-Life Joyce M. Miller ‘92 (3) William A. O’Brien ‘69-Life (10) Jeffrey T. Rouse ‘86-Life (12) Theresa M. Rouse ‘87-Life (12) Robin Tarbutton ‘01 Catherine A. Tynes-Prestipino ‘01 (3) oregon Leigh G. Brazee ‘87-Life Jacquelyn M. Low ‘05 Alex Peerenboom ‘05 Maria L. Schell ‘04 oregon state Nick S. Ammons ‘06 Ryan Berning ‘04 Dean W. Blachly ‘03 (2) Chris D. Edmonds ‘06 Angelina M. Lusetti ‘05 Tiffiny A. Nofziger ‘05 pacific lutheran Karen L. Zapata ‘93-Life (4) * At the chapter’s discretion, it may choose to use its scholarship to cover expenses for students attending the fraternity’s Success Institute. pennsylvania Matthew T. Curnan ‘06 Curtis K. Redding ‘98-Life Michele L. Segal ‘98 Andrew Wolcott ‘68-Life Gale S. Wood ‘05-Honorary (2) | Autumn 2007 | The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi 21 A L P H A K A P PA P S I F O U N D AT I O N 2006-07 ANNUAL REPORT business plan competition penn state Melissa Conti ‘02 Arlene Danver ‘82-Life (4) Andrew J. Dickson ‘97 Barbara L. Eckman ‘80-Life (4) William L. Foulds ‘64-Life (9) Annie Koppel-Doncsecz ‘83-Life (4) Christopher L. Taylor ‘83-Life Thomas N. Tran ‘02 W. Frank Vongehr ‘65-Life (4) Michael E. Witmer ‘98-Life (7) phillips Faron L. Johnson ‘83-Life (4) pittsburgh Home chapter of Past Fraternity President W.F. Weinheimer ‘41-Life (1965-68); and Past Foundation Chairman A.P. Duli ‘50-Life (1975-79). William V. Angeloff ‘56-Life (2) Steven R. Bauer ‘99 (2) Stephanie L. Binder ‘04 Jordan Brooks ‘06 Anthony Cosnotti ‘01 Robert J. Creely ‘97 (3) Martha Deeney ‘06 Danielle M. Dunbar ‘97 (2) Samantha Elbouez ‘04 Jill Geiger ‘01 Eleni M. Geldis ‘03 Jessica L. Gorski ‘03 Jenny Hong ‘02 Nicholas Kennedy ‘06 Johnelle Lee ‘05 Willaim L. Painter ‘48-Life Danitra M. Pipkin ‘05 Ross Ruffing ‘06 Samantha Salvisburg ‘06 Kenneth M. Shamus ‘97 (4) Joanne M. Smith ‘01 (6) Katie Titus ‘05 Leah Wilks ‘06 pittsburgh – johnstown Chris Ryan Feather ‘95-Life (6) Richard A. Hughey ‘91-Life (3) Susannah Kiehl ‘94 point park Thomas G. Mesler ‘70-Life (3) Through the Business Plan Competition, chapters had the opportunity to compete against each other by developing realistic business models that were evaluated by judges. Teams submitted written business plans in December which were reviewed against a set of criteria. Then in February, at four Success Institute locations, teams had ten minutes to present their plans to the judges. The winning teams had product positioning, target segments that were clearly defined and meaningful, and revenue models that were appropriate for their businesses, industries and potential customers. Judges also took into consideration the quality of the teams’ presentations and their responses to questions. ATLANTA First Place: Theta Tau (Western Carolina) Winning Plan: While the sport of paintball continues to grow in popularity, expertise has remained stagnant. Splat Tactics’ goal is to overcome this weakness (and acquire significant market share) by establishing an advanced, customer-driven paintball facility in Jackson County, North Carolina. The company would provide an outlet for anyone interested in paintball as a form of sport, exercise, hobby or just plain fun. Fraternity Exec. VP Andrea Nemeth, Fraternity Director Douglas Halka and Christopher Folds. CHICAGO First Place: Alpha Omega (Kansas State) Winning Plan: The team proposes upgrading a family salon and spa, The Tropical Oasis, in Key West, Florida into a fullservice spa better suited to serve the needs of tourists visiting the popular vacation destination. It would have a wider variety of services than other spas, be family friendly, and offer competitive prices while offering promotional packages through local hotels and travel agencies. Briena Engelken, Mallory Britton, Kayla Dierks and Rachel Voss. LOS ANGELES First Place: Pi Tau (Stanford) Winning Plan: Free clinics rely on personal networks and charitable sources in their vicinities because no standardized method for obtaining donations exists. SIRUM’s (Supporting Initiatives for the Redistribution of Unused Medicine) business plan is based on the establishment of an online system that matches demand for medicine in areas of need with excess supplies from pharmaceutical companies. Adam Kircher, Foundation Treasurer Jason McGill and Debby Chang. portland Home chapter of Past Fraternity Chairman D.P. Wendroff ‘79-Life (1999-01). Robert B. Bowin ‘52-Faculty (4) Mark C. MacGibbon ‘96-Life (8) Joaquin F. Reis ‘55-Life Robert J. Sheehan ‘67-Life Charles D. Steffens ‘87-Life (7) David P. Wendroff ‘79-Life (13) portland state Steven D. Anderson ‘83-Life (4) Gary K. Nelson ‘65-Life (8) puget sound Sandi K. Kawahara ‘91-Life (14) Melanie A. Kelsey ‘91-Life Jenny Lai ‘03 Lee A. Moore ‘71-Life Carolyn A. Peterson ‘01 W. Ronald Stone ‘61-Life (5) James H. Terada ‘64-Life Justin T. Teruya ‘00-Life (5) Carly S. Teruya ‘00 (5) Thomas W. Wagner ‘59-Life (2) 22 PHILADELPHIA First Place: Delta Tau (Canisius) Winning Plan: The team proposes the establishment of a one-stop facility in Austin, Texas that would allow the typical working person in today’s fast-paced world to address healthcare needs through a holistic approach. The company’s mission is to improve lives by making the strive for physical and mental health fun and engaging. Synergy would focus on the prevention of health problems through proper diet, exercise and alleviation of stress. Foundation Vice Chairman Steve Vasquez, Theresa Mauro and Renee Greene. purdue William J. Ciaravino ‘00 Kathryn R. Gaber ‘04 Alison M. Kane ‘06 Omar Khayum ‘01 Jess C. LaNore ‘00-Hon/Life (8) Trisha L. Weaver ‘06 James Wozny ‘05 The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi | Autumn 2007 | radford Whitney A. Allen ‘05 Stephen A. Armbruster ‘05 (2) Tamie P. Boegner ‘05 Rebecca Borden ‘06 Katie Buckley ‘06 Nancy Byers ‘06 Amber M. Card ‘05 A L P H A K A P PA P S I F O U N D AT I O N Richard Covington ‘06 Kalah J. Crouch ‘05 Erin E. Dagnall ‘06 Clayton Dameron ‘06 Meghan J. Donahue ‘05 Tracy N. Frazier ‘05 Matt S. Gaynier ‘05 (2) David S. Gretz ‘04 (2) Rob Hale ‘06 Katherine M. Harris ‘05 Robert L. Hash ‘06 Catherine B. Hensby ‘05 Christopher Jeffries ‘06 Charlene J. Kidder ‘04 (2) William J. Lacy ‘05 (2) Lashonda Law ‘06 Ben Lawson ‘06 Natalie M. Long ‘05 Joe Matthews ‘06 Alison L. Miller ‘05 (2) Michael Nazzaro ‘06 Angela M. Nunn ‘05 Jennifer Orrock ‘06 Kimberly A. Pritchard ‘05 Stephanie L. Proffitt ‘05 Jennifer L. Ramberg ‘05 Jenna Saunders ‘06 Justin A. Stearns ‘05 (2) Daniel A. Tamagni ‘05 Courtney H. Tanner ‘05 (2) Curtis C. Tanner ‘05 Mike Tesh ‘06 Bridget L. Thomason ‘05 (2) Sheilah Villari ‘05 Jeremy P. Waitman ‘04 (2) Kelly N. Wiekert ‘05 (2) regis Edwin J. Feulner ‘60-Life (9) Walter F. Imhoff ‘54-Life richmond Ronald N. Freeny ‘64-Life (3) Lynn M. Hall ‘78-Life Scott M. Hall ‘78 Bruce V. Michelson ‘86 (5) David A. Ralston ‘94-Life (4) D. Scott Showalter ‘73-Life (4) Robert S. Ukrop ‘68-Life (9) Gregory A. Williams ‘70-Life (7) Patrick Kilcoyne ‘06 Daniel Kim ‘06 Steven Koch ‘06 Jeffrey Kohl ‘05 (2) * Mantoku Kono ‘05 (2) Raja Krishnamurthy ‘05 (2) Shelly Kundani ‘06 Nerley Lausier ‘06 Tammy Lee ‘06 Sofya Leyzerova ‘06 Lisa Litwinski ‘06 Michelle Mak ‘05 (2) Sean Marren ‘05 (2) Nina Mathur ‘06 Ellen Mo ‘06 Nicola Nelson ‘06 Long Nguyen ‘04 (3) Chad N. Olszyk ‘98-Life (6) Kristin E. Pall ‘04 (3) Niket Parikh ‘06 Jalpesh Patel ‘05 (2) Neel Patel ‘06 Viki Patel ‘06 Sandhya Prasad ‘04 (3) Sameer M. Qureshi ‘99 Kevin Rapach ‘06 Christopher Rappa ‘04 (3) Seema Raykar ‘04 (3) Santino Rivello ‘05 (2) Daniel Schwartz ‘06 Gopika Shah ‘06 Jamil Shaikh ‘06 Omar Shareeff ‘04 (2) Manjinder Singh ‘06 Amy Sunderhauf ‘06 Andrea Tapia ‘04 Rina Thakkar ‘04 (3) Bhavini Topiwala ‘05 (2) Ally Tubis ‘04 Mitsuaki Uchimoto ‘05 (2) Matthew P. Vedder ‘99 J. P. Verzosa ‘05 (2) Mark Waidmann ‘05 Aaron A. White ‘06 Jake White ‘05 Christina Wilson ‘05 (2) Bong-hee Yang ‘06 Sung Yang ‘06 Zhanna Yuda ‘05 (2) Anna Zakiyev ‘05 (2) st. francis college (N.Y.) roanoke college Edward L. McClelland ‘92-Fac (2) Craig T. Ultsch ‘06 rutgers Astrid Advis ‘06 Christine Amores ‘06 Matthew Ankerbrandt ‘06 James R. Austria ‘98 Laila Bhalla ‘04 (2) Nicolas Biddle ‘06 Rodion Blokh ‘06 Kevin Chang ‘06 Clauter Charleston ‘06 Benjamin B. Chen ‘04 Winchell Cheng ‘04 (3) Carina Contreras ‘04 (3) Jeffrey Crumb ‘06 Pamela Currey ‘06 Payal Desai ‘05 (2) Antoinette Duffy ‘05 (2) Hayley Glickman ‘06 Eugene Gordon ‘04 (3) Gabriella Greenwald ‘05 (2) Stephanie B. Gunther ‘01 (6) Jae Han ‘06 Clifford Hong ‘05 (2) Tina T. Hou ‘03 (5) Heather Jasontek ‘98-Life (3) Talal Khan ‘05 Murtaza Khawaja ‘06 Antoinette Palazzi ‘89-Life (4) Robert J. Vito ‘83-Life Robert T. Wanderer ‘68-Life (3) st. francis college (Pa.) Guido E. De Angelis ‘64-Life (3) st. john’s Isaac Lam ‘98 (4) Ieva M. Matulaitis-Kunca ‘06 Cornelius M. McShane ‘57-Life Enio V. Nakov ‘06 Robert G. Volpe ‘58-Life (15) saint louis Home chapter of Past Fraternity Chairman and Past Fraternity President K.B. Hastey ‘76-Life (Chairman, 2001-02; President, 199397); and Past Foundation Chairman C.A. Wehmeyer (2005-06). Robert D. Ahrens ‘75-Life Gregory Appelbaum ‘06 Jane Costello Dwyer ‘80-Life (14) David J. Eschmann ‘75-Life (7) Dominique D. Gonzales ‘05 William W. Hall ‘68-Life Elizabeth A. Hampton ‘78-Life (4) Timothy J. Hampton ‘76-Life (4) Kenneth B. Hastey ‘76-Life (15) Joel E. Hawley ‘03 Douglas J. Heitkamp ‘05 Ronald A. Holmes ‘77-Life (3) Lisa L. Irby ‘83-Life (2) Sarah E. Laux ‘05 Wendy Lee ‘05 Phil D. May ‘86-Life (7) Alicia D. Neumann ‘96-Life (9) Deborah E. Patton ‘89 Melissa Rhodus ‘02 Darin F. Schuld ‘94-Life Gregory R. Strnad ‘75-Life (4) Cynthia A. Wehmeyer ‘82-Life (14) Victoria L. Weikel ‘05 John R. Wielandy ‘62-Life (9) Thomas R. Wilder ‘68-Life (2) Chavon C. Winfrey ‘04 (2) st. mary’s college Douglas W. Johnson ‘63-Life (3) saint thomas Lawrence J. Keefe ‘57-Life sam houston Charles E. Cupples ‘76-Life Deborah J. Cupples ‘76-Life Terri L. Cutler ‘93-Life (3) Lea S. Hortin ‘94-Life LaToya M. Paley ‘02 samford Melanie Bunger ‘79-Life (3) Justin L. Heberling ‘02 san diego Jennifer L. Adamany ‘05 (2) Melissa Baker ‘05 (2) Pamela E. Belloso ‘04 Lauren Brosamer ‘05 Carmen Cubero ‘05 Andrea M. Estrada ‘03 Kimberly L. Fetterling ‘02-Life Kellen Gill ‘05 (2) Anna L. Gonzalez ‘06 Athena L. Juarez ‘04 Marie A. Kidder ‘00 Lauren Lea ‘05 Michael S. Linn ‘06 Meghan McGuire ‘05 Joy L. Mupas ‘06 Nicki L. Osborn ‘05 Kerry Pohlson ‘06 Allison C. Saiki ‘06 Kaitlyn C. Sullivan ‘04 (2) Amanda Todd ‘06 san diego state Natalie Balanza ‘06 Michelle Bregozzo ‘06 Hillary Bryant ‘06 Derek Burk ‘01 (4) Stephanie Campbell ‘06 Michael Cando ‘04 (3) Samantha Carleton ‘06 Thomas Chu ‘06 Anna Coburn ‘06 Carley Crystal ‘06 Nathaniel Donnelly ‘06 Joseph W. Edwards ‘04 Jonathan G. Florendo ‘05 Jennie Flores ‘06 Robin N. Gerlach ‘05 (3) Joseph Gerocs ‘03 (3) Jon Godbout ‘03 Vincent Golangco ‘06 Joshua Green ‘06 Deborah Kankelborg ‘06 Samantha R. Konner ‘06 Jeff Mattson ‘06 Berenice Mora ‘03 Marissa Nieto ‘06 Joanne Nikolov ‘06 Rebecca O’Kusky ‘06 Roberto Ortega ‘06 Juan M. Palma ‘06 Tyana Perez ‘06 Christine Pham ‘04 Amanda S. Quillen ‘05 (2) Joshua I. Ragland ‘06 Amber R. Scott ‘05 (2) Robyn Seidel ‘06 Sherry A. Shoemake ‘05 (2) Christina I. Smith ‘06 Chad Springer ‘06 Alexander T. Sultan ‘93-Life (7) Christina Tyndall ‘06 William L. Whittle ‘05 Brian Yee ‘06 san jose state Vienna Grace C. Benigno ‘05 Steven Bui ‘06 Nicole E. Fukumoto ‘06 Ronny L. Lai ‘06 Valerie R. Lee ‘05 Ayaka M. Mitsunari ‘05 (2) Paul Nguyen ‘05 Gerstein E. Padua ‘05 Anna Liza Palileo ‘06 Tony Pham ‘06 Beni B. Rincon ‘06 Jonathan P. Silva ‘07 Stephanie U. Tran ‘06 Beverly Wong ‘06 Sabrina Wong ‘06 seattle Kendra R. Borja ‘04 Erin L. Carlile ‘98 (5) Karla Dobson ‘05 Marie C. Draye ‘05 (2) Jennifer D. Ebreo ‘04 Donald J. Eisen ‘75-Life (2) Andrew R. Kano ‘68-Life Arthur J. Kim ‘06 Taylor Lane ‘06 John J. Lee ‘74-Life (4) Cheryl C. Lee ‘05 Jason T. McGill ‘96-Life (4) Roberta McGill ‘95 (4) Azusa Otawa ‘06 James Palmere ‘06 Michelle T. Rogers ‘89-Life (3) William M. Rogers ‘86-Life (3) Joshua B. Treybig ‘05 (2) Frank R. Vitulli ‘57-Life (4) Scott C. Warren ‘97-Life (4) seton hall Alexandra E. Ayer ‘06 Naneen Christopher ‘05 Helena T. Cowan ‘04 (3) Jennifer A. Dakin ‘91-Life Albert M. Intili ‘56-Life Marybeth A. Mueller ‘06 Arthur J. Sabatini ‘61-Life (9) Thomas S. Scarillo ‘88 (6) Jessica Spangler ‘05 Michael Stein ‘78-Life (2) John W. Sweitzer ‘65-Life (10) shippensburg Greg M. Allen ‘04 Joel Eichenlaub ‘05 Alison Nudy ‘05 Christopher Pye ‘04 (2) Richard A. Reynolds ‘04 (2) Holly M. Rozelle ‘05 Dan Satter ‘05 Katie Shultz ‘05 Blair Spurgeon ‘05 2006-07 ANNUAL REPORT slippery rock Lindsey L. Drake ‘06 Ryan J. Holmgren ‘05 Bruce Orvis Allison M. Schiding ‘99 (5) Rebecca L. Yarian ‘05 south alabama Jeanne D. Maes ‘87-Faculty Emilly P. Middleton ‘06 Kimberly Skinner ‘05 (2) south carolina Harold A. Staab ‘48-Life south carolina state Nyesha R. Newton ‘99 (7) Monica D. Washington ‘06 south florida Lulu Alaqili ‘05 Nur Alaqili ‘05 Michelle Alecci ‘05 Roman Alfaro ‘05 Erika Allen ‘05 Jessica R. Antiquino ‘05 Kristen Atkins ‘06 Shanna Austin ‘05 Frederic Bartel ‘06 Lindsay Boekema ‘06 Angelica Bravo ‘06 Nicolus Brown ‘06 Russell J. Bryan ‘06 Howard Carney ‘06 Sonia Cerundolo ‘06 Daniel Cinquegrano ‘06 Chris Claeys ‘06 Amy Cobb ‘06 Eric Colon ‘05 Pedro Da Silva ‘05 Kaylie D’Angelo ‘06 Kristen Domanico ‘06 Beatriz Drago ‘05 Stephanie Edwards ‘05 Jeffry Emmanuel ‘05 Chris Erwin ‘05 Kristina Estevez ‘06 Yao Feng ‘06 Robin M. Fernandez ‘06 Julia Fleming ‘06 Rachael Flynt ‘05 Itasha Forbes ‘06 August Garnsey ‘06 Patrick Gauthier ‘05 Irene Giannas ‘06 Julian Gonzalez ‘06 Drew C. Greenfield ‘06 Sean Hagan ‘06 Joseph Hall ‘05 Aysha Hiles ‘05 Jessica Hodges ‘06 Philip Ibbitson ‘05 Sarah Icenogle ‘06 Ted Ignatovski ‘06 Elizabeth Jauregui ‘05 Amanda Jernigan ‘05 Chad Johnson ‘05 Aisha Kamali ‘05 Susan Kim ‘05 Nicole Lalji ‘06 Christina Landolfi ‘06 Joanne LeBlanc ‘06 Brittany Lee ‘05 Andrea Lund ‘06 Adam Mahan ‘05 Danny Mannix ‘05 Barbara Markland ‘05 Kristie McGee ‘06 Denise Mendez ‘06 Victoria Miller ‘06 Krystle Molson ‘05 Jennifer Murawski ‘06 | Autumn 2007 | The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi 23 A L P H A K A P PA P S I F O U N D AT I O N 2006-07 ANNUAL REPORT clifford spangler society Jonathan Oliver ‘05 Justin Oram ‘06 Jessica Pease ‘05 Alan J. Pereiras ‘05 Paul Peterson ‘06 Amy Phillips ‘05 Andrew Plakias ‘06 Charmaine Policarpio ‘05 Natasha Predelus ‘04 Nicholle Renaud ‘06 Megan Richardson ‘06 Eveleyn Rodriguez ‘06 Monica Romero ‘06 Michael Sands ‘05 Mindy Schneiders ‘06 Robert J. Schultz ‘06 Mary Kate Smith ‘05 Ricardo Smith ‘06 Melissa Smith ‘05 Todd A. Stickler ‘98-Life Kevin Surojoyal ‘05 Stephen Sutton ‘06 Simone Thomas ‘06 Cole Timonere ‘06 Lisa Torres ‘06 Minh (Evan) Tran ‘06 Alem Veledar ‘06 Linda M. Walter ‘06 Rachel E. Wood ‘06 Julie Zabala ‘06 Ashley Zaino ‘06 southeast missouri Nicholas L. Adams ‘04 Emily C. Binger ‘05 Nicole M. Eggleston ‘05 Sarah L. Glosemeyer ‘05 Barry J. Greenwald ‘71-Faculty Tiffany A. Greenwood ‘93-Life Kathryn L. Hubert ‘04 Christopher D. Josephs ‘05 Mikeyel W. Koonce ‘05 (2) Kimberly M. Kozlen ‘05 Brandon A. Kremer ‘05 Kristen M. Mack ‘05 Mary K. Mangan ‘04 Joshua I. Marshall ‘05 Brie A. McDonald ‘06 Randy L. Metje ‘76-Life John W. Myers ‘65-Life Jeffery D. Pruellage ‘06 Zane K. Quible ‘67-Life (3) Sherri L. Rogers ‘88-Life Michael H. Ruesler ‘73-Life (4) Keith P. Smith ‘06 Elizabeth Stoverink ‘04 William R. Wehmeyer ‘85-Life (14) Samantha E. White ‘04 Katherine R. Williams ‘05 Matthew C. Worthington ‘06 The Clifford Spangler Society honors those alumni and friends of Alpha Kappa Psi who made provisions for future generations of business leaders through will bequests, life insurance, trusts or other planned gifts. Leadership opportunities, scholarships, awards and educational programs are provided for through such gifts. The Spangler Society acknowledges with grateful appreciation those visionaries who have chosen to make these commitments to the future. The following members have indicated that their estate plans include a bequest to the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation: Juha M. Anjala ‘98 Cristopher D. Bryant ‘02 (3) En-Hao H. Chang ‘95 (5) Peter J. Cyffka ‘77-Life (9) Gregory P. Doomanis ‘76 Scott L. Gilmour ‘77 (3) William C. Himstreet ‘54-Life (13) Owen K. Kraus ‘52-Life (8) Arthur L. Reisch ‘48-Life Albert D. Shonk ‘52-Life (15) James O. Stolaroff ‘48-Life (9) 24 Kendrick V. Mosson ‘05 Cherri Wesley ‘03 stephen f. austin Upon Brother Spangler’s death, the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation received half of his sizable estate. His gift — then the largest gift received by AKPsi — was the foundation of several scholarships and awards and continues to support ongoing programs of the foundation. southern california Home Chapter of Past Fraternity Presidents H. Silke Jr. ‘22-Life (1933-36), A.L. Stengel ‘60-Life (1977-79); and Past Fraternity President and Foundation Chairman W.C. Himstreet ‘54-Life (Fraternity 1962-65, Foundation 1979-83). southern mississippi Anonymous (2) Heather E. Allen, Florida State ’89-Life Paul R. Bailey, Michigan State ‘88-Life Jeffrey A. Blade, Butler ‘84-Life Samuel V. Boodoian, Wayne State ‘51-Life* Timothy L. Brandenburg, Cincinnati ‘96-Life Paul J. Brinker, Cincinnati ’84-Life & Leslie-Ann Brinker, Old Dominion ‘76-Life Angela D. Brown, Adrian College ‘81-Life Gerald D. Byrd, Long Beach ‘62-Life Joseph A. Clark, Old Dominion ‘01 William A. Donnelly Jr., NYU ‘36-Life* Gregory R. DuRoss, Wayne State ‘70-Life Chris Ryan Feather, Pittsburgh-Johnstown ‘95-Life John M. Garbaczewski, Arizona ‘54-Life Victor A. Greene, West Georgia ‘77-Life Howard O. Hampton, NYU ’43-Life* Jessica L. Hill, Arizona State ‘95-Life Kenneth W. Hufford, Montana ‘33-Life* Jess C. LaNore, Purdue ‘00-Honorary/Life Catherine Lassesen, UNLV ‘82-Life Marvin L. Longabaugh, Texas Tech ‘80-Life R.K. Lee, Washington ’67-Life Robert M. Linden, Central Michigan ‘64-Life Paul E. Lubic, Christopher Newport ‘94 Richard W. McVay, Texas Tech ‘79-Life M.C. Moore, Virginia Tech ’86-Life George W. Morford, Washington ‘48-Life* Lumir S. Palma, Illinois ‘37 Dr. Robert S. Prati, San Diego ‘96-Life Todd J. Regis, Western Michigan ’86-Life Daniel J. Roselli, Michigan State ‘89-Life David Russo, Christopher Newport ‘05 Carlton J. Siegler, Columbia ‘31-Life* Gordon L. Snider, Colorado College ‘37-Life Clifford D. Spangler, Nebraska ‘28-Life* Dan L. Stubblefield, Middle Tennessee ‘89-Life & Barbara L. Stubblefield Steven T. Tabac, Michigan‘63-Life Christine M. Vasquez, Arizona State ‘98-Life Stephen Vasquez, Arizona State ‘72-Life Mark D. Warden, USC ‘81-Life David P. Wendroff, Portland ‘79-Life & Wendy A. Wendroff, Tri-State ‘80-Life *Audit Eternal If you have included the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation in your estate plan — or are considering doing so — please request a letter of intent from the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation. The letter of intent is not a legal document, but simply shares your wishes with the foundation. Eric Tang ‘02-Life (3) Vin A. Taylor ‘58-Life (2) Mark D. Warden ‘81-Life (9) Christopher J. Warmuth ‘74-Life (6) Landon B. Westerlund ‘89-Life (2) southern illinois Thomas E. Barry ‘63-Life Alicia R. DeBerry ‘04 Eric J. Feiock ‘63-Life Samantha A. Forsythe ‘96-Life Herbert H. Korff ‘59-Life Kent E. Leighty ‘03 B. Leslie Robinson ‘65-Life (8) Donald E. Swanson ‘63-Life (3) Stephen T. Wykle ‘79-Life Dominic R. Zaccone ‘82-Life The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi | Autumn 2007 | southern indiana Laurissa M. Bray ‘94-Life (9) James E. Burke ‘05 (2) Duane R. Frohbieter ‘04 Megan Martin ‘07 southern methodist Elizabeth K. Nabholtz ‘03 (2) Donna J. Jones ‘82-Life (11) Thomas A. Mack ‘82-Life (11) Michelle R. Yetman ‘89 (2) stetson Jo Ellen Cyffka ‘82 (9) Randi E. Davis ‘03 Maria C. Forlivio ‘05 (2) Kyle Ray ‘02 Jane L. Storch ‘90-Life (3) syracuse William E. Ginsburgh ‘61-Life Hubert B. Hall ‘39 Richard H. Harder ‘56-Life (14) David W. Heidenreich ‘04-Life (3) Linus W. Kinner ‘56-Life (4) James R. Wagner ‘62-Life (13) tennessee Lynn M. Aaron ‘05 (2) Jangy Addy ‘06 Kendra F. Alton ‘06 Natalie Aquino ‘07 Jacob D. Asay ‘05 (2) Margie I. Ayers ‘90-Life (4) Justin Bailey ‘06 Kevin P. Baker ‘06 Amie Baker ‘07 Dominique Banks ‘05 (2) Lisa M. Barassi ‘06 Grayson Barnard ‘05 (2) Laura E. Barnes ‘05 (2) William Barnes ‘07 Ricky A. Bart ‘06 Benjamin H. Bates ‘05 (2) Judy G. Batson ‘06 Jonathan M. Bayliss ‘05 (2) Courtney Beckman ‘06 Megan L. Bethmann ‘05 (2) Paige Bigham ‘07 Mary C. Birdwell ‘05 (2) Anne K. Blackburn ‘06 Emily D. Blair ‘05 (2) Chelsi Blizzard ‘05 (2) Christopher D. Bolen ‘06 Geoff Boyd ‘05 (2) Adam T. Branson ‘06 Emily Brickell ‘04 (3) Matthew D. Bucaric ‘06 Jameson L. Bundy ‘06 Jaime Cain ‘07 Antonio Cantrell ‘07 Joel M. Chusid ‘68-Life David Cicero ‘06 Erica Clark ‘07 Takara Clay ‘06 Kristin Coffey ‘06 Kendall Coffey ‘07 Bryant N. Coker ‘06 Genevieve Collins ‘05 (2) Chris Colomb ‘07 Conner Corwin ‘06 Chuck E. Cunningham ‘06 Stephanie Cutrer ‘07 Susanne Cutshaw ‘03 (3) Brett Dalbey ‘07 Dominique Dallas ‘07 Deborah A. D’Amico ‘05 (2) Lori A. Davidson ‘05 (2) Taylor Davis ‘06 Angela R. Degloma ‘06 Nathan D. DeKornfeld ‘05 (2) Siva K. Dhamotharan ‘06 David DiVincenzo ‘07 Dasan J. Dix ‘06 Caroline Downen ‘06 Jessica Dye ‘05 (2) A L P H A K A P PA P S I F O U N D AT I O N Edward C. Edgin ‘86-Life (14) Amanda Ellis ‘07 Angela D. Ezell ‘05 (2) Cyrus T. Farhangi ‘06 Katie W. Fillingim ‘05 (2) Abigail Flittner ‘05 (2) Meredith Flittner ‘05 (2) Brittany Flowers ‘07 Daniel Fowlkes ‘06 Harvie E. Franklin ‘06 Andrew Galbraith ‘04 (3) Natalie Galbraith ‘06 Stephen W. Garner ‘07 Michael T. Gilmore ‘06 Jerry E. Goff ‘64 Samuel D. Golden ‘06 Briana C. Gonzales ‘05 (2) Manuel Gonzalez ‘07 Kimbal C. Gordon ‘05 (2) Carmen S. Gounden ‘06 Daniel Hallock ‘06 Leah Hamilton ‘06 Kaila Hampton ‘06 Sara Hannett ‘07 Victoria Hannett ‘07 Khylam Hari ‘07 Carolyn Harmon ‘05 (2) Julian Hayes ‘07 Todd Herndon ‘06 Brittany S. Hilliard ‘05 (2) Cory Hipps ‘07 Rebecca M. Hoffman ‘05 (2) Stacy A. Honabach ‘05 (2) Caitlin Horne ‘07 Caroline Howell ‘06 Elizabeth Howser ‘07 Amanda M. Huntley ‘06 Emily Hwang ‘06 Michelle A. Jennings ‘06 Thomas A. Johnston ‘05 (2) David Johnston ‘07 Clay T. Jones ‘06 Philip M. Judd ‘06 Aleisha Julian ‘07 Elizabeth M. Kaul ‘05 (2) Lauren K. Kaulfuss ‘05 (2) Alice Kehinde ‘07 Ashley Kemp ‘07 Karly M. Kiggins ‘06 Amelia A. Kirkpatrick ‘06 Karlisa Kuykindall ‘06 Samantha M. Landmesser ‘06 Alex Lane ‘06 Julie M. Lattanzi ‘06 Kasie Lewallen ‘06 Blake T. Lewis ‘06 Krysten L. Linkous ‘05 (2) Catherine M. Loftis ‘06 Lacee L. Louderback ‘06 Kate Lutz ‘07 Mary Jane Maelzer ‘06 Priya Mahajan ‘07 Jason A. Maples ‘06 Shelby Markli ‘07 Dan Matlock ‘04 (3) Terri Mays ‘05 (2) Christina McClain ‘07 Racheal L. McDaniel ‘06 Valerie McKenzie ‘07 Tiffany McKinney ‘05 Daniel P. McMillin ‘05 (2) Sierra L. McPhaul ‘06 Jose Mesta ‘07 Brittany P. Miller ‘05 (2) Lindsay Mintzer ‘07 Liz Mitchell ‘05 (2) Stephanie Morrissey ‘07 Maureen M. Musgrave ‘06 Jamie E. Myers ‘05 (2) Drew Nabbefeldt ‘04 (2) Ashley N. Neal ‘05 (2) Nancy G. Newton ‘92 (3) Brittany Ng ‘07 Tiffany Nguyen ‘05 (2) Emilia Occhipinti ‘07 Richard K. O’Connor ‘05 (2) Bolanile Olatunji ‘04 Kristian Panter ‘06 Pranvi Parekh ‘07 Vincent J. Passafiume ‘04 (2) Sonya D. Patel ‘05 (2) Jenisha Patel ‘07 Gregory M. Patterson ‘06 Shunice Patton ‘07 Lauren Peach ‘06 Rockwell Pedigo ‘07 Graham Peek ‘07 Jacob H. Phillips ‘06 Nicotsia Phillips ‘06 Allison Pierce ‘05 (2) Brian M. Powers ‘05 (2) Teresa L. Preisel ‘06 Aaron Pudlo ‘07 Jill A. Quatrini ‘06 Maahin Qureshi ‘04 (3) Doneise Ramsey ‘05 (2) Taylor Ratliff ‘06 Jesse Redmon ‘05 (2) Amy Reed ‘06 Yunyi Ren ‘06 Christopher K. Rice ‘05 (2) Roger D. Richards ‘06 Tyler P. Richardson ‘06 Jennifer J. Ries ‘04 (3) Tiffany L. Roan ‘05 (2) Kathryn Robertson ‘06 Michael Sager ‘05 (2) Shanika D. Sanders ‘04 (3) Brian Sandfort ‘05 (2) Intan Saraswati ‘05 (2) Whitney Sauer ‘06 Stephanie L. Scheuer ‘04 (3) Jennifer A. Schmidt ‘05 (2) Noura Senno ‘06 Sandy Shelton ‘07 Michael Sherfy ‘07 Corey Shipley ‘07 Erica Shoulders ‘05 (2) Demarques Sims ‘06 Allison M. Slate ‘04 (3) Eric L. Smith ‘06 John T. Souder ‘06 Mia Stephenson ‘04 (3) Alice Strange ‘05 (2) Jeffrey Swiatek ‘05 (2) Amanda B. Szeto ‘05 (2) Bailey W. Tollison ‘65-Life Chip Townsend ‘06 Danyelle Washington ‘05 (2) Amanda Weddington ‘07 Beth Wilcox ‘06 Jeff H. Wilcox ‘06 Alonzo Williams ‘06 David Williams ‘07 Ebony C. Winbush ‘03 (3) Jennifer Winebarger ‘06 Meredith Wright ‘07 Jeffrey Yelkovich ‘07 Zachary A. Zalowitz ‘04 (3) Kalee R. Zeanah ‘06 tennessee – martin Jeffrey L. Baker ‘94 James W. Kiser ‘84-Life (4) Stephanie P. Moore ‘04 (3) Dennis W. Shearon ‘70-Life (3) Robert M. Shelton ‘69-Life tennessee–chattanooga LaToya Bailey ‘06 Vanesia Barlow ‘06 Andrea Bart ‘06 DeMarcus Boyce ‘06 Jamal Brown ‘07 Joseph Fulton ‘06 Ashley Gainey ‘06 Tornisha Gillis ‘06 Garrett A. Holland ‘06 Shannon Lawrence ‘06 Jodie Mayfield ‘06 Elyse Mott ‘06 John Neece ‘06 Alexander Parman ‘06 Jason Quinn ‘06 Osha Robinson ‘06 Darren Self ‘06 Tia S. Turner ‘06 Brittany Westmoreland ‘06 tennessee state Kelli A. Beecher ‘06 Decarminek I. Coleman ‘06 Giorgina R. Duncanson ‘06 Kelli L. Hackett ‘05 Ieschia Hill ‘05 Christopher M. Jones ‘04 Adrian R. Murray ‘03 Arista E. Slate ‘05 tennessee tech Michael W. Albert ‘00 (6) Justin G. Anderson ‘04 (3) Amanda L. Beckwith ‘03 (4) James E. Brennan ‘03 (2) Jordan M. Brown ‘04 (3) Crystal G. Brown ‘06 Bobby L. Collier ‘68-Life Jeffrey E. Guth ‘82-Life (2) Bradley J. Holman ‘03 (2) Robert D. Lane ‘81-Life (2) Brian O. Otuonye ‘05 Steven D. Puckett ‘06 Karl A. Radke ‘05 Gilbert B. Schiffman ‘05 Brittney A. Winnard ‘06 (2) texas Lisa L. Barnett ‘90-Life (3) Swen W. Borg ‘56-Life Bradley J. Euell ‘06 Julie J. Kestner ‘84 (14) Joseph C. Kyle ‘71-Life Eddie J. Sharpe ‘50-Life Don A. Tidwell ‘56-Life texas – brownsville Yolanda Sanchez ‘95-Life texas – dallas Odie M. Uhl ‘85 (4) texas – san antonio Pamela L. Doubrava ‘04 Salvador Hernandez ‘04 Cassandra M. Moreno ‘98 Rosanna Nieto ‘04 (2) Cassie A. Reeder ‘04 texas a&m Theresa Mack ‘84 (11) Barbara D. Millwee ‘91-Life (2) John E. Millwee ‘92-Life (2) texas lutheran 2006-07 ANNUAL REPORT Lisa M. Ulinski ‘05 Abby L. Volk ‘03 Dianna L. Wettrich ‘85-Life (4) Andrew M. Wirthlin ‘06 Casey T. Wright ‘97-Life Jordan B. Aguirre ‘05 Keith L. Babb ‘06 Jaimi E. Chandler ‘05 (2) Hugo Corrales ‘06 Kandis M. Flagg ‘06 Randalyn V. Harlan ‘04 Robert L. Hatcher ‘06 Bradley J. Newman ‘06 Laura M. Tannenbaum ‘06 Adam R. Vyvial ‘06 Kristin H. Wilkinson ‘06 towson Michael C. Heer ‘06 David E. Johney ‘06 Christopher A. Lutz ‘06 Kimberly L. Smith ‘06 LaToya M. Sorillo ‘06 Melanie A. Staton ‘06 texas state trinity Home chapter of Past Fraternity President J.E. Cunningham ‘76-Life (1989-93). Bronson A. Blodgett ‘91-Life (4) Matthew T. Jaeger ‘98 Michelle L. Roberts ‘03 Jennifer L. Wiker ‘99 (4) Rachel M. Baumgartner ‘93 Belinda G. Birchfield ‘85-Life (2) Ena D. Bunton ‘98 Anne C. Kappmeyer ‘91 Lisa G. Rotenberry ‘86-Life Linda A. Watson ‘80-Life (2) tri-state texas tech Home chapter of Foundation Chairman R.W. McVay (2006-present). Peggy Hanson ‘84-Life Kimberly D. Hight ‘87-Life (4) Scott D. Howell ‘79-Life (6) Susannah Lee ‘04 (2) Marvin L. Longabaugh ‘80-Life Thomas L. McMillian ‘01 (4) Richard W. McVay ‘79-Life (5) Michael Morrison ‘01 Jennifer Needham-Vigil ‘78-Life (3) Gary A. Neuman ‘83-Life Raymond W. Swearingen ‘71-Life (3) toledo Beau D. Bennington ‘04 Robert Bleile ‘00-Life (3) Alicja Bleile ‘01 (3) Daniel H. Carroll ‘05 Mark W. Day ‘72-Life Brian Fillous ‘06 Michael J. Fischer ‘98-Life (3) Kelly N. Fischer ‘01 Haley C. Flowers ‘06 Zachary I. Fredley ‘05 (2) Camille R. Gaskins ‘01 David W. Gogel ‘66-Life (13) Joshua B. Grubb ‘06 Joseph R. Hamel ‘62-Life (4) Ryan M. Hercik ‘04 Lindsay M. Hoffman ‘06 Emily T. Ingraham ‘04 Erinn Kehrl ‘02 Sarah L. Kellogg ‘05 Gerald J. Leland ‘54-Life Frederick J. Lintner ‘74-Life (11) Daniel P. McGuire ‘56-Life (4) Edward A. Michels ‘06 Lindsay K. Miller ‘05 Michael H. Molnar ‘01-Life (2) Elvin F. Myers ‘51 (3) Ethan W. Oblonsky ‘04 Charles E. Packard ‘65-Life (2) Brandee L. Piscitello ‘02 David S. Rex ‘73-Life (2) Ann M. Sexton ‘82-Life (15) Steven J. Spieldenner ‘86-Life (3) Scott R. Stampflmeier ‘98-Life (4) Tristanne M. Staudt ‘06 Jeffrey R. Stoll ‘80-Life (3) Darla A. Bauer ‘81-Life John A. Brossack ‘71-Life (2) Thomas S. Brucz ‘72-Life Philip T. Evers ‘84 Eric R. Flatt ‘02 Linda S. Hinkle ‘80-Life (9) John N. Kuhn ‘84-Life Larry R. Loucks ‘76 Pamela S. Middleton ‘81-Life Dexter L. Prough ‘82-Life Wendy A. Wendroff ‘80-Life (13) Joel S. Young ‘86-Life truman state Brandon K. Collins ‘03 tulane Shayla Burks ‘05 Nicole Cohen-Henriquez ‘04 Cole A. Johnson ‘05 Stephanie N. Leiting ‘06 Courtney A. Ordone ‘04 Sarah R. Wallace ‘04 (2) tulsa Max L. McFall ‘60-Life upsala college Home chapter of Past Foundation Chairman J.J. Von Achen ‘74-Life (1993-95). Raymond H. Matschat ‘63-Life (3) Wade R. Sjogren ‘80-Life John J. Von Achen ‘74-Life (15) Frank P. Zisa ‘76 (2) utah John E. Byrd ‘65-Life (14) Ronald I. Christensen ‘56 (4) utah state Orville G. Kelley ‘69-Life (4) virginia Home chapter of Past Fraternity President O.A. Kirkman (1929-33). Helen Ang ‘04 William L. Broaddus ‘58 (5) Benjamin L. Davenport ‘05 Chelsea N. Day ‘06 clifford spangler society consecutive giving yellow rose society matching gift Recognition club for those who made provisions for Alpha Kappa Psi in their estate plans. Consecutive years of giving since the 1991-92 campaign are included in parenthesis. Recognition club for those undergraduates who made a minimum contribution of $10. Donor was eligible for a matching gift which was received during the campaign. (X) | Autumn 2007 | The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi 25 A L P H A K A P PA P S I F O U N D AT I O N Karishma R. Desouza ‘05 Jillian L. Emmanuel ‘03 Xiang Gao ‘07 Alyssa Y. Guo ‘05 Irle R. Hicks ‘48-Life (8) Lindsay Hixson ‘06 Kourosh Jahansouz ‘06 Nicholas T. Jordan ‘05 (2) Ji Eun J. Kim ‘06 Justin R. Kirkpatrick ‘06 Jeannette I. McCarty ‘06 Ramin Mohammad ‘04 Lauren E. Peters ‘06 Brandon N. Pierce ‘05 Brittany A. Pollak ‘06 Reshaud J. Rich ‘06 Tracy N. Rubin ‘06 Amanda L. Singer ‘02 Pamela F. Smith ‘85-Life (2) John H. Sweeney ‘06 William F. Thompson ‘70-Life (14) Juliana Yoon ‘06 Vennesa C. Yung ‘06 virginia tech Home chapter of Past Fraternity President M.C. Moore ‘86-Life (2001-03). Jennifer L. Angus ‘06 Devin W. Armstrong ‘06 Melissa E. Booker ‘06 Lucas D. Bottorff ‘04-Life (3) Christopher J. Bucknam ‘95-Life (2) Meghan P. Callahan ‘05 (2) Jonathan B. Chadwell ‘05 Jessica L. Clatterbuck ‘05 (2) Lisa B. Cowley ‘06 Edward T. Creger ‘49 Sarah K. Cunningham ‘06 Kelli E. Day ‘05 (2) Michael G. Dickerson ‘04-Life (4) Allison A. Donnelly ‘05 (2) John T. Duncan ‘72-Life (3) Clark A. Dwyer ‘04 (2) Jacqueline M. Ervin ‘06 Jeff M. Fanale ‘06 Emmett R. Fishburne ‘50-Life (6) Connor J. Fournier ‘07 Mark W. Gardner ‘86-Life Randall D. Gaylor ‘76-Life (2) Paula J. Geiger ‘89-Life (10) Katharine R. Haines ‘05 (2) Xavier L. Herrera ‘05 (2) Harvey W. Huffman ‘69-Life (3) Larry J. Hurt ‘71-Life (3) Suzie Jang ‘05 (2) Jordan L. Jayne ‘05 (2) Gregory B. Jones ‘75-Life (4) Sarah W. Kane ‘06 Alyssa Katz ‘07 William W. Kibler ‘58-Life (12) Jeong M. Ko ‘06 Norris F. Lee ‘48-Life (15) James W. Lee ‘06 Deborah J. Lee ‘07 John P. Leschinskey ‘99 Leslie A. Lightbody ‘84-Life William J. Malla ‘89 (3) Alana A. Marrie ‘07 Philip L. Martin ‘78 Darrell W. McCall ‘64 Kelly-Ayn McKay ‘90-Life Brian W. Minor ‘00 Tara Mitchell ‘07 Melvin C. Moore ‘86-Life (14) Larry A. Renner ‘64-Life E. Barry Rice ‘61-Life (3) Stephanie L. Rohrbach ‘85-Life (2) John W. Roller ‘54-Life (3) Brendan P. Sherry ‘97-Life (4) G. Wyatt Skinnell ‘65-Life Laura A. Stanley ‘04 (3) Joshua C. Strickler ‘05 Andrew D. Summer ‘04 (3) Alfred M. Tripp ‘63-Life Brenna M. Tuinenga ‘05 David W. Turman ‘65-Life (2) Jillian D. Turner ‘06 Amanda L. Vaccaro ‘88-Life Amber M. Varner ‘05 (2) Victoria D. Venturini ‘77 26 2006-07 ANNUAL REPORT Chris C. Ward ‘04 Dustin M. Ward ‘05 (2) Matthew C. Ward ‘07 Alyson E. Warren ‘06 Sarah Westphal ‘07 Joshua R. Whitehead ‘04 (3) Jhaymee S. Wilson ‘00 Victoria L. Winn ‘03 Alyssa D. Yeager ‘06 Gerald P. Zimmerman ‘75-Life (4) washington Home chapter of Past Foundation Chairman R.K. Lee ‘67-Life (2002-05). Allen D. Anderson ‘56-Life Clifford E. Bourassa ‘64-Life James C. Dobrick ‘64-Life R.K. Lee ‘67-Life (15) George W. Morford ‘48-Life Thomas D. Yoshinaka ‘91-Life (4) washington (St. Louis) Emily C. Dowden ‘04 washington and lee Richard H. Turrell ‘49-Life (9) washington state Brian J. Ackerman ‘05 (2) Gary M. Burke ‘60-Life (5) Scott M. Burroughs ‘99-Life (2) Kevin M. Gano ‘03 (2) Amanda S. Poch ‘03 wayne state Henry J. Binder ‘47-Life (12) Paul K. Burback ‘69-Life (4) Paul W. Dammes ‘57-Life (5) Kenneth R. Dornbrook ‘66-Life (4) Gregory R. DuRoss ‘70-Life (3) James J. Frederick ‘74-Life (2) Annette M. Goike ‘81-Life (8) Steven J. Greene ‘76-Life James W. Grose ‘67-Life Andre R. Kropacek ‘75-Life (14) Joel A. Lutz ‘59-Life David S. Margolis ‘76-Life Vincent W. Patton ‘43-Life (9) Joseph H. Saul ‘61-Life (2) Cecil W. Scott ‘55-Life (3) Stephen A. Sell ‘75-Life (2) John E. Terhune ‘42-Life (10) Rex F. Waddle ‘65-Life James F. Wallis ‘41-Life (3) waynesburg Jamie C. Cappitti ‘97 Dominick Christy ‘56-Life (3) Cary R. Efaw ‘72-Life (6) David E. Getzik ‘73 (3) Christopher S. Groubert ‘04 (3) Rochelle A. Masi ‘05 Nelson T. Rabenold ‘74-Life (2) David L. Zanolli ‘98 (3) webster Dale G. Leake ‘92 (4) Jeanine M. Meyer ‘92-Life Ellen Uhlemeyer ‘61-Life wesleyan college Peta-Gaye Halsall ‘02 Hope McMichael Pendergrass ‘00-Life (2) west georgia Home chapter of Past Fraternity President J.M. Miller ‘70-Fac/Life (1979-83). Nicola Ball ‘06 Franklin D. Banks ‘04 Hayley H. Bradt ‘84-Life (3) Leslie M. Bridges ‘05 Erika G. Jeffers ‘03 J. Mark Miller ‘70-Faculty/Life (15) Keiahna A. Morton ‘95 Rosalyn R. Price ‘87-Life Derek L. Reece ‘84-Life (4) Cassandra R. Smith ‘04 west texas a&m Barbara A. Berry ‘84-Life (4) Connie R. Britten ‘78-Life Thomas L. Hausler ‘67-Life Walter G. Hudson ‘72-Life (15) Angela R. Thompson ‘03 Milt K. Walters ‘61-Life (3) Michael D. Williams ‘75-Life (2) west virginia Charles M. Brown ‘49-Life (11) Brian G. DeBari ‘04 Kathryn L. Harris ‘05 Terry Z. Long ‘04 (2) Michelle L. Minutelli ‘00 (2) Richard A. Tony ‘56-Life (2) Sam Troutman ‘99 William W. Wnek ‘58-Life (4) western carolina Robert L. Allen ‘71-Life (4) Tony L. Bumgarner ‘79-Life (4) Henry T. Corbett ‘78-Life (3) James L. Deal ‘79-Life Johnathan E. Dean ‘04 (3) David C. Earnhardt ‘07 Catherine H. Edwards ‘03 Ini Esiet ‘06 Christopher M. Folds ‘03 Brittany L. Folds ‘06 Virginia E. Freeland ‘07 Angelica C. Grier ‘07 Adam N. Le ‘07 Michael-Dawn Martoccio ‘07 Benjamin E. McDonald ‘81-Life (2) Ted M. McElroy ‘76-Life Kathryn E. McKenzie ‘02 (5) Rachel S. Patton ‘02 (3) LaToya S. Petty ‘07 Tracey L. Roach ‘07 My H. Song ‘07 Brandon S. Tigue ‘04 Natalie R. Whittaker ‘94-Life John F. Wilborn ‘76-Life (2) Brian J. Wood ‘05 western kentucky Benjamin J. Blair ‘99 (2) Kyle M. Bunch ‘02 (3) Christa M. Chaudoin ‘04 (3) Michael M. Cook ‘05 (2) Thomas J. D’Amico ‘72 (4) Tiffany R. Ellis ‘06 Keisha N. Gerron ‘07 Timothy Graves ‘06 Courtney M. Heban ‘06 Leslie L. Henke ‘04 (3) William K. Herriford ‘03 (3) Charles N. Jackson ‘79-Life (4) Paula E. Minton ‘04 (3) Elizabeth J. Minton ‘04 (3) Ryan M. Ossege ‘05 (2) Nicholas F. Rademacher ‘06 Sara E. Simmons ‘01 (2) Charlquezz D. Smith ‘05 (2) Erica F. Stricklin ‘03 (4) Dylan R. Taylor ‘01 (2) Amanda L. Trabue ‘00 (5) Jana N. Whitehead ‘06 Gregory J. Winters ‘03 western michigan Home chapter of Past Foundation Chairman T.J. Regis ‘86-Life (1999-02). John T. Anthony ‘81-Life (4) Krista K. Anthony ‘95-Life (10) Michael L. Anthony ‘94-Life (10) Frank J. Brye ‘60-Life John J. Cairo ‘70-Life Thomas A. Carey ‘92-Life (12) Sachiko D. Finch ‘78-Life (3) Julia L. Flick ‘91-Life (6) Robert C. Innis ‘61-Life (4) Andrea C. Kotch Duda ‘78-Life Betsy L. Lee ‘01 The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi | Autumn 2007 | Thomas R. Mollison ‘70-Faculty (2) Todd J. Regis ‘86-Life (14) Gary E. Shell ‘75-Life (2) western new england Justine C. Andras ‘91-Life (2) Nancy C. Eugenio ‘03 Kenneth M. Rickson ‘73-Life (2) Edward J. Walaszek ‘87-Life wichita state Joseph E. Borlase ‘58-Life William T. Carnahan ‘61-Life (3) Thomas E. Fulton ‘73-Life Ronald L. Goin ‘56-Life (3) John R. Grabner ‘58-Life (2) Alan J. Mackey ‘61-Life Diane R. Scott ‘04-Faculty Donald B. Tener ‘56-Life (3) Rob Welch ‘06 Robert W. Winters ‘68-Life (3) winthrop Debra K. Arney ‘88-Life Ebony Baker ‘03 Sarah D. Guy ‘78-Life (4) Katherine Hardwick ‘93-Life (3) Mar A. Rodman ‘85-Life Britney N. Zanders ‘05 wisconsin Sonia A. Advani ‘99-Life (3) James J. Edwards ‘71-Life (4) Charles J. Hass ‘58-Life (9) Duane H. Hendrickson ‘56-Life Lee E. Whitcomb ‘53-Life wisconsin – milwaukee Home chapter of Past Fraternity Chairman and Past Foundation Chairman E.L. Howell ‘78-Life (Fraternity, 2005-06; Foundation, 1991-93). Ronald R. Alexander ‘65-Life Lindsay A. Cyrs ‘04 (2) Carrie J. Hovey ‘95-Life (4) Eileen L. Howell ‘77-Life (6) Jessica M. Kerns ‘05 (2) Sam Krajnik ‘06 Martin T. Matson ‘79 Peter Mueller ‘05 Donald J. Nichols ‘60-Life (9) John J. Orlando ‘96 (6) David M. Payne ‘79 (6) Lisa Quarford ‘05 (2) Brandon Rosas ‘06 Beje M. Spahiu ‘79-Life Salvatore Strehlow ‘05 (2) wyoming Fredric R. Joseph ‘62 (6) Larry D. Roberts ‘65-Life (9) James A. Simmons ‘60-Life (5) Dana C. Smith ‘73-Life (4) John D. Stiles ‘54-Life (3) Kristie L. Widrig ‘90-Life (2) youngstown state John G. Eagan ‘66-Life Richard K. Mautz ‘69-Life (5) Dennis D. Shiplett ‘67-Life (12) friends Gifts from individuals, corporations, foundations and chapters not recognized elsewhere in this section: Mark Ackerman Felix Addeo AEGON Transamerica Foundation (9) Charles Akin Alpha Mu Chapter (Wisconsin) Altria Group, Inc. (4) Arizona Exerminators Ausen Investments Glenn Azzari James Bay BE Welding & Fabrication Beecher Carlson Holdings, Inc Monte Berget Beta Rho Chapter (West Virginia) Greg Bice Aileen Bonet Robert L. Boyd Michael D. Bradley Brandywine Global Investment Management Mike Brill Norma Bringle Ed Brockmeyer Rod Browning Charles A. Bruno Wilfredo H. Camero Tim Clifford Ellis J. Cohn Hazel A. Collier (7) Andy F. Coulter Council of Alpha (6) Kay D. Darnell Delta Tau Chapter (Canisius) Sue Duli (9) Eide Baily Enterprise Rent-A-Car Foundation Eta Chapter (Cincinnati) (4) Florida Gold Coast Alumni (10) Mike Franks Lori Furrow Gamma Eta Chapter (Toledo) (2) Larry Guihan Jane A. Hankins John and Mildred Harder (7) Harry’s Fine Jewelry Hensley Kerry and Constance Hesse (7) Highland Street Foundation Bryce Hill Homrich & Berg, Inc. (3) HRH/Kirklin & Co, LLC Iota Xi Chapter (Arizona State) (3) Patricia Kelly Lambda Nu Chapter (American) Tom Lewis The May Department Stores Co. Found. (8) D. J. McClanahan Meritage Corporation (4) Microsoft Motor City Alumni (12) Mu Sigma Chapter (San Diego State) Dave Murphy Tom Naggy Nissan North America, Inc. Northview Construction, Inc Oscar Nuncio Omega Omicron Chapter (Eastern Ky.) Omicron Chi (Case Western Reserve) Omicron Tau Chapter (Rutgers) (3) Oracle Matching Gifts Program Deborah A. Orff (7) Florence R. Pascual Pert & Sure ProfitLink R. H. Donnelley Corporation Les Rezzonico Diana L. Rice Melinda S. Rosenthall Saint Louis Metro Alumni (2) Charles Skibo Donald Slager Snavely Forest Products (7) Ron Spoon Tennessee Valley Alumni (7) Time Warner Foundation, Inc. Triangle United Way United Way of The Inland Valleys (4) Veris Industries Wachovia (3) William A. Wade (4) Wadeco Manufacturing Company (3) Ryan Walker Michael Wallen Washington Mutual (2) Wells Fargo, SBA Pam Wendt Johny Witten Tyler Wjertes Del Woods Zeta Lambda Chapter (Tennessee) (4) Zeta Tau Chapter (Western Kentucky) Zeta Xi Chapter (Central Michigan) 1, 2 &3: The highlight of Wednesday was the Welcome Party, hosted by the Capital Area Alumni Chapter. The GEICO mascot danced with students and alumni, while other Convention attendees played Twister, designed their own T-shirts or had caricatures drawn. 4: The registration area, which was also the site of the MarketPlace and Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation Silent Auction, was one of the busiest places to be during the Convention. 1 2 WITH MORE THAN 700 BROTHERS AND GUESTS IN attendance, the Washington Hyatt Regency provided the setting for a memorable 54th Convention. The Convention was held August 1-4, and it was the second time the fraternity’s marquee event was held in the nation’s capital. On Wednesday, registration was being held throughout the day, and those arriving early for the Convention were invited to D.C.’s historic Union Station for lunch. Festivities officially began in the evening when alumni gathered for the Meet ‘n Greet reception, sponsored by GEICO. The CONVENTION 3 event was followed by the Welcome Party which included dancing and games. The event was made possible by the Capital Area Alumni Chapter. Early risers on Thursday morning participated in a tour of D.C.’s historic sites. Later, regional caucuses were held. Convention attendees met with their regional directors and 4 learned more about the status of the fraternity and their regions, and had the opportunity to discuss pending legislation. After lunch, the various committees met to review legislation. | Autumn 2007 | The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi 27 1: Regional Caucus were held on Thursday morning to review proposed legislation. 2 & 3: The Opening Session of the Chapter Congress included a spirited rally and the debut of the fraternity’s new Pledge Education program (PEP). 4: During Regional Night Out, the most popular event was the Washington Nationals game at RFK Stadium. 2 1 3 AUCTION BREAKS RECORDS The Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation’s Silent Auction was held Wednesday through Saturday, although it actually began as an online event several weeks prior to the start of the Convention. Final online bids became the opening bids in Washington, and thanks to the 200-plus items donated to the auction, more than $10,000 was raised for the foundation—an all-time record. 28 4 That evening, in true pep-rally fashion, the Chapter Congress opened with the Opening Session. The crowd roared during the introduction of the fraternity’s management team and recently chartered student and alumni chapters were recognized. The event culminated with the unveiling of AKPsi’s highly anticipated Pledge Education program (PEP). The busy day concluded with the Regional Night Out as each of the fraternity’s 13 regions explored the city and took in the sights. Many of the regions went on tours to see D.C.’s monuments while others attended the Washington Nationals game at RFK stadium. On Friday, the day began early as the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation held its 2007 Golf Scramble at Langston Golf Course. The event was a fundraiser in support of The Academy, the foundation’s leadership development conference. Later that morning, the Chapter Congress meeting resumed as legislation was considered and officers were elected. (Those not attending the Chapter Congress meeting had the opportunity to visit the Air and Space Museum and enjoy lunch in China Town). History was made The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi | Autumn 2007 | ANNUAL CHAPTER REPORT AWARDS Throughout the Convention, the fraternity recognized outstanding chapters through its Annual Chapter Report (ACR) program. The ACR is a planning tool that measures chapter performance in categories such as leadership and professional development, membership and services, and fiscal responsibility. Award recipients are determined through a point system which is based on a scale of 100,000 possible points. AWARDS OF ACHIEVEMENT First Place Fraternity Standing Chapters scoring at least 100,000 points on the ACR: Colorado State, Creighton, Lock Haven, Loyola, Missouri State, Northern Colorado, Rutgers, San Diego, San Diego State, Texas Tech, Toledo, Virginia, Virginia Tech, Western Carolina. First Place Regional Standing Chapters with the highest score on the ACR in a region without 100,000point chapters: Oregon State, South Florida, Tennessee Tech. Outstanding Chapter Chapters scoring between 95,000 and 99,999 points on the ACR: Alabama, American, Florida, Florida State, Georgia, Georgia Tech, Kansas State, Sam Houston, Shippensburg, South Florida, Stetson, Tennessee Tech. Certificate of Improvement Chapters increasing performance by at least 20,000 points over the previous academic year on the ACR: Creighton, Denver, Eastern Kentucky, Idaho State, Kansas State, Lamar, Lock Haven, Louisiana State, Loyola - New Orleans, North Texas, Oregon State, Sam Houston, San Diego, Toledo, Washington. 5 CIRCLE OF ACHIEVEMENT Chapters initiating more than 40 members Alabama, Arizona State, Auburn, Butler, Colorado, Duke, Florida, Florida State, Furman, Georgia, Gonzaga, Illinois, Indiana, James Madison, Kansas, Kansas State, Kentucky, Manchester, Maryland, Miami (Ohio), Michigan, Middle Tennessee, Mississippi, Missouri, Northwestern, Pittsburgh, Purdue, Rutgers, Sam Houston, San Diego State, South Carolina, South Carolina State, South Florida, Southeast Missouri, Tennessee, Texas, Truman State, Tulane, Vanderbilt, Virginia Tech, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin. 6 7 CIRCLE OF EXCELLENCE Chapters increasing membership by twenty-five percent over the previous year: California - Los Angeles, California – Riverside, California State – Fresno, California State – Northridge, Canisius College, Colorado State, Creighton, Denver, DePaul, Drake, Florida, Gannon, Georgia, Gonzaga, Houston, Idaho State, Kansas State, Lamar, Louisiana State, Loyola, Loyola - New Orleans, Manchester, Marshall, Middle Tennessee, Missouri Western, Murray State, North Carolina - Chapel Hill, North Dakota State, North Texas, Northwestern, Northwood, Oklahoma State, Purdue, Rutgers, Sam Houston, San Diego, Seton Hall, South Carolina State, Southeast Missouri, Southern Illinois, Southern Indiana, Stetson, Tennessee Tech, Texas – Brownsville, Texas – Edinburg, Texas State, Toledo, Tulane, Washington, Washington (St. Louis), Waynesburg College, Wesleyan College, West Virginia, Western Carolina, Western Michigan. NUMBER ONE REGION AWARD Based on thirteen different criteria, including chapter planning, membership recruitment and financial responsibility: Midwest Region. Fraternity President Dan Stubblefield presents the award to Midwest Regional Director Sonia Advani. 5: On Friday, the Chapter Congress reconvened to consider legislation and elect fraternity officers. 6: Donations of toys and cash were presented to the National Children’s Medical Center during the awards luncheon. 7: Past Regional Director Scott Warren (Northwest), and RDs Melissa Stowe (Northcentral) and Chad Smith (Northeast) enjoy dinner in Georgetown during the Alumni Night Out. 8: Foundation Vice Chairman Steve Vasquez, Debbie Vasquez and Past Foundation Chairman Bill Reeves at the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation’s Golf Scramble. as Andrea Nemeth, Montclair State ’91-Life, was elected the fraternity’s first female president. Alexander Sultan, San Diego State ’93-Life, was elected executive vice president. At lunch, hundreds of toys— previously collected by AKPsi chapters, students and alumni— were presented to the Children’s National Medical Center. These toys, along with cash gifts, were in support of Dr. Bear’s Toy Chest, the hospital’s program to provide sick children with toys to keep their minds off of the 8 pain of their illnesses and treatments. | Autumn 2007 | The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi 29 1 2 4 5 1, 2 & 3: Saturday’s College of Leadership curriculum focused on professional and chapter development. 4: The COL’s keynote was given by Larry Spears (right), president emeritus and senior fellow of the Greenleaf Center. He spoke on the meaning and practices of Servant-Leadership. With him are Past Foundation Director, Heritage Foundation President and CEO Ed Feulner (left); and Fraternity Director, Steak n Shake CFO and Senior Vice President Jeff Blade. 5: Chapters, regions and individuals were honored for the commitment to the fraternity and foundation at the awards luncheon. 3 30 Following the presentation, Fraternity Vice President Charles D. Steffens, Portland ’97-Life, presented numerous chapter awards and several Convention awards (see pages 29 and 31). At the end of the program, the Midwest Region, led by Regional Director Sonia A. Advani, Wisconsin ’99-Life, was presented with the Number One Region Award. After an afternoon break, brothers met for the Celebration of Brotherhood. The popular member-only event provided attendees with the opportunity to reflect on the meaning of fraternity while sharing personal memories and experiences. Afterwards, more than 150 alumni and guests participated in the Alumni Night Out; everyone boarded buses for Georgetown’s waterfront to have dinner at Tony and Joe’s Seafood Place. Saturday morning began with Alumni Chapter Roundtables and the College of Leadership. Those not participating in the roundtables or COL had the opportunity to take tours of Old Alexandria and Mt. Vernon (the home of George and Martha Washington), or visit the National Zoo. Sponsored by the Alumni Chapter Advancement Commission (ACAC), the roundtables allowed members of alumni chapters to share ideas and discuss a variety of topics affecting their chapters. The day-long College of Leadership focused on a variety of topics designed to equip students with the tools necessary to lead successful chapters and encourage personal growth. Sessions ranged on topics such as risk management, leadership, financial planning and graduate school admissions. Of special note, students and alumni had the opportunity to learn about the “AKPsi Angel Partners” program. The program is designed to match investors with entrepreneurs. The keynote speaker at the COL was Larry C. Spears, president emeritus and senior fellow from the Robert K. The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi | Autumn 2007 | 6: Mideast Regional Director Chris Bucknam joins members of the Alpha Gamma Chapter (Virginia) in celebrating their First Place Fraternity Standing and Chapter of the Year awards. 7: Four-time Convention Chair Wendy Wendroff receives the Gold Distinguished Service Award. 8: Outgoing Fraternity President Dan Stubblefield (left) with Chairman’s Award recipient Bill Templin and newly elected Fraternity President Andrea Nemeth. 6 Greenleaf Center for Servant-Leadership. He described the meaning and practices of Servant-Leadership and how companies like Southwest Airlines and TDIndustries and other have benefited from their own corporate practices of Servant-Leadership. At lunch, fraternity awards honoring individuals were presented. Also during lunch, members of the fraternity’s Chairman’s Advisory Council were introduced and student members of the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation’s Yellow Rose Society were honored. Later that evening, and immediately before the grand banquet, the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation held a reception honoring those foundation supporters who made contributions of $100 or more during the year. Held on the Hyatt’s tenth floor, attendees enjoyed spectacular views of the city, including an unobstructed view of the U.S. Capitol. Continued on page 35 FRATERNITY AWARDS Chapter Advisor of the Year Wendy A. Wendroff, Tri-State ’80-Life, nominated by Oregon State INDIVIDUALS Brother of the Year Alex Peerenboom, Oregon ‘05 Gold Distinguished Service Award Wendy A. Wendroff, Tri-State ’80-Life Member of the Year Darcy Osterhaus, Kansas State ‘05 Second Degree Silver DSA Dr. Edwin J. Feulner Jr., Regis ’60-Life M.C. Moore, Virginia Tech. ’86-Life David P. Wendroff, Portland ’79-Life Service Awards Presented to the outgoing chairman and president Eileen L. Howell, UW-Milwaukee ’77-Life Dan L. Stubblefield, Middle Tenn ‘89-Life Chairman’s Award Honoring life-long commitment William F. Templin, Illinois ’41-Life Alpha Award Outstanding chapter officer Angelina M. Lusetti, Oregon State ‘05 Kappa Award Excellence in recruitment Justin S. Bregman, UNC-Chapel Hill ‘05 Psi Award Excellence in professionalism Lana Costello, Kansas State ‘06 Brooklyn Bridge Award Connecting alumni with students Shahnawaz Daredia, Texas ‘00 7 8 Innovator of the Year Christopher M. Folds, Western Carolina ‘03 Helping Hand Award Leads by example in service to others Philip D. Caldarella, Maryland ‘07 Friend of AKPsi Award Non-member support of an AKPsi chapter Dr. Donita Whitney-Bammerlin, nominated by Kansas State CHAPTERS Chapter of the Year Virginia Best Alumni Event Western Carolina Best Philanthropy Loyola – New Orleans Best Professional Event Oregon B.L.U.E. Unity (Alumni Chapter) Sponsored an event that provides a service to the fraternity or the foundation St. Louis Metro CONVENTION AWARDS Travel Award Most miles travelled by a chapter, for all chapter members combined Texas State Unity Award Region with highest percentage of chapters with two or more attendees Westcentral Region Blue & Gold Spirit Award Chapter with the most members in attendance, regardless of chapter size Tie: Central Michigan , UW– Milwaukee | Autumn 2007 | The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi 31 ALUMNI NOTES Because of the poverty and illness he witnessed in South Africa, Alex Merchan became inspired to do more. African Experience Alex Merchan traveled to South Africa for an inspiring humanitarian effort JUXTAPOSITION BETWEEN SEVERAL REALITIES marked the journey taken last year by Alex Merchan, Miami ‘96. A marketing manager for Virgin Entertainment in Orlando, Fla., since September 2004, Miami native Merchan left his Disney-fied confines last May for a week in an impoverished village near Johannesburg, South Africa. He and an international group of Virgin volunteers worked with local charities to brighten the lives of dozens of families. “We were told we’d be working with orphans and HIV/AIDS-infected adults, but that gave us no idea of what our experiences would ultimately include,” says Merchan. The trip was related to Virgin Unite, the charitable arm of Virgin Group, the U.K.-based conglomerate founded by Sir Richard Branson, which operates humanitarian programs worldwide. It’s a way, Merchan says, to see firsthand what Virgin Unite does and “then go back to our businesses and think of ways to contribute to the cause.” Merchan’s week began with a five-hour drive from the Johannesburg airport to Ulusaba, Branson’s luxurious private game reserve—though the group’s own accommodations were considerably spartan in comparison. From that base, Merchan ventured to the adjacent village of Dumphries, where Virgin Unite assists nongovernmental organizations with education and health-related projects. “I spent hours mixing dirt, concrete and water to make the cinder blocks needed to build a new school,” Merchan reports. Over the next few days, he pitched in on other tasks, including planting trees, constructing a wire fence, fashioning tire swings and building a chicken coop populated with birds the volunteers purchased with pooled funds. There was time for play, too, such as when the villagers staged an impromptu song-and-dance ceremony. “Their gratitude was amazing,” Merchan says. “After just a few days, we could see their trust build and a bond grow.” Observing poverty, AIDS and the lack of education and natural resources saddened Merchan, yet he returned home with a sense of commitment and hope. “If just one of us were to develop a passion for this type of humanitarian effort.” he says, “it’s one more person to help the cause.” Merchan, who kept a blog during his African trip (, is determined to be among the impassioned. “I feel compelled to do more,” he says. In fact, since his return he’s been raising funds for Riders for Health, a group that purchases motorcycles for African healthcare workers. “The experience I had in South Africa gives me hope that there will be improvement in the lives of less fortunate people.” From BusinessMiami, Winter 2007. Reprinted with permission from the University of Miami School of Business. Written by Bob Woods. Photograph by Jeffery Salter. 32 The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi | Autumn 2007 | CSU – LONG BEACH Col. Peter Michael Fleming ’73-Life is engaged to Catherine Mi Yea Lee. CENTRAL MICHIGAN Brenda L. Meller ’95 is the marketing manager at AAS/pmh, part of the Marketing Services Group of Pitney Bowes and has recently joined Toastmasters International. She resides in Fraser, Mich. Jessica L. Raetz ’99 married Jeremy A. Maurer ’98 on June 9. The newlyweds reside in West Bloomfield, Mich. EASTERN WASHINGTON Diana L. Welch ’81-Life is a consultant and owner of Human Resources Management Solutions Northwest. She certified as a Senior Professional in Human Resources and has more than 20 years of HR executive and training experience. She resides in Selah, Wa. FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL James D. Zuniga ’95 is the president of Corporate Signs. His company offers permitting, installation and repair services to national sign and maintenance companies in South Florida. He resides in Coral Cables. FORT HAYS STATE Lyle T. Staab ’76-Life moved back to the U.S. after five years in Ireland. He has been named vice president-instrument manufacturing for Siemens Medical Soluctions Diagnostics, a $3 billion division of Siemens AG. He and his wife AnnMarie are searching for a home in the New York City area. welcomed a daughter, Alexis Julia, in August. David is a director on the Alpha Kappa Psi Fraternity Board of Directors. The family resides in Richmond, Va. Queen City Alumni hosted its Alumni, Family and Friends Picnic on September 29 at Freedom Park in Charlotte. Thirty-five alumni and guests, as well as collegiate members and pledges from UNC - Charlotte participated. INDIANA STATE Audrey L. Russell (Cox) ’04 was married on August 4. She resides in Columbia, S.C. IOWA STATE Melissa J. Stowe ’98-Life was accepted into the Technology Management MBA program at the University of Washington in Seattle. She is currently the regional director for the fraternity’s Northcentral Region. LOCK HAVEN Andrew J. Gibbons ’96-Life received his MBA from Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania in August. He resides in Lewisburg, Pa. MISSOURI Hugh Van Seaton ‘63 successfully defended his dissertation and will graduate in December as a Doctor of Educational Leadership (Ed.D) from University of North Florida. Nicole M. Wilson ’91 is employed by the software consulting firm TUSC in Chicago, specializing in Oracle financial implementations. MONTCLAIR STATE Andrea Nemeth ’91-Life accepted a position with Unilever as associate finance manager in its benefits accounting department. In August, she was elected president of Alpha Kappa Psi—the first female to hold the position. She and her husband Vadim reside in Clifton, N.J. Ralph W. Menke ’75-Life was recognized by the mayor of Montclair for his years of service during the Cold War as a member of the Civil Defense and Disaster Control Center. Today, he continues his involvement in emergency management; working with FEMA, helped coordinated supplies at Ground Zero after 9/11. He also volunteers at VA and Children’s hospitals. RADFORD Charlene J. Kidder ’04 is expecting a daughter in October. She works in sales at Danaher Motion in Radford. RICHMOND David A. Ralston ’94-Life and wife Diane TENNESSEE Kathy Darlene Boyd ’93-Life retired early after running a successful company which wrote grants, and now writes grants for spay and neuter programs for the Humane Society of Campbell County, where she serves as vice president. She resides in Caryville, Tenn. Vanessa L. Thomas ’03 is pursuing a master’s degree in education at Tennessee State University. She resides in Nashville. TEXAS STATE Amanda M. Shavers ’01 and husband David welcomed a daughter, Emily Claire, in September, 2006. The family resides in Alameda, Calif. SAINT LOUIS David J. Eschmann ’75-Life is employed as an IT data warehouse specialist at Thermadyne Industries in St. Louis. Alicia D. Neumann ‘96-Life and husband Ray welcomed a son, Carson Warner, on September 14. The family resides in Ballwin, Mo. YOUNGSTOWN STATE Richard K. Mautz ’69-Life retired from the Timken Co. in 2005 after more than 35 years of service. He resides in Massillon, Ohio. Send your alumni news and photos to The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi:, (317) 872-1567 (fax), or The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, 7801 E 88th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46256-1233. R E C E N T LY P U B L I S H E D Gibson Guitars: Ted McCarty’s Golden Era: 1948-1966 “Ted McCarty was the architect of a golden period in Gibson’s history. During his 18-year tenure, he helped to reestablish the company’s historic leadership in the industry through a number of musical innovations that still resonate today.” — Gibson Chairman and CEO Henry E. Juszkiewicz By Gil Hembree Foreword by Seymour Duncan GH Books, 2007 AS CEO OF GIBSON GUITARS made some of the world’s most from 1948 to 1966, Ted desirable guitars. It features McCarty, Cincinnati ‘31, more than 100 photographs— including some from McCarty’s presided over the production of nearly one million instrupersonal archives and never ments and amplifiers. 1950s before published. Gibson Les Paul Standards, Author and noted guitar historian Gil Hembree lived Flying Vs, Explorers, and ESnear the Gibson factory for 335s are considered to be some of the most valuable fretted most of his professional life and instruments in the world. this allowed him to visit Ted McCarty (right) in 1953. This book is McCarty’s first McCarty many times. Ted introduced the author to dozens of McCartyand only complete biography, and a book that gives us a glimpse into a golden era of era Gibson employees and gave him access his factory and his loyal employees who to valuable historical documents. | Autumn 2007 | The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi 33 AUDIT ETERNAL The following listing is for those Audit Eternal brothers reported between June 5 and November 13. Gifts in memory of an AKPsi brother are accepted by the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation. Once a gift is received, a card of acknowledgment is sent to the donor and, if possible, a card announcing the memorial contribution is sent to the immediate family of the individual being honored. MINNESOTA Kenneth D. Holmes ‘48 (5/18/07) Lake Oswego, Ore. Christopher J. Larson ‘61-Life (7/27/04) Winthrop, Minn. Wallace C. Ogren ‘47 (2/20/03) Burnsville, Minn. MISSOURI STATE Hazel Walsh ‘01-Honorary (2007) Springfield, Mo. NEW YORK Laird B. Tuohig ‘35-Life Salt Lake City, Utah NIAGARA Charles J. Edgette ‘55-Faculty (3/1/98) Hampton, Va. UNC-CHAPEL HILL Clifton E. Pleasants ‘29 (1997) Winston Salem, N.C. Peter Rywak ‘49-Life (4/9/95) Hickory, N.C. NORTHWESTERN William J. Davie ‘66-Life (7/15/95) Charles P. Faust ‘63 (8/12/02) Chicago, Ill. OKLAHOMA STATE Cole Kugel ‘24 (6/11/07) Longmont, Colo. On the last day of his term in office, Fraternity President William F. Weinheimer gave his farewell address at the 1968 Convention’s Grand Banquet. Fraternity President William F. Weinheimer Past Fraternity President and Gold Distinguished Service Award recipient William F. Weinheimer, Pittsburgh ’41-Life, passed on August 2 at the Passavant Retirement Community in Zelienople, Pa. He was the former manager for the personnel department at Equitable Gas Co. where he worked for 45 years. Bill served as the fraternity’s president from 1965-68. “My experience of serving with all of you has been stimulating and exciting—a rich and rewarding experience,” he said, in his final report as the fraternity’s president. In honor of his service to Alpha Kappa Psi, the National Chapter (now Chapter Congress) presented him with the Gold DSA—the fraternity’s highest honor—in 1968. Bill was the fraternity’s vice president for alumni from 1962-65 and previously held the position as the first regional director for the newly established Eastern Region in 1961. He was active in the Pittsburgh Alumni Chapter where he received the Silver DSA in 1953, and the Silver Second Degree DSA in 1988. His World War II military service began as a private in 1941, and when it terminated in 1946, he received a reserve commission as a major in the field artillery. He was a recipient of the Bronze Star medal. He is survived by his wife Eleanor, a daughter and three grandchildren. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Passavant Retirement Community, 401 S. Main St., Zelienople, PA 16063; or to the English Lutheran Church, 200 E. Grandview Ave., Zelienople, PA 16063. The Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation will also accept contributions in honor of Bill, and will notify Eleanor Weinheimer that tributes were made in her husband’s memory: Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation, 7801 E 88th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46256. 34 The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi | Autumn 2007 | BELLEVUE Bertram R. Grigsby ‘82-Life (9/17/07) Omaha, Neb. BOSTON Walter F. Jennings ‘53 (6/9/07) Issaquah, Wash. UCLA Robert B. Matthiessen ‘54-Life Pasadena, Calif. COLUMBIA Oscar N. Serbein Jr. ‘49 (1/21/06) Palo Alto, Calif. DENVER Jean P. Mather ‘47-Faculty (6/21/07) Lenox, Mass. GEORGIA Robert M. Belk ‘48 (10/13/07) Eatonton, Ga. ILLINOIS Fred L. Hubbard ‘59-Life Catlin, Ill. JACKSONVILLE Ronald L. King ‘62-Life (7/9/07) Greenville, S.C. KANSAS STATE Rebecca Trible ‘06 (10/21/07) Manhattan, Kan. LIPSCOMB Alan C. Edgeworth ‘66 (2007) Muscle Shoals, Ala. LOUISIANNA STATE Leo P. Champagne ‘49-Life New Orleans, La. MICHIGAN STATE Donald E. Hoover ‘56-Life (6/13/07) Tempe, Ariz. PITTSBURGH Robert P. Milligan ‘59-Life (7/18/07) Pittsburgh, Pa. William F. Weinheimer ‘41-Life (8/2/07) Zelienople, Pa. REGIS Louis V. Doyle ‘58-Life (8/12/07) Denver, Colo. Rudy W. Sporcich ‘58-Faculty (2007) Arvada, Colo. SOUTHERN METHODIST James D. Hancock ‘34 (6/21/07) Dallas, Texas ST. JOHN’S Ralph E. Maratta ‘55 (3/11/07) Hazlet, N.J. SYRACUSE William R. Meyers ‘42-Life (8/5/07) Guilderland, N.Y. TENNESSEE-MARTIN Richard B. Griffin ‘65-Life was erroneously reported as a member of Audit Eternal in the Summer 2007 issue of the Diary. He is alive and well in Martin, Tenn. UTAH STATE Donald W. Johanson ‘54 (8/27/07) Morgan, Utah VIRGINIA TECH Albert Sumler ‘53 (9/24/06) Keystone Heights, Fla. WASHINGTON STATE James W. Davis ‘34 Spokane, Wash. Carroll S. Dick ‘60 Olympia, Wash. Kenneth A. Graybeal ‘57-Life Bellevue, Wash. WAYNE STATE William F. Briscoe ‘41-Life (9/23/07) Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. Gordon W. Cook ‘51-Life (5/26/2006) Summerville, S.C. John M. Mattila ‘58-Faculty (6/30/07) Rochester Hills, Mich. — Continued from page 31 Once everyone was seated for dinner, the Grand Banquet began with introductions of current and past volunteer leaders, and the fraternity’s professional staff. After dessert, Fraternity President Dan L. Stubblefield, Middle Tennessee ’89-Life, recognized individuals and chapters celebrating 25-, 50-, or 75-year anniversaries in Alpha Kappa Psi. Afterwards, he swore in Andrea Nemeth and Alexander T. Sultan as the fraternity’s new president and executive vice president, respectively. Nemeth addressed the audience and shared her vision for the fraternity. The rest of the evening’s program included the presentations of individual and chapter awards, including several of the fraternity’s highest honors (see pages 29 and 31). Of note, a standing ovation was given to William F. Templin, Illinois ’41-Life, after Past Chairman Eileen Howell, Wisconsin-Milwaukee ’78-Life, presented him with the Chairman’s Award. Bill, among other things, has attended nearly every Convention since the Golden Anniversary Convention in 1953. Another emotional tribute was made when Fraternity Director Paul J. Brinker, Cincinnati ’84Life, joined Eileen in recognizing Wendy A. Wendroff, Tri-State ’80-Life, with the Gold Distinguished Service Award—the fraternity’s highest honor. Wendy’s long list of service to the fraternity includes serving as chair of the 2001, 2003, 2005 and 2007 Conventions. Wendy is only the 43rd person (and second female), to receive the prestigious honor. The banquet concluded with a slideshow highlighting the various events held during Convention. Afterwards it was announced that Orlando would be the site of the 2009 Convention. Special thanks to Rob Bleile, Toledo ‘00-Life, for providing the majority of photographs used for the Diary’s coverage of the 2007 Convention. ELECTIONS & LEGISLATION Elections Andrea Nemeth, Montclair State ’91-Life, was elected president. She was unopposed. From the two nominees for executive vice president, Alexander Sultan, San Diego State ’93-Life, was elected to the position. Legislation An established GPA is no longer required to be inducted as a pledge or be initiated as a member. This allows for first-term freshmen to pledge and be initiated. Positions on the Fraternity Board of Directors were updated: The positions of chair-elect and past chairman were eliminated and the position of vice chairman was established. The chairman may run for a second term. The Executive Committee will include the chairman and two additional board members as appointed by the Fraternity Board of Directors. Due dates were extended for reporting membership and chapter officer changes: Membership reporting and payments must be received by the Heritage Center within seven business days of inductions and initiations, and student and alumni chapter officer updates must be received by the Heritage Center within seven business days of elections. Other legislation distributed prior to the Chapter Congress Meeting was either removed from consideration by committee or failed on the floor. | Autumn 2007 | The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi 35 ALUMNI CHAPTERS CENTRAL REGION MIDEAST REGION Kansas City Metro Alumni c/o Nick Parker 8611 W 78th Terr Overland Park, KS 66204 Capital Area Alumni 4201 S 31st ST #111 Arlington, VA 22206 Saint Louis Metro Alumni Box #260123 St. Louis, MO 63126-8123 Queen City Alumni P. O. Box 3337 Matthews, NC 28106 EASTCENTRAL REGION Garden State Alumni PO Box 4721 Clifton, NJ 7013 Chicago Alumni c/o Abby Bay 820 Foxworth Blvd Apt. 407 Lombard, IL 60148-4857 Motor City Alumni c/o Bob Spansky 38916 Lancaster Dr Farmington Hills, MI 48331 City of Festivals Alumni PO Box 510524 Milwaukee, WI 53202 Ohio Valley Alumni c/o LeAnne Carter 347 Probasco St Apt. 1 Cincinnati, OH 45220 Hoosier Alumni c/o Alan Siktberg 7730 Blackthorn Circle Indianapolis, IN 46236-8922 EASTERN REGION Western New York Alumni 263 Camden Ave Buffalo, NY 14216-1729 NORTHCENTRAL REGION Omaha Alumni c/o James McNamara Twin Cities Alumni PO Box 390604 Minneapolis, MN 55439-0604 NORTHEAST REGION MIDWEST ALUMNI Glass City Alumni 2454 Garden Creek Dr Maumee, OH 43537 8803 S 100th St La Vista, NE 68128 New York City Alumni c/o Heather MacLeish NORTHWEST REGION Portland Alumni c/o Nicole Sutton 1130 SW 170th Ave #203 Portland, OR 97006 Seattle Alumni c/o Kasia Prouty SOUTHERN REGION Music City Alumni 110 21st Ave S Room 100 Nashville, TN 37203-4330 Tennessee Valley Alumni PO Box 2523 Murfreesboro, TN 37133-2523 Tampa, FL 33622-0583 Upper Cumberland Alumni c/o Chad Flatt PO Box 2581 Cookeville, TN 38502 Bay Area Alumni 2077 Washington Ave Unit 303 San Leandro, CA 94577 akpsibaac SOUTCENTRAL REGION Alamo City Alumni PO Box 831786 San Antonio, TX 78283 Spindletop Alumni 520 Dowlen Rd, # 181 Beaumont, TX 77706 SOUTHEAST REGION Central Florida Alumni 12061 Lake Cypress Cir, Apt. 206 Orlando, FL 32828-7086 Florida Gold Coast Alumni 9100 S Dadeland Blvd Ste. 1600 Miami, FL 33156 Tampa Bay Alumni PO Box 20583 NAME OR ADDRESS CHANGE SOUTHWEST REGION Los Angeles Alumni c/o Howard Chang Las Vegas Alumni c/o Jennifer Hale Phoenix Alumni 1835 E Tulsa St Gilbert, AZ 85296 San Diego Alumni c/o Matt Ward WESTCENTRAL REGION Boise Alumni c/o Echo Schneider No alumni chapter in your area? Become an alumni chapter pioneer! Learn about how start an alumni group by contacting Please send any change of address to the Alpha Kappa Heritage Center. Be sure to change your address promptly to continue receiving the Diary. Updated information can be sent to, or to the address below. I AM INTERESTED IN... (Check any that apply) ______________________________________________________ FIRST NAME ______________________________________________________ STREET ■ Volunteering in my area ____________________________________________________ MIDDLE NAME ____________________________________________________ CITY ■ Becoming a Life Loyal Member _______________________________________________________ LAST NAME _______________________________________________________ STATE/PROVINCE, POSTAL CODE ■ Supporting the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation _______________________________________________________ CHAPTER OR SCHOOL _______________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER _______________________________________________________ EMPLOYER / TITLE _______________________________________________________ E-MAIL ALPHA KAPPA PSI T H E D I A R Y O F ■ Joining/organizing an alumni chapter ■ Joining the Alumni Association ■ Please include my name in the Clifford Spangler Society. I have included the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation in my estate plans. 7801 East 88th Street Indianapolis, IN 46256-1233 Visit the AKPsi MarketPlace Alpha Kappa Psi has a one-stop destination for quality Alpha Kappa Psi merchandise. Visit the online MarketPlace to shop for everything from pens to t-shirts, and notebooks to hoodies. Sales of these officially licensed items support the operations of the fraternity, so visit today! CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED 36 The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi | Autumn 2007 | NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID MIDLAND, MI PERMIT NO. 417