From the Desk of Pastor Bahe… - Lord of the Hills Lutheran Church
From the Desk of Pastor Bahe… - Lord of the Hills Lutheran Church
Saturday 5 pm Sunday 2 1 7 5 5 E . S M O K Y C E N T E N N I A L , 3 0 3 - 6 1 7 - 9 8 8 4 C O H I L L R O A D 8 0 0 1 5 September 22, 2014 W W W . L O R D O F T H E H I L L S . O R G 8 & 10:30 am Sunday School 9:15 am Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost Ezekiel 18:1-4, 25-32 Psalm 25:1-9 Philippians 2:1-13 Matthew 21:23-32 Jesus' parable about two sons who don't do what they say reveals surprises in the reign of God, such as prostitutes and tax collectors going before others into God's kingdom. In the reading from Ezekiel the people question whether the ways of the Lord are unfair; instead they are to repent and turn to the Lord. Paul urges us to look to Christ as a model of humility, looking to the interests of others above our own. Nourished by the broken bread and shared cup, we offer our lives for the sake of our needy world. From the Desk of Pastor Bahe… We were all gathered around the family table. The table was full. Full of mismatched plates, full of too much food, and full of family laughter. All was set. It is time for prayer. Grandma asked little Alex to say the prayer this time. Alex knows this is a privilege and his smile beams wide. He is careful in taking his time as he folds his hands and bows his head. “Thank you, God for this turkey and for Grandma fixing it and thank you God for all this food and for helping Grandma remember pickles and thank you God for my fork and my spoon to eat this food with…thank you God…” His prayer went on and on and we couldn’t help but be reminded of how very right Alex is: we ought to live in the kind of thankfulness every day that testifies to the truth that all we have is a gift from God above…even the pickles. LOTH is a congregation with much to be thankful for. A legacy that runs deep from the roots planted with Pastor Tom, and now today, LOTH remains a group of future-looking, faithful people committed to God’s mission. This past weekend, we were challenged to commit to being a “dig deeper” kind of people. Digging deeper into Scripture, service, and giving. That all begins with digging ever deeper into thankfulness to God. Much is going on at LOTH! People are stepping up to the call to dig deeper and become more involved in this family we call LOTH. Being more deeply involved during a time of transition means several things: the more people who are willing to be involved--the faster the process moves along {how long does this transition time last? Part of the answer lies in how many people are willing to be involved and help out} the more people who are willing to be involved--the more authentic the process is {the Transition Team will be asking you to be informed, responsive to phone calls, emails and gatherings which will help define the future of LOTH} the more people who are willing to take a leap of faith and pledge boldly this year--the bolder the dreams for youth ministry, Sunday school, outreach, worship, and pastoral leadership can be {if you’ve never pledged before…now is the year to begin. Pledging is communicating! Not pledging is like planning to buy a house without talking to your spouse about how much you will spend for the house}. So, let’s be thankful for those pickles, and let’s all pull up a chair at this family table called LOTH and dig into all that God is calling us to. The more chairs around the table…the better the feast! Watchword for the Week: Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus. Philippians 2:5 I hereby command you: Be strong and courageous. Joshua 1:9 I know the one in whom I have put my trust, and I am sure that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him. 2 Timothy 1:12 Whenever our hearts condemn us; God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything. 1 John 3:20 Keep your voice from weeping, and your eyes from tears; for there is a reward for your work, says the Lord. Jeremiah 31:16 God of blessing, I praise you for the joy in my life. The sorrow and sadness of this world sometimes gets me down, but you lift me up. Even in the face of death, you have claimed the last laugh in the resurrection of your Son Jesus. Help me see through clear eyes and live with a laughing heart. Amen. Dear All, It is with the blessed assurance of the resurrection that I share with you that LOTH member, Pat Evers died on Sunday, September 21st. Her family will greatly appreciate your prayers during this time of sorrow and grief. Arrangements for the memorial service are pending, and we will send an email once those details are finalized. In Him, Pastor Bahe Life in the FAITH LANE Lord of the Hills Lutheran Church Weekends this Fall at Lord of the Hills! September 27/28: “Consult the Map: Do Unto Others” October 4/5: “Watch for Falling Rocks” October 11/12: “Express Way: Go!” October 18/19: “Commitment Zone” Birthdays September 22-28 Blake Skramstad, Tobi Wedow, Christopher Ybarra, Julie Blomes, Lee Graf, Sherri Houston, Chris Shippey, Scott Baird, Codi Gribble, Julia Morehart, Bruce Rye, Sarah Elrod, Daniel Scherer, Pamela Birx, Pete Kufeke, Jon Larson, Kevin Graf, Matthew Miler, Kevin Ruonavar, Ben Sheffer, Anna von Minden, Hannah York, Jacob Hendrickson, Tom Windfield In the Lord of the Hills Family… Baptism of Audrey, Emily & Savannah Sherrer this Saturday, 9/27. Welcome to the family of God! Rick Coldsnow is rehabilitationg after a very serious car accident Max Cobble is at Heritage Club of Aurora, 1860 S. Potomac Street, Aurora, CO 80012 Pastor Tom Renquist is recovering from an infection in his spine. Cards may be sent to: Pastor Tom Renquist, c/o Colleen Eichenberger, 7791 Dettbarn Road, Lakeshore, MN 56468 Shirley Meyer having back surgery Monday, Sept. 22nd Chris Larson Renquist has Stage III cervical cancer. While she asks for privacy at this time, cards may be sent to: 16750 E. Prentice Avenue, Centennial, CO 80015 Please keep all in your prayers… Our monthly Men's Breakfast will be held on Saturday, October 4 at 8:00 am as we continue our study of Tony Dungy's book "Quiet Strenth" with the question: "What is Strength?" Note the change of date to the first Saturday of October. Welcome to all men. Come for a great breakfast and Bible study. Adult Christian Education is held on Sunday mornings during the Sunday School hour of 9:15—10:15 am. ACE meets in the Bethany Room of the PLC. For the next 3 sessions (9/21 & 28, 10/5) we will be viewing and discussing a DVD from The History Channel titled The Story of the Twelve Apostles. All adults are welcome weekly. The In Stitches” sewing group has finished 14 twin-size quilts which will be blessed this Sunday, 9/28, and then sent to Lutheran World Relief for distribution. Another 30 lap quilts have been sent to nursing homes. On November 16th & December 7th, craft sales will be held between services. Proceeds will be used to purchase the quilt batting. Members of the group are: Andrea Brown Ybarra, Pat Butler, Dora Engleman, Cathy Hendrickson, Joni Johnson, Mary Krueger, Diane Kufee and Lisa Taron. Because the church now has a beautiful new flagpole (thank you, Michael Anthony!), the preschool will be participating in the “See You at the Pole” movement! A little bit altered, due to the ages and times of preschool, but we are very excited for this to happen! We will meet at 8:30am at the flagpole on Wednesday, September 24 . We will all recite The Pledge of Allegiance and pray a prayer. ALL ARE WELth COME! Fall Clean-Up Day Mark your calendars for Saturday, September 27th, from 9 to 11am. Let’s spruce up our church inside and out to ready for the fall & winter. All are needed! Please come. As a special treat during this clean-up day, some of the ladies in Pastor Lupande’s congregation will be singing (as we work) from 10:30 to 11:00 a.m. This Week at Lord of the Hills Monday, September 22 5:00 pm—Adult Children of Alcoholics 6:30 pm—FPU 7:00 pm—Boy Scout Troop 494 Tuesday, September 23 11:00 am—Workout Group 7:00 pm –Apostles’ Creed Rehearsal 7:00 pm—Smoky Hill Promises A.A. Meeting Wednesday, September 24 5:45 pm—Hope Choir Rehearsal 6:20 pm—Angel Choir Rehearsal 6:30 pm—Confirmation Class 6:45 pm—Hosanna Choir Rehearsal Friday, September 26 7:30 pm—Here’s HOW A.A. Group Saturday, September 27 9:00 am—Fall Clean-Up Day 5:00 pm—Worship Sunday, September 28 7:15 am—Cantate Deo 8:00 am—Worship 9:15 am—Sunday School for all 10:30 am—Worship 11:45 am—Bells on the Hill 11:45 am—Teen Band Pastor Admin Music Small Grps Youth Preschool Council Staff/Council Contact Bahe pastorbahe Pat Billington pat Thomas Kielmeyer Thomas Sheri Peterson sheri Molly Sullivan molly Meg Stenman preschool Council Meg’s Office Hours: Pat’s Office Hours: M-Th: 7:15am –3:30pm M & W: 8am-4pm Fr: 7:15am—11:30am T: 8am-2pm Th & Fri: 8am-12pm Sunday Worship Volunteers: September 28 Volunteer Altar Greeters Ass’t. Minister Ushers Reader Comm. Ass’t. Bread Acolyte Teen in Nursery Altar Clean-Up Counters 8:00 a.m. Lori Baird Anthonys Phil Evans Nate Jecminek Joel Neuder Pat Billington Phil Evans Doug Anthony Sheila Anthony Schmelzers Jordan Smaha Ben Abel 10:30 a.m. Von & Larry Brown Mark Scherer Harry Keller Lois Keller Scott Brown Mark Scherer Jan Holmes Joan Anderson Grace Holmes Emma Maraschky/Gabriella Johnson Martha Chang Erin Hayson/Marilyn Leggett
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