of scopes conception - Kompetenz für Kinder
of scopes conception - Kompetenz für Kinder
Conception of scopes FRÖBEL Competence for Children CONTENT A FRÖBEL Kindergarten... 06 FRÖBEL The Scope of our Duties 18 FRÖBEL as a modern social service provider 18 Areas of Emphasis and Orientation 20 FRÖBEL Kindergarten 11 Kindergarten central to social services 21 ... Space and Time for Development 21 ... Social sphere and the place for communication 22 ... Place for development of the senses and creativity 24 ... A place for discovery, science, and nature 12 FRÖBEL Education & Childcare 25 ... A place for movement and promotion of good health 13 The FRÖBEL Group as a learning organisation 26 ... Democratic principles through participation and 14 Learning with heart, head, and hand cooperation 15 The child as researcher, artist, and builder 27 ... Each facility has its own conceptual framework 16 The basis of our educational workings 18 Our Educational Understanding 28 FRÖBEL TRADiTION & INNOVATION 28 Compatibility of Family and Career 30 Friedrich Wilhelm August Fröbel (1782-1852) 33 Basic concepts of early-childhood education 2 INHALT INHALT 3 FRÖBEL The Scope of our Duties FRÖBEL Our Self-Conception Today we take for granted the understanding of children as active, curious, and self-educating individuals, to be regarded with esteem and respect. For us, it is beyond question how important it is for child development that they be taken seriously. The FRÖBEL Group is a modern alliance of companies Friedrich Fröbel formulated these trend-setting thoughts already at the beginning of the 19th century. His foresight made him a prophet of things to come in education, and is regarded as the founder of the kindergarten. This beautiful and accurate word, kindergarten, has spread in many languages because of its perfect definition of the place where children develop, grow, and learn. The kindergarten is an important term in the basic educational approach of Fröbel, because he implies in the meaning of his words a place where children can grow. To follow the traditions of Friedrich Fröbel means that his ideals of promoting and accompanying children lives on. On top of that, it also means to look for and find answers to today’s pressing questions in the spirit of Friedrich Fröbel. The FRÖBEL Group is a modern alliance of companies ready for the future. We are based on economic stability, professional quality, and staff development. We have to thank only our employees, with their high level of commitment, that our goals are consistently reached, retained, and expanded upon. 6 FRÖBEL The Scope of our Duties FRÖBEL goes above and beyond the legal requirements of the Educational Plan. In the variety of our kindergarten concepts we live out this special claim, for example in a “Forest Kindergarten” or through pre-school musical education. FRÖBEL promotes the early education of children through a tradition of high expertise in education and care of children from under the age of three. New scientific findings are integrated, reviewed, and implemented. FRÖBEL promotes the compatibility of family and career by offering demand-specific and flexible childcare hours, and by forming close collaborations with companies. FRÖBEL meets the requirements of a multi-lingual society through qualified bilingual education projects. This promotes the linguistic abilities of the children as well as the respect and understanding between cultures. FRÖBEL The Scope of our Duties 7 FRÖBEL as a modern social service provider Kindergartens for 10.000 childern The FRÖBEL group operates kindergartens within various non-profit companies in many federal states. Currently there are nearly 10,000 children cared for by over 1,000 FRÖBEL employees. The owner of all the companies of the FRÖBEL Group is the non-profit FRÖBEL e.V., a consortium of ambitious educators and socio-politically engaged individuals. Areas of Emphasis and Orientation Individual concepts for real-world orientated work 8 The conceptual framework in hand pertains to all facilities of the FRÖBEL Group, in which children up to grammar school age are educated, encouraged, and cared for. It serves the individual FRÖBEL kindergartens as an orientation and foundation for the development of individual concepts. The offerings of FRÖBEL Group kindergartens are oriented around the holistic basic educational thoughts of Friedrich Fröbel. That means “to educate free, thinking, self-reliant individuals,” and to effectively support real-world oriented work in the area of child and youth welfare. When Friedrich Fröbel formulates the basic thought “Come lets let our children live,” he presses us to focus on the children and obliges us today to do everything we can so that every child can optimally develop. We carry on with this tradition under the motto: “Expertise for Children.” FRÖBEL The Scope of our Duties With our diverse fields of work, we can offer our clients one-stop help and consultation. Therefore we can react to new requirements and demands with flexibility and in doing so, implement the basic ideas of Friedrich Fröbel through various conceptual approaches. Child care offerings, degree of care, and content of care are oriented towards the individual situations, familial qualities, as well as special needs of the children. In this way can self-critically reflect upon our work and regularly review it. Kindergarten central to social services Educational content and organizational forms of all FRÖBEL Group kindergartens are oriented towards the interests of the children and their parents. This offers the next generation a modern, humanistic education. The FRÖBEL Group works closely with local authorities, associations and other public institutions. Our social services are provided by well-educated and experienced professionals. The staff development strategy for FRÖBEL Group assures that the services rendered are to a high and modern professional standard. Independent of party politics and religious confession, obliged to social engagement, our facilities and offerings are open to all children and their families. Our Operation is aimed at the following fields: education, learning, and childcare of children in Kindergartens, work and social-oriented work with youths consultation concerning questions of compatibility between family and career as well as implementing solutions for companies and their employees help concerning education and care of children with medical problems consultation and attending to the needs of families concerning education/childcare questions and conflict situations (i.e., divorce) demand-oriented and career-assisting vocational training in the fields of youth care, social work, and social management FRÖBEL The Scope of our Duties 11 The FRÖBEL Group as a learning organisation FRÖBEL Education & Childcare The FRÖBEL Group carries the name of an educator, who founded the kindergarten as well as an anthropological educational science of early childhood. Fröbel’s science of early childhood education; a child-centric, play-based education with an emphasis on the holistic nature of children, is in the opinion of many modern educators the starting point of a modern scientific area of research. Through this science, a new conceptualization of education and childcare in early childhood has arisen, underlining the up-to-date nature of the Fröbel approach. Education is a life-long process 12 We understand education as a participatory activity, through which an individual acquires a perception of the world. Education is a life-long process, which is prompted through initiative and self-activity. The educational process is really a self-education process, in which individual, social, and professional competencies are acquired. The holistic approach towards education, as well as the cultivation of the senses, body, spirit and feelings, help the child towards an aesthetic and cognitive educational foundation. This is necessary for a sensible feel for the environment and for living together within society. FRÖBEL Education and Childcare Our self-conception as an educational organisation goes even further: Together with parents and children, we are constantly developing our educational and childcare concepts further. To guarantee the best professional standards in education and childcare, we are constantly engaged in dialog with professional educational facilities and colleges, where an ever-increasing portion of our staff are educated. We are able to and want to offer more than the legal minimum standard requires. The high level of commitment is an essential prerequisite to achieve this. We support this through vocational training, staff development, and support our staff in their pursuit of higher degrees. Learning with heart, head, and hand Our duty is to offer high-quality child care The child as researcher, artist, and builder Learning with heart, head and hand: Connecting social and practical, cognitive and artistic education is an exercise which can be accomplished in the kindergarten. Children are open and curious – they learn to learn, which means they grasp independent knowledge selected out of the multiplicity of knowledge, which they filter and review for themselves. We understand the role adults have to play in education, whose activities motivate, support, and appreciate the self-education process of children. The formation of surroundings and environment, interaction, and communicating the cultural richness of the world are a large part of this role. The younger generation will increasingly need to be able to meet social and intellectual challenges with flexibility and creativity. To do this, they need the courage and self-assuredness to be able to grapple with new learning situations, as well as self-confident enough to be in the position to work within groups as well as alone. We support the development of through responsibility-conscious educational work. FRÖBEL kindergartens are educational facilities with a duty to provide high-quality child care. “Children should not be housed and told what to do, but rather happily grow, strengthen and develop in the sunlight, opening up like a flower under the careful hand of an attendant gardener.” (Friedrich Fröbel’s definition for the duties of a kindergarten) 14 FRÖBEL Education and Childcare Children want to move and be active – they get to know the world, which they take over piece by piece with all their senses and in all spaces. In a FRÖBEL kindergarten children will be treated as distinct individuals with all their potential. Their strengths lie in special individual qualities, which we enthusiastically support. Children are able to make decisions and judgements – they discover their own strengths and learn how to care for themselves. Children want to be together with other children and adults – they learn how to listen to others, how to perceive as well as to solve conflicts actively and peacefully. Children get to know the world through their own activities. Children acquire and concretize self, social, objective and learning competencies, which they try out in playing with other children. FRÖBEL Education and Childcare 15 The basis of our educational workings Our work and our social-educational workings are directed towards the wellbeing of children and their families. Our basic principles to accomplish this are: Principle of Bonding Principle of Holistic Existence “Body, Spirit and Soul” (Friedrich Fröbel) Education as a social process We view early childhood educational processes as active, social, physical, and emotional processes to acquaint oneself with the world. Therefore, we form the childrens’ daily activities so that they can develop their various abilities evenly. The education and care of the children entrusted to us is not limited o the day-to-day life in the kindergarten; we are an active part of the child-raising relationship with the parents. Principle of Being Active Social orientation and bonding We ensure that in our kindergartens that an open and trusting communication between child and teacher is built. This way every child has the security that in every situation an understanding, close partner is available. Through this “bonding” person we make it possible for the child to have the sense of security necessary for social orientation. Principle of Mutual Appreciation This principle expresses our basic attitude to respect every person and their individual personality. This applies in our relationships with the children and parents, as well as between our colleagues. “Thinking made active” (Friedrich Fröbel) Self-activity for a successful education We make it a requirement, that self-education of the children is enabled through self-activity and that they can acquire knowledge of the world under their own terms. In our daily practice, we pay special attention to the importance of playtime in early childhood as their primary activity in which children can express themselves, and to make their lives “their own.” Principle of Participation We put a high value on the child taking part in the decision making for life in the kindergarten as well as an active age-appropriate democratic role. “The game at this time is not just playing, it is the highest level of child development; it is very serious and has deep meaning; cultivate and nourish it, mother, protect and look after it, father!” (Friedrich Fröbel, 1821) 16 FRÖBEL Education and Childcare FRÖBEL Education and Childcare 17 Our Educational Understanding In our view the child determines the role and tasks of the educators in our kindergartens. Educators in a FRÖBEL kindergarten are partners, observers, companions, organizers, and trainers, who view themselves as the child’s advocate. Our teachers: This includes: 18 recognize meaningful subjects for children direct the child in the process of learning connect cognitive learning with subjective experience and knowledge work together actively with the parents taking seriously every child as an individual personality to provide the child with space for formative experiences pre-conditions to create self-esteem, individual experience and activities to facilitate learning within a group to provide learning situations through trial-and-error to facilitate learning in “real-world” situations and direct practice to provide a wide variety of general knowledge that children can acquire to provide hands-on content with respect to everyday life systematic observation to lead regular conversations concerning development within the team and with the parents FRÖBEL Education and Childcare To bring our framework to life, our professionals are encouraged to form the daily educational process with richness of ideas, educational competence and appropriate action. Teachers constantly review their understanding and further develop their competencies. Important instruments for this are the updating of their professional knowledge, self-reflection, professional exchanges, and teamwork: career-applicable vocational training and qualification are integral and a necessary precondition for quality development. Space and Time for Development FRÖBEL KINdergarten The offerings of FRÖBEL is oriented around the needs of the children Children need various stimulating challenges so that they can learn with joy, keep their curiosity up, and feel a sense of pride about what they have learned. Therefore we ensure every child time, space, and competent support through qualified professional personnel. The offerings and equipment of our kindergartens are oriented around the needs of the children. The development takes place differently with each child. The observation of each individual child and the estimation of their individual developmental standpoint are regarded by the teacher as a necessary precondition. These allow the teacher to support each child’s individual inner and outer interaction requirements. The results of their goal-oriented observations are carefully documented and are the basis for intensive parental and developmental conversations. In Paragraph 22 of the Child and Youth Care Laws (KJHG) the following assignment is formulated: to support “the development of a child into a selfreliant and socially capable individual.” FRÖBEL kindergartens ensure that they are locations of education, which include the care of children during the stay in the facility. A FRÖBEL kindergarten is a family-complementing educational facility and realises all three basic activities of a human being (playing, learning, and working) taking into account developmental psychological findings. Social sphere and the place for communication Our kindergartens offer children of different backgrounds a place and time to learn a peaceful coexistence. Each child experiences appreciation in group planning of daily activities, in dealing with different interests and resolution of conflicts and learns to take responsibility. FRÖBEL kindergartens provide: orientation based upon individual traits and the needs of the children and their families creating of multiple and interesting developments in the educational areas of body, movement, health, language, music, creativity, mathematics, natural science, and social life expansion of the experiential sphere of children beyond the familial framework For the development of their educational processes, we create various possibilities to be able to interact, shape, experiment, cooperate, and review on a play level as well as individually. Diversity as a chance In encountering different familial backgrounds and religions, the development of curiosity, openness, understanding, and tolerance is strived for, because this builds the foundation of a peaceful coexistence between different cultures. For us, this coexistence and the communal education of German and non-German backgrounds, of children with and without handicaps is a matter of course. guarantee of self-motivated educational processes 20 FRÖBEL KindergArten FRÖBEL KindergArten 21 Language as a key to education During the process of examination, the teachers reflect on their own viewpoints and attitudes, views of the world and educational goals. They develop conceptual notions about community life and support the social relationships between children and their families, which promotes integration outside of the kindergarten. Language is our most important method of understanding. It enables us to communicate with others and to participate in social life. Language gives us our voice. FRÖBEL meets the demands of the multilingual society and the necessary linguistic advancement of children with language development programs, which enable children to make themselves understood. For every child we enable an intensive examination of their environment through: offering various activities designed to promote advancement and support artistic competencies creating a space that encourages activity through furnishings and interior design enabling interaction with various instruments and materials Place for development of the senses and creativity Music, depiction, and construction are important artistic methods of human expression. They help us to creatively process the various external impressions in order to achieve an inner balance. All creative abilities of children, including their deep sense of perception to detailed discovery through their senses are closely connected to their understanding of the world through the development of feelings and physical sensitivities. Music activates thinking, feeling and interaction in equal measure 22 FRÖBEL KindergArten Music activates thinking, feeling and interaction in equal measure. It is a central component of human culture and a integral experience for human beings. As „the language of the world“, music is an important communicative element of integration. Music and musical practice have a positive influence on the mental, spiritual and emotional development of children. Children take music and use it for their own needs and purposes. Depicting and construction belong to the foundational needs of people and to the early individual activities of a child. Constructive processes are recognitive processes. They are a part of the mutual relationship of the mental and physical development of a child. FRÖBEL KindergArten 23 A place for movement and promotion of good health Children naturally want to move and be active. They take their bodies ever more seriously through movement. Human thinking and understanding begin with the motor-sensory acts of a newborn. Movement and the pertaining sensory perceptions are both a basis and a catalyst for life experience and learning processes. The cornerstone for a healthy and self-rewarding life is laid during childhood. We offer a variety of activities A place for discovery, science, and nature Children are by nature curious. Understanding mathematical measurements and scientific interactions is a process of active sensory development based on real-life behaviors in everday life and the environment. Our kindergartens support the process of developmen and the formation of mathematic and natural scientific competencies through: 24 FRÖBEL Kindergarten giving every child time and space to discover, research, construct, and test out on their own consciously introducing Friedrich Fröbels acclaimed „Spielgaben“ and his playtime instrument system provide multiple everyday materials to be used discover nature together with the children Movement is for us a central component of the everyday kindergarten structure. Regular sport and movement activities are systematically integrated into the daily operations of the kindergarten. Our kindergartens offer many possibilities for physical activity. FRÖBEL teachers support the children through allowing them to assess their own needs and to address those needs through activity or relaxation. Health and nutrition are elementary for the physical and mental well-being and growth of a child. We offer healthy and child-suitable nourishment within the parameters of the child‘s individual needs. The interrelationship between medicine and nutrition are conveyed to children in an age-appropriate way through menu planning and projects. FRÖBEL KindergArten 25 Democratic principles through participation and cooperation Our kindergartens view themselves as an integral part of the regional social infrastructure and as an social crossroads for addressing life and everday subjects pertaining to children and their families. we regard parent participation and cooperation with the parents as basic elements of our educational and we create a dialog based on partnership support mutual acceptance through open interaction with the children, parents, schools, and institutions and through using various methods of participation our professionals work in various social and professional organizations and remain in close contact with schools incorporating the children into the everyday decisions of the kindergarten Each facility has its own conceptual framework We view the orientation of our teams towards the described educational approach as a precondition for constant quality development. It challenges the team to make decisions concerning value, principle, and action, lends the facility its educational identity and promotes a continual communication within the team. Individual concepts for individual demands 26 FRÖBEL KindergArten Every FRÖBEL kindergarten describes in its conceptual framework the basic educational direction and goals and addresses its key processes. The team decides what the content and the focus of the kindergarten will be (for example, ecological, or musical) so that all the educational areas as well as the needs are addressed. FRÖBEL KindergArten 27 FRÖBEL TRADTION & INNOVATION Compatibility of Family and Career Many parents want to and must attend to their careers while at the same time knowing that their children are optimally cared for. To fulfil these demands, there need to be facilities that are flexible and engaged enough to meet these high requirements. With this background many of our kindergartens have developed partnerships with large and small firms. By developing optimal childcare solutions, we can satisfy the common wishes and needs of companies and parents. Together we develop a fitting model, which allow companies to factor in the issue of employee childcare. Family and career are not opposites, but rather meaningful and satisfying parts of life. Family and career are not opposites 28 FRÖBEL kindergartens make sure their opening hours and services fit to meet these challenges. Due to the multitude of locations and wide array of services the FRÖBEL Group has the possibility and the experience to offer needoriented educational and childcare options. As part of the services of the FRÖBEL Group we can offer consultancy and solution-finding approaches about questions of compatibility of family and career. FRÖBEL TRADTION AND INNOVATION Central to this subject: appraisal of regional, parental or company-specific needs formulation and implementation of unifying strategies and concepts clarification of legal as well as financial fundamentals and preconditions Friedrich Wilhelm August Fröbel (1782–1852) April 21st, 1782 Friedrich Fröbel was born as the sixth son of a pastor, shortly after his birth his mother dies 1800 – 1801 Natural Science studies at the University of Jena 1801 – 1805Activities in forest and agricultural sciences 1805 Decision to become an educator; teacher at correspondence school, Frankfurt a.M 1808 – 1810 Stay in Yverdon(Switzerland) as a student of Pestalozzi and court master of the three children of the Holzhausen family 1816 Founding of the “Allgemeinen deutschen Erziehungsanstalt” (General German Educational Institute) in Griesheim, Thuringia 1817 Moving of the institute to Keilhau bei Blankenburg 1826 Release of his main literary work, “Die Menschenerziehung” (The Education of People) 30 FRÖBEL TRADTION & INNOVATION 1837 Emigration of Fröbel to Bad Blankenburg; in August the “Anstalt zur Pflege des Beschäftigungstriebes der Kindheit und Jugend,“ manufacture of play materials in Bad Blankenburg, creation of the Fröbel’s “Spielgaben” and the “Spielmethode.” June 1839 Opening of the “Bildungsanstalt für Kinderführer” (Institute for Child-Leaders) together with the “Spiel- und Beschäftigungsanstalt” (Play and Activity Institute) June 1840 Fröbel opens the first kindergarten in Bad Blankenburg 1850 Founding of the first school for the education of “Kindergärtnerinnen” (kindergarten teachers) June 21st, 1852 Friedrich Fröbel dies in Marienthal, his burial takes place at the cemetary of Schweina. His educational concepts, especially his theories concerning playtime, are applied in many parts of the world in the 19th and 20th centuries. He is known worldwide as the founder of the kindergarten. FRÖBEL TRADTION & INNOVATION 31 Basic concepts of early-childhood education According to his views that every development is fulfilled through action, Friedrich Fröbel dedicated his special attention to the play activities and toys of children. Most famous was his “Spielgaben,” consisting of a ball, cylinder, cube and cone 32 FRÖBEL TRADITION & INNOVATION He recognized that playing is the predominant activity for the preschoolaged child and he understood it as the appropriate form for children to recognize, acquire knowledge of, and differentiate themselves from the world. To address the age-specific qualities of children, he developed toys for simple and complicated play. He created and entire system of multi-tiered play and activity instruments, which motivate children to be active and lead to discoveries. Most famous was his “Spielgaben,” consisting of a ball, cylinder, cube and cone. Fröbel’s pre-educational goal was to regard the child as a calculating, sensitive and cognitive being. This basic concern is reflected in his interest to create cognitive, living and beautiful forms for all of his play and activity instruments. Fröbel masterfully translates his basic concepts through his toys and activity instruments into a subject matter which, in the truest sense of the word, means “to grasp.” Fröbel highlights the necessity of a harmonious upbringing in the family for the adolescent and wanted a complementary extension of family life and kindergarten. FRÖBEL TRADTION & INNOVATION 33 Editorial Publisher FRÖBEL e.V. Stefan Spieker (Executive Officer) Haus des Lehrers Alexanderstr. 9 10178 Berlin Writers Stefan Spieker and Timo Stampe, translated by Jason Vaughan Fotos Type and Production Mike Auerbach (all photos were taking in FRÖBEL Group kindergartens) inflame live communication Printing druckpunkt Druckerei & Repro GmbH Released Dezember 2007 With his theoretical and practical achievements, especially those in the area of early-childhood education, Friedrich Fröbel received world-recognition. His educational approach is of great importance to scientific practice even today. IMPRESSUM 35 FRÖBEL FRÖBEL Gruppe Alexanderstr. 9 10178 Berlin info@froebel-gruppe.de www.froebel-gruppe.de All photos were taking in FRÖBEL Group kindergartens.