Licensing a GOexchange Server
Licensing a GOexchange Server
Licensing a GOexchange Server Each GOexchange server must be individually licensed before any preventative maintenance can be performed. Licensing can be during initial configuration or while re-configuring an existing configuration. ldentifying Needed Licenses Unlicensed modules are shown in red to indicate that a License must be purchased and installed. Licensed modules are shown in black. Note: License Type Universal is granted for required support agents. The Universal License Type is listed for version reference only as these Licenses never expire. Types of Purchased Licenses There are three types of purchased Licenses: Single Shot, Duration, and Unlimited. Single Shot runs Full Maintenance on servers a specified number of times before reverting to Demo mode. lt can be extended with another Single Shot or upgraded to an Unlimited. o Duration runs for a set number of days before reverting to Demo mode. lt can be extended with another Duration or Single Shot, or upgraded to an Unlimited. o Unlimited runs Full Maintenance on servers without ever reverting to Demo mode. lt can only be replaced with another Unlimited. For example, to increase privileges with more mailboxes. . Selecting the License During the lnitial Gonfiguration The first opportunity to license is during the initial configuration at the GOexchange - Licensing screen of the Configuration wizard. Select the GOexchange Maintenance agent to be licensed. -xJ ln*talt or manage G0erchange hcensmg o/,:r"t C:Brl g,}pfg,1Ul* LucidiS L.u*l*JB r,r: st"rro< rlf -trEcatjrr E;q':[rafrgr S;e'r'rf t']t Gilr;*u$'r8!ige hrut a ,,'alid Li,:rf*f itfiffr ar+, Fser;ent,=tive h4a ,rferr,iltt:E f Ef i +'-gr]r;ut. BtFi-[Rf Affent Lwenauq litatus L8r.,rfleilt l*lnrven*! LtlLrbrenar: Urntrrt,;e{ L81-i chedulrr 3 Upgrud* {-re*nse ' Uriiireri+i A iI. l,{.4 Versi*rt Itl i,l .q f-l Ill ln0*alph.r A J tl U i3.*lglia !'l A. l.tJ n.t[ #phe frrlt G0exc maintenance agerrt a$o+rs you tr-r paiono r.rnattended maintenance en yc,ur e*change Sen:er. This ager{ mwt be lice.nsed Inr lhe $+cifrc server B rerides upon The,{gents kenic lS NtlI vaid lt may he expired or nxy be e 0fihlfi tcenre T* equre luli lwiclronalrty $eare puchas+ and nrstall a valrd hcense kom Lucrd8 uffig the [Up&rodelA.ctrvde Licensei Tne feature in this &dog Selecting the License while Re-configuring the Server The second opportunity to license is while re-configuring the GOexchange server. 1. Open GOexchange. 2. Click Maintenance. 3. Right click the seryer to be licensed. 4. Choose "Configure GOexchange..." from the menu. 5. Select the GOexchange Maintenance agent to be licensed. * L*,r*nsrng $ *f ffineretou+ fr # ffiorkup Ser,,..,ur* { {} Sh{TF freley* { {:} t-4opped $river } Lwrd$ A,gent Lue*tsmg LC*g*r-rt ,-'?": ' *f LSt-itrrariarr l-rt'' -'*fi,1l LP'Scheduler ,*r" ff:::rl 5 Upgr*66, :,Al .{: + t :I S "t\ N.p. i ,r'{ f,l u. l{A A i tl t] ,ilpl'r,r ',} I r:l * i],&lp['ra :? ti ilr a] {.tp}ra les6rt$B Hit Th* G0exchar,ge rnamlenance agenl allows ycu to pelform unatlerided meirrle-runc* on yout The Ager*tr artch.rrrgr Server f hrl 6gonl rru$i br hcanted lor lhe cprnhc **r,,€r il l*ridrt hcease l$ NOT ll may h* arpord u may bt a 0EM0 licens* f o aquire lu3 {wtctionalrty pbase puchase anj rnstall a ve&d [cense flom Lrrid8 using the lUpdgade/Ac]ruate Licens€l lealue in this dahg v# t4*r Purchasing a License The Upgrade License button will be available if the selected agent can be licensed. 1. Choose the Upgrade License button. 2. Click the down affow to display the drop-down menu. In*tall Licerrse F ur,ihase Licerr$* Fl *urmk* Lir*ns* 3. On the drop-down menu choose Purchase License. 4. The GOexchange web site will open. 5. Follow the steps on the web site to purchase a License for download. lnstalling a License Glick the down arrow to the right of Upgrade License button on the Configuration wizard dialog or the Licensing tab of the GOexchange Configuration Properties screen. 2. Select lnstall License. 3. A directory browser dialog will open asking you to select a License file. 1. ? xl tr:cli, tfi : J I l; r:rf'r: t' Itt*;J i !**i l*i - !:l c ii: '-'-;.--j L,ural:,:n L;iL .iir,,It+5l"r,il, L ;::L 4. Select the downloaded License file. 5. Click Open to installyour License. The LucidS Agent Licensing list on the Configuration wizard dialog or the Licensing tab on the GOexchange Configuration Properties screen will show the GOexchange Maintenance agent as licensed with black text. lf there are no remaining licensing requirements, the indicator on the Configuration wizard dialog or the Licensing tab will change to green from red. H , ' t ] "' LFrutr*tiied Ltrilrrnited l#tr hl*r$bos*;: .3 t-fi$,g*nt L$r*rversal f'l LffLrharr** Llrurreruel LfiS r$'redulel Llrti'_*frSel f'J ,q A f.l"e" Fie IrlA ?'I"q * tt t) a*pl ** 3**il$.lptra 3l,}u[Alpha Lic*nsutgl On*ratms** Lucid$ AWr* :it ryE',*,ryi. ':,1,{ T P' fiiry,|,3,,, 1",1,1p,p,*:i illf i',.i:. Licen*q i fi [,*i:i.i-r;: * exch-rl r*E lnl aint en.*ni;* l,: er"r ur T 3 [t IJ.D Alph,a l Note: lf the License fails to install, a dialog box with the reason for failure wilt appear.