Chronic Mountain Sickness
Chronic Mountain Sickness
158-164,Mountain 2010 Himalayan Study Monographs No.11, Chronic Sickness(Fabiola León-Velarde et al.) Chronic Mountain Sickness Fabiola León-Velarde1), Maria Rivera1), Patricia J. Garcia2) 1)School of Sciences, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru 2)School of Public Health, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru Peru is an Andean country with populated cities over 3,500 meters above sea level. The Cayetano Heredia University has been working in research of several aspects associated with high altitude. Chronic mountain sickness (CMS) and High Altitude Pulmonary Hypertension (HAPH), as different entities or together in the same subject, have been well established in the Andean region as well as in the Tibetan and Qinghai regions. We will present briefly the existing data on clinical features, and pathophysiology of CMS, with emphasis on the findings from the Andes. Excessive erythrocytosis is the outstanding sign of CMS, and right ventricular enlargement, pulmonary hypertension, and remodeling of pulmonary arterioles are hallmarks of HAPH. Risk factors as, age, chronic obstructive diseases, sleep disorders, obesity and menopause, increase the prevalence of these disorders. CMS subjects also show higher erythropoietin concentration, lower oxygen saturation and hypoxic ventilatory response; higher physiological dead space and higher CO2, suggesting ventilatory inefficiency. The smaller vasodilatation to normobaric hypoxia and larger vasoconstriction to hypocapnia in CMS subjects, suggest that control of vascular resistance and cerebrovascular responses may be impaired. Familial character and heritability studies have suggested that genetic factors could make a contribution to the pathogenesis of CMS and HAPH. Introduction In 1925, a Peruvian renowned scientist, Dr. Carlos Chronic mountain sickness (CMS) affects people Monge presented the first description of CMS5). This who are native or long time residents of high altitude. patient was a native of the mining town of Cerro de It is characterized by an excessive erythrocytosis for Pasco located at 4,300 m in the Peruvian Andes, the altitude of residence, severe hypoxemia and in working as an office employee. His symptoms many cases, particularly in severe CMS, high altitude disappeared with descent to Lima (sea level) but pulmonary hypertension (HAPH). CMS usually begins recurred upon returning to 4,300 m. In 1928 Monge insidiously in adult life associated probably to aging; published an extensive article6)on cases of CMS from the clinical picture disappears when the patient moves Cerro de Pasco (4,300 m) and Puno (3,800 m), an to lower altitudes. agricultural town. The Dean of the Medical School of CMS and HAPH represent separate manifestations Paris suggested the name of Monge’s Disease for this of chronic hypoxia, namely stimulation of erythropoiesis clinical picture. Monge considered CMS to be a“loss and stimulation of pulmonary hypertension, respectively. of acclimatization”because it developed only after However, in many patients with severe CMS, both prolonged exposure to altitude in previously well- manifestations are present simultaneously 1). Thus, acclimatized subjects. patients with moderate CMS may have little or no elevation of pulmonary artery pressure or resistance Definition, symptoms and signs of CMS beyond the normal increase at high altitude2). CMS is defined as a clinical syndrome characterized Alternatively, particularly in children and young adults, by excessive erythrocytosis (females Hb > 19 g/dl; life-threatening HAPH after a relatively short exposure males Hb > 21g/dl), severe hypoxemia and in some to altitude may occur, with little or no increase in cases moderate or severe pulmonary hypertension7). hemoglobin (Hb) concentration 3,4) . This definition refers to“normal natives”or permanent e-mail: ― 158 ― Himalayan Study Monographs No.11 2010 residents who are assumed to have normal respiratory sustained protocol (15-20 minutes of hypoxia) function. Usually starts near the fourth decade of life. determines the hypoxic ventilatory decline (HVD), CMS is more common in Andean natives than in which is the attenuation of the initial ventilatory Tibetans and it has not been reported in Ethiopian response after the first few minutes of hypoxia. AHVR highlanders. reflects peripheral control of breathing, while the HVD The most common symptoms of CMS are may reflect attenuation of the VE response by central headaches, dizziness, dyspnea, sleep disturbances control mechanisms, although there is some controversy (insomnia, hypersomnia), tinnitus, physical and mental on this. fatigue, alterations of memory, loss of appetite, and When SL and HA natives as well as patients with bone and muscle pain. Patients with CMS have usually CMS are exposed acutely to 7 minutes of hypoxia, intermittent or permanent cyanosis, venous dilatation from an initial end-tidal PO2 (PETO2) of 100 Torr to a in hands and feet, and clubbing of the fingers and toes. final PETO2 of 45 or 34 Torr, the average values for the In advanced stages of the disease right heart failure slope of the AHVR for both HA natives and subjects secondary to excessive pulmonary hypertension usually with CMS are around one-third of the values for SL appears 6,8) . The laboratory findings show hemoglobin natives. HA natives and subjects with CMS do not concentration and hematocrit, above the normal levels differ significantly from each other in any of the for the altitude of residence. The arterial O2 partial variables studied. Overall, recent studies provide pressure (PaO2), and the arterial O2 saturation (SaO2) evidence to support the notion that the lower levels of are lower, and the arterial CO2 partial pressure (PaCO2) ventilation in CMS subjects, i.e. the loss of the drive to is higher than altitude normal values. Bicarbonate breathe, may arise from mechanisms other than concentration is higher than the normal for the altitude reductions in the peripheral chemoreflex sensitivity to of residence, indicating mild respiratory alkalosis with hypoxia, or that its contribution is quite marginal. partial renal compensation6~9). Overall, our interpretation is that CMS subjects have reset their central CO 2 chemoreceptors to operate Mechanisms of CMS around the resting PETCO2 close to sea level standards, The pathophysiological sequence of CMS can be around high P ETCO 2 values for high altitude. The understand as follows, a decrease of the ventilatory central modulators of respiration (glutamate, an function at high altitude produces hypoxemia, which is activator and GABA, a depressor), which decrease the at the basis of the excessive erythrocytosis. response to CO 2 , show an exacerbated action in Highland population from the Andes living above hypoxia. Hence, a counterbalanced role of these 3000 meters, have a blunted ventilatory response to neuromodulators, directed to compensate the possibly increasing hypoxia, and are“breathless”compared to reduced sensitivity of the respiratory center to CO2, acclimatized newcomers but more compared to sea could be hypothesized as a plausible explanation. level natives at sea level. CMS patients are relatively However, with hypoventilation CSF also accumulates hypoxic and hypercapnic when judged against healthy HCO 3 - . Thus a role for HCO 3 - in chemosensitive HA natives. Thus, CMS has been associated with poor signaling, even if not extensively investigated, could hypoxic ventilatory responses (HVR), although there is be claimed minimizing the role of CO2 in control of no proof that alterations in carotid body physiology are breathing. the cause of hypoventilation in CMS. To better understand the peripheral chemoreceptor sensitivity to hypoxia, it has been usually employed acute and CMS and age sustained protocols of exposure to hypoxia. An acute With normal aging, arterial oxygen pressure (PaO2) HVR (AHVR) protocol evaluates the acute response to decreases linearly, from about 95 Torr at the age of 20 a stepwise induction of hypoxia over few minutes. A to about 75 Torr at the age of 7510). The hemoglobin- ― 159 ― Chronic Mountain Sickness(Fabiola León-Velarde et al.) oxygen equilibrium curve is sigmoid in shape, and varies little with altitude. 12) Arai et al.12)have shown that PaCO2 increases with Thus at sea level, SaO2 of age at altitudes between 3,450 to 3,850 m., in other 85% or more falls on a flat part of the OEC, so that words ventilation decreases with age. Additionally, small changes in PaO2 have little effect on saturation. vital capacity of high altitude men decreases more with However, at altitude, where PaO 2 is lower, small age than that of sea level men, together with a decrease changes in PO2 can have large effects on saturation and in oxygen saturation. Observational studies have not the same changes that accompany aging may have shown a correlation between CMS and age, but they significant effects on arterial hemoglobin saturation have been based in small sample of cases. The and therefore arterial oxygen content (CaO2). comparison of prevalences of people with CMS at Monge C. and Whittembury have shown, by different ages should be more likely to reveal the effect combining the equation describing the PaO2 drop with of aging on the prevalence of CMS in a certain age with the one describing the hemoglobin response population. CMS and age to PaO2 in high altitude natives, that the increase in In addition to the role played by the age-related 13) hematocrit at normal high altitude a function of pressure age can be ventilation inabout the etiology other With aging,asarterial oxygen (PaO2) decrease decreasesinlinearly, from 95 TorrofatCMS the age, of 11) 20 to about 75 Torr at the age of 75.(10) The hemoglobin-oxygen equilibrium curve is sigmoid in shape, and predicted . Based on the above physiologic additional factors may be involved in the development varies little with altitude.(12) Thus at sea level, SaO2 of 85% or more falls on a flat part of the OEC, so that observations and epidemiological studies, we proposed CMS: anatincrease the alveolar-arterial O2small gradient small changes in PaO2 have little effect on saturation. of However, altitude,inwhere PaO2 is lower, that at high altitude, as age increases, will and with possible venous-arterial shunting andmay a reduction changes in PO2 can have large effects onCMS saturation the same changes that accompany aging have 14,15) significant effects on arterial saturation and therefore arterial oxygen content (CaO2). increase its prevalence. Figure hemoglobin 1 shows indirectly that of the ventilation-perfusion ratio . Monge C. and Whittembury have shown, by combining the equation describing the PaO2 drop with age age is an important contributory factor for the with the one describing the hemoglobin response to PaO2 in high altitude natives, that the increase in development erythrocytosis and of CMS. hematocrit of at excessive high altitude as a function age Itcan be predicted.(11) Based on the above physiologic CMS in women observations and epidemiological studies, proposed thatSome at high altitude, as age increases, CMS indicates that ventilation of Andean high we altitude years ago, CMS was considered an will almost increase its prevalence. Figure 1 shows indirectly that age is an important contributory factor for the natives responds poorly to acute hypoxia and exclusively male condition, since little was known development of excessive erythrocytosis and CMS. It indicates that ventilation of Andean high altitude natives hyperoxia, but does respond to CO added to but the does about itstoprevalence risk factors in to theassociated inspired air. However, responds poorly to acute hypoxia and2hyperoxia, respond CO2 added and does not mean that all these responses fall with age and, therefore, an appropriate response to CO 2 inspired air. However, all these responses fall with age women. Pre-menstrual women have been thoughtthe to be ventilation will be independent of age. and, therefore, an appropriate response to CO2 does not protected from CMS because the female hormones, mean that the ventilation will be independent of age. progestin and estrogen, increase alveolar ventilation Figure 1: Age-related ventilation (Ve) in high altitude natives residing at 4,500 m. Ve was measured under conditions of normoxia, hypoxia, hyperoxia, with CO2 added to the inspired air, and during sleep. From ref (11). 1: Age-related ventilation (Ve) inwith high altitude natives residing at 4,500 e was m., in other age at altitudes between 3,450m.toV3,850 Arai et al.(12) Figure have shown that PaCO 2 increases measured under conditions of normoxia, hypoxia, hyperoxia, withmen CO2decreases added more with words ventilation decreases with age. Additionally, vital capacity of high altitude age than that of sea level together a decrease oxygen Observational studies have not to men, the inspired air,with and during sleep.inFrom ref 11)saturation. . shown a correlation between CMS and age, but they have been based in small sample of cases. The comparison of prevalences of people with CMS at different ages should be more likely to reveal the effect of aging on the prevalence of CMS in a certain population. ― 160decrease ― In addition to the role played by the age-related in ventilation in the etiology of CMS,(13) other additional factors may be involved in the development of CMS: an increase in the alveolar-arterial O2 gradient with possible venous-arterial shunting and a reduction of the ventilation-perfusion ratio,(14,15) Himalayan Study Monographs No.11 2010 and the hypoxic ventilatory response16). In addition, Extractive industries occupy a place of first order in the having low concentrations of male hormones may Andean economies. Bolivia, Chile and Peru are one of inhibit erythropoiesis17). Menstruation might act like a the main world producers of copper, silver, lead and phlebotomy, protecting pre-menopausal women from zinc. The route of entrance of metals to the organism, developing excessive erythrocytosis. Unfortunately, no their particle size and type (organic or inorganic), data have been available to shed light on these determine the concentration and the possibility of their possibilities. diffusion towards the organism. León-Velarde et al.18)measured Hct, SaO2 and peak A preliminary study carried out in the city of Cerro expiratory flow rates (PEFR) in pre- and post- de Pasco, a mining city (Villafuerte FC, Personal menopausal high altitude women. After menopause Communication), demonstrated that there were not women have higher Hct, lower SaO2 and lower PEFR. differences in the Pb and Cu serum levels between In a healthy high altitude natives and subjects with CMS. significantly higher frequency of symptoms associated Conversely, a strong positive correlation was found with CMS. The same group found that pre-menopausal between the serum Zn concentration and hematocrit women resident at high altitude have higher concentration in patients with excessive erythrocytosis. addition, post-menopausal women have oxygenation and lower Hb levels, associated with Another study showed that 52% of patients with an higher levels of progesterone in the luteal phase of the hematocrit of at least 75% had raised serum cobalt (Co) cycle. Progesterone increases alveolar ventilation concentrations (range 22-71 [normal 1.7-5.1]). The during pregnancy and the luteal phase of the menstrual patient with the highest Co concentration (71 nmol/L) cycle, and this effect is enhanced when combined with had an hematocrit of 91%. The study also demonstrated estrogen. The post-menopausal decrease of hormones that hematocrit values in these patients were positively could depress alveolar ventilation and PaO2, stimulate correlated with the plasma levels of Co. However, erythropoiesis, increase viscosity, decrease tissue these findings were not confirmed in another study perfusion and lead to further erythropoiesis and, performed in the same city. ultimately, CMS. It is interesting that Cu and Zn inhibit the activity of Santolaya et al.19)have also shown in women with enzymes known as HIF prolil 4-hidroxylases (HPHs). 55 years of age or older, that PaO2 values were below The HPHs constitute important regulators of the those of age-matched men living at the same altitude. homeostasis of oxygen in the organism. These enzymes Arterial PCO2 showed a sharp rise after age 40, determine the stability and activity of the Hypoxia reaching values similar to or above those of men. Inducible Factor (HIF), a transcription factor that plays These observations support the notion that ventilatory a fundamental role in the response of the organism to drive in women has an important hormonal component, hypoxia, regulating the expression of a great number of and that this stimulus decreases after menopause. genes. One of them is the erythropoietin (Epo) gene, which constitutes the hormonal stimulus for the CMS and metals increase in red blood cell production as a response to Metals have been found to interact with different hypoxia. respiratory and hematopoietic metabolic pathways, It is possible then, that besides physiological and thus the exposure to metals in high altitude natives genetic factors, high concentrations of these metals in could contribute to excessive erythrocytosis by the blood of settlers of mining cities may constitute an aggravating hypoxemia or through other pathogenic important factor which contributes to EPO secretion mechanisms. stimulus, and therefore to excessive erythrocytosis and Contamination with heavy metals is considered a eventual development of CMS. great occupational and environmental health problem, particularly in cities with high mining activity. ― 161 ― Chronic Mountain Sickness(Fabiola León-Velarde et al.) Prevention and treatment of CMS medroxyprogesterone, and peripheral ventilator In recent times, increasing attention is being paid to stimulants such as almitrine, basically experimental, different aspects that may be involved in the causal have not been rigorously tested through carefully chain of CMS and were previously overlooked, designed randomized controlled trials. including genetic predisposition, epigenetic influences Although used for a long time, there are no clinical on gene expression, and the role of environmental trials on the efficacy and safety of phlebotomy with or modifying factors that may be interacting with chronic without isovolemic hemodilution. Problems that render hypoxia. it problematic include invasiveness, practicality, There is now clear evidence that different acceptance, and transient effects. Isovolemic populations and individuals have different genetic hemodilution is said to be better tolerated, as it may susceptibilities to CMS constituting thus a potential avoid hypovolemia. area for designing and implementing preventive and Descent to low altitudes is the ideal treatment and therapeutic interventions, such as the possible use of leads to prompt improvement of signs and symptoms genetic markers for screening purposes. and reduction of excessive erythrocytosis. However, Also, several environmental factors such as early prenatal or postnatal exposure to different agents may very often patients con not descent for economic, personal and family reasons. modify gene expression and therefore the risk for Enalapril was studied in a small open randomized developing CMS. It has been specifically suggested controlled trial in 26 Bolivian natives with altitude that perinatal factors may participate in the polycythemia (packed cell volume equal or above programming for later development of CMS. If 55%) and persistent proteinuria. Although packed red confirmed, this may pave the way for early preventive cell volume and proteinuria were significantly reduced interventions encompassing pregnancy and infancy. over 2 years follow-up, there are several Modification of life styles, dietary habits, reduction methodological concerns on this trial. The sample size of indoor and outdoor pollution, and reduction of was very small. The study was open to investigators obesity and chronic respiratory diseases may modify and subjects and thus several relevant clinical end- the risk of developing CMS. The impact of these points and features related to quality of life could not potential interventions must be thoroughly assessed. be measured. Enrolled subjects had lower hematocrits However, before recommending the implementation than those included in other studies in Peru. Although at scale of preventive interventions, we need to perform renal disfunction has been described in CMS patients, rigorous studies on the epidemiology of CMS, in order the proportion of those with persistent proteinuria is to determine with precision the role of the postulated not known and it may have been a source of selection risk factors: Well-designed cohort studies will be bias. particularly important. Acetazolamide has been studied in randomized, Regarding treatment, there are several potential placebo-controlled trials in the Peruvian targets in the pathophysiological sequence of CMS that Andes20~23). Although the first study included a are potentially amenable to modification through non- relatively small number of subjects and 3 weeks pharmacological and pharmacological interventions. In follow-up, the second one followed patients for up to 6 brief, we could aim to inhibit the eryhtropoyetic months. Improvement of excessive erythrocytosis and response to reduce the increased red cell mass and thus ventilatory response were encouraging in these studies. the blood hyperviscosity, or we could aim to stimulate Due to the chronic relapsing nature of CMS, it is directly or indirectly the hypoxic ventilatory response clear that both enalapril and acetazolamide need further through pharmacologic agents. large non-inferiority clinical trials that assess their A variety of agents that includes methylxanthines, comparative efficacy on several years of follow-up. adrenergic blockers and dopaminergic antagonists, ― 162 ― Himalayan Study Monographs No.11 2010 Conclusions and the way forward In general there is a need to learn more about living, CMS is a multifactorial condition characterized by getting sick and getting older in the high altitude areas the presence of excessive hypoxemia and excessive and CMS has provided the opportunity to expand our erythrocytosis. Studies done among high altitude knowledge about the mechanisms found at different Andean natives showed an age-related decline in levels of acclimatization to high altitude. We have to ventilation. Therefore, a failure of the hyperventilatory continue research on this area as well as looking for capacity and/or inefficient oxygenation of the blood better preventing and therapeutic alternatives. may be the underlying pathophysiological cause of excessive hypoxemia. When the hypoxic condition is References severe, is accompanied by pulmonary arterial 1) Penaloza D, Sime F. Chronic cor pulmonale due hypertension, leading in advanced cases to right heart failure. Epidemiological studies, and the search for risk to loss of altitude acclimatization (chronic mountain sickness). Am J Med 1971;50:728-743. factors, confirm the presence of the underlying 2) Antezana AM, Antezana G, Aparicio O, et al. pathophysiological factors at work in CMS. 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