Bhopal - The Pioneer
Bhopal - The Pioneer
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Heavy rains continued to lash large parts of the State and around 4,000 people have been shifted to relief camps. Army moved over 400 affected people in Satna district to safer places. The State Government has already closed the schools in the State and advised people to stay indoors. Torrential rains have refused to take a break, as they continue to batter flood ravaged districts of the State. Bhopal has already received record breaking 175 mm of rain in the last 24 hours, while Hoshangabad recorded 249.4 mm. Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan told reporters here on Saturday, "Eight people have died due to flood and excessive rainfall in the last three-four days in the State." Two persons have died in Bhopal, one each in Tikamgarh, Rewa, Jhabua, Betul, Raisen and Panna, he said. "One more death was reported around this noon when Sourabh Katiyar (21) was washed away in a swollen nullah near Shahpur Lake here while travelling on a motorcycle. His body has been recovered," a police official said. Earlier, one person died each in Mandla and Singrauli districts yesterday after they were washed away in by a 7867;867CB T0[[bRW^^[bR[^bTS T=Pa\PSPaXeTaU[^fX]VPQ^eT SP]VTa\PaZ T0a\hST_[^hTSU^aaT[XTU ^_TaPcX^]b T<TcbPhbWTPehbW^fTabc^ R^]cX]dT A %KRSDOIORRGHG 5aXSPh]XVWcbbW^fTa QaTPZb (&"aTR^aS BC055A4?>AC4A Q 17>?0; he city received recordbreaking rainfall in the past 24 hours. For the first time, 12 inch rainfall was recorded in a night. Four people died in the city during the rainfall. Previously in 1973 on July 22, 23.7 cm rainfall was recorded. On Friday night the monsoon created havoc in the city as it recorded 12 inches of rainfall in a six hours. Not only houses in the lower areas, but posh colonies in the city as well got flooded due to the heavy rainfall. The electricity supply went off in more than 50 colonies for six hours. The rivers and drains swelled. As per the Met department, Bhopal city recorded 23.4 cm till morning which is around 10 inches and Bhopal T airport recorded 17.54 cm which is around seven inches. In view of the situation, CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan called an emergency meeting on Saturday in the CM House. At the meeting, he gave directions to the concerned officials to keep the situation under control. He said that in 51 districts 4,000 Home Guards have been posted. Trained soldiers and 108 ambulances have been sent to high alert areas. With the Friday night rainfall, 85 per cent quota of the July rainfall has been covered. In July itself more than 31 cm rainfall has been recorded. The level of Narmada river in Hoshangabad is continuously rising. All the 13 gates of Tawa dam has been opened due to the heavy rainfall. All the roads have been closed in Raisen due to heavy rains. The BhopalJabalpur Bharna bridge is five feet under water. Even VidishaRaisen Road has been closed. F^\P]U^d]S STPSX]=TQ BPaPXU[PcZX[[Ta CVdZUV_edZX_`cV d]caPRTPQ[T VgRTfReZ`_TR]],dZi flooded nullah. The CM said Narmada river was flowing above the danger mark in Hoshangabad. "Anyone in distress can dial 1079 for help," he said, adding, officials have been instructed to swiftly act in case of flooding. CM said he has postponed the scheduled meeting with his Cabinet colleagues at Halali dam near here tomorrow and asked the Ministers to rush to their respective districts and remain there to monitor the situation and help out people in distress. "Food packets have been sent to Bhopal. To deal with any untoward incident, NDRF team is also present there. In these circumstances we are trying to provide relief and rescue measures so that people may not suffer," the CM added. The Army has shifted over 400 people in Raghuraj tehsil of Satna District to relief camps, while the district administration has made arrangements for rehabilitating nearly 300 persons affected by swollen Tamas, Sone and Mandakini rivers. Turn to Page 4 Related reports on P3 EP[[ThTad_cb^eTa cTaa^aXR^]´bZX[[X]V 0\PbZTS:PbW\XaX_a^cTbcTa_aT_PaTbc^cWa^fPQaXRZPcP_^[XRT\P]SdaX]VP _a^cTbcX]BaX]PVPa^]BPcdaSPh 0? :7DAB7443F0=8Q BA8=060A welve people died, over T 100 protesters were hurt and an equal number of security force personnel were injured in Kashmir Valley during clashes between the people and the forces on Saturday, a day after killing of top-ranking Hizbul Mujahideen militant Burhan Muzaffar Wani and his two associates. The entire Valley remained on the edge as thousands of people attended the funeral of slain militant commander in south Kashmir's Tral pocket. Home Minister Rajnath Singh and Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti appealed to the people of Jammu & Kashmir to remain calm and maintain peace. The Centre is working with the State Government to bring 3T\^[XcX^]SaXeTcda]bSTPS[hU^a# BC055A4?>AC4A Q =4F34;78 24-year-old woman was found murdered at her rented accommodation in Duggal Colony of South Delhi's Neb Sarai area on Saturday. Police sources said the motive was not clear as investigations were being conducted to identify the killer. The victim, who was married three years ago, was separated from her husband, whose movements are also being tracked. Additional DCP of South district Nupur Prasad said that they had seized the mobile phone of the deceased. According to a senior police officer, the deceased has been identified as Simran alias Aarti. Simran, who worked as a beautician, was living alone at a rented flat in Neb Sarai after being separated from her husband. A deZ]]ecRaaVUZ_>VVcfe 4R_e`_^V_eY`fdV ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q ;D2:=>F ragedy struck Meerut when four people were buried alive while over half a T dozen others trapped in the debris of an illegal multi-storey house, which was demolished during an anti-encroachment drive carried out by the Cantonment Board on Saturday morning. While four bodies were taken out till reports last came in, efforts were on to rescue the others who were said to be still trapped under the debris. Senior police officers along with heavy police force were present to ensure peaceful rescue operation. The Chief Engineer responsible for the demolition drive was arrested. Reports said that the officials of the Meerut cantonment area went to demolish Bungalow No 210 during an antiencroachment drive as the building was declared as ‘Illegal’. Even when the demolition drive was on, a few people were normalcy in Kashmir Valley, Rajnath said. The authorities imposed curfew in sensitive localities of Srinagar and south Kashmir's Pulwama district but that did not deter protesters who went on the rampage at several localities, targeting police stations, Government buildings and residences of pro-India politicians. In view of the sensitive situation, the authorities suspended Amarnath Yatra and train services between Banihal and Baramulla. Examinations at the university and college level have also been postponed. Meanwhile, Mehbooba expressed grief over the loss of life and asked the security forces to avoid disproportionate use of force Turn to Page 4 Related reports on P5 F<cV[VTed a]VRW`c#_U 3cViZea`]] London: The UK Government has officially rejected a petition signed by over 4.1 million people calling for a second referendum for Britain to decide on its fate in or out of the EU, saying the people’s decision must be “respected”. The petition that was the most-signed Government petition since the process was introduced in 2011 and built momentum in the wake of AT\PX]b^UPR^[[P_bTSQdX[SX]VSdaX]VP]P]cXT]Ra^PRW\T]cSaXeTX]<TTadc2P]c^]\T]cPaTP^]BPcdaSPh ?C8 Brexit, or Britain’s exit from the apparently still in the building and had no prior notice was sent to its occupants to European Union (EU), in the time to escape as the building got reduced vacate the building as it had been illegal- June 23 referendum. However, in an official to rubble in a flash. ly built. The area was marked for demoSoon after the incident, Cantonment lition and the timing of 3 am was already reply, the UK Foreign Office Board officials as well as local police start- given. We even gave three more hours to said this week 33 million peoed rescue operations but could manage to the occupants to take out their belonging ple had had their say and “the take out only few persons alive while four and began the demolition at 6 am only.” decision must be respected”. “We must now prepare for of the bodies were also removed. The According to officials, the building was injured were admitted to hospital. a disputed property and the High Court the process to exit the EU,” it said. The petition, which was According to reports, rescue operation had ordered its demolition. Meanwhile, is underway as at least six other persons family members of the deceased have reg- ironically set up by a Brexit are feared trapped under the debris. istered a police complaint against the offi- supporter before the referenAccording to Meerut Cantonment Board's cials of the Board. The bodies have been dum was held, had called for Turn to Page 4 Assistant Engineer, Piyush Gautam, “A sent for postmortem. ?<aTcaPRTb6P]SWXbY^da]ThUa^\<^WP]SPbc^<PWPc\P ?C8Q ?84C4A<0A8CI1DA6B0 rime Minister Narendra P Modi on Saturday retraced Mahatma Gandhi's historic train journey in South Africa as he travelled to a railway station where the Father of the Nation was thrown out of a train compartment that proved to be a turning point in his life. The incident on June 7, 1893 had strongly influenced Gandhi's decision to fight racial discrimination in South Africa and later the freedom struggle in India. On the second day of his visit to South Africa, Modi boarded a wood-panelled carriage at Pentrich and travelled to Pietermaritzburg, a distance of around 15 km, paying tribute to Gandhi’s fight against racial discrimination. “This is the place where the seed was laid for Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi to start the journey of the Mahatma,” Modi told reporters at the Pietermaritzburg railway station. Paying glowing tribute to Gandhi, the Prime Minister said the visit to South Africa was like a pilgrimage as he was visiting places which were ;c^A?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXcaPeT[bUa^\?T]caXRWAPX[fPhBcPcX^]c^?XTcTa\PaXciQdaVB^dcW0UaXRP^]BPcdaSPhCWTcaPX]aTbT\Q[TbcWT^]T^]fWXRW<PWPc\P6P]SWXcaPeT[[TSQTU^aTQTX]VTeXRcTS ?<<^SXR^\Tb^dc^UcWTcaPX]Pc?XTcTa\PaXciQdaVAPX[fPhBcPcX^]?<<^SX_PhbcaXQdcTPccWTb_^cfWTaT6P]SWXYX fPb^UU[^PSTSPc?XTcTa\PaXciQdaVAPX[fPhBcPcX^]^]BPcdaSPh ?C8 >jgZdZee`D`feY2WcZTRYRdSVT`^V]Z\VRaZ]XcZ^RXVe`^VRd:YRgVX`eeYV`aa`cef_Zeje`gZdZeR]]eYVeYcVVa]RTVdeYRe RcVdZX_ZWZTR_ee`:_UZR_YZde`cjR_U>RYRe^R8R_UYZd]ZWV >`UZReAZVeVc^RcZekSfcXCRZ]hRjDeReZ`_ linked to India's history and life of the Father of the Nation. “My visit to South Africa has become like a pilgrimage to me as I have got the opportunity to visit all the three places that are significant to Indian history and Mahatma Gandhi's life,” said Modi. Modi also visited the spot where Gandhi was offloaded at Pietermaritzburg. Writing in the visitors’ book at the station, Modi said the incident at Turn to Page 4 UX[\bce! =4F34;78kBD=30H k9D;H ! % D9@HE:>6 7KLVRQHLV SHWLOLFLRXV F8C7<44=0:B78A0> HY`]Vd`^VV_eVceRZ_Vc E96D64C6E=:76@7A6ED Z_Xg`ZTV+=`fZd4<6cZT De`_VdecVVeERcRDec`_X6]]ZV <V^aVc9R__ZSR]3fcVdd CReVU+' "! here are dog people. And then, there are cat people. Also, there are good pets T and rogue pets, abandoned pets and DF=E2? Z_X+DR]^R_<YR_2_fdY\RDYRc^R CR_UVVa9``UR2^ZeDRUY CReVU+( "! irst things first. The much-touted briefer than brief chaddi that Salman Khan sports for Sultan makes quite a, well, brief presence, almost like an apology that needs to buried deep into the quilts of embarrassment. Just a minute or maybe even less in the movie and Sallu’s “rape-like” clothing is done and over with in just two short scenes. Now, about the film. Surprisingly, this one is not any of those tapori-mixed I-amsuperstar kind of movies that Sallu habitually catapults into the 100 crore club just by being himself. This one is an all-out performance, rippling like Salman’s muscles, his journey from being front benchers’ Sallu to emerging as Salman Khan, liked by all strata of viewers. It’s as much director Ali Abbas Zafar’s film as it is Salman’s, Anushka’s or the support cast’s. It is a wholesome entertainer, serious in places, utterly romantic and, of course, serenading the main topic — wrestling — in life as much as in the ring, through Salman’s upturned moustache, deep-thinking eyes and pehelwan abs, not to mention the innate swagger in his screen personality. The only weak link, despite VishalShekhar’s bottomed reputation as music directors, despite the blockbuster “Baby ko base pasand hai” and the earthy slow numbers, the songs are not instant hummers. F However, the crescendo that the movie sports all through is brilliantly managed through a befitting background score. All the Haryana in the film is delectably OTT and all the sory, se and kya kehewen hain ungrejji mein give great sound to the film as well as ambience. That a two-hour-50minute movie keeps you rooted all through (except for one or two songs) speaks volumes about props beyond having Salman as the centrepiece. Anushka sizzles in her performance with and away from Salman despite the mouth and nose job she’s got done. As an earthy Statelevel wrestling champion, she manages to balance the Delhi and the Rewari in her personality with elegance. Her mispronounced English adds to her persona well. The romance between Salman and Anushka pulsates too with becoming dialogues like (Hamare yahan divorce nahi hota, ladai jhagde hote hain) and the rude life lessons that Anushka gives Salman in the film. Wrestling, too, is dealt with a reality punch with YRF hiring real-time wrestlers and live fight artists from all over the world. Nothing in the ring (which stakes priority in the second half) gives you ennui even if you are no sports buff. Contrarily, if you are into sport, you will find not too many unreal moments in the fights. Overall, Sultan is a riveting family entertainer and a gold rush for Salman fans. Yet another blockbuster from this Khan, this Eid, this year. In this one Salman does no wrong, even giving a ‘like’ for SRK! CX_gYcc_bUQ\9 WUdW__cURe]`cµ militant strays. The Secret Lives of Pets is about all these genres of the domesticated animal kingdom with loads of fun, attitude, visual effects and becoming animation. On a week swept off by superstar Salman Khan’s high octane Sultan, on a week when most Hollywood films as also Bollywood ones were postponed for a quieter less polarised week of moviegoing, this one makes a quiet mark for all those who are not swayed by Sallu pyrotechnics. A little away from Disney type animation, here the cats are round as balls and smug too, the dogs are of all shapes and grooming, the birds and the bees are there too, not to mention revengeful bunnies and old hawks who work hard to give up their predatory instinct just as you may be fighting to give up on carbs. The film is full of fun and frolic, splashed as it is with a lot of wit and humour in situations as well as dialogues. The 3D effects are good to be with specially when it comes to Mr Sinper, the anaconda on the prowl, hissing away with the twin tongue reaching your cheeks. The story comes with a lot of ditties on pet lovers, owners and the plight of animals. The good pets need a good owner and the bad pets can go everywhere. In its own endearing away, the movie manages to evoke emotions in even non-pet loving community and that’s a good statistic to boast on. C4;;HC0;4 My character, Abhishek struggles to run a family of 14. There is a reason why he took these responsibilities which you will come to know once the show starts. He is happy if his family is happy. It is Abhishek’s mother who is concerned about him and thinks that the only way out is to find him a wife. The problem is that there are 14 demands. Q So is it a comedy show? It is not a comedy. It is a slice of reality. I get goosebumps when I am acting because it is so real. There is everything that happens in a real family situation — from fun to drama to tension. Q This is your comeback on the small screen after Tu Mera Hero, what are the challenges? There are a lot of expectation because I played Titu in Tu Mera... People expect me to make them laugh, which is not wrong, but I wanted to do something new and explore another part of me as an actor. Q Do you identify with Abhishek? I can’t since the character I play is complex. He is in turmoil and always in 8 a rush. WPeT]´c Q What is your stress buster? f^aZTSb^\dRW Wor k i n g P]SRP]bPhcWPc8 helps a lot. I fP]cc^S^ am a workaholic. b^\TcWX]VSXUUTaT]c In the last six CWTaTPaT]d\Ta^db months, ever a^[Tbc^Tg_[^aT since my last show got over, >][hcX\TfX[[cT[[ even if there fWPc8P\ was one day RP_PQ[T^U when I went for any audition, I would be happy. Selected, not selected is a different matter but if I went and gave my best, it made me happy. Q What kind of roles would you like to do in future? I haven’t worked so much that I can say that I have done enough of this or that. I want to do something different. I have only done three shows. In 24 it was a grey character, Titu was loveable and funny while Abhishek is totally different. There are numerous roles for me to explore. Only time will tell what I am capable of and where I stand as an actor. \HDUROG6XOHPDQDIOXWH SOD\HUDQGGLVFLSOHRI3W +DULSUDVDG&KDXUDVLDKDV ZRQ,QGLD¶V*RW7DOHQW 6HDVRQ+HJLYHVFUHGLWWR KLVIDWKHU6XUHVK3DOZKR QXUWXUHGKLVWDOHQW 6$1*((7$<$'$9 WDONV WRWKHIDWKHUVRQGXR function where slide guitarist Pt Vishwa Mohan Bhatt was also to perform. When Bhattji came into the auditorium, the principal asked Suleman to end his performance. But Bhattji stopped the principal and asked Suleman to continue. My son’s performance touched his heart. He told me that he wants to recommend Suleman to Pt Chaurasiyaji. I couldn’t believe my luck when I got a call from Mumbai. I brought Suleman here for workshops,” Pal recounts. He is proud to be Suleman’s father. “My son’s mind is sharp in picking up tunes and tricks. When he was just three, he used to wake up early in the morning and play the tabla perfectly. I didn’t want to teach him flute as it’s very tough for a three-yearold child. But he progressed well and I gained confidence when people started applauding him at concerts. My dream to become a famous flute player never got fulfilled but now when I see my son, I feel my dream will get realised through him,” Pal says. For Pal, things were not so easy. He had to convince his parents to let him play the flute. His parents insisted that he study and wanted him to get a regular job. “When I was 20, I heard Pt Chaurasiaji playing on TV and since then I knew where my destiny lay. I bought a flute for C50 and started playing on my own. My parents were against it and wanted me to study and get a job. They thought of music as a hobby. But I never let go of my passion. I didn’t have a guru but gradually, I started understanding how to blow air into the flute and various other techniques. In 1992, when my father passed away, the family’s responsibility came on my shoulders. That is when I took up a carpenter’s job. I also started performing at concerts and would earn C300 for an hour’s performance in college and C150 in schools. Soon I became a music teacher in Cambridge School,” Pal tells you. With the winnings of C50,000, Suleman intends to save the money to use it in the future. He has also won the IGT trophy and a Maruti Suzuki Celerio. e is shy and doesn’t like to talk much. He lets his music speak for him. With the flute in his hands, he touches everyone’s heart. Suleman, winner of India’s got Talent (IGT) Season 7, has carved a niche for himself at age 13 through sheer hard work and dedication. “The best part of IGT was that I won. It was a beautiful journey of tough competition. During auditions, I played Vande Mataram and various Bollywood medleys. The challenge for me was that I had to play on different types of flutes for various songs and switching from one flute to another without a breather. I had be precise and swift so I practised for hours to master it,” Suleman says. It was during a concert at an Amritsar college where a Professor advised him to audition for IGT. His best moment on the show he said was “when Salman sir came on the show and praised my performance. That was my fan moment. Kirron ma’am loved me like her son and said that she wanted to take me home with her. Karan sir gave me a golden buzzer and I am grateful to him for spotting my talent,” Suleman adds. Hailing from Amritsar, Suleman, a Class VII student of Millennium School, wants to fulfill his father’s dream to become a famous flute player. “Since three, my father Suresh Pal started teaching me to play the flute. After rigourous training for three years, I started giving duet performances with him. There are over 100 ragas but I can play only 40 of them on any Bollywood song,” he says. He never dreamt getting an opportunity to be a disciple of Pt Hari Prasad Chaurasiaji. “Suleman was six and performing at a school H µ6gVcjURjZdRdecfXX]V¶ 0]X[:P_^^aXbQPRZ^]cWTb\P[[bRaTT]fXcWBTPb^]!^U!#fWXRWbcPacb Ua^\9d[h!"^]2^[^ab7TcP[Zbc^B0=644C0H030E PQ^dccWTRWP[[T]VTb ^UQTX]VP_a^SdRTaP]SPRc^a^UcWTbW^fP]SWXbd_R^\X]V\^eXT5T]]h :WP]U^afWXRWWT\Phcda]bX]VTa ?aXhP]bWd9^aPfW^fPb[PbcbTT]X]Cd<TaP 7Ta^XbQPRZfXcW1PST1WPXhhP:X3d[WP]XP ^]B^]h0=64;0?0;9>Ab_TPZbfXcWcWT PRc^aPQ^dccWTbW^fWXba^[T Q Tell us about your character. 86CfX]]TaXb "^]c^_^UcWTf^a[S DFA6C52?46C2F5:E:@?D WX[_P BWTcch Xb YdSVX]V P ZXSb SP]RT aTP[Xch bW^f ¯ Bd_Ta B3P]RTa ¯^]B^]h4]cTacPX]\T]cCT[TeXbX^]0b^daRTcT[[bdb cWPc PRT 1^[[hf^^S RW^aT^VaP_WTa 6TTcP :P_da P[^]V P]S _a^SdRTaSXaTRc^a0]daPV1PbdfX[[QTY^X]X]VBWX[_PPbYdSVTb ° HTb P[^]V fXcW BWX[_P BWTcch fT fX[[ bTT 6TTcP :P_da P]S 0]daPV1PbdPbYdSVTb^]Bd_Ta3P]RTaCWXbfX[[QTcWTQXVVTbc SP]RTaTP[XchbW^fU^aRWX[SaT]Ua^\cWTPVTVa^d_^U# "hTPab FTfP]cTSc^T]bdaTcWPcfTWPeTP_TaUTRc_P]T[^UYdSVTbP[^]V fXcWBWX[_P:]^f]U^aWTaTgRT_cX^]P[RW^aT^VaP_WhbZX[[b6TTcP fX[[QTcWTX\_TRRPQ[TYdSVT8cfX[[QTPcaTPcU^acWTeXTfTabc^ fPcRW1PbdYdSVX]VPSP]RTaTP[XchbW^fU^acWTeTahUXabccX\T^] CE0[[cWaTTYdSVTbfX[[QTVX]P]PcX^]fXSTWd]cU^acWTUdcdaT^U SP]RTPbPdSXcX^]bbcPacUa^\9d[h ! %PRa^bb8]SXP± ?@H:?5:2?>2K2<=628F6 PaXbW\P:^cPZfW^WPbW^bcTS8?;XbP[[bTcc^T]cTacPX]cWT :eXTfTabfXcWPR^\TShbW^f8]SXP]<PiPZ;TPVdT ^];XUT>Z CWTbTaXTbXbP]TUU^acc^\^eTPfPhUa^\RWPc^aUXRcX^]bW^fb 2^\TSXP]b fX[[ cP[Z PQ^dc cWT XSX^bh]RaPbXTb ^U cWTXa aTb_TRcXeT aTVX^]bCWTbW^fcWPc_XcbcP[T]cTSbcP]Sd_R^\TSXP]bPVPX]bc TPRW^cWTafX[[QTYdSVTSQhcWTRaXRZTcTab7PaQWPYP]BX]VWP]S BW^PXQ0ZWcPaCWTaTfX[[QTQ^cW8]SXP]P]S?PZXbcP]XR^]cTbcP]cb CWTbTX]R[dSTPRc^aR^\TSXP]0cd[?PaRWdaTbX]VTaP]SbcP]Sd_ R^\TSXP]BdVP]SWP<XbWaP>YPbAPfP[P]S?PZXbcP]XPacXbcTAPd[ ;P[PP\^]V^cWTabCWTR^]cTbcP]cbfX[[QTSXeXSTSX]c^cTP\b^] cWT[X]Tb^U8?;[XZT<d\QPX?d]cTab=^acWTa]=P\^^]Pb2T]caP[ 2Wd\QPZTcR <9@@3DFC2E@?EG b _Pac ^U cWT ^]V^X]V 4XS 0RT[TQaPcX^]b P]S 5PfPS :WP] UTbcXeP[ IX]SPVX QaX]Vb c^ Xcb eXTfTab \^eXT :W^^QbdaPc bcPaaX]V5PfPS:WP]P]SB^]P\ :P_^^ac^SPh9d[h ! %Pc ! _\ 8cXbP! #a^\P]cXRR^\TSh UX[\ CWT UX[\ Xb SXaTRcTS Qh BWPbWP]ZP 6W^bW P]S _a^SdRTS QhAWTP:P_^^a0]X[:P_^^aP]S BXSSWPacW A^h :P_da C7T UX[\ P[b^bcPab:Xaa^]:WTaAPc]P?PcWPZP]S0P\XaAPiP7dbbPX] Q What transformation have you gone through for 24 Season 2? I have grown a thicker beard. There is a scene where Jai Singh Rathore says ‘duniya badal gayi. Sab kuch badal gaya. Jai Singh Rathore nahi badla sewai iskey ki usne daadhi bana li’. Also, he drinks a lot in this season but tries to quit as he fears becoming an alcoholic. He has been away from his family for quite sometime. It’s a complicated situation. To make all this real, I had to work much harder. Q Did you take inspiration from reallife cops to get a hang of their life? Yes! The life of real life cops is probably worse than Jai Singh Rathore’s. It’s a tough life to take on the responsibility of protecting the nation and being on your toes 24/7. Our nation is surrounded by friends and enemies. Danger lurks for family members of cops. A real cop has to sacrifice a lot. Q What were the challenges for Season 2? From advance action scenes, avoiding night shoots and complicated shots, to trying to do things in a limited time, budget and space, there were a lot of challenges. Being producer and actor, there was a lot of stress as one had to finish things on time, especially with guest actors. You can’t ask them to extend their time for us. There was not a single day when you felt everything was fine and one could take a breather. Sometimes you felt you’ve won a war and, at times, you felt you still had a long way to go. Q Is it difficult to get into Jai Singh’s character? Yes! Jai Singh Rathore is very real and has his plus and minuses. He can work out-of-the-box. The way he behaves and reacts and does things that are not only dangerous but not done according to the book was a challenge to do. He makes snap decisions. This makes him very exciting but dangerous and volatile too. Q What impact did this show have on your personal life? My family feels that I am not the same. Doing such a dramatic and intense show has been very demanding physically, mentally and craftwise. The reel and real have merged and it does take a toll personally. Q Tell us about the action scenes. We have gone a step ahead and tried difficult action scenes which <H50<8;H544;B C70C80<=>CC74 B0<43>8=6BD27 0=8=C4=B4B7>F 70B144=E4AH 34<0=38=6 ?7HB820;;H <4=C0;;H0=3 2A05CF8B4 required three to four days of rehearsals. I wanted to do good action scenes in time and less budget. This show is no less than a film. Season 2 is definitely better than the prequel. By God’s grace, I have never got injured but there were others who did and that scares me a lot. I feel concerned and this has made me more careful. Q Did you have to struggle to become a star? Everyday is a struggle. Zindagi har kadam ek nai jang hai. Kabhi khushi kabhi gum, yeh toh chalta rehta hai. Only when you go through pain, then you enjoy the fun. If everyday is fun, life will become boring. There are days when you feel exhausted, angry and low but I bounce back with the support of my family. Moreover, the hunger to do better gives me the strength to face adversities that come my way. Q Your upcoming movie Fenny Khan’s poster is out. Tell us more about it. This is the first time that I’m doing a musical film and there is a possibility that all actors might sing songs in it. It’s an adaptation of the Oscarnominated Belgian film Everybody’s Famous. After watching it, I felt that its Hindi adaptation should be made and that emotions and relationships are same all over the world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c^f]WP[[" 17>?0; kBD=30H k9D;H ! % 17>?0;A08=B )RXUGLHLQODVW KRXUV 8=27D=0170CC8A098E =060A=47AD=060A 0=3:>458I0 BC055A4?>AC4A Q 17>?0; uring the incessant territorial rains in the past 24 D hours, four people lost their lives in Bhopal. One each death has been reported from Chuna Bhatti, Rajiv Nagar, Nehru Nagar and Ko-e-Fiza. In Rajiv Nagar Deepak Sahu lost his life while he was trying to save a woman and a child. In Nehru Nagar Anas Atal got washed away in the flood. Two more people have lost their lives, but they remain unidentified yet. The schools have been closed and the exams of the RGPV have been postponed. Due to the heavy rain, houses in the lower areas got flooded and people are busy getting the water out. In the areas Aishbagh, Barkhedi, Semra, Hinotiya, Chhola and Kolar, houses got flooded due to the Friday night rainfall. The situation was inspected by senior officials of the BMC and alerted the employees. In many areas flood forced the people to leave their houses. The arrangements made by the BMC failed to prove its worth in the hour of need. Met department issued warning of heavy rainfall in all the districts of the State including Bhopal. Meanwhile, State Congress president ArunYadav inspect- 8]cWTPaTPb 0XbWQPVW 1PaZWTSX BT\aP 7X]^cXhP 2WW^[PP]S :^[Pa W^dbTbV^c U[^^STSSdT c^cWT5aXSPh ]XVWcaPX]UP[[ ETWXR[TbbdQ\TaVTSPc?61CR^[[TVTa^PSSdTc^WTPehaPX]bX] 1W^_P[^]BPcdaSPh ?X^]TTa_W^c^ ed various flood affected places in the city like Pushpa Nagar and Semra. He spoke with the affected people and requested the police administration to provide them help at the earliest. During the visit the AICC Secretary Sajjan Singh Verma, State Congress General Secretary PC Sharma, Manoj Rajani, Deepti Singh, Durgesh Sharma, Secretary Jitendra Singh Bagel and Tokir Nizami were present. 0_Tca^[_d\_^]0[_]PCaXP]V[TP]S;Pg\XcP[ZXTba^PSbTT] bdQ\TaVTS ?X^]TTa_W^c^ 4>ZddfVdUZcVTeZ`_d W`ccV]ZVW`aVcReZ`_d 5HYLHZVVLWXDWLRQ BC055A4?>AC4A Q 17>?0; hief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has directed for C effective relief and rescue arrangements to tackle excessive rain situation in the State. Disaster management teams should be ever ready to meeting any eventuality and act as soon as information is received. Chouhan was reviewing situation, that cropped up in the State due to rains here on Saturday. Revenue Minister Umashankar Gupta was also present on the occasion. The Chief Minister directed to maintain constant watch over situation and start operations immediately if any area is affected by floods. Alert should be maintained in all districts and people should be shifted to safer areas as soon as rivers and nullah start flooding. Disaster management control room should be kept open 24X7. Besides, water should not be released from dams simultaneously. The meeting was informed that situation is now under control in flood affected areas of Rewa, Sagar and Bhopal divisions. In Satna district, 600 persons have been kept in relief camps. In Satna, five persons have been rescued from flood affected areas by helicopter. In entire state, 4,000 persons have been rescued by disaster management teams during last 3 days. Bhopal has recorded 175 BC0AC>?B8<<4380C4;H850=H 0A408B05542C430;4ACB7>D;3 14<08=C08=438=0;;38BCA82CB 0=3?4>?;4B7>D;314B785C43C> B054A0A40B 38B0BC4A<0=064<4=C 2>=CA>;A>><B7>D;3 14:4?C>?4=!#G& F0C4AB7>D;3=>C14 A4;40B435A>< 30<B B8<D;C0=4>DB;H mm rains till now since last night due to which there are reports about inundation of low-lying areas. Administrative teams are undertaking relief and rescue operations since night. From Tawa reservoir 2 lakh cusec water is being released due to which water level of Narmada will rise at Hoshangabad. As precaution, low-lying areas there are being evacuated. So far, 8 persons have died due to rains in the state so far include 2 in Bhopal and one each in Tikamgarh, Rewa, Jhabua, Betul, Panna and Raisen. Control rooms 1079 and 0755-2441419 working round the clock. The meeting was attended by Additional Chief Secretary Home BP Singh, DGP Rishi Kumar Shukla, Director General of Police Home Guards Maithilisharan Gupta, Principal Secretary Revenue KK Singh, Principal Secretary Urban Development Malay Shrivastava, Principal Secretaries to CM Shri Iqbal Singh Bains and SK Mishra, Principal Secretary Agriculture Rajesh Rajora, Commissioner Urban Development Vivek Agrawal, Bhopal Collector Nishant Warware, Municipal Commissioner Chhavi Bhardwaj and concerning officers. &KLHI0LQLVWHUPHHWV SHRSOHDVVXUHVKHOS BC055A4?>AC4A Q 17>?0; hief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan undertook visits from 4 pm to take stock of situC ation of heavy rains in the State capital Bhopal. Walking on foot in inundated localities, the Chief Minister met affected people and assured assistance to them. First the Chief Minister visited Pul Patra nullah area near the railway station. Talking to affected people, he said that all necessary assistance would be given to them. Via Coach Factory road, Chandbad, Khushipura and Ashoka Garden, the Chief Minister reached the slum near Aashima Mall. People informed that difficulties were caused due to sudden heavy rains in the night. The Chief Minister visited affected houses in Bagh Mugaliya. On affected people’s demand, he said that presently food packets will be provided to them. Temporary shelter will also be arranged. Survey of property loss will be conducted and relief will be provided to affected people. Chouhan said that in view of forecast of heavy rains in next some hours, it is most 2<eXbXcTSPUUTRcTS W^dbTbX]1PVW <dVP[XhP7TbPXScWPc U^^S_PRZTcbfX[[QT _a^eXSTSc^cWT\ CT\_^aPahbWT[cTafX[[ P[b^QTPaaP]VTS important to keep lives safe. Survey of loss of goods will be conducted and relief provided. He said that some localities of Bhopal have been inundated due to heavy rains. Some people have b een rescued by b oats. Administration is fully engaged in relief and rescue operations. The Chief Minister was accompanied by Minister of state for Cooperatives Vishwas Sarang. MP Alok Sanjar, Collector Nishant Warwade, Municipal Commissioner Chhavi Bhardwaj and administrative staff. ETWXR[TbbdQ\TaVTSP]S_T^_[TQTX]VaTbRdTSUa^\BWPaSP=PVPa ?X^]TTa_W^c^ =Y^YcdUbbUcSeUc`U_`\U 1<2^]c^Tbc^ aTbRdTWd]SaTSb Y^bQY^QVVUSdUTQbUQc Ua^\[^f[hX]VPaTPb BC055A4?>AC4A Q 17>?0; he Bhopal Municipal T Corporation (BMC) squad remained on toes since late night on Friday, after it rained in torrents in the whole city. The BMC employees rescued hundreds of people from low lying and flooded areas and shifted them to safe places. BMC used its resources and manpower extensively and collected 65,000 food packets. As many as 40,000 have already been distributed, while the remaining packets were being distributed during Saturday night. Mayor Alok Sharma along with Bhopal Gas Tragedy Relief and Rehabilitation Minister Vishvas Sarang inspected Disaster Management Cell and directed the officials concerned to get the citizens immediate help. The Mayor has demanded Rs 100 crore from the disaster relief fund and also directed to bring Bhopal City Link Limited (BCLL) buses to help the stranded people. BMC Commissioner Chhavi Bharadwaj had also reached the affected areas on Friday night and directed the squad to help citizens. On Friday night, the BMC squad not only tried to clear water logging, but also helped citizens using ropes, tyre tubes and other equipments. As many as 25,000 food packets were distributed in the afternoon and 40,000 in the evening. The squad also responded to the complaints regarding the street lights and electricity. Fallen trees were cleared from roads at different places. Mayor, in spite of being out of city collected information on the situation and as soon as he came back he reached among the affected people and visited the disaster management cell of the BMC along with Minister Vishwas Sarang. There, he directed the officials concerned to assist the citizens in any kind of difficulty and in case of flooding respond at the earliest and supply food to the people stuck in flood. As soon as the heavy rainfall started on Friday night, Bharadwaj went on inspecting the city at 1 am. She continued to inspect and directed the BMC squad to assist people stuck in flood. The addition Commissioners Chandramauli Shukla, GP Mali, BK Chaturvedi, MP Singh and other officials of the BMC were also present in the field directing the squad to help the citizens. ?X^]TTa_W^c^ Bharadwaj also went to the 2^^_TaPcXeTb<X]XbcTaEXbWfPbBPaP]VeXbXcTSU[^^STSPaTPbX]WXbR^]bcXcdT]Rh=PaT[PX]1W^_P[ disaster management cell and collected information of the 0AA0=6431>0CB 7TadbWTSc^>[S1W^_P[ activities in the city and directed the squad to respond accord- 5>>35>AC7>B4 [^RP[XcXTbP]SR^]cX]dTSc^ ingly. Due to the heavy rainfall BCA0=3438=5;>>3 d]STacPZTaTbRdT^_TaPcX^]bcX[[ BMC has arranged for genera[PcTX]cWT]XVWcc^]TgcSPh7T tors and 50 emergency lights and 10 mikes were purchased. BC055A4?>AC4A Q 17>?0; Q^PaSTSPQ^PceXbXcTS\Pa^^]TS Besides, more than 3,000 employees and officials, 20 inister of State for W^dbTbP]SaTbRdTS_T^_[T JCBs, 20 dumper, 12 de-waterCooperatives, Gas Relief ing pumps, 10 sewage cleaning and Rehabilitation (indepen- people. There a nullah was so machines, 12 boats, six divers dent charge) and Panchayats Ashoka garden, Mahamai much in spate that many housand rescue vans, fire fighters and Rural Development Ka Bagh, Dwarika Nagar, es were marooned and were and tree cutting machines were Vishwas Sarang started visit- Shankar Nagar, Chanakyapuri rescued by boats. pressed in service. Similarly, people were also ing rain affected areas since 2 crossing, Kammo Ka Bagh, Till now, 300 complaints am in the night and made all- Garam Gadda, rescued by boats in Padmanabh have been registered in the out efforts to rescue affected Shankarachar ya Nagar, Nagar and Dwarika Nagar. disaster management cell and people. Chhola, Vijay Nagar, Khushi Sarang was actively engrossed they were received from Lalita He not only got boats oper- Pura, Semra, Station Bajariya, throughout relief and rescue Nagar, Chhan, Ganesh Nagar, ational to rescue people, but Padmanabh Nagar, Anna operations. In the morning, Mahamai Ka Baag, Jat Khedi, also distributed food, milk Nagar, Subhash Nagar and Sarang distributed khichadi, Chhola, Dwarka Nagar, Punjabi also. On getting information Subhash Nagar Phatak area bread and milk to affected Bagh, Shahpura, Banganga, late on Friday night itself, have been worst affected by people and food packets in Devki Nagar, Sharda Nagar, Sarang rushed to Old Bhopal excessive rains. lunch. Nariyal Kheda, DIG Bangla, localities and continued to Sarang’s intensive visits Shri Sarang continue to go Ashoka Garden and undertake relief and rescue round these areas since 2 am in came as a major relief to affectGovindpura industrial area, operations till late in the night the night. He rescued two ed people. Their morale was Atyantoday Nagar, Semra, to next day. Sarang himself small girls and their parents boosted much to deal with the Khushipura, Chandband, Rajiv boarded a boat, visited from a marooned house in disaster due to visits of their Nagar, Data Colony, Nehru marooned houses and rescued Mahamai Ka Bagh. public representatives. Nagar and Bairagarh. M ]PcX^]# 17>?0; kBD=30H k9D;H ! % ,QIDQWU\6FKRROWDNHVRYHU+HPD %HUFKKDWRLQFUHDVHIRUHVWFRYHU 8]UXabc_WPbTPc^cP[^U $caTTbfX[[QT_[P]cTS BC055A4?>AC4A Q 17>?0; HDC Limited, a joint venture of NHPC Limited N and Government of Madhya BC055A4?>AC4A Q <7>F n initiative to enhance ecology and create green cover in the Field Firing Ranges of Hema and Berchha has been undertaken by the Infantry School. This project will be undertaken in phases and completed over a period of two planting seasons. In the first phase a total of 5000 trees will be planted and the process will be completed over the next two weeks. The Commandant, Infantry School Lt Gen KH Singh UYSM, AVSM, YSM, and Deputy Commandant, Maj Gen AS Rawat, YSM, SM, VSM and 500 Officers, men, defence civilian staff, ladies including school children and teachers of the Bayonet School, participated in the curtain raises event on the 08 Jul 2016. A total of eleven varieties of locally hardened species are being planted to ensure maximum survivability. A mix of green, flowering plants and shrubs have been selected to ensure maximum beautification as well as aesthetics. The area of Hema range has already become greener than the previous years due to the per- >`Fe`dVe8V_VcReZ`_ ERcXVeW`c7J#!"'"( A sistent efforts of the soldiers and the range staff who have managed to stop trespassing and cutting of shrubs. The effort was appreciated by the locals who actively supported the effort. On completion of the plantation, Mhow will boast of having added more than 20 square kilometres of green cover to its environs. Lt Gen KH Singh while addressing the participants commended the soldiers, families and the school children and encouraged them to be ever forthcoming for all future green initiatives. Pradesh, has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the year 2016-17 at Faridabad on Saturday with NHPC Limited, India’s Premier Hydropower utility and a Scheduled ‘A’ Mini Ratna Enterprise of the Government of India. The MOU was signed by KM Singh, Chairman and Managing Director, NHPC and Dhiman Parija, Executive Director, NHDC in the presence of RS Mina, Managing Director, NHDC and Director (Personnel), NHPC, AK Sarkar, Executive Director (Planning), NHPC and BP Rao, Chief Engineer (Planning), NHPC. In the signed MOU for NHDC, Generation Target for FY 2016-17 under ‘Excellent’ :<BX]VW2WPXa\P]P]S<P]PVX]V3XaTRc^a^U=7?2P]S 3WX\P]?PaXYP4gTRdcXeT3XaTRc^a^U=732SdaX]VbXV]X]V^UP] <>DQTcfTT]=732;X\XcTSP]S=7?2;X\XcTS rating has been set as 3000 MU as against last year (FY 201516) Actual Generation of 2932.89 MU; Excellent Target for Revenue from Operations as Rs 1082 crores and Operating Profit as Rs 565 crores. Further to ensure optimum utilisation of budget, CAPEX Programme of NHDC has been assigned 15 per cent weightage in the MOU 201617. In addition, targets regarding Reduction in Auxiliary ?=BQ =4F34;78 ?=BQ 6F0;8>A unicipal Corporation of Gwalior has not decided any agency for the treatment of garbage, that has been dumped at landfill site. Two months ago, two agencies had given the presentation in front of officers but it didn’t work out. Now this matter has reached to Bhopal to decide about the treatment of garbage and which company will be given the responsibility. In Gwalior, the landfill site is situated at Shivpuri link road where 20,000 tonnes garbage has to be managed and for this agency should be contacted to take the responsibility. Agency will do the agreement to manage the garbage at the landfill site of Dabra, Bhitarwar along with Gwalior itself. With the presence of 20,000 tonnes of garbage, the area is getting polluted and at the same time, it is polluting the underground water. Municipal Corporation of Gwalior is trying hard for last M four years to start the procedure. Also in Gwalior city where there is not approved for dumping the garbage people used to dumped it. All this led to big pollution in air and water. Municipal Corporation was informed time to time because new agency has to go for new work of landfill site management. In the city around 250 tonnes of garbage is coming out daily and during festivals it increases up to 400 tonnes. For the transportation of garbage vehicles were purchased to dump the garbage at landfill site. Municipal Corporation of Gwalior will manage garbage soon of big hotels of city and it will be use by composed plant. When landfill site become congested for the garbage due to continuous dumping of filth then it was stopped and then nearby areas was used to dump the garbage. In city also where there is empty space or pit the garbage was dumped. I Zakir Naik, the Centre has constituted as many as nine teams from the Intelligence and investigative agencies like the Intelligence Bureau (IB), National Investigation Agency (NIA) and others to scan his speeches, social media posts and video footages that are suspected to be an inspiration for terror outfits. The Home Ministry has constituted four teams to scan the video footages and CDs of Naik’s speeches, three for scanning his writings on social networking sites even as two other teams are monitoring his Facebook posts, official sources said. A preliminary probe by the IB suggests Naik's speeches and posts are provocative and inciting in nature. The probe so far also suggests the dubious role of his NGO Islamic Research Foundation that is suspected to be misusing the funds received for charitable purposes. The Home Ministry is running a check on the clearances granted to his EA90H0A09Q :>278 s Kerala sat shocked at reports that the 15 people A — 11 from Kasaragod and four from Palakkad — who had gone missing mysteriously in the past two months might have joined the Islamic State (ISIS) and could now be in its camps in Afghanistan or Syria, various Central and State agencies have started probing the matter, while complaints came up on Saturday about the mysterious disappearance of two more persons from Kasaragod. Detailed report on P6 NGO under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) and any possible irregularities. The agencies are also tracking his phone calls and emails, the sponsors for funding his tours abroad and his meetings with the nefarious elements here, sources said. Meanwhile, the Government is also mulling to P]S23b^U =PXZ´bb_TTRWTb cWaTTc^RWTRZ WXbfaXcX]Vb^] b^RXP[ ]Tcf^aZX]VbXcTb ban Peace TV through which the hardline Salafist leader is said to be spreading venom in the guise of Islamic preaching. The Government has sought a fresh legal opinion to make a strong case against the controversial preacher. The Centre is also planning to soon amend the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) so that individuals can also be banned as is the case with outfits. The provision when incorporated under the UAPA will empower the Government to ban provocative or controversial speakers whose speeches have the potential to inspire people towards terror. Power Consumption, Reduction in claims against the Company, Trade Receivables, Dividend/PAT, PAT/Net Worth, Omkareshwar Project Reservoir filling up to MDDL i.e. EL 193.54 M, have also been included. NHDC Limited, incorporated in the year 2000, is the largest Hydropower producing Company in the State of Madhya Pradesh having its 2 Projects 1000 MW Indira Sagar and 520 MW Omkareshwar. 81=80A>?438=C> B20=8B;0<82 ?A40274ABB>280; <4380?>BCB E834>5>>C064B Asserting that the Centre has taken cognisance of Naik's controversial comments regarding terrorism, Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh had earlier assured that a proper probe would be conducted into the issue. “We have taken cognisance of Zakir Naik's speeches and necessary instructions have been issued in this regard. His (Zakir Naik) speeches, CDs are being examined and whatever is justified will be done,” Rajnath told reporters here. He added that the Government would not compromise on the grave issue of terrorism at any cost. The Bangladesh Government has alleged that one of the terrorists who attacked an upscale restaurant in the diplomatic zone earlier this month was inspired by Naik's speeches. The Bangladesh Government is also reportedly mulling to ban the Peace TV. The Salafist orator and founder of Mumbai-based Islamic Research Foundation is banned in the UK, Canada and Malaysia for his hate speeches. 1PSP[SdQb:TYaXfP[´beXbXcc^3PaQPaBPWXQPbPbWP\ ?=BQ A>?0A unjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh P Badal on Saturday dubbed Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) convener Arvind Kejriwal’s visit to Harmandar Sahib on July 18 for performing ‘Sewa’ as a sham saying it would not absolve him and his party in any case from the heinous sin committed by publishing the picture of Darbar Sahib along with broom — their election symbol — on the party’s youth manifesto. Talking to reporters on the on the sidelines of his Sangat Darshan programme in Ropar Assembly Constituency, the Chief Minister said that Kejriwal and his party now stood fully exposed as their mind-set had clearly revealed their innermost psy- che that how ‘scant respect they show towards the religious sentiments of other communities may be Sikh, Hindu or Muslim.’ He, however, said that anyone could offer prayer and perform ‘sewa’ at Sri Darbar Sahib as a true devotee who has a feeling of repentance but people like Kejriwal and his accomplices were only indulged in politicking as there was a world of difference between their words and actions. He said that the proposed visit of AAP convener was nothing more than a political stunt to salvage his image and party’s swiftly falling graph of popularity. “The sole aim of his party was to wrest power in Punjab by hook or crook to pursue their political ambitions, thereby throwing all the norms of decency and morality to winds,” he added. On a query on rising unemployment, the Chief Minister said that it was not feasible for any Government to provide Government jobs to the entire unemployed youth although the State Government has already launched a massive recruitment drive to provide employment to the youth in Education, Health, Power and Police departments. Badal said the State Government had already set up a skill development mission through which several skill development centres have been opened to impart vocational training to our youth in different trades so as to enable them to be gainfully employed in private sector or set up their own ventures. FQ\\UiUbe`dc_fUbdUbb_bYS_^µc From Page 1 for crowd control that results in loss of precious lives and grave injuries. She asked the police and the paramilitary forces to use Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) while dealing with protesters. Urging for calm, Mehbooba sought the people's cooperation in restoration of normalcy in the Valley. “Violence only brings miseries to the people and tragedies for the victim families,” she said and appealed to the people, especially the youth not to fall prey to the machinations of the vested interests, who play politics over the dead bodies of Kashmiris. Most of the casualties have been reported in south Kashmir's Anantnag and Kulgam districts. “At a few places during crowd control, 12 people have died,” Additional Director General of Police Shiv Murari Sahai said at a Press conference. He said at many places the mobs forcibly tried to enter security force establishments with the intention to seize weapons and harm force personnel. The situation went out of control since Saturday morning when tens of thousands of people began marching towards Tral town to attend the funeral of the slain militant. Sources said that a group of militants also attended the funeral prayers of the slain militant. Wani, 22, was killed on Friday in a gunf ight at Bamdooru village of south Kashmir's Kokernag area. He was the most wanted commander of the outfit and carried a bounty of Rs 10 lakh over his head. Wani was instrumental in introducing new-age militancy in Kashmir that attracted hundreds of youngsters towards the militancy in recent years. His pictures and videos, along with his colleagues donning army fatigues, were widely circulated on social media. In Srinagar, curfew was imposed in old city areas. The Government also blocked mobile internet services except the broadband services in the region since Friday night to avoid spread of rumours. Violent incidents of arson and stone-p elting were reported from Achabal, Kokernag, Kund, Qazigund, Damhal hanjipora, Vessu, Dooru, Sangam, Awantipora, Pulwama, Bomai, Sopore, Baramulla, Palhalan, Pattan, Delina, Gantmulla, Sheeri, Kreeri, lalpora, bandipora, Narbal, Lasjan, Barzulla, Nowgam, Tengp ora and Batamaloo areas, Inspector General of Police (Kashmir range) Javed Gilani said. He said the mob looted weapons from police station Damhal Hanjipora and police personnel were fired upon. “Three policemen are missing,” Gilani said, adding that 96 personnel have been wounded in the clashes. “The police and security force personnel used tear gas to disperse the crowds,” he said. Sources said that around 70 people, who had received bullet wounds, were admitted to hospitals. Meanwhile, shops, private offices, business establishments and petrol pumps were shut, while Government offices and banks witnessed thin attendance. Public transport was off the roads. Educational institutions in the Valley are closed on account of the summer vaca- tions. The Jammu & Kashmir Board of School Education and Central University of Kashmir have postponed examinations scheduled for Saturday. Giving details about the encounter at Kokernag, Sahai said that the encounter took place and there was an exchange of fire. “The fact that two policemen were wounded in the encounter explains that the encounter took place,” he said while dispelling notion that Burhan and his associates were killed in custody or were not given a chance to surrender. Sahai said that Mehbooba Mufti being the Home Minister of the State was in the know of the operation that killed Burhan Wani and his associates. He said it would be analysed as to why people in large numbers turned to streets after the killing of militants. He said the Amarnath yatra would be resumed as soon as the situation improves. Meanwhile, sources said that additional troops are being sent in to Kashmir in chartered flights to reinforce the deployments. 38B2DBB8>=>=4G24BB8E4A08=B74;3 1W^_P[)FPcTaATb^daRTbP]S?dQ[XRAT[PcX^]b<X]XbcTa=Pa^ccP\ <XbWaPWT[SSXbRdbbX^]b^]bXcdPcX^]^UTgRTbbXeTaPX]bfXcW PS\X]XbcaPcXeT^UUXRTabPc3PcXP^]BPcdaSPh7TP__aXbTSWX\bT[U^U aTbRdT^_TaPcX^]bPb_TaaT`dXaT\T]cX]cWTSXbcaXRcAPX]bXcdPcX^]Xb ]^a\P[X]cWTSXbcaXRc=TRTbbPahaT[XTUPaaP]VT\T]cbWPeTP[b^QTT] \PST4Pa[XTa<X]XbcTa<XbWaPX]PdVdaPcTS:XSiTTBRW^^[^]APYVWPc a^PSPc3PcXPX]cWT\^a]X]V?dQ[XRaT_aTbT]cPcXeTbfTaT_aTbT]c^] cWT^RRPbX^] ³8=BC8CDC8>=BB7>D;3D=34AC0:4?;0==43F>A:B´ <2hTcc^STRXST^] &HQWUHIRUPVWHDPVWR PVT]Rhc^caTPcVPaQPVT SUREH1DLN VVSHHFKHV #cTP\bc^bRP] Pc[P]SUX[[bXcTX]6fP[X^a eXST^U^^cPVTb 0B064=284B?A>14 n its bid to clamp down on :4A0;8C4B³8B8B4=CAH´ ‘radical’ Islamic preacher CF><>A438B0??40A 8=1A845 <PSWhP?aPSTbW0bbT\Q[h?aX]RX_P[BTRaTcPah0?BX]VWPSSaTbbX]VPbh\_^bXd\ ^]=TfSX\T]bX^]bX]PS\X]XbcaPcX^]P]ST[TVXb[PcdaT^aVP]XiTSQh?aPYP_XcP 1aPW\PZd\PaX8bWfPaXhPEXbWfPeXShP[PhPPc<^d]c0Qd^]BPcdaSPh2WXTU 4[TRcX^]2^\\XbbX^]Ta^U<PSWhP?aPSTbW7XaP[P[CaXeTSXP]SPS\X]XbcaPcXeT ^UUXRTabUa^\3T[WXAPYPbcWP]P]S>SXbWPfTaT_aTbT]c^]cWT^RRPbX^] ?X^]TTa_W^c^ APX]_[PhbWPe^R From Page 1 "Army has shifted 400 flood affected persons to relief camps in Raghuraj Nagar tehsil of Satna district yesterday," an official of Public Relation department said on Saturday. Moreover, most of the districts, particularly in West Madhya Pradesh, have been continuously recording heavy showers since Saturday morning. Several villages have been cut off due to inundated streets and highways. Army personnel have been deployed across the State for relief operations. These rains can be attributed to the westward movement of low pressure area over Madhya Pradesh, which had earlier battered East Madhya Pradesh. According to meteorological office situation will continue to be grim as heavy to very heavy showers are likely to lash West Madhya Pradesh that includes Betul, Bhopal, Hoshangabad, Dewas, Ujjain, Guna, Ratlam and Indore districts. A few parts of East Madhya Pradesh may also receive isolated heavy rains. Besides, State Capital Bhopal that recorded 175 mm of rains during the past 24 hours and Hoshangabad that recorded highest rainfall of 249.4 mm in the State during past 24 hours, Pachmari recorded 219 mm, Damoh 104, Seoni 59, Khandwa 55, Ujjain 49 and Chhindwara recorded 47 mm of rains during the past 24 hours. 1W^_P[) ATeT]dTBRXT]RTP]SCTRW]^[^Vh<X]XbcTaD\PbWP]ZPa 6d_cPWPbbPXScWPcX]bcXcdcX^]bbW^d[Sd]STacPZT_[P]]TSf^aZbU^a fWXRWcWThWPeTQTT]R^]bcXcdcTS7TbPXScWPccWThbW^d[S]^c QTR^\T\TaTUd]SX]VPVT]RXTb6d_cPfPbaTeXTfX]VPRcXeXcXTb^U BRXT]RTP]SCTRW]^[^Vh3T_Pac\T]cWTaT^]BPcdaSPh6d_cPP[b^ SXaTRcTSc^_PhPccT]cX^]aTbTPaRWTbPaTQTX]Vd]STacPZT]U^afW^\ 1T]TUXc^UaTbTPaRWTbbW^d[SPRRadTc^cWTbcPcT7TbPXScWPcPdSXc^U caPX]X]VbP]Sf^aZbW^_bbW^d[SP[b^QTd]STacPZT]3XUUTaT]c X]bcXcdcX^]bbW^d[S]^cd]STacPZTbX\X[Paf^aZb6d_cPbPXScWPc bRWT\TbbW^d[SQTRWP[ZTS^dcPUcTaPaTPfXbTbdaeThb7TbPXScWPc aTb^daRTPc[Pb^USXbcaXRcbW^d[SQTV^caT[TPbTSX]R^]RTa]X]VSXbcaXRc 0c[PbTbbW^d[SP[b^QTPePX[PQ[TX]SXbcaXRcbX]PST`dPcT]d\QTa6d_cP bPXScWPcPUcTa\P__X]VXcbW^d[SQTdbTSP[b^?PacXRX_PcX^]^U R^]RTa]X]VST_Pac\T]cbbW^d[SP[b^QTT]bdaT3XaTRc^a6T]TaP[^U <PSWhP?aPSTbW2^d]RX[^UBRXT]RTP]SCTRW]^[^Vh?a^U?aP\^S :d\PaETa\PX]U^a\TSPQ^dcR^d]RX[³bPRcXeXcXTbCWT<X]XbcTabPXS cWPcRWX[SaT]bW^d[SQT[X]Zc^0PSWPaPccWTcX\T^UXbbdTScWTXaQXacW RTacXUXRPcTb7TP[b^X]b_TRcTSBF0=BcPcT3PcP2T]caT2^\\^] 3PcP2T]caTP]S^cWTaQaP]RWTbP]SP__aXbTSWX\bT[U^UcWTXaPRcXeXcXTb <3^U<?BcPcT4[TRca^]XRb3TeT[^_\T]c2^a_^aPcX^]<BT[eT]SaP] X]U^a\TSPQ^dcbRWT\TbP]S_a^YTRcb^UcWTR^a_^aPcX^]P]S<0?N8C BTRaTcPahBRXT]RTP]SCTRW]^[^Vh<P]XbWAPbc^VX<?B432³b?a^YTRc 3XaTRc^a1WPbZPa;PZbWPZPaP]S^cWTa^UUXRTabfTaT_aTbT]c^]cWT ^RRPbX^] CA44?;0=C0C8>=0=32H2;4A02474;3 <W^f) 0bP_Pac^UcWT^]V^X]V²6aTT]X]V<2C4?a^VaP\\T³PcaTT _[P]cPcX^]P]SRhR[TaPRTfPb^aVP]XbTS^]BPcdaSPh0b\P]hPb# RhR[Xbcb*b^[SXTabP]SRXeX[XP]b^U<2C4fTaT[X]TSd_U^aPbW^acaPRT ^U !Z\bCWThP[[fTaT`dXRZ[hSaT]RWTSX]cWT_^daX]VaPX]QdcX] ^]Te^XRTe^[d]cTTaTSc^_PacXRX_PcTX]cWTaPRT8]Pch_XRP[[h5PdYXbcPac c^cWTTeT]ccWTRhR[Xbcbc^^Z^UUfXcW[^dSb[^VP]bU^aPeTah R^\_TcXcXeTP[QTXcfTcaPRTCWTaPRTfPbZTT][hR^]cTbcTSP]ScWT RhR[XbcPRWXTeTSV^^ScX\X]VbSTb_XcTcWTS^f]_^da*Pb^]TcTP\ cWThfTaTPQ[Tc^b_aTPScWT\TbbPVT^U6^6aTT]fWX[TcWTRdaX^db QhbcP]STabfPcRWTScWT\_TSP[TgRXcTS[hX]c^cWT<P[fPaPX]<PY^a 6T]TaP[7PaeXYPhBX]VW2^\\P]SP]c<2C4P[b^_[P]cTSPUadXccaTT cWT!cWcWXbbTPb^]c^\PaZcWT^RRPbX^]BTTX]VcWTY^bW^UcWT RhR[XbcbSTb_XcTcWTaPX]WTR^\_[X\T]cTScWTXaTUU^acbQhbPhX]V°6^ 6aTT]<2C4Xb\hSaTP\P]Sh^daVT]c[TU^^c_aX]cbc^SPhfX[[QdX[SP _PcWU^a^cWTabc^fP[Z^]c^\\^a^fBWPQPbWP]S:TT_XcD_± 38EH0=:0CA8?0C78C84B:=>C 1W^_P[) CT[TeXbX^]bPRc^a3XehP]ZPCaX_PcWXPZP8bWX<PPUX]P[[hcXTS cWTZ]^cfXcW[^]VcX\TQTPdEXeTZ3PWXhPPc3XehP]ZPb]PcXeTc^f] 1W^_P[CWT[^]VcX\TR^d_[TcXTScWTZ]^cX]PcaPSXcX^]P[7X]SdfPh 3XehP]ZPP]SEXeTZWPSf^aZTSc^VTcWTaX]\^bcfPcRWTS7X]SX CT[TeXbX^]bW^f²HTW7PX<^W^QQPcXT]P]S\PSTPVaTPcQ^]S c^VTcWTaCWTR^d_[TUXabc\TcQTU^aTf^aZX]Vc^VTcWTacWa^dVWP R^\\^]UaXT]S3XehP]ZPfPbSaTbbTSX]PaTb_[T]ST]caTSP]SV^[S [TWT]VPP]Sf^aTWTPehV^[SYTfT[[Tah4Pa[XTacWTR^d_[TWPbbWPaTS _XRcdaTbUa^\cWTXabP]VTTcWP[SXP]S\TWT]SXRTaT\^]XTbCWT_aT fTSSX]VbW^^c_W^c^VaP_WbfTaTP[aTPSheXaP[P]S^]]Tfb TeTahfWTaT0[[UP\X[h\T\QTabP]SR[^bTUaXT]SbfTaT_aTbT]cc^VXeT Q[TbbX]Vc^cWTR^d_[TCWT]Tf[hfTSSTSR^d_[TfX[[W^bcPaTRT_cX^] X]EXeTZ3PWXhPbW^\Tc^f]2WP]SXVPaW^]9d[h @=bUdbQSUc 7Q^TXYcZ_eb^Ui Vb_]=_XQ^TQc From Page 1 Pietermaritzburg had altered the course of India's history. On June 7, 1893, while a young Gandhi was on his way to Pretoria from Durban, a white man objected to his presence in a first-class carriage, and Gandhi was ordered to move to the third-class compartment. Gandhi had a valid firstclass ticket and refused to obey the orders following which he was thrown out of the train at Pietermaritzburg station in the dead of a cold winter night. Gandhi was forced to stay at the station that night in the biting cold and the bitter incident played a major role in Gandhi's decision to stay on in South Africa and fight racial discrimination against Indians there. Modi will also visit the Phoenix Settlement, which is very closely associated with Gandhi. He also planted a sapling there. The Prime Minister also inaugurated an exhibition at the waiting hall of the railway station where Gandhi had spent the night after being thrown out of the train. “PM travels from Pentrich Railway Station to Pietermaritzburg. Train resembles the one on which Mahatma Gandhi travelled,” the PMO tweeted. After talks with South African President Jacob Zuma, the Prime Minister on Friday had paid glowing tributes to Mahatma Gandhi as well as Nelson Mandela. “For me personally, this visit is an opportunity to pay homage to two of the greatest human souls to have ever walked this Earth - Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela,” Modi had said. He further said, “We stood together in our common fight against racial subjugation and colonialism. It was in South Africa that Gandhi found his true calling. He belongs as much to India as to South Africa.” Modi also talked about Gandhi's fight against racial discrimination and how he tolerated pain in fighting against injustices. D:aTYTRcb_[TP From Page 1 the Government to annul the results if the Remain or Leave vote won by less than 60 per cent on a turnout of less than 75 per cent. In the wake of the Brexit vote, the petition was shared widely on social media by Remain supporters. British Government petitions which reach over 1,00,000 signatures must be considered for debate in Parliament. “The EU Referendum Act received Royal Assent in December 2015. The Act was scrutinised and debated in Parliament during its passage and agreed by both the House of Commons and the House of Lords,” the Foreign Office said. The Act set out the terms under which the referendum would take place, including provisions for setting the date, franchise and the question that would appear on the ballot paper. The Act did not set a threshold for the result or for minimum turnout, it said. “As the Prime Minister made clear in his statement to the House of Commons on June 27, the referendum was one of the biggest democratic exercises in British history with over 33 million people having their say,” the Foreign Office said. “The Prime Minister and Government have been clear that this was a once in a generation vote and, as the Prime Minister has said, the decision must be respected. We must now prepare for the process to exit the EU and the Government is committed to ensuring the best possible outcome for the British people in the negotiations,” it said. [P]S\PaZ$ 17>?0; kBD=30H k9D;H ! % A>=2TRdV+GZcSYRUcR¶d=:4 RXV_eYV]U ?=BQ =4F34;78 n what could tighten the noose around Himachal IPradesh Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh, the Enforcement Directorate on Saturday arrested LIC agent Anand Chauhan who is alleged to have laundered the former’s tainted cash. This is the first arrest in the ongoing case so far. Both Singh and Chauhan are accused in a case under Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA). Chauhan’s custodial interrogation is likely to further unravel the nexus between them and the modus operandi of illicit investments made by the agent on behalf of the CM. Chauhan was arrested from Chandigarh under the provisions of PMLA as he was not cooperating with the investigating officer of the case, officials said, adding his custodial interrogation is necessary. He will produced before a designated court on Sunday. The LIC agent is a crucial figure in this case as both the Enforcement Directorate and the CBI have earlier found that Chauhan was the one who allegedly invested the tainted funds of the CM in life insurance policies. The ED had earlier questioned him a number of times in connection with the probe of this case. The agency has also attached assets worth about C crore of the Chief Minister earlier this year. The agency has filed a case under criminal provisions of money laundering laws after taking cognisance of a CBI FIR in this connection in September last year. ED had also conducted searches in this case last year in three States of Delhi, Maharashtra and West Bengal. The agency is probing the allegation that Singh and his family members allegedly amassed wealth of C6.1 crore between 2009 and 2011, disproportionate to his known sources of income, while serving as the Union Minister of Steel. The CBI FIR had named Singh, his wife Pratibha Singh, Chauhan and his brother CL Chauhan and they were charged under the Prevention of Corruption Act. CBI suspects that during the 2009-11 period, Singh allegedly invested C6.1 crore in life insurance policies in his DQ\W_dbQY^S\_S[c!" []`X TebY^W=QdXebQ@Q\gQ\dbYQ\ 6HUYLQJIRUPHU0'VRI368 DUUHVWHGIRUIDYRXULQJSYWILUP ?=BQ =4F34;78 Chief Minister Rajendra Kumar in a bribery case, the agency on Saturday nabbed a serving and former MD of a PSU for allegedly favouring a private company in award of tenders. Both RS Kaushik and his predecessor GK Nanda, present and former Managing Directors of Intelligent Communication Systems India Ltd (ICSIL), a Delhi Government undertaking, which is a joint venture of Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n Consultants India Ltd (TCIL) and Delhi State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation, were arrested. The duo has been arrested as both remained evasive during their questioning. They will be produced before a competent court on Sunday. With these fresh arrests, the number of persons nabbed by the CBI has gone up to six. Besides Kumar, Deputy Secretary in Kejriwal’s officer Tarun Sharma and two owners of Endeavour Systems Pvt Ltd — Sandeep Kumar and Dinesh Gupta — have been arrested by the agency. All of them have been named in the FIR by the CBI for allegedly abusing official position by “favouring a particular firm in the last few years in getting tenders from Delhi Government departments”. The case has been registered under 120-B of IPC (criminal conspiracy), and 13(2), 13(1)(d) of the and his family members’ names through Chauhan claiming this money to be his agricultural income. It alleged that Singh attempted to legitimise the lose on the heels of CBI arresting now suspended C Principal Secretary to the Delhi Prevention of Corruption Act (Criminal conspiracy, criminal misconduct etc) for allegedly favouring a private company in five contracts worth C9.5 crore during 2007-14. The CBI had also conducted searches at six premises in Delhi, Noida and Agra — including office of Kumar’s Chartered Accountant (CA) in the national capital — during which they claimed to have recovered C27 lakh in cash. The CBI claimed that investigation so far show that the money from the accounts of ESPL was routed to a Noidabased firm and a real-estate company and a publication house in Agra. The four other arrested persons, including Kumar, are presently undergoing police custody. same as agricultural income by filing revised Income-Tax returns in 2012. ?C8Q =4F34;78 train Talgo on Saturday commenced its secSondpanish phase trial from Mathura to Palwal at 120 km per hour speed with senior officials from Spain and Railways onboard. The train with nine coaches started the journey at 12.40 pm from Mathura and reached Palwal at 1.33 pm covering the 84 km distance in about 53 minutes, said a senior railway official who is part of the testing team. The trial between Mathura and Palwal will go on for 25 days and the speed will go up to 180 kmph this time, he said. Asked about the trial results, he said, “Prima facie it seems to be okay. But it will be known only after the examination of the various datas being recorded during the trial journey.” Earlier, the speed was ranging between 80-115 km per hour during the first trial between Bareilly and Moradabad stations last month. Hauled by a 4,500 HP diesel engine, Talgo coaches are lightweight and designed in a B_P]XbWCP[V^aPX[fPhR^PRWTbPc<PcWdaPaPX[fPhbcPcX^]aTPShU^acaPX[ad]^] <PcWdaP?P[fP[a^dcTX]<PcWdaP^]BPcdaSPh ?C8 way that it can run on curves without decelerating the speed. A team of Spanish officials along with railways officials and experts from Research Designs & Standards Organisation (RDSO) were present onboard during the trial. The train consists of two Executive Class cars, four Chair Cars, a cafeteria, a power car and a tail-end coach for staff and equipment. Shipped from Barcelona, the Talgo aluminium coaches anchored at Mumbai port on April 21. Besides speed, testing team will also take note of vibration, safety and stability of lightweight coaches during the trial and these technical parameters were vital for high speed run. There will also be a final trial between Mumbai-Delhi route before finalising the report. After the successful launch of semi-high speed (160 kmph) Gatimaan Express on the DelhiAgra route in April, Talgo trial is being conducted as part of railways strategy to increase the speed of trains. 27E6C>2E9@73FC92?H2?:¶D562E9 BQZ^QdXCY^WXd_fYcYdEC $PDUQDWK<DWUDKDOWHGPRELOH ?T^_[TbW^d[S]^cR^]S^[T V_bcUSebYdiTYQ\_WeU LQWHUQHWVHUYLFHVVXVSHQGHG STPcW^UcTaa^aXbcb)0iPS ?C8Q =4F34;78 nhancing anti-terror ties, sharing intelligence inputs E and facilitating easy travel by each other’s citizens would be high on the agenda during the five-day visit of Home Minister Rajnath Singh to the US beginning July 17. He will lead the Indian delegation at the India-US Homeland Security Dialogue to be held in Washington with the US team to be headed by Secretar y of Homeland Security Jeh Charles Johnson. Further cementing antiterror cooperation, real-time sharing of intelligence inputs, cyber security and critical infrastructure protection, countering illicit finance, global supply chain security, megacity policing and science and technology are some of the other key issues to be discussed at the strategic meeting. This senior-level exchange between India and the US will reinforce the strategic homeland security partnership and enhance operational cooperation in investigations, capacity building, and countering 7TfX[[[TPScWT8]SXP]ST[TVPcX^]Pc cWT8]S^DB7^\T[P]SBTRdaXch 3XP[^VdTc^QTWT[S X]FPbWX]Vc^]fXcW cWTDBcTP\c^QT WTPSTSQh BTRaTcPah^U 7^\T[P]S BTRdaXch9TW 2WPa[Tb9^W]b^] threats, a Home Ministry official said. Upcoming law enforcement engagement proposals include sharing lessons learned and best practices in police training and responding to mass casualty exercises, improving both nations' capabilities to respond to terrorist incidents and natural disasters. Besides, there will be discussions on two key recentlysigned agreements—Global Entry, a US Customs and Border Protection programme that permits speedy clearance for pre-approved, low-risk travellers upon arrival in America; and the Homeland Security Presidential Directive-6 (HSPD-6), which allows access to information on terrorists. The US has been pressing for India’s inclusion in the Global Entry so that high dignitaries like former presidents, former prime ministers, former Union ministers, film stars, top industrialists and frequent flyers could visit America without any hassle. There will be extensive discussion on the Global Entry during the dialogue, the official said. Initially, the names of around 2,000 prominent Indians could figure in the coveted list, which would be expanded gradually after proper background checks of each individual. ?=BQ =4F34;78 0SSXcX^]P[U^aRTc^QT ST_[^hTS^]Va^d]S iTa^c^_aTeT]cR[PbWTb <>78C:0=370A8Q 90<<D in death of 12 civilians and caused critical injuries to over 90 security personnel. After curfew was imposed in parts of Srinagar and Pulwama ahead of last rites of militant commander Burhan told The Pioneer. Those moving on the highway were advised to stay put in safe locations across different district headquarters along the yatra route. In Jammu, the State he Congress on Saturday termed the protests in T Kashmir over the killing of Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Wani as “unfortunate”, saying people should not mourn for militants who are eteriorating law and order situation in Kashmir valley D Saturday forced senior Government functionaries posted in Jammu region to take adequate measures in advance to contain the spread of violence in other parts of the State. To crush the over enthusiastic brigade indulging in rumour mongering on social networking sites the authorities in Jammu region decided to temporarily suspend the mobile internet services besides halting Amarnath Yatra at Jammu base camp. In addition all out efforts were being made to deploy additional force on ground zero to prevent any violent clashes with the security forces in retaliation to firing on protesters in different parts of Kashmir valley which resulted :PbW\XaXeX[[PVTabSXb_[PhcWTQ^Sh^U1daWP]FP]XRWXTU^U^_TaPcX^]b^U8]SXP]:PbW\Xab[PaVTbcaTQT[Va^d_7XiQd[<dYPWXSTT] SdaX]VWXbUd]TaP[_a^RTbbX^]X]CaP[b^\T"':X[^\TcTab!#\X[Tbb^dcW^UBaX]PVPa^]BPcdaSPh 0? Wani the Govt decided to suspend the Amarnath yatra to prevent any fresh attack on the pilgrims. “On saturday no passenger vehicle was allowed to ferry Amarnath bound pilgrims from the yatri niwas base camp” district authorities Tourism Department was directed to rope in pilgrims to visit border areas. They were ferried in SRTC buses to the octroi post in RS Pura sector and introduced to the life of border residents and soldiers close to the International border. responsible for killing of innocent citizens. “As far as Burhan is concerned, he was a terrorist. There is no doubt that he was not an innocent and was a terrorist. It is unfortunate that people in Kashmir mourn when a terrorist dies. People should not condole the death of terrorists, who are responsible for killing hundreds of innocent people,” Congress senior leader Ghulam Nabi Azad said on Saturday. Burhan Wani was shot dead in an encounter by security forces along with two of his accomplices in JammuKashmir on Friday which led to violent protests in several parts of Kashmir. Protesters pelted stones and attacked police posts, security personnel in several areas and targeted the BJP office in Kulgam. Meanwhile, the Congress has asked the Central Government to explain the details of the Peace Accord signed with the NSCN (IM) of T Muivah. The party also questioned Muivah’s statement following the accord in which he had reportedly talked about Nagas getting their own separate passport and flag. Congress leaders including former Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Nabam Tuki and party spokesperson Randeep Surjewala urged Government to clear air on such a statement. 3`U`d<RcSZde`Z_eV_dZWjdeReVY``UdeZcZ_2ddR^ 0=D?B70A<0Q 6DF070C8 he new BJP-led Government in Assam T might face rough weather soon as the Bodo and Karbi statehood demand committees have chalked out strategies to intensify their agitation for separate States in their respective areas. While the All Bodo Students’ Union, the pro-talk faction of the National Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDFB) are going to start fresh agitation to demand a separate State for Bodo people, Karbi Anglong based organisations have also decided to intensify its agitation from August this year. “The BJP came to power at the Centre in 2014 on its promises of statehood to smaller ethnic groups. However, two years have passed since the formation of National Democratic Alliance (NDA) Government at the Centre. But nothing was done to grant statehood to the smaller ethnic groups demanding separate States,” said president of All Bodo Students Union (Absu), Promod Bodo on Satuday. “The BJP had mentioned in its manifesto ahead of the 2014 Lok Sabha elections that the party will ‘sympathetically examine and appropriately consider the long-pending demands of the Gorkhas, the Adivasis and other people of Darjeeling and Dooars region, Kamatapuri, Rajbongshis and other people of North Bengal; and will take initiative for the permanent solution of long pending isues of Bodos and other tribals of Assam, the people of Sikkim, Leh, Laddakh, Andaman & Nocobar, Lakshadeep and other such neglected regions’,” said Bodo while ruing the Central Government’s attitude towards the problem now. “We have been trying to find a solution sans bloodshed and sand violence to our problem. However, the Government is not paying any heed to us. The BJP had also assured the same before the Assam Assembly elections but nothing was done,” he said. Bodo said that they are going to hold a mass rally in Guwahati on August 15 to demand statehood for the Bodoland. “We are going to hold indefinite hunger strike from first week of September to press for our demands,” he added. Echoing Bodo, Khorsing Teron of the Joint Action Committee for Autonomous State (JACAS), spearheading the movement for autonomous State in Karbi Anglong and Dima hasao districts, said the although several rounds of meetings had taken place with the representatives of Central Government, nothing was done so far to fulfil the aspirations of the people. Teron said that the people of Karbi Anglong is only demanding more autonomy under Section 244 (A) of the Indian Constitution. “It is not difficult as the Constitution has provision for this. However, we are going to restart the agitation soon and the Government of Assam and Centre will only be responsible if there is any untoward situation after the agitation,” Teron said. ?aTbXST]c?aP]PQ<dZWTaYTT_^bTbfXcWBdUXPacXbcTbPUcTafXc]TbbX]VcWTXa_TaU^a\P]RTPcAPbWcaP_PcX1WPfP]PdSXc^aXd\^]BPcdaSPh ?C8 '*&,¶VVXUYHLOODQFHSODQLQOLPERIRUZDQWRIIXQG 2Q^W\QTUcXQccebUc9^TYQ^ d_ebYcdc_V`b_`UbcUSebYdi 0A270=09H>C8Q =4F34;78 he Drug Controller General of India’s ambitious proposT al to strengthen the regulatory mechanism at the Central and State level to ensure safe, efficacious and quality standards drugs continues to remain a non-starter with the Union Finance Ministry yet to release the fund of C200 crore meant for the purpose for 2015-16. The undue delay will only compromise the health of the patients in the country, said a senior Health Ministry official which supervises the functioning of the DCGI. The proposed financial outlay is meant to be utilised for manpower augmentation, creation and upgradation of labs, setting up of new offices of drugs regulatory control, strengthening pharmacovigilance and cre- ating awareness among people both care givers and receivers regarding safe drugs both at the Centre and in the States, the official said. Keeping in view the recommendations of various committees and reports and based on the DCGI needs, it is important that the Finance Ministry releases the funds at the earliest for infrastructural development, both physical and human resource, at the Centre as well as in the States. “We have been repeatedly reminding the Finance Ministry to hasten the release of funds for strengthening of drugs regulatory mechanisms, but in vain,” said the official asserting that delay in release will only delay proposed tasks. He said, expecting funds, as many as 18 States have already signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the DCGI to strengthen the existing set-up of surveillance system and increase consumer aware- ness about current and new drugs safety and quality related threats in their region. “However, with no fund coming from the Centre, now all their plans are in limbo,” the official said. The funds will also be utilized for providing financial and human resource support to the States, as under the Centrally sponsored scheme. This is the first time that States have signed such a pact with the centre. So far around 18 states and Union Territories have done so including Haryana, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. The proposed financial outlay also aims for manpower augmentation, creation and upgradation of labs, setting up of new offices of drugs regulatory control and strengthening pharmacovigilance at the Centre and in the States. The MoU is the part of a new centrally sponsored scheme under National Health Mission (NHM) umbrella wherein fund has been proposed with 75:25 sharing pattern for providing financial and human resource support to the States / UTs. This is also for the first time that the Central Government will monitor the fund utilsation in the states quarterly. Under the Scheme there would be requirement of C1079 crores spread over next five years, in which the States share would be of C229 crores and the Central Government share would be of C850 crores. The components of expense heads approved relates to up-gradation of State Labs, expansion of existing offices, manpower accommodation and creation of new labs or mobile labs. ?C8Q :>;:0C0 angladesh Government has assured prospective Indian travellers that security issues would be properly looked into following the recent terror attacks in that country. “It is unfortunate that such attacks have taken place in Bangladesh. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has categorically stated the country will convert this grief into strength to fight these forces,” Jyotirmoy Burman, joint secretary to the Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism of Bangladesh said at the ‘Travel and Trade Fair’ here on Saturday. Burman said that tourists visiting the country should feel safe and secure as these were stray incidents which the B ³8cXbd]U^acd]PcTcWPcbdRWPccPRZbWPeT cPZT]_[PRTX]1P]V[PSTbW?aX\T<X]XbcTa BWTXZW7PbX]PWPbRPcTV^aXRP[[hbcPcTScWT R^d]cahfX[[R^]eTaccWXbVaXTUX]c^bcaT]VcW c^UXVWccWTbTU^aRTb´ Bangla Government was determined to finish. To attract Bengali-speaking tourists, Bangladesh Government with the help of tour operators is planning to arrange a three-day programme to mark the occasion of February 21 International Mother Language Day. The visit would start from February 20 and end on February 22 during which Indian tourists would be assisted to visit various places of interest in Bangladesh and also taste a variety of cuisines. The Bangladesh Government would make reservations by train and buses from the entry points of Kolkata, Siliguri, Agartala and Guwahati, he said adding many tourists could directly take flights from Delhi. Japanese tourists account for the maximum number of visitors from foreign countries to Bangladesh followed by those from Italy, he added. \^]ThfXbT% 17>?0; kBD=30H k9D;H ! % FD=WZ_UdC"##&$Tc`cVWf_U UZgVcdZ`_Y`]Ud>R]]jR]ZRS]V ?C8Q =4F34;78 n fresh troubles for Vijay IUnited Mallya, Diageo-controlled Spirits on Saturday disclosed fund diversion and improper transactions worth C1,225.3 crore involving entities linked to the embattled former Chairman, including Kingfisher Airlines and his Formula One team. The company, acquired by the British liquor giant from Mallya’s UB Group in 2013 in a multi-billion dollar deal, made it clear that the earlier settlement reached with the Indian businessman would not absolve him of the claims arising out of the latest findings of an internal ‘Additional Inquiry’. Mallya, who has been in UK for months evading an arrest warrant in India while several banks have declared E4D?`_65AYZc`k GR_UcVgR]RbfZed NEW DELHI: Country’s largest IT services firm Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) on Saturday said its Non-Executive Director Phiroz Vandrevala resigned from the company. “Phiroz Vandrevala has relinquished office of NonExecutive Director of the company, due to personal reasons, with effect from July 8, 2016,” TCS said in a filing to BSE. PTI him ‘wilful defaulter’ for nonpayment of dues worth over C9,000 crore by his nowdefunct Kingfisher, had struck a settlement with USL in February. Under the ‘sweetheart deal’, he was promised an over C500crore payout to leave the company and was also absolved of any ‘personal liability’ at that time. At a meeting on Saturday, USL Board discussed findings of the ‘additional inquiry’ it had ordered to plug gaps found in an initial probe launched in April 2015 that showed improprieties in loans worth C1,337 crore given by USL to the entities linked to its erstwhile promoters, the Mallya-led UB Group. “The additional inquiry prima facie reveals further instances of actual or potential fund diversions amounting to approximately C913.5 crore (using exchange rate as on March 31, 2015) as well as other potentially improper transaction involved USL and its Indian and overseas subsidiaries amounting approximately C311.8 crore,” USL said in a BSE filing. The transactions occurred during the review period covered by the additional inquiry -- from October 2010 to July 2014 -- although certain transactions appear to have been initiated in years prior to the review period, it added. “These improper transactions identified in the additional inquiry involved, in most cases, the diversion of fund to overseas and Indian entities that appear to be affiliated or associated with USL’s former non-executive Chairman, Dr Vijay Mallya,” the USL filing said. The company said its mutual release agreement with Mallya in February this year, under which Diageo agreed to pay him $75 million dollars, will not cover the matters arising out of the ‘additional inquiry’. While the matter is already being probed by markets regulator Sebi and Corporate Affairs Ministry among others, the latest findings of the internal probe are also being reported to the concerned regulators for any further action. jc a ^l 9PXc[Th`dTbcX^]b WXVWX]cTaTbc aPcTb^]bPeX]Vb NEW DELHI: With private investment yet to pick up, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Saturday wondered whether it is desirable to continue offering high interest rates on savings that translate into higher cost of lending and sluggishness in the economy. India, he said, has ‘peculiar’ characteristics of having ‘quite high’ percentage of domestic savings. “Now, whether domestic savings are only to be used by such instruments which give you a higher return and create an interest regime which is extremely costly and makes the economy sluggish, or higher returns are to be got from such instruments as funds, bonds, shares (that finance projects and economic activity),” he asked. Speaking at a function here to unveil a commemorative postage stamp to mark 140 years of BSE, he said the essence of all economic activity is investment which is going to come from where resources are available. PTI 6<^U?=13aAPZTbW6d_cP_PacXRX_PcX]VPb?P]T[XbcX]PbT\X]Pa³3^dQ[X]V5Pa\Tab8]R^\TQh!!!A^[T^U1P]Zb 5X]P]RXP[8]bcXcdcX^]b^aVP]XbTSQhcWT?732WP\QTa^U2^\\TaRTP]S8]SdbcahX]R^[[PQ^aPcX^]fXcW=010A3Pc=Tf 3T[WXCWT_a^VaP\fPbP[b^PccT]STSQh0\PaYTTcBX]WP0SSXcX^]P[BTRaTcPah<X]Xbcah^UAdaP[3TeT[^_\T]c3a9?<XbWaP 0SeXbTa0VaXRd[cdaT=8C80Ph^V6XaXbW=PXaBT]X^a>_TaPcX^]b>UUXRTaCWTF^a[S1P]Z6a^d_A0\P[^a_PeP]PcWP] 3T_dch<P]PVX]V3XaTRc^a=010A3APY1T]WP[ZPa2WXTUAXbZP]SBcaPcTVh=PcX^]P[2^\\^SXch3TaXePcXeTb4gRWP]VT ;X\XcTS=234GEXYPhBPaSP]P<T\QTa2^\\^SXch3TaXePcXeTb0SeXb^ah2^\\XccTTB418?^[XRh<PZTab8]Sdbcah ATbTPaRW0RPST\XR8]bcXcdcX^]b4gcT]bX^]0VT]RXTbP]S^cWTabcPZTW^[STabX]0VaXRd[cdaTbTRc^aX]8]SXP D]X^]<X]XbcTa U^aAdaP[ 3TeT[^_\T]c ?P]RWPhPcXAPY 3aX]ZX]VFPcTa P]SBP]XcPcX^] =PaT]SaPBX]VW C^\Pa PSSaTbbX]VPcP =PcX^]P[ F^aZbW^_^] BfPRWWcP^U 8R^]XR?[PRTbX] =Tf3T[WX^] BPcdaSPh ´BY^WVU^SY^W7CDbQdU´cU^cYR\UceWWUcdY_^µµ ?C8Q =4F34;78 s the Congress showed signs of softening its stand A on GST if the tax rate is ‘ringfenced’, a top government functionary on Saturday said it is a ‘sensible suggestion’ and talks will continue with the opposition party. The Congress, which originally mooted a Goods and Services Tax (GST) in 2009 to replace all indirect taxes, has been demanding that the overall rate be capped at 18 per cent and scrapping of an additional 1 per cent tax designed to compensate manufacturing states that fear losing out revenue. Anand Sharma, Congress' Deputy Leader in Rajya Sabha where the GST Bill is stuck, is reported to have said that his party is open to discussing its demand of including the tax rate in the Constitutional Amendment Bill if the Government were to come out with a suggestion to ring-fence the tax rate. Reacting to it, the top PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT NOTICE INVITING e- TENDERS The Executive Engineer, SER-II, PWD, New Delhi invites on behalf of President of India, online Percentage Rate tender from approved and eligible contractors of CPWD for following work through e-procurement solution 1. NIT No. 54/EE/SER-2/PWD/2016-17. Tender ID No. 2016_PWD_109512_1. Name of Work:- A/R & M/O various roads under the jurisdiction of PWD Division South East Road-2 during 2016-17 (SH: Providing services of Clerk, Computer Operator and Office Attendant in Division and Sub-Division SER-21) Estimated cost: Rs. 8,39,634/- Earnest Money: Rs. 16,793/- Time for completion: 06 Months. The last date to fill/upload the tender t h r o u g h e-tendering is 12-07-2016 upto 3.00 PM. DIP/Shabdarth/1112/16-17 DZ_TV?`gV^SVc]RdejVRceYV4`_XcVddYRdSVV_ Z_dZdeZ_XeYReRdaVTZWZVU8DEcReV`W")dY`f]USV ^V_eZ`_VUZ_eYV4`_deZefeZ`_R]2^V_U^V_e3Z]]eYV "RUUZeZ`_R]eRiRS`]ZdYVUR_UR8DE5ZdafeVd DVee]V^V_e2feY`cZejW`c^VUe`dVee]VdeReVUZdafeVd EYV8DE3Z]]hYZTYhZ]]YV]aTcVReVRdZ_X]V_ReZ`_R] dR]VdeRie`cVa]RTVdVgVcR]deReVR_U4V_ecR]]VgZVd YRdR]cVRUjSVV_Raac`gVUSjeYV=DR_UZdaV_UZ_XZ_ eYVFaaVc9`fdVhYVcVeYV8`geU`Vd_¶eYRgVR^R[`cZej Government functionary said, “It’s a sensible suggestion. We will keep talking to them.” Since November last year, the Congress has been insisting that a specified GST rate of 18 per cent should be mentioned in the Constitutional Amendment Bill, the 1 per cent additional tax abolished and a GST Disputes Settlement Authority formed to settle state disputes. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has, however, consistently maintained that nowhere in the world tax rates are put in the Constitution and the Government needs to have flexibility to change the rates in case of contingencies like a natural calamity. The Government is keen to get the GST Bill cleared in the upcoming Monsoon session of Parliament and there is a buzz that it may table the Bill in the Upper House on the very first day of the session on July 18. Jaitley is also said to be open to talking to the senior leadership of the Congress before the session begins. The Government is banking on support from smaller regional parties to pass the national sales tax legislation in the Upper House of Parliament and then get supporting laws enacted by the year-end so that GST is introduced from April 2017. GST Bill, which intends to convert 29 states into a single market through a new indirect tax regime, was earlier planned to be introduced from April 1 this year, but the deadline was missed as the Bill to roll it out remains in a limbo in the Opposition-dominated Rajya Sabha. After Parliament approves the constitutional amendment to allow GST, it needs to be ratified by more than half of the states. Then, Parliament must pass another Bill to implement GST. After the Constitution Amendment Bill is passed in Parliament, there are three more legislations - Central GST (CGST), State GST (SGST) and Integrated GST (iGST) - which are required to be passed. The GST Bill, which will help create a single national sales tax to replace several state and central levies, has already been approved by the Lok Sabha and is pending in the Upper House where the Government doesn't have a majority. D]X^] <X]XbcTaU^a 7d\P] ATb^daRT 3TeT[^_\T]c ?aPZPbW 9PePSTZPa PSSaTbbX]V PccWT :T]SaXhP EXShP[PhPX] :PSPeP]caP 2^RWX]^] BPcdaSPh <P]PVX]V3XaTRc^a^U3C22A 6PaVaTRTXeX]VcWTPfPaSUa^\ <X]XbcTa^UCaP]b_^ac6^PAXVWc AP\ZaXbW]PC^aTR^V]XbT X]XcXPcXeTbcWPc[TSc^bPUTVdPaSX]V cWTT]eXa^]\T]cP]SSTeXbX]V T]eXa^]\T]cUaXT]S[hfPhbX]Qdb ^_TaPcX^]3T[WXCaP]b_^ac 2^a_^aPcX^]WPbQTT]R^]UTaaTS fXcW³8]SXP1db0fPaS! %´X]cWT RPcTV^ah^U4gRT[[T]RTX] 4]eXa^]\T]cP[X]XcXPcXeTX] 6^eTa]\T]cbTRc^aCWTPfPaSWPb QTT]R^]UTaaTSX]PUd]RcX^]WT[SPc 6aP]S7hPcc6^PaTRT]c[h 3YWFR0'QDEEHG IRUVHUYLFHWD[IUDXG DBX]ca^SdRTbQX[[c^QPa8]SXP] MUMBAI: An industrialist has R^bUa^\WXaX]V^]7 1eXbPb been held for failing to deposit service tax collected from his clients to the Government. Vinay Sirsat, MD of Windsor Management Consultants, was arrested on July 5, a Government official told PTI on Saturday. He was produced before a local court, which sent him to judicial custody, the official said. As per rules, if someone collects service tax and doesn’t deposit it to the Government beyond a period of 6 months, which is a cognisable offence and he/she can be held if the amount is more than C 2 crore. PTI WASHINGTON: A legislation has been introduced in the House of Representatives by a bipartisan group of US lawmakers which if passed by the Congress would prevent Indian companies from hiring IT professionals on H-1B and L1 visas. The ‘H-1B and L-1 Visa Reform Act of 2016’ introduced by New Jersey’s Democratic Congressman Bill Pascrell and Republican Dana Rohrabacher from California would prohibit firms from hiring H-1B employees if they employ more than 50 people and over 50 per cent of their staff are H-1B and L-1 visa holders. Since the revenue model of a majority of big Indian IT companies is heavily dependent on H-1B and L1 visas, such a bill is likely to have a major impact on their businesses. Notably, the sponsors of the bill come from the two US states having the maximum concentration of Indian-Americans. PTI <T\QTa^UcWT=PcX^]P[7d\P]AXVWcb2^\\XbbX^]=7A29dbcXRT3<dadVTbP]ST[XeTaTScWTR^]e^RPcX^]PSSaTbbPc E8CD]XeTabXchb2WT]]PXRP\_db^]BPcdaSPh7TbPXScWPccW^dVWfTWPeT\P]hPSeP]cPVTb^Ub^RXP[\TSXP^]X]cTa]Tc [XZTTSdRPcX^]PfPaT]TbbP]SQTX]VX]U^a\TS^UePaX^dbV^^ScWX]VbT]WP]RX]V[TPa]X]V^__^acd]XcXTbb^RXP[QT]TUXcbP]S Y^Q^__^acd]XcXTbXcWPb]TVPcXeTX\_PRcbPbfT[[E8CD]XeTabXchRWP]RT[[^a3a6EXbfP]PcWP]bPXScWPcUXeT[PZWbRW^^[bX] 8]SXPWPS[TbbbcdST]cbEXRT_aTbXST]c^U3PX\[Ta8]SXP?aXePcT;X\XcTSC=PaPhP]P]eXRT_aTbXST]cb^UE8CD]XeTabXch BP]ZPaEXbfP]PcWP]3aBTZPaEXbfP]PcWP]P]S6EBT[eP\P[b^c^^Z_PacX]cWTUd]RcX^]0Q^dc $d]STaVaPSdPcT _^bcVaPSdPcTP]SS^Rc^aP[bcdST]cbaTRTXeTScWTXaSTVaTTbSdaX]VcWTR^]e^RPcX^] 2aa]V>ZTc`d`We9AdYf__Z_X8@AT`_gV_eZ`_ 0?Q B0=5A0=28B2> onald Trump has promised to liven up this D year’s Republican National No.16(1)DAVP-2015-EP Dated: 06/07/2016 CORRIGENDUM Reference 22504/11/0004/1617 dated 27/05/2016 published in various newspapers. The date of opening of following E-tender is extended as mentioned below:Sl. No.:01, Tender No.: ADG(E-NZ)/07/16-17/TV-EP Description of work: Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning if LT Panel for HPT Jaisalmer, Qty: 01 No., Tender Fee (in Rs): 500, Estimated Cost of work/procurement (Rs. in Lakhs) 07.00, EMD (in Rs): Rs. 14,000/-, Tender Opening date (0nline) : 22.07.2016 (12.00 Hrs) Note:1. The bid forms, General instruction to Bidders and other details including amendments/ charges can be viewed/downloaded from the website 2. Tenders may also be viewed on the ADG(NZ)website & also on AIR Portal, DD PORTAL and CPP Portal http.// Sd/(S.K.Srivastava) Director (Engg.) davp22504/11/0010/1617. For Addl Director General (Engg. NZ) DELHI ELECTRICITY REGULATORY COMMISSION Viniyamak Bhawan, C-Block, Shivalik, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi - 110 017 RECRUITMENT NOTICE DELHI ELECTRICITY REGULATORY COMMISSION (DERC) invites applications for engagement of Staff Consultant (Rajbhasha Adhikari / Hindi Translator) for Hindi related work of the Commission. For further details such as eligibility, qualifications, experience and other terms & condition of engagement, application format etc., please refer to DERC's website The last date of receipt of application in the above mentioned address is 09.08.2016. Secretary, DERC DIP/Shabdarth/1098/16-17 Convention. But some of America’s biggest corporations are bailing on the party. Apple recently became the latest company to give the GOP’s presumptive nominee the cold shoulder; it won’t contribute money or products to the Republicans’ big shindig in Cleveland this month. HP Inc is also withholding support, while Microsoft is giving products only, not cash. Beyond the tech industry, Ford, JPMorgan Chase and United Parcel Service have opted to withhold support. Most of these companies are also taking a pass on donating to the 2016 Democratic convention. In previous election cycles, though, several of them have given Republican organisers more sometimes far more in cash or donated products than they have the Democrats, making their pullback from the Republican gathering this year more dramatic. The reasons aren’t completely clear. None of these companies publicly described its decisions as a repudiation of Trump. Several declined to discuss their thinking, while others said their sponsorship plans were decided months before Trump emerged as the front-runner for the GOP nomination. In many cases, however, their decisions became known after civil rights groups launched a public effort including billboards, letters and online messages aimed at persuading companies to withhold support for an event celebrating a candidate who’s campaigned with incendiary proposals, racial rhetoric and harsh comments about immigrants and women. “Of course it’s because of Trump,” said Larry Sabato, a University of Virginia political scientist who has studied party conventions for more than 30 years. Business executives, he said, don’t want to alienate customers who may be offended by Trump’s statements. 8]PQXSc^PRWXTeTcWTcPaVTc^U!;PZWbP_[X]VUXgTSU^acWTRdaaT]c\^]b^^]bTPb^]P]Sc^T]WP]RTcWTVaTT] R^eTaPaTP^UcWT=Tf3T[WXPcSTbXaTS[TeT[=Tf3T[WX<d]XRX_P[2^d]RX[=3<2WPb[Pd]RWTSXcbCaTT ?[P]cPcX^]3aXeTQh_[P]cX]V$cW^dbP]SbP_[X]VbX]cWT_aT\XbTb^UPQ^dc$#=3<2bRW^^[b3T[WX6^ec?aXePcT bRW^^[bP]S^cWTaTSdRPcX^]P[X]bcXcdcX^]b[^RPcTSX]=Tf3T[WXPaTP^]BPcdaSPhD]STacWTSaXeT2WPXa\P] =3<2=PaTbW:d\Pa_PacXRX_PcTSfXcWcWTbcdST]cb^U=?1T]VP[X6Xa[bBaBTR^]SPahBRW^^[6^[T<PaZTcX] _[P]cPcX^]SaXeTfWX[TcWTEXRT2WPXa\P]:PaP]BX]VWCP]fPaP]S^cWTa<T\QTab^UcWT2^d]RX[BdaT]STaBX]VW 0QSd[APbWTTS0]bPaX1B1WPcXP]S3a0]XcP0ahPc^^Z_PacX]cWT_[P]cPcX^]_a^VaP\\TPc=?BaBTR^]SPah BRW^^[:XcRW]TaA^PS=?1^hbBaBTR^]SPahBRW^^[<^cX1PVW=?6Xa[bBaBTR^]SPahBRW^^[=Pda^YX=PVPa =?2^TSBRW^^[7Pe[^RZB`dPaTP]S=PehdVBRW^^[;Pg\XQPX=PVPafXcWbRW^^[RWX[SaT]aTb_TRcXeT[h EReRDeVV]S`RcU afedR]V`WF< deVV]SZk`_Y`]U LONDON/MUMBAI: Putting on hold its UK business sale amid Brexit uncertainty, Tata Steel on Saturday decided to explore other alternatives including joint venture with German giant ThyssenKrupp AG. Tata Steel after its board meeting announced that it has decided to look at alternative and more sustainable portfolio solutions for the European businesses. PTI B2>?4^aVP]XbTSP]X]cTaPRcXeT\TTcX]V^U2?B4b^]:Th5X]SX]Vb^UcWTBcdSh^]³4]cTa_aXbTAXbZ<P]PVT\T]c U^a2?B4bQh?f2^]cWT[Pbc5aXSPh ?^fTa5X]P]RT2^a_^aPcX^];cSWPbQTT]R^]UTaaTSfXcW822?B44gRT[[T]RT0fPaS! $X]bcXcdcTSQh8]SXP]2WP\QTa^U2^\\TaRT X]cWTRPcTV^aXTb^U2^a_^aPcT6^eTa]P]RTP]S>_TaPcX^]P[?TaU^a\P]RT4gRT[[T]RTCWTZ]^f[TSVT_Pac]TaU^acWTbTPfPaSbfPb 3T[^XccTC^dRWTC^W\Pcbd8]SXP?ec;cSCWTbTPfPaSbfTaTaTRTXeTSQh2WPXa\P]<P]PVX]V3XaTRc^a<:6^T[3XaTRc^a 5X]P]RTA=PVPaPYP]P]S3XaTRc^a2^\\TaRXP[3APeX^]QTWP[U^U?52X]PUd]RcX^]^aVP]XbTSQh8]SXP]2WP\QTa^U 2^\\TaRTaTRT]c[hCWTbTPfPaSbfTaTVXeT]QhC=AAP^U^a\TaBTRaTcPah<X]Xbcah^U?Tca^[Td\1WPbZPa2WPccTaYTTU^a\Ta BTRaTcPah3T_Pac\T]c^U?dQ[XR4]cTa_aXbTb6^ec^U8]SXPP]S0SXchP0VPafP[BaEXRT?aTbXST]c8]SXP]2WP\QTa^U2^\\TaRT f^a[S& 17>?0; kBD=30H k9D;H ! % ?VaRceR\ejaY``_ %RPEPDWHULDOIRXQGDWVQLSHU¶VKRXVH 5P\X[h^Ub[PX]\P] ]RdYVd4YZ_R T ST]^d]RTbSTPcWb ?T^_[TfaXcT]^cTbPcP\PZT bWXUc\T\^aXP[X]Ua^]c^UcWT 3P[[Pb_^[XRTST_Pac\T]c^] BPcdaSPh 0? ?C8Q 7>DBC>= @G6C%=6G24F2E65 ?C8Q 14898=6 ore than four lakh people were evacuated in China M as typhoon Nepartak on Saturday lashed the country’s eastern coast with powerful winds and heavy rains, disrupting air, rail and road traffic and prompting authorities to issue this year’s first red alert. The first typhoon of the season landed at 1:45 pm (local time) in Fujian province’s Shishi city, packing winds of up to about 100-km per hour. Officials have evacuated and urgently relocated more than 4,20,000 lakh people from low-lying areas in four cities, including the provincial capital of Fuzhou and ordered 33,200 fishing boats to return to ports. Forty-three people in a residential area were rescued by firefighters after floodwaters submersed two buildings. Many buildings have collapsed and landslides were reported in rural and mountainous areas. Five airports were closed, resulting in the cancellation of nearly 400 flights. A total of 341 high-speed trains had to be canceled. Nearly 5,000 buses were off the roads, State-run Xinhua news agency reported. Air-passenger services and passenger ships to Taiwan across strait have all been suspended. Over 100 trains have been canceled this weekend and road traffic has been disrupted, the report said. 0?5X[T_XR he sniper who shot 12 police officers in the US city of Dallas, killing five and injuring many, during a protest decrying police killings of black men this week, has been identified as a former Army reservist equipped for war. Micah Xavier Johnson, 25, was wearing body armour and totting an SKS semi-automatic assault rifle and a handgun when he started picking off cops in downtown Dallas on Thursday night during a “Black Lives Matter” protest, law enforcement sources said. Police on Friday found bomb-making material, ballistic vests, rifles, ammunition and a journal detailing combat tactics during a search at the Implementation Action Plan that the Government had introduced recently and endorsement of the budget announced for the next fiscal year, he said. The decision to hold the meeting came after UCPNMaoist Centre chairman Prachanda claimed that the next government would be formed soon after the new budget is endorsed by the Parliament. According to media reports, the Maoists and the CPN-UML led by Oli had firmed the identity of the gunman and said he was described as a “loner” by some who knew him. Detectives were in the process of analysing the information in the journal, the statement said. 1Pc^]A^dVT)CWT\^cWTa^UcWT b^]^UPQ[PRZ\P]ZX[[TSQh fWXcT;^dXbXP]P_^[XRT^UUXRTab WPbbPXSbWTVaXTeTSfXcWcWT UP\X[XTb^UUXeT_^[XRT^UUXRTab ZX[[TSX]3P[[PbSdaX]VP_a^cTbc ^eTa_^[XRTbW^^cX]VbPSSX]V bWTfPb]^f°fP[ZX]VP\X[T fXcWcWT\±@dX]hTccP<R<X[[^] STbRaXQTSWTabT[UPb°eTahWdac± U^acWT^UUXRTabP]ScWTXaUP\X[XTb 0? FPbWX]Vc^])8]cWTfPZT^UcWT STPS[hbW^^cX]VX]3P[[PbcWPc R[PX\TS[XeTb^UUXeT_^[XRT\T] DB?aTbXST]c1PaPRZ>QP\P f^d[SaTcda]Ua^\WXb^]V^X]V eXbXcc^4da^_TPSPhTPa[hP]S eXbXccWTRXch]TgcfTTZcWTFWXcT 7^dbTWPbbPXS°CWT?aTbXST]c fX[[aTcda]c^FPbWX]Vc^]^] Bd]SPh]XVWc¯^]TSPhTPa[XTa cWP]_[P]]TS±cWTFWXcT7^dbT ?aTbbBTRaTcPah9^bW4Pa]TbcbPXS X]PbcPcT\T]c ?C8 Johnson was well-trained in using the weapons of war. He served as a reservist for six years until 2015 and was deployed in Afghanistan between November 2013 and July 2014, authorities said. He was a carpentry and masonry specialist, with a rank of private first class, and was awarded the Army Achievement Medal. But he didn’t have an especially glowing reputation among members of his unit. 3ZXUc`aZ_:D:D¶dEhZeeVcecRWWZT &KLQDKROGVQDYDOGULOOV LQ6&6DKHDGRIYHUGLFW Washington: The ISIS group’s Twitter traffic has plunged 45 per cent in the past two years, the Obama administration says, as the US and its allies have countered messages of jehadi glorification with a flood of online images and statements about suffering and enslavement at the hands of the extremist organisation. Among the images: A teddy bear with Arabic writing and messages saying ISIS “slaughters childhood,” “kills =T_P[?<RP[[b\TTcX]V^UR^P[XcX^]_Pac]Tab Kathmandu: As cracks appeared in Nepal’s ruling alliance, Prime Minister KP Oli on Saturday called a joint meeting of the coalition partners in an attempt to avert any possible political crisis. The Prime Minister called the meeting at his official residence Baluwatar to discuss various contemporary issues, his Press Adviser Pramod Dahal said. Leaders in the meeting will discuss implementation of the Constitution home of Johnson, who told negotiators during the “ambush” that he “wanted to kill white people” as he went on a shooting rampage killing five cops. In a statement on Friday afternoon, Dallas police con- >10<0C>E8B8C 30;;0B=4GCF44: reached a gentleman’s agreement last month in this regard. During a meeting with the PM, Prachanda is understood to have asked Oli to honour nine-point agreement reached between the two big parties in May. Prachanda also told Oli that his party is concerned about the formation of national unity Government with the involvement of Nepali Congress, the main opposition party, according to sources close to Prachanda. PTI innocence,” “lashes purity” or “humiliates children.” A male hand covering a female’s mouth, saying ISIS “deprives woman her voice.” A woman in a black niqab (veil), bloody tears coming from a bruised eye, and the caption: “Women under ISIS. Enslaved. Battered. Beaten. Humiliated. Flogged.” US officials cite the drop in Twitter traffic as a sign of progress toward eliminating propaganda they blame for inspiring attacks around the world. When the US formed an international coalition in September 2014 to fight ISIS, the administration outlined multiple goals: military action and cutting off foreign fighters and finances, confronting the group’s extremist ideology and stemming the militants’ growing popularity in the Arab world and beyond. AP =VXV_URcjAR\aYZ]R_eYc`aZde 2SUf]DReeRc6UYZUZVd Karachi: Legendary Pakistani philanthropist Abdul Sattar Edhi, who had dedicated his life to humanity and serving the poor, has died from renal failure. Edhi, 92, died late Friday night after facing respiratory problem during dialysis due to his frail health. He was accorded a state funeral with tens of thousands of people, including President Mamnoon Hussain and army chief General Raheel Sharif attending his funeral. Edhi, who had dedicated his life to humanity and serving the poor, was widely respected in Pakistan due to his humanitarian and social welfare works. PTI ?C8Q 14898=6 he Chinese navy has conducted combat T drills in the South China Sea (SCS) in a show of strength ahead of the July 12 verdict of an international tribunal on a dispute with the Philippines over the strategic waters. The exercises were held in the waters adjacent to south China’s Hainan Island and Xisha Islands also known as Parcel islands which are claimed by Vietnam in the SCS. The Nanhai Fleet, as well as some forces of the Beihai Fleet and Donghai Fleet, took part in the navy’s annual routine military exercise that covered all sorts of combat platforms, including the air arm, submarine, surface vessel and coastal defence force, staterun Xinhua news agency reported on Saturday. Vietnam has protested to China over the drills. The exer- <P]bW^cSTPS U^a_^X]cX]V Vd]PcR^_b ?aTbXST]c1PaPRZ>QP\P_^bTbU^aP_W^c^fXcWUa^\[TUc8cP[XP]?aX\T<X]XbcTa<PccT^AT]iX1aXcXbW?aX\T<X]XbcTa3PeXS2P\Ta^]DZaPX]XP]?aTbXST]c?Tca^?^a^bWT]Z^6Ta\P]2WP]RT[[^a0]VT[P<TaZT[P]S 5aT]RW?aTbXST]c5aP]R^Xb7^[[P]STPc?64=PcX^]P[BcPSXd\X]FPabPf?^[P]SBPcdaSPh 0? CWXb5TQ'!%_W^c^bW^fb\P[TV^aX[[P³1P]cd´X]2WP_d[cT_TRI^^X]<TgXR^ 2XchI^^^UUXRXP[bX]<TgXR^2XchbPhcWTT]SP]VTaTSfTbcTa][^f[P]SV^aX[[PWPb SXTSPbWTfPbQTX]V_aT_PaTSU^acaP]bUTac^P]^cWTai^^CWTRP_XcP[bi^^P]S fX[S[XUT^UUXRTbPXScWPccWT!#hTPa^[SV^aX[[PZ]^f]Pb1P]cdP__TPaTSc^WPeT bdUUTaTSPWTPacPccPRZPUcTaQTX]VbTSPcTScWT]XVWcQTU^aT 0? Houston: A 24-year-old man has been shot dead for pointing his gun at two police officers here, a day after five officers were killed and seven others injured by snipers during a protest rally against the fatal shootings of black men in the US city of Dallas. The pair of officers were on patrol yesterday when they saw a man standing on the street, waving a gun in the air. When the cops asked the man to put the weapon down, he aimed it at them — and the two officers opened fire. Police have not identified the man and the officers involved in the shooting. One of the officers involved is a 10-year veteran of the Houston Police Department. The other is a 13-year veteran. Both officers are under investigation. The shooting comes a day after five Dallas police officers were shot and killed during a protest against the fatal police shootings of black men, in the deadliest attacks on law enforcers in America since 9/11. PTI CWTRa^fSSP]RTPbCX]XTCT\_PW_TaU^a\b^]cWT\PX]bcPVTSdaX]VcWTbTR^]SSPh^UCX]cWT?PaZ\dbXRUTbcXeP[PcBcaPcWP[[P]2Pbc[T?TacWbWXaTBR^c[P]S^] BPcdaSPhCWTP]]dP[\dbXRUTbcXeP[PccaPRcb[PaVTRa^fSbP[cW^dVWcWXbhTPaXcWPb]^cWPScWTQTbcbd\\TafTPcWTa 0? 6;>14 CA>CC8=6 2>?B1;0<49<15>A 370:020540CC02: 3WPZP) CWT1P]V[PSTbW?^[XRT^] BPcdaSPhQ[P\TSW^\TVa^f] cTaa^aVa^d_9P\Pcd[<dYPWXSTT] 1P]V[PSTbW9<1U^acWTcf^ aTRT]ccTaa^aPccPRZbX]R[dSX]V cWT3WPZPRPUTbXTVTP]S SXb\XbbTS8B8BR[PX\b^eTacWT STPS[hPbbPd[cb°CWT$cTaa^aXbcb ZX[[TSPc6d[bWP]RPUTfTaT9<1 \T\QTab?^[XRTWPScWTXaSTcPX[b P]SQTT][^^ZX]VU^acWT\U^aP fWX[T±bPXS8]b_TRc^a6T]TaP[^U ?^[XRT0:<BWPWXSd[7P`dT 38?;><0C0CC02:43) DB 4G?4;B!ADBB80=101DB FPbWX]Vc^]) CWTD]XcTSBcPcTb WPbTg_T[[TScf^AdbbXP]^UUXRXP[b X]aTcP[XPcX^]^eTaP]²d]_a^e^Z TS³PccPRZ^]XcbSX_[^\PcQhP AdbbXP]_^[XRT\P]^dcbXSTcWT DB4\QPbbhX]<^bR^f[Pbc \^]cW°>]9d]T &fTTg_T[[TS cf^AdbbXP]^UUXRXP[bUa^\DBc^ aTb_^]Sc^cWXbPccPRZ±BcPcT 3T_Pac\T]cb_^ZTb\P]9^W] :XaQhbPXS ;0B7:0A4970=6E81>BB´ 02@D8CC0;2>=C8=D4B :PaPRWX) 0?PZXbcP]XR^dacWPb \PX]cPX]TScWTPR`dXccP[^U bTRcPaXP]^dcUXc;PbWZPaT 9WP]VeX³bRWXTUP]Sbdb_T]STS STPcWbT]cT]RT^U!^cWTabcaXTS QhP]cXcTaa^aXb\R^dacbP]S bTbbX^]bR^dacbCWTBX]SW7XVW 2^dac^]5aXSPhP[b^R^]eTacTS cWTRP_XcP[_d]XbW\T]c^UU^da ^cWTabc^[XUTX\_aXb^]\T]cPUcTa cWT_a^bTRdcX^]UPX[TSc^_a^eT aT[TeP]cRPbTbcWT4g_aTbb CaXQd]T aT_^acTS 05670=8BC0=8A0@>= =0C>;4034AB´064=30 0?5X[T_XR cises focusing on air control operations, sea battles and antisubmarine warfare are expected to last till Sunday, a day ahead of the verdict by the tribunal, constituted by the Permanent Court of Arbitration, based in The Hague, would rule on Philippines petition challenging the claims of China over the SCS on July 12. FPabPf) =0C>P[[XTbPVaTTS^] BPcdaSPhc^\PX]cPX]PbcPQ[T \X[XcPah_aTbT]RTX]0UVWP]XbcP] Q^[bcTaTSQh?aTbXST]c1PaPRZ >QP\P³bSTRXbX^]c^\PZTP b\P[[TaRdcX]DBca^^_[TeT[b cWP]WTWPSX]XcXP[[h_[P]]TS A>2:4C0CC02:B:8;; "8=BHA80´B0;4??> 1TXadc) BhaXP]bcPcT\TSXPbPXS "_T^_[TWPeTQTT]ZX[[TSX] a^RZTcUXaT^eTa]XVWcX]0[T__^ cWTR^d]cah³b[PaVTbcRXchP]ScWT bRT]T^Ub^\T^UcWTUXTaRTbc UXVWcX]VX]BhaXP³bRXeX[fPa]^f X]XcbbXgcWhTPa "UVRUWc`^Sf]]cf_ X`cZ_XZ_2]ZTR_eV,# X`cVUZ_AR^a]`_R Barcelona: A man from Valencia died on Saturday after being gored in a late-night bull run near the southern Spanish town of Alicante, while two men were gored and 12 others injured in the more popular morning bull-run race in Pamplona. The deadly goring occurred about 1 AM during festivities at the small village of Pedreguera, where the Red Cross said the heifer gored the 29-year-old man through the thorax and abdomen. He was taken by ambulance to a nearby hospital and pronounced dead an hour later. The town suspended all bull-related festivities for the day. At the famed San Fermin festival, the bull run was unusually long on Saturday, with one bull left stranded at the starting gate, where he proceeded to charge and strike a couple of runners. Many other participants fell and were stampeded by the head of the pack in the 850-meter race. Another of the six bulls in the run got separated from the pack early in the race, did a Uturn and gored a nearby runner, lifting his body off the ground and flipping him over. A government statement said a 33-year-old Japanese man and a 24-year-old Spaniard were gored. The Navarra hospital said one of them had suffered a thorax wound. The regional government said a dozen others were also taken to city hospitals for trauma care, including a 37-yearold from Barcelona and another 33-year-old Japanese man. More than 1,000 people took part in the run, which lasted just over four minutes, about 1 and a half times longer than usual. Meanwhile, a judge in Pamplona today ordered five men accused of sexually assaulting a woman Thursday during the festival to be jailed without bail. The assault had triggered protests in Pamplona. Bull runs are a traditional part of summer festivals across Spain. The nine-day San Fermin fiesta became world famous with Ernest 8]cWXbUXeT_W^c^R^\Q^bT`dT]RTUa^\ c^_c^Q^cc^\P´ATR^acPS^a´Yd\_b ^eTaPQd[[X]cWTQd[[aX]VSdaX]V ATR^acPS^aTbUTbcXeP[PccWTBP]5Ta\X] 5TbcXeP[X]?P\_[^]P]^acWTa]B_PX] ^]BPcdaSPh 0? Hemingway's 1926 novel The Sun Also Rises and attracts thousands of foreign tourists each year. Ten people, including four Americans, were gored at the San Fermin festival last year. In all, 15 people have died from gorings at the festival since record-keeping began in 1924. AP 17>?0; kBD=30H k9D;H ! % B4A4=0 8B!!0C"# 8]Pb^[XS bT\XUX]P[ PVPX]bc :TaQTa FX[[XP\b bW^fbfWh bWTWPb!! 6aP]SB[P\ ca^_WXTb^] WTa\P]c[T _XTRT 05?Q ;>=3>= erena Williams powered to her seventh Wimbledon crown as the world number one finally claimed a recordequalling 22nd major title with a 7-5, 6-3 victory over Angelique Kerber in Saturday’s final. Williams had been stuck on 21 Grand Slams since winning last year’s Wimbledon, but the American star ended that frustrating barren spell to retain the title and draw level with Steffi Graf ’s Open era record. Serena was pushed hard by Kerber in a high-quality clash lasting 81 minutes on Centre Court, but the German fourth seed eventually crumbled under a barrage of 39 winners and 13 aces from the defending champion. “It’s a great feeling to be here. Angelique brings out great tennis in me,” said Serena. “Number 22 is awesome. Centre Court feels like home.” S 20?C08=A8CD 3A>??435A>< >;HB@D03 ?C8Q =4F34;78 Kerber said the American was a great champion. “Serena you deserve it, you are a great champion and great person. We played a great match,” said Kerber. “It’s an honour to play on Centre Court and a great feeling.” Having avenged her shock loss against Kerber in the Australian Open final in Januar y, Williams was wreathed in smiles as she paraded the Venus Rosewater Dish around Centre Court after collecting a cheque for £2 million ($2.5 million, 2.3 million euros). But the far more significant reward is the knowledge <PaVPaTcB\XcW2^dac BcTUUX6aPU BTaT]PFX[[XP\b 7T[T]FX[[b<^^Sh 2WaXb4eTac <PacX]P=PeaPcX[^eP 0db 5aT $ # % % " # ! & " ! FX\ " & & ' " ( DB $ $ % & % # C^cP[ !# !! !! ( ' ' racquet smashing and threatening to sue Wimbledon officials if she was injured on a wet court. But a serene focus came over Williams with the trophy in sight and she delivered a 48-minute masterclass against Elena Vesnina in the quickest semi-final in Wimbledon history. With pop royalty Beyonce and Jay-Z among Serena’s entourage in the players’ box, Williams finally hit the right notes after so many recent disappointments. In her ninth Wimbledon final and 28th 0XUUD\OHDUQLQJ 8´[[QTQPRZPcFX\Q[TS^])5TSTaTa IURP/HQGO 05?Q ;>=3>= 05?Q ;>=3>= oger Federer insists he will be back at Wimbledon in 2017, R when he will be pushing 36, despite women’s hockey team captain ndy Murray admits the noRitu Rani has been been dropped from Anonsense style that coach Ithendian Rio Olympics-bound side owing to Ivan Lendl employed to great lack of performance and attitude problems. The final squad of 16 is to be picked in three days’ time but a senior member of the team management confirmed that Ritu has left the ongoing national camp in Bangalore. “It’s correct Ritu is not in the Olympic team. Her exclusion is solely on two counts - her (poor) performance and second is her attitude,” he said. “It has been explained to her time and again that she needs to lift her performance but she couldn’t do so. The camp is still going on in Bangalore. It will disperse today and tomorrow we are reaching Delhi. Ritu left the camp day before yesterday.” Under Ritu’s leadership the Indian women’s team qualified for the Olympics for the first time in 36 years since 1980. The 24-year-old has been at the forefront of Indian women’s hockey for more than a decade and has been the key to the midfield. In her absence, the leadership role could fall on Rani Rampal. she has reestablished her supremacy at a time when doubters were beginning to question the 34-year-old’s hunger for more silverware after consecutive Slam final defeats this year. In a testament to her remarkable longevity as the sport’s preeminent force, Serena is once again Wimbledon’s queen 14 years after her first success at the All England Club. Equalling Margaret Court’s alltime record of 24 Grand Slam titles will be Serena’s next goal. The 71st singles title of Williams’ astonishing career also moved her within two of Martina Navratilova’s all-time record of nine Wimbledon triumphs. Showing signs of cracking under the pressure of her bid for tennis immortality, Williams had cut a grumpy figure for much of the tournament, earning a fine for effect during his playing career can help steer him to a third Grand Slam title on Sunday. The world number two tackles Canada’s Milos Raonic, looking to add this year’s All England Club crown to his 2012 US Open and 2013 Wimbledon titles, both of which were won when Lendl was first working with the 29-year-old. “I do think it helps. I do think in these situations it can make a difference,” said Murray as he analysed the influence of Lendl who won eight majors in his own playing career although never triumphed at Wimbledon. “I don’t think he’d be doing this job if he didn’t believe in me and believe that I could win these events, because he doesn’t need to. That helps. “The information I get from him, the psychological help that I get from having him around, being able to chat to him at these events, before the big matches, you know, makes a difference. That’s why I think we’ve been a good team. I think we both trust each other.” Murray reunited with Lendl this summer after the two originally went their separate ways after two years together in 2014. The British star has already been runner-up at the Australian and French Opens this year, losing on both occasions to world number one Novak Djokovic. Now with Lendl back in his team, Murray appreciates that the Czech could prove to be the key difference on Sunday where he will start as favourite in the Final. his heartbreaking loss to Milos Raonic in the semi-finals. The seven-time champion suffered a shock 6-3, 6-7 (3/7), 4-6, 75, 6-3 defeat in a match where he crucially failed to convert break points in the fifth and ninth games of the fourth set. The great Swiss, who won the last of his 17 majors at Wimbledon four years ago, looked heavy and flat-footed in the final set against a player who is nine years his junior. He even stumbled and fell in the fifth set, lying face down in the turf of Centre Court where he has enjoyed his greatest moments. “I hope to be back on Centre Court, to be very clear for you,” said Federer, whose lengthy wave to all parts of the arena prompted speculation that it was indeed goodbye. “I was looking at Centre Court as in thank you for the crowd. That’s what I was going through, not thinking about this might be my last Wimbledon.” Had Federer made Sunday’s final he would have been the oldest finalist since 39-year-old Ken Rosewall finished runner-up to Jimmy Connors in 1974. His loss on Friday, in his 10th Wimbledon semi-final, followed a marathon five-set win from two sets down to beat Marin Cilic in the quarter-finals. This year’s Wimbledon represented the 15th anniversary of his stunning win over Pete Sampras — when Raonic was just 10 years old — although his first All England Club title only arrived two years later. But Federer is enduring the toughest year of his career. Injury forced him to skip the French Open ending a streak of 65 successive appearances at the Slams stretching back to 1999. He has now failed to add to his 88 titles this year, his longest drought since 2000, and he arrived at Wimbledon having suffered back-to-back semi-final losses in Stuttgart and Halle, both on grass which has been his preferred surface of domination. In an indication of changing times, his last-four loss in Stuttgart to Alexander Zverev was his first against a teenager in 10 years. The defeat to Raonic still leaves Arthur Ashe as the oldest Wimbledon men’s champion — and the American achieved that feat a month shy of his 32nd birthday in 1975. Federer, who under went surgery earlier this year on the same knee he hurt on Friday, will be 35 next month. As the benchmark in the sport, Federer hasn’t defeated the Serb at a Slam since the Wimbledon semifinals in 2012. Wimbledon has always been Federer’s home-from-home even if his first two visits as a pony-tailed contender with a short fuse and dream one-handed backhand ended in first round losses. But his fourth round defeat of seven-time winner Sampras in 2001 marked him out as the American’s natural heir even if 2002 saw a woeful first round exit to Mario Ancic. Since then, he has enjoyed more successes than setbacks. F^aZX]V^]\hb_TTST]SdaP]RT)3dcTT 3`]e`_;R^RZTR_ 14=60;DAD) Rio-bound Indian sprinter Dutee Chand on Saturday said she is working hard to improve her speed endurance so that she doesn’t taper off in the last 40 metres of the 100m event during next month’s Olympics. “I am too good in first 60 meters, but my speeds slows down in the last 40 meters dash. I agree. I have to improve on my speed endurance, and I am working on it. Ramesh sir is giving lot of attention on it and I am also reciprocating it,” she told reporters. Dutee became the first Indian woman athlete in 36 years to qualify for 100 metres race in an Olympics after legendary PT Usha competed in the blue-riband event in the 1980 Moscow Games. Asked whether she is better placed than Usha to win an Olympic medal, Dutee said it is not easy because the level of performances of athletes have improved over the years. “It is not easy to win the medal because times have changed, and there is a lot of competition, besides athletes’ performances have been improving over the years,” she said. Dutee said her rivalry with Kazakhstan’s Viktoriya Zyabkina, a semifinalist at World championship in Beijing last year, at the Kosanov memorial athletics meet in Kazakhstan, has done a world of good to her ahead of the mega event. “I did not face any competition from any sprinter in India. Running against Viktoriya has helped me a lot,” she said. N Ramesh, coach of Dutee, praised the Odisha sprinter, saying she has the fighting spirit of a lioness, which stems from the hardships she faced in various stages of life, including the harsh ban imposed on her for having higher level of testosterone than was permissible in a woman athlete. “She is like a lioness. The good the competition, the better is her performance. She has been bettering her performance from the junior level till the international competition where she qualified for Rio Olympics. “That is her range. So, wherever she goes she fights like a lioness,” Ramesh told reporters. Ramesh was in the city along with Dutee to attend meet-thepress event held by Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology and Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences here. Ramesh said in his 20 years of coaching stint, he hasn’t seen any athlete more passionate about running than Dutee and probably it stems from the hardships she faced in her life, including the gender ban. “I have not seen in my 20 years of coaching stint, an athlete like Dutee. Probably the hardships she faced in her life made her a tough person. People may run for winning but she runs for life,” he said. Dutee achieved a great deal by making the Olympics cut as she was banned in 2014 and dropped from CWG as she was found to have a higher level of testosterone than was permissible in a woman athlete, according to the IAAF hyperandrogenism policy. PTI ]ZdeW`cCZ`+cVa`ce 05?Q :8=6BC>= eigning Olympic and world sprint champion Usain Bolt, R who suffered a torn hamstring at the Jamaican Olympic trials, will be named to Jamaica’s team for the Rio Olympics on Monday, the Gleaner newspaper reported. Citing unnamed sources, the Kingston newspaper reported the Jamaica Olympic Association will list Bolt after the Jamaica Athletics Administrative Association (JAAA) entered him among four runners for the 100 and 200 metres after a meeting of the JAAA selection committee. Only three runners can represent Jamaica in each event at Brazil, leaving the final decision to team management in Rio to choose the final lineup. Bolt withdrew from the Jamaican championships last week after winning his 100m semi-final heat, saying he had a low-grade torn hamstring and later tweeting a photo of work being done on the back of his left leg. That makes the third-place finisher in the 100 and 200 at the Jamaican trials a provisional qualifier with Bolt’s fitness to decide their fates. at the majors, Williams had a golden opportunity to seize the initiative in Kerber’s first service game, but the German showed her mettle as she nervelessly saved three break points. Given Williams’ pursuit of Graf’s historic landmark, it was a delicious twist that the 47-year-old had played a role in Kerber’s recent rise after advising her compatriot. Showing she has heeded Graf ’s words of wisdom, Kerber had sprinted to the final without dropping a set in her six matches and she matched Serena blow for blow. Kerber, in her first Wimbledon final and second major title match, was moving Williams into awkward positions with her left-handed ground-strokes. Kerber was competing gamely in the second set, but when she finally earned a first break point in the seventh game, Williams got out of trouble with a pair of imperious aces. The German’s look of resignation suggested the end was in sight and so it proved as Serena broke in next game. 70<8;C>= C0:4B?>;4 0C1A8C8B76? 0?Q B8;E4ABC>=4 ewis Hamilton demonstrated the sangfroid of a champion and the L enthusiasm of a rookie when he shrugged off intense pressure and expectation to take pole position in the British Grand Prix on Saturday. Knowing he had only one chance with just three minutes remaining, Hamilton responded with a spectacular lap in the final seconds of a dramatic qualifying session. After his first flying run in Q3 was deleted because he went off the track, he edged Formula One leader and Mercedes teammate Nico Rosberg by three-tenths of a second. That lifted him to his fourth pole at his home grand prix, his sixth pole this season, and the 55th of his career, a week after his and Rosberg’s last-lap crash in Austria, where Hamilton seized a controversial victory and sent their team into damage-limitation mode. “Those moments are when I am most excited,” Hamilton said. Meanwhile, Rosberg was called to the stewards’ office to explain an irregular slow lap. He may have breached sporting regulations for a nearly 2 1/2minute lap during Q1. The FIA race director Charlie Whiting sent the teams a note on Friday stating the permitted maximum time was 1 minute, 45 seconds. The rule exists to help reduce the risk of accidents caused by slow drivers interfering with others on fast laps. The FIA said in a statement that Rosberg exceeded the permitted maximum time between two safety car lines at the start of Q1. He faces a grid penalty, reprimand or fine. Dutch teenager Max Verstappen was third fastest, followed by Red Bull teammate Daniel Ricciardo, Kimi Raikkonen and Sebastian Vettel of Ferrari, and Valtteri Bottas of Williams. Rosberg, who leads Hamilton by 11 points after nine of this year’s 21 races, was terse in his replies to questions. Was it all clear now between him and Hamilton? “Very clear,” he said without a smile. While Vettel was sixth in qualifying, he will start 11th after taking a fiveplace penalty for a gearbox change for a second straight race. Nico Hulkenberg was eighth for Force India, then the two Spaniards, Carlos Sainz of Toro Rosso and two-time champion Fernando Alonso in the resurgent McLaren Honda. Like Hamilton, Alonso had his best lap deleted for going off the track, an action that dropped him from eighth to 10th. ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U :e\i! " !& 8cWX]ZPbPf^\P] Xc´bX]^da]PcdaTc^ ]dacdaTb^\T^]T T[bTB^\TcX\Tb PccWTTg_T]bT ^U^dabT[eTb °4\X[XP2[PaZT 5 A > < EYVa`]ZeZTZR_¶daV_ =^cTS_^[XcXRXP]:PaP]BX]VW faXcTbPQ^dccWTbTccX]V^UWXb ]^eT[CWT<^d]cPX]^UBWXeP P]SfWPcX]b_XaTSWX\c^faXcTXc 8]cWT cWhTPa^UWXbRPaTTaR^\TSXP] EXa3PbbPhbWTXbUX]P[[haTPShc^bWPaTcWT \^bcX]cX\PcTUPRcb^UWXb[XUTQTRPdbTXc Xb]³cWXbY^QQdcP_aXeX[TVTc^\PZT_T^_[T [PdVWCWTb^d]ScaPRZc^\h[XUTXb cW^dbP]Sb^U[PdVWbWTbPhbPbWTcT[[b 0=0=H01>A6>708=PQ^dcWXbY^da]Th C 7 4 8 = B 8 3 4 2cVg`]feZ`_RcjZUVR 0]X]cTaeXTffXcW0]P]S:d\Pa cWTU^d]STa^U1XWPa´bBd_Ta" _a^VaP\\TfWXRW_aT_PaTb d]STa_aXeX[TVTSbcdST]cbU^a88C944 7RdYZ`_T`_dTZ`fd CWTaT´bP]TTSU^abX]RTaT P]P[hcXRP[P]S[XcTaPahfaXcX]V ^]UPbWX^]^eTaP]SPQ^eT XcbdbdP[V[P\^a^dbWh_T : ? ; 5 B µ C @ 1 B ; >=1A4G8C 1aTPZd_bPaTc^dVW H^dWPeTc^QT R^\_PbbX^]PcT 1aXcPX]bW^d[S´eT faXccT]P]^cT)³8c´b ]^c4DXc´b\T² >=H>6030H BXc^]R^dRW FPXc'W^dab BcP]S 64C>55H>DA0BB0=0 >=3D2DC>55 BcT_WT]´b4]V[XbWRdc^UU ((FWXRW\TP]bc^ bcdSh4]V[XbWh^d _a^QPQ[hWPeTc^VTc X]?WhbXRb 2WT\Xbcah4R^] 7Xbc^ah<PcWbTcR it is the ability to grasp intelligently and articulate innovatively. That is also how a good comedian stands apart from the crowd, for his merits of discernment. To be humorous is not easy and to master this art is hence an arduous feat. Actor and comedian Vir Das, 37, — although he says he still does not think he is humourous — has a laborious body of work from the past 10 years in which his style of comedy has entertained his viewers all over the world. His Unbelievable comedy tour ends today in Kolkata after performing in multiple cities from Delhi to Surat. If you, like me, thought that comedy as an art form in India, particularly the English comic scene, was elitist and the Indian audience has not graduated to a point where they could understand it, Das clarifies: “I don’t think it’s either one of those things as I believe the Indian audience is very intelligent and they understand good comedy. For example, last year, our basis of selecting cities for the Unbelievable tour was to look at a map and see where stand-up comedy is not popular and go there. So we went to Jaipur, Shimla, Vadodara, Surat, Coimbatore, Kochi etc. In fact, we did big shows there, the 1,000-2,000 seaters. And it was tremendous, such an intelligent and nuanced crowd as well. That’s why I’m doing a second run of the show. We did 19 regions in 30 days last time. This time, we’re doing 11 cities because the response was so great. I hope to include Northeast India in the future too.” Das has donned numerous hats whatsoever. Besides his Hindi films, he has written and performed in several comic plays, done over 100 stand-up comedy shows, hosted sports, entertainment and news shows on TV. He has also written comedic columns for leading media publications. His Weirdass Comedy (The Vir Das Comedy Company) is India’s first and only comedy consultancy. His Alien Chutney is India’s premiere comedy rock band. Reportedly, he will also been seen on the first episode of an American comedy show soon. But there’s a fascinating history to his journey till this point. Born in Dehradun, the comedian grew up in Africa, where he had moved with his parents when he was around 11 months old. His father managed a poultry farm in Uttar Pradesh after which he joined a food processing company in Lagos, Nigeria. In Nigeria, the legal system was in a chaos and his family witnessed much political mayhem. His parents moved back to Delhi after the fifth President in Nigeria was assassinated. He recalls, “I was studying here in India but my parents stayed there till I was 17. I start- W ed studying in boarding schools in India — The Lawrence School at Sanawar in Kasauli, DPS etc — since I was nine. Back in Nigeria, we were part of an expatriate community that was largely well insulated. But at the same time, we also had to be cautious. I believe it is a country that saw at least eight or nine Governments change in the 17 years that we were there.” I ask him if that political instability shaped his understanding of humour; humour after all, is not only an effective defence mechanism but Das has also said in the past, “Comedy comes from confusion.” However, he says, “I think that the one thing Africa does for you is that it gives you an outside perspective on the world, which might not be a very privileged perspective at the same time. About whether it made me humorous, well, I wouldn’t be able to tell you if I was indeed humorous!” He also studied for over a year in Delhi University’s Sri Venkateswara College but headed to Knox County in Illinois to pursue theatre. During his time there, he wrote his thesis ‘Brown Men Can’t Hump’ as an act of rebellion. Rebellion against? He answers, “I was rebelling against conventional old theatre. I had done Anton Chekhov and Shakespeare, lots of other old playwrights and it had become monotonous. So I thought let me try something new, edgy, vulgar and fun. I wanted something that was a little more organic, improvisational and rebellious. And so I did stand-up comedy because I’ve always been a fan of stand-up for a long time and that’s when I ended up writing that show.” But that was not all. He has also done a lot of odd jobs like being a security guard, building painter, dishwasher. So when he was exposed to such different circumstances and people at work, did it shape the comedian in him? He says, “It’s a very deep philosophical way of looking at things. Actually, if I had to paint a building or drive a girl home as a security guard, I would just drive her and try to strike up a conversation. Now if that defined who I am, a comedian, I really can’t say.” But that’s hard to believe, given that a comedian is, at least ostensibly, someone very observant and is required to remember and document his experiences so that they can help him write better. He explains, “I’ve done a lot of odd jobs which involved being on my own. Whether I was working in a paint factory or as a security guard late at night, you just have your own thoughts to accompany. I’ve always been a daydreamer and had conversations with myself. So in that sense yes, it heavily contributed to who I am.” So what triggers an idea in him? Does he write down anything fascinating that he notices about people, places, or objects? He says, “It varies depending on the show I’m writing. I think for the first few years when you’re a standup comedian, you try to write what people will like. So that requires a heavy amount of research on news, Bollywood and cricket. You’re always on social media, trying to write that kind of catered material to people that they lap up. “After that phase is over, you start writing what you like. For instance, I’m a history buff, so I did a lot of research and wrote a show called History of India. I’m also a science buff, so I bought biology textbooks, and did a lot of research to write another show. Likewise, in the case of Unbelievable, it’s the 10th year of my career, and I think that’s when you start writing about stuff that scares you. I realised in the 10 years as a comedian, I’ve never said a word 3>=³C<0:45D=>5 B><41>3HF7> 20=³C3454=3 C74<B4;E4B H>D³;;=4E4AB44 <4<0:8=65D=>5 C740643>AC74 B82:>A278;3A4= 83>=³C24=B>A <HB4;514H>=3 C70C80BBD<4 C70C8³<0<>A0; 0=38=C4;;864=C ?4AB>= >=2><43H 8WPeTPad[T° ³Ud]]hXbUd]]h´ 8c´b]^c\hPX\ c^d_bTc_T^_[T 8fX[[QT ^UUT]bXeT TSVhP]S X\\PcdaT Qdc8fX[[ P[b^QT eTah X]cT[[XVT]c P]SaT[TeP]c 0c\h bW^fbcWTaT PaT]^ W^[hR^fb >==4FB 3410C4B FWPccWThbPh) ±2^d[Sh^dY^X] dbPc(_\U^a P]Tfb STQPcT.²FWPc 8WTPa)±2P] fThT[[Pch^d U^a%\X]dcTb Pc(_\.² about myself, ever. I’ve been performing for an audience that has championed me for 10 years and made me who I am, but they don’t know a thing about me, and that’s kind of ironic. “So it is a show about major milestones in my life. And I think people will relate to them as it covers things like getting arrested, having sex, doing drugs, getting high, getting fired, breaking up, cheating, getting married, settling down, all of those things.” He says that it all started when he was a dishwasher at Granola Cafe in Chicago and it was two blocks away from a place called Mike that hosted comedy nights. He recalls, “I remember watching these comedians go up and do four or five minutes of comedy and they would get free drinks and pretty girls would talk to them once they got off stage. So I decided to try it too.” And today, he says, to make people laugh is not just his job but also a privilege: “The soundtrack to my life is thousands of laughs. That’s positive energy, it’s good for your health and it’s great. And I feel when you’re able to make a person laugh, that’s the strongest connection you’ll ever share with another human being.” And about what in turn makes him laugh, he says, “Little things make me laugh, I don’t really talk about big things. I’m more about smiles and burps and farts and whistles!” Although Das tries to simplify his approach to hilarity, it cannot be so conveniently uncomplicated; nothing is. His sense of comedy has often gravitated towards a moral compass. It may be satirical but not hurtful, farcical but not uncouth, sentimental but not self-righteous. He says, “I think it’s whatever feels right or wrong to you. The rule is: Don’t punch down, punch up. Don’t make fun of somebody who can’t defend themselves. If you’re ridiculing somebody or something, make sure they’ve done something to deserve it. Stay within the bounds of intelligence. You’ll never see me making fun of the aged or the sick or children because that doesn’t feel right to me. I don’t censor myself beyond that. I assume that I’m a moral, intelligent person and I try to think about what I would want to hear about if I were sitting in the audience.” He says his style is similar to that of George Carlin, Eddie Izzard, early Woody Allen, and Lenny Bruce. Interestingly, he has also had his share of criticism when he was accused of hypocrisy recently. As he mocked the obscene objectification of women in brand advertisements, his critics countered by pointing out that his latest film Mastizaade was filled with vulgar innuendos. //a# ce^TQi ;4F8B70<8;C>=<4C <2;0A4=1>BBA>=34==8B0C C74064>5=8=4F74=74 2744:8;HC>;378<74 F0B6>8=6C>3A8E4>=4 >578B5 20AB>=430H ]QWQjY^U =QPKIK>EHA :e\i! " !& 7UDLQLQJQHZDJHSDUHQWV FTPaTbdaa^d]STSQhc^^\dRWX]U^a\PcX^]X] c^SPh³bcX\TbP]SXc³bbRPahc^STRXSTfWPcXbaXVWc U^ah^daRWX[SaT]CWTbT]TfQ^^Zb\XVWcWT[_ h^daPXbTQTccTaZXSbfaXcTbB7A03370B8=67 ow often have you come across new-age parents being clueless and panicking about their child? What their baby did, ate, how he/she burped, if the cereal they’re using will work its charm on the child? And this is only the tip of an iceberg. It’s tough raising a child. The new-age parent normally turns to the best advice available on the go. And among what’s conveniently available — and emerging strongly than ever — are guidebooks for parents. All it needs is a run to bookstore and there it is, the ‘parenting guides’. Books that are supposed to tell you what to do: If you should train the child in the tiger mommy style for ‘guaranteed success in life’ or the gurukul teaching as prescribed by actress Sonali Bendre, who debuted as a writer with The Modern Gurukul. So let’s take a look at the trending parenting books and understand what they have to say to the Gen X parent. But first, the basic reasons there has been such a rise in authors writing more in this segment are: More women can relate to the need for advice as there is rise in the percentage of working mothers. They constantly have to juggle work pressure and pressure on the home front — managing the household and bringing up children. Women are good at multitasking but they need to learn how to prioritise. Parents also want to excel at raising a child and therefore want to look out for any new parenting trends that might work for them. Parenting advice is also being sought out by individuals with different parenting dynamics such as single fathers and mothers, two fat hers, two mot hers, divorcee parents, stay-athome dads etc. The fact that our society has changed drastically over the last decade with most emphasis being given to an individualistic identity. There are plenty of anxious parents, and parenting books are an important segment of the ‘insecurity economy’. Keeping the same in mind, leading publishing house Rupa recently introduced its parenting series that consists of different books giving advice on how to bring up children. Some of the books in this series are: Parenting in the Age of Anxiety by Zirak Marker, Parenting in the Age of Facebook by Marzia Hassan, and Parenting in the Age of McDonald’s by Tanuja Sodhi. This series comes as a sign of reassurance to parents as we live in times that drive us not only to depression but also make us gravitate towards health issues as we can almost never say no to junk food. What is more worrisome is the overexposure to endless media and internet sources that impact our opinions. H CWT<TaRTSTbBX\_[Tg#7?cWT^[STbcbdaeXeX]VRPaUa^\ (!]^fX]cWT<TaRTSTb1T]i2[PbbXR<dbTd\X]BcdccVPac EYV`_]jhRjZd eYVhZ__Z_XhRj CWT6Ta\P]<TaRTSTb1T]iWPbaPRX]VX]XcbeTX]b*Pf^]STaUd[]TfQ^^ZQhPdc^Y^da]P[Xbc P]SRPaWXbc^aXP]0SX[9P[3PadZWP]PfP[PQaX]VbcWXbUPRTc^dcfaXcTb:DB70=<8CA0 ll of us who have been automotive writers over the past decade and a half have had the pleasure of knowing Adil Jal Darukhanawala. This doyen of Pune’s Parsi community has been a fixture in many of our lives and I can genuinely say that I have had enjoyable drives with Adil all over this country and abroad. His wealth of automotive knowledge — not just the deep technical knowledge he possesses, but also the mnemonic details he has about historical races from the very early days of car racing — is incredible. This attention to detail that Adil has comes to the fore in the early chapters of his coffee-table book, MercedesBenz: Winning. For any fan of car racing, to call this a book would be grossly unfair, because this is a literal treasure trove of facts. Despite living in the age of Google and Wikipedia, when we can ask a hand-held contraption to pull up details that are stored on servers, there is a clear need for something like this. The early chapters detail how the future Mercedes-Benz was forged in the crucible of automotive racing. The company we know did not exist; Carl Benz had invented the automobile yet it were Daimler engines that powered the early days of automotive racing in the 1890s. Gottlieb Daimler and Carl Benz, the two brilliant engineers who lent their names to the company today, never met each other despite living in the same region of Southern Germany. One could argue that the archival details of many of these early races are available on the internet, which they well might be. Yet, it is impossible to imagine that such fine archival pictures are available. And there are details to some incidents that are really illuminating, like how the first crash of a Daimler car at a race was to give birth to the name Mercedes. Some of us already knew of the tragic life of Mercedes Jellinek, the daughter of Austro-Hungarian nobleman Emil Jellinek, whose determination kept Daimler racing, but Adil produces a wealth of new details. One also learns of the Daimler-Mercedes of 1901, dubbed the world’s first sports car. As the chapters progress, one gets A >]T^UcWT\^bcT_XRbW^cb^UcWT ('5aT]RW6aP]S?aXg CWTB%?d[[\P]XbcWT^UUXRXP[eTWXR[TdbTSQhcWTAPbWcaP_PcX1WPeP]fWX[TW^bcX]VWTPSb^UbcPcTb to learn how the early racing pioneers in Europe and America started out, how the sport of motor-racing itself developed and which innovations were made. The earliest cars, for example, used chain drives much like motorcycles. Some of the early races had massive circuits, often more than 50 km long, and a riding mechanic sat beside the drivers in order to be able to repair the cars which had huge engines over 20,000cc. You learn how motor racing became a focus of nationalists in an extremely charged Europe, and MercedesDaimler’s win at the 1914 French Grand Prix was highly significant. The inter-war period is also covered in great detail as manufacturers started manufacturing for a larger base of buyers, they continued to show off their wares. As Mercedes- Daimler and Benz unified their forces in a Germany that was still suffering the effects of defeat, they made their countrymen proud by winning races. You learn of the ‘Silberfeile’ (Silver Arrows) that was created by Mercedes-Benz on their W25 racecar — German cars raced in white, but the W25 racecars subsidised by Adolf Hitler, who wanted the team to win international events, did away with the paint to lose weight. The pictures vividly show the intense racing rivalry between Mercedes-Benz and Auto Union (the future Audi). Even the post-war period is covered in great detail. Despite suffering immensely from the war, Germany and Mercedes came back to racing by the early-1950s until the tragedy that struck at Le Mans in 1955, when the Mercedes 300SL driven by Frenchman Pierre Levegh lost control and careened into the crowds in what became the worst auto racing accident in history. This incident led to Mercedes withdrawing from motorsport for four decades with occasional forays into rallyracing and through Swiss firm Sauber made a return to the World Endurance Championships and then to Formula 1. First in 1993 but then the famous association with British firm Mclaren whose Finnish driver Mika Hakkinen won the F1 Drivers Championship in 1998 and 1999. Mercedes won further success with Lewis Hamilton in 2008 and with Jenson Button of the BrawnMercedes team in 2009. Mercedes bought out the Brawn team and made a triumphant return to being their own team with stunning wins in the 2014 and 2015 Formula 1 seasons with Hamilton adding two more titles. Much like their success a century ago, Mercedes-Benz’s current success, Adil argues, is predicated on their engineering excellence. In a chat with Adil, we talk of the incident at the Austrian Grand Prix last Sunday when Nico Rosberg crashed into his Mercedes team-mate Hamilton. Shenanigans have always taken place in motor racing, Adil explains, even in the early days, the will to win supersedes everything else. Adil promises to detailing car and automotive history. This book while expensive is something that any fan of motor-racing should consider buying, just for the detail. <TaRTSTb1T]i)FX]]X]V* 39<TSXPC#$ C74=4F064?0A4=C=>A<0;;H CDA=BC>C7414BC03E824 0E08;01;4>=C746>0=3 0<>=6F70C³B40B8;H0E08;01;4 0=34<4A68=6BCA>=6;H0A4 6D8341>>:B5>A?0A4=CB Similarly, Parenting in the Age of Sexposure authored by Dr Vandita Dubey talks about how there is an exponential rise in terms of sexually explicit media content available today, but also how adversely it affects kids as old as two to four. They might not be mature enough to understand what is being said, but clearly understand the gist of it. It is, therefore, important to have an open line of communication with the kids. On the other hand, Babies and Bylines (Harper Collins Publication) by Pallavi Aiyar is a take on what the modern woman goes through when she becomes a mother. The author, apart from the relatable moments all mothers go through, also talks about other issues such as that even fathers deserve ample leave as bringing up a child is an equal responsibility in today’s gender equivalent society, cultural differences, equality, care and choice. She writes: “Childbirth might be a biological norm, yet there was little that had felt ‘natural’ about the experience.” A journalist herself, Aiyar has created a wonderful read for anyone who needs a perspective to relate to and smile at the fact that even though it’s overwhelming, they’re not alone when it comes to raising a kid. Right From the Start is written by Mandira Kumar, the founder-director of Sutradhar, an early childhood resource centre based in Bangalore. She has worked extensively with various childrelated organisations for over three decades. Her book addresses parents and caregivers who enjoy hands-on experience of child-rearing, but wish to do so in an informed way. The book walks the reader through the domains and milestones of child development in the first four years and offers a rationale for selecting playthings and activities appropriate for each stage. The tips on childcare and stimulation are suited to the Indian context. In an age where we are probably surrounded by too much information, it’s scary to decide what is right for your child. We hope that these books are useful and help you raise better kids. And remember if the question is what’s best for your kids, the answer is you. Because the very fact that you’re reading this article in the first place shows that you’re a concerned parent. And as Bendre says: “I believe that there are no right or wrong ways of raising a child. Parenthood is an experience, and as long as it’s heartfelt, it’s great.” offended because you look down on your own official language. Hindi allows for sarcasm, irony, being edgy, all of those things. You just have to play it safe in that language.” He says he reads, interacts, and researches online to write new material. “I have been the most comfortable with a book in my hand. For example, currently I am reading The Essential Rock Discography, which is just the history of rock and roll and is nice to read. The more information you can put in your head, the better.” It can take months at times to write one hour of impeccable stand-up comedy. So what does he do when he finds hecklers in the audience? “When somebody heckles you, you’ve got to be 90 seconds ahead and smarter than the heckler. You have to take them down. You must.” He continues with a chuckle, “I haven’t had very bad hecklers because people are usually intimidated when they come for a show. There’s a certain advantage to being the most expensive comedian in the country — typically people who heckle are somewhere in the first five rows. And those people have paid C5,000 to come and see me. So when you spend that kind of cash, I don’t think you’re going to try and consciously mess up the show!” That’s agreeable and in the same spirit, I ask him if he has to pick any incident from the recent times that he would love to ridicule on stage, what it would be? Pat comes the reply, “Any 9 pm bulletin on any news channel right now is a ridiculous exercise in theatre. Any debate for that matter is how magicians do magic through misdirection. I think Indian news these days is misdirection.” 5 A > < ?0 6 4 'DVNDGXP as had taken to social media to clarify that he was only playing a character and things should be placed in context, but I wonder if that same argument applies to all the item song performers and obscene ad endorsers — that they are just enacting a script and it’s their job to do so. He disagrees, “You have to be an intelligent enough audience to allow fiction. See, I’ve murdered nine people in all of my movies, but that doesn’t make me a murderer. Nawazuddin Siddiqui is an extraordinarily nice man and not a serial killer; he’s only playing one in Raman Raghav 2.0. As an actor, the D mission is to challenge yourself and to play roles that are a complete opposite of who you are and to test the bounds of what emotions you can and cannot access. The art of stand-up comedy, on the other hand, is completely to be yourself and to parody and represent yourself.” I still find it difficult to accept his defence of Mastizaade but of course, moral judgement should not be anyone’s preserve and it’s appreciable to find an actor not disowning his team after their film is amidst any controversy. But there’s still a larger question. In this attempt to parody, can being deliberately coarse and sensationalising issues in a titillating way to generate shock value instead of wit and laughter still be considered comedy? He says, “You can’t always stay in the box that people want you to stay in. You will have to dare to crack the jokes. Say, the AIB Roast, it was an early format and people didn’t get it; all those boys are extremely intelligent in their own right. At the end of the day, if you don’t like something you’ve seen, you won’t laugh. You don’t need protests, PILs, notices. If you don’t like a comedian’s work, you’ll never watch him again and that’s the worst thing that can happen to a comedian. That’s punishment enough.” He also adds that there is no topic that he would ever shy away from. “I believe in my artistic voice. For example, in History of India, we talked about the Ramayana, Mahabharata, the Gandhis, Nehru, holy cows, and yet we sold a quarter of a million tickets of that show over six years because it’s an intelligent show and comes from a patriotic place. There is legitimate parody and satire in it. “Having said that, there’s also a certain hypocrisy attached to Hindi and English as well. Say, you’ll watch a comedian in English do doggy style jokes, sex jokes, jokes about b**bs and ba**s and that’s okay. But the minute you hear that in Hindi, your sensibilities are P]P]hP_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\ ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U A4?>AC43;H?4>?;48= 8=3800A4C74F>A;3³B 18664BCA4034AB B?4=38=60=0E4A064 & 7>DAB0F44:F8C71>>:B >KKGO :e\i! " !& µ6SLULWXDOLW\LVQRWDQHVFDSH¶ :0A0=B8=67cP[Zb PQ^dcfWPcXc\TP]b c^QT_WX[^b^_WXRP[ P]ScWT]TTSc^]^c [^^ZQPRZQdc\^eT U^afPaSX][XUT*WXb Tg_TaXT]RTb^U faXcX]V*PbfT[[PbWXb ]TfQ^^ZCWT <^d]cPX]^UBWXeP don’t know why everyone is surprised that I’ve written a novel. You see, fiction and non-fiction are two different genres and I like to keep my mind open. My tastes in music are varied, too. I love Indian classical music and Bharatanatyam, but I also listen to Western rock. There is a misconception that if you are a philosopher, you should be square and serious. In my view, if you are a philosopher you should be joyful and happy. If not, your philosophy is negative philosophy directing you towards depression. Vedanta is positive philosophy. This was a story that was going round and round in my mind. It is a novel, yes, but it is largely about Ashok’s spiritual quest. In many ways, Ashok could be my alter ego — what my life could have been had I not been born into a situation where my life was already, as it were, in the public domain. My birthday was a public holiday for 16 years in Jammu and Kashmir! Being a Shiva bhakt, I had to bring Him into the novel. The setting of the novel was not unfamiliar; it was Kashmir — the place where I lived. My house is on the Mountain of Shiva, right at the foot. All the places I’ve mentioned in the book are real places. The novel is set in the early 1960s, the Kashmir I’ve described is the preinsurgency, pre-militancy valley famous for its romance with the snow-clad peaks. The places I have mentioned still exist, like the Martand ruins, Pahalgam, but the ambience has changed considerably. Quite a few readers have asked me why have I not dealt with the issue of terror in the valley, but you see, that was a time of no E96>@F?E2:? @7D9:G2 <RcR_DZ_XY AR]Z^adVdeC#!! I =4F 0AA8E0;B B42A4C;HH>DAB EXZaP]c:WP]]P ?T]VdX]C &$ 4eTah^]TWPbbTRaTcbQdc XbWTabcWT\^bcbW^RZX]V. >a_WP]TSPcQXacW &hTPa ^[SBPWX[WPbP[fPhbQ[P\TSWX\bT[UU^a WXb_PaT]cb³STPcW7TWPb[Xcc[TX]cTaTbcX] [XUTd]cX[WT\TTcbcWTT]XV\PcXR0]hPX]P RWP]RTT]R^d]cTaSdaX]VcWTBWX\[PUTbc 0]PRRXST]c[TPeTbWX\X]PR^\PP]S fWT]WTfPZTbd_WT\PZTbPbcPac[X]V SXbR^eTah¯WTRP]aTPS\X]Sb=^fWT RP]UX]S^dcfWPcV^Tb^]X]0]hP³b\X]S P]S\PhQTYdbc\PhQT\PZTWTaUP[[X] [^eTfXcWWX\1dcXb0]hPP[[bWTbTT\b. 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Kashmir then, was the most sought after honeymoon destination. And no, my novel is not escapist. It describes a situation that used to exist previously. I had written the novel three decades ago, the description is true to its times. I had no intention of bringing nostalgia into the way I wrote about the locations. Many have asked me if I miss Kashmir. Well, yes and no. I go back to Kashmir for two or three weeks every summer but it’s not like I pine for the place. I have been living in Delhi for almost half a century and I feel quite comfortably at home here. The thing is, I have never looked back, either in anger or in regret. Regretting about the glori- C74A4³B0<8B2>=24?C8>= C70C85H>D0A40 ?78;>B>?74AH>D B7>D;314B@D0A40=3 B4A8>DB8=<HE84F85 H>D0A40?78;>B>?74A H>DB7>D;314 9>H5D;0=370??H ous past will only pollute your present consciousness. It is very important to count your blessings and keep moving forward. Soon after I wrote this novel, I got deeply involved in politics. At the age of 36 when I entered the cabinet, I became fully engrossed and so the question of writing another novel didn’t arise. I had been, of course, writing other books. And when Bhaskar Roy (CEO, Palimpsest) said that I must give him another book, I revisited the novel and added the epilogue. Often, a professional novelist is judged by the number of pages he has written but I had no such constraints. This book could have been spun out into three times of its size, but I didn’t really want to pad it up. All I wanted to do was tell a story. My writing style is not very verbose; I like to keep my sentences short, simple and crisp. While the book delves deep into Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy, I have also incorporated quite a few poems through the course of the narrative. The epilogue too, is short but dramatic. Spirituality is not an escape; you can in no way run away from your responsibilities. It is a fallacy to think otherwise, which many unfortunately do. Ashok, in his letter to Ramesh says, “I now know why I came to Kashmir. Before I could plunge seriously into the spiritual quest I had to work out my relationship with the only two people I have ever loved…” As long as your emotional relationships are unresolved, it is exceedingly difficult to make any progress on the spiritual front. Like Ashok, I am also on a spiritual quest, I have also met Maharaj, who in the novel is Ashok’s guru. The character is loosely based on the teachings of Sri Krishna Prem, an extraordinary Englishman. I am happy that I have the epilogue off my chest now. Without it, the novel seemed rather incomplete. Earlier the book ended with Ashok’s letter but I was not very satisfied with that ending. Ashok becoming a swami gives the novel a better sense of closure. To me, it is more like wish fulfillment. I also wish to meet Lord Shiva one day. 0bc^[Sc^CWT?X^]TTa 8_`UQ^T QSSU`dQ^SU 8fP]cTSc^bW^fW^faT[XVX^dbX]cTaUTaT]RTZTT_b cf^^U\h[TPSRWPaPRcTabP_Pac0[XhhPW4]XPcWcT[[b B7A03370B8=67PQ^dcWTa]Tf]^eT[CWTHPaS QTell us about your background? I live in Trinidad; it’s an island in the Caribbean. I’m the director of Safari Publications over there. But with regard to writing a book, this is my first book and I haven’t written anything before. QWhere did you get your inspiration for this book? I always had the idea of writing a book at the back of my mind. I studied literature, but not creative writing. When I first read A Tale of Two Cities by Charles dickens, I was envious of his writing, because it was so amazing. That’s when I felt the need of an idea to write. And when I got the idea I did. So I thought about it further, and in the story the father has four daughters, he adopts a boy and the whole family turns against him. What is going to become of that? So that was the idea I worked with, how family and religion impacts the life of the younger daughter. QHow far do you think your personal experience has found its way to the book? I grew up in a very normal, moderate kind of environment. Because in Trinidad there isn’t really much differentiation among Muslims, Hindus, Christians and Catholics, we have so many races and religions and they all peacefully co exist. So it was weird for me that all of a sudden Muslims started to become so much stricter in their ideologies and sort of fundamentalist sometimes. Because I’ve seen it with a few individuals how they take the words of the holy texts too literally, and even if they have to choose between doing something they’ve learnt and doing something good, there is a conflict while choosing something E96J2C5 good regardless. QWhat was the central theme of the book? As there are many issues you’ve talked about in the book. Where I grew up in Trinidad and was exposed to the culture, there were a lot of things I wanted to talk about. Like adoption or an Indo-Muslim culture as seen in the book. For example, being a Muslim woman you are expected to cover your head. So if you have 2]ZjjRY6_ZReY an adopted brother, you have to QWhat is your opinion about be fully covered in his presence DaVR\Z_XEZXVc fundamentalist thinking? as well. Therefore, because of C$&! I think that individuals who are such stereotypes, Muslims are fundamentalist, they apparently discouraged from take to the old testament adopting. I was unaware and and say that certain things are forbidden this was news to me. And that was the idea that and tend to be so firm with their ideology what if a father wants to adopt a child, and if he that it becomes difficult for humanity and they did so, what will be the consequences and forget how to treat people. And to me when you actions given the circumstances? start thinking about it that way and when you start hurting people, that’s when you have to draw a line with religion. But I’m just addressing this from a minority point of view how this has an impact on others. QWho is your favourite character? I like the character of Maya because she’s so wicked and funny and I just like her spirit. QAre there any characters/moments which were shaped by your personal experience? The yard actually does exist. I didn’t live in it, but my father did and I remember as a kid he would take us there to show us how his cousins lived and there was a very beautiful tree. So the yard is a real place but I wasn’t brought up here. And the historical background of the family, coming from India and becoming a native of Trinidad. That’s also real and that is my family. As my great grandfather came here as an indentured labourer back in the day and that’s where it all began. QIn the story, the character of Behrooz does not have a history or an identity. His identity is formed later by his experiences. So how important is it for a person to have an identity and history? On the issue of history, I kind of did touch on that when grandmother Sakina asks how they can adopt someone just like that. She’s worried because they do not know his family or the background he comes from. So that was one of the reasons I experimented with it because in East Indian families, every family has a history and origin, but with him it was a problem of history. QAnd what made you decide that Behrooz should not have a history at all? I’m a big fan of Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights. Heathcliff in the novel was brought up as a gypsy boy and did not have a history. So part of my influence is Wuthering Heights and also because I wanted part of Behrooz’s identity to be wrapped with Maya as part of the love story. And that’s how they forged the bond because she’s a loner and he has nothing. No history, no identity. And she also has issues because she and her family could never see eye to eye. So they were both alone and that’s how they came close. Their personalities blend well and also because they were loners, together. QWhat message do you want to convey through the love story? I wanted to show how religious interference in their lives keeps them apart. As a result their lives take different directions as a result of this interference and it brings them back as well. So there is some sort of redemption and some sort of acceptance at the end of the story. QHow did the character of Maya develop over the course of the story? Maya really grows up. She comes back, takes care of her mother, so there was al lot of growing up, pain because of their troubles. QWhat do you think about disillusionment? I will answer it using Behrooz’s example. When Behrooz married Sara, that kind of changed the whole trajectory because he is not the kind of guy who gives up. So he sticks with his decision, even if it causes a lot of disappointment. So, the story also ends with acceptance and hope, rather than disillusionment. ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U 6D4BC2>;D<= =0344<5?0A0270 Efc\Vje`hRcUdR _V`<V^R]ZdegZVh TRT]c[hCdaZThfXc]TbbTSPbTaXTb^USTePbcPcX]VcTaa^aXbcPccPRZb ^]Xcbb^X[<P]hQT[XTeT^]T^UcWTaTPb^]bU^acWXbXbcWTVaPSdP[ Ta^bX^]^UcWT:T\P[XbcbcPcTCWTTa^bX^]WPb^_T]TSd_PeT]dTb ^UWTPcTSTg_aTbbX^]bfWXRWfTaT^]RTcXVWc[hR[^bTSCWTR^\_[TcT R^[[P_bT^UcWT>cc^\P]4\_XaTPUcTacWT5XabcF^a[SFPacWaTPcT]TSc^ aT[TVPcTCdaZThc^cWTbcPcdb^UPQP]Zad_cP]STgWPdbcTSR^d]cahSTb cX]TSc^[X]VTaPbcWT²bXRZ\P]^U4da^_T³1dccWTSXbcaPdVWc]PcX^] \P]PVTSc^Q^d]RTQPRZX]c^_a^\X]T]RT\PX][hQhPS^_cX]VPR^\ _[TcT[h]TfP]Sd]_aTRTST]cTS_^[XcXRP[P]Sb^RXP[UaP\Tf^aZX]cWT R^]cTgc^UP<db[X\\PY^aXchbcPcT 0UcTacWTUP[[^UcWT>cc^\P]bTcd_CdaZXbW]PcX^]P[Xb\fPbR^] bcadRcTSQhP]X]cT[[TRcdP[P]S\X[XcPahT[XcTfWXRWVaPQQTS_^fTaP]S _dcCdaZTh^]PaPSXRP[[haTU^a\Xbc_PcW5^[[^fX]VcWTSTUTPc^U>cc^\P] CdaZThPccWTWP]Sb^UcWTP]cX6Ta\P]0[[XTb\X[XcPah^UUXRTa<dbcPUP :T\P[aT_d[bTSUdacWTaPccPRZbQhcWT0[[XTbP]ScWT][TSP]PcX^]P[Xbc \^eT\T]cX]CdaZThfWXRW^eTacWaTfcWT[PbcaT\]P]cb^UcWT>cc^\P] 4\_XaTP]SSTR[PaTSCdaZThPbX]ST_T]ST]caT_dQ[XR0bWTPS^UbcPcT :T\P[fPbVXeT]cWTcXc[T^U0cPcdaZUPcWTa^UCdaZbPbWTX]ca^SdRTS fXSTb_aTPSaTU^a\bQPbTS^]²bXgU^d]SX]V_aX]RX_[Tb³)AT_dQ[XRXb\ ]PcX^]P[Xb\_^_d[Xb\bcPcXb\bTRd[PaXb\P]SaTU^a\Xb\ 0]daQP]Va^d_^UX]cT[[TRcdP[_^[XcXRP[P]S\X[XcPahT[XcTbdQbT`dT]c [hX\_[T\T]cTS_^[XcXRP[YdSXRXP[P]Sb^RXP[aTU^a\bX]P]PccT\_cc^UPbc caPRZCdaZTh³bT\TaVT]RTPbP\^STa]4da^_TP]bcPcT0cPcdaZ³b AT_dQ[XRP]?T^_[T³b?Pach27?QTRP\TcWTR^d]cah³b[PaVTbc_^[XcXRP[ ^dcUXc0cPcdaZ_PbbTSPfPhX] ("'QdccWT[TVPRh^UWXbaTU^a\bP]SX]X cXPcXeTb:T\P[Xb\fPbRPaaXTSU^afPaSCWTbTaTU^a\bWPSP[b^P[[^fTS [X\XcTSST\^RaPRhfWXRW[TccWT\^aT\^STaPcT3T\^RaPcXR?Pach3? 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" !& =DNLU1DLNSUHDFKHVKDWH ,QGLDQVWDWHFDSLWXODWHV 2>55441A40: :0=270=6D?C0 8b[P\Xbc_aTPRWTaIPZXa=PXZXbPbh\_c^\^]T^UcWT\P]h_dbbUX[[TSUTbcTaX]Vb^aTbcWPcaT_aTbT]ccWT fXSTa\P[PXbT^UaPSXRP[8b[P\Xb\X]8]SXPP]SPQa^PS1dcfWPcPQ^dccWT_P_XTa\PRWT8]SXP]bcPcT. n January 16 this year media had published a news story, filed by PTI, that reflected the extent to which the papier mache Indian state has been corroded by vote-bank pandering. At another level, it showed the mainstreaming, if that’s the right word, of odious and regressive Sharia’h practices in the wondrous Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic of India. I reproduce here the PTI story, or the version of it which was published in The Indian Express: In the wake of objections by a Muslim body, the Uttar Pradesh Government late Friday night revoked its decision to bar men having two or move wives from appointment as Urdu teachers. The State Government said the appointments would be made as per the rules and regulation in the past and there will be no change. “While signing the government order today, I saw that there is no such clause in it and, therefore, we have issued a clarification in this regard,” Minister for Basic Education Ahmed Hasan said. “We are not able to understand how such a thing has surfaced… it is a wrong propaganda against the Government,” he claimed. According to a recent Government order, candidates applying for the post must reveal their marital status and all those with two living wives would not be eligible. Women candidates married to a man with two surviving wives have also been barred from applying. The notice for appointment of 3,500 Urdu teachers in primary schools was issued recently. The Muslim Personal Law Board had strongly opposed it, saying the order was violative of Islamic law and rights of Muslims. “Government cannot impose such conditions when it comes to recruitment of staff. There is a provision for four marriages in Islam, even though just about one per cent of Muslim men have two wives. Even so, such conditions should not become part of the job application process,” Imam of Lucknow’s Eidgah Maulana Khalid Rasheed Firangi Mahali had said. Three conclusions can be safely drawn from this story. First, we have now reached a stage where Government decisions and orders compliant with the Constitution of India, laws and rules are contested if they are seen to be not Sharia’h compliant. Instead of sticking to that which is legally and morally correct, Government or its agencies capitulate at the slightest push, choosing political expediency over the lofty principles of secularism that, in any case, now lie in tatters after being subjected to mind-numbing perversities. Second, the inalienable right, choice and freedom of taxpayers to decide how their money should be spent by Government is treated with unabashed contempt by politicians in power and their feckless lackeys in the bureaucracy. An otherwise activist judiciary eager to lay down rules of conduct for cricket administrators and O given to asking profound questions as to why Parliament cannot select the Indian cricket team, has neither the time nor the inclination to protect the taxpayers right, choice and freedom. Third, Urdu may have been patronised by the Muslim elite in its salad days, it was never an exclusive ‘Muslims only’ language. This appropriation of Urdu as an element of Muslim identity not only communalises a community and legitimises its separateness, it also makes it hostage to the dangerous machinations of a clergy inimical to change and progress. In fact, Urdu becomes an instrument of aggressive — as opposed to surreptitious, as was the case earlier — Sharia’h propagation and implementation, ironically with the Indian state partnering this reprehensible exercise. So why am I drawing upon a story reported in January while writing in July? What prompted me to revisit the story, which I had flagged and filed for reference, is the ongoing chatter on Radical Islamist preacher and teleevangelist Zakir Naik. His television channel, ridiculously and offensively named Peace TV, is prohibited from being broadcast in India, and for good reasons too. But prohibition by law is rarely if ever effective in India where laws exist in abundance but are disdainfully more honoured in the breach than in the observance. Direct to home service providers do not beam Peace TV, yet that does not mean it is inaccessible. IPZXa=PXZcTPRWTb cWPcXcXbP<db[X\b Sdchc^WPeTU^da fXeTbP]SXcXbWXb aXVWcc^QTPccWT\ X]c^bdQbTaeXT]RT P]SbdQ\XbbX^]Pb _TaBWPaXPWCWT 8]SXP]bcPcT_[Phb PR^\_[XRXca^[T X]\PZX]VcWPc cTPRWX]VX]c^aTP[Xch PbcWT6^eTa]\T]c ^aSTa^]cWT P__^X]c\T]c^U DaSdcTPRWTab bW^fb Across the country in ghettos, from Kashmir to Kanyakumari and Kutch to Kamrup, cable operators bring Zakir Naik;s vile teachings to believers eager to believe every twisted interpretation of Islam. A friend from Mumbai recounted how in a nearby slum inhabited by Bangladeshi illegal immigrants Zakir Naik’s sermons would be amplified for weekly and festive gatherings. Beat your wife, kill gays, demonise the West, repudiate modern education... and more would be listened to in awe and silence, to be practiced in real life at a latter date or possibly now and then. It would be wrong to surmise that Zakir Naik panders to the underclass, the poor and the disadvantaged. His appeal cuts across class and country. The Bangladeshi jihadis who committed the recent carnage at a fashionable Dhaka cafe came from elite families, attended the most expensive and exclusive schools, and lived the high life till they discovered the road to ‘martyrdom’. At least two of the mass murderers, it now transpires, were radicalised by the hate speech of Zakir Naik. How many in India would have been similarly radicalised by his bunk? The Congress says the UPA Government it headed prohibited the beaming of Peace TV but the NDA Government led by BJP did nothing to stop its re-emergence. That’s poppycock. Peace TV was always accessible through cable operators. That the BJP regime, which tirelessly parrots its commitment to halt radicalisation of Muslims, has singularly failed in matching deed with word is another story to be told another day. Vacuous, platitudinous statements by the Prime Minister and his Ministers on how terror and terrorists have no religion, and importuning India to the world community, asking others to fight a global war on terror in which we, of course, shall not participate, are no substitute for action. I do wish the Prime Minister and his Ministers spare a few moments to listen to what the ‘headmaster’ father of chocolate-faced Burhan Wani, a ruthless Kashmiri terrorist killed by security forces on Friday, has to say in response to his son’s death. Frankly, Zakir Naik is a symptom, one of the many puss-filled festering sores that have come to represent the wider malaise of radical Islamism in India and abroad. A state that fails to stand by principles of secularism, like the Indian state falters and falls repeatedly, is no less a symptom. Zakir Naik teaches that it is a Muslim’s duty to have four wives and it is his right to beat them into subservience and submission as per Sharia’h. The Indian state plays a complicit role in making that teaching into reality as the Government order on the appointment of Urdu teachers shows. Where do we start? Where do we end? (The writer is a current affairs analyst based in NCR) 5 4 4 3 1 0 2 : 9^TYQc>C7cUdRQS[ ^_dU^T_VZ_eb^Ui Reader response to Swapan Dasgupta’s column, Usual Suspects, published on July 3: Discussing issues: In a recent article entitled, “‘One country’ which has not been nice” (June 30) by Claude Arpi, the writer spoke about the misdeeds of former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and the Congress, in previous decades, in dealing with China. The same forces are at work which still undermines the foundation of our country. To deal with China, issues such as imports of goods from the Middle Kingdom, Tibet and South China Sea, support to the jihadi nation etc ought to be discussed in public forum. People should not feed the snake, which keeps biting us. No wonder the media in China disdains Indian nationalists. Premolal Overcoming barriers: The fact that when the Congress was in power, it did not even apply for the Nuclear Suppliers Group membership, speaks volumes about how the grand old party looked at NSG. Apologists of China, sitting in New Delhi, Kolkota and elsewhere should know that China is the only country that stands between India and its rightful place in NSG. Jitendra Fighting for NSG: India is facing a diplomatic challenge and Prime Minister Narendra Modi is doing his best to get India its deserved membership Nuclear Suppliers Group. Way back in 1950, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, in his letter to former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, had indicated that even though we regard ourselves as friends of China, the Chinese do not regard us as their friends; there is unlimited scope of infiltration from the Chinese border; he had suggested an appraisement of the strength of our forces and, if necessary, reconsideration of our retrenchment plans for the Army. He had also warned that we have been championing the cause of Chinese entry into the UN. Modi’s achievement is that he has made an attempt to fight for India’s NSG membership which previous Governments failed to do. Chander Pal ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U 022>A38=6C>BC0C8BC82B>=4 8=4E4AH''278;3A4=C>30H8B 1>A=F8C70DC8B<B?42CAD< 38B>A34A0608=BC0A0C8>>5 >=48= 054FH40AB06> APaT[hS^Tb^]TR^\TPRa^bbaTe^[dcX^]PahXSTPbbdRW0]P]S:d\Pa³bBd_Ta" bcPacTSX]?Pc]PX]!!7TXbP\TbbXPW^U^_cX\Xb\U^aX]]d\TaPQ[TST_aXeTS bcdST]cbX]8]SXPTeT]XUWTS^Tb]³cfXbWc^QTb^faXcTb0=0=H01>A6>708= Bd_Ta" :e\i! " !& ´9µ]\YfY^W ]iTbUQ]µ How has the coaching mafia in Bihar tried to affect Super 30? I have been threatened by gangsters for a long time now. But it has lessened of late and I should thank Chief Minister Nitish Kumar for offering us security. Some years ago, I was told that a gangster was paid by a local politician and bureaucrats to intimidate me. In fact, an attempt on my life was made just outside my home in 2003. Munna, my staffer, tried to stop it and was stabbed multiple times. Hearing his screams, the students came out of their rooms to intervene. Threats have not deterred Super 30 and we will hopefully keep going strong. They can’t stop the poor from learning. 7^_TU^aPQTccTaUdcdaT n April 1994, a young Anand Kumar filled up an application for Cambridge University — arguably the best university in the world — to pursue his higher studies in Mathematics. After a month, the university wrote back to him, and he qualified to chase his dream there. His parents, Rajendra Prasad and Jayanti Devi, were jubilant; their joy was unparalleled and a crowd had gathered at their home in Patna to celebrate. Prasad, a clerk at a post office, remembered wearing cotton clothes in winter while studying because that’s all he could afford and to ensure that his son does not face the brutality of winter in England, he got his only coat altered so it could fit Anand. Except Anand’s dream never came true because the family did not have the financial means to support him. Worse, later that year, Prasad died. Not only did Anand lose his biggest dream but also his inspiration — his father, who had cultivated curiosity in him, who taught him the value of education and who never got tired of ensuring that his son could study without any hurdle. After his death, Anand took an oath that he will not wear his father’s coat until he earns the right to do so after establishing his merit. After his Cambridge dream shattered, there also came a time in the family when the hugely talented and educated Anand decided to be a papad seller to make ends meet. There were days when he would gulp down cold water in an attempt to suppress his appetite. Although what remained consistent in these days of trauma was his zeal to not give up his love for Mathematics and set up an institute for students (which came to be known as the Ramanujan Institute of Mathematics) however excruciatingly difficult it might be initially. Today, the same Anand has been invited to teach Mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard University, a documentary film has been made on him by the Discovery Channel, he’s featured on the BBC, a biopic by Vikas Bahl is due, he has delivered a speech at Standford University, and Time magazine picked his institute, Super 30, as one of Asia’s best institutes (2010). In fact, Amitabh Bachchan’s character in Aarakshan was inspired by him. Very rarely does one come across >=?G>KJA I But why do they want to stop the poor from learning? You may call it feudal mentality. If the poor are empowered, who will be the rich people’s servants, drivers, and so on? Not all rich people, but many want to feel powerful by crushing others. Your late father never wanted to compromise on your education. He always encouraged you to be inquisitive about learning new things. You had vowed to not wear your father’s coat till you were worthy of it. So when was that moment when you wore it? Actually, I have still not worn it! revolutionary ideas such Anand’s Super 30. Authored by Dr Biju Mathew, a consultant psychiatrist and a clinical associate professor at the University of British Columbia, Super 30: Changing the World 30 Students at a Time is an inspiring biography of Anand and the journey of Super 30. It is a podium of hope for the hopeless, bounty of contentment for the marginalised, channel of empowerment for the unsung, underprivileged, and this book on its success is a must-read for all, in India and around the world. Anand is a messiah of optimism for the innumerable deprived students in this country, even if he doesn’t wish to be so. His programme, Super 30 started in Patna in 2002, selects 30 students every year and trains them for the arduous IIT-JEE entrance exam. It started when Anand once saw an aspiring IITJEE candidate study under a streetlight and sleep under a staircase while preparing for the exam. Today, each of his students comes from the poorest of the poor families and is mostly from the so-called lower castes. Super 30 also sponsors their accommodation and food during the course of the programme. Almost every year at least 25 students from this institute man- age to clear the tough exam and others get through to good institutions as well. In fact, in 2008, all 30 students of the programme had made it to the IITs! Mathew’s book documents the growth of the institute, how Anand and his family manage it, how they select the students, as well as varied experiences they have had in its running whatsoever — from the sentimental to the macabre! It also includes testimonies of students who have passed out from the programme and are currently either studying in the top institutions of the country or are well placed in reputed companies. The book also furnishes an insight into how coaching mafia and unscrupulous political musclemen have tried to bury Anand’s dreams, and while there have been dire consequences, Super 30 has only continued to soar higher with flourishing colours year after year. In fact, US President Barack Obama’s special envoy Rashad Hussain, who had also visited it, called it Asia’s best institute. Journalist Uttam Sengupta, editor of the Patna edition of The Times of India, finds special mention in the book as one of the first people to have promoted the programme and who tried to connect Anand to other influential people who may be able to help him. Although till date, Anand does not accept funding from private enterprises as he wants to steer clear of probable controversies. At the moment, Bihar is mired in an unfortunate controversy about the fake State toppers Ruby Rai and (allegedly) Saurabh Shrestha. While the recent events certainly censure the State and bring it under a judgmental purview, let’s not forget that it is the same State that has also given India a revolutionary educator like Anand Kumar. Super 30’s revolutionary success surely merits you to wear it... I wanted to study at Cambridge University but could not go even after qualifying for it because I could not arrange funding for it. Today, I am living my dream of educating the needy but I still don’t think I am worthy of it. My larger dream is to see education spreading to every corner, every village, every district in India. Until every child, especially the underprivileged lot, has access to indiscriminating, quality education, I wouldn’t say that all my dreams have come true. Keeping this in mind, we are also contemplating expansion of Super 30 to reach more regions and maybe take in at least 10-20 more students. But you never accept private sponsorship for the institute. No, never. Even when the biggest entrepreneurs of the country have offered financial help, we have politely declined. Though they mean well, we just want to avoid any possibility of a controversy. So Super 30 is run by whatever money we make from our other coaching institute, Ramanujan Institute of Mathematics. Then how will you manage 8W^_TcWTaTXb bcaXRcX]eTbcXVPcX^] X]c^cWTaTRT]cUPZT c^__TabRPbTP]S f^d[SaT`dTbc cWT6^eTa]\T]c c^bcaT]VcWT]Xcb PRPST\XRX]cTVaXch a major expansion? Well apart from the institute, we will have to find ways of generating revenue from other sources. For example, there is an edX, a Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) provider, and an initiative of MIT and Harvard University, that has invited me to teach. And then if we offer online courses, not only can we generate revenue that way but also it can reach any corner of the world — from Bihar to Israel, Russia etc! Also, a biopic is being made on me by Vikas Bahl and I am hoping that will be helpful too. What is the secret behind the entrance test to Super 30 that selects the final 30 students? The questions are generally from the 9th and 10th NCERT syllabus, but of course, we modify or twist them so that we can discern which student has the real potential to make it, beyond the prescribed syllabus. My wife is also an IITian, so she helps us as well. As an educator, your comment on the recent controversy about the fake toppers in Bihar? That’s a really unfortunate incident but I am hopeful that Bihar is being stern with such malpractices. I hope there is strict investigation and would request the Government to strengthen its academic integrity. More importantly, I would urge teachers to focus uncompromisingly on elementary education. Bihar needs quality education right from the primary level. P]P]hP_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\ 1edYc]Q^TY^dU\\USdeQ\TYcQRY\Ydi*DXURYWTYVVUbU^SU 8]cT[[TRcdP[SXbPQX[XcXTbS^]^cU^a\P_Pac^USXPV]^bcXRRaXcTaXPX]RWX[SaT]fXcWPdcXb\faXcTbBDA0178E4A<0 he term Autism Spectrum Disorder is relatively new in our society, although it has existed for many years. Children with autism struggle to manage their daily routine. For a long time they were considered to be careless, adamant, irresponsible, and lazy. About 10 years ago, most people would have considered autism to be a fancy name for mental retardation, and unfortunately many professionals and people still consider it the same. Did you notice your child shying away from social interactions at an early age or having difficulty learning language? Did you note your child having trouble making eye contact while conversing or making repetitive behavioural actions? These little signs, which are usually overlooked during early childhood, can be early indicators of a bigger issue which the child might be facing. T FWPcXbPdcXb\. Autism is a neuro-developmental disorder which affects the three main areas of development usually referred to as Triad of Impairments: Social interaction and understanding. All aspects of communication — verbal and non-verbal. Flexibility of thinking and behaviour, including problems with imagination. Though basic features are common in many children, it is important to remember the fact that autism is a spectrum disorder — no two (or 10 or 20) children with autism will be completely alike. Every child will be at a different point on the spectrum. Similarly, each child’s development would be at a differ- ent rate and the severity of each area would also differ. Thus a child’s chronological age may be four but he/she may function at three years when it comes to their language and 1.5 years with regard to his/her social skills. It is also possible that their cognitive skills may be age appropriate at four years. Thus one may not find uniform development in all areas for a child with autism. Many children with autism would have intellectual disabilities, but many may have average to above average IQ as well. Thus intellectual disabilities do not form a part of diagnostic criteria in children with autism. Aspergers Syndrome is a form of autism in which the person/child has average or above average intelligence. They have fewer problems with speech but may still have difficulties with understanding and processing language. People with autism may also experience over- or under-sensitivity to sounds, touch, tastes, smells, light or colours. Some people with autism are able to live relatively independent lives but others may have accompanying learning disabilities and would need a lifetime of specialist support. FWPcXbX]cT[[TRcdP[SXbPQX[Xch. Intellectual disability, which was earlier known as mental retardation (MR), is characterised by below average intelligence or mental ability and a lack of skills necessary for day-to-day living. Children with intellectual disabilities can and do learn new skills, but they learn them more slowly. They tend to function at a level which is below their actual age and the functioning level will depend on the mental level at which the child is functioning. The degree of intellectual disability varies from mild to profound. A child with intellectual disability has limitations in these areas: Intellectual functioning refers to a child’s ability to learn reason, make decisions, and solve problems. Adaptive behaviours. These are skills necessary for day-to-day life, such as being able to communicate effectively, interact with others, and take care of oneself. Children with intellectual disability learn more slowly than a typical child. Children may take longer to learn language, develop social skills, and take care of their personal needs, such as dressing or eating. Learning will take them longer, require more repetition, and skills may need to be adapted to their learning levels. Nevertheless, virtually every child is able to learn, develop and become a participating member of the community. IQ (intelligence quotient) is measured by an IQ test. The average IQ is 100, with the majority of people scoring between 85 and 115. A child is considered intellectually disabled if he or she has an IQ of less than 70 to 75. There can be varying degrees of intellectual disability ranging from mild to severe. In early childhood, mild intellectual disability (IQ 50-69) may not be identified until the child begins school. Even when the child is having poor academic performance, it may take expert assessment to identify mild intellectual disability. People with mild intellectual disability are capable of learning reading and Mathematics skills to approximately the level of a typical child. Moderate intellectual disability (IQ 35-49) is visible within the first years of life. Speech delays are particularly common signs of moderate intellectual disability. People with moderate intellectual disability need considerable support in school, at home, and socially. While their academic potential is limited, they can learn simple tasks related to daily living and do simple activities. People with severe intellectual disability need more intensive support and supervision their entire lives. They may learn some activities of daily living. Some require full-time care by an attendant. CWTfaXcTaXbcWT5^d]STaP]S3XaTRc^aB_PabWU^a2WX[SaT] ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U 0=4FI40;0=30AC 60;;4AH70B;0D=2743 06;>10;7D=C5>A <8BB8=66>CC5A843 ;8=30D4A?08=C8=6B :e\i! " !& 2D;CDA4 ;0=4 B C 8 ; 4 C C > B BTaX^dbPQ^dcUPbWX^] EJPANJ=PEKJ=H B_TRcaT ^`deT`^a]RZ_VURS`feWZ]^ gruesome eye-gouging scene in Spectre helped make the latest instalment in the James Bond franchise the most complained about film of 2015, British film censors have said. The offending scene, set in a villain’s conference room, shows a henchman banging his victim’s head on a table before getting to work on his eyes, and had been toned down before the film’s release on the advice of the British Board of Film Classification. But that did not stop the arrival of 40 complaints about the film’s age rating, the highest number for any film last year, the BBFC said. The chief executive of the BBFC, David Austin, said: “By our standards it is quite a lot of complaints, but the box office for Spectre is £94m, so in context it is a tiny proportion.” Complainants also thought the torture scene, when Christoph Waltz’s Blofeld inserts a micro-drill into Bond’s head, was too much for the movie’s 12A rating. The BBFC’s annual report points out that there was no blood and no sign of injury and the film “instead uses sound and Bond’s A <8=8H0270CC4A98 6QcXY_^Yc^_dVbYf_\_ec+dXUc_SYQ\Se\debQ\Q^TXYcd_bYSQ\dbQ^cV_b]QdY_^c QbUbUV\USdUTY^SXQ^WY^WTbUccV_b]c2ed_dXUbdXQ^QVUgUhSU`dY_^c W__T\YdUbQbi_bQ^Q\idYSQ\gbYdY^W_^VQcXY_^XQbT\iUhYcdc DXU\_^WdUb] UVVUSd_VdXYcYcd_[UU`VQcXY_^\__[Y^WcY\\igXY\UQSdeQ\\iYdYc^_d facial expressions to suggest his pain”. “Given the lack of detail, and the audience expectation that Bond will inevitably escape and survive such threats, the scene is within the BBFC guidelines’ allowance for depictions of violence at 12A,” it says. Austin admitted he was surprised that Spectre was the most complained about film and said the BBFC had worked with the film’s distributors on what would make it a 12A, rather than 15, film. HYj=`YR_Zd\VV_e`gZdZe<VeeVcZ_X he consequences of the recent EU referendum are still unfolding for most of the country, but for one Northamptonshire town, the decision to vote ‘leave’ has already had an unexpected perk. Kettering found itself on the receiving end of a “fierce and offensive tweet” by Lindsay Lohan on election night, as she criticised its voters for backing Brexit. But in a turnaround, the American actor said she would accept an invitation from the local MP, Philip Hollobone, and the Commons leader, Chris Grayling, to turn on the town’s Christmas lights. Lohan had tweeted strong support for Britain to remain in the EU and singled out areas that had voted leave, writing: “Sorry #Kettering, but where are you?”Hollobone was so offended that his constituency had been “slagged off ” by the Mean Girls star that he took the issue up in Parliament, and listed the town’s distinctive qualities. “Apart from the fact it might be the most average town in the country, everyone knows where Kettering is. It’s famous as the home of Weetabix T find it rather appalling how in most places except for France and perhaps Italy, fashion is still considered the F word for anything intellectual. Dress is a topic of great interest amongst French academia because of the large contribution of apparel, textiles, luxury goods to the French economy, as well as fashion’s anthropological and cultural value. This is hardly the case elsewhere, despite the global apparel market valued at about $3 trillion, accounting for 2 per cent of the world’s GDP. The shows I went to at last month’s Paris fashion week for men, SpringSummer 2017, were youth-driven in style and looked to the street for inspiration. There were as many men’s designers and a few for women. Besides the usual styles of the big fashion houses like Versace and Hermes, it was a delight to watch the creativity spill off a couple of designers from Africa in venues around the city. The London fashion week for men had also taken place just the week before, adding to a feverish coverage in European press of fashion on the ramp and off it, despite the dominant postBrexit gloom. But these writings on garments from the shows last month had a general oblique, distorted character. They were often hysterically in praise of a designer and almost never in criticism. The same vocabulary, it seemed, was recycled in different fashion reviews that was seldom not superficial descriptions of just the clothes. Fashion is not frivolous. I remember reading fantastic clothes criticism by the late Kennedy Fraser of The New Yorker. There are some thoughtful pieces by Laurence Benaïm in Le I BC4E49>1B³B D=E0AH8=6B86=0CDA4 ;>>:>501;02: CDAC;4=42:1;D4 940=B0=3=4F 10;0=24B=40:4AB F0B78B34;814A0C4 3428B8>=C70C1420<4 0=8<?>AC0=C0B?42C >578B?4AB>=0; 1A0=374C>>:78B 50B78>=B4A8>DB;H Monde as well. But other than a few exceptions, good literary or analytical writing on fashion hardly exists. The long-term effect of this is to keep fashion looking silly while actually it is not. What a man or woman wears on the street is a powerful medium of individual choice, societal values, and aesthetics — and it is this that I feel has defined fashion through the ages. Influenced less by high society, fashion in my opinion is defined far more by the demands of industrial production and societal needs. Processes of social, cultural, and historical transformation are reflected in changing dress forms, such that introspecting on fashion, I think, makes for a riveting read of social history. In fact, social revolutions, political trends, and wars leave a mark on how we dress. For example, the combination of student protests, contraceptives and second-wave feminism in the US and Europe during the 1960s and 1970s did away with gendered roles in society and also in fashion. Young women could now choose when to be mothers and also how to express themselves. They rebelled against the demure scarf and stockings, and instead brought to the world the mini skirt for the first time. Even earlier, the fascinating postWorld War II era in the UK created knickers made of military-issue silk maps and air-raid outfits. This was when British women buried their corsets and gowns, and instead began to wear garments that gave them more mobility, yet while maintaining a sense of elegance and style in the face of bombings and rationing. In the European continent, too, clothing reflected the many ways in which the war affected countries, socially and economically. Today, while there is a perception that Americans tend to follow fashion trends more, French girls don’t bother their heads so much. The hair is a bit dishevelled and the dress is always slightly askew and never perfect, even if the handbag is well-chosen and teamed with a perfect pair of shoes — it is indeed a cultivated art of effortless chic by the girls in a country that takes fashion very seriously. In large part they owe their chic to King Louis XIV who reigned in the 17th Century. Recognising the importance of luxury goods to the national economy, he had brought a number of artistic industries, including textiles, under the control of the royal court to make France the worldwide arbiter of style. He ensured that the highest quality fabric and materials were to be found here. This in turn attracted talented couturiers or seamsters to France. While the engagement of fashion with history is central, an anthropological approach understands dress also within a contemporary comparative cross-cultural and transnational framework. How can we not view fashion this way when the different parts of the entire system of production, marketing, representation and wearing of clothes these days extends its reach around the world? It has been fascinating how imperialists intervened in local dress practices through trade and education in the past, and it continues to be as intriguing how even today dress is influenced by international economic and political pressures that go on to then play a role in reworking regional and national identities. Sometimes as a culmination of factors, an individual’s dress in the public space such as workplace or in the private space of one’s home holds its own significance with connotations of clichés, appropriateness and desirability. For instance, we can not forget Steve Jobs’s rejection of the clichéd corporate suit, and his unvarying signature look of a black turtleneck, blue jeans and New Balance sneakers. Perhaps we could speculate that Jobs used his unique dress to convey a consistency in who he was and what he enjoyed. But what we do know is that his dress was his deliberate decision that became an important aspect of Jobs’s personal brand. He took his fashion seriously. CWTfaXcTaXb2WXTUBdbcPX]PQX[Xch>UUXRTa U^acWTVa^d_^UR^\_P]XTb9X]SP[BcTT[P]S ?^fTa;cSBWTXbP6[^QP[;TPSTabWX_0[d\]P ^UcWTF^a[S4R^]^\XR5^ad\ \X]XhPRWPccTaYX/YX]SP[bcTT[R^\ breakfast cereal, Cheaney’s and Loake’s shoes, and Kettering Town football club has scored more goals in the history of the FA Cup than any other football team in the country,” he said. “So would you support my invitation to Lindsay Lohan to come and switch on the Christmas lights in Kettering this Christmas, thus redeeming her political reputation and raising money for good causes?” >T4`_RfXYVje`eVRTYWZ]^T]Rdd ext year, students at the London School of Economics will welcome new professor Angelina Jolie, who will teach a class on the impact of war on women alongside William Hague. But over in Texas, a star teacher has already started work: Matthew McConaughey, who co-ran a film course at the University of Texas at Austin this spring. A repeat of the seminars starts in autumn. Offered to 30 students of the Moody College of Communications, the class is a collaboration between lecturer Scott Rice, McConaughey and N his Free State of Jones director Gary Ross. It aims to teach pupils filmmaking through focusing on behindthe-scenes processes on the Free State of Jones, a moderately-rated awards hopeful about a southern soldier who ended up fighting the Confederacy. It opened in the US recently. A spokesperson for the school said the course revolves around pre-taped videos featuring the film-makers, but also includes “at least one on-campus visit” from McConaughey, who graduated from the university in 1993 with a BA in radio, television and film studies. > 3 3 ;H 4=>D67 ?>;8247D=C5>A1DA6;0A 8=018:8=88=20;85>A=80 olice in California have appealed P for the public’s help to track down a bikini-clad woman accused of carrying out at least two home burglaries. The Los Angeles County Sheriff ’s Office last Tuesday released images of the suspect captured by home surveillance cameras. The woman took valuables from two homes north of downtown LA earlier this month, according to the Santa Clarita Sheriff ’s Station. Authorities did not say what items the suspect took. A statement from the Santa Clarita Sheriff ’s Station said the woman seen in the CCTV images was “wanted for questioning”. She is described as white, in her late 30s, and approximately 5ft 5in and 120lbs. Police said a witness saw the suspect driving away in a tancoloured sedan. BZh=Tfb 40D342><4C)B?024?4A5D<4 C70CB<4;;B;8:420CDA8=4 perfume which smells like the Acreated surface of a comet has been by a British firm. Samples of the aroma of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, as sniffed by the Philae lander on the Rosetta mission, will be dished out at an event in London soon. But you might not want to splash it on before a big date because it smells like rotten eggs, cat urine and bitter almonds. The New Scientist’s Jacob Aron, who had a sneak preview of the scent, wrote: “I almost feel the smell as a physical presence inside my skull. The full heft of 67P’s bouquet hits me in the face. Surprisingly, it’s not actually as foul as my first impression led me to believe — somehow a few floral notes are now coming through.” The scent was commissioned by Colin Snodgrass from the Open University in Milton Keynes, and was created by The Aroma Company. The smell comes from the presence of hydrogen sulphide, ammonia and hydrogen cyanide — but as some of those are poisonous, the creators had to improvise to create the scent. The compounds were detected in readings from the Philae lander, which landed on the comet in November 2014 — more than a decade after it departed earth. The European Space Agency vehicle partially completed some experiments, but lost power because its solar-driven batteries were in the shade. BZh=Tfb 70;;B7>FBAA0C432><43H CA08;4AF8C758=38=63>AH he owner of a California movie theater is apologising after a trailer for an RT rated upcoming Seth Rogen comedy was shown ahead of a screening of Disney’s Finding Dory. The East Bay Times reports moviegoers eager to see the PG-rated Dory at a Brenden theater in the Bay Area city of Concord were surprised earlier this month with a preview of Rogen’s Sausage Party, animated film with dark themes about what happens to food after it’s taken home from the supermarket. Brenden vice-president Walter Eichinger said it was a one-time mishap due to the theater “moving screens around in effort to accommodate several large last-minute groups wanting to see Dory.” He says the wrong movie was started by mistake and insists it won’t happen again. 0? <0=0CC4<?CBC>A>127D2:4 2744B43DA8=69>18=C4AE84F Kentucky man attempted to rob a local Chuck E. Cheese while particiA pating in a job interview. Police Lt Andrew Daughtery told the Lexington HeraldLeader that the manager of the Chuck E. Cheese said the man came into the Lexington location to get a job application at 2 pm and returned at 4 pm for an interview. Daughtery said the man announced that he wanted to rob the restaurant and implied that he had a firearm. The manager reportedly told the man that he did not have access to the safe and advised the would-be robber to leave the premises. According to WTVQ, police said the man apologised to Chuck E. Cheese employees and began to cry. Police continued their search for the unidentified man and hoped to track him down with the information provided in his interview if it was truthful. D?8 B27>>;?A8=28?0;BDB?4=343 >E4AA0??4A54CCHF0?E834> principal has been suspended after A rapper Fetty Wap recorded a music video featuring drug references and a pole dancer at a New Jersey high school, according to a report. Zatiti Moody, principal of operations at East Side High School in Paterson, was placed on leave pending an investigation into the video for the single Wake Up. The video, released on April 20, includes numerous drug references and features a scantily clad woman dancing on a pole inside a classroom. Banners and posters seen in the video say “Go Team Kush”, a reference to a strain of marijuana. Fetty Wap dropped out of the same school as a teenager. In a statement, he defended his actions. He said: “I went back to my old high school because I love my city. I wanted to show the students of Paterson that someone who walked those same hallways they walk every day and sat in the same classrooms shown in the video has become successful. If I can do it they can do it too.” Terry Corallo, a spokeswoman for the Paterson school district, told that the district was investigating whether proper procedures were followed in allowing parts of the video to be recorded at the school. It was shot outside lesson times and does not include any students. Community leaders say the video glamourises negative behaviours. Kenneth Simmons, a school board member, said: “I’m from Paterson and I’m proud of his success, but as a parent and school board member I think it sends the wrong message.” BZh=Tfb ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U F7H3>4BC744H4B44 0C78=6<>A42;40A;H 8=3A40<BC70=C74 8<068=0C8>=F74=0F0:4. ¯;4>=0A3>30E8=28 OLENEPQ=HEPU :e\i! 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The explanation is that it is a referendum in which the majority voted for Brexit. This majority was 52 per cent over 48 per cent. So, the fact of the matter is that only four per cent more people wanted the Brexit. If this is democracy then God can only save the system. Majority can mean anything from 50.01 per cent to 99.99. But the point is can 50.01 per cent decide the fate of the remaining 49.99? And is it fair? Democracy is a system of governance where the view of the majority prevails. However, this does not mean that the majority has absolute right to decide the fate of the minority. If that happens, then the system cannot run. It is in this light that the referendum for Brexit and the whole idea of democracy has to be viewed. Exercise of direct franchise through referendum is thus a risky affair and may have serious implications. The essence of a democracy is lost when referendums are resorted to for settling critical issues because they require more considered opinions, and referendum may not be that. Particularly when matters of larger interest involving the entire populace are in question. The stability and success of a democracy cannot just depend on the opinion of the majority. If that starts happening democracies may become anarchies. Going back to the Brexit issue, let us talk of a hypothetical test. What will happen if the Brexit referendum is held again today? Well, anything may happen and chances are that the figures would certainly change. The strength of a democratic system lies in its representativeness, its spirit to represent and protect the interests of every segment of the populace. It is a system in which the golden rule is ‘equal rights to all, special privileges to none’. Even the majority. That is the reason why democratic systems need to be supported by other mechanisms which act as checks and balances against the tyranny of majoritarianism. So there is a Constitution, there are institutions to protect the Constitution and there are watchdogs to keep democracy from going astray. It is erroneous to view referendums as the best means to exercise democratic right. Though voters are voting directly, it is fraught with several dangers. Sometimes the vote may be exercised without due consideration, sometimes out of ignorance or naivety, and sometimes due to peer pressure or popular perception created though media hype. The slim margin of difference in the Brexit case reflects all three. Democracy has to be more stable and the subjects responsible and mature. Popular vote may not always reflect the right position. Sometimes it is the herd mentality that is reflected in popular opinion, which may be a prescription for doom. Democracy needs to be resistant to cheap populism and false propaganda. Relying on the common man’s opinion for every issue, significant or trivial may not always be prudent. It is this that leaders need to understand. Popular vote on crucial issues are best avoided as there is a difference between mobocracy and democracy. You cannot leave critical issues on the opinion of the masses. Or else, you may even justify xenophobia. Democracy is more about value-based leadership. Referendum is sometimes abdicating leadership responsibility. It is important to understand the crucial difference between referendum and democratic values. M 4@>>@?5C62>D 2?5E96:C>62?:?8D B efore the arrival of Sigmund Freud on the horizon of modern knowledge, our ancient Indian sages had interpreted the meaning of dreams in the minutest possible explanations. And Indian interpretation of dreams is far wide and possibly accurate. Whereas the Western concept of interpretation of dreams is based on expectations, the ancient Indian interpretation is based upon desires and their fulfillment. Dreams are the manifestation of unfulfilled desires of persons in their lives, which the dream suggests can be fulfilled after following certain rituals. An altogether different science culminated for enabling the fulfillment of one’s dreams. Here the good omen, bad omen, shagun and apshagun, timing of dreams, duration of dreams, specific condition of the dreamer, weather, planetary positions, nakshatra etc and very important, also are the adjunct sign at the time of the particular dream, the ancient Indian scriptures tell like singing of a bird, rattling of snake, barking of dogs, howling of jackals, crying of family women, the sound of chantings from a temple, rains outside etc to mention a few of the innumerable signs. These all have a very significant meaning for a 148=6;0C4 Sometimes or other a person dreams of being late for a project or a destination or for an exam. It symbolises a needed change in life or a hope of change in life. =0:438=?D1;82 This is the most frequent dream people around the world have, and naturally always remain curious to know its outcome. But they seldom get satisfactory answers. Foremost is sexual cravings, and the ambition for personal recognition. It may also indicate a change of ambience and inconclusive life. B4GD0; 3A40<B >5C4=?4>?;4 C78=:C74H0A4 B><4>=44;B4 F78;43A40<8=6 0=3C70CC74H 70E4038554A4=C ?4AB>=0;8CH 0=33>=³CF0=C C>0224?CC74 CADC7B44=8= C748A3A40<B Dreaming about sexual fantasies by humans of either gender and of every age is a natural phenomenon; it had no boundaries of inhibitions. Foremost is about having intercourse with someone other than one’s spouse, which suggests dissatisfaction ord Krishna has guided us about these in the fourth chapter of the Bhagavad Gita. Let us understand them with the help of some common examples. “Because one should be cognisant about proper action, and should also be aware of wrong action. And one should know about inaction. The intricacy of action is very difficult to understand.” (4.17) We begin with proper action or karma. We are all responsible for a few things. For example, parents must pay attention to their children in order that children grow up well. Similarly, a head of a family must earn sufficiently for his family’s maintenance. A son is responsible to learn such that he can independently be able to support himself later, ie in his youth. The next proper action is to appreciate the circumstances one is placed in and act in a proper way. For example, a son, whose parents have passed away, must look after the welfare of his sister till she gets married, and even subsequently also, if warranted. Any action can only be called proper if it is according to dharma. I have written about dharma in my articles earlier, therefore, I will not repeat it here. However, we generally know what is according to dharma and if there is any doubt one should check with L in matrimony otherwise sexual dreams indicate creation and propagation. dream. The ancient Indian wisdom tells that all dreams can fructify if certain remedial measures and rituals are followed by us. Some dreams can make you happy, refresh you, energise you, give you a new lead and set you on a new course of action when you wake up. But some dreams can puzzle you, even frighten you. The worrisome ones you can dismiss as just dreams. B=0:4B Dreaming of snakes mean differently for different genders. In men, it represents fear, concern, sense of probable danger. In women, it signifies the phallus, sexual desire and longing for an orgasm. 5;H8=6 Having dreams about flying expresses desire for freedom and to attain the height of worldly success. ?4>?;4 Dreams of people who have died is an indication of influences of those people, whether good or bad. Dreaming of living people, specific or known, relate to existing relationships and characteristics to be developed. 340C7 After sexual fantasies, dreams of death are very regular among humans. Though death dreams are scary and fearful, they could be a premonition of one’s own imminent death. Dreams of dead relatives, friends and loved ones remind of the incidents related to them. I hope that through these examples of a few common dreams, I have been able to show the extent to which common dreams can put us. Very often, people think they are somebody else while dreaming and believe they have a different personality and don’t want to accept the truth seen in dreams. But a quick simple analysis will show that it’s not the case at all because basically the person is weak and frightened, a mass of complexes. Plenty of dreams initiate the beginning of new lives. CWTfaXcTaXbP3T[WXQPbTSPbca^[^VTaP]S RP]QTaTPRWTSPcX]U^/Pbca^_aPeTT]R^\ CWTfaXcTaXbP_a^UTbb^a^U\P]PVT\T]cP]S_dQ[XR b_TPZTa7TRP]QTaTPRWTSPc__PcWPZXb\/V\PX[R^\ 9^dbYSQSYUc_V`b_`UbY]`b_`UbQ^TY^QSdY_^ FT\dbcZ]^fPQ^dcZPa\PPZPa\P P]SeXZPa\P PbP[b^S^_a^_TaPRcX^]CWXbRP]QT S^]T]^cQhP_X]V^cWTabQdcUX]SX]V^dcfWPcXbaXVWcc^S^bPhb098C:D<0A18B7=>8 knowledgeable persons. Everyone of us must be useful and cooperate with others so that all of us flourish. This is what God expects us to do. (Bhagavad Gita 3.10) Then, all of us must try to optimise whatever ability we possess. The resources at our command, like time, money, knowledge, etc should be put to the best use possible; we should attempt to work at our peak efficiency, circumstances permitting. Next let us understand what inaction or akarma is. The direct meaning is not doing anything, but it is much more than that. Not doing one’s duties is inaction too. For example, a wife is not well and the husband does not pay proper attention to her by not taking her to a doctor on the pretext of being busy is inaction. Similarly, not shouldering one’s responsibility, like leaving the care of children in the hands of servants by any mother because she prefers to spend time with her friends partying, etc is also inaction. Lastly, not attuning oneself to the circumstances like a student from a poor family not paying attention in school and expecting his parents to provide him with a tutor is also inaction. Now we come to improper action, ie vikarma. We all know that becoming drunkard, indulging in illicit acts, gambling, ending up as a drug addict, etc are all improper actions. However, there is a larger meaning of this word. These examples will illustrate. One who abandons his wife and children before they are settled is doing vikarma. One who deprives others of their rights by illegal means is doing vikarma. Also one who breaches maryada, like disrespecting saintly persons, is also doing vikarma. Knowledgeable persons should be honoured and one should get wise counsel from them. What is the conclusion then? That one should not only know what karma, akarma and vikarma are but also do proper action. According to the Bhagavad Gita, this can be done by not necessarily doing what others are doing but find out what is appropriate to do. For example, it has become fashionable to avoid God. No one should ignore God at least after one has turned 50. One should vanquish by the fire of superior knowledge the desire for sensuous enjoyments prior to one’s death. (4.19) Similarly, before leaving one’s body, one should stop taking shelter in material enjoyments. (4.20) One should do all acts in a mood of sacrifice only. (4.23) One should also not be attached to fruits of action. (4.21) This way one will be satisfied, and his or her life will be well lived. 1XbW]^XXbPb_XaXcdP[faXcTaP]SRP]QT aTPRWTSPcb_XaXcdP[/PYXcQXbW]^XR^\ ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U F4=443=>C544;0B70<43 >55;8AC8=6F8C7C74 I>3802C74I>38028BF4;; F>AC75;8AC8=6F8C7 ¯37;0FA4=24 P=NKP :e\i! " !& H>DA F44: 07403 <037D:>C8H0 2C:6D <PaRW! =6@ 9d[h!"0dVdbc!! 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( 5TQ ' <PSWd:^cXhPXbPcPa^cRPaSaTPSTab_XaXcdP[WTP[TaP]S5^d]STa<BWTiPX\8]bcXcdcT^UCPa^c3XeX]PcX^]2^]cPRcSTcPX[b)\PSWd/X]SXPcPa^cR^\fffX]SXPcPa^cR^\<)('&"!'""" 0BCA>BC@4 170A0C17DB70=?03<034> volutionary potential intrinsic to fundamental elements of creation, spontaneously led them progressively evolve into the manifest world, with all its enormity and diversity. Since the cause has to find its imprint in the effect, the urge to evolve further has to be there in the human construct as well. No wonder, it remains our common urge to successfully keep progressing in life with ease and comfort. Also, get better empowered, mentally, intellectually, emotionally, materially and otherwise. The paradox, however, is that whereas in nature, the whole course of creation chain progressively evolved involuntarily. The human beings, on the contrary, need to put in conscious efforts, as they enjoy choice option. This is the real challenge in human life. For, the choice option happens to be a double-edged weapon, as it carries as much probability of misuse as rightful use. Evidently, if this option is not used carefully, it could very well serve as a trickster, often stalling the evolutionary momentum. It may not be out of place to mention that the urge to evolve is ingrained in human nature. If anyway it gets compromised, the void there E +RZHJRSOD\VWKHGHYLOLQRXUOLIH after would unnerve a being from within. The irony, however, is that one would not know why mind has become restive. Following which, the scattered mind though remains live to their desire for material gains. It, however, seldom remains conscious about servicing one’s inlaid empowerment tools, but for which, it would be difficult to do justice to the callings of one’s desire. And if one’s fail to make to make it to the desired destination, he/she tries to assuage oneself by subscribing it to the callings of destiny. Seldom does one realise that one’s own impoverished empowerment tool holds the key to failure. Often our sense of ego plays the devil in the whole game plan. For, it is susceptible to identify itself with indwelling tendencies and unmindfully makes it the defining principle. Also, it also remains vulnerable to get caught up to the tempting influences of seeming world, and sets it as the dream destination. Entrapped thus, it fails to remain alert about invoking one’s discriminating faculty for due diligence. Having thus ignored the most profound empowerment tool of mind, its sense of orderliness gets compromised. It then becomes vulnerable to unmindfully pick up inappropriate leads, and with obvious consequences. It, therefore, becomes incumbent upon us to override all the chaotic influences playing in the mind through conscious efforts, and ensure holistic development of the self. Otherwise, we will be subject to unwanted twists and turns in life. See how the inflated ego of a man keen to grow spiritually, materially, and otherwise, is not able to register any significant progress. Let us look at his astrological pointers. The person is born in Aries lagna, a fiery and movable sign, with its lord Mars in the 9th house, incidentally again a fiery sign. It speaks of a highly ambitious person, by nature impulsive, aggressive, and the one who jumps into action without applying proper forethought. Mars locks horns with expansive Jupiter, intelligence signifying Mercury, and mind indicating Moon. In the first place, it speaks loud of being high on ego, who is stuck to his own self-assumed parameters. Also, he may not pay heed to advice and counsel of others. Second, he has a restive mind not allowing him to remain focused for long. Also, he would be over critical of others especially if their opinion would be at variance with his. Third, he is temperamental, whereby he is not able to gel well with others. Moon opposed to Mercury and Jupiter accounts for his impaired reasoning and judgment, as well his volatile emotionality. Accordingly, he was advised to get over his mental maladies first if at all he wishes to evolve, as would the following Indian maxim suggest: “A man may have received grace of God, of the teacher and the holy man; but if he does not have the grace of mind, the journey of life shall be full of unwanted twists and turns”. Fact remains that his mental infirmities often land him into serious problems because of his own indiscretions. Once he asked me, how to work upon his ego. He was advised to repose faith in Guru and follow his instructions in right earnest. Immediately, he shot back, my heart is inclined to accept your advice, but my buddhi does not let me surrender my identity. I had to explain that what he perceives as his buddhi, is actually his ego playing the devil. 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